Agenda 03/08/2011 Item #16F1 ~ Rr:CU.llve SUAlMtlY Recommendation to approytJ a Mefllorandum of U~.ta..llngbetween g~tlier County and Living.VVord.FamilyiCb.....ch OBJECTIVE: To obtainapprovaIofaiMemoranqurn ofUn(jerstanding between Collier . County and LivingWQf'dFamilyChurch. CONSlgERATION~: Un<ier Cbapter. 252, FloridaStatt.lt~JColli$rCountyj through. its Emergency Management Department, providescooJ'dination ..ofemergency . services within Collier County. . ColfierCounty . alsocoordinatesthe.sdminjstration of relief activitiE$ of both public and priMate refief/disa$ter.orga~tionsthatagree to volunteer their services. underdirectionqrguidance ofCoUier County authorities.. Collier County mayaJso utifize personnel and facilities of. reJief/disaster$S.tance of organizations, Church$s, T emplEts,SynagoglJeSfoftile. .distribVtionof fOQO, water, supplies, and/or otherit$msfortemporary re.lief..ctivities. r\ The purpose. of the. Memorandum of Understanqing i$ tosetforth,define, and establish mutual agreements, understandings, guidelines, and()bfigatio~~n Collier County and LivingWord.F'amily Church to coordinate relief efforts at the time of a disaster. FI~~IMPACT: There is nof:iscallmpactassoci$tf:ttlwiththi$~x~cutive Summary. LEG~~C0t4SlQl:~TIOI@.;. ... This item . has been .revjewedand approved by the County Attorney's . OffICe. andislegaUysufficient. ThisitEm'l requires a majorityvote.- JBW. . GRQ~ . M~~(..;~ENTJ"PACT: · There is no ..growthmansgement impact assooiatedwiththisexecutive summary. RECO~~DAT~N; . That. the Board of County. Cornmissionefsapprovesthe MOU between CollierCol;jnty, through. its EmergencYM~n~9~ntDep.rtment;anql..iving Word Family Churqhwhich haS Nolunteered to. part.nerwith .Emerg~nqy Management during both PresidentiaUYdeclaredand undec1ared.disasters. r\ Prepared By: Judy Scribner, Human Services Program Man~ger,. Emer~ncy Management Department Packet Page -1112- 3/8/2011 Item 16.F .1. f'.. COLLIER COUNTY 8oardofCpunty Com~et'$ Item Number: 16.F.1. Item Summary: Recomqtendation to. approve a Mem9rand\lmofUnderstanding between Collier County and living Word famityChorch Meeting Date: 3!P42011 Prepared By Name: BoniChristine Title: A~n1ini~trat:i'Ve A~istant, Senior, 2/2212011 9: 12:52 AM Submitted by r\ Title: Administrative Assistant, Senior, Name: BoniChristine 2/22120119:12:53 AM Approved By Name: .WhiteJennifer Title: Assistant COl1~ty Attorney,Qounty Attorney Date: 2/22120113:27:42 PM Name: Sl1mmersDan Title: Director - Burea.u of Emergency. Services, Da.te: 2/23/2011 7:59:29 AM Name:. KlatzkowJeff Title: County Attorney, . Date: 2/24/20n 2:33:22 PM Name: PryoI'Cheryl Title: Mana.gement/Budget Analyst, Senior, Office of Management &. Budget Date: 2/24/2011 4:26:42 PM r"\ Name: SbeffieldMichael paeketPage -:1113.... >;:.",..:;A''''--~ ;: -.: ,~; ;i":z~<1f;'~~:A;::i;:;t:~tk .;, -,"-,- 3/8/2011 Item 16.F .1. r\ Title: Manager-Business Operations;CMO Date: 2/25/2011 8:06: lOAM r\ r\ Packet Page -1114- I""""'. I""""'. ~. .' 3/8/2011 Item 16.F.1. Memorandum of Undentanding Between Collier County Board of Commissionen And Livin2 Word Familv Church I: Puroose: The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOD) is to set forth, define and establish mutual agreements, understandings, and obligations by and between the Collier County Board of County Commissioners, through its Emergency Management Department, and Living Word Family Church. ll: Statement of Basic Resoonsibilities: Collier County Board of County Commissioners, through its Emergency Management Department, provides coordination of emergency services with Collier County, including incorporated areas. This includes the selection and utilization of various resources and organizations capable of rendering assistance. Under Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, the Board of County Commissioners, through its Emergency Management Department, also coordinates the administration of relief activities of both public and private relief or disaster assistance organizations which agree to volunteer their services under the direction or guidance of Collier County authorities. In addition, Collier County may utilize personnel and facilities of relief or disaster assistance organizations, churches, temples and synagogues in the distribution of food, relief supplies, medicines or other items and temporary sheltering as part of the restoration, rehabilitation or reconstruction of community services and essential facilities whenever Collier County authorities deem it necessary. B. Recognizing the increased demand for churches, temples, and synagogues to supplement assistance and recovery to victims of both Presidentially declared or undeclared disasters and the need to work in harmony with local governments and private relief agencies, the Living Word Family Church wishes to assist in rendering the most efficient service with a minimum of duplication to the citizens and guests of Collier County. A ill: Coordination of Effort: Cooperation and coordination between Collier County Government, through its Emergency Management Department and Living Word Family Church at a time of major disaster and during the post-disaster recovery period should be maintained at efficient levels and is part of the purpose of this Agreement. Living Word Family Church will make a continuing effort to acquaint its members of this Agreement to assist Collier County government in carrying out mutual responsibilities for disaster relief IV: Resoonsibilities: A. Collier County Emergency Management Department agrees to the following: 1. Notify Living Word Family Church ofthe potential need to 1 Packet Page -1115- ,.1 -, 3/8/2011 Item 16.F.1. assist in activities following a disaster, and 2. Participate in and develop training in disaster response for the members of Living Word Family Church;..and 3. Assist in the development plans for Living Word Family Church; and 4. Schedule periodic meetings and/or exercises to familiarize members of disaster preparedness or recovery initiatives; and S. Utilize, when and as appropriate, the services of Living Word Family Church for disaster relief and recovery projects; and 6. Whenever members of Living Word Family Church are rendering aid to Collier County Government under this Agreement, they shall have the same powers, duties, rights, privileges and immunities as if they were performing their duties for Collier County, and Collier County shall be liable for their acts and actions as if they were performing their duties for Collier County; and 7. Collier County shall be liable for any loss or damages to any facility or equipment utilized pursuant to this Agreement and shall pay any expenses in the repair thereof; and 8. Collier County agrees to be responsible, to the extent provided under Florida Statues 768.28, for its negligent acts, however, this responsibility shall not serve as a waiver of Collier County's Sovereign Immunity limits. B. Living Word Family Church agrees to: 1. Provide facilities and/or staff to Collier County at no charge during the disaster recovery period; and 2. Provide a 24 hour contact person and alternates; and 3. Provide a representative to attend periodic meetings of any Collier Emergency Response Working Group; and 4. Participate in exercises developed by the Emergency Management Department; and 5. Provide the Emergency Management Department with an update of facility and manpower capabilities at least annually prior to June of each year. C. Both of the above named parties agreed to the following: 1. No modifications or changes will be made to the facility/property by the Collier County Representative without the express written approval of the owner/operator. 2. Prior to occupancy, representatives of both parties will inspect the facility/property and will note any discrepancies on the inspection form, and/or this agreement. 3. Prior to occupancy, representatives of both parties will again inspect the facility/property to note any discrepancies on the release form. Normal wear and tear is considered to the responsibility of the organization/owner/operator. 4. The facility/property will be returned to the organization/owner/operator in the same condition as it was when occupied/acquired. 5. Other provisions as follow:_none ~ I""""'. ~ 2 Packet Page -1116- ~. ~ ~ , 3/8/2011 Item 16.F.1. V. Effective Date. Automatic Renewal. and Modification: This Agreement presents the general and some specific guidelines by which Collier County, through its Emergency Management Department and Living Word Family Church will cooperate to aid victims at the time of disaster. In witness thereof: the parties have executed this agreement on the date indicated. The provisions of the Agreement will be effective from the date approved by the Board of County Commissioners for a period of three (3) years. At the end of the three year (3) period, this Agreement will automatically renew for an additional term of one year unless terminated as provided in Paragraph VI of this Agreement. At the end of the one (1) year renewal period, this Agreement will renew for an additional term of one (1) year unless terminated as provided in Paragraph VI. of this Agreement. This Agreement may only be automatically renewed two times. Both parties have the authority to amend provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding upon mutual consent and by written instrument executed by the Parties. VL Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing the other party with notice of its intent to terminate with 30 days written notice. The Agreement may be immediately and automatically terminated by the County without providing such notice, should the County reasonably believe that the spirit or intent of Chapter 252, Florida Statutes is not being effectuated by this Agreement. AS TO COUNTY: Attest: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, By: Deputy Clerk WITNESSES: ~ Print Name: . . f5J1!l/J-N /-I PrintNatpe: k. ~ ,,10. M. 111 ~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER By: Fred Coyle, Chairman Living Word Family Church ~~" '~ --- ame:.~ -,~t_Lo...-L, ',-~, Title: c;rrtc.E IJDrtlltJ6r/M7lJfL b cl>\'~,:~ 3e,,- '-.'\ v~ ~ foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this. I day of . ' 2011, by :Dehbi~ Ja.CiVltb. as ~of w~ \)",J FVllll'l~ C~ a f\C:>1" fnJzJ ~. . He/She is (Ah,ersonally known to me, or [ ] produced dri er's license no. as ~~tification. ..- -- NO Name: (SEAL' . . DE80RAH M. IVEY . ). . ICIIIry PIIbIlc . Stile of Florid. . .., Comm. Expirn Mly , 3. 2014 ~ · COIlItiaI/on # 00 991840 ~ 3 ~ -{)~~ Packet Page _1117_Asslsta t Count" Attorney