BCC Minutes 05/10/1981 R · ~'C ...&/ 4-40> o+'~ CJIII ~"CJ ..,,,",111 ~1I2'" M~ .-4+'1:: .0.,&/ .-4112..c :§:J: M I:: .0 Ú.,~ ~:at CI~ .. :'8 o ø.... B Po &/112&/ :1:..-4... ..c 112 +' B - ,..., ";I::~ &/01,.., ~tIO~ ortl::CJ ""'ort~ o +' B ...1:: CJ~ ... .-4...0 :II: Po""' -' ...-j........,' -.------ N,'rl":., norj,1", ....;,y )0, lo "ll LET IT RF. nf."F.I~fH:nr.[), thi'll". till' Roarcl of County Comnissioners, in ðn~ for the County of Collier, ~n~ ;,lso ðctin~ AS thQ GovDrnin~ floiJrd(s) of stich ~p~cii1l c1istricts .15 h;,vo he en cr0.êttcr] iJccorc1in~ 1".0 1,,"1 -'1nrl h,'vinCJ conducted husiness hC'rein, met on this r!."\tc i'lt ~:()() A.M. in neguli'lr S~ssion in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following mOMh0rs present: CHl\ TR"Il\N: .John fl.. pi 5tor VICE CHAIRMAN: Clifforn Wenzel C. n. "n u s ~ " \., imp. r ~êtry-Frnnces Krtlse !)êtvi,1 C. P,rown ALSO rllr.Sr.'IT: HClrolrJ L. Hi1l1, Chief reputy C)erk/Piscêtl Officer; F:'lni1 L. !1renne'n['n, r'cPI]ty C10rk; C. \·'illj¿¡n ~'orM,'n, Cotlnt.y MiJnager; Don,,1~1,... riCK\'lOrt.h, County l\ttorney; Terry Virt." (:oMf"\unity Ocvelop- ment. '''~ninistr0tor; Cl i f(orr1 r\<Jrksrlt11 c, ruh: ic '..'orks "',ll'linistrntor/ County En1ir.eer; Jeffory Perry, 70ninf) rirf'ct:'H; Tr':in1 Perzon, Utilities Mêtnêtf)Cr; Gri'lcc SpAulc1ing, l\~ministrntivc ^irle to the BOArd; Lee Lc,ync, Planner; i1nd, Deputy Chief lli1Y;;'lonrl f\(,rnett, Sh('riff's Department. ~oo~ 061 pÃŒ583 Pi1 9 e ) , .,,."'. "'~, ., ~'C 10.&/ ,,",0> O....~ CJIII ~.,o ....1,..,41 ~.k M~ ~ +, I:: .0.,111 ~1I2..c :§:J: M I:: 1Ø0 &/.,..-i ~:at CI~ tIO'C "C!O o Po 10. B Po &/1Ø4I X~k ..c lØ....e - M "'I::~ &/01,.., ~tIO~ ortl::o ,,",~..-4 O~ e 10.1:: CJ~k ~kO :II: Po '"' ",>O~..____~_. ... "·_._h"-"''':~· ~.;" Y 1 c\, 1 I) 111 J\GF.NDJ\ - lIPPROVF.D h'ITII l\DnITIO'. S Commissioner ~in0r move~, seconded by Conmiss~oner Rrown and un."\nimotlsly cDrried, thé1t the itnlicizcr] ;1']en(1,' he "pproved \ÿ¡th the followin9 nd1itions: 1. Request for Ao~rrl npprovi11 to improve T~lemctry cnpability of COllnty ^f"1hUlnncC' Service. 7. f(ecomr.H~n,1,1tion for 110i1t·~ i1l1thorizi1tion to purchi1se t\ÿo Dmbulanccs nnd Sup~rvisor's sti1tion wagon for County ^nbu]~ncc Service. 1 Request hy Commissioner Vruse for consi~eration of selection o( Fnviron:.1cnt.i11 .1\.<1visor. ~. Deed pcrt~inin~ to "T~R" n¿¡tt~r to he presented hy Edwnrd ~ant for ROi1rd ¿¡cccpt~nco. J\rrnOVI\.L OF ...,T"'\l1'I·:"', OF ,.11\'( c.. I 1(\01 HFr,IIf../\P "'Fr.TT'·'C, !,)\!D "',.,y P, lOp) SPP.CT l\!. ~~r;¡.~TH)(' - C()'1';,p~IJ!·:n 'I"'1'1!. r'rVi :''':, 1 (\rq ¡'iith the com:1ent th..,t h0 hcls not '1~(1 the opportunity to revievl the minutcs of th" ~:o1y r" 1(')01 1lC'qll1ar ~"C'(>tin( , ill1'1 of the r~i1Y 11, 19P1 Speci(1) ~ectin01 ron~issioncr ~im0r ilsked thnt npproval he continued until the meeting of May 7~, l"ol. There were no ohjections. ORDINANCE Pl-'~ ^~P.NDING OnnI~^NCE 7"-11 TO INCLUDE ^DDTInNlIL L~NDS IN rorn::ST LlIKE Hm1F.S U'JI1' ONF. STRF.ET L!GflTINC nTSTP.ICT - J\DOPTED Legal notice hùving hecn pl1b)ishC'ñ in the Ni'lples Di1ily News on lIpril 30, 19R1 as evidenced hy l\ffidavit of Publici'ltion filcd with the Clerk, public hearing Wi1S opened to consider iJn orrlini1ncc "mending Ordinance 79-13 by adding certain lanrls of Forest Lake Homes Unit No.~l to the Forest Li1kp J10mes Unit ~10. 1 Street Lighting r'1unicipal Service" Tûxing District. ¡'·:it.h th~ statcr~ent th.-!t th~ P.xecutive SummClry provi()('s iI str",i:;:-,l.- forwilrè presentation of the f0r.ts i1nd, having been apprised that there ~OOK 061 PAGE 587 P.1<Je ") . . . ... .. - ~ - ... . . 1-:. .'. '.:';" .... .~. . ~'C 10.&/ ,,",0> O+,~ Oil ~I O +,,,",41 ~lØk M~ ort+,C .0.,111 ~ft ..c :§:J: M C 1Ø0 &/IØ~ ~:at II~ .. :'8 iø.~ &/1Ø1I :II:~k ..c IØ+'S - .-i ,.;C~ 1101,.., ~tIO~ ortCO ,,",ort~ 0.... a t: oS 10. .-410.0 :II: 0.1,.., MOK 061 PAGE 588 f",'y 10, 10°1 \-/ere no persons in ðttendance registered to sreilk, COl"'1missioncr I',i'nC'r moved, seconc1ed by Comr:1Ïssioner Y.ruse i1n(~ ciJrried 111" ~/i'l, ~'.:r·:"']:·'·,; Wenzel not present .:It the time of the vote, thðt the puhlic heiHincj he closed. ~Commissioner Wimer move~, seconded by Commissioner Rrown ilnd unan~mously carried, that the Ordinance, as numberc~ an~ entitled __below, he acoptec1 and entered into Ordinðnce Pook No. I7. cnDINANC¡:; O]_?t:; AN OROINANCR l\MF.NDING nRnrN~NCR NO. 70-11 BY ArDI~G CERTAIN LM!DS OF' FORRST Ll\lŒ II()~'E:, UNIT NO. I Tn THF: Fonr.:'T UI!<r. I!()'~r.s U'JJT NO.1 ;'TRPF.T Ur.IITI'¡r, MU~'JCIrl\L SEnVIr:r. T^XI~G DISTllICT; pnOVrrING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND ^~ EFFECTIVE D^TE RF:SOLUTION 111-1/11 rH~ r~~TT'PTn~ FlY fr. I~.^lInl·r.L M~r'I:,n\1 "r·:(111f"~.~TT'Ir. VM~1I'i·Tn'.1 OF F.ASEME'~TS ON CP.!\T.'\I;' L/\!\!T'S TN TrU'.CT 11, II"T1' os, r,()L[)F~1 rl\1'F P.STfoíf'<; ADOPTED, AS AMF:NDr.D Leqal notice hiJving he en puhlisho~ in the ~~rl~s raily News on May 3 anc1 In, l081 i\S evidcnced hy .h,ffi,j""it of Pu!)1 ic,'~.ion fiJI"} \.'it.h the Clerk, public heùring "1<:\5 opened to consider t~\e petition filNI !1Y A. Darrell Addison requesting the! vilc~t.ion of cnscmcnts on ccrtnin lands in Tract 31, Unit 95, Golden Gate F:states. Public \'¡orks '\'iministriJtor/County r.n'Jinc~r Clifford Bñrksdale in- . , formed the Board that the casc~cnts in question ñre the North ?n Feet of the South 10 Foot Fi1sement, tognth~r with n hlsectlng ~n Font Easement running north through the center of the Sout.h Ins Feet of tho South 180 feet of the suhjer.t trncl".. ~~ttcrs of "no ohic~tion" have .:......, ,.'. been received from all of the utility companies with the stipulation that a 10 Foot lJtility F:asenent he rct¡dned on the South In Ft>ct of thF:' parcel, silid Mr. R,1rksðn}e, I...hich condition I...ould hI' f'1et. hec;¡use the rt'~1' ""'I .' ~. . L.·J ~-" -..; . ~'C 10.&1 ,,",0> O+'~ 0&1 ~1Ø0 ....\-<&/ ~lØk M~ ...t+,C .oC)1II ~1I2..c :§:J: M C 1Ø0 &/C)~ .c:a+' E-t 0 CI:::! .. :'8 o ø.... & Po &/IØ&/ :I:~k ..c IØ+'& .. M kC~ ~0'ö ~ tIO 10. ..-4CO ,,",..-4~ 0....& ~~k .-4...0 :II: Po""' .,...---'"~--~_... ",'. " . .......,..., -*~ ~. ~i'ly 10, lOf'l vùcation petition is only for th(> )\'ort.h 70 Feet. The petit'ion has heen reviewed i1dninistrAtively hy the Water M~ni1gement l\~visory Board, he continucrl, with no objection. The rnginecrin~ Depðrtment has reviewed the pctition ~nrl recommen~s ~eniAI of the vi1cation of the South 30 Foot Easement heCiluse it Is the north hnlf of il t':()' F.aser.H"nt I,¡hich runs east Ðnd west between the tracts ilncl provides the ri0ht-of-wny for the future construction of what would hecome Secon~ ~venue, N.W., providing ðccess to the tracts on both the north "nd south 5i~c of the future roadway, conc1urlcd Mr. f\i1rksdnle, expanding briefly on the information contidner] in the Executive ;,ur~mnry (latcd l\pril ]t;, l"Pl. There were no registererl speA~crs, whereupon Commissioner Wimer í.love(~, sccon~~r~r1 hy Coml1ission(~r r.ro"lI1 c'n(~ un¡,nlclOus1y cùrrieeJ, thi1t the pu~] ic heélrincJ ~e c10ser1, Commis:,ionr.r \'!imer 1'10v<:,,', seconJer1 hy C0l1ni~;r;¡on0r Brolm "n(] c:nriecì hy unc1nimolJ~ vote, th.lt Posolution "1-]:''', relc1tive to the petition for vaci1tlon of ~ert~in cnsements filed hy ~. ri1rrell l\ddison, be adopted pursunnt to the following sti1ff recommendations: l. ~prrove the vùCùtion of the bisecting r,o' Eilsement running north throu1h the c~nter of the South 105' of the South 1P.O' of TrAct '1, Unit. "5, Golden Gilte Estates. 7. Deny the petition for the vùcation of the North ~O' of the South 30' F.ascnent r~nnin9 throuqh the South 105' of the South Inn' of Tract 11, Unit 95, Golden Gate F.stõtes. BOOK 061 PAGE 589 . ". '.... ~ ,. 'I Pac p. II .;...-.......-- .. ." -" ---~,_._,. · ~'C ""'~~ O+'~ .....CJIII ...CO +',,",81 ~lØk M~ ort+'C .o1Ø1II ~1I2..c :§:J: M C 1Ø0 &/III~ ~:at 81~ .. :'8 iPo~ &/11241 :II:~k ..c 10.... S - H "'C~ f¡0'¿; ~ tIO 10. ortCO ""'~~ O~ a ~~k ~"'O ':C Pol,.., " ê\ Y ) C', )" "', PETITION V-Pl-SC, Rl\Cl)lJF.T CLun OF Nl\P!.F.S, RCC)lJF.STI~r, J\ FnONT YARD SF.TRACK Vl\RIl\NCF: FOil J\ SIGN - DF.NIF.D, PlInSUl\NT TO STl\Ff' RF.COMMENDJ\TION Legi1l notice h~ving been publi5h~ñ in the Ni'lple5 D~ily News on ~AY 1, InPl i15 cvi~enccd hy l\EEidJvit of puhlication file~ with the Clerk, publ ic hcarin1 was opened to consider petition V-Rl-SC, filed by the r\acquet CJuh of ~!,lples, Tnc., requestin1 A front yard setbilck vùriùnce of 1-1' for thc purpose of constructing " Eree-sti'lndin'] si'Jn within I foot of A front property line, on property 10cntcd along Costello Drive in North Ni1ples. It w~s noted by County M¿¡n~ger ~ornan thi1t there were no persons in nttcndi1nce re<]istered to Srcilk on the petition, "Ihereupon Commis- sioncr '~:imcr r:lOved, !;cconrJc(l hy Cor'lr.1issiún0.r P.rol-l!1 ,1ncl c,Jrrie(~ hy unanimous vot.e, th.-,t. the puh1ic hCi1rin'l h0 closed. Commissioner ".'imí?r 110\'or], sccon'~ed hy \'o!1I'1i!;sioner Drown i1nd C " r r i (> d by,) un c1 n i 110 1I S V 0 t 0, t h ,) t t h" S l(1 f r r e con m 0 n c1 .1 t ion for cI en i ù 1 of the petition, for tho rt'!clson:: set forth in t')p Fxcr.utivc SUr\mðry dntcd l\pril 11, l~~J, he accepted. nF.SOLUTION Rl-1~1 RE PETITION V-Pl-RC, WILLIl\~ VINCS, l\GENT, REQUESTING l\ Vl\rlIANCF: FR01\-' MINH'Ut-, LOT WIDT}I Rr.QlIIllF:D IN THF. "RS-2" ZONING DISTRICT FOR LOTS 2 J\ND 3, BLOCK L, O!Jl\IL CREF:K SUBDIVISION - l\DOPTED Lcgnl notice having ':>cen published in the NClples DClily News on May 3, 1981 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publici1tion riled with the Clerk, public hearing waS opened to consider petition V-RI-BC, filed by William R. Vines, Agent for the Qunil Creek Sub~ivision, requ~~tln~ f~ vflrinncc from the minimum lot \-liclth required in thf' "i¡~>í''' District on lots to h0 KnOIVl1 (,s Lots? ,'nc1 1 of Rloe!-: L, (\u~il Creek Suhrlivision. Zoning Dircctor Perry referred to the ~x~cutive Summary dated l\pril 73, 1901 t.o provide ~e!ti1i1s on the reAsons why the! petition is 'BOO~ 061 PACE591 page <; · ~'C ktl ""'0> O+,~ CJG.I ~IIICJ +,,,",41 ~lØk M~ ...t+,C .0111111 ~~.c :§:J: M C IØ 0 tI.,~ ..c:a+' E-t CJ tI~ .. :'8 o ø. 10. B 0. G.l1I241 X~k ..c IØ+'B - r-I "'C~ tlOI,.., ~tIO~ ..-4CCJ 4-4..-4~ o +' & ::;!ik ~"'O :II: Po""' ~.__._- eoo~' 061 PAGE 592 T r<\c)y 1 C), 19f1l being recommended for denic1l by the staff, i1mong them the fi1ct that the proposed eliminc,tion of the cul-de-sac, "Ihich Vias incllld",d in thc approverl Master plan, ,.'ill rcsult in non-complii1nce \-Jith the Zoning Regu~Ðtions which require ¿¡ minimu!"'l of l?n' \4ic1t:h of L"," ::'lhject lots when'- measured at the front yard setbéH:k. Since the subdivision (;d(. ,)(~ developed as originally approved, saic1 ~r. perry, the staff c10es not find that i1 substantial hardship exists. Mr. William Vines, Agent for the petitioner, further explained pertinent fi1cts regarding the pi1rcels, commenting that sMall refine- ments in the Master r1ùn incll1rJe the eliMincltion of the short c1ead-end street. He said th~t, as now planned, Lots? and J are very large, arc non - r e c tan 'J u l" r ins h:ì r C i1 n r1, nIt 11 0 U (J h the y f l1 i 1 to 1'1 e e t t h '" 1;,\ 0' m i n- imum lot width ¿¡t the huildinrJ sethr,ck I ine, the lot \drlth ilt I".hc point. \.¡here the hones \.¡i11 ilctu(,l!y he! hlJilt f"r exc:ee~!s the required I?O'. ~1r. Vines sùitl tni'lt there is no purpose in hlli1din'1 the short street since the c1riveway involver. \-Jill serve n hetter purpose, pointing out that building streets ,,;hich serve no purpose "docs not nakc a Jot of scnse". County MAnager ~orman observcd thAt thc situi1tion undcr discu~sion is one which the pertinent ordinance does not specifici111y address and one wherein the jur,gment of the BOArd cCln he i1pplie~. No persons having registered to comment on the petition, Com- missioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and cJrricd unanimously, that the public hearing he closed. Commissioncr Wime~ moved, sccon~cd hy Commissioner Wenzel, that Resolution ßl-l?l, pertaining to petition V-RI-PC, he adopted, granting the variance ~~que5ted. The motion cnrried hy unanimous vote. pa g e r; '-"""'[~;:~.""-~ .J..-.q.'.,.~._,-,..-.- f ~...... .. ~."...'. ., ..-;.. . ~ . " rI,.·' .~'.'" . ,:;.:)t~,:~<')· :'í~/: 'L', / "-~I --- - , . · ~'C ..." 4-40> O+'~ CJ&/ ~"CJ +'''"'&/ ~IØ'" M~ ort+,C .o1Ø&/ ~1Ø..c :§:a M C 1Ø0 &/.,~ .c::a.... fot CJ &/:3 .. ::''8 o Polo. & Po CllØ4I :11:..-410. ..c IØ+'& - r-I ,.;C~ "0..... ~tIO~ ortCCJ 4-4..-4~ 0.... & ::;~k ~kO :II: Po""' .._J_.....4,~~ r·~ ,1 Y 1 ('\, 1 f') r 1 PETJTTœJ V-Pl-~r., TlIP. DF.I.TON,II. r.nnpr)I1?\TT01\l, I1F:Qllr.STT""C. Vl\RIMJCF: FRO'" FnC;N'î Yl\110 SF:1'I1?\CI' RF:('UTnF:"'F.~T'j P" T!!r. "m1-'" !"TSTnICT TO PF:I1MIT CON- STr.\JCTIO'! OF l\ Gl\'1'r.-!l(1l!!';E - CI')11Tt"tlr.n. TO ~"Y ?(" 1 C)nl Le' òl notice h,win'J hl?en puhl ir;hcrl in the N"pìes Dilily News on May), l('\Ql an~ in thl?' ~arco Tslon~ fAg1e on Mòy 7, 1°~1 i1S evidenced hy l\ffirlòvits of Pub1icé1tion filed with the r.lerk, public heorlng \4(19 opened to consirler petition v-nl-oc, filcrl by The reltoné1 Corporation, re~ue5tin~ é1 vi1rii'lnce of ln' fro~ the front yðrd sethack requirements for the purpose of constructing n ~é1te-house i1t the entrance to the South Seils Club of r'~"rco Islëlnr1. 70ning oirector r~rry referred to the F:xecutivc SUMmary dated ^pril 77, 10~1, t01cther with sketches of the proposed building loca- tion, to expl¿¡in th" re,'c,OT\;, \.;hy t~1e retition is hr.in'l reconmended for r.eniðl. l! c S i'J i d t 11 " t' the s t ,1 r r h ,1 ~-; r L",' i e \·/0 r1 t. h e pro po S ,,1 i! n,] he 1 i eve 5 thilt the int~r~-;ection c~n he rf'\·lor(,l?cl so iJS to ,"\110\'1 for the pl¡¡c:c~cnt of the 'lAte-house to co~~ly with the required scthncks. ~'r. !!o\V¡¡rd Ostrout, r:irector of C:ommllnity rlilnning for The Dolton'! Corporiltion, pointed out thAt, although the firm no longer owns the property, they are Acting é15 i1~ents heci1use, é1S plé1nners, they caused the original problem. By meons of colorer] artist's sketches of the project, Mr. Ostrout emphasizec1 the necd for the variance in order to be ðble to control the intersection with i1n electrical gate and to foe i lit. ð t e t r é1 f f i c m 0 v e 1'1 e n t i1 rOll n d the 5 t rue t u r e . Th ere \10 u 1 d be no i~pi1ct on the residcnts in the other complexes bCCi1use the ~2vcl~~men~ is over 100' é1~Ii1Y fro~ the other condof'1inium hui'c~in'j:'; on the heach. Spenking in support of the vari~nce were ~r. James Callahan, President of the ;,outh SC>é1S P.òfit C:ondoninitlm - one of the four conc'lo- miniu~s involved - who stressec1 the nec~ for the plncement ûf the BOO~ 061 PAGE 595 PaC) e 7 ..n· ______ ..._..-.'___ " " . ~'C ...&/ HO> O+,~ CJCI ~IØCJ ~""'&/ r<4.k -4.-4 r<4 +' C QII&/ r<41Ø..c :§:J: -1 C .0 IIlIort :::a+' oj CJ .,~ .. :'8 :) '" 10. ;¡ Po II IØ 41 I: ort... ..c o +' B M ..C~ ~Ol,.., ~tIO~ i C CJ ~....~ )Ø B ~~ 10. i... 0 C Po""' _..._._-_...~...- -~ .. -.-"#" . &0'0:< 0 61 PACE 596 (>1r:>y l~, 19P1 gate-house in such a position th~t there could be fAce-to-(~cc con- frontation by the security personncl with str<1ngcrs ßrriving ðt the residences; and Pi1trick r.,. I1l1rley, rcpresonting the rer.idents of th~ South Seas ''''est ConclominiuM \~ho Urc:J0'Ì the I:'\;~rrl to fJu\nt the varié1nce so t,~élt the parkin') facilities vlQulc1 not hove to he mo", ' ,'.nr], <11,.0 for case anc1 safety of traffic Movement. A petition of support Wi1S presented signed hy residents of the South Seas \'!est Coni1omi ni l:é, t.;.c1 the South Seas East Conc1ominiuM. During the discussion which followed, it was pointei1 out hy Commissioner Wimer that, in his opinion, the problem will not he solved by i1 10' variance, with Commissioner ~enzel obscrvin<) that placing the <)é1te-house on the property line woul~ he a hetter solution. Mr. Ilarolc1 Sr1ith, representin'} the condominiur1 ,Jssociation of Sea Ereeze, Sea Breeze ~;ollth, anr] Sea f~re'~ze ',','st conplexes, loc"tcrJ in close proxinity to th~ South Seas cor.lpl",x, inforncd the 80<1rr] th,1t " lél\'lsuit is pending in Î.irc-:uit CQurt ',.¡})ich could hi\vC' i'1n imp,lct on the matter under discussion. He si'1ic1 that the sur¡<Jcstion for pli1cinCJ t",he gat e - h 0 use 0 nth e pro per t y 1 i n e \>'0 \ 11 ~, j n (' f fee t, c 1 0 s e 0 f f the be,v-: h access which is what is involved in the suhject liti<J<1tion. He askei1 that the Aonrd use caution in m<1king its detcrmination since there are some property rights being cletcrminerl on the pi1rticulnr property. There vias additional brief i'iscIJssion follovlin<) .....hich C:onmissioner ¡"'imer moved, seconded hy C0r.1mission0r "':enzel, th,lt, th(' he.1ring he con- tinued until the meeting of Mðy ;:>(., 19?1 in order to deterMine if ,1 better design than what is being proposed can be developed. Public Works ^dministrator/County pngincer Rnrksr.alc asked thi1t P"(1'" ., }'- ,,~_....-,....._.~....--.. ,,' " ..,':' ~, ,: \ '~',' .~ .. .4-! ",:' .;.;- -,;.!.' " " ,<~~,.}:.:::>; /. r' '- ....." '; .~~' :'" " \. ~ ....- " ¡. C2J ~'C ..." ,,",0> 0+'..-4 CJ&/ ~IDCJ +,""'111 .-IIØ'" M..-4 ort+,C .o1Ø" ~1Ø..c :§:J: M C 1Ø0 &/III~ ..c:a+' E-4 CJ CI~ .. :'8 o Polo. 8 Po _" IØ " :a;..-4k IØ ~ B _ M ";C..-4 !l0~ ~ tIO 10. ortCCJ ,,",..-4~ o +' B ~;1k ~...O :II: Po,,", ..~~" "'¡ '; k,-I"r~- the petitioners he requested to hrine¡ in i'! plan \~ith survey lines and dlÍ1cnsjons r"ther thi1n sk'(>tr::h~5. ~hen ~sKe~ if the BOArrl's Action wns i1~r('eah1e to thp. various spokesmen, thorp was an expression of concurrence forthcoming. Upon c,1l1 for t~e C ue!stion, the motion carrier! by un( nimous vote. PETITIO:-J F['_ol-o(:, ',·:II¡;;Pr.RP~í, PT~'r.~;, HIC., nr.0\Jr.STTNG FINAL PLAT A r rnO\fl\ L fOn I t., r~~ R ; "r. GO LF' r.S T ", TF: ~, PI!" S r "\ - ,,['PI< ('IV" L CRr, NTED, \-11 TH STIPULl\TIONS Commissioncr Winer moved th"t p0tition F'P-ol-gC, filed hy \'lhispering Pines, Inc., rec¡uostin'J Fin,'l PLlt Approval for Imperial Golf F:stntes, Ph"~e 3, he i1prrovc~ pursuêtnt 1".0 the following staff recommcnc1"tion "nd stipulotion, i'lS set forth in the Executive Summary .~ .:1 t e rl ~, a y 7, ]" r> 1 : The r.n'Jincerin1 ;-i"'![lc1rtr;11'nr, r(,cO!1!'lCn'~S th" ¡¡cc.:C'pt"ncc of the Const.rllction Drn\J!n'ls ;In:1 FirHl rl"t of T:~rcri¡J1 Golf r.states Phðse "\ Hith t1l(, sti!1ul'-ILion~; th..,t the Final rl<1t not he r("corriN] IInt-il U,,, rr:~r tlir"" i:"'í'r')\!c~cn~s h"ve hec:1 constn:ctc:-! i1n(l ,'cc"pte'l, 'lnc1 a security provirlcr! to the County in the amount of ~lnr,nrn.nn to ~over the 1n~ one-yei'lr mi1intenance security. The motion was seconded hy Commissioner ßrOHn ann cClrrier! ~/n with Commissioner Kruse not present \·¡hen the vote was taken. PETITION FP-ol-9C, POh'F:R COllPOn1\.TION, 1lf.0UF:STTNG FT.NAL PL"T l\PPROVAL FOn KINGS L"KF: UNIT 3 - l\ppnOVl\L GnANT~D, WITH STIPULATIONS Commissioncr Wimcr movcd that pctition FP-Rl-~C, filed by the Power Corporat.ion, requesting Pinùl Plat .,pproval for Kin!)s Lake Unit 3, locatc~ on Davis Doulcvard <lpproximately one mile east of Airport ROi1~, purstli1nt to the following recommendi1ti~n and stip~la~io" of st¡¡ff, as set forth in the F:xecutive ;,u:~~,'ry ~¡ltl:d ~'ay 7, 19P1: BOOK 061 PAGE 597 rag e () ~I '~", ~'{~ ,'~yt;::~: , ".::'¡ ,:,:, ' . ";' ,i, ,~~, . ~'C ...11 ,,",0> O+'~ CJII ~IDO +'....11 .-IlØk Mort ort+'C .o1Ø&/ ~1I'I..c :§:a M ~ 1Ø0 Ú"..-4 ~:at &/~ .. :'8 o Polo. B 0. lllØ4I X~k IØ:5B - M "'C~ 1101,.., ~tIO~ ortCCJ 4-4....~ O+'B ~;; 10. ~...O :II: Po""' ~OOK 061 PAGE 598 Mc1Y 1<', 1<:''11 The En<]inccring Dep,1rtmcnt. rccoml'1ends the i'\ççepti1nc{' of the Construction rri1\.¡ings "nò final Plélt f.or !<inrJ5 L.1kc 11nit 3 with the stipuléltion thc1t the Final rlnt not be rccorc1e~ until the rcquired ir.1prov~mcnts hi'\ve hccn r,or.:::·;'I::-:'''r1 i'\nrl iJccC'ptcri, or until approvcd security is rcccivNI ,'nd ,ippru..' . The motion was seconded by Com~issioner Rrown ~nd ci1rried ~/n with ;.~~ ,I' COr.1missioner Kruse not present élt the timc of the vote. - , . ' RESOLUTION Rl-l7.? IU: PF.T!"ION SNI1-"}-I!C, ',';rLLI^~' C;l\r-F., nCPI1f.Sf.NTf.D BY MICHAEL CRANE, REQU2STING TI!F: STI1EF.T N^,~r. OF "C;l\GF. L^~'F:" TN LF:LY --ESTATES SUBDIVISION - ADOPTr.O Pursuant to staff rccommendation conntaincc1 !n the F.xecutive Summ~ry di'lted May 5, l0Rl, Comr.1issioner ~imcr movcd, secondcri by Com- missioner Brown and un<1nimously ciJrrien, that Resolution Pl-l??, with regard to petition [iNn-O}-I!C, filed by \·iillj"m <.nCJc, r<,presentcrJ hy t>'.ichael Crane, confirl1ing the street nam0. of \'¿lfJC L,"\ne, ]OC Iter. in Section 70, To":n~~hi[1 r;r ~ollth, ni1n1C ')r f",'st, r,cly F.st."tcs Suh- division, bc adoptcd. , . 1','0 (, .1 ('0 .~.::þ.". ',~.;.:.';'... _£tt:'J~{, 't'; ....:;.¡~}..J':P~iIf;.. ~~,-T'~'ff,f.T,¡n.,.,....,.!~...,,":,,·""·"""""'''''''''-·''-'''''··'- ......-- _0 ..1,;;;~~(~:...';.·~-·.~J~"''' ,.,..,;...,r~~:"~ ... . .'.' ';f.3:..~'I. t~ fi":I"'~~ ?:bf:~~,-~/.:~:,:..· ,:. ;~I1"'··'·~I."~m~'~"~J~tfi.1}.:7\-/.>·. ,"fa! ~F~ _"I'~f~_..-".t.',~t;'-"'t.l.'''''' _ ' }'::'::'cI";:,;;;.' <f;,~r., 'ifj 'Jf.~4;;¡,;' ··.' \ '. ,.' '. ,..... .. ~"'A"'~'~' .:-':\~' 1'~,";1I '~.~,h-*.~~ 0;',' '" ....' . ~'?frf"~' \.\-..~~~t¡.",.".. .. ,,,-. :~t-'~'¡"£::·~'f:~;;.)1 '.' T ~'.:~W,;('·:: " !~:. , r----; ~ ~ . , ~'C kGl ,,",0> O....~ '.,~ ~ ....'MIII ~.k Mort ·ort.... C .oIØGI ortlØ..c :§:J: M C IØ 0 ÚCJ~ ~:at &/~ .. :'8 o Po 10. & Po &/IØ'" :Z:.-Ik ..c IØ.... & - ,..¡ ,.;C~ . '" 01,.., ~~~ ort CJ 4-4 ~ 0.... & ~ !:i ... .-1...0 :II: Po'M ........', -~..... .........- 'oo~ 061 PACE 6'02 ~1a y 1 n, I 0 q ] THInD YEA!1 ,\PPOINTMEN1' Of COr,'MUr-IITY nr.Vr.LOp"·r·;r,IT BLOCK Gn^"JT PROr,Pl\'1 CITIZENS l\lWISO[{Y CO~ilo\ITTF.F. - CONFImlF.r r-r:n "rrHTIO:,:l\L o'Ir.-Y~:l\n TP'PM:;, 11.5 FOLLOWS: MESSRS. LF.F., FREEMl\N, COLEMl\N, SIMrKINS, rnICF., VInTA, HEV. 1I.LLF.N, l\ND ~Ins. IIEnRO"1 In accord,1nce to thf'! reco;'lnend,'tion conto inen in the Executiv') SUmmDry d<1ted ~'ay S, l()"l, Commissioner h'iner moven, ~econdcd hy Comm'lssioner Bro\-'n ¡¡nd unðnimously carried, that the following memhcrs of the Community Development ß]ock Gumt rro<Jram Citizcns .I\c1visory __Committee be reapPointed to adc1itioni11 one-year terms: Target rlreñ: l\ 1 be r t Le e Rcvcrend 110Wi'\rrl l\llen Mrs. Rosa L. fl,}rron Conmunity-at-Large rrnest freeman Rohert Colemòn, 1r. Minority Group .l\lonzo Sinpkins Pusiness Community I"~ ill i i1 D r r i c r County Official Terry 1Iirt,' l\PPf.l\1. OF I,SR','TT Gf:n<;n:~'SI.".GFn 0F rFt>!TI'T. 0F r:r:nTrr-TC:"'T'F: ('IF r.O"1rp.'T'r.~'~':' C.I\nD.I\S ELrCTnrCl\L CO'\!T'ìI\CTOn I~Y r:O"'T'IH\CTnn'c; r.rCP'ST\'(~ nnl\nr - Cn.l\~I1'r.n Chairman ristor, havin0 ilscerta{ned ~h-'1t the ncither the Appellant nor his represcntative Here present, directcd th",t the iteM be postponed penning their nrrival. L<1ter in the Session, .l\ttorney ,James ncsky, representing Kprmit Gerstenslager, spoke on heh¡¡lf of ~r. Gerstenslager's aPPci1l of denial of reinstatement of Certificate of Conpctency Card as an Electrical Contractor, denial hc,vir.<'] becn mõde by the Contractor's Licensing Board. ^ttorney Siesky enumerated his client's experience in the electrical contractin<'] ,fielrl, his service <1S () memher of the ~oard of Directors for the ~òtional r.lectricòl Contròctors' .l\5soclAtion Ðnd on P.1<J C 1 J "~~_""""'''__'''4._'''_._'''''_''' ..__ ; ',!~./ ,...... .¡i~:S¿!;,,;·(~, ',,-.J .0,. '.. j'. #.~ 1 !"'. t·: ....: ~ . .'., ~^ J \':", ". \ J': . ~'C ...tI 4-40> O+'~ CJCI ~IØO +',,",GI ~IØ'" M..-4 ort~C .0111&/ ~1I2..c :§:a M C IØ 0 tllII~ ~:at CI~ .. :'8 iPo~ tllØ4I :II:~k ..c IØ+'S - I"'i kC~ tlOI,.., & 0 M tIO 10. ..-4CO ""'~~ 0.... B ~ oS J" ~kO :II: Po""' ','.' Y 1 '), 1 () () ) ~"'" ~ :; ----- ... I I , f ~ I i ¡ n;lny of their comMittees, Inr.lwlin'l thl' C:O(1C C:o:"'.mlttee. '·'r. . Gcrstenslngcr h~~ ~0intainc~ nn Ocsupntions1 Llcenso in roIlicr County sin C c 1 9 (, (], con tin IJ c d ~'r. S i (! sky, " n;' h ,1 :. ~; t E1 trJ no tJ I ~; t r ,1 t ion iJ s ð n F.lcctrici1l Contrc1ctr:>r In thr> St.,u.. o( F"CHlrl" fiincr 1""7]. To cxplnin his client's f¡lÍ!ure to reneI-I his Competency CcrtificE1te, ~ttorney ~10::;~Y ::;~i~ th~t ~r. ~~rstf'ns'n~C'r sccurc~ hlG CertificAte froM the County in 10"7<; lIn(l, I~h~n hf" rencmhcrrcl th;:lt it ';;.1 S ~1O u ! ~ her en ell e (1, h r> ( 0 II n d t h é1 t t I-¡ c ] ¡. I" h i' r1 c h ð n CJ (' ,1 i1 n r1 t h ,1 tit !; h 0 U 1 ð hAve brcn renewed cnrlier. ~r. Sics~y PMph~slzed the fnet thi1t his c] i en t too k the i nit I :, t i v (' tor ,. n e 'rl hi::; 1 i c f' n s (', ,1,1 cl i n'l t h c po i n t t h [) t the previous ordin'n~" is son~wh-'1t dirfrrrnt thnn the current onc in t hi' tit p! nee cJ t!:" h u r " (' I' 0 ( r en C';, ~)(: r i n'J tor (: n e 1-1 i ton t II C con t r ù c tor. Th " t h " she c n ç 0 r r ~ r. t I' '.1 ! n (' r ,1 i n.1 n ç f' "7 " - n :', h c s " i d, c1 w' cur r c n t 1 Y a] 1 contri1r.tor~, j n thc ;'JIJr1ty ;1[" i nfor"",.' of th~ t in" for renCl-I(1). Co:nmisslonr>r ,"ir:1C'r movc,r1, sr>con(ioc1 hy Comr1issioncr Rrown, th,"\t, hilsed on the (l"tn pro,,!,1r'1, r.hl: ,'pre,,' rl1E'.1 hy ~r. Gcrstcnslil']er he ']ri1ntcc1 ùn8 th0 Com(1ctcncy Clrr] hcinq requested he issued. Th c mot ion w~s carried hy unnnir:1ous vote. "'~r. ','illiðm She"rston, F.xccutive Sccr0tary of the ContrDctors' ^ssocintion of Collier C:ounty, commented thnt, perhAps, a bad precedent has heen set. . . C.7I.NCFLIJ\TIO)-! OF Ml\Y ?r;, l<:)f'I! PIIP.r.rC m,^RHIG ON P.M';T N^PLI:S FIRE HYDRl\NT H;P1l0Vr.~q:;N'ì" DISTrTCT - ,7I.PPR:ìVr.D; TO F\F: np.SCIIp.DIJLF.T1 "'.7 UITF:R DI'.'T'E " I'ursui:nt to the r~'i1son:, set forth in the F:x<?clIt'ivc Summary r.atec'l ~'<JY lit, 19r>], COr:1missionp.r '.·-'on?e] mov('(~, scconr1M1 b'( '":on;.,:"ciw"'; "':-"'r .;tnr1 IIn,'.ninously c,'rri'!", thi'lt the pLl~lic hr:éHim¡ t.o eonsirlcr the cre,'tion of the rnst ~:i'lplcs Fire lIyrJrnnt Tf11prnvcmcnt District, BOOK 061 PAGE 603 ..,. , . , I, pë1C'Je 17 ... '" .. ..... '. !,\~ :;...:~;/',"'! l' ';···~·I.;:' . ,1·"fM· _ r' "~'" . .:!"'t.~.- ....r....e.; , .. . , , --: '....... , . ------...-.-- - &OO~ 061 PACE 604 ~1ay 19, 19~1 scheduled to he hearri ~\c1y ?.;, l<)Pl, he c<1nr.elled i1nc1 thélt the sté1ff he authorized to reschedule the hearln'1 I'c:- :. ~,~~',ê.':- r'¡'t", BOARD APPROVES STfo,Fr REQUEST FOr- J11l0POSM, TO I:~pn()VF. Tf.LP18TRY CAPABILITY OF THP. COUNTY M'l3tJLANCr: Sf.RVrc:p, rUnSlJÌI~T TO np.C()~'h\F.:--'D^T1()N ~As recommended hy sti1ff in the r.xecutlve Summi1ry datec1 May l5, . ~'C ...., 40> ) +' .-4 CJ&/ ~ III CJ » ""' &/ t . ... tort t +' C .CI&/ t 1Ø..c ~ § :a 4. § IIII~ : :a +' CJ CI~ .:'8 IPok I ø. I IØ ., :.-4 J.I I~ B M I C~ , 01,.., ¡ 0 ItIOk I C CJ ori ~ ,+' B 'oS 10. '10.0 Po""' 1981, Commissioner '..!imer movec1, seconc'1ed hy Commissioner Bro\O':ì ¿Inri __unanimously carried, that the staff proposal for trade-in and Dcqui- sition of new and improven telemetry equipment for the purpose of improving the telemetry capahility of the Collier County ^mhulance Service, be approvec'1, pursuant to the details set forth in the referenced summary. STl\FF l\UTHORIZF:fì TO Slml·~JT PID ~:PFCJFJC'·T1nNS TO '!r.:·'DORS rOR PlJRC"l\SF: 01-' '[1."'0 TYPE III :.~()CULI\H MmULl\r,¡CF:S 1\:--11' ():\E SUPEllVISCn'~j VI~¡¡ICLF., PUR- SUl\NT TO R[CO~MEND^'rION Conmissionf?r \'.'imer mov0.d, s(~con,~('>d by C:ommissionC'r \·'rnzel é1nc1 c<lrried by unanimous vote, th,lt the 5t,1ff rccornrnenrìi'ltion contained in the Executive Summary naten ~i1Y l~, l0Pl he! arprove~ authorizing the Purchasinq Dcpartnent to submit hir. !'pp.cifici'ltions to v('nrlors tOI'/i1r'!s the purchase of two fully-equipped Type III Modular fomhulances, i'lnd one fully-equippec1 Supervisor's vehicle. Mr. Mike Zewalk requested more information relative to the two E~S items which the Board hi1s Actec1 upon ~ue to thc fact thi'lt the iteMs were added to thc agenda without previous notice i1n~ involve the expenditure of public [un~5. puhlic f=afety l\~r:1ini5tr0tor IIAfn0.r ex- plained that the first item is for i1n improved methoc1 of telemetry equipment so that the ¿ounty can havc i1 hettcr system, i1nc1 the othcr item is for replacing two junked ambuli'lnces wit.h two new vehicles and P0g<:' 1" . .t~;:,:~1~":·.,:.:~ 'I~'~ .:I~.:~ ---.,~-- - ~.;,.I ;... 4-r .. ..... . ~~;;;i~;;>· . . ~j .. . .'~'-'" .," ,.~::-~.~"'..X '. .J~" :-.0:-''1\ :.---.--.... --" . ~'C 10.&/ ,,",0> O+'~ CJIII ~tDO +,,,",41 ~~k M~ ort....C .otD&/ ~1II..c :§:a M C IØ 0 ÚIII~ ~:a~ &/~ .. :'8 o Polo. B 0. ClIØIII :II:~,", 112 f; B - ...-t "'C~ . II 0 I,.., ~tIO~ ortCo ,,",.r-4~ o +' S ~;¡ 10. ..-4...0 :II: Pol,.., '........~....._..... -., . '. . .-.. &OOK 061. PAGE 612 1".1 Y 1 9, 1 0 ø, 1 ~MERGr.NCY REPl\IRS AT Vl\RIOUS COUNTY T~~NIS COURTS l\~D ßALLFIE!.DS - I\PPROVED IN TflF: M'CUNT Of ~P,ll!'l; .".PPR0.PIlTl\TF: P.U[')(;F:T !lMF:,I¡;','~:~1T TO !iF: PREPARED Commissioner \','[mer moverl, !;f~("'01,:.·_': ''', '::" ....... ... carried ~/l with Commissioner ~enzel voting in opposition, that the recommendi!tion of the pùrks ùncl n"crr.?ùtion repiHtment [or emcr<Jcncy " repairs at various County tennis courts and hnll[ields located throughout th,) County, as òetnilerJ in the F:xectltive Summ,1r'j c~.:-,'.:,..,.1 ro-l:IY 7, 1981, be approved, including funding in the amount of $R,11B, i'lnd that an appropriùtc hudgct amenrlmcnt he prepared by the Fiscal Officer. STAfF RF:COMM8NDATION FOn rISPOSITInM OF SURPLUS rnOrr.RTY - ^PPROVF:D Commissioner Wimer moved, se~onclc~ hy Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, that the staff recommcndation for disposition of surplus propcrty hy the rurch,1Sinr] rcp,1rtnent be npproverl, rursué1nt to detiJils set forth in the Exer::utivc SUr.H'1èHY d,1terJ ~",lY 11, IQP1. UTILITY !·:ASr."'I[¡'TS (?) L('CATED ':'TT!!H' TI1r. 1I/I.'·1PT('I~S rRn,TECT, Iq;-:r.S [,/lYF. UNIT 1, liLCCK D - l\,r.C:EPTf.n FOR nf.COllDl\TIm' CIl'~f)ITI01-!"L ITPON [)C:CU¡,'F.·,ITS OEH1G PI10PF:I1LY r.:<rXUTI-:O utilities ,"'"n"gcr Irvin') [~crzcn rer.OlTlmender! that the no,'rn acccpt iJnrJ aut¡'orize the recorrlùtion of tHO Utility r."scments 10ci1ted ,,¡fthin The Hamptons Project, Kings Lake Unit One, Rlock n, for the reasons sct forth in thc EX'2clJtive ~l1mmcl[Y dateri ~'ê1Y 5, l0n]. Therc bcing no qlJcstions perti1ining to the mi1ttcr, COMmissioner Wimer lTIovcd, s~conrled hy ComMissioner nrown i1nd carrieri unanimously, th~t the recommcndation he ê1pprove~, con~itionnl upon proper execution of the documents. 1"'']0 J<; ~''''_~~'''''''''''''.--,.''''-''..'-- . :~11.{'.;··:"·~ " . -~~¡:.,t~,,,:.., . .;~n,~t ~~ :t.':,i/i ~'o':..,_, ,,' ," . '''''. ~ . " ~ ,~-. ~ _... ._~ '.....:~.i . , - · ~'C 10.41 ,,",0> o+'~ CJ&/ ~IOO ....1,..,&/ ~lØk M~ ort+,C .olØ4I ~1II..c :§:J: M C 1Ø0 &/III~ ~:at CI~ .. :'8 o Polo. B 0. 4I1Ø4I :11:.-410. ..c IØ.... S .. ~ ,.;C~ 1101,.., ~tIO~ ortcCJ 4-4..-4~ 0., B ~.s... ~...O :II: Po""' r"t'y ]0, 1°°1 .~..c t.. *",·"""~HI''''''w'''''''''''''''J UTILITIF.S "'l\~1l\CF.11 p.F.~F.''''S 11F:0t1EST F'011 OBSP.I1VI\TIO'1 OF' l\LTr.R~!l\TF:-D",{ L1I.NN SrI1HI<~LI',G, pllF.F'r.n,",BLY I'F.T\·'r.F.-': DtlSK TO nl\"I~ !tollns Utilities ~AnA1er Bcrzon reitorated his previous re~uest that the public he ns~e~ to ohGervc i11trrni1te-~ay Inwn sprinkling, preferably bct...,een the dusk to déll'/!1 hours, Mldin'J the comment thi1t some benefit is I)cing derivecl from the volllntf'!cr he,n. 110 sl1id th,1t thc wðter sUPf,ly is nOh' éldequAtc; however, therc is no C)uilri1nt<:e thAt there Hill be no future problem. RrSOLUTIO'1 ~l-l?~ lJ1lGI ~C: M,L ME','r.¡'~RS ('IF Tt1F: ST1,Tr. DF.Lr.r,I\TION TO VOTF. FOn SEN^TE .JOINT nF.SOLUTrO~ p~r" ^~n FOR SF:Nl\Tr. nILLS n~r, I\ND P.~7 - ld)()PTED Commissioner ',,'if'1cr r.lOved, s0.condc'1 by r.o"1mis:.ion0.r Brown anrl uni1nimously ciJrr\e,~, the1t T1f~~;oll1tion n1-1?'\, uUJin'l thr Stnte r'elcC)Ation to votl' for ;,,,n,,t0 ,Joint n"',01ution 011<;, i1nd for Sen,"\te nills nt,r, (Jnd 11117, lV' ,l(~opt~d, ,,!; r':cor.n('n(lcr1 hy :.tiJff in the Executive SU['1m"ry ,1.1 tOil ~'ilY 1'. 10'11. " BOOK 061 mE 61.3 pa<Je 1" ..._...__...._·10· .___._ . ~'C 10.11 ,,",0> O+'~ CJIII ~IIIO ....1,..,11 ~lØk M~ ort+,C .oIØII .-41Q..c :§:J: M C 1Ø0 &/III~ ~:at II~ . tIO'8 "IØ o Po 10. B 0. 1l1Ø4I ;:I:~k ..c IQ+'S - M ...C~ 1I0fo.o ~tIO~ ortCO 4-4....~ 0..., S t;~k ~ 10. 0 :II: Pofo.o " I. . " ._4- ~.,.,_......".~ " e' y 1 0, 1 00 1. H8UTTNE r.ILLS - l\PPf1Cwr.r FOR P.I\Y"'P.!JT Conr.¡is~ioncr ',''ir.H~r !'loved, secon:led by Comr.1issioner Arown and carried ~/n with Comr.1issioncr ~ruse not present, thDt the hills be i1pprov~c1 for PilY''10.nt "s \.Ji tncssf" !)y the following çhecks issued from ~iJY 1:1, lorl throu'Jh t,I"y 1",1':'°1: I\CC:O'.JWì CItF:CK ~~OS. County Check" f'?11 - ßSll CrTI\ P,'yroll Fro.l - 70?5 BUDGET l\tH~:--Jf)~'r."JT ~1-1(]¡\ Tn,l\Yf-rr.nnH!r. 'Fln'DS TO rnO'frr.r. FOR O:--JE-HALF TilE COST OF Tlmrr: CF:TI'. ('nrHH·CTIO~:I'!. oFrrCF:ll poS I'rIm!S Tf1M!SFF:nnF.O TO SHp.nrFF'S r.r.rl',nTr~F.Wi' Pf,YI<0LL - 1\!"1()p'n~[) T!~ "['IIF. M'()\ ;-l1' or $~,~C\<'1 Comr1Ìssioncr '::iner mov0.~, scçonr1N! hy CO¡'1missioncr Rrown and c,'rricd I\ln Yiith C:oI'l1'1i;,~;ioncr Frus" not present, thi1t RU(~<Jet Amendment rl-1r.~, tr"ns(errin'J furv:s to provi(~e for one-r."lf of the cost of three CF.Tl\ Correctioni11 Officer positions tr~nsrerred to the Sheriff's Dcpnrtmcnt pDyroll, he i1~ort~~ in the iJmount of ~n,~01\. BOO~ 001 PACE 615 Page 17 .... It,·;,~,,"""'~"'·~:*'· ,. ..~~J"." ,;> ':~ ;._.~:. .',~,,:,.þ~,.~~~:?:k . ",<1(t,·.o:' . '¡.f.,...~-. ,. . :)~.' .·,··.;·..;....~i./~''"_ ;"'0 10.41 ,,",0> o....~ U41 ;".,0 ....I,..,CI/ ~Vlk ~~ ~....C ,celli ortVl..c :§:J: M C IØ 0 lIe~ .c::a+' E-t 0 CII~ .. :'8 o 0. 10. S 0. 4I1Ø4I X~k ..c VI....e - ~ kC~ 110.... ~tIO~ ortCCJ ""'~~ o +' B ... C CJ~k ~kO :II: Po""' ........._.........¡.~ ~.,,' y ]", 1 C''', íï'::>!T^TIVF. FISC,'.L POLICY F0n FI~CJlL YF:tln ]'1f11-?? - r,nOrTF:o Co~mission0r ~incr MOVC~, s0conr1D~ hy Com~is5ion~r Brown i1nd ci1rricc1 t./n "lÍt.h C()r'1mi~;siO:1er VrllS0 not presf'nt, thilt th8 P.OiHe! of County Cor.1T1issionr~rs, Co11i"r r.01Int'l, F1ori,lc") T0.ntê1tivc Fiscnl Policy for risc,,1 YCilr ]OP1-P7, he ¡,rlO 1~r.", i1;, presentNl hy the Fiscùl Off i cer . In response t.o '·'r. ''Ï k(~ Zr'h:J] k ,;: <;lJery i1S t.O whc'::h(!r or not the Budget Philosophy is up or r1olm, Fisc,,1 Officcr Hc")rol'l 11.111 was re- q I J Cst. c'~ top r 0 v i r1 (' h i n \.: i t h .... ('0 p y . \:r. 1!i11' inforn('(l ~\r. 7~w.'Ilk th~t m"tc~rj"l rcrJiH(!inl the Sl1!)l"r.t·, ,'s 1'1('1' "õ, [}f'rtê'oÍnin') to Any i1ction till:('n hy the )(),'rc1, i~; ,'\'"i]..'\11" for r("/i(~"1 in t.h,., Po¡¡rr] Pecorr]s ,'nd th,'t copies C'11ì he m"r~'! IIp')r rrC!110;,t. cntlì.ITY ~'r"V\r:Fn p,'("[f\!IC1'¡~I' 'Î(' \1¡:'!'\TT!'.'ïF II, Cnr"ïí1~.(·'í' '.';11'11 rn0FF:SSOn S¡::L','¡Y'" ,1. Rr:IN 1\':> EI'¡VJf1m::"¡':I~í'l\L r.(W';II['Tl·':T".~'r TO n^vr: liP,' "[):J IH),l\n[)" \'!IIEN TilE 1~1ì/'lllC f1¡·:CO:"VSh!r.S I'.' 1!JLY, Tr r0(;(;~nLr. Cotlnty ~1"na']er ~'orm"n rcfC'rr!:d to his rwmorc1nr'un to t.he Board rl~t.0~ Mny ln, 10"1 rcrt~ininl to t.h~ rerl~c0~cnt for Environmental Consult¿¡nt Dr. .ìi1Y I'é1rr:dc, notin'l thAt the m,'ttcr hiJS been scheduled on p~cké1ge for thAt di)t~. the ê1 '] (> n rl n 0 f \1 " Y 7 -;, J (\ ~ ] I'!; t h h ê1 C k 1I r m ¿¡ t. c r i <11 n v <I i 1 i) h 1 c i nth e age n d a Mr. ~orrn~n s¡¡i~ I".h~t. he êtnrl Community ~cvclormQnt JI~~iniDtrùtor virti1 have been i1ctivcly seekin'] out, intcrviewing i)nd developing interest in ci1n(li~!,'tr~s for th~ slI!,-jcct position. ~'r. Nornan said it is their recolT1mcnr1"tion t.h¡¡t the position he MiH~e.:J permanent po 5 i t i () n r i1 t ~1" r t.1) ,\ n t. h n t. 0 f r. () 11 sui t..c, n t . 11(' ",..j" ,:,',~t- he> V:êJ.~ not sU'Jlest in'] thAt th" RO(Îr~' helS 0.ncour¡¡rJpn this i1rproi1ch but it is felt t.h,1t the> tirlC hê1~; cone> to 1'1"};,, ;,lIr:h (l(>('j ~;ion ,1n(1 ,'sl;"c1 for EOi1rd BGJK 061 P^GE 617 Page 1 P. .. - . - . ..- -, .. .._...'...--,.... -'" .. . . - " . ' , ..JI n" :\,~~....";-', , . .:ft·~_~......'J.~"'r..:\~'..·... ,,'; ,.;,,:../\'¡~.:.:;:',:¡,~:~ ~. . ". '.~,.....·;.f·.:,hì:..~·,"·P~,.\· , »'0 10.41 \.40> o....~ 0111 »ltItI +,1,..,41 ~lIIk M~ ......,C ,oIOCIJ ~1II.c :§;J: M C IØ 0 "IO~ ~:at III~ .. ~'8 o 0. ~ B 0. 4IIØCIJ X~~ ..c IØ.... E - r-1 ...C..-I &/01,.., ~ti)~ ortCo \.4~~ o +' E 10. C o~~ ~kO :II: 0.1,.., .,..... ,,,;,....,.,. .... . II ~~______.__....,Ih..... _._.~ . ." ~Q~K 061 PÀ~E 618 t-li1Y 1~, lnol direction 215 to 1101'1 they r:hoose to r'~pl,~c!~ Pr. I:l1r:,lc. Commissioner !(rusp. noted t:he,t she (!sk(~(! th;)t the "1'1tter he "considered this cJ."\te rathpr th¿HI ~h.~ f,.,llol·:in'"J I-:e",k h0C'1l1Se she i:; becoming increasinqly'concC'rnen hy t.he L1Cl: or N~ . ;.; O:\I:'!~'i L,,", J )',.,1'1 j ~.;or on t~~ County staff. Concerning the c,'ndlc1i1tes, the C:omr'1issioner sug- gested that she hi1s confidence in the cnn~i~~tc selection process which has been undertaken hy the stnff Ancl, thcreforc, is bnsln1 her judgment on the two cenc1iòi1tes [or "Ihich bacl:'1round iJ1forr:1ation h.,s hecn furnished to the Board memhers, toqethcr with th~ir recommen~ation. Commissioner Kruse moved th~t the rount.y ~i1ni1'1er he instruct.cd to ncgotiate a contract with Professor SeJwyn J. rein and to 1ct him "on board" as soon i1S possible, prefer,1!Jly bcfor(' t11(' Po,'rd rf'convenes in .ìul y. C(')ml11i[.;~i0n0r PrQh'n ~0,:-:');'...1,:,r1 t'~': ~~~:~n. C h ¿JÌ r m ,1 n pi f; tor s ill ~~ t h" t 11 (', ¡J (: r :"i ') n" 1 1 y, i s not. i n f è\ V 0 r 0 f t h (' con t r act i c1 e a .,n d t h.1 the I-II) l1l r1 1 i k..~ t 0 h 11 V (' t ~H' M,~ t t"" e r h " n r! 1 e r1 () nth e most economlci1] basis possihlc, 1'.'~1cr'~l1ron ~~c C'111 f"~ for ;~ \fate on th", question. The motion c"rrlc(! ~/') l-lit\1 C:onr,;;,sionr'rs \'.'cn7.e1 ,'n" ristor voting in opposition. TER."1INOLnGY rF.nT^P1T~IC; TO r.t'-·r:f)lIr1!',Î:r.~(.F~'T (;F "(,!)T~,Tf1¡'; cn"'7T:,\CTTNG" - DELETED fRmi BOARD BUDGET PII I L();,()PHY In furtherance of the subject jl1~,t r.onc1LJr>"~,, rOr.1:"1issloner 1·'ir.1cr state~ the opinion th~t he still fi'lvors outsine contr~ctin~1 noting that it is íncluclecl in the P.oi1rd's Ol.¡n huèCJct. philosorhy, \~ith Commissioner Wenzel commenting thi1t 11e! is MJ.:1inst cont.Plcts vnrl will ";,":'never vote for vny more. COMmissioner Wimer noven thêtt the pertinent portion of the hudget philosophy he r]clcted - with the sti1temcnt thðt "I don't like to say one thing ~nè ~o ~nother". . I Chi'l i rmi'n ri ë.tor P"'ìe ]n _......._... .. r·_.~· ---ì ,.....-....'._.~.~ ._...'0___...'.'-.... . »'0 10.111 \-40> o....~ CJIII ».,0 ....1,..,111 ~lØk M~ ~+'C .0.,41 ~1Ø..c :§;IK M C 1Ø0 &/.,~ .c::a+' E-4 CJ &I~ .. :'8 o Polo. S Po. 4I1Ø&/ :II:~k ..c IØ+'S - M ...C~ &101,.., ~tIO~ ortCCJ ""'~~ 0.... B "'C CJ~k ~...O X 0. \-4 ....,.....-..-......., , - ~ ','"y 1 ('I, 1 ('101 ohs~rved thñt the mi1tter rer¡iHt1in'l the engê!~emp.nt of ."In ¡-:nvironmentëll ^r1visor \vilS to n('r¡oti,1te to õ,('!1"! .:ho coul~ he cn'J"'Jcr1 tho:! most cconomici1lJy. Commissioner ".'enze1 S,"iir~ thélt if. t.he motion involveñ "(1 i r~ct pcr;,onnf'l" he \You] r' sn.con~! i l:. For c]i1rity rurposes, Commissioner \'limer reci111er! th¡¡t tÌ1" philosophy is to enCOUrñ!)e the sti1ff to contri1ct for "¡ork re'th~r the,n to hire nore pf'oplc in the County Govcrnncnt. IJpon ci\ll for the ql]estion, the mot.ion c.1rricd uné1ninously Sin. Count.y ~1¡¡n'~'J('r ì"or~lM~ inqui re,l if t.he i1ction tak'Õ!n vl<1S to (lelete ItC'fT1 11. in l\rticle TTT. Ther0 Wi15 no ohiection voiced to Nr. ~ormi\n's intcrprC't¡¡tion. Ch,"lirmnn ristor volc0'1 the opinion thi1t ~f'rvice;, shoul,l still he contr.Jctcr] for .1S ntJcÌ1 i1S possihle i1n'J CO~~1"iS5ioncr \·,'en7.el c:ommentin'J th1t t!1E't is ;¡lto')é:t' '.·r (1irr~\r,~nt frol1 "'!irect n"r!,onne'" such i\S the Vi1n2~er an~ the ^ttorney. COl'lmi",~;ion"r '..:i,:,,"r 'li!"><v¡rl"!(,'] st2tin'J thilt -:~nlrùctin1 r:;r;~1~~(,~~ '1~1! r:.'~:~ F(~rs:::;r.~...,:,,~" .1:-1;' ~.~~,...t ',:1"'::' t.~1(' purposp. hi?hint~ the ph i 1 osophy. Commissioner Wenzel 5êtid thi\t thc County would always use outside contracts for roadwork, nn~ th0. like, i1nr] would continue to do so, which is whi1t he hnd in min~ when cêtstinf) his vote and what he meant by the term If,]ircct personnel". Commissioner ~iner moved "to do away with th¡¡t hu~get philosophy" su~gcsting th¿¡t it involves r.1Uch pë1p~nlOrk nn,l is non-pro~uctive. T:'I~ motion ~icd for lack of n secon~. Fiscal 0fficer H,:Ho1d Hall er.1phêlsizcd that the C:lerk's nffice cnrle"vors to follo\~ th~ f?OiHd's Fiscêll Policy in the dcsi1n of th~ for~s, prcp~rntion ê\n~ instructions. L"tcr in th0 S0ssion, C()'T1missi()ner '."ir.1er ¡lSKl"!(1 t.he~t ~'r. I'!orman i1nd "·r. H,"ll] provic'e t!w BOi'lrc1 \~ith thr-!Ír t.houghts on contri1ctinC) servj,~"", versus in-house [;crvices - t:10i r p'1i 1 osophy. Ill' s"ir1 thnt. h~ Hould BGa~ 061 PÀ~E 619 Pi1ge :10 -~-_. " , '., . , - . , . ~'C ...&/ ,,",0> O+'~ CJII ~.,o ....1,..,11 ~lØk M~ ..-4....C .0.,&/ ortl2..c :§:J: M ~ 1Ø0 ú.,~ ~:at G.I~ .. :'8 o Polo. B 0. 1l1Ø&/ :11:..-410. ..c ~+'~ ";c~ !l0'õ ~ tIO 10. ortCCJ 4-4"¡~ o +' B ...c CJ ..¡ ,., ort...o :I: Po fH ., -, ~. . 800~ 061 fAGE 620 '~" y 10, 1 ~ r> 1 like ù report on the hcn(!fits or li1ck of henofits, SlJ'Fl0.stln'l thilt t~"y may finc1 examples to illustri1te their viel.¡point ¡¡n,l corw111,~C'd 1-li,l, comment that n\';e eithcr S,"lVC money hy contr.'C:l:jn'j :;crvicr,:; out, or \-Ie don't". ... CHl\IRMlIN l\lJ1'I10RIZP.D TQ SIGN Î.FRTTFtCl\TP.S P01l Î.onr.F.C'1'TO"1 TO TlIX ROLLS Commissioner ~Imcr moved, secon~e~ by Commis5;~n0r Brown ~~" - - car r i e d by una n i ;n 0 lJ S V 0 t e, the' t the Ch n i r r.1 n n hen u tho r i zed to;' i'J nth e following Certificùt~s for Correct.ion to the 7ùx Rolls: NOS. Dl\TE 1~80 Tvngiblc Personi11 Propel ty lnrn-l '''/1?t ~/l?/fll íiF.SIGI-I¡\TIor,! OF J,\r.CdJF:LY\' r. r;IIEL[,'{ rnr:;;, r.OLr~~ Cr,TE rTnF DTS'?T\TC7 ¡\DVI;,Ony rO,\RI' - l\crrPíf:r.; ~.rpf1!:rr~Tl\.'j'r rJ~'Î'p~" nr ,^rrr~!~rT'\TTI)N l\,lJTHOR I Z F:D FOil CI1^ T n~'/I;J' S ~ IG\Il\TIJnr. Co ~m I ss i oncr "'j [ê0r rlOv('r', s('conr.c(! by ('on~ i ,,~; i ono; r Vr IJse nnr1 unanimously c¿1(ried, thùt Lhe rcsi'Jn,ltion of .ìi1cCll1e1yn /I. ~'!'e11y froM the r.olden Gote Fire nistrict /I~visory rovr~, ~s contnined in her letter dated Mny ?, 1091, effective i~ncr.ié1te1y, be ¡\cccptcn, nnd thnt an approprii1te letter of "rpr0.ci~tion be; prepi"red for the C:hùirm"n's signature. I - i 11U~lINE SOCIeTY RF.PfH~SE~'T1,TrVF. Efì";/lFr r;/I.'¡p.:- rll()VT~F.:- r.xrL/lXf,TIOI.! Frn TERMINATION OF CONTIl^CT '..nTII COU~TY PEnTl\INH'G TO C/I,r-r FOR STR^Y 1I.NIMlILS. nf.PORT 0:-.' r',LTr.n~!r\TF. :-OLUTTn'·!S TO GP. PHr\lTDFf'I BY C:(ìt)~,I¡'Y MANAGER C h air n <,1 n pis tor ref err P. d tot. h 0. 1 (, t t (~r rl " t e d ~, oJ Y l?, 1 l' " 1 fro m Robert R. Michael, prc~ident of the !1IJIn"ne society of Î.o11lcr, Inc., with regard to the termination of the 1\1 rcemf'nt dé1tC'rl 0ctoher ", ] 0"''' between Collier County anfl the !1ur\;¡ne !':ociety o( Collier County, Tnc. effective Septf>r.¡her ''', l()~l ,'nr1, notinn th(' !'ri";,"nC0 of' frll"i'rC' (11tC'f.., ~ .. \ p,,'1C ~, ".... _ ,;~~; ~}~~\:.C7":--~··-~'--_· . . - "....'~,i'Ñ>.!."..... -,,;.~~,),. . . . ,-~.":;:;~.f:',,~):; .(.... : ¡~ . .'j....~,.....~,-..,..'I". ~. " I. . . ,~...o;:~,;,. .Œc,,';,., '.'" ". .;1.: -f,' '~"" d.: '" .",,;. /.':" 1'\- I·· 'rr.'f. . I' -, .. ..-. " ·M;-'.:~~·' " . ,:·'t('.:':'·\ ;::::/)~ t. :.?:iT~·;';"~~;:;:~ ~~::" ~_ c::J :'-'-~, f ----' ~ _ ..~_"A."'..~_...._....... 1·',1 Y ]", ] (\" 1 TrCñ5urer of t.hc ;.ocinr.y, "sked th¡¡t !le provide the rc"gon for thp. decision. ~r. CñtcS inforned the 1ì-:>,lr(~ t;',1t the rl.-.cisio·n \'¡ilS mM]e hy the .. . Society's ßo;)rd on ~ny r, 1(\q] for the rCi1son, h~~ici11ly, thAt so mi'lny "nimé11s ~ler0. cominl in fron the Count.y th"t., 1J~,fortuni1t('ly, the Society W¿¡S not ci1pilhle of nor i1hlc to ~10 the joh th,lt sholllri he rlone AS ð !Ju!n,'ne ~ìoc i !'ty. 1\r],lition.11Jy, s.'1Ír1 r.'r. 0i1t(!~, str-'1Y nnimi'lls brought in cannot be givcn treatment for at least five d;)ys nnrJ, therefore, if infected, Cé1n infect t.he ot.h0r i1nin"ls in the ~~lelter. Concernin0 n solt1tion to the rroblc~, Mr. ni1tcs pointed out thilt, i n t r. e I (' t t. e r, its t n t (, !; r. 11 ,'1 t t I¡ c ~: 0 c: i " t Y i S ',I ill i n ~ t <) 1-10 r k \-I i t h t h c County until it is "hJf' to n"y,-,' provisions for c'1rinr¡ for t.he strñy êt n I r.:;1] s. C:ounty ~1¡¡ni1~]er 1"Or~i111 ;,ljd th,!' Lll" ('''cision C"IT''' i1S i1 surprise i1wl thi1t th0 stnff ',Ii]] !w 0xrlorir.'1 .11.I:.f'rn,'t:i"0 soll1tion~ "n(1 COMO hé1ck I-lit!, n rr:'port to the Ho,'r'l h...~or(' ~he Septemher rl'-'i1òlif'e. Conmissioner i3roHn cornnenr1ecl the !Junðne Soci'~ty for their 'dork ñnò expressed his desire for the prcserve:tion of ñnil'lñl life nnc1 his concern over the possihle destruction of i1nimi'lls fOllnc] il1 the street. Ann~D ^G~ND^ IT~M Rf "TOR" ~^TTr.R ANn rRr.S~~Tl\TTON OF rF.f~ Tn c:aUNTY BY ED\A'i\RD K1\NT - C0 ~Tp·I\Jr.D TO Ml\Y ?r-, 1(H'] County ~',mñ'Jer Norr'li1n sillrl th,lt: It is his IJndcrste,nr1ing from r~r. EdwArd KAnt thnt the details with regilrrJ to deeclinq of ccrtDin property .~;: IJ..,. hy the Collier fi'!1'1ily h'1vC' yet to hr- \,:orke1 Ollt '1nc] thi1t it Ioloulc1 he .' prefcrnblc if tn(! P.o¡¡rc1 Houlc1 not try 1'0 ;,.¡,,, ::-:::1('" ..., it ..··ô.. '~"'!""'. ----.:...I lie si'lid the,t he f7111Y i'Jsk thr.' 1':'>"rr1 to i'I'1,1 it to t.he ¡1C10n'].'1 for the next mce ti n<] . BOO~ 061 PACE 621 P"<JC ;>? .1: , . . . . .....' .. - .,_.,--~ : ~~. .j¡f.'~" ~ !II . '.~ :.,' ... . I·.... .""~.' . '.' ~'C 10. 41 ,",0> o+'~ CJIII ~ClO ....1,..,111 ~lØk M~ ~~C ,olØ4I ....1Ø..c :§:a M C 1Ø0 &/CI~ .c::a+' E-4 CJ CI~ .. :'8 o Po 10. B Po 4I1Ø4I :11:..-410. IØ ~ B - ~ ";C~ tJOI,.., ~tIO~ ..-4CCJ ""'~~ o +' B ~~k .-410.0 :II: Po '"' '80:),< 061 PAGf£22 "'DY J 0, 1 <) ') 1 I MISCF:LU\NF.n\JS C01ìHF:SP0"'1'\~:"'\'r. - fILED 1\!,D/Oí1 í1F.FF!H1r.n There brdn') no ohjection, th0. Ch"ir r'\rr'ct0.(l th"t 11-,0. fol]o\'!Îr,'~ corresponòencc he f i 1 eò i1nc1/or re fer red to \.,.., .' indicated: '. 1, I! lel".ters, 1 t(']('~ri)m flnrl 1 mililC]ri1m rnceive!r] in stlpport of the Corps of Fnqinccrs pli1n to òreò1e Wig')ins PilSS iJnò Turkey B~y. xc Mr. ~ormnn. Filed. /.. Letter r.e'teò 5/r/Pl fro"" /I,rthur e,nd :Tc"n Vend..;~ ~ ,;:,j...' 1,)"'1 to the élSSCSSr.1ent of t\>/O hOUS0S th~y OÿJn in the r')!i~~ f-.fc1plcs :.~.~. lIydr,~nt I\sscssment llistrict hecé!Llse they ,1re con:',tructcò "exActly ill {ke" i1nd arc i1~5esscd i1t rliffcrcnt fi']ures. xc ~r. ßùrksdÐlc. filed. 3. Letter ().,t-.cd r'I<;Ir?l froM rick S!:ir1!lore, Sl'cretðry of l\dvisory Roard, Is10s of Cilpri Firc Control f)istrict, re rcsie¡n,'tion of John ~;eihl'l ,,$ fir(~ n1il~f; Ted 7.rl(,~lski ,'ppointcd intcrir1 Dctine; Chil'f; rollert Cochran ,'prointed intr:rim actine¡ ^ssisti1nt rhief. riled. I' . Cop y 0 f 1" t t ¡; r r~ " t ~ ~1 '" 11 7 I 0 1 fro ~ I ¡,' r 0 1 ,1 l. " '1 ] 1 to F ," t h 1 C (" n ~·'2.(JlIire stl:'1:'1r1rizin'J t.hc current sti1tus of ?rJdition,1l docu- :n r n t £'1 t i 0 11 \.'! 1Í c h w ¡,~, r (' c " i v r ' J fro n " ,~ (~ r ie" n ! 0) h lI] ,1 nee r (~'1 ," r (1 - inrJ qupstion¡:h10 r>:<penses in C,tNJory TIT. FilN'¡. 5. Cory of rf:r< :'r)r,ir.(' of PII')1 ic "'ork~;hop '~Ater1 <0/] <:/01 r0 he!nrin0s to hr held ~/'ln1 in Tnlli'lhnsscp., nn~ ~/ln/~1 in T,1n1peÎ, cov'!r i neJ V,11' ious topics. Fi led. r;;. Copy o[ Letter ~i1tp.r! "'/1//(')] froM Philip n. frJwnrds, r'istrict ~~,'nëJC]cr, nr.ll, to n0h0.rt f. n,.,rr1y, trnnsr~ittinrJ PerMit ~!o. ~Cl 1-7S7~( ò~ted S/17/~1 to construct sewn0e trrDtment i'lnd c1 i s po s ù 1 f n C' i lit Y for (')\ I ,Î i] C r (~0. k . x c v r. r (' r Z 0 n . fi 1 cd. 7. Cory of 10.tter (~ê1ted "'/l"'IP] fron Frec!erick n. ~ny(1cr, .1r. to 1fTI' rcgarding 1,'F: 1/1', ':r:ction 1"', 1"1:[', <:(I~, r7nr., Collier County. Filc(l. r. ~oticcs rc [ollowin~: Docket No. pn(,)~17-G!J rJ.îtcd :,/17/°1 rc Millcr Gùs co~pnny for i'ln incrense in Orrier No. ]0n17. Filr~. petition of rntl's nnr1 chr1rgcs. P~C l\. rJ. Copy of rocket ~'o. "l('0~S-TP. Commission !(,i'!rine¡ to Genernl T'rdephonc Conp,"ny of F]orid", d,1tcr' 5/J?/P1. filed. C. T:'ockct ».'0. ~lnrr?-p.lJ(q :1,'t('(3 5/17/~1 r0 petition of 'Florida Power and Li~ht Company for ~n increAse in rAtps. (1 r r1 (? r No. 1 n n J ~ . F'i 1 M! . J'c1'1C' ?1 --~;"'I ' ,":""''''-'-.1 -.,..~- .--....- '¡:::<', :. : .~~E;:~,,.¡rl to. '. ~f¡%t~t::!iC . . ,; ,---"" ,_",_,_~..,_,.,___..__...òd, ..............- . ~'C 10.111 ,,",0> o+'~ CJIII ~CI(J +,1,..,41 ~lØk M~ ..-4+,C .oClIII ~VI.c :§:a M C 1Ø0 &/CI~ ..c:aoJ.' E-4 0 CI~ .. :'8 o Po 10. B 0. &/VlIII X..-4k ..c IØ+'B - M ...C~ !O~ M tIO 10. ortCO ""'~~ o oJ.' Ei ~!lk .-410.0 :II: 0.1,.., " ,þ",~"",-,..o;.."".~.""~"'~""~"¡';" _ . ~.! , ,. ,1 Y 1 ('<, , ('<" 1 r. Copy of rocket ~o. "J-nn('<~-TP ~~t~~ ~/ll/rl rc petition of ~cner~l Tr1e~'one Conpi'lny of Flori~i'I to increAse cert"in rntes i1n'1 ch,'r<jcs. Orcler No. .lnf'llï. Filed. E. C:opy of rock(~t !':o. I']nl"":,-TP (~i"\te(l S/1"1r>1 re pf'tition of Gcner,'] Tclcp~on<:, Cor.lp,iny of F]oridn under Section l~~.n~, rlorid~ ~ti'ltutes, that consent h0 0ivcn to the plDclnq In effect of the new ri1te 5chcdules filed hcr0\oilth increilsineJ the ri'ltes .1nc1 ch"r'Jes for intrastate telephone services rendere(] hy the COMpi1ny. Ordcr i1uthorizin'1 Intervcntion, Order 1':0. lnl"?1. riled. RECESS: The nccJuliH ~;e5sion "'i'lS reccsscr] to reconvene in \'íorkshop Session e,t 10:r,o lI.~',. to reconvene in nc<]\\Llr Session i1t 11:'2 l\.N. to cOMplete tho i1gcn~i1. ~;':',\rr T(ì fìF !'Tnr:,-Tr1' '¡'r¡ prH~n/lnr. t,'rc:r~~;t,r'! (1nf'1I:~I\~lrF rRnVIDn.'G rOil P r .lIC F.t,1 F. NT t:r liS TPn !.(\r. r.HS H~ ~; r. pr-,!1/1 Tr. r,CC 111'1, T I r:'!.~, r. LT cr."!;' r. C I.I\S 5 1 F IC !'.- T Tn;',:, nr: DlIC 1'1(; T:: I·: L I c: r~ s n:r. p:r. TO lI;'; rw n ~ ~ n . ''f' Ch;1Írm"n pistor r~fl'rrcr1 to t:11' 1rtt."r c]"U"~ .'\prj' ?ï, 1CJ<1] fro!!'I ¡.'incttc n. rct0r:.on '....hcr'~in it is rCf'!110:.t<:>r1 thé't sh(' ,'nr1 her l'.strolofJer co~le"'Jl\e;, be qiv0n th" opporttlrity ::0 r.017\" h<'forr' tb<ë Po¡::rr1 to present. ~ p~tition for rl~cin1 l\strol01Y in ~ :.er~rnte! c~tr~ory, with rf'~i1rd to occup~tion~l licensin0, i1nd for rcr1ucin0 the license fee to one COM m c n S 11 rat c \.¡Ì tho the reo un s 01 i n'J S e r v ice s . It was noted thAt the staff's position is contained in the ~p.r:\ornnñum ñatccl ~lnY ll, 1981 from loi. Neil Dorrill, ^dministrativc lI:.sistnnt to the County Mana~er, the ~etermination being that the current occupation~l classification is sòtisfé1ctory. Commissioner ":imcr movcc~, :'econ(le!(~ hy ComMissioner Brow.., that the occtlpation of l\strolo~y he pli1ce(l in i"\ scp~ratc CntCfJory, and the liccnsinq fcC' reducer1 to pl,.,cc it nor<? in line with other like ~crviCCfi. ~s. retcrson waS present to ~rovi~1' more ~cti111n on t.he request. !',non'] h(~r cOMMcnt.s V'('IS thé1t ^strologcrs ¡lrC hi'Jsic;,l1y counscl~rs. ßOO~ 061 PACE 623 Pi1I'JC 2" -~--.....__.-...__._..._- . . . . , , · ~'C 10.&/ ,,",0> O....~ 0111 ~IIO +,,,",111 ~lØk M~ ..-4+,C .olØ4I ~1I'J..c :§:J: M C 1Ø0 ÚIII~ .c::J:" ~ 0 CI ~ tIO'C .. Q) 0 o Po 10. B 0. I/IØIII X~k ..c IØ.... e - .-I ,.;C~ 1/01,.., ~tIO~ ortCCJ 4-4~~ 0., B ~.sk ort...O X PoCo-! ... ----- _. ßOO~ 061 PAGE'6Z'4 r,1<> y 1 (\, 1 f'r 1 ChairmiJn ristor restilte,l the motion t.h,1t. the ner.~~;:;:'" ~.r,11 be prepared to place the occllpi1tion of. l\stro1o""': > :d ¡,,, r"te C<1tcr¡ory and to reduce the license fee to uncler "l().rr. lJpon c,') 1 for the question, the motion c,1rrien hy Im,1t1i"ous vote. .. #< '" * * * '" * There hcin<J no further busincss f.or th~ good of the County, thl~ rneetin<J was a~journec1 by order of the Chnir - Timc: 11 :1(; ^.NI. ., ,', c-, (' '. '" , , - " "'" '~ ~ 1\ ('..' "', p'''J e :' r. ---~_.__..*..... .- ~!~:?~~ .:. ;~I." . ;"'1, . ~.;¡,.~:.,~~:,~, ~: >.; ':,.. , ~~,~\,.,.." .1 ''Þ:'';¿' '",,'. ' l~~5~:.r:;_,!:.(~.~,'~ ,~U!'i'::"""~'<" ~ ;d¡~·"'·,·'-;· .,¿~ ',' ;'.t;-::/-1. '~··..'r,,,,,"'.1 .:~";..., --- ; ~ .__"'.....,._,.__,,;;0..___._