Agenda 10/25/2011 Item #16K210262011 Item 16.K.2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Regent by due Collier Country Industrial Devdopmmt Authority for approval of a rewlutbu embossing We Authority w Issue revmse bonds to refund bends previously Wined for hmb cs" revision at Naples Community Hospital. OBIECTIVE: To accomplish the necessary approvals to malumbe a proposed revenue bond issue by be Collier County Idumid Development Authority (the "Authority) to be used by Naples Community Hospital, Inc., ("NCH") to refund all m a pot0on of be outannd'mg (a) Collier County Industrial Develapmart Amhotity Heals Core FuOiria Revenue Bonds (NCH Healthcare Systsm, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2002 (the "2002 Bends") and (b) Collie County Industrial Developmevl Authority Healthcare Fadtties Revenue Bonds (Naples Community Hospital, Inc. Project), Series 2004 (the "1A04 Bonds' BACKGROUND: On Nonanber 26, 2002, the Authority issued mvem w bonds in the original amount of $12,150,000, with to proceed; being IamW to NCH on be used m purchase coal rewvate the forma Pace Warehouse located n the intervention of Piet Ridge Road and Naples Boulevard. The building is used to bases vormus support functions such as billing, fimamce, accounting. materials marugetven4 and warehousing. The mrteut outstanding bdmtt on the 2002 bonds is appmdnately$9,000, 000. As required by the intend Reventhe Code. taxe empt Private activity bonds must be approved by the "elaaed representative ", which in to case of a vonclo ter county in Florida is the Bared of County Covwisaionera. The issuance of the 2002 Bads sees sppoved by the Bond on August 24, 2002 by Resolution 20(32-401 (copy armsed). Cm August 31, 2004, the Authority issued revenue bonds in the original amount of $31, 000, 000, with the proceeds being loaned to NCH m be used to fines the construction, renovation, and equipping of an aspersion of the North Collier Hospital fxilities located on Immokalee Roed The Pjat consisted of cone[netug and equipping a six -story patent answer, a 500 w parking facility, and the renovation and relocation of terms exisbig services d the North Collier Hospital Campna. This expertness increased the capa ay of the North Naples Faeitiry Bon 119 beds to 201 beds, and included two operating rooms and a causes catreteriraton laboraory. As a runs of this expansion the North Collier fmilites will becamea fall service Mlity, offering virtually all of the medical ami smgial services tut ere offered in the dowmomn fwflity. The cement outstanding Means on the 2004 bonds is approximady $35, 000, 000. The in urea of the 2004 Bonds was approved by the Bared on June 22, 2004 by Resolutions 2W0 216 hmpy aaeched). BOND ISSUE REN n Y IINDBR CON m RATION• The 2002 and 2004 Bonds were typically structured for bonds of this type issued between 2000 arid 2WS. that is, they are variable raw bonds, wis moonset ran weekly miler a remakeing agreement, and seemed by a lar ofcrWt sawed by a ban th m iwestcent ®ode rating. While they one advaotagmm sanctions n the now of ismance, they carry the mAk of interest rate Increaser, along with rcnahtetiog efu info bass in fees JP Morgan Chase Busk (tor "Beaks iris a6'aed and 2004 li issue of refunding bode in amounts NCH w refund ton min buss on 2002 and 2004 Bade at a fixed interest cox that will save NCH about $1,000,000 in interact per year fm the Packet Page -2540- 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. next IS years. This would be a private placement where the Bank would hold the Bonds for its own account. There would be no public offering, thus NCH would save additional costs. The Authority met on October 11, 2D11, and heard presentations from NCH officials. The meeting was noticed by publication in the Naples Daily News in accordance with the regulations for such notice contained in the Internal Revenue Code, inviting attendance, participation, and comments from members of the public. No members of the public attended the meeting or submitted comments. At the conclusion of the public hearing the Authority determined to proceed with the financing and adopted a resolution evidencing such approval (the "Authority Resolution "). The notice published in the Naples Daily News is attached as Exhibit A to the Authority Resolution. Federal tax law requires two approvals for the issuance of the bonds. First, the Authority must hold a public burring, and must adopt a resolution in favor of issuing the bonds, as described above. Following this approval, the governing body of the issuer's jurisdiction must also approve the bond issue, as explained above. A Resolution for the Book to adopt is attached, and the Authority Resolution is attached to the proposed County Resolution as an exhibit. As are all revenue bonds of this type, these bonds are based on revenues of the project and are not obligations of the County. There is no pledge of any trees, nor a pledge of any revenues except the revenues of NCH. Neither the County, the Board, the Authority, nor any ^ officer of the County is liable for their payment. Further, the Resolution expressly provides that this approval by the Board does trot abrogate any County or City regulations, including land use regulations. FISCAL IMPACT: The; program does not require any contribution from the Board of County Commissioners or any other County agency. On the other hand, the refunding of the 2002 and 2004 facilities bas a positive fiscal impact on community healthcare by treeing up funds that would otherwise be spent on interest expenses for other healthcare needs. NCH has a significant impact on the local economy, with in manual budget expense of approximately $500 million. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item was reviewed by the County Attorney, is legally sufficient for Board action, and requires a majority vote. -JAK GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT The adoption of the attached resolution will have no adverse growth management consequences. The facilities that were constructed with the Proceeds of the 2002 and 2004 Bonds were authorized by the zoning in existence at the time of construction, and constructed in accordance with all County growth management regulations, and were subject to the LDC, the Growth Management Plan, concurreney requirements, and the payment of impact fees. RECOMMENDATION- The Board of County Commissioners adop¢ the atmehed Remlution. Prepared bun Donald A. Plekworth, Counsel ^ Collier County Industrial Development Authority Packet Page -2541- 10125/2011 Item 16.K.2. 16L2' ,s RESOLUTON NO. B2. 407 A RESOLUTION OFTHE BOARD OFCOUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF REVENUE BONDS RY THE COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTRORITT, AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 141(0 OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, AE AMENDED; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER RELATED MATTERS. Wberi the Collier Covpry housing Devcapmmt Authority (ace "Audsonty') is a body RXhuate ad Pohtic OfC011iv County, Florida ("CORIM County') crated by Collier County Resolution No. 7934 duly w oped by the Board of Century Compassionate On Febfuvy 27. 1979 pursuantto PartDIol'Chaptef 159,Florida Stawtmuamended,tn Nepowvwimemvvuc bonds for the portents of fimncwg a "Minot" an def M is Part 11 ofCholl 159, Florida StaNtes, as amerced; and Whams, NCH Healthwte System, IN. (the "COROra ion') a Fonda not- far -profit wrpomtion. his requested the Aud ority b Issue its Ho lth Cue Facilities Revmua Bonds (.YCH HeslNaa System, Inc. Obligated Group. Series 20(E in an amount not to exceed S 14,011 Ban: " Bonds ")f or the purpose craning a loan to the Coryoation fortheptuposeofprovlding sio acquire contain boal property in Collier County, Florida and the building theme of approxhNlel 108,000 equam fact watch We bean and will continue m be used tO house cents, admimswtiro and support fwslitles of the Connotation phe "F t and No certain expenses taco connection with the instance of the Beds; aN pry cart intentional an Vitiations, Section 147(f)ofthe Internal Revenue Cade of 1986, as attended (the "COde'7. �. provides that the dactcd legislative body of the govepmental not which b isjunsdi Lion over the some in which tM facility finmced with the pmcucte of OV cmpt bonds is looted is W approv e the issuance of such bonds after a public binding; and Whereas, due Board Of County ChristWonca OfC011ier Cowry, Florida (the "Boats ") is the elected legislative body of rise County; and Wberen, the Audeonty ewaed a hadde of public hearing no consider approval of the BOOM and the ]Nation ed notate of the Project to be pubbbod on or before August 26, 2002 in the Nelples Daily News, a newspaper ofgeOVtl urea Mi COBfer<ounty and a copy of said nonce ached to the Authority Resolution descricoll in(thei "Notie); aM Wh ness, the Authonty held a public hewing on SepUmber 9, 2002, pursuant to the Notice out adopted a resolution ( NC'•Aphority Resolution'') barbarizing We issuance of the Bonds, a copy ofwMehisattachedhc uExhibitAadhat recommmdd tithe HOaN Net it apppve the tuuwceoffe BadsatwsoAwOew ith Sxfion147(0of0 Cade;cod Whwae, fat the reasons set fah above, it appeals to the Board slat the approval of due issionect and bale of such Bonds as rrquihad by Section 147(1) of the Cade is in the beat Peanuts of Colliw Cowry, NOW, THEREFORE, Be 11 Resolved by the Board ofCou try Commieviwas of Collier County. Fluids, Nat: Sepion 1. Approwl0fItsuancefrhe9Ony. This Baartl hereby epppvw [he lgeuance of *"ends by the Authority for the potterer deunbed in ace Notice pussuatl b Second 147(f) of Pocket Page 2542- 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. 16L2 "1 Me Code. The Bonds aM14l be isaued to such aggregstc pnnciP4 amoun4 bear interest 4such rye rat s, mature in each ass cant or amounts end be aubjsel to redemption as art approved by Me Auonry without the plainer pmvu ofthia Board, lTe Bonds shad not codtimte a debt, liability or obligation OfCouiv Cowry, the Board , enyoffic . agent or employs of Collis Cowry, Me But of Florida or any political subdivision tcNamf, but shall be Payable solely sod the mvewas provided threaten, and neither Me Buts and tlit nor any nixing power of Copier County mME Sutc OfFlonda or any polleml aub &vision Nemofis Pledged m Na pwy ant ofMePcmcipah o[Prcolum.bleary. and interest Of Me Bantle. No member thNe Boyd e. my olfica or empbya Nvmf"I be liable Personally an Me Bonds by reemn hflhe'vivamce This eppanval shall in no way be decmetl m abrogue any MWehod OtOONa Couory Nr MY portiorm of the Protect loured within Me regulatury, judadieson ofC Iher County. The Projst shall be subject to W such sgWsdou, hxladlag, but not fiddled d, the Colber Cowry Omwth Dec Igppm mt Codeend all ureun sy reguhrowers sentenced therein rand the Collier County Land Section 2. SevembBoY If enry rezGpq pya® ells, clause orpmvision Of Us Resolution Shall be held to be invalid or ineffective frrany, mason, the rcmaindwof this Resoluson shall continue to full force end effect, it being expressly hereby found and dslarM that the remei chr of Nis Resolution would have been adopted desph a the invalidity or (tecsys paragraph, claus or provision, me ass of such seethe, Section 3. Eg ow Ones, This Resolution Step take Mectimmediyely uEssubs adoptidy and any Provisions ofany previous solutions in covflict with to Provisions hermfare hereby superseded. ^ PASSED and Adapt l this 24th May ofSepte46a, 2W2. COLLIB.R WlINIY, FIX) IDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS J N. Co ley Cheirent, tlip2„ .alb 0 FIBWM Caanbul BBLIlA 4. P marpotBYC2RTAT. �. . B� INHERE 1= aBlV.a a� or a O& M.I...n Packet Page -2543- - 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. 16L2 RESOLUTION N0.2002 -N AN INDUCEMENT RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGARDING THE OFFICIAL ACTION OF THE AUTHORITY WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE BY THE AUTHORITY OF ITS HEALTH CARE FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS INCH HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, MC. OBLIGATED GROUP) SERIFS 2W2 IN AN INITIAL AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 510,000,000 FOR THE PRINCIPAL PURPOSE OF FINANCING CERTAIN COSTS MCGEEED OR TO BE INCURRED BY NCH HEALTHCARE SYSTEM INC. ( THE "CORPORATION") IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQ UISRION OF CERTAIN HEALTH CARE FACILITIES; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AUTHORITY AND THE CORPORATION; AND PROVIDING FOR RELATED MATTERS. WHEREAS NCH Heslthcme System Inc., a Florida rid- for -profit wrpornow(the ^ "Corporation ") has applied to the Collier County Industrial Development Authority (the "Ainhoriy ") to issue a aeries of its private activity revenue bonds in dw initial aggregate principal amount of not to exceed S14,000,000 (the "Series 2002 Bonds ") for the principal Purpose of financing certain costs of acquisition Of cation health care facilities (the "Project) 0 be owned and operated by the Corporation and paying cents associated with the issuance of the Serves 2002 Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Corpomhoa has requested that the Authority loan the pracwds of the Bonds to the Corporation pursuant to Chapter 15% Pam 11 and 111, Florida Stead" On such Other provision or provisions ofFlorida law u the Authority may determine advisable (the "Act ") in other to accomplish the foregoing Purposes; and WHEREAS, the issuance of the Bonds and the loaning ofthe proceeds thwu jr, the Corporation to finance the once of the Proj «t under lean agreements or other financing agreements, and Pursuant to the terns thereofwhich will Provide that payments thereunder be at least sufficient m pay the principal of and interior and redemption premium, if any, on such Bonds and such Othtt now in connection therewith as may be incurred by the Authority, will assist the Corporation and promote the Public Purposes provided in the Act; and BXHIBIT "A" TO BCC RESOLOTION - - -- -Packet Page -2544 .. 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. 161.2 WHEREAS, the Coporation hest submitted the Preliminary Agreement (the "Prclimivary AgreemevC'7 relatmgtotheissuanceoftheBwds, attechedfieretoa Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, in order to country certain ofthe re uireme Of Section 1471f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1966, as amended (the "Cade"), me Authority did w the dam hereof hold a public hearing on the prepesed issuance of the Series 2002 Bonds for the partitions herein stated, which date is more than 14 days following the firs[ publication or notice of such public hearing in a newspaper of Secret cimuletiOn in Collier Contrary and whichpublic bearing was conducted in a meanmtlmtpmvided unnameable opportunity for Persons with differing views in be heard, birth orally said m Among, On the issuance of the Series 2002 Bonds and the location and nature of the Project, as more particularly desc bed in the notice of public hearing enached hereto as Exhibit B; tied WHEREAS, it is intended that Oust Remind on that constitute offool action toward the issuance of the Series 2002 Bonds within the meaning of the applicable United Borrow Treasury Regulations in addition m any other action that may have heretofore been taken by the Corporation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, THAT: SECTION I. AUTHORITY FOR THIS RESOLUTION. This Resolutions is adopted pursuant to the provisions ofthe Act and otherapplicable provisions of Jew. SECTION 2. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT. This Resolution is entered into w permit the Coryomtiov to posited with the financing Of me torts of the Projat and to provide an expression of intention by the Authority, prim to the issuance of the Bonds, to imuc and sell the Bonds and make the proceeds thereof available for such purposes, all in aoedance with and subject to the provisions of the Act, the Construction said other laws of the State of Florida and the laws of the United Shares of America, including the Coda and this Resolution, but subjOm in all respats to the harem of the Preliminary Agreemen, SECTION S. APPROVAL OF THE FINANCING. The fimeatdng of do costs Of the P ri by the Authority through the issuance Of the Boards, pumuant m the Act will promote the economic development, prespedty, health and welfare of the citb s of Colter County, will promote the general economic structure of Collier County, and will thereby serve the public purposes of the Act and u hereby preliminarily appmvml, subject, however, in all respects 10 the Coronation mating the conditions ons set forth in the Preliminary Agreement to the sole sarisfention of the Authority. 2 Packet Page 2545 -- 1025/2011 Item 16.K.2. 16L2 ' SECTION 4. EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OFPRELIMIN'ARY AGREEMENT. The Chdrmen orere Vice- Chaimun is hereby autharizedand directed to acute,foraManbehalfofthe Authority,the Preliminary Agreement,inmeformanwc d heretoa hibil "A ",betty m6eAUNOrityend Ne COTOo ooprovidingwdentandi es relative to the proposed issuance of the Bonds by the Authority to finance the costs of the Project in an aggregme principal amount not to exceed the leaser of (a) $16,000,000 of (b) the amount determined by the Authority and the Corporation to be necessary to accomplish the foregoing purposes. SECTIONS. AUTHORIZATION OF THE BONDS. There is hereby authorized to be issued and the Authority hereby detemena to issue the Bonds, if so restricted by the Corporation all subject in all fespems to the conditions set forth m me Preliminary Agreement inan aggregate principal amoumnotto exceed $14,000,000 forthe principal purpose of financing the cash of the Project m described in the Preliminary Agreement. The rate ofimemst payable an the Bonds shall not exceed the maximum rate permitted by law. SECTION 6. GENERAL AU'TIIORIZATION. The Chairman andthe V imChahman are hereby Brother authorized to Proceed, upon execution of the Preliminary Agreenn, with the undertakings provided for therein an the pmt of the Authority all are further authorized Or mine such deps all actions as may be requited in necessary in order to wan the Authority in issue the Bonds subject in all retpech to the terms and washroom set forth in the Preliminary Agreement authorized hereby. SECTION ]. OFFICIAL ACTION. This resolution is an official achoom of the Authority toward the issuance of the Series 2002 Balls, as wnremplmed in the Preliminary Agreement in eccordevce with the purposes of the laws of the Stare of Florida and the applicable United Status Treasury Regulations. SECTIONS. LIMITED OBLIGATIONS. The Bonds and the interest thereon shall not wrutimte an adebtedness m pledge Of the general credit or faxing power ofCalher County, the Sate ofFlonda or my political subdivision or agency floomfbnt shall be payable solely tram the revenues pledged therefor pmsumn to a loan agreement or other financing agreement entered into between the Authority and the Corporation prior to or contemporaneously with fire issuance of the Bands. The Authority has no axing power. SECTION R. LIMITED APPROVAL. The approval gives herein shall not be command as an approval or eodorsemant of approval of my necessary ramming applicatiom ref for any other regulatory permits relating to the project and the Authority skull not be consnuN by mason of its adoption of this resolution to have waived any right Packet Page 254& - 10125/2011 Item 16.K.2. IU21oo of Collie Ccuary or esmpping Collier County, from asserting any n9hta or realwnsbilitiee it may have in that regp SECTION I0. EPPECTTI'E DATE. TIus ResoluHOa ahall fans af( ,immediately, ADOPTED ties 9111 &Y of September, 2002. COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPIYIENT AUTNORTI'Y (SEAL) IN ATTEST: 1.It Hunnv rcy. Chaim�an Secretary ^ ^ Packet Page 2547 10125/2011 Item 16.K.2. 16KZ- RESOLUTION NO.lk -� A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIBRIDNERR OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF REVENUE BONDS By ME COLLIER COUNTY INBUSTRI H, DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, AS REQUIRED By SECTION 11710 OF THE INFERNAL REVF.NIM CODE, AS AMENDED AND FROVH)WG MR OTHER RELATED HATTERS. WHEREAS, des Collin cowry Iotlos DevebpiRm Audwi(We'Authmity ^)ism fitly w,gvc¢ and Iul i kc of Collies CmwY, Floods ("Calker Couory^) ermM by Collin County Resolution No. 79.34 duly Wopktl b/Me Board orCounly Commiatioven un Fatuity 2),19]9 Punuem b Pan UI of chit 159, FlOntla Suai as amv@4 wink We pxxrb iavue nvanoa bonds( Weputpnes of flouncing a ^gOlm" as defioad in Pan R of Paddler 159, Flonda Cations, o amended; and WHEREAS, NCH HeelWsart System, Inc. lthe'COrpoMion7 a Floods Iwt- fmymfin mgwndon, hm n9lsated the Authority to June its FRnhil Cart Fecilitke Fulsome Bolls (NCH lienhhorc SYSnm,lic. Obliytd Oroup), Senn 200d (We `BOnds'T fn We pupae ofnuking a Iwnto the the Au ionw Resoceorteindwea tfe Cagwauo ayoNemetsoflM P lean desctibM in usts Auth u"Remlution Bonds bebw all ro pY q,atin expenses i,cuned in <mucttan will We inuenee of,hc BOMS; and WHEREAS, Section I47(O of We Insisted Assets Costs of 1986, as awookid (Ne 'Cocial. Notifies lit the elected leeitluiw bOdY Oohs yovenua null unit which hue itvi dicmn over We true in which ne utility ! ed with the ptocnds of lo-asopt bonds In haatd is to approve the iasuutce Oftook Wide near Public boring; sound WHEREAS can Board of County COmmiuio ofcollie County. Flondt(Ihs`Bard") s the ekned task i nive 0.tlY of the Couiry; uW WHEREAS. Ws Authority mused a noon ofa pooh, hating W covid oa,poo nl Of the Bwds Bud Ibe kandi" W nouns offt %o/ol to be pubWhsd on w hfnte "Y 26.3pp4 0 dm' Naples Only Nsvrt, eawygpn ofyisrel cimuhdon in Collin CO". all a COPY of said notice n vusold to the AuWmity Reassi desctibd herein Ohe "Nodes ");and WHEREAS, Ns Au ioncy held a Wblit hmiog On jute 9, 2000. Punueq to We Nmas eW adopted a tesolmion (the •AWhadty Rewlutini') amhml'n Weis Of wh4h is ranched heecm as Pshlbil A, and has temmm<MN to We Board thou itan prow, a espy yanmce of We BoMe m aOavdanu wit Scdw l a](O trusts Code; and eppmve We WHEREAS, for Ih owns an Toll arid h appms W Be Bid Val th appco d of use masse W rein of twb Bonds u mquhed by Scant di oflhe Code is In the hour inprtsls of Collin County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By THE ERT RO OF MkINTV COMMISSIONERS OF ['BLUER COUNTY, FLORBIA, Wes -- " -- 'Packet Page 2549 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. 16KZ Seclioaf AP Oaaf Of&TWO 90 /rM Buhr. This Baud lumby appeovu the issuance of the Bands by the Ambmity for the Parposu described in the N oc paramount m Sorrento 19](f) of the Code. The EaMs stall be imd in since aggregeu Pomipl ammm, beer form at such rare or rates, mmue in such amount or amount and he anbjw on retlmption as R yhpmved by the Authority without the fustbn approved Of this Board The Bloods shall art conaitile a Lebo liability or obligation of Colter County, to Board, soy officer, agent Or employee of Collier County, the State of Florida or my political subdivision thermh but shall be payable soWy farm the tewnuu provlEM therefor, aM neither the faith and credit o Wry taxing power of Collier Country Or rte State of Florida Or my political subdivision thereof is Pledged m the paymmn ofd a pincipa of premitunq ifmry, and iatcrtst on the Borth. NO member Of the BOW Or my officer Or mplayee thereof shall be Bible pmomlly on the Bords by rvaeon Oftheir issuance. This mrPmval shall In or way be coerced in abrogate any regulations; of C011fm Contrary for any portions Of the Project looped within ar regwittary jurimmucto ofConier couruy. The Parjxl Stull be subject to ell such reguations, including, but out limped to, the Collin County Growth Mannesmann Plan and all concmremy reyuimmmu contamM therein and the Collins Campy Lund Developmem Code. Section 2, Severobilny If my srctioa paragraph. clause or provision of this Resolution stroll be held to be invalid or ineffective for my reamn. the remainder of gas lboulutiet shag Continue in M fnrec and client, it bang expressly thereby Found and decWad that the remainder of this Resolmim would have been tantrum aeapile the invalidity orinefimivmess of such session, paragraph, clause or provision. Secfiml Fffenroel e. This Resolution strut tale effect immediately upon as adoption, and try provivons of any previous RmlYgma in wOBiet with the provisions hermfine hereby supemedid. PASSED and Adopted this MW clay of )me .2WC. ATTEST: COLLBSR COUNTY. FLORIDA BY Dwight f, story. Clerk MS BOARD OF COUNTY ya 924Gv` COMMISSIONERS pulq DamaF u, Numen Est 'LO:Chatrvn's ISEAftQ�.;.... n we t_2 Appo.eem�ar•Ah m,d asniBcimhcy: .o=ars Daw;d e. weyel. camrr rat - _ �- ,iD -Oy i„ ee 2 Packet Page -25a9- 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. 16K2 RESOLUTION NO. 2004AT AN INDUCEMENT RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGARDING THE OFFICIAL ACTION OF THE AUTHORITY WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE BYTHE AUTHORITY OF ITS HEALTH CARE FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS (NCH HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, INC. OBLIGATED GROUP) SERIES 2004 IN AN IMTb%L AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED T5(),M 0 FORTIEPRINCIPAL PURPOSE OF FINANCING CERTAIN COSTS INCURRED OR TO BE INCURRED BY NCH HEALTHCARE SYSTEM INC. (THE "CORPORATION") IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATION AND AUTKORIG OF CERTAIN HEALTH CARE FACILITIES; AUTHORIZING THE G E AGREEMENT AND DELIVERY OF A PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AUTHORITY AND THE CORPORATION; AND PROVIDING FOR RELATED MA'TfER3, WIIEREAS,NCHHallhcme Mw Co U y 9Floridatrot- fm -pmfltc Awbo ao (Br "Cwpauim") hu applied s the Collin County Into" Developuant Aulharity iiw "Awhaity") b issue o cries of iu private activity (tIt mmue bolo ui Use i* eggteeuf financial woaal of not to oath 750,000,000 (the tBandy) for g o prhuipoo pupae of Manning feria cons of mmmiuim, mwvadon and alalppiog of ca d hewth cue fvillti v (the °PROjmtua nc be owvcd ood out by tlse Coryoration and paying mug 8690n106d WItl111W 19911BIICC OfdIC BOnd9; Bnd WHEREAS, the "Project ", as docnbed in 0u apphoadion wnsisa of wlu iucting, rarovuing and equipping health oar: facilities, includin& unithow limitation, a six -Nay pnBmt tows, a 500 car puking facility, and the rmavuion aM relocation ofcatain existing arvicea u th NoM Collin Hospiwl Cunpw and b pay cartoon mpmses inowW in cwnation with the issuance of the Banda: and WNs 0t1mo, the GarpaaInznhas roCnWrhuthers 11 and loonkarida da o(the Binds b We CotporaBOO P'maant to Chapter 159, Pars 11 uw ID, Florida Swures, orvi t blear to Acim a pro W ac ampindds law re do AuNOdty mp damni�rc edvivbie (We Act") in order b acmwpliah the [orcgoiog pwposo; aw EXHIBIT A TO COUNTY RESOLUTION Packet Page -2ssb- 10125/2011 Item 16.K.2. 16K2 WHEREAS, der issuance of flue Bowie and tb Iomu6 ofthe proceeds Nernfto Nc Coryorain bfioang leaded an now; under loan aWill P aotlar financings beat Insist w b Be the LamaIhl ofang he Willndassuthatpryvmus thereraderfwet Inns such Rangebpryflu prmdpelwindintact and assumption premiom.ithe Authority. BOrdownsthe ativ coon inn lion Werenlic omaybe ircwrcd by the Act; aed will miss the Corporation and promote the public paptas provided in the Act; eM WHEREAS, w ordorb satiety main of Section 147(0 of On laternal Revenue Cads of 1956, as eaanded (the 'Cage'), the Aabaity Man the dm heteofhold a public hewing an the leoposW however of to Bands for the purpwn herein scared, which date In mart don 14 days following lee Bass publication of notion of such public hearing as a nenapepa of govern circWOiov in Collier County saw which public hearing was conducted in anoan tlrprovided amenable opportunity for persons each diffcnng vkea to W band, both truly and in Writing, on the isaueoa "are Bough and the locaien wed wrote of the Project, W more patinlaty Camribed in the raga of public huing sunning bereb as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, it ishandled that this Resolution shaft cauotuk official actin bWsuy Regulations in Banda to any ter wants edaapPbrk Urdted gates ,-� by the Corporation; iv additianroary other want lhoary nave hmeorare ben ulo-n by flue Caparetion; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, THAT: n SECTION 1. AUTHORTT FOR THIS RESOLUTION. Thu Roobmnn is edoWed punumtb the pmvuieos of the An ast odor weplkaWc provuwnwBlaw. SECTIONL FRELAfDiARY STATEMENT. This Resolution is rowed mb an permit the Corporation 0 wocad with the financing ofthe coax of rue Project end in provide we espression of mention by the AuNaity, factor an the ueuevce of the Bad; to ivue and sell the Beach sod maketba par :cgs flvnfavrabk forsudn papoaes,all m ecrordevicewith and subject b the provinbos ofda Aµ flue Connotation aM other teen of flue Sae of Florida end the have ofthe United St oe ofArnetim, including the Codn, and this Reooiutiort but subject in all reapece to the tens of the Preliminary Ageonnd. Packet Page -2551- 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. 16KZ SECTION]. APPROVAL OFTNE FINANCING. Thefiranlydngofthe cO ofthe Prejwtbythe Awmrity Wmnglltheirsuanwof We Bond;Pursuanttothe Act,will Promotedrox miicdevolopbeo[,pmspesity,6 andwe ofdu citWeua of Collie Camay, will probom the ganaol ecovvmic swerure oFC011iu County, and will thereby save We Pubgo puryuao an to AG ad le herebying &aivvily approved,aubjwt, harasses, Agr nelllapw tithe Coaporatimbeniagthe mvd'Noric su [ast in the Preliminay Agreemanl to for mlesatufec0oo efdw Authority. SECTION 4. AUTIORIZATION OF TDE BONGS. Those is hereby aulMriaed b be issued and the Augbriry hereby dekemlines W burns Use Boadi if se retueaad by We Corporal and subject in all respects to the coMitions car foM in to Pra weary Agrzesiest, in an aggregek principal sooner: Iwt to exceed 550,000,000 for the principal pivptae offioancing db crew of the Project as described in to Preliminary Agreemenl. The rare of interest payable on the Eur10s shall nor exwW We maeinu m raze peabWd by law. SECTIONS. GENERAL AUTIDRIZATION. The Chairmen and the ViceChairman we hereby foster auNOrUedi on proved, neon exwmfon of the Prelireinery Agrmneru, with We nn sawcinga provided for theaeW on be put of Ne Authority and aR fmtha BIYIIpi6d to take such suips and nation as story be regalld or necessary in order in curse the Authority an base the BOVda subject Well respects tithe icons and wdinons act fvrN W the Preliminary Agrcement evrhorizd herby. SECTION 6. OFFICIAL ACTION. TWS resolution is an official action of the Authority bwud the issuance of No Bonds, as cavmnplated in the Preliminay Agraernest, in mmWance with the purposes¢ of $a laws of to Store of Florida and to applicable Unwed Source Treuluy Raguleoun. SECTION 7. LIMITED OBLIGATION& The Bolls and to honest season owl net wnatimc an wobtdoeu w Pledge of to gconal craft W =4 power of Collier County, one Stare ofPlorida or any Political subdivision or agency thereof but shell be payable solely from the revenues Pldgd therefor pursuant b a loon sincerest m other financing egreammt entered I= berwcen We Authority ed the Cmpmuivn Prior b Or conteslponoeously whh the resume Of be Bonds. The AUdwrity hat no losing power. SECTION& LIgDTED APPROVAL The approval given herein Nall net be wrutrued as an approval or andonrmest of approval of any necessary rezoning eppliptiovs nor for MY Odhc OORAI ry Perot mWOng b be Project and We Authority awl net be cmunud by mason of in aeoptim of Nu resolution to have weird my right —Packet Page 2552- n n 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. 16KZ ofCollia Coumy ar euo0pia6 Collis Comity Item eaaerdng mry si�m u respotuibilitiu it may have in dmt Mo d. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. mus Resolution a ltake cffw immediately. ADOPTED 9W day of Joint, 3000. ��ORpPb y" st� e�oHlono�/;j•.� Alice J. Secrtuy — Packet 10125/2011 Item 16.K.2. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.x.2, Item Summary: Request bythe Collier County Industrial Development Authority for approval of a resolution authorizing the Authority to issue revenue bonds to refund bands previously issued for healthcare facilities at Naples Community Hospital. Meeting Date: 10/25/2011 Prepared By Name: CrotteauKathynell Title. Legal Secre+ary,County Attorney 10/I ]2011 10'.05:29 AM Approved By Name: Klatvinx]eR Tide: County Atmi Data 10/17R01133433 PM Tmne: IsacksonMark Title r Director orp Financial and Mgmt Svs,CMO Dale: 10/18/3011 1036'.08AM Name :ealy o Tide: County Manager Dam: 10/I8C01I I1'19 01 AM Packet Page -2554- 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -_ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF REVENUE BONDS BY THE COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 147(Q OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, AS AMENDED; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER RELATED MATTERS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Collier County Industrial Development Authority (the "Authority ") is e body corporate and politic of Collier County, Florida ( "Collier County") created by Collier County Resolution No. 79 -34 duly adopted by me Board of County Commissioners on February 27, 1979 pursuant o Part III of Chapter 159, Florida States, as amended, with the power to issue revenue bonds for the purposes of financing orrefinancing the costs ofa "project" as defined in Parts II and III of Chapter 159, Florida States, as amended; and WHEREAS, Naples Community Hospital, Inc. and its sole member,NCH Healthcare System, Inc. and NCHMD, Inc. (the sole member of which is NCH Healthcare System, Inc.) each a Florida nut - for-profit corporation (collectively, the " Coporation ), has requested the AuNOrity to issue its Healthcare Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A (NCH Healthcare System Projecf, (the "Bonds') for the principal purpose of making a loan to the Corporation to refund the Authority's outstanding (i) Healthcare Facilities Revenue Bands (NCH Healthcare System, Inc, Obligated Group), Sedes2002 and (ii) Hcalthcam F=flities Revenue Bonds (Naples Community Hospital, Inc Project), Series 2004 (collectively, the "Refunded Bonds ") and to pay certain expenses incurred in connection with the Issuance of far Bonds; and WHEREAS, Section 147(t) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code "), provides that the elected legislative body of the governmental unit which has jurisdiction over the area in which the facility financed or refinanced with the proceeds of tax - exempt bonds is located is to approve the issuance of such bonds after a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida (the "Board ") is the elected legislative body of the County; and WHEREAS, the Authority caused anotice of a public hearing to consider approval of the Bonds and the refunding of the Refunded Bonds to be published on September 26, 2011 in the Naples Daily News, a newspaper of general circulation in Collier County, a copy of said notice being attached to the Authority Resolution described herein (the "Notice "); and Packet Page -2555- 10125/2011 Item 16.K.2. WHEREAS, the Authority held a public hearing on October 11, 2011, pursuant to the Notice and adopted a resolution (the "Authority Resolution ") authorizing the issuance ofthe Bonds, a copy, of which is attached as Exhibit A to the Authority Resolution, and has recommended to the Board that it approve the issuance of the Bonds in accordance with Section 147(t) ofthe Code; and WHEREAS, for the reasons set forth above, it appears to the Board thatthe approval of the issuance and sale of such Bonds, as required by Section 147(f) of the Code, is in the best interests of Collier County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1. APPROVAL OF ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS. This Board hereby approves the issuance ofthe Bonds by the Authority for the purposes described in the Notice pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Code. The Bonds shall be Issued In such series, in such aggregate principal amount (not to exceed $48,000,000), bear interest at such rate or rates, mature in such amount or amounts and be subject to redemption as are approved by the - Authority without the further approval of this Board. The Bonds shall not constitute a debt, liability or obligation of Collier County, the Board, any officer, agent or employee of Coll tar County, the State of Florida or my political subdivision thereof, but shall be payable solely from the revenues provided therefor, and neither the faith and credit nor any taxing power of Collier County or the State of Florida or any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, andintereston the Bonds, No member of the Board or any officer or employee thereof shall be liable personally on the Bonds by reason of their issuance. This approval shall in no way be deemed to abrogate any regulations of Collier County within the regulatory Jurisdiction of Collier County, including but not limited to, the Collier County Growth Management Plan and all wncurrency requirements containedtherem and the Collier County Land Development Code. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution shall be held to be invalid or ineffective for my reason, the remainder of this Resolution shall continue in full force and effect, it being expressly hereby found and declared that the remainder of this Resolution would have been adopted despite the invalidity or ineffectiveness of such section, paragraph, clause or provision. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption, and any provisions of any previous resolutions in conflict with the provisions hereof are hereby superseded. Packet Page 2556- 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED after motion, second and majorityvom on this the 25th day of OCmber, 2011. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Hy: By: , Deputy Clerk FRED W. COYLE, CHAIRMAN Approved form and IcSal fflc y: /b 1 Jeffrey t plecz unt y Coy Packet Page -255]- AN INDUCEMENT RESOLUTION OF THE. COLLIER REGARDING THE OFFICIAL AC AUTHORITY TION OF THE AUTHOR= WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE BY THE AUTHORITY OF ITS FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 201 IN (NC 1 HEALTHCARE SYSTEM PROTECT) IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT EXCEEDING 848,000,000 FOR THE PRINCIPAL PURPOSE OF REFUNDING ALL OR A PORTION OF THE OUTSTANDING (A) COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HEALTHCARE FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS (NCH HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, INC. OBLIGATED GROUP), SERIES 2002 AND (B) HEALTHCARE FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS (NAPLES COMMUNITY OS THE INC. PROJECT). SERIES 2004; EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT BETtvE THE IT RED ED AND AND THE MATTERS. WHEREAS, Naples Community UnTical, Inc., a Florida not - for-profit corporation, the sole member of wM1i-h is NCH Healthcare System, Inc., a Florida noVEr- profit corporation (collstively, the "Corporation") has applied to foe C ryferycnue boom me Development Authodty (the "Atumnty.) to issue its private Sons p�ro(I)of aggregme priurinal amount 01 not to exceed 548,=000 (the "Bonds ") for N,u n healthcare refinancing certain costs of conswe' n renovation and ead pg o OrpumG fieihties (the "Refunded Bonds Projects ")which are round vnd operated uracr Nee on an affiliate ofthe Corporation, by refundingall or a portion ofthe outs'antling(A) Collier or Ceunry Industrial Oevempri Authority Healthcare Facilities Revenue Roods (NCH Healthcare System, Inc Obligated Group), Series 2002 and (B) Healthcore Facilities Revenue Bonds (Naples community Hospital, end project) t he ksuance of the Soars; and "Refunded Bonds and (11) paY'mg wss esecl e WHEREAS, the Corporation has requested that the Authority loan the proceeds of the Bends to the Coyoration pursuant to Chapter 159, Parts 11 and Itl,tle"rrd Statutes, or such other provision or provisions of Florida law as the Authority They (the ^Any to order to accomplish the Lnegomg Publoses', and EXHIBIT A TO COUNTY RESOLUTION Packet Page -2558- 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2 RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -02 AN INDUCEMENT RESOLUTION OF THE. COLLIER REGARDING THE OFFICIAL AC AUTHORITY TION OF THE AUTHOR= WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE BY THE AUTHORITY OF ITS FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 201 IN (NC 1 HEALTHCARE SYSTEM PROTECT) IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT EXCEEDING 848,000,000 FOR THE PRINCIPAL PURPOSE OF REFUNDING ALL OR A PORTION OF THE OUTSTANDING (A) COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HEALTHCARE FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS (NCH HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, INC. OBLIGATED GROUP), SERIES 2002 AND (B) HEALTHCARE FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS (NAPLES COMMUNITY OS THE INC. PROJECT). SERIES 2004; EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT BETtvE THE IT RED ED AND AND THE MATTERS. WHEREAS, Naples Community UnTical, Inc., a Florida not - for-profit corporation, the sole member of wM1i-h is NCH Healthcare System, Inc., a Florida noVEr- profit corporation (collstively, the "Corporation") has applied to foe C ryferycnue boom me Development Authodty (the "Atumnty.) to issue its private Sons p�ro(I)of aggregme priurinal amount 01 not to exceed 548,=000 (the "Bonds ") for N,u n healthcare refinancing certain costs of conswe' n renovation and ead pg o OrpumG fieihties (the "Refunded Bonds Projects ")which are round vnd operated uracr Nee on an affiliate ofthe Corporation, by refundingall or a portion ofthe outs'antling(A) Collier or Ceunry Industrial Oevempri Authority Healthcare Facilities Revenue Roods (NCH Healthcare System, Inc Obligated Group), Series 2002 and (B) Healthcore Facilities Revenue Bonds (Naples community Hospital, end project) t he ksuance of the Soars; and "Refunded Bonds and (11) paY'mg wss esecl e WHEREAS, the Corporation has requested that the Authority loan the proceeds of the Bends to the Coyoration pursuant to Chapter 159, Parts 11 and Itl,tle"rrd Statutes, or such other provision or provisions of Florida law as the Authority They (the ^Any to order to accomplish the Lnegomg Publoses', and EXHIBIT A TO COUNTY RESOLUTION Packet Page -2558- 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. WHEREAS, the issuance of the Bonds and the loaning oft The proceeds thereof to he ReffuunndedB Bonds under Ion or other financing agreements, and purmentt to he terms rthereof Which will provide that payments thereunder beat least suflicicnuo pay the principal o fend and redemption premium, if any, on such Bonds and such other costs in connection Interest therewith as may be incurred by the Authority, will assist the Corporation and promote he public purposes provided in the Act; and WHEREAS. In order to satisfy certain of the requirements of Section did on he date Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (he "Code"), The Authority berate hereof hold a public hearing on he proposed issuance of the Bonds for the purposes stated, which tlme is more the f days following vla[onhenf CollorCOOnry of d wA eM1 public public hearing In a newspaper o genera hearing was conducted In a menerhat provided areazo^ Ne tmance of the Bonds and the differing views to be heard, both orally and in writing. location and nature of the Project, as more particularly described in the notice of public hearing attached hereto as Exhibit A. and WHEREAS, it is intended that this Resolution shell constitute offend action oward the issuance of the dditon Bonds o Within the meaning of the action that may have freshen n been States ke by he Regulations in e Ro NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, THAT: SECTION I. AUTHORITYFORTHISRESOLOTION. This Resolution is adopted pursunl to the provisions of the Act and other applicable provisions of law. SECTION I. t PRELIMINARY T refinancing TEE enttthe Rosts of rite Refunded into o permit the Corpora far emcee ovide an CxPrcaslnn of intention Bonds projects byrefunding the Relunded Bonds and top' he Avhoriry, Prior issuanccof the Bonds, to issue and sell the Bonds and mekmhc b it in accordance with and subject to the prmecds hereof available for such Purposes, a Of provisions of he Act, the Constitution and other laws of his ResolfForida and tje laws all the United States of America, including the Cade, an d respects to he terms of he Preliminary Agreement of corn date herewith between the Authority and he Corporation. SECTION]. APPROVAL OF THE REFUNDING. Therefinncingofthe costs of the Refunded Bonds Projects by refunding the Refunded Bonds by the Authority Pachot Page ¢559- 10125/2011 Item 16.K.2. through the Issuance of the Bonds, pursuant to the Act, will promote the economic development, prosperity, health and welfare of the citizens of Collier County, will Promote thegeneml aconomic structureof Collier County, and will thereby serve the publicputposu of the Act end is her preliminarily approved, subject, however, in all respond to the of the Act meeting the conditions set forth in the Psliminary Agreemenl to the Sole satisfaction of the Authority. SECTION O. AUTHORIZATION OF THE BONDS. There is heieby authorized m be issued and the Authority hereby SO requested by the Corporation end eubject in p¢I Vnpowinollo conditions Set sas,000A00 for the Preliminary Agreement, In an aggrega a principal principal Purposes efrefin inning the costs of the Refunded Bonds Projects by refunding the Refunded Bonds as described in the Prclimttmry Agreement. The rate of interest payable on the Bonds shall not exceed the maximum rate permitted by law. SECTION 5. GENERAL AUTHORIZATION. The Chairman and dad Vice- Chairman ere her furM1er authorized to proceed, upon execution Orin Preliminary Agreement- with the undertakings provided. for therein on the pan of the Amiwriry and are further authorized to take such steps and actom as may be required or necessary in order t0 cause the Authority to issue the Bonds subject haebyspects to the terms and conditions set forth in the Preliminary Agreement au u SECTION 6. OFFICIAL ACTION. Thisco apple ated an official te Preliminary the Authority Icon the issuance of the Bonds, a @e Code and Agreement, macccrdancewith be purposes of the laws of the Stale of Florida, the applicable United Stems Treasury Regulations. SECTION 0. LIMITED OBLIGATIONS. The Bonds and the interest Collier County. the Stem ofFlor Florida or any political calsubd vision a alg ncyttherwfbucshall be payable solely from the revenues pledged therefor ptirma^t to a loan agreement of other financing agreement entered into between the AWwriry and the Corporation prior to or 1 win, the issuance orne Bonds. The Authority has no taxing power . wntcmSECTIOs y SECTION B. LIMITED APPROVAL- dcron appmvalgivasonini arribonotbc onswed as an aPProwl or endorsement of approved ofe ^Y ^oped Bonds retuning projects an ti the nor for any other regulatory permits relatdesado the Ipneofthiv resolution to have waived Authority Shall not be aonswed by reason of any rights or any right of Collier County or estopping Collier County from asserting responsibilities it may have N that Veto Packet Page 2560 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resaluden shall take effect Immediately. ADOPTED this 116 day of October, 2411. COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORITY SEAL) Dhaitman AI"TESL Secrets Packet Page -2561- APLCS DAILY NEWS N,pL,. FU, 114 Affidavit of Publication State of Florida CODI,Ues of Collie end Lea ,rsignedrRY ev nA,"m"P, Ftnm^�1Y evlo,d neMw6,r of N, NIUD& PiIY N,w,. N,Ad„n,i,4AcAu ftIed n N,PIm, In Celbw CwmY. Lay Wp Flv�N, d'um,PP, rC,11, AOS � doMefFlorid,p�M1n IN, '"c a ,Any If PLIL C I, Mm fFWUC NOTICE eb,d 11 wo P` u�eRp nnbu]d. nrxe `P`P � f yd 14Fµ nl NIP ar % I y�rtlnnavu •0"amw u ^v 11 AO N�r MbI�ILA Jim — ml" AP iMY'�r�kl'FyL �ewrz,9n0 �Kmbrc rufs, b,N 11 WA (Slymne ^ "'Mary I40, / (ji 013 10/25/2011 Item 16.K.2. EXHIBIT A TO AUTHORITT RESOLUTION Packet Page -2562-