BCC Minutes 03/24/1981 R ~ .t' #.:..;~.~...: ".. <O;~.~""''''_'.~."",.__,,~._.~,.. .",,~,_~..,_,. '''''''' .'" ,'.' _.. . íÆi} filii) ". .. - - - - ... ~ .. .. . , ...... , Nnplos~ Florida, March 24, 1981 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners In and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in. Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CltI\IRMAN: .John A. pistol' VICE-CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel C.R. "Russ" Wimer Mary-Frances Kruse David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: .William .J. Reagan, Clerk, Harold L. naIl, Chief D.puty Cl.rk/Fiscal Officorl Elinor M. Skinner and Parlene DAvidson (1:30 P.M.), Deputy Clerks¡ C. William Norman, County Managerl trving Berzon, Utilities Manager; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Kerry McQuinn, Assistant County Attorney; .Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director; Clifford Barksdale, Public Works Administrator/Engineer; Lee Layne, Planner; M~rtha Skinner, Social Services Director¡ Terry Virta, "'" . 'Com~G~1ty Development Administrator; Grace Spaulding, Administrative Aide to tho Board; and, Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Departmont. . . '. pag e 1 " ¡,.. ¡ODK 000 fACE ßt9 ; I;.:' ¡ ~; .. . '. ,"'0." ... ..i . .... ... . . , """~""""-~"'""-"'''''';''~'^~'---_''''''''-' -T "III ___'""__"'_,~j_""_"""_""""""'¡;"_~'''_''''__''''''''''_''''''__·'''''''-·,n''''___'._"~'."'",' ,. ~tf', ~ ?k"W~' '''. ~. ¡; ", " ,. ~. , ".....~ . "'" , ".,: if~ ~ "~I., ;", . :' ~ --,......., /' ~ ~ ;::¡¡¡;a March 7.4, 190J AGEND~ - APPROVED WITÛ ADDITIONS/DELETIONS Commissionor Wenzel ~oved, seconded hy Commissioner Kruse and unanimously carried, that the ðgenda be approved with the f~llowing additions and deletions: a. Discussion re Data Processing for ne~t week's ðgenda - Ðdðod (lO-C) . b. Discussion for additional Planning Dept. direction re redistricting - added (BCC). c. Consideration of ordinance amending section 110-2-C, supple- ment to electrical code and fee schedule as adopted by Ordinance ð11-54 - withdrawn by request of Community Devel-' opment Division, to be brought back as part of updated code. d. Imperial Golf Estates, Phase /., acceptance of water line _ added (llC). e. Further consideration of employee posit"ion classification and pay plan reI Fire Dept. personnel - continued to 3/31/81 (cont'd. from 3/17/81). SOCIAL SERVICES CASE tW-80fi8 - APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT O~ $4,66S.R5 Social Service Director Martha Skinner responded to questions regarding the physician fee charges by stating that case IW-8068 required two surgical procedures, that the amounts charged represented a reduced charge from current hospital charges, and that the amount requested is in toe departmental budget. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commis3ionor Kruse and carried unanimously, that Social Services Case IW-8068 be approved in the amount of $4,665.85. pago 2 .. 'II ,..¡ , ..- ".,. :,..i 1..- BOOK 000 fACE253 . . ".--....._,""'_......~,,_.-..._...,---- ...--".-""--------_......".,~.--~...."'.-'~.~-""~-,."--<.."",."........,..".., .........,. _........_--~ '.... .' "",,,~,,-,,,,,..,.._.,,...,,,,,,,,--,,,,, ~ I- .", ......... .... -.. '. . t,' ~ "~.I .." 000 rACE~ .' , March 24, 1901 .. ,.~_~ RESOLUTION 8Þ-73 RE PETITION TO V!\CATE TltE SIXTY FOOT BISECTING '.':.. ~,~~:·':_~"·:~'~:I';¡· EASEMENT WIT!IIN 'fRACT 132, UNIT 97, GOLDEN G^TE ESTATES, RE PLAT BOQK ' .:-;- .. 7, P~GE9f) - ll,DOPTED . ,., Legal notice hewing been publinhed in the Naples Ddly News on " ~;;.¡ t>,fI!>'._ "7~-t~J~ March 8 and 15, 1981 and in the Golden Gate Eagle on March 13, 1981 as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication frred with the Clerk, public .. ., ...-.......... *,." ~ ;.. ~ !.!' hearing was held to consider 1I proposed resolution to vacate the sixty foot bisecting easem~nt within Tract 132, Unit 97, Golden Gate Estates in Plat Book 7, page 96, public records, Collier County, Florida. Public Works !\dministrator Clifford Barksdale explained that a ;; . . , . ' e'·~. ., ... petition to vacate the sixty foot bisecting easement within said property in Golden Gate Estates h~s becn received from the landowner, .. .. .. ., . r':~e .. ...' . '. that WMAB recommended approval administratively for said petition, ~nd that letters of "No Objection" f.rom ~ffccted utilitycompanjes have ...,:...,..;. ....:. becn received. He said that the bisccting f:asements were originally" ,", granted to future landowners from G!\C¡ that the methodolgy of vacations . ~.-: . . - ~ . . prescribed in the documents, which established the easements, was that letters of "No Objectio~" could be secured from contiguous landowners and that a document could be filed which would serve to vacatft the easement. Mr. Barksdale e~p1ained in detail the situation which prompted Florida Power and Light Company's attorney to recommend that the County go through Chapter 177 proceedings for vacations, which is the advertised public hearing and vacating of a plat. He described the research which resulted in the discovery that the easements, within the unit of land in question, were Quit Claim deeded by the County back to GAC, but the easements were really never granted to the County, they were granted to the future landowners, he,said. Mr. Barksdale pag e 3 ",1, . -----~~--,~. .....,. ~...,;~~, ~ ~:i;J t;;;I March 24, 1901 explained that because of thA forogoing reasons the public hearing is taking place today. Mr..John Lfdgard asked what the petitioner planned to build on the property and Mr. Barksdale explaineð that, the property is zoned for single family homes. Mrs. .Joyce Hancotte stated she was in favor of granting the vacation, but requested that the 31 affected units in Golden Gate Estates, each unit having more than 100 tracts, be given some consideration since, if the forcgoing proceduro is followed each time a vacation is requested, approximately 3100 people could be required to pay the $100 filing fee. After continued discussion Commissioner Kruse agreed that the situation was a problem and explained she had received calls from two real estate firms asking if the County could do something about the bisecting easements. ~! Chairman pistor explained that the Count'l has to pay to legally' research each individual's property and correct the deed, which repre- sents considerable cost. Mr. Barksdale explained that approximately 99\ of the easement vacations do not come before the Board, and that only if there is a problem with contiguous landowners' permission to vacate or if the attorney representing the people advises that a petition be filed to remove any cloud to the title is the $100 filing fee necessary. Mr. Barksdale explained the attempt which WaS made to resolve the problem two years ago, but no procedure ;;0 accomplish blanket vacation of all easements was achieved. Mr. Barksdale was directed to work with the County Attorneys to pursue an easier method ~f achieving the easement vacations. . Page 4 .~ 'j .. &oOK œo fACE 255 V','" ~ " . " . ,,' "., ~'-¿-"'''.;-~;-''"',--~....'''-'..._--..."..."''"*'_.... "'''---,-''''.''''... .... ...,..........,--__..·",·..___"',"'...,"',_'''',·_·__'''~'''_,·.o...~ .. f ',;. J -".., &OOX 060 fACE256 March 24, 1981 \~.;: '~~'.:' '. t~ '" f .... .~ ." \.1." Commissipner Wenzel moved, seconded b~ ~ommissioner ~ruse ðnd, carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner. Kruse and .carried unanimously, that Resolution Bl-73 authorizing vacation of a .' '.--". -x .t~o().t-b-1-se.o-t-l-M]-eil s-e1M'n-t-W-l-t h-t.n.--!r~-l-~Un-U·~~A-<; - Estates be adopted. . Page 5 , . : 'i " '. ..~".."''"'-.,..'''''"'.^'...''''.._.,...~...._-_..._------..~''''.''''.._.___'_'_,'___..__.........___"_.._....."._..._..,.~....._,~~_,<.__,,"'.,,', '. :~\\ , "'~~~ " .';.1f; <~ ,1;"..j, '~~i~ . '~';li'.Þ~; ".'. " '.J ~ ,~ ; -,; '!ti ....~ ·1:))( 060 fACE258 March 201, 1961 PETITION V-an-19-C, CAXAMBI\S RE1,LTY, INC., REQUESTING A V^RI^NCE TO TilE MINIMUM r^nXING RF.OUIRF.MENTS FOR ^ PROPOSED snOPPING CENTER-DENIED Leg61 notice havin9 boen published in the Naples Daily Nows on February 22, 1961 a8 evidenced by Affidavit of Publication previously th the C1er~L-P~~~~e~rinq was continued f~om March 10. 1981 to consider Petition V-60-19-C, filed by Caxambas Realty, Inc. re a variance to the minimum parking requirements for ð proposed shopping center. Zoning Director Jeffory Perr~ referred to the F.xecutive Summary dated 3/23/81 comparing the parkin9 requirements of th~ previous ðnd c~rrent parking regulations and the petitioner's requested variance. He explained that the petitioner is proposing a 408,000 square foot retail shopping area, classified as a regional center; that the current ordinance requires one (1) parking space for each 175 square feet which would resul t in the need for 2,332 parking spa<.:es for, the proposed shopping center. Mr. Perry explained the old parking regulations would have required 1,035 parking spaces and that an Urban Plannin~ and Design Criteria manual, 'used as an information source, identifies a regional center as a site which encompasses a minimum of forty (40) acres which is the amount of land in question. He said that the floor area ratio to building to land area would require 4,000 parking spaces for a 400,000 square foot shopping center, and he explained that the petitioner is requesting one parking space for every 250 square feet, which would be 1,632 parki~g spaces, or ð 700 space variance based upo? a proposed 408,000 square foot shopping center. Mr. Perry stated that the staff maintains that no ,hardship has been shown for the variance Page 6 : I ./ . --- ~ F:'~ ~ March 211, 1981 and that the variÐnco should be denied. Commissioner Wimer asked if tho U.P.D.C. manual rocognized a square footage difference between a shopping c~nter a'nð a shopping mall to which Mr. Perry answered negatively. Commissioner Wimer noted that the petitioner felt if he did not place a roof over his particular shopping center he w~s well within the 11mits of tho p~rking r¿gula- tions, and Commissioner Wimer expressed his opinion that more rese~rr.h needed to be done on the subject. Chairman Plstor noted that the formula mentioned earlier would require 4,000 parking spaces and that the standard of Collier County which would require 2,332 parking spaces would be approximately half that recommendation. During the ensuing discussion the following points were made: 1. An enclosed mall, i.e. Coast1and Center, generates traffic above the amoun~ of people who come for retail trade, i.e. scheduled special events, as well as service vehicles and employees' automobiles. 2. Mr. Virtð' noted City of Naples' parking standards rcquire more spaces than the County ordinance provides, i.e. grocery store is 10 spaces for every 1,000 sq. ft. 3. The County parking ordinance recognizes one standard for a shopping center¡ some ^reas stipulate regulations three classifications, convenience centers, strip centers and regional centers, Mr. Virta said. Commissioner Wimer noted he felt there was a tremendous problem in Collier County with the lack of parking at convenience stores and suggested the requirement should be increased for smaller canters. In response to Chairm~n Pistor, Mr. Virta said the amenument passed last. su~mer affects everyone, but in some instances that increase may not h:'l V C he c I)-!'.~ e a l)i!J:JL.~r:l.lI'\j1i.§.LQ.D~.U.u!JlQL..1L~1.t~Ù;L,.b!LJ!..q~.1lLlU5~ e parking requirement for convenience stores to be reviewed. Mr. Virta ,.page 7 (. '*'- ~- 800K 060 rACE 259 , , ~. . ..." ."".,.,,-.--.--- MOX 000 fACE 2130 March 24, 1981 noted the national ~tandard has beon decreasing over the year., I.e 7 spaces per Mr. Kermit Quaintance, President of Caxambas Realty, Inc., . . t:xpl¿dn~d sonltl compariHon pørklng requirements which he had reseac.ched regard ing various counties aTII:J communi ties near Naples. He explalne.d no land beyond the 40 acres owned can be purchased, and that one parking space for every 250 sq~are fcet is the minimum his firm felt it could provide, ,because at least tw'o· (2) department stores are antic- ipated And one (1) store would take an average of 125 spaces per unit. He stated if the current regulation of one (1) for every 175 square feet would be used, the reduction to 350,000 square feet in the shopping center area would be necessary. A discussion followed during which the following points were made: 1. The current required size of a parking space in Fort Myers, Naples and Collier County is 10' by 20'. 2. Zoning of adjacent land prohibits purchasing additional property for ~he proposed shopping center. 3. Mr. Quaintance provided ,a ]o·...er variance request to Mr. Perry from last week's variance request. 4. Currently there is a consideration to change the parkirg space size to 9' by 18', according to Mr. Virta, but that would not "pick up" the 700 spaces that this petition reque~ts. 5. Mr. Quaintance explainod if the design for his shopping center would exclude a covored walkway, more parking spaces would be "picked up", b~cðuse the corridor squaro footage would not be counted in the shopping center size. 6. If the walkway is not covered, the proposed shopping'center would still not meet the parking requirements. Pag e 8 '. ,..w...",..."""..-.,~.____~ .'-..--- " .._-----_...---_."^..,-~-,_.._-_._......_.._.,>~-~... . . }~ ',·1 . . ,"" ,~ . "{L~y "'c...~' ·:'~'1 ~ .. ,{ ~' ''¡J!. "\", :.¥ ~ ~ .. Mðrch 2-1, 1981 '. )Ii"~ ~¡ , ..~ ' ! .'S:I;,~ ;t~' ".(þ ,/;/I,.~ '~æ .,~ :1;; . The locaLion of the proposed £hopping center 10 favorablø for use by tho public; parking andtraf~ic generation lire major problems; and if the requircments are lowered in one instance, othcr requcsts will be received which would not be a positive factor for the County. 8. The grocery store requirements for parking would be provided based upon said store's square foot ðrea, the variance rcquest applies only to the 'remaining portion of the shopping center size. 7. 9. Mr. Quaintance requests to provide 1920 parking spaces considering all the calculations; currcnt parking ordinance requIres 2620 parking spaces, a difference of 700 parking spac e s. Commissioner Wimer asked Mr. Quaintancc if the regulations to reduce the parking space size to 9' by 18' from 10' by 20' were realized would that possibility solve the problem, and Mr. Quaintance stated it would help but the firm would still be unable to build a 400,000 square foot shopping center. Chairman pistor explained that the Board has tho firm's interest at heart, but the ~ommissioners have to consider the major problem which parking represents. Hearing that no persons were registered to speak on the petition, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commis- sioner Kruse and carried unanimously, to close the public hearing. Commlssioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/2, with Commissioners Brown and Wimer opposed, to accept staff recommendation and deny Petition V-BO-19-C, Caxambas Realty, Inc. requesting a variance to the minimum parking requirements for ð pro- posed shopping center, Pa9 Q 9 r . J"..' . ~OOK 000 rACE 26:1' ... '\ .4. t. 000 PACE 262 March 24, 1981 ,. GTATE ATTOnNEY REQUERT FOR NEW ^ND nEVISEQ P^RTITIONS IN EXISTING AREA OF BUILDING "F", ~TII FLOOn, INCLUDING IIALLW^Y USE - APrROVF.Ds APPROXIM^TF.LY $3,1\55 EXPF.NDITURE AND PREPAMTION OF TilE NECESSARY nUDGET ^MF.NDMENT - ^UTHOnIZED ,j,,; " States' ^ttorney Pellecchia explained th~ remodeling requests within the confines of the State Attorney's ~ffice and the request for expansion of the office into the adjacent hallway. He explained that in Collier C~unty last ycai the State Attorney's office filed 42\ more felony charges, i . e. 612 cases as opposed to 431 cases for the year before; and thero was an increase of 14\ in the number of juvenile CÐses prosecuted. He said since January 1', 1981, four add it ional . - clerical personnel have been hired¡ for the past nine months there have' been five investigators instead of the usual three, working full time from the State Attorney's office; and, on April 1, 1981, an attorney from the State Attorney's Punta Gorda staff will be transferred to this office to handle the increased felony caseload. Mr. pellecchia stated that for the first two months of 1981 the caseload is ahead of 1980, therefore increased office and storago space is necessary. Mr. Pellecchia referrcd to Diagram 1 which was included in the Executive Summary dated March 13, 1981, and explained the proposed remodeling requests which would result in expanding the office into the eastern wing of the hallway. He indicated on an enlarged diagram on an overhead board the present location where the State Attorney and the Agriculture Department store supplies in the hallway adjacent to the offices. He located ð proposed wall at D7 on the Diagram I and ~ door which would enclose the hallway and give the State Attorney's Office 'access from the stairwell. Mr. pellecchia noted that the Fire Marshal Page 10 I, ..¡ .' .~~ þ ,'j L'i'Jr~ II;,;¡ - \l ~ March 2-1, 19R1 gave approvDl of the mOdificati?n over a year ago. He said that the proposal is to move the Agrlcul turC' ::>ep~n.ment' s mimeograph machine, .j: . :~ and some equipment used on ð daily basis, which is currently located at ) the far end of the hallwny near tho stairwell, to an area closer to the Agriculture Department's front ðoor. .He said if thore is an overflow of storage, he, felt that some arrangements could be provided for storage within the State Attorney's office for that department. The new door wo u 1 d be locked due to the felony and juvenile files which would be storerl in the area. He described tho major modification which would result in a library being provided from the present storago space, and the division of the present library into three offices. Mr. Pellecchia concluded by saying the aforementioned plan is only for short term expansion, with the cost to be approximately $3,455, but he said he would be sorprised if the modifications would provid~ the staff requirements beyond a year. He noted some incidental expenses, which would result from moving the mag card machine and the promised system computer termin~ls to a different locale in the office. 1\ short discussion followed during which Mr. Pellecchia expanded upon the Fire Marshal's approval of enclosing the hallway and he explained the door would only be locked at night. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the State Attorney's request for modifications anð revised partitions in existing area of Buil~ing "F-, 4t~ floor, including hallway use be approved ~nd that approximately ~,I\ r;')_.!'_JtP..!lD.d.tt_ur..{L.anc:L!!l:.~P!1.La.tJ._Qn_.!tf t:hp. hIL(ÌcE":...L'l'.'l1..!H'\c'!np. t hI'! authorized. Pago 11 BOOK 060 rACE 269 , . .,_..H'>"_.'_·...~__~......._.. --I>_.,.."~""..,'^..._ .,.... ,_ "'" .,,,,,..,_~,,,, .. 060 PACE264 March 24, 1981 ~, "Zi !r: 3;J . ~, ~.~ .. J.~ - ~~:~~ ~ -:¡:~ , .' .J' '~ - ---: ~~ **·***·*~ECESSs 10:00 ^.M. RECONVEN~Ds 10:0~****·.*. PUBLIC HEARING RE 1IPPLICATION FOR W^TEr. ^ND SEWER UTILITY R1\TF. Clt1lNGES BY G^C UTILITIES, INC. (1IVATAR UTILITIES, IUC. OF FLORIDA) - CONTINUED. UNTIL APRIL l~, 19A1 Utilitios Manager Irving Berzon explained that on January 20, 1 01, at a Bo~rd ot County ðõmmi33ionc~-mccting, agreoment was '-.. reachcd with G^C which provided for the following: 1. G^C would be permitted to initiate the use of the requested rates which worc in their original application, until a public hearing WÐS held, which is being held this date. 2. GAC would provide the County with additional cost ðata in a manner which is basically consistent with the format that is used by the Public Service commission. 3. prior to the public hearing, the staff would attempt to give recommendations to the Commissioners with regard to the rate request. -. Mr. Dorzon explained the information requested was received from GAC on March 10, 1981 and that the County's consultant received the material approximately the same day, which left him wlth very little time to accomplish a detailed analysis and prepare a recommendation for the Board. However, Mr. Berzon said he felt it was to everyone's best interp.st to allow GAC and the consultant to make their presentations so that some decision could be made on the following points: 1. If the ra tes should stand. 2. If adjustments in the rates are in order. 3. If the Board may deem some other action necessary. Attorney B. Kenneth Gatlin, representing Avat.,,' Utilities, formerly G^C Utilities, Inc., stated that the company was named GAC Utilities at the time the application for a rate review was filed. He Page 12 ,¡..- f,: ,] '?,i " ?" ....>~.'1 .~ '::,-1 r;:}~ ';j..~ .>~ 1~1. ,':i). ", ~~. ~J '-~1 .". . . .......... .' _. 'ø" March '"", 1901 explainerl the a~pliction was filcd under the provisions of the franchise under a reproduction cost basis. ne said GAC agreed to a request from the BCC and staff that the information be re!i1ed by ,March 22, 1981, in compliance with the way it would be filed with the Florida ~ Public Service Commission, which would be on an original cost basis. Mr. Gatlin stated that G^C still has the original application under fair value on file, and the Company is not waiving its rights under that franchise by filing the requested information. He said CAC's position is that the second filing clearly substantiates the request of the company for a rate increase. Mr. Gatlin asked that the following documents be accepted into the record and marked as a composite Exhibit 11: l. GAC Utilities Inc of Florida, Golden Gate Division, ^pplication Before The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, To Increas~ Rates Charged For Water And Sewer Service - This document is unòer the fair value formula. ' 2. Avatar Utilities Inc of Florida, Formerly GAC Utilities Inc of Florida, (Golden Gate Division) To Incre~se Rates Charged For Water and Sewer Service, Testimony of William II. Hoelke Regarding Application Based Upon Original Costs of Utility Plant, March, 1981. 3. Avatar Utilities Inc of Florida. Formerly GACUtilities Inc of Florida - (Golden Gate Division) re application to change water utility rates in Golden Gate. 4. Avatar Utilities Inc of Florida Formerly CAC Utilities Inc of Florida - (Golden Gate Division) re application to change sewer utility rates in Golden Gate. 5. GAC Uti1tie~ Inc of Florida Golden Gate Division, Petitioner's Exhibit 1-5, Offering Statements of G~C properties Inc., Developer - A required filing with the Public Service Commission which has now been filed with CCC·.. tho .' Mr. Gatlin explained that ð revised Schedule 17, in Exhibit 1-1 Page 13 , ~. -:·z . . 1o.,.....ì' '. aOOK 080 fACr.265 ,. '.. .. .' ~.......~ . ---~""' 'if)· ~ 1.,. ,~ 6\" :~ ! It~ ¡ uU~ .800X OBO PAcE2B8 Mð r ch 2." 19 B 1 .-~. :'.... has been filed with the Clerk and is being filed with the SCC. Mr. ^ntone A. Reeves, III, witness for Avatar Utilities Inc. of Florida, was sworn in by Chief Deputy Clerk Harold L. Hall. Mr. Reeve8~ testified that he was a Director, Vice-president and General Man~ger of vatar ÜtTl~c5 Inc. ot FIòrTda. Mr. Gãt11n referred the Boård's attention to Mr. Reeves' prepared statement contained in Exhibit 1-1, and Mr. Reev~s summ~rized that statement as being a history of the corporation since it was started in 1965, and the operation of the ~lants. Mr. Reeves explained the application for a rate increase was necessary due to inflation and extreme high cost of power, labor, and County tax cost¡ said tax cost having increased l147\ since the last rate filing, which was based on a test year of 1975, and filed in 1976. Mr. Reeves stated the company has not increased rates since the currcnt proceedings were commenced. t-Ir. t'lllliam H. lIoelke, witness for Avatar Util1t'1es Inc, Wo!lS sworn in by Chief Deputy Clerk Harold L. Hall. Mr. Hoelke testified that he prepared the financial exhibits and documents described as Exhibit 1-1 and summarized his prepared statement in said exhibit. He stated that the original books and records of the company for the test year ending May 30, 1980 showed a result in a loss, and consequently the company needs increased revenues to produce a profit. County Attorney Pickworth advised that the staff presententation should follow, since many of the public's questions would t~ covered in the testil1)ony. Mr. Warren E. Silvermßn, representing Collier County, was sworn in by Chief Deputy Clerk Harold L. Hall and apologized for the absence of pag e 14 , . , '. í.'-,-,7.ì ..........., ~, ~:.I I ,¡ P!"J . .. ...-... r MðCch 24, 19111 .;.", ::'Jt ¡:~ ."t' . i·, '~~f.' " { r.; ~¡~ ':~./: -, his typed report due to the fact that he was only able to reviow the books and records of Jvatar Utilities, Inc. on March 19, 19B1 but he assured t~e Board a report would be prepared subsequent to the meeting. . ... Mr. Silverman stated that there are some differences botween the ., .,f initial filing by G1\C now known as Avatar and the information which is found in the "blue binders", which the Board has received as Exhibit 1. Mr. Silverman stated that some errors were discovered when the repre- sentatives of the company went through the re-statement, and he said if the Board notes some discropancies or inconsistencies between the initial and subsequent filing, the subsequent filing is the more accurate of the two, with respect to historical cost. Hc said that . using that subsequent filing, he visitéd Avatar at 2112 Gulf Gate Drivey Sarasota, Florida, on March 19, 1981, and reviewed the books and . records of the company. Mr. Silverman testified he found some errors of numbers contained in the application for a rate increase for tariff adjustment, and directed the Board's attention to Schedule E 2, of the book entitled "To Change Water Utility Rates in Golden Gate" (Exhibit 1-3). He noted some of those errors in the operating income statement by monthR for the year ended May 31, 1900. Mr. Silverman drew the Board's attention to the following ques- tions for which he has not received answers, and explaining that these questions would be raised at this hearing, he said he would give the Board the answers he had received, and he sugr,~sted that further ans,wers are necessary. 1. .E!!!plD..y.c,~..b,~.!ltlLL_"Yr"n<;"<; ro~ ,. reporting period and the month of " Dec. 1979 aie questioned. In each case, the amount reflected exceeds $1,200, while the Page 15 -. . '.. .......,. MOK œo fACf.2Gl :···.ti.':;. ,. -~.. .. .... ~:. :~~{1~ . ,~.,,,. .... ... .. ,0, March 2-1, 1981 060 PACEay¡her months of the ye<:lr this item averages loss than $300. Mr: ~ilverman stated he asked for an explanation for this great differencc, and said the answcr he received was that there was an allocation of retrospnctive insurnnce premiums' adjustments for automobile, crime, and third party liability coverage. Mr. Silverman stated that rctrospective adjustments ~ au.n ~_n(L-on-r."'A.Lt ;t _",I\. :.IiII-1".hAQ...J:>, nA.-f'" r- i .n"-r-"'~ f-lAcJ..n.lJ.~-' I r\dA - workmens' compensation; therefore, in order to normalize these expenses, said expenses should not have been -all buried" in the four or five months contained in the report as reflected, but should have been allocated between the yoars in which t:le ini tial premiums had been pa id. He stDted he could not report to the Board whethor the expense reflected represents an ongoing normal expense or whethor it is an extraordinary expense which should be removed from rata calculation. 2. Mr. Silverman said the cxplanation he had rcceived with respect to customer records and collection expense was that approximately $650 employees' salaries, charged to the January expense by Golden Gate Water personnel in handling customer records, wa~ normally charged to other expense accounts or capitalized. Mr. Silverman stated the explana- tion he received was that in January the manager went back and corrected previous postings and charged all of the time into the particular expense account¡ Mr. Silverman said he received no details to substantiate that explanation. 3. Noting questions on the "generic side" Mr. Silverman said he had asked for a breakout of the components of the $5,2B5 charged on the water side as a management fee. He stated books and records are maintained in Sarasota at Florida City \-later; Mr. Hoelke's office is in Coral Gahles, Florida, and he said he thought there waS some reasonable rationale for the component that gets charged to the water side for man- agement expense, as well as an explanation of a comparable amount charged on the sewer side in a similar account. Chairman pistor asked if the customer records and customer expenses included the salary or payroll clerk, since there was an item noted "Payroll" at the bottom of the schedule. and Mr. Silverman clarified the situation by stating that the "Payroll" item represents tax computations, which arc correct. Mr. Silverman explained similar discrepancies and questions which Page l6 ", ¡.........J ~ ~ .J' . March 2-1, 19C1 he discovered with rcgard to sewcr items which were listed in Exhibit 1-4, Schedulo L 2. Mr. Silverman summarized the net effect of his invesitgations in the last four days regarding CAC Utilities, Inc. rate rcview as follows: 1. If the discrepancies, which he outlined, between the reflec- tions of the books and records of the firm and the reports to the Board, Dre found to be valid, the total operating costs of the company would be lowered. 2. If the items of questioned expenses are found to be valid and should be spread or removed, that situation would also tend to lower the operating expenses reported to the Board. 3. When operating expenses ar~ lowered, the revenue requirements that a utility must have an opportunity to generate is reduced, in order for that firm to have the opportunity to achieve the rate of return, which the Board will permit the 'firm to try and achieve. Mr. Silverman stated that Avatar Utilities, Inc. has asked for a 14-1/2\ rate of return on equity. He stated that since 1975 this utility has been v1rtually debt free, which is an extremely unusual occurrence In regulated, small water and wastewater companies. He said the reason that he drew the Board's attention to that fact is because equity money is risk money, which traditionally cArries a higher rate of return than debt money. Mr. Silverman said the net effect in this case is that there is no debt and all equity, and that the provisions of the franchise agreement establish a range of reasonableness between 8' an1 12\ on fair value rate base, as ð basis of th~ opportunity to achieve a rate of rcturn for Avatar Utilities, Inc. Mr. Silverman stated that the 14-1/2\ increase request by Avatar would fall within ----.----------..----.----...--- the range as established by the Florida Public Service Commission, and Page 17 ,', SOOK 060 rACE269 .," ".- .. '-:----~~~' ':f .' , :1 ) _1_. MOK 060 fACEZ1D March 24, 19a1 .. ~.... whether or not that rate return is reasonable for th~ purposes of the . Golden Gate Division is a very hard question to answer. He described the factors he used to ðrrive at his opinion, which he said was that the 14-1/2\ return would fall at the high end of tho range of reason- '_ :.. -::i~ ablenAss. .., .... . .. Mr. Silverman elaborated his opinions of the factors to be con- sidered for,a decisi~n to be made regarding a rate of return request. He suggested to the Board that not only are the expenses high but also the income tax computation is on the high side. He said he had veri- fication from the Collier County Tax Collector's office that the collection of the taxes without protest or appeal by the utility had been made. He stated in his opinion the rate of return that is -: requested is right at the threshold of what the Board has provided the company in the franchise agreement, since in the company's prepar~d tes~imony 8\ has been requested, which is the based rate of return that the Board has provided Avatar Utilities, Inc. an opportunity to achieve. Mr. Silverman said he did not take issue with the requested rate of return by Avatar Utilities, Inc., not withstanding all of his previous commentary and suggestions. He stated, however, if ,the adjustments which he suggested were made, Avatar would have to recompute its revenue requirement and, in turn, re-do its rate proposal, in order for them to be able to achieve the base rate of return which they have requested. ***Commissioner Drown left room:, 10:45 h.M.; Returned: 10:50 A.M.··· Chairman pistor stated he had some misgivings about tying the sewer rate to the amount of water used, especially in the area in Page 18 .'. .~ :.·1" t" .~ >f',Jij '"" iTa; ':~~.¡' ,)'.:1 C;.;~t·W ........-"., . ~ c=:I ./' March 24, 1981 question, because he said he rc~li2ed unle£s people have two water metcrs there is a lot of water which is used for irrigating lawns, etc. He asked if a 3,000 gallons per month maximum charge 'is realistic. Mr. Silverman explained that trDdional1y thor~ is no reasonabl~ way to measure wastewater through a small meter. lie said it has either been flat-rated or based upon the w~ter volume. Referring to the ~erican Water Works Association, he said th~t through a study by th~t organi- zation over .many years criteria for developing sewer charges was made. Mr. Silverman stated Avatar's pcrogative is rate design¡ the Board's pcrogativc is to cstablish the rate of return and the level of revenues necessary for them to have the opportunity to achieve that rate of return. Responding to Chairman pistor, Mr. Silverman stated the only recommendation he could make is that the initial rates of return which Avatar has requested overall are at the bottom end of what the Board has established in the franchise agreement. He said he took issue with Avatar's determination of their rcvenue requirement, because he thinks the ~xpenses of the company are too high, and the revenue required m~y be able to be lowered, which would impact on the rates. ****RECESS: 11:00 A.M. RECONVENED: 11:05 A.M.····· The following registered speakers spoke in opposition to 11 rate increase for Avatar Utilities, Inc.: Mrs. Libby Wilber Mrs. Lillie M. Potter Mr. Roy Brawner Ms. Myrta J. Boring ~~J!.c.c; g.yJ!J...l..!:.cn-- Responding to questions raised, Chairman plstor cl~rified that '. Page 19' '~'\) ': .'.....~ '..... .... !Cox 060 fÀCE 271 ,,'.......' : .~~'~-. .'- '''--. ..~ ..-~:",*.-_.- ,..~~."".-""".,...,",,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,._-,,,-,~...,,,_.- ·_·__"'!I~N'____"''''_'__'''~_H__"___,,,_,_''",''''··'M''_'''~''''-~',.-,,,'''^._'''..,.._,, . 4 .,. ... I 1 l.,,(t¡ },f I· ¡ t, "!k ~~ '"JlI~·',····'.·"···· ~'... " " , " '. 4 . ;Þ: ,l' "'t,(- ,.~~ :::z .~ 060 fACEZ12 M~rch 24, 1901 .~.- Avätar .Utilities, Inc. purchased G~C Utilities, Inc.,·which was ðpproved In bankrupt~y court. Äftor some references were made to more 4 ~ ..... - '. than one increase in customers' bills, with tho last incroase occurring in 1970, Chairman pistor said the matter should be investIgated. ^ftor 1·1 L . It; tIle: ovmcr 01:. á gas Station anti I\c cornP:Hoá tho current and projected water rates, Mr. Berzon noted part ~f the problem is the fact that the rates charged under the new tariff are based on the size of Mr. Brawner's meter and the avai1abiity from the system. Responding to Commissione~ Wenzel, Mr. Berzon said the size of the meter as a base charge explains the increased projected rate. County Manager Norman interjected that a smaller meter might be needed in Mr. Brawner's case. Mr. Borzon recommended that the pu~'tc hearing be continued for at least another two weeks since the requested information was furnished within the past ten days, which did not give ample time to prepare an adequate recommendation to the Board, and because he feels questions have been raised, which should be investigated with regard to the wðy the franchise itself is being inte,rpreted. lie suggested at that time, the staff return with a recommendation regarding the rates and any oth~r appropriate matters which apply to the rate application. Commissioner Kruse requested that anyone in the audience, who said they have had a rate increase, take their bills to Mr. Bcrzon, and he asked that those persons also bring prior bills for comparison. Mr. Gatlin agreed to the continuation as long as the rates will bo continued under the earlier ilgrecment. Mr. Berzon suggested that the rates should be kept in effect until the April billing, which would Pðg e 20 , . '. w- __-.... .. 'Ill :; ",,·'f,·, &~~..,: I~JI,. &1í1 1,14 . --:--'<....~_.._-.,... :'·1 " .'. ':,rt" " ." '.', :;":/¡ _ J ,;~~,' f r;;¡;¡ " ~ ~"'hY~~ " , '. ~ I".. .. March 1.4, 1981 have to be adjusted ðccording to the Board's d~cision. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously that the public hearing for the fate review for GAC Utilities, Inc. be continued for two weeks to April 7, 1981, ~nd ðt the request of Avatar Utilities, Inc. the public hearing was continued until April 14,1901. County Attorney p'ickworth noted that the purpose for the continuation was to clarify the points which Mr. Silverman raised, in ~egard to Avatar's revenue requirements, any questions that the staff has regarding the franchise interpretation, and an unanswered question regarding a rate increase two year's ago, of which the County has no record. Commissioner Wimer asked Mr. Silverman to explain the 3-1/2 mHlion dollar equity value Qn,' Mr. Silverman said that the total common stock equity shown in the application was approximately 3.3 million dollars with no outstanding debt. He stated he would verify those figures, and he explained that number represented total capital stock, total equity investment, of ^vatar in the utility subsidiary company, which would then be broken down between its two divisions, water and sewer. A short discussion occurred between Commissioner Wimer and Mr. Berzon regarding the negotiations which transpired a few years ago with regard to the purchase of the utility systems by the County. Commis- sioner Wimer asked, with all the considerations, whether the County should proceed with consideration of the acquisition of the system? M.. !!~r-zCI!l-.z.t.:l-t-cd.-t.b.. t ,.1,) t ...!O-.!;.clc.Fbonc-c';w',l~,.....he-h~bce.n.-a.:i·.d.s.cd.. that the company would only consider the sale of the systems on Page 2l 800K 060 PACE273 . , " ," ... ¡ . -_... .-. .~--_.,,'f .~.. ,., ~ ...< ", .... . .. '. ~ ,_, . ,. " , OBO pÂcE214 ,,,..... March 24, 1981 . <:i" .~' .~.~~..,..., 'f'~ ';)'~"'" '-~ '. .,~ ," ....,,- ,~ ,f.~ p---,~·1.1:; . " .}. ,~~:-. .~ .' ~vI' replaceme~t cost and, on that basis, he said that he could not justify, that. sort of purchase. " " , Mr. Berzon requested,. that if any rate chllOges are ÌIIade ~'they be '.- effective as of the ^pril l, 19R1 billing, in order to give the cu£-'" tQm.fU:..L~.D.Y.J?~-C!P t that could bA derived in the procedure. A short discussion resulted in Mr. Bcrzon noting the agreemont made in January allowed for the period to be "kept", since there is a substantial amount of money on the part of the utility to go through rate applica- tions. Mr. Catlin stated he did not understand that the original agreement would mean the company would have any retroactive adjustment on rates and he said any service rendered after the date on which the Board rules would be applicable to the new rate, not any service prior 'T to that~ Commissioner Kruse questioned Mr. Silverman regarding the com- mercial rate structure.and the concept that when an establishment is new there is a rate connected to the size of a line or meter. She asked if the previous was rate structure based upon this same principle and Mr. silverman said he was unable to anÐwer that question, because he had not examined a rate proposal, since his'qucstions go to the ,heart of the revenue requirements. He said by April 14, he would have an answer to Commissioner Kruse's question. RESOLUTION 81-74 RE PETITION PU-80-lC, BETHEL A.M.E. CHURCH RE EXTEN- SION OF "PU-1" OF "E" ESTATES ZONING DISTRICT UNTIL APRIL 15, 19R2 FOR A CHURCH LOCATED BETWEEN 66TH AND 6~TH STREETS, S.W., ON NORTH SIDE OF GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - AOOPTBD planner Lee Layne explained that petition PU-80-lC, requesting a provisional use for the location of a church on the north side of Golden Gate parkway between 66th and ~4th Streots, S.W. was approved on April 15, 1980 and that the petitioners Are now completing payment for ," .'.'t+-~.., / ~~' .~ . ~.'f'~ ¡;~~ "'~~~ . ~.,., pag e 22 .' II;}' ·~~~:f " tt~' : B'if\ 4 t:::::J ~ ~ 'j' " ". '-. . ...<t.... March 24, 19B1 the site and lIrran<)irlg finc'lndn~ for the church building. She said that since the petitioner has discovered he will be unllble to begin ccnstruction prior to the expiration date of April 15, 1981, the stnff recommends that the Board extend the provisionl1l usc until ^pril 15, 19B2. Ms. Layne explained two letters which were given to her just be~ore the Board meeting from Mrs. Dorothy Johnson and Mr. Wayne Switzer which wore in opposition of the extension of petition PU-BO-1C, and she briefly gave a synopsis of the letters, at Chairman pistor's request. Mr. Robert W. .Johnson spoke in opposition to the petition. Mr. Roger L. Simmons spoke in favor of the petition. A discussion followed during which the point was made that other churches have been granted provisional use in this area. County ~ttorney pickworth explained that the issue before the Board is whether or not to extend a. provisional use \orhich has been' granted. Community Development Director Terry virta said that the original approv~l was for one year and that the ordinance provides that the Board may grant an extension of one year. The point was made that the provisional use expires only if construction is not commenced within the one year time period and some questions wer~ raised as to what constitutes actual construction. Mr. PIckworth said the Board has taken the action of granting the original provisional use and that the considerations should be if the reasons for dclay of construction are justifiable, etc'. --Cõmmïss1C)ne¡-Wenz~ï-mõvëd;-seëonded Cömmissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 81-74 re petition PU-80-1C, filed by Bethel A.M.E. Church, granting the provisional use extension for one year of the "EW estates zoning until April 15, 1982 be adopted. BOOK 060 fACEZ75 page 23 . '\ t: .~. .~ ~~-. ~. . Þ,.,; ...--...-.... ---"',,- , ........._---"'-""-_._- " '. ¡""'. -. ."""'.. ......... ....-..-...,.... ·""'···...1 ~-~:;~ '.;~ ~ .,:;'.'- .....", . ',~j1' . '"4...· ""-.; , f -. 1';1 ~. " ., .. ~ March 24, 1981 RESOLUTION 81-75 RE PETITION PU:81-lC, CAPRI CHRISTI~N CHURCH, RE PROVISION~L USE (3) OF RS-4 DISTRICT FOR 'A CHURCH LOCATED ON NE CORNER OF CAPRI BLVD. AND HILO STREET ON ISLES OF CAPRI - ADOPTED WITH STIPU- LATIONS. Planner Lee Layne described, on and overhead board, the general location of the proporty rcgarding pcbition PU-8l-lC, wherein Capri Christian Chur~h rcquests provisional use (3) of the RS-4 district, for a church to be located at the northeast corner of. Capri Blvd. and Hilo Street on the Islcs of Capri. She road from the Executive Summary dated 3/9/21 and explained that the CAPC recommended approval of said petition on March 5, 1981 with stipµlations because of concern about drainage. The following four persons were registcred but declined to speak: Mr. Dick Skidmore Mr. .Joe Leadabrand Mr. Lloyd W. Shepler Mr. Daniel B. Shafer Hearing that no one was present to speak in opposition of the provisional use, Commissioner Henzel moved, seconded by Commissioner wimer and carried unanimously, that Resolution 81-75 re petition PU-81-1C, as filed by Capri Christian Church requesting provisional use (3) of the RS-4 District for a church located on the northeast corner of Capri Blvd. and Hi10 Strect on the Isles of Capri, be approved with the f~llowing stipulations: I. Detailed site drainage plans be submitted to the County Engineer for review and approval prior to the issuance of a bu1ding permit. ----.-------. 2. Petitioner to comply with off-street parking requirements at time of building permit application. 3. Any future signs shall be approved by the zoning Director. ,. &OOK œo r^~/¿n . paCJe 24 ...,.... I . .iI' , ., :", . -,-"."",<"."""_.,,,,--,_._--,_..,~...._.,-- -_....."..~..,"""»~,~.,="._,, ~.,~-.-.. ,." . " " '. .. ~ ...., L'j 4 " '0 1:~. r· ' ,tlJ,,;"I\ ~ 'r " March 24, 1981 RESOLUTION 01-03 RE PLEDGING CREDIT OF COLLIER COUNTY Fon GOODLAND WATER DISTn I CT - ADOPTED: TIIREE (3) LO\'l CON~TRUCTIONS BIDS - J\CCF:P'l'ED J ST^RT OF CONfiTRUCTION UPON APPROVM, OF' PROJECT BY FmI1A - AUTIIORIZED; PUBLIC I1EARING TO DF: HP.LO ON APRIL 28, 19R1 - AUTI10RI7.ED . ..~ ~:rfi, ,-.¡,~. "iti'· .:i..t:'t ':~ , .~J ~#" ''! Utilities Manager Irving Berzon rcferred to the Executivo Summary dated 3/16/81 which outlined the bids which have been received for the three components of the construction for tho Good1and Watcr System. Ite explained that in two cnses the bids were well under the engineer's estimate and in the third case the bid was over the engineer's esti- mate, also, that the total project cost would now be approximately $108,000 over the original budget, which was approved by the ~nH^ for the basis of their loan and grant to Collier County. lie explained the following requirements which now face the County: 1. In order to preserve the bids which oxpire on J\pril ll, 1981, the Board would need to give authorization for awarding the contracts. 2. To mnke the contracts binding and valid, the FmH^ wants to see evidnnce that the additional $108,000, or as much monies as would be necessary to finance that amount, will be available. 3. Tho County will havo to roturn to the Court for a supple- mental bond valid~tion in the amount of approximately $150,000, which will rcquire from 60 to 90 days. On behalf of the people of Goodland, Mr. Berzon asked for the following: 1. That the Board accept the bids as they are indicated in the Executive Summary, in the amount shown and for the contractors indicated; 2. That the Doard authorize that the general fund underwrite, not extend actuùl monies, the ability for the County to borrow, on short term basis, the amount of money necessary to slltisfy the Pm!!A requir(!ment that th~ County has the total --n·umbér,-ofdõïTa-rsfõ·¡;ëg-rñt'hë-prõJëc t :--- ----.---.- Mr. Berzon explained the procedure whereby local banks would be approached in order to borrow short tcrm money for three to six months, that ,the contracts could be awarded; that construction could be .' ,....;~; '···.'Î'· .: '/:-'. . ", - , '1_-~ .6~ ..,~ !ODK œo I'ACE283 Page 25 . n;'" "', ',.. .... ,- ..-.._...,...~.,..... tI: ,,",,,...._,.--,--,.", ........,.~.,,""~,' "".^,.<,,~ ,.,;""..,.,,,...,,,,,-.,-,...,.,---,,,,,,. "..". ~-"",,"...,^.,,' ....'..., __""'..,__..___....r · . ,&O~ 060 PAc£284 March 24, 1981 started; and that the County Attorney could proceed with preparing appropriate paperD for filing for ð validation of a supplemental bond issue. Mr. Berzon explained that when he attended a special meeting y thfto- Çe~k4e 1\~11odat;iel"l l?!st rr~y-ni-<J-Þ.-~J:I-&.~ Association 80ard urged, by unanimous vote, that the Board of County commissioners proceed with the above plan of action. He referred to the copies of letters from the Goodland Civic Association 'to the BCC, which the Commissioners have received, and he noted that representa- tives from the Association and the consulting engineer .were present to apswer any questions the Commissioners might have. In response to Commissioner Brown's question, Chief Fiscal Officer Harold Hall said he found no problem with the aforementioned recom- mendation. Hearing there was no one to speak in opposition, Commis- sioner Wenzel moved seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unani- mously, that Resolution 81-83, pledging credit of Collier County for the Good1and Water District be adopted and that the following three. (3) low construction bids be accepted: l. Part I- Transmission Mains - F. J. Siller & Company, Miami, Florida - $113,656.00, '2. Part II - Distribution System - Patterson & Wilder Construction Company, Fort Myers, Florida - $186,174.00, 3. Part III - Ground Storage Reservoir and Pumping Station - Westra Construction Corporation, Bradenton, Florida - $663,000.00, - total construction cost - $962,830.00; that construction of the project commence upon approval of the project by FmHlI; and that a public hearing to be held on April 28, 1981. Page 26 ". """"-.--....,.--.- . '"'"""~"""-"---- 'W'''1__ · . , '}~~ 000 fACE286 .'4 ¡,>, "' i March 24, 1ge1 ***RECF.SS: 12:05 P.M. - RECONVENED! l:30 P.M., at which time Deputy Clerk Elinor M. Skinner was replaced by Deputy Clerk Darleno Davidson.**" LE~SE FOR NORTH NAPLES SHERIFF'S SUB-STATION AUTIIORIZED FOR CH~IRMAN'R EXECUTION -~._--_.... Sheriff's Department planner Don Hunter explained that he has reviewed the 1ease for the North Naples Sheriff's sub-station and found it to bo satisfactory. In answer to Commissioner pistor he said that, contrary to claims that have been made regarding the availability of adequate space at less cost, he has found very few places that would be the optimum size and still afford the amenities required for this type of operation. He said that a smaller area is preferred over a larger one and that he feels the subject building will be adequate for the intended use. There was a discussion regarding the use of a por~ion of the proposed library rather than a leased building, during which County Manager Norman explained that this was considered¡ however, it is felt that the library building would not be considered suitable for use by th~ Sheriff's Department for a sub-station. Ã1so discussed briefly was the length of the subject lease, with Commissioner Wenzel commenting that it seemed to him that a simple standard lease could have been used. Mr. Hunter explained tha~ the subject lease is an edited form of the County's library building lease and was prepared by the County Attorney. Commissioner Wenzel stated that he prefers to see the County house its faciliti~s in buildings that are owned by the County. and that ,he is not in ~avor of paying rent.' Commissioner Wimer concurred. The land that the developers of Pelican Bay are committed to turn over for use by the County as part of their PUD was also discussed, during which plannor Loe ~ayne explained. that the land is committed on a phase by PlIge 27 I, ,I, ",..."_..",...-..,..,~~.,.....--"".,,.._,,->~- " -,....~:~; ':\ì~ . .: .~-, ~~;~{~ 'of':f;'~ :\\ , \.: .-:.~ ~~~~ ',.'~, ';"-.,.;.:t """..,..- .,...".."'...,'.. ' ~' , . ;'. ~~~;;: '.,1,. ',i.lf ~ ~ r=I "', ", . . " March 24, 1981 phase basis, specifically, the commitment 1s for 5 acres of land for every 1000 units for which building permits arc drawn'. The length of the commitment by the county regarding the subject lease was ~lso discussed, during which Mr. Hunter said that the lease is for a two-year period, is renewable at that time, and could, therefore, be considered as a temporary arrangement for housing tho subject sub-sta- tion. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the lease for the Sherjffs' sub-station in North Naples be approved and that the Chairman be authorized to execute same. --.----.- '" :t.'; ! &oOK 060 PACE287 Page 28 .. . . .,......-.. . . ,'4' .' .' "",..,. '''''''''""'''''_"..,.....,,,.,,..,,...._.".,___;_''___..._'"'___..__''''"..._'_"',~,.,~..,.,".,~,.'.._;.._.,,';~..·"',..,,_,.....-......·"¡¡..'m.,_"...___4...............·.... .'" ...'"____"'_~_.~=.,,''''_,"''',..='''."_·.'~v.~_.~_.~_~_· ¡;;;;;;¡ c;;;;1 ...... .,-:;.:.~.... ';' . :. I.. ., i.. March 24, 1981 CONTRACTUAL ACREf.MENT WITH INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS, INC., APPROVED FOR CII^IRMAN'f) EXECUTION Neil Dorrill, ^dmlnlstrative Assistant to the County Manager, reported that representatives from ISI had originally requosted to make a presentation to the BeC on February 24, 1901 and subsequent to that request, the County Managor's office requested' ISI to include a renewal request for their contract which has beon in an extension period since August of last year. He said that ISI was also asked to give the County Manager's office sufficient time to survey tho level of sorvices rcceived by various Departments and, thus, the matter has been scheduled for this morning's agenda Mr. Dorrill said that a staff analysis and survey response of service provided by the subject firm over the last 18 months is in . accompaniment with the proposed contract and that conclusions, based on the survey, indicate the following: I. Of the responses received, only ja\ s~id that thoy (Division Administrators, Department heads and Consti- tutionAl Officers), have received some type of assist- ance from ISI over the last IS months. 2. Of that 38%, two (2) departments had successful appli- cations of $500,000 and $3,450, respectively. 3. Of the eleven (11) responses received, the overall services of ISI were rated as follows: a) 18\ poor¡ b) 36\ fair; c) 18% good; and, d) 28% not responding because no service was received. 4. No department or Constitutional Officer was in favor of retaining ISI as a grants consultant. 5. 73\ were in favor of developing an in-house capability for grants acquisition. Two departments were in favor -Of..-eco.cl.i l.1åL..g-g:::1:1 t pro1;"'~:::1 ~ fr~~~.A..!-A--t.l:¡ departments. Referring to ð contract review, Mr. Dorrill reported that the contract ia not subject to negotiation; tho fee ($25,000) will remain the same as in previous agreements1 and, there are two major changes in MOK oao fl.CE-rsJ7 Page '-9 ---->;-'"'--~,- 1 ; BOOK 060 rACE 308 jy"r March 24, 19n1 ., >~;~ , i~11~ ·i~;:' ,..',i1~. :)''Y:'¡'~ . - -~ ·!~tf' '''.' ,', .:~/;. ~ . ." ...:-'...,-.,jo .~: ;¡. the proposed contract: a) thero is a requirement for paymont in full upon execution of the contract '. and, "b) the client's responsibility to initiate the extension period. Mr. Dorrill st~tcd that from the County's perspective, both of these changes seem less advantageous than previous provisions. Mr. Dorri11 said that 'it would be advantageous to have as aggressive a grants program as possible whicil could be attained by having a full time employee with the responsibility for grðnts co- ordination under the jurisdiction of the BCC, said grants person would provide better coordination among County departments and agencies and would establish direct personalized relationships among funding agen- cies and the County. Therefore, said Mr. Dorri1l, it is staff's recommendation that the Board deny the contract renewal with ISI for . -.,. grants consu1ting¡ ñlso, that the development of a more aggressive in-house approach,to grants coordination at similar costs now allocated for consultive services be initiated contingent upon the availability of funds in the current budget. Ms. Deborah Baker, representing ISI, reported that 3ince the County has engaged her firm, it has received a $20 return on every $l that it has invested, and that ISI has been instrumental in tho County receiving approximately 1.6 million dollars in grants that have not required matching funds over the past four years for $75,000 in con- tract~a1 fees paid to ISI. She gave a brief argument for not having an in-house grants coordinator, including the fact that, based on the $25,000 spent each year for ISI services it is not likely that the County could duplicate the services received from ISI and still only spend that amount. She noted that a skilled grants person would cost the County well over $15,000 in yearly sa~ary, plus benefits, and that .:" PlIgo 30 .i: ", ',,:~ '~.¡ . ,; '.~~ '.-:~~ ~_.__~......... .-c_,'--"-'_'-' ~~...__"~"''''''__ t;;;:J I:::J " 1I'~.,'J¡I,,·j1 , , . ' March 2", 1981 person would roquire additional expenditures with which to oporatp. efficiently. Sho contended that under no circumstances could one person have tho expertise in all areas that a firm as large as ISI has readily available; neither would they have the monitoring capabilities that ISI offcrs, in relation to daily changes in legislation that affect grants, throuah its monitoring systcm which is bascd in Washington D.C, She referred to recent budgot cuts of the Reagan Administration and reminded the Aoard that grants money will become harder and harder to come by in the future and that ~n in-house grant~ person would never be able to match the available resources that ISI has to offe r. Ms. Baker said that she does not agree with ,all of the statements that Mr. Dorril1 has made and said that she believes the Executive Summary dated 3/18/81, inclusive of the material in the corresponding agenda package distributed to the Board, is not totally accurate nor is it complete. She said that the information does not correspond with the in~ut that ISI has gathered during the past months and that the Departments that ISI have contact6d have related that they wish to continue the services with ISI. She said that while it is true that not every department and office in the County has been served by ISI, the Board should conRider that IS! is not bound to serve all of the needs of all of the County Departments. Ms. Baker referred to Private Foundation Grants about which ISI ha~ recently been developing an extensive knowlege and is a source from which many grants will be coming in the fut~re. An in-house grants person, she said, would not have that thorough knowledge to offer the County. She also referred to the annual contract cost of $25,000 and said that this has remained constant for Collier County even though ISI \ ' MOK 060 rACE 3J9 Pago :n .... -.. ..-. " .' ... .. ~ ':~'.'. .._..........--..~ ,_. .".,~..., 060 rACE '310 March 24, 1981 has raised their Annual feo to all new clients by approximately $2,000. She also referred to the number of grants that were prepared by 151 and Were successful during thp. extension period that Mr. Dorrill alluded to oarlier and said that ISI completed this work in good faith. Sho said t1i-.itõneõI-'tTiešcgrà~ùppíTcatTõ"n-Š- was not succ~šsfuT-bëcãüše, without ISI's knowledge, the County submitted a duplicate application for' the same grant w~lch lead to one having to be pulled out and the County chose to pullout ISI's application. It has been learned by I5I, she continued, that it is not likely that the County's application will be funded. She said that ISI has always known that you cannot submit two applications for grants to the same agency and this Is one example of how the County could have benefited from ISI's experience because the County, obviously, was not aware of this important fact. Ms. Baker listed the various areas in which ISI in interested in developing potential grants, including some that have' never been explored. She said that ISI wished to renew their contact with Collier County and feels that they have a lot to offer the County that could never be available from the use of one in-house grants person. Referring to the change in the contract regarding a one~time payment of $25,000 upon execution of the contract, Ms. Baker said that ISI would be receptive to changing this to 1/2 payment upon execution and the remaining 1/2 in six months. She explained that the affirmative obligation clause is included because, as the recipient of the grants, the County is the hody who is notified when and if a grant is accepted or rejected, and not 151. She said that this provision Is also open to discussion if the Board chooses. She emphasized the fac~ that this provision is in no way meant to be considered as a provision that was added in an attempt to Pago 32 , /, ~""""""--,_.,,,,-~ ~ ¡::;:] .... March 2-1, 1901 "trick" the BCC into missing ou~ on an exten~ion; ISI has boen involved in extonsions with the County before, sðid Ms. Baker, ^nd would not attempt to negate ðn extension in the future. In conclusion, Ms. Baker read the remarks submitted by the Com- munity Development Division in their reply to the aforementioned survey, which lndicDted concurrence with many of the points that she made during her presentation, including the fact that gr~nt money will probably be limited in the next four years due to Federal Policy changes. An experienced grant person, whether on an in-hou5e basis or on a consulting basis like ISI, will be a must, she said, and that it would be difficult to duplicate ISI's experience and expertise with one in-house person¡ especially for $25,000. She said that the last remark in the reply states that if the job is to be done right it must be done with the appropri~te expertise and staff. Commissioner Pistor said that he would have to hear from the staff as he is not familiar with certain areas commented on by Ms. Baker, including the part that ISI has played in obtaining Block Grants. He said that he would like confirmation from the staff that IS1 did all of the work claimed by Ms. Bakcr as it is his impression that certain members of the staff prepared the grant papcrs and forwarded them. He said, regarding the duplicated grant application, that this was an unfortunate matter and resulted from a lack of communication within the staff. Continuing, he said that the BCC authorized tho one that they felt would do thc most good for the County when the problem of ---d upl-ï-ca tion--was-- broug h to- to-thtd r-at"t1!n ti·orr;----· Commissioner Wimer observed that he can relate to many of the things that Ms. Baker has just covered bccausc he can remember when the Board tried thc in-house staff ðpproach to grant applications and what .: &OOK 060 rJICE311 Pagf} 33 ,.f .... ......---..... '.--.-, '" ( ¡ Li ~~m March 2~, 1961 a dismol failure it waG at that time. He said that the only thing accomplished was the initiatlo~ of the building of another laycr of bureaucracy. Time and money wero exp~nded in order to train a person, said the Commissioner, and he considers the attempt a failure. He added that ISI's r~cord speakü for itself and suggested that the ~oard put personal judgements and statements asido and base thoir decisioQ on this record. He said that ISI has always maintained that it is absolutely necessary that they have a good working relationship with the staff; they cannot do it alone, nor can the staff do it alone. He concurred that grant monies will be tighter and he would like to have the specific needs of the County addressed by experts. Commissioner Wimer said that he is in favor of renewing the subject contract with some of the changes that have been suggested. He said that he is very concerned with the idea of the, Board considering the premise of running County Government based on a popularity contest amoni the County staff. Ms. Baker interjected the statement that she does not presume to indicate that ISI has a~cornplished all of the work mentioned withoút the staff's help¡ that is impossible. She said that the staff has been instrumental in doing a lot of the work¡ however, ISI has been there to hanple the project development, the coordination of the forms, the timing, and the knowledge of what certain agencies like HUD consider priorities, etc. Commissioner Kruse said that she concurs that grant funds are going to get tighter; she does not believe that $25,000 will cover the cost of an in-house grants person; and that the Board should consider that, while they advocate developers keeping abreast of changes in zoning regulations, they should also consider that the Federal and St~te Government changes policies regarding grants almost daily and, Page j4 ---'''''--··~·_.PP ~ ~ ~ ..... ',' ..' March 7.-1, 1981 thus, the County needs to have some way of monitoring these changes faster than anyone based here in Collier County is capable of doing. She also said that she feels this is a specialized field and cannot see the Board adding additional persons to the staff to handle something as precise as grant coordination. Commi~cioner Wenzel said that he is hoping that all Federal "giveawaysW programs will be eliminated. He said that he is concerned that ISI will not be able to be as efficient as they ~laim if such programs should become unavailable¡ however, he concurred with Comm- missioners Kruse and Wimer that $25,000 per year will never cover the cost of setting up an in-house operation. He said that if the contract could contain a clause that would allow the County to cancel the contract after a perio~ of 6 months if these "giveaway programs" are cut and these funds are not available, he is inclined to go along with the renewal with ISI. Ms. Baker said that this would not be feasible as 6 months is not sufficient time to complete a great amount of successful work. However, she assured the Board that the programs that are being cut by tho Reagan Administration are aimed at eliminating the kinds of programs that are really not necessary and might be considered as "fringe benefit programs" adding that there will still be plenty of sources for funds. Commissioner Brown said that he has only praise for the work that ISI has accomplished thus far, especially for the things that have been developed for the Immokalee area. Deputy Chief Raymond B~rnett stated ._._--_.._._---,¿._--....._--------~-------_._--_.. .---- that because all of the grants for the Sheriff's Department have been obtained from LEA A funding they have never used ISI's services. However, he added, LEAA grants have been zero funded and, therefore, the Shoriff's Department would like to be included in the purview of MOK 060 PACE 313 Page 35 . ' -"'~"'J t .... , , ..... .-...,......... .~...--,-:>f'\ø' "..,.~"">Þ.,~~"..._,_,.."...........__.._. . . , ¡ i j i, tJ ,,~)l - ....... -' . ~l _ '.:~, , ." "~. ,~ .'. ':1 , ;~' ··f' 'j.~;{#J ;'p,. -'<'. . -<_._._~.-'"-'" SOOK 060 rACE 314 March 24, 1981 ISI's proposed services, if this is h~ceptllblo. lie roferred to the possib1ity of using ISI's services to investigate a source of funding for the construction of the new jail. Community Development Administrator Terry Virta sðid that he considers the point"suffië-iently clarified rË¡-gllrding-r:Ï1ecooperat on and team relationship between his dIvIsion lIn~ ISI in the preparation of the pre-applIcatIon for the Community Dev~lopment Block Crant. He said that one item of InformatIon that needs to be brought out to set the rccord straight is that the County does not have that grant yet. Collier County hlls been invited to apply for the grant, said Mr. virta, noting that pr~-ðpp1Ication acceptance usually implies that, if you do apply, it will be granted¡ however, the final applIcation still remains to be prepared and, until that is approved, the County does not actually have that haIr a million dollars. Ms. Baker concurred on the status of the Block Grant and with Mr. Virta's conclusion that once a pre-application has been received and approved it usually means that it will go through. She added that it has been ISIts experience that a grant of thIs status has nevcr been turned down. She said that, unless the County were to completely change the proposed project or make some other drastic changes, she sees no reason for losing the funding, commenting that ISI has never lost one at th~t point. Commissioner Wimer moved that the contract be renewed on a 50/50 basis, (50\ now and 50\ in six months). Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. After hearing Ms. Baker state that all entities ôf County Government, including all Constitutional Officers, are included within the subject contract, the motion carried 3/2, wIth Commissioners PIstor and Wenzel opposed. Page 36 ~ --...-.......,,'.......",..., t;;;¡J c::::J .....\ .,. "'., -t:'J-·I'i'~'::-::I M.!lrch 24, 1901 STAFF AUTIIOIUZr.n TO INITINl'E PROCEDURES RE NEW POLICY FOR 1\BANDONED VEHICLES; DEVELOPMENT OF RELEV1\NT ORDINANCE 1\ND PLACING TilE PRE5~NT CONTR1\CTnR ON 3-MONTH TERMIN1\TION NOTIC~ - 1\PPROVEO Administrative 1\ssistant Neil Corrill said that tho current ordinance relating to abnndoned vehicles (Ch 67-1244) was adopted by Special 1\ct of the Legislature in .July of 1967 and, that subsequent to that time, the County entered into contracts with the following gentlemen for wrecker service for thß disposal of abandoneð and/or junked vehicles : a. John Blue, (District I) .July 6, 1971 b. T.G.Reynolds, (District 5) April 2, 19fi8 c. Robert 11<111, (Districts 2, 3 and II) 1\ugust 20, 1970 Mr. Dorril1 stated that these identical contracts are for an original term of 20 years commencing on the date of execution; that each cont<lin additional options for two consecutive ten (10) year periods, or a total, of forty (40) ycars¡ and, that termination of said contracts can be initiated by either party giving written notice thrce (3) calendar months prior to the cancellation date. ,Mr. Dorrill said that the present method of de8ling with abandoned or junk vehicles has deteriorated and that only one of the original contractor's is still operating his business. One of the contrflctors is deceased, said Mr. Dorril1, and the remaining contractor has the responsibility for Districts 2, 3 and ~, and whose contract has no guidelines concerning charges for service. There are additional inequities, he said, due to the additional geographical areas of -r-vs r::. nsib H {. t-ÿ--f oi:-·....fi-i c h--n D-SfH'v-i-ce- e->< '¡'S,," 9-.--'----------'---'- ðO~ 060 fACE 319 page 37 -. ...,...', ", ..~,.. '::~ '..... ..-....., . ~o~~ OBO PAcE320 March 24, 1981 Mr. Dorrill said that, the present Act is scheduled to be rQpe~leð during the current session of the Legislature. Also, said Mr. Dorrlll, in conjunction with this action, the following ~teps should be undertaken to insure that a new policy will be implemented on the date ----...--...- or r e pe a 1 : 1. The one remaining contractor should be given throe months notification of the impending termination of his contract. ' 2. The staff should solicit all interesteð and qualified contractors for the purpose of providing wrecker service to the County to handle the abandoned vehicles. 3. A new ordinance and policy should be constructed during this interim period to incorporate the following, becoming effective on the date that the current policy is to be repealed: a) Responsibility for service by geographic/population areas. b) Development of a rotating list of all intßrested and qualified contractors similar to and in ,cooperation with the policy currently utilized by the Sheriff and Florida Highway Patrol for accidents. c) Establishment of a set fee schedule to protect both the public and the contractor. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that the above-referenced staff recommenðations be approved, ðnd that the staff be authorized to initiate all appropriate measures outlined above regarding the County's abandoned vehicle policy. Commissioner Wimer stated that hp. would like to thank the staff for the manner in which they have followed through in solving the aforementioned problem. SOARD TO INTERVIEW ~ FIRMS RECOMM~NDED BY THE ~RCHITECT SELECTION COMMITTEE RE GOVERNMENT CENTER EXPANSION PROJECT ON 3/31/01 William McNeel, of Polizzi/neery, delivered a report and recom- mendation authorized by the Architect Selection Committee which has P/leJ e 38 , ", ~ ~ ~.. ~ . .'to. ' , ',' ~ March 24, 19B1 recently complr.t(!d tho· final evaluntlor. ratings based on interviews held ~n 3/16/31 with qualified architectural firm5 interested in services related to the proposed County Government Complex Expansion project. After explaining the process by which the various firms were considered, from the time the various proposals werc received by the County through the final interviews and ratings of each, Mr. McNeel said that based on the PHI and PHII evaluation forms and a possible perfect score of 1,950, the firms evaluated were rated as follows: FIRMS RATING I. H.J. Ross/The Ehrenkrantz Grqup 2, Watson and Company , 1,578 1,411 3. w.n. Frizzell Architects 1,404 4. Prindle, Patrick and Associates 1,400 Mr. McNeel stated that it is his recommendation that the Board authorize negotiations with the firm at the top or the above-referenced list based on the fact that the distribution of scores between that firm and the number two firm is so large1 specifically, 167 points. Commissioner Wenzel moved to accept the recommendation of Mr. McNeel. lie added that he wants it made perfectly clear that, since the County has already hired Pollzzi/lleery to perform the supervisory anci coordination functions regarding this project, he will not voto to pay any $tandard architectural fees to whichever firm is negotiated with tha~ are inclusive of the standard fees for such services. lie said that he knows what the standard fee is for that portion of a project and that amount of architectural fees should be deducted. County Manager Norman said that he understands that the contract will be writton in such a way as to elimInato any duplIcation of sorvIcos. MO~ 000 rACe 32[ Page 39 I\O~ 060 FACE322 March 2." 1~8l Howevor, said Mr. Normðn, thero arc areas where tho architect is going to be rosponsible for the way the construction fits togethor as part of his design and, therefore, he cannot be removed entirely from the construction process. Commis~ioner Wenzel said that he understands .---.. that the architect will be making normal job inspections which is normal procedure. Mr. McNeel asked Commissioner Nenzel if he is referring to the day-to-day on-site coordination of jobs and Commis- sioner Wenzel agreed that he was, adding that he considers it Polizzl/Hoery's job to coordinate all work performed by various contractors. Mr. McNeel concurred. The motion on the floor died for lack of a second and the discussion continued. Commissioner Kruse aked Mr. McNeel if he is recommending that the Boðrd not hear all four firms' presentation and Mr. McNeel said that the Board still has the option t?'do so if they wish. He said that the Committee's initial approach was to have the firms "short1isted" and, originally, there were going to be three firms recommended, all óf which would have beon qualified in the mind of the Selection Co~mittee. However, he continued, because of the point spread, it b~came apparent that the first firm was the best choIce. Commissioner Wenzel clarified that his intent was to automatically proceed down the recommended firms, according to the ranking, if the negotiations were not successful with the first. Mr. McNeel said that the Selection Committee has followed, to the letter, the State Statute governing competitive consultant negotiation. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the manner in which the recommendation has heen made, during which Commissionor Wimer said that it was his impression that the Selection Committee-was to interview pago 010 ", 'JJ',,~,,' ~ ".:' '. ',..... . .:.~ , . i :I :.ij.. i!U Ú· " ·t¡ !l ,~. ~ :1 ... :W',... ~ c=J ...., March 24, 19f1l firms for the purposo of prepar~tion of a "sh~rt list", an~ not to rank them or prcjudice the Dosrd with their recommcndntion as to whioh firm should be considered the first choice, which he said, has been the Board's responsibility in the past. County Manager Norman said that bec~use of the close point values placed on each of the three firms on the bottom of the rating scale, the Committee felt it would not be prudent to remove the one firm from the bottom based on a difference of only four points. This is when the Committee ~ecided to recommend only tho top firm, said Mr. Norman, commenting thnt the Committee is only trying to help the Board shorten the process. Commissioner Kruse said that mp.mbers of the public have stated that the Board is abdicating their final responsibility if they were to expend this much money without really being sufficiently knowledgable regarding the respective firms involved. She said that she feels that this is a valid point and tends to agree that, if all five members of the Board are voting to award the contract, then all five should at least listen to the firms' proposals. Mr. McNeel said that this would have been done if the Committee felt that they could have recommended any three of the four firms as being equally qualifiod; however, the option to hear all four firms' presentntions is open to the Board's discretion. Mr. McNeel said that the Committee felt that the Board would arrive at the same conclusion as they after the four weeks work in making this selection. Commissioner Wenzel said that he understðnds that the Committee will bring back the contract to the Board for review prior to its being _.ñ.W_~_.r_rj~,ct,_e.nd_.so_thj 5. _':\etho~L -~'..':) uld -nct...-ncc~cca r i ly-rnoûn-t;hût-t.h..::-Bvér rù- automatically chose the number one firm. Mr. McNeel concurred, stating that his proposal is not as much a selection for services as it is a selection for negotiations toward arriving at an equitable fee for MOK 060 rACE 323 PlIge .u , " ~ "... .- . ,- ._,--~----". ¡ , - . .:.' ¡f.~, ': ;i'..) . ~~~.,.\ . t.. _ .: .I~~}~ "." '",' I I' '1' ~. .' BOOK 060 rACE 324 March 24, 19A1 services and the Board's approval of the contract would be necessary for engagement of any firm. Cbmmissioner Wimer said that, historically, if the BCC authorizes the initiation of negotiations with a specific firm, those negotiations cont IIU~ until an equitablo arrangement has been reached. He said that he would like to become familar with the firms before he votes to negotiate a contract. He ~lso said that, historically, the solection committee has always come back to the Board with a short list of firms and that he is not aware of a policy change or any directive to change this procedure. He said that he doesn't approve of the Board being prejudiced on account of a recommendation for first choice from the committee, nor, would he like to see any political motivation involved in the choice of a firm for this project. The discussion continued and, when asked if the Board ever authorized ncgotiat~ons with the first choice of a committee in regard to engineering projects, Public Works ^òministr~tor Clifford Barksdale explained that the law provides for the selection commi~tee to conduct the interviews and make a rccommendation based on their ranking and the Board has the option of hearing the prcsentations of those firms on a short list and making th~ir own selection of ratings for the top firm on that list. He said that in the road projects the presentations were made to the Board and then the Board authorized the staff to conduct the negotiations with their first choice. Commissioner Wimer said that, although the Board has this option, in this particular case the Board will have to overturn something that has already been done. He said that, if it is necessary, he would like it put down in writing that the Board shall mako its own choice of ratings and the staff will then be authorized to enter negotiations with that choice. County Manag~r Norman said that Page 42 ~ ~h .:.:J ..... March 2/1, 1901 if the policy of the Board is that specific, be did not recall that it was. Commissioner Wimer said that it is not in writing but that it has been a standard proceduro for the six years that he has becn aware of. County Managor Norman said that he did not know the ß~ard has not r~ceived a recommendation in this manner commenting that the Committee used a technique that Polizzi/Heery recommended. no added that he understands Commissioner Wimer's feeling that "the harm has been done" if, in fact, there has becn any harm done. He said that he felt that the numbers of the rankings were so dramatic that the Board should be made aware. Noting that the motJon died for lack of a second, Commissioner Wimer made the motion that the Board interview the four firms outlined in the above-referenced recommendation on 3/31/81. He said that the presentations should be limited to fifteen minutes. Commissioner Bro~m seconded the motion' which carried unanimously. There was a brief discussion as to the time for the interviows, during which it was decided that the staff set the time of the interviews to begin at 2:00 P.M.¡ that each presentation be 15 minutes; 6nd, that an additional 15 minutes be allotted for each firm to answer questions from the Board. ..........Commissioner Kruse left the room at this time·········· Tim!::: 12:32 r.M. --------_..__._---_._-_._._---.~- ----_..-------- .... ßOOK œo fACE&:.'5 , rðge ~3 '. _.......-~ " . . , . " MQK 060 PACE 326 " .. , .." . March 201, 1981 FINAL PLAT ~PPROV^L ON TRACTS M, L, 0 & .J, & REPLAT OF TR^CT X, PINE WOODS SUßVDIVI9ION - ~R^NTED, ~SCROW ~GREEMENT ACCEPTED Upon completion of tho reading by planner Leo Layne of tho contents of the Executive Summary dated 3/9/81, Commissioner Wimor . moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried 3/1, with Commissioner Kruse out of the room and Commissioner Wenzel opposed, . that the Final Plat of Tracts M, L, 0 & .J, and the rep1at of Tract K, pine Woods Subdivision, be approved and that the related Escrow Agreement be ðccepted. Pal] 0 44 ·',f. ! . . . " . . ·t !ío~J~ ~::¡1 -{'(!Ii. .~. ':,(1 .>; .: ;. J ; ;/; . . ~, ¡. ,II}., . ,.,.,,,. Mal( 060 fACE 332 March ?-4, 1981 R~SOLUTION 81-75 APPROVING THE STR~ET NAME OF COURTYARD W~Y - ~DOPTED Upon completion of the reading of the Executivo Summary dated 3/1l/8l, Planner Lee Layne stated that the street name is incorrectly referred to as Courtyard Lane therein. she said that the correct street name being petitioned for is Courtyard Way and confirmed that the correct streot name has been properly researched. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimor and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Kruse not present for the vote, that Resolution 81-76, approving tho street name of Courtyard Way, be adopted. ,.. _...... _. .__ . ..~ J4o... -.,.... '!)-;,.'''' ~".~.. . . ..~. ,., -....., ... ·~~7....'.,·· : '.~..". ............ -, . . '.- ':;'... ',. . . -,' " -.,'. , , .', , ' \ . .. _0"0."______,...__.-...-·,___-··,"","""""..'" Pa91'1 . ...: !.~'. nJ~ -" ", ~Ì~: I'!U .r/ l ~\ ¡ ~.~ W.J r:::J ~ t. MlIrch 2~, 19fJ1 LEASE FOR nENT^L OF CDßG PROGnA~ OFFICE IN IMMOKALEF. - APpnOVED Fan EXF.CUTION BY THr: CII^IR~MI Referring to the Executive Summary dated 3/4/Bl, Community Development Admini5trator Terry virta said that he feels the small increase in the rent to $125 per month. is reasonablo and recommends that the Board ,approve the subject lease for the CDBG program office in Immokalee. He further noted that the new lease extends the written notice for termination by either party from 10 to 30 days. County Manager Norman said that there also needs to be language added in regarå to the cancellation of the old lease and requested that this intent be inc1 uded in any forthcoming motion. Commis~;ioner Brown movcd, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Comr.lissioner Kruse not present for the vote, that the rental lease for the Comunity Development Block Grant Program in 1mmokalce be approved as recommended by staff, and that the Chairman be authorized to execute the document. 9 Mr. virta asked that he be given the opportunity to set the record straight regarding a previous statement by Ms. ~aker of 151. He said that Community Devleopment Block Grant Coordinator Sondra Yates has provided him with information that the one grant that Ms. Baker inti- mated would probably not be f~rthcoming will, indeed, not be. He said thÐt the reason it will not be granted is that the application is being transferred to a program wi~h annual appropriations with an annual a11~cation of funds. He said that bec~use of' this the County will be .___r..e.c.e.lv .1.ng __fund fLtO_ßK{;.!UVL.0f _t..h,ª_l)m~~!.I.!=-2!.!.9lI!~}..!.'i......! eq~_~~_t p.r1 . &OOK 060 rACE '335 Page 016 '" ~ . .. -; 'J; . ~. y 'if:::!]'" - '-,', .~..., .. ~ -.:nI ~ I '. ¡.~.: . "'li ' '/~~ '¡~7~ ~;J,} ~#~ '-if '-.."". .,..... ,J. 't;; (~, .~, " March 24, 19ß1 .....Commissioner KruSQ rejoined tho meeting - Times 12:37 P.M.····· REfiOLUTIONS 81-77 TIIROUCII 81-80, RE ADlITEMENT OF 1"UDLIC NUISANCES - lIDOPTED Commisioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the following Resolutions be adopted for the i recovory of funds expended by the County to abate public nuisances: ~: " ':t Jj) .'I a. Resolution 81-77 re Norman F. Sanso n b. Resolution ß 1-78 re "'a rianne K. Wikstrom, Trustee c. Resolution 81-79 re Clarence H. Surrell & Bessie M. Hovey d. Resolution R1-RO ra Eve 1 yn L. Brinker ----- a__________· . ~:î ..,..~; . ~.. " ~'{~ , . :" , ,<:~ - ~" .:....., ,l.. . :".,_.~-;~,:.;,,,...~~~~t ";'\ ". ';i·~;'¡'!:¡;2¡'!~ . :~ .~ t , PalJQ 47 MOK 060 rACE 339 . ' . .-. ~ ......~... ....~ ~·"~j-,.r ~-_.... :..- ....~, .._~. '~...~ "'·';·"::;~'.:t';,·,;·""~~~~:,,·,,:,,,~~.~-f': ....,-~.. 7' ~-.,-/.~' ''', .... .",.".,,',~__"'_,,_,""......."""'__...."""_..._-..;___...____"'____'~_..~"".. . ...w,"'...".__....._.._____·___·""'"'·"'····..__c"..' . . . .. ~¡. 060l'ACE34i MlIrch 2", 1981 PISTOL PERMIT 81-4 FOR MRS. KÞ.TflIF. SUP. RUS5P.LL - "PI?ROVED upon hearing from Administrative Assistant Neil Dorrill that the applicant meets nll of the criteria of tho portinent Ordinnnce, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner wimer and carried .----..--..------.....-,...--.-.------..----- unanimously, that pistol Permit 181-4 be approved for Mrs. Kathie Sue Russell. BUDGET FT.GURES RE COLLIER COUNTY EMERGP.NCY MEDICAL SERVICF. - APrROVED; LE^SE ^GREEMF:NT FOR EXISTING NORTH N^PLF:S Þ.MßUL^NCE STATION - ^PPROVED. County Manager Norman referred to a summary of the proposed budget for the Collier County Emergency Medical Service (Fund 450) outlined within the Executive Summary dated 3/23/81 and said that, for the balance of the current fiscal year, approximately $516,000 will be required_ Also required will be an appropriation of $~1,555 from Contingency in order to havo the revenues equal to expenses. He said that, because of the short time the Board has had to study this budget, it is not necessary that the Board adopt it today: however, it would facilitate bookkeeping operations if this budget were added to the computer as soon as possible. He said that Mr. Douglas Greenfield, tho EMS Director, has prepared a comparison sheet which shows the dif- ference in projected costs if the County wero not about to begin its own EMS operation and if the personnel were going to be paid the same, annual rate and have the same benefit costs as they have been while employed with 1\merican Ambulance. Copies of the comparison were dis- tributed to the Commissioners and a copy accepted by the Deputy Clerk and marked as Exhibit "A". He said that this has been done so that the Board can better understand why there is an increase to the County relating to the subject operation. Page 48 ,.1, II , \' t~; . ;:J!-; '.(~ -,¡"Pi ..,:r"" ...f¿',:~~ ,';"'4· .,. '~ ---". ~- -~--. ,;~~ ,,:;,'t~ . . : .1~ - ¡;;;þJ ~ .... t" ,. Mðrch 1.1\, 1901 In answer to Commissioner Wenzel, Mr. Greenfield said that the figures within the r.xecutive Summary, the ~genda pack~ge, and tho comparison sheet have been based on a survey of American Ambulance's collections over the last two years. In answer to Commissioner Kruse, Mr. Norman said that he is confident that the County c~n obtðin the projected 75\ collection rate through the use of tho type of system that the County will install, noting that American Ambulance's collec- tion rate ran between 50% to 60% He further stateò that also to be considered is the fact that the County will be taking over the EMS operations during the "off-season" portion of the fiscal year. H~ said that all the figures indicated in the aforementioned documents are reflective of the exact figures reported by ~~erican Ambulance for the months of April through the end of September increascd by 15\ due to growth. Mr. Greenfie1cl referred to the comparison sheet entitled BUDGET STATUS EXPLANATION IN RF.FERENCE TO RECOH~F.NDED RUDGF.T FOR COLLIER COUNTY EMS and stated that it reflects an increase in salaries and benefits totaling S67,202.00 over what the previous proviðer was allowing his people to operate. Also, said Mr. Greenfield, the items that will be initially incurred in order to set up the EMS operations total $26,660.00, bûsed on the best estimates available at this time. Ite said that this is an overall increase of $93,066.00 for the first 6 months of operation¡ however, this will be reduced over the next year. Thore was a brief discussion regarding p~ojections for uniform ----.------ --.-----...------.-------------.---..-. purchases: the types of uniforms¡ and the fact that there has been no concrete evidence as to who paid for tho uniforms with rcgards to the the present provider, as explained by Mr. Greenfield. Commissioner Wimer asked where the County's cost of billing, etc. MDX 000 r/lCE 345 Pa9 e ., 9 , " '~ '.;: . . r,- ~ . . 800K 000 fACE 346 March 2t1, 19ß1 is reflected in tho subject proposed budget and Mr. Greenfield said that would fall under the category of Contractual Services, object Code 349. Ho said that a figure of $B,OOO was arrived at with Fiscal Officer lIarold Hall which inc~udp.s postage, billing forms, ete., that will be necesÐary. In answer to Commissioner Wimer, Mr. Hall said'that the projected $8,000 is accurate and should be sufficient, however, . next year that figure may double. He said that there will be three mailings per bill, if necessary for collection, and that the $B,OOO includes one clerk, a 30\ indirect cost factor, data processing and mailing costs. He said that mailing costs were figured on initial mailings and SO\ of those requiring a 30-day followup mailing. Com- missioner wimer asked if Mr. Hall's time and labor have been figured into this cost? Mr. Hall said that it does not include preparatory charges and that, hi~toriçally, for those areas whore the Clerk's office has 00ne into a new program certain indirect charges such as his time/labor are not charged to that department He concluded by saying that the subject budget 'figure only represents direct costs that will be charged once the' program is started. Mr. Hall said that there is always the chance that, after the billing operation is underway, the cost could as much as double in a year from now. Commissioner Wimer stated that he wants to be very sure that the budget figures for the County's ambulance service are not undcresti- mated. He said that the idea that the County can run the ambulance service cheaper than it is being run now has more or less been dis- pellcd and that he believes that it will cost the County more to provide the same quality of service that has been previously provided. He said that regardless of the amount of money that will be require~, he will vote to provide it as long as ncne of the costs for this Pagc 50 -,.'. . . '. ~ ~ ~ 'J' Mllrch 1.4, 1~81 sorvice is boing "hiddon" in another buc1get. Mr. lIa11 I1ssurcd the Board that the $0,000 is intonded to reflect the full costs in the same manner as has been applied to all other enterprise services. Commissionor Brown asked why the Fiscal Officer, County ^ttorney, etc. timo is not directly charged against the ambulance service budget, ~n4 the County Attorney explained that if this were done, it would have to be done in relation to all of the County's services. County Manager Norman agreed, adding that many other departments, such as Personnel and purchasing, would have to be considered llS they all have con- tributed towards this effort. Commissionor Brown expressed his dis- pleasure in the manner in which the press has reported the entire issuo relative to the ambulance service and he stated that it is his intent to be absolutely clear as to the actual costs involved in the upcoming ~akcovcr of EMS operations by the County and that he wants it in black and white, in the ~cdia, and in the Minutes of this meeting. He said that he will vote for the money because the people of this County have to have this service. He said that he believes that it has become a political issue and he requested that the record reflect that he has stated that he will vote for whatever money is needed as long as it is all laid out in black and white. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioncr Wimer and carried unanimously, that the budget figures for the Collier County Emergency Medical Service b~ approved. Chairman pistor said that he believes that the entire staff have ~õî1{'ê"c:rvê ry l1:rr a -ró- f5te15i11'ë--t:hë-t:mag ët:-äñ ë'rtl1ã"T""fîë-r ë-ëIs-sür ë-''t:öår-- nothing is being, hidden adding that the staff is hopeful that at the year's end they will bo able prove that thcy did not have to spend as much ~oney as is shown in the subject budget. Commissioner' Wimer MOK 060 PAtE247 page 51 .. '. ~ - ",'" ....' ..... - .. ~-r. . ' '. ......~ - .... ~..-......,.,.--..... ____..,...,..,..._____..__A-'4ij.~ '" . ..._.< __4' '" .. ~ *.. . I! .. .. ... .,...' March 21\, 1981 ~OOK 000 fACE'348 agreed that the staff has ðone a good job and thanked them for thðlr efforts. County Manager Norman saId that he has been meetin~ with ~ericn ^mbulance representatives, during which it was discovered that'the --------------- existing North Naples statión on U.S. 1\1 North will bocome available on ^pril ~, 1981. He said that, subsequent to this, Mr. Greenfield has negotiated, and the ~ounty Attorney has prepared, a Lease for same building. He said that it is his recommendation that the Board iluthorize the execution of that Le a s e wh I c h will cost $300 per month; is on a month-by-month basis¡ and, will have a 90 day guaranteed- termination notification clause. He said that the reason for the month-to-month basis is because it is a part of a larger picce of property and is currently for sale along with a motel. Commissioner wimer moved for approval of the Lease for execution by the Cha i rman. Commissioner Kruse asked if the $300 per month is reflected in the budget figures just approved? Mr. Norman replied affirmatively. Commissioner Wenzel scconded the motion which carried unanimously. During a brief discussion regarding the proximity of th~ ambulance station to the City of Nðples' limits, Commissioner Wimer suggested that the Mayor be notified that the ambulance will not be moved any farther away from the City, after the County takes over, than it was previously, Commissioner pistor said that he has told the Mayor that the County intends to continue this service for at least thrce to six months under the exact same format that it has been operated under, until such time as the County has ~ feel for the true cost of operating the ambulance service. County Manager Norman concurred, adding that also to be discovered are the problem areas, and where the locations Page 52 ¡ , . ",. I '-,1, . ',(- ...._.,____,..____.....,_,...,...,_._,_.,....""__._.._...,""""._..'",..,,'."",_,.c'."'_'''" , - ... >.-. . :I;t~ .. J, '~~ .... - :.. _,.1 ~ ~ '/ ., March '--1, 1901 c:=a are that noed ambulance sorvices. Commissionor Wimor noted that the City has coverage from both ends of tho City and is, therefore, auto- matically covered in the case of one ambulance being out. H$ said that if the station was in the middle of the City, and the vehicle out on a run, the City would have no such coverage. Also discussed was the claim that the City has the highest number of ambulance calls, the efforts being undert~ken to verify this and other relative matters. Mr. Greenfield reported that ho currently has a paramedic on staff who is assisting him in the preparation of a zoning map for the entire County which will be utilized to locate some of the more active areas relative to ambulance service and which will enable him (Mr. Greenfield) to address this issue at a later date. .,~ ; 'A-':-l~~ ,- ,.J......~...." ..~~.. ·,~,;~~tt'··'1'~t"'~~'~,,'. ~J .1....~j . 'i }l/,';J¥"¡;:\:.';~::;i~ .: ",", ",'.' ·,'\;\~,t~ , . "~' ..";'1$ .--.~._---_....._-_.._---_._-----_.._-- ---. eoox œo rACE 349 '''T ~-:-~. --, -...~.. . . -'~~'P'ir"" \ . ..,.' ..".....'\ r 'H,;r..- ~t¡ ~ ~~ 1'h r ,~,: ~ " ..'" . , .~. .! - Page 53 'fI._,..,_"__........_._.......'"...._...____....."..,·~__.""_....".......b"'.~".",_...,,,,,.,,,,..,. ':':/i j~~ ,',Ï-,.'t; ·i.·f"~ ";~f{' , \(1~~ :~~ ·\,t..·.·.·· "'~'~ ,;;.~~ ";';'.fI: "'''i) l\ - .. .. ..... . ~ ¡þ" ßOOK. 060 PAGE352 March 24, 1901 PROPOSED RATES FOR WATER WELL PERMITS APPROVED; ADVERTISING AUTI10RIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING RE RELEVANT OnDINANC~ Public Works ~dministrator Clifford Barksdale requested the Board's approval of thA proposed water well permit rates as outlined --wtt h-rn-t h-e-r;X1fC\lt1 vu-summ (T rY-'e~ at e-eM 1'11/ ~'1.,.---rJ!'> we-11trS'CJU tIT crr1""Z'i'1;" t'OlIt advertise for a public hearing regarding the adoption of an Ordinance in this regard. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the Board tentatively approve the proposed water well permit rates and authorize the advertising for a public hearing regarding tho adoption of an ordinance re same. RESOLUTION 81-81 REQUESTING BIG CYPRESS BASIN/SFWMD TO ACQUIRE LANDS RE LELY CANAL WATER CONTROL SERVICES Public Works Administrator Clifford Barksdale referred to the Executive Summary dated 3/24/A1 and explained that the Big Cypress Basin/South Florida Water ~anagement District has indicated a willing- ness to obtain the required right-of-way for the Le1y Canal salt water intrusion control structure and that they have requested a resolution be adopted by the BCC including certain information outlined more fully within the Executive Summûry. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kru~e and carried 4/1, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed, that Resolution 81-81, requesting Big Cypress Basin/South Florida Water Manangement District to acquire the aforementioned lands ro construction of the Lely Canal water control structure be adopted. Page 54 .... "......,-_._--.~ '.> f. ~ "!,, ,~: I, :.. , .' .. ., -.-.... , _. .. ..', ~......,.,. ,_ . '" 1 ~ .. BOO~ 06 0 rACE 354 Mnrch 24, 1981 RESOLUTION 01-02 REQUESTING FDOT TO DEED L1\NDS TO COLLIER COUNTY RÊ COPE LANE pnOJECT Public Works AdminIstrator Clifford Barksdole referred to the Executive Summory datod 3/20/31 and read the contents thereof. He oxpfãineci"'"t.hatthe FDOT is -prë-šëñt'ly -ïëä;-ingthë"t;; par;;ï;-of land, that theso leases will be cancelled by the FDOT effective May 28, 1ge1, and, that there is ~ possib1ity that these leases could be renewed when the County takes possession of the subject property. Thcre was ð brief discusssion regarding the proposed use of the subject parcels of land, during which Mr Barksdale explained that portions of these parcels will be used for the routing of drainage along side of the road ditchcs by construction of a small control structure; also, a portion of the land is necessary for construction of Cope Lane. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Rruse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 81-82, requesting the FDOT to transfer the deeds regarding two parcels of land to the County, be adopted. Page 55 t . L- .,~._. ., í I' , ,. I . ¡ i ".. ..~..~~... . .. . ,", 'j .,~,',..,. ... '.'-..-. .~ . . . " ',.f. " ",~,~""""",",,,,,,,.,,,,,,..__...________,,,....,"..,,,. '__,,,,._.,~_",,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_.,_,,,,,,,,,,,,___,,,,,,,~,,,,"""'m."",_'''''_;__'=''~'-''"'-_~.,,.,," ",._'...,....,~~,"~,~.,., , .~. l' ~. . '. " . .,~ V , ': ,~t 4: .' ... \ , .---... ......--. ',. . . .. ......- March 2-1, 1981 ....~..........RECESS - TIME 1:02 P.M. 3:12 P.M.·················· nEVISED PUßLIC LIß~^~Y POLICIF.S ^PPROVED Library Director Richard Jodar recommended approvðl of the revised Collier County Public Library policies outlined within the Executive Summary dated 3/9/Rl. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that tha newly revised Collier County Library policies be adopted and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the document. -----. MOK 0fX) PACE 357 pag e 56 ',f .~~. ,(...." "1.:"., .... ~.. '.'" ,., . I~~~~~' . .!,' .~..", f..,;". .' ". .. '., ',''!o ,,"..~~.>=._..._. ....<.....,..,_,.,.....,........."'.",__..._....__"'..."'._.~_''''"...-.;'''''.,.,~_""""i"~,..~._.,,,..,~_;;¡<;*~h.~_·.._·"......~"'....~~""H..........."'......._......,...,.....-.-"'..............."'.0;'.<-<_,*,,,""""_""_,.......,'_"'"""""...,.....w,,.., fll~i ~ Il~""..j~Y ~ .. '..~ I!lI f ì,~ /.~¡ ti ~ t f l I I t",.,,,. ~. , -:~¥ p; .. '.-..' -. .......... -:-.- . ,- - -. ~ ,. ~~\~ ~:~1;1 : ,~¡.~ \"{ ,,:, ,t;·· ~ --..I , March 211, 1 !Jßl ST^FF ^UTHORIZED TO SO,LICIT BIDS RE NORTII NM'LF.S BR^NCI1 LInRAR'i CONSTRUCTION Library Director Richarð .Joder requested that tho Board authorize 'the staff to solicit bids for tho construction of tho North Naplos Branch Library. lie reforr~d to an overhead map and reported that the developcrs of Pelican ~ay havo deeded the site, for the library to the County; that the design has been approved by the Pelican Bay represen- tatives; that the CAPC has approved the ACCeGS to tho library on Vanderbilt Beach Ro~d¡ and, that all the preliminary work has boen completed regarding the Gubject project. During a brief discussion regarding the proposed North Naplos Branch Library, Commissioner Wenzel stated that he could not see the necessity for expending such a largo amount for the proposed library building as he felt that the stor.efront library presently serving the subject area is adequate. Commissioner Wimer explained that the intended library building will complete the County's library system; that the people in North Naples have been waiting for three years for this building¡ that the subject area is the second largest usage area in the County's library system¡ and, that he feels it is appropriate that the County f~llow through with the conntruction of the subject building. Mr. Joder added that the continued use of the small store- front for a library is not conducive to upgrading the system and that certain services to the public are limited by the lack of sufficient space and, therefore, cannot progress. He said that the proposed buildihg will be the same type of design as the Immokalee and Golden --- Gate branches. " : BOOK OOJ PACE æg Page 57 ¡ . ... .. "!~' . ,. ~. .. '.. "" ...~.~-._.."''''---;._---_ T ~~ - '. . ---.~~.~~,,- -'.~"-"-~-"- ';;r: ',\. . <',A ~·t~~ , ,~. , 'j.. ',;~; "¡~'"" t/tl ¡' 11\, . "it. , ¡" ''''~'t . ','~ ';1; ~ . .. " , , ~ ßO~~ 060 rAtE 370 March 24, 19A1 CommissIoner WImer movod, seconded by CommIssioner Drown and carried unanimously, that the staff be authorized to solicit bids regarding thc construction of the North Naples Library. ________..a-- . --.. FULL TIME CUSTODIAN POSITION RE MARCO ISLAND BRANCH LIBRARY AND SHERIFF'S SUO-STATtON APPROVED . County Managor Norman statod that in recognizIng th~ needs of the Marco Island Sheriff's sub-station for custodial services once that facility is opened, along with those of the Marco Island Branch Library facility, he is recommending the approval of the creation of a full time custodial position to serve theso two facilities. He outlined various problems associated with the practice of employing part-time custodial help; thc fact that contractual service is currently being studied¡ and concluded that the Board's approval of the aforementioned position is needed in the meantime. Commissioner Wimer said that he would prefer outside contractual service for these two facilities and, upon hearing from Mr. Norman that the approval of th~ subject position will not preclude such a method and that this approval would not have to be a permanent solut~on, movod for approval of the full time custodial position. Commissioner Wenzel seconded the motion which carried unanimously. E~ERCENCY ACKNOWLEDCED fiND BID PROCESS WAIVED; CONTRACT RE CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITION TO MOTOR POOL FflCILITIES - AWARDED TO ALUMINUM & GLASS DESICNS IN THE M10UNT OF $4,9<10 Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox rcported that, coincidental to the County's taking over the ambulance, there is an immediate need for adequate facilities in the motor pool for servicing EMS vehicles on or before April 6, 1981. lie said that the Doard has approved a Budget Page 58 "', ., "-,·'...·'"'··~...."-~-"'~___1 '!>t. _._,___..."'_ .. ..N...... j.,,/- '" "r;';:' . ...~, . .. :." ,~\ :;;. ~' ;¡~i ?-tit t' " ~ ....' j ",..:: . ," UH ö ,I:J' IJA Iff] .__ò... -... '/1, ., ., March 24, 19t11 1\mandment for $6,000 for the construction of the additional facilities in motor pool and that, because of the timing involvcd and pursuant to Section "F", Subsection "~(g)" of tho purchasing Policy, the Board mny acknowledge a~ emergency and authorizo ð purchnso without uaing tho sealed bid process. Mr. Wilcox said that, based on this provision, competitive ficld guotationG were receivcd for the construction of the addition to the County's motor pool facilities from three local vendors as outlined more fully within the Executive Summary dated 3/20/01. He said that the firm of ^luminum & Glass Dcsigns sub~ittcd tho lowcst quotation and he recommendod that the Board acknowledge the emergency, wai,~ the bid process, and award the contract for the aforementioned 'construction to the subject firm in the amount of $4,900.00. tommissioner Wenzel moved to accept the staff recommendation and Commissionel Wimer seconded the motion. There was a dJscussion regarding whether or not the subject expenditure is reflected in the EMS budget tentatively approved earlier this session, during which Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated that the total amount is not reflected in the budget figures approved thIs morning; what is included is the amount of deprecIation that is chargðble to that year. Commissioner \."imer asked Mr. l1all if the County would be expanding the motor pool facilities if it were not taking over the ambulance service and Mr. Hall replied negatively. Comm~ssioner Brown said that, in this case, hc believes that the expenso should be rcflected in the EMf¡ budget. Commissionor Pistor sa fa€11"ðE-11ë-uñëJéf"sTooër-ffiiittlíë'liëJd i tioniil-;-rãërI1Ue-Š-WõüTa be neces=-- Gary in order to take care of ccrtain County trucks, etc. that aro not connected with EMS operations, and Mr. Wilcox agreed. He said that the County is presently servicing six one-ton vehicles that cannot be I): aoOK 000 t'/ICE 371 Pago S9 ", .... .. -. ....- ..-..--....---.... Ulr; .. ." . õ, :J ;i~ I!U ...... ......... .... .'.' _........t ~ - .. MQK 06 0 fACE 372 March 24, ¡gal properly servicad at this time hccnußo the lifts in tho bay cannot accommodate them. Commissioner Wimer said that he believos thnt the motor pool bays were never intended to sorvice those larger trucks and, if the policy of the Board regarding the motor pool facilities' use for servicing County vehicles at the Complex has changed, he would like to know about it. lie said that if tho motor pool is doing work that should be done at the County barn, he also wants to know about that because he understood that all large trucks wore to be serviced at the County barn. Mr. Wilcox said that this is true, except that he now has a number of one-ton tru=ks in his pool which bo1ong to the parks and Recreation Department that are serviced by motor pool and not the barn. Commissioner Wimer said that he does not care who owns them¡ tho motor pool wa~ designed for light vehicles only. In answer to Commissioner Wenzel, Mr. Wilcox said that no vehicles over one-ton are serviced at the motor pool and that there are some Road and Bridge Dp-partment vehicles, under one-ton, that are serviced at the County barn. Commissioner Wimer 'said that, if the subject capital improvement is for the EMS, he wants it to be reflected in the EMS budget as such and not reflected as a capital improvement for the motor pool. He said that he would so move after the motion on the floor is voted upon. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall clarified that, if the subject additional facilities were to be usp.d for nothing other than the EMS program and, if the County was not going to take over the EMS program, there would be no reason to expend the money. He said that on any capital expenditure program ,for any internal service, or any enterprise account, the total capital is not charged to one department¡ however, it is possible to reflect it on tho respectivo department's balance, sheet. Commissioner Wimer said that wh~t he w~nts-is for the true raCJo 60 I , :t I' I 'O, ......, # , , ", - --'.#... t. I L' ':' March 2." l!'lOl operational expenses for clIch function of tho County to bo properly reflected in the EMS budget since such function is necesGary for the operation of the EMS program. Mr. Hðll asaured Commissl!>nor WImor that tho subject capital improvement can be reflected aG a one time "start up" charge on the financið1 statement and that the proration of the capital improvement can also be reflected over the years. Commissioner 'k~ "~ l~ j ';~ <:;,..: .¡. Wenzel asked ~1r. 111111 if the capitð1 improvement could be amortized over a ten-ye~r period ðnd a portion of thðt charged to the EMS services, as well as a portion charged to the one-ton trucks. Mr. Hall replied ðffirmatively. He said that Commissioner Wimer's point is well taken; if a capital expenditure is undertaken for a specific purpose '£:i and unless it is not specifically indicated as such, noborly could tell that this money would not have been expended if the County did not have that intended purpose. Commissioner Wenzel said that he, too, would like it reflected as an ðnnua1 charge ag~inst the EMS budget. Mr. Hall agreed that this cån be done. COmmissioner Wimer requested that the Board schedule a discussion regarding the activities ~t the motor pool and the intent regarding same. Chairma¡\ pistor directed the County Mè'lnager to schedule this matter for a workshop prior to the commencment of the upcoming budget he a ring s . Upon call for the question the motion to w~ive the bid process, to acknowledge an emergency, a~1 to award the contract for the addition to the motor pool facilities to Aluminum & Glass,Designs, cArried unani- mously. ..--..-----.---- l.. i' ! ~ p . , ... MOl( 060 r.4~373 Page 6l , ....1..... , . "'''... ""'j.'" -~ /..... . . , ... .'~.~.:-.~ ~.~ ., ',i, I"J 1 II .__...______..."'____....~...'..,.,.,'_~ ""',----_.........,-.",^"..".,-....,., ~ -'\~~. .' .' ~<>y :<-:.. . ~.. '-'" ...-.- .........."'....... . ~;.....·t ~ aoo~ 060 rAcE574 i \ !t". MlIrch 211, 1981 ..... .. ~:... *' I POSITION OF CRIMINI\L JUSTICE PRO.JECT I\N~LYST UPGRADED TO MI\NAGER CRIMIN~L .JUSTICE SYST~MS Data processing Director Fred Marks stated the C.JIS Policy Board is recommending that the position of criminal .Justice proje,ct I\nalyst .a.da..-1.9J..-þ.{tJ P-<Jr::ß.dJuLt~Ll1aJHt.ÇU!L-ÇliIDJ_mt¡ _JJ.~ ¡:Lt;J~L~s.~J~m.!L1Ç r II d e 2 Upon hearing the consideration on which this rccommondation is based from Mr. Marks, who referred to a memorandum from tho Clerk of Courts ·:.r.~.:i....· "~ ~.~.;:i ~q~ ':I.' .('~. ::2l 't ~. . '.y.~ " ~ received by the County Manager's Office on 3/18/81, Commissionor Wimor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the aforementioncd position be approved for upgrðding to that of t" 'fI, Manager Criminal Justice Systp.ms at a grade lcve1 27. SOLE SOURCE PURCHASE OF ADDITIONI\L COMPUTER EQUIPMENT RE LEAA MATCHING FUND GRI\NT FOR CJIS - I\UTHORIZED FOR ACOUISITION Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commission~r Brown and carried unanimously, that, pursuant to LEAA approval, the sole source purchase of additional computer equipment rc LEAI\ Matching Grant for CJIS, be authorized in the amount of $45,870.50, from Digital Equipment Corporation, as recommended by the CJIS Policy Board and as outlined more fully within a memorandum from the Clerk of Courts, received 3/18/81 by the County Manager's Office. DISCUSSION REGI\RDING THE DATI\ PROCESSING DEPARTMENT ADDED TO 3/31/81 AGENDA Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and ca~ried unanimously, that a discussion regarding the Data processing Department be added to tho 3/31/81 Agenda. i.~ ., .:~ ".1 , :.-.)¡\)¡ ':'~þ ,,:,-¡,J:'" Page 62 I. . , .j', ' 1 . " ',"'" . " ".1, , . . , , . .,' ~--=."-"...._->,,,,~,.,..._..__.._.._..... '" ...... .-. ~. .. V" 'I un... _.",..._.,-~. .. _"_~""_"'"-"O"'"'"""~·".."""·'·''-_''_''."·,..,,,,.,~..._,.." (I]I j" .I"'';,':,:. ,ii ',;' a ëf~ Í It ~ -.I ---' " .:" ~lðrch 24, 1901 \-INI'ER/SF.WER FACILITIF.S RE IMPERIAL GOI,F ESTATES PHMF.: 2 - ACCr.PTED Utilities Managor Irving Berzon recommended that the Board ace apt the water/sewer facilities for Imperi~l Golf Estates Phase 2, subject to final revie~ by the County Attornoy regarding legal deficiencies and inclusive of three amendments to legal descriptions not completed at this time. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Erown anrl carried unanimously, that the above-referenced water/sewer facilities and pertinent documents he accepted and/or recorded. -------- ---.....---- - --.----. ..-..---..-------.-- -...--------. "/ ßOOK 000 PAtE 375 Page fi3 .. . '. . ¡ ,j ., . j t!::'> )~ . ','·i" ',,,",... . ~.,\, , ,¡«if, t:~." .. ''< ,.I. t ~ :t} '/. ut '.'r,,¿: 1- ')J,: ,,"~ , ;(.~ ",,¡o(I-'" ",J* ;J . " ... .:.:~ :~~:·'7;::· ..~~ . : l , . . . ,.,1; ';4,. '\' M"''''''''''''''''"'''''.'_·''''_'~___''''''__ V 'V"" 1'IIR"'._____..,.""..'<!>"'".....'~,,_..._"".._.___~,,""'..""""'...,..,"'"~,____,~__~_.,,""._....,,_.....""'_.k_,'.<.,,""'.'=." <tfJ' ]....,. .l!'-,' ~'1r··.1·" ~ l:g~, · Iffiì .~~, ~ --..J --'" . '.. March 24, 1901 ROUTIN~ OILLß - APPROVED FOR PA~MENT Commissioner Wimer moved, eocondod by CommissIoner Brown and carried unanimously, that the routine bills be approved for payment, same having sufficient funda available and witnessed by the following County Checks: ACCOUNT CHECK NtHlBER Coun ty Ch c c ka 6311 I;~02 ßCC payroll - CET^ 6168 - 6354 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 81-49 RE TR^INING COSTS (AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT) - ADOPTED IN THE ^MOUNT OF $R2B Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Erown and carried unanimously, thäl Oudget 1mendmcnt No. 81-49 for training costs for Soil Analyst in the Agriculture Department be adopted in the amount of $828. -.-------- ------- ----------...-------. MOK œo mCE~ Page 64 :~ -~'.' . ... ..._~ . . .... .-. . . . , ". .~,(-t'~., -':'.; '. III__.~'._.......__""'..,"__"',.....,.<,,_~~.·.,;~"'"__;...,,"".._,·_"~_,~,_"'_"_"'e_"" ¡ í' . ;,".'">''' ,.¡'''~ _'.,·~t,., ~ :~~" r~ ~""'~~1;~ ~" . :~;'¡'I~ .:~:\ ....,. . " , . ~ ·t~· ...... ~ ..-.. '--' " March 24, 19131 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. ß1-S0 RE ACCUR~TE REFLBC¡rON OF EXPENDITURES IN THE CmIMUNIT'l DEVELOPMENT I?ROGR1\M BUDGET - ADOPTED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $3,ßOO . ; Commisaioner \'limor moved, seconded by Commissionor Brown and carried unanimously, that Budget 1\mondment No. AI-SO which more accu- rately reflects expenditures in the Co~munity Devlopment Program budget be adopted in the amount of $3,800. ';1.~j '"~ .::¡a: ''Øf;< : '~~~ .. :,~" .,~ ~. . :~>~ . . ( ,.... /"l.... .;:- '~,¿, ..... ~. ---------.---.-----.------..----. ,",\ f>OD~ 060 rAil 385 " \ ',' Page ..,. ~.... .. ..... ...... . !"or'" ~ .. .. or;- '!' ... r._ . ~.,. "",.. . ~...J:;' .~...~'7'"..........~ ',r ~. f. .'". ,...' t, .. ," ," . ~....."';'..~_"""~....'__".._."""".__."'"_..__'*'_.....__'"___,;.'~"...·"._,"".,-'''"'.._..~..."~·.,,....~.,'''''>-,';.·n..,I<II·'''''"·''''''''1<tIi~..,.'.':I.;~"_'_""__"'-"_"~''''~''''.'~''_'''''_'___'''''''''''_''''_'''' ...f...._'.... '" " ;" . ~ .' ,.." . - . . . March 24, 19A1 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 81-51 rROVIDING SECRETAR1^L SERVICES TO POLIZZI/HEErW (OTIJEn GEM. "DM.) - ADOpn~D IN TIIP. AMOUt¡T OF $5,O"1i Commissioner Wimcr moved, seconded by Commi9sioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Budget 1\mendment No.8l-5l providing secre- tarial services to polizzi/Heery (Othe'r Gen. Adm.) be adopted in the amount of $5,O~6 .________.___._____.________.______________4____.._. t ,.. .,' ~ aoOK 000 rA~ 387 Page 66 .' "-; .... .' .........-_.. "'~.,,<WO",·;''''_·.=_.,,'~''''''_;>;;.'.'''''.._"'___..____III'··,_''*__..".,.......~j,_.,_Ô O<i_,.;__...·_..._........,__._..._._.~_.,'''_..c..._"'".___.,."~.,",-...-" f , I , ! ..}' \." .:r;4 . ...c,t:'.1 ..~~" 'J'J. .:..., ,::~ ~~ . '. "j . . . ...... . ,. . '!~ )' . I-' ~ "', " March ?'4, 1901 BUDGET AMENDMENT No. 81-52 TnANSFERRI~G GRANT MONF.Y RF. COUNTY MANA- GER/t:NERGY CONSr.RVATION ßUOGF:T - ADOPTF:D IN TIIF: AMOUNT Of' $4,503 ,Commissioner Wimer m~ved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Budget Amandment No. 81-52 transferring grant money re County Mannger/Enorgy Conservation Suðgot be adopted In the amount of $4,503. ----- -.--- aDD~ CØ) rA~ 399 Pago (,7 " , , ' . ' .. . ..._..____....._r I I . 1 j';,¡ ,.~~ It'"'. J .~i.~ \\- -¡ :. ... ì~ ., .i ;1 :'.'6' ·f : :;:; ;.~..~ -,:'~~ ;¥ .·~t I ;: ~' ...... .......-. ':' Mnrch 211, 1901 .. BUDGET AMENDMENT AI-53 pnOVIDING FOR !NCnEARE IN COST OF EQUIPMENT (CIRCUIT COURT CLERK) - ADOPTED IN TltE AMOUNT" OF $1,113 Commissioner Wimer Movod, seconded by Commissioner Brown ðnd , ____..__...._______.~-- -..._-- ---- P......- ._______..__._________ carried unðnimously, that Budgot Amendment No. Al-53 providing for an increase in cost of equipment re Circuit Court Clerk be ðdopted in the ðmount of $1,113. eODK 000 fACE g}1 . " . I ~ ., ,1" ,., '0 -'1-:'. ';. . '" . .. . ". .." ¡;,;", ;.... .... .,..,............ __,_~....__...._,_,..,..__¡.....<>'""_..._...,""_~"""._.".,,,.'~.............__'__""-""_""",.,,,,__",~_,,,,,.,",..,,,e." Pðgo 6R ~ ~ ~ .., March 24, l!>l1l BUDGET AMENDMENT 01-54 PROVIDING FOR F,MERCP.NCY MEDICAL PAYMP.NTS FOR ABUSED/SHELTERED CHILDREN (SOCIAL SERVICES) - ^DOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,000. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded hy Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. BI-5~ providing for omergcncy medicnl payments for abuscd/she1tered children (Socia.! Services) be adopted in the ~mount of $4,000. --.-.-...--------------.....--.---. }f ' BOOK 000 rAt¡: 393 ~... "'~ . . ~ .". ,~ ", ',' ~ ' 1\'.1, . f" .~ '", ~ .~. . ¡ .,. . - "'-,0-'" .. ..-...·.r·- ~ ........._.. .___~__ " " ,-. ." .'"~",._..."',......~".."""_,.._____.._"'.._____.........$Io._"._.,,.,,__,..__._'.".....__;w,.......;_,"'_~'......<_"''",.._...''"....__.............'"_'.M-«' . 'J, ,1 .'~ .2, ''I 'l~ ;;4 \,'ji¡1 ,~ ~""'-';'~ '~í: .:~.:, T "f Page ..................4 - .. March 7.4, 191\1 SE^LED DID pnOCESG WI\IVED ^ND EXPENOITURE OF $0,/.57.00 FOR MATULI\Y SUPPLY TR^ILER RE WITN~~SF.S/ JUnOnS,- ^ppnOV~n ' Commissioner Wimer moved, Qeconded by Comminaioner ßrown ðnð carried unanimously, that the soolc~ bid process be waived ðnd that tho expenditurc of $8,257.00 for a trailer re the Witness/Jurors program in the Judicial area be approved for purchaso from Matulay Supply, as recommended by Clerk William J. Reagan. STAFF INSTRUCTED TO IIONOR THE DOMICrLES OF PRESENT COMMIGSIONEn5 RF. PREPAR^TION OF REDISTRICTING FOR VOTING DISTRICTS Commissioner Wimor stated that, during a recent visit to the Planning Department where the districts maps are being prepared 'regarding the County's efforts towards redistricting, he became aware that the Planning staff is not honoring the domiciles of present 'Commissioners in their efforts to balanco the population count for each of the five districts, noting that they are following the Census enumeration. lie said that he feels this consideration could easily be incorporated in delineating the various boundaries for each district. He said that it is his opinion that the Commissioner's domiciles should be considered, and that he would like to know how the other Commissioners feel. Commissioner Pistor said that he understands that it would not make any difference and that, if a Commissioner is shifted into a different district by this process, he/she would not be raquired to move since it would only have an effect on the Commissioners when their ¡ us pc C'ri'v c--t arm---c x p iTC-:¡-;---M r,--f"Í'C"kwcrr Ll. ... ,1 l·d-tiT.Tt:'-tiTi -:¡""'"'h;--.::-n¡c-and-rtrn he tran5mitteà a memorandum regarding this to the Supervisor of ElectIons anò to Planner Tom Mcnaniel just last week. Commissioner Wimer said that he realizes this is not a legal question but is simply ßOOK 060 rACE 5gj Pl'Ig e 70 :.. ,.., .' . . I .~_ I ~ BOOK, 060 PACE 396 March 24, 19A1 a matter of whether or not the Commissioners decide they want to have it done this way. Commissioner piotor said that hn, too, looked at the maps and subsequently asked the Planning staff if thero was any way to a \'0 ~~_th e ~~!,j~~~2!.£~}..£.~_!)_~~~i.~L.1b.~..L h-A.._,.wð L~.().l5J_~llH. ,...J!1.a.tJ1.t- matically, thcre is not. Commissioners Wimcr and Kruse joined in disagreement. Commissioner Wimer claimed that, mathematically, the district lines can fall any number of ways and the totnl population in rlðch district will come out equal. He said it is a matter of philosophy, i.e. shall we use puro numbers or shall we honor the present Commissioner's domicile in conjunction with numbers? He said that it would take extra effort¡ however, it can be done. Commissioner pistor asked if it is true that when the districts are redrawn the population of each district must be ðpproxim~tely the same? Mr. Pickworth replied that thcy must be as close to identi~a1 as possible; however, this can be accomplished by drawing the lines in any number of ways although the staff cannot "gerimander" the lines. Commissioner Wimer concurred and said that, philosophically, he does ~ot 1iko having three Commissioners in one district. Commissioner Kruse agreed and said that if the lines fall as they are now drafted, Commissioners Bro~m, Wimer and herself would all be living in the same district. Commissioner Wimer moved that the Boarò instruct the staff to honor the domiciles of the present Commissioners in their efforts in redistricting. Commissioner Kruse seconðed the motion. Commissioner Wimor clarified ~hat ho is not down-playing tho efforts of the staff since they were given an assignmentss to use "pure numbers" and they carried through with that assignment. He said that . , this is fine; however, hc believes that the staff needs further direc- tion and that is the reason· for his motio~. Page 71 L , ".1, '. t fl]~ ~ : ,~ t I ".:~;."~ 'jî ! JfA'jl.·· t." ~ .'" " ,.. I', " " ..-- ~ .. Jb. Ml\rch "". l~HI1 Chairman riator sAid that the staff con Qe asked to look into this. Commissionor Wimer was aòamant in that tho intent of the motion is to specifically direct thnt tho Commissioners' domiciles be honored; not that they look into doing it. Upon call for the quostions, the motion carried 3/2 with Commis- sioners Wenzol anò pistor opposed. Commissioner Wonzel asked the record to reflect thnt he ðid not look at the subject maps and, there- fore, cannot vote to change them. Commissioner pistor said that he did look at them and that he could see no reason for the change. CERTIFICATES OF CORnECTIONS TO TilE TAX ROLL - AUTHORIZED FOR EXECUTION BY THE CH^IRMl\N Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the following Certificates of Correction to the Tax Roll, as prescntp.d by the Property l\pppraiser's Office, be authorized for exe¿ution by the Chairman: 1977 TlIX ROLL NUMBERS DlITE 432 2/26/A 1 1978 TAX ROLL 583 & 5R4 1979 'I'l\X ROLL 621 through 15..:5 3/10/Al 3/10 - 3/16/Al ----------------- -- ---------"'- -.-.--------.. -.- ßDOK 000 l'J.!;£ 397 Page 72 ~ '. .. . _I___..~_-_.._----~,..-·._.....·,·~."".,,-~.,-~~·,··, ..,.;: ; 1 "--"~~f ~1 I I.. '.'; If "" 1'" ;'~ .:,t;, .. _...... ~;: :'. ~ MO~ h. . ;t,., . ?g~". ~,......r.':-'. ''';. .: 060 rl.~E 39B ," ' 143 ?73 3150 3(;11 . ~ 397 -117 1\ 28 436 1\31 585 through " through th rough through & 437 th rough . ; .. , -\ tI ' , . . . . :~ ' Mðrch 24, 1981 1900 Tl\X ROLL 370 413 4 ?6 433 456 I/B/BO 1/20/D 1 ?/11/81 2/13 - ?/?3/81 ~/Ta7år--- 2/19 - ?/27/Sl 3/3 - 3/16/Rl 3/12/81 3/9/01 3/10 - 3/16/81 3/16/01 1980 TAX ROLL 80-78 through 80-82 3/10/81 19AO TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1900-B3 1980-84 198 0 - BS 3/17/81 3/17/81 3/17/81 DR. .JACK GREENFIELD APPOINTED TO EMERGENCY ~EDrCAL 5F.RVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL FILLING VACANCY DUE TO RESIGNATION OF DR. GUNNARD ANTELL Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, th~t Dr. Jack Greenfield be appointed to the Medical Services Advisory Council tilling the vacancy due to the resignation of Dr. Gunnûrd Antell. LEAVE OF ABSENCF. FOR Fan MVI CMPLOYEE BILLY TAYLOR - APPROVED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the recommended lp.ave of nbsence for MVI employee Billy Tùy10r from' 3/25/81 to 5/25/81 be approved. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR TRANSPORTATION DEPART~'ENT EMPLOYEE PATRICIA M. CARROLL - APpnOVED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, thùt the recommended leùve of-absence for . ...... ~ '-'. -. , ,/, Page 73 ... I. ..~_......... .......-..... ., :; i I ,jl 'l. ., '¡'I.. I 'f '''',\-, , ;:~'~~~ j :,/J:!i :,'!)¡~-: ji :.¡. , !¡\~: .:- March ?'''', 1901 Transportation DCpðrtm~nt employce patricia M. Carroll from 5/l8/Bl to 8/18/81 be approved. DEED t2ñ? RE LAKE TR~FFORD MEMORI^L GAnDENS CEMETERY - RECOROED AND FILEO FOR THE RECORD Pursuant to action of the Board .Jnnuary l~, 1978 whcrein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Tr~fford Memorial Gardens Cemetcry lots DS the nced ^rises, the following Deed No. 2ñ2 was recorded and filed for tho record. " " ,. . ·':it'·' .'~ ·f:f'(-...·· " t ~:..~",.~ ."";"'.. ~',..~,~:;~. ·.':";·~i.~ J~/~""'*" -::~.~- Page 74 800K 060 rA~3m . .: :,.0 : ,. ~ ~:, ~ 'I} "\ "~'·'-""·";W·~;__"''''_''''''''_·^·'''';''''''''''''"''''''''_''~·1_'_____"'"__.,__ø___'w._"'__,_---........_,.....'''.'.,.'_..............,·...,,., ";~,,,",,..._."';...,,,,."'"..",.,,' '., " ,,'~ -..., . I I I . .. M,'HCh 2<1, 1981 PRESENTATION OY DR. TOM Cr.7\RI(, Ç¡¡SI, nE ST^TUS OF nr.1\r.TII DEP^RTHENT. CLINIC Sr.nVICES IN IMMOKALF:8 & EVF.RGLAOES CITY - NO ^CTrON T^'ŒN: COUNTY M¡\NAGER TO SCHF.DULF: WORKSHOP RE F8DERALLY FUNOED PROGI11\MS THAT M1\Y R~QUInE LOC^L SUPPORT Dr. Tom Clark, of Collier Health Services, Inc., gave 1'1 presenta- tion regarding the need for the BCC to consider the repercussions of the termination of cert~in Health Department services that are presently offered by CHSI in Immokalee due to Federal cutbacks in funding. The history of CIISI was outlined by Dr. Clark, as were the present programs that are being carried out in the three areas of service, including Everglades City, Immokalee, and 12 miles southeast of Naples near migrant 1Ðbor camps.· Also covered by Dr. Clark is the close relationship that CHSI and the Health Department presently enjoy and he explained that, while Dr. Cox, the Health Department Director, has agreed to help in any way he can, his resources are limited by his budget. Dr. Clark' outlined the various kinds of services that will no longer be able to be provided by CHIS, and those arefts that will have to be "covered", henceforth, by the Health Department, inclusive of family planning services, immunizations, treatment of venereal disease, TB testing, and, PKU's for young infants. The projected date of termination of services in both Evorgl~des City and Immokalee of September I, 1981 was outlined by Dr. Clark who added that these services wIll become the responsibility of the County on that date. lIe said that he is not requesting anything at this time; however, because it is just before County Budget nearing time, the .~---_.._------ _.-__._-~... _.. ._..._--._~_.._._--- ._. -- "'-'---. ---..--..- ---... - ---..-...-.---- County should consider providing nca1th Department sorvices in Immokaloo and Evergl~dcs City around the aforementioned scrvico tormi- nation date. ''''hen l\5ked by Commissioner Vlenzel how much money he was BOOK 060 rAc£4Of Page 75 .'...........--...-.:.-.......t"":..... ~~. . ,-,._- ._'-_._-~., . . - ...'1 . ~, . ,~..J . , . ,j '~l ~ ,I :.' .~ ,...,;-¡¡q'''' I:f;.)~.·~· , -:çi· ;~-::'. ~ ~. ......=I~.~';' ~ i1 ;< : [;<!Ui I I 1 t I. 800~, r~~...~~ ~ '.... ·1¡"J· , ,~, ~'" {~" , , 060 PACE 402 March 24, 1981 talking about, Dr. Clark said that' h'e docs not havo a broðkdown of what the cost of lIetllth Deportment services /'Ire ho only knows that CIISI is receiving tho same amount of funding this year ðS lðst. Thero was a brief discussion regarding the problems associated 7tr:õrëmrrn-UUagë-r~ìIr8¡rri(1-'sVe-c:rt-ti ~!f1-¡Y-t iro-l'I'"Umb-e'r-o C-Pro9ral11 rthã may become the County's responsibility for funding if they are to continue. Commissioner Kruse askod that the staff be directed to prepare a list of all such programs, and that a workshop be scheduled to discuss them fully, so that the Commissioners can make some kind of determination as to Hhich programs will and which will not be funded at a local level. Also discussed was the possiblity of deve10pin~ medical health t~xing districts in order to cover this kind of funding. Communicable diseases and the need to treat them were also discuss~d, during which th~ problems associated with the treatment of disease among migrant workers, illegal aliens, and th~ poor were also explained by Dr. Clark. Dr. Lawrence W. Coryell, CHSI's Medical Health Service Director in Immoka1ee, outlined the many kinds of services offered at the clinic in Immokalee; the need to continue these services¡ and the important role in disease control that CIISI plays in Collier County. He also explained the eMergency room facilities an~ the numbers and kinds of cases se~n each day there. He urged the Board to consider giving t~e support needed to continue to offor these servicos to Immoka1ee in the future. During Dr. Coryell's presentation, the problems associated with providing services for people'othor thnn taxpayers with funds supplied by taxpayers wore discussed and Commissioner Wimer assured Or. Coryell that the Board understood the Doctor's position th~t economics arc not considered hy the doctors re~arding the need for treatment of Page 76 " L ! ' '1 : '., -.. -- March 21J, 1981 tho ill; however, tho P..oard must consider thooe lIßpects when lIpproving funds for anything ns their's ~9 ð difforent pnr~metor of responsibility. Dr. Coryell acknowledged this and added that the Board should also consider thfl fact that the proper treatment, control, nnd prevention of communicable discase at these loc~tions will affoct the entiro spectrum of people in Collier County. He sain that CHSI would like to continue, to concentrate on the treatment of sick poopla nnd thùt they would like the County to take over those Hcalth Department sorvices. He said thnt he considers these to be the rightful obligation of the County. Dr. C1Ðrk s~id thùt the people of North Naples are prcsently being offercd these services by Lee County, at a Health Department Clinic located in Ronit~ Springs. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall said that a list of agencies that may require local funding could be prep~red ùnd he offered to provide one. County Manager Notman said that this ontire scope will have to be reviewed during the prepðration of the budgets this year. *******Commlssioner Wimer feft the mceting - Time: ~:02 P.M.******* Health Department Director Dr. Willinm Cox explùined that he is willing to help CAS! in any way he can, such ~s providing a nurse, however, he is limited by his þudget. He said that the people in Immokalee havc been getting minimù1 scrvicc from the l1ea1th Dcpartment for approximntcly 9 months c'lnd that CIIGI has done tin outstnnc1ing job by taking over a Inrge responsibility and providing thesc services. Dr. Cox also pointed out that the State mnndatcs that certain -.-----. - .------- -_. -- ...---..---.--- - -..... ~- .-------. -.---..-----.- .._...-..- ..-..-----.-----.-..------ health scrvices be providcd to certain people nnd that, ultimately, this responsibility falls onto the County, especially if CHSI's funding is cut and they cnn no longcr provida many of these sarviccs. lie urgnd the Board to consider ðl1 tho inf:ormatlon provided todDY ~nd keap the MOl( 060 rA~E 4D3 P,'ge 77 .- -...... MOK 080 PAGE 404. . Mnrch 2", 1981 needs of thoèe people who will be without certain heðlth service3 ip mind at budget preparation timo. Chairman ristor thnnked Drs. Coryell, Clark and Cox, and said that all the information will be considered. It wns tho consensus of the -----------.----.--.--------- ~-----~.. Board that no action be taken nt this time and that the staff should provide the Board with information of any program facing the same circunstances and rc ~uiring additional local support in the future for their consideration before any f.inal decisions are made. MISCBLLAN~OUS conR~SPOND~NCE - FIL~D AND/OR n~FERnED Thoro being no objection, the Chair directed that the following corre~pondence be filed and/or referred to the respective departments as ind icated: 1. Letter dated 3/6/81 from Army Corps of. Engineers,. Chief .John F. Adams, responding to BCC letters of obligation of October and Novcmbcr 1980 ro proposeed project by William Capri Marine, Inc, (Corps Appl1ication 678L-1590) - noting that the subject project has had Corps permit~ issued. xc C. Barksdale; County Manager¡ F 11 ed . 2. Tho following letters regarding the Building Inspection Department, offering various complaints and suggestions for improvements in the functions ther~of: xc County Manager¡ Building Director; Filed. a. Ver1yn Fischer, President, Contractors Asoc. of Collier County, 3/12/81 b. Donald R. Barber, ßoran, Craig, and Schrock Construction Co. Inc., 3/13/81 c. F. P. Dayton, Jr., Dayton Enterprises, Inc., 3/16/81 d. .S. W. Pritchard, .Jr., President, Star Builders, Inc., 3/18/81 e. Travis F. Doering, Vice president, Garage Doors of Naples, Inc., 3/17/80 f. Polk L. Threlkeld, President, Nassau Pools Construction, Inc., 3/17/81 g. Robert C. Utter, President, Collier Electric 'Company, 3/16/8 Pðge 78 , . ,I, ::i<, .'~,~~ . '\:~~~. . ';~\ <.;'i't" ~~ . .':1:" ·-r· ,,}~ ';,,).; , .~1';!.,; .-,: i...J".: ! l\ ":1 ' i~ U1 ~I~ ,:'" ::) ),( 7~/· ~¡ /,'~ ---' ----' . '. March /.-1, 19ß1 h. Shirley l1olland, TropiclIl Realty, Inc., 3/Hi/ß1 i. Ceorge DeMarco, President, Do Marco Tilo, Inc., receivod 3/l9/ß1 j. Richard .Jurek, Isles of Capri Construction, received 3/19/81 k. Ron DeFlnvis, President, Mu1b~rry Homes, Inc., 3/l6/~1 I. Lee Chase, President, Ch~son Inc., 3/17/81 3. Letter dated 3/13/~1 from DNR Engineering Techniciðn l\.K. Fenne, (Bureau of Reaches an~ Shores) requesting that a transmitted form re Engineers ccrtificdtion be filled out and returned to the DNR relative to CCCL Permit J CO-P4-ßO, r.ollier County ßCC. xc County Manager; C. BiHksdalc; T. Virta; Filed. 4. The following monthly dcpnrtrnental reports: lI) purchasing (February 1981); b) Library Consolidated (February 1981). Filed. 5. Letter dated 3/17/81 from FOOT District Engineer William K. Fowler reg~ròing the incorporation of material from hydroloqic stunies by Larsen line! lIssocitðtes conducted for Deltonð Corp. in the vicinity of Mcl1v~ne Bay with the revised EIS re State Project 03030-1503 (SR 951); also, noting that the EIS is expected to be signed by FHWA by June, with a public hearing to follow two months later. , 6. Letter c\é¡ted ,3/17/81 from Ims Licensure Coorclinator, Er~S, Ronð1d B. Hu!>key, respo:lding to BCC's request for clarificûtion on the !.r.r.l1ance and denial of a certificate of public convenience and necessity for ambulance operation nnd suggesting that the BCC refer the matter to legal counsel for an opinion. xc County ,Attorney; County Manager; Public Safety l\dministrator; Filed. 7. PSC Notice re Docket No, R10035-TP, Order No. 9£18£1, issued 3/18/81 re Petition of Southern Bell Telephone ~nd Telegraph Company for authority to increase its rates and charges. filed. 8. Copy of letter dûted 3/24/81, from Army Corps of Engineers, transmitting l\rmy Permit ~8nT-1l83 re work in cnna1 connecting to Naples Bny (Rayvi~w Park) and a Notice of l\uthorization re s~me. Original sent to Rollie Rice; Copy filed. 9. Minutes of Naples City Council Meeting of Morch ~, 1981. Filed. 10. Copy of memorandum dated 3/20/Al from George F. l\rchiba1d, ______ .nT .!".:.2.:J.s..¡'D.r ,t""~t J.o_':L.I'.Lr r:..r:. ~ r. ,_-1:.0.-"..l1.~__E.!!;.'}!.!' ~ ~ ~~S l.<.'-i£'!) 1:. __1?r:!.!'.iL ____.___ Superintendent, noti fying him of sllspension from vlork wi thout pay for violation of County Rules of Conduct, effective 3/20/~1 and until further notice. Filed. 11. Memorandum dated 3/20/81 from John Wnlker, Acting CETA Diroctor, transmitting the CETA Dcaprtmcnt response to the monitoring report ~f the state's on-site visits, and noting that action is either ðODK œo f~4D5 ' pðge 79 11;)1 11'. \i" .~ ':.~¡.' ,~: ' ;·tÎl hh 060 fACE 406 M<'Irch 24, 19ß1 . . . :'-' '" "... undcrway or hðS been completed for ðll items in said roport. F 11 ed . l2. Memorandum d~ted 3/17/RI from .John Walker, Acting CETA Director, transmitting vÐrious CETA Contract proposals for the next fiscal year. Filed. urther büainess for tho good of the County, tho meeting was adjourned by ordor of the Chair - Time: 4:15 P.M. BO^RD OF COUNTY CO~MISSIONERS/EX OFFI~rO GOVERNING BOARD OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CON~OL JPHN/~:f:~OR(J~H^~~ / ATTEST: // WILLI^.M~i. REAG^N CLERK ," >,~;/ U (J/ ~''?f:;;;~'(~~ ~:;t,'.~ '--: '··":'.!J.~\~i:,, .) '.;.~) , ,., ,..&.,..', ,., , I ,'...... . ~ . S U1 \\ ~.:.")..,.., .. . r, ':' .. .. -> ." " . 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