Agenda 06/28/2011 Item #16F 2 6/28/2011 Item 16.F.2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between Collier County and the Florida Division of Emergency Management in support of the placement and use of a Resource Logistics Support Trailer. The trailer will be for shared use in the County and for other emergency situations in the region, OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between Collier County and the Florida Division of Emergency Management in support of the placement and use of a Resource Logistics Support Trailer (R.L.S.T.) in support of emergency response and emergency management activities related to a natural or man made emergency response. -- CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, Collier County, through its Emergency Management Department, provides coordination of emergency services within Collier County. Collier County also coordinates the administration of relief activities of both public and private relief/disaster organizations that agree to volunteer their services under direction or guidance of Collier County authorities. Collier County may also utilize personnel and facilities of reliefldisaster assistance of organizations, Churches, Temples, Synagogues for the storage and distribution of food, water, supplies, andlor other items for temporary relief activities. Such efforts may include mutual aid to surrounding counties and local governments. The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding is to set forth, define, and establish mutual agreements, understandings, guidelines, and obligations between Collier County and Florida Division of Emergency Management regarding the County's storage of a 53-foot trailer that is owned by the Florida Division of Emergency Management in order to assist with the delivery of supplies and equipment for use both locally in Collier County and within a thirteen county region to help coordinate relief efforts at the time of a disaster. The Florida Division of Emergency Management has requested Collier County to sign first in this agreement process. GROWTH MANAGEMENT: There is no groll\llh management impact associated with this executive summary. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is legally sufficient. This item requires a majority vote.-JBW. -- Packet Page -1443- 6/28/2011 Item 16.F.2. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no Fiscal Impact associated with this Executive Summary. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Board of County Commissioners approves the MOU between Collier County, through its Emergency Management Department, and the Florida Division of Emergency Management which has offered inventory of disaster supplies to partner with Emergency Management during both Presidentially declared and undeclared disasters or local or regional emergency situations. Prepared by; Dan E. Summers, CEM, Director Collier County Bureau of Emergency Services Packet Page -1444- 6/28/2011 Item 16.F.2. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.F.2. Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between Collier County and the Florida Division of Emergency Management in support of the placement and use of a Resource Logistics Support Trailer. The trailer will be for shared use in the County and for other emergency situations in the region. Meeting Date: 6/28/2011 Prepared By Name: BoniChristine Title: Administrative Assistant, Senior, 6/13/2011 10:42:07 AM Submitted by Title: Director - Bureau of Emergency Services, Name: SummersDan 6/13/2011 10:42:08 AM Approved By Name: WhiteJennifer Title: Assistant County Attorney,County Attorney Date: 6/13/2011 11: 10:48 AM Name: Summers Dan Title: Director - Bureau of Emergency Services, Date: 6/13/2011 2:28:27 PM Name: PryorCheryl Title: Management! Budget Analyst, Senior,Oftlce of Management & Budget Date: 6/17/2011 11:41 :04 AM Name: KlatzkowJeff Title: County Attorney, Date: 6/20/2011 II :31 :20 AM Packet Page -1445- 6/28/2011 Item 16.F.2. Name: OchsLeo Title: County Manager Date: 6/20/20] ] 9:02:40 PM Packet Page -1446- 6/28/2011 Item 16.F.2. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR RESOURCE LOGISTICS SUPPORT TRAILER BETWEEN THE FLOIUDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY :vIANAGEMENT AND COLLIER COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGE:\IENT THIS MEMORA.NDUM OF lJ".JDERSTAJ\DING ("MOU") is entcrcd into by and between the Florida Division of Emergency Managemcnt ("\)EM") and COLLIER COl.:NTY, a political subdivision nf the State of Florida CCounty") in order to outline and memorialize the obligations and responsibilities of the parties with respect to the placement and use of Rcsource Logistics Support Trailers ("RLSTs") for emergency response activities in the County and surrounding regions. WHEREAS, the County OW11S or has control of a facility located at 8075 Lely Cultural Parkway, Naples, Florida, which has been identified by the County as a suitable location for the placement of a RLST for emergcncy rcsponse activities; and \VHEREAS, DEM would like to pbce a RLST in the COW1ty to allow for thc storagc and distribution of emergency supplies and equipment; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and conditions contained herein, the parties agree to the following tem1S: I. The Cmmty will: a. Allow the placement of one 53 foot RLSr in an enclosed secure parking area at the County facility idcntified above. b. Pay for all necessary electrical power costs in order to maintain proper climate control in thc RLST. c. Maintain rcasonable security ovcr the RLST by ensuring it is placcd in a fenced arca and ensuring that it is locked when not in use. The County also agrees to inspect the RLST monthly for any damage or maintenance issues and providc immediate notice to the State Watch Oft ice, 2575 Shumard Oak Boulevard. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 (emergency numbers 1-800-320- 0519 & 1-850-413-9911: non-emergency number 850-413-9900) should an} internal alarms be triggered due to loss ofpowcr o. climate control. r- d. Provide a semi-tractor of appropriatc power and a licensed operator to tow the RLST anywhere within the Region, ("Rcgion" includes the following counties: Collie., Hardee, Manatee, DeSoto, Highlands, Sarasota, Glades, Charlottc, Lee, Hcndry, Broward, Dade and MOtu"oe) in the event of its required use. The semi-tractor do~s not need to be a dedicated unit but must be available for use within one hour of notification of need by DE!\-!. Packet Page -1447- 6/28/2011 Item 16.F.2. 2. DEMwiIJ: a. Maintain ownership of the RLST at all times and be responsible for all costs of maintenance, liccnsing, registration and insurance. b. Pay for the instaIJation of appropriate 220 volt, single-phase electrical connections at the County's location. c. Clearly mark the RLST with State or f10rida logo graphics and no additional logo graphics may be added without the express written conscnt of DEM. d. [.oad the RLST, at its OW:1 expense, with expendable and non-expendable resources to include wts, bedding kits, personal hygiene kits, food, water and other resources. All cots and other hard assets are considered non-expendable and shall be recovered after their use. However, the County will not be held responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged non-expendable items as pill1 of norma! disaster use. c. A.l1nually recO\'er the RLST for purposes of maintenance, inventory, rotating stock and item replacement 3. Thc RLST has been specially designed to maintain climate control inside the trailer with temperatures below 80 dcgrees and humidity below 50%. The RLST is also equipped with a lift gatc and lower storage companments. 4. The Cnunty agrees that upon mission lUsking from the State Emergcncy Operations Center, it will deploy the RLST to any Incation within the Region as directed. Such movement shall be tasked as a mission and be reimbursahle as outlined in the Slate Mutual Aid Agreement. 5. The County may utilize an)' unused spaces in the RLST J[jr cquipment or additional emcrgency supplies. However, any such additions are at the Connty expense and DEM will not be respon.<iblc [(Jr the loss or damage to any such itcms. Under no circumstances may the lOtalloaded weight of the trailcr exceed 42,000 pounds. 6. The County may, urnn approval from DEvl. deploy the trailer on its own within the Region for local cmcrgencies. The Cuunty may use the RLST contents to support the local cl11~rgency r~sponsc. 7. Should the RLST be needed outside the County's Region area, the COWlty agrecs to release thc trailer and DEM shaII assume all costs and responsibility for the transportation and relocation. The restocked RLST will bc returned to the County by DEM no latcr than 60 days after the expiracion of the out-oj:region emergency. " Packet Page -1448- 6/28/2011 Item 16.F.2. 8. The County agrees it will permit ingrcss and egrcss to OEM, its agents, contractors and cmployees to the area containing thc RLST. In addition, the COlmty will permit access to the RLST by local, state and federal regulatory agencies for inspection or such other legal purposes as are deemed appropriate by OEM. 9. The County agrces that it shall be solely responsible for its negligent acts nr omissions or tortious acts which result in claims or suits against OEM and agrecs to be liable for any damages proximately caused by said acts or omissions. OEM agrees that it shall be solely rcsponsible for its negligcnt acts or omissions or tortious acts which result in claims or suits against thc County and agrees to be liable for any damages proximately caused by said acts or omissions. The foregoing indemnification shall not constitute a waiver of sovcreign immunity beyond the limits set forth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, nor shalllhe same be construed to constitute agreement by either party to indemnify the other party for such other party's negligent, willful or intentional acts or omissions. 10. The parties agrec that all notices provided under or pursuant to this Memorandum nf Understanding shall be in writing, citller by hand delivery, or first class, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the contract representative idcntified below at the address set forth below and said notification shall be attached to the original of this Memorandum of Understanding: The name, title, address and phone number of the DEM representative for this MOU IS: Chuck Hagan, Logistics Chief Division of Emergency Management 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassec. Florida 32399-2100 850-413-9969 The name, title, address and phone number of thc County representative responsible for the administration of this MOli is: Dan E. Summers Dircctor, Ilureau of Emergency Services 8075 Lely Cultmal Parkway :--.Japles, FL 341] 3 239-252-3600 11. This MOU is effective upon its execution by the parties and may be modified only in a wriling signed by both parties. This MaC shall expire three (3) years from tl,e date of execution unless an extension is mutually agre~d to in writing. Either party may terminate with or without cause with a tbirty (30) day written notice 12. This MOli contains all the terms and conditions agr~ed upon by the parties. , ~ Packet Page -1449- 6/28/2011 Item 16.F.2. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Memorandum of t:nderstanding to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. COLLIER COUNTY, a political Subdivision of the State of Florida Florida Division of Emergency Management By: Fred W. Coyle, Chairman By: _ Bryan Koon, Director Date Date ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk ~ as to form & legal Sufficiency By: '::--"--f:l-, -.,' . '. I '> .....J \,. :::t.. '- ASSIs:taM"County Attorney 5L r...)f'-j, \=''L i2.. .~. 0'-'. \ '( Packet Page -1450-