Agenda 10/25/2011 Item # 9C10,2512011 Item 9.C. �IMWIMWIMIZFMJ ^ APPOiuhnent Ofinemberp1 W 094oPee Fire Control Dis d Advisory Committee 0MCTIVR: To OPPOid 1 -member W same a tam expiring on Dxemba 31, 2013 on the Ochopee Fire Conhcl Uguld Advisory Comminee. COnMERATIONR: The Ochopa Fire Control Dbtrid Advisory Committee loo 1 varaney doe W a mdgtution wiM amm Met would have expired an Ikcember3l, 2011. This 5 member comrninee advises the Dowd on Me budget mW operation of the Ochopee Fine Control Dieaid. Members dresidewkWndn Mxingdi MFWltermsae2yeare. A lid ofthe current membership is included in the backup. Jahn G Pennell reaignad on January 14, 2011 from a term to expire on Ikcembx 31, MI 1. A press gleam was issued ant a resume was received from the follovriog imaened ddzen: dPFJdC� 2M F6ZMA , v. ouavu CM1UIea F. lok i I Radon 'x n axwe diehicl 15 1 Vq Nose ATTENDANCE: NA COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Ochawe Fine Control Dishid Advisory Committee mrommmdad appointing Charles F. Hawkins W the Advisory Committee. FIRC E?J[PACT: NONE GROWTR MANAGEMENT JMACf: NONE RECOMMENDATION: That Me Romd of %ounty Ctnummovers considers the recommendation fm appointment, appoim 1, and direct Me County Atmmey W prepare a re akatkv contltming MaappoMimeom PREPARED BY: Ian MiWMR, P.xecutive Manager Board of Cowty Commusiorcrs AGENDA DATE: Oc W ber 25, Ml l Packet Page -310. 10/25/2011 Item 9.C. COLLIER COUNTY Board of county Commissioners Item Number: Ac. Item Summary: Appointment of memberto the Ocbopee Fire Control District Advisory Board Meeting Date: 10/25/2011 Prepared By Name Muchelllan Title: Executive Manager, BCC 10 /1 Ud011 228 55 PM Submitted by Title: Executive Manager, BCC Name: Mitchelllan 10/19/2011228: 56 PM Approved By Name'. ShefiieldMich of Title: Manages- Business Operations, CMO Date: 10/17/2011 4:12.59 PM Packet Page -311- 10/25/2011 Item 9.C. DATE: G Mrl2,L111 TO: 4o Mi[diell,EUCUdveMwger BmN of Cvuvry Cpmmiadoren FROM: Romld GUbert,Chsi DchopeF Covwl Disbicr RE: New AMisory BoW Apyrnhnmt CM1Ules F. Hewkios Pl u be advisol at she Ochopee Flrt C Ml MsNn Adviwry Boan] Mating of 1612- II the Board Members Pasted a rmdan rto otiiog sbet Chnlm F. Hawtlm be appointed to she Advi vy B®rd_ Tbaok you for your e0eMon mnaming tNS meter. Biomrely. / /n /�/nIr � W° (khopOilben. Dis 1hM1OpeeFrc Caohol Dismct Advisory Boutl PdCket Page -312- 10/25/2011 Item 9.C. MEMORANDUM DATE: 3une20,2011 TO: Elections Office ShavonteeHdl @colhergov,net FROM: Ian Mitchell, Executive Manager Board of County Commissioners RE: Voter Registration- Advisory Bound Appointments The Boad of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appomt mtt oo neofthecouuty'sadvisorycommittees. Please letmc know ifthose listed below are repstered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. Ochopee Fire Control District Advisory Committee COMMISSION DISTRICT Mr. Charles F. Hawkins 5 ^ 190 Newport Drive., Apt. 1102 Nnples,Flodda34114 Thadr you her yew help. 10/2512011 Item 9.C. Ochopee Fire Control District Advisory Committee Now Work Phone APPI'd Esp Dwe Tmm Home Phone DmeRew 2ndEx;vDme 2nd Term Mr. James W. Simmons 10/28/08 12/31109 1 Year 254 Stella Mans Drives Soul 642 -8]48 OI &I O 1251/11 2 Years Naples, FL 34114 £ -Moll: jameswsimmons@m xr noail.com DBMn: 5 Category: Pan of the Islands Mr. Tod lolvson 696da46 OM6110 12/31/11 2Years P.O. Box 17 6952376 Everglades City, FL 34139 �J E-Malh' mdl964 @gmail.com C -E51Gd ED D aKcc 5 Category: Everglades City Council Mt. Joel A. Davis 430 -6806 04I1YI1 12/31/12 20 months 25053 Peacock Lane, #202 42048M Naples, FL 34114 E -Ma. Anthony@jadavis.com District: 5 Carcgary: Withi District Mr. Ronald G. Gilbert 06/08 /10 12/31/10 6 Months 242 Newport Drive, #7 6424819 0IR5 /11 12/31/12 2Years Naples, FL 34114 E -MWI. port.ran@mac.com ��22 I14I1� Du nin 5 KESI(IIµE1� Category: Chokoloskee Mu+l4, Odty /I. 1011 NRe l qf2 Packet Page 314 10/25/2011 Item 9.C. .-. Ochopee Fire Control District Advisory Committee Nam Wwk PAOne Asyn'd buy%Dare Tenn Home Phone Dare4enppt 2ndEpDme 2nd Twin This 5 member commands was created by OrJ. No. 68 -BB (o eEViu Ma BoaN of County Commissioners on the Operations and budget of the OCM1Opee Fire Control District Members must reslde within tta boundaries of me Detainee Area Fire Control Special Taxing District, l memberfrom Everglades City (appointed by the Mayor).1 membximm Plantation Island, l ember from Chakdoskee, l member from Lee Cypres (Copsland) and 1 member from Ochapee. Terms are 2 Were Fire Control carried 6954114 Amended by ON. No 69 -96 cmda Swisher secretary FESTAT. 12501 Suri Chief Nan Mct auBhli, Ochopea Fire Department and Linda Smisher '.6954114 Mwtlpt Dodder l]. All Iv fl Packet Page 315 10/25/2011 Item 9.C. MEMORANDUM DATE: June 20, 2011 TO Chief Alm McLaughlin FROM: ran Mitchell, Executive Manager Board of Corinne Commissioners RE: Ochopee Fire Control District Advisory Committee As you know, we carnally have 1 vacancy on the above referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued miluesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit an application for consideration. I have atreched the application received for your renew re follows. Mr. Charles F. Hawkins 170 Newport Drive, Apt, 1102 Naples, Florida 34114 Please let me know, in writing, the recommendation for appointment of the advisory commune within the 41 day time -flame, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please categorize the applicants in arms of expertise. Ifyou have my questions, please call me at 252 -9097. ThaNc you for your intention to this matter IM Attachments Packet Page -316- 10/25/2011 Item 9.C. Mitchelllan Advisory Board Application Form Collier County Government 3301 E. Tamumi Trail Naples, FL 34112 (239)252 -8606 Application was received on: 6/12011 11:24:59 AM. - Nam¢Charles P. Hewkin Home Phone: 39- 394 -816 Home Address: 1 ]0 New on Dr., A t 1102 City: ® Tp Code: V4 11 Phone Numbers Far: 39- 39481E Buaiuess: Pond ill Address awk1102�embar maihco Board / Committee Applied for: GCM1O a Fhe district advise board Category: o[indicated Work Place: M How long have you lived in Collier County;®] Have you "at been convicted of any offense against the law? of lntlicate Do you or your employer do business with the County? 'ot lndicaR NOTE: All advisory board members must updme their pmt-ile and mtify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their fda waship changes relating to memberships of • orgaNzations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommends [ions or they enter into contracts with the County. ^Would you mdlar any orgenirafious with whom you are affiliated bcneftt from decisions or Packet Page -317- fhawkl 102tiemdiMmall.com anom t: Wednesday, June 01, 20111125 AM Mltchelllan Subject: New On- line Aloseary Board Application 5ubmltled Advisory Board Application Form Collier County Government 3301 E. Tamumi Trail Naples, FL 34112 (239)252 -8606 Application was received on: 6/12011 11:24:59 AM. - Nam¢Charles P. Hewkin Home Phone: 39- 394 -816 Home Address: 1 ]0 New on Dr., A t 1102 City: ® Tp Code: V4 11 Phone Numbers Far: 39- 39481E Buaiuess: Pond ill Address awk1102�embar maihco Board / Committee Applied for: GCM1O a Fhe district advise board Category: o[indicated Work Place: M How long have you lived in Collier County;®] Have you "at been convicted of any offense against the law? of lntlicate Do you or your employer do business with the County? 'ot lndicaR NOTE: All advisory board members must updme their pmt-ile and mtify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their fda waship changes relating to memberships of • orgaNzations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommends [ions or they enter into contracts with the County. ^Would you mdlar any orgenirafious with whom you are affiliated bcneftt from decisions or Packet Page -317- 10/25/2011 Item 9.C. recu mmenda ions made by this advisory board? of ]ndmate Are you a registered voter in Collier County? Y©e Do von currently bold public once? Do you currently or ever served on a Collier County Rome] or Committee? of lndica¢ Pleme list your community activities: Sunset Cav Villas Cando Assn - presidurt Sunset Cav at Port of the Islands Condo Assn -board memh Education: Palm Bcach Community Colle e - 4.-r. Ea 4 years wah Florida Power & Light Co. as Supervisor ma in Su Iv Chain Manaeemwt au vformation fecmolo r • Packet Page a18-