BCC Minutes 05/10/1981 S ~'C ...11 ~o> O~..-I UII ÞO.IIIU ~~II ..-1111... .-4..-1 ..-I~C .a 11111 ..-I1II'c :§~ .-4 C 1110 "111..-1 ,c~~ E-4 U ,,::s .. :'8 o ø.... a ø. 1111111 X..-I... 111::3 a .. .-4 ",C..-I "O~ ~ ~~ ..-iCu ~..-I..-I o~s ~.s... ..-1...0 X ø.~ with the fol1owin0 r0~hers pres~nt: : '.r ;'r" .. .., ..' "'I.~.. ¡¡ :. ....../""t . .iI . . ',' <t.....,. .......;.t., l:'\.þ....· , ,', ", .~:::;~.~.,'¡s.:~~~;> . .. p... ...~.~\\ .~ .... ...... .............·w"P"i'J.b. .1Î¥t..~;J ", I·~. ......., Nñp1es, PJOrir1ñ, fo1;'1y 10, 1001 1."1' IT f'f np.~'r.~·np'rH·f), th,~t t.hl' Pa,1r-l of County COr:1r:¡\ ssi~ners in Dnr1 for th~ COllnt.y of r':ol IIp.r, ;1nr' ,,1 so ñctlnCJ ;)5 th~ Governing BOñrcl(s) of sll~h sp0ci¡¡1 (listricts DS !1,1ve heen crl?atcr:1 ilccorninC" to lilw ñn" hilvinr¡ r'on-lu':tf'!rl h\l!dr.r>~~ hr~rr>in, ',-,et on this (1ilte i11: In:sr. ^."'. In Conf('rrnce ;'f'!s"ion in 81111rlin'l "P" of the COllrthou5~ Complex CflI\Tn"1,'1N: .10hn 1\. pistor VICr. C¡¡"Tn~\".N: Clifforò \A.'enzel c. n. "Russ" Wiml?r "'ñry-frñnccs Kruse J1ùv!(i C. Prown .II,LSO rRp.Sp.N1': C. \.'111 10M ~torm"n, County "'éln;'!']cr¡ Terry "Irta, Community f'C'velopmrnt ^-If"inlstr,1tor¡ [,(!c L;)yn0., Plùnncr¡ 2.n", f.dna L. Brenneman, Deputy Clr>rl-:. M-;p'~1rr\ 1. Review of stñff report an~ prOrOS0~ oròlnñnce r(''Jélr~inq Tr~nsFcrs of nevrlopr:¡cnt Piqhts Rf.VIEW OF STAFF R~rOn1' ^~D rROPOS~n nn~I~^NCE REGARDING TRANSFERS OF DEVF:LOP~'ENT RIGHTS - "1^T1'f.R 1'0 P,f FIJR1'IISP. COW'IDf.RF'D DURING FUTURE I'IORY-SIIOP Sf.SSION ComMunity nev~lopment ~~MinistrDtor Virta recalled th~t at the previous week's meeting of the no~r~ the propose~ ñmenðment to the "ST" Ordinance WélS outlinorl inclu~inq the st~ff recommenrlations pertaining to th~ ordinñnce. Tho proposeò ordinilnCp., sni~ ~r. Virta, is one which '. the staff feels ~eets th~ ~irpction of the Roard as to th~ conti~u¡ty question within the Or~inance. Mr. virtñ aJso note~ thilt, included i; the ð!'Jpn'i'1 materiéll is i'I M0Mou1nrlllr1 '1.1tprl "'",rcn ,~, 1Q70 froM his Page BOOK 061 PACE 625 :1~:" ~~...: ~.,', to" . . ........"""'_.,____.._____"'..,'_'.__.___...'_c. · ~'C ...11 ~o> O~..-I UII þo'lIIU ~~II ..-1111... .-4..-1 ..-I~s:: .011111 ..-IIII,C :§~ r-1 ~ III 0 11111..-1 ~~~ II::S .. :'8 o ø.... a ø. 1111111 X..-I... ,C III ~ a .. r-1 .oS::..-I IIO~ Ei 0 .-4 ~... ..-it:u ~..-i..-l O~ S ~ oS ... ..-1...0 X ø.~ ..-.-- -.- .. -... .. . ... .... . . ~'''Y 1~, 19111 ~OOK 061 PÂCE 62.6 prcdp.cessor, Dr. Neno .1. Spûqn~, which ~op.s into th0 hl~tory of th~ Ordinance, as w011 as ñ staff rp.port written ~hout thr00 Y~Ars ~00 hy Dr. Spagna with re~arrJ to t:he conti<)uit.y AS I~ rcliÜe!õ to 1t1'~pIS". from the staff prosp~ctive, the "hot tOM lln~" Is th~t IF the contin·" aspect is maòe a part,of the Ordinance, .', practical purposp.s, vlÍll hë1VC hccn ner¡é't0(l, he r.onclur'crJ. )'.., I\" Commissioner \~0nzel inquired if it is the st~ff's rlesirc to hûve Board approval, or rejection, of ItemS T\ throu'1h r, ,!~; containeð in the ·"Staff Memorandum dated April ~(), InrI. Mr. virt~ relterélte~ that the proposed chanqes met the Roard directive; howev~r, at the same time, the staff would rñther that the Orrlinance not hc chilnqed in that way. A direction which might he pursue~, sai~ ~r. virta, would he to dilute the "TDR" process r"ther than to "I'hrow It out" sU'lgesting, for example, thélt insteðð of al10\"in'1 onc-h;llf unit. per "r.rl?, th0 tri'lnsfer could be one-hAlf unit rer t0n i'lcr0.s. Tn t~ls way, only slzahl0. trActs o f 1 an rl 1010 U I <i he j n" 0 1 v ~ r1 i1 n r1 i'I r r ,,;, 0 r "i <1 n i flr:;; n t ;,! z 0. ','/0 111 r1 h r r. r (' - served, he add0rJ. Planner Lee f.rJync cxrl;1Ìncr1 thAt thr> on1.y propas0rl ch;1n'1l' frol'" the 19711 Ordinance is the time limitiltion for "'T'~n's" \,¡hirh h,"/0. <:1rf'!Aòy been transferrerl. r~r. Vlrt,' polnteò OU" th,'t the density v.'Qulrl not change; hOvlever, it is proposcd th,lt, on ":'1'" lilnrJ from \'Ihich ""DR's" are generatecl, the trAnsfer rights woulrl hI' lowercrl to one-hnl f unit: per ten acres, anò to non-contir¡uous properties. Ms. Layne ðlso arldressed él question which w~s posrrl hy Ch~irmRn pistor, that heing the mattf?r of not decr1ln<1 L,nd to the Îounty. ~he ,said that the reðson, hasici11Iy, is hCc.1US0 the drvc>lop"?r Is not <]1\'ln<1 .... naqe :> ."".....,.':/~.'777' .......4,...,..1!~4 '#"'..~"--.---'~ --,. J;, ,t~5,~~', ::, .., ~. ;Fj~~:·~!::·i~;~.> .t .f~},,::~~~'~:',..- . .. J ~::'{'f...::'O'þJ'J'" . { .. r.:' ....... J. ..:.. I ( .-;.. .,""- '--' . .".. ... , ß:"~,,.;"t.,¡\';t~.',.:. ~1"""" .. ,;. ;¡¿ ,,,,,, ,'i$lI'.'i." . ?~'.t¡~"'/J;¿/~·~~:~';':··· .. ' ,,;';':. iIt(t< ."...... rt1' IlíJ:rr;''!;~i-,~l;~,;~.f<:·y... ' " ',. , 'f/. .:~ ""~..v .._....,..l '._. ~ _..... ."~ ¢'...:.......¥...... ,:..t: ~".";- ....,. ' ~ ;,--¡ :.-..J '";--"..*..,------_......~ ~'C ...11 ~o> O~..-I UII ~IIIU ~~II ..-1111... ~..-I ..-I~C .atOll ..-IIII,C :§~ ~ C III 0 11111..-1 ,C.~ E-4l1g ~'C .. II) 0 o ø.... a ø. 1111111 X..-I... ,C lII~e - ~ ",C..-I 11010-0 ~ ~~ ..-iCu ~..-I..-I O~ e ... C u..-I... ..-1...0 X ø.1o-o "'i1Y '0, 1rl<'1 4' . . ,/If. 'I._"~ _'.....-tt'oWt. .111 Y I ~ n r1 t (1 t '1 r: ro tin t y; for in" ~ ':1 ~ 1', ! f H1 r> r (' I ~ ,1 t r ,1 ~ t 0 f "S T" 1 ( n,1 wit'1ln i! rl,,\'clo~n('nt, t,'1r> (1""r.~l1 r."n:.ity 1'll,Ich Is ;)110werl on the ncrl'n1c Is pl~cl'~ In Sf'!pnrAtp i1r('~s rAthf'!r thnn in tho lOST" nreas. In su~h C,'S0S, ~·5. Lnyne cont,inllod, ther,=, i'lrQ no "Tr.fPs" involved but, rnth('r, " rcloc~tion of thn units to lI~on-S1''' 1~nds. In responsl' to rommls"ioncr ~im0r, Ms. [~yne SAid that the basis for trñnsferrin'l to non-contiqllolls lðnGs \oU1S to ñvoid the té1king of property ri~hts without '1ivin'l sOMl'thin'l in return. Commissioner Wenzel questioned why it w~s n('ccssnry to plilce value on worthless land which could not h(' hlillt upon ,'nyw"y. ~. r. vir t i\ po i n ten 0 II t t h ¡> t, by virtuf'! of thr current Systr>M, th" ~ounty héls i\ vl~hle mnnqrove area which h'lll rr:m,-dn forev0r ,1nr' "I"ich Is import.i1nt to th" ,,~olor:¡y nnr., more import,1ntly, it is worth "soM0thin'}" to t.h" citizens of Collier rOllnty. rh~irn~n nistor rxr'nln('~ w"y, in "is opinion, n ~ced is r r " f p r " h 1 c t 0 ;~ r¡ 1I " r ñ n t, C (' t 11 i1 t t h (' 1 ,1 n r] \-1 I 1 1 not h" ,1 eve lop ('(1 he c nus e , i nth C [ II t u r r, j r t h" (' n I) i r 0 n m r> n t n 1 r III ,.. S '1 n'l r ,.. C) U 1 é' t ion s ,1 r" c h i1 n Cl C (1 , i'I rer:1ovñl of th(' "ST" r1esl<'jnation coulr. hr regucsten hy the property own0r, 'tlhcreas 11 dce" "'ould prollidc perr:1ñnf'nt assurilnr:e. Having been ñpprised th~t the staff is not recommending the chilnqcs set forth in the ñforcm('ntione~ MenoranrJum, CO~"1issioner '<1enzel Asked whnt the stélff's recommendations ar~ with ~r. virta replying that the élctunl véllup <J"nerñterl hy the "S1''' lanc1s that "TOn's" are rer110ved from should he rcviewed in terms of, perh~ps, diluting the value in a réltio si~ilar to what he h~s suqgestcd. COfT1misslon....r \·,j~C( ingulr"rl ~hout the numhcr of "ST-TDR" units which ñrc avni1nhlr in the ~ounty, assumlnn ~h~t ~t ~nm" nft!n~ ~h~v Pé1ge ~ ßOO~ 061 PAGE 627. .' . . ~ ..<.,~;. \",. -~- ..,:.i..~~: ~'C ...11 ~o> o~.... UII ~IIIU ~~II ..-III)'" ~..-I ..-i~C .011111 ..-IIII,C :§~ .-4 C III 0 11111..-1 .c:~~ E-4 U II::S ~'C 001110 o ø.... EI Po IIIDII X..-IM ,C III ~ e .. ~ J.òC..-I 110.... a 0 .-4 ~... ..-ICU ~..-I..-I O~ S ~oS... ..-1...0 X ø.r.-. ..-------..--.---.--.-- .. BOOK 001 PACE 628 '-Ill Y 1'), 1 () In will be transfcrrcn. "'S. Lé1yne replierJ th,1t, é1ccoròin'1 to nr. Spagn,"S Report, the figure of over "Ic;,0nn "rr~s of "S1''' ],1nr1 \<,',1S 'Jiven, rOM'- menting that that figure hé1S heen rcrlurerl "om~wh"t ~nrl thAt it is probably closer t.o 1(),nnn ,1t this po:"t.. 'T'h c r (" r 0 r "', ,1~. 0 n c - h 0'1' f II nit per every élcrc of surh 1o'1n-1, it \'/Quld Cqll"'.,~ I.U . ...... ... . - ~ \ . for transfer, said ~s. Layne. I. Commissioner Brown questionerJ thr need for stlrul~tln~ thllt the "TDR's" must be transferred to conti0uoUs propcrty suggesting that It -~ould be considcred unfair since they could he "sw"ppcrlM to other suitable lands. lie recé111ed that he voted "gñinst the "ST" ~oncept from the bCCJinning, his feeling being that the Poard could deal on a one-on-one bélsis on applicñtions that rome before it. Rer¡¿nding the time' limit is;,uc, Mr. Virt,1 s~ld that, if the contiguity ,1mendmcnt Is ,1(joptp.d, hp. 'dol)lrl I"ncour,1<Je thi1t él tiT'1p. limit be placed on "1'rR's". lie concl)rrer~ \-¡iU1 r""1'iMi~sloner '.,'il'1rr's ohs0r- vñtion that, if the transfer is to conti'1uous property, the réltio would be hi<Jher thi1n it .../Oul d hI' to non-rort igu::¡us I ,'Inris. Commissioner \\'imer voicf'rl his stron0 f0(>1 inr!" ,1hout the lñnrl not being c1eec1(>c1 to the rounty. PI" SUì'll"ster1 ~h,1 t tf-)" 0nl y exc(>pt ions should he within the p",r,1Meter of: " "PlIn" - othl"n.,rlsc, It shouln he deeded. Ms. ~ñrion rle Forest, Prf'!slr1rnt or the L~i1'1I (> of vOT:1l"n voters, ',¡,lS present to provirle input int:o the suhjcrt ilnr., ,'MOn'1 her conmf'!nts \'!er~ that the the proposé1] of puttin'l " rllffe'rcnt vé1lue on tho;,(' lanns that may be scpar<1ted hy étn intcrv<:'nln'l '~'jent versus t.he ones h'hirh iHI? contiguous has somc valu<:'. She s(~id 1:11,11: f-)r.r or'l,1nlzi1l:ion (11so hi1s Palc " -:>~~PDC'~'~r'-~~-'" ..-. -.. ... -, -')fr;r'!",:'·f' . " , '~.' i . r.,.:. ·n. . ~ _ . ,J\jf:":"('~;::~J':'f"" _J --, ~ .---...--"-......-....- . ~'C ...11 .0> ) ~..-I UII » III 0 ) ~ II . III ... ...-1 . ~ s:: ) III 011 .III,C ~§ - ~ s:: 1110 , 111..-1 : - ~ 4 U ,,::3 .:'8 )ø.... I ø. ~12" C ..-I ... ,::3 a .-4 .s::..-I ~O~ ~~~ i c: U . ..-i ..-I )~ a ~ oS ... ~ ... 0 C ø.~ M;,y 10, 1 (\('1 rrohl~m!\ with 'lU;)ri1nI.0ns on 1,1n" hu~. not r'nn-1r:-rl to ~,h., County, Dn~ conclu<"1C'<1 hy (''(pres!';ln1 th~ oplnl:n tn:':: it. \~()1I1( hn ~~sirñhte to limil thl'! use of thl'! "1'nn's" to, for Inst..1nr.c, two YCélrs I1ftf?r they have been tr;¡nsferrerl. Mr. ~~w;'!r~ J. vnnt, wlt.h the' rol1i(!r n('velop~(!nt Corpor~tion, said thllt his firm hils som0 thou0hts on the proposal, among them the opinion that the proposéll orcsent(!n hy t.he stélff I1n0 ñir0ct(!n hy the Poarà is u n \~O r k ñ b 1 e . 'r~lC quest.ion of contl'Julty, s"id ~'r. Krlnt, totðlly suh- vcr t s the i n ten t, not 0 n 1 y 0 f t h 0. 0 r I r¡ I n ,11 n r r1 I n ,1 n r. (!, hut the Wf1 y t h P. Comprehensive rléln Wl1s Implementcn ñroun<"1 It. He s"i<1 that they would h (' con r. " r n Po (1 11 h 0 II t i1 n y ;~ t t c m p~. tot 0 t a' 1 y rl0 11"" ð Y ...,.¡ t h t. h 'è' non-contiguity provision. 110. si1i,1 thi't h0. ....'oulrJ h0. In fi1Vor of <:on- tinuin'l ....,Ith <0['1,.,lssion0fs '.";mnr's '1n.J Distor's ;,\\'Fl("stions relativE' to rllff0rcnti;¡1s In thn rates of tr"nsFrr~. Th!' '1llestion of i1 guñrant0e .:1S opposed to i1 r100'" on sucr¡ nrop" r ties is" O\ll"st i on t.hi1 t Must he lookerl Into very célfOflll1y i'n" shoul" \),., furt1l1"r rn"\0.....'0,. 1)f~r"r0. i'1ny Action Of direction Is qiven to eith"r th0. r^r~ or the staff, he sðid. It was his sugg0stion th~t adrJltional Workshop Sessions be held so thAt interested memhl"rs of the puhlic, civic groups I1nd the like, c;¡n be present to provine input, ohserving thllt, in his opinion, th0.re is nothin0 wrong with the WilY the nrr1lnñn~e is presently worded. Co~missioner Kruse Ingllired if surfl1ce and minerñl rights are inclu~en for lélnn which is rleen(!n to the County. It wns the consensus of the AOl1rrJ thnt Commission(!f Kruse hñ~ rélised n qood question with ~r. Vlrtð statlnq that th0 nnttcr woulrl not hf'! over'ooke~. In respons0 to ~n issue hrou~~t up by Mr. Mik~ Zewnlk, Mr. virta PñlJe 5 BOO~ 061 PAGE 629 ..... , " " . ~'C ...11 .. 0 > j~..-I UII »IIIU oJ ~ II -4 III ... -4..-1 -4 ~ C ::I III II -4111'c ~§ ~ -4 C 1110 11111..-1 ::~~ -4 U 11::3 .. :'8 j 0.... S ø. 11 III II E:..-I... ;11:5 a . r-4 ¡';C..-I "Of,.. Ei 0 -4 ~... -4CU .. ..-1..-1 O~ a ~ oS ... -4...0 £ ø.~ 'ioo~ C6t PACE 630 t~,1Y 1(\, 1<1('1 said thðt "TDR'S" can on1y be trAnsferred ð~cordinq to the rAtio in the Ordinélnce ùnd thAt only r.ertnln Z0nln~ rllstrlcts cnn he the r~clp\~n~r, for such transfers. ~\r. Zewalk expfl':sseò his support of the sa'=egllar~s pertaininC) to the provision thðt trc ., ' Chairman pistor ohsrrve~ thAt m~ny sug~09tlons hAve been mAd~ durirg the discussion éln~ sni~ that h~ woul~ like to sce the 0rrlinnnce reviewed with the posslhility of cont\~uous property hnvin~ transfcr rights at one ri'1te and non-contiguous Inn'ls (It a IT\uch Jesser rAte "r" time limitation est~hlish0~. ,Mr. virtél InqlllrecJ if it is the Boarn's intention to have élnother ~orkshor ~ession Dfter thr draft h~s he en prepared with Con¡missioncr wimer responrling thnt it wou]~ be a ~oort ideD to have ~nothcr session with A1] Intcreste~ persons in attendance. In Ad~ition to tIle suggestions whir.h h~ve been marle, Commissioner Wimer sai<:1 thé1t he ~Ioulrl llk(! to ,"lso rliscu;,s U~C isl,)n,1 élr~rtS, aS9un¡in<1 thrtt tlley arc non-contiguous, beCAUSC those are ~rens that ~r~ the most desirahle of :,ccuring ,ln~ protr>ctin'l anr] th,1t, n0rh,1ps, cncollrnnem('nt can he given for thost:' heinr) rlcrr1r,-J to the f'ounty. Commissioner pistor pointcn out that I~ would he the n¡i~rl]c of .July hcfore ¿¡ ""orl-:shor Session on the suhj0.ct could h0. held. * * * * * * * The meetinq WélS ilrljournerl to reconvene in negulélr ~rs~ion hy order of the Chairnan - Time: 11 :'7 .7\.M. rëlg e ~ ~~~~"-""""""-"._-" :'~~~~ff.f"',-:·:?,,::: ;,: 0'. -~~;..":".',' '< ,',: ;..'< " ':'.. ~~ ~'~t~':?~'-'i.:(:'~·'t1.J:),··~; '" . .'.' .,,~. . ". j , c=J ..--..----- i ......-'