Agenda 10/25/2011 Item #13A310/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. IMCU'1'IVE SUwh y /1 Res mmmdssioo for the Board d County Cemmusams ro accept due Tanlary, Sremeumn• Sph INWrmumme %n for the Rayshom MSTU Arm a Presented by the Cagier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and Beyshoro Bmadfiai on MSM; accepting how the glen cemplemava the Cotsaty's secondary, system project for Ya Bayahme MST1/ area; madwoman the County Manager, or his "home, to provide support be Me CRA/MIIM where nedd; and approve CRA sae's appr0aew is exude the plan. (Swerve of Investing —CRA TIT Fad 187 and MSTU Fond 163) OBOECTNE: For the Board of County Commisnionem (BCC) m accept to aacm the Tertiary Smrmwater System lnWrove m Planjm the Bayahwu ALSIGArea as premvted by the Collier County Commmtity Redevelopment Agency (CIA) ad Bayslnre Beamifacatiun MSTU; recognizing how the Plan 001311Plemmh the Camay's secondary system Project for the Bayah0re MSN area; modernize the County Manage, or his designee, to provide support to the CRA/MSTU whmeneeded; and approve CRA staffs approach m exams the plan. BACKGROUND: The Colter County Community Redevelopment Agency has Wart a poacdve approach to solving the drainage problems in the Triangle area through a collaborative Pmmemhip with the County Smamcater Section of the Tmmspornaion Division This partnership resmad th a mormcmer good and associated hydraulic pumping names. On November 10, 2009, the BCC approved the CRA's Tertiary &mransmer System hnprvernm Plan jar Gmeway y angle Residential Arm. With Us Plan, the CRA applied fir and rmivd a S2.'1M Gem In make chansons improvements throughout the area. CONSIDERATIONS: In collab0mion with the CRA's ¢Bona in the Triangle and as a supplemad to the CRA -MSTU jointly funded topography study. the MSW comdssioned a drainage mview and analysis sandy of the CUM MM area This sandy is ti ld as the Tertiary SDormwmer S)•.rrem Improvement Plan jar the Rnyshore MST TI Area (Exhibit A — the Plan's executive summary). The Plan recommends a Phased approach to improving the mee's ternary cola management Spam. Work Will improve the conveyance and stomge capacity of the ternary smnncater system by improving flooding attenuation and nmoff conveyance affacimcy, during CRA inSUmmmre and IWiM beautification projects The Plan pnvides son atimmes to Complete the dark in phases, and m this Use flame is no set timeline for completion of the phases listed m Eddbt B below as they will be driven by guests and available CM and MSTU funding each fiord year The acgwsitio t of fording m complete the Plan's RTmTY System recommendations Will go far in alleviating flooding within the Bayshom MSNama. CRA and MSM staff mm with South Florida Waterer Management (SFWhM) mad CoOia Staewater Mellon September 9, 2010 to review and discuss the Plats (IbUbit Q. FISCAL. EWACF: There is no fiscal impact m the County General Food asordated with accepting this Plan. The ternary impovemems will be faded by the Beyshore Gmeway Triangle Redevelopment Agency, with CRA TTF fiords, and the Baysb rte Beautification MSN plus my gams resolved Rodue inBesmnhne maivtmmce of the aiming system or completed impmvementa within rood ROW "I be performed by the Comely Transportation Division. If n available gran[ funding is sec a i and approved by the Board of County Commissioners siting as the CRA Board, than consmavov plan preparation should occur Be the Phase afore Plm mat is modest. Packet Page -912- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the Counts Attorney, is legally sufficient, and requires majotity vote for approval, AAK ^ GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Ternary s ormwma System Improvement Plan for the Bayshore MSTU Area is in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Drainage Sub element of the Gmwth Management Plan for Collier County Stonnwater Management, RECOMMENDATION: For the Board of County Commissioners to accept the Tertiary Srormwwer Seumn Iapronemenr Plan for the Bonhore MSTUArea as presented by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and Bayshore Beautification MSTU; recognizing how the Plan complements the County's secondary system project for the Bayshore MSTU area; authorize the County Manager, or his designee, to provide support to the CRA/MSTO where traded; and approve CIA staff's approach m execute the plan Prepared by David Jackson, Executive Direcm , Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA, and David Buchhelt, Bayshore Beautification MSTU Project Manager October 10, 2011 Packet Page -973- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. COLLIER COUNTY ^ Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 13.A.3, Rem Summary: Recommendation for the Board of County Commissioners to accept the Tertiary Stormwater System Improvement Plan for the Bayshore MSTU Area as presented by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and Bayshore Bea utlfmation MSTU; recognizing haw the plan complements the County s secondary system project for the Bayshore MSTU area; authorize the County Manager, or his designee, to provide support to the CPA /MSTU where needed; and approve CPA staffs approach to execute the plan. (Source of Funding— CRA TIE Fund 182 and MSTU Fund 163) Companion Item to 13131. (David Jackson, Executive Director Bayshore Beautification MSTU) Meeting Date: 10/25/2011 Preparetl By Name: JacksonDavid Title Exxusive Director, CRA 10/102011 1235 28 PM Tine Executive Dlrmror, CRA Name'. Jacksomievid 10/10/2011 1235:29 PM ApprovM By Name BmMeitDavld Tide Project Mani Date: 10/10/2011 1:31:14 PM Name: Kla axoviJeff Tide County Attorney, Dare 10/142011 11:36:54 AM Name: Klatzkowleff N* County Ammey, n Packet Page -924- ^ Dare 10/142011 12:0541 PM Name: FinnEd Dare'. 10/18/2011 228:18 FM Name OchaLeo Tice County Manager Dam'. 10/16/20113:2630 PM Packet Page 975 - 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. EXHIBI 10/2512011 Item 13.A.3. TERTIARY STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PLAN ^ FOR BAYSHORE MSTU .AREA o © GradyMinor Civil Engineers • Land Sarve}vrs • Planners • Landscape Ambitects Q. Gli MLYOn& ASSOCIATES. P.A. 5800 Via Oel fry Rare, Stainac Florida 34134 (?39)94]1144 E6 0005151 /La 000561 / LC 26000266 September, 2011 Michael]. Delete. P.E. David W. Schmitt. Y.E. Florida Recc aLerrA:49442 Florida Reen tered Ph 671 ^ PAGE I Packet Page -976- 10125/2011 Item 13.A.3. TABLE OF CONTENTS 'Aosc yr wry t cry rn .............. ......... ...................................................... ..................2 Section 1- Executive Summa• . ......................_.....__. ......................, d Section2- introduction._.................. ......................................_.. ................__............. 10 A. Authorization ........ ............ .... ....... ._...... ..............._._.... I0 B. suppose ........ ................... ...... ..._.._ ..... _.10 C Seopeaf5en ces .._ .......... _.. ................. .. _._ 10 Section 3 - Description aJ' Area ............... ..... ..... .... ............ - .................................. _........ 12 A. Ray shore Beautification Municipal Sery ices Taxing Unit (MSTU) ... ...... ......._ -11 B. Study area... ........... ............._ ____.............. 12 C. Ilf litl Sercic P ;tiers............ ... ...... ._ ..................... 14 Section P -Major Drainage Features and Previous Water Manageri Pecouldi t.. 12 A. Major Drompne Features.... ... -1 ... ......................... B. South Florida Wmer Management District Permits......... .. . . .................. _ n G County LIDAR ...... ............. ...... . ... _._ ...................... 28 Il. rederal Emergency Management Agency ._._...... .............._..._1.18 E. Storm Suree mapping ... ..... ..... .... .......... ............................... ..............._....... 18 Section S- Existing Candid ates ............... .... ....................................... - ......................... 29 A. MappingofA .............. ......... ......_. ......... ....... B. Site mvestigat on ............... _._.......... ............ .__111.30 Table I.... ._..__ C Neighterhaod Mee[ .............. ...... ..... _........... 43 Section 6 - Recommendations aud P riorit ie s .................................. ............................... 46 A General_._.. _.. ..................... ___... _._ ............... 46 B. Level One System Improvements .... ..... ._... ... _ .......... ......... ... ... ... ........ ............ . - -46 C Leu'el Two System Improvements ....................... ........ .............. .... 49 D. Level Three System Improvement s ....................... ........... ....... .......... ........ ......... 50 F Maintenance Program ............. __.... ......... ... _...............__......58 G. Cos Estimates and Potential Projects ... _ -- — 11...60 kl. Methodology ......... ........... ............._.... 63 PACE ' Packet Page -9A- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. Section 7— Potential Funiin„ Sourcev ............................................ ............................... 64 .—. A. Comment) Redevelopment Agency ........ .. .. ...... ......... — 1111..64 P. Board of Collier County Commissioners ............ .—.. .... __ ... ...... ...._. ...... ..... ......64 C, MSTU or Sibectal Asessment.... 1111 ............. ..._............. 1--65 D. SFW'MD...... .......... .... 1... 1... 1.... 1.11.11 .........._.....11...... 1.... 65 E. PEMA/Federal I undinur ............ 1111..... .__ ....... ......_ 66 P. I lotion Section 319 Grant Work Plans and Project Summaries ._......... ......... 1111.67 G. CommuniF Development Block Grants (CDBG). ..... .... 111..._....................... 1111.. 68 APPENDI CES ........................ .................... 70 A. Street by Street Evaluation ........ .... ......... 1..... 111.............. ................. -7I ,. B. Aerial Conto i-Mapv ...1......... ..1111.. ........_........ ..._..... 74 C Plat Maps..._ .... 1.11.1__. 1111... 1. 11 _._........... ____. 75 D. SFWMD permits. .11.........1....1 ...... _... __ .............. _... ..... 76 E. PEMA Flood Elevation Maps... ......... .._........ —11-78 E CIF of Naples Water Main Locations ................. ................. ......... .......... ..... . 79 G. Storm Surge Map 1.... ..1. _............ ..80 ^ H. LMAR .... .....__. 1111... ... 11-- ......... ....__.81 1. Drainage Structure Infonnat ion ..... ................_.............. .1........1— ................. 1... --82 J. Detailed Cost Estimate for Dainage Improvements. ............ ........._— ..............._.. 84 Is. Neighborhood Mentino Map.............. ........... ..... .-- ................ .., 83 L Packet Page -9]8- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. Section 7— Executive Summary This Teniap, System Improvement Plan (Plan) for the Bayehore area has been Prepnfed by Q. Grady Minor & Associates, P . (Gradyclinor)_ The purpose of this Plan was to oval note the existing dram age within the Study area, recommend i mprovementsto the system to alleviate flooding in the area, develop a tertiary aormwater system improvement blur and provide budget cost estimates. The Sandy area is limited to the Bayehore Beautification stupider] Services faxing Unit (MS'FU) area that is not part of a permitted master water management onstem or mobile home complex or apartment complexes. The Ba)avoc MSTU is located in Sections 11, 13, 14 and 13. 'township 50S. Range ISE and is bounded by Naples Bay b the west, US 41 on the North and about on,-h if mile to the east of ^ Bayehore Drive In the east. This area isapproxicni 1,133 acresofthe total 1.391 does n theMSTU area. PACE 4 Packet Page 979- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. Asa part of previously authorised work an arial survey was completed to obtain physical features such as roads, buildings, -enteral elevations and contours. In conjunct on with this aerial survey, field reconnaissance has been completed in the Study area This Geld reconnaissance allowed par review of the general condition or the existing drainage patterns and as stem, An initial Neighborhood Meeting was held with residents of the area to receive input from them concerning Gooding in the Study area. These actions have allowed this Plan to be developed. Portions of the Sudy area are without an enecllvc drainage system. In several locations, Sound; have been tilled either intentionally or by long tens sedimentation. Driveway drivers are a mix of materials and six. Mary culverts have deteriorated and reached the end or their useful life. As a result, these portions of the Study area experiences Ioezllzed Goodin - during smart storm events and overall area funding during larger storm events. Dependent on rainfall and duration, the severity of localized Flooding dan be extreme and long in duration. Other portions of the Study area are hydraulically connected to signiteam permit s >stems (e.g., tidal canals. Lake Avalon pinball ditch to Haldeman Creak and the North -South outfall ditch south ol- Thomaason Drive). The areas connected to the canals tend to be less susceptible to minlell- induced loading. 4 Packet Page -980. 10/25/2011 Item 13.A:3. Weeca Avenue Street Reading In order to address the flooding in the Study area, this Plan has identified a series of recommended improvements- These recommendations am generally not listed In priority, hmvever, to minlmive disruption Insides a priority list has been developed also These projects may combine certain bevel One system improvements with Level Two and Level Three improvements. The first set of recommendation addresses more to the Level One system which consists of stomwater faciries xhrch convey slomxater to a motor outfall. Improvements are recommended at the follomine areas'. . North -South Otuball Ditch south of 9homasson Drive . NyD-SQwh Ditch north of Lake Avalon to Haldeman Creek . Thomason Drive doctrine from North South ditch crossing Bay shore Drive to approximately 100 feet east of entrance to Botanical Garden The estimated cost for these improvements is approximately $1,700,000 to $2.000,000. PACT 6 Packet Page -981- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. AddifomM the Windsor Outfzll Swale (internal to Whistler PuD) for mpo e �..� properties should be completed. This project would be the responsibility of the W indstar commuldor as it is a condition aflhelr water management parmit The next level of priorities adaestes the Level Two system consisting of those emrmwater facilities which convey stormwater from Level Three facilities to me Level One system. Considering the limited number of Level TWO systems, they have been included mine LevelThree facility improvements mprm ¢roams are recommended at the fol lowing areas: Area l (streets within the Weeks and Beeca Avenues area) Area 2(streets within the Buys law and Lakeview Avenues area) Area 3 (stree s v:ithin the Coco and Areas Avenues area) Area 4 arro e s within the Van Buren Avenue (West) and Linda Drive area) Area 5 (streets within the Van Buren Avenue (fast), Lunar Street and.leepers Dive area) Area 6 (streets within the Carnage Grove, Republic Avenue, Woodside Avenue area) Area ] (streets within IM1e Pine Street and Bay Street areal • Area 8 (streets within the Peters Avenue area) The estimated cost for these improvements is approximately 54000,000. Given that some of these Areas are not hydraulically connected to tidal canals (Areas I, 4, 5, 6 and 8), it is recommended that prindty be even to these areas for system improvements In addition, the areas that have not historically been subject to repeated flooding events Packet Page -982- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. should be gives a laver priority (Areas fi and 8). Thus, it is recommended that Areas I, 4 and 5 be given greater priority. Many of the proposed tertiary improvements can be completed as part of an on- going maintenance program not requiring any special Pcol iWng with exception of a Collie County Night -Mi Pemnit. These improvements would include swat, regrading and re- establishment and replacement of driveway culverts up to and including 15' diameter (or equivalent). These would include projects that are Actuary or secondary in nature, Additionally, if street landscaping or sidewalk improvements are made, drainage improvements can sound usually are by necessity pan of those improvements. Other improvements dependent on their scope may require No- Noticed and Noticed General Permits from SPWMD. These would ineludethose generally associated with the tertian- system. n The bevel One system projects will genemlk require a Modification to the existing Environmental Nesouroe Permit issued 6r public projects in the area (Sudden Pad or Bay share Drivel. Potentially there are several sources of humming that could be utilized for these projects, It may be possible for minor wale regrading to be completed b. Collier County Transportation as pan of the on-going maintenance program. Hoverer, County policy generally does not fund Proteins that have limited benefit. 'These could apply to the identified projects in this Plan. Possible other sources of funds include grants directly foam the SPWMD for stommater improvements- S) WMD generally requires an element of water quality PACES Packet Page -983- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. improvements to be incIroad, There are also grants available from me State and Federal agencies for flood related projects. Collier County grant funding is often tied to the local agency providing marching funds. Matching funds can came from limited Community Redevelopment Agency fonds, the Municipal Services Taxing Unit MST( J) or through other special assessment means. All sources of possible funding should be pursued. Addivinni Community Development Block Grant funding may become available from time to time to allow portions of the proiects to be completed. Once e ant funding is secured or assured, construction plan preparation should occur for the portion of the system that is funded. Prior to completion of the plans, permit application shall be made in SF W MD for a construction permit Free these stmmwaler improvements are completed it is equally imponent that they be maintained. This would include regular visual inspection ofstormwater facilities, ^ culverts and ditches for elimination and regular cleaning and regrading at drainage sweles and structures. The completion of these recommendations will go far in alleviating flooding within the Study' area. During unusual or long duration rotor events there may still he some funding, but these improvements will reduce rain induced flooding levels and their duration. PALL I Packet Page -984- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. EXHIBIT,_ Packet Page -985- 8688888888 °8888888 -8 8888888 $�wFx�emm. am °o °S_ „ „e -8 S °a °�nnrvP ~ 88888» xxp 8EEaaro sr» 8888» =x» �' »rvl F,u u� - rvamp»o�V$ ..rvrv..rvr[ rvn m sagas ? sa888 s -og a 05 osa °° osa�� ass 888 °e 3 88888 8 °888 e 55 eS M __ ° °888 88888 8888 A888 88 -a 888 xn a3m'nai -$ °�ais,` amxo au -:s Packet Page -985- asssasaas a6aaaasasa�e 5883 » »X_a 8888885 » »x *~ 8688 we 68�e == o a u 08 6 a6E8 o aaS8 � aa88 g 8888 8886888 eAR� � ^mSR�r mee� seas axx �Cea p'88w Packet Page -986- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. 3 sas 33as33aaass 8883 388333 » »�- °�, 888 388a3 °� 5� a °u 038 33ss s3ssa Eug h38' sac 8888588 » „XX» a - 0 898a° g u e &833888 3386883 °r «See aka�5'mo Packet Page -98)- 0 BE 5 &B � 2.888 Y 8833 388883 Se S°,g �j me "Sg We 2110, xh OU9z�"o�ngO 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. 3 sas 33as33aaass 8883 388333 » »�- °�, 888 388a3 °� 5� a °u 038 33ss s3ssa Eug h38' sac 8888588 » „XX» a - 0 898a° g u e &833888 3386883 °r «See aka�5'mo Packet Page -98)- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. Packet Page -98& 8S888888 888888 1. . HEM 5 �� aoS�K it u< _ o� 3 8 8 Be. SAS z< Q »n o 888 8 MIT DO Packet Page -98& Packet Page -989- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. o3883e --Eg gos8g. ea "oem� �m ^ ^sq o� og _fig & A E w l� & c A � » 3 o oLL g 8 g S 3 IQ Packet Page -989- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. 10/252011 Item 13.A.3. c� SOUTH FLORIDA WATER 1ViA `sr4GEMEVT ?IE4I"T .-. September ze. 2011 i. EXHIBIT Mike Delete. P.E. D. Grady Minor and Associates, P.A. 3BOO Via Del Ray Bonita Springs. FL 34134 SUBJECT: Bayshore CRA Design Report Tertiary System Improvement Plan Collier County, Florida Dear Mr. Delete District staff has performed a cursory review of the excerpt of the Beysnore CRA Drainage Repots submitted to our office on September 7. 2011. The District doe=_ not have any o action to potential stotmwater managemen! improvements within the Bayshoe CRA. A5 Indicated in the submtted information the proposed Projects will be subjed to the Districts rules and permuting requirements and will require review and approval pnorto receiving final authorization. Shoup you have any former question or comments please do not has Fate in contacting Dan Waters. P . or myself at (239) 33 6 2929. Since ���cartlo A Valera, P.E, Administrator Lower West Coast Service Center C. Jerry Kuria P E, Collier County Clarence Tears. PE. Bin Cypress Basin Packet Page -990- 10/25/2011 Item 13.A.3. JacksonDavid ,Fa,Fromd Michael Ded:e mbelala @oraay nnm Tom! sent FrioYv September 09. 2011 t 19 are _ To seei Di Valaia. Rmarbe KITZGamlb — -- Oc: Et Card JaokwnDavin subject: aaywe Tanury Sriminreler nine Thanksfor final 11th us this v' i&xCl Fastened k Ric,idr GO relive time A b YFLI la o nave a..opesby. a e r euepon. ry n .v.. l.v r rr k. own a Pill' al' a game Also , aweb reed aif olmppPlo' 10 One rt Ill, will be sabntb to irry Cater BC ter C b - wv� ei hatFirm the Fa e I tiP e LU.0, the B me,11the Ommm Thanks toryow}me an, p Oe see l n ma knm-:1 - anavean pw5lion5 Min Packed Page 991