Agenda 06/28/2011 Item #16A 5 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to provide after-the-fact approval for the submittal of a Transportation Community and System Preservation Program (TCSP) Discretionary Grant Application for a total amount of $17,000,000. OBJECTIVE: To receive after-the-fact approval from the Board of County Commissioners (Board) to submit a Transportation Community and System Preservation Program (TCSP) Discretionary Grant Application to the United States Department of Transportation for a total amount of$] 7,000,000. CONSIDERATIONS: On May ] 2, 2011, the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) announced available discretionary grant funds from the Transportation, Community, and System Preservation (TCSP) Program. The deadline to submit an application for these TCSP funds was June 3, 201 1. Due to the short turnaround time, it was necessary to obtain County Manager approval to submit the application and obtain "after-the-fact" approval from the Board of County Commissioners. Collier County CMA #5330 authorizes the County Manager to approve the submittal of grant applications with subsequent Board of County Commissioners action at the next available Board meeting to ratify the approval as "after-the-fact." --- The design-build construction of five new bridges, named the Golden Gate Estates Bridge Program, was submitted for funding consideration. The construction of the five new bridges in Golden Gate Estates will complete the existing roadway network and establish a two-lane grid street pattern. The bridges will improve traffic mobility, promote private expansion for economic growth, reduce response times for emergency services and improve hurrieane and fire evacuation routes. The five bridges are located at: Bridge 1, 23rd St. SW (1 block north of White Blvd) Bridge 2, ] 6th St NE (south of 10th Ave NE) Bridge 3, 8th St NE (south of 10th Ave NE) Bridge 4, 47th Ave NE Bridge 5, 62nd Ave NE (west of 40th St NE) The total amount needed to design-build these five bridges is $] 7,000,000. The amount requested from the TCSP Program is $12.000,000 with an estimated $5.000,000 match from Collier County. To provide the County the best opportunity for an award, the application specifies that Collier County would accept a lesser award and would then just build fewer bridges. Any awards made will require subsequent Board of County Commissioners approval. FISCAL IMPACT: The matching amount of $5,000.000 will come from the Transportation budgeted funds for bridge repairs/improvements. If awarded. the award will be brought before _ the board to aecept the grant and authorize the necessary budget amendments. Source of funds are gas taxes and impaet fees. Packet Page -373- 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item IS legally sufficient for Board action, and requIres majority support for approval. -J AK GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Golden Gate Estates Bridge Program, as identified for the TCSP grant application is consistent with the Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: To provide after-the-fact approval for the submittal of a TCSP Discretionary Grant Application, sponsored by the United States Department of Transportation, for a total amount of$17,000.000. Prepared By: Debbie Armstrong, Transportation Planning Project Manager Attachments: County Manager Memorandum 5/31111 TCSP Grant Application Packet Page -374- 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.A.5. Item Summary: Recommendation to provide after-the-fact approval for the submittal of a Transportation Community and System Preservation Program (TCSP) Discretionary Grant Application for the construction of five new bridges in Golden Gate Estates in a total amount of $17,000,000. Meeting Date: 6/28/2011 Prepared By Name: ArmstrongDebbie Title: Project Manager,Transponation Planning 6/8/2011 10:43:33 AM Submitted by Title: Project Manager,Transportation Planning Name: ArmstrongDebbie 6/8/2011 10:43:35 AM Approved By Name: LorenzWilliam Title: Director - CDES Engineering Services.Comprehensive Date: 6/8/2011 11 :59:45 AM Name: PuigJudy Title: Operations Analyst, CDES Date: 6/8/2011 I :29:30 PM Name: OberrathKaren Date: 6/9/2011 7:33:35 AM Name: Joshua Thomas Title: Grants Support Specialist, Date: 6/912011 8:40:52 AM Packet Page -375- Name: FederNorman Title: Administrator - Growth Management Div,Transportati Date: 6/9/2011 1 :58:49 PM Name: MarcellaJeanne Title: Executive Secretary,Transportation Planning Date: 6116/2011 1 :47:54 PM Name: KlatzkowJeff Title: County Attorney, Date: 6/17120119:23:48 AM Name: StanleyTherese . Title: Management/Budget Analyst, Senior,Office of Management & Budget Date: 6/17/2011 II :26:28 AM Name: OchsLeo Title: County Manager Date: 6119/20] 1 6:31 :02 PM Packet Page -376- 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. COLLIER COUNTY DEBBIE ARMSTRONG 239.252.5874 239.252.6609 DebbicAmlstrong((('co 11 ienwv. net STATE DOT 5TAN CANN 863.519.2204 862.534.6265 Stan.Cann(a.:dot.state. fl. us FHWA DIVISION OFFICE Lee Ann Jacobs 850.553.2219 850.552.2200 Leea nn.Jacobs(aJ dot.gov GOLDEN GATE ESTATES BRIDGE PROGRAM This projeet consists of the design-build construction of five new bridges in the Golden Gate Estates, which will complete the existing roadway network and establish a two-lane grid street pattern. The bridges will improve traffic mobility, promote private expansion for economie growth, reduee response times for emergency services and improve hurricane and fire evacuation routes. Collier County has already completed the preliminary engineering assessments on all the bridges, held public involvement meetings and performed peer reviews to confirm the appropriateness and urgeney of the construction of the bridges. This project consistent with the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council Regional Policy Plan and has been adopted in the Metropolitan Planning Organization Long Range Transportation Plan and Collier County's Grm",th Management Division's 5-year work program. Packet Page -377- /~~ 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. ,(;...;.........;...~.j\~.i~ Office of the County Manager .".''''' 1.?rJII~ Leo E. Ochs, Jr. ''(-','''~'<''~~~- ~;i!" 3299 Tamlaml Trail East, Suite 202. Naples Floflda 34112-5746' (239) 252-8383' FAX (239) 252-4010 Transportation, Community and System Preservation Program (TCSP) PROGRAM FY 2011 GRANT APPLICATION PART A. PROJECT INFORMATION Pro'ect Title: Project Location (Include City/County, State): Golden Gate Estates Brid e Prouram Collier County, Florida State Priority (to be eompleted by State DOT): GRANTEE CONTACT INFORMATION Grantee Contact Name: A enc /Tribal Government: Mailin Address (Street/P.O. Box): City, State, Zi code: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Debbie Armstron Collier Count 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Na les, Florida, 34104 . 239.252.5874 239.252.6609 DebbieAnnstron 'wcollier oV.net STATE DOT CONTACT INFORMATION State Contact Person: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Stan Cann, P.E 863.519.2204 862.534.7265 Stan.cann iildot.state.f1.us FHW A DIVISION OFFICE CONTACT INFORMATION Division Contact Person: Leeann Jacobs Phone: 850.553.2219 Fax: 850.552.2200 E-Mail: LeeAnnJacobs@dot.gov CONGRESSIONAL INFORMATION Congress Member: Connie Mack & David Rivera Connie Mack (14th) & David Rivera (25th) Congressional District No.: I TCSP Program Funds: I Matehing Funds/In-kind Services Value:_____~_ . Matehing Funds/In-kind Services Source: Total TCSP-Related Projeet Costs: S 12,000,000 $5.000,000 (29.4%) Impact Fees and Gas Tax $17,000,000 I Collier County - Transpllrtatlon, Community and Sy Packet Page -378-111 (TCSP) p. 2 Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr. 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 202. Napies Florida 34112-5746' (239) 252-8383' FM: (239) 252-4010 ~I'<fBEC()MJ>LETEQB~l'HB.mW.,4:PJYISIQ:N OFFIC State Administered? Division Administered? "Transfer" TCSP funding for Project Administration? If es, which F ederaI A enc Will the project be obligated by September 30, 20Il ? Date grant application approved by FHW A Division Office Yes Yes Yes No No No No Collier County - Transportation, Community and Sy Packet Page -379- m (TCSP) p.3 F~'..'~....' ;.;........"~~...)'.'.\~ Office. O.f the county. Manager 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. .. ".e". .' Leo E. Ochs, Jr. ."",'" l.'i.~I'-'-" "!hb~~ 3299 Tamiaml Trail East, Suite 202' Naples Florida 34112.5746' (239) 252.8383' FAX: (239) 2524010 Application for TCSP Grant Project: Location: Subject: Golden Gate Estates Bridge Program Collier County, Florida Design-Build of Five New Bridges in the Golden Gate Estates Part B. Proiect Abstract This project consists of the design-build construction of tjve new bridges in the Golden Gate Estates, whieh will complete the existing roadway network and establish a two-lane grid street pattern. The bridges will improve traffic mobility, promote private expansion for economic growth, reduce response times for emergency services and improve hunieane and fire evacuation routes. Collier County has already completed the preliminary engineering assessments on all the bridges, held public involvement meetings and performed peer reviews to confirm the appropriateness and urgeney of the construction of the bridges. This project consistent with the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council Regional Policy Plan and has been adopted in the Metropolitan Planning Organization Long Range Transportation Plan and Collier County's Grow1h Management Division's 5-year work program. Collier County - Transportation, Community and Sy Packet Page -380- m ncsP) p.4 Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr. 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 202. Naples Florida 34112-5746' (239) 252-8383' FAX: (239) 252-4010 Part C. Proiect Narrative The Golden Gate Estates Community, located in Collier County FL, is based on a two-lane grid pattern similar to those promoted by "Smart Growth". However, the grid was never fully implemented and numerous roads end at canals and start again on the other side. As a result, the efficiencies of a grid system are lost. The East of 951 Horizon Study for Bridges (August 2008) evaluated missing bridge connections based on system-infrastructure needs which considered transportation eirculation, access management, schools, parks, law enforcement, emergency services, fire, libraries, storm water management, and public utilities. The study's stakeholders identified preferred locations and ranked the bridges based on criteria related to mobility, service efficiency and emergency response. Mobility (Transportation Services) . Improve network connectivity, Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), Increase evacuation options The Golden Gate Estates (GGE) is one of the world's largest platted subdivisions and encompasses approximately 177 square miles. This project completes a critical link in the overall roadway network of the GGE. Between 2000 and 2010, Collier County gained over 80,000 new residents. Much of Collier County's current growth is occurring east of CR 951 in the GGE and areas further east. Residents who live in and around the area will benefit by reducing the amount of time it takes for them to travel to and from their jobs, which are primarily located along the west eoast of Collier County. Improving circulation within the GGE will make the area more attractive to potential buyers and will help promote "in-filling" of the approximately 45,000 lots within the 112,000 acre subdivision. This will help reduce urban sprawl further east. This aligns with Collier County's Master Mobility Plan (MMP), which encourages "in-filling" as a method to reduce VMT's. The MMP identified this project as a significant transportation infrastructure improvement that will be required to support the planned population. The improvement will eeonomically and efficiently move people and goods within the GGE and balances the improvements with neighborhood and community coneerns. The Surface Transportation Efficiency Model, STEAM 2.0, developed by FHW A was used to estimate user benefits, costs, and externalities of transportation projects, based on trip tables and networks from travel demand models. User benefits were calculated based on a reduction of VMT's and congestion levels (delays) experienced by travelers at the link level. In addition, estimates of emissions, energy eonsumption, and noise were based on FHW A supplied values. The improvement case (with bridges) reduced values for the user trips, cold start emission eost and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as anticipated. The in-vehicle travel time delay study produced a reduction of time traveled in the improvement case in relationship to the base case (no bridges). The reductions result in a decrease of hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. The projeet analysis displayed a significant decrease in green house gas emissions in the form of BTU energy eonsumption and carbon dioxide level reductions. The declines from the base ease values directly translate to user benefit savings. Service Efficiency (School Districts, Parks, Public Utilities and Big Cypress Basin) . Efficiency, Connectivity, Opportunity Serviee efficieney, conneetivity and oppOJtunity were diseussed with stakeholder groups that included school districts, parks departments, public utilities and South Florida Water Management District Big Cypress Basin. Adding more bridges to the Estates will provide for more efficient public services to the area. The potential construction of water facilities, that provide potable water and raw water, require collection and distribution lines to and from facilities and homes they serviee. These facilities will be able to use the new bridges to span the canals along the chosen service eorridors. Bridges will also allow for better bus routes for schools resulting increased zoning flexibility and bus transportation efficiency. Collier County - Transportation, Community and Sy Packet Page -381- m (TCSP) p. 5 Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr. 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. 3299 Tamiaml Trail East, SUite 202' Naples FlOrida 34112-5746' (239) 252-8383' FAX: (239) 252-4010 Currently, students living in some areas of the Golden Gate Estates must be driven several miles out of the way to reach a school that is immediately across a canal from their homes. Ultimately this translates into cost savings by reducing individual vehicle and bus route mileage and potentially allowing for pedestrian access to schools. Emergency Response (Fire, Emergency Medical Services, Sheriff and Forestry) . Proximity to Agency and Change in Response Time The proposed locations of the new bridges are based on rankings provided by the following emergency response groups: Big Corkscrew Island Fire Distriet, Golden Gate Fire District, Emergency Management Services, Forestry Service, and Collier County Sheriffs Office. The eonsensus was "decreasing emergency response times is simply a matter of life and death". The medical standard for response time is eight minutes. That is the response threshold required in eases of cardiac arrest to avoid brain injury or death. For certain areas within the Golden Gate Estates (GGE), the anticipated response time is greater than 8 minutes due to limited access and traffie eirculation. The additional bridges will help reduce those response times by as much as 3.5 minutes. Every year hundreds of thousands (480.500 in 2009*) of structural fires occur in the United States causing billions of dollars ($10,842.000,000 in 2009*) in dan1ages. A residential fire (377,000 in 2009*) is reported every 84 seconds*. When fighting a fire, every second counts in trying to contain or extinguish a blaze. Therefore, the aecess route as well as the distance between a blaze and emergency responders is extremely important. A community's Publie Protection Classification (PPC) rating is a key factor that affects the cost of homeowners insurance and the cost of operating fire departments. By adding the proposed bridges, the response time will reduce by as much as 3.5 minutes and mileage to certain areas of the GGE would deerease. Based on these reductions, it is anticipated the Insurance Service Organization's (ISO) PPC Rating may also decrease which would mean homeowners could see a reduction in their homeowners insurance. The bridges also provide secondary and alternative direetion evacuation routes in response or anticipation of an event such as hurricane or wildfire. [*Data obtained from National Fire Protection Association 2010] Golden Gate Estates Bridge Program: Schedule ias~ Na:Tfe Han2.2011 J i A r -1P.IT 1 20 ~ ~ S ION [I j-,j ;: -v A' M I 'Hatj::'.2C'12 'ha.lt 1 2013 -J I A SO, N I 0 J F I III A ' M I ,I Hall2.Wl ,I I A Awarac.omra-:t j'ssueN::m:eproceerl jBnOge Deslgn :Sfl:!J€ "'erm::s , - LBnag-e ConSl'uctlon [1- __ ....- _.---.r- The County affinns that it will complete the proposed bridge by the target deadline. As a result of existing assessments and preliminary engineering completed to date, the county has developed a project sehedule that ean aeeommodate tinalization of engineering bid documents and pennitting for the competitive seleetion process. This project aligns well with the Transportation, Community and System Preservation Program by providing livability, economic competitiveness, sustainability, and safety benefits to Southwest Florida. While the eonstruction of five bridges has an obvious instant short tenn advantage in the creation of construction jobs; the long tenn outcomes are far greater. The improved travel times, enhanced development opportunities, fuel savings, neighborhood connectivity, eongestion reduction, emission reduetion and alternative transpOl1ation choices make this project extremely attractive for the future outlook of the Southwest Florida Region. Cpllicr Count:y - Tran:-;purtatioll. Clln11llUntty ~lIld Sy Packet Page -382~ III ncsP) p, 6 (~\);i':': 4l~"}"~1""""" 1~~ Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr. 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 202. Naples Fiorida 34112-5746' (239) 252-8383' FAX: (239) 252-4010 Part D. Project Eligibility a. Is the project located on a Federal-aid highway? (List the functional class(es) of the facility(ies) to be improved) No. b. If the project is not located on a Federal-aid highway, how do you consider the project eligible for assistance under Title 23 or Chapter 53 of Title 49, United States Code? (i.e., list program(s) and describe how the project meets the statutory eligibility criteria for that program.) Under Title 23 Section ~505.3, the Golden Gate Estates Bridge Program is of regional significance and will quantitatively improve the throughput and provide long term congestion relief for residents and services on the transportation network and clearly eonnect to sustainable economic productivity for Southwest Florida Region. The Golden Gate Estates Bridge Program is expected to quickly create and preserve jobs and stimulate rapid increases in eeonomic aetivity. According to 42 U.S.c. 3161, Collier County is an economically distressed area with an unemployment rate of9.7% (May 2011). Collier County has had one of the highest foreclosure rates in the United States. The project will create direct and indirect jobs immediately. c. Is the project a corridor preservation activity necessmy to implement transit-oriented development plans, traffic calming measures, or other coordinated transportation, community, and system preservation practices? The proposed proj ect is consistent with the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council Regional Policy Plan, the Collier County Master Mobility Plan, the Collier County MPO Long Range Transportation Plan, and the Collier County Comprehensive Plan. Improving circulation within the Golden Gate Estates will make the area more attractive to potential buyers and will help promote "in-filling" of the approximately 45,000 lots within the 112,000 acre subdivision. This will help reduce urban sprawl further east. This aligns with Collier County's Master Mobility Plan (MMP), which encourages "in-filling" as a method to reduee VMT's. This "Smart Growth" philosophy of concentrating growth will also provide an opportunity to economieally and effieiently expand the existing Collier Area Transit (CAT) system within the Golden Gate Estates. Collier County - Transportation, Community and Sy Packet Page -383- m (TCSP) p. 7 ~~ , .<'hli_-r."';.... -""..--..."......-.. ~r '<j Office of the County Manager ~,~;~~ Leo E. Ochs, Jr. "~"9 3299 Tamiami Tral! East, SUlle 202. Naples Florida 34112-5746' (239) 252-8383' FAX (239) 252-4010 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS CHECK LIST: Applications are due from the State departments of transportation (State DOTs), metropolitan planning organizations, local governments, and tribal governments to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) division offiees by .Tune 3,201 I. The following information must be included to properly evaluate the candidate projects. The appropriate division office must submit the applications by eleetronic mail in Microsoft Word format. Those applications that do not include these items are eonsidered incomplete and will not be considered in the evaluation selection proeess. I. State in which the project is located.- Florida 2. County in whieh the project is located. - Collier County 3. V.S. Congressionat District No.(s) in which the project IS located. This IS the U.S. Congressional District. not the State district. Connie l\1ack - 14'h Congressional District D 'd R' ~ -Ih C . I O' . aVI lyeI'a - ~~ ongresslOna IstnC't 4. V.S, Congressional District Member's Name(s). This IS the U.S. Congressional District representative, not the State legislature. Connie Mack - 141h Congressional District D 'd I" vti> C.' . I I)' . '-1\'1 \.Ivera -.;:.') .ongn.'SSlona lstnct 5. Project Title - This should be a very short project deseription that readily identifies the project, or is eommonly used to deseribe the facility or project. Golden Gate Estates Bridge Program 6. State Priority - The State department of transportation should rank each project submitted within the State as to priority. For example, if live projeets are submitted within a State, they should be ranked 1 to 5 with 1 being the highest priority. 7. Project Location - Desclibe the specific location of the project, including route number and termini, if applicable. Also include appropriate loeal jurisdiction in which the project is located. All bridges within thc project arc locall'd "ithin Collicr County, Florida. Please see Appendix for spccilic locations. Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhihit E Exhihit F Aerial: Bridge 1.23'" St. SW (I block north onVhite Bhd) Aerial: Bridge 2, 16th St NE (sollth of IOlh Ave NE) Aerial: Bridge 3. S'" St NE (south of 10'" ,he ]\E) ,>..erial: Bridge 4. 47th An' NE Aerial: Bridgc 5. 62th Ave NE (wcst of 4\1th 5t NE) Collier County - Transportation, Community and Sy Packet Page -384- m (TCSP) p, R /'~D" .f~ r-,' ,l~~;~"f-') , " . ''''),'J~_','<C;' ',e_, """" ~ -~lJii~' . Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr. 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. 3299 Tamiaml Trail East, Suite 202' Naples Florida 34112-5746' (239) 252-8383' FAX: (239) 252-4010 8. Project Abstract - Describe project work that is to be completed under this particular request, and whether this is a complete project or part of a larger project. (Maximum: 4 Sentences) This project consists of the design-build construction of five new bridges in the Golden Gate Estates, which will complete the existing roadway network and establish a two-lane grid street pattern. The bridges will improve traffic mobility, promote private expansion for economic growth, rcduce response times for emergency scrvices and improve hurricane and fire evacnation routes. Collier County has already completed the preliminary engineering assessments on all the bridges, held public involvement meetiugs and performed peer reviews to eonnrm the appropriateness and urgency of the construction of the bridges. This project consistent with the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council Regional Policy Plan and has been adopted in the Metropolitan Planning Organization Long Range Transportation Plan and Collier County's Growth Management Division's 5- year work program. 9. Project Narrative - This should include a list of the needs for the project and how each of those needs will be addressed by completion of the project. Other transportation benefits that will result from completion of the project, such as improved public safety, economic development, community enhancement, etc., should be described. (Maximum: 2 Pages) Provided on Page 5 and Page 6 10. Amount of Federal TCSP Funds Requested - Indicate the total cost of the proposed work along with the amount of TCSP funds being requested (the maximum Federal share for this program is 80 percent). The State may request partial funding (less than the 80 percent maximum), committing a larger portion of State or local funds. If the State is willing to accept partial funding of the request, that should be indicated. Partial funding along with the commitment of other funds will be used to determine leveraging of funds and allow funding to more projects since the requests far exeeed the funding available. Information can be found on Page 2. Total Project Costs are estimated to be $17,000,000. Collier County is providing $5,000,000 (29.40;;.) in matching funds and is requesting $12,000,000 of TCSP Funding. Partial funding is aeceptahle, II. Commitment of Other Funds - Indicate the amounts and sources of any private or other public funding being provided as part of this project. Only indicate those amounts of funding that are firm and documented commitments from the cntity controlling the funds. Collier County has committed $5,000,OO(t for design-build construction of the bridges from county impact fees and gas tax credits, 12. Previous TCSP Funding - Indicate the amount and Federal fiscal year of any previous TCSP funds reeeived for this project No TCSP Funding has previously been received for this project. Collier County - Transportation, Community and Sy Packet Page -385- m (TCSP) p.9 fI~.;r....~'I'~ Office of the County Manager 'l...'" ~ Leo E. Ochs, Jr. ',..~',"'I'\'.'.."'" '""Qff:::i.~ 3299 Tamlami Trail East, Suite 202. Naples Flonda 34112-5746' (239) 252.8383' FAX: i239) 252-4010 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. 13. Project Administration - Indicate whether the projeet is being administered by the State transportation department, an Indian tribe, or a county, or other local jurisdiction. This information is needed to determine to whom to allocate the funds if the project is selected for funding. If the project is to be allocated to other than the State department of transportation, indicate coordination with State department of transportation and the metropolitan planning organization, ability to aet on behalf of the applicant jurisdiction, and ability to meet Federal funding requirements. This projcct is hcing administcrcd by Collicr County. 14. Project Schedule - The anticipated project sehedule (assuming the requested TeSp funding is provided) is required. The sehedule should show how the work will be commenced in the fiscal year for which the funds are being requested, and the antieipated completion date of the work. Applications should only be submitted for projeets that are ready to advance if the funding request is met. Thc County affirms that it can and will complctc thc proposed bridge projcct by the targct dcadlinc. As a rcsult of existing assessments and preliminary cnginecring eomplctcd to date, the county has dcveloped a project schcdulc that can accommodate finalization of cngincering bid docnments for the eompetithe selcction process. The project is ready to proceed upon rec('ipt of grant funds. Collier County + Transpprtation, Community and Sy Packet Page -386- III (TCSP) p.IO Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr. 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 202. Naples Florida 34112-5746' (239) 252-8383' FAX: (239) 252-4010 Golden Gate Estate Bridge Appendix Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Bridge Locations Aerial- Bridge 1, 23m 5t. 5W (1 blk N of White Blvd) Aerial - Bridge 2, 16th 5t NE (south of 10th Ave NE) Aerial - Bridge 3, 8th 5t NE (south of 10th Ave NE) Aerial- Bridge 4, 47th Ave NE Aerial- Bridge 5, 62th Ave NE (west of 40th 5t NE) Collier County ~ Transportation, Community and Sy Packet Page -387- m (TCSP) p.11 Exhibit A: Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr. 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. 3299 Tamlami Trali East, Suile 202. Naples Florida 34112-5746' (239) 252-8383' FAX: (239) 252-4010 Bridge Locations East of C.R. 951 Bridge Study ,_... " IMMOKALEE RD E ~.-.~,~ Q 0: OJ OJ -J ~ ~ :'''M . _,.... .: , :o::!:.! "",.. ~~~tt~~ ..'~......, : ."""...~,'-"'......... ""","",,,;..01><>", .-"..... ~ . ';:l-. , ::::,:. ._ t .. 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",'~'" ... ~ ",<,,,, "',.....0. ,< ~ ..,.,~ ,-,1-0" +..:...... ~ Legend . , =..-.'''. " w~r s = _. =.....~......a_.... c-","'orcI "',"'-""""<<>"" -"".--... -,~~'" ;-,~~~.-- -- ..",..--......., ........,_. ~ )" , ~ ~ t { , ....". -'J. c"nir,Cl]jW(.lf ."'~"R.U .n:w'~l"~" . "''''"''' 175 t i \i r . ~ -- o L I Miles 2 I Collier Coumy Transponiillion Sef"vices DI~'SIOII -,........"""""'""- ::;"'~~=:::=; ----.""."....,....~,.,' -"'--""- .. :'<;:'':::c';:;;' -"", """''''''' ",.",-= . -,,-- Collier County - TransponatioTl. Community' and Sy Packet Page -38B-1ll (TCSP) .iuly I~. :!l08 p. 12 Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr. 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. 3299 Tamlami Trail East. Suite 202' Naples Flonda 34112-5746' (239) 252-8383' FAX (239) 252-4010 Exhibit B: Aerial- Bridge 1, 23'd St. SW (1 block north of White Blvd) Collier County - Transp0l1ation, Community and Sy Packet Page -389- m (TCSP) p. ]3 ",?~Th 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. ~t.. ......~Z,~i..'... . Offic.e. of the. countY.Manager "'."; . Leo E. Ochs, Jr. '~':"f'r," '~~Y'7 3299 Tamlaml Trail East. SUite 202, Naples FlOrida 34112-5746' (239) 252.8383' FAX: (239) 252-4010 Exhibit C: Aerial- Bridge 1, 16th St NE (south of loth Ave NE) Collil..--r County - Transportation. COJlllllunity dnd Sy Packet Page -390-111(TCSP) p_ 14 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr. 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 202. Naples Florida 34112-5746' (239) 252-8383' FM: (239) 252-4010 Exhibit D: Aerial - Bridge 3, 8th St NE (south of 10th Ave NE) Collier County - Transportation, Community and Sy Packet Page -391- m (TCSP) p. 15 r.'(:J:.l"~, 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. f!'g,.",()u'~'i' Office of the County Manager ~'+'4 Leo E. Ochs, Jr. '~~~ .... 3299 Tamiaml Trail East Suite 202. Naples Florida 34112,5746, (239)252,8383' FAX: (239)2524010 Exhibit E: Aerial- Bridge 4, 47th Ave NE Collier County - Transportation, Community and SY' Packet Page -392- Tn (TCSP) p. 16 Exhibit F: 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr. 3299 Tamlami Trail East, Suite 202 . Naples Florida 34112.5746. (239) 252-8383 . FAX: (239) 252-4010 Aerial- Bridge 5, 62th Ave NE (west of 40'h St NE) ~. , .~ _,:~~~1~ "~ " -'+ ~~ . , Collier County - Transportation, Community and Sy Packet Page -393- m (TCSP) p.17 C~e-Y County - ~.- - - Administrative Services Division Grants Coordination 6/28/2011 Item 16.A.5. DATE: May31,2011 Gran pplication Rev' wed and Approved by "~an~or si TO: Leo Ochs, County Manager CC: Debbie Armstrong, Transportation Planning (',,"~ " . Marlene Foord, Grants Coordmator FROM: SUBJECT: County Manager Review and Approval of a 2011 Transportation, Community, and System Preservation Program grant sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation in the amount of $12,000,000 The U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently armounced a new grant program that provides funding for a comprehensive initiative including planning grants, implementation grants. and research to investigate and address the relationships among transportation, community. and system preservation plans and practiees and idcntify private sector-based initiatives to improve those relationships. The program is authorizcd under Section 1117 of the Safe, Accountablc, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU, Public Law 109-2(3). The Transportation Plarming Department has prepared an application that fits within the guidelines and, if funded, will support the Golden Gate Bridge Program. The project will involve the design build eonstruction of five new bridgcs to expand the roadway network and establish a two lane grid street pattern in Golden Gate Estates. The bridges will improve traffic mobility, promote private expansion for economic grO\\1h. reduce response times for emergency services and improve hurricane and fire evacuation routes. The preliminary cnginecring assessments are complete and thc peer rcview is completed that confirms the appropriateness and urgency of construction of these bridges. It is cstimated that the grant rcquest will be $12,000,000 and a local match of $5,000.000 will be provided by impact fees and gas tax in Fund 313. The program was announced on May 5. 2011 and applications are due to the Florida Department of Transportation on .June 3. 2011 for the state to prioritize and submit to FHW A. Due to thc tight turnaround, it is neeessary to rcquest your approval to be followed by after-the-fact approval by the Board of County Commissioners. Once you have reviewed the proposal, please sign in the box abovc and call me for pickup at 252-4768. Thank you and please Ict me know if you have any questions regarding this request. 3301 East Tamiami Trail. Naples. Florida 34112 . marlenefoordriJ;collier!!O\.llct . (239) 252-4768. (239) 252-8720 (fax) Packet Page -394-