BCC Minutes 07/20/1981 W .--..·-·'--#&r----o;;r. ~ T ..,,"---___ ~....,...".",...,.~TV--.........---~~....,..~~..,..~..r:-....--r-~·-- ~., - ....·t¿; , "ì' . _ \.."..1:". .-.1 . .' ,I '" ~ .~. I ... .. .7. .~~., '.. ~,. " .; ¡ " ",I¡,' , "'. t ~ .' ,- . . t'~ \.40> 0+».-4 UII ~«IU +»,,",11 ...... .-4.-4 ...+»C .0.11 .-4..c :,§:a .-4.8 11«1.-4 is:a~ 11:3 .. :'8 oø... 8 ø. 11.&1 X.-4.. .c . +» II . ..... ..C.-4 !0'ö ... !!9 ~ \.4::'.-4 O+»Il ~ ~.. .-4..0 X ø.,,", "11 ). .. . .. ' .:-:' , . I '\ .:0'1 _ f:,.:;. .- ~ . .,. ..1,:··.',¡....··..·.,.__·. :.". .' ~" .., ~... ,', ~,·~·.-·~..Ä'.,·~~.. ' . "It.. .~..L.-;. .«,',: '~4IJIt. _..', ,w· ;.1..11, ~·I_.~ ~'- '. ...I~.i~::j... :;!;.~:':0: . '. ." .': \.. ~aples, Florid"', July 20, 1981 LET IT BB REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the governing boardC_) of'such special districts as have been created according to 1.. .nd hayln9' conducted business herein, met on this dat~ at 9z0S A.M. ,. "In Workshop-'Sesslon In Build lng - F- of the Courthouse Complex wi th the . ' fol1owln~II!'::~.~1r ".;" ~<t·t i ~'" 'J'.' j present I ,. CHAIRM^N: John ^. plstor (9:25 ^.M.) Cll fford Wenzel C. R. -Russ· Wimer Mary-Frances Kruse Dav Id C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN: · Vlce~Chairman Wenzel chaired meeting. ALSO PRESENT: Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney, Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk, William Norman, County Manager, and Terry Virta, Community Development Director. ACENDA 1. Discussion of legal and technical issues relating to use ot Impact fees for growth management: Research person: Fred Bosselman, Ross Hardies, and Associates. Vice Chairman Wenzel called the workshop to order and noted the reason for the meeting was to discuss legal and technical Issues relating to use of Impact fees for growth management. Mr. Fred Bosselman and Mr. Dan O'Connor were introduced. Commu- nity Development Director Vlrta stated the staff ha's been r.searchl.ng impact fees as they exist in the State of Florida. He said that the Page 1 .. " , &OaK 062 rACE225 :, . , ~ . <. ,~.W...~ ~ . .. 4' . .......... - \,~....... . ~ .. . ÞOt'O ,,&I ,,",0> o +».-4 U&I ÞOt«lU +»,,",11 .-4... .-4... ...~C .0.11 .....c :,§:a .-4.8 "«1.-4 .c:a+» f-4 u 11:3 .. :'8 iø.~ 1;.&1 X.-4.. .:511 . ..... ..C.-4 110,", ~ ~~ .-4cu ,,",.-4.-4 O+»Il ~ ~ .. .-4..0 X ø.,,", '\' ~; . ' ..... ....,.. .'... ~ ..... '. ~ \:.;..... . .. 1Io~' . 4.. ./1".. ..._--~-------- ---:----_.. ~ ,f· .,,.... . ' . ,..Jr:~"& .' . .. - -~ .....------....--..-.. .....-...---.- &QOX 062 rACE 226 July 20, 1981 staff would like to ascertain Board direction as to how to proceed In terms of persulng an impact and if the Board Is desirous of such. He explained that Ross Hardies and ^ssociates are presently working with Manatee, Palm Beach, and Broward Counties in development of impact '1 ',' fees. He gave some of the background for Mr. Bosselman and Mr. O'Connor and turned the meeting over to Mr. Bosselman for his comments. Mr. Bosselman said that impacts fees is a subject of Interest nationwide. He said that the Courts say any sort of Impact fee has to be c.refully designed to aeet the .particular circumstances of the particular community. He said they should be based on projections of future growth and revenue and expendltures'"'tb~t are relateð to that particular county. He said it is important to have an expert who will come In and testify as to the equity involved in the fee structure. Mr. O'Conner said that the State and Local Government Comprehen- sive Pla'nnlng ^ct requires that Implementation recommendations be included as part of the plan adoption and he noted that in Collier c0'r::'Y's ~~~~P:~,,1r.$j;t.!;ive Plan one of the implementðtion recommendations was ·The County should maximize the use of equitable methods such as Impact fees within appropriate legal boundaries to accommodate the ," costs of new development and to assure lowest possible tax burden to existing residents ~f the County.· He explained, while studying the preliminary work of the County and trying to develop a method for capital impr~vement program, he reviewed one of the County's documents and noticed in the description of the capital improvement program .nether reco..endation that said ·....the County should consider ~' promotion of the following policies to meet future capital improvement Page 2 . >t'O .." \.40> o +» .-4 U&I >tClU +»,,",11 ....CI.. .-4.-4 ...~C .oClII .....c :,§:a ..... c ClO "CI.-4 is:a~ 11:3 .. :'8 oø... II ø. IIClII X.-4.. .c . +» 8 . ..... "'C.-4 t/0'ö ~bO.. "'Cu \.4.-j.-4 o~ II ~~.. .....0 X ø.,,", , to. r . I,'· .'~ , - ~.. :~ ~_:=:::~.~.._... ~oÞ t)- . '. "." ¡-'';.;Q;:~:: .:'Í.....,~, . " " I!'.,., -:~ ",,' '.L . ,.','- .. .. - .~. ".!P..('>~_ "I". '.,"""'..' ..~~~., ..', ': ,0'" .... - '. ":¡ .._ ".~"._.. .1 ",~;x,~~ ..r·Jl~:....,.:·.¿ "";'/r-.... ,~~'~~'~u"¡!: .",; -, _...~. ;":' : , - " ~,.~.~ '~, . - 4' '"'II ~... .............iIIIIW~ ~w.::..~~_~~"""""~"':"'--"'-." July 20, 19R1 nèeds" and he said that one choice w~s r~venue honds 3nd the s~cond W~3 i~pact fees. He said one point was made that the development I~pact tee concept Is not a major element of Collier County's capital improvement program except perhaps in the areas of utilities system construction .nd to the le...r extent in the school board's capital Improvement program. He said it is a growing recognition that impact fees are an implementation technique to meet the demands of future growth and is happening throughout the state. Commissioner Wenzel commented that he felt every problem in Collier County could be attributed to runaway growth. Mr. Virta said that the problem is that in the development of any impact fee, the first step Is to find out the needs today. Once that decision is made by the community as a whole, the County is in the position to develop the formulas which will allow assessment of an equitable fee on new growth. Commissioner Kruse asked if it was reasonable to separate the Impact fees Into categories such as sewer and water systems, which are intended to be funded out of system development fees and are intended to pay back out of revenue or bonds, from the items which are not paid for in such a manner such as the school and the roads and Mr. Bosselman .aid he felt It was much safer to sot up separate funds. Mr. Bosselman said that the question of which costs are due to growth and which are not Is really a very difficult question. He said In designing an impact fee, a level of revenue is desired which will be helpful but not so much that experts for any challengers can show that the newcomer costs are assessed for something that should be allocated Page 3 &OOK 062 ~ACE 227 '\ -- '----;- ~-----:-.;:-'1....~~- ~--~ ~'-:."....,. '--~"--'r- or-- :--~~~.-- ~ 'f:":,;,:Jrp- .. . , i.. ...... ."" ,. \ _ . ,'0 II > .-4 II U II .. C &I .c :a '.:" . B .-4 +' ~ '8 '.. ø. &I .. . ..... .-4 ""' o .. U .-4 II .. o "- ..-... -~ " t . '- .1..:. ...c::.-.:.. T__ C ~l 062 PACE 228 July 20, 1981 to existing residents. He said a very careful study of existing and future revenues and expenses must be made and the level of fee must be set In a ~anner that Is reasonable and equitable. Mr. Bosselman covered the types of fe~s with which he has had experience such as utility fees, parks and recreation and road fees. A~.hort discussion centered on the tourist tax. Mr. Bosselman described the impact fee in effect in Broward County which covers roads, schools and parks and the fees that Manatee County are beginning to explore. ^ discussion followed regarding on what the Impact fee would be based. ~s. Jane Paulus, from the Collier County School Board, noted that Broward County's impact fee money has been held in an escrow account, according to her understanding. A discussion was held reg~rding to what d~gree the indirect impact would be for a resident moving into a community and how that would become a component of the design of the impact fee. Mr. John Stelnwand raised the philosophical question of the difference between schools which are mandated by law and roads and street lighting which are not. Mr. William McGrath said a year ago the Planning Commission was asked to study impact fees and did so. He said he felt th.re should not be any attempt to ·count noses·, but that the fact of so many houses should be accepted and anticipate so many school rooms that will be needed. ~. ~'~~.......~~~-.....,.,~. . ~r.' . ..-~-- ',A, ~', ". - ":~'-.J " . .~,- ..' "'" ,~~í; ..."'. ,." ."~:' "'..., ".,~;~..-~..." "':, "..~.:.", ,- ¡;~ '/':J;.:,~'" ."J~~'..... ",~",.}\.,~",.~,..,,;"""';" r~, ',l ""'~~''1;....:'''''''' '., "-'~~.~~::/1¿. " ~,'", ,#; .'-,:::, ,". :, ,"'; ',;,~=,7::'~~~.',,;'~'., :~:".~~"",,,,;,~;;<..'~' "'~~:'.'.:~.i:~:'.,.,_ , , .... ' J....i.:."'~~~~.~.\'...'.~~~~~~, ' , '..··:.c1··~~~'I,..\"" .!~.' 1ôr1~\.~~;~""rI\~"\'~~~~'. ~\I.~.t,', "':- ~' .'.., '. ,,' "..'......':,...~~ ,,' ,.¡.:'.- ~ ......,----, -- -'''''.....--- Page 4 ';j.. y'. -, '.'~ "',J.":'., .. ...., ........ :..... ·i ' ~'.. , ',!.. '.' .;.... .~. .J" ..". :. ~ ....~':..~'-<:~-_.......-...~ . l' " . J,::'~,~:';": ''':.-'' ,,' i. ;.....", .:" " ...'., . '.' ': . ,,' ~''":~.~~~6t\~~:A:~~~'~~'*~'' . ~'O ,,&I \.40> ° +' .-4 UII ~ClU ~""'&I .-4... .-4 .-4 "'+JC .oClII .....c :,§:a ......8 IICI.-4 is:a~ 11:3 .. :'8 ig,~ 11.&1 X.-4.. .~ II . ..... ..C.-4 !l0'ö ~bO.. "'Ce) ""'....-4 ° +J II ~~ .. .-4..0 X ø."", July 20, 1981 ~r. W~faa Assaad ~sked if th~re w~s any provi3ion which required that the money collected b. spent within a certain time frame and he said there is a development fee and he did not feel there was a plan for spending the money. Utilities Manager Berzon said there were plans for the areas where there are collection of utilities fees. There was a short discussion on the merits of not having Legislaturo Involvment with impact fee establishment on the local level. A discussion was held regarding developIng an impact fee which could be used for areas other than immediately surrounding areas where levied. Commissioner Brown noted that the County's parking fee has a provision that the money can be spent in an area up to 15 miles. Mr. Norman questioned the procedure for formulating an impact ree ordinance, whether Collier County snould use Broward's as a guide, and Mr. O'Connor said he felt the County would get a better product if they did most of thê work in house. He advised setting up a system of districts, set up funds fúr various types of facll1tieß and establish administrative procedures. He said one readon Collier can not just adopt some other county's ordinance is that each county is different. Commissioner Wimer said he would liko staff to bring back a recommendation on the best way to proceed, whether In house or 1n conjunction with firms for the Board's approval. ···***RECESS: 10:30 ^.M. RECONVENED: 10:45 ^M.M****** .. '. '..~' '. . . ' ., ' " , ----...--.. "'!',.-.-......~~~.......,......,.........~...,........- ~....'~ .-----....- ....--.~,..- --~... .... .., _... II-- . ~ , , Mr. Norman pointed out he felt by having the impact fee study done .. In house that there is not enough staff to handle all that is necea,. sary. The suggestion was made that an impact fee be levied at the time Page 5 bOOK 062 PACE 229 : ~... -, i' .... ..·.~,~~r '.. ... ~..,; ,,, " . ..., " l ,. '. -- ..... .' ,,". . t'i \.40~ o +» .-4 u., ~ClU +»\.4&1 ...... .-4... "'+»I: .0.11 ...§.c tIO :a &I .-4.8 "CI.-4 t;:'+» .,~ .. :: '8 iø.~ 11.&1 :1:.-4.. .c .+». .. ..... "8;:: !~~ ... u \.4 .-4 o+» . ~~.. .....0 * ø."", " l' --:~~. '.-. . '-z::-'~:,.. r.J·.~t........~~ ·~.il. f &OOK 062. 'ACE~. July 20, 1961 1 ) of the building permit Issuance. Commissioner plstor suggented that " "Î part of the fee be Imposed at the time of the bullding permit and part r--, ~ at the time of Certificate of Occupancy. A short discussion ensued precipitated by a member of the audience '. ~,';~ ' ~{a.'f l' ~. ~,.. ' -,r........,.. ....r-. C'· ' '...~\C.¡.:'. '. . " ~ .....:~ ," ... stating he felt the,Commissloners were going from a discussion of impact fees to formulation of an ordinance too quickly. , Commissioner Wimer requested that within the next two weeks he would like something brought back to the Board regarding Impact fees and whether the ordinance will be developed In house or with the help of the consultants present today. There being no further business to come before the Board, the ~eeting was adjourned at 11:35 A.M. .....¡ ~:: Page 6 " ,',," ,.,.~ --, ""',": ,~ " ~]~............--_-.... , , . ,._, ".........'\. 0.. ... ' \;~' "~,.,."'.. ~. .~~. ,....' ~.,... ,... ~...-~l~,~!\'wií'.~,'· "'~-~_~~" .,y"~r-.."''''';~''' ,~.....,,:.~"<tT .", ,':';'.J ..._..t~1f, ..' ,:.,j..-! ..... '''('t,.''':' J"""".-"-,'r,I!" ,.~,-t..:' "" ""'p. ~........,.....,~ "·.··..:.'.',;4~..,' .....~. ...:I'~ ~ ~_.,..., .....,~".,....T·...'.;·\~,,· ~ ....._~.: 1",- ", 't'''rr-I:..'. " ..' .' ..' 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