Agenda 09/27/2011 Item #17C 912712011 Item 17.C. r--... ZOD. · ........" A-. .....1Ot1 . ............. '. =,=::~.~':~="=41-=_.~~~~._____.._~~ ...~..._.._.._._:: ," -==--,""'.!L . . ---.:... r"\ NOTI(E OF ~.HEARING T~ CONSIDER RBOLl.iT1oNIOEVELoPMDrr 0RDE1t Notice is hereby givM that the Board of County CommIIslonenof Collier ~ will hold l.pt,IbIic helrfna on T~.~. 13. 2(111'.'111 the 1oIr. ~.3riI Floor. AdrnInlsWtlO. n BuIIcIlng," Co. County GowmmIIIIt CentIlr:. ; .329tEllt T. miami Trill. NaoIe$. FlorIda. ". ~ w8I btIJln lit _ A.'" The title of the Pf'ODOSId: R_~1opment Order (PttItlcfn- ~101.r71 'HeCIende likes DR!) Is.. follows: . . A ReSOt.u'noH OF THE .BOARD OF COUNTY COMMt5sIoNER$ OF. c:owu. ~ c:outm'. . FLORIDA. APMOVING A - DEVELOPMENT ORDU FOR HAOeNDA LAKES. A,f)Mt.- OPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT LOCATED IN- SEC1'ION5 11 1HltOUGH 14 AND 2J THJ\OUGH ~l TOWtt5HfP SO SOUTH, RANGE ~ EAST; AND SfQIONS 19 AHO 30, TOWNSHIP :lIU SOUTH. .ftANGE. 27 EAST. COWER COUN1'Y. .FI.OfII)A. .wttlOI'WIU. HJ.OW UP' TO 1,7eGltE5IDfN'tW. DWEWNG UNITSINCWDING .~TO RECREATIONAl.. ~. PARK AND SENIOR HOUSING FORINDIPlNDEN'r'UVIlG. ASSISTED LMNG..' .. AND NURSING' CARE, 3,27,SOO SQUARE FEET OF._.M _.'10,000 SQUAAE FEET OF .flIOFBSIONAL AND MEOICAL OFFIC!, 'INCl.UOlNG A corMiRSlOH OF ReTAIL USE TO P8OfESSIONAL AND MEDICAL OFFICE, A 1JS.ROC1M: HCn'EL IN- CLUDING' A CONVeRSI()N TO 8l.ISINESS PARK. l<<l,OOO~FEETOFJ1$res " PARK OR EOUCAlIONAL FACItJTY, A. PUBLIC SOIOOL, ANI). CONTINUATION" OF EXISTING. -JUNIOR DEPUTY- PA$SM JlECkEATION AND llCIS'nNG"SWAW'- BUGGY- ATIUCTION; PltOVIDlNG FOR FINDINGS. OF FACTi flIlOVIPIN(j FOR CON- . CLU$lONS OF \AW: ANOPROYlOlNG AN EFflEC1'lVE DATE. (COMIWtION TO Pm- TIONS PUDZ.2006.AIM0146 AND CP-2006-11) . -' . . . . . , A c~ of the proposed ResolutIon is on file with the Qerlc1iO u,.eo.nt~ Is lVIII_ie for ~ All ~ Pll'tiesare invited to.... ........,. . . NOTE: All Persons. 'I!lshing to speIlt on In)' aaendI ftlIm ...... ,... with the County Admlnisttltol: ~ to.pr8entation Of h .. _ to .~ ........ !ndMcIu.1 ~wIII"be /Imffi.id to 3 mInuteS on In)''' "The sehidIon of an,", dIvlduaI to speak. on behalf of an ~1zatIon _ or grGUJ:Ils ~ If rwog- ~ed by the 0*r..1 ~espenon to{ I group or ~ may. allOtted 10 nunutes tospeat on an Item. . Persons. wisblnttohave .wrltten.. or graphk.mmriH IDduded .lnh B.omI~ packw 1'll\ISl. submit $aid material. . minimum Of. 3 weeks.. ~ to. .!he ~ PubUc heari!'Ig. In any ~ written InIlleMIs intendled to be CClflJideJed tIy.the Soard st)allbi $Ubn)itted to the appropriate County staff. mininlumof,SlMfI _ . prior to the. publk heering. AD material used In presentations before- the Boeid will become I ~ part of the record.. . .' Any person who decides to appeal a decision. of the' Board will netd I record of the 'procftdil9 pertaining thereto Ind therefore, may need to erisure that ..vetbatlm. record of the. procee<Jln~ is made, which record Indude$ the testimony arldevi- . clenee upon whiChthetPPeal is based.' .... . ~ you are I penon with.. I distbility who needs In)' a<<OmrllOd. . _ .lItion in order to par- ~te In this procncling, you Ire entitled, at no cost to you... to the _provision of certain assistInc:.e. PIeltse contact the Collier Counw Facilities ~ Depart- ment, IocalIedllt 3335 T.,maml Trail East, Buildlna W. NIPIes. FIOrldl 34112,. (239)252-8380. AssI$ted listening devices for the IJearTng impaired ~.' avaUable' In the ~nty Commlsslonm' OffIce. ) BOARD OF.COUHTY C~RS COt.LIEft COUNTY, FlORIPA "Fred W. C~, 0iA1RMAN . . DWIGHT E. BROCK. Cl.ERK ~resa PoIHk~ Deputytletk . "..lIuet ,.to. 201 \ Nn10'~174 ...... ~ .. -., .... r"\ Packet Page ..2648..