Agenda 10/25/2011 Item #16F1Agenda Changes Board of County Commissioners Meeting October 25, 2011 MOVE ITEM 16F1 TO ITEM 1OF: RECOMMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REVIEW AND APPROVE THE PROPOSED FY11 -12 ACTION PLAN FOR LEO E. OCHS, JR., COUNTY MANAGER. (COMMISSIONER HILLER'S REQUEST) Continue Item 16A1 to the November 8, 2011 BCC Meetin • Recommendation to award Bid #11 -5700 for "Devonshire Boulevard Landscape & Irrigation Refurbishment Project" to Ameri -Pride Inc. in the amount $267,214.37. Funded by residents of Radio Road Beautification MSTU (Staff request concerning the vendor) Continue Item 1 O to the November 8, 2011 BCC Meetin • Recommendation to approve an Underground Facilities Conversion Agreement with Florida Power & Light Company (FP &L) for "Phase One" of the Vanderbilt Beach Municipal Service Taxing Unit (the 'MSTU') Utility Conversion Project as stipulated by Florida Public Service Commission Tariff Section 6 and approve FPL payment of $1,806,091 to cover construction cost for FP &L underground utility conversion. Move Item 16A11 to Item 1OG: Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an Amendment to the Agreement for Fee Payment Assistance, between Collier County and Lucy Salon, Inc., providing repayment of Fee Payment Assistance funds over a five -year period. (Commissioner Hiller's request) Move Item 16113 to Item 13B5: Recommendation the Board of County Commissioners approve transfer of administrative and management duties for the Immokalee Beautification Municipal Service Taxing Unit from Growth Management staff to Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) staff effective October 1, 2011; direct Budget Office to discontinue the annual transfer of funds from Immokalee Beautification MSTU (Fund 162) to MSTD General Fund (Fund 111), and the Board of County Commissioners, acting as Community Redevelopment Agency authorize creation of a Full Time Employee position (MSTU Project Manager) for FY12; authorize Executive Director to advertise the position; hire a qualified applicant; and approve necessary budget amendment. (Commissioner Henning's request) Move Item 16D2 to Item 10J: Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign six (6) Subrecipient Agreements for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) projects previously approved for Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding in the 2011 -2012 Action Plan approved by the Board on July 26, 2011 (Staff request related to moving Item 16D4) Move Item 16D4 to Item lOH: Recommendation to acknowledge receipt of entitlement funds from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for FY 2011 -2012 and approve the associated budget amendments. Once received, HHVS will bring the entitlement agreements and certifications to the BCC for signature. Funds include $2,114,463 for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), $502,126 for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and $94,611 for Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). (Commissioner Hiller's request) Move Item 16D5 to Item 10I: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve a one -time exception to the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) 2006 -2009 Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) policy establishing first -time homebuyers as one of the requirements for down payment and closing cost assistance. Approval will address and correct monitoring concern for the SHIP Program. (Commissioner Hiller's request) Item 8A: This section can be deleted from the agenda text: This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Item 13A should be referenced as 1311- Community Redevelopment Agency on the agenda index /0� 10/26/2011 Item 16.F.1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rewmmendation that the Board of County famnNSionere revew and approve the proposed FY2011 -2012 Action Man for Lea E. Odes, Jr., County Manager. 4&If I!:! i JtemmmendoWnthat the Board of County Commissioners review and approve the proposed M011 -2012 Action Plan for leo E. Ochs, Jr., County Manager. CONSIOERNOONS: The County Manager reports directly to the Board of County Commissioners. In order to assure that the County Managers work performance is coordinated with the direction of the full Board, the County Managers contract requires that an annual Acton Plan is developed by which the County Manager will be evaluated throughout She fecal year. Attached to this ulthre Summary is a proposed Action Plan. The Intent of the Action Plan Is to establish objective performance standards In which both the County Manager and the Courtly Managers Office can be evaluated. The Plan also Includes spec initiatives which will receive priority attention. O5MMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with approval of this Action Plan. GROWIII MANACFMENTIMPA[s: Thereisnogrowth managersentimpactassoclatei with this Item. RECOMMENDATION: The Board of County Commissioners review and approve the proposed FYL011 -2032 Action Plan for Leo E. Ochs, Jr., County Manager. Preparedby. Leo E. Ochs, Jr., County Manager Padet Page -MA 10/25/2011 Item 16.F.1. ^ COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.F.1. Rem Summary: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners review and approve the proposed FY2011 -2012 Anion Plan for Leo E Ochs, Jr., County Manager. Meeting Date: 10/25/2011 Prepared By Name: BmckMarylo Title: Executive Secretary to Counn Manager, CMO 10/19/2011 8'.40:24 AM Submined by Tide: Executive Secretary at Counn Menagcr, CMO Name: BmckMai 10/19!20118:40:26 AM APPraved By Nome: OcbsLw Title: County Manager Dme: 10/19/2011 5 36:34 PM Packet Page -2046 10/25/2011 Item 16.F.1. Leo E. Ochs, Jr. County Manager Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2012 The County M ®roger is tanked wbb carrying our the policy direcam provided by me Testy of County Commiaimecs. The position fuvcrioos as the CFA, providing lesdaship and direction ova me day-to-day operators and mmeg®mt of the employees of the Doerd of County Cmtmiaiovas. These fronds were developed in on effort to provide clear expectations f the County Mavvger, for the period flown Ocle a 2011 through SeptaaM 2012. These goods are besed on the broad men gmemlly expected to be performed by tk Executive OIDca as well as specific gross oforgew>atioml focus for this retivg period It is When County's Vision — To StrNc to he the Deer Community in America to lave, Work, and Play. From this Vision flows the smiemmt of our Coanty's Mission - To Deliver Higb Qualily, Desr -Value Pubfic Servim, Programs, and Fatigues m Oor Residaab and Visitors. The (',oanty's vision and minim w01 be adveviceL by 0e C unty Manages' f on these goals and objectives for Fiscal Year 2012: 1. laadeeship and Organizational Direction- To provide cdar and cowneent direction to the Coonry wow ; to consistently display Pmfnoonalfwn and personal sect business ethics ^ consisleat with Agency goading principles; to mavmin f and comminnent m long rouge strategic plauoing as the key to anhiesivg the Agcy's vision and misoo4 to achieve organira0oml maulers througb the collective efforts of a knowledgeable aM moovmW workforce; to implement strategies, plans and counts to effectively achieve operational end pragmm goals and objectives; m anticipate and analyze problems and to develop effecove and recreative solutions. 2. Operational ERMivevas -To implanent plans and effectively deploy organizational resources m achieve opean ®el objectives; m implement ben ivemgemevt pmctrces and buovea syti ®s pleigvM m mnivmin forces in service, cormof moss mdimpmve msmvmr seosfmvav;m implementroduceaprocessimprovement mioeovess. improve sand operational eflicimcy, and quality of produces and services so implemenrpofiues procedures and reporting; synems To ioaue financial and opertional eccouombility and inrnvel mewls. 3. Performance Management and Workioree Development— To cannot and rosin the mint needed to provide bat motor swices te customers; to notation a comprehensive personnel management syst® fully compliant with applicable employment and labor mlaeous hews; to constant a market baud oompenaation anti bene0t program; to maivmiv a performance menag®ent system my alignd with agency strategic sect operational Plans fealaivg mwauable performance objcfi a best practices and imlastry bevebmmk compmisovs; m Provide comprehenove employee coming and skill evbeneemrnt programs, including an effective succession punting Program to Weirdly and onto mid mevageus with tire desire snot ability to step take sewn managmevt positions. Packet Page -26a1- 10/25/2011 Item 16.F.1. ^ 4. Policy Execution and Support b the Board - To effectively implement dir lives and policy of the Boards to timely end effecdvely r npund to Board re iu f infonmtlw m eseiemoce; w insure BCC mreting agenda mdebab ere ao me, thorough, no,, able, clearly writton end Contain appropriate and s coal fmmde malysis and legal review; to provide reCommePddiom for new eod/m improved 6om t policies anti ou bones; to provide efucdw staff support m BCC Advisory Boards mW Commmoo; w ender the Bond with prepemtiw and executlw ofthe County's feded erd state legislative programs; to provide the BCC with Limey, eccmum reports coocemiog mmtms of imponnoce w County govemmnant. 5. Budget and Financial Mzmagouma4To prepare a b usocM budge w acrosdavice with Bored emeblished budge gddave; to make the ben w&dble use of pubfic fords with the womo m of the Pond m Olm de el5ciwtly nod effectively; w Proactively mcwhor and manage fiscal &OoaUes ivd Amino Peeve levels and revenue tmersat; to actively men e the County's debt shucoae and B ing moewm wq to work cooperapvely with the Clek of Courts on mtemd audits mud the prepambon of the CA fi. Capital Improvements and Amet Mangemm[ -TO sespomibly plan, counnae and maintain the County's crifical public intraMme ne end capital assns to enure sostainabdity f the fume; to ¢madly Comduct the conAm d A[ CIE miew of no of levels cud c d lmpsovelmoo with the CCPC end BCC; to mnure capital Minus and cmtrects are omoaged in Poll wmptiance with BCC policies and agency guuldm s; w implememn mod evdumc the potmod of the approved pilot asset mavag ®cut system and develop funding ^ mrommmdetions m sonata the quality of the County's nuabfished infisso-ucnve and facilities. 1. Public lafarmatinn and Community Relation - To ev m n public ten and confidence ta COUnty govermmevk to promote tianspareocy and public involvemant in County governme d to meet regularly with cfl m civic groups, buduexn and hemeow or msmPPmmoa w ensure the public regeees fm int'orm mon end resistance me ro nub t to m m timely and ae:meta MnEXr, m improve Imowledge of govemmant progmmn and smvices mud euwomge citi m participation by providing uodemmodmble and complee informmieu to the public; w work collaboratively with othm govem omod end non -profit mgevimtiom to achieve common goals and wau d lmeesa. SipiBmmt Opemtiomd lnidadves fm FY 2012: A. Fcunomk Development Program — Coosiment with BCC dhecdon, implemeut additiomd anmegiea, pmgmma and semoes to promote a bens bo umo clime¢ w Come County . & Emergency Melted Serviw — Comwue w work wllnbomovely with community mukeholdee and PoficY-mekem m Evaluate the dynamic pre- hosphd emergency mediml narvices delivery system is Collier County. C. Assts Mamagemem — Emmoce efforts w build an asset mamgened capability th the Agency that will provide wmpine viability on the iove bomft reyuired over area to protect and preserve the iaf mmuctom nod other P iticd taut of the orgmdmdon. Packe Page -2442- 10/25/2011 Item 16.F.1. D. Grant Pragam Management- Conduct a thomagh eaewsment ofthe cannot mmg the, ^ wealmeases, oppmavifies and risks inhennot in the Agency's existing graot pmgana and iaplment svuchnal and functional changes to iapmve azwuntabJitY. comPhoacc and iutanal cummis. At N conclusion of the fiscal year, the Bond of County Covwissianrn will be asked to perform an aanaal evaluation of the County Maoagm's performance by rating We s cceesfd completion of each of the above gonla on a 1 to 3 wain IMividaal evalaefioos OhR be tomied and ovmaged to determine the Bomd's wuecrivc Poalfion. Packet Page -2"3-