Agenda 03/22/2011 Item #16E1 3/22/2011 Item 16,E,1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve two First Amendments to License Agreements with American Tower Asset Sub, LLC, increasing the combined monthly fee for each site by $50 to compensate for the County's use of the Licensor/Owner's existing electrical service. OBJECTIVE: Approve two First Amendments to License Agreements with American Tower Asset Sub, LLC. CONSIDERATIONS: The County previously entered into License Agreements for the installation of communications equipment at two towers managed by American Tower Asset Sub, LLC, for the Safepoint Location system, which is related to the 800 Mhz radio network. When the locations and Agreements were being negotiated, the County was planning to install its own electrical service at the two sites. However, the cost for providing electrical service at these locations can be circumvented by utilizing the owner's power supply, which already exists on the sites. The County will then provide the Licensor with a monthly payment in the amount of fifty dollars per site. The County will initially save twelve thousand dollars by not installing the electrical service for its sole use. The attached two First Amendments to License Agreements reflect the change for the County to utilize the Licensor/Owner's electricity, and to provide the Licensor with fifty dollars per month for electrical service for each site. All other terms and conditions of the existing License ~ Agreements remain in full effect. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the annual electrical charges of $1,200 is available within the 800M Hz Radio System Fund (188). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed First Amendments to License Agreements are legally sufficient for Board action and requires majority vote. - JBW RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approves the First Amendments to License Agreements with American Tower Asset Sub, LLC, and authorizes its Chairman to execute same. PREPARED BY: Michael Dowling, Sr. Property Management Specialist, Real Property Management, Facilities Management Department -- Packet Page -1094- 3/22/2011 Item 16.E.1. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.E.1. Item Summary: Recommendation to approve two First Amendments to License Agreements with American Tower Asset Sub, LLC, increasing the combined monthly fee for each site by $50 to compensate for the County's use of the Licensor/Owner's existing electrical service. Meeting Date: 3/22/2011 Prepared By Name: DowlingMichael Title: Property Management Specialist, Senior,Facilities 3/2/20 II 10:31 :45 AM Submitted by Title: Property Management Specialist, Senior,Facilities Name: DowlingMichael 3/2/2011 10:31:47 AM Approved By Name: AxelrodBarry Title: Director - Information Technology,lnformation Technology Date: 3/3/20113:55:13 PM Name: SmithKristen Title: Administrative Secretary, Risk Management Date: 3/3/2011 4:27:35 PM Name: CampSkip Title: Director - Facilities Management,Facilities Manage Date: 3/3/2011 4:57: 11 PM Name: MottToni Title: Manager - Property Acquisition & Const M,Facilitie Date: 3/3/2011 4:59:08 PM Packet Page -1095- Name: DalyJohn Date: 3/4/2011 7:58:26 AM Name: WhiteJennifer Title: Assistant County Attorney,County Attorney Date: 3/4/2011 3:01:41 PM Name: Price Len Title: Administrator - Administrative Services, Date: 3/9/2011 8:39:32 AM Name: KlatzkowJeff Title: County Attorney, Date: 3/9/2011 4:04:28 PM Name: StanleyTherese Title: Management/Budget Analyst, Senior,Office of Management & Budget Date: 3/11/20119:14:35 AM Name: KlatzkowJeff Title: County Attorney, Date: 3/11/2011 3:42:48 PM Name: SheffieldMichael Title: Manager-Business Operations, CMO Date: 3/14/2011 3:22:05 PM Packet Page -1096- 3/22/2011 Item 16.E.1. J:. r /u f 3/22/2011 Item 16.E.1. Licensor Tower Site Name/Number: East Lehigh Acres, ~'L / JUU~U Licensor Contract Number: 245337 Licensee Tower Site Name/Number: State Rd 82 / N/A FIRST AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT This First Amendment (the "First Amendment") to that certain License Agreement dated July 22, 2008 by and between American Tower Asset Sub, LLC and Collier County (the "Agreement"), is made and entered into as of the latter signature date hereof, by and between American Tower Asset Sub, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the "Licensor") and Collier County, a local governmental entity (the "Licensee") (collectively, the "Parties"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Licensor O\\'I1S a certain communications tower and leases a certain parcel of land located at 101 South Church Street, Immokalee, FL 34142-9641 more commonly kno\\'I1 to Licensor as the East Lehigh Acres, FL tower sile (the "Tower Site"); and WHEREAS, Licensor and Licensee entered into the Agreement for the use of a certain portion of the Tower Site; and WHEREAS, Licensee desires to utilize Licensor's electric power at the Tower Site ("Electricity Use"); and WHEREAS, the Parties agree that as consideration for Licensee's Electricity Use, a Utility Fee shall be imposed wlder the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing promises and for other good and valuable consideration, the reeeipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto agree as follows: I) Licensor and Licensee agree and acknowledge that the last sentence of Seetion IV Fees& Term of the Agreement shall be deleted and replaced with: ..Elcclricil)' for operation of /\pproved EqUJpmen[ is to be provided by (check one): [8J Licensor, with the cost of SLlch electricity to be paid by Licensee at the initial rate of $50.00 per month ("lllilit)' Fcc") .sub.kcl adjustment pursuant to Si:ction 5(b). OR o Liccnsee. a1 its sole expense."' 2) Licensor and Licensee agree and acknowledge that Section S.b. of the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement shall be deleted and replaced with: '''Sb. Utilities. Licensor agrees to provide l.icensee ckctrical service limited to a single :W AI\'lP cirCllil. Licensee ngrees to connect to Licensor's multi-gang me\l.:r rack on or hefore the Commencement Date. Licensee shall pay the cost of ,iiI utility scrrke necessary. including the Utility Fee and Connr.::ctioll Fcc. to install, mai11lain snd operate the /\pprovcd Equipment. The Utility Fee shall be payable in advance on the first day of each calendar month during the Term beginning upon the Commencement Date. If Licensee requests approval for additional equipment and electrical capat'it)' Licens(;'e agrees 10 enter into a mOllltoring agreement with a third pJrty to monitor Licensee's utility usage at the Tower Facility 01" 10 install electrical service independent of' the Licensor's. Licensee shall providl: to Licensor an annual report of its utility usage at lhe Tov,;er Packet Page -1097- Licensor Tower Site Name/Number: East Lehigh ~r~s~(t~tA~IJem 16. E.1. Licensor Contract Number: 245337 Licensee Tower Site Name/Number: State Rd 82 /N/A Facility during the Term of this Agreement prepared by the third party monitoring company. Licensor shull rc\.iew the annual usage report. i:lnd. jf Licensor determines, in its sole discretion. that Licensee's utility usage increased hy morc than 10'% OWl' Licensee's utility usage as of the Commcncemt:nt Dille. or as of the date of tht: Ji.lst Utility Fcc increase resulting from increased utility usage. Licensor may, but is not required. to modify the Utility Fee by an amount equal to Liccmor's actual increased costs incurred due to Licensee's increased utility usage. If such a modification in the Utility Fec is imposed, Licensor shull notifY Licensee in writing of such increase in the Utility Fcc. Any such change in the Utility Fee resulting from an increase in Licensee's utility usage will take effect \\'iLh the next payment of the Utility Fec coming due after Licensee's receipt of such notice. Licensee shull obtain and pay the cost oftdephone connections, the installation or which shall be in compliance with the procedures for installation ilnd maintenance of Approved Equipment setl'orth herein. Licensee acknov.:kdges that Licensor shall not provide backup power in the event of an interruption in utility service. 3) Capitalized terms contained hcrein, unless otherwise defined, are intended to have the same meaning and effect as that set forth in the Agreement. 4) All other terms and provisions of the Agrcement remain in full force and effect. [SIGNATURES APPEAR O\J THE NEXT PAGE] [REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIO\JALL Y] Packet Page -1098- 3/22/2011 Item 16.E.1. Licensor Tower Site Name/Number: East Lehigh Acres, FL / 302780 Licensor Contract Number: 245337 Licensee Tower Site NameiNumber: State Rd 82 / N/A IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have set their hands and seals to this First Amendment to that certain License Agreement as of the day and year first written below: Agreed to and accepted by LICENSOR: Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: American Tower Asset Sub, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Witness By: Witness Name: Richard Rossi Title: Vice President. Contract Management Date: Agreed to and accepted by LICENSEE: ATTEST: DW1GHT E, BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Deputy Clerk BY: FRED W. COYLE, Chainnan Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~---()\0~ Jennifer B. Vv tte, AssIstant County Attomey Packet ~age -1099- _T r 3/22/2011 Item 16.E.1. Licensor Tower Site Name/Number: 1-75 E MIn :> I."::, t L! jV~(S I J Liccnsor Contract Number: 245338 Licensee Tower Site Name/Number: 1-75 E Mm 51.2 iN/A FIRST AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT This First Amendment (the "First Amendment") to that certain License Agreement dated July 22, 2008 by and between SpectraSite Communications, LLC and Collier County (the "Agreement"), is made and entered into as of the latter signature date hereof, by and between SpectraSite Communications, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the "Licensor") and Collier County, a govcrnmental entity (the "Licensee") (collectively, the "Parties"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Licensor owns a certain communications tower and leases a certain parcel of land located at Intcrstate 75 E, M 51.2, Ochopee, FL, 34141-2089 more commonly known to Licensor as the 1-75 E Mm 5 J .2, FL tower site (the 'Tower Site"); and WHEREAS, Licensor and Licensee entered into the Agreement for the use of a certain portion of the Tower Site; and WHEREAS, Licensce desires to modify the Utility Fee provlslOn of the Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the forcgoing promises and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledgcd. the Partics hereto agrce as follows: ]) Licensor and Licensec agree and acknowledge that the Utility Fee provision listed in the last paragraph of Section IV on Pagc I of the Agreement shall hereby be deleted in its entirety and rcplaced with: "Electricity for or~rutjon of Approved Equipment is to h\..' provided hy (check one): [8J Licensor. with the l~osl or such clc(,tricity h) he puid by Licensee at the initial rate of $50.00 per monlh C'l.ILilily Fec") suh,il:Cl adjustment pursuanltll S'.:dlon 5{b). OR D Licensee. at its S(lk expense." 2) Licensor and Liccnsee agrcc and aCKnowledge that Section 5. (b) of the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement shall hcreby be deleted in its entirety and replaced with: 5b. Utilities. Licensor agrees (0 prmlde LiceJls-.:e ckctritul sCI'\'iec limikd to a single::!O A\1P circuit. License\..' agrees \0 tOlllk'ct to Licensor's [l1Ulli-g~lllg meter rad on or before the CommcnccmelH Dale, Licensee shall pay the cost or all utility sel'\,!c:: nl:cl's~;ar.\'. including the Ltilit)' r:cc and Connection Fec. to install. maintain and (lperatc the AppnlV':d rquipment. Thc Utilit),' Fec sllilll be pil)';:Iblc in tldvunce on ll1e lirsl day of' Celeh ,,'aknd,u nwnth during the Tam beginning upon the Commenn:mcnt Date. I( LiL'cn~ce requl's\:; ,\ppnl\':ll I'llI' aJdiliuna] cquipmellt and electrical (,UraCil)' Liccns(~c (j~TL'CS to i.:ntl'r into a [l1(\l1itoring d;;.reement with (j third pany to rnOnil(lr 1.i(('ns('(;.', utilily usag..: <11 lhl.;' To\\'cr Facility or to install dectrk:ll s"Tyiee independi.:llt o( the LicL'l'lsor's, I.icensl.:c shall pnl\idL' {(l Licensor all :lllllual repon of ils utility usage ;:It the Tuwer Facilily dUl"ll1g Ill,,' IlTm of thj~ :'\gn:I..'lllent prepared hy the third party monitoring company. Packet Page -1100- 3/22/2011 Item 16.E.1. Licensor Tower Site Name/Number: 1-75 E Mm 51.2, FL / 3028] 5 Licensor Contract Number: 245338 Licensee Tower Site NameINumber: ]-75 E Mm 51.2 IN/A Licensor shall review the annual usage report. and, jf Licensor determines. in its sole discretion, that Licensee's utility usage increased by more than 10% over Licensee's utility usage as of the Commencement Date, or as of the date of the Jast Utility Fce increase resulting from increased utility usage. Licensor may, but is not required, to modify the Utility Fee by un amount equal to Licensor's actual increased costs incurred due to Licensee's increased utility usage. If such a modification in the Utility Fce is imposed, Licensor shall notify Licensee in writing of such increase in the Utility Fee. Any such change in the Utility Fee resulting from an increase in Licensee's utility usage will take effect with the next payment of the Utility Fee coming due after Licensee's receipt of such notice. Licensee shall obtain and pay the cost of telephone connections, the installation of which shall be in compliance with the procedures for installation and maintenance of Approved Equipment set forth herein. Licensee acknowledges that Licensor shall not provide backup power in the eVt:nt oran interruption in utility service. 3) Capitalized terms contained herein, unless otherwise defined, are intended to have the same meaning and effect as that set f0l1h in the Agreement. 4) All other terms and provisions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON THE NEXT PAGE] [REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY] Packet Pilge -1101- 3/22/2011 Item 16.E.1. Licensor Tower Site Name/Number: J.75 E Mm 5] .2, FL / 3028] 5 Licensor Contract Number: 245338 Licensee Tower Site Name/Number: 1-75 E Mm 51.2 iN/A IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have set their hands and seals to this First Amendment to that certain License Agreement as of the day and year first written below: Agreed to and accepted by LICENSOR: Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: SpectraSite Communications, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Witness By: Witness Name: Richard Rossi Title: Vice President, Contract Management Date: Agreed to and accepted by LICENSEE: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA BY: Deputy Clerk BY: FRED W. COYLE, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~ ---0 ~ ~'-Z-- --'"._--~- Jennifer B::::~l\lhite, Assistant County Attorney Packet ~age -1102-