BCC Minutes 05/1281981 R N~plcg, Florid~, May 12, 1901 LET IT fiE nF.MEMOEnr.D, thðt the Board of Co~nty Commisaioners in and for the county. of Collier, ðnd lIlso <1cting ð5 the Governing Board(s) of such specilll districts liS have been created lIccording to law ðnd hðving conducted business herein, met on this dðte at 9:00 A.M. in negular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the foll~wing members present: CI/l\InMAN: John A. p(stor VICE-CI/^InMAN: Clifford Wenzel C. R. "nuss" wimer Mðry-Frances Kruse DiJ'Iid C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: Williðm J. neagðn, Clerk; Harold L. HtllI, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscðl Officer; ~dnð Brenneman ðnd Elinor Skinner (l:~5 P.M.), Deputy Clerks; C. Williðm Norman, County MiJniJger; Dontlld h. ?~ckworth, County Attorney; Terry virta, Community Development Admin- istrator; Thomas Hafner, Public Safety Administrðtor;Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director; Ker,ry McGuinn, Assistant County Attorney;·Neil DorrIll, Administrative Assistant; Lee Lðyne, PliJnner; Danny Crew, Plðnner; Grðce Spaulding, Administrùtivc Aide to BCC; and, Deputy Chief Raymond Bðrnett, Sheriff's Depùrtment. PDq C 1 ~oo~ 061 rAGE'~ . - . ' . " . ,I, . , .. ~"",...,,_"""'w,__,. .'_' &OOK 061 PACE '490. Ma y I?, 1 98 1 AGENDA - APPROVED WITII ADDITIONS - -. .... Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unllnimously, that the agenda be approved with the following additions: I. Request with regðrd to water usage in th~ F.ast Naples area - Added to Utilities Manager's Report. 2. 1\ppointment of ~ðnvtlssing Board pertaining to the June l~, 1981 Referendum - Added to Board of County Commisiioners' Report. 3. nesolution to permit Everglades City to build a firehouse on land deeded to them by Collier County - 1\dded to the County 1\ttorney's Report. 4. Request for engagement of Special Counsel - Added to County Attorn~y's Report. 5. Corrective nesolution correcting previously-adopted Resolution with regard to condemnation of Water Treatment Facility site - Added to County Attorney's Report. MINUTES OF REGULAn M8ETING OF 1\PRIL.2B, 1981 - APPROVED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 28, 1981 be approved as presented. BCC 1\CTIONS nE SMALL CR1\FT NAVIGATIONAL IMPnOVEMENTS AT WIGGINS PASS: STAFF AUTHORIZED TO COMPLF.TE 1\PPLIC1\BLE SECTIONS OF WATER OUALITY CERTIFICATION 1\PPLICATION; EXPENDITURE OF ~20n FOR DER PROCESSING - APPROVED; FINANCING DF.CISIONS RF. ACCEPTANCE OF ESCROW 1\CCOUNT AND/OR EST1\BLISHMENT OF PRF.LI/ollNARY ASSESS~'ENT ROLL COVERING LOC1\L SJlAR~ OF INITI1\L CONSTRUCTION TO BE MADF. UPON SECUnING OF N~C~SSARY APPLICATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily NewS on April 27, 19ß1 as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider Small Craft Navigational Improvements at Wiggins Pass. Page 2 ~-- , CJ ---....-..... . ---- May 1 '- , 19 B 1 Administrative ^ssistant Neil Oorrill explained that the purpose of the públic hearing was to provide an opportunity for comments and consideration of the finðl report by the 1\rmy Corps of Engineers prior to filing for the permit acquisition nece5sðr~ for construction of the ,project. Mr. Dorrill briefly summarized the contents of the material furnished along with the Executive Summary dated May 1, 1981 and covcring such aspects as the history of the project, the currcnt requirements, funding requirements, and providing the staff recom- mendation. Mr. Robert J. Newman, project Manager for the Wigg~ns Pass Study ·for the Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, distrihuted copies of a prepared text entitled "Prcsentation for Board of Collicr County Commissioners' Hearing on Small Boat Navigation Improvements at Wiggins Pass" - dated May 12, 1981 - which he said summarizcs thc Corps' participation in the project, the Corps' conclusions, public views, and a few comments on the project's future. Mr. Newman, reading from the text, reported that the study was prompted by a request from the Board of Collier County Commissioners to determine the 'feasibi 1 i ty of the subject improv~ments, following which the Chief of En~ineers directed that a study he made of the existing and future conditions in the area, as related to the waterway and, on the hasis of sound engineering and environmental judgment, make suita- ble recommendations for its future management. The study focused on the evaluation of the navigational and related prohlems of the PðSS and its bay tributaries, said Mr. Newman, with the determination made that, without a project, continuing problems at Wiggins PlISS can be BOOK 061 rACE 491 pag e 3 ~ BOO~ 061 PAGE 492 May l2, 1981 ~ummarized, as 'follows: 1. ' lIazardous conditions in the Pass during inclement weather deter and oftcn prevcnt the u.s. Coast Guard ^uxiliary from perforr..ing assistancc al1d rescuc missions, thus further jeopardizing thc lives and property of boaters in distress. 2. ^ shifting channel with considerable shoaling, especially during winter months when the community receives its largcst influx of transient boats, makes the Pass difficult and hazardous to navigate. 3. Increased boat traffic resulting from ongoing residential development in the area will put additional strcss on already sensitive ecosystems, especially in Water Turkey Bay. 4. The continued loss of sand ðlong the beaches south of the Pass could reducc the State Park's recreation òrea and the measure of protection afforded beach-fr~nt property during periods of strong winds and high seas. Mr. Newman detailed the various features which were incorporated into the alternative plans to respond to the environmental concerns¡ i.e. restrict dredging to the problem shoal areas that are located in the Gulf, through Water Turkcy Bay, and at the intersection of the eastern and southern channels; provide small rock mounds to parallel the Channel through Water Turkey Bay and protect productive ecosystems from possible adverse effects of boat wakes¡ reopen a large expanse of State Park mangrove habitat to regular tidal flushing¡ and, posting the channel throug~ Water Turkey Bay as an "Environmentally Sensitive No-Wake Zone" to further reduce the possibility of bank erosion and damage to aquatic ecosystems. To illustròte the recommended plan, Mr. Newman located the various proposed improvements on the colored map of the arell displayed. lie pointed out that, in response to suggestions from environmental agencies, only 20 percent of the recommended project's 4.1 mile length would requirc initial dredging¡ h6wover, the PlI g e <\ ,...-""." -...., .-.J [" 0" -J "...-.. ---... ¡ , ·'""......".",.,.~._,-,_..._.".-. ~ May 1 2, 19 ß 1 total mileage was included as part of the recommended project to facilitate maintenance of shoal materials along any scgment should it develop at some time in the future. Other aspects of the proposed plan covered by Mr. Newman included the disposal of the excavatcd matcrial, pointing out that, since the sand is suitable for beach nourishment, it would be pumped onto the State Park bcach to the south of Wigg ins Pass. fie commented on the provisions which would be taken to protect the native sea-lifc. Implementation of the recommcnded plan, continued Mr. Newman, is contingent upon certain items of local cooperation such as the contribution of one-half of the first cost of construction currently estimated to bc $786,000 (one-half being $393,000), provision, without cost, all lands, easements, ahd rights-of-way necessary for the con- struction and maintenance of the project, and other evidences of cooperation, as noted in the text. Mr. Newman touched briefly on the public review and comments relative to the project, including support from thc citizens, as well as tho~e opposed to it, and commented on the reluctance to pursue the project, as recommendcd in the draft report, by various Federal, State and local agencies because of the adverse environmental impact which may occur with, as opposed to without, a project. He said that the Final Report was reviseJ to address those concerns by either providing additional information, rcvising the Report, or providing responses to ðgency comments, listing some of those issues ònd the comments by the. Co r ps . As a result of the study, said Mr. Newman, it is the opinion of paga 5 BOOK 061 fACE493 . . . .....- , - ... ·' . . &oOK 061 PACE494 MI1Y 17., 19A1 the Jacksonvil1c'Corps District that small boat navigation improvements are justified and that a project as described in the Final Report would not seriously jeopardize the area's ecosystems over and above the expected future conditions without improvemcnts. Copies of the Final Report have been furnished to the County and arc available to the public for review, he continued, and urged that it be examined. Mr. Newman concluded hi~ presentation by outlining the steps which are required prior to construction of thc project. In response to Chairman Pistor, Mr. Newman said that maintenance of the project, following connstruction, will be a Fcderal expense. Speaking in opposition to the proposed project (not neccssarily in chronological order) were: 1. John Dutton, A35 Cassena Road 2. pnul York, 22R Bðyview 1\venue 3. Marion de Forest, 37R9 Rum Row - representing the Lcague of Women Voters ~. Rick Bõntz - representing the Calusa Group, Sicrra Club 5. 1\. Scaccia, Vanderbilt Beach resident 6. Franklin ^dams - rcpresenting Cypress Chapter, Izaak Wal ton Leag ue 7. Bruce Holly, Sr., 2160 Estey 1\venue 8. George Keller - Chairman of the Zoning Committee of the Collier County Civic Federation Also speaking In opposition to the proposed plan was B~rnie Yokel, representing the Collier County Conservancy, who said that the Conservancy, essentially, opposes the Corps' proposal because it feels that it is not in the best interests of Collier County. Mr. Yokel pointed out that t~c position taken by most of the State and Federal environmental agencies parallels that of the Conservancy among the reasons being that the area is self-maintained, biologically productive and functioning as a useful nursery area for game and commercial fish Page 6 .; ==:J c:J ~ 1 ~ . Ma y 1 2, 1 9 R I species. Hc added that even a small amount of ché.lnge can shift the system in an undesirable direction - II bacteria-dominated system. Mr. yokel said that the Conservancy recognizes that therc arc some navigational problems and, like most of the commenting agencies, suggests that there be a limited progrðm that would accommodate some of the difficulties, If dredging is necessary in Water Turkey Bay, -continued Mr. Yokel, in order to makc the waterway passable for small boats, it should proceed but urged that whatever is donc be justified. He 'concluded by stating that a good systcm is being thrcatened by the proposed project but thðt through coopcration a compromise can bc implemented whereby a modest amount of change can cure a majority of the problems and result in a better system. The following individuals cxprcssed support for the proposed project (not necessarily in chronological order): 1. John McGuire - president of the Vanderbilt Bcach Property OWners' 1\ssociation 2. Captain Tom Stinchcomh - Spoke on behalf of numcrous Charter Boat Captains 3. Richard Talford - Executivc vice President of the Wiggins Pass Marina Corporation 4. Michael Stcphen - Representing the Citizens Concerned for Boating Safety. (presented approximately 1,000 signed petitions supporting the project from the boating population oft h e Co un t y, i n g e n era I ) 5. Fr'ank Comeriato, lOf;20 Gulf Shore Drive 6. Dennis Lcech, 70 Hickory Road RECESS: 10:05 A.M. until 10:12 A.M. The public hearing continued with the following additional persons indicating their support of the navigational i~provements project: 7. R. o. Berghamer - Mcmber of the Board of Directors of the Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners 1\ssociation 8. Frðnk D. Elmore - U.S. Coast Guard 9. Loren J. Bullard - Vice Captain, Division 9, U.s. Coast Guard ^uxil1ary ßOOK OB1 PACE495 pag e 7 ~ , , MO'K 061 PAtE '496 Ma y 1 2, 19 R 1 lO. Carl Gi1zow - Board Membcr of the Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners' ^ssociation ll. Howard Shaffer, ~27 Seabee ^venuc, Vanderbilt Beach 12. Charles ßroeman - Executive Vice President of the Wiggins Pass Club Mr. ßroeman presented to the Board copies of an Escrow ^greement Between Certain Individuals and Southeast National Bank establishing an Escrow Account in the amount of approximately $154,000, with an ad- ditional pledge to increase the total to approximately Sl80,OOO, 'deposited by certain developers to offset the County's shðre of the cost of dredging Wiggins Pass. The documents were presented to the Chief Deputy Clerk to be filed for the record. Continuing to speak in favor of the project were the following: l3. Tom Tyson, 70 Hickory Dr ive 14. Ellen Dane, 70 Hickory noad RECESS: II:lO A.M. until 11:17 1\.M. An additional speaker indicatiDg approval was Walter S. Wilde, President of the Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners' Association, who commented on the existing controls on future development of the pertinent area and those planned for the dredging project. Mr. Michae1 Stephen was permitted the opportunity to make a closing Jtatement on behalf of the Citizens Concerned for Safety Group who said that, with respect to the environment of Wiggins Pass and vicinity, his association is in general concurrence with Mr. Yokel's statements. He said that, through the permit process and negotiations with the various concerned agencies, there will be a project forth- coming which will preserve the environment nnd ultimately result in safety for the boating public of the subject area. Page 8 ~,_., -.. --1 ...,.~ , ~ . [ .. ,,<;, .1 \0...'.':':''' 1 °t' , '. May 12, 1901 Adminit>trativo 1\st>istant Ncll Oorrlll observed that, in thc public notice which WðS published, it was mentioned that written ,rcsponses would bc considercd but would no~ be rend into thc rccord. lie said that during the previous weck approximatcly 5? letters, telegrams and mailgrams werc rcceived - 50 of which were in favor of the proposed plan, and 7. against it. A discussion cnsued pcrtaining to the County's estimatcd sharc of thc cost for the projcct with Commissioncr Wenzel inquiring as to whether or not the totðl cost figure has been updðtcd. Mr. Newman explåincd that the estimðteò cost WðS updated to December of 1980 resulting in ð figure of $78fi,OOO at 7-3/8% interest, pointing out that it will increase due to inflation. Commissioner Wimer obscrved that t~e plan being reviewed is a ~odified plan, a grcatly reduccd plðn ovcr what was originally contem- plated, anò inquired if it will be further modified ðS it is reviewed for environmcntnl concerns by other ngcncies. Mr. Newman said that it is possible during the procedurc for applying for watcr quality certi- fication in order to eliminate further environmental effccts on tho Dreð. He cxplained the chðnge in the plan rclative to decrcasing the drcdging area which has resultcd in ihe ErA rcvcrsingtheir decision. Commissioncr Wcnze1 askcd if, in the event the bids run over $1,000,000 iJnd the maintenance is $50,000 per yenr, the "pcop1e" will have a chance to make a decision if it is found that the Corps will not provide the service. Mr. Newman replied thðt the items of local cooperation, mentioned previously, can desis~ up until the datc is made with the contractor, ðdding that, aftcr thc project is constructed, the mtlintenðnce will come from the operation pùrt of his org,1nization. Jlo said thnt the situation hat> to be re-evaluatcd at tho cnd of threo ~OOK 0611'hCE 497 ' rl1CJ 0 9, . t " .:' '.. &OOK Ú6i' P^CE '498 Mo Y 1 '-, 19 B 1 years snd if, at that time, therc is no more justification for maintDining the channel, a recommendl1tion will be ml1de thl1t the project' be dC-l1uthorizcd. He expressed doubt thl1t, under the conditions that exist in the area, there will be I1ny need for dc_authorization since it is an area of accelerated development. Commissioner Kruse inquired if, during thc public hearings, any thought was evcr given to doing the work, going east nnd west, up at the north end toward the marina, possibly rclocating the public boat ramp to the north end of Del Nor Wiggins so that thc public would have access to the boating area. Shc commented that this wo~ld allow thc Coast Guard to get in and out, and ~llow public acccss through Del Nor. Mr.'Newman sl1id that there were four alternatives, one of which was going north to Võnderbilt Lagoon. I!owever, he said that all of the altcrnðtives were combincd ðnd a determination WI1S mDde thùt safe- boating could be effectively providcd to thc maximum number of people, at the least cost, if the two reaches in the plan wcre chosen, noting tha~ that decision also involved the effcct on the cnvironment. The Commissioner obscrved that the project, which could cost up to $1,000,000, looks like a second Erie Canal when, all that was desired was a small navigDble channef for safety purposes. Commissioner Kruse questioned if a Stntegrant would be difficult to obtain sincc almost evcry State agency named appears to be against it. Mr. Newmnn replied that the comments from the Stðte agencies thnt werc rcad during the hearing pertained to the Draft neport and not to the Final neport, observinc.r' that their views will be forthcoming fol- , ' lowing a revic\.¡ of that Report as port of the pcrmitting 'proccs's. If such agoncies arc still opposed, continued Mr. Ncwmnn, nn Intent to P¿\CJ c 1 0 : . r"-'-'- ! , ~ -- '._-'1 -I ~ Ma y 1 '- , 1 9 0 1 Deny Water Quality Certification can be issued at which time there will be a hearing. As a result of that hearing, he said the DER will make a' recommendation to deny it or not, following which the County still has the right to appeal the decision to the Governor. All proponents and opponents of the project having been hearå, ~~mmissioner Wimcr moved, seconded by Commissioncr Kruse and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel temporarily absent at the time of the vote, that the publi c he a ri ng be closed. With comments concerning the changes which have been made in the past to make the Naples area a beaut! ful one, at the slime time recognizing concerns for the environment which will still be acknowledged through the review and permitting process on the subject 'project, Commissioner Wimer moved for approvðl of the staff recom- mendation as follows: 1. 1\uthorize staff to complete the applicable sections of the application to secure Water Quality Certification. 2. Appropriate an expenditure of $?OO for the processing of the above-referenced application by the DER. 3. Upon securing the necessary applications, make financing decisions concerning acceptance of the proposed escrow account anò/or the cst~blish~ent of a preliminary assessment roli to cover the local shðre of initial construction. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/? with Commissioners Kruse and Wenzel voting in opposition. RECESS: 11:45 A. M. until 1:45 P.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Brenneman was replaced by Deputy Clerk Skinner. ·BOOK 061 PACE 499 Page 11 . , .. , . BOO~ 061 PACE 500 Ma y 1 /. , 1 9 8 1 SUPPLEMENT^L BUDGET TO PROVIDE EXP1\NSION OF BUILDING INSPECTION DEP^RTMENT OPEn^TION - ^prnOVF.D; AUDGF.T 1\MF.NDMENT Rl-9~ - 1\OOPTED Legal notice having becnpublished in the Nðples Daily News on May 4, 1981 as evidenced by ^ffidavit of Publication filed with tho Clerk, public hearing was held to discuss the supplemental budget to pro'lide expansion of the Building Inspection Department operation. Fiscal Officer Harold L. Hall explained that the Board reviewed the proposed changes for the Building Inspection Department, as well as the expenditures proposed, and ðpproved those system chnnges and expenditures. He said that cash is aVðilable for these changes but has not bcen budgeted. He said that the increase in receipts from building inspection fees provides the additionðl funding needed but, because this would increase the total for thðt fund, he explained that Chapter l29 of the Florida Stðtutes requires thðt a public hearing be held ðnd that the budget amendment be mðde following the public hearing. He noted that the purpose of the henring is for the Board to appropriate that money which does exist to meet the increased expenditures which were previously approved by thc Board. Mr. Hall said he reviewed the situation with the County Manager and they agreed this was the appropriate method for funding the increased expenditures. Community Development ^dministrator Terry Virta explained that it has been estimated that the Building Inspection Dcpartment would collect in fees approximately $8~?,OOO and thùt as of ^pril 30, 1981 a figure significantly ovcr that figure has been collected and that approximately l.5 million is nearer the correct amount. In response to Chairman Pistor, Mr. Hall said that if the revenue Page 12 r--'''''' -_........... . .--.--.-... I~__..._-, -- ....-...., " May 12, 1981 was not forthcoming the remainder could be funded from the contingency fund. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioncr Brown ,and carricd ~/l, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed, that the supplemental budget for the Building Inspcction Department bc adopted and thût ~dget Ame~dment 81-96 be adopted. BOOK 061 PACE 501 Page 13 .' , · ÞOa'C \-4"''' 00> +'..-1 UGI ÞOaIlU +'fMGI ....11... ......... ....+'C .eIlGl ....II,C :§~ ..... C 100 "11..-1 ~·t &1:::1 .. ::''8 o ø,... s Q, I IQ" :.:....... ., ~ S .. r-I ...C..-I "0'0-0 ~ ~~ ....CU \-4......-1 o +' S ~.s... .......0 :II: Q, fM &OOK 06i PACE 504 May 12, 1981 WORKSHOP FOn THIS DATE - R~SCI1F.DULED County Managcr Norman explained that duc' to the length of the Board mecting the scheduled workshop for the afternoon regarding the County Government F.xpansion Program had hecn rescheduled for the afternoon of May l~, 1ge1. 9nOINANCF. NO. 31-/.5 RE PETITION R-~l-/C, JAMES Vr.NSEL: Rr.OUESTING REZONING FROM "RT", TO "PUO" FOR pnOPEnTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWESTERN TIP OF MARCO ISLAND TO BE KNOWN AS POINT ~'ARCO - ADOrT~D Legal notice having been published in the Naples Oaily News on April 10, 19A1 as evidenced by 1\ffidavit of publication filcd with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider pctition R-ßl-2C, filed by James Vensel requesting rczoning from "RT" to "PUO" for property located at the southwestern tip of Marco Island to be known as Point Ma rco . Planner Lee Layne located the property on a map on an overhcad board and, referring to the Executive Summary dated 1\pril 20, 1981, she explained that the CAPC hcld their public hearing on 1\pril 16, 1981 and that they recommended approval of the request subject to the staff's stipulations that the convention centcr parking could be reduced to lO\ of the parking for that use only and that, if the petitioner's requcst for beach nourishment was approved, the petitioner would consider providing for some type of beach access. Mr. James Vensel described the scale model of the Point Marco project and said that the reason for requesting the "PUD" was in ordcr to have only one access point off Collier Boulevard and to allow combined use of the recreational facilities. He explained that the Point was dcveloped by the U. S. Air Force in the late 1950's and that Pag e 14 ........--ì I~'---"-~ ~ L.-J May I 2, 19 (\ 1 the seawall is in place around the area and thcre ùre no wctlands involved. lie explidned that thc present plans are to incorporate the existing approximðtely 15,000 square foot rðoar trackinq huilding into the convention service complex. He descrihed the rccrcðtional fðcill- ties which will include a tcnnis complex, pitch and putt golf course, and a jogr.¡ing trail with periodic exercise stations. lie said the 'buildings will all comply with the flood elcvations. In response to Chairman pistor, Mr. Vensel sðid that the apartment buildings will be condominiums. çommissioner Wimer asked what had been rcsolvcd on the heach access m~ttcr and Mr. vensel said that his client had anticipated that thc permit bcfore the County for beach nourishment, which would benefit this project and the entire island, has to go through all the permit- ting procedures. He described the procedure which is planned for this beach nourishment project which is cxpected to be along the north property line. Commissioner Wimer askcd if the dcveloper has madc provision for a beach access along the northcrn border if the beach nourishment program is approved and Mr. Vensel said that the setbacks of the buildings provides for a reasonable corridor along, the north side. Mr. Georgo Keller rcquestcd that the Commission not approve the "PUDW unlcss a 5' beach access on the north side is provided. Mr. Leigh Plummer, Prcsidcnt of the Marco Island Civic 1\ssocia- tion, said the Board of the 1\ssociation, after carcful invcstigation, voted to "'pprove thc petition hecause thc "PtJD" would give ð unified dcvclopment with only onc cntrtlncc to Collier Boulevard. Commissioner Brown moved, second cd hy Commissioncr Wimcr and BOOK 061 PACE 505 pag e 15 , ~MK . 061 PAGE 506 May 12, 198] carrieð unanimously, that tho public hcaring be closed. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and cArried 4/1, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed, that Ordinance No. 81-25 re Petition n-8l-?C be adopted. ORDINANCE 81-25 1\N ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIN1\NCF. 7~-30, THE COMPRE- HENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THF. UNINCORPORATED ARElI. OF, THE COr,STAL AREA PLANNING DIST!1ICT, BY 1\MENDING TI1r. ZONING ATLl\S MAP NlJMAER MI-10 BY CHl\NGING TilE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM "RT" RESI- DENTIAL TOURIST TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON p!10PERTY LOCATED IN SECTIONS 19 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 52 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST WHICH IS LOCATED AT THE EXT!1EME SOUTIMESTE!1N PORTION OF MARCO ISLAND; 1\ND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE SUB-LE1\5E AGREEMENT WITH U.S. POSTAL SERVICE FOR MARCO SIIERIFF'S SUB-ST1\TION - 1\PP!10VED After a short discussion, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by èommissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the agreement to sub-lease the U.s. postal Service building on Marco Island for a Sheriff's sub-station be approved. page H ~-_._. ~- .-; , CJ ~ J , ~OOK 061 PACE 512 May 12, 1981 DISCUSSION RE PROPOSED AMF.NDMENT TO "ST" ORDINANCE BY DELETING THE TR1\NSFER OF D~VF.:LOPMENT RIGHTS TO NON-CONTIGUOUS PROPERTIES - CONTINUED UNTIL M1\Y 19, 19A1 Community Dcvclopment Administr~tor Virta rcferred to the Executive Summary dated 1\pril 30, 19ß1 and explained it contained a proposed draft amenrlment of the "ST" regulations and a rcport prepared by Dr. Spagna on the rationale of the TDR's to non-contiguous ·properties and an up-to-date chart of existing TDR's. He said that staff is looking for directon. Two registered speakers declined to speak at this time. Following a discussion Commissio~er Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and cðrried unanimously, that a workshop be scheduled at the conclusion of the Board of County Commissioners' meeting May 19, 1981. PETITION FP-81-7C, CARUSC1\N (FLORID1\) INC.: REQUESTING FINAL PL1\T APPROVAL FOR VICTORIA PARK UNIT TWO - 1\PPROVED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that petition FP-RJ-7C, filed by Caruscan (Florida) Inc. re~uesting final plat approval for victoria Park Unit two be approved. PETITION TR-Ol-h-C, MICIIAEL SHIELDS: nF.QU¡:;STING A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT TO UTILIZE A TnAVEL TR1\ILER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF 1\ PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE ON W 150' OF TRACT 30, UNIT 18, GOLDEN GATE EST1\TES - APPROV~D Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded hy Commissioner Rrown and carried unanimously that petition TR-al-fie, filed by Michacl Shields requesting a temporary rcsidence permit to utilize a travel trailer during construction of a principle residence on the W 150' of Tract 30, Unit 18, Goldcn Gate Estates be approved. pag e 1 7 t L--..'·l - Mð y 1 2, I 9 8 1 PETITION TR-BI-7-C, MILTON MARTIN: REQUESTING ~ TEMPORARY RF.SIDENCE PERMIT TO UTILIZE 1\ TRAVEL TRAILF.R DURING CONSTRUCTION OF ~ PRINCIPLE Rf5IDENCr. ON S II?, TRACT 38, UNIT ~, GOLDEN GATE r.S~^TES- APPROVED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by CommisÐioner Brown and carried unanimously that petition TR-81-7-C, filed by Milton Martin, requesting a temporary residence permit to utilize a travel trailer during construction of a principle residence on S l/2, Tract 38, Unit 6, Golden Gate Es~ntes be approved. RESOLUTIONS 8l-l11 THROUGII 81-115 TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED TO AB1\TE PUBLIC NUISANCES ON LOTS PURSU^N~ TO ORDINANCF. 7~-1~ - 1\DOPTED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner 'Brown and carried unanimously that the following resolutions to recover funds expended to abate public nuisances on lots pu~suant to Ordinance 76-14 be approved: Resolution 81-111 Resolution 8l-112 Resolution 81-113 Re so 1 uti 0 n 81-114 Resolution 81-115 - Beverly Dickerman - Lot 17, Block 208, Unit 7, Marco Island - Cabell S. & ~lizabcth II. Davis, Jr.- Lot 16, Block 7.08, Unit 7, Marco Island - Alex J. Curran - Lot 9, Block 371, Unit II, Marco Island Clarence C. Be~ko - Lot 11, Block 371, Marco Island. Unit II - Joachim H. Dicrlich - Lot 33, Block 332, Unit 10, Marco Island BO:)K 061 PACE 5j.g pag e 10 , May l2, 19111 FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF VICTORIA PAnK UNIT '1"1"0 SUBDIVISION - 1\I'PROVED; RELF.ASE OF 10% MAINTENANCE SECUnITY (InREVOCABLE LETT~R OF CREDIT) - APPROVED 'VITI! STI PULATION Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/1, with Commiss'oner Wenzel opposed, that thc Board approve the final acccptilnce of VictoriÐ Park Unit Two Suhdivison and release of 10\ surety (Irrevocable Lcttcr of Creöit 019/~3~95/BO, Bank of Nova Scotia) contingent upon the Utility Division accepting the utilities. RESOLUTION 81-l1~ SUPPORTING THE 4% SAr.ES TAX ON MOTOR FU~LS - 1\DOPTED Public Works 1\dministrùtor Clifford Barksdalc sÐid regarding the sample rcsolution received from anothcr county pertaining to the removal of the excmption from motor fuel in the 4% Sales TÐX currently in effect, that only 4 cents of the l3 cent gas tax is bein~ allocated to the County roads and of the remaining 9 cents, 4 cents goes to the Federal, 4 cents gocs to the Statc and I cent goes to the County. He said thÐt with 1400 miles of County roads, the County's 4 cents equates to only 31% of the monies ~vailable and that the County maintnins 78\ of the rOÐds comparcd with the State maintnin(ng 14% and receiving ~2\ of the monies. He said that, bðsed upon that allocation, there is no guarantee that the additional revenue from the sales tax will go to roads in Collier County because the money goes into the General Fund and other agencies compete for the money. After Mr. Bar~sdale read the draft resolution, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse tlnd carried unanimously, that Resolution 81-116, supporting the 4% Sales Tax on motor fuels and stipulating that the monèy be divided specifically in the first 100 million to compete in the Interstate system, and that the remaining . B08K 061 PACE 519 pag e 19 , ~OOK 061 PACE 520 May 1 2, 1981 revenue be returned to the counties and divided between the State and local governments for trAnsportation needs based upon the miles of road maintained within the counties, be adopted. PAgC 20 ~ :;;.:'--¡ r-..,:"':':"'""1 1..........;....J ...---, , Ma y 1::1, 1981 RECOMMEND1\TION THAT 1\ RESOLUTION BE DR1\FTED THANKING THE PEOPLE WHO ^GREED TO DON^TE $189,000 FOR WIGGINS P^SS DREDGING PROJECT - 1\PPROVED In order to p.operly convey the Board's appreciation, Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously that a resolution be drafted thanking the people who agreed to donate $189,000 for the Wiggins Pass dredging project. COUNTY R~DISTRICTING PROPOS^L - ACCEPTF.D AS PRES~NTED Community Development ^dministrator virta stated that during the past week revised census figures werc obtained for use in the redis- tricting procedure. Planner Tom McDaniel explained the map showing the redistricting proposal. County Managcr Norman noted that no incumbent commissioner is in the same district as any other incumbent commissioner. Mr. McDaniel described in detail the bounòaries for each of the five districts as they are outlined in the redistricting proposal. lie explained that there needed to be 17,ISR people in each district. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that the Board accept the redistricting mar- as presented. ALTERN1\TE "8" R~ RECOMMENDATION ON PROVIDING ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACES FOR TIGERT1\IL ß~ACII, MARCO ISLAND - ACCEPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that alternate "B" regarding the recommendation on providing additional parking spaces for Tigertail Beach, Marco Island be accepted and ~hat the following ste~s be taken: 1. proceed with final design of the proposed new 2S1 space, plus 'or minus, parking lot. 2. Preparation of the necessary permit applications for removal ßOO~ 061 PAGE 523 Page 21 , &OOK 061 P^CE 524 May 1 2, 1981 of vegetation and of filling the area in question. 3. If serious objections arc not encountered during thc first few months of the permit application process, to ~roceed with the design of a pledged rcvenuc loan for paying the construction cost and, after preliminary mcctings with local finùncial institutions, to take bids for said borrowing program. FIN~L ^SSIST~NCE WITH REPL^CING, ON 1\ TEMPOR~RY BASIS, THREE OF FOURTEF:N CET1\ POSITIONS AT COLLIER HE~LTH SERVICES, INC. - 1\PPROVED County Manager Norman referred to the ~xecutive ~ummary dated May 4, 1981 which states that CIISI is losing a total of lO positions previously funded by CET1\. He explained after meeting with Chairman pistor, Dr. Cox and CHSI Project Director Tom Clark thc recommendation is made for the temporary continuance of these positions for the balance of the fiscal year. He said the programs that are affected are preventative programs, i.e. family planning, prevention of venereal disease and, if those programs are not continued, there will be increðsed welfare and hospital costs to the County. Commissioncr Wenzel moved, scconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that three temporary CETA positions, i.e. clerk, switchboard operator and file clerk to CHSI, at a cost of $8,57~.ñ¡:;, be approved. CONTR^CT FOR COLLIER NORTH BR1\NCI1 LIBRARY - 1\WARDED TO FI1^NI< SCHELAII lc SONS Commissioner ~imcr moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the contract for the Collier North Branch Library be awarded to Frank Schelah & Sons in the amount of $214,300.00. Commissioner Wimer thanked Librarinn Joder for his work regarding the new library. Page 27. ..-.........~ :=J ."...-., ~ , May 1:1, 1901 BID 1458 FOR ~ FIREPUMPER FOR GOLDEN GATE FIRE DEPARTMENT - 1\W1\RDED TO FMC CORPOR~TION Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 10 ~nd I?, 19B] as evidenced by 1\ffidavit of publication filed with the Clcrk, bids were received up to 1\pril 8, 19C1 for a firepumper for Golden Gate Fire Department. purchasing Dircctor Wilcox said that the intcrest rate for this item will be no highcr than 9-1/2%. Commissioncr Krusc moved, seconded by Commissioncr Wenzel and carri~d unnnimously, that Bid ~458 for a firepumpcr for Golden Gate Fire Department in the amount of $7l,h93 be awarded to FMC Corporation, and that thc Chairman bc authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting 1\grecment. DISCUSSION RE WATF.R USAGF. IN EAST N^PLF.S FOR ALTr.RNATF. D1\Y SPRINKLING utilities Manager Bcrzon briefly explained that, although Collier County's water supply is an independent one from another aquifer, the County is beginning to experience problems in somc of the outlying areas. He said that the City of Naples is urging that the County consider alternate day sprinkling and he asked that consideration be given to asking the citizens of the County to voluntarily go into an alternate day sprinkling program in the hope that will improve the pressure problems which are beginning in the northern part of the County and in East Naples. lie said that if thi1t did not help the situation he would return with a request to implement thc ordinance which provides for alternate sprinkling. lie explained that the program would be Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday to apply to Seagate, Vandcrbilt Beach, Naples'park, the area north of the Immokalec Road and that portion of East Naples south of U.S. 41 and also the area south of BO~K 061 PAGE 529 Page ,23 , aODK 061 PACE 500 May l2, 19 q I Rattlesnake Hammock Road, and the other ðreðs would be MondRY, Wednesday and Friday. He said he would give this schedule to the press. ****Commissioner Kruse left thc room ðt 2:58 P.M. and returned at 3:00 P.M.**** RESOLUTION 81-117 PROVIDING FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FROM THE GENER1\L - FUND TO PERMIT SETTLEMENT OF MALONEY VB HOLLEY LITIGATION - 1\DOPTED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioncr Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution 8l-ll7 providing for expenditure of funds in the amount of $60~.72. payable to the William 1\. Donovan Trust Account to permit settlement of the Maloney vs Holley litigation, be adopted. pago ~4 r-;..2] ~'.. [ .---. ' :.1 ~ Ma y 1 2 , 1 9 ß 1 &OOIi 061 PÂCE 532 RESOLUTION 81-118 URGING TilE STATE DELEGATION TO VOTE 1\Gl\INST SENATE BILL 888 - 1\DOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that Resolution ßI-ll8 urging the Slate delegation to vote against Senate Bill 888 which would permit indigent and incar- cerated persons to bring civil suits protesting jail facilities, be ·-adopted. Page 25 ~ l-J ~,',"'>o' ·"../-.rt"-,, . ".-.> r-:~ ~ t BOO~ 061 PACE 534 May l7., 1981 RESOLUTION 81-l20 TO PERMIT EVERGLADES CITY TO BUILD A FIRE1I0USE ON L"ND DEEDED TO TI1E~' BY COLLIER COUNTY - "DOPTF:D 1\ssistant County "ttorney Kerry McGuinn respondcd to a question by Commissioner Wimcr by saying that the firehouse will only be on lots (, and 7. Commissioner Wimer requested that th~ Resolution reflect just the area where the firehouse will be built. Ms. McGuinn agreed to correct the Resolution. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution 81-I?O to permit Everglades City to build a firchouse on land decded to thcm by Collier County be lIdopted. Page 7.1i r~--" ~ E:2J ~,.. .............. , Ma y 1 2, 1 9 B 1 COUNTY ATTORNEY'S REQUEST TO HJR~ SPECI1\L LF.GAL COUNSEL JOHN L1\WSON FOR AMERICAN 1\MBULANCE MATTER - APPROVED Commissioncr Wimcr moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the County Attorncy's request to hire special legal consultant John Lawson to assist in the Americðn Ambulance mattcr be ðpproved. JOINT RF.SOLUTION tWS-8l-2 AND RESOLUTION Rl-119 TO CORRECT LEG1\L DESCRIPTION IN rR8VIOUS RESOLUTION CONDEMNING WATER TREATMENT SITE - ADOPTED County Attorney pickworth explained that a surveying error was discovered regarding the water treatment site which requires the legal deseription to be corrected. Commissioner Wcnzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that Joint Resolution CWS-RI-2 and Resolution 81-ll9, to correct the legal description in a previous resolution condemning the water treatment site, be adopted. ßG:)K 061 PhGE537 f>ngo 'l7 ~ Mð y 17., 1981 j ~ ... PAYMENT OF nOUTINE BILLS - APpnOVF.D '. Commissioner Wimer moveò, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel ðnd cðrried unanimously, that the bills, having heen processed following established procedure with funds available, he approved for payment as 'witnessed by the following checks issued from May r., 1981 through May 12, 1981: ACCOUNT CI!F.CK NOS. BCC payroll 23093 - ?3(;13 Coun ty Checks Baal - B230 ,BUDGET AMENDMENT RI-97 RE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO APPROPRIATE LEAA GRANT AND LOCAL M1\TCll FUNDS - AT10PTf.D IN THf. M~OUNT OF $37.,17.9 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Buds~t Amendment RI-97 re transfer of funds to appropriate L~A^ Grnnt and local match funds in the amount of $32,329 be adopted. ßOO~ 061 PAGE 6U pag e 21' , May l2, 19A1 BUDGET AMENDMENT 81-98 RE TR1\NSFER OF FUNDS TO PROVIDr. FOR CLERK II POSITION IN BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT ~ ADOPTr.D IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,972 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 81-98 re transfer of funds to provide for Clerk II position in Building Inspection Dcpartm~nt be adopted in the amount of $6,972. BOOK 061 PAGE 543 I: Page 29 " . \ ,. May 1/., 1981 BUDGET ~MENDMENT 01-99 BF. TR~N~FEB OF FUNDS TO MORE ~CCURATELY REFLECT EXPENDITURES (OCI10PF.F. FIBE CONTROL) - I\DOrTED IN Tl1F. 1\MOUNT OF $2,000 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, thnt Budget 1\mendment Al-99 re transfer of funds to more accurately rcflect expenditures (ochopeeFire Control) be ~dopted in the nmount of $?-,OOO. BOOK 061 PACE 54.6 , paC c 30 ~ " Ma y I 2, 1 9 81 BUDGET ~MENDMENT BI-lOO Re TR~NSFER OF FUNDS TO APPROPRI~TE DON^TION ~ND GRANT FUNDS (GOLDEN GI\TE FInE CONTROL) - ~DOPTF.D IN TilE ~MOUNT OF $585 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, th~t Budget ~mcndment BI-lOO re transfer of funds to appropriate revenue donated to the Fire Control District by Golden Gate Fire I\ssociation, Inc., for the purchase of two fire nozzles be adopted in the amount of $585. aOOK 061 PACE 5.{ 7 patJe 31 . May 1 2 , 1 981 BUDGET AMENDMENT 81-10l RE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING FEES TO PROVIDF. FOR COST OF AUDIT REOUIRED OV GRANT (SOCI1\L SERVICES- nOMEMAKF.nS) - ADOPTED IN TilE 1\MOUNT OF $1,500 . Commissioner Wenzel moved, second cd by Commissioner Brown and cðrried unanimously that Budget Amendment 81-101 rc transfer of funds to accounting and auditing fees to provide for cost of audit rcquired by grant (Social Services-lIomemakers) be approved in the amount of - $1,500. ~OOK 061 PAGE 5-t9 ['ago 3~ , M<1 Y I?, 1 981 'AUTHORIZATION FOJ1. CIIAIRMAN TO SIGN TENTl\TIVE FISCAL POLICY FOR FY 1981-02¡ DISCUSSION BY ITEM OF FISCAL POLICY l\DDED TO MAY 19, 1981 l\GEND1\ - APPJ1.0VED Fiscal Officcr Hall explaine~ that the first step in the budgeting process is for the Clerk to ascertain the fiscal policy of the Board for the coming yeòr anò to then proceed with the preparðtion of forms and instructions in accordance with the policy. He said the following changes ðre being requested: I. The minimum of $lOO be set for minor items and thðt those items not be capitalized. lie said thcse items constitute approximately 25% of the totðl volume and it is a tremendous administrative chore to capitalize them. He said items such as personal portðble transcribers, etc. would be capitalized. ' 2. The listinq of the Boards ðnd Committees has been ~xpðnded for which the Clerk provides minutes and record services. Commissioncr Wenzel moved, seconded ~i Commissioner wimer and carried unanimously, to give tentative approval of the Fiscal Policy for FY 1981-B2. 1\fter a request by Commissioner Wimer the Board agreed to go through the policy item by item at the Bee meeting May 19, 1981. BOOK 061 PACE 5511 pag Q 33 ~ , BOOK 061 PACE 562 Ma y 1 2 , 1 9 8l . APPOINTMENT OF M~. F~1\NK SIMON TO PARKS AND RECRE1\TION 1\DVISORY B01\RD - 1\PPROVF.D Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that the Board appoint Mr. Frank Simon to the parks and ~ccreation Advisory Board. BRIEF CANVASSING BO~RD DISCUSSION - NO ACTION NEC~SSARY County Attorney pickworth explained thùt the Florida Statutes states who will be on the Canvùssing Board and that in the event that Chairman pistor would be out of town for the June 16, 1981 election, he should make provision for a replacement. PRESENTATION BY M~SSRS. WILLIAM J. RYAN AND BRAD ESTES ~E ~CTIVITIES OF PALMER CABLEVISION AND FUTUR~ PL1\NS Mr. William J. Ryan introduced Mr. Brðd Estes who is manager of ~he Palmer Cablevision. Mr. Estes reviewed the rate increase which he explained was an average of 5.8% increase with the last rate increase occurring in October 1980. He explained the expan,;ion of programming whieh consis~s of 4 satellite programming stations with one operating 24 hours a day. He said that a current problem is that the channel capacity is now full since 12 channels are being utilized and pnlmer Communications is in the process of considering converters to be placed in the home in order to access an additional channel between channel õ and 7 which is called mid-ban channel. lIe explained that Palmer Communications is the first system out~idc Metropolitan New York City to add datn retrieval service now offered by Reuters over Sðtellite and he described what services the service ,comprise. Mr. Estes said that Palmer Communications is also in the process of negotiating with American Cablcvision which serves the Golden Gate rage 34 .. eJ ---' . Þ\'C ...&1 \o40~ 0~..-4 ~II ~.u ~\0411 ..-410... ........ ....~r:: .0.11 ....co..c:: :§:. ....lOg ......-4 ~.~ &I:S .. :: '8 iØo~ ,!!IOII _..-4,.. .,:;s - .... I1r::..-4 !¡O'¿) ~ bO... ....r::u \04......-4 O~ S ::;~,.. .......0 :I: Øo\.f '. ':' . ~..-" .. ~- " 1\,;':, Ma y 1 2 r 190 1 Drea and South Florlùð Cable whIch serves North Collior and Bonita areas to mati the local origination programming availablo to those aroas, I.e. 6 O'clock Report. Mr. Norman noted that Palmer Cðblevision has provided a cabl~ connQctio~ without charge in the Civil Defense Emergency Center and he expressed his appreciðtlon for this installation. CJT/\ rrmÌ\N 1\UTITORrZ'rn TO SIGN CEI1.TTPICl\TES or corm~cTrC7N ron Tl\X ROL[. Commissioner {oTImor movod, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel: ,md carrIe..d unarÜ¡nously that tho ChaIrman be authorIzed to sign the following CcrtifICðtes. of Corrcct.Lon to the tax roll: TAX naLr. NOS. Dl\TF. 1978 ~ 57ลก7õl 1976 339-341 4./20/81 1980 " 1 .r , ,'!l S' 3/2/81 19ßO 431 3/12/81 1977 B3,436 -1/20/81-5/1/81 19£10 475 3/25/81 1980 477-480 3/31/81 1900 402, -1/1/81 1980 484-57.7 4/3/81-5/S/£Jr 1978 587 4/9/01 1970 594-599, 4/lG/81-5/5/0l 1979 G29-G-19, T^NGIßLE PERSON1\L 1980-l2l 1!100-l22 4/H/81-S/S/Ol Pl1.0PEIìTY 5/4/81 S/n/ßl 1980 19ßO ."....CommÍ!;s!onor Drown left tfle room' at Jd5 P.M. ¡:¡ n (1 r (' t II r n e d i1 t 3 ~ 2. 0 P. M . * * * * .. " BOOK 061 PACE 563 PMJ 0 3') ; . . ~'C """ \-4 ° > 0~..-4 U" JÞo.«IU ~\-4" ..-4111"" r-4..-4 ..-4~C .0.," ..-4§S: tIØ ~ " r-4 C 1110 tI.,..... s:~+' E-t U ,,==' .. :'8 ° '" "" & '" "III" X..-4"" 10:5& . r-4 ""S::..-4 "0\-4 ~tIØ~ ..-4S::U \-4~..-4 O+' & :;5 "" ..-4""0 X "'\-4 " M~ 061 fJ.~ 564 Mily 1'-.. 19f1] DI5CUS:'ION RF. BEACIIPRONT PROPERTY 1\ND ACCESS POINTS, BAREFOOT BE1\CH PROp~nTY - D~F~RR~n TO A LATEn DATE Commissioner wimer stated he would like to hold some mer.tings r~ðrding the narcfoot ßench property an~ beðch ~CCr.RS points ñnò p'>n"~~t,..,,1 th,1\" the discllssion be ~erorred until é\fl-""r th0t' I:. ,t.in~J: * Commissioner Wimer and returned * * * left the room, at 1:lB P.M. at 3:23 P.M. * .. DIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT RE RICTIARD WOODRUFF'S 1\PPLIC1\TION FILE NO. 11-~1]R1-5E, RIP-RAP PRIVATE nOCK - 1\C~EPTEO Administrative ~ide to the Poard Grace Spaulding cxplðined In th~t the past DT. ~ðrmic hñn~lcè matters like the applictltion regarding Richard Woodruff's dock and the biological assessment regarding same. She read the biological assessment for the record. Co.mroissioncr Wenzel moved, seconc'Jed by COI"H~is510ner I3rol'ln ðnd carried unanimously 4/0, with Commissioner \\'imer absent, thiJt the biological assessmcnt rc Richard Woodruff's application file No. 11-4118l-5E be accepted. Page 3fi .. , ,,-';., .~ --, I -------- \ I) ~ ~'~y l2, I9ßl , L~K~ Tn~FFOnO M~MonI1\L GAnD~N~ n~RO ~?~9 - ~CCRrTRD FOn R~COnDATJON . ,",'0 \.4t04., 00> ~..-4 , ()., ~.u ~\.4" ..-4.t04 ..-4..-4 ...~c:: ~.., ..-4.-'= :§- ..-4 c:: .0 .,...-4 ~-~ .,::S .. :'8 SPo~ .,.G> Z..-4J.o s::. .~ 8 .. r-I ~C::..-4 !O'¿) ...~~ \.4:1..-4 O~ EI ~~t04 ....t040 :II: Po \.4 '. pursuan't to i'lction of the Ooard' .Jðnuary 10, 1970 wherein the Chairman WDS authorized to sign various deeds to Li'lke Trafford Memorinl Gðrdens Ccmetery lots ðS the nccò arises D0.ed ~?69 wùs rccorded tlnd filed for tho record. .\ tIOO~ 061 r/\cE581 I, , ,I, .. i . . P.:Ig 0 37 Ma y 12, 19 f 1 VOTING PRECINCT NUMBER FOR DEPUTY M~RK C~PERTON 1\ND UPD1\TED LISTING FILED FOR TilE rtF.CORD ,In compliancc with Florida Statute 30.08, the following voting Precinct number for ð Dcputy Sheriff ~'as filcd ,for thc record, as submitted by Sheriff Aubrey Rogcrs; also an updated listing: DEPUTY VOTING PRECINCT Mark Caperton 33 BOOK 061 PAGE 569 Pagc 38 , . ~'C ..." ~o;. 0~.-4 ...U" .....u ~fe.441 .-41Q... ....~ .-4~C .e.," ~IQ.A: :§:a .... c:: 100 ".~ .c::a.¡.) E-f u 4I=' .. :'8 ~ø,~ 4110" :1;.-4'" .c: IO.¡.)S . r-4 ...C~ "0.... ~ ~~ .-4CU fe.4.-4~ O.¡.)S ~~ ... .-4..,0 2: 0..... MlI Y I 2, 1 9 n I MISCELL^NEOUS CORR~SPONDF.NCE - F!LP.D ^ND/OR RF.F~RRr.D There being no objection, the Chair dircctcd that the following correspondencc be fileò and/or referred to the various departments as indicated: L Letter dated 5/4/81 from Anita Flð1tz, Administrative 1\ssis- tant, Lee County, enclosing a fully executeò copy-original of the Interlocal ^greemcnt betwcen Lce and Collicr Counties rcgarding the improvement and maintenancc of Corkscrew ROðd as nppr'ovcd hy the BOiJrd at their meeting of ~/?9/nl. xc Mr. Barksdale and Mr. Norman. 2. Copy or lcttcr dòteù ~/20/8l from Thelma ~ruce transmitting copy of Resolution by the Southwcst Florida Fedcrated Women's CI,]b of Collicr and Lce Countics expressing support for Scnatc nlll 53 sponsorcd by Sen. l1é1yakawa to abolish the Bilingual hallot. xc Mary Morgan. 3. Docket No. el0035-TP, rc petition of Southern Bell Telephone and Tclcgr~ph Company. Filed. 4. Docket N~. 810002-F.U, re applicðtion of Florida rower and Light ~0mpany for an inercasc in their rates and charges, Order ^uthorizing Intervention, Order No. 10005. Filed. 5. Dockct No. BI0002-F.U, re application of Florida power & Light Company for an increase in their rates and charges. Order No. 99RS. Filed. 6. Dockct No. ~lon02-F.U, re application of Florida power & Light Company for an increase in their rates and charges, order ^uthorizing Intervention, Order No. 9984. Filed 7. MInutes of. 'trle 'Brnergem:)' " ~l't:1!o\ ~'::'~\.~~s Mvlsoc'{ Council meeting of April 9, 1981. Filed. 8. Minutes of Naples City Council, ^pril 15, 19RL Filed. 9 Petition received 5/II/ßI in support of the City and County Governments in their efforts to overcome objectors who are obstructing plans for a bike path system. xc Mr. Barksdale. ßQ()~ 061 ~"GE 571 £lag e 39 . BOO~ 061 PAGE 572. May 12, 19131 10. Letter dated 5/7/AI from L.A. McNabb exprcssing thðnks for Lot 9, Block C, Little Hickory Shores bcing mowed. xc Mr. Virta and Mr. Perry; filed. 1r 1r lit lit lit 1r 1r There bcing no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 3:?5 P.M. B01\RD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ GOV~RNING BOARD(S) DISTRICTS UNDER ITS ATTEST: WILLIM J.' REi)CAN, CLERK tÝ}dtJ/(J~ / ---// p"ge "0 -'1 ~ ¡--¡ ----..1 ,..-.........- ~ --