Agenda 10/25/2011 Item #17A1012512011 Item W.A. /'N EXECT)TWE SUMMARY VA-P!1,21110.4654, a Resolution of the Board a Zootng Aspects a Collier County, Florida rebting lo Petition Numbar VA- PL201a1654 for avarbnce from the cegalced 30 -foot aide setback is We Estate Zoolog District b permit a side setback ofM.A / -feet an property tanned at 475010th Ave. S.E. hereinafter described b Colder County, Florida. OBdEC1'1VE: To bave the Board of Tuning and Appeals (BZA) review staffs findings and recommendations along with the recommendations of the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) regarding the above referenced variance Perron and render a decision regarding the petition; and ensure the Project is in harmony with all the applicable codes and regulations in order to ensure then the wmmmdrys incomes are maimainnd. CONSEBERATIONS: On April 1, 2009, the applicant applied Jest Building Perch number 2010031071 in erect a 1,800 equine -fwt steel shed building in the Estate Toning District Included in the building permit file was a survey dated March 15, 2010, initiated by Staff which depicts fine correct side yard setback of 30 free (See Staff Report Exhibit A.) The building pen nut was issued on April 7, 2010. On August 27, 2010 the boundary, survey (aka "spot survey') reviewed by Staff was denied because it showed a side yard setback of 23.43 feet and 25.32 feet instead of the required 30 feet. (See StaffRePen Exhibit BJ The plan entitled "Site Plan^ prepared by H.L. Bet v & Associates, hn. illushmes tits location of the steal abed building. As depicted on the She Pliny Ne southeast comer of the existing steel AM building enmeshes 6.57 feet into the required 30 -foot side yard setback and 4.68 feet at the northeast coma. The requested vmfance would allow the national coma of the existing steel shed building in remain at 23.43 fen and fie mrtbeed weer to rennin m 25.32 feet from the east Property lire. There have been no other vmisnces gamed within dhe neighbodmod. This steel shed building encroachment has ban eximence since August of 2010. To da4, no kwwm wmplaims have ' been received Soho any neighboring pmpenies. FISCAL. ]MPACf: The Verimhce request by and ofireelfwill have no fiscal impact on Collier C; mdy The subject Property is located is She Estatea designated area as identified in the Golden Gate Area bWOae Ernst Use Map (FEW of the Golden Gate Area Mater Pin (GGAMP) Element of ➢age 1 M3 Rabs3.Nhh� Packet Page -1563- 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. '1 the GMP. This land use category is designed to accommodate residential uses including siti family. As previously noted, me subject petition seeks a variance for an accessory use to a single -family home which is an authorized use in this land use designation, therefore, the single - family home use is consistent with the FLUM. The GMP does not address individual variance requests; the Plan deals with the larger issue ofthe actual use COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) RECOMMENDATION The CCPC heard petition VA- PL2010 -1654 on September 15, 2011, and by a vote of 6 to 0 recommended to forward this petition to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) with a recommendation of approval. Because the CCPC recommendation for approval was unanimous and no letters of objection have been received, this petition has been placed on the Summary Agenda. The petitioner is requesting a Variance to allow a steel shed to exist inside the required 30 -foot side setback in the £state Zoning District at a distance of 23.43 feet from the property line, The granting of such a Variance is permitted under LDC §9.04.02. The attached sniff report and recommendations of the Planning Commission are advisory only and are not binding on you. All testimony given most be under oath The Petitioner has the burden to prove that the proposed Variance is consistent with all the criteria set form below, and satimay question Petitioner, or staff, m satisfy yourself that the necessary criteria have been sfied. LDC Section 9.04.02.A requires that "based upon the evidence given in public hearing; and the findings of the Planning Commission' you "should determine to the maximum extent possible if the granting of the Variance will diminish or otherwise have a detrimental officer on the public interest, safety or velfroi Should you consider denyingthe Variance, to assure that your decision is not later Pound to be arbitrary, discriminatory or unreasonable, the denial must be based upon competent, substantial evidence that the proposal does not meet one or more of the listed criteria below. In granting any Variance, the Board of Zoning Appeals may prownithe the following: I. Appropriate conditions and safeguards in community with the zoning code or other applicable counts ordinances. Violation of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of she terms under which the Variance is gracted, shall be deemed a violation of the zoning code. 2. A reasonable time limit within which the action for which the Variance required shall be begun or completed or both. Page 2 oft 0.ami eon Packet Page 2564 10125/2011 Item 17.A. Criteria for Variouses 1. There are special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size, and characteristics of the land, structure, or building involved. 2. There are special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant, such as pre- exisdim conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the Variance request. 3. A literal interpretation of the provisions of the LDC work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficulties on me applicant. 4. The Variance, if granted, will be the minimum Variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure and which promote standards of health, safety, or welfare . 5. Grantor the Variance requested will not confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these mning regulations to other lands, buildings, or swctures in the same spring district. 6. Granting the Variance will be in harmony with the intent and purpose ofthe LDC, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. ]. There arc natural conditions of physically induced conditions that ameliomm the goals and objectives of the regulation, such as natural preserves, lakes, golf course, etc. S. Gantingthe Variance will becrrsistent with theGMP. The proposed Resolution was prepared by the County Aaomev's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action. A majority vote is necessary for Board approval. (STW) ^ RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Zoning Appeals approve the variance request for VA- P12 01 0 -1 65 4. PREPARED BY: Nancy Gundli ch, Principal Planner Department of Zoning & Land Development Review Attachments: 1) Staff Report 2) Location Map 3) Site Plan 4) Resolution 5) Application Nisc 3 of VA M 2010 k654 Cxee..a,xou Packet Page 2565- 10/25/2011 Item W.A. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number 17.A. Item Summary: This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. VA- PL2010-1654, a Resolution of the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida relating to Petition Number VA PL2010 -1650 for a variance from the required 30 foot side setback in the Estate Zoning District to permit a side setback of 23.03 +/ feet on property located at 4750 18th Ave. S.E. hereinafter described in Collier County, Florida. Meeting Date: 10125/2011 prepared By Name: Gundlinmeancy Title Planner, PrinGpel,Comprehenaive Planning 9/26Y2011 11 38:51 AM Approved By Name: Popud}' Title: Operations Analyst, FOES Date 1(i3i1011 3'.30'.01 PM Name: RellowsRay Tide'. Manager - Plat ning Comprehensive Plannng Date, 10142011 11'.08'.06 AM Name: borearovilliam Title Director - CDESEngine ng Servmcs,COmpahensne Date 1A5/201159299 PM Name: Fedensomen Title: Administrator - Growth Management Div Transportnu Date. 10 /11/2011 9:08'.P AM /A Name. urlliamaIleven Packet Page 2566 Title: Assistant County AWmey,Counry Attorney Date 10/11/2011 11'.2433 AM Namc'. Mercelladeanne Title Executive SemOSry,TranFecomlion Planning Date: ImI12011 2 3655 PM Name: Klatcl owleN Title: County Attorney, Date 10/42011 11.48:10 AM Name Nacksmolark Title Director -Cary Financial and Mgmt Svs CMO Date 10, IT20118:47:08 AM Name: OchsLec, Title County Manager Date 10,117,2011 9'.32:10AM Packet Page 2567 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. CoFlamer County STAFF REPORT TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANal COMMISSION FROM: LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT HEARINGDA'PE: SEPTEMBER 15, 2011 SUBJECT: VA- PL2010- 1654,475018m AVENUE BE PROPERTY OWNER /AGENT Owner: Guy and Manna Doyle 47-SO Isis Awarte SE Naples, PL 34111 Apphuanc Lane Rant Dateakpmenq lea Agent: H.L.Beunett &Assiscuraslna 290468 SbeetWes[ 241 Yeomans Avenue Lehigh Acres, EL 33971 La idle, PL 33975 REQUESTED ACTION: To have the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) consider an application for an after the fact variance of 657 +1 - feel from the required side yard setback of 30 fact as required by Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) Subsection 402.01 Table 2.ft to allow an existing steel And building to remain at23 43 +/- feet from the fear properly line GEOGRAPHIC IOCATIONi The subjeU 26, aue properly is boated at 475018a Avenue SE., in Section 21, Township 49 South, Range 28 East, Collier County. Honda fSee the Internet soup on she foliowhor page) On May b, 200, the applio ®n applied for Building Permit number 2010031071 to erect a 1,800 square -foot steel shed building. Included in the building pemdt file was a survey dated Match 15. 2010, initialed by Staff which depicts the correct side yard setback of 30 feet. (Sec attached Exhibit A.) The building penal was issued on April 7, 2010. On August 27, 2010 the boundary survey (ala `spot survey°) reviewed by Staff was davcd bacause it showed aside yard setback of 23,43 feet and 25.32 Yet instead mile natural 30 feet. (See avacbad Phint B) VA PL2010 1654 , 475G 10 annLE9.E. 8 is I I Packet Page 2568- L W�6` a C7 z z O N S a z O F Q U O J � i '• � � m9 3 ! _ � � I i i . -III L W�6` a C7 z z O N S a z O F Q U O J r1 r-. Packet Gage -2570 n 1 TA. 1025/2011 Item 17.A. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN dQMP) CONSISTENCY- The subject property is located in the Estates designated area as identified in me Golden Gam Area Furore Land Use Map of the Golden Gam Area Master Plan fGGAMP) Element of the GMP. This land use category is designed to accommodate residential uses including single family. As previously noted, as subject petition seeks a variance for an accessory use to a single family home which is an authorized use in this land use designation, therefore, die single family home use is consistent win the FLUM. The Growth Management Plan (GMP) does not address individual valiance requests; the Plan deals win lie larger issue of the actual use. ANALYSIS: Section 9 06.01 of the land Development Code gives lie Board of sound Appeals (HZA) the annodty to grant Variances. The Planning Confirmation is advisory to McBZA and uahzes the provisions of Section 9.06.03 A_ through H. (in bold font below), as general guidelines to assist in making their recommendation of approval or denial. Staff has analyzed this petition relative to mesa provisions and offers the following responses: a. Ave (here special conditions and circumstances existing, which are peculiar by the to ustioo, size and characteristics of the land, structure or building involved? No. However, the applicant has stated in the application that the contractor has poured the a„ foundation of the steel shed building in alignment with the main structure which is not parallel to the property line This moulted is dislocation of thenwtal shed building within the required senders area. b. Are Mere special conditions and circumstances, which do not result from the action of the applicant such n prc-existing conditions relative to the property, which are the subject of the Variance request? No. There are no special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant Such as preexisting conditions relative b the property, which are the subject of this Valiance request. C. Will a Must interpretation of the provisions of this zoning code work unatmessary and undue hardship on the applicant or inputs practical difficulties; for the applicant? Yes, It is possible that me existing steel shed building would have to be removed if a hmml interpretation of the inning code were applied. d. Wild the Variance, if granted, be the minimum Variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safety and welfare? No The Variance requested would not be the minimum Variance to allow reasonable use of me existing steel shed building_ Conversely, die steel shed building has existed on lie site for nearly a year without complaint or issue Puahermore., approval of this Variance would not Lave a negative impact on standards of health, safety and wdfars e 14 11 Packet Page -2572- e. Will Wanting the Variance confer on the applicant any special privJege that is denied by these mining regulations to other lands, holdings, or structures in the same aming district? Yea By deduction, a Variance bestows some dimensienat relief from the zoning regulations specific to a site However, LDC Section 9 - Pat D2 provides relief through the Variance process for any dimensional development standard, such as the requested reduced side yard setback. As such, other properties facing a similar hardship would be entitled to make a similar request and would be conferred equal consideration on a case by case basis f. Will granting the Variance be N harmony with the general intent and propose of Nis Land Development Code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare? Yes- Scuff is of me opinion that the proposed Vadama would legitimize me eustenw of the steel shed building that has been on the site without complaint for nearly e year. furthermore, the reduced mar setback yard would not be almimemal to the neighborhood or the publics welfare due to the fact that the site Itself is large and the surrounding properties am heavily wooded. Are there natural renditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objeefives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf entries, etc? Yes. The existing metal shed is surrounded by existing undeveloped, heavily vegetated lots, thaddhou, rusting vegetation on the subject site provides buffering for the adjacent neighbors and mitigates for me encroachment To the north and south. Nero is approximately 300 feet of vegetation. The neighbor to the east is separated by 120 feet of vegetation Therefore, the visual aspect of the steel shed building is screened by vegetation and its' impact is well mitigated In Will Wanting the Variance be consistent with the Growth Management Plan? Approval of Nis Variance petition would not affect or charge the requirements of me Growth Management Plan. As previously acted, the proposed use is pern ed within fire land use designation of due GNVin which it is located. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (PAC) RECOMMENDATION: The LAC does not normally hear Violence petition&. Since the subject variance doesn't impact any presence one, the LAC did rot hear this Wrote The County Attorney Office has reviewed the staff report VA PL2010 1654,4750 l8v Sheet S.E., revised August 10, 2011. 91oT Regis 08 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. Staff has determined that there are no land related hardships related to this proper. Furthermore, the petitioner would be able to enjoy a reasonable use of the land whether or not the variance is approved. However, the side yam etback mgohement could cause practical difficulties for the petitioner if some variance relief is not granted. Since the subject site is vegetarian and NC adjacent properties are undeveloped and heavily vegetated, Staff finds that this vegetated screen mitigates for the 657-foot encroachment into On 30 foot side yard encroachment. Furthermore, Staff is of me opinion that the impact of me current location of the steel shed building to the neighbors is mostly the same as it would be if it were located per me required setback RECONB ENDAIION: Staff recommends that he Colllu County Planning Commission (CCPQ forward Petition VA- PL2010 -1554, 4750 18a Sneed S.E. b the Board of Zoning Appeals bZA) with a recommwdation of approval VA Prot nee4, 4750 ma Avsuue ar. 8 19 11 Packet Page 2574 11nmr kT cal NANCY G�1 DL ,AICP, PR ink- PLANNER T2 GROWTH MANAG h itPlVISION REVIEWED BY: 17- if RAY NDV.BH EOWS, ZONING MANAGER DATE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION tonVILLIAM D lz� j wRrAz, E.,P.., ]RECTOR DATE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION APPROVED BY: LSILY NICKCASALANGOmA, DE TY 'TRATOR DATE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION ALtecAmwts'. A. Survey dated March 15, 2010 B. Survcy ( aka "spot survey') dated Auuust2], Ml C fnspectlou History Report Tentatively scheduled for the October 25, 2011 Beard of County Conwissioners Meeting xaae ) ( \ \ TRAU 91 - ()¥ ({ | ; c. r» >. I'§ I)| � /( J. § )�\ \ ;w =y ©,w - -` ® -: - - ()¥ ({ | ; c. r» >. I'§ I)| � /( J. § Ell X91 $ ! . E. !� ` • � l ;.. ~. IS \ | \ )) • - � \ --—=-- »�� - \\� __, a[ COLLIER COUNTY 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS INSPECTION HISTORY PRINT "YORE _ 2010031011 O Ff MECONSTROCT 30 X 60 $0 TAL S BUILDING W /EL STATUS INSPECT B LOCATION 4130 18TH ACE S3 'bBDIII'TOh 7SO / ZC?Lea ISO, Estatee Oc1t SS K:90 ITTi 0 MASTER NBR: 2030031071 TROP UNIT. OC.. NONE TA2: 266 FEWER : CIA FBODO ZONE: J aRNAME. GUE, DOTE Y6 MARINA _ '239)904 -6303 ERTN 3502 e EP AST DEVELOPMENTS, 192, JOS ACJR: $2,1000 PC CONTACT NAME.GS, D CONTACT PHONE (2391994-6303 SISTPACKS FRONT: REAR: 75.00 LEST: 30.00 RIGHT. 30.00 SPECTACLE WIN To IT SEPARATION IMPORTANCIP DATES. FETENDED 10 EXPIRATION 3/16/201 4 /1 /2CID 4/7720 1RB /4/2010 DIRECTIONS' SMISIG INFO _EET N33 EL'B STATUS START DATE END DA= BTACUS SIR CLASS DOE ��UBP iT5 ea EK -T PER STATES TYPE TEST NOR PAID 2C10031091 TN_PECF BRIT 35002 WIN ANE BRYANT 9E ZL OIINI�O69TRJCT 30 K 60 SO FT MT AL SLEL_! FEES $TANS DE8CaIPTICE _ PETER DATE, DEBTOR BLDG- PERMIT APPLICATION ?EE N 110.00 16/2010 OeBPNJ POSTED BLDG FORESTS - NABOBS N 290.00 4/7/2010 PEEPED POSTED MICROFILM SURCHARGE N O.CO 4/7/2010 11SWEET POSTED ZONING PLAN REREAD PLANNING N 50.00 4/7/2030 12S-TE POSTED 6I_. INSPECTION ENGINEERING N 15O.00 4/1/2010 See 082ACR IRS S Dx /ID'S RPERMIT APP. PEE CREDIT 0 LATE -11 OF "T So - O 4/2/2010 a .0 a4 /1 /2CIO 230 4 /- /10 0 4541 C a7O /w4D — 10C RISE ING 0 III OR 10 SAO s7DT SURVEY 0 4/2cl 2110 1C9 S. DODO .,=IC SLAB 0 4.8.2010 90 478/2010 DECENCY E AeeE SITE DFAIN_4C-E P — 810 EXOTIC VEG =CV— 0 C,1,4=, mv.SO aoz[a of CoOLCy C,=l s _ Pu , nted on B /8/22 2:59:28 =M OF I, tom Winaola S51AA Packet Page 2578. en[C P4ge 1 of 2 �RO310N /Pact ollier C Icy Board If C o cC y Co=... tuners Hm [ed o 8 /B /Hll 2:599P9 2 D -PLao for windcwe 95 /NT Page 2 of 2 CDPR2036 O O D 1 O z ID N O Z Z D v z 1025/2011 Item 17.A. `i �9 = T l _- Page 2580- -� --� Eli i Packed `i K x GO y i a E 5 E 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. E^ �?ez Packet Page -2581- —ti; _ s ✓: l L � E^ �?ez Packet Page -2581- 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. RESOLUTION I4_ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATLNG TO PETITION NUMBER VA-PL2010 -1654 FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE REQUIRED 30 FEET SIDE SETBACK TO PERMIT A SIDE SETBACK OF 23.43 +1- FEET ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4750 Dan AVE. S.E. HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the Sute of Florida in Chapter 125, Honda Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the Power to establish, coordinate and enforce champ and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (LAC) (Ordinance No. 200441, as amended) which establishes regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of variances; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of Zoning Appeals had held a public hearing after notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has considered the advisability of a variance from the required 30 feet aide setback to permit a side setback of 23.43 + 1- feet, as shown on the attached Exhibit "A", in the Estates (E) zoning district for the property hereinafter described, and has found as a matter of fact that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made commining all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Section 9.04.00 of the Zoning Regulations of said Land Development Code for the unincorporated area of Collier County; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in public meeting assembled, and the Board having considered all matters presented. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY IHE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Of COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Nat Petition Number VA- PL2010.1654 filed by ILL. Berman & Associates worn respect to Is property hereinafter described as The East 180 feet of Tract 90, Golden Gate Estates, Unit No. 85, according to the plat thereof ad recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 24, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Folio No. 41168240004 DOYLE CUY- 4 7 5 0 18111 4FE S£ B- PL2010.1654/Rw- 9/(9/11 1 oft Packet Page -2582- 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. be and the same hereby is approved for a variance from the required 30 feet side setback to permit a side setback of 23.43 + 1- feet, as shown on the attached Exhibit'A ', In the Estates (E) zoning district wherein said property is located. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote this day of .2011. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: , Deputy Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency'. Steven T. Williams Assistant County Attorney Attachment Exhibit A— Site Plan BOARD OA ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA By: FRED W. COYLE, Chairman DOYLE GUY -4750 Mrs AVE, SE VA- N2010. /651 1Rn 8109/11 20f2 Packet Page 2583 10/2512011 Item W.A. ]xRmpy�a an�a imd ll5 �bg A I I 1 dd 6 � �o I N -------- - - - - -- - - - - --1 y r s E ParkM Page 4564 A10/25/2011 Item 17.A. 'we"11 y COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION/ NAPLES, FLORIDA MlI PLANNING AND REGULATION 239) 2522000 FAX (339) 2524358 rell'eraov nH VARIANCE PETITION APPLICATION (VARIANCE FROM SETBACK(s) REQUIRED FOR A PARTICULAR ZONING DISTRICT) 4750 �0E0.165S PEVa PROJECT NUMBER 4/ /11 OE PROCESSED DATE: 4 /E8 /1] DATE PROCESSED DYE: 5 /2 /11 CANT NGENi NFORMATION NAME OF APPUCANTO) LAWS ADDRESS L04 68TH 5T, TEIEPHONI 0398 CELL FAX 239 73.0029 E -MAIL AODRESS LEDEVE I OPMENTINCYLI M NAME OF AGENT H L BEN N 7 A A $O_CEAT6 ADDRESS TELEPHONE # 8¢id675s CELL #_ FAX A l 7 &MAIL ADDRESS: PROPERTY OESCRIPiION Lepvl Chap en If 5011 Praperry: The o itt &rere+LArt d P5 swb./*o...•HIP /aa.E. 6 d 2I /Ja P,aP.dy L0.#: y1 SubdivisienCQUICnQOe En °. DID 9i La1: Bbd: 90 Mere, a m:,W, D... ripI A.m9.: 4_60 Address eF Sublb P,epeny 0e d,55e:em hm Pemb..7 =eddm.I N )117 BF AW ARE THAT COILIEE COUNTY HAS LOBBYIST REGULATIONS. GUIDE YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY N SURE COMPLIANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. I Packet Page 2585 /���ii 10/2512011 Item 17.A. COLLIER WlL1 n GROWTH COUNTY AGEMENRNMENT NAPLES NORTH FLORIDA HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWTH AND REGULATION DIVISION/ 239) 252- 2400DA 3 23 PLANNING AND REGULATION 239)SSS -2900 FAX (S39)251fi358 wwwm nN ASSOCIATIONS CampMe 1M HNI*winR M, all Nagj N AmSaRo,n(e) MN mrld M MNOad by Ibis Mbion. Pmvide MAIN ...I vhMS it naensery. Inbrnwlien mn be bond en 1M M'M of GuMy Cemmiaaienn's we65ib N NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIOW NL MAILING ADDRESS_ OTY _STATE _ZIP NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS_ CITY_ STATE_ ZIP NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS _ CRY _ STATE ZIP NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS_ CITY—STATE _ ZIP_ NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS CTY— STATE _ ZIP_ ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE Zoning lantl UD, _ N 6 ESTATES E 5 E- ESTATES _ E E E- ESTATES _ E W E- ESTATES I E ML" f Svb'MPae Renl: a C""'tm: Yea ❑ N, Side: N Weledmnl Leh Y's ❑ Na El RNA, 75 RE ADLT CTION 100] 05 R.3 OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIRES AN APPLICANT i0 fMOC NEARING SIGN IAA FINAL ACTON IS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF COUNTCOMMSED ON THE BOARDS FFINAL ACTION ON THIS ITEM, PL -EASE REMOVE ALL PUBLIC FARIG SION;SIIMMEOIATELY. Packet Page 2596 r'� 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. Gollilder County COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION/ NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 PLANNING AND REGULATION 239) 252 -2400 FAX (239) 252 -6358 www,cOL"g ova.; £1 NATURE OF PETITION Provide a detailed explanation of the reached including what structures are existing and slow is proposed; the all of encroachment proposed using numbers, i.e. reduce Font setback from 25 -to 111'; when property owner purchased property; when existing principal tmdure was built (include bonding permit number (s)iF possible); why enneacbment is secretory; how existing chromosome, came to be; dc. Far preleces oulhorized usides LDC Section 9.04.02, provide debiled description of sill lifixe ns, including any dredging and filling. dz se 0bck -- the required side setback sFwld be 30 fee - Fe soup nv 1343 feet_flan she IAA rL of 6 5] leer et e" Please at, that toff and the Collier County Plan g Commission shalt be used in Mai mender to Me 5...d of zs nine Appeals, and Mal In Board of mine appeals shall be guided he as denomination approve a deny o n path on by he below Bmd mte o if 8). Please address these vnerm aing oddnional pages If here ... ty.l I. Are there eperad conditions m o ling which n e peculmr ro de service, s :e and characteristics of Me landoaruMre, or building involved. bi 2 Are Mere spacial conflicts and anyournamal which do such from she a of to ppbcom ouch as on, emission conditions enhance m Me property which came waled of Me vananed revue No 3. Will a literal imerprebfan of the prow!,!... of this z .that cache work unnecessary and undue hardship on she applicant or creme praaiml dlHlahier an he opplim.t. S A. Will the Orion,,, If granted, be Me minimum variance that loll make Oas s the seasonal use of she land, ouddurs; or abore, end whir, p,,ii standards of hemp, sofety or wenam. YEs 5. Wilt granting the variance requested confer on Me patches cry special privilege that is denied by how Wi regulation, m.p r land,, buildings, or .rvM.e, I, the some ",,,a din. No_ 6, Will g.. Hngthe variance ben sensory with the a and pure of this zoning code, and nth Or iris us tom e neighborhood, oro Ferwhederiturl to the publicveHare. YES Poshest Page 2587- r.77� 10125/2011 Item 17.A. COLLIER . C'.olLi� =y C N GOVERNMENT i NORTH DRIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION/ NAPLES, FLOR 34104 PLANNING AND REGULA TION 239122-24W FAX (239) 2524358 ]58 areWcmll'ew z Are there nomral condMane er physically Indaad wndlrons mat ameliorate the goal, and objectives of the regulation man as nu l pre eases, lakes, prof ma. :e, me. NO 8. Will granting Me voriarvs be consistent with tra growth management plan. YES 9, Verifications To yaw knowledge, has pare been on officer ping reriiial rendered on Mls pwpeM within Me had year? Q Yes ® No If W, please provide app vs. PORLIC PARTICIPATION UQUIRRME6T5 n LDC Section 10.03.05 F3. "Any applimnt to the variance appawol or parking exemption approval within 50 f et vide am have been to ise Zoning extent ndimiing Mal popery owners within 150 feel re Me subject site have been advised f recopy f extent and rwmre at Me application on parking exemption requested w?Mln 30 days of remipf o/ a fester indicating Ibof Ma apdkofion is sukcient." Applicant must wture a Property Owner Advisory Letter certifying Mal the property owners within 150 feet of Me sub at site were notified. Leiter must have property owners list onacbed. Property owners liat must be mbmiRed at animal staff review and comment on Me application and before Me Publ'e Hearing is scheduled with Me Collier County Plonnmg Commission. Packet Page -2588- r� 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. C0111�.'Y COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT Y000 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE ^ GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION/ NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 PLANNING AND REGULATION 239) 252 -3400 FAX 11391 752 -6358 wwWC0IIi,,Q,v,n&f VARIANCE PETITION NA)APPLICATIO SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST THIS COMPLETE CHI IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPUCbT0N PACNET IN TIE EI ORDER LISTED I N/CCWER THHEIS ATTACHED TO OBCH SECTION. NOT.% INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED RFOUIREMENTS #OF COPIES RE DURING NOT a[oulaEO Campleud APP¢oxw EdIwaleedlmmweb :ire For cunem form) g x aeetlin9 aball n'I be cOdI bw,M. eppllmrie' Iss end I dew pm'pplimli'n mefflea will be requimd) Cvmolered Addrcmn C1. Sr and b Add,ei ammen 0 X 51000.00 36- lRRPY Comepmel See Pbn 3d "a]6 "entl ane8 D 11 "mpy 8 55.003.00 Nw-RIW bNl'I I SL,b'y BE , m eb ... a IN, em aad"em Ime In lee.) 2 I $10030 Pile Review ® Owne. 1A9en AHkavb Weed 6 rvb,iied 2 392500 Ted Legal Advenisig Fee. CCPC Meetng ® 5500.0(c ar, )ally a er or older poynedt will be remW ed upon raeipr or Ina,lde fmm Nnplea Odle New.) Q §3.500.00 EIS Review o $1,00000 Liked RINI Sorey (if IS R ell reBWredl Ae al pbm rapk (mken wiiM1in Me p ev:ws 12 monM1r min ecekd 1 "_2IX19 Jn Ing FWCCS CEd beetle, Intl pbdr bcvndary EENI mPY of Ill doorlm, Bell Blom CDBQAA I. 01s Mel 5 2 d Hemrlml 5u rver -11w. od, rewen 6nironnemBl Impon S,Blemem (EIS) M digl,al /')Berme copy T 55 be w .bellied ol F.,levee d,d .provide 1 811 x * _ _ B.Bpeny owre, Ad= Len ?, and CenaeMB PbLea N ... ONE EEES: ® Pre- ,Phcwrion Fro $50000 (Applimriem lAmMed 9 nwdh1 er men 'fill Ibe tlale el the lea) p e-,pp aeetlin9 aball n'I be cOdI bw,M. eppllmrie' Iss end I dew pm'pplimli'n mefflea will be requimd) Revi�F ® 51000.00 Wddemnal ❑ 55.003.00 Nw-RIW bNl'I ❑ $2,000 W Sign Vadonce $10030 Pile Review ® Aft,,-TH, iM 2minp /LInd We F.wiem 2xth, normal peiri'n he 392500 Ted Legal Advenisig Fee. CCPC Meetng ® 5500.0(c dOedbpal Adveniek,9FW 6CCMeer1np )ally a er or older poynedt will be remW ed upon raeipr or Ina,lde fmm Nnplea Odle New.) Q §3.500.00 EIS Review ❑ $1,00000 Liked RINI Sorey (if IS R ell reBWredl REQUIREMENTS OTHER 5 REOUREO TRAN$PORTATON Ovn rr l�_�q Packet Page 2589 C 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. D er County COLLIER COUNTY AGEMENGOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWINMAND REGULATION DIVISION/ NAPLES, 361M PLANNING ANDREGUl4ilON b9)R31 -100D FAX (439) 253 -6356 www mllieroav nN AFFIDAVIT we /I, UonF l OU bemg nrd d.ly .w , d.p... bd bay IMI w/; am /or= the 1. .1 Ine p"wfy dnw2N Mein aM wnicn i. Inr alt v i dw al r.l 16 p.p..d nea;ng: ibl IF Me averl le Me gT. n Dal gplmlian, mIW,R Ine dsase ry Wi,k.Mrec d.k, wd efM s.ppkmIMary mall, ptbo N k. .M ta," pd .f ei. appa"ai", — n.—.l em' M1ve la Ine P,,I pl oa kmN.dg. eM Mie( We /; uNrxnN IM Me r sled en eat ePo c M mmpleh aM awwoh ad HwI Me ca I If chi, Farm, vMM u Ca ,,y Pin ye byal mI It a;Med Plehl newNgs v111 na14 pdre.Iieyd.ma fNI IPPa"lipa is dev d b pleh, ardall rarni.ed inlermmlian Ms bI,,, milled. 4 prapvry ewmr W. /I FwMn wlMrim ALL A /NQ to etl a. aw /my "W'WrbXve rn pty.roHy. regerdlag *it IP sig— t 1 mperY�rc+ 5 ..l %apm o.'rrtr DOYLE cu_v Ty,Id m PrielN Nome eF Ovrer iyp[d w P. NOme el Ovmr g ivn.meM.ele[km sled9d bm. lvs :2 3.? ay IF lve ]O-tLby inv Gvy .na ll pw.ppallrwe.,.l.,,r. er lo.praaaa r� �L w.mriemi..,. sbh of Flwlae r u I/NaIwY PUblre srore.IRMa.; C..ery IF C'L'r / r =4 PIMP "P (Pn�n, irPTw,w—s b I cGc NI.. If Nam.y P.,mi.) M<srwyrfgw C�r14m IINEE Packet Page -2590 10/25/2011 Item W.A. sanmts :ice rnr seroaek variance cvr vovle Project Narrative Packet Page -2591- n 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. GUY SubmGUY firSite Imnroveneut Plao DOYL[ A 30 It by 60 ft pre -fab shed building was pettnitted back in 2010- Collier County building mount M 2010-03- 1071.1aae Aryout Development -state certified building contractor- was the instruction contractor for the pr -feb structure The permitted senate required a 30 (t side sethaG from the East property ]me.lfic pa- existing main residence located just north of the subject shed structureh st a 50 fl. setback -based on the survey, provided to the contractor m the time, by leffry lI Hilligass Professional Surveyor & Mapper. A copy of the survey mentioned above can be found, along with an updated survey by Allen Surveys, Inc, at the end of this submittal package, ne contrador formed and poured his foundation slab 20 feet formed least) from mem an residence - thepre existing residence is mot parallel with the cast property line, thus, leaving a setback to the property line of only 23 43 ft at the S F. corner mid 25.32 ft at the N.E. Doctor of the shed building and creating the 6 ) f. cucrostlrment into the 30 ft required setback. Packet Page 2592- VA- er2010.1654 01501eth ate. 5E ROrl DATE 0/1,11 DUE; 312 11l 1� 10/25/2011 Item 17 A. COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROVTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION] NAPLES, FLORICA 30106 _ PLANNING AND REGULATION (239) 252 -200 FAX (2391252 6358 �Aolherqov.ret VARIANCE PETITION PRE - APPLICATION MEETING NOTES a SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Dimensional /� pL °n Dme.C)X 23 tO Time r FIlr�. Asn9ned Plnnnee: Prole[1 Name:_9�5n � `��n'r�p� Pmjea Addr/Lowe nT� I�IJ /�. ll�� i% Appllmnr Nome_] /Y 41 �I� V � _Phone Y )1� I(U� _tD -7L Flan: VY Current Znning: —T /2 S IT Owner NOme: / Owner Add 1 —gip L ie_ce> O y �L� Ph... _ Meefing Attendees: (axoch Sign In Sheef) NOTES 'Aw - vrw�v�tip�.�isi —_ I OYv- U ZO Ale S RFVa lath fi Ave. SE DATE 4/18/11 Due s /241 /z /v Packet Page 2593- 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. vAR1aNCc PETITION - fvA) APPLICATION Stellt A: CHECKLIST (� THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BF WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT O0.DE0. LISTED BELOW W /COVER SHEETS ATTACHED ED TO TO EACH EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE AIMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. r\ _] Send ,py of realm podroge to Robin Singer, Plonn,n- DIpOOp Cty of hapic _75 Rlwede LL"Yr Naples, rL 34T 02 41// FEES: © PrIappllko an reaS50G.O0 jApplillhll,l1b,nRld 9 menlfis or mere after the dote of the lost Prrepp meelmg shall not be veditetl towgrdz eephlIhIn fees end a new Pre- epplimtion Me.tmg will be q,i,wal Pates, Fee 52000,00 e ade,fim �� S50DODO Non.eesiaenlal After-ii,, Fact Zonlnq, Land L e Pet ina ns Rx the nar mol pet ba a fee R 5935.00 a!ed Leg al �6tiveang Fe = -LCPC ing ® 5300 va � ed I m e=- aee11h . ' g ontl 'll bar tlp -¢CCI p. fL ce.mm FOpl =s Dolly Newt; f 00 it.I% YI's no! gedl �R OTHER REQeUIREMENTSi _ Packet Page -2594 YOF OT REQUIREMENTS COPIES REQUIRED REQUIRED Completed Appllmtlon (dewnlootl from websife im current femr) Comph,gul Add a na CM1ed:Rt Spned by Addrersbg Dep o k Coe NoI She Plon ace x 36' Its! one 85 "x11 "COPY "/ X Survey of pro m showing the red In Cl e(ilan �L V Wner /Agent AfKdav signed & n ao eed o UOI 2 Deeds /Lege1S 3 - Aelalophot gropbi (taken wbhln douz - 1 "= 200').dv' :_'��. os,toenq ontl pmler Soondory Secerxiccnpy oioll doammtsond plmtz CDROMgr D'rdrend - HPI cal Su vey Car vi,or reaseq 1 f EISO ,the,hur, 3 w,th,l 30 due Lent er I dl PropecY 0 Adt,orc L and _ P ,T N — K r\ _] Send ,py of realm podroge to Robin Singer, Plonn,n- DIpOOp Cty of hapic _75 Rlwede LL"Yr Naples, rL 34T 02 41// FEES: © PrIappllko an reaS50G.O0 jApplillhll,l1b,nRld 9 menlfis or mere after the dote of the lost Prrepp meelmg shall not be veditetl towgrdz eephlIhIn fees end a new Pre- epplimtion Me.tmg will be q,i,wal Pates, Fee 52000,00 e ade,fim �� S50DODO Non.eesiaenlal After-ii,, Fact Zonlnq, Land L e Pet ina ns Rx the nar mol pet ba a fee R 5935.00 a!ed Leg al �6tiveang Fe = -LCPC ing ® 5300 va � ed I m e=- aee11h . ' g ontl 'll bar tlp -¢CCI p. fL ce.mm FOpl =s Dolly Newt; f 00 it.I% YI's no! gedl �R OTHER REQeUIREMENTSi _ Packet Page -2594 10/25/2011 Item W.A. cover r RrhitY COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROVUR MANAGEMENT DIVISION/ NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 PLANNING AND REGULATION (239) 2522400 PAX 12391252 -6358 wwwxo[hawr>v.ne t PUBLIC PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS LDC 10.03.05 F.3. 'Any applicant requesting variance approval or parking exemption approval most provide documentation lo the planning soncras department indicating that property owners within Igo feet of the subject site have been advised of the extent and nature of me ✓are moo or parking exemption requested within 30 days of receipt of a letter indicating that the application is su6laenf - Applicant must submit a Property Owner Advisory Letter oernfying that the property owners within 150 feet of the subject site were notified- Letter must have property, owners list a Cached. Property owners list must be submitted after initial staff review and comment on the application and before the Public Hearing is scheduled with the Collier County Planning Commission Packet Page -2595- ± \ \� )j :» � I zm }�v \ 4� \\ \op \ 10/25/2091 Item 17.A. r ,tEaco � CV RVmNT lu- P aD,W nD.�slw ,.,.a. a : �`--- �gn.OYee.ING CFECkL15T — � j ye - ere RICA z] I UvnT N apply o P'ary I t n xR t "L - Ps w _wGa ve e a1b ahp.oVne bY'hi POOTcz rS+ DR; OOnt —. - aY9m lYPr1 � c'Ri'Aki1'^ bar c+fFan3 e.• -'.� bu) = . yPl Oa:. %h SD. P ) oarmn, Pauna Pgi CJLCo`lt 1].e) S�F' o c.P• ce- e Cs EXR IcYtan PsM1 i S c p ] a->. C a 1 ❑ P N L i✓ c- P Ifh S I 1- P SI IS, L a5m..aeY SUbEN':.' Pat � yF.SR (, r. -�.,,. ns. ..._ 4S[ F -ec..: J it1C R¢�e '� OTHEi ❑ RZ f5.a +0azbRm* LeGAt DESCRiPT1ON Cr.]je9 F r'�'Y = ?': -- "r9 (.-aCY Of:e^9'nY.T.' - ^C T. r -T'!a eYd:.t° -EJ 7 -- C EAST Ian FEt7CF-RckCT 30 UPtt 05 �OLCEN GATC °c ?ATcS L)-L- fOUOiilopei;"Ol IyffT�ORtal a' a]oe(abc R w 259501ss l ,b3A QOCCApfloaLm:m f0in Cna) 411'08240934 STRSE I ADDRRIS U AD aRePa ES(ee aPi pA b:w. tla4seCYazsfansv'. 4750 187"AV5. SEE • LOC&TIM MAP M'R Pe e Jto +_sb_ ✓iro tlea lx EV C P'0I�"$16 �n'elao Fi �9erd CeUlc E�4 d ?FIaMaY • EURV y (opy - ^"'e only Er °rolaD4e u4Pem8af PRCPOSEJ FRo:2CT NAME NswfcaY j GUY VARIANCE PR OPOSED S7REE NAIVES ff eay�:e .ai_ oNCLOFVENT MNNVM2m(Sq eEStln4 ac.' =-'a'r ry) SDI xARa pace fef2 VA PL2010 IE54 REV '.1 425018th Ale. SE DATE: 4/18/11 DUE: 512/11 Packet Page -2597- 10/25/2011 Item 17.A. v hDDR2551NGCY.ECKIbT- PAGE PHO —. - -- -- elbr'f ebpnmtnames prr� dfc4 a' =1iTaCY eDDeafin3 in, m. JoeJam.n d�eranls J app5rzbn lndiea.e WI`9lPEr ycOCSM Of a %•stln9) Pea59 Gh0Ck Ore: ®OhE rt4 ^W be 6Td bark ❑ Paronal!y Picke] %JP APPUCANT tuvaeb DEBORA ALLEN GRESS PHONE 850-064i 072 FAX 239 -9CP -0998 Signature m Ad Ueessi,y Chadds[ does ruat cm:s 'ute Proe:t gjpd r gb _ _. Norms approval arcf e �ob*t to fudher revi_wv by Ne Atldressing D9a3R 6fd FOR STAFF USe ONLY pr '"Umber /'lr La'3ZLU OC4 Address Number Address Number APProved by: ^� mm. Updated by: - - -- IF OLDER THAN 6 MONTHS, FORS, MUST BE UPDATED OR NEW FORM SUBMITTED Packet Page -2598 page 2 0l3 2010 Final Tax Roll Latest Sales History (subject to change) 11 m , a S Is Paee I of I Detail` 10/25/2011 Item 1ZA. PropeM Record I Sketches .Trim Notices "' ^ Current Ownership EIreebeocib 145,557 06 IM li7 01 ar wlam.,r, . aale I.s.l c GOLDEN GATE ECT UNIT Ia IbLa A," orn. TINI I��eenai 2010 Final Tax Roll Latest Sales History (subject to change) 11 m , a S Is 0 MMO v94 to 1' Packet Page -2599- 1 �asseeee]VCweE EIreebeocib 145,557 06 IM li7 01 >c _ vab;mss uammnmeSc,= II avveveem The Information Is Up0ated Weekly. hir /on-. Coll ieaijrame, com /RCcordDchIi Lary'! Man= V,kkFOJIjD- 000004116R'40004 ?!i22011 Packet Page -2599- .-, 10/2512011 Item 17.A. 2OD • yletiveeday, Oelober 5.2011 • Naples Dally News e uo ecolor amm.aen:n a, Board a ZON -� 1 MAINE' he An ee;�amm" County we FAA Aemixm:,hearing a rCall, wGI Easy � AIR .,m.o ,ne,�m.es o.,:. in. mau.e° K Da. DRATING TO P=ON NUMBER VAT-alil ACT A VARIANCE FROM THE ON PROPETTLY LOCATED AT 4750 Tal AVE M, HEREVIEFTER OPECASED IN ,.,,, . fee R °no° °gin °:.,m All bra TV actrand and by hould INHED TV e1&n '°"ss ea�a,` to mmAti es'6 ee,ee..,n �n' new w,tw:i , mu'!. m,,,,si3 warms , p ;,p ew .ea n,e "' Me, �m..,n hearing 0the Mme. ` WON the undard Kohl �` 0m, that A ABe" e SHE eKK ine is`,','ea which record need AN t,e,emm ,.a ,e . ee.R.n,., If was are I surydra Inch doll who mods any acurardi in audit to partarpady, in thin pr�,09, you are Ahmed. at Ed an Ed Art W tiny paricausawn O"m� Intense He 3335 Tursual 71011 DART, mill W whas Florida 34112, the ... A mmm'daydam Off" BOARD ON COURINTY ANAMFORONERE BOARD OF ZONING APPEA A (TOLIBROOVNIN FLORIDA FRED CONE, CHAIRMAN E7 MI MINV,E.,,.o,vwn,o- Packet Page -2600