BCC Minutes 04/14/1981 W "..""."~._.'o'...__ ___~.. .r;;;;J c:::I I I ' . r=:.1 ',' , '" '.., ..'.. . . ...--a .. ...._ JJ ,I...' I , \ .:-r Naples, Florida, AprIl l~, 19A1 .~ ., LET IT AE REMEMBERED, that tho Aoard of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, met on this date at 2:25 P.M. in Workshop Session in Buildinq "F" of the Courthouse Complex wIth the followIng memhers present: CHAIRMAN: John A. pistor VICE-CIIl\IR"'l\~: Cll fford Wenzel C. R. "Russ" Wil'1er (Absent) Mary-Frances Kruse David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: Clifford Aarksdale, Puhlic Works l\dministrator/ Engineer; Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk; C. ~illiam NormRn, County Manager; Terry Virta, COl'1munity Development Administrator; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; and Sheriff l\ubrey Ro~ers. AGENDA Discussion ra Need for Site Selection for a Correction~l InstitutiQn for the Department of Corrections Chairman pistor intro~uced Ms. Pamela Jo D~vis, Assistant Secretary, Office of Management and Bud0et, Floriða Department of 'Corrections, who introduced ~essrs. Jim Vickers and Joe Kruse, Circuit ^dminstrator. She thanked the Aoard for the opportunity to present the Commission with an overview of the current site needs of the Department of Corrections and the local impact of a correctional institution on the community and s~e saId th~ reason for this presentation is becaUSd ~ . the Department Is lookinq for potential sites to loc~te state prisons. She explained that the Department hils two I'Ippropriations from .the 19AO '. eJ Pa'] e 1 J ..~ ".. :~ '~k "'.."t.! "../'/,.~' ,·.0: &OOK 061 rACE S9 ~. ¡' , - . ..~.'ry ¡" ":'~ ~~l ~ ";,"" '~ '..... . , . ~ \ ", .. , ", ',' ..' r , ~ I .1"" 'It.. ti:k- . ,....' ," ~, '~,..,.. ,A;" '¥~l""'.t .,..... ~.w _~......~.--.~....- .. . Ii·...... . ,'., :. .f /. f, ~ I¡, v . . J I _ ,\"" ......... '.........~......L.__..........___L..;...;_:..............., ..~.. ~QO~ 061 PAcE1DO It'.\ ~n , ~pril 14, 1981 Legislative session ðnd that both contain proviso languago which she explained as meaninq that tho Department of Corrections wo~l~ locate a prison in Dado County or any other county south of Seminole which does not currently have 0 major correctional institution. She indicated on a map on an overhead board the l7 counties shown in white which cur- rently do not have major correctional institutions and she sai~ her Department had made presentations in some of those counties before the County Commission. Ms. Davis said that basically the Department is asking for some sense of direction to have the staff work with the Department to help in an effort to locate prison sites. She explained that the Department of Corrections currently is under a federal court order which indicates how many beds can be put into the system and that. throu~h negotia- tions, the Department was ahle to achieve aqreement that there could be 1/3 the total number of be~s above the system design capacity. She referred the Board to a chart on an overhead board and explained that the lower green line represents beds which are currently being phased in, i.e. expanding Hendry Correctional Institution, and that the red line on the chart indicates the population projections which do not take into account the pressure now being placed upon judqes to give "stiffer" and more expedient sentences, and which, she noted, she had been told was a conservative number, since by 19R5 the population will exceed the number of beds which the Department currently plans on having in the system. She explained that the striped green lIne indicates the two prisons for which the Department currently is locat- inq sites and, she said that even if sItes can be found for those two, the nee~s would still be greater than tho heds that would he in the system. par¡e 2 ".... . . .....- ...... r...··· ------.-. , I '.,1, . . .' t~.1 c=J ~ , . . . ... a·_ _ April l~, '19131 Ms. Davis said that the proviso on the appropri~tion was that the inmates comin0 into the system ðrc comin0 basically from South Florida and that the institutions should be located somewhere in the same vicinity near the major popul~tion ~reas. Commissioner Wenzel asked Ms. Davis if any missionary work had been done on land in the Big Cyprcss area, which the Federal qovernment has acquired, and he said that thousands of acres are involved which might be acquired at no cost, ~nd Ms. Davis said that no missionary work had been done at this point. She explained that the Department's fIrst step had been to make presentations nt the various counties and to meet with the Plannin1 and Zoning staff in 6rder for them to qive the Departl'1ent guidance to look in ccrtain areas. Ms. Davis sai~ that the slidc presentation would addrcss some of the concerns which arise when a prison is locateñ in ð commun1ty. ..Commissioner Arown left the room at 2:~~ P.~. neturned: 2:4n P.M.·· Following the slide pre~entðtion, Ms. n~vis introduced Mr. Vickers who explained what it means financially to a cO~l'1unity to nave a prison in the vicinity. fie commented that the Department of Corrections is seeking a site for the construction of a ~2~ bed facility and that the approximate cost for such a facility is 30 million dollars with ahout ~S, being in the payroll area. He explained that l~ and l/2 million dollars would be local expenditures in the payroll area and that local purchases for materials and service would comprise approximately 4 million dollars and, therefore, the total expected to he spent locally would be approximately 20 million dollars. lie said that the 20 million dollars which would be spent over a two year ~eriod of time durin~ construction would amount to ~pproximately ~o million dollars. Mr. , : : :~~. '\ , ,.) &OOK 061 PACE lOr PIli]. 3 p ,,,,," 'j. ~ .- ,.]( >II (, ' " , ,. ~ . . ' ':' I' J., r ~ ~ .,.....þ_...........-..._..~.... .~ " I i/' " ~ . , '0. .-... ...-.---. ._~~ ...... ... . ...'~ .......! .. ~OO1. 061 PACE 102 ijl .....~ April 14, 1981 vIckQrs continued to explain that only about $500,000 of the total amount would leave the area. , ., Responding to CommissIoner Wenzel's question reg~rdr~g the amount of land that would be required f.or a ~24 bed facility, Mr. Vickers said that if it was possihle to join the local utilities, approxi~ately 100 acres would he needed, with about 35 acres in the fence, and the other ~5 acres to he harrier and huffer type property. Commissioner Kruse asked if the Department of Corrections people are'aware that one of the critical problems at the prp.sent time in Collier County is housing for working class, and ~r. Vickers said that one of the reasons the Department wanted to meet and talk with the Commissions is to seek guidance and to work cooperatl~ely to select a site. Commissioner Brown stated that the road to the Hendry County Correctional Institution is approximately three miles long and that it , ., is just "bearing up", and þe said that he frankly would not want a correctional institution in his area. Chairman Pistor noted that there was a large area which has been purchase~ by the Federal Government on the western portion of Collier County and that there is one area n~ar Ochopee where a resident prepared about l50 acres planning to put in a development, but that the Federal Government purchased the property and he suggested that area might he a location that the Department of Corrections could consider for a prison site. Mr. vickers responded to Commissioner Brown's comments by stating that the Department of Corrections has no budgetary authority to spend money for the road. He said that the IIcndry County Correctional Institution is becomin1 a burden on the Department, since it is diffI- cult to staff because it is so far out in the country. . , . <·-t ;'þ .' ", rag e 4 ... j'. ....---....... - . ~,.. .. . . ~'.. . .' .. . . I'¡' '~ .. I '., . ,'I . . .j~:. ':".~ ·'1 ~.~ nil c:::::;1 ;::J '. '" 1\pril H, ,19Al ***Commissioner Wenzel left room at 2:50 P.M. and returned at 2:55 P.M.···· Mr. vickers briefly covered the staffing requirements for an institution of the size by statin~ that approximately 243 people would be required to staff a ~24 bed correctional institution with a large number of the employees being correctional officers, plus health services personnel, i.e. psychiatrists, doctors, nurses, as well as educational staff and administrative staff. MS. Davis explaincd that the Inmates also provide free labor to the local community and she said that thc re~ional office locate~ in Tampa has estimated that currently with the fa~ilities just in this region that there are some $250,000 a month equivalent v~lue for labor comin~ from the inm~tes in the institutions. She said that they built a library in one community; they wor~ with local church groups¡ clean up trash in parks, an~ work on local roads. Ms. Davis said that currently the Department of Corrections is planning to build a close custody institution, which is ~ secure facility with a double fence and a perimeter alarm system. f.very institution has a contin1cncy of minimul'1 and medium custody inmates, as well as the close custo~y inmates, which are not like the maximum security prisons. ~he explaine~ that the Department philosophy is to classify the inmates ~nd then attempt to de-classify them, so they are always in the process of heing moved down throu1h the system, and that as they display good behavior and tðkp advantage of the trainin~ proqrams there is an incentive for ~ain time. She said that the averaqe len']th of stay is approximately 2~ months, and that is another reason for having institutions in South ~lorid^ near where the people e. '., " 061 rAc£103 paqe 5 'I &OO~ ~ .I ,,1 , f I \, ! I i ~ ,.' .. , :' .:. . 'j, .. ~_.-J...:..a.;.:...4 1.: - ;A. . , . ." , I, . "" , ., ." , . . . ~: n . .. ' . 'I,' .,. .--,. .. ..\....~.. _ ~/·.., .. "!." .....'. . ~ð '" ,..... _ . ~ . ............."...:..... .~....~'^"..........~....)..~.. ~""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.-,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, ..,..............',.. . " &001'\ OSl fA~ 104 " " - t.'" \ ~'4 /'.. ..~ .' , April 14, 19R1 would com& from so that they are integrated back into the communIty and , . helpinqto maintain thoir family ties. Chairman plstor asked why some of the prisons looked like -glorified counfry clubs· and Ms. Dðvis explained that those are really, very,basic institutions which are cheaper to build. She said the stand~rd institutions currcntly being built is calle~ 1/3-2/3, i.e. the Department of Corrections builds 1/3 single cell housing, for those pcrsons who need to he confined alone, and 2/3 of the capacIty is dormitory style space, and that generally a training building, a vocational building, a food service building, a cafeteria, and an administration building comprise the rest of the facility. Commissioner Kruse asked Mr. Virta what the average current new housing costs and he said that in 1979 it was $10r,,000. Commissioner Kruse asked how well the Department of Corrections pays their 200 e~ployees, and Ms. Davis said that the Governor had recommended this ~ year a 22\ increase just for the entry level correctional officcrs' salaries, and she said that some counties are more expensive. She said that the State gives a cost of living differential for counties such as Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Commissioner Kruse observed that the Department miqht have to huild housing for their employees, and Ms. Davis said that traditionally that was what happened until the expense became too great. Chairman Pistor said that currently Collier County is contem- plating the prospect of buildng a ne~ jail and he said thðt talkinq wIth the Sheri(f and other people affccted their idea is to build one building so that fewer employees will be needed and yet he said it looked to him like the Department of Corrections is huilding many separate buildings. He said that when there is space between the Pal] e 6 ,__a_.. ._. ..__ ~ .". ... .... - , " '..', . . , . .f e. "1'*_..'1.",;1, . <I.>JI.",'~V~~.,li~~.~I'""'-"'''''''~rl'''''''''~..w...,..,(,........-",,~- ''Il... .. I!II P!I e=I '. '.. 1\pril 14, 1901 buldlngs it seemed to him that would require additional guards, hut Ms. Da~i8 said that there 15 a difference in mana1ement of inmates who are awaiting trial and those who are sentenced to lon1 terms, since when someone is being held on a short term hasis it is possible to confine them in smaller areas and there are different kinds of pressures and requirements on the housing facility. She said that when there is an inmate who will be incarcerated for a number of years, they are not confined in a single bulding since there are certain requirements for a number of hours for recreation. She said the movements are not moni- tored and that monitorlnJ nf the housing unit is generally done at night when the inmates e.,e in their dormitorie6 to ensure that there is no violence, etc. Chairman pistor aSKed if a person is sentenced to two years' time, for example, would that inmate have free run to go in an out of the various builcHngs, and· ~s. Davis respon~ec1 in the affirmative, since if that inmate worked in the kitchen he would report there, and that every three or four hours a heac1count is taken whereby the inmates "freeze in place" to be sure everybody is in the institution. Chairman pistor questioned the reasons for this thin~in1, and Ms. navis said that this is traditional thinking and that thp. inmates arc expected to work. She expl~ined that reccntly an architectural group prescnted a plan to reduce the cost of construction of an institution hy using more common walls, and less roof space an~, she explained th~t the Department is revisiting some of the large numbers of huildln~s to see how functions could he combined and the construction can be rcduce~. " .,. ,~ ,I &OaK 061 rACE 105 Pllq. '7 ~ I .1 ~' ",S;' , ., ~\' f ;; . . &OO~ 061 PÂGE 106 .. {) '. ~ ,"" 1 :¡ ~';? ^pril 14, 19R1 Chairman pistor ðsked Ms. Dllvis If tho Department is considering a low-cost housin~ area as well as the construction of the institution, and Ms. Davis responded that that is an issue which the LC1Islature would need to nddress prior to final selection of a site, if those are criteria which would "go along" with a certain site. Chairman pistor said'that possibly the ~rea which Commissioner Wenzel referred to earlier could he utilized for the site on an institution and it is remote enou1h and larqe cnou1h so that housin1 could be incorporated in that area. Chairman pistor said that Collier County is faced with havin~ to spend approximately 20 million dollArs to huild a jail and Courthouse and he said he has no idea whore that money will come from since he knows what the vote woulò he if a hond issue is presented to the public. Ms. Davis said that in the opening adòress of the Governor of the Legislative session, one of the thin1s he talked about was the State floating a state-wide hand issue to assist local counties in building jails and Chairma~ pistor said he had written the ï,overnor a letter re~ar¿ln~ this subject. CommissIoner Kruse asked if the Department was aware that ~o, of Collier County's land mass is federally owned, and Ms. Davis said she did not know this. Sheriff ^uhrey R01ers said that there is a ~reat deal of difference between county jails and State prisons, and he asked ·if he would bo able to set his prisoners directlr into the new facility or If he still would have to take them to the neceiving Center in Autler, And Ms. Davis said that one of the appropriations is for ~ South Florida Reception Centor and she explained that three sites ha~a heon zoned in PaC) e II . ............----........ . .:' .' , ' , ,/, . . ,III BIB P!! I I I .11 . '/' , April 14, 19£\l Dade County, and that presently the Department is waitin~ for the Covernor to make a decisIon. The ~heriff could trl'lnsport his prisoners to that site, but that the prison under discussion today would be a second Institution. Sheriff Rogers asked if his department would have any use of the medical facilities in the proposed institution, and ~s. DavIs saId she did not know of any incidence where ð local County used the Department's medical facilities, since generally the Department uses the local county's facilities and that they pay the full fare for that use. The Sheriff said that he felt the Board should be aware of the fact that if the State does not do somethin1 to increase the pay scale it wIll not be able to get correctional olficers and he said that if the State does raise its pay level if he òoes not raise his employees' pay he will lose them to Hendry County. Chairman Pistor asked Sheriff Ro~ers how he felt about having the Depart~ent of Corrections looking at sites in the Oeep Lake or Ochopee areas, and the Sheriff s~id that he thou1ht it mi0ht be worthwhile, since the land cost mi'Jht he less there. ChairMan pistor asked ~heri ff Rog e r s if he knew of any area in the County fo r this facility and he uid that he thoug h t the ideal situation is for the personnel to be housed on the grounds because if there should he any major problems withIn the prison system the people would be readily available to be called into duty. CommIssioner Brown asked if farm lands need to be aroünd the institution, and Ms. Davis saId that it depends upon the InstItutIon. CommIssioner ßro\m saId that the land which the Fedl!ral 'Jovernment owns in the southern part of CollIer County is not good fa~m land, but is overflow land and that the land nel'lr tho Hendry County Correction~l In.~!tutIon,f.s)~oOd farm land. ',.t , .'\.'~' He asked If the Department allows the OS1 PACE 107 &OOK Page 9 .. _.__.~.. ; --... -----,---_._~-~-----_. '. ._'----~.~'- '. '.. . . . , .. . . . ~~,-~-.........4II\IIr.. ' " ..........,¡..!. ,.....I,.....,..~....""'~~.. ~_ .... ..l.¡.. _i.~.... .........., ~OD~ 061 PACE 108 '~,.I ~ '",,; " '-', ^prll 14, 19A1 'jþ',. inmates to go into the community and Ms. Davis said that the inmates _. ;.,~ woul~ not· be 11110 wed to go unsupervised into the community. Chairman pistor s~id he had Attended several meettngs with the ;. Governors' staff and he knows that the Governor is against using ðny agriculture l~n~ for anything other than Ðgricultural use. ,Chairman pistor said the ßoòrd appreciated Ms. Davis coming to give this presentation and that the Pl~nning Department is available to the Department of Corrections to assist in Any way possihle except to supply money, and he said that County Manager Norman would be the contact person for the Department. '" 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< There bcin~ no further husiness to come bp.fore the Board, the Workshop Session was adjourncd at 3:'5 P.M. hy order of the Chair. ~ ';,', . 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