BCC Minutes 11/03/1981 R . ~'C kILl ~O> O+J~ ....UIL/ ...,.,u +J~t¡ ....~k 1""4~ ~+JC: .eClIL/ "'~.c :§:a 1""4106 ILICI~ ~:a~ ILI:::S .t :'8 i a.~ IL/tat¡ :I:~k .c !,+J~ kC:~ Il°'ö ~ bOk ..-4Cu ~~~" o .µ Ei" ::;~ k ,"kO :I: a.~ --.... . -. -- -- -... - , I . - ~.- -- --.----------------------. N,'plcD, Florid,', Novf!,..h'Jr J, l~Al LET IT n~ RFMEMnERED, th~t the Poðrd of County Comml~Rloncrs In ~n~ foc thQ County of Colll~r, ~nd ~lso ncting nn tho gov~rnlnq hO<'lcd(s) of such np~ci<11 d!stclct~ ,:w hnvr> been crei1ted dccordlng to law i'lnd howln,} conducted bu~In(:z~ hcn:In, mt·t on thla rlðte ðt !"I:05 A.þ.I. In Regul~c ~~5~ion in Auilrlln~ "F" of the Courthouse Complex with th~ following rnembcrs present: Cft^ J nM/I.N: .John A. PIstor C.R. "HUBS" Wimer Mðry-Fr~nCp.5 r.cu~r> D<!vid C. Arown v r C E - C II II T m·!" N : Clifford Wenlcl, ~bs~n~ ALSO PIÜ:SF:NT: Will1.-J ~.J. r.('..HJ.1n, Cl,:ck; ¡¡.Hold L. !!.'!11, ~td('f Doputy Clcrk/Fizc~l ~fflcpr; Fllnor M. Skinner, D~ruty Cl~rk; ron~1rl Pickworth, County Attorn"y; Jrvlnry rrr~on, Utllltlcs ~ðn~q~r; ~. hïlli.,n "'orn.'!n, County M.H1dqer¡ t:r W.Hrl Smith, ASHi:Jtðnt County ~,.ll1...q'.'r; Tl'rry Vlrt.J, ComMunity r'I.'vl:.·loT'M'~nt '\(~mil~l:.;tr.Hor; D.1nny Crl'w, rl.ln~ir'1 f)l[f'ctor¡ tee KirchoFf, PlclrH1pr¡ ,11!ffory Pt.'rry, 7.onlng Director; CJifford 1\.,Hlo:sct.Jlr., Puhllc ""'orks Mlr:lIn!!Hriltor; Gr.1CC !.:Pi"tUlciinq, l\dnlnl~Hr"lt1v,~ "ide to the Board; l!nd, [)..'put.y Chl~f Raymond Dèlrnt!tt, Sh~rlff's [)~r~rtmpnt. r.ll)" , 80QK 065 rACE '4.9f -- -- ---- -------- - - - ----~...- --- --..- -------~- - ---- ---, e_ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _____-.&..__...... ~ _ _.__________.____..:...._ ___ Nov~mhor 3, 1981 AGf.ND1\ - At'rnCWED WITII FOLLOWTNC'1 C""NC'1r.fi I Commissioner Wenzel being nhsúnt, four commlsoionorø will vote on items during this mQotlng. Commissioner ~rown mov~d, second~d by Commissioner Wimer ðnd cðrricd 4/0, th~t the agenda be npprovod with tha following chðng~sl 1. RocommendCltion for IIdoptlon of t'I rl!501ution to the Loo County Bo~rd of County CommiDnlonars endorsing the ~outhwpst Florida ncgion~l Plðnnlng Councl1'n recommenrlotiona rcgordinq tho dovclopment order for the ßonitð ß~y DRI - continued one wock. 2. Requont hy fiunGhinu ^c~dcmy for wðivur of clrcuG permit foos ~ddcd liS 1 tem 9A(C). 3. Dlscu5sion of con~truction of Cocoh~tchoÐ woir - to b~ hold Dt 11:00 A.M. 4. Recomnp.nùðtlon to Clw~rct contr~ct for EMf, dclinqu~nt bill collection servlcon - Clerk'n Office to report at a IDter date. 5. RecomMcndatlon for contr~ct for C~xnmbas Bont Rðmp conces- 810n.:11ro - deferred until 11/24/Al. PROCL1\M1\TION D~fiIGNATING TH~ W~EK AEGINNING NOVEMBER 9, 19~1 AS "TENNIS WEEK" - A[)Opn~[) Ch~lrmðn Pistor roðd the proclDmðtlon doulgnating tho week beginning Novembcr 9, 1981 os "Tonnls Week" linn commisaloner Wimer moved, seconded by Commi~sloncr Brown ~nd c~rrlcd 4/0, thðt same be adopted. Chairm~n pistor presentod tho proclnm^tlon to MDry Ellen Br~nnnn, Prcsident ot tho YMCA. paqe 2 &O~K 065 rACE '495 ,-._-------------------------------------~. . . -------------~--------------------------~- t ta~ 20> ,~~ t1G1 ,.,U · ~ ILl ,. k ,.. ,.., £: · ., GI ~§~ f. S I ., '" : .~ I (J ~:::s I tit '8 'Øok , a. 111&/ ~k ~8 ~ , C '" , 0 fM · 0 I~J.o I (J ~ ,~ 8 ~J.o kO a.~ ,--....'''''' ------------~---------------------------- Novcrnbe-r 1, lOP] pnOCL^~ATION D~STGNATrN~ NOV~M"ER 11, 10"1 AS VETEnAN'~ DAY - ADOPTED Ch.'l1rm,1n PIRtor rc.ld tb~ pror1.1n.ltion clc31qnlltlnq Nov(!mb(Jr 11, 19C) ~s Vetcrðn's Day. CommIssioner Wimer mov~d, 5~condud by Com- rnissionL'r Arown êH1d c·.lrri(!c! 11/(), th,1t. th" pror.l"mntlon be lIdopted. ^dmlnistrilliv~ Jlldc to th~ ROëHrl Crðcf> ;'p;wldlnq st..,ter! that Mr. Kehoo, Director, Vetcran5 ~crvicu, 5nirl th~t ther~ would bo sarvic~o ~t tha Courthou~u n~~t we~k ~nd pOGsibly ~omcone will be pr~~ent to acc~pt thu proclnm~tion at th~t time. P"'1" 1 8Q()K 065 PACE 497 , ÞOt'C k" 1040> O+J," (JILl ~ClU ~~ ILl I'4ta~ ...~ 1'4 +' c: Q CI ILl 1'4§.c bO ~ II -4105 IICI," ~.+J ~ U . t¡:::S .. :'8 o Øok B 0. &ltalLl a: ~ ~ .c ID .µ II . 1""4 "'c~ &lO~ abO~ I'4C(J ".;.¡~ o +J 8 ~~ k "'kO C a.~ --------____1...-___________________________ t!ovemhnr 1,11)(;1 RESOLUTION 81-21" RE V^CATION OF A PORTION OF THE nTrHT-OF-WAY OF KENDALL DRIVE TCGETIIER \'iTT!! Tr-ACT Po, Le'" 1 OF BLOCK 17(" "ND [.()T~ I ,.NO " OF BI.OCX 175 en' f-1^RCO nEl\CII tJ'J1 T 17, 11 T~F:^""AY nF.flCII, TNC. - /\DOPTF:I" Lcg-"1 notice- t1iwInq h'·'.~n rlJh1biht:'ct in th,! Nl'1plC'!ì D"lly Nl'wS on Octobttr lP. .1n<l 7'), l"?l i)nc! in th(> M,'rco TGl/)nd E''''qlc on Octoh~r 2;>, 19A1, ¿HI I~vid'~nc(''¡ by AffldiwJt of Puhl fr.ùtion filed with the Clork,_ public hearing W3D opcncrl to consider a r~qup~t to vncðtc ð portion or the r1C)ht-of-w.,y of Kend.ll1 P.rive tog'~lh'H .....Ith Tr;1ct A, Lot 1 of nlock 37fi ~nd Lots 1 ~nrl , of Block 17~ of Marco Deach Unit 12, fflud by HJdc.1W.1Y Bf>.1Ch, Jnc. PlJhl i c ""0 r k~; ¡\t~r:\ 111 j:; t r.1 ':0 r r..l r k :;:j .lll' r r: fr.'r rcd to thu F.x~c\Jt i VI' ~;umm~!fY in todùY'H .1rJl'wic' "nd :;L1t('d t.h,lt.) petition ....."5 rccol.v~d to v ,1 C iI t. I' the II b 0 v'.' ( L ~; C r i "v - pro p'" r L Y . lie !",Jr thH ~;lrJt!rlwðY BC¡Ich I~~ pr<)p.lr1ng, for thf' f\oJrdt~ conr-idi'u.t.lon, il rcpl.1t of the lIreð hl'in/) V'\c¡)t.~d to ,1cc0:-1r:\od,,1 \~ Irlr;rf.:,s .me! ("(Jr'·~'~;, lit il tier" .1IHI !';torm dr.:.in.l0l' provl!:1on!; .,t ttll' cntr;1n('(' to Illd(·,'W.ïY n\·.H:~". 110 5"ict th.1t th(' \';"',\B ~nd ~tn(( rccommenrl ~rprov~l. CommiSRionp.r ~lim..r mov,'rI, :¡l'cor:!(:d hy romnl~¡sion!!r "rown i'lnd carr1ud ~/O, that the public hc~rlng he çlnn~ct. Comrninsioner Wimar movrd, second~d by CommlR~1on~r nrown ~nrl ~ðrrl~d ~/O, th3t RC501utlon Pl-~lP CD vacntion of ~ portion of the r¡ght-of-w~y of Krndall Driv~ tot]cthcr with 'I'r,lct 11, Lot 1 of Plod ~7(;, tlnd r.otH 1 i'lnd í' of fJlod: 37') of "'..:Irco DClIch lIn1t I::> be tldoptccl. P.le}" ., ~o~~ 065 PACE499 · ~'C ~klLl 00> +J~ (JILl ~.,U +J~t¡ '"tak 1""4," ....+Jc: .e.,1LI ~~.c ILl 3 :a 1""4.,8 ILIItI~ ~...., t¡~ .. :'8 i a.~ .!Ita.., ...~... .c IQ'µ& .. 1""4 "'ã~ !~~ ... (J ~ .-f o +J & ::;~... !'1kO ;I; ø. ~ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ -1_. _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __________________ Novf'\fT1hp.r ~, lCJI11 \ PETITION FDPO-81-V-l2, ERNEST C. IIISI·:Y, HEÇ1U~:STJNG APPROVAL OF A VIIRJIINcE: FROM TIIF. MINIMUM DM~E ~'L00D r;t.F:VfI,TION HECUInET' ny TilE FLOOD DM\IIGE pnt:VENTTON 0RrH HANCE ON PR()PWTY rn~fiCR TBED !IS t.OT 11, (H.OCY ?!'i, UNIT 1, /'1ARCO EiE:M:1I !:unrJlVr:-:ION - DI::NTT-:D LC<J.,1 noticf! h..wing be('n publ1nhClc1 In the M...rco Jtll~r\(i F.o,~lQ on October 15, 1901, ~s evidenced by Affirl0vit of Public~tion fi]c~ with the Clerk, public tl(~,)clng W,18 oper1':'cI to consider P"tition FDPr)-n]-V-l', fi1(~d hy Ernest G. lIisey, rcquP,fot1n<) clpprov,'!l of "vcHL,ncn from the minimum b.1se flood f~lcvatlon reCJ1drC!d by th~ flood dJlmilge- prevt>ntlon ordln.:lncp. on property dI.'BCrUH.·c! ,'5 I.ot ll, Block /~, Unit 1, Milrr.o B (: " c h !) u bel 1 vis I 0 r1 . PI" n n c r D.' v t d ,.. c I< 1 1:1 r! f' ~; r:' r I h (-' r! t h " 1 0" .\ t ¡ 0 n 0 f t tIP ;, f I') r (~M f' n t ion ,.,' property /15 he1nC) on tht~ nort"....('~;t cornrr of ~~ort.h C:oll1r>r rou] ('V.H'¡ ..,nd But tonwood ('our t. on /01,) reo T:, 1 .'nd. f"J '·Xr'l., ¡ nlO'l lh.lt th,.. r(·l"Ju...·~t is for ., vo1ri"nce o[ ;"-1/7 re,·t b~low the rcquirpnp.nt of tho Fnp() ctn'l he Cf'fC'rrl'd to the f.xC'C'utivl' ~Uë\M,HY. c}è'lt.NJ 1)/71)/"'1, ",·hlch dl'!>cnb.!..! t h (! t h r (' (' n fl1 C) h ho r ¡ n r:J r e ~d cJ '~n c l!~; . tic ~:t,1tt'c1 th,1t t.hE' (~)(iRtlnCJ qrourd l! lev <, t ion for the pro p" r t y 1!J r,. 7 f (' ,. t; l h ,1 t t h (' t' 1 C v ,1 t ion r (! C lJ I r ~ r' II y FDPO Is II feet, .,nd th"t th~ p"tlt.1on.~r 1s r(!C ul!stinC') <In c1ev"tlon ,,[ E-l/2 f(Jot. Mr. McKim nal~ th~t DtJff fC0lR thp petitioner h~s ~ufflcl~nt lut to ....ccommodato the lonqnr ..10pPR rC::Jult1ng from thl'! 2.'3 foot Incrt..,,~,. in clc\'....tion ê'lnd thllt ttlf' lOl if; ~n f(·C't hy ] ]:1 f('~·t ~nd the- hOUSH f~ 10 Cet!t by fi3 foot. He s,,!rJ st.!!! fed!.> th,n gr.1r1tlnq thp varirtnce would !ict' " poor c)(.1mplo for pro!3peC't lvC' h0r:1~OWnl!r5 on thp. Jslc,nr1 111~~ th.lt st~ff rccommpnds th~t the petition he d~ni('d. 1\1"" 5 ßO~~ 065 PACf 501 - - -- - - - - - -,.,-. - - -,- - - - - -- - -- - -- -- -- - - - - -- -- ----..... · I'C " > '" " (, t¡ ... C ILl .c :a 6 '" ..., (, :::s '8 k 0. ILl ... s .... ... 1M o ... (, .-I Iii ... o ... - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- t-:ovl:mbcr ~, J«)£11 o 65 PA~E 502 ~:r. F:rnr.~a Hisey, petitioner, I:xpl¿¡inf:r! f~"(!1I Lhough th~ lot 19 o\·(rr.I7.~·d wit.h "pprOy.lm,'lcly 1(,0 feet of fcont"tJn, th(! bul1dllblc "r(M ,..,r thl' lot 1~ only £In feet l1nd t.hf\t. hp. f('el!; it i5 lrnpoAslblc to go up r, :\·,·t wi th 1I long ~lor(', \<"hl<:1I woulò bl' I) 1(' foot r1~;P bctween th(, Ðld.,,,·.:lk lind th~ ~ntr"'nce to the housp.. He rcqul'5teò thl\t he be "llo\o,t·d to bring tilt? hOU:3p to ,l rCI.1conûb1C" hC"lqht, I,¡hich "'oulr! £it ill he- hi<)lwr, ,1l 11-]/;1 !~et, th,ln thl~ thrf.'e Itou£iP,S on t.h(~ ¿"butting lot:s. Ch..,irí.,¡,n ri!'.lor ".lid tlw hOWie hchirrJ tlH' pf"tltlonl>r is hcing bul1t, ;It Lt.(· proper 11''11.'1 <:tnd t.h,lt t"hr.· Itou:.H.· ,'crO~~G th~ str(?ct h..." the fir~~. f!,')cr ]ivinr:¡ l(vf'1 at i1pproxJr.:"tcly 12 foot C'lr:v;·tlon. He f·xpL·ín.!d tlli1t, if rn.lny r.10P' v¿1rL,nc(':¡ ,He' ,'Irprov(~d, ,111 Collier County \v i 1 1 r 0 J 0" r¡ (! r 'J I' t. .' n Y f C' d t: r " 1 (Î :, : ; I ~õl ,I n C l' fro ~ the F 1 0 0 rl PI û n 1 n sur ,J n c (! .õ!ncl It I~ il ro1i1;Or conc-:'rn to tIlt' ('ol:,niG;.iont'r~;. "f. 1!1~,('y s¡;id on ('0] ll(lt" Poultv,¡rd tt,,'f(' .::rt' only thr<,<' hOU!Jt'5 \lhict~ ::!C ~,uilt t.o th." FDfC 1evr.l, nnc! Î!lll1rr1;;n Pi!;tor Gi1id thf.lt most of t!;" ·.:Ju:'!'!'; w'-'rC' hu It h,'f"Of" the r-r;P0 \lent into o·ff(·ct.. (:.·i1nlr~(] Din:C'tor ('r""" ~.dd th,\t th,., p"tition"r's q"r,'gc ðncl ~;.t c r .... (1 c, r 0 n 1'1 <:: 0 U 1 rI h t! h lI1 1 l ,', l t h t' q f 0 0 t 1 ' . \.' ( . 1 ,.. I t t, 0 IJ t I' n y v/) r 101 nee ...ntJ , 1',It ~.nl'.c pr:'opl(~ h.I\'<:': ,) coup],· of "t"PG uf to th(' r~.lin living iHell .In,1 r ', t W<1:.J!d c-on[orn. "r. 1ì1:;r'y :;,1 Id th.~t t hI. fC' ,",ou!-I b( ~or(.' th,1n ð coul'l(' of rotc-pr. to c:on~truct th~ housr) In t -,.ìt. \""y .1n~ t.h:lt it ""oulrl ("(lulr·' cor..plctC' rl'v<'Imp!nfJ of ,,11 th(' ,H("'h1t.f..·ct'!~ \"orl; to chllnqc the f10(.( f·l':v.-,tion of the gnrllqc.1t 11 foot to thl' 11 foot or the houRe (' 1 " V .) t ! 0 n . In rf:nponsc to Co~mlss1onl:r rrUG("¡; qll('!'.t1on, ~Ir. Hißf':Y s.-1fd th.-It tt.~ I1rchit<'C'l \.i.Hi "'''''','rL' of th" rrN' hut, .,t t"~ timc thc prinUi wr.r,.· ro1,..df.·, then· '·...'5 only ('nt· I~OUf,L' or. thC' r,_]!, nilcG of r o'H;J t' r, -~ - - -7 - - - - - - - - - - - ..... - - · r--.'C kll ~O> o +J""¡ (JILl ~Clu +J~tI '"tak 1""4~ ,"+JC ,otalLl ,"cq.c :§:a I""4cq6 ILl '1'1," ~:a~ tI:::S .. :'8 S g,~ ILl 10 II :I:~ ., .c CO.µEI .. 1""4 kC:.,..¡ !l0'õ ~ bO ., ,"Cu ~~'" O.µ B ::; ~ ., '"kO :I: g, '"' w_._..~''''''~."..._,_.., -........- ---------~--------------------------- November 3, 19f11 Collinr Boulcvnrd which W~5 not at e-l/? fact or low~r. COfllr:lis!Jioncr Winf>r mov¡,rJ, scconrlccJ hy COr1rnis!Jiont'r (Irown ¡,ne! c.:Irricrl "/0, thut thû public hn.Jr1ng bt~ closer!. CommiGßioner wimer movt'c!, ::;¡~conded by Conn 1!1:J lone r Bro\m, thil t PC't. i ti on FDPO-F! I-V-l '- bt: ,1PPOVfH.I. Upon c.111 for thl! question, the motion f¡\ilcd with D votP. of ?17, with Co~mis5ioncr~ Pintar ~nd KrUDC oppo3ed. ORDIN^NCE NO. Rl-~~ R~ Pf.TITI0N n-n1-12-C, ßEN RECORD, REQUESTING 1'1 GROUP lOLJSING. OVEnL1\Y ON "/"!lSD" H~IING FCft 51i.2 1\CRES KNOWN M~ QUAIL ROOST, LOC^TED II? MItE ::;OllT!I OF M1\N1\Tf.E nOAD, V-1 MTLP. F.^ST OF S.P. 951 - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPUt1\TIONS; P~TITJONER'S AGR~f.Mf.NT TO STIPLJLATTnNS - ^CCf:P1'F:D tCI).:11 not let· '<Jvlng hc·,.n puhl15h'~d In the N,'plefl D¡dly tl~ws on Octoher 2, IIJR1, .l!> evirlL'nC"(~ by ^rflcLwlt of puhllcation filed with the Clprk, puhlic h"~(Hln'1 WI'" O~I\'l1r~cI to rOl1sicJC1r PC"tltlon n-~J-I7-("', f11~ò hy Ben rtccorrl, r(,C]\Jp.5tlrH) " !)rollp housing ov~rl.'y on "MIlf,D" zonlnrr for 56.7. ;'cr¡:s known .,!) C'IIJil Poo::;t., 1 oc.1t ('(I I;:> MilE' south of ~~n~t~e noad, 3/~ rnlln ~aKt of ~.R. ~Sl. PI.1nnr.r Lee Kirchoff not('r th:lt ;111 of ttw r(,,7.on~ pl)tltlons n'c¡ulr¡~ 11 1\/5ths votc .:Ind thin if thtHC 1::;., problem with <"I petition, the no~rd may want to continue it for one w('~k. Commissionpr wim~r 5uggl'!lted that the decision be lcft up to the pp.tltlonprn. MR. Kirchoff ind!c:,1tcd tho gt"n~r,'I lor.,1tlon of the prop(!rt.y on ,\:1 overhc"d m"p ,'9 bein(' in the southw~~t qu"rtor of 5f":'tion 11 with Gul f Wind Apðrtrn~nts ~t thu intcrGl'ction of ~l1n~tce ROðd I1nd ~.n. 9~1 in th~ qcn~cnl ~!e~ of thu prop~rty. 5h~ 3nld the exiotlng zoning ðllows 3~~ unlt$ "t Ii.? unitn pl'r I1crr? ,1nl1 ttl"t lhc petitlon hðS heen rcc:omMenð~d for ~pprovðl by ~t~[( ~nrt ~ll I1dvisory bo~rd~ in their ~rCðS of conc:~rn P.'q " 7 M~K 065 PACE 503 - - - - - - - - -- - --.,-- - -- - - - - - -- - --- - -- ----- -..- --, · ~'C kILl ~O> O+J~ .....(J., ...,ClU +J~ILI ,"~k 1""4~ ,"+JC ,oClILI .....,.c :§:. 1""4.,5 ILl to'" ~:a~ tI:::S .. :'8 i ø.~ tlta., :I:~J.. .c IO+J. .. 1""4 kC...t !0'õ ~!9t; ~'::'...t O.µ . :; ~ k or1kO :z a.~ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ i!\C~~ C 65 PACE 504 Novf!mb~r 3, 19111 ~ubjcct to thc following stlpulntionH: }. Detailed construction ~nd wat~r mdn~g~rncnt plðns be ðpprovp.d by the County Engineer prior to ~ny conntruction on the site. ?. An ^grcf'mcnt bct"'C('n Pookr!ry ß,ìY Ut111ticf ('nd th~ County Wðter-5cwcr District conGl~tent with th~ tcr~s set forth In Btðff's ~etter daled lIugust 7, 1901, must he concluded prior to the ðpprov~l of construction pIano anò DF.R permitltng applications, or 3. In the obscncc of ð sntisfActory ~gr~empnt with Rookary RI'lY Ut!litll·s, th(' Dcvclop('r wilJ con~truct on-site ~~Wðqc trcntmcnt fÐcil1tles which will bu decd~d in th~ir ~ntircty along with ~11 G~~ßgc collection lines and wftt~r distribution 1lnu~ to tho County WAter-~cw~r District. The County \-\','t('r-SI~Wl"'r Dlst.rlct \1.'11] tlH'n r-rovidC' on-51t:c ~ewng(' tru~tment until ~~ntrðl sewAge treðtncnt fðcili- tl~s nre brought to the proprrty. ProvisIons for futur~ connectIon to n ccntr~l 6eW0r sy~tcm must be mcdú by the nrvclor~r ~l the tlm" th~t thl"' project la Inlti~lly d"vcJopl'(\ . Cn,.,rnjfj!:;lonl.'r P.ro\o-'n 1T10VNJ, sc·cor:r1crl hy Com,.,lssion<:r Wimer ¡tnn (.".11 t 1f'(! "/0, th,H the public: hl'.Hin!) be: clos"d. CommlGsloncr Rtown rnc\td, !H:condl!d by CO"'ml~!;lofl('r l-:it,H-r rmd c;Hrll'd 11/(1, th<lt thl' ordf- u."nc(·, ¡,!; nurnb!'rt:d .11\(1 I·ntltled b~'lo"', hI' i'ldoptE'd l\nò r.ntcrcrl into rrdln~rH~() Book 1~ :;ubj(,l't to th() ;lfor"r1lntionl'd stlpul"1tlonr.; pct.l- tlCntr'U J!lC)r('C't.H!nt to stlpuliHIons ,'cc"rt.Nl: OHDP;^,"CF: Pl-r:01 MJ mHHN^NCF. Ma't~I' IIJ(; ("In ) T NM!CE 7,:',-11', 711f: CO~Pfu:m;N!ìTVr. 7.CNJN(; Rf'GUl^TIONS rrn TI~E UNINCORPORATED ,.nr.A OF THF. Cr.M~"AL ^RE^ PLANNING DT~TRICT AY AMFNDING THE ZONING ^TlJl's MAP Ntr~£ìF.R 51-2(, BY CI'^NCTNG Tiff. ?ONING CLAf:~Jf'IC^TION FROM ""''':;0'' MNIILr. HOME SUIHHVI!>ION TO "MH!'D-(; 1" ~ORILC HOME ~UnDJVI5InN-GROUP HOUSINC f'fn PROPERTY LnCATr.D IN PART or foF,CTION '1, or OW Wi II IPS 1 f, 0 U T \I, J~!, N Gr.? ¡:; F:', S T : flfHJ" Y PROVJDING AN EFFrCTTVr. DATE. r..q 0 P --- -... -- - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - .- -- --- -' - - -"- T -- - - - -- -- - - - --.... . ~'C ... tI ~O> O+J~ UILI ~tDU +J~tI ,"ta... 1""4~ '"~c: ,QClILI '"§.c bO :a ILl r-4C116 ILICI~ ~:a~ ... :::s .. :''8 ¡Øos. _" IQ II ~~k .c !,+J~ kc:.... !0'ö or4 ~::; ~.::;.... O'µ B ::;~ ... ~kO :I: Øo \.t -"~"''''''''~'''''_'_,"".,..., .,. .--- - .-- -. --- - - - - - - - - ---- - - --- -- - - --------- -- --- Nov(!mbc r 1, 1 ~ rll ~-~~~ C65 fACE 506 rrnt.II.NCF NC'. A 1-(;«; Rt-: PETI1'TON R-P 1-1lC, ""M,-".r\ f\¡"f-.A/lD REPRf!:F.IJ'l· ING ('f"PU:r.L F."Tr.HPnTf,E~~ HrC'ur.r.TII~C. flEZC'NJNG PRO'" "1\" TO "J'lUD" \\!TII 1?5 Id.:'!:jf"TJ/lL UNITf, Mm rnCF£SSIONAL r.N\"~EHCI^L FOR "HF. 17.75 "CRes f(''''C'X~N /;- n,..~'Cn'1' LM<E F.!;'!·A7r.S LOc,\Tr.r. ON Tltf: f.JI,::;'!' SJ['F. OF /l1Rf'CR'i' nO/l11 l·("r·¡'~:: r:nop.1 VTCTOnI^ PM~K SUBDTVI~rON - "r.orTf.[) sur.1ECT TO STTf'IJL/I- ~.~~~:~: PETJTJCNF.R'S l\GRCEMENT TO ~TTPULATrON~ - /lCCEPTED LCfJ..\1 notlc.;,,' having hccn pub11511(~d In the' N,r\pl('G O.."lly N(IW!; on ()ctobcr 2, 19P], dS cvldC'ncr.d by thE! /lfflrlllv1t of Puhl1cl1tlon ffled ~'lth LlII' Clerk, public hearIng loIns opcnl'd to conf;idcr pe!'tltion ¡.'-r:J-l:IC, fl1N1 by W...r,1,1 r..~Sðl~cI, rC'prrscntinq CI1I\lpb('11 r.ntcrprl:>I'B, r~~u(ctin~ rçzoning from "A" to "PUO" with 1'5 resldrntl~1 unit~ nnd ¡.rof( sfõlon,'Il comr:H rcL1} fer the '7.7r., M:rl'f) kno"Jn .'s Lr('!;C(.nt L.1kc r:~t(~tr'[: loC"'l1ted on the C;lst :-;1.](' of ^frrort nOM! ,"'cross (rom Victor!,' [\,d ~·uhdl\'15Ion. rli'n~/·r l(>(' ~:Ir("hof( Inr!icr.t,r1 U~(' 10c,1I.Ion of thC' <'I(or"'I1('~1tlon(>d }"Ior,·rty on iI ~"r on .1n over!;'>dc! bo.led ,1:> th:> ~~¡..,' corner of f(·C"tlr)n ,r;, dlr··,..tly M:ro:.;s (ror.. VI~:lorli) r;·rk. :-'110 !1t,lt,u1 th.,t th(' c/'rr r'.'vl"",'~d Ih, p"titlon on ("Ict.obl·r J, 1"r] ,'"Inri th,:¡l t.IIl"Y o1nò st.,ff rl'r:OI"'::1rnrl " r r r 0 v.... 1 \:1 t. h t II" f 01 1 0 I,. I n r¡ s t I r IJ 1 ". t i (1 n ~¡ : 1. 1'~... cntriJI1CC ro.~d sh,d1 be in ,1]I'1nm'·nt. \-1Ít.h I\ottjn"h...,rn I:riv/". ? . tr [ t. i: r HI r I q 11 t t urn !i t. 0 r " CJ ( . 1;~ n (- :; d! " 1 1 hI" [J r 0 \' I ,.' ,. - ! ('> n !,lrport ROMi by thl' ~~(Vr.10r'H rrlor to tilt! tt~~U;!nrl of <1 n Y C,~ r t 1 fie ."\t. C 0 f (' C" r II p. I n c Y . ~. r.(:v/:lopl'r ~hlJll pay his f,'lr st",rc of tlw c,'pft.,l cost of ~ tr~fflc ~iqnbl wh~n rle~mcd wnrrnntl~ by the rounty rn'Jlnt:(·r. 1"hcrr.ðfu·r, the!' signal sh,,11 bl" o....'nf'''~, opf~r- ~ted ðnd malntnlned hy Collier County. If. Construction pIlInG .:.Inti ~;r('clflc.'Jt,fon!1 !:ih.1ll be> $ubntltl'(' to Ü,c County Utility oUlrt"' prior t.o ttl(~ nt,'rt of "ny construction. p 'U] (> t) . - ~ -.... - -... .. . ... . - -.. .. - ...- . ... - _. - - ~ . _. . . ... -.'-" . -- .- -- _.. ....., - - -- - , ...., ." .\:, t'''2 :'-' 0 ,... 0..,'" i U ILl ÞO.e.(J' "'~ILI ~:tk ..-4..,s:: A." ¡§i f"'I.B ...... ~.+J ~8 .. . '8 iø.t, :I:t~ !S5~ "¡C..-4 .'11 O~ .~ 0 ~!~ 0..,. t~,.. ....,..0 ,. a.~ ..<$1,.',' .¡1 ~.\7i,'~~~ . L - - - - - - ____._ - ____ __ - - - --1- ___ -- ---~- -- -~--- November 3, 19A1 Mrt Tom paak, of WilDon, Millor, Dnrton, 5011 ðnd Peek, WAS pr080nt to L'lnswor tiny qucÐtlons r"gllrc.11ng tho petition. Commlssionor Wlmor movod, seconded by Commlnoioner Brown and cðrrlcd 4/0, thot tho public hcaring be closcd. Commlosionor Wimor moved, scconded by Commissioner nrown nnd corrlad 4/0, that tho ordi- nðncu ns numbored ðnd entitled below be adoptod ðnd entored Into Ordin~ncc Book 13 subject to nforcmr.ntionod stipulations1 pntitloner'. ðqrccm~nt to otipulationa ~ccept~dl ORDINANCE 01-fi5 AN ORDINANC~ ^MENOINC ORDIN1\NCE 7~-'0, TltE COMPnEIIEN5IVE ZONING REGl/[.^TIONS FOn TilE UN I NCOnrO¡:¡1\TED 1\nEA 01~ TilE COAfiT1\L }\¡:¡E1\ PLAtINING DrGTnrCT BY MIENDING TilE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUM~~n 4"-25-7 BY CIIIINGING TilE 7.0NtNG CLAf,~TFTC".TrON OF TUE FOLLOWING DCSCRIß~D PROPERTY FROM "A" AGRICULTURE TO "PUD" PL^NNED UNIT DEVEL- OPMEWI'I PAIlT OF TII~ SW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OP ßECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 48 nOUT/!, MNGF. 25 EASTI ^ND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECITVE DATE. ORDIN^NCE NO. Al-(,~ RE PETITION R-nl-19C, FRED MORRISON, RF.QUF.STING HEZOIUNO FROM "MIIRP" TO "RM-l" FOR 3.71 ACnE!) LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE CF HENDERSON DRIVE, 3/~ MILE E^ST OF RtR. 9~1 - ADOPTED SU~JECT TO STIPULATIONS, PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STJPUL^TION9 - ACCEPTED Lcqnl notico h~vin9 been published in the ~ople8 D~ily Nows on October 2, 19A1, ~s ~vldcncod by Affi~ðvit of publ1cntion filed with the Clerk, public ho~rin9 wns opened to considor pfttition R-8I-I9C, filed by Fred Morrison rvquoøtln9 rezoning from "MHRP" to -ruM-I- for 3.71 acres located on tho south side of Henderson Drive, 3/4 mile eðst' of f..n. 951. Pl~nner Lr.o ~lrchoft indiCðted tho locðtlon oC tho ftforcmentloned Page 10 MQK 065 FACE 507 .--~~------~-----------~---------~------- ¡ . . . ~ t'i OO~ .....-4 UtI Þt.,u ....~" ~,=k ........CI .0"" ..-4§.t: tiØ JI II r-4e8 ".,'" ~JI"" ,,~ .. :'8 8Øot, lLIetl X..-4k ~:5~ J48..-4 ~!5'~ \.4~(J 0....i1 ::;~~ !"!kO ~ a.~ " . _.._ _.a...______------------------------------------ :~~ G65 FAGE 508 Nov~~ber 1, l~nl properlY on ð m~p on ~n ovcrh~ðd bonrd nnd s~ld thnl th~ Holidey Mðnor 'ir.dl(>r P.uk lA on t.he north uic1e of the propert.y. f,hp. fiðid thnt tht' prtitloncr is prol~~ing to dovclop 23 multlfomily units on the property M\c1 tl\l.lt thf~ p<1tit.1on haG bel'n rcvi('\o.·cd by ðll cdvisory bonrds IInd r(>cor.\~end(!d Cor <1pprov"'l Dubjcct. to tIlt'! following nt i pulotlons s 1. Mn~tor development nnd dr~innqa plan ~ust be sub~itted to th~ County Engineer for ravinw Dnd ~pprovol prior to eoy bppliC~lion (or Ðctuðl conotruction. 2. All dcvclopment is to be out.aid,,' tho Count.y drl)lnðgc c ,u.¡(·n'-n t . ~. TIH' projcct is to be dt·t!!<)ncd for It 25-y~<H, I-hour r!(~ign storm CVf>nt prior to off-site dischnrCJe. Ii_ !\n "qru1mcnt hetwcen Rook~ry ßAY IItll1ticr. D:1d the Count.y \<;l1tt~r-f,c""'cr Dlst.r iet conr,15tC'nt with the tcrm9 sot forth in Ollr lettc'r dntcd J\ll')U!òt 7, l?P.l, mUGt be! concluded prior to the ~pprovnl of constructIon plDn~ nnd DER p~'rl':'lttlnq i1l'PlicL'ltion5 or, C,_ In th,. ðbr.cnc(' of l\ !Hltl!:~f~ctory ¡'grl'cment with Rookt'ry b.1 Y IJ t i 1 it i (. :;, t h (' ')l: V ~ 1 0 1)(0 r \11) 1 cor. z t r u r. ton - sit 0 ~rwogv trrntmcnt fncllitlc~ which will he dccdrd in their entireLY ¡donI) with ,,11 SC!W.1C)(~ co)l~c¡;,lon linv!! ßnd wðtcr d\:1t.r1but1on lincfi to the Couty W<'tor-~r.wcr Plstrlct. 'rIll' County \,·.1tI~r-Scwl'r ')Intrlct 'rIill then provIde on-site srw~g" treatment until ccntrnl &ow~qc trrðlf"lcnt f~cili- tic.!; ðrc brolJllht to the propl.orty. Pro\'ir.ionc for futuro connr.ct!on to n ccntr~l sewer system must he ~ftdn by th~ D('v~dop('r ùt the time thßt. thn proi,·ct In !nltinily dp.vC'lopcò. I"c. I\irchorc cxpl.:Jincd lhl1t ~tðff h.,d rccommC'n<!o.'r! ñ('nl;ll of pc.tition R-fll-19-C bt!Cc1uae it ClIllG b(\}ow the r"quirl'd 31 points of the rllt lnCJ sy:a'·m which muct be met berorr t;t.\ff Clin giv(: 1'1 positive r~r.o~m~ndntion. f,ho 6~id the pl"titlon f~116 ~hnrt on tht' firo end "chool rNluirt.<mcntH by tour polnt.!.; for 0' t.otnl of ')'7 pointa. She . nt~t~ò th~t the CAPC held thnlr public hc~ring on C~tobcr 1, 1981 ðnd lh"i' (I.; 1 t thin "..ould hI ¡\n upgr.."linfJ of thc~ ðrC'n, I\nd, hcc.,usl'! of tho rAgt' J 1 .. - -,..- - - -.. -- - - - - - - - - -... - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - --- ---,... ..I;»; ". t a. t' 'Z ....OIÞ O+J.... (.III >-eu +I~II ....... ...... "'+le:: Þell ....§.c till :a II .-I.B IICI..-4 ~.~ ,,:::S .. :'8 ~ø.~ GI.ILI X..-4k ~~,!! ke::~ ILIO'-' ~!f .... (.I '-' ..-4 o 4J . ~~ k --ikO :w: a. ~ .-- - - - - -- --- - -- ---..---- ------ ----- ----- ----- .--- November 3, 1981 firo hazard foetor, would be G~fer th~n mobile homes nnd that tho C^PC recommended lIpprovl1l oubjoct to tho nforcmentlonod stipuhtions. In responsQ to a question by Commissionor Kruse, Ms. Kirchoff sðid thot 23 mobile homos could be put on the prop~rty, tho samo nmount ft. the multifamily units th~ petitioner intendo to place on tho property. Mr. Frcrl J. Morrison, roprooentlng the petitlonor, said ho under- otood that thoro was a ~5' reduction in denoity and Ms. Kirchoff Gðid that would be true if tho zoninu regulðtiona required by the lot size were uacd, but that the Comprehensivo Plan t~kes precedence so thðt the maximum which could be put on the proporty 10 ~.2 units par acre. Mr. Morrison cxplained that the petitioner is currently putting tho left lane turnoff on R.n. 951 together with the County. "e s~id: that just down the street tho petitioner developed a project which w~s complctnd on Octobl'r JO, 19131 and it 10 hookecl to tho r.owers. In response to ð question from Chnlrmðn pistor, Mr. ~orri6on said ho under~tood th~t a fire stntlon 10 to be placud right across the highway ¡¡pproximlltcly 1/2 mile from the Ðubject property. lie Mid he did not fp.el the point nystem, in tho caso of this petition, is jU8ttf\od. Commloolonor Wimor moved, soconded by Commissioner Brown and c~rrled 4/0, thnt the public hoaring be closed. CommlssionÐr Wimer movrd, 8ccondcd by Commissioner Brown nnd c~rricd 4/0, that the ordl- nance ðS numberod ðnd entitled below bo adopted and entered into Ordin~nce 800k 13, subject to the aforcmp.ntlonod stipulations, potitionor's ðgreement to stipulations accopted' P...go 12 ~oo~ 065 PAGE 509 - -- - - -- - - - - -:-- - ------- -- - -- ------- ----------- . . , . , ,. . ~i 0> .µ~ UILI ~~ tak ..-4 +JC: ClILI §i .8 CI..-4 :a+' ~~ !.~ ø. IOILI ..tk 5.!! 8t o bOk ~~ +J8 ~k ...0 ø.~ -- ~ .. .. ..... .... - .. .. . .. .of._ _ ...-----.----- ---- -- -".- Novp.mhor 3, )~r.) M~~ C65 FA~E 510 ORDIN1\NCE Gl-f)(. AN ORDIN1\NCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 7~-30, THE COMPREH(NRIVE ZONING REGUL1\TIONS FOR TilE UNINCORPORATED ARF.A OF THE C01\ST1\L ARE1\ PL1\NNINCì OISTR JCT BY AMENDING TIlE OFFICIAL ZONING 1\TL1\S M1\r NUMAER ~l-1.(,-?, BY CII1\NGING TilE ZONING CLASSIFICATION ¡"RCM "MI1RP" MOB I LE IIOf.H: RF.NTAL P1\RK TO RM-l MULTIFAMILY AND SINGLE FAMILY ON THE FOLLOWI~G DESCRIBED PROPERTY: PART OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP ~1 SOUTH, RhNCE 2~ F.1\ST¡ AND ~y rROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE 01\TE. Hf.('ur¡¡T ßY IITDEM-II\Y ßE^CII, INC. TO flEFLAT TI11\CT "8" J Lo'r 1 OF P.LOCK ~7':: LOT:'; ) AND 2 OF BLOCK 375; "ND 1\ PORTION OF TilE RIGIIT-Of-W1\Y OF I:Y'iDl,LL DI11Vr. CF ""M~CO R¡:;ACII UNIT 11. - G01\tlTF:D Cor:1Inissionp.r Wimer I'1ovcd, s~concled by Commis!'Iioncr Bro\oin and c:.Hrl<'C ,,/n, thi'lt the r(:que~t by H1dC'l\way f'I.C'l1ch, Inc. to rcpli3t Tract "b", Lot 1 of Block. ~7r" Lot!} 1 find? of f\lock 37~ t.lnd /I portion of the r!clhl-of-..... 'y <)f 1('ndi111 Driv(' of r,'HCO r.~;"\c:h Unit 1'- be qfðntt!d. I'Co"-fHì ¡'I,CCl::rTS LOClIL GOVEHt-:,.n;Wl' <':CI',pnEItf.NSI VE ~"jL1\'~IHNG 1\f,f,T!j1'"NCf; C:R1\NT lh~l~n OF ~~o,Dno TO ~UPPLEMENT LOC^L FUN~Ð TO LOCI\TE ^~D rD~NTJfY \oII:-; I.l',ND~; W TilE COUNTY fiND UrDfo.TE THE r.Or.PRF.IIEI'-'SIVE PLANJ C"AIRMM~ J..I.!": W',il J7 ED 'I'D S JGt: CRIINT I'.WlIfH" AND ^NY nOCUm:NT5 Nr.CF:!3~iI\RY TO Rr.CF. IVE LGCr!· fUNDf, îOI".!T1Un!ty D<:vl'lopr.wnt r:lrC'ctor Vlrtll fic1id th,l\t the £lo,'Hd h"ð ~r~nLld ~uthofity for 5tn!! to ~pply for the Loci'll Govcrnl"nnt compre- hcndve rl<1nning JI!'òuist.ðncc Gr.)nt in the llltter pnft of ~(!ptc!'\b(>r and thAt the St~to hOB found the> request r~g~rd1nq tho wetl~nds indentlfl- cütion progclIm ðnd the updlltc of tho Comprchen51ve plAn to !Icnt their Cjuidl'llncs In tr.crns of helping to nsslat that work nnc1 they hftVO cxtt'l1dC'd "n oC(t:f o( the IJrl'lnt. ('or'.r.d"s1onl'r wimer movl:<i, scr.onciC'<1 hy Corn!'\lsalon(·r Rrown "nd P^90 1 ~ . - -.... - -..- - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- - - - - -., --------- --...... t· .t''tI ~ ., '00;' +'" Uti ~... U ,.a......, ::1~k ...,.aÐ ~. lLI§i .-4.8 "tI)'" ~.+' ~~ .. 4IID '8 3 p.~ cu.., :I:~k ~5~ kC::..-4 '! o~ tr4~k \.4~~ O.µ 8 ::;~ k ......0 *,a.~ '~\O;11~,~',¡,\ ~ Ä~1,¡~/J:·' . ,. . . - - - - - --- -------...... -_..-.-'---------- --------....--- Novombur 3, 1901 cnrriod ~/O, thDt the Boord Dccept tho Local covcrnmont Comprohens1vo Plnnning AS8iDt~nce Grant of $20,000, nnd th~t tho Ch~lrman be ðuthor- ized to sign ðny documents nr.cosønry to roceivo s~id funds. CARNIVAL PERMIT ~l-", RF. PETITION C-8l-2-C, COLLIER COUNTY ACRICULTURAL F^IR AND EXPOSITION, INC. TO CONDUCT THE ANNUAL COLLYER COUNTY FAIR - CRANTED WITII W^IVERG, ^ND WITII 'TIlE AMENDMENT TIIA1' TIIOSE pF.n~ONfì OPERATING 1'IIE MIDW^Y SUPPLY TtlEIR NAMES, IDEN'rIFICATION AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS Zoning Director porry r.xp1~ined thðt this year tho County F~1r is to be conducted J~nuðry 16 through 23, 1982 ðt the Sw~mp BU99Y Grounds and that the Fnir Association is rcquasting waivors to the following it.emsl 1. A Guroty Oond in tho pennl Gum of S2.S00.00, conditioned upon the operntor complying with onch provinion of Ordinance 75-11. 2. A non-refundl1ble fee of $50.00. 3. A current occupational liccn~o issued by the Collior County Tnx Collector. (Tnx Exempt Cortific~to) 4. The nðmc, identification ðnd social ~ncurity numb~r of each person accountðble for the operation of each activity. 5. Tho duration of tho permit shall not exceed five (5) calendar daya. After ð short discußsion during which Commissioner Wimer ßð1d ho felt it WdS important to have the namos, identification ðnd social security numbors of o~ch pcr~on accountable for the operation of the midway, Commissioner Wimer moved, secondod by Commissioner Brown and carried ~/O, that Cnrnival Permit B1-2 rn tho Collier County Agricultural Fair and Exposition be granted with items 1, 2, 3, nnd 5 of the ðforcmentioned items w~lvod and that item 4 be required, and that the list of names and SOÒiðl security numbers bo provided tho PDge 14 MO~ 065 PACE 51! \-------------~------------------~~----~- . . . .' .' . t ~~: } O+J~ ""Uti .,::~ ~~k ...t.,C .ø." ~§i ....8 tI"''" t;_+J :,~ .. . '8 aPlt, :I~~ !,5~ "8'" ~~~ 0" . ::; oS k ;! ~~ ,. - , .- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - _.- - - - ~ November 3, 1981 . , , Cl\RNIVflL PERMIT 81-:1, RE PETITION C-ß1-:\-C, ST. ELIZl\BETII l\NN SETON CIIUnCII, TO CONDUCT A C^,~NIVl\L AT TUE clluncu ON NOVEMBEn 1", 13, 101, 19ftl l\ND TilE MIDWAY TO RUN M.~O ON NOVEMBER 15, 1901 - (jR^NTED WITII Wl\TVEIU:; AND WIT!! TilE Þ.MENOMF.NT THl\T TIIOSE PEnnONß OPERATJNG THE MIDW"Y SUPPLY TIIEIR UAMJ~!ì, IDENTIFIC^TrON l\NO ßOCll\L r,f,CUIH'rv NUMOEns '. Zoning Director Perry oxpl~incd thnt St. Elizabeth l\nn Seton Church in Golden Gato Is roquesting ð carnival permit to conduct a carnival at tho church on Novembcr 12, 13, ~nd 14, 1981 and to·have the midwDY run on November 15,1981. 110 Bi\ld that tho potltionør hþf) IIsked for n waiver of tho $2,500,00 Surcty nond, namoo, Idcntlflcntlor'ðnd , " ßociðl security numbers of those persons opor~ting \ the actlvitica',· ðnd i Is prepared to . the o~cupDtion~1 licenne fees. He s~id thllt stllff rocommend ðpproval of the waivor of tho Suroty nond and tho social nccurity numboro and IdentificJtion, but th~t stnff fceln that tho .,. OccupJtlonol license foos gho~ld npply in thio case, evçn thou9h the carnival is sponsored by ð locol non-profit organization. Ho said stð!f would concldcr w~ivor of tho occupationðl foes for thoso ðctivi- tics which aro run by tho church but thoso activitioG run .by tho commcricðl ~ctivitics should bo tðxed. In rcaponne to ð quo~tlon by Chairman pistor, Mr. Perry said that the occupational fOOB would depend upon how many rides ðr~ provided and that it is approximately $225 for tho first rida and $30 fo~· oach ~dditlonð1 rido, per day, and tho total could be npproximoto1y $2,000. Dr. Nono !ipðCJnn, rbpt·osontlng tho petitioner, 8ðid that the ridoll would be tho only ðctlv1ty providod by outsldo poop1e ond tho occupa- tionðl loco for those ridaa could amount to 8ovorðl thou~ðnd dollAr. PAgO 16 &OOt G65 PAte 513 -------------------------------------~- . t''Z 1040~ 0........ UILI ~:: ~ ~.= k ~.... C 0.61 :ii -4.8 &lCI," ~JI"" II~ .. :'8 o Øok B a. "." E..-4k ..:: ~+J~ kå'" !~f ... U \-4 ..-4 O.µ 8 ::;~ k "'kO JC Øo '" <µ.' , . . --------------------------------------------- ~o~~ C65 PACE 514 November ), 191H nnd thðt the church could no~ operate their scpool on its income ðnd th~t it has to do something t& m~kc enough money to keep the school , going. He snid that this ye~t th~ $chool would be Approximately f' tlO,000 in debt unless there ðre enough outside activities, such as the !~stlvftl, to make up ~ho~~ifference. Ho s~id that since the church ~ould h~vc to pay the occupational license fees, the church would have ^pproK1m^tcly $2,000 or $3,000 lnss to operate the e1ementðry séhool. tlo suid that he (elt w"iving the occuplltlonal license fees was a !air· ~x~~ption for ð bona fide, non-profit group becauae the money raised on the cllrnivl'Il will br put back into th~ community. He said that he had spok~n to Tax Collector Carlton nnd that he ~as no objection but that the decision would be up to the ~oðrd. County Manager Norman said that the recent increase in the occu- pÐtlonRl license ree~ and th~ more rigid enrorc~mont of the ordin~ncc by the 1'nx Collector may be the reason for the (~quests for wl.dvcr o'f th4.: or.cupbtlonðl feeG hut he said he ....ondl'rfld where the Board should utop qr^nting the waivers, if co~mercinl activities c~n come in under tht: gulsc of beln() sponsor~d by a non-profit orgðnizl'ltion ðnd P.RCðpC the rcqul^tion which 15 nppl1ed to cv~ryone ~lsc. \.o~rnisRioner Wimrr s~ld thðt th~ ordln~nce ~~y need to he rc-cKamin~d ðnrl ~r. Normnn bgrf'ed. Commissioner Brown moved, neconded by Commissioner Wimer and , cArried 4/0, that Cðrn1val Permit ~1-3 be approved to allow St. El1z~beth Ann Seton Church to conduct ð c~rnivðl on November 12, 13, and J~, 19P1 with the midway to run on Novemb~r 15, 19P1, to qrant the wðiv~rs rr.questcd with the ^mendmcnt th^t those p~rsona operatinq the rag" 17 , ----------------------------,----------,~ , ,... ~~ .______________~~~_____I______---~----~~--- ,.', . . ~r' (:~,{;: 'i,1;?i ·i;.~;.î: '~.:..' "j _______~____~__~__,------~~---~---~--~-~x Novembor 3, lOA1 midway must supply thoir nomeR, identification and aocial security numbers to tho public Sntety ^dminiøtrðtor at tho timo of his inspoc- tion and to tho Sheriff's Cop~rtment. Pð90 18 . , i aoo~ Ù65 PACE 515 . . . ' . ,.>~~ . ~tJ 0...... (JILl ~.(J ..~ILI .....k .....-4 ......c= .0.... ¡§i ....8 ILI.~ ~.+' ~~ .. " '8 aØo~ ILl.... :I:..-4k !I~~ kS.... !!'ö .... k ~ ~ O+J . ::;~k ....kO :I: Øo~ --------------------......---------.....----'---....- Novomber 3, 1901 Pf.TITION TH-Rl-'5-C, ^RTIIUR ,. LIND^ M^II^N, nEOU£~TING 11 TEMPOMR'l RE~IDENCE PERMIT TO UTILIZE ^ TR^VCL TRAILER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF ^ PRINCIPLE REGIDENCE ON N 150' ÐF TR^CT 11~, UNIT 12, COLDEN GATE EGTATE~ - APPROVEO Zoning Diroctor Perry cxplðined that Potition TR-Ol-25-C, tilod by Arthur and Linda Mahon, requested ~ tomporary rosld~ncc permit to utilizo ð lr~ve1 trði10r during construction of a principle rosidonce on tho N 150' of Tract 114, Unit 12, Golden Gato EatðteSt 110 snirl thðt Bt^CC recommonds npprovnl of the roqueat for nix months ßubjcct to the petitioner rccoivinq ~ building pormit for the principle rosidence. Cömmisuionor Wimer moved, seconded by Commissionor Brown and carried 4/0, lhnt Petitio~.TR-~1-25-C be npproved. PETITION "n-ßl-2~-C, PATRIC~ AIF^R, n~oUp.fiTING A TE~POR^RY RF.STDENCE r~nMIT TO UTILIZE A TRAVEL TRAILER CURTNG CONSTRUCTION OF A PRINCIPLE nr.SIDENCE ON E 75' OF TilE W 1501 OF TRACT 49, UNIT 20, GOLDEN GATE f.5TATE:' - APPHOVEO Zoning Director Þerry explained that Petition TR-OI-26-C, filed by pðtrick Dif~r, r~quasted ð tcmporðry r~Gidenc& permit to utllizo a tr~vQl troller during conotruct!on of ð principle resldenco on tho E 75' of the W 150' of Tract 49, Unit 28, Golden Gðto Entntas. He said that ntaff rccommcndG ~pprovDl of tho roqunst tor six months subjoct to the pctitionl'r receiving ~ builc1ing permit for the pr1nciple rosldence. Commlosioner Wimer sðid ho felt th~t thooe requests woro gottlng <¡\litt: clone to Golc1on Gato City "od thnt he thought that the original intent of tho ordinnnce woe for mora remote ðreða. ComMisnioner ~rown moved, secondad by Commissioner Wimer and c~rrled 4/0, thðt potition Tn-81-2G-C bo ðpprovod. PðCJe 19 &OOK 065 fACE 517 .---~------~~---------------------------- . . ,'I,~,"~," .. ~.,~..;..I,~. , ';",' '~,.... :~:'.~;< )." ~\~J';¡' . ¡::f' þ¡, 'C ,." \, ...- &I ~''''o ° Þo .; +J~ ;/'(,ItI ''''.(J ..,a~ILI tP4IDk ....'" ....ØC ~þ.&I TJ¡!9.c &ls:a ':.8 ...,.-4 ~.~ , II :::s .,. :'8 SØo~ .~~ ~5~ '"'C'" :~ o~ "'~~ .,O+' II t~ k '!Pi ,k 0 .';Ii:~~ ~,'> ¡~\ ',' . ..' . ----------~-~~~-~~~--~-~---~~---~------- ;:)1 C65 fAGE 518 November 3, 19ß1 ArPROVAL OF REPLAT OF A PORTION or THE WYNDEMERE TR~CT MAP - GR^NTED Commissioner Brown moved, s~conded by Commi&sion~r Kruse and CIH r led 4/0, t.hat the BotHd approve the replðt of ð port ion of the ""ynd(· ,:tera: Tract Map. \O:l,lVl:R OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING FE£: OF $510 FOR SUNRISE ACADEMY FOR CIRCUS - CRANTED Zoning Director Perry said t.ha t the petition for l\ carnival pc r m i t for ð c i rCU5 for the Sunrise Academy is scheduled to come before the r,o à r d on November 10, 1981, but t hð t Yor. Holcher hlld ruquested ð ""(liver of the occup~tionðl licensing fees. Mr. !lolcher sl\id thill, dur1nq ð discussion with Mr. Perry, he learned t.hat ðpproximlltely $510 would h~vc to be pnid by the Sunrise I\CM:(~ny out o( their percentage to pl.1y for the Clyde ~e.,tly Cole eroth~rs Circus being held n~d thðt figure could repr~scnt 20\ to 10\ of the pro!1tg. Uc Dskcc1 for" wlIivN of the !'51C1 occupntional Ifcf""nse f~e. He snlð all requirements of the ordin~ncn hllv~ h~en ~~t. In rcr.ponse to " question by Commissioner Wim~r, Yor. polch~r 9~id lIlc1t 1I w"ivcr of the $50 permit fee wns requr.sted, I'\nd Mr. Pt'uy 6",id ttH1t. ¡\ dt'cls10n on thllt rf'!que£\t ....ouid be m^~f' \oo"hpn th<' prtltlon 1!'1 prl;'!>l'ntt:'d before the Boörd. Com~16sioner Wimer moved, ~econdcd by Commission~r KrußP and cllrri~d 4/C, that npproval for waiving the permit fee and occupational 11c~nsr f~~, for the ~unrlsc Academy circus, be granted. Ch~irmðn plstor 8ðJd he hop~d that the occupntional licensing fe. sltu~tion could be returned to the Þollrd for cl~r1fication, in approx- Imlltt:'ly three we~ks for discussion. PAge '0 ; ~ ~' ."', .' ~~ ".:; .§i ':."" ---------------------------T----------~~; :./ . ~ , ., 'I. . .. ttZ 13~ Uti ~l: 2 ..... ..... .., i:2 » . &I ;Št, 4.8 . ..... :,.., 4 '4 ia.~ ~ . ILl Ii'" k ~~~ 48" !!~ .. ::; .. ... ).. . ~ .a ... 't k 0 Ii "'...: ~----------~~-~~----~~~------~~---~~--- Novombor 3, 1991 *****RECEGSI 10,00 A.M. RECONVENEDI lalla A.H.·---· OUIT-CLAIM DEED TO A PORTION OF A VACATED ALLE~~~ IN EVERCLADF.S CITY - ^PPROVED Public Works Admlnistrotor 8nrkßdo10 explalnod that he had a requost from Mr. Clarka Nichols, representing Mr. Ted Smallwood of Evcrqlðdoß City, for tho County to eKecuto ð qult-clnlm doed for an alloyway, which has proviouoly be on vacðtod In Everglades City, 1n order to c10H tho titlo to the allcyw.:\y. Jlt) s,)ld thllt Collier county owns two lots ðd·jðcont to tho alleyway, which wns vacated by tho City of Evcrglndos in 1965 DS shown in the Executive ~ummnry doted 10/22/81, and thðt tho County ~oes not foroGeo th~t it would hove any legal interest in tho allcyw3Y. He snld thnt tho County has no objection ~o tho Boðrd oxucuting tho quit-cl~im deed. Com~IQßioner Wimor moved, socond~d by Commissioner Brown nnd cnrried ~/O, that ð quit-claim deed to a portion of ~ vacated alloway in Evcrglndoß City bo approved. P"9C1 21 &OOK 065 PACE 519 . t- - - - - - - - - - ...,.-" - - -- -- -- - -- -- --- -- -- -- ----- --- . . ,---------------------------------------- November 3, 19R1 DER PERMIT RENEWAL APPLIC^TIONS FOR NArLE~ LANDFILL, NAPLES AND MAnCO ISLAND TRANSFER STATION~ ^ND PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT NEW IMMO~ALEE SANITARY LANDFILL - ^PPROVF.D "1 Public Works Administrator Bnrksd~lo explained tho rocommondðtlon to ~pprovo DER pormit ronowal npplicntiono for the N~plcß Landfill, Naples and M~rco Iuland Transfer Stations and for n pormlt to construct a new Immokaloe SL1nltllry Landflll. 110 oðid thnt the cx10tlng permits will expire on JðnUL1ry 1, 190~ ar.d must be renawed for continued operation nnd thðt, with tho purchaso of tho new tmmokaloo sito, application must be mndo for ð pormit to do the construction, and that aftor tho permit is issued, a rcqunst will be m~de for a permit to operate tho Immokðleo S^nitL1ry Landfill. Commisuioner Krusc moved, seconded by Commissionor Wimor and carried ~/O, thL1t the DER permit renewal l)pp11c~tions DB horetofore doscribed be approved. Page 22 aOOK C65 PACE 521 . -,..- -. - - - _....-- - -- - --......- - - -- -- ------------------- . ,.~" t. . . . It· ...~¡.....' .;'.~':" ,,,,,...1;\..0, "~. .. ¡' ~~j'~ ~,¡: ì.:. ~. ~ ~~-M'~:',,"".-' '.." ¡" ....'.'.¡, .... :} ~,~~r~ 0::,:; ..~' ". ,. Þ\..., . .~~. ....., ''"'.0 0 ~ ...... 'þ!ti =-=k .....d A ell iDi P"'4.8 .,.,~ ~.+J fJ¡8 ...'8 i ø.t, "~ILI :5k -. d~ "'0'" !~f ..-4 (J ~ ~ .o+, . ::;.s... !"t...o :Ii a.~ :~tf;,t~~.;¡ November 3, 1981 , . . I ~ of' ' '. - ..- - -- ,-- - - - - - - - - --- ---'----- --- ---- ...:........_-- ----.--...; ,r.~~ C55 fACE 548 AÇU~TIC PLANT CONTROL AGREEMENT FOR ALLOCATION OF STATE MATCHINC FUNDS _ '\rr~OVEDl CII1\IRMAN AUTHORIZED TO ZIGN TnE AGREEMENT Public \\orks Administrator B~rksd8lc explained staff r~commend8- lion [or thr Board to approve an ~qr~Qmcnt for aquatic plant control for ðllocation of state matching funds and said that the agrooment ~~uld supersede the previously Qxecut~d one bccðuse the state is now ~110cnting ~pproxim^te1Y $87,110.00 instead of the originally allocated ^mount of $(,9,000.00. He said the new ~mount is opproximatelY $7,000 more th~n w~s anticipated in the budget. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown Dnd cßrrl~d 4/0, that the AqUðtic pIÐnt Control Agreement Cor ðl10cntion or ~till~ matchIng funds bu ðpprovcd ftnd thß Chnirmðn b~ authorized to l')(t'cute &om«-'. Paq'" 23 ~--------- -----------------,---------~~~- ¡ . * '- " , "''C k&l ..0> :) ~ ... UILI ~ClU ~ ~ &I ~..... ~..-4 -4 ~ C ) ., ILl ~!!9.c Þa:a -4108 ÞCI," =Jt+J ~tI~ ,. :'8 iø.~ II II) 41 I;~'" .c ~.µ~ _c'" ~o~ ~ bO... "'CU 04~..-4 o ~ II ~~ k ......0 C ø.~ Novf!mbcr 3, 19P.l ..-..- - --------------- -- -------~----- ------- ~~;;~ Cß5 rACE 552 TIU",':;fER OF MO jTL~: LIRRl\r\Y VAN '1'0 CIVIL DEFEflSE FOR MnPTFICATION AND u:~~: I\!) cor,"'"UNlC^TION~ Vl\N - l\PPROVE:O County ~~nßqÐr Norman stßl~d th~t ~r. ~alkcr ßnd Mr. Joder werr pI ~.!-' nt to ðnswcr <'Iny quest ionH rNJIHcl1n<J the tr1.lnsfrr of the mohi 1 t· l1bt~ry v~n to the Civil Defense Dep~rtment, ßnd Ch~irmßn pistor £ðiò , la' t.hought thllt th~ l1brcHY discontlnt (~d the usc of thu mobile l1br...ry vnn becðuse it W<1S practicðl1y non-uslIble ðnd it WðS too expcn$~vc to run. Mr. NOrl'l1ðn said t}Mt the problem Wi'lS not thl~ condition of the vt.:hlcle but rllther the cost of l'I1,dnt<1ining the vl'hich' lInd thðt thr. ~mounl of uSðgc did not 5e~m to justify thl' cost. ~r. Normbn snid thðt the van 15 in good condition lInd he felt it would l7i.-\k<.· tI sIJtl!;f"ctory ('mt'rqçnr.y Vè'n. (' explllinf'd thl\t /'Ir. .Joder I'::;t'ulched the gr¡¡nt r.ondltion.G under which the vi'ln W~5 inltiëtlly given to the lJhr,1ry and founn thllt it cðn he triH1sfcrn·(J to I'\nottH~r County \1:". "':lthout j\!opnrdizlng the County's o.....nr!rshlp. !'Ir. ~:qon "Ill snld thllt hoo~s iHt· twlnr¡ !;I'nt hy 1'111'111 Inf>te....c1 of usin!] tiw jibrr.[y Vl1n 8nd lie slIid tIlbt lit:' undcrst.oor1 the Jibrl'lry h...d 1"'1'11 11~1:t'd to stlltl' W!¡.Jl thl' <11 ([('I£1n("(' hC't....·...cn th.· rnl!11 c>xp<"nsps ....ncl lnL u~e ~( the v~n would be ~nd no ~nswrr hn~ rvnr b~pn qlv~n. Commls!iionl'r Prown movf'd, s<.'con.1C'd hy cOl'lr £:¡slon(:r "'Ir.'\cr ,l nd (."<,rrlNJ 3/1, ....·lth C'ol7ilTdsslonpr Kruse oppose1, thl'lt the l'Iobll(' l1brllry VEIn 1)<' tr1ln!òfcrrecl to the Civil [kfl'n!:;(> t'rp<Htl'l~nt for usn I\S 1'1 com- munic~tions van. Mr. Jodrr explðlncd th~t th~ nl1il-~-honk progrnm ~ßS not ð sub- 5tltutlon for the l7iohilf' library vðn ^nd that th~ mllil-I'I-book proqr"'" ...';11; ~uHt(>d ~ll11 ., grant IIpproxirnl\tl'1y thr.·'> yt·...r:.; tHJO for 1'1 llr:dtt'd Pl'lqe ~ ( .- - -... ~ - .- - ._.- .... - - -- - - -- -------7------------ · t-~ ~O Þo 0.,.... UII þ'ClU +,""ILI "'.to. ....-4 .-4+'C: ÞCltI U~.c .,s:- 1""4.8 tlCI.... till+' ~~ t. III '8 i ø.~ ILI.II X~k !I~~ h8~ !~~ t::;~ 0., . ~ oS to. ~kO :Ii a. ~ .. - - - -- - -- --------------------------------- Novcmbur 1, 1901 prot]rom for shut-Ins only. fill ",,1" that the mobile l1brÐrY van wall kept on tho roðd flvft days a wauk, nnd he und~rstood th~t th~ Fharlf!'. ðnrl Civil Dufanso Dop~rtments would usa tho unit OR n command post and thðt It would get fðr leos mileage than it did in tho library operation anù, thereforo, tho mninten~nco cost would bo comp~ratively negligiblo. lie s....dc1 thllt thrctI or four new book deposit stlltionA were plllcod with the cess8tlon of the mobile unit. In rc~ponso to a qucstlQn by Mr. Hill regarding the cost of tho dcponit stntlono, Mr. Jodar said that· tho cost is virtu~lly zero, except that the librðry must p~y for the book stock and replaco ~ny IOSßos, because the I1br~ry docs not oporato them nnd no County stat! Is Involved. Mr. Normðn sùld th05~ hook atðtIons are oporated by the nursing homo or center which provldus the sp~ce for them ~nd that lIbrary 5t~ff delIvers the bookG to tho stðtlons. rMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVIfiOnV COUNCIL ^NNUAL REPORT - RECEIVEO Oy OOMm Com~IGsloncr Wimer moved, ßeconded by Commissioner Brown nnd carried ~/O, thðt tho Emor1Dncy Medical Sorvlce Advlßory Council Annual Report be Dcccpted. :halrmðn piÐtor referred to item 1 of s~id raport and ~toted he felt aome chðnqca have to be mndc In nnmc alncc he did not feel th~ ~o0rd in empowered to give powers to ðn advloory hoord such as the Itom rcqucstD. Mr. Egon Hill, Chn 1 r!'Hln 0 ( the! FM SAC, SI'IId thllt the report W/'lS 1St1ued four or fivo months ðCJO o'\nd ho took exception to it tit that time In writing nnd t hl1 t ho underßtood t.hat the Commisßionors have rcce1vt'd Pago 25 &001( C65 PACE 553 .----------------------------------------- . ÞO.'C kILl MO> 0+J.-4 U411 ~CI(J ",-,...411 .-4l11k ....~ .-4~C::: &:I. ILl .-4CO.c :§:a ....1116 ILICI..-4 c:::.... ~4IIg .. :'8 Sø.t, 4ll1I1L1 1:.-4... .r:: ~...~ k8~ !!~ ... (J ... .-4 0.... ::;~... rr1kO I: ø.,... NovemD~r 3, 19M1 . . j -- .- -- -.- - -- - - ---------- - ---- -------..- ---- - - -- ¡>.O~K C55 fACE 554 1I cc.'IJY of his It'tter. HE! slIld thðt he be1iev<!d that wt1l1tC!ver objec- tloT1f:. ttH~ BOllrd h.,d to certðin It('ms In the orlqinðl report hðVI: been ..::ll..vi~ted by hls rebuttal of the report and he l'Is5urcd thA Commis- ¡:,'iorì\'tS tho!'t ðS long ^S he WðS chairman of thc. EM51\C there would b~ no ., t l<">mpt r.H~d(' to usurp the powers of BOlHd or the EMS director. County M8nt!g~r NOrr.1ðn l!ssur<,d Mr. fl111 and the Commissioners that Gt~f{ will reo pond respon5ibly to any requests for information or to hny cuncerns that the ~~RAC mIght have that they ere not gatting prop~r COOPl·rðt1on. Cl.!dIW.r,N MJ1HORIZED TO SIGN LEASE AGREE~F.NT ''I'ITH 5HAMOR CORPORATION FOR 1'l~IT ']1, 11~22 SOUTH TAMIAtw\I TRAIL FOR USE AS THE E1\~T NAPLES RRANCH, COLl1[R COU~TY PUßLIC LIBR1\RY COl'1ml!'!;loner Wlmp.r moved, sücondp.d by Commissioner Brown and c/,rrhd I./r., thi1t th<.' Chðirm.,n be o"IlJthorlzr:d to sign the If"ðsC tll)r.:t.r·,f.nt "dtll Shl1r.',or cor'porlltion (or Unit '11, l1S2' ~outh 'I'Dmiðmi ·'ïrt'li1 for U~f~ ;1H th(' f.,1st N~pll!f. Pr.,nC'h of th.! ('0111('r County Puhlic LltrlJry. PlIgC!' 7'; - -- - -- .- -- - .- - - - - - - .-- - - -- - - ------.------------ ! t ~'2 0> "'~ UII eu MILl IIIk ~ "'C ell ..c § :II .8 CI..-4 ...., ~~ &~ ø. IIIILI ~... c: "'. r-4 St o bOJoo ~~ "'. Sk kO ø.~ , ._ - ._0· _ _. --. .--- - .... ~-..-' - - - - - - _0" _ -- ; - -- -... _... -. .- . . - . Nov~mber 1, lQP.l C65 FA~E 558 ~~ M:Rr.I:~r."" \\J1'1! COLLIER COUN'I'V MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC, INC. FOR FY lC)C)-P2 _ ~rrRaV~n CHAIRMAN AUTHOR17ED TO EXECUTE R^~E Com~i6s1oncr Kruse moved, seconded by ComMl~sloner Brown end Cl1rrlcc'1 4/0, thðt the JICJrt!~mt'nt with the Collh:r County poIr.ntel HCAlth ClInic, Inc. for FY 1~"1-e2 be approved ~nd that the Chairmen bB ~uthoriz~d to execute Rame. r,"q e' '27 -..- --.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..., - -- - - -- - - -- . '2 > .... II U tI Þ04 C II .c :. B .... ~ ~ "8 Þ04 0. II Þ04 . .... .... '"' o Þ04 U .... . ... o \01 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"-- - --- - - - - - - _.- !O~~ C55 fA~E 562 November 3, 1901 ~^~[H AND SEWER FACILITIES fOR ~ILLOUGHÐY PLACE ~UHDIVI3ION - ACC[rTED Uti] 1lles Division ~'ðn~<Jt:r Rer:zon pointl'd out that this item tlnd lIn: follo...·lng ont: are not emergency itema evcn though they are so r.:.Hkcd on the I'Igenda. lie said stliff recommends thllt the Board Ðccept t.he "'liter ðnd sewer (acllit1es for Willoughby Plltce fubdivlsion. Comnl~sioner WImer ~ovcd, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that. the Board ðccept thc ownership, operation and m1'lin- tenðncc of t.he wðt~r and 5Pwer fbcilit1es within the Willoughby Place Subdlvialon ðnd ðuthorlze the fIling lind/or recording of the following 1 ('g ð 1 ¿ocul71en ts: A) hrlrC<lnty D('f!cl for the water ~nd s~w~r facilities. b) ~~5ults of pres5ur~ tcatlnq the w~ter main and water lines. C) b,~cter1ologictll clC'.Hl!nce from tilc DER. 0) Lðh rt'sult~ on bt3cterlologlcðl tests for the wðtcr lin~a. f) FlIl of s.·d(~ (or the' w,1t.C'r and HCWl"r fllC'illt.ics. F) AU Idðvit o[ 1\0 Liens for the w1'lter l·nd sewer fl1ciltles. G) C~rtlficfttlon concLrnlng tiny contrlbutionz 1n aid of con- st ructlon. II) VC'rif1cðtian of fln.,1 costs. 1 ) L f'<J ill OP. 5 eel p t Ion . J) Up to dðtc liGt of customers and/or own('r6 of Indiviðul'll lots. K) Lcttn, by tHe Engineer certifying th1'lt all wnter and/or sewer f,lcllltl .t> are loclltcd wIthin thl' public right-of-way or d~dlcðtcd Cðsements. L) contrðctuðl ~Uðr~ntpe for mntnrlnl 1'Inrl workmnnship for ð p~rlod of At lei'lst onn (1) y~lIr ðfter the Boðrd of County Comrnl~slancrs' ~cccrtðncc (or the Wðt~r ðnrl 6~wer facl11ti~.. ~) Letter from th. Fire Dlntrlct regðrding ownership and maln- lcn~nce of fier hydrnntn. r...qc 7P - ._- - - - - -- .- - - - -. - - - - - ----------,----------~~ PlUJO. 29 . ..... _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ __ ___-.:.. _ _ _ _-------L. _ ---=----- November 3, 1981 H) Lettor from tho En~lnoer stating thðt tho infiltration into tho sower 1inos Wð8 Immooourðbl0. 0) ^ copy of tho rocordod plðt. P) One (1) set of ~B-bui1t drawings signed and sonlod by tho Engineer of Rccord. ~. ~ :~~.' . ' . ~ t''2 OoP- ..,... ...U" ....(J "'~ILI ~:tk ......,c:: .a." iai P"4.B ILI...-4 ~"+J ,,8 .. =''8 aø.~ ,~ . " ;:I;"'k .!'5~ k8'" !!f ..-4 (J ~ ..-4 0.... t:ik ~kO .. a. \04 " f¡OQ1( C65 PACE 563 ~--------------~-------_._--------------- ¡ . , \ . , ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- November 3, 1901 WATr.n FI\CILI'l'YES FOR TH1DE!\Cnr.EK flIIA~~; IT - I\CCr,PTr.D Utilitios "'tanAger Borzon roqucBted thðt th~ E10ðrd IIcccpt tho wðtor facilities for Timbcrcrock P!lasc II ~nd Rtat~d that tho Certi!icðtos of Occup~ncy would not be inDued until the o~wcr facilities have beon approved and ~cceptod. Commiüslonor Wimer moved, sricondcd by Commissioner ßrown and carried 4/0, that tho Board ðccept the ownorahlp, operation ðnd main- tcn~ncc of tho wðtcr facilltie6 only for Timb~rcrock PhnG~ II and that tho following lcgnl documcntA bo ðuthorizcd to be filed and/or recordod in the officlnl records: A ) Do e d 0) "nGulta of prcs~urD tD~ting of wðtor lines. C) oùctoriologic.ll clD.Hance from thl! DEll. D) Lnb results on bnctcriologlc~l toats for tho wntor lines. E) Bill of Sðlc for tho wnter facl1itioo. F) FInnl Wniver of Licn from Davin ~ctcr & Ðupply and C~dcnhoad Conotruction. G) Cortif1c<,t1on conct!rnlng contribut.ions in ald of conntructlon. 11) Verification of. f1nðl coots. I) LC!]ðl Do6cription. J) Up to date lißt of owners and/or cuatomcra of indlviduð) lots. K) Eðsument grðnting right-of-way to lin08 and/or syatcm within priv~tc property. L) Lctt~r by the En~inuer certifytng thðt nIl wðtcr fncillt1ea uro locatcd within the public r1ght-of-wðy or d~dic~tcd ci'lscmcnts. M) Contr~ctunl Guar~nt~e Cor m~t~rial and workm~nGh1p for ð perlod of ,o,t least one (1) YDcH nftor tho ßO/lrd of County Pago 30 &001. C55 f~ 5E9 -- -- -- - - - - --- ------ -- - --.------------------- . .' ,. ... - - --- ----- ---"----------------..:..--------..----- November 3, 1981 Commissioners' acceptance or the water fDc11itlos. f2 N) Letter from the Developer certifying thllt there are no firr .~ hydrllnts located within Tlmbercreek Ph~sø II. ..... '-~ ~ 0) One set of as-built drðwings signed ~nd sealed by the ~ng1neer ,\f:) of Record. (,C ,c.;:> ~ :3 P.'qc 31 --.- -- - -- - - - - - - - - -.- --- -- - -- . - - - - - --- -r- - - - - - -- -. --- .... · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Novembor ~, l~nl ROUTIN~ DILLS - P^lD pursu~nt to ROGolutlon 81-150 tho fol1owinq checks werft Isouod through Fr1d.JY, Octobcr 30,1981, In pðymont. of routine billsl FUND - CIIECK NOG. "MOUNT County Checks CETA 203 - 3(j7 $"57,739.20 $ 7,175.24 81112 - 0187 ourxa:T !lMENDMENT O?-ll RE TTlANf,FER OF FUNDS TO COVER CO~T OF JMPROVE- /oIr.NT~; TO ¡n;LICOPTF.R tlANG^n - ADOrn;!') IN 'I'm: ^MOUNT OF $:1,700 Fiacnl Officor lIall cxplðinr.d that ImprovemontA to tho h~licoptor hðngðr wero previously ~pprovcd by the Board nnd he requested opproval to trùnsfcr fund~ to covur coat of snme. Commission~r Wimer moved, s~condcd by Commiasloner Orown ~nd carried 11/0, th¡)t Budget ^m~ndmcllt 82-11 ro tr~nGfcr of funds to cover cost of improv~m~nts to the helicopter hðngnr be ðdoptod in the ðmount of $3,700. Page '32 Ma~ C55 PM~E 575 ~. .. -- -- - ~ - ..- - - -- -. --.- --.....,......- - - ----- ---...------------------ ------- -------------------------------.- November 3, 1901 t:'IW\L £\UDCET AMENDMEt1T IR1-?lR Fon FY 190n-P1- ADOPTED Fiscnl Officer Hall explnincd thnt thn finðl burlg~t ðmendmønt for FY 1980-81 is to mðko budgot amendmonts to correctly ~nd logally reflect tho budget and ho roqueated th~t it be actoptcd. Commissionor Brown mov~d, seconded by Commissioner WimQr and carried "/0, that Finl'1 Budget Amcndmnnt '81-218 for FY 1900-01 be adopted. Page 33 ~o~~ C 55 fAtE 577 ._-------~-------------------------------~ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- Novombat 3, 19~1 DIf,TntnUTION OF ~6~9,9r,1 FEDEn~L FUNDS RECEIVED AS P~YMENT IN-LIEU- O¡"-TAXr.rï Fon 1901 - AUTllnnI7.F.O F1scal Officor Hall cxpln1ned thot the fr.dorol p~ymcnt in-lieu- of-taxes, p~rt III, h~a been received in the ~~ount of $649,967.00 ond th~t 1t h~s been roviuwcd with the ochoal system AGSociate Eupcr1ntendcnt of BusinûßG AfCoirs regording tho sarno bðsls of distribution that has been used in prior ycðrs ~nd th~t the school system has concurred with ata!£. lie said thot, with Board lIpprovol, tho distribution would be finoli7.od. Commissioner \'l1mor moved, neconded by Commissioner Bown and carried 4/0, that tho diutribution of $649,961.00 of Federal Funds, received ~s pðyment In-licu-of-t~xes Cor 19ß1, be authorized. BOAnD ACCEPTS ALLOCATION OF $(,9,G77.r,Q OF STATE Dr.r^nT~F.NT OF REVENUE FUNDS; COUNTY MANACEH IN5TIWc'rEt:; TO MEET I¡~ ITII ALL CONf,TITUT IONAL OFFICERS INVOLVED AND nnING B~CK ^ LIST OF rOf>BIDtLITtE5 FOR DISTRIBU- TION AS GOON AS POSf,lßLE Fi$cë\l Officer IIl'Ill l'xp1.'1ined that this yenr tho 1981 Leqislllture oppropriatcd, on Ð one-timo basIs, tcn million dollars to be dls- tributed to counties nnd municipalitlos for law en(orcemont, crime ~ontrol, corrcctiono or detention proqrnms. Ho s~iò that Collier County received G69,677.~9 and that stðff would follow the Board's direction on how this monoy would be nl1oc~tcd. He Ð~id th~t Most of the items for connidoration would be undcr the Sheriff's Dcpnrtment. After a short dißcussion, Deputy Chicf Barnott said that the Shrrl!f'ß Department would like to find out what the Board would like to do with the monoy and that if it lR to go to the Sheriff's Depart- ment, thðt deportment would like to take Rome tlm~ to find out whore it Pðqo 34 ßca~ C65 FACt: 63! -... -- -- ------- -----.------ ----------~-------- _. . - -- ..- ..- - - - --- - - - - - .... - - - - - - - - - - - - -....... - - - - - - - - --. - - -- November 3, ]901 ~t¡ould be placed. ßC~~ 065 fACt 632 CI~rk Reðgnn s^id th~t, regardless of the choice of the Boord, he ~oul~ like to meet with the Shcr1!f and Judges ðnd other areas of crime ~~Dnlrol to dccirle where this money could be used. Corl\mi 58 ioner Wimer moved, s~conded by Commi ssloner Brown ðnd .c~rricd 4/0, thðt the County ~ðnðger be instructed to meet with the ,officers involved and bring back ~ list of possibilities for the ðllocðtlon of the $fÏ9,(i77.()9 of St^tt" Dep,Htmt:nt of R('vt!nue Funds which ·Wc'lS IIccepted. CII^:R~AN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIfICATES OF CORRECTION TO TH~ TAX ROLLS Cornmissioner Kru~o moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown ðnd c<-.rr Jed 4/0, thßt thc Chairman t (.: ðuthorlz( d to sign the followinq c...rUflcðtes of Corr~ct1on LO the tÐ ( rolls: TANGTeLE p~"~O~AL PROPERTY 'ff. ^ R NU~~ER DATE 19A1 l~P.1 19P,1-1~ - 17 1901-1£.1 10/27/111 1 onO/p.] l~TRA GAIN TIME fOR IN~ATE NO. 3777~ - GRANTED AS RrCO~~fN~ED BY ~t:I:I'1Fr ROGERS Commissioner Kruse moved, seco~dcd by Commissioner Wimp.r ~nð c~rricc 4/0, th~t in compliance with florldð ~t~tutc Q~].'1 ðnð Collier County Ordlnðnce f74-24, cxtrn gain of l~ dðYS be qr~nt~d for Inmðte ~o. )777) ðS rccornm~ndcd by Sheri!! Roq~rs, m~klnq th~ re1eðRe dat~ J2/2~/Pl. Pßqo '1: -....--------------- --- ----- --,------------- ,-- - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- --'- - - --- -- ---'- - - - ..;...- --- Novembcr 3, 1981 nEGrçN~TI0N OF DR. MAURtCE F. LI~nEn FRrM EMSAC LETT~R OF APPRECIATION AU'('IIOHIZED, ATWER"ISTNG OF VACANCY ON COUNCIL AUTII01HZF.O Actminl~trðtivo Aide to tho Bonrd Crnco Spnuldlng explained thðt a lcttcr o( rcaignntion from th~ F.MSAC hOB boen receivod from Dr. Maurico F. LIebcr hccauno he haG ~cccpted tho poait.ion of Modlcnl Dlr~ctor of Moorin<]ti Pðrk. Comml~~ionor Wimor movud, seconded by Commioßlonor Drown ðnd CDL :leu ~/O, that Dr. Lieber's rosign~tion be accepted, ð lotter of lIppreclðtlon bo written and the vacancy on tho Council be l!uthor1zod to be ùdvcrtU;ed. OIOLOGICAL COMMENT~ r.EAD INTO TilE nr.COnD FOR FILE NO. 11-"7713-5E, PUßLJC OOAT RAMP, fIf.IIING PIER, EXCAVATION - rnOPER NOTIFICATION TO BE S C~IT TO DER County ~nvironmentaliGt Dr. Benedict rODd into the rocord the Biological Comments for File No. ]1-477lJ-5E, Public Bont R~mp, Fishing Pier, nnd Excavation. Commissioner Drown moved, seconded hy Commissioner Wimer and cðrrled ~/O, that the Board accept the rcðdlng of the Biological Co~- monts for the aforementioned project and that proper notification be sent (,0 thu DER. Commiüsioner Brown said that the projoct is for the building of Q plor ðnd IMproving the bo^t r~mp at LðkQ Tr~(ford in Immokðleo. Pnqo 36 6aa~ C65 PAr.t 633 . -..- -- - ----------- ----- ------------------- · t»~ 0> +J..-t (JILl "II (J "''' .k ..-4 ~C elLl ,§i .s CI..-t ,..µ (J ,,:::s bO'8 !ok ø. ." '"... fiB r-4 Bt o bO... ~~ ~B ~... ...0 Øo'" L .. .-.- -... ._---------------------------~---------- November 3, 19r.l BC~~ C55 fACt 6"36 f0LLOWING NAMES AND NUMBERS OF VOTING PRECINCTS OF DEPUTY SHERIFfS ¡-jUt) FOR THE RECORD: LUTHER D. lIT)DISON, rRF.CTNCT IS: HERMAN E. 1.f,!',rf.HT, PRECINCT 4: RICHARD A. I3LOCKER, PRF.CINCT 32: JAMES 1'1. fil"oI'rn f,I~!~ 7nHW L. CIANCIA, PRECINCT 17, AND C1\THY \lIYLLtM',SON, PRECIJ>:('T 21 In compliance with Florida Statute 3D.OR, the nDme of eðch D~puty ~hcri[f nnd thc numb~r of his or her voting precinct lire filed with the ¡:.oðrd of County Commissioners to becomc ð part of the minutes of the meeting, Sheriff Aubrey Rogers submitted the following: NAME - VOTING PRECINCT Luthcr D. Addison He rmðn E. Lambe rt RichlHd A. Blocker James M. Smi th Tcrry L. Cll1nclð Cathy Williamson 15 4 12 17 ]7 21 HID ~~~? FOR CONSTRUCTJON OF COc0HATCHEE WEIR TN EAST BRANCH OF C:CCf1Hl\TCllEE RIVER - A\'¡ARDED TO ZEP CONSTRUCTION IN THE: AMOUNT N' ~1(''',rno L!"pl notice h<'lv\ng been puhl1shed in th~ Naples Daily N~w!: on ~;l.!Ju'r.h{r :>9 <'Ind October 1, 19111, liS well liS arei' 1'1.1nning room rf"fe<r- (:nCt Hbrl'!ries, ð6 evidenced by the Affid<,wit of Publ1clltion filed with tl1.: Ch'rk, bidl:> were received for Bid ~522, for con¡.;truction of tl1'- CQ('oh:, t(- ¡t'1' ....E'1r in the Eltst Brllnch of the CocohfllChcf: River, up to Cclob~r 21, 1981. Public Works Adrnlnlstcðtor B~rksdðle sðid th~t ð pr~-bid hr.nring w~s hcld to discuss requlrementG with prospcctivr. blddprs. H~ srid thðt ~ solr bid Wð5 r~cciv~d from 2~p Construction corporation in the ~~ount oC ~1~4,on~.On which is IFSG thnn the e~t\mftLe given by thr ("(".ns\Jlt!ng finn, who dn·w the spt'ci!lc"tions. Ik f;ldd that stllff PI'ICJC 37 .--- - - ----- - - - --- --- - -- -- - --:---- -.- - - - -~~ ~ r t»~ ,~o 0 > I' +J~ .. U ILl ~~CI(J ¡,..., ~ II t'" ., ... .1""4~ \..... ~ t: ,.0 CI ILl ~~.c IIS:a .... C coO "CI~ ~,.~ , tI:::S ~ tIO'C ! .. Ct 0 '8 Qo~ :,!! co II '-~'" ¡ s:- ita ~ 8 ,- .... 'k c~ r,! O~ r 0 t ~... t" '" (J ,'-' ~ ¡,O~ 8 ~::;.s ... '.~ k 0 r;s Qo~ ! ~, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - -'- - - - ---- - - -- November ), 1981 rccommcnd~ ~wardinq bid 1522 to Zep Conotructlon Corpor~tlon In the amount of $164.000.00. In rr.nponse to n qucatlon from Chairman pintor, Mr. a~rksdðlQ sðld the weir ls on the south &idc of the Immok~loo Road on tho East Brðnch of the Cocohlltchec River lInd thilt ð woir hos bean constructed on tho West Branch of tho Cocohatcheo River. He e)(plüincd that the two weirs were to h~ve been constructed concurrr.ntly but, duo to tho objections received (or the woir on the E~~t Brnnch and right-of-way problems, con5tructlon has bcen dol.,y()d. lie Raid that p.vantu13l1y ðll of the permits wero obtained nnd SfWMD recontly filed a condcmn~tion suit, an Order of Taking ,WilS approvcrl, which qrðnta the County Ðuthority to use the land to construct the weir, and, therefore, thn plana which wore drawn approximately four yeðrs lIgo were advertiscd for bids. County M3nager Norm,)n nsked how the welr fitß in the scheme of the weir on the cannl on the north side of Jmmokalce Road, which WðS discussed by the ~o"rd scveral weeks ago, ~n~ Mr. Bnrksdðle said this weir is on the south side of Immokllluo "oDd which would atop the uso of S.R. 046 ðS the s~llnlty bðrr!er line and thðt the proposed weir to w: icll Mr. Norman reftHred will be raturned to the ~oèlrd in tho near future, becèlvsc the Bo~rd reguer.tod ntaff to consider a third location for it. III) stlid thllt tho BCIH3 has cliscUr.8r.d th!:': .,1tcrnato 10c1.ltlon lit the bridyc liB the Ðo~rd requested and they rncommend the middle locðtion for that weir. He A~id the three weirs will function togethor along with another weir on the North pine Ridge Conal, wnst of the old rldlroðd tracks. Mr. ZewDlk ^ukcd if a new ourvoy would be m~de of where the new PL'lCJO 38 M~~ 065 tA~t 637 ,.. ________ __-r- .. ---------------------------- . ta~ ~ 0 ;. O+J~ ...UILI ~"U "'~ILI ....lOk 1""4..-4 .....,C ÞClILI ï;b !9 .c ...9:' 1""4105 ILICI.... ~.~ tI:::S .. :'8 i~~ tltalLl :1:....... .c IO,µS . ~ ~c.... 510..... .~ bOe ...-4 C C.J ,~........ " 0 .., & '::;~... ,"...0 :I: Do~ -. -...... ._...J .:., ...- -- -- - -- ------------- ~c~~ C85 fA~t638 November 3, 1981 ~,din1ty line 1s compðred to where it 'olliS estl\bllshed some timf." lIgO, hnc Mr. ß~rk6dllle sðid that n true sðlinity line wns ~st...bllshed hy ~rclnhncc nnd h~ said he felt that there should be Ð re-cveluation of \.r."t 1 ine locat.ion Rnd pcrhðps ara'ndment of the ordinðnce which would dLfine the line, if it is necesÐary. Corr.r:dssloncr Krusc fiskI'd if ,,11 pot~!ntiðlly "ffected propert.y owners w~rc notified by the BCep. IInd Mr. Vidzes, Executive Dir~ctor of the 8C'E:I~, 51dd th/lt the weir construction is ð County project I.Ind that tilt; I:;Cfll~ only supplied the right-of-way for thE' structure. He ~xpl~incd that, under th~ existing ...gr~ement between the County and tho ßCBC, after ðpproxlmatcly one y~ðr's op~rnting experience of the ~tructure, the weir will be turnpd over to the ACBB for continued (11'(~r.lt¡on. In r~spon5c- to ~1rs. Krusf!'!> question, Mr. a"Hksdl.lle sðid lI.,H h.· c!1(1 not know if, indiv1duillly, the property owners hlld bl'!en flot:fi":!. lie 6ðleJ thl' pcrlnlts wl:rr' oht"lncd I1l!:1ost three years ago fror, ...h(: ;.I-"W~1D, th~ m:R ,~nd the Corps of. J:ng1nN~rG <'Inrt th,'t public notice!:; IHC published hy the Corp!> Dnd tht"! Dr.~. lie s¡,1d thnt thp puhl (" notice system !:1ust he C'ffl'cti\'l' ht::C,1use objf'ctlons were reccivl'!d Iron l...nd ownl!rs in ttw ....re" by the CorpG. COr'.r.,jssion('r KruSt· M;I(."d if the F.Cf.£\ h<'lc1 tflken <"Iny steps to forhid th~ U~l' of IrrlgðtJon wells within l/~ or 1/2 mile o( the County co~~t~l zonr, ^nd ~r. Rtanlcy Holp fi"ic1 th"t nince the BCSS is not Ð r~guJ"tory ðgency, they could not t"k~ such ðction. He- slIið thl'! the SF~Mr recrivcs ðpp11c"tlons ror Irrlg~tJon wplls ~nct ðll wells over ~ cc:rndn Ll7.e <'Ind they h"vp. allowed somt> ðnd deonlec1 some. He saie! th.,t, 1n the PMSl, the W~^D hðs ~cni~d ..,pplicAtionu for Irrlqc'1tion wells r...q(' ~q ._-----------------------~--------'---~ , -.'C .. " i~ , ILl , U ~ tI ~ ... · c ii · B .~ J+-' U ~:::s L~ ø. ) " ! k I . r-4 It: f~ , s i ... · 0 a,~ -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - ----'- - -_...:..- --- Novr.mhar 3, 1981 ðpproxim~to to wlthrlrnwal polnta from tho Naplos wellflold. Ho explained th~t tho conatructlon of wolrs hðD been recognizod aD heing ð structured tpprol1ch to wntor resource mllnagemunt cnd thnt the BCBe and SfWMO have ßupportcd the construction ns ð mitigation to structured ðpprol\chos to w"tor m"nllgr.ment. \ll! said that the purposo of weirs are to ntto~pt to re-~st~h1ioh, wherc pr~cticðl, tho hlstorical water lovcls which existed prior to the construction of the canals and that, in mJny inntðnccs, the cDnals WtH~ not intended to ¡::rovidc drÐiniJgo for ðro~s but worQ borrow can~ls which wero Cxcðv~ted in order to provido the fill for the road and thðt thuy became drninage ditchos as WiJter flowed into them. He siJid that tho County first r.ncountr.rod instDllntion of weira, ðß recommended by thu WMAB, when plans for Golden Gate F.~tates wera bolng revicwed in 1960-fil and In~tallation of mðnifold water devices were required, i,e. stop dams. Mr. Ilole said t~(\t ,)t tI recont Watcr RCEourccS Conforence lun- chaon, which COMmissioner Kruse lIttended, Governor GriJham stresaed the need for consideration of non-atructured approaches to waler resourco manù<]cment. lIe rclðtnd a stlltament made by Mr. John UlgrL'lst, Deputy Director of tho fiFWMD, whi~h ~ppcør~d In the Miami Her~ld ðß followaz "The District agre~a with ~ non-structural ~pprodch bec~use it is best for preserving the ccoloq1cal ðnd ~nvironmental bal~ncr. of the state". lie sðlcl he wrote the oclit.or of the ,",,1¿'IIT1i lIer.)ld lJnd told him th\1t the non-structural Dpproach, which excludeD ditches, dikes, levien, canals or scwage tr~atment plL'lnts, mðy or m~y not be th~ best for preserving the ecological balance of the state. He said that soma work han boen done rcq~rding the subject and it is estimatnd that with strictly pago 40 M~~ C65 FACI::639 .._-----------------,--------------~-----_. '. ... .... _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...... _ _....&...... _ _ _...... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... _ -..1:_ _ - - - -- --- -£~. ",IW i-, Ît ,'.~}\ ~; .~~~ ".' '" taC~~ 065 fACt 64.0. November 3, 19S1 non-structural approaches, the South Florida environment could safely support ~ population of perhaps 50,000 and certainly no morc than lrc,ooo pcopl~ and perhaps an agricultural industry capable of only ~upporting that population. Hu said that the non-structural approach i~ ~n unrealistic over-reaction to Rome of the environmentally disas- trous structural solutions of the pftøt and he felt a balanced approach is n~cded utilizing the best of both worlds which would provide' the protoction the population requires consistont with costs. Ho said thnt., ðS ð SFWMD member, he hl t this is tho d i reet ion the Distr1ct is t II king. P'.r. uolo said that in the near futuro the Commissioners would lJ rt'CC1ve Ð report from the BCBn that identifies ð major supply of Wl\ter in the northern part of Collier County nnd that he hfts ftskod Chairman Pi~tor t.o give time for t.hat subject to he presented to the Board. HPo Gale! t.11~t the Commissioners would be ðskf!d to consider a mhcf'd struc- tUf/11-non-structurðl approach toward setting up surface reservoir areðD. Cludrman plst.or asked if Mr. Holt.' felt the program which the SFWMt:' 1I/1<.1/or tIll! BCBB 1s !ollowing, is in ðny WflY in conflict with the thouc¡ht..s or Governor Grðhðm and Mr. Bole responded thnt he folt the policy is not but thð~ he thought the programs had not been fully c8rri~d out. He g~VQ as An exðmple Borne inst~nce., when weirs ftnd mnjor ch~nnel improvements are recommended upstreðm to reduce the wDters that would otherwise he cre~ted by dðmming an Inftdp.qufttO chaM,~l. He Baid he felt that sometiMcS, becausc of ðbR~nc. of fund- lng, th~ wholo program has not b~en COMpleted. In rrsponso to a Pa9- 41 .:!:::¥ ~r ;t.- ;;~,l ~,,1,~ . - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -,- -- - - - -- - -~ -~<^~ ."',,'~ i,r" ';;ç, ·t\;,· ,:~~ ~ '~:' \('¢;. l'", ~I I ." ". . - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -..... - -.... -- - - - - - - -- - - - -..... -- - --- - -- - -- ,$,; '"t ~,' >I:" :1' ~. ! quostion by Chðirman , ·1 agcmcnt proqrnm that Novombor 3, 1981 rintor, Mr. Hol0 said ho thou9h~ the wDtør man- Colll~r County has identified Cor ltBolf i8 one which the District has Ðupported but ho 8nid he would liko to aee that proqr~m cnrricd out nnd that, when ð dnm ia built, ho folt tho recom- mended worka upstroam should elthor bo constructed or tho public should recognizo thnt tho w~tor will ba higher until tho rest of the pr09rðm is completed. Commissioner Kruse lIsked Mr. JlolQ who had tho u1timnto rospons1- billty of notifying property ownQrs upstream whon nlterðtions to canðla lire mðdc, nnd Mr. lIo1e said he did not know. He said thðt when permits lIrc roqucsted that notice of tho propoßod work is mandated through ncwsp~pera. A short discussion was hold regarding notification of property ownorß. Mr. Vidzon clnrified tho notification iøsuo by saying that tho procedure the SCBB followed early in the study of the salinity control structure on tho main Cocohatcheo Canal was to get ð 1iot of all th~ DCjricult'Jre interosts who were discharging wnter into the wlltershcd and a mecting WðS hold with them to alort them to what was being plannod ðnd t~ get input from each farmer ~nd discover whðt the farmers ware doing in ordor to properly donign the structure. Ho said that, as the study progrcssnd, the BCBB looked for civic orgðntzðtions In tho area who would reprcsent tho homeowners and sont notices to thosa aasocia- tions. lIe Gi:lid thðt no official list of peoplo was notHiod. He said he felt th~t In tho Cuture a public notico program could be devilod. . Pa9C1 42 . bM~ 055 PACt61f ' ,__________L---------------------------- \ . j , -. ; . t .' " . ' ... " . . .- - - - - -- ---.- .........- -------------......-----...........--------.........-- Novembor 3, 1981 ðCQ~ G65 fACt 642 Comol~sioncr Drown moved, seconded by Commisøtoncr Wimer and cArried 3/1, with Commissioner Kruse opposed, that Bid 1522 be awarded to Zep Construction Corporðlion in the amount of $164,000.00. ~Tr.Cr.LL^NEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed the following cor- respondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments,as indicated: 1. Letter dated 10/27/81 from Richard P. LUdin9ton, Dir- ~ctor, Division of State Lands, DNR, stating that his office has no objection to Collier County's project as proposed in DER permit application Number 11-477l~-5£ ~s reviacd 9/10/01, ^nd stating "consider this authority sought under Section 253.77, Florida Statutes, to pursue this project". xc Messrs. Rice and Norman. Filed. 2. Letter 10/2~/81 from Jacob D. Varn, Secretary, DOT, ^dvising that the Fodera1 Highway ^dminißtratlon has approved the Draft EIS for circulation and a public hearing hßS been s~heðuled for 12/2/81, at 7:30 P.~. xc Messrs. Norman and ßarkr.dale. Filed. 3. Letter doted 10/23/81 from E. Loren ~ldgctt, District Project Development and Environment Engineer, DOT, ro Public Heoring, St~te Project No. 0303n-1503, F@dcral Aid Project No. F-32S-1(1), State Road 951 from S.R. 97 on ~arco Isl^nd to s.n. 90/U.S. 41 in Collier County, and enclosing a public notice with attached map, which will be publishod in ð local newspaper in the future. xc Messrs. Norman and Barksdale. Filed. 4. Copy of memo No. 8l-~5 dated 10/20/81 from A.J. McMullian III, State Rotiremont Director, Division of R~tire~ent, listing wages for 15 c~ployers reported on ^ supplemental tape. xc Payroll. Filed. 5. Copy of 10/27/81 mailgram from Henry R. Morris commending Mrs. Janie Butts on processing his father's claim for WWI veteran benefit.. xc T. K@hoa ~nd Personnel. Filed. _ 6. Copy of lotter dated 10/2f;/81 from MrI. Mary Sehantzon to JAPC stating her opposition to the proposed rezone for Ro~k Crenk area from "~M-1^" and "CnC" to "TTRVC". Page ..3 ~' i' 'I(',; ... --...- - .,--- -- - ------ - ---------r---,..--- --~.""- ,',' . . ~ - ,~. . '...! .-Þ :' '. . .", ~ \ ': ~. ; ~'..:." '~"". é., -----------.----------....-----------------.....- Novembor 3, 1981 7. Lattor dðtod 10/21/01 trom r.lton J. Gissondannor, Exccutivo Director, DNR, roqnrding Co1l1~r County'. proposDl on Clnm P~OD rork, 8t~tlng it will be consldored under both the Connorvation and Recreation L~nds Proqr~m and tho Sove Our Coasts Pr09ram. xc Messrs. Nor~nn ðnd vlrtð. Filed. o. Letter doted 10/27/81 trom John ~. pulling ro Cocohatchco w~ir 8t~ting ho feols the County tðxpnyora should not he burdonud with spending $300,000 plus engineering foes to ð1d tho property owners of only 400 Acres of land and offoring thø Commisoion ðnd taxpayors n propoßitlon to snvn "over ono quarter of ð million dollars" through Ð malntcnan~e casement to tho County extending from Immok~loe Rood to tho Cocoh~tchoo Rivor. Filed. . 9. Copy of Fin~l Ordor, Adm1niBtr~tivcly approved pormit to rop~ir and wid~n l~th Ave. So. pursuant to Sections IG1.052 or 1~1.053, Florida r.t~tutQO for City of N3pleø, PClmit No. CO-32. Filed. 10. Lotter dated 10/20/01 from Arthur R. Joseph, President, Aqu~lilnQ Shorel1 Asnn., nndorsing tho Commission's ufforts to acquire tho 1nnd known ðS Nðples Cay for the residonts of Collier County Ðnd stating tho Asaoci~tion'a dcsiro to see tho property purch~sod 1n ðnother manner if tho lnnd cannot bo ðcquircd undor the Sav~ Our Co~stG Progr~m. xc ~06SrG. vlrtð and Norman. I'iled. Lettor dated 10/28/81 from Jamos Mt McCoy, Presidont, Board of Diroctors, Sorrcnto Vi1los of Nnplos, Inc., to Commi8sion~r Wimer ro thoir concnrn with tho noisn Ðnd sight fnctora involved with the four 1anlng of Coodletto ROllc! l'Ind Gt/lting problema with tho eaRt sido unttß being pDrðll~l with tllo road with rcapect to the bike p~ths being insll'lllod l'Ind tho "extension dono" and requcsting n sight and aound barrior to bo Instl'lllcd olong "their" fonce to protoct tholr standard of 11vingt xc Messrs. Norml'ln l'Ind Bðrksdolc. Filed. 11. Copy of PGC Notice ro Adoptinq of Rulo 25-17.1(" {."tc., Oil-ßl'Ickout Coot Recovory Factor, Docket No. Ol0241-EU, Order NOt 103(,3, IÐaucd 10/30/B1. Filed. 13. Copy of PCS Not1ce ro l'Idoption of l'Imondmont to Rules 25-4.110, 25-ti.103, 25-(,.101;, 2~-7.n9, Md 25-10.99, F.A.C., relating to the issuo ot backbllllng, Docket No. BOnsal-PU, Ordor No. 10353, Issued 10-22-01. Filed. 12. Pð90 44 ~o~~ C65 PAt~643 .. - - -- -- - - - - -.- - --- - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - ---~ - -- -~ --- , . . .,' IF . . --.- \". . . if ',( --------~------------~~---------~ '~:,';i;j, , November 3, 1981 TIC~~ C55 fACc:644 14. Copy of PCS Notice re withdrawal of Rulo 2~-9.4G, Late payment Charges, Ðockøt No. 80072~-PU, Order No. 10~5S, Issued 10-23-81. Filed. . . . . . . . . * * . There being no further business for the good of the County, tho m~eting was ðdjourned by order of the Chair - Ti~c: 11.20 ^.~. . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO COVERNINC EOARD(S) OF SPECJ^L DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL CJ. ß-f;¡ HAIRMAN, --- "-1 : " . .0 ~ .. . -..; ......:\ '\ ..... , / '.t., " ". " ..... (".r 'J C"':.. :' .... "- .~ t ......'" '.' It ~ .~ .\ ' _.....-_ .... ...... ...___ .... __.._ 0- ,,------ ------..--- -' - . 7-·· , -- ......' ~ .... .. -' ,. '. t .¡ " . . - . r,ll«Je C5 .' ~ , ~' ,'\, 4 "4 î . i .~ '~( ;~ J :'.~~~ ,'. ,