BCC Minutes 11/03/1981 S . " . ....- '.':" ..; :...,':::r~.r'~/'~t.'.\'~'<¡:'\~' "I~t.;.t.'~~...;~.¡:.~.,.'1 .. '. ,\ , !,. . ! í ~ ~. ....1.....,·..,.. ".:pM .J _, ~ , . .'.:', ." .4..' . . . , "" . , --------------------------------- Naples, Floridi.l, Novombør 3, 1981 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that tho Board of County Commissioners in and for tho C:ounty of Collier, I1nd .:1150 ðcting ða tho governin<;J bO.:lrd(s) of ßuch special districts .:IS have bp~n cr~ßtcd I1ccording to law nnd having conducted husiness herQin, met on this date at 7:00 P.M. in Sp~ci.:ll Session 1n Building "F" of tho Courthouse Complex with th~ following members prcs~nt: T\CTHIC CIIT\Im1J\N: C. n. "Russ" Wimor ~nry-Frðncos Kruse Do!Iv id C. Eown J\B5ENT: John T\. pistor (Chairman) Clifford Wenzol (V-Chairman) T\LSO PHESENT: Darlene Davidoon, Deputy Clerk; Torry virta, Community Development J\dministrl1tor, D~nny Crew, Planning Director, Loe Kirchhoff ðnd Terry Clark, Plðnners1 Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director and various members ~f st~ff. AGENDA 1. Petition NZ-eO-20, Community Dovelopment Division, rcqucstin<;J acceptance of tho T~ntat1ve Report of tho Comprehensive Zoning Regulations for tho unincorporatod area of Collier County. 2. proposed Rezoning Map for the unincorporÐtod area of Collier County in conjunction with the Tentative Roport of tho Comprehensive Zoning RegulatIons. COMMr~SIONER WIMER ELECTED CHAIRMT\N In the absenco of BCC Chairman John pistor and Vice-Chairman Clifford Wenzel, Commissioner Wimer opened the floor for nominatIons for Chairman for tonight's meoting. ,oo~ 065 PA~645 .~'; .:~ ;~ .':~, ..:~ 'I' ',: ,'it. <'>ì1 "~ .1 ~ k" ';; 'I~'~ <~ ~? i:.~· ~.. . ','" </1 ;¡;j ,r.¡ ,~ ~ >:'^~' \\Í 'ìJM ~ . , . Pð90 1 '. , 'J> ;,':;~:¿ ':,'... 'iI . ~'~ ¡;,.:tiK:1~ ,~~,~.......~' .' :.~ ' .,\. ..~~. ,. ,·,.··,,·,·,,'~-,,····,·_,,·_""'~"'4 :.'~"..~........."'_'..."""".,_ ·.."","'."...·,.,.·,.;.,,·.·.·,__..P....,¡¡.,......,""_,_,·__.4-. November 3, 1981 , ,c ~t)~ 005 fAtt:645 Commissioner Brown nominated Commissioner Wimer who accepted. The nomination was aeconded by Commissioner ~ruae and the nominations were closed. Upon call for tho vote, Commissioner Wimer was electeð .s Chairman 3/0. ",,;, "~, INTRODUCTION BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ^DMINISTRATOR TERRY VIRTA Community Development Administrator Terry Virta welcomed all the members of the audience and explained that this moeting is actually the sixth public hearing on the proposed unified zoning ordinance for Collier County and tho second before tho Board of County Commissioners. Ho said that this meoting will be brokon into two public hearingsl the first is a continuation of tho October ~O, 1981 public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners ~nd deals with the narrative portion of the zoning ordinance1 the scconð is a pUblic heðrin9 denling with the maps which Drc corresponding to and impleMent the new proposed zoning ordinðncc narrative and rcgulations ~hercof for individual pieces of land. J\CKNOWLEDCEMENT OF LEC^L NOTICES PUBLISHED Planner Lec Kirchhoff asked that tho rccord roflect that the following legal notices were published as evidenced by Affidavits of publication filed with the Clerk for the public heðring re petition NZ-80-20, having boen opcncd on and continued froM Octobor 20, 19R1: . pag e 2 ---------------------------------------~--~ '. i' ". .-........ > .: :. '. ..... t ....~ . $;,~ ,..~ ,. . ~I >:...,i'Iiti_ oj .. .: ...... ~ '.If¡~';''''''f,.\ ~', , . . J ::fI' ..~. -;, þ ~...;.. .' -':JI ¡. ,;, " 't,'., ,It " '~',;i: ~ ..""'" .' ~ '. "','" '. , . ..,t'~"":"'''''''~~{;i'l:.4,:;:ft.¡¡'I:I~~~¢f.:ih~-:1~~~~ . .., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... _ _.....~\:-..l November 3, 1981 ~If :'(i ¡, 't~' ¡-' l. Naples Daily News, publishod on October 21, 1901 2. Coldon G~to Eagle, published on Cctober IG, 19q1 3. Marco Isl~nd Eagle, publishcd on Octobor l5, 19C1 ~. Immokðloe Bulletin, published on October 15, 19B1 Ms. Kirchhoff reportad that the legal notice ra the continuation of the ~bove-rcferenccd public hearing Jnd notice of the public hearing rogarding the proposed rezoning maps for tho unincorpornted area of the County in conjunction with the Tont~tlvp Report of the Comprehensive Zoning Regul~tions WðS published in the Naples Daily News on October 28, 1981, ~s evidcnced by J\ffidavit of publication filcd with tho Clerk. . " i'!> '~< ,. .. ", ·r . " , ,( ~ STATUS OF BCC J\CCEPTANCE OF nECOMMENDJ\TIONA FROM THE PLT\NNINC COMMIS- SIONS - BCC T\CCEPTANCE - REJECTION - T\ND/OR AMENDMENTS TO ST\ME AS INDICT\TED Pl.:lnner Lee Kirchhoff reported that the Oo~rd of County Commis- alonars accepted most or the CT\rC and IAPC recommendations during the last meoting1 however there are some recommendations that need final acceptancQ and she requeatod thðt each bo acted upon sop~ratoly before " " ~ she presents all tho recommondations, additions or changos to tho proposed zoning ordinance during the last hearing. Minimum Acreage of "A-l" Districtl (Pðge 20) Ms. Kirchhoff stated that the IT\PC rccommended reduclnq this to five acras; tho CAPC recommendod forwarding as was advertised, i.e. lO acres. She said that the CAPC had not agreed upon a "correct acroago", i.e. 5, 10, 20 or 40 acres. Ms. Kirchhoff statod that tho "A-l" district is the "true" a~ricu1ture district and romindad th. Board that "A-2 requires 5 acres. ,o~ . 065 mt 847 '~r Pig. 3 ,.' ,¡",:i""i'~,d\ " :'1. '!" ~ '¡1V>, '.£ "1"~"':<*':'~'< t., ." '¡...I!f,...;\tjl: '4i' ~."'!-., ···-q~_"'''''_'''O''''''''''''_'"''··___.''''''''''"'''~''''¡''~'''"''''·'''''''''''''''IŒ'H""'''''';"__'_''~'''''_'''__ , . ',~1 r~ ~.'.. ", \ I ~è~ œ~M&i~~S Brown November 3, 1981 moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rul. and I carried 3/0, that the -A-l- District be forwarded as recommended to rcquire fivo acres. * . * tlnd Commerchl Va c eSI (Pages , Sect ons 8. an a.9) Ms. Kirchhofl reported that the IAPC recommended deleting both of theso Seçtions and' lotting proporty owners request special parking regulations; the C^PC recom- mended letting them stand and allowing property owners to come in and requ~st taking the regulations off their respective areas. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and :.; carried 3/0, that Sections 8.8 and 8.9 be del~tQd, as recommonded by the IAPC. * " * *Tht following items were acted upon,'based on changes and/or additions to tho proposed ?oning regulations that ~roso during the October 20, 19~1 public hearing: Commissionor Kruse moved, seconded by Commissionpr Brown and cDrricd 3/0, that the recommendation be forwarded that the slidinq SCùle for minimum cquarc f~ct that presently Qxtsts in the zonina orctincnc~ r~mðin in tÐct ~nd be us~d In the proposcd zonin" ordinance. j\ " " pag If 4 ---------------------------------------~~- ....... ,.........,.""",... .' .,1" ,..I~·,v."~.""""""""~/~~· t "0 . ........... 'I' . ' ../. "'" . ,'I _..;(':,:,'( ,~ ,:(~ .'" '" ..\,,~:,!,.¡s.,~~O~.. ......J .~:.'; ·!~t -------------------------------------~~--~ Novcmher 3, l~Rl <]0 up COl'\miasionc.>r ,ruse moved, ÐQcond~d hy C:ommlfôsioncr Orown "nd c~cried 3/0, th.:lt thn mnximum heiqht hu limited to 3 stories in tho RMF-12 Cintrict ~nd that n proviaion he inclu~~(1 th~t would nl10w up to G stories ~s ð proviaion~l una. . . . Commissioner Kru~c moved, Bcconncd by Commissioner Drown, th~t hospitnlo, hocpiccs, nnd snnitoriums bc rCl'\oved from all com~nrci~l districts and ho plncud in tho officlDl Ðcrviccn sections no provi- sional ueos ðllowed in Any district. Mr. Cary C1Qchune, 7(,5 North Barfi~lð Drive, asked for clarifica- tion as to implications of the motion pretDining to the C-~ District. Me. Virta said th~t this would mean that in tho C-4 District, all tho above-referenced uses would bocome provisional uses. Mr. Clachunc asked how this would eCfect housing ,for thu elderly, and I'Is. Kirchhoff said that they Dre not included. She expl~ined that nursing homes are not rocommend~d to be taken out of commercial districts; nor are rest homes or othor such facilities. ';, 1 ;1 .; i I..·~ ' ¡.-:" Pð9 e S .':\ .'.1- . "\ :' '1 ';I~'¡; .,~ ".~.. :, -- '~'. . :~ ¡ . .t!: 'J;; ,'..;.,~,¡ , :.:l ·I~ ..;,..'..'.... ·.f.... ¡''':l . .-.",\ t~ 'Q~ 065 fAti 649 ~ ,"':, 'I, , '~'C I, .il ... t\ .h ... ,':0 :- .~O +t.... 'J:L"i"(J II ~" . (J ,"to' '"' &I ,0P4 . ... Ii'" tr4 " ':..ø c:: ~.a . &I ,.'Q ~ .t:.:I \&1 S, ... ' c:: '·.···a'~:·· ~ '~ø .(J '.~,'.' II :s ,r¡:,'~'-" ti) '8 '.. . fo p,... 'f. P, I.,. &I . &I .:........ .~¡í~ I~'.' ~ .,~c::.... .1..~. 0 '"' ~: . 0 .\ !:9'" ,<-.. .:ì ~ i-o ø . 'it~ ... ... ... 0 \:t Novcmo~t 3, ~~~¡ ~t'.)t 065 f.\C£ 6S3 Upon call for the question, the'motion to remove hospita18, hospicos, ðnd sanitoriums from all commercial districts ðnd place them in the official services sections as provlÐional uses carried 3/0. * * . foota e for the ~l ".<:¡, ,.-.¡.J ...~ ~~.~~ »7,,: Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/0, that the restrictive passage be added to Section B.40, as follows I "nor shall they (guest houses) be constructed on lots which have a frontage less than lSO foot in width". * * * Doletion of hrase"s ecinl ex~cotion" ~nd use of the prase pro v S on a use: MS. trirchhoff stated that it was recommended that the proposed vcrbnge "special exception" be d~leteð and replaced as indicated nbove. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/0, that the phrase "special exception" be deleted and that . ,., t' the new proposed ordin~ncc cont~in the rhr~sc "provisional use" in its place, just as in the existinq ordin~nce. . . * COMMENTS T\ND PURSUT\NT BO"RD T\CTrON RF.CARDING THE CONTENT OF THE NE\'l PROPOSED ZONING nECUL^TION~ Jeffory C. Quinn, T\ttorney for Trail Construction & Engineering Inc., explain~d his clic~t's position regarding propcrty rezoned by the BCC in 197A, b~scð on a letter of intent and ccrtain rcpresentations Page 6 ~ >;" ~~ ~~: ,ý, ,·!i ;~ ;I~ ^('~ ......... _ -........ --............ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____...iI..,~ ~~ )-:;~.., "',-.,,;. .....,·.;.¡I'~l..._~~_' :." " . '1'/. . \j, ., .. ',.~.'~.~ ,.. " ' ,:.'...&..;.~, ',,, ',;.~:.. -....{ '.............. ~.._ . ,"'..... ~'.....t J.tr., ,\ . "¥ ':( ,_'A~ ~~ ,,,i,,:" -----------------------------------------..... ".' , . t''Z 3~ r( Q '~~ ,~k '4' C '. Q Iii' :'.8 :. ... IJloØ I, (J I!. =' '.-'8 . ''''104 .ø. !~ :: t? ~ ts ;:: '0, ~~ ~ "'} ....1~~....'..~".~.,~:-: ¥'t'~~L·~,,,~.::"~.:.¡...\·-t. t1..':", . :'.; .\1' ·:.'''<·11.o1~ ~T.. ",.,.. ',. . 'It ,·/1.... \ ....... , ....f'.,. . Novembcr 3, l~Ol that w~re made by Mr. L~wrcnco ß~sik, rosulting in th~ adoption of Ordinance No. 7ß-ßl. Mr. Quinn stated thDt his cliont strongly objects to th~ ~dopt1on of any portion of the new zoning rcgul~tions that will circu~vent or bypass tho conditions or stipulðtions upon which Ordinance 70-(,1 was adopted. Hu sûid thClt hiB client hAs no ohj()ctionl:; to the apccific zoning ~nd thnt he lß hare to coe thnt Mr. ßD3ik will still be roquircd to follow through with the conditiona upon which ho was grantod the rezon ing. Pl.:lnnC'r Loe Kirchhoff cl..r1fip.~ th,]t the> new ordin:lncc will not, in any way, negato prior agroements made by any petitioners on any rezoninCJ. Sho s,,1icJ lhllt whon those petitionorn' lant1 is re.':Iðy for developmcnt they will havo to conply with nll prior conditions mado by the BCC. * . . Judy Burleson, representing the RCMA (Redl~nds' Christian MiqrÐnt T\ssoc.), prosented ~ written statement, which was Ðcc&ptod hy the Doputy Clerk ~nd marked as Exhibit -J\". She read her statement and requested that the proposod ordinance regulations (p~gQ lOe) relatod to child caro faci~itiQs bo amended to moro closoly p~r~llol tho Gtato and F~dcr^l regulations governing child care centors. This was discussed at length, during which Zoning Director Jcffory Perry agrQed that this provision docs not parDllcl the Stato or Fcd~r~l regulations nor does it correlate with the Health Dep~rt~ont'. requirements. Commissionor Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, that the propoaod rOQulðtions rell1ted to child c~rQ Pðg 0 7 ,c~ 005 F£t 55! ~,;~';; < '~': ï', " ,,..,," , '. ¡>".\' · ','¡ :~~¡' þ.'O -":' ...- tI \040)0 ',,0 +' ... ','J, ;... ,U tI 1,"«1 U 0 '~ ,... II ,;~~ .. '11"4 +' c:: ,',þ «I " :'Q ", .&.:.,,~ .1.." B '~,'. B ""111 .... 'f; ,-, +' ",";'¡', I) ~ :' ~'tIO'8 ".' IP "·'1 SOle" , ø. " II G.I , ...... ~,¡ _, fi .. l'." ~ :,~ i::.... ",fIO~ ,~ ~.. ,11"4 ~ u :i'a +' i i¡,~.'" ,,a .. I ... 0 '.ø.,... "".' '.' 'f , ~.\ì"""" --..,. \''-~ 'r),·"- I' " ; ''''i " .' -... ~"_ ,.j t --------~------------------------------~~- November 3, 1981 bt~~ OSS fAct 652 cunters be rowrittcn 80 aa to more closelY m^tch the intent of the State and Fedoral regulations, spocificðlly changing th@ roquiroments that relate to tho number of childron that may be cared for before being considered as a child care centor. " " " Ceorgo Keller, representing tho Colli or County Civic Federation, I addresse~ the minimum square feet required for single family homes Ind stated that his orgnnization is adamantly opposed to allowing anyone to build a unit that is only 750 sq. ft. in area. He s~id that this is just too small. Ms. Kirchhoff and ~r. Perry oxplainod the sliding scale that was voted upon earlier this session, snme being that which now exists in the prcsent Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Kollar dlso Ðddrcsscd the ~~rlicr action that will require at least 150 ft. frontage for ð gUQst hOUSQ Dnd complimented the Board for making this rocommQnd~tion. He nlso nsked tho Board to take Qction reg~rding the prohibition of constructing a guest house in the "E" o district in the front of a m~in houGe, thus requiring all guest houses to be constructed on the b~ck of the lots. This was discussed briefly, during ~hlch Commissioner Krus~ st~tnd thüt sho is opposed to adopting requlations b~scd on acsth~tics ~s long DS the person can meut üll the setb~ck r~quirements. ~r. Keller ~lco üddr~sscd the requirementG for child care centcrs and the number of children thüt may be cl1rcd for that was previously Dcted upon ðnd noted th~t hu ~~r~os that thu County's regulations for smðll numbcrs ~f children shoulô coincide with the fitatc'u, however, he PDC) e 8 " ', .,' ,.. J , . , 0 , ,.", 7,~' ¡..' ~. , .,', ..,¡ '. . ',.0.' .~.;,. .'. . " ......, ----------------------------------------...... ( ¡~.:¡¡,l:,j'<, ;~tt~~ ", ;~~:r\:· . ,;:, ,","0 ,..., ... ., "'o~ O~tr4 :.,,':'C) ., "'''. C) ~fM" ::1:='" ...~c:: .Q." 'Qii ~.e ., '«J ... .a ....~ 1-4'" U "'~'; ., ::::s ".' ''^ 110 '8 .. III fa ~t. '., . II ':1:'" ... I;,. :5 II ,.... . ~ t.~....!~·5 ;:: . 0 ;, ~::; 'fM ~ ... ~o~ . ft~ ~ "¡... 0 . Ø,fM' ~~.' o!,'\..' ~~f;:-; -,,,.,,,',",..,,. ·...,.,.:.'S'I;".;¡..~..~!..~~l·...·.~"V:".:'t t:·"t' , . ':...rt·,' 'I_"~·'· ,:,.. November :!, I~Rl bnliov~s that child CDrfl centcrs with 1.5 to ~o children ar~ comrncrci~l onterprisos ~nd should not bo allowed in rnsidcntial nciqhborhoodR. . . * Joan White, rQpresenting ~ growing numb~r of young pDrcnts from Mðrco Island, rcquested thDt tho rcgul~tions rcquiring i..5 acres of residential proporty for a child c~rD center and/or locating ð child cDro c~nter in n commorci~lly zoned ßr~Q be amendod. Sha oxplainod that the high cost of lnnd on ~arco I~l~nd mðkes th~ purchas~ of 2.5 acres for thc purpo~c of establishing a day c~re conter prohibitive. She s.:lid that she does not believo that child c~rc ccnters should be located in commercial ~reas. Sh~ ðsked that th~ P.o~rd consider the high cost of property for Marco Island and than make SOMU kind of provision to bypüss the 1..5 acr~ requir~mcnt. This Wc1S discussod at length as wðn the currpnt morotorium on provisional uses th~t is restricting her from opening A child care center on ~arco Island until after the ~doption of the proposed ordin- ance. Ms. Whi~c r~questcd that th~ County's minimum spaca requircmentG more closely follow thosa of the State which are not nc~rly as ro- strictive. She asked that day CÐre centers be allowed to continuo to oper~tQ in residential areas as provisional uses, so long ðS there are no objections from the neighbors. After ~ lengthy discussion, Commissioner Brown movod, secondod by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, that tho staff be direct~d to draft tho proposod requlntions for day care centoro lnnd DrCft and Bqu~re feet Pa90 9 ac~ 065 Œè653 ".. '.~ - _. - .,...........-............ .. ;{ ,'i-:i }~ 'ii. ,é1!,A\{ '?-" . ~'.-' , .,: " ,,,' ';'!-;' d~ "',' ......."., . ~~.. ,;~ ,:', I I I f t I ~ L ~ ~ ¡ > ~. November a, 1981 ~t%\ ~i~d¥R~~ca requiremonts in such a manner as to more clos~ly align with State Regulations, for presentation to the BCC for further action. . . . :' ':,~ ,.1. ":ì·:&1 ',.,.,f,l' .,~ :~:'.,':i.~~· ~~-----~~------------~----------~--~--~-~~~t BUO!B. Abbott, ropresenting the Naples Hi9h School Bond Boostors, spoke in'opposition to the rcgulotions outlined on page l40, Paragraph "D", reg~rding the prohibition of certain lessons being given on band instruments in n residential aroð. She said that this would nogate the possibility of somoono giving individual piano lossons in their home or of them coming to one's home for the same reason. Ms. Abbot stated that the County has ordinances on the books thnt prohibit loud noises, disturbing the pOðce, etc., ~nd that if the noise is a problem they offer ð means to do som~thing about it. ComMissioner Wimor asked her if she wished to h~vo the words, "bond instruments" deleted and Ms. Abbott rcplied ðffirmatively. This was discussed hriefly, including the statement from ~r. Virta th~t he is not sure why some of these activities are included in thc subject parDgraph. After further discussion, 7.oning Dir~ctor Jcffory Pcrry indicðted to tho Board that the subcjct Section of the propos~d ordin~nce will "stand olone" if the entire pûr~gr<'ph liD" is c]C'letud. Commissionur Y.rusc nO\Icd, Boconded by Commissioner Brown and cnrried 3/0, th~t P~rD~rDph "D", page l~O, be deleted in its entirety. ." ." . p"ge 10 ., ,. .. ~.: ~ .' ,. ~ . .....,~. ;... . ·.:'.....:1'; '. " " ,.,.::,::~; ~~~t .~ ''''1,,'':' .... ,', n_..~.....-:-:~·~~\',tf'! ";,...~.,....,,:~:-",;: . , .' ItS : ,,' tJ ~o 0 ~ , .......t tþ~~ !t~... :~~~ ~.-,= "tJ Š jI "<" I::! , 'i,"'.O '~ti:. ...t ft JI +' "'.' þ 8 .f~:'8 !,Or:;r.... '.8' a. ·:tJ . tJ '....t ... ~:¡:fj . '.,1,' R ~¡~~ .~~~ ,~'ô ø ... ' ~k~ .:.~U. ...,.'~ ; ø.~' ';, '"ið~"',,~~ "iI' ' :~01 ,,", " ..,.:'.',.,'..,.~:",., ,.,..' .' ..,.. "~"..,""''':" ;.,,'¡:',: \.,:....., ".~"'." "."" 1,;¡.:,.,:,~.:..,\(~..r¡f;:',~i:':.",,~.:~~~...~'...·.,'\;('.,lI\',ì'l.'.:;·-.~,~1Y{M'~,4~ ~:;;ir -;'i ;;..',<: '.~ ----------------------~----~-~---------~~~ November 1, 1981 n. H. Kieckhof~r, rðprosonting Colden Gðt~ Civic T\ssociation, requosted clnrific~tion on the minimum sq. ft. raguiromentB for resi- dentiùl unita, ~nd noted th~t his organization is opposed to allowin9 anyone to build ~ hou~e or duplux ~ith only 750 eq. ft. of floor sp~ce. .. <It .,. D,:lVid Cnhùm, regicl~nt of Colden G.:Ita, Jsked if tho "E" district ~ill still nllow thosu porsons who own n 1.2! ~cra lot to construct ~ homo, i.o. would thoy bp. grandfathard in, Ms. Kirchoff repliod oJ f f i rmativol y. Mr. Crahù~ ~ddrossed the provision dealing with "model homes" and aRked what one will hðVO to do to construct such a unit? Mr. Porry said thðt they Drc addressed in tho b~ck of tho proposed ordlnanco as "temporary uses". Ho told Mr. Craham that they will not bo provisional uses. Mr. Crahùm askod if the Boðrd dropped the minimum floor space to ) . 750 sq. ft. Þnd ComMissioner Wimor rapliud negativoly, oxplainin9 thAt although this was,) recommendation, tho Boðrd voted to lOl1ve the minimum floor space as it is presontly written. Mr. Cr~hðm Dskcd If "C-l" tðkes the placo of a lot of "GRC" land and Ms. Kirchhoff stated that it would not1 "C-I" will roplace a lot of "PC" (professional commercial). She said tho WORC" land will be .' transferred to "C-3", WC-4" and "C-S". Mr. Crahðm thon asked if the presently zoned "GRC" lots in Colden Cato that are only SO' X 200' will meet tho minimum sq. ft. lot sizo requirements, and Ms. Kirchhoff replied affirmatively, noting that they will be "grand fathered In" as non-conforming lots of rocord ~nd may continuo to be usod accordingly. ,¡, .. ~ ,~ ~ï ,~ (~' j' 1~' f '.^~!' "~' ,'~ J " ... .",:.,.. ~:) Page 11 '. ,COt 065 ~855 , , ,~ ~ ,c,,: -:,... "',I," "..·.".,,',·.~"''''''"'.'''.M,.''.'¡,,_,.;"......''"'''__,__..."''_æ¡·_I )..._....¡,,_____iIII'..... . ÞO. '0 ' , ... II '" 0 ... Q+'.....; . ~'!~': !1~~.. ;¡~d·;., ~..,' §.c:::'.' JI.. ~. }tf'.-' ,~~. ð' WID.....' IiJl~ ~j:..8.. 11 tIO'8: :0&...' .' ø. .JIIIII ;Ii........ ~~~ .,~·d"'" ~O~ ~d¡ ~t~'k tot o:! ø. "¥,~.' ,,~.ft,¡;.~~' ~;~~¡, hO\"t..;:.:..r~: ..;, 1 ~: ,w~ 065 nd656 She told Mr. GrÐham that tho owner would not be forced to purchase the lot next to it in order to put up a commerci~l structure. * ft ft ----------------------------------~-~--~~ . (~t." . ' . . Ms. Sallie Williams, :esident of Marco Island, addressed Section 6.50. (Child Care Centers). She asked if the intent of the Board during thei! previous actions regarding the coordination of the I County's regulations for child care centers and those of the State are to includoall child care centers or just owner-occupied child care centors in residontial areas? Ms. Kirchhoff stated that 011 child care centors in residential areas must be owner-operated in the proposed ordin~nce, although thoy are not requircd to bo owner-occupiad in commercial areas. f,hc said that whcn the child care center rcgulations are gone over by the staff, this m~y be changed. Mr. Perry stated that this will be a key question th~t will be addressed by the staff. * * * ~r. George Varnadoe, represcnting Mr. John Simonds, Tho Environ- mental Planning and Design partnership, submitted a letter dated November 3, 1981, from Mr. Simonds, to the Doputy Clerk who marked it as Exhibit "B". Mr. V~rnadoc rcad a portion of the letter into the rQcord, noting that Mr. Simonds is one of th~ foremost land planners in the United States ~nd wcnt on to outline his credentials and back- ground. ~'r. VõJrnc.dol~ expl.l1ncd that ~r. r.imonds' letter addresses the PUD section of the ~ro~osccl ordinnncc ðnd he outlined m~ny of Mr. Simond's rUD projQcts throuqhout Florld~, includin~ PalicDn Bny, and h~ recðppcd thc po ints 'mado by ~'r. Simonds relc"lted to thp. proposed ord inllncc. PlIg.. l2 . ~ .,:. .:.,:.,......;.,.~~.._.¡,...fI._.;.,~~ ... ': '?~~~' . -,.it , :..,~..' >r<~;,~~1 : ,...,f.. I , ",':;'~~x. .~~,,},,';::.~~'i~~i':";:i',~:;.'.~'- :.,\".("." :,"""....,.01.... ",,; ~ .,', ,'..,>"'...,....." ,.,,- "':'..' , ..' " " ,:"',',,' ..:~'~,.'¡~~it! , ;}'~ì ,,~~ -..........-----------.......-------------------------........ November 3, 19tn Mr. V~rn.]doe related that ~'r. :;imond¡; t)cl icvea th,1t ['IUO rti:atr1ctß should be ~xcmptp.d fron th~ rcstrictiv~ limit~tions of conventional zoning, i.~. setb~Cks, height ~nd mininum lot siza roquirQm~nts, as they arc inconsiGcent with tho spirit nnd ~oülß of the rue pl~nninq ~pproðch. ~r. Simonds nddresGoS th~ nJtionAl nw~rd of the Urban L~nd f'; r. . Institutes recnivcd by PQllC~n Day for cxnmpl~ry community nnd environmental pl~nninq ~nd stntcd that this rcfl~cts l~r~cly to the credit of the DCC, the CAPC, ùnd tho County stAff, which providod the " ,', . :'2 i~ :)foI IU ..foI ~..., ~ C I foI ii í8 ø...c' II~ fJ¡~ &~ .~ 1'4'" 5~ ãt: !9~ ~~ ~. ~b ø. "'è ..,'\ .. .' ""."~': 1 , " " :,7~~_ framework for croativ~, high-quality dp.sign. tic comnl1ndecJ the DOr1rd for undertJking further mODsurns to ~nGurc thp protuction ~nd ~ound devolopment of Collier, which he rnfors to ~s one of th€ most beautifUl counties in the SC;)to Dnd the n~tion and he ~sk~d the pODrd to consld~r th~t it h~s bcon his expcricnce that the st~tos Hith the most effcctiv~ PUD diÐtricts havü been those which simply: 1. Establish the permitted lûnd uses. 2. Limit, by cap, the number of dwellings at build-out. 3. Promoto innovativo planning by rolðxing th~ conventionûl rostrictive rcgulntions (which arc neerlnd for smðllor parculs) ~nd by judging th~ plans solely on tho bDsia of porforl'\ðncti. 4. Provide for optimum liveability nnd comp&tibility. 5. Ensure environmental protection by requiring phased plan revicws ðnd approvals by the County ßnd all responsible agencios. Mr. Simonðs' letter 8t5tod that he bolieves thðt paragraph 9, on page 82 ðnd paragraph 16, on page R~, preclude, rather th~n encourago sound and creative design and should bo ðoletod in their ontirety. Mr. Vnrn~doe stated that he h~B talked with Mr. Simonds. at Pig 0 13 M~ ( 065 fAct 657 .1 ..~'&..'.~. 5i;, , , ".,"111", , I<V~;J;+-, , '1j.b"'" ~i.":.';<..:, i..q~4{'~:'. ' ..~. ,;.",",'0 , <;'~-" '. .\ 0 ... ¡,Î; .,.... '.'''.:' U II :,:t~ ~ .....k· f"4.... ' .....,d ;'þ" ij ;til;i. .'...f"4"" '/, d . . ·it 0 a·';~ ;¡¡,¡;:; ~ . ¡i: . '8 "·a.Plk " PI ";~~'" .;Ii 104 ".. .,d 4Îi'" ".".,,~ Il......'d .... ]~ 0 \-4 ~.. ('" 0 r k ;,. !!9 u '~::i .... ~¡o +' . :'1kd ):U.... ;.. , ~;!k' 0 ..' .ø.'~':'...'" 'I· , . . ¡'¥ , .,....'.., .____-____------------------------------~~J '';' . ~·:'··,;i' ''''I''''~'' .r.,..,..... r';,',' " :~': ,.. \;".~,\. . ';'",." ..:...,',~,...~ I':,,:',~..",,', ':-./-".'¡.".','.:~.. .,,'..."';.,..' ,." . . . ,J ,.,' ,[ .j. ,:. ,," ~". rA _.. ' ",,~,:"¡'., ,A .,...,J..,.,~..,,~ .... '. J',"{ .:.~ .. . : >:~( '~ ,~ November 3, 19a1 ~om{ 065 PAtt 658 length, about the proposed ordinanco'and that Mr. Simonds has r.viewed the entire proposed regulations re PUD Districts, beginning on page 70 and including somc 20 pages, and his only negative comments refer to the aforementioned sections. Referring to pJragr~ph g, page 82, Mr. Varnadoe s~ated that this would require that tho dimensional standards of the district that the PUD most closelyiresembles be imposed. Ho said that Mr. Simonds feels that these restrictions will negate many options for innovative and good design. Referring to pðr~grðph l~, page 84, Mr. Varnadoe said that ho considers this a "way of getting around p~ragragh 9, pago 82," i.o. "undor unusual conditions" any st~ndnrds of the PUD regulations can be eliminated. He said that Mr. Simonds' thinking is that if paragrÐph 9 is deleted, this pnrngraph is not needed. However, said Mr. varnadoe, perhaps this would apply to somè "procCdurDl steps" as well, and therefore, might bc bost if left intact in the ordinance. Ms. Kirchhoff agreed, adding that pnragrnph would apply to othur sections, including open SPilCQS, ets. Upon h~ðrinq from ~r. Virtð th~t stoff supports the deletion of parÐgr~ph ~, Commissioncr Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Krusc and carried 3/0, th~t p~rðqrûph ~, page 82, (dimensional stðnd~rds) be deleted from the proposed ordinance. In ûnswer to Commissioner Wimer, Mr. Vnrnado~ requested tho!lt p~rDgraph 16, pog~ ~I, remn~n DS 18. ~r. vlrtn concurred. filr. V~rnado~ stated thllt Mr. John Simonds hils offercd to work with staff next week f<:C]L1rcting the proposE,d zoning ordin.3nce. Commissioner P"9C It. ~.."~. 'I" 4~~:Í',' ¡> ".:, ~'.~ 1k¡:"~:; , ~~.,' , .' ;l~( t'i ..~,. ,.;J:j. ... ~"'.J~ ., ;Þe~ "':lk =...c:: :,Q.. " ,~§~ ,!t¡.¡d ',~"~'. 0 -If.... 'tt~,~ ~:~,., ::1 f.:,~,¡. ~. .'.. ø. ;". " :JC'" k ~i~~ ,;.t4'" c ... !~, ,0 'ö .; k ~"'! ~ '~O.µ II ii¡~tj· ~.'~. ;ø.~ , ':~ :4~;,~ , . ,1i' ., ."",... ",;" ., ~ .....::.. I '.... 1""1 -------------------------------------------- Nov ambo r ~, PH'l \f \'Itmer st,:ltI1d t.hilt h~ would hp. mODt ,'1pprcr:i,1tivn of ¡"r. Gimondn help and that. it i8 t.he con!lenGU9 of t.he r,onrd hiD offor he gratefully ,1ccOptCrJ. ." ." ." "'r. John ¡'.roold, of f\rnold to ^rnold 11",')ltors, rnprcs/1ntinc.! m:1ny landowncrs In ~ection 1~, 1ddrcsgcd the proposed C-5, I, 3nd IL, diatrlct:3. H(l SJic1 t!1<1t hI.! is dist.urber! lv.!c:)Usn hI.: con5i~1cr3 that t.he Board Is going from J basis of existing uses in thin nrea to J bnsis wher& thoy are ~sking for there to be no commercial in the area. Ho spccificJlly reforrod to the Industrinl Park nren 10ciltBd off T\irport ROJd, ncrOBS from the airport ~nd stated thnt th~ propoG3l as it now stands will credte a lot of "non-conforming uses". He sDid that he seeG no nced for the "IL" district. He said thnt in the area from Radio Road to the Coldcn Cate can~l along T\irport, there ~re all "C-S" type bu~inesses in cxistence and, when the ordin~nce is adopted, th(!y will all become non-conforming. He said that the condominium units of .' Park Pl~za, wherein all thq businessus th~t nra existing DB permitted uses, will also become non-conforming if the "1", heavy inòustry" ia adopted as propo~~d. Mr. T\rnold proposed that t.he entire strip ~rea which contains "C-S" typo usos by definition, be zoned "C-5" so as not to create tho non-conforming uses. Commissioner Wimer ðsked that this be addressed in tho second half of the moeting and Mr. Arnold agroed. '* '* '* ,¡,~ ~~:~ " "W ~.v <'f::, \~< Mr. Jack Conroy, represonting the Naples Area Board of Roaltors, reported that thia organization has had a committee at work for four wooks analyzing tho proposcd ordinanco in comparison to tho new ,'J~; '1'::~ :0"'~: ';;fÌ¡ ,.,i ':bl,,;,t .~ ,"t; '*-' ,~~ ~~~ Pa<;Jo 15 'M~' 065 PAct 659 -=-,'_._-"..,..._~,._.,"''"'-._,........_,---,...- k; 1.. .' "Þa'O 'k ., "0 ~~:4 ¡Ø ., .. U ' ''M ., ',=k ~~ C ~," t.I ~~i t·: 8 I ., 11'4, .~ ., ~, HIO'g ['&t, .., II'4k '~ '¡,., ~ fit: '~t 1+1 ii i¡~, Itt., ''I., "," i. ~~J~~~r- r~ , "+\"'~"¡.~\~.~l" J ,,\!:';. t, ~~;_~_"~~:\)1~:.~·~' ?~~'lo,t'r::~~: ..:, ::r: ,~ 065 f1~ 660 proposed ordinance and isolatod tho areas of change. He laid that the proposed ordinonce does not si~ply combine the Immolakeo Area and the Co~stal Area regulations. He said that the proposed ordinance does, 1n fact, make m~ny si<;Jnificant changes to the thrust and scopo of the present zoning districts and thoir cor~eøponding regul~tion.. He said that he considers the biggest proble~, consistent throughout tho discussions betweon staff and his organization, has be.n tho inability to arrive at ~ rationale for making the changes. He laid he considers thnt the "underlying thrust" of all of tho changes seem to be aimed at making the land uso more difficult. lie stated that land use is a property right ond restricting land use should be done, in ~ccordance with the public good. He Duggcstcd that "public good" ought to be demonstr~tcd in relntion to thQ proposed changes ðnd noted that he has not seen this justification. He rcferred to the lot arel1 changes for v~rious multifamily uses, nnd stated that he Be~s n lack of est~blishment of the "co~mon good" rationðle for chðnging the dcnsity from ~.27; units per acre to ~ units per acre. H~ SQid that it s~ems that all this is going to do is to placntu thos~ m~mbcrs of the community that wish to arbitrarily reduce density, without h~ving d~mon3trùted ~n ov~rriding sociDl need. Rcfcrring to RM-l(" which 1s substituted for the prcscnt "RM-2" district, Mr. Conroy stated that th~ RM-2 district providod a moans for fl~xibility, bn8~d on innovativo d~siqn. He said that th~ utilization of the RM-2 15 the most creative district in the Dre~ ðnd h~ 5uggested th~t the r~duction in dcnsity to l~ units/gross acrc i~ unnecessßry and should h~ l~ft ~s to prcGantly outlined within the r~nul~t1ons for the Page 11; -------------------------------------------- .;..·.1 ...,.___"\";" __:--.ú ......."'~.\,¡............~....:.... .,~ ;' "'''·,~tfO\·~''''~. ..~' " ,....~t\..., ¡,.. .....:.,."'?t "f~!, ~'~1. ~·f*:~ë~< '~ '.,,~ >re yW<¡¡f : ':;"~, i,t~~i~~t~·¡¡;· , ~;::~~ ", ----------------------------------------~- ,( ,;y; Þ\ oÔ _4..', Þ-4. " ''"'0' 0 ~ ", +'~ .,; .' U II .". CJ +,\0411 ~~~ op4 +' c: . ~.~ ~§~ ~,.e ,"..-4, ..~.~ ",rt~' .,' 8 "',!" to'8 ' to : Ii it. '_'" . II ;I;.-4~ ;'.~ ,..\", ~ :,'~!'" e ~ ~I . 0 !, !... .0p4 U " \of .-4 .!iO~ . ~..c ?;~~ ': 0 '.:. b.\04. '-':î-." , . A:i"¡" ,"';"S)' I' -,:I.' , ", ,- '''',' ,""fr' " "~." , '.,' .', " ~' . ..... Novembcr 3, 19P} "nM-2" zoning. He 3('lic1 that this i\h;o ,1pplit'G to tho 2CO ft. hoight mllximum, Hhich th('! Boðrd of no.,ltort: (eel ill rC,Hlon.1blo, only whon combinud wi th tlw sidI-JYllrd sethacks. Hu rufQrrcd ~o the "RT" dlatrict reduction in dcnsity from 30 unitø/qro3s ~crc to 20 unitB/grosH ~cru unr~nnonnblo. Ms. Klrchhoff soid th~t the hot.el/motnl dcnsity was ~h~ngcd to /.~ unitg/gro~s DcrC ~nd tho 20 unita/groGs ~cro only ~pplies to th~ mulitfùmily units. Mr. Conroy r~fcrred to the discrimination between thc hot~l/motel units and time-share unit~, claiming th~t the theory of treating them diff~rcntly is objectionnl to the ßo~rd of Rt~ltorG. Rogarding the Industrial zonos, Mr. Conroy rofcrred to page 65, paragraph 7.2~, specifically the IJ~t scntenc~, which renda, "Tho I District is not be bu deemed 'commercial in char~ct~r". He sugqosted that these words ba deleted. 110 êxplainf!d thi1t thù markotplc"lcQ is tho manner in which tho) character of the " I" District should be docided, liS industri.:llly zon~ld proper ty is subßtðnti.311y loss expcnci ve th..1n commercially zo n ~d property ðnd wi 11 satisfy the n e od s of certnin commercial uscs. 110 said that industri"l uscs, as arc dofined in moat pðrt~ of the country, are oriented towards processing and/or manufac- turing. He said that evon if this kind of industry develops in Naples, thuy can function vcry well in an Industrial park with a commercial use next door, i.e. nrchitects, plannors, realtors specializing in indus- trial and commorcial propertios. lie Guggol3tod that the ordinance be amended so that this kind of a use is not procluded from existinq in an Plq. 1'7 ), ,o~ 065.BSi , ,.",'''!,-...ø....-oI... -....~~n}.~.""t ....1........4Ü- i ·"~/F· ,r",' :~~. ~:Ä" ~ ;.~. . ~ ~,Þt.'O .,.·..1' "'''- II ~·O po :,O~ .-4 IoN! U II r.~_ U ,~ \04 II J..,..=I .~ :... +I c:: þ-" i'Q , 'i " .,8 .... ~" C ,;~~:'. 0 , ''''11 tr4 :~ JI~ VI" II ~ ':01' bO'g ..1:.. 8. '·'S ' ~ . ø. :.:-'t .. II ,;Ii .-4 ~ ,V·.d "~~~ ~ :.....~k ã t ~: 0 .' ~... " U :~ .-4 ~O~ . ',Jot &:1 'j .¡.f ~ ,..0 ; \04' ""·'~"'.lf', "I' t L' November 3, 1981 :6W~ 005 ~£6Z Ue further suggested that the R1R District industrial zoned area. include all permitted uses included in RC-l" through RC-5" and the RIL- District. Mr. Conroy c~~m~ndoð the BOArd for delating the aforemcntioned paragraph in tho PUD district acted upon this evening after Mr. I Varnadoe's presentation. Commissioner Wimer asked if the staff has any objections to allowing commercial uses in the Industrial areas? Mr. Virta replied that the staff is lrying to develop a unified zoning ordinance for the County as a whole and that he disðgrecs with the theory that there is no noed for heavy industrial zoning in Collier County, noting that he foreseos this kind of usa as appropriðte in the Immokalee area somo time in the near future bec~use of the availability of water and sewðgo. He said that allowing all the commercial uses 1n industriol areDS could cause problems, however, Rupportivc commorcial uses orc rccomm~nded for the industrial ~reðS as provisional uses. Ms. Kirchhoff added th~t this would lead to the chðrðctcr of tho industrial Ðrc~ becoming dominated by commercial uses and leading to a shortage of industrial land. She said that while thcre may be some additional commcrci~l uses that should b~ Dllowcd in the "I" District, she 1s opposed to allo~ing nll of them. Mr. Conroy st~ted that the mÐrket- place would determine the balance, adding thðt commercial uses which rcquir~ trDff1~, exposure to the public, etc., will still seck commcr- ciÐlly zoned l~nd. Commission~r \-timer said that ~lr. Conroy hfls mllde some good points ¿nd th~t his t~nd~ncy is to ~greu with his Duggp.stions, however, the Page lEI ~~-----~------------------------------~--~ ~I, ~..""""'_.,.I_..\\·. "... ",'-'- .'.......,.......,c.a..-o:.-..... . ,~~~ ;,JTr ~~"\: 1"~ .,:.w.' , ' ~)':r '.') ", . >¡,' Þ\'O ~,'. ...- " "'os- O.µ0r4 .". U " '·"eI U .µ"'" ..t~J.4 .~.µc= 'þ eI " iii .....,' c '.0 !tel'" i4 ...~ iU' ., ~ .",,\:1 tIO '0 ,~11' CI 0 'I Øot.4 " , ø. , ." "'J.4 ~,¡.. .t: .'µ. ~;1·:"8 e ;' .. 0 , !!9t.4 ,':", ~ ~ ~o.µ . ~t~ J.4 U' J.4 0 :; ø,'" ~-c \ , , .. ,.').1.".' r ;¡.~H···; .' . f:'~'."~';"",~",:,;/f"''''~'~''''~':~I''.,.~,;.\ ,tjf'~."'~", .;.,....~,~,~....:(.\:... \.# '.'oJ <..,.~:'.or.,. ....·'1...···· ------------------------------------------ Nov(!mbcr 3, 1981 stDff h~s roqucßtad timo to look nt thuGO matt~r« hefofO profnund decisions ~rn made. Commißsion~r Brown ~qra~d, ~dcling thl1t Doma qood ~ointa hnvu he an made by Mr. Conroy thnt merit looking into, however, he ~grces with ~taff in th~t they Ahould be 0rnntpd mora time to study the various suggestions. Commissionnr ~ruse stated that she ~grae5 with Mr. Conroy on certain point5, ~peci[icnlly thu right for nn individual to decide whüther to "down-grndn thnir pnrticulnr location of busin~ss if they wish", however, she bclioves that certain prec~u- tions must b~ built into tho ordin~ncc to preclude tho "takinq ovcr" of industrinl areaS by commercial venturcs. Commissioner Wimer ßt~tod that it seoms to be tho conaunsuc of tha Donrd that ccrt~in recom- mend~tions made hy ~r. Conroy ohould b~ incorporßtcd in tho ordinance and that staff should r~view thwsc areðS. Ms. Kirchhoff naid thnt she believes thût a motion should b~ mAd~ to lnave the induatri~l arca as it is with stdff reviewing same and addinq some or .311 commerci8l usee to the "I" DiRtrict for the finnl roport. In I1nsw~r to Commlssionor Wimer, $hu said that the hearings ro tho final report begin November la, 1901 with the IJ\PC. Commissionor Wimor asked that a lot of con- sidor~tion be given to this m~tter. Mr. Arnold ~ddrcssed the on~ squaro mile (referred to earlier by himself) ~long Airport Road and requested that it he considored spe- cifically. Mr. Conroy requested thnt tho m~ximum squaro footage regulntions ,o~ 005.Œ3 regarding the "RT" zoning district be amended to romove tho re<;Julationa that would negate ~ motel/hotel from constructing suitas ovcr SOo sq. Pðge 19 ..........___..._......._..___...~>-'~ ._'. _ ~,_.A__'~_....._._._... '"r-.. ...... ..... ,..., __ .'~. ...~.___·c._. ---..----. --.-. ,,- ...- - ~- -- --, ..:,~ ... -.. - ...... ~ "._.oIô·:, ~c~ 065 fAtt6G4 November 3, 1981 ft. and Mr. Vlrta said that thoro is a proviso for larger rooms written in the ordinance. No motion was mada nor any subsequent action taken on these '.;~ :). ,1W ,1 ,:-~ ~~~ '!'], .~ 1_,"'1. ,~ '~ '.'1 ':~ ,.,; points, with the exception of Chairman Wimor directing staff to study i:.'hese mtlttors. * . * RECESS - TIMEs 8:~O P.M. - Ds4S P.M. . . . Dr. Neno Spagna, representing interested clients, addressed the proposed regulations regarding the PUD districts, whereby all PUD's would be required to be a minimum of 5 acres in size. He said that he considers this to be a hardship on ccrtðin of his clients who wish to .' ....'1 ;',~~' develop smaller p~rcels as PUD's ~nd suggested that the proposed requiremcnt be amended to nllow onp. acrc parcels to qualify. ~r. Spagna ðddrcssed page C2, sub-p~rðgr~ph "c". He rcforred to pr.rð9raph ll, rcg~rding "ußðblc opcn sp~c@ requircments" and noted thnt "ð" and "b" seem to tic together, however, "c" docs not fit in. He sairl that this rcquired that all projects Must d~dicate 8~ of their land for "public" use, and he requcsted thðt it would be morc appro- priDlQ if the dnvuloper could providp the open SPðCQ but not be re- quired to dedica~e it in an ef.fort to ensure prlv~cy and exclusiveness of their project. He r~qucDted thct sub-pðrðgr~ph "c" be deleted in ita entiroty. Both of thcsp. m~tl~rs wore discuss cd, during which Commissioncr Brown agreed with Dr. 5pilqnl1. I'Jr. Virt.3 explained thðt tho proviso for the ~I dcdicnted IJnd requirement hðS b~en in the zoning ordinðncr ~ince l~ï~ Ðnò th~t it provides thDt, in those instftnces wh~rc the Page 20\ ,.~ ',:*~ .1~~ ;~ .,'1; :¡. --~---~---~------------------------------~ ì!t :,/' ....,f , ., . .. ..( \ ....:.;..':-~ I ,;i~j ':', ,,,,'f! "J¡'" 'ff¡,:¡ ~ .' .,' " ,"". '. ~... . I..a,. . ' .,.,~. -": ~ ':? ;'it; ---------------------------------------~ " 'i$.~ ·'d I"~, )'; .;~ ....v..,t.. '.1 M ........~\..!:t.:,¡~i'~. ~.....".·.~'f:.I, ..·..,.·~~'r""',¡'.,... 1,:' ¡.....,.,:~:.ttf:'·/J'W..;\....:."1~/: '.. Novembor ~, 1~111 BOllrd f1nds thllt th"ru is ., no ad f.or govcrnment:11 f:1ci1itioB, tho Board ...,. \;1. is givnn the tools ns to mand~tp. this. COMMissioner ~i~er n~i~ thðt thin sub-pùr.Jgr.Jph "c" "ppp.tlrs to be entirely diucret10n,;¡ry on the p.1rt. of the Board, .Jnd Ms. Kirchhoff concurred. ~hcr~ w~s no motion o£forcd .1. . . ~; , ~ ðnd no action taken on th10 mDtter. Commissioner '..i1mor st,Ü",rI th..,t h~ prcfors to aa., PUD':.; continuo to be required to h~VQ at laast five Jcres. Commissioncr Orown dis3qr~cd, and ho motlonud th~t thu minimum of 5 ~crcs for a Pur. b~ Jmondcd to read that PUDlo must have II minimum of one ~cre. The motion diad for lack of a second. The discussion continued, during which Mr. Vllrn~doQ suggested thùt perhaps five acres is too rostr ictivo and one acrc is too free. lie suggested th.)t rUD's be requircd to be at lC.:Ist thrQ~ acres in size. Commissionor Wimur suggosted that the stðff w~it ~nd ~ißcuss this with Mr. Simonds npxt wuuk. Mr. Virt~ concurred. II ... ;I John Steinw~nd, rcpresonting hi~sclf, addressed the onn acro PUD and stated that he sees no basis for setting Any number of ðcros for a PUD, based on the lack of r~tionûle for sctting definitive figures. Mr. Steinwand asked why the present zoning ordinance is boing changod at all, noting that he considers it a good workablo ordinance as it now stands. Ho said that he is opposed to making changos by simply picking numbors and making thorn apply, without benefit of supportive rationnlo. He asked that a sound "planning reðBon" be given that affects the pUblic's oafoty nnd welfare for each of the proposed " ,~ ", " .,.1! .I:t! changes. "~ ,~t:i, ':':"., ¡...., .'. " '!¡. :J. :¡ ~ I',ICJQ 21 ,~' 065 ~œ5 .... ,,.t¡..4"',_ r ___",.........,._..._~...,.,""~".._.,..._.,.,'.,'''''''~~._-,., ,.,- ~~OV(!r..k.H:t 3, . ... . ..:;. ... &C~~ 065 fAt&: 666 Mr. Steinwand reforrcd to the Planning Development Council for the 80's, whoso recommendations have just boen released. He reviewed oach of the following recommcndations from tho council claiming that they hovo not been incorporated in tho' proposed zoning ordinancQs 1. Planning policies should be adjusted to onsure that they encourage, or at least do not prevent, tho ptovision of an adoquate supply of affordable housing. 2. Developmental regUlations should be revised by changing local zoning, subdivision and building regulations to permit and encourage more compact development in suf.ficicnt amounts to obviate undue land price incrcasos. 3. Increased densities arc recommended as are reductions in setbacks, yard sizes and street widths. 4. Use of urban growth boundaries should be used to designate developemnt areas, in ð mftnnor which does not cause artificial shortngcs of developable land. 5. Rcgul~tlons should be revised to encourage a greater mix of uses. .,t!ðM'~'h· , ~(J..~l'i~~~'. ; I 't~\'" ' ')~':''''(') r~i "~O'O ~ " ~tr'4 ~'~ t: '~ '"' " ,~.:= J.4, :......, c:: '<,.a.... " :''Q~i '.'!<,S. . ';r".,."!_ 8 : u., tr'4 ~:,. ., ,X'"éJ 8 ~i;~ :'0 :,.:0 PI~ '.' ,ø. ¡.~ ~ tfwí'~ ~ ~)t"8 tr'4 'b~ ; ~~; oS J.4 h ... 0 , 'PI,",' ",..t",,," ,ììf:1'~~ \ 7. Rofo~mulotion of zoning district provisions to ellmin~te single use zones. P. Revise PUD ordinnnccs to incorpðrate shopping and e~ployment Dctivities with rosidenti~l devolopmcnt And reduce minimum Ðcre~gc rcquiremcnts to pr.rmit greater use of PUD provisions for mixed-use projects. 9. Provide density bonuses for developmcnt which provide a greater mix of uses. lO. Simplify reviewing proc~sscs for projects that exemplify more than onc use. Mr. Steinw<1nd ðddrcsst:d Sr.ction 10.5, bcginninq on pc'lge lS7, stating th<1t, if ztrlctly enforced, this section will require ð devcl- oper to sp~nd untOld nmounts of moncy to prcsent whê1t ¡mounts to I'. "pl~nncd unit dcv~lopment" b~fore b~ing ~blc to det~rmine whether or not he qu~~lific5 for the zonin<J bcinCJ sought. lie sðid th"t this meûns pag e 22 d\1~ r._;~i ~~-',; ~ ;~ , ,'( " f'V 'r ---------------------------------------~-~ 'r., '~ . 4.f_,,_ ......; -..::.ïM,j"¿,' :. . " ,f . . ",L..;J I';'.....f,{,·.'~.~ . <W8l., ','~ "~';~\ .', "...... , "& ~"f" ~;':~ ,-, t, ----------------------------------------~". " 'ifi~r¡, ~~' rr'''1 .~i'? ),:,~jf'~ ",.i ": ':~;±y í-" ~,' ...:. . . t' " t''2 o a.'," , ., ....' ',' Uti :=~ ; = to! , ~ør ~.c:::', '.\' S,"'::· .. 8, .,.... t, ,.~.,,: ,',' êJ ~n", tIØ'8} 8.... ' ø. ~t \ ~,~/ 8~;' . ~~',"~ ~...., ., .' a' ';, ... 'b '." ,ø.\.4 rt K{,,~::i1f' ~~;~~ ,{, . " .....~..."'. ')..( ~r.:..\~... '~."".'~.,"'~"\r'r.,.c... :,'.; : #\I.f'4'>.,·, ',. ..¡ ~. .,...,..-':'" .:~;., ',. ~ . ...... NOVRmb~r 1, l~al that a dQvelopar will hQV~ to dosign B complotA dev~lopmQnt bnfora ha finds our whethar or not he CDn build it. Hn requested that these mDny pages o[ rcquirem~nts be 3tu1ied cðrofully by tho Planning Depðrtmont and the subj~ct section be revisod accordingly. Commi5sioner Winer asked that any 5pccl!ic recommand~tions to Soction 10.5 be ~ddrcsscd to thø Planning DQpnrtm~nt, adding that tho staff will then make ~ rccommondation to the Roard. Mr. Virtn at3tcd that this is nn ~rua which was discussad laßt meoting and thot stoff will respond latcr in the meeting. No motion was offored or action taken ðt thin time. 1\ . * Ch~rlotte Westmðn, representing tho Women's League of voters, complimcnted the BOßrd, st~ff ðnd tho Planning Commission for n job well done regarding tho proposed zoning ordinanco ~nd for giving the public ampl~ opportunity to mnko thoir WiRh~s ~nd concerns heard. She also notcd that the Lc~gUQ is in favor of tho ost~blishrnent of a scpðr~tu Soard of zoning Appeals as outlincd within the proposed zoning ordinl.lnco. 1\ 1\ 1\ Ms. Kirchhoff addressod certain langu~ge changes that the Board asked Mr. Bass to bring in regarding site development plans at the time of rezoning pursuant to his recommendations during the last public hearing. She said that she has received the specific language today and read the following into the rocord, noting that, if tho Bo~rd concurs, it will be included in the final reportl P19. 23 ' . 11m 005 ŒiŒl , " I"····.··'·.' · t.oJ>";' ..' ~...". ' l.J "' ·I·'~;.",\:'·· '.:>.,' . , tþ.. '0 , ?:.... " \.4" 0 ~ ,::,.0 ~ or4 'H>c 'U " !,~., U +a \of " "~:='f.4 "'P4 ~ c:: :~., " · §-'= -: :. ~~., ~!~:. 8 :"W ., or4 It·~, .~. 'II ~ , .; tiO'g · .., ,.,0 ø.~ '. Po ,.._~., " ; ;Iii or4 f.4 ~'fi . ~.' j ;.;..t i;J: B or4 'f.:. f ·~~u ,,\of ::¡ or4 a°.,a . 'It.s f.4' :f!P't. f.4 0 ~. ø. \of Mi..\;'-,'i, ~~f-."" November 3, 1981 M~~ 065 PAtffß8 RRegarding all proposals for change of zonin<;J to a zoning classification that requires development plan approval, a development plan prepared in accordance with Section 10.5 shall be submitted as part of the amondmont.R MS. Kirchhoff stated that the section where the rQ~iew for dif- ferent types of requirements to change the zoning will also have the above-referenced verbage added. She also explained Mr. Bass' sugges- tions regarding development plan time limitations as follows! "These should remain' in force for two years, at which time, if no actual construction has commenced, it shall expire. At that time the opportunity will be given to the Board to either extend it, as in tho case of provisional use, to initiatÐ action to rezone it back to the ori<;Jinal zoning classification; or, take no action at all.R 'J :; " ','!.J' ,,' TENTT\TIVE REPORT RE PETITION NZ-80-20 - ACCEPTED, WITH CHANGES AS RECOMMENDED BY IAPC, CAPC, AND AS AMENDED BY THE BCC, INCLUSIVE T\LL !\CTION T^KEN TillS Df\TE upon hearing thnt all registared speakers have been heard, ,'. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, that the puhlic heDring rc petition NZ-80-20, be closed. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Com~issioncr Brown and c~rried 3/0, th~t the Tentative R~port re Pdt1tion NZ-~O-'-O, be ccc~ptcd with ch~nqcs ~s recommendod by the IT\PC, the C~PC ~nd ÐS ~mcnded b th~ ßCC, inclusivo of nll ðction t~ken durinc this ublic ht!<'H i ncJ . * * * PlJge 24 ~ '~J ----------- ~ . --------------~~~--.----~-----J) ... _" . ., __.....,.' . ~ "'..~ ,..I":'.... ' ' ~.?I=r-....~""''''''..~':.,\Î,..Jq.~-r~~:·.,,4 "}j ':~;I NOVI?r.'1ber~, 1!)Pl '. ,. ¡ '¡.j ~'~~~d.t, , '~,~i~ ------------------------------------------ '.. ;.... .,.' : ,.., .'~' '. .. . ,,,.! . ',";. ñ, ,.:'.......',:.~' , ,', PUBLIC 11r.I\RINC OPEtlEC I'm PROPCS!m HEZmHNG t'11\PS FOR T lF. UNINCORPOR^TI::D ARE^ OF COLLTI~R COUNT'¡ t~ CO~IJUNC'I'!NI ':.'1TH THE TENTT\TJVE REPOHT OF 'r!lE COMPREHENSIVE ~ONINC REGULT\TtONS rl;'lnner Lu{' KirchhofC f')(pl,jif'1.d th:\t thic is thl" seconrl public hearing baforø the ßoðrd of County Commission"~s for conaidarntion of the propo!5cd rc'zoning milp!; for the lInincorporðt(!c] û(l,,1 of Collif)r !~~:(' "~:&ttl'" , ,~'~,J;~:.. '1fÙ~i,f. "~"" , . "',"'~'O ,~*';' ¡Î 1-4- " ",\1 ° ~ "o+' .... i...:, U " ,~_ U .~ '-t " .....t04 ........ ,. .... +' c: ' ,Þ_ &I ,:TJ¡, ~ .c "II 51 ~ ,..:..:!.'8 ' ~",;.;.- "St -" ... 'It'· +' '"~JI' tJ ~ <h,~, tíO '8 ;." " "8 Pet04 '.~.~'f' ø. ~,'I~ t ~.~'~ ,-,,¡, ~ ..IS.... ',~ I t ; !!9'" ,':'-t ~ ~ ~o +'. ' 'k t: . " "U'" k ~¡L~~. ~,~. < -:;~:" County in conjunction \lith the t.fJnt.1tiv1,1 r"port of tho cor:lprohcnaivlJ zoning rûC)ulat1ons. Leq<1l notice h.winCJ been published iJS outlined during tho buginning of the meeting this eveining, public he~ring wns opened to consider tho ~forcrnentioned rczoning m~pß. ^CTION T^KEN nE REC0MMENDATION;, OF C^PJ\, I^PC, ST^FF ANn ECC RE VT\RIOUS MAPS AS tNDIC^Tf.D Ms. Kirchhoff stated th~t purSuÐnt to tho firot public hearing on October 20, 1981, the Board ~cccptcd most of. tho rocommcnd~lions m~de by the I^PC ~nd the CAPC, however, the following chQngos still roquiro officinl Bo~rd actions: / l. Map '~R-25-5: Ms. Kirchhoff hDnded out copios of maps which inJl~ðtc che subject property, a copy of which was accepted by tho Deputy Clark ~nd marked 36 Exhibit "C", and she snid th~t this is ðn area which tho Bonrd has asked for ~ list of individunl ownor- shlps. She uxplainod that this is the arc~ of US ~l whero the Wiggins Pass arca is split. She said that the Board must docido whether to upgrade tho zoning to "C-~" or to roll it back to "T\-2" as tho stilff recommends. She said that staff rocommcnds that the aroð from tho end of Roynl Cove Drive down to tho north side of Cocohatchee be zoned "A-2", and leaving tho "C-~" in the area that has exising uses, zone the noxt ~oo ft. of prop~rty "T\-2", begin- ning from whoro the formor Seven Seas restuarant is locatod south to the location of the tr~vel trililor pðrk. In ~nswer to Commissioner Kruse, Ms. Kirchoff stated that a portion of the proporty on tho opposite side of US 41 was recently zoned "GRC". Commissioner Wimer clarified the reason that the liot of ownership was requosted was because it 1s assumod that whan this proporty comes 1n for rozoning, it will como 1n as a PUD. raga 25 ao~ 065 fAt&: Œ9 "."""'.··..........__..".,,·_·'".__i''....,.._..._...<I;.,,'''·.,.,,'.......,«I.'''_",''J"'( >< " ': ~' , . t'~' o po J ~"'*, U ..~,< ~(', «I U'J( '" ~ .. ',', , IQ J.t ," ~",.,\, ~~:,;; J.&::i~' ,~~ 1,'t!:8 . a:~ 111"'*, .~! '.d~ , tIO'8 &J.4 <,;'. ø. ' ~," 5; 8t: t 0 H~ .ak o \.4.:;'" .' November 3, 1981 ~oo~ 065 fACt 670 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0 to change the zoning for the ðfor~mQntioncd property re Map 40-25-5, ~s advertised. * * . t··, ";:-~':'n ,,-'~~;>': '<. 'JJ>~'.~~~ , /~¡, ,(,IV, ¡¡;>f,,\_'¡ : '(, "r,.~ , :'j:¡r; i~'~',i~-~f'ft.{ ,': ),:tít 1"j,:;''(1~~ t,"~'~~~~:_ , "'¡~í(~ " Æt~h~; ;"Î/ii";I,' '''::';i:;';,~;i . ':~';<-~' Ifr ':~':~.. "ii, " ,¡,~, . f_~:;;.,i ~--------~-------------------------------~: , :\,'I't . ¡,.~ ': ¡,;)~ L~'J~t~' , " '~'" :., ,"i~-..' ",'" ,....:"..":.w...~ ¡¡itll..4~; ',';~.~.i"~'~: ' "', Æ:,,......., ·\n;:.~~ ".I,'!,¿' Map .48-25-9: This is the Vanderbilt Beach commørcial center area, Baid Ms. Kirchoff, as advertised to be zoned as "C-3- for the CAPC hoaring. She laid that it waS discussed 8S possibly being zoned "C-4" during the lO/'-0/8l BCC hearing, however, it waS tho consensus of the BOArd that it would be best zoned as ðdvertisod at "C-3". Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0 that the aforementioned property rc Map .48-25-9, be zoned "C-3", as advartised. * . * Map ~~9-25-~,: Ms. Kirchhoff stnted that this property is located at the southwust corner of Coach House Lnnc Ðnd ~irpo~t Rond. Sh~ said that the consensuS of thø Board at the lO/20/81 hearing was that it should bo changed from "C-l" to "C-3" Commissioncr Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and cftrricd 3/0, th~t the ~foremcntion~d 49-25-" be chðn ed from "C-l" to "C-3". * . . Map 49-25-0: Ms. Kirchhoff Ðaid that this is the property £outh ot ch~ Post Office, which was a~r~od upon by th~ Board on lO/20/Pl, ~~ most ùppropri~tely zoned as "C-3". She said that it is prcsuntly "C-l". Commissioncr l:rußc moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and cDrricd 3/0, th~t th~ ~formcntioned property rr. M~p ~ ~9-?~-n hp. chðnqcd from "C-l" to "C-3". 1ft 1ft .. pa9Q 2(j . .' _._~_...,..,.~.".,..-".." . ^",.,.,,,,,-,,--~....- "'jWJ,·.W' ... .'~~if.':"."".~/f.,r ~,'~' '~,ll.·/Z"; , ;.;);:';'.....'., ."-.;,¡. . , ", ',,' :t, ',..?"i ,', /' \i,"""¡" :iJ.,¡~" , .' ."h'O j),.,,:, ....- II ~OÞO '.~,O ...,.... . ø II '. II U ~\0411 ..... :I k '4r4..., c: .¡:A 1111 '... .c: ~tIQ ~ . :..... II "&."8' .' é". ',~ II.... ;¡:; ,...., ::¡;œ'. tj, ~ ~.. i iP-': 110 "0 "M «10 "S ~k ;'~4l .. ~ i'~..4 k #.-5 .'.,...'.. . ~.... ''d' =:: ]O~ ~tj~ o+' . t~k ( !likO, .~.,..,¡, :~Ifi: 'oil :~"';' ":"'~1""..'~~~ '. ,~"".,.,..., . '. .: ....,.. 'c·(·)!.:~':"'.;·;I,..", ,'.~.\ '. .. l /'>. '. ~ ;. '. : ,'" i' .', ._.~ .,.... t,-" I,''';'' ....:....,I'/I'1,¡.:\'tIf.::. ~...I.:...~'~J~:""": - --- - -- - - _.- - - - - -,- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ----- November J, 19~1 ~ðp 49-2~: Ms. Kirchoff st~tad thnt tho Bonrd ~gre~d on In/~O/Rl, th~t tha one portion of lðnò in S~~t\on l~, described as the E l/~ of tha NW 1/4 of th~ N\"¡ 1/" less thf.! \., l/~ of the N 1/2 of the E l/2 of the ~'\oJ 1/f. of. the NW 11", should bl) ch,intlcr! froM "E", which is whllt the st..ff recommendec1 for t.ho ontirl! Coction In, to "A-2". This was diocu~sQd, rlurinq which Commissionar ~rußo Gtðtod th~t she objected ch.:lnging "11" l.,nd to "1::" Ilnd MS. Kirchoff o)(pt<')in~d that tho nntirn scc~ion i9 now zoned "~", and that it is staff'Q recommcnd3tion that thin entire ocction be ch~nqcd from "fI" to "E", with the exception of ~r. Cr~p~ro'r. proporty ~s doscribp.~ ðbOVQ, purouant to his requost during th~ lO/20/Cl hen ring. Ms. Kirchhoff ~lso s~id thÐt Gectinn ~ on this mnp is olso racommnnded for chDnge to "E". Sho s~id that only the 1rO~9 that nrQ pres- ently brokun up in less th~n fivo ~cr~s ~ra baing recommended for "E" . CommisGioner Brown mov~d, seconded by rommizsioncr Kruse ~nd cðrried 3/0, that the entire Section 10, with th~ ~xcrption of Mr. , .:Ind that ~rt of Section ~ which is prescntl brokon up in less th~n 5 ncre tracts, bQ ch~naed from the "A" to "C", and that ~r Crðpðro1a lðnd be changed to "A-2". '* '* '* Map 50-25-1: Ms. Kirchhoff st~tp.d thnt thiG property is r~fcrrcd to ðS item (b), which is the Drea Poast of the Courthouse, including both sides of the Trðil to Palm South. She s~id that tho CAPC recommondod going from "C-l" to "C-4" ðnd tho OCC recommended thðt it be ch~ngnd to "C-3", as recommonded by staff. Commibsionor Brown moved, secondod by Commissioner Kruse Ðnd carried 3/0 that tho aforcmontionod property rc M~p 50-25-1 (item b) be changed to "C-3", as recommended by staff. '* '* '* Pl\q. 27 ,~ 065 ~67f ----. '#.'" 4~::' ,~<~. ~( ~~:"".'''' "j' ;~- . ',-t.t·~'O ,'(P.' J.4 41 .\.4 0 ;- \,p~"" ~~~ ~ '~ft.4 41 ....1ØJ.4 ~.... :.-4 ~ = ,'.0 ., 41 ".tJ» ~ .c: ~4I S ;II M.= ," 10 0 'Ù III.... .c::;II~ ,E:! II ~ ~."" ~'O ,... I!I 0 ;j ~ t- o 41 III 41 ::a: .... J.4 ¡!.',.',,e: JIG ~ S ".... r-i :~.,¡ = .... t."! 0 '"' " 0 " !' J.4 , CJ ',\.4 .... J,\,O~ S "k C ~'¡LI or¡ J.4 , J.4 0 , ~ft.4 ." þ,: I -,~t""" lit... _ '...1 IJJiL . ~ " .... ~.' r.. r 6C~ C. 065 fAta: 672 MAP SO-2~-21 Ms. Kirchhoff stated that this is tho area on both sides of the intersection of Davis Boulevard at Radio Road. She said that during the 10/20/81 hearing the Board recommended that this proporty go from "C-l" to WC-3". Commissioner Brown moved, soconded by Commissioner Kruse Ðnd carried 3/0, th~t tho two parcels outlined above r~ Map 50-26-2 be chang~d from "C-l" to UC_~". t! 1,rl '..,j¡1 "J L~\ "I ,~ :1", ~~,t; i"l'" t1. ~:, t~~~; . * * Map 50-27 & 51-271 Ms. Kirchoff reported that the Board directed thðt all tho are~8 west of the Estates be taken from "J\-1" to "T\-2". Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by ComMissioner Kruse and carrhd 3/0, that lIll of the propcrty west of of the Estates outlined in maps 50-27 anò 5l-27, previously zoncd as ""-l" be changed to ",11,-2" . ," . -. * Map MI-lO: Ms. Kirchhoff stntcd that Tr~ct "8", located 1n the northùoDt corner of tho intersection of Collier and ~;intcrbcrry w~s rocommenðcd during the ]0/2~/Bl hearln<;J to be chnnged from "C-l" to "C-4". Commissioner Wimer asked if this is the property lIhout \o¡hich a gent.leman spoke during the 10/20/£11 heilring upon ..¡hieh !1(' intented to build a hotel? MS. Kirchhoff replied ðffirl':1Ï1tiv('ly. During thf: lO/20/Pl hearing, Commissioner Pistor stDtcd thnt he felt that tho subject prop(!rty ahould st.ùy "('-1", sDid "'5. Kirchhoff. Commissioner ~imcr agreed thilt it shoud be "C-1". Commissionr.r Brown mov~d thnt th~ property loc~tcr. on P,np MI-IO, remain ns "C-l". Mr. Terry Crumm, owner or the subject property, asked that his 5.19 acres be zoned "C-~". "~s~id thnt it is surrounded by "C-3" lðnd and he c~nnot undcrntllnd why it is bcing considcrod for downgrading to "C-l" which would 1unt "bout climinntc it's commercial valu~. He sDid thðt it WðS zonon "C.R~". Commissioner prown ðsked Mr. Crumm if he would scttl~ for "C-~"? ~r. Crumm st~ted thðt ho'd prcfer P.1gC 2C '~. -~----~---~---------~._---------_.-------~~~~ ,. . ",0.' .'" . ".,", "I~"·";'''.f... ~ ..,..--.,~...,~ ,~\j i :( ,,.,,;j . .....,. " ........ .. ,'..V' .......,,~ ~2j;1 --------------------------------------~; November 3, lMll J~ ":\~ ;'+t:' . .~.'. ~. "C-4". Commi~uioncr Brown withdraw h1ß ~otion to l~nvn thio land designated ~g "C-~". Commis!Jioncr t\rown Movud, ::;c~on(!lld hy Commi:3sioner !~ruse ,1ncl carried 3/0, th~t th0 ~t-10, b~ ch~n~od from "C-1" to "C-~". .. '" .. .upon h~dr1nq th.:1t this concludC'! ':111 ttw r,!conr.lHndi)tions mDd~ by the ßCC during tt1e Lu¡t public t¡/:ilonC), CO¡.1mis:;,!or\('r '''lmor noted thðt the, rogistcrC;!d spellkcrs will bo 11t~.')rr! ,H tUr. time. Rohi:CC..I Krot.Zf.'r pr~scnt(')ri " wr 1 Ltc!n roquc5t for r!1considf~rÐtion for tho proposorl ~oning of Block 15~, Unit 5, Goldpn G^to, loc~tcd along Santa Bi'lrbJr<1 Aouh>v/Hd, S.::lrT1C "c:(;(~ptNJ for tho record í\nd m.:\rkcd .:IS Exhibit "D". She oxpl.1incd thût sh/~ .,nd her husbðnd nro th~ ~olc owncrs of thi!\ block "nM rcC' ucst trhH tlw propo!H:d 'Zoninc¡ cl03ss1{i- cation of "C-2" be ctl~nged to "C-3", based on the fûct that the "C-2" does not offcr Duff lc icnl uscs to prOr.1ote qood plitnninCJ for the pro- posed shoppi ng contr.r sha Dnd hor husb"nd pliln to construct. Mr. Virtð slIid th.:\t hn h<'~ no objt?ctions to the rC'C' ucÐt. Commissioncr Kruso moved, seconded by Commissioncr Drown and carriod 3/0, th~t tha 'Zoning for Alock 15~, Unit 5, Colden Gate, be Chðngod from "C-2" to "C-~". .. .. .. Ron Cill rcquested thðt his property, located oCf of UG ~l, at Solano and 10th. Stroet, be loft as co~merciÐl rather th~n changod to multi-family, as is proposed in tho new ordinðnco maps. He outlinad the surrounding usos, including ð lðrgn wðrohouso, ð rostuarðnt, and other commQrci~l ventures and stnted that no onc would buy thlø lAnd to ,c~ 005 m.:673 ·,,·<'~0...',...._·_..,""'.··___.._'"__·,_""''''_·...._''''''''·_',_..··~t ',f; Ì!< , :;(~ '~~ ;,; .~, t~~,;~ ~,~:~1~h 5~~,,; '; f:~'~"~ ';1",,"" ..,' ØI/J;J' ~,< . ~,' , ,,~..' .) :~. t''2 ,",,0 ÞO g...,...t ~·~t ~~ U ~.= ... ......, C::' QClU ~§.c, ; II !, ~. 'S"".·o', -, ,{ 'I ". ÙCl...t' ~.',....,' .,'. H iii' I~ t ~'5~ -.4s...t ~~~ o...,i ~ ~ .... it°' \4',,> " .····'·6$ , I, ';; I,' to. ¡ ~', I.: ;., ".: ~Q~~ OS5 'A~t 674 build residential units nor could he got enough rent out of the loca- tion to make it worthwhile to develop this land in this manner. He said that this is the socond parcel on Solano off of lOth. Street, adding that one looks directly into the mechanical shop at the' Cadillac dealership from tho proporty. Ma. Kirchhoff Bt~tÐd that the Comprehonsive Plan was changed to show this land as residential two years ogo ond the proposcd ordinance will just mako the zoning colnclðe with the entir~ strip of land in the Comprehensive plan Dnd cxplalneð that the proposed zoning is RMF-r,. Commissioner Brown moved thDt the subject land be zoned commer- cial. The motion died for lack of a socond. Thoro waD ~ discu9sion regr.rdlng "spot zoning", üft~r which Commissioner Wimer said that he considers mUltifamily use appropriate for this arc.:l. I]e stated that he ","ould cntcrtl11n .1 motion thllt staff should look over this ~ntirc block and come bnck with D recommendotion post hû9to. Commissioner erown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and cûrried 3/0, th.:lt the 5t~ff br. òircctcd to take ðnother look ot the entire block ~lonn Solnno ~nd 10th, Stroet In the Draû of ~r. Cll1's ~nn r~port h~ck with ~ reco~~cnd~tion ns to D rl<'!te zoninq ~r. Gill úlso 00ked If his prop~rty off of Roc~ Crer.~ in prookside Is proposed to be zoncd in line with the plot pl~n. He sDid th~t the propr.rty lics off of ^irport ~nrl Estey. ~r. pcrry ðskcd hin if it is c~st o( brookDldc und Mr. eill roplied affirmatively. rr pcrry said thilt tll1s l.Jnd i~ proposed for m~r-r, "nd ~~r. Gill th.1nkcd the Board Þnd stDfí for thftir Lime. Pl19~ 30 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - --, - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --..... --... . _'.~ . :~. '"ø.'" ". ,. " '.{" \ " ~' "\ J,~ ,".'.:;, '.:'!'Jt . ./¡' '.,f,ri '.. '...."':..':..~,.:..' ~ -"" '....".., '," .,,', t:.:;... ...:,;;-:r:·~,^, ...:.'.-'..J'~~~~:r~"~.:1'~ .' '.. ,{'.¡t;,'i .'-,:!:l. ------------------------------------~---~~ .' '~'" " ":., ",I .....~~,~,.. ··,t". _. . "' . . . "',~, ',t :,«,";", . : ',/, ", I ~:', Novomb"r 1, ¡ Sf'] . 11 11 J. :.. Cr¿HI{ord, Mtorney with tlw firM of. I'J.:Ickwcll " Cr.-,wforcJ, rcpr~Genting G^C Trust, presentud a letter datud October 2~, 19"1, from his p~rtnur, ~illlan ^. Bln~kwull, ~ copy of. which w's ~ccopt.d for tho record by th~ Deputy Clerk ^nd m~rk~d ~G ~xhibit "E~. Mr. Crawford stated th~t tho lctt~r sets forth th~ status of tho liquiJ~tinq Tru5t ~nd itG position on the rro~osnd "~own-zoninq" of Sections l3, 14, 2~ ê1nd 24, T-1IJS, n?7E, to ,m !,grir.ultur.,l cl.1Asific<\- tion. He sðid that it 3150 raisea an iZ5uc as to wh~thor the propoGal achiev~s a proper balancing of the private nnd public interest thnt Dre concerncd in the dec1aion that tho floûrd is about to r.wko. He BlIid that the lettcr DIso points out th~t tho subject property WJS pl~tted after the ðpprov~l of the BCe, and thðt those pl~t~ reprcsont ð large oxpenditure of funds for engineering Ðlld !;urvcy f('('~, plj)ns, etc. tic s~id th~t certain canals and work was donc on tho land and tho Trustoes of the liquid.:lting Trust ðre entitled to th~ ben~fit of thosu expendi- turcs in any evaluation that the BCC makes. Rafcrrinq to the valuo of tho land, Mr. Crawfor~ Dt~tad that this was ð consideration of taking this particular proporty into Trust during tho proceedings of tho banckruptcy court. He said that there has been "good faith reliance" upon tho official ðctG of the County. Mr. Crawford stated that it is his client's position thnt they havo a vÐst~d right in the property as p1ðtted nnd zoned ond that the County must show, if ~hoy chango tho zoninq on the property, that the existing zoning would joopardizQ and materI3lly affect tho County'. zoning plan to the detriment of tho gcnornl welf~rQ of the cItIzens of Page 31 .~ 005 a675 . J&"·"""'_illiU.--. '" ' : '. I" .' . -\~. '_~1 . ;.~)':: ;i , .~,: i ~' , ',~, <," t..; '\;~: ¡'~ '~. ',Ii". r ~. ;)~ " '.4 ',~' " .,¡, · t'~ 0;' +I'" UII .,U ~QI IO~ .... +Ie:: .,QI §i .8 .,... _+oJ U .,:s ~'8 &~ Øo ." ...~ 5~ ã~ ~~ +oJ. ,sJ.4 J.40 Øo\.4 ~. ..... ..~ - Novembor 3, 1981 ~o~ 005 fACt 676 the County. He said that he feels that the "down-zoning· deprive. the owner of a reasonable use of the property. He referred to the p~oposed "down-zoning" as "confiscation without compensntion" and ndded that it imposes an unreasonðble curtðiling of the use of the proporty. Mr. Crbwford rcspectfullY roquested, on behalf of tho liquidating Trust, that the Commissioners not taka any action to rezone the property contrary to the existing plats. He said that his client. intcnd to take all action necessary ðnd/or appropriate to protoct it. interests and rights ðnd thosa of the beneficiaries of the Trust. In answer to Commissioner Prown, Mr. Crawford said tha t the subject land is known as North Colden CII to l1nd is a mix of assorted uses. Ms. Kirchhoff stðted that this is onc of tho areas that was in the lmmokolec "rea Planning District and subsequently changed to the Co~stol J\rua Planning District, how~vcr, it still retnins the Immokalee Zoning Districts on it. She said thAt those zonos cðnnot be used and this lðnd must coincide with the Comprchensive Plðn, which is 0 to 4 or o to G units per acrc. plDnning Director n~nny Crow stated that the prescnt zoning includes IC-I, IC-2, I1I,F-l, rMF-4. ISF-3, I, lCC, IMF-S, and pcrh.:lps oth~rs. lie s..l1d thllt some of these districts do not exist ~t this time, cvan in thr Inmok~lcc ^rea Plnnnin~ District. Hc said pursuant to thc county's Qdoption of the Comprehensive plan, the land use was changed ~nd, according to the County ^ttoney's ruling, the new zoning ordinoncc cùnnoL be ~dopted until all of tho proposed zoning is in compliance with thDt rl~n. In ~nswcr to Commiscion~r erown, ~r. Crew Si1id tlwt this zoning ~'aG under the IT\PC since the mid-sixty's. Commissioner Brown 5t~t~~ thRt he fovors th~ zoning rem~ining 8S it is, Page 32 --- - -- -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- -------........ ,J" :,"',:,,-,.~...' .,"~..~, I ~'...'" 4,,' . ,,' . '. .--.,.,. ,i.{}< ' 1ï;j',;"" ,.~::t~', ~.o '~ ¥~...- ., \.4' 0 ,. ,O+' ..-4 .f,·' U ., ",.,u ,~'"' ., ..-411~ r-4..-4 <P4+'C ',Q ., 6Þ :'Q~i ,., a ...'" C ,.0 ".,..-4 'ti~,. +' '1" .. Q ~~,': W' ::J '.~('''J. tIO,'O :,..'., 0 oø.~ . ' Øo '1'= f !'",'.t: .,t-.+' . ..~t,-. -. ,;;t '.;:""'·C..-4 ".0,", :','::1 0 \4J~ ',;O+, . :',~,'" c:: ~'CJ.... ~ {¡¡Jt~ .' ."r~:.\ :" ¡ , < or ~, I ", " '.,...,; ';;,"': ,,":: 1:.¡" ¡.i.,:." :~,. ,,~,"i.~,"~''';'';''~ ;,~. t':"~~..: ,it1~ .~¿""'·<~~~Io\:·'~""l''')//~'''MI!·'~· "":'~\f.ctr.~11;~ , ,..> '.. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- ._--- ~. ,J"¡ November 3, 1901 , '/;~) ., J ~ or design~tod with the counterpart zoninq rlistricts under tho CAPC. Mr. Crew sðid that thu st~ff fc~lß thnt this pDrticul~r property is , "sov~rcly not in tho public interont" as it is dusignod for sQVliral rQlISOnS, including the foJct tht'lt Guch an intenßivlJ land uso could present some severe? ¡'1nd use problems hcct'luße it was designed ,"i thout boncfit of current knowl~dge of pl~nnin~ mothods ^nd standards. Ho G~id that it could ùloo present severo prohlems to the County rognrding the provision of scrvicea. Also, this cntif~ developm~nt is dependent on the hydraulic c<1p<1bility i'lnd cnptlcity of the Coldcn Cate ClInðl Syatem which is functioninq no whp'fQ ncar tho design capabilities. Therefore, th~ hydrology of this develop~ent would require an entiro redesigning so ðS not to conncct with the Gol~en Gnte Canal system. "e said thðt it is ~pproximðtoly four squnru milos and is currently being utilized as agricluture under n provisionnl use. Commissioncr Kruse referred to earlicr statements by Mr. Crawford wherein he mentioned th3t, because tho proparty was pl~tted, his client deserves the zoning. She aaid th3t she dlsa~rees because she does not bQlievu th~t ðnyono "buys" zoning. ^lso, ùt the ti~e tho zoning WDS gran~ed for the subject property, the surrounding lðnd use was consid- ~rably different than it is todaY1 everyone around the subject property has gone ·downwðrd" to ·E" zoning and the proposed "city· is hi9hly objectional to the neighbors. She sðid thllt if the liquidating Trust believes thDt they have a ·city", she is sure that they will find that most of tho Commissioners belicvo that this ·city· is not in tho genoral pUblic's welfðre, espoc!ðlly to thOGO located all around the subject ar04. Mr. Crawford stated thðt his cliftnt respoctfully dis- P"98 33 I~ 065 ,.\tErn . ~,~ _.......__._--~....__...... --". ",11' ........-- -.-....-- ---....................... --- .. ~,~t:.~""LliI L ... .,i~:J'I AU~,~ . " Þ\'O J.4CIÞ ~o> o +'.... C) CIÞ ' ~.,C) .)....CIÞ ~~ J.4 r4 +' c:: a.,CIÞ ~§~, ....8· II .,.... ,; r::I II. .J ~'U (. , t.:¡::I ..~'8 iJ;\o~ "ell 1Ij....J.4 ~~~ ~c::.... ~O.... ~ ' 0 ~!~ O~. J.4~ ~ J.4 ~'.' II: ø.....,., ~~ .._. w_ ._...' .. .... . .. .. - '" , i ------------------------------------------.....- November 3, 1981 !t~K 065 fAt!: 878 ðgrees. Commissioner Brown disðgreed with Commissioner Kruse and said that he bolieves that tho area is large enough to corry tho assorted zoning and will present a chalhngc to tho ownors. fie sDid that he believes in the wisdom of tho IT\PC and will remain adamant on his favorable position for tho assorted zoning. Mr. virts pointed out, for tho record, that the IAPC recommeded to the BCC that the zoning be changed to Agriculture. Commissioner Kruse moved that Sections l3, l4, 23 and 24, T48S, R27E, be rozoned to qo to "A-l" T\grlculture. Commissioner Wimer s~conded the motion. Mr. Pðul Kruse, representing tho Golden Gato Residents and Supporters T\ssoc., spoke in favor of tho subject motion, noting that the sourrounding property h~s gone to "E" Estates, and that this same zoning clasaificAtlon for the subject four squaro miles would also be dcccptðblc to the surrounding owners. upon call for the question, the ~otion to chanqe the zoning for the property outlined a~ov~ to "A-1" cÐrrie~ 2/1, with Commissioner Brown oppor.ed. . . . Attorney Lawrence..' E'aresc, Esq., rcprt:spnting Mr. Austin Felis, referred to property locntcd on map 5n-2~-2, which ftbuts Davis Boulevard ~t the intersection of Radio Road. He aoid that the suhject property wos purchÐacd in 197' ~nd was intended to hous~ ~ mot~l/restaur~nt Dnd hccausc it h~s becn chanqed (rom "GnC" to "C-l" Ðnrl suhsequently chango~ to "C-'" this ~vcnin9, this usc is no lonqer an option to the owner. He said th~t this Is ð Page 34 .' ,:~~', <~~¡~ ,;/.~ ' :Ÿ:>~' ';o~¡i {¡.'It' ,"J.:- , 'I'd ÞO. '0 " ...' GJ ~O> ,p +' oM .~~ ~ otJlMGJ "'II~ f"'4oM "'otJC 'þ CI GJ 'Q , -'= .,3~ '1.8 :ÌI CI oM .~ .otJ 1-4' . () ''Iii; t.I :3 \',V.' bD'8 ,.. ~ ,0 p., ~ \,. Po :. -'l II GJ 'õIi ... ~ ~.". 5 11 '. ~ ¡'''' r::... '.~.,(.'~ 0 'õ , ~~ ':,,~~~ to ~ . Iji"'C ,u.... ~ ¡:~. ~ 0 ,¡IIi ø. ~ ~Jl'.' .'f'"":)J·;~ . '¡,-.,"'. I, .... ',' ... ~', I, I ~ :,..'oi;',. ,'¡' :'. ';' :'. ~ . :,'~ ....":'''''!'.. ....:I'.~ ~', -,;' I.'~';~'. ", ~,: .~r', :.";~ ;~...., :.' /,(( .,. ~ i. ,>";": '1,1.. ",'. . ,j:.. ------------------------------------------ November 3, 19r11 ',:~ <~I i: perfect spot for this kind of use, ~spccially cincn 1-75 will be GO closely proxiMðtcd to the prop~rty. Mr. FarcE~ also asked that the l~nd directly ~outh or this p~rc~l, which is proro~ed for nMF-l2 he chonqcd to nMF-l~. ~s. Kirchoff st~t~d that the second p~rcel is presently zoned "R~-lD" ~nd thiß is ~quiva- t,;' '. ~~ lcnt to "RMF-12". lie íJlso referred to ilnothC!r picc(~ of l<'1nd in th~ ~1i'1mC ~rCQ, o\.¡ned by Mr. F~liG, which Is earmDrked for "^-2", and in 5urrounrled by "RMF-12" l~nd. He SQid th~t his client would likQ hi~ property cr~ngp.d to "nMF-l(," if possible ~nd if this is not possibl0 then to "R~F-l?". Commioaioncr Wimer rospoctfully cug~usted th~t at the time th~t Mr. Felis wish~s to co~bine all three parcels Dnd COMe before the ACe with specific pl~ns for ð hot~l/motcl, the ~oðrà would prob~bly b~ ~orc receptivo to making ~ zoning changa. Upon poll of the membors of the BODrd it was noted that thero was no motion forthcoming and that the proplHtios' proposed zoninCJ shall stilnd. .,. .,. '* RECESS - TIME:: 10:00 P.M. - lO:07 P.~. .,. .,. '* T\rchitcct Harry Denyùs, represcntinq JamcG Doagle, L.ittle lIickory Shores Subdivision, requested that he be told if the proposed zoning for L.i ttle lIickory Shores Subd ivision will alIo\" the same dens! ty as is presently Dllowed? Ms. Kirchoff replied ~ffirmativoly, noting that the density will remain at l2 units per acre. '* '* * .~/ '..'.¡.'j!:~.:.' , ,. ';, .~ '1'''t~f~ . ~:,~t~1 '.'" ~:~:'~ ,;~ k "1" "~ :~~i~ T\ttorney James E. wills, represonting Joseph & Linda Marazalkowaki, addressed tho proposed zoning for SOO ft. of propcrty in Pð9C1 35 ac~~ 065 1AC£67Q . ~'C .&1 þ ll l.-f 1&1 IU 1&1 I'" Ie 1&1 Ii 18 ,.... ' I+' ~ ~'8 Ii... ø. 1&1 t... ¡~ '.-f 1\-4 o P'" I~ :s ; ... 4 0 Io~' . ¿ ·~""""""Or;¡' $1.:% 005 !fJ~t68D November 3, 1961 -----------------.------------------------~ . ·~f·~i'~:~ ,~ß::!) , ""'.>: ,'.~,r1\..4;." i. Section 16, TSOS, R26E, located in Parker. Hammock, Map 49-26-5. Mr. Wills noted thÐt the staff recommends that the zoning be ch~ngcd from "CRC" to "RMF-6" and he is requesting that the Board take the recommendation of the CCPA, which, on Octobcr 8, 1981, considered a L~qucst to chûngc tho zoning from Commercial to Residentiol ond was subsequcntly rejected. He said that the CCPA recommendation forwarded to the DCC ro petition CP-8l-21-C, is for approvol, except those changes of parcels 19 Dnd 23. He explÐined that pðrccl 19 is the subjcct property and that his client wishos to keep L~~ property zoned as it is at the present time. This wns discussed at length, during which Mr. Wills stated that the wùy dev~lopment is occurring in the ~rCð, the retention of the comm~rcinl zoning would b~ benoficial to his client. Addressing the üppropiatc zoning Clåssification for tho subject property, since the GRC clnsiflcation Is heing dclctc~, Mr. Wills stated that this clicnt would like to have "C-3" zonin~. ~s. Kirchhoff rpportcd that it is true that the CCPA has recom- mended that the land use for this pðrcel not be changed. Sho said that the proposed zoning "RMF-6" will not be in compliance with the Comprehensivc plan if the Board ðgrees with the CCPT\. She said that if thp- ßo~rd ~grees with th~ CCPA, then, some type of commercial zoning clDssificat10n should be designðtcd for the subject p~rcel. In anwer to Commissioner ~1m~r, ~n. ~ir~hhoff rccommcnd~d either "C-2" or "C-3", if the Boõrd is inclincd to nccept the CCPA rccommcnò~tion ~nd not accept the st~ff rccommendntion to rezone this land to residDntl~l. Comr:dSSloncr Wimcr <lskeà hcr if the Comprehensive Plan would hÐVC to bc Page 3(. . . ",r, . . ..."..; ::.·.·,~;,.j'I~', :~ ,¡. "'~.,'.. ,',. - ------------------------------------------- <\ . ,'1:1 41 ;. .... 41 (J 41 ~ t:' 41 i 8 .... ø 8 ''8 tk Øt 41 ,~ '~ ;.... 'fH ~ ~ 'I I~ '. i~ 10, ~\-4 .. ~.".~.... J.:....- ..,,:.. .. \:..~,\;~,.~'" ,,(.... ,.~ ~ " ,r Nov(!mbcr 3, l<)P.l chanCJ~d bcforo ':h~ rQsic1p.nti,'Il zoning could be applied .:Incl Mg. Xirchhoff replied ðffirm~tively, noting th.:lt this will be coming huforo thu Bce this corning Tu~sday. Commissioner ßrown ~oved to nc~apt the st~ff rccommendDtton nnd rezon~ th~ M~rsznlkowGki property "nMF-~". Thore was,') lengthy rliscussion as to why tho no~r~ wishes to rcmovo the only commercial zoning on property ~long ~nttloßnnke Hammock RODd between SA 951 ~nd Riv~ri~ Colony, during which MG. ~irchhoff st~tp.d thDt it is fitnff's feeling t.hat thoro iR sufficient commcrcial property in the onn m~jor shopping conter in the nrnn to provide commcrcial n~cds for the presont tim~. Mr. ~ill~ explaincd that his client!> ,He not rcquc5ting permission to build ilnothcr shopping canter and ho Dddcd th.:lt there rHO other commcrcial uses flpplic(1hl~ to the area. Commissioner wimer secondod tho motion to rezonc the Qubjcct property to "n~F-A" wl\ich carried 2/l, with Commissioner Kruse opposed. C~mMissioncr Kruse noted that the owncrs have been paying tðxcS on tho property based on its commercial vðluc. Commiasioner Wimer noted thðt all ðction tonlg11t is only tontntive And that thoro ðre more henrin9s to go through. " " " T\ttornoy James E. Wills addressod the zoning of throo ftcres of property located across the street from tho Sevon-Eleven and the Dinner Theator off Immoknloo Road located at tho entrðnce to tho Four Seasons. ðO~ 065 PAct 681' Pð90 37 , : .v J:;, : .'þ~~: , ~;, I"':",:· ,':;',1.\' . } ,~.;¡w ,:\..'..'..'t.~,.. ";;:';:1:;-. <, ~,.> t, :...."'·I~'} '....'...'. <'.:",.1 ': t; 4~ '~i' ,~. . '~'.ö 10411 40;.. )..., ""' t.lCI ~ ., t.I )fMCI ~~104 ....., c:: ' ~"CI ~§i, of a: ,., 0 It.,,,",, :a...., .. II ~f .. :'8 i~~ Il to " I: ,,",104 .t: ~..., ~ itS""' !~~ S+JiL 14C, :J""k ~kO I ø,\ot: .' .,." ~'t'Ji.' ,'4¡r....n"'~¡ .. ,tíiit November 3, l~&l He~C~ i~~~ð p~~m2pa rcel 11 presontl y zoned ttGRC" end 18 proposed for "C-2". He said that tho owners feel th~t this is too restrictive and roquest that it be changed to "C-3". There was no motion forthcoming Dnd Chairman Wimer noted that the propoIJcd zoninCJ stands. * * * ':<,;~';,$,;" . ~ .. . ~'~.; ~{{~ .~t~:·:~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - -:-:.,... -:- -,-:-~ - - - - ~ - -.-.-.....,. - - - - - - - - ~..:..~~.. '''.'~~' , .' ' _I,:'t:¡~~ ..",. '~.."~ ..., ,., .' .~,' : 1" .."--i...., \. .L..... '-o.'''A<' <., ..' ,'..., "-' ,.....' '." ,....~. " '".,;, , . . ~. ·,.'w·. '". tf'}e>,. ."~"-_~"'IIr.·""·""'''''''I·..I""",,,-,,,,,,,·''I···:··'''4V' ~~, , Attorney James E. Wills addressed the proposed zoning of 10 acr.. located at the intersection of Radio Road and Davis Boulevard which is prcsently zoned "CRC". He said that the prospective purchaser intends to construct ð motel and the proposed zoning classification of "C_)tt does not allow that use. He requested that the zoning be chan<;Jed to "C-4" . Commissioncr Wimer asked if this is p~rt of the propnrty just changed from "C-I" to "C-3" and Ms. Kirchhoff st3tod that it is. She sûid that th~re is alre~dy proporty located closer to tho 1-75 inttr- ch~nge that has becn designated ~G "C-~" for uses such as motels, rcst~ur~nts, etc. CommiRsioner Brown moved thðt the subject proporty be chnnged from "C-3" to "C-~". The motion died for lack of ð second. f> * . Mr. Con J\rnold ~ddrcssud proposed zoning for property locntcd on Nop ~9-2S-7, specificl1l1y th0 property illong hoth sides of T\irport Hoad, from thc cntrÐnc~ of the Airport north to Coldcn Cate canal which is presently b~ing used ~s ifi l1llowcd undcr th~ "C-S" clDsßlr1c~tion. He ß~lid thßt the !noroDals ¿HC vûriccl, including 1, IL, C-l, l'Ind C-S, nnd hu cannol see th~ noed for the diff~rcnt classifications. He pngo '38 '. ." ,.."",',', .~. ...... ".... , .... ..' . 0 " ~ " (J " Jot t: " .c . 8 ..... f,) ~ -g Jot ø, " Jot ,!! '\')- ..... ~' ; \04 0 \, Jot , ~ , . ... 0 \.4. ¡:~:~~~ . ,,1, ,.' ,', :'1,'.. " . ... ' " .... -----------------------------------------~ November J, 191'11 b Ù "c r" tic 5.,i.J thilt ho would ruquestuù thnL ~ll tho pnrcnln e zonc -,'. ~lso like to Ree cOMnorci~l nnd induatri~1 USCS b~ allowcrl to nix in t his .H e ð . Thero waS.1 lcnqthy discussion rr.'I)<Hr!ing thl! C]cnnrnl <\r('¡a of concern rel~tcd to these parcels, includin1 thß ~nny present UGC~ thðt will bucono non-conforning if the propos~d zoninq io approved. Commis~ioll(!r \dmt.!r .Iskuù for cl.nificJtion au to !-Ir. T\rnold'B requests ~nd hu stntud that his firnt cholcu would ho to allow the mixed ~s50ci~t~d uscs of the v~rious districts for the subject area. lie sidd thi'lt if thcs(! conmercio'll uses .'He not to he permitted in the Industrial ðrc~s, then, he is ruquestinq that the entire area be zoncd "C_S". Commissioner Wimer requested thnt the staff study cnrofully th~ sub ect frontùq~s nnd hrin back zoning clns~if.lcðtion that would ^llow for thp. rcquostcd nix~ñ uscs. There were no objections from the members of the Board. . . . Dan Conley, representing the Imperiol Homeowners ^ssociation, spoko in oPPosition to the dosignation of "IL" proposed for the property located on either side of the Seahoðrd Coast Line Rðilroad, directly north of the Krehling Industrios, in North Naples, ðS indi- cated on MÐp 4B-25-l5. He requested th~t tho staff study this matter and that this land bo zoned rosidontial or left DS agriculturo in order to compliment tho residential usos in the area. MR. ~irchhoff st~tud that tho Comprohensive plan now has this designated as residüntlal, þnwovor, the CCPJ\ hos r.commended that it be Pago 39 !~K 005 n~£83 L\ );;..'1::1.. ,- . .~. .. ::.~~~1~!},ì ;<::¡¿I '''I' t ,,~;.fj, ' ~·'::}·:'I" " " ~ '¡. , ..;,~;(; ~ 0.,,', ~. November 3, 1981 ~oa ( 06 5 fÂ~t 6a4 amended to industrial and thiø will be before the BCC next Tuesday. (ll/lO/8l). Mr. Crew stated that he rocommends that the industrial use be approved ~nd tho subsequont industrial zoning stand. Mr. paul E. Sprowls, reprosenting Masco of Naples, Inc., spoke in ~pposition to tho Industrial zoning for the samo area, adding that thi8 aroa is a high-quality rosidential activity area and that nny more industrial uses would bo detrimental to future residontial development in the area. Ite said thÐt ho considers the little bit of industrial land in tho gcncrÐl Drea as "spot zoning" and that to continue to zone moro property industrial would bo adding to the problems. Commissioncr Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Rruso and c.:Irried 3/0, thnt thù subject property located on Map ~8-25-lS, north of Krehlin~ Indur,tries ~nd along either side of the rÐllroÐd lines, bo .' changed fron "IL" to "A" ~nd thDt th~ Cornprch~nsive plan be left as . ÞOt't1 ..." OÞ- ....... U" IOU IH" .,... .... ...C: 10" §i lOB 10.... ~+J U ~=' a.~ ø. 10" ..-4$04 fi~ c.... 0\.4 !~ ~i ~k ...0 ø. \.4 " lî;f;/;ì;:'J, ~':','.P:"_ ,.' rcsidcntiðl use. Ms. Kirchoff reportcd that the e~sterly portion of the "L" in the same ~re« is presently zonen n£ Industrial and designated in the Comprehensive plDn BH rcsidential. Comnlssioncr Brown moved, seconded by Commissionor Kruse and cDrried 3/0, thnt thp cnstcrly portion of thr "L" presently zoned DS "I" Industrial be ~hnnQud to "~-2", snmo indicDtcc on ~'a 4r.-2S-l5. * * * ~s. Kirchhoff re3d ~ portion of b letter from G. BeyrDnt, reprc- scnting 'The Cl.::des/llubschmnn !\ßsocintes, into the rccord.(No copy submitted to the Clerk's Office). She stated that thL lDtt~r is in Page 40 --------------------,------------------- " ·1 " .~,.,~.' '.,' ,,-..' , ..".,.::......;~'...,\..."Itt:6"."t¡¡~* ... ~ ", ;, ,( 1"' . ,,'0 ..II ;) ;. ".... :)11 II (J .. II It... oC " I:: D II a.c:' 3- .8 11)'" ...., þ~ tIO'8 8.... ø. ~~ 5~ 8~ ~~ I.I~ S'" JotO p,.'H Novcmbl!r '1, IC)nl r~qDrds to prop~rty on M~p 5n-25-1C and l~ in rÐfcr~ncu to hie løst l~ttcr req.ndint') th0 l1ubGchr.1ùn-GI.Jdcs l1\Jn;ery p,1(r:lÜ. She [I.~i1d the following: "Tn ~h('!~kin<1 throuqh tho unUR 111o"..r;d in bOl'.!1 r.-~ IInd C-I\ zonad propert.y, we th'VC hc~n mad': :\Wi,\(I.! uy \":1:: zoning t'c- p.::Irtmcnt th;.¡t our Gf:nural Hat.,il t-1urscry "no r,l,)(H~s Building .::Ind Supply will now be non-conforming uses. he foel th.::lt this is unjust ~nd will prohibit ~ny ~xpnnßion of our opDr~- tions, p~rticul.::lrly our grer:nhouacs, which will not bo .)llo"mr! to he constructed. Yn chockinr:¡ our rcr:orclR, Wf! f.ind thDt ',~e h,')vc b(~cn 1 ic~nsl.?d ûnd h.1V:;) bcr:n o¡:,er:Jt i nlJ our wholcsùlc/rt.'t.:!il nur!:iury for over tr~n yr,H~ ,1nd our buildinq supply for over three ye,1(S. ~Ic hilVo Lll30 been storing our carthmovin9 equ1pmcnt on this property [or over fourteen. It is our opinion th~t ~ny classificôtion other thnn ~ modified "C-5" would be un~cc~ptûble to us." Commissioner Wir.1cr asked wh¡:¡t zoning is proposed for this pðr- ticular lùnd and Ms. Kirchhoff replinrl th~t the Po~rd voted enrlier this session to r.1aka tho entire area "C-3". Conrniosioner wimer asked if Mr. Beyr,1nt is ~skinC for iI portion of thiu propnrty to "C-5" and Mr. Beyrðnl roplied 3ffirmatively, noting th~t the property is l~ acre5 in siz~ ~nd goes nll the WilY to the next map. There was a brief discussion DS to thp ~ll~w~blc uses under tho "C-3" designiltion, during which Mr. Aeyrðnt stût~d thnt tho land USCS for tho Cl¡:¡ùos Nursery and Building and Supply han been on-going since 1967 and will be non-conforming under "C-3" Ðnd will bo allowed undcr "C-S". Also discusGed was the fact th~t the proscnt "CRC" zoning clilssification allows thc retail gardon center Dnd Mr. rerry's stato- ment thnt he i~ not ~wnrc of the extont to which any wholesðlo opcrð- tions aro undertakon on tho subject proporty, howp.ver, the property hðS baftn used In this mðnnor long beforo the zoning classification of ·CRC" was over established. raC)e .u ðC~ 065 me &ßS - "",^--,,,., --,,--- · ", ÞOa 'C , ...., ,",O~ O+J..-4 '.... U IU noClU +J~IU ..-411... M..-4 ..-4+JC:: oØClIU ..-4§J:: tIØ " IU M.S t.lCI..-4 ~.+J ~g 0111)"8 a ø.~ 1U1I6I :1:..-4... J:: !,+J~ 'f04 C::..-4 :~ o~ ;~!~ ...a u....~ .t ~'" , "'~I' .1f!t' ~œ~ 065 nCt 686 November 3, 1981 - --.- --- - - -..- - - -- -- ------ - --------- ------------ COMmissioner Kruse Moved that tho l~ acres known a8 tho Glades Nurser ~nd Auildin to brin it into conformðnCp. with its oriqinol "CRC" zoninq uses. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion which carried 3/0. 11 11 11 Attorney George Varnadoe, represonting Swanson Interests, ad- drossed the proposed zoning for property on Vandorbilt Beach Driva, just south of Bonita Beach noad. He said that Mr. Swanson owns ap- proximately II to 15 ðcres of land alon<;J Vanderbilt Beach Road cur- rcntly zoned "GnC" ~nd proposed for "C_l". He said that his client is requosting that the subject property be changed to "C-3" in order to construct ~ small shopping òro~. Commisslonor Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, thnt Mr. Sw~nGon's proporty ~lon~ Vðndcrbilt Beach Driv~ he ch~nged from "C_l" to "C-3". * * 11 RECOMMENDATIONS PRESENTED BY COMMIGSIONER WIMER RECARDINC CHT\NGES IN prWPOSED ZONING ~\^PS ',I'-'D CCRRF.SPONDJNG CO"',PRE"F.N~IVE LT\Jo.:D USE J\MENDMENTS - VARIOUS ACTION T\5 INDICATED * Commissioner Wimer outlined the following recomm~nd~tionG at which time the Bo~rd took Dctlon as indicated bolow: Commisslon~r Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and cl)rricd ']/0, th.:lt thf. property loel'teci bptw('('n US "1 ilnc1 ]Oth. Street from th0 north sido of Cypress ~oods to the ~outh si~(' of Cooner Drive, pag c 4" ,.", ....,:~'~ ~~i': ",~,:~/.,....~,~".f'-:,"I".";:""4--!',1.,~~¡."·;';::"'~·:!"·¡"" .·::~·~·..('.~'~._,'itl..· :·,,':,'.' ,"..' ,'..,-~,...~+":',... \.., *".~., . ..' ~ ,""...' ',- ~.. ...: . I 't- _:, ~ :~~~:·1.·},· ,,'" . J, '¡:,'; ~JI\'~";~ iI!..".~ -------------------------------------.......----- . , ~'C '..,,, ~·O =- O~.... , 'U" ,"'., U ~~" ........ .-4.... or4~C:: þ.,,, 'g¡~.c: "a;a ':.8 ....,.... ~;a~ ,~: I) ø , ~'C ... 8. 0 .i ~ oJl,! III " :1:....... , .c: ,~ -tJ ~ , : f.4 c:: .... ..' .'! 0 '"' ',: 0 tD... or4CU ,\-4 .;.¡ .... 10 -tJ . ;~... c ,(J .;.¡ ... '~... 0 ,;Ii ø. ~ I..,'..'..."""..·~ ,,,".'. II.),',' NOVCr:1bl!r 3, 19û1 be chllnocd froM "tlSF-t1" to "nf'lF-r;n 'Inri th;:'lt tho Com r"h('nsivc rl"n bl1 chnnqed nccor~ingly if nrccÐ5~ry. '" ." ." Southwost corner of pin~ nidnu ro~d ~nd Frnnk Blvd: ComliHSSlonor '~amer recOf~mtJndc( th.1t tins ,~n~~ be c!1.1nq('(\ frl)m "C-5" to "C-l" ~nd that th~ COMpr~honsiv~ P13n he laft ns ia. Cor..mi5sionl?r IIrown r:1ov(~d, second(!cI by Commiaslon~r ~'/iner and cllrricd 2/1, with Commissioncr Kruse opposcrl, rh~t th~ southwest corner of pine Ridge Road ~nd Fr~nk Blvd, b~ ch~nqu~ from "C-~" to "C-l" and that the Comprehensive Plan b~ left ~fi is. ." ." 11 Southet'lst corner of Culf Harbor no,']d and 'tJiqqins PM;S Road: CommiGsionur Wimer recommended thot thin property be changed to "RMF-G" Jnd that the Compr~han6ivc Pl~n ba ~r:1cndc~ to nesidenti,']l. Commissioner Bro~n moved, s~cond~ù by Commi5sioncr Kruse and cllrricd 3/0, that tho southcnst corner of Culf lI:'Irbor ROÕld and Winalns P~ss Ro~d be rezoned to "RMF-~" and that the Comprehensive p).:In be ~~d to rcsidcntinl use. '* .. '* Pro crt locðt~d north of Imr:1ok~l~c 4l: Comm SS10ncr W mer stated t nt earl Tãñd was chnngod to "T\-2" all the way to requested that the Comprehcnsive Plan be per acre. an~ west of Route er thi5 sess on this tho Highway and he amcnded to O-~ units Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Comminsionor Kruse ðnd ca r r1 od 3/0, that the Comprohensive Plan rc the propety locl\cod north of Immokalec Road lInd west of Route 4l, chongod to "J\-2" earlior this session, be c'lmended to res ldonth 1 O-fi units ppr acro. 11 * . PICJe,'.) ," '~ 't;,~{-\/:;~, ,',", ,c~ œs ur.ë687 " ~ , .. ----.... - ..... .. - - "... .... ....__ 1"- .'_ _ _ .... - - " - - ~....., -. .... .....-.........-. ..- ~__~._____I. III ¡;r-"'~ - II ~...I7,l ,~JrI(~L, "'K1'! ..... . t'~ ~o> O~...I , CJ II ~tDCJ ~~II ....12~ ........ ....~c:: ,ctDlI ....12,c ~§:. r-t.8 "tD.... ti:.~ " ' " :s .. ::''8 SØo~ IIGlII X....~ ,c GI~S -. ~ ~C::"" !0'ö '.... ~t ,~~.... O~. '... c:: 'U'¡'¡ ... '!Pi ... ° \~LØo~ It:t~;:: November 3, 1981 t1)~~ 005 fAcc:688 Commissioner Brown moved, secondod by Commissioner Wimer and corried 2/1, with Commissioner Kruse opposod, that tho proporty on the northwest cornor of Immokolee OOðrl and west of Route ~l from "C-S" to "C-3" and that tro Comprehensive plan remain the same. . * * North of Immokðlp.e Road ~nd cast of Route 4l: Commissioner Wimer recommended that this lðrge block of lond from Palm River to US 4l be changed from commercial to Residential Low to Medium Density ond the zoning be changod to ""-2". Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and cnrried 2/l, with Commissioner Rruso opposed, thnt tho proporty located north of Immok~le~ Roðd ûnd ea.,t of Route ~l, from p~lm River to US 41 be changed from Commercißl to Residential low to medium density a~~ zoning be changcd to "^-2". . . * in Game ~reã as the ro crt ust acted u on, located 1n the southcnst corncr of Immo ßlea ROùd and Route 4l: Commissioner wimer rocommcnded that the Comprehensive PTðn be amended (or this property to rC51d~ntial 0-4 ðnd that the zoning remnin Dß ",,_?on. Commissioncr Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner ~imer ond carricd 2/l, with Commiosioner Kruse opposed, that the property located in the southeast corncr of ImMokl.1lec Roãd IInd Route: ill, remain zoned as "A-2ft nnd th~t thp cOMpr~h~nsive Plan be ~mpndr~ to residential 0-4 unitn per tlcre. . . . Page U -..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- -- -- -- - - - - -- - --- ------ /II'.:"; .,.. -c .... ...., ...... - " ...., " . " . '. . ....-.:- . ," .~ , "t¡r.f>r. 'f'1~:r.;¡ ;, CommisDionur Drown movud, fiocondod hy Commissioner KrUfi~ ~nd . .' .-:,.., '. ::'.. \~~.. ft'.;' ~,"'~..<'~'/.'}"'" ,I:".. :~.;." ...(rt:~:.·t~a"...,.':~·... :~·p-:~tfl~. :.J.~.,.~:;.~' "",.. P' :.....~ ·"".t... ~'.""" ~".v:"" ,I ,\::." 'O(....~'} ....... ---------------------------~-I' ~rðj" ..~ fo'ovemhur 3, 19B1'~'~:·;;;4J~: ,"+";1~' l~ ,,~~( '¡,I¡'~ : ,"'l <' ,,\. '",,::a~, XY1t:~:,¡ I,::t)it"" t~J~",'::::~·~, ---.--------- carried J/C, thðt the propcrty loc~t~d Cðst oC nouto ^l 3nñ north of zonud ~~ ~ oolC cour~Q, he chan cd bnck to . ta'Z Qþo ~.... Oil eu ~CI e~ .... ~c: e" §i e5 e....' ,.~ II~ ~'8 &~ ø. ~CI ~; at Q !~ ~II ~~ ~k Q ø.~," ."fj! ,: .~ ',;: \ "^-2" ¡\nd th.:Jt t.lh:' Comprohensive I'l,1n bf! .1ml"ndÐd to Rasidcnti,11 0-" units per ..,cre. * * * Commissioncr Brown moved to rezonp. the property west of US 4l and north of Vanderbilt Beach Road to "RMF-~" Dnd amond the Comprehensive plan to resld~nti~l l~nd UDD. Commissioner Wimer asked for clarifi- cation DS to the intent of the staff's putition for ð comprehensive land use amondment and upon hearing that this would be sufficient requested that the motion be wlthdrDwn. Commissioner Brown withdrew the motion. .. .. .. corner of Coldon GAte mur recommon litd to ·C-l· ,nd the Comprehensive e~ œs mi6B9 -,..........,'-"";"."'-~''''''-,-_.._'''''"._,....''''....._~''_.....- I~i~¡' :,'>."i I" /J". ' ~,';~\~ ....,14- :~(,~. :~~" . ~,,:; ~'C ~':í','" Q .~ 0 po ,;,O+, '0'4 ,t" 0 Q ;~'" 0 ,;,e.a ft.4 Q '.... IQ ... ~'0'4 ,.... +' r:: ,þ '" Q ;.:Q~i ~Q a :.... r:: ;:4·.....,'.0 .." '" '0'4 't; JI ~ ~~', :J, =' ('~ a. '8 :iB. ~ IIQII '.' '0'4'" ), \ .r:: ~,+'~ ~l'" r:: '0'4 ¡.! 0.... ,4 . 0 '., ~... <,.... U ',-.. '0'4 /'0"" II .... r:: (.I....... ... 0 , Øoft.4 .' November 3, 1981 ~a~K 065 FACç 690 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, th~t the proporty loc~ted in the southwest corner of Colden Gnte Pnrkway and "irport Road be chnnqed from "C-3" to "C_l". * * . , ,; Commissionor Brown moved, sQconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 3/0, that the property on the northwest, the northeast and thk southeast corncr of Colden Cate Parkw~ chen ed from commercial land use to residential 0-4 units per Dcre. . #I * Pl8nning Director Dûnny Crew stðtcd that the comprehensive l~nd use changes previously Dctcd upon tonight will ,hðve ~o cone before the ECC ðnd must b~ approved prior to the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance on JnnuDry 5, 19B2. PROPOSED ZONIt\G ~IAPS ACCEPTED A[ì PART or TilE TENTATIVE REPORT AS AMENDCD BY CAPC AND IAPC J\ND INCLUSIVE OF "LL AMENDMENTS MADE THIS C~TE BY THJ: BOAnD Comrnission~r Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, that the public hcnring be closed. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by COMMissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, th.,t thF.' proposed Zoning "'aps be nccept~ð tiS part of the Tunt~tivd R~port, as Dmunded by the p¡anning Commissiono Dnd ~s amended during action t~kcn tonight by th~ rOðrd. FDC]Ct oH~ ''" , . -------------------------------------~--~- . ""'.. ~ ':.... ; . . , - ~'....;,~ '.- ~~~ .~>~.~"'.~~,~ ,I, ".'_' ,¡'~:t . ~r · ~~}; ... '0 '..Ià~,k ., ~;O þÞ "O+' .... ..~.i:1;U ., .~.. U '+' ~ ., 1::= ~ J.4 ,... +' d ,,þ .. ., .'; ~ -'= !u a ~ tt.8 "Ü" .... ]l" +' ,¡,~ ~ "''8 .;.'j_&.t.. " .... , .... J.4 ~!:,~~ !,~~.t.e.... ~. C~ :' '0 ;- !9J.4 ::~ :i ~ ~2,~ · ;'1U~"'O' , Ii, J.4 ' 1 D.~ " '~~J,{P" '~.~1~~;'·~¿ ~'."'''.~.F,; :;4';r,~~ .~...;~ rr;"'l"!,:.·~·~~~:,··., :1\, ,'.:....~.}:~..¡..,.'#.'''!.'.. ·1o~':"t'X:!..,,'- ~'~'~;: ..j~.:.' ,..... .... I", ,;.... . :.;,~.,.."..I'" . :.... ;',. , , ,) " . ~ . . '. : .'. ~. '.I ../ ','-'f. ---- --- - - - - -- - - --- - _.- -- - -- - - _.- - -- - _.- -- - --- November 3, l~Al ....'.- ADJOURNMENT - TI~~: ll:Iß P.M. Thcrc being no further business for the good of the county, the meoting w~s adjourned by order of the Choir at ll:18 P.~. . ," , . ~ \~..H},I. /,,",.. ," . , ", ,.. ..', . ',! ~ 005 w.ë691 ¡.f"t, , i':: r^~.47 "I"''"{'':' '~: , '; if~,( r~ .' .11 ~"~I~ "~'~::': ~ . "., ,.". '.' ..,. . _. :~\i"" . ,. .' ~41;¡ iJ'(" ';'I:t~¡;~.~' ¡; r. . .1- ".'.~' '., ....'.'.~~~. .," ":I~: ';:~) ""~", -f ('~.. "~""''''''''''_''' '*''_'''__'-<'''_;'Ii''''"'''_'~'~''''''''''''''''_'" . ~