Agenda 04/12/2011 Item #16A 6 4/12/2011 Item 16.A.6. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve an amendment to Contract # 10-5455 Management Contract for the Collier Area Transit (CAT) Fixed Route and Paratransit Program to clarify ownership rights to Zonar@ equipment purchased by the Contractor, Tectrans, Inc., and installed upon CAT vehicles and to authorize an Agreement amongst Zonal' Systems, Inc., Tectrans, Inc. and Collier County that assigns Tectrans' current annual Zonar subscription to Collier County at no cost. OBJECTIVE: Approve an amendment to Contract # 10-5455 Management Contract for the Collier Area Transit (CAT) Fixed Route and Paratransit Program to state that the Contractor, Tectrans, 1nc., shall be responsible to purchase all necessary Zonar system devises for Collier County CAT buses, which shall become the property of the County when installed, and to authorize an Agreement that assigns Tectrans' cUlTent annual Zonar subscription for fleet telematics web application and software to Collier County at no cost thus enabling the donated system devises to be utilized consistently with the terms of the agreement. CONSIDERATION: On September 14, 2010. the Board of County Commissioners entered into a contract with T ectrans 1nc., to provide the management services for the County public transportation system, Collier Area Transit (CAT). The County required that the Contractor ensure that all drivers properly complete and report body and mechanical defects on any vehicle. As part of the proposal, Tectrans Inc. indicated they would accomplish this contractually by providing and utilizing Zonar@; the new electronic pre and post-trip monitoring system for vehicle maintenance inspections and reports licensed by Zonar Systems. Inc. The Zonar system equipment will be installed on each fixed route and paratransit vehicle. However, because the equipment is being installed on vchiclcs owned by the County. it is essential that the County clarify ownership rights to the Zonar(g) equipment. The attached Amendment to Contract # 10-5455 will make clear that the Contractor, Tectrans, will be responsible for purchasing all necessary Zonar system devices on the CAT Transit buses and utilizing the system consistent with the terms of this Agreement. Once installed. the devices will become and forever remain the property of the County. Once the systems are installed, CAT bus operators can use a hand held device to enter pre- and post-trip inspection data. The equipment installed on the buses assigns a unique 10 to each bus; as the data is entered by the operator, the inspection data is sent to the Zonar website. CAT management staff can log into the Collier Zonar wcbsite and review each bus asset pre- and post- trip inspection, run numerous repoI1s monitoring the condition of the vehicles, and track the where-a-bouts of the buscs. The proposed system has the following features: . High Definition GPS - Captures data in four dimensions - latitude, longitude, time and odometer. Packet Page -1675- 4/12/2011 Item 16.A.6. . Real-Time Vehicle Diagnostics - Reads and reports vehicle subsystem data remotely, for fleet operation. . Trip Level Metrics - Measures key on-to-off fuel consumption, cutting costs and emissions dramatically. . Enhanced Tracking - Connects drivers to vehicles, for the first time, for perfonnance ga1l1s. . Dynamic Geo-Fencing - Creates geographical tracking parameters and provides real- time alerts. Zonar will be an enhancement to the operations and management of the CAT system. Finally, authorization is also sought for an Assignment Agreement amongst Zonar, Tectrans, and Collier County that assigns Tectrans' Annual Subscription Agreement with Zonar to Collier County for the access and use of Zonar's fleet telematics web application and related software. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the Zonar equipment is allocated in Contract # 10-5455 in the System Planning and Administration responsibilities of the Contractor. The Fleet Department is responsible for the installation of the equipment to the vehicles. The approximate cost for installation of equipment for the CAT fixed route vehicles is at $3000.00 and funds are available in the CAT Fund 426, Project No. 61101. The approximate cost for the Paratransit vehicles is at $3,450.00, and funds are available in Paratransit's operating fund, Fund 427, Project No. 31427. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office, is legally sufficient for Board action and only requires a majority vote-SRT. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Consistent with Objective 12 of the Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDA TION: That the Board approves thc amendment to the contract with T ectrans, 1nc., to clarify ownership rights to ZonarcRI equipment purchased by the Contractor upon CAT vehicles and authorizes the Chairman to sign the attached Assignment Agreement. Prepared by: Michelle Edwards Arnold, Alternative Transportation Modes DepaJ1ment Director Attachment(s): ]) Amendment to Contract # 10-5455, Management Contract for the Collier Area Transit (CAT) Fixcd Route and Paratransit Program 2) Assignment Agreement Packet Page -1676- COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners 4/12/2011 Item 16.A.6. Item Number: 16.A.6. Item Summary: Recommendation to approve an amendment to Contract # 10-5455 Management Contract for the Collier Area Transit (CAT) Fixed Route and Paratransit Program to clarify ownership rights to Zonar'" equipment purchased by the Contractor, Tectrans, Inc., and installed upon CAT vehicles and to authorize an Agreement amongst Zonar'" Systems, Inc., Tectrans, Inc. and Collier County that assigns Tectrans' current annual Zonar'" subscription to Collier County at no cost. Meeting Date: 4/12/2011 Prepared By Name: Cardeso Y ousi Title: Administrative Assistant,Alternative Transportation Modes 3/18120 II 11 :27:50 AM Submitted by Title: Administrative Assistant,Alternative Transportation Modes Name: CardesoYousi 3/18/201] 11 :27:52 AM Approved By Name: So!OCaroline Title: Management/Budget Analyst.Transportation Administr Date: 312212011 10:45:08 AM Name: ArnoldMichelle Title: Director - All Transpol1ation Modes,Allernativc Tr Date: 3122120 II 12:38: 15 PM Name: BetancurNatali Title: Executive Secretary,Transportation Engineering & Construction Management Date: 3123120 II 1: 11 :46 PM Packet Page -1677- Name: CarterGlama Title: Manager - Public Transit,Altemative Transportation Modes Date: 312412011 8:37:42 AM Name: federNorman Title: Administrator - Growth Management Div, Transportati Date: 3125120] 1 11 :32:45 AM Name: MarcellaJeanne Title: Executive Secretary, Transportation Planning Date: 3128/2011 I: 1 0:39 PM Name: TeachScotl Title: Deputy County Attomey,County Attorney Date: 3/31120114:32:30 PM Name: Klatzkowleff Title: County Attorney, Date: 4/11201] 5:39:02 PM Name: StanleyTherese Title: Management/Budget Analyst, Senior.Office of Management & Budget Date: 4/412011 11 :44:58 AM Name: Klatzkowleff Title: County Attorney. Date: 4/412011 1: 1 0:05 PM Name: OchsLeo Title: County Manager Date: 4/412011 3: 11 :22 PM Packet Page -1678- 4/12/2011 Item 16.A.6. 4/12/2011 Item 16.A.6. P.O. # SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT (Porch-> -z MAR Systems LICENSOR: Zonar Systems, me. (Zonar) A Washington Corpomtion 18200 Cascade Ave. S.. Suile 200 Seattle, W A 98188 Telephone: 206.878.2459 Fax: 206.8783082 W ebsi.te~ 'WWW.zonarsvstems r.:om au-. # SUBSCIUBJi:ll.: TcclI1lnS me. .6053 W Century Blvd FI 9 Los Angolc.. CA 90045 Telephone: Fax: ElDllil: Locatio'" Los Angeles, CA Customer Type: Public Tr.msil - PT Data R<:leI1tion Cycle - Rolling Period: " 90 Doys Annual SUBSCRIPTION, ZoOM J!ll"'U Subscn'bcr . lmuted riljhl '" """"" and """ I.. fleet tdmlll1ic. web applicatiot> end reloted "'ftw.... .. detailed in the attached Terms ofU~ during the Term and fit the Locaiion(Q) &et forth abo'll'e exe!u&ively for Zonar's current service offerings and IS provided in the Tc:nm o.fUse. All right. not expressly gnmted to Subscribcl" lite reserved to ZDIUn". S~VlCES, Zonar will provide Subscriber with tile Serviees including aelivatiOll. 'Mn ace... to Zo>>or Ground Traffic Control"" (F1oet Management Web Application), cnuW &: ,phoDe support. l;oftwue upgmdes~ dally 8CCOWlt monitorin&, and alll&SSOCiated 'Wireless data charges, provided. Subscriber is not in lm:ach <1f ""y obligation wder thia "Bn=>"~ TERM: This Ag:rec:ment shan mnaiu for one. (1) yc:.ar and &ball autoIlUlti.OQ.Uy renew for additi.onal one year tern'll unless a canceUlItion notice is rcCl:ived by ZOIUlr at least 30 d1rys befbte the """iversmy date ofthe Agr=noot. The Term. of \Joe maybe subi<<:l to modilication on 30 d1rys ..tice by Zonor. Zonor may teltminate at any tU= with 90 daYi' uotjce. QUOTA nON, The attnched Quol8lion .... forth the Hardware and SCl"lic" '" b. delivered '" Snbscribor - thi, Agmomcnt. the prices. and deli""'l' terms and any additiouallCrm' applicoblc lherero. The Quotation ,ball b. good l\>r 30 days Illld upon ""ecutlon of lI1is Agreement by S'Ubscn'bcr ,ban OODSt1t1.lte III biJu1ing:purchase order. . FJi:ES: All fee, and charge< (iDcluding the subsc:ription Fee) .... ",bj"'" to ch""ge on the annual...,;""= date <1fthit. Agreement np"" at leas' thirty (30) days wriUCiD nc;rt:icc. All fem and cb&t~ are -'net" 1lIId are not subject to ~ off or redllctio11.. The initial Subscription Fee is due upon extlCUtion of this. Agroement Illld an other 1<0& Illld cbMges ore due os providocl in the llttaJ:hed QuolOtion- Then:aJlc:r. the annual Subscription Fee .ball be duelllld payable in e.dV1UlCe Oil 81lDualllnD.iver&ary date of this Apement. An administrative late charge of 1.5% pc:r JftOIltb will be charge4 on an past due amounts.. REMEIlTES: B..re:acb by Zenar. Sub;criber lIIgreos thllI tu sole remedy as a subscriber fut defective equipment ia the ~ pnd replacement of the equip1"l:lel1t free of chqe by Zonal. Zon.(U' &hall not be lltible to Subsc:n'bec or any third party for BDY general, SpCiCilll. punitive" iuoidet1tal, indirect or consequential dalnages. or any lost profits or business. aridng out of this agreement. Breath by Subltcriber. If Sub&ctiber fails to row any payment due or othetwi3e violateS any ter:m or OOndtti.OD of this Agteeme'1Jt, Subscriber may be declared In default upon notice and failure to cure fur 1.5 days. Upon dJ:cla:miOD of default. aD .\QMuntI due UDder this Agreement during the eDrire term. h~f slmll heoome immediately due and payable including, without limitati[]~ the cost to repair or rcplU(;e damaged. c:quiprnc::nt., interest and oosb) &ad expenses of collClCtiCtu. Zonar shall abo have the right to terminate this Agreement ro:ac1 recover any ('l'iher remedy perroi.tted by law. Subscnoet shall defend., todcmnity and hold Zonllf htmnless from mudagaizlst any claim, QIDlll.e of action, dernJlld, CMt,. expeo.ge (including aoomeys' fees). loss suit, proceeding. damft.ge BDd liability of my kind nina: Qut of or re1a.tiDg to SlIb6criber's use or inability to use the S~ or unauthorized use of the System, including, without limitation, $dY by the (1\\'Del' of the premises aodJor property on which tbe System is jpstalled; any by the: owner, operator, or lDSw:e:r of my vehicle; or cquipJ:netJt for whioh the S)'Etem is used; llnd any by any penon clRiming injuries arising from the use: of any vehicle or ~t for which the System ili used. lNTELLECT'OAL :ntOPERTV: Subscnbcr acknowlede:es and II~ that Subscribl:f's rights with respect to Hardware, arc limited to the right to UGc the """" with tile System .. provided in the Suh=iber Materials. The lwdw= and software contain trllde .....ets, know how Illld other intellectual property belonging to Zonar. Under no citcumstan.ces shaU Subli:criber sell or tnlDSfer any purchased. Hardware.,. rcconstroct or repair su.ch Hardware, Dr rcve[$C engineer or othenvise attempt to learn the trade secrets. knaw how or other intellectual property embodied therein. LIMITED W AllRANTY: ZoOM wllffilllls that .he Hardwmc provided under this Agreement i, free from _erial defectS in wotI:nw>sbip for a period of one year for hardware puNhased by Subscriber. 11IIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS MADE TO SUBSCRIBER ONLY AND IS TN LIEU OF ALL OTIffiR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Zon.. EXPRESSLY DISCLAlMS ANY IMPLIED W ARRAl\'TY OF MERCHANTABn.1TY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ANY WHICH MAY ARlSE FROM COURSE OF PERFORMANCE. COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. DJSCLAIM'li.:Rl Subscriber is solc::ly responsible fur Mntrollint ~ to the System.. reviewing Uwpection repom. and fAking appropriate w:rt:ioD with lespect kJ vchiol~ for which inspection reports ha'r.re been submittc:<l woi:D.@; the System.. ENTIlU; AGJlEEMENT: TIlls Agreement (includillg Terms of Use, EULA. ID Agreements and Quote) oonstitutes the entire agreement between ZoDar and Subscriber with fe5lpect to the: subject matter hereOf, and ~5 an pteViom. 'Written agteeme:t1t& between Zmlat and Subscrib=r with respect to such !lubject TDiltter. ASSIGNMENT: Ncitb~ patty nmy assign. directly or indirectly, a11 or part Qf its rightS or obligatiQIL5 under this Agreeme~ without the prior written consent ofth:: otherpany GOVERNING LAW: The parties agree thllt this Agreement shall be intr::rpreted under th.c: la\\l'S of the State of Washington, and that jurisdiction and venue shall be only iR. King CmDlty, Washington. READANDAG~ g Subscriber: ; ~,.. ZOMr.8UB.AOT102309 T0/l0 39'Od Print Narne:V;S~'. J-:",-f'f\Ci..f':) Dote: ~\ (\"1 \ II 993399105S1: 53:S1: TT03/B3/S0 Packet Page -1679- 4/12/2011 Item 16.A.6. AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT # 10-5455 MANAGEMENT CONTRACT FOR THE COLLIER AREA TRANSIT (CAT) FIXED ROUTE AND PARA TRANSIT PROGRAM THIS AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT ("Amendment") is made and entered into this day of March, 2011, by and between Tectrans, Inc., whose address is 6053 W. Century Boulevard, 9th floor, Los Angeles, California 90045 (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor"), and The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, as the governing body of Collier County ("County"). R E C I TAL S: WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement dated September 14, 1010 ("Agreement"), wherein the Contractor agreed to provide Transit System Service and Support to Collier County in accordance with the temlS and conditions of Contract #10-5455 the Management Contract for the Collier i\rea Transit (CAT) Fixed Route and Paratransit Program; and WHEREAS, the parties further wish to amend the Agreement to clarify ownership rights to Zonar@ equipment installed and maintained by the Contractor upon CAT vehicles as referenced in the Agreement; and WHEREAS. upon recommendation by the Growth Management Administrator and after reasoned consideration by the Board of Commissioners. the Board tinds that this Amendment enhances the County's transportation system and is in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein and for othcr valuable consideration. the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the County and Contractor agree that the Agrecment shall and hereby is amended and modified on the terms provided herein: Terms and Conditions I. Recitals. The preceding recitals are true and correct and are incorporated into this Amendment by reference. ~ Vehicle Servicing. The below paragraph, which appears in: (a) Exhibit 1, numbered paragraph 2 (Vehicle Servicing). the third full paragraph thereafter on page A-8, and (b) in Exhibit II. numbered paragraph 1 (I'chicle Servicing). the third full paragraph thereafter on at page E-6 to the Agreement, is revised and amended in both locations per the underscoring, as follows: Packet Page -1680- 4/12/2011 Item 16.A.6. The Contractor shall establish a communication protocol with Collier County staff and the responsible entity for vehicle maintenance to identify vehicles which need preventive maintenance, and those which are in need of non-scheduled maintenance as identified through pre-trip and post-trip inspections of vehicles on a daily basis. The Contractor will ensure that all drivers properly complete and report body and mechanical defects on any vehicle. The contractor shall accomplish this by providing and utilizing ZonariID; the new electronic pre and post-trip monitoring system for vehicle maintenance inspections and reports licensed bv Zonar Svstems. Inc. The Contractor shall be responsible for purchasing all necessary Zonar svstem devices on the Collier CAT Transit buses and utilizing the svstem. upon installation by the County, consistent with the terms of this Agreement. Once installed, those devices shall become and forever remain the property of the Countv. A Vehicle Pre-Trip Inspection report will be prepared each day for each vehicle, and completed by the driver to indicate that helshe has checked the vehicle for body and mechanical defects prior to commencement of the driver's first run of the day. A Post-Trip Inspection Sheet will be prepared at the completion of the vehicle route for the san1e day. Daily records of pre-trip and post-trip inspections will be maintained by the Contractor, and provided to Collier County as requested by the County. The wheelchair lift on each vehicle shall be cycled one complete cycle once prior to departure for service each day. 3. The Contractor agrees to pursue the execution of an Assignment Agreement with Zonar Systems, Inc., to assign to County all its rights to access and use Zonar's comprehensive fleet management telematics web application and related software as provided for under that February 14, 2011, Subscription Agreement between the Contractor and Zonar attached hereto as Exhibit "A." 4. Except as expressly amended or modified by the terms of this Amendment, all tenns of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Unless a different meaning is specified in the Amendment, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning described in the Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Amendment and the Agreement, the tenns of this Amendment shall prevail and control. 5. The provisions of this Amendment, including the recitals, comprise all of the terms, conditions, agreements, and representations of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. All representations and promises made by any party to another, whether in writing or orally, concerning the subject matter of this Amendment are merged into this Amendment. Except as amended by this Amendment, the terms of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. 6. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Each party represents and warrants that the representative signing this Amendment on its behalf has all right and authority to bind and commit that party 10 the terms and conditions of this Amendment. Packet Page -1681- 4/12/2011 Item 16.A.6. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their appropriate officials, as of the date first above written. Attest: DW1GHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS10NERS COLLLER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: FRED W. COYLE, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Scott R. Teach Deputy County Attorney TECTRANS. INC. By: First Witness Signature By: -- Typed Signature and Title Type/print witness name Second Witness Type/print witness name Packet Page -1682-