Agenda 10/25/2011 Item # 8A1025/2011 Item B.A. ^ Remmmeadaeot b Approve Gmrvth INao•gem ®t Plat Amendment Peedon CP -TB 11, Davld TOrrw,fw Hawevda Lhm of Naples, Id.0 (AdupeonHmhvg) OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners ro review Me oving cad amendment m the Collin County r it Gmmh Mmagemem aDe (GW) fE consider approving (adopting) said mver�uem for it trwmiiaal m the Flaede Depemveut ofFsowmic Oppommity. l-� MMMERATIONSt • Chapter 163, FS, provides fw an mnmNUwit Process for a local goveamnaw's adopted Growth Managaceut Play. • Peeritn CP- 200611 relates m da proposed Icompawan] H chosia Lakes Development of Regional Impact (DRI) mW Maed Ux Plermed Unklkvelopeevl (MPUD) rsyuwm tDRI -2006- AB -10147 avd PUDZ- 2006 -AR- 10146] i is, under Rule 9J- I1.W6(I)(a)74 F.A.C., exempt film Oe twice percw iscyam PlwameMmml it inter • The Evv C, shdml Advisory ocA pl nning held its sunder C hosing an Dwembw 1, 2010. The CCPC, hewing r the '1ow1 Jannw 20,20" ion Chaplet 163.3174, F.S., Mld its nebnwuy 1, 2011. The rispethwirvlavmry 20,ing The BCC Old im awamre cesemingm Febmmy 8, 2011. The twpecove trevnvival bwevg rwommendedow/acdom are comaiwA in the CCPC Adopder hearing SmffRepml. • The CAC d it Aded Hm propoi mnhis pen[ rt its Adoption Haring li June 1, 2011. The CCPC held it Adapdw hearing far this papaw an Attgm[ 4, ?All. Both hodiw provided owning wive wasm'sdnu fwapproval. Althoogb ca pm]eal's mwwvlo nis wseswwd did nu desunniate demi for the addshonal Adop&nlaceage, otler factotamaybe admidsra mdbility dvgvei. ]nowwto went w Adopeov recommaeaew tw the BCC, wn or of solubility be besides tla ni en CP- vie wsws�nevt were sewed. that were rot lmown m had yet ch be mdculai when CP- 200611 ones h heat reviexrod. The suitability ofthe property for change ones deosal, awl the compeww appdwem marmots mere i DRI) of the Hacienda Lakes Adopho, he the atbsegawrt hO'11D avd Development elo w dawwevm. The respective Adoptiov leering The ObjeMefiow we prosetlM ons awbelow. • The O wounhy , Remmmiedowe i Comments (ORC) Repo, from ea Florida Department of Conwwity Affairs thor M dated ey 21, reviewed ed U-20w 11, oh:iws, Raro pownwaoof w Contends. One other site agway who revimvou Cy Trans -11, dte }lwido ; vomivad of Tm ponmioo (FDs jW sear two Co W tan Cowry Ttmuportaeon Plavma worked with T e HawsMa we be ng eel tewr m resolve l,avapoeadov issues; O fawd N FOOT Commenm. ]spec issues are being roused m the PUD, arw a l MPUD an of rooted nlusnadng aspens of r Transp n, inciting midgedon, will be re plane i pert of the record w Adopted by the BCC. Trwapormaov commianwds are wen eflented in the DRI [and it acmmpatrying Development Onion documeum]. Thew items mvw PDOT contents; icovdieow. APM Because support m nwials 1 ehv peeeon me volumbmus, and cerAun eddbbs are MwSawt the AvnAe Cemrd eynem u rot used She ,mire Ececw+ive Sumtmy pwlage, for u eg M support vehenwly, u endaded in dre bivder280Nl ro+he BCC and U gn1w le jdr mlew tn+he Co �hemivePlwningSecedn ire, 2800 North Horseshoe Uifie, Nader. -1- PargwFage -28- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. The Adoption of CP- 2006 -11 involves amendments to the Conservation and Coastal M n Element (CCME), Future Land Use Element (FLUE) and Future Land Use Man and Man Series of the Growth Management Plan, m: I increase the size and reconfigure the boundary of the Southeast Quadrant of Mixed L Activity Center Nn 7 (Rattlesnake Hammock Road and Collier Boulevard) — This pan of CP- 2006 -11 expands the size of me Southeast Quadrant of Mixed Use Activity Center No. 7 by 9.16 acres; Increase the maximum allowable density that may be achieved within the Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict (URF) portion of a project ]Ang in more than one Future Land Use designation through enhanced utilization of eligible Transferable Development Rights (TDRS) —This two-part portion of CP- 2006 -11 lifts the FLUE's LO unit - per -acre maximum transferred TDR density to 13 units per acre and the 2.5 unit- per -acre maximum achievable density to 2.8 units per acre to use all qualifying TDRS within the Hacienda Lakes projeu; Provide a definitive access provision for a Business Park located in the URF portion of a project — This part of CP- 2006-I I requires The Lord's Way to be constructed to standards sufficient to serve as ss to a Business Park as well as to [a] predominantly residential areas] within the Hacienda Lakes pioneer; and, Allow for Native Vegetation Preservation in the URF portion of a project to be shifted to the RFMUD Sending Lands portion of the project when the Required Amount of Native Vegetation Preservation is proportionally increased in the Sending Lands portion of the project —This two - part portion of CP- 2006 -11 shifts a portion of the FLUE 's native vegetation preservation from Urban lands to RFMUD Sending Lands to protect the highest quality wetlands and habitat within the Hacienda lakes project FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impacts to Collies Counts result tram Adopting CP- 2006 -11. Implementation of this amendment will occur through companion DRI and MPUD requests. The companion Hacienda Lakes DRI is required m be fiscally neutral to the County, generating sufficient funds to provide the necessary infrastructure for the suppon of each phase of development. Further implementation of this amendment will occur through subsequent development orders (rezone or conditional a site development building eq p plan, 8 permits, med for which review fees are paid by the petitioner. An exception would occur if the presumed statutory compliance of any petition were challenged [appealed] by the Department of Economic ay in Opportmtiry (zee age in Management Impac4 told"). In such an instance, r a p Collin County may incur expenses ro engage in settlement negotiating and/or prepare for and participate in an Administrative Hearing before an Administrative Law lodge. LEGALCONSIDERATIONS: The Office of the County Attorney has reviewed this Executive Summary and me GMP amendment Connection for legal sufficiency. Per Resolution Ne. 97431, a founh-fifihs vote of the Board is necessary for approval at the adoption hearing ofthe Growth Management Plan amendment. [XFAC] GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This is an Adoption public hearing for the Collier County Growth Management Plan amendment related to the proposed [companion] Hacienda Lakes Development of Regional Impact (DRH and Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (WHO) requests. Based upon summary cry changes that occurred during the 2011 Florida Legislative session, these GMP amendments are presumed to be "in compliance" with applicable Florida Statutes, After Adoption, the Depanmem of Economic Opportunits will have 30 days be review the adopted Plan amendments and should they believe an -2- Packet Page -29- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. amendment is not `tin compliance," file a challenge [appeal] to the presumed "in compliance- determination with the Florida Division of Administrative hearings. Similarly, any affected party also has 30 days in which to file a challenge. If a timely challenge is not filed by Department of Economic Opportunity or an effected parry within 30 days, then the amendments will become effective. ^ ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: County Stormwater and Environmental Services Section staff conducted the substantive review of the environmental report submitted for CP- 2006 -11 and brought a staff report before the Environmental Advisory Council. The environmental report confirmed the environmental characteristics of native vegetation and habitat reported at the time the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District was established. HISTORICALIARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: County Historical and Archaeological Probability Maps identified Archaeological resources on the 2,262 -acre subject amp army These sites are predominantly hammock formations and are protected as such They are not located in areas where actual development is proposed. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: That me CCPC forward petition CP- 2006 -11 to the BCC with a recommendation to adopt each of the six pare of the proposal (vote: 4/0), as modified by the underlined post- trawnittal text changes appearing below, and on page I of the Exhibit "A" accompanying the Adoption Ordinance. This modification provides additional clarity for receiving MR density in the Urban designated area. a. Up to 1.0 unit per gross sere via the transfer of up to one to) dwelling unit gmnsferable development nghs) per acre from lands located within one mile of the Urban Boundary and designated as Rural Fringe Mixed Use District Sending Lands, except in the case of properties that straddle the Urbeu Residential Fringe and the Rural Fringe Mixed Use Sending Lands designations, and meet the other Density Blending criteria provided for in ^ subsection 5.2 of the Density Rating System, which may achieve an additional maximum density of up to 1.3 units per gross acre for all lands desiunaed as Urban Residential Fringe via file tmnster of up to 13 dwelling units (transferable development rights) per care from lends located within one mile of the Urban Boundary and designated as Rural Fringe Mixed Use District Sending Lands; or, CCOWREHENSIVE PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO THE CCPC: That the CCPC forward petition CP- 2006 -11 to the BCC with a recommendation to adopt, except the provisions for increasing the size of MUAC No. ], and as modified by the underlined post- transmival text changes appearing above, and on page 1 of the Exhibit "A" accompanying the Adoption Ordinance, COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PCCPC) RECOMMENDATION: That the BCC adopt each of the six pens proposed in petition CP- 2006 -11 (vote: 8 /0) as recommended by the EAC, subject to an additional modification, as reflected by the underlined post- raansmittal text changes appearing below, and on page 5 of the Exhibit "A" accompanying the Adoption Ordinance. h. When located in a District other than the Urban Industrial District, the Business Park must have direct access to a road classified as cc artenal in the Transportation Element, except that a Bosiness Park in Section 14, Township 50 South, Range 26 East may have access to an arterial road via The Lords Way,proyided it meets Counts mad rightof-wav standards for a business nark. -3- Parties: Page -30- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO THE BCC That the BCC adopt each of the six parts proposed In petition CP- 2006 -11 as modified by the ^ underlined post - transmittal beat changes appearing above, and on pages 1 and 5 of the Exhibit "A" ascompariving the Adoption Ordinance, and bamsmit the adopted amendment to the Department of Economic Opportunity. PREPAREDBY: Corby Schmidt, AICP, Principal Plainer Comprehensive Planning Section Growth Management Division — Planning and Regulation Attachments within Agenda Central: 1) BCC Adoption Executive Summary; 2) Adoption Ordireoce, Including Exhibit "A" Text per 9 /1 /2011CCPC consent By Exhibit W' Activity Censer Map (MOAC No.)); 3) CCPC Adoption Staff Report; 4) EAC Adoption Staff Report -4- Packet Page -31- 1025/2011 Item S.A. Table showing Proposals. Remarks and Staff Recommendations PROVISION EXISTING PROPOSED REMARKS RECOMMENDATION Just 507.8 ac Maximum 2.5 DU /acre 28 DU /ms would be To Adopt Residential Density - eligible to receive - eligible to receive developed with MMilmtem (utilizing TDW) in URF In URF with residentially Recommended by CCPC readving 1iX .4324 in residential Francs . 36.6 MUAC addentlal . 38.8 in paidentiaV medical uses franc Native VegetatioN 25 % NV in Urban Under 25%NV- .25 %of Urban Habitat portion Urban portion Preserve is 724 To Adapt Retention/ 60% NV In Rural 100%No- ac of 289,7 Fly as Transmitted Ppservatlon carrion Undeveloped Rural 60% ad FLUE -Real portion Rural Reservation Area Preservation Area Pregai 15 with "shift' 847.2 ac of 1.412 NV 1.0 DU?DR per 1.3 DUS?DW Per Maximum Use of Overall Density To Adapt TDRS - eligible to hander a eligible to transfer would be 0.78 as Transmitted into URF from into URF from Clemens (gross) Sending lands Sending lands within 1 mile of within I mile of URF boundary URF boundary. with "lift' Supply of 8W.962 Acreage Allowed 2].5 acres 36.6 acres aq. ft. / Demand To Adopt for Southeast for 143.645 sq. ft. as Transmitted Quadrant of = Market factor of MUAC No. ] 618 (Supply = 618 % of Demand) Provides additional Direct Access for The Lord's Way The Lords Way benefits for vi To Adopt with Busines Park onto does not provide would provide to both Collier avodiFlmflon Arterial Roadway Such access by such access with Boulevard and the Recommended by CCPC FLUE provisions rew provision have eenfield Road Native VegetatioN 25% NV In Urban 125 % -X -Urban .Urban Preserve To Adopt Habllal person NV would be 47.2 as Transmitted RMen[ion/ 60% NV In Rural i60 %i 2X -Rural set Preservation porion NV . Rural Preserve CCMF - Reserved - Preserved with would be 1,342 shit ac G ecoahmwar�saa`mars uPga`IweaANnla San DUhAl Maeawmamsaarea tm..raiNhh -Aur EX -5- Packet Page 32- 10/25/2011 Item 8.A. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: B.A. Item Summary: Note: This Hem is being continued from the September 27, 2011 BCC meeting to the October 11, 2011 6C meeting. Recommendation to Approve Growth Management Plan Amendment Petition CP- 2006 -11, David Torres, for Hacienda Lakes of Naples, LLC (Adoption Hearing(. Meeting Date: 9/27/2011 Prepared By Name: KendallMarcia Title. Planner, SenimmCompachersive Planning 85laol11255:12PM Submitted M i. Title: Planner Nircipal,Compmeadive Planning Name: Scimmult Orhy 9/312011 12.55:13 PM Approved By Name: Lorm William Title' Director- WPS Engineering Sera mes,Campmamseve Date 9 /12011 853,55AM Name: Paiglady Title Operations Analyst, CD2S Date 9/62011 2:1IA4 PM Name: BOSiMichael Title. Manager- Plamling,Compmhensive Planning Di 9/152011 9:00'.38 AM Name: Aeitan ld Title: Manager- Plarmi eACOmpmhensive Planning Date. 9/15/2011 11:59,31AM Packet Page -33. 10/25/2011 Item S.A. Name'. Maxellalesnne Tire Executive Secretzry.Ttanspovation Planning Date'. 9/15/2011 1:18'.59 PM Name: Ashunteddi Title'. Scion Chief/Land Use- Transporlation.,County Arof Date'. 9/1600112.42'. 17 PM Name: IsackwnMmk Title: Director- rte Financial and Mgmt Svs,CMO Date 9/16/2011 4:2350 PM Name: Matel:owleff Title: Count' Anumry, Date: 9/19Y20114:0252 PM Name: Fdallorm in Tire: Administrator Growth Management Div,Transprnati Data 9/20/201105: 19 AM Name: AEeLeo Title: County Manager Data 9/200_011 &3424 AM Packet Page -34- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. ORDINANCE NO.2011- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 59A5, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY PROVIDING FOR: AMENDMENTS TO THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT, AND FUTURE LAND USE MAP AND MAP SERIES AND THE CONSERVATION AND COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT SPECIFICALLY TO ADD ACREAGE TO THE URBAN MIXED USE ACTIVITY CENTER p7; TO ALLOW ACCESS TO A BUSINESS PARK SUBDISTRICT THROUGH THE LORD'S WAY; TO INCREASE DENSITY IN THE URBAN RESIDENTIAL FRINGE SUBDISTRICT AND TO ALLOW FOR THE TRANSFER OF NATIVE VEGETATIVE RETENTION FROM THE URBAN AREA TO THE SENDING AREA AND INCREASE THE 60% CAP ON NATIVE VEGETATION IN THE TOTAL PROJECT AREA DESIGNATED AS SENDING AREAS; AND FURTHERMORE RECOMMENDING ADOPTION TRANSMITTAL OF THE AMENDMENTS TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Collier County, Common to Section 163 3161, et. seo., Florida Statutes, the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning and land Development Regulation Act, was requited to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners adapted the Collier County Growth Management Plan on January 10, 1959: and WHEREAS, the Community Plamtiag Act of 2011 provides authority for local governments to amend their respective comprehensive plans and outlines certain procedures to amend adapted comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS, David Torres, of Hacienda Lakes of Naples, LTC, Dwight Nadeau, of RWA, Incorporated, and Richard Yovanovich, Esquire of Coleman, Yovanovich, and Koeaten, PA. requested amendments to the Future Land Use Element and the Future Land Use Map and Map Series, end the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the G marlb Management Plan to ecottfigurs the boundary and seem of the Southeast Quadrant of Mixed Use Activity Center No 7 (Rattlesnake Hummock Road and Collier Boulevard) in increase the maximum allowable density that may be achieved within the Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict (URF) portion of a project lying in more than one Furore Land Use designation through enhanced utilization of eligible Transferable Development (lights (TDRsT provide a defnidve access provision for a Business Park located in the UPS portion of a project, and to allow for under vegetation preservation in the UTT portion of a project to be drifted to the Renal Fringe Mixed Use District (RFMUD) Sending lands Portion of the project when the required amount of native vegetation preservation proportionally Woods Eesi�'E 1 stSk am deletions: words underlined are additions, Par Iof3 • . • indicate page breaks Petition No, CP- 2006 -1I Revised 10/(3111 Packet Page 35- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. increased in the Sending lands portion of the project as they relate to proposed Hacienda Lakes Development of Regional impact(DRH and mixed -use prajew Planed Unit Developmen t(MPUD) ^ winters. The property is located in Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24 and 25, Township 50 South, Range 26 East and Sections 19 and 30, Township 50 South, Range 27 East, amanding of 2,264 acres, and WHEREAS, Collier County did submit these Growth Management Plan emendm ®ts to the Department of Community Affarss for prehtaviaT review on March 31, 2011; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs did review the amendments to the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Maps and Map Series, and the Conservation and Coastal Management Element to the Growth Management Plan and traysmined its findings in wrung to Collier County within the time provided by law; and WHEREAS, Collier County has no time limit room receipt of the Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report Gom the Department of Community Affairs (for DRU related amendments) as adopt, adopt with changes or not adapt the proposed amendments to the Growth Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier Cowry did take action in the manner prescribed by law and did hold public hearings concerning the adoption of the Future Lund Use Element and the Coaervaticn and Coastal Munagemwt Element to the Growth Management Plan on October 25, 2011; and WHEREAS, Collier County has gathered and considered additional information, data and ^ analysis supporting adoption of these amendments, including fie following. the Collier County Staff Report; the documents entitled Collier County Growth Management Plan Amendments wd other documents, uni irnony aM information presented and made a part of the record at the meetings of the Collier County Planning Commission held on July 21, 2011, and August 4, 2011, and the Collier County Bound of County Communicates held on Cenwer 25, 2011; ared WHEREAS, all applicable substantive and pmoeduml requirements of law have been met NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDA NED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that. SECTION ONE. ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE GROWTH MANAGEMPNT PLAN. The Board of County Commissioners hereby adopts these amendments to the Future Land Use Element and the Conservation and Coastal Management Plan Element, in announce with Section 163.3184, Florida Simms. The text and maps of we umrndments are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and are incorporated by reference herein. Words agk wedele9onswordsypg�ned ateadditmns; Vega 3 of ^� `• I I indicate page breaks• " Petition He. CP- 2006 -11 Revised 10113/11 Packet Page -36- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. SECTION TWO: SEVERAILITY. If any phrase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competing jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separ e,, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the again of the remaimmg portion. SECTION THREE EFFECTIVE DATE. 11ti effective date of this also amendmen4 if the amendment is not timely challenged, shall be 31 days afiu lime state land planning agency routines the local goverment that the plan amendment package is complete. If timely ebsllenged, this amendment shall became effective on the date the state land Eletming agency or the Administration Commission agates a final order determining this adopted amendment to be in compliance. No development orders, development permits, or land uses dependent on Ws ammwmem may be issued or commence before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, this amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status, a copy of which resolution shall be seta to the state land planning agency PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by tine Board of County Cammmabn m of Collier County, Florida this _ day of 2011. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY Deputy Clerk FRED W. COYLE, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency at )L Heidi Ashton -Cmko t Assistant County Attorney Section Chief, Land UseiTramsportation Caaacep- gweswP ^ W grads ugh art deietions: wore5 " "ne.lm are remotions: PaV3 of "" indicate page Interim ' Petition No. CP- 200411 Rcvi ed I W 19/11 Packet Page -3I 10/25/2011 Item S.A. CP- 2006 -11 EXhibitA ^ PART ONE of 51X: Future Land Use Element I. URBAN DESIGNATION [Insert new language– FLUE Page 29[ A. Urban Mixed Use District 2. Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict'. The purpose of this Subtllstrict is to provide tmreitional densities between the Urban Designated Area and the AgricukurakRUral Area and comprises approximately 5500 acres and 5% of the Urban Mixed Use Cannot. Residential land uses may be allowed at a maximum base density of 1.5 units per gross acre plus any density bo that may be achieved via COME Policy 6.2.5 (6) b 1, ar and efther"al or "b" below Up to 2 1_0 units per gross acre via the transfer of up to one a dwelling unit (transaamb@ development right) Per acre from lands located within one mile of the Urban Boundary and designated as Rural Fringe Mixed Use District Sending Lands except in the base of grosenies that sbatltlle the Urban Residential Fringe and the Rump Fringe Mixed Use Sending Lands deep nations and meet the other Density Blepdm criteria provided for In subsection 5.2 Mthe Density Ratan System which may achieve an additional maximum density of up to 1.3 un'6 Par orods am for ll lands tl d as Urban Residential F thby transfer of up to 13 dwell' (transferable development rights) Per acre from tl located whin one mile of the Urban Bounds" and d tetl as Rural F Mixed ' U D'slcl Sending Lands or. in b. In the case of properties specifically blunted below, a density bonus of up to 6.0 additional units per gross acre may he requested for projects providing affordable-workforce housing (home ownership ontyh for low and moderate income residents of Collier County, pursuant to Section 2.06.00 of the Land Development Code, or Us successor ordinance, except as provided for in paragraph x- helps. Par saq�NiASS Within the Urban Residential Fringe rescue requests are not sub'ect to the density option system except as specifically tl d below for the Affordable-wordorce Housing D M Bonus. At retches are nsouragetl to he in the form of a Planned unit development Proposed development in the Subdistrict sh Il be fully bl for II necessary water t inifirghbliments, including the N' of all on-site tl appropriate off-she t through the correct 'a water management Water. and a fair share cost of necessary Improvements to the CR 951 . canallout -fell system mad necessary by new development in the Subdistrict -t- words unill are added, words ei thal on are deleted ^ Raw of asterisks (– — - -'° -) denotes breaks in tart. Packet Page -38- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. CP- 2006 -11 s Properties eligible for the Affordable- worMoroe Housing Density Bonus (home ownership only) will be specRcally idenmed herein. The actual number of bonus units per gross acre shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with the conditions and procedures set forth In Season 2.05.00 of the Land Development Code, except that Section 2.06.03 shall not apply, and the number of dwelling units required to be sold to buyers owning 80% or less of Collier County 's median Income, as calculated annually by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), shall be at least thirty percent (30 %). The pulowing properies are eligibe for an Affordable- workforce Housing Density Bonus (home ownership only) of up to 6.0 additional dwelling units per acre. 1. Property, located on the East side of Collier Boulevard (C.R. 951), approximately PART TWO of 51%: I. URBAN DESIGNATION Inert new language— FLUE Pages 51 -53] B. DENSITY RATING SYSTEM 5. Density Blending'. This provision is intended to encourage united plans of development and to preserve we0ands, wildlife habitat, and other natural features that exist within properties that straddle the Urban Mixed Use and Rural Fringe Mixed Use Districts or that straddle Receiving and Neutral Lands within the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District. In the case of such properties, which were In existence and under unified control (owned, or under contract to purchase, by the appleant(e)) as of June 19, 2002, the allowable gross density for such properties in aggregate may be distributed throughout the project, regardless of whether or not the density allowable for a portion of the project exceeds that which Is otherwise permitted, when the following conditions are met; 2. Density Blending Conditions and Limitations for Properties Straddling the Urban Residential Fringe Sub - District and Rural Fringe Mixed Use District Sending lands; (a) The project must straddle the Urban Residential Fringe Suld District and the Rural Fringe Mixed Use Dlstri t Sending tans; (b) The project In aggregate must be a minimum of 400 acres; A) At least 25% of the project must be located within the Urban Residential Fringe Sub District The project must extend central water and sewer wastewater treatment facilities (from the urban designated portion of the project) to serve the entire project -2- ^ words underlined are added, words ami, through am deleted. Raw of asterisks (" "' ". '- - ) denotes breaks in teat. Packet Page -39- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. CP-300 &11 unless altematwe Interim sewer :Rd water and wastewater treatment provisions are authorized by Collier County' (d) The Project is currently zoned or will be zoned PDD', (e) The density to be shifted to the Sending Lands from fine urban Residential Fringe Is to be located on impacted or disturbed lands, or it is demonstrated that the development on the side is to be located so as to preserve and prueu the highest quality native vegetation and/or habitat on -site and to maximize the connectivity of such native vegetation and/or wildlife habitat with adjacent preservation andfor habitat areas, (¶ Native vegetation shall be preserved as follows'. Lt] Q For those lands whin the nroiect designated as Sending, the native vegetation Preservation requirement shall he gb% of the native vegetntion. not to exceed 50% of the must Project area designated as Sending, unless the Provisions found In subsection (1) above are met. L31 Wetland areas that are impacted through the development Process but which result in enhanced wetland function . includind habitat and/or flowways shall be considered as gait of fine native vegetation requirement set forth in this Provision and shall not be considered as Impacted areas. These wetland areas and/or gowways may be used for water storage Downed that the water d'schri in these areas is ore - trei . Words underlined Q re added, words smi tho-wh are deleted. ^ Raw of amensks(^ — — — ^) denotes breaks In rood. Packet Page- tr 10/25/2011 Item B.A. CP- 2006 -11 (g) Permitted uses for density blending under this provision Include residential development and associated amenities, including golf courses meeting the criteria for golf courses within the Neutral area. This provision Is not intended to eliminate any uses demanded within Me applicable underlying land use designation, PART THREE of SIX: B. DENSITY RATING SYSTEM: 2. Density Bonuses [Insert new language — FLUE Page 50) Consistency with the following characteristics may add to the base tlensity . Density bonuses are discretionary, not entitlements, and are dependent upon meeting the criteria for each bonus provision and compatibility with surrounding properties , as well as the rezone criteria in the Land Development Cade. f. Transfer of Development Rights Bonus To encourage preservationlconservation of natural resources, density transfers are permitted as follows. (c) From Sending Lands located within one mile of the Urban boundary into lands designated Urban Residential Fringe, at a maximum density increase of one (1) unit For gross acre except for grogerfes that slratltlle the Urb nR E f IF' d h Rural Fringe Mixed ' Use Sending Lands designatrons, and meet the other Dentax, Sending criteria Provided for in subsetan 52 of the Dens Rating System M1 h may bidder TDRs from Sending Lands located within one mile of the Urban Boundary old lands designated Urban Residential Fringe, at a maximum density increase of 1 3 units Per gross acre. PART FOUR of 51%: I URBAN DESIGNATION C. Urban Commercial Subdistrict [amend language — FLUE Pages 56 -57j 1. Mixed Use Aidi Center Subdistrict 2. The allowable land uses for a Master Planned Activity Center shall be the same as for other designated Activity Centers , however, a Master Planned Activity Center encompassing the majority of the property In two or more quadrants shall be afforded the flexibility to redistribute a pad or all of the allocation from one quadrant to another, to the extent of the united control. The maximum amount of commercial uses allowed -a- words underlined are added, words Am g' ti 91 are delete. Row of asterisks ( — `^ ^^ " - ( denotes breaks In text. Packet Page 41. 10/2512011 Item B.A. CP- 2066 -11 ffi Activity Center #3 (Immokalee Road and Collier Boulevard) is 40 acres per quadrant ^ for a total of 160 acres maximum in the entire Activity Center: the balance of the Iand area shall be limited to noncommercial uses as allowed in Mixed Use Activity Centers. The maximum amount of commercial uses allowed at Activity Center #] (Rafflesnake Hammock Road and Collier Boulevard) is 40 acres per quadrant, except that the northeast quadrant may have a total of 59 acres and the southeast quadrant may have a total of 49.2 acres, for a total of 440 1882 acres maximum In the entire Activity Center: FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES (amend in order Activity Center No. ] — Rattlesnake Hammock Road and Collier Boulevard Mixed Use Activity Center • amend inset map depicting new MUAC boundary, instead revision to the Future Land Use Element Countywide FLUM. PART FIVE of SIX: I URBAN DESIGNATION (Insert new language— FLUE Pages 31 -321 A. Urban Mixed Use District 4, Business Park Subdistrict The Business Park Supplanter Is intended to provide for a mix W industrial uses and non - industrial uses, designed in an attractive park -like environment with low structural density where building coverage ranges between 25% to 45% and anew landscaped areas provide for buffering and enjoyment by the employees and patrons of the park. Business Parks shall be allowed as a Subdistrict in the Urban -Mixed Use District, Urban Commercial District and Urban Industrial District and may include the general uses allowed within each District , the specific uses set forth below, and shall comply with the following general donations'. h. When located In a District other than the Urban Industrial District, the Business Park must have direct access to a road classified as an arterial In the Transportation Element except that a Business Pat in Section 14 Township 50 South, Range 26 East may have access to an arterial road via The Lords Was provided ' Coural road r' Mof -way standards for a bul dark -5- Words underlined are ached, words iii thei are deleted. ^ Row of asterisks (" ^. "^ "' ^) denotes bri In text Packet Page 42- 1025/2011 Item B.A. CP- 2006 -11 PART SIX of SIX: Conservation and Coastal Management Element GOAL 6: [Insect new language — CCME Pages 1 3-21] OBJECTIVE 6.1: Policy6.i.t For the County's Urban Designated Area, Estates Designated Area, Conservation Designated Area, and Agricultural/Rural Mixed Use District, Rural - Industrial District and Rural-Sehlament Area District as designated on the FLUM, native vegetation shall be preserved through the application a the following preservation and vegetation retention standards and criteria, unless the development occurs within the Area a Critical State Concern (ACSC) where the ACSC standards referenced in Me Future Land Use Element shall apply. Notwithstanding the ACSC requirements, this policy shall apply to all non-agricultural development except for single - family dwelling units situated on Individual parcels that are not located within a watershed management conservation area identffied in a Watershed Management Plan developed pursuant to policies supporting Objective 2.1 of this Element. The following standards and criteria shall apply to the vegetation retention requirements referenced above. 14 In order to Promote greater preservation of the highest qual wetlands and listed ' species habitat the retuned native vibeharan for the Urban Portion of the rom ect may be shifted by Providina native tat [ the Sending Lands t of the reed' -6- ^ Words underlined are added, Words or " th — a' ere dsleted. Row of asterisks ( — —' "" '^ - ( denotes breaks in text. Packet Page 43 Coastal High Hazard Non-0oastsl High Hazard Area Area Residential and Mixed Less than 2.5 acres 10% Less than 5 some I DD% Use Development Equal to or greater Equal to or greater than 5 acres than 2.5 acres 25% and less than 20 acres. 15% Equal to or greater than 20 ac. 25% Golf Course 35% 35% Commercial and Lessthan5acres. 10% Lessthan5acres. 10% Industrial Equal to a greater Equal to or Development than 5acres. 15% greater than 5 acres. 15% Industrial 50 %, not to exceed 25% 50 %, not to exceed 25% of the Development (Rural- of the project site. project site. Industrial District only) The following standards and criteria shall apply to the vegetation retention requirements referenced above. 14 In order to Promote greater preservation of the highest qual wetlands and listed ' species habitat the retuned native vibeharan for the Urban Portion of the rom ect may be shifted by Providina native tat [ the Sending Lands t of the reed' -6- ^ Words underlined are added, Words or " th — a' ere dsleted. Row of asterisks ( — —' "" '^ - ( denotes breaks in text. Packet Page 43 10/25/2011 Item B.A. CP4006 -11 the 60% mandmourn ishosernation M found in Derul El ding provisions of the FLUE .-. for oroieds that (a) Are under ended control (b) Smaradle me Urban Residential Pr d the Rural Fringe Mind Use Sending Lands dislocations and, O Meet th -ed 60 demand oreservataren hereditament for the Sending Lands oodion of the oreal The t ratio n II be two a of Sending Lands (exceeding the 60% maximum marservabson requirement) for h bel the 'etl amount of reareve velostation for the Urban Domon of the - tt - mrsdarrhy shall less than 10 perceint of to r irad amount o native vegetation be di M1 Urban w ofth S' d A M1l ISi 'd hu the Rate f Florida Division of Historic Resources Shall be preserved and cannot be mitigated for e1ri Planning Se r,ICeerCOmmelane,PC(hAPPJ%NNING GMP DATA IComPPlm Amenomenn ON Cycle Petani 2M11 FLILLCME Hal takes of NarkerA@ met, Ex NAA'S lS11 acCAAM, 6Hpa A earn 7. words un aj�eri'In� are added, words aWSwthrough are soared. ^ Row of saterlaka ( ^ ° — -' ") denotes breaks in WA PacketPageS6- -SD -aged laryoed � -t �e fp Y 31 n m 'i,l.� j _d ... i 1 I 'b'9 wall l wz/SZ/Ol - - - - - it Y�it 6 O ag I -SD -aged laryoed � -t �e fp Y 31 n m 'i,l.� j _d ... i 1 I 'b'9 wall l wz/SZ/Ol - - - - - 10/25/2011 Item S.A. CP-2006 -11 Exhibii ^ PART ONE of 51%, Figure Land Use Element I. URBAN DESIGNATION [Indent new language– FLUE Page 29( A. Urban Mixed Use District 2. Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict The purpose of this Sushdlstrict Is to provide transitional parishes between the Urban Designated Area and the AgriculturaVFiural Area and comprises approximately 5,500 acres and 5% of the Urban Mixed Use District. Residential land uses may be allowed at a maximum base density of 1.5 units per gross acre d b IM1 tm he ach'evetl va CCME Policy 625(61b1, car and either "a "or V below: _ Up to 2 1& units per gross acre via the transfer of up to one (I E) dwelling unit (transferable development rigM) Per acre from lands located within one mis of the Urban Boundary and designated as Rural Fringe Mixed Use District Sending Lands h of Properties that t ddl the Urban Residential Fringe d the Rural Fringe Mixed Use Sending Lands designations and mi the h Density Bl d Provided for ubsecton 52 of the Density Rating System, which may achieve an additional maximum density of up to 1.3 units via the transfer ofu to 1.3 ^ dashing r rod acre N[ (transferable development M 1 r r from lands located within one mile of the Urban Boundary d tl t tl Rural Fringe d Use District Sending Lands or, to ¢ In the case of properties specifically identbied helow, a density bonus of up to fi 0 additional units per gross acre may be requested far projects providing affordable-workforce housing (home ownership only) for low and moderate Income residents of Collier County, pursuant to Section 206.00 of the Land Development Code, or its successor ordinance, except as provided for iwparagraph W below. s Within the Urban Religgritral Force rezone r nests are not sub'act to the density rating system . except as sta ai6cally provided below for the Affordable- worMorce Housing Density Bonus. All repames are tl t be tit f f d t tl mem Pro etl d meet in the Subdistrict h Il be fully responsible for II necessary water t improvements including the uF of all 1 d appropriate off-site t through the ct ' a water mannemen t system tl a fair t of necessary improvements to the CR 951 c naYout -fall system made necessary by new development in the Subdistrict. -I- Words underline tl are added, words N'- 1841ean are deleted. ^ Row of asterisks ( – — -- "- ") denotes breaks In tot. Packet Page -46- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. CP-2006 -11 s Properties eligible for Affordable- workforce Housing Density Bonus (home ownership only) will be specifically identified herein. The actual number of bonus units per gross acre shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with the conditions and procedures set forth In Section 2.06.00 of the Land Development Code, except that Section 2.06 03 shall not apply, and the number of deelling units required to be sold to buyers eaming 80% or less of Collier County's median Income, as calculated annually by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), shall be at least thirty percent (30 %). The following properties are eligible for an Affordable- workforce Housing Density Bonus (home ownership only) of up to 6.0 additional dwelling units per acre. 1. Property located on the East sided Collier Boulevard(C. R. 951), approximately PART TWO of SIX: I. URBAN DESIGNATION S. DENSITY RATING SYSTEM (Insert new language- FLUE Pages 51 - 53] 5. Density Blending: This provision is intended to encourage unihed plans of development and to preserve wetlands, wildlife habitat, and other natural features that exist within properties that straddle the Urban Mixed Use and Rural Fringe Mixed Use Districts or that straddle Receiving and Neutral Lends within the Ruml Fringe Mixed Use District In the case of such properties, which were in existence and under turned control (owned, or uMer contract to purchase, by the applicanQs)) as of June 19, 2002, the allowable gross density for such properties in aggregate may be distributed throughout the project, regardless of whether or not the density allowable for a portion of the project exceeds that which Is otherwise permitted, when the following conditions are met. 2. Density Blending Conditions and Limitations for Properties Straddling the Urban Residential Fringe Sut istrict and Rural Fringe Mixed Use District Sending lands: (a) The project must straddle the Urban Residential Fringe Stud-Dis[ric and the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District Sending Lands, (b) The project In aggregate must be a minimum of 400 acres: (c) At least 25% of the project must be located within the Urban Residential Fringe Sub. District The project must extend central water and sewer wastewater treatment facilities (from the urban designated portion of the projec) to serve the entire project, 2- ^ words underlined ere added, wards Hw sulthe gh are deleted. Row of esk:nsks ( - "' "- ° -) denotes breaks in did. PackM Page -47 10/2512011 Item B.A. CP- 2006 -11 unless altematere interim sewer- -and water and wastewater treatment provisions are ^ authorized by Collier County, (d) The Project is currently zoned or will be zoned PUD, (e) The density to be shifted to the Sending Lands from the Urban Residential Fringe is to be located on impacted or disturbed lands, or it is demonstrated that the development on me site Is to be located so as to preserve and protect the highest quality native vegetation and /or habitat on-site and to maximize the connectivity of such native vegetation and/or wildlife habitat with adjacent preservation and/or habitat areas; (f) Native vegetation shall be Preserved as follows'. LD The Urban portion of the project shall Moil with the native vegetation L21 For those lands within the him act seasonal as Sending the native vegetation Prodwervation requirement shall be 90% of the tive vionetation not to ed 60% of the total o r oed area desbnated as Sending. unless the provIspors found in su fesetion(1) above are most Lai Wetland areas that are impacted through the development process, but which cult in enhanced wetland function including habitat and/or flowways. shall be considered a s Dart of the native vegetation requirement set forth in this provision and h II net be E ed as impacted areas Thei fingland areas anchor flowways may be used for water storage Provided that the water discharged in these areas is we- treated -3- Words underlines m added. words gh are deleted. ^ Row of am risks (" _• " •" °) denotes breaks in text. Pocket Page 48- 10/25/2011 Item S.A. CP- 2006 -11 (g) Permided uses for density blending under this provision include residential development and associated amenities, including golf courses meeting the criteria for god courses within the Neutral area. This provision is not intended to eliminate any uses permitted within the applicable underlying land use designation. PART THREE of SIX R. DENSITY RATING SYSTEM'. 2. Density Bonuses [Insert new language – FLUE Page 50] Consistency with the following characteristics may add to the Was density. Density bonuses e discretionary , not eliitlemems, and are dependent upon meeting the criteria for each bonus provision and compatibility wit surrounding properties, as well as the rezone criteria In the Land Development Cade. f. Transfer of Development Rights Bonus To encourage preservationlconservation d natural resources, density tmnsfere are remedied as follows: (c) From Sending Lands located within one mile of the Urban Boundary into lands designated Urban Residential Fringe, at a maximum density increase of one (1) unit per gross abre except f that straddle the Urban Residential Fri dth Rural Fringe Mixed ' Use Sardine Lands designations tl meet me other Density Blendlno criteria provided for in subsedion 52 of the Densitv Rai System which may transfer TDRS from Send ng Lands located within one mile of the Urban Boundary Into lands desionated Urban Residential Fringe at a maximum density - increase of T3 units oar gross acre. PART FOUR of SIX I URBAN DESIGNATION C. Uban Commercial Subdistrict (amend language– FLUE Pages 5F57I 1. Mixed Use Activity Center Sup istr d 2. The allowable land uses for a Master Planned As ivty Center shall be the same as for other designated Adivty Centers) however, a Master Planned Activity Center encompassing the majority of the property in tiro or more quadrants shall be afforded the flexibility to redistribute a part or all of the allocation from one quadrant to andher, to the extent of the unified control. The maximum amount of commercial uses allowed q_ Words underlined are added, words atwHNNrauQp are iterated. Row M asterisks ( - — — " ") denotes breaks in tert Packet Page -59- 10/25/2011 Item S.A. CP.2DD6 -11 at Activity Center 93 (Immokalee Road and Collier Boulevard) is 40 acres per quadrant for a total of 160 acres maximum in the entire Activity Center, the balance of the land area shall be limited to noncommercial uses as allowed In Mixed Use Activity Centers. The maximum amount of commercial uses allowed at Activity Center #T (Rattlesnake Hammock Road and Collier Boulevard) is 40 some per quadrats, except that the northeast quadrant may have a total of 59 acres and the southeast quadrant may have a total of 49.2 acres, for a total of 4 188,2 acres maximum in the entire Activity Center: FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES [amend in order[ Activity Center No. ] - Rattlesnake Hammock Road and Collier Boulevard Mixed Use Activity Center amend Inset map d iding new MUAC boundary , instead cf revision to the Future Land Use • Element Counrywitle FLUM. PART FIVE of SIN: ItBS €I_1Dtt ]E9@PL\II P [Insert new language - FLUE Pages 31 -32) A. Urban Mixed Use District 4. Business Park Subdisnd The Business Park Subdistnd is intended to provide for a mix of industrial uses and nonindustrial uses, designed in an attractive park -like environment with low structural density where building coverage ranges between 25% to 451A and where landscaped areas provide for buffering and enjoyment by the employees and patens of the park. Business Parks shall be allowed as Subdistdd in the Urban -Mixed Use District Commeroial District and Urban Industrial District and may include the general uses allowed within each Dislnd, the specific uses we forth below, and shall comply win the following general conditions: h. When located In a Distdd other than the Urban Industrial District, me Business Park must have dire& access to a road classified as an arterial 'm the Transportation Element except that a Business Park in Sgiction 14 Township 50 South chance 26 East May have to arsenal road via The Lards W -5- Words undedinod are added, words mm this 91; ere patched. Row of asterisks ( - — " ' — -1 denotes breaks in text. Packet Page 50- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. CP- zoos -11 PART SIX of SIX: Conservation and Coastal Management Element GOAL 6 (Insert new language – CCME Pages 1 &21] OBJECTIVE 61 Policy 6.1.1: For the County's Urban Designated Area, Estates Designated Area, Conservation Designated Area, and Agricultu2tRUral Mixed Use District, RuraHndustrial District and RuralSelllement Area Distrid as designated on the FLUM, native vegetation shall be preserved through the application of Me following preservation and vegetation retention standards and criteria, unless the development occurs whin the Area of Critical Sate Concern (ACSC) where the ACSC standards referenced In the Future Land Use Element shall apply. Notwthstanding me ACSC requirements, this policy shall apply to all non- agricultural development except for single - family dwelling units studied on individual parcels mat are net located within a watershed management conservation area identifed in a Watershed Management Plan developed pursuant to policies supporting Objective 2.1 of this Element. The following standards and crians shall apply to the vegetation retention requirements referenced above. 114] In order t nt e deal preservation of the h' hsl qualtv eateries and listed spaces heads me recu red native vegetation for h I man portion of the be shi by tl t at t h S tl' L d rt' of h d d -6- words underlined ere added words 10 11 Or– 9 are deleted. Row of estensks (" "' — " - t denotes breaks in mi Packet Page -51- Cori High Hazard Non - Coastal High Hsi Area Area Residential and Mixed Less than 2.5 acres 10% Less man 5 acres. 10% Use Development Equal to or greater Equal to or greater than 5 acres man 25 acres 25% and less man 20 acres. 15% Equal to or greater than 20 ac. 25% Golf Course 35% 35% Commercial and Lessthan5acres. 10% Lessthan5acres. 10% Industrial Equal to or greater Equal to or Development than 5acres. 15% greater than 5 acres. 15% Industrial 50 %, not to exceed 25% 50%, not to exceed 25% of the Development (Rural. of the project site project site. Industrial District on The following standards and crians shall apply to the vegetation retention requirements referenced above. 114] In order t nt e deal preservation of the h' hsl qualtv eateries and listed spaces heads me recu red native vegetation for h I man portion of the be shi by tl t at t h S tl' L d rt' of h d d -6- words underlined ere added words 10 11 Or– 9 are deleted. Row of estensks (" "' — " - t denotes breaks in mi Packet Page -51- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. CP- 1006 -11 the 60 % maximum preservation requirement found T Caoi ly Blending provisions of the FLUE for oroiecls that (a) Are under unified control (b) Straddle the Urban Residential Pool and the Rural Frinae Mixed Use Sending Lands designations. and (c) Meet the maximum 'red 60 oercenl preservation requirement for the Sending Lands portion of the project. The Preservation ratio shall be two acres of Sending Lands !exceeding the 60% maximum ores Neion emen0 for each acre below the regu red amount of native vegetation for the urban portion of theeoorect In no instance shall less than 10 percent of the reauired amount of native vegetation be retained in the Urban potion of the praect SPnffcant Archeological Silas thati lied by the State of Florida Division of Historic Resources shall be Preserved and cannot be mitigated for G1CCE8III BenAeSComplehanelrel COMP PIANN ING CMP CATAUnne Plan AmennmenR'I[JCfi Lytle PeAioni2W 11 FLUB CCME Helene (aides alN ree1[Looran Edi AY1CPG6fl BCCALoMonahioll A Eou Wards underlined are added, al or .1.l' 91 are tlelelad Row of asterisks (" `° " -" -') denotes breaks in tetl. Packet Page 52- 10125/2011 Item B.A. CP- 200611 Haveene, takes of Naples GMT Amendment - Ammer, Henan AGENDA ITEM W 9A .-. CoLliev Coxnty STAFF REPORT COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 The Purpose of this Staff Report is to bring peiitlon CP- 2006-11 forward to the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) to consider proposed amendments to the Growth Management Plan. The CCPC reviewed OP- 2006 -11 previously for Transmisal on January 2D, 2011. Collier County held its other Tram mural hearings for OP 2006 -11, the Hacienda Lakes of Naples GMP amendment, on December 1, 2010 (EAO, Environmental Advisory Council) and February 0, 2011 (BCC, Board of County Commissioners). The respective Transmittal recommendationacactions are presented below. Within the CCPC binder containing staff documertls, you will find the Tmnsmi= E IC staff report and Transmittal CCPO staff roped, which provide staff's beamed analysis Of this which. The respective Transmii recommenderbonalactions are presented below. CP.Hi1 is companion to Hacienda Lakes' Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD) requests [DR] - 2006 -AR -1014) and PUDZ- 2006 -AR- 101461 . PROPOSED AMENDMENT PETITION CP-200611, Amendments to the Conservation and Coastal Management Element, Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Man and Mao Ser es of the Growth Management Plan, to configure the boundary and increase Me size M the Southeast Quadrant of Mixed Use Activity Center No. T (Rattlesnake Hammock Road and Collier Boulevard); increase the maximum allowable density that may be achieved within the Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict (URF) portion of a project lying in more than one Future Land Use designation through enhanced mizallon of eligible Transferable Development Rights TDRS); provide a definitive access provision for a Business Park located in the URF portion Of a project; snd, show for native vegetation preservation in the URF portion of a project to be shifted to the RFMUO Sending Lands potion of the project when the required amount of native vegetation preservation is proportionally increased in the Sending Lands potion of the project - as they relate to proposed Hacienda Lakes Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD) requests, consisting of approximately 2,262 acres located east of Dollar Boulevard (OR 951), with frontages on Collier Boulevard and Rattlesnake Hammock Road Extension (a.k.a., entrance to Swamp Buggy Days PUPS Florida Sports Park), in Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, and 25, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, and Sections 19 and 30, Township 50 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Honda. Petitioner. David Tones, for Hacienda Lakes of Naples, LLC _1_ Packet Page -53- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. CPe006 -n HaoeMx Uri of Ni GMP Pme kinem— Pdopeon Hearing AGENDA ITEM No. BA TRANSMITTALACTIVITIES ^ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Transmit specific p00ers of the proposed amendment and not to Transmit the portion proposing expansion of the Mixed Use Adivity, Center, m DCA- as they appeal in "ATTACHMENT HL -2" of Me CCPC Transmittal Staff Report. EAC RECOMMENDATION: Transmit 0 DCA (vote: 3/0). CCPC RECOMMENDATION: Transmit each of the six parts proposed In petition CP- 2006 -11, including me portion proposing expansion of the Mixed Use Activity Center, to DCA (vote: 9/0) - as they appear in Collier County Resol W on 11 -32 ahmat A The COPC also directed that the following requiremeMSlstipulabons be to be met before a recommendation is Instead or action Is taken on the Adoption of CP- 2006 -11. These requiremermsenpulations also appear In the 6CC TransmMal Executive Summary . 1. Priorto, or at the time of Adopton hearing before me CCPC, documentation shall be presented to show and confirm accessibillty, to those parcels located within project boundaries that may be cconed by other parties and otherwise landlocked. Provisions regartling Lois aspect are found in ompanion malrecal Section 16, Legal Access in proposed Development Order (beg pg. 43) and, Seemed 12, Consstencv with fee Local Comprehensive Plan (beg. pg. 40), asp, subsection (F). See also, Sheets 3 through 7 d the MPUD/DRI Master AS map set for both erisbng and proposed access easements. This Stipulation is adequately addressed in companion MPUD Ordinance Exhibits or related Hacienda Lakes matenels. R Is no longer necessary to retain it through Adoption. 2. Prior to, or at the time of Adoption hearing before the CCPC, cross - sections and oher design informal for The Lord's Way shall be presented to show and confirm preliminary plans for the types of Improvements needed to ensure accessibility to the proposed Location for the Business Park by business, semi - industrial and industrial vehicles and traffic. The project eam Provides, the following diagnosis. "Please refer to along C of the MPUD Ordinance Exhibits that has been deport to re /led the potential future pubic roadway confdor. The Lord's Way is beaded Slang the mid line of the West ki of Section 141 The shomm ty deed recorded in 0 1068, Pg 2167 granted an easement for public access and Me placement of ublifles on 30 toot at the north boundary of Me North 14 of the Solthwast M of Speech 14. These are thirty Met south of Me midli te. Wffi respect ro Me north side, between 50' -55' was reserved for right-cf -way, during the Iasi modification b the First Assembly Minhunts; PUD.' Based on me documents submitted by the project team, Hacienda Lakes has a 30 ft. r0ad easement for The Lord's Way The abdication over Tracts A and G in The Lord's Way PUD have not been made to me County. In adtlifion, there is a 1701t gap at the FPL easement (Tract B) between Tracts A antl G of the PUD. There is no dedication requirement over Tract B in the PUD. It has not yet been determined whether a 30 hem road easement meets County standards for a County approved public Street. There could be another Pill easement on the north pan of The Lord's Way but this has not been demonstrated to date. -2 Packet Page -54- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. ED Disco 11 Hadenda lakes of ini GIMP Amendment —Morton Haamg AGENDA ITEM No. 9A Cross - sections and other design information presented Mus far propose a roadway design intended to match existing conditions on the westedy portion of The Lord's Way [from its existing terminus on the east side of Celebration Blvd to the east into Hadenda Lakes]. Preliminary plans did not provide the types of improvements needed to ensure accessibility to the business park by business, semi- inusli al and industrial vehicles and traffic [or to the potential travel trailer and recriestroned vehicle park]. But certain land uses could not be developed in the project without these assurances. The Hadenda Lakes protest team approaches this impediment by keeping their options open and adding Me subsection stiffest The Lord's Way Access Improvements to Companion MPUD, Exhibb B, Development Standards (beg. pg. 29). Stafl recognizes Me subsection, but fins it deficient as currently written to cover all proposed development scenarios. Staff recommends remandial modifications to correct MIs problem in the evaluated of Exhibit B In companion review materials. By adoption of thadde ressombromentions. be necessary to retain Nis stipulation through Adoption 3. Prior to or at the time of Adoption next before Me CCPC, documentation shall be presented to show and confirm accessibility, by easement or other access and development rights, to those parcels computing the privately owned rights -of -way located within project boundaries, and west of the project boundaries that may be owned by other parties. Provisions regarding this aspect are found in companion materials: Section 16, Lgrad Access in proposed Development Order (bag. pg 43) and, Section 12, Consistency Path the Local Comprehensive Far (beg. pg. 40), asp. subsection (F). See also, Shoals 3 through ] of the MPUD/DRI Master Elan map set for both existing and proposed access easements. This stipulation is adequately addressed in companion MPUD_Ominance Exhibits or related Hacienda Lakes materials. It is no loner necessary to The BCC further directed Mat the following requirementichonditions, or something similar, shall be placed in the eventual and subsequent companion PUD rezone anchor in no eventual and subsequent companion DRI, whichever is deemed more appropriate: 1. Prior to the issuance of rile first residential Development Order in the Hadenda lakes MPUD, the Base TIED Credits and Early Entry TOP Bonus Credits shall be severed and redearned from all Sending Lands to be preserved within one mile of Me Urban Residential Fringe and the filing of executed Limitaton of Development Rights Agreements) shall cocur for these same lands. Provisions regarding this aspect are found in Section Vlll, Equal in MPUD Ordinance Entrails (beg. pg 47 of 48) and in companion materials: Section 17, Pte, in proposed Development Order (beg. pg 44) and, Sec6an 12, Consistency wdh the Local Comprehensive Plan may pg 40). This condition is adequately addressed in companion MPUD Ordinance Exhibits or related Hacienda Lakes materials. It is no longer rhaveressurry to de it through Adoption. 2 A remained conservation mechanism, including Limitation m Development Rights Agreemends), [shall] be anschedlapplied to all Sending Leads to be deserved beyond one mile of Me Urban Residential Fringe prior to final approval of the first Site Development Plan (SDP) for the Hacienda Lakes prefixes, Provisions regarding this aspect are found in Section ins, pliyel in MPUD Ordinance ambits (beg pg 47 of 43) and in companion materials Section 17, Fix in proposed Development Order (beg pg. 44) and, Section 12, Consistency with the Local comprehensive Plan (beg pg. 40); look for consistent Use of correct conservation cmechaaisai terminology, This condition is adequately addressed in companion MPUD Ordinance ExhMits or related Hacienda Lakes materials. It is no lender necessary to retain it through Ad -3- Packet Page -55- 10/25/2011 Item B.A. CP z09611 Parents taker of basic GOP Amendment-h6som Hearne AGENDA ITEM NO. 9A 3. The land uses Nat are expressly allowed by Ordinance No. M -26 for the Swamp Buggy [Days] ^ "PUD for Recreation and Sports Pare well be supwooded and Otherwise incorporated into the Hacienda Lakes PUD and use of Me shooting range or Warget range" currently on-site shall be discontinued and may be replaced by an indoor facility for rifles, pistols, shotguns, and any other firearms. The orti facility shall cease use or Operation no later than Me time when any development or construction activity begins to cocaur within range or trajectory of such target range. uhe -am or Is D' di rush bay A 190 aid as - patch P X w A wi PARRY aw"m hs Fit 1910 Provisions regarding Otis aspect are found in companion materials: FINDINGS OF FACT Section, in pmposad Development Order (beg. gg 4). [Sddewn statement is recommended to Be wifhdmmn bard this requirement- stapf This stipulation is adequately addressed In companion MPUD Ordinance Exhibits or related Rwanda Lakes materials. It is no longer necessary, to reta'n It through Adoption. All six (6) of Me above stipulations were [are[ appropriate to Include during CCPC Adoption consideration [of CP- 200611) and subsequent PUDZ, DRI and development order approval. They were [are] not intended to appear within the GMP as part of this proposed amendment, bN have been incorporated Into companion Hacienda Lakes materials, as noted by the Individual wines above. BCC ACTION: Transmit to DCA (vote: 5/0), per CCPC recommendation, Including the six (6) requirements above. FLORIDA PEPARTIAENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 10CA) OBJECTIONS. RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMENTS(ORC) REPORT ^ After review of Transmitted GMP amendments, the Florida Deparment of Community Affairs (DCA) renders an Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report. Only Objections can form Me basis of a non - compliance determination, unless the adopted amendments vary significantly from these Transmitted. DOA raises no Olglighons in main Amil 21 2011 ORO RempS for GMP amendment CP- 200611. One state agency, Me Florida Department of Transporation (FDOT), provides two (2) comments . The antlre ORC Report, which Includes comments from other state and regional review agencies, is included in Me CCPC binder containing Man documents. FDOT comments: Since Me impacts of Me GMP amendments are based solely upon the analysis of the DRI, the department recommends that policy be includetl in the GMP that limns the development to a level based upon the facility analysis Mat was conducted for the Di farawasisaddedf Since Me GOP amendments are based solely upon the anerysis of the DRI, the department requests Mat Me GMP [amendment] approval be contingent upon the applicant establishing an approved mitigation plan for all a(lecte l state roadway facilNles femphasis added) _q Packet Page 56- 10/25/2011 Item 8.A. no 11 Hetiendx Lades of fu les GMP Amendment - Awhown Howard AGENDA ITEM No. 9A ^ Ship Response to FDOT Comments Aft regard to the first FOOT Comment - Suggesting a (CAP Policy be Part of these amendments to limit development to levels found in Facilities' Analysis - It is uncommon to insert this we of provision In the GMP. Primarily, since the OP- 200611 group N amendments Nees not produce a new Subdistrict into which such pi would be inserted, it is difficult to determine just where such Policy should best appear. Secondarily PUD materials are a more appropriate destination for Inserting such policy or provision. Through adoption of a number of conditions recommended with the companion PODS, development will bas limited to a level based upon Me m illty analysis that was conducted for the DRI. With regard to Me second FDOT Comment - Suggesting that GMPA approval be conpngent on a mitigation plan approved by FDOT for affected Stale roadway facilities - It has been explained how the extent of such added or such mitigation is not vast. The effeols appear to be insubstantial or cosmetic in nature, and the mitigation activities are correspondingly minor and surfcial. Actual changes may amount to no more than extending certain pavement markings (pain) Nat coliseum turn lanes where FDOT jurisdiction applies. If it can be shown that the regional impact of this project rises tu a level Mat dictates certain roadway Improvement - such as materially increasing the length of tram lanes - than contribufng to such improvements would be expected as pert of mitigation plans_ Here again, PUD materials are a more approphats desstin iddin for inserting such policy or provision. County Transportation Planners continue to work with the Hacienda Lakes project team a resolve transportation issues. All aspect of mitigation are being resolved in Me PUD, and all MPUD Ordinance Exhibit ifustrabng such Influence will be In place and part of Me record as saddled by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Transportation commitment are also to be reflected in the DRI land its accompanying Development Order documents], except In those Instances where the DRI monitoring schedule might govern the noting of completion of those commitments differently. These items wlll cover FOOT wndems and conditiors. OP 2006,11 is companion to the Hacienda Lakes' DRI and MPUD requests and as such, under Florida Administrative Code - Rule Sul Is exempt from to Twice per year Plan amendment limitation. The ordinance proposed for adoption includes test and map exhibits for this petition, those exhibits (text modified but map unchanged since BCC Transmittal) are located within the CCPC binder converting shat documents. ADOPTION ACTIVITIES Subsequent to Transmittal hearings, the review of companion petitions for the MPUD, DRI and as associated Development Order raised an additional Issue, as follows: This issue concerns the ability to receive TDR density in Business Park acreage in the Urban Designated Area of the project, and decidedly needs additional clarity in new FLUE language. These text modifcations are made part of the staff recommendation for the Adoption of OP - 2011, as shown 1dnNble- untledinedl In the FLUE excerpt, already shown as maunder in Transfer [by a s of ulreugh /untlerline, below. -5- Packet Page -9- 10125/2011 Item 8.A. CP @006 -11 HapBnda lakes Of Ni GMP AmenEmeM -Annul HmMg AGENDA ITEM No BA Future Land Use Element ^ [Insert new language- FLUE Page 29] I. URBANDESIGNATION A. Urban Mixed Use District 2. Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict The purpose of this Subdistrict Is to proved transitional densities between the Urban Designated Area end the Agnmiturab Rural Area and comprises approximately 5,500 acres and 5% of the Urban Mixed Use District. presidential land uses may be slowed at a maximum base density of 1.5 units per gross Plus any density bonus that may be acd'eved via COME Policy 6.2 5 (6) IN � and either W or V below: ED Up b 2.5 1_0 unit per gross acre via the transfer of up to one LO dwelling unit (transferable development right) per acre from lands located within one mile of the Urban Boundary and designated as Rural Fringe Mixed Use District Sending Lands except to the case of Prodgmea that straddle the Duped Residentral Prince and the Rural Fringe M'ured Use Sending sin h I other Density Ranging trade Provided for In subsection 5.2 of the D Facing System which H dd" al maximum comedy of up, to 1.3 units bar roses for all lands designated as Urban Resitlembal Erinp via the transfer of up to 1.3 dwelling units (maremrable development mahtm) oar acre from lands located within one mile of the Urban Boundary and designated as Rural Fringe Mixetl Use District Sending Lands'. o, [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTEODONALIY IFFT BLANK] -6- Paper Page -58- 10/25/2011 Item 8.A. CP 2006 -11 Hoga da Lalws of Naples GMP AmcnOme°t- scandal Il AGENDA ITEM No eA STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Ado t as modified by the ftlo �b�- nnad n�d� post-trandrum text changes appearing above regarding the provisions that address receiving TOR density in Business Park acreage in the URF, except for Activity Center expansion. More speufcally, Brand recommendation for the individual parts of the proposal are shown In the figure below. PROVISION EXISTING PROPOSED REMARKS RECOMMENDATION Jixt 50] 0 ac woultl be decelased ar ideneaiy To ADOPT 26 DUGGre .4324m WITH MODIFICATION Magmum 25 _ eligible m receive esidenbal tracts Providing AtltlNonal Residential Density - eligible to receive to URF with .36.6MUAC it Clary for Receiving (utilizing g IDR t In URF receiving 9ifC residential Dsigiry'e - 39.8 in ban Urban Designated Area Area presidei medical uses tract 25% NV In UNen Under 25 %NV- 25% of Urban Native VegetltioN portion Urban podion Preserve is 71.7 Habitat 60 %NV In Rural 100 %NV - so of 286.6 NV To ADOPT Formal/ Undev°ICped Rural 60% of Rural Preservation podion Be poOrt- Preserve is as Transmitted FLUE Required Preservation Area Preservation Area 6464ac. of wlfh•ShiM• 1414 NV tO DU70R per 13 DUATI per acre ame - eligible to transfer eligible m transfer Mavimum Lee Of into UBE from into URF from Overall Dansity To ADOPT TDRS Sending LantlS Selling LanOS would be0]9 as Transmitted With f Old of wiihln f mile of DUSiacre (gross) URF Boundary UBE boundary ith•IifP Supply Of 667,962 so n. /Demand for Acreage Allowed 143,6455q, ft _ for Southeast 275 Bores 36.6 acres Market factor Of NOT TO ADOPT Quadrant of MUAC 6.16 No. ] (Supply= 516 %of Demand Provldad The LUNS way The Fords Way beneofs for a¢ ass pull DIn f°` does not proaitle would papers such t °both Comer To ADOPT Parss euameas Park onto Bvsh access b access with now a soul evaN and the as Tmnstrafted en" Rom FLUE proeaioa fiat eanriair provision Road Native Ve9afaboN 25 %NVm UNan 25 % -X =Urban .UNen Preserve Habitat action NV wdvltlabe 406 Retention/ fig %NV in Rural 60. +2X =Rural SoADOPT a TransMted Presereation ponion NV • RurdI Preserve COME - Proamed -Presented with Be tl pet 396 •shit _7_ Packet Page 59- CP giI Heuutla takes of copies GMP Arn,iol nr- Ascalon Hesnng 9KI40 :141:kt CORBYSCHMI TAIOPPRINCIPALPLANNER CompraM1ensive landing Section Land Developm t Services Department Groi Manager` lent Division - Planning & Regulation 10/25/2011 Item B.A. AGENDA ITEM No, 9A DATE: APPROVED �By. p DATE: 7 -0a_rf MIKE BOSI, AICP, COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING MANAGER Compredensrve Planning Section _ Land Development Services Department Growtn Management Division - Planning Is Regulation APPROVED BY: WILL LORE Z, PE, DIRECTOR Land Development Services Department Growth Management Division - Planning S Regulation A ED BV/ NIC�ALAGUIDA , 1NISTRATOR Groi ManagemenD�aing & Regulati on n DCA Ref. No. -Collier County 110 -t _g- Packet Page -60- DATE. 7-6 -i/ DATE: 7-t-)/ 10/25/2011 Item B,A, Cm Heciarra Lakes of Naples GMP AmBMment- AtlopUOn Heanng AGENDA ITEM No VIA. Coi[Tier Cor.�.nty STAFF REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 1, 2011 The purpose of this Staff Repoli Is to bring petition GP- 2006 -11 forward to the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) to consider proposed amendments to the Growth Management Plan. The EAC reviewed CP- 2006 -11 previously for Transmittal on December 1, 2010. Colier County held further Transmittal hearings for CP- 260611, the Hacienda Lakes of Naples GMP amendment, on January 20, 2011 (CCPO, Collier County Planning Commission) and February 8, 2011 (BCC, Board of County Commissioners). Within the EAC binder containing staff document, you will find the Transmittal EAC Staff Report, Transmittal CCPC Staff Report and BCC Transmittal Executive Summary which provide staff's detailed analysis of this Petition . The respective Transmittal recommerMafiOns/acfions are presented below. OP- 200641 Is companion to Hacienda Lakes Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and Mixed Use Planned Unit Development ( MPUD) requests CIT 2006AR -10147 and PUDZ- 2006- AR40146) . PROPOSEDAMENDMENT PETITION CP- 200611, Amendments to the Conservation and Coastal Management Element Equil Land Use Element and Future Land Use Mao and Mao Series of the Growth Management Plan, to reconfigure the boundary and increase the size of the Southeast Quadrant of Mixed Use Activity Center No. 7 (Rattlesnake Hammock Read and Collier Boulevard); increase the maximum allowable density that may be achieved within the Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict (URF) portion of a protect lying in more than one Future Land Use designation through enhanced utilization of supine Transferable Development Rights (TORS); provide a definitive access provision for a Business Park located in the URF portion of a protect', and, allow for native vegetation preservation in the URF portion of a project to be shifted to the FRAUD Sending hands human of the project when file required amount of native vegetation preservation is proportionally Increased in the Sending Lands portion of the project — as they relate to proposed Hacienda Lakes Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD) requests, consisting of approximately 2,262 acres located east of Collier Boulevard (CR 951), w0h homages on Collier Boulevard and Rattlesnake Hammock Road Extension (a.k.a., entrance to Swamp Buggy Days ROD 's Florida Sports Park), in Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, and 25, Township 50 Soon, Range 26 East, and Sections 19 and 30, Township 50 Sgun, Range 27 East Collar County, Florida. Petitioner: David Tortes, her Hacienda Lakes of Naples LLC. Packet Page -61- 10125/2011 Item 8.A CP.2oo6-11 Hawi Usm; of Naples cmP Amendmrol- Aametm Heanre AGENDA ITEM No N A TRANSMITTAL ACTIVITIES ^ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Transmit specific portions of the proposed amendment, and not to Transmit the potion proposing expansion of the Mixed Use Achvity Center, b DCA- as they appear in "ATTACHMENT HL -2" of tine CCPC Transmittal Staff Report . EAC RECOMMENDATION: Transmit to DCA (vote: 310). CCPC RECOMMENDATION: Transmit each of the six parts proposed in petition CP -200i including the potion proposing expansion of the Mixed Use Activity Center, to DCA (vote: 9/0) — as they appear In Collier County Resolution 11 -32 Exhill The CCPC also directed that carom repuirementslstipulations be met before a recommendation Is proffered or action's taken on tie Adopton of CP- 2006 -11. These requirements/stipulatlons appear in the BCC Transmittal Executive Summary. These stipulations are appropriate to include during CCPC Adoption consideration [of CP- 2006 -111 or subsequent Development Oder approval. They are not intended to appear within the GMP as pad of this proposed amendment, but to make the petmoner aware of the County's concerns and position. BCC ACTION: Transmit to DCA (vote: 6l0), per CCPC recommendation, Including the CCPC 's six (6) requirements above. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (DCA) OBJECTIONS RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMENTS(ORCI REPORT: After review of Transmitted GMP amendments, the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) renders an Objections, Recemmendatons and Comments (ORO) Report Only Objections can form the basis of a non - compliance determination, unless the adopted amendment vary significantly man those Transmitted If an Objection is not adequately addressed when Adopted, men the DCA may (presumably will) find the amendment to be "Not In Compliance' with Florida Slate es, and issue a Notice of Intent (NOI) to indicate such noncompliance. The County may respond to the ORO Report In one of four ways at Adoption: 1, not modify the amendment, but provide addhonal explanation of what the amendment is about, Is purpose, what it will achieve (appropriate if we believe DCA simply does not understandlbas sunderstood the amendment) and/or provide additional data and analysis to support the amendment, or 2. modify Me amendment, so as to address the ORC issue: or, 3. modify Me amendment, an provide additional explanation and/or provide adds ional dab and analysis', or 4, not adopt Me amentlment. DCA raised no Olorghons - in breir Arvil 21 2011 ORO Report for GMP amendment CP- 200611. One State agency, the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT), provides We (2) comments. The entire ORO Report, which includes comments from other State and regional review agencies, is included in the EAC binder containing staff document. CP- 200611 is companion to the Hacienda Lakes DRI and MPUD requasls and as such, under Florida Administrative Code - Rule 91 is exempt from the Mice per year Plan amendment �.. limitation. Packet Page -62- 10/25/2011 Item S.A. CP 2008 -11 Laclede Lakes M Naples Can Amendment - AtlOp4on Hearing AGENDA ITEM No vl A The ordinance proposed for stool inc udes text and map Genit ills for this Whom mesa exhibits ^ (text modified but map unchanged since BCC Transmittal) are located within the EAC binder containing staff documents. ^ ADOPTION ACTIVITIES Subsequent to Transmittal hearings, me review of dampened pefiP005 for the DRI and its associated Development Oder raised additional issues. These post - transmittal issues are not enyironmental in nature . These issues relate to future attendance and traffic at amactions and recreational factlities that may be located In the chjsn and to incorporating features into the project to further diminish reliance on vehicular trips and demonstrate energy conservation. Revisions to the Development Oder document may be necessary as account for any changes made to the companion DRI or PUDZ property One issues concerning the ability to receive TDR density in Business Park acreage In the Urban Designated Area of the project decidedly needs additional party in new FLUE language. These text modifications are made pad of the staff recommendation for the Adoption of CP- 2006 -11, as shown double- untlarlinetll in the FLUE excerpt, shown as modified @y duke- Hwaugglunder ine in Transmittal below. Future Land Use Element I. URBAN DESIGNATION lined new language — FLUE Page 291 A. Urban Mixed Use District 2. Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict ' The Purpose of this Subdistrict is to provide transitional densities between the Urban Designated Area and the Agricudurel Rural Area and Compdaes approximately 5,500 acres and 5% of me Urban Mixed Use District. Residential land uses may be allowed at a maximum base density of 1.5 units per gross acre, plus any density bonus that may be achieved via CCME Policy 6 2 5 (6) b 1 ac and either "a" orr'b " below '. a. Up to 25 JUD unit per gross acre via the transfer of up to one (1.0) dwelling unit (transfemble development fight) par acre from lands located within one mile of the Urban Bound tl designated as Rural Fringe Mixed Use DisMct Sending Lands t' in the M properties that straddle the Urban Residential Force and the Rural FrInpe Mixed Use Sending tl im ab and meet the M1 Density Blending ded for b d' 5 2 of the Density Racnq System, h t, may admarve additional density of up to 1.3 units Par press acrE tnr a aMa dPSeonatetl a =_ tlrban Rwcrlanfa Fnn a via the transfer of u t 1 3 dweling armsdrandereble devalon t h e from tl Gained within l of the Urban Bduntlary antl tles anated R F' M' etl U Od'ct 5 L tl o, Packet Page -63- 10/2512011 Item B.A. CIP 2006A Hact Lents N Naples GMP Amendment- Adoption Hearing AGENDA ITEM No VIA STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt as modifatl by the ftlouble- untle�airo I post -thins radial teat changes appearing above regarding Me provisions Nat address receiving TER density in Business ^ Park acreage in the URF, except for Aeiviry, Center expansion. More specifically, stalls recommendation for the individual parts of the proposal are shown in the figure below. PROVISION I EXISTING PROPOSED REMARKS T RECDMMENDATION Just 50.8 ac would be developed residentially To ADOPT • 4320 in MI MODIFICATION Maximum 25 DU/eve 28 DUlacre residental inacls Providing Addrional Residential Density -elyi Ne elf ible to receive SURF •366 MUAC ClarMfor Ramiving (Wlizing TORS) in IRIF in URF with rasidantial TER Density in Me reviving %ifl" . 388 in Urban Designated Area resNential/ modest uses tract Under 25 %NV- 25% or Urban NaSve VegetaBON 25 %NV in UNan Urban portion Preserve is 71.7 Habitat portion 60 %pNV in Rural 1011 %NV - ac. of 2866 NV Ralemon/ Undeveloped Rural 80% of Fund as Transmitted 1 Pre ry saafion -Repuiretl po Pres is Preserve is FLUE Preservation Area 848.4 ac. of Preservation Area wgy.shAP 1,414 NV 1 U DIJI per 13 DUS?DRS par arms due eligible b Transfer eligible totrensfer ito URF from Overall Dandily To ADOPT Maximum USe of ibURthans UR from Seni Lands woultlbe0]8 as Transmtlted TDRS Snto within 1 rate of DUs/acre(gross) slum roleof URF bDun tlary URF boundary , with Iii Supply of 882962 ay. n./ Demand for Acreage Allox 1 143,545 sq. I= for Bputlreaet 2] 5 acres 386 acres Market factor of NOT TO ADOPT Ouetlrenl of MUAC 6.18 No_ ] (Supply = 618 %of Demand) Provides additional The Lod's Way The Led Way benefits for access To ADOPT Direct Access for not aces not da would provide such to both Collier AsTraremNed - Business PaMOMO such xcess with now ew withn Boulevard and Me Genera l Ahedal Roadway fdure Benfiekl Recommentletion FLUE provisions Road 25 %- % =UMan . Preserve Nelim Vegetation) 25 %NV in UNan NV Itl be 40.8 µbun Habbat Romon 60 °be Rum To ADOPT Retention/ 60 % NV in Rural as Transmmad Preserva8on •Rural Preserve LCME - Prwenretl Preserved! .Preserved with would be 1,395 •shW Packet Page -64 10/25/2011 Item B.A. CP- 2006 -11 hacieom Lakes M Naples GIMP Amentlmenl- Atlopron Hearing AGENDA REM No VI A. Staffs present recommendation however, is conditional. ^ The three companion petitions are inexldcably linked Changing pae of one petition's content will likely tlidale changes to another cautious content. The same cause and effect relationships exist between the Staff recommendations for the three companion petitions. Adoption recommendations are contingent on the Outcomes of companion DRI and PUOZ petitions, Addtlional contingencies am expected to affect each of the components of me Hacienda Lakes proposal wi r changes during fnal Adoption considerations. PREPARED BY: DATE' CORBY SC ITT, AGO PRINCIPAL NCIPAL PLANNER Comprelikenstv Planning Section Land Lantl Develop ant Services Department Growth Manag merit Division - Planning 8 Regulation APPPLR,4 O�VED BY: tl DATE �p( MIKE BCSI, AICP, COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING MANAGER Comprehensive Planning Section ^ Land Development Services Department Grpwm Management Division - Planning & Regulation APP LIAM LORE PE, R CTOR Land Development Services Department Growth Management Division - Planning & Regulation rte. -� l,NNGK(LA•SAIANGUIDA/ DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR Growth Management Division - Planning & Regulation DATE OS- /G - ZgI DATE: ,6 Oct 0wcs Plmnmp sorvicneomoreheeel . ecppe, PuNMNG prop DATA1CO1P Plae Amem,emBIDOe CO,, Pvaeenca¢uw.tt moE xeaema LooP PapPinweopsen aof RepohncP�il AdW1 sm Rea usEDNr J1M m Encoen Packet Page -65- 10/252011 Item 8.A. a s Packet Page -66 -