Agenda 06/28/2011 Item #16C3 6/28/2011 Item 16.C.3, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve, execute and record Satisfactions of Notice of Claim of Lien for Sanitary Sewer System Impact Fee. Fiscal impact is $20,00 to record the Satisfactions of Lien. OBJECTIVE: Acknowledge full payment and execute the Satisfactions of Claim of Lien, CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida as the Governing Body of Collier County and as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County WaterlSewer Distriet of Collier County, Florida, recorded the Claims of Lien in the Office of the Clerk of the Cireuit Court of Collier County, Florida. SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" Full payment and satisfactions of this lien have been made, The County Attorney's Office has reviewed and approved the Satisfactions of Claim of Lien, -- FISCAL IMPACT: Payment in full for these Claim of Liens increases the cash flow in the County's Sewer Impact Fee (Fund 413) by $2,680.00. The fiscal impact for recording the Satisfactions of Claim of Lien is approximately $20.00. Funds are available in the County WaterlSewer Operating Fund (408). LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office, is legally sufficient for Board action and only requires a majority vote - .IBW. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Gro\\1h Management impact associated with this item. RECOMMENDATION: Acknowledge full payment and the satisfaction of these liens and to surrender the same canceled, and to direct the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County to cancel the same of record, Authorize the Chairman to execute the Satisfactions of Claim of Lien. PREPARED BY: Pam Callis, Revenue Supervisor, Utility Billing and Customer Service, ,.-, Packet Page -726- 6/28/2011 Item 16.C.3. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.C.3. Item Summary: Recommendation to approve, execute and record Satisfactions of Notice of Claim of Lien for Sanitary Sewer System Impact Fee. Fiscal impact is $20 to record the Satisfactions of Lien, Meeting Date: 6/28/2011 Prepared By Name: debbie chinn Title: Administrative Assistant,Utilities Finance Operations 6/l 120 II 10:28: 17 AM Submitted by Title: Supervisor - Revenue,Utilities Finance Operations Name: Pam Callis 6/1/2011 10:28:19 AM Approved By Name: HapkeMargie Title: VALUE MISSING Date: 6/l/2011 10:52:55 AM Name: Joseph Bellone Title: Manager - Utility Billing & Cust Serv.,Utilities Finance Operations Date: 6/1/2011 2:23:30 PM Name: WidesTol11 Title: Director - Operations Support - PUD,Utilities Fina Date: 6/l/2011 3:16:]4 PM Name: RiesenTeresa Title: Manager - Revenue,Utilities Finance Operations Date: 6/2/20117:16:33 AM Packet Page -727- 6/28/2011 Item 16.C.3. Name: Pam Callis Title: Supervisor - Revenue,Utilities Finance Operations Date: 6/2/2011 8:04:17 AM Name: WhiteJennifer Title: Assistant County Attorney,County Attorney Date: 6/2/201] 8:29:18 AM Name: YilmazGeorge Titl e: Director - Wastewater, Wastewater Date: 6/2/2011 1 1 :39:28 AM Name: KlatzkowJeff Title: County Attorney, Date: 6/3/2011 3:49:43 PM Name: GreenwaldRandy Title: Managemcnt/Budget Analyst,Office of Management & B Date: 6/13/20118:48:4] AM Name: SheffieldMichae1 Title: Manager-Business Operations, CMO Date: 6/16/2011 9:] 0:52 AM Packet Page -728- 6/28/2011 Item 16.C,3, EXHIBIT "A" 1. William Anthony Petruzzi, securing the principal balance of one thousand one hundred dollars and no cents ($1,100.00). Folio # 61840400003, 2. Jan K. Jackson, a single person, securing the principal balance of one thousand five hundred eighty dollars and no cents ($1,580.00). Folio# 77262080008, Packet Page -729- 6/28/2011 Item 16.C.3. This instrument prepared by: Jennifer B. White Assistant County Attomey Office of the County Attorney 3299 East Tamiami Trail, Suite 800 Naples, Florida 34112 (239) 252-8400 SATISFACTION OF NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, WATER TAPPING FEES, AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IMPACT FEES KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFF]CIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTR]CT, was the owner and holdcr of a certain Lien against: WILLIAM ANTHONY PETRUZZI 4471 32"' AVENUE S.W. NAPLES, FL 33999 The Lien was recorded on the 15TH day of December 1994, in Official Record Book 2011, Page(s) 1854, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County, State of Florida. The Lien secures the principal sum of One Thousand One Hundred Dollars and No Cents ($], I 00.00), plus accrued intcrest and penalties, if any, and imposes certain obligations against real property situated in Collicr County, Florida, described as follows: BEGINNING AT THE N.W. CORNER OF LOT ]00 OF N.G.& T. CO. LITTLE FARMS NO.2 SUBD. THEN S 8926' 40 E 1 ]6.81 FT.: THENCE S 009'50" W 69.5 FT.; THENCE N 89 27'00" W ] ] 6.8] FT.; THENCE N 0 09'00" E 69.5 FT. TO POINT OF BEGINNING, AS DESCRIBED IN THAT DOCUMENT RECORDED IN OR BOOK 1890. PAGE 34 OF TilE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. FOLIO NUMBER: 61840400003 Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and the Collier County Water-Sewer District, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereby acknowledges receipt of paymcnt in full Satisfaction of the Lien and hereby cancels the Lien. The Clerk of the Circuit Court is hereby directed to record this Satisfaction of Lien in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida, to acknowledge that the Lien ceases to exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, and as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, acting through its Chairman, directs execution and recording of this Satisfaction or Lien, by action of the Board this _day .2011. , Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: By: FRED W. COYLE, CHAIRMAN Packet Page -730- 6/28/2011 Item 16.C.3. This instrument prepared by: Jennifer B. White .... "istant County Attorney lice of the County Attorney 3299 East Tamiami Trail, Suite 800 Naples, Florida 34112 (239) 252-8400 SATISFACTION OF NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, WATER TAPPING FEES, AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IMPACT FEES KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, was the owner and holder of a certain Lien against: JAN K. JACKSON, a single person 134 7'h STREET-TRAIL ACRES NAPLES, FL 33962 The Licn was recorded on the ] 4TH day of November 1994, in Official Record Book 2002, Page(s) 0328, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County, State of Florida. The Lien secures the principal sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Eighty Dollars and No Cents ($],580.00), plus accrued interest and penalties, if any, and imposes ccrtain obligations against real property situated in Collier County, Florida, described as follows: LOT 37, BLOCK 2, TRAIL ACRES, UNIT 2, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 62, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS DESCRIBED IN THAT DOCUMENT RECORDED IN OR BOOK 780, PAGE 434 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. FOLIO NUMBER: 77262080008 Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and the Collier County Water-Sewer District, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereby acknowledges reccipt of payment in full Satisfaction of the Lien and hereby cancels the Lien. The Clerk of the Circuit Court is hereby directed to record this Satisfaction of Lien in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida, to acknowledge that the Lien ceases to exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, and as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, acting through its Chairman, directs execution and recording of this Satisfaction of Lien, by action of the Board this _day ,2011. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK , Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFF]CIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: - ~"\~~ .mifer B. ute Assistant County Attorney By: FRED W. COYLE, CHAIRMAN Packet Page -731-