Agenda 10/25/2011 Item #16E3102502011 Item 16.E.3. EXECUTIVE SOIHM V Becommmdstloo to approve a B"alution hat asset" toe County Maossger u the BessN'a designee for the purpose of ere"tlag aartiB "t" slunk for Cossty -Owned veMtl"stl for salvage or distraction and Pervtitiog the County Msssager to assign such r"pasugpdas t We IBrectan of Wa lisle Mssagaetev[ and Prrchaelmg Ikpammoest 202E9TIVE: To approve aEwohmon that mores the County Maruger "the Baetd's d "ig for the pmpom of camoring catificata of title fa Comtygwned vehicles set for salvage or dekamml and p"mrtang the Cm* Manager to aMg such remondbilifies to the DhOmaa of the Risk Management and Purchasing Departments. C(3NMJE TIONS: Form time to race Collier Comity-owned vehicles are declared by independem appmisom to be a "total loss" due to accidenN. The puce" for the salvage or deduction of these vehicles includes the filing of the title along with an Appli"tim for SalvagalCa ficme ofDedmction with the Tan Collator's O15ce. Satioa 319.30 (3)(b), Florida Strauss, sets forth the rise fmtm by which the owner of any motor vehicle mat forward the We to the motor vehicle to the Tea Collator's Offiu for cancellation after a vehicle is destroyed. Secron 319.30(3)(b) provides: The owmr, imhdilg proms wM are self- insured, of my usher vehicle or ^. mobile home which is considered to be savage shell, withie 72 hours after the motor vehicle or mobile have berm" selvage, forvard tie title to the motor vehicle or mobile home to the department for proce"ing. Hownva. an insumme which commutation Inr mail low of a motor vehi 1 IOQW]e home shall QlAoin the carlificatee of Jifle for the mour ydkle or mobil home mil. outgo 72 hourn after receiving sum crafificase ofiftle JWI frvrerd nigh thle he the drummed for concession. The: ocuser or immune commerv. as the act din tomb tons before it a mlv o a title or certificur; of form the deoammmmt. Nothing in this subsection shall be applicable when a vehicle is worth less then $1,500 Mail in undamaged condition in any official used count vehicle guide or used mobile borne guide or when a dolm minor vehicle or mobile Fete is recovered in substantially room andiron ard le readily resalable w1Wom erMivve repaim to or Mincemeat of the force or mgm. Any persmm who kmwfiWy violmus this pmngaph or fdstin any doo meant to avoid the requheeteuta of this parapWb commies a miedemeesor of the Jim degce, pmisbeblempmvidMins .77,5.062m&775.OU (Emphais Addoi.) Cmtifi"t" of fid" fm Countyawmd vehicles list tla Board of Comity Commisdoms a time owner. The Remhmon comes the Comty Manager as the Board's desigum for the purpose of Packet Nge -2M1- 10/25/2011 Item 16.E.3. n executing cer ificams of title and permits the County Manager to assign such responsibilities to the Directors of the Risk Management and Purchasing Departments. In order to timely meet the requirements of Section 319.30 (3)(b), it Is recnmmwded that the attached Resolution be approved for this ministerial action. The County's Third Parry Administrator (TPA) files the Certificate of Title with the Application for Salvage/Cerpfici to of Destruction on the County's behalf as required by Section 319.30 (3)(b), Florida Statures. As such, delegation offends responsibility is not necessary. Salvaged or destroyed vehicles may be used for pars or sold for scrap metal. but are prohibited from being placed back on the road. Irrespective of whether the parts are useable the Application for Salvage /Certificate of Destruction must be filed. The Fleet Management Department ensures that the County realm the parts, where usable, for other vehicles. CMA #5809 requires that if an asset is scrapped or destroyed because it Is obsolete umepaiable, or unsafe, a Fixed Asset Transaction From must be completed. The Resolution Is intended to complement the already existing process. FISCAL IMPACT: There are typically no more than noes vehicles per year that require salvage or destruction. The fee for the Application for Salvage /Cenificam of Destruction is $775. There is a $15 surcharge for applications that not filed later than 30 days after the destruction or abandonment. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Gawdt Management Impact associated with this Executive Summary. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS; This item is legally sufficient and requires a majority vote for Board action. -JBW RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approves a Resolution that names the County Manager as the Board's designee for the purpose of executing certificates of title for County-Owned vehicles set for salvage or destruction and permitting the County Manager to assign such responsibilities to the Directors of due Risk Management and Purchasing Departments. Preparedby, Jeff Walker, Diector of Risk Management Jamdf B. White, Assistant County Attorney Packet Page -2342- 10/25/2011 Item 16.E.3. COLLIER COUNTY Board of county Commissioners Item Number: 16.E.3. Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a Resolution that names the County Manager as the Board's designee for the purpose of executing certlfcates of title for County - Owned vehicles set for salvage or destruction and, permitting the County Manager W assign such responsibilities to the Directors of the Risk Management and Purchasing Departments. Meeting Date: ID/26/2013 Prepared By Name. Welkerleff Title. Dlrectm- Risk Managemen4Risk Managemem 10/5@011 9:16:09 AM Title : Directm - Risk Managemen4Risk Management Name: WalkerleR 10/520119116:10 AM Approved By Name: SmithKds¢n Tide. Administrative SecretaD,Risk Management Date 10/5/201143136 AM Name CamdlReve Title Diremr- Purchasing /Oeneral$ervices, mchanng Date 1GRaW 14:47,56Pal Name: Whitelerml &r Title: Assistant County Attomcy,County Attomg Date: 10/10/20113: 34: 38 PM Name: PnccLen Tide: Admi oator- Administrative Serviva, Dam: 10/1220111:50:39 PM Packet Page -2343- r1 Name: wniaaennue, Tithe: AssistarR County Atlomty,Comrty, Attomey Dow 10/122011 5M:61 PM Name: Klatffiowleff Tills -Loony Attorney, Date: 10/10/2-011 1154:10 AM Nei : FinnU Date: 10117/20116 28 14 PM Name: Ochs]-en Title: CgmN Manages Date: 10/18/20119:1649 AM Packet Page -2M4- 10/25/2011 Item 16.E.3. 10/25/2011 Item 16.E.3. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, ELORIDA, NAMDSG THE COUNTY MANAGER AS ITS DESIGNEE FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXECUTING CERTIFICATES OF TITLE FOR COUNTY -OWNED VEHICLES SET FOR SALVAGE OR DESTRUCTION AND PERMITTING THE COUNTY MANAGER TO ASSIGN SUCH RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE DIRECTORS OF THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PURCHASING DEPARTMENTS. WHEREAS, from time to time Collier County-owned vehicles am declared by the County's outside insurance carrier to be "total loss" due to accidents; and WHEREAS, hie process for rise salvage or destruction of these vehicles includes the fling of this fide end un Application for Salvage/Cenificare of Destruction with the Tax Collator's Office; and WHEREAS, Section 319.30 (3) (b), Florida Statutes, sets forth the time frame by which the owner of my motor vehicle must forward the tide to the motor vehicle to the Tax Collector's Office for cancellation after a vehicle is destroyed; and WHEREAS, the Certificates of Tides for Cowry -awned vehicles list the Bond of County Commissioners as the twneq and WHEREAS, so as to meet the requirements of 319.30 (3) (b), Florida Statutes, the Board of County Commissioners desires to rume the County Manager as its designee f the Purpos<Of executing Certificates of Title relating to County-ewmed vehicles set for selvage or destsstrion tied, to permit me County Munager to assign such responsibilities to the Directors of County's Risk Maf =g tand Purchasing Depm ms . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the County Manager is hereby designated to cosmic Certificates of Tide for County -owned vehicles set for salvage or destruction and, authorized to assign such responsibilities to the Directors of Collier County's Risk Management and Purchasing Depornnents, THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED after motion, second, and majority vote favoring same this day of 2011. Packet Page -2345- 10/25/2011 Item 16.E.3. .-. ATTEST: BOARD OF COIIDTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Deputy Clerk FRED W. COYLE, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal svficimcy: Asmcer . White Assistant County Anomey aco Te2nes Packet Page -2366-