Agenda 10/25/2011 Item #16H1n 10/252011 Item COAf3ISS10NER REQUEST FOR HOARD APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT TO ATTEND FUNCTION SERVING A VA PUBUC PURPOSE OBJECTIVE.: FmdseH OfCauvty Commi¢®ou wdecbmavalidpubtic puryoro fm a Covudesiwem etmW a @vcOONwmt and eppmvepaymevt bythe Cle¢k CONSmERAnONS: Pumumtm Rmolution No.99 -0lQ the Board ofCounty Commieaiwmbasde[ermined Outanendmce Mthe OmodomoffizimW,bua % eaviroumeeul, educational, charitable, socW. professional, Verde, homrownsa, ethnic, nod civic aewcietiodorgawvtiom awes a valid public purpose, provided that said fanctic as reasonably relate to CoW a County mattms. COMAOSSIONER: DonsaPWa FONCTIONlEVENT• United Way of Collier COuuty Mll Campaign Recugmtion Breakfast. P BaLICPURPOSE• Med aad'mtmct wiW busmen and commuviryleadeu. W RECOAAfENDATION: That the Board of County Commiaeioam, an accoalavce with Re801mwn No.99410,approvepay tbythe CIIkfm Commissimm DonaFialam attend a function serving a valid public purpose. PREPARED BY Alexevdm Scmdivo, Erzuive Aide, BCC APPROVED BY: )m MirtheO, Executive MaOager, BCC AGENDA DATE: Oclober25, 2011 Packet Par -2461- DATE OF FUNCUOK)EVENT: Ogober4, 2011. EISCAL IMPACT: 520.00 - Funds m be paid from Cmmi¢siwefa Navel budge. W RECOAAfENDATION: That the Board of County Commiaeioam, an accoalavce with Re801mwn No.99410,approvepay tbythe CIIkfm Commissimm DonaFialam attend a function serving a valid public purpose. PREPARED BY Alexevdm Scmdivo, Erzuive Aide, BCC APPROVED BY: )m MirtheO, Executive MaOager, BCC AGENDA DATE: Oclober25, 2011 Packet Par -2461- 10/25/2011 Item 16.11.1. ^ COLLIER COUNTY Board of county Commissioners Item Nandi 16.H.1. Item 5ummary: Commissioner Fiala requests Board approval for reimbursement regarding attendance at a function serving a Valid Public Purpose. Attended the 2011 United Way of Collier County Campaign Recognition Breakfast on October 4, 2011 at the Naples Hilton in Naples, Fl. $20.00 to be paid from Commissioner Fiall travel budget. Meeting Date: 10/25/2011 Prepared By Approved By Nome: Mimhelllan Title. Executive Manager, BCC Dates 10 /14/2011 11 46144 AM Name: SheBIeldMichael Title: Manager - Baseness Operations, CMO Date. 10/14/2011 1 29:41PM Packet Page -2462- 10/25/2011 Item 16.H.1. Rerei✓el ay' October 04, 2011 w OamyveTO m� p13 No t�we wmo TOM E, s5 MUTRxa wlm MARK SACK5oN:o Tuesday 34 9E'p n EZ xs 243s 214/51617 iei? 17 or 19 oIlss '20 a 22 23 24 25 26 U 2 E6 E3 28 30 TORTS L262 -22x7) 5°O 6w aW=hewaere .•zlewae.ep 6eyzho pmenn 4 Tl " I I qap 1,Mwd r rt 410 C %4^ gw Iwa® War OF c«15ce wuem=1 Oe NR.mawrrSN vnsT vm NWm 53u 7,r,"l TJI bNOM ® Dw, Ll Uwee Wo orcmumcmmo RJR Rrti A,... NOM Sw¢ 240 Nep1e5 FL 341 re (239)261 -9113 Ren,,pt.ruv Of, : DCV­ /6 QN 'R—om, (foppl4o61')- -Am ounl.- � FOr: DunenonJ P7n,o Spceltl Eveol yy Pletl¢e0 00er n Rerei✓el ay' Please join us for the UNITED WAY OF COLLIER COUNTY 2011 CAMPAIGN RECOGNITION tgEAKFAST Tuesday, Onober 4, 2 8:00 Ak1 Buffet I reakf b HILTON NAPLES 5111 TM1IAMI TRAIL NO NAPLES EL 11103 NO. krendIng E Che& n u I, R. eCheIXS V v. NV UPIelacerxnn. Ewa roa1 Packet Page -24fi - 3w MUTRxa wlm MARK SACK5oN:o 4w TORTS L262 -22x7) 5°O 6w aW=hewaere .•zlewae.ep 6eyzho pmenn I I Please join us for the UNITED WAY OF COLLIER COUNTY 2011 CAMPAIGN RECOGNITION tgEAKFAST Tuesday, Onober 4, 2 8:00 Ak1 Buffet I reakf b HILTON NAPLES 5111 TM1IAMI TRAIL NO NAPLES EL 11103 NO. krendIng E Che& n u I, R. eCheIXS V v. NV UPIelacerxnn. Ewa roa1 Packet Page -24fi -