Agenda 03/08/2011 Item #13A1 3/8/20l11tt!m>13.A.l. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY '.~ E~ .or reelection of the Collier County COQllllIUlity'Redevel..ent Agency.(CRA) Chairaad Viee-Chair for 2011 OBJECTIVE: For the Collier County Community Redevelopment AgeIlCY (CRA) BQard ..to nominate and eleet anew Chair and Vice Chair or reelect; thee~Chair and Vice-Chair for 2011. CONsmERATI~NS:CRA Resolution Number 2001-98~ as asnet1dedbyCRAResolution 2007-72A,established the bylaws. which govern . the purpose and req~entsof the CRA. The CRA is required to hold an annual ~eetmg in March of eacb Year wWch bas been utilized to appoint or reappoilltthe> Chair and Vice-Chair for the eRA . SectionS ofArticleUI (Officers) of the CRA Bylaws provides as fonows: - Tennsof Office: Each officer. duly . elected by the . CRA shall serve a term 6foney~ lDltil the next annual appoi11tmentor election. AlLofficers shaUhold office until their successors have been elected or until their earlier . r~ignatioI4 removal frotnofticeor death.. No person may. sim.ultaneoU$l~ hold more i~oneof:fice~ntheCRA; Section 3 of Article III of the CRA Bylaws provides: 1", -}\ole ofChairmap: Theyhainnan shall presideatalLlI1eetingsof the CRA,sign agreements~ con1raCts, and instruments on behalf of the . C~ca11specialJl1eetings as necessary. and .'shallperform such other duties as are customary fortheCIlairtwm. Lastly, Section 4of~cle In of tbe.CRABylaws. states: '- - Ro}e.ofVi~ C~: The Vice Chairman shall act for the Chairman in the.Chainnan's absence. The Vice Chairman shall alsoperfopn such duties. as are delegated by the Chairman. FlSCALIMPAQ:None. LEGAL CONSij)~TlONS: This item has been reviewed by the County AUol11eY and is legally $l1fficient for Board action. This itemrequiJ;'es.a maiorityvote. -JAK GRO~ ~~MENT IMPACT: There is no in1pact as a result of these actions. RE~~NDA'ftON: For the .Collier County.. COl11l1lunity . Redevelol'IDent Agency (eRA) Board.tonominateand,elect a.newChair and Vice Chair or reelect the existing Chair and Vice- Chair for 2011. r'\ Prepared by David L. Jackson on January 17, 2011 Executive Director, Bayshore Gateway TriangleCRA Packet Page -729- 318/20111~ttI"13.A.l. r'\ COLLIERCOIJNTY Boai'd of County CornInI$stoners Item Number: 13.A.1. Item Summary: Election or re-election of the CoUier County CQmmul'lity Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Chair and Vice-.Chair for 2011 Meeting Date: 3/8/2011 Prepared. By Name: JacksonDavid Title: Executive Director. CRA, 21912011 5:18:19 PM SQbmitteCl<by Title: ExecutiveDirector~ eRA, Name: JacksonDavid r--., 2/9120115:18:20 PM Approved By Name: Williams Steven Title: Assistant County Attorney,County Attorney Date: 2/1012011 11 :04:47 AM Name: KlatzkowJeff Title: County Attorney. Date: 2/24/20119:57:35 AM Name: lsacksonMark Title: Director-Corp Financial and Mgmt Svs,CMO Date: 2125/20119:17:42 AM Name: lsacksonMark Title: Director-Corp Financial and Mgmt Svs,CMO Date: 2/25/20119:30:57 AM ~ Packet Page -73()"