BCC Minutes 05/05/1981 S .,' .... .~_.......1 ,._-!·.¿."I""~.1\............,..,......,..'.t¡f;o¡-",-"'""" ...¡,....'~.. ......."~ ..... ~ ~ ',0 N~ples, Florid~, May 5, 19~1 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have heen created accorrlip~ to law and having conducted husiness herein, met on this date at 11:00 A.M. in Conference Session in Bui1~ing "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John A. pistor VICE-CHAIRMAN: C1 i f forrl \.Jenzel C. R. "Russ" Wimer Mary-Frances Kruse David C. Brown ALSO PRES¡:;NT: William J. Reagan, CJerk: l1arold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer: Edna Brenneman and Elinor Skinner (1:30 P.M.), Deputy Clerks: C. William Norman, County Manager: Irving Berzon, Utilities Manager: Clifford Barksdale, puh1ic Works Administrator/ Engineer: Terry Virta, Community Development Administrator: Neil Dorri11, ^dministrativ0 Assistant: Jeffory Perry, zoning Director: Danny Crew, Planner: and, Grace Spaulding, Administrative ^ide to the Board. AGF.ND" }. Discussion of Space Requirements for various Departments, as follows: a. Community Development Eo County Commissioners b. Clerk to the Board g. ¡:;lections c. County ^ttorney h. Tax Collector d. property Appraiser 1. Utilities Division e. County Manager j . Data processing Page 1 ~OOK Oe1 PACE·44.{ ~ ~ mOO1~4~ May 5, 19A1 OPENING COMMENTS BY COUNTY MANAGER County Manager C. William Norman informed the Board that he has had 8 good response from various citizcns organizations with regard to having representatives present during the Workshop Sessions relative to discussions on space rcquirements for the County Government Complex. He explained that they will have access to the same materials that the Board has and requested that individuals receiving the material give him their names and the organizations which they represent. Mr.' Norman said that the Community Development Department report is being presented this date, rather than as scheñuled, in order to åccommodate the various key personnel who will be out of town later in the week. DISCUSSION OF COM~IJNITY DEVELOPMRNT DF.PARTMENT SPACE RE0UIREMENTS Community Development Administrator Terry virta commented on the various divisions which ~re üncompdsseå in the overall departmental functions and that he would report on the Administration phase, with those individuals immediately responsihle to the c~rrying out of the various functions, such as the Plannin~, zoning and ßuildin~ Department heads, reporting thereafter. He reviewed briefly the printed summary provided, noting that it is a comparison of the Department's estimate of the space needs and that of Polizzi/Heery. Mr. virta said that it is estimated by the consultants that the Administrative element will require 73P square feet and that his estimate is in accordance with that figure. Mr. Virta said that it is anticipated that in the next five years there will be a need for an Administrative ~5sistant and also included Page ~ , I . , ~ F¡;Yff/,,·,i ~ MilY 5, 19A1 , is the continuation of the Community Development Block Grant Coordina- tor, although recognizing tho fact that, at this point, the future of that Program is unknown. In response to Chairman ristor, Mr. Virta said that, basically, the ^dministrAtive phase of his specific depart- ment can operate within the same space they are at the present. There was a discussion concerning the use of the darkroom which, as was pointed out by Planner Dilnny Crew, is not being used but which 'will probilbly he used hy v~rious departments in the next five or ten years. Commissioner Wimer observed that, since there is such a facility on the Second Floor of the Complex, that it would be logical for all departments to make use of that room. County Manager Norman made the comment that the suhject space is equally useful as a storage room, with Chairman pistor suggesting that, even though it is a small item, it could be eliminated. Mr. Virta made reference to thé fact that it now appears that the 1980 Census almost put the County over the threshold in terms of whether or not it is an urhan area large enough to come under the Con- gressionally-mandated Transportiltion Planning progrilm, a fact which must be considered in space plAnning although the space estimate is relatively ~odest. It was mentioned by Mr. Virta that one area in which there is a variance from the Po1izzi/Heery estimate is in the library/conference room facility, explaining why additionill space is desirable. Mr. virta referred to the fact that, due to the growth factor, it is anticipated that there will be II need to add staff to the Zoning Department in the area of investigative functions, as well as technical Page 3 ~OOK 061 PACE 443 ~ M~ 06'11'At£ 4.t 4 MAY 5, 19R1 and administrative operations. He provided information relative to the fact that in the last two months the vðlue of Building pcrmits excec~ed $l~O,OOO,OOO which immediately impacts Zoni~~ Department activities. Included in the discussion was the matter of investigAtin~ complaints, particularly pertaining to illegal dumping of trash on private property, with Chðirman pistor su~gesting that a recommendation for dealing with the problem be brought to the Board for review. Zoning Director Jeffory Perry reviewed the differences between the Consultant's estimate of space necds and that which was prepared by staff, among them the éldditional space required in the investigative ðrea to provide for worktables for the review of maps and plans, additional space in the rcception area for display of maps for review by the public, and the like. The possibility of shùring space by various departments was noted by Mr. virtð, citing the conference room as an example. A number of differences between the two space requirement û~timates in the Building Inspection Department was brought to the Board's ~ttention hy ~r. virta with the primary reason h~ing one of reaction to the existing growth patterns. He said that, if the building industry continues to expðnd in ðny form neðr the expðnsion witnessed in the recent pattern, the Department must continue to expand to mcet those demands. It is also being proposed that the Contractor's Licensing operations be expanded to include a supervisor for investigation ðnd field work. RECESS: 11:38 ^.M. until 1:30 P.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Brenncman was replaced by Deputy Clerk Skinner. Pagc 4 .-.,~ - r.......T;'Jo..,4 May 5, 1931 CONTINUATION OF DISCUSSION OF COMMUNITY DEVF.LOPMENT DEPARTMENT SPACE REQUIREMF:NTS Community Development Director Terry virta explained that thero is ð plans reviewer position which is a concept which the Building Department would like to develop of in-house 'reviewing of plans prior to the issuance of a permit to make sure that the plans as submitted comply with code, rather than at the point when a final c.o. is to be issued to discover that the plans had not been drawn to code and the building had not been built to code. lie said that the department sees this as a need which has to be addressed in the future. A short discussion followed regardin0 the procedure followed at the present timc with regard to plan review. Commissioner Kruse askcd ahout the energy efficiency forms which are State mandated an,) Builcling Director Scamehorn explained that a building must have loa points or less on that item to comply. ^ discussion ensued regarding the necd for two clerks for Con- tracting Licensing Section supervisor and investigator and Mr. virta satd there was a possibility of tûking one of the clerks and assigning that position to the Building Department. Mr. Scamehorn said he would double check the multiplication of positions times the square footage figures. DISCUSSION REGARDING r.LF.RK TO THE BOARD SPACE I1EQUIREf>1f:NTS Clerk Reagan said he has spent between ten and twenty hours with polizzi/llcery discussing the space needs for the Clerk's office in all areas and he explained that his dep~rtment has been separated into three areas _ Administrative Services, Finances and Courts and Records. Page 5 BOOK OB! PACE 445 ~ t ~oo" 051 PAtE «6 MlIY 5, 19R1 Ho said he does not see any groat in~rease in the personnel. Ho explained that time in court the past year has increased a great deal compared to previous years. He said one of the biqqest space concerns he has is for utilities since in five years a utilities finance divis- ion is envisioned to be as large as the county's finance division. Fiscal Officer Hall explained that many consiñerations have been looked at such as a lock hox approach and having receipts come into a bank and having them receipted thero. Mr. Reagan explained he has RS employees now and in the past four or five years his department has stayed between 75 and 85. In response to Commissioner WifT1er, Mr. Reagan said that the law requires that a space be supplied for criminal court records. He explained in 1972 when there was a State-wide court system the court reporter was left out, which he feels is an error, and that the court reporter should either be paid by the County or totally inñependent of the County an~ free lance. He explaine~ that when a court reporter is used durinq a hearing the services are paid for by the person making the appeal to the Ro~rd but they type their transcripts in space providen by taxpayers. A discussion followed regarding the court rcporter space needs. A short discussion ensued re~arding Mr. Reagan's assumption that his department would remain in the facilities where it is now and not be moved to a branch office, ann that if there was a hrÐnch office the personnel needs would increase. Page 6 r~ ~ --, Mo Y 5, 1 9 fJ 1 DISCUSSION RE COUNTY ATTOftNEY SP1\CE Rr.QIIIRF.MF.NTS ^ discussion centered ßround the projected word processor for the County Attorney's office and the space that such a unit requires. County Normðn referred to ð study report made. by Dr. Thomas regarding a shared word processing system between his office and the County Attorney. ***** Commissioners Kruse, Brown and Wenzel left the room at 7.:23 P.M. ***** Chairman pistor s~id that the County ^ttorney has ,said that in five years he will need an assistant an~ in 10 years another. County Attorney pickworth explained th~t his office will continue to handle specialized areas of the law, i.e. civil rights action, labor law. He said he has always perceived an in-house attorney's office as a group of general practitioners who take c~re of the day-to-day cases and that a specialist is hired when one is needed and, therefore, he does not look for that much growth in his staff, but rather a growth in the number of times special counsel will have to be hired which would Increase the total office budget. Mr. pickworth explained that he is interested in getting an I.R.M. display writer which is morc sophisticated and faster than what he noW has in his office and requires a little more room than a mag card system, since there is a printcr needed which could serve more than one station. It was aqreed that the space figurcs presented would repre- sent what the County Attorney needs for his office. &OOK 061 PACE 447 Pl'Ige 7 , ~oo~ 061 PACE448 Ma y 5, 19 A 1 ..... Commissioner Wenzel returned at 2:30 P.M. ..... DISCUSSION RE PROPF.RTY APpn^TS~R SPACE RF.OUIRF.MF.NTS Mr. Doug Gorham from the property Appraiser's Office explAined that his department is extremely crowded at thp. present time and that a 55% increase in staff is pre~icte~ in five years. He explaineð that much of his work cannot be microfilmed since the property cards must be maintainerl in hard copy by l~w. Mr. Norm~n pointe~ out that in 15 years approximately twice as much spôce will be rcquired for the propetty Appraiser's Departmcnt. ..... Commissioner Kruse returned at 2:35 P.M. ***** DISCUSSION RE COUNTY ~AN^Gf,n SPACF. nF.0UIRf,MF.NTS Mr. Norman explained that one new position of an intern has bcen proposed for his office which would offer the opportunity for young people to enter county service. He said that the Assistant County Manager is not represented on the list hecause he is also head of the Administrative Services Division and is in that group area. In r~sponse to a question from an unidentified person in the audience, Mr. Norman said that part of the standard which the polizzi/Heery people set up reccgnized that the si~e of the office is related to some degree to the prestige of the position and that elected officials have heen given the largest size office. pag e 8 -; ~ r, ..1 May 5, 19f\l DISCUSSION RF. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEnS SPACE nF.0lJTRF.~\r.N1'S ^ discussion followe~ re1arding thc squ~re footagc for the Com- missioncrs office now which is approximately l5h squarc feet. '~~mmis- sioner Wimer said he thinks that the Commissioncrs need some type of conference room since it is very difficult when there are meetings. Mr. Bill McNecl said he agreed and said that the Type 1 spacc could double for a confcrence room with thc capacity for eight to ten people. Commissioner Wenzel s~id that at one time there was discussion regarding placing folding doors by the columns in the bnck of thc Boardroom to provide meeting rooms. Mr. McNeel described the Type 3 space. Chairman pistor agreed that there wòs a need for a meeting room for the Commissioners ann he òskcd that something be planned in that regard in the vicinity of their offices. ***** Commissioner Brown returned at /.:~7 P.M. ***** ~ unidentified member of the audience suggested the other department hearls do\mgrél(lc their facilities from a Type 1 to Type 2 or 3. He suggested that a conference room should be open and available to everyone as needed. DISCUSSION RF. SUPF.RVISOR OF ELF:CTIONS SPACF. Rf,0\JJnF:MF.NTS Supervisor of Elections Mary Morgan said she did not think there could he any reduction in her space requirements hecause she is looking toward doubling her work load in the next ten years Ðn~ she said she hoped the number of registered voters ~ould be increased so that the work lo~d would he increased as well. She said thðt as her office eoOK 061 PACE449 Page ~ "'-'H;.·_~,#",",_·'''"·<M_''~' t &OOK 061 rACE 450 May 5, 19A1 utilizes more data processing equipment that less office personnel would be needed to process more voters. Chairman pistor asked if any of the voter registration faci1it\es in the county would be hooked by computer to her complex office and Ms. Morgan said she was not planning on that now. Commissioner Wimer said he felt Ms. MorgDn's projections Dre on the conservative side and Ms. Morgan agreed. A discussion followed rcgðròing the space which is used for storage of voting machines with Ms. Morgan explaining that the current space would serve until ]~85. She ~aid that she would he requesting lOO new voting machines next year in ordcr to meet the State requirements of the numher of machines per regis~ered voter. Mr. McNeel noted that there was no provision for conference space but that the intent was to provide the Supervisor of Elections with sufficient office to hold staff meetings. Ms. Morgan said she was planning to use movable type partitions. Shp. said she was also plan- ning on computerizing a lot of the matcrial on hard copy. DISCUSSION RE TAX COLL~CTOR SPAC8 RF.OUTRF.MRNTS Chairman pistor noted that the Tax Collector has not shown much of an increase in space requirements. Tax Collector Guy Carlton said that he needs space now and he said he under~tands that more of Building "C" would be made ¡wailable to his c1epc'lrtment. lie said that he had no problem with the space requirements which were given to him for the next ten years. Commissioner Orown said that there is currently a heat problem in the Tax Collector's Office and Mr. Norman said that fans have been Page lO ".,.. '.. I,,,. 'h _..'i 4.....",.. -;,_.~ i ,'''' .,·t..)..", ~,- ',......, ."-,< . ~"IV.M~ t ."';.....,.~ ---. 1'1", Y 5, 1 91H ordcrcd to help alleviate this situation. Mr. Neil Dorrll1 sðid that 14 to 700 ceiling f~ns would be purcha5e~ for approximately $75 each. Mr. Norman explained that there is also a prohlem with J stuffing machine which is used oncc a month for vchicle licenses and twice a yenr for tax bills and that it is noisy. Mr. Carlton plans to build some type of lean-to on the steps on the side of Building "C" wh ere that machine could be houseò, Mr. Norman sa i d . In response to Commissioner B r 0 wn Mr. Carlton said that the fans would be a great help. He spoke briefly about the plan to build a lean-to for the stuffing machine. .......".,,* Commissioner Brown left the meeting at 3:05 P.M. *...*** DISCUSSION RE ULTILIF.S SPACf. RF.OUInF.MENTS Utilities Manager Irving Rerzon said he woulñ like another 50 square feet for his files because he is looking forward to getting a lot of his old records on microfilm and he thinks the lOa square feet which is planned, would not be sufficient. Chairman pistor said that when Mr. Reagan was talki~g to the Commissioneis he mentioned that the utility billing system in ð few years would take considerable amount of space and that there is not much allocation under the Clerk of Courts Division for that. He asked how much space would be required for thc billing system. Mr. Rerzon said that the printing of the bills and sending them out is done through the combination of the Data processing Center and his depart- ment. IIc said that he is allowing 1'1 greater amount of space than he pag e 11 BOOK 061 PACE '45f ~ ,-..---.---........... ,...~.. \ MO;( 061 rl,CE 4.52, Ma y 5, 19 R 1 currently has for customer service technicians and clerical people because as the billing requirements go up there ðré two alternatives, i.e continue the current hilling system with additional person~el or change to bi-monthly billing. lIa said thllt with bi-monthly billing the cash flow is not as good as on a monthly billing. lie sa1d that in time there may he justification for a separate data processing center for the utilties which could be tied in on the processor with the County's facilities. He said that he was working on the premise that the County's data processing services will be available and will be expanded as the County's needs expand so he has not made an allocation for his own data processing system. Mr. Norman said that Mr. Reagan had explained that he envisions in the next five to ten years a Finance Office combining all the types of activity for the Utility Division with the rest of the County. He said he notes in the Finance Division of the Clerk's Office there is a Utility Accountant and Utility Revenue Cashier listed so that appar- ently Mr. Reagan has anticipated continuing to provide the fiscal management in his operation. Mr. Berzon said that now Mr. Reagan's department is merely receipting the utility money and final disburse- ment and that everything between the receipt of the dollars and dis- bursement of the dollars is done within his department. Mr. Norman said he interpreted Mr. Reagan's comments as meaning there was not enough space for the Utility operation and Mr. ßerzon said he would talk to Mr. Reagan. It was agreed that the Utility Division be allo- cated the 50 extra square feet Mr. Berzon requested. page 12 ". ~~) <:J.~ ~ ~""''''"f May 5, 19 £11 DISCUSSION RE DAT^ PROCE~SING SP^CF. RFQUIRF.MF.NTS Mr. William Denty said he has reviewed the ndditional manpower which has been requested by Data Processing over the next few years and the space and he said he felt this woul~ he sufficient. He said that there was space on the fifth floor in the back hnll which is unused at the present time whic~ coul~ he used to expann the supply room ann that possibly two or three offices could be made out of the one existing large office at that corner. Chairman pistor asked ahout the AOO square foot computer room and Mr. Denty said that it has been determined that there is adequate space to put another complete computer the size of thc one that is use~ for administrative purposcs now, since there is a large ûmount of space currently occupied by cabinets which do not neen to be in the computer room ann that if those are removed this would provide the necessary space for another computcr system. He said the cabinets are used for tapes and that there has been some considcration given to storing the back-up tapes from each day's proc~ssing at Barnett Bank. ^n unidentified member of the audience said that he would like to see the conference room which has been allocated to the Data processing Department be put under Generûl ^dministration and that all conference rooms would be controlled by one facility. Chairman pistor said that the conference room is used by a numher of people now. Mr. Norman said that it is better to reflect the conference rooms in the area where they are located to make sure they are strategically positioned. ..... Commissioner wenzel left thQ meeting at 3:lS P.M. ..... /&OOK 061 PACE 453 PII<JO 13 "-"'''''..-''''''''--'-', , ~OOK 061 PACE 464 May 5, 1901 A short discussion ensued rcgarding thc confercnce rooms in the county Complex. Chairman pistor said that the Commissioners would mcet on Friday, May 8, 19A1 at 9:00 ^.M. to continue discussing the space needs requirements of the other departments. The workshop session was adjourned at 3:?O P.M. f'ag Q 1'"