Agenda 03/08/2011 Item #16E5 3/8/2011 Item 16.E.5. EXECUTIVE$UMMARY f\ Recommendation. to .approve..theselection. offirm..for...~h sub disclpl....r Request for Proposal (RfP) ()9-S262-S for Engineeril)g Services for CoI"c;(lJ,~' and direct staff to bring a negotiated contractitQth.aoalfdforsubaeqp~t approval (estimated annual expendituresS2,OQO,OOO). OBJECTIVE: . To.. obtain approval from the Board of . County . Commissioners of the Selection Committee's. final rankings and to direct staff to enter into contract negotiations, for additional Engineering disciplines, incl4ding,ModelinQand Simulation, Surveying, Permitting, and Instrumentation and Controls .(incluQing SCAOAand. Low VoltaQe)Jor use by County departments to facilitate operations and.capitalprQjeetimpiementation. CQNS.IDERATlON: The Board of County Commi$$.ioners otlJune2~,2009direetedstaff to re-solicit the various consulting and design contracts to offerl()C8tfirmsproviding these services an opportunity to be awarded work. PurchfilsingstaffdeveJopedanRFPthat consolidated six... major Engineering.. agreements into one. COmpetitiv~COf'tsultant Negotiation Act (CCNA) solicitation and separated the engineering work into nine (9) major Engineering disciplines including: Aero$pace (AE), Chemical (CH), Coastal Zone/Environmental.(CZ),. Electrical (EL), Materials Testing (MA), MeChanical (ME),Projed Management (PM), StrJ,Jctural (ST), and Civil (CI). The Board awarded these contracts .()n March 9, 2010 (Item .10D). f\ In October ~010, Purchasing Department staffc()OductedasulVey of County staff (Directors and Project Managers) who use these contracts in .an effort to determine the effectiveness oUhe C04ntywide Engineeringc.ontracts. The $urveyinformation was. compiled and subsequently . diSCUssed .. corporately with representatives from. the using departments. The. vast mcajority. oftha users favored renewing the existing contra.cts. Many of them also wanted. the Purchasing Department.to add. some additional disciplines. As a result, anRFPwas developed and issued for four.newsubdi$ciplines. TheRFPwas posted on December 3, 2010, with 1 ,07gemaU. notices~flt to firms who provi(:ie.tbese services. Forty-six proposals were received on the due deteof January 6, 2()11. A summary of the firms,and the firm's self -identified subdiscipfine(s), is attachedlai>e~ "Summary of Proposers." The staff. selection committee of eight members was. divided into two $UDCOfllf'nitteesto rank and score the firms by discipline. The subcommittees reached a consensus ranking for the four sub disciplines identified as fol.fows: r-"\ Attachment A ModeUng and $tmutation ..' .>. Recommended Firm Shortlist <...............;inord~rb '"sub.di$~ ... e......... 1. Carollo 2. Tetra Tech 3. Greeley Hansen 4. AECOM 5. Wilson Miller Stantec ...~tt.;a0,hel11ent< .. ..;. . ........>StJ.bp~c~Plin~; Packet Page -1()73- Attachment B Instrumentation and Controls (including SCADA and Low Voltage) r"\ Attachment C Permitting Attachment 0 Surveying and Mapping 318/20111tern 1. Mckim & Creed 2. Carollo 3. TetraT ech 4. RKS Consulting 5. - Pelican Engineering Consultants 1. WilsonMiller Stantec 2. Johnson Engineering 3. CH2MHiII 4. Hole Montes 5. Q Grady Minor 6. Qavidson Engineering 7. AgnoliBarber 8. RWA 1 AgnotiBarber 2. Hole Montes 3. WilsonMiUer Stantec 4. AIM Engineering 5. Johnson Engineering 6. RWA Staff is recommending that the Board select each of the firms identified for each discipline and that the Board direct staff to negotiate a contract with each firm. Staff will submit a subsequent executive.summary to obtain Board approval of each contract. ~ FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available. in. various. department budgets that use . these agreements. GROWTH MANAGEMENT . IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this Executive Summary. LEGA"-. CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's office I requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG RECO,.ENDATION: That the Board of Collier County. Commissioners apprOves the recommended shortlist for each sub discipline under RFP 09.5262-S for Engineering Services for CoflierCounty,and directs staff to bring ne.gotiated contracts to theSoar'dfor subsequent approval. PREPARED BY: Joanne Markiewicz, Acquisition Manager . and. Scott.. Johnson, Procurement Strategist, Purchasing Department . r-".. Packet Page -1074- 3/8/2011 Item 16.E.5. r"\ COLLIER COUNT.Y 8q:ardofCounty Commis$lpner-s Item Number: 16.E.5. Item Summary: Selectionoffirms under RequestforProposal{RFP)09-5262-S for Engineering Services for Collier County Meeting Date: 3/8/2011 Prepared By Name:. MarkiewiczJoanne Title: Manager - Purchasing,Acquisition,Purchasing & General. Services 2/17/2011 6:10:04 PM Subrnitted by r-'\ Title: MaIlager - PurchasingAcquisition,Purcbasing & GeneJ'a.1 Services Name: MarkiewiczJoanne 2/17/20116:1O:05PM Approved By . Name: SmithKristen Title:f\.dministrative Se<;retary ,Risk Management Date: 2/18/2011 8: 19:45 AM Name:. CarnellSteve . Title: Director -J'urchasiug/General Services,Purchasing Date: 2/18/2(IU 4:10:20 PM Name: GreeneCoUeen Title: Assistant GountyAttorney,County Attorney Date: 2/23/2011 1:49:36>PM Name: PriceLen Title: Administrator - AdmmistrativeServices, Date: 2/24/201112:23:24 PM r-"\ Name: StanleyTherese Packet Page ":1075- r\ r'\. r'\ Title: ManagementlBudget Analyst,. ~J,1ior,Office .ofMan88eItl~t .aU~8et Date:;: 2/24/2011 2:26:07 PM . Name: Klatzkow.Jeff Title: County At,tomey, Date:2/25/20119:17:29AM Name: GreeneCoUeen Title: Assistant County A~ey,County Attorney Date: 2/25/2011 9:40:05 AM Name: OchsLeo Title: COUnty Manager Date: 2/26/20112:34:0S.PM PacketPage~107~ '. .....:--,-.:....-"._.,.-...:...' ,-..,....,. ,"-, -..-",.,' 3/8/2011lt~m16.E.5. ~ Attachment A: Rank Order Modeling and Simulation ~ Carollo Tetra Tech Greele Hansen AECOM WilsonMiller Stantec Jacobs McKim & Creed Johnson En ineerin Stanle Consultants HSA En ineers CPH A noli Barber RWA Banks En ineerin DKS Associates Modelin Modelin Modelin Modelin Modelin Modelin Modelin Modelin Modelin Modelin Modelin Modelin Modelin Modelin Modelin 2.666666667 3 3.333333333 3.666666667 4.666666667 5 6.333333333 8 10 10.33333333 11 11.66666667 11.66666667 13.66666667 15 Purchasing Representative I Scott Johnson ---: Date ..---. Packet Page -1077- 3/8/2011 Item 16.E.5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 2/1/2011l 09-5262-S Countywide Engineering Services 1 3/8/2011 Item 16.E.5. Attachment B: Rank Order Instrumentation and Controls (including SCADA and Low Voltage) /'"""\ McKim & Creed & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 2.6667 1 Carollo & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 3 2 Tetra Tech & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 4.333 3 RKS Consultin & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 5.3333 4 Pelican En ineerin Consultants & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 5.66667 5 WilsonMiller Stantec & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 6.3333 6 CDM & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 7.3333 7 WSW En ineerin & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 7.3333 8 Greele Hansen & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 9.33333 9 AECOM & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 9.66667 10 Stanle Consultants & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 10 11 Jacobs & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 10.3333 12 HSA En ineers & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 10.6667 13 A TP En ineerin & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 13 14 ~ DKS Associates & C, SCADA and Low Volta e 15 15 Purchasing Representative I Scott Johnson I Date 2/7/20111 ~ 09-5262-5 Countywide Engineering Services 2 packetpage-1078- ~. Attachment C: Rank Order Permitting ~ Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin Permittin ineers Sciences Purchasing Representative I Joanne Markiewicz I Date ~ 5.0000 6.6667 8.0000 8.3333 9.0000 10.0000 11.3333 11.3333 12.3333 12.3333 12.3333 13.0000 13.6667 13.6667 14.0000 15.3333 15.6667 16.3333 19.3333 19.3333 19.3333 19.6667 19.6667 19.6667 20.3333 20.6667 23.0000 23.3333 26.6667 28.3333 28.3333 3/8/2011 Item 16.E.5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I 2/8/20111 09-5262-S Countywide Engineering Services 3 Packet Page -1079- Attachment D: Rank Order Surveying and Mapping 3/8/2011 Item 16.E.5. ~ Final Name of Firm Discipline Average Committee Rank 3.333333 1 3.666667 2 5 3 5.666667 4 6.666667 5 6.666667 5 7.333333 7 8.333333 8 10.66667 9 11 10 11.33333 11 11.66667 12 12 13 13.66667 14 I""""'. 13.66667 14 14 16 14.66667 17 15.33333 18 Services 15.33333 18 I ! Scott Johnson Purchasing Representative Packet Page -1080- 'I Date 2/17/11 I""""'. 09-5262-S Countywide Engineering Services 4