BCC Minutes 08/13/1981 R . ' Naples, Florida, October 13, LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as t~e governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:0Ø ~.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CH~IRMl\N: John ~. pistor Mary-Frances Kruse Dav id C. Brown , Clifford Wenzel (~bsent) C.R. "Russ" Wimer (Absent) ALSO PRESENT: Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Elinor M. Skinner and Mðureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerks; Donald pickworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utilities Manager; C. william Norman, County Manager; Edward Smith, Assistant County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Aùmlrds:..rûtivc ]\:"i::t;:::¡t; Tcrr'z' Virta, ("I"mmllnity nAvAlopment ~dmini- strato.; Lee Layne, Planner; Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director; Mark Benedict, Environmentalist; Clifford Barksdale, Public Works ~dmini- strator; Thomðs Hafner, Public Safety Administrator; Grace Spauiding, ^dminIRtr^tive ~ide to the Board; and, Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. &OOK 065 rACE 72 Pa9. 1 ':\ . I' 19(· ~, , ¡ , ,\~: ;. ;t , ~ ;/(" ,_~t""""",!~: ,;'" -, ,~' ,,{~: . ' . ....ì... October IJ, 1981 ", ",' l~ "5f ','S~~ , \ AGEND~ WITH ITEMS ~ THROUGH I CONTINUED TO 10/20/81;, ITEM J ADDED - APPROVED i Chairman Pistor noted that Commissioners Wimer and Wenzel were 'j absent and, therefore, there would be only three voting Commissioners for each item. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/Ø, that the agenda be approved with the following changes: a. 7B, petition CP-8l-l9C, William t. Blackwell, representing E. L. Johnson, Jr., requesting ~ Comprehensive Plan tand Use Plan Amendment, from residential low-medium density to commercial for approximately 3.4 acres on west side of highway 29, 1,32Ø feet north of Lbke Trafford Road in t Immokalee. b. 7C, petition R-81-9C, \~isperlng Pines, rnc./Glass Gorham, Inc., re rezoning from "A" to 'GRC" for 2l+ acres located at the entrance of Impcrial Golf Estates on the east side of U.s. 41. c. 7D, Pctition R-81-l~C, Donald Jones, ra rezoning from "AW to wPUDw for 40 acres located at the SW corner of Airport Road and Immokalee Road for property known as Green Tree Ctfllter. 7E, Petition R-8l-2l-C, Gulf Coast Little League requasting~.. .. rezoning from "A" to "ROW for 4.2~ ðcres located between LeI . Fire Station and Lely Sewer Treatment Plant south of St.' Andrews Blvd. . 7F, Petition R-8l-2~C, Naples n~th and Tennis Club re amendment to their PUD document to correct a typographical error in the total unit count and to reduce and increase the single and multifamily areas respectively by 5 units. d. e. f. 8A, Recommended contract for county complex design services with Ross/Ehrenkrantz, architects and engineers. ~ g. 8B, Further consideration of proposed revisions to Ordinance 8Ø-77 designating duties and responsibilities of County .~ Manager. eOOK 065 PACE 76 h. llA, Final Water and Sewer Facilities acceptance for The Haciendas. . -.. < ,.~ '. . . ..... . . '. -. ..~ o~ t-:¡A erE 71 October 13, 1981 i. 9A, Report and recommendation on existing and future placement of mobile homos on Chokoloskee Island. j. Discussion re Snndia TV Franchise to be given to .Warner Nnex in Immokalee area with County Attorney's requests indicating requirements to be met. ; , ~ MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 4 & 15 SPECIAL MEETINGS ~ND SEPTEMBER a & 15 REGULAR MEETINGS - APPROVED Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, that the minutes of September 4 & 1 5, 1913l Special meetings and September 8 , IS, 1981 Regular meetings be approved as distr i~uteð. NOTE: The' minutes of 9/4 and 9/8/0l were approved ~ i erroneously at the lØ/6/81 Board meeting. RESOLUTION 81-229 RE CRE~TION OF THE PINE STREET, SUNSET AVENUE, LAKE AVENUE FLORIDA ~VENUE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - ADOPTED; PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL APPROVED. ADVEnTISING FOR BIDS - ^UTHORIZED t Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on. September 22, l~~l, as evidencuù uy the Affid~vit of Pub1ic~tion fi ¡ with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the creation f the Pine Street, Sunset Avenue, Lake Avenue, Florida Avenue Improv~nt District and approval of th~ preliminary assessment roll. "..',.,'. Public Works Administrator Barksdale explained that on August I, . .. t 1981, the Board accepted a petition from 55\ of the owners of pine Street, Sunset Avenue, Lake Avenue and Florida Avenue and the Engineering Department has prepared a preliminary assessment feasibility report regarding the Pine Street, Sunset Avenue, Lake Avenue, Florida Avenue Improvement District. He said the estimated .i ~f total cost for the project 1. $97,433.52 for paving of 2,900 l.f. of roadway resulting in an approximate front foot cost of $18.72 to the Page 3 . . '. '¡- ~l ! ~ .1 ... .,~. . October 13, 1981 benefitting property owners. He read a letter from Bruce J. Bosansky opposing said paving an~~tatlng~ was unable to attend the public hearln9. Fiscal Officer Hall noted that those persons who choose to pay over ðn extended period would likely pay 17\ to 19\ interest and that If the Interest is lowered in the aecond year, the interest to the property owner would be lowercd accordingly. Hearing that there were no persons registered to speak, Commls- lioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, that the public hearing be closed. Comml IS loner Browll moved, seconded by Commi ss loner Kruse and carried 3/Ø, that Resolution 81-229 re creation of the Pine Street, Sunset Avenue, Lake Avenue, Florida ~venue Improvement District be adopted and that the Preliminary Assessment Roll and ~dvertlsin9 tor bids be approved. 'a9' 4 . BOOA 065 rACE 78 . October l3, 19B1 TRANSFER OF SANDIA TV FR^NCHISE TR^NSFER TO WARNER ^MEX IN THE IMMOKALEE AREA WITH THE COUNTY ATTORNEY'S REQUESTS INDIC~TING REQUIREMENTS TO BE MET - ~PPROVED Mr. Paul J. Martin, representing Sandia TV, was present to respond to Commissioners' questions regarding the transfer of Sandia TV franchise to Warner Amex in the Immokalee area. Countï Attorney Pickworth said Warner ~mex appears to be suitable to take over the Sandia TV Franchise but that there had not been aufficient time to prepare a formðl agreement. He suggested that the Board approve the transfer of the franchise to Warner ^mex with the following requirements and said that he would bring the Resolution to the Board when it is c"mpleted: 1. Written evidence that Warner ^mex has acquired Sandia TV's assets and interests 2. Execution between Collier County and Warner ^mex of the written franchise agreement with the technical changes and deletions. Mr. Pickworth stated that with these two requirements fulfilled the transfer of the frðnchlse would become ettective. 'Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, that the Board approve t~- transfer of the Sandia TV franchise to Warner ~mex, for the Immokalee area, with the fulfillment of the aforementioned two requirements. ATTENDANCE TO SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CON~~ESS INTER~ATIONAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATION CON~ERENCE BY BUILDING DIRECTOR SC^MEHORN IN TUE A~OUNT or $~9G - APPROVED Co~munity Development Director Virta expl~ined the request for approval for Building Director ~cðmehorn to attend the Southern Bul1dln9 Code Congress International Research and Education Conference. Page 5 ,,' aoo ( 065 'ACE 82 . BOOK 065 rACE 83 Octobor 13, 1981 I I He noted the reason for the request to como before the Board is that the cost of $59~ is above the $S6Ø limit which can be administered by the County Manager. Chairman Pistor observed that it is important to have a representative from the County attend. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/0, that Building Director Scamehorn be outhorized to attend the Southern Building Code Congress International Research and Education Confercnce in Orlando, Florida October 25-29, 19B1 at a cost of $~96. PETITION TR Bl-23-C, M^RK PLAMO~DON REQUESTING ^ TEMPOR^RV RESIDENCE PERMIT TO UTILIZE ~ TRAVEL TR^ILER DURING CO~STRUCTION OF ^ PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE ON W 18ß' TR^CT l13, UNIT 34, GOLDEN GATE EsT^TES - ^PPROVED Zoning Director Perry explained that petition TR 81-23-C is a request by Mark Plamondon for a temporary' residence permit to utilize '" travel trailer during construction of a principle residence on the West lee' in Tract 113, Unit 34 in Golden Gate Estates. Chairman Pistor asked Mr. Perry how many trailers are in Golden Gate at the present time and Mr. Perry responded that there are 24 and that there has been no problem having them removed. Commissioner Kruse moved, secondod by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/0, that petition TR 81-23-C, requesting a temporary residence permit by Mark Plamondon to utilize a travel trailer durinq construc- tion of a principle residence on the West 180' of Tract 113, Unit 34, in Colden Gate Estates, be approved. Pa98 6 October 13, 1981 . ' located at the northeast corner of U.S. 41 an'd Palm Drive at The ¡ ¡ , ¡ I ! I I I I i ¡ , ¡ ¡ RESOLUTION Bl-230 AMENDING R-79-l06, THE STIPUL~TION OF A PROVISION~L USE GRANTED BY THE BO~RD ON JULY 24, 1979, BY ALLOWING TWO (2) LEFT TURNS WITHOUT SIGNALIZATION FOR PROPt::RTY LOCÞ\TED AT TnE NORTIIE^ST CORNER OF U.S. 41 ^ND P~LM DRIVE ~T THE GL~DES, REQUESTED BY RICHARD GERSHINSON - ^DOPTED Planner Lee Layne indicated on an overhead map the location of the area where Richard Corshinson is requesting that the stipulation be amended of a provisional use which was granted by the Board on July 24, 1979 by allowing two (2) loft turns without signalization for property Glades. Chairman Pistor noted that he felt there was a dangerous situation to allow four more entrances onto U.s. 41. Ms. Layne said that the DOT will not approve a left turn signal at this time but would require that left turn storage lanes be added at each median cut for eastbound traffic and that the stipulation be made th~t when the signals are ~andated, the developer pay his fair share of the cosl for same. Mr. Richard Cershinson and Mr. Glass were present to answer any queations the Commissioners might have regarding this situation. Mr. Sven Kansman, representing Mr. Gershinson, was present and stated he was a traffic consultant. He said he had met with the DOT and that the DOT was opposed to signaliz~tion of either of the corners at this time. He said that meanwhile, with the installation of left turn storage lanea for eastward bound traffic, cars could enter the shopping area and a1ao traffic could pull off the mainstream into the crossovers. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/A, that Resolution 81-230 amending the stipulation of a Proviaional Use granted by the Board on July 24, 1979, by allowing two Pa9. 7 . 000« 065 tACE 84 . 800K 065 rACE 85 October 13, 1901 (2) left turns without s19nelizetion for property located at the northe.st corner of u.s. 41 and Palm Drive at The Glades which was requested by Richerd Gershinson be adopted. . . . P_ge 8 . eoo~ 065 rACE 87 October 13, 1981 DR. MARK BENEDICT INTRODUCED AS THE COUNTY ENVIRONMENThLIST Community Development Director Virta introduced Dr. Mark Benedict as the new County Environmentalist and noted that this is now a staff position. Dr. Benedict said he was pleased to be in this position and looked forward to working with the County. REVISED BUDGET FOR ENVIRON~ENT~L SECTION, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION (15-10-020) FOR FY 1981-82 - APPROVED IN THE A~OUNT OF $32,000; FISCAL OFFICER TO PRES~~T APPROPRIATP. BUD~ET AMP.~DMENT Community Development Director Virta explained the need for a budget a~endment to transfer $32,000 budgeted within the Community Development Division budget for ·Consultant Services - Environment- into object codes 120, 21Ð, and 220, which are for salaries, Social Security and Florida Retirement System for the position of the Environmentalist. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/9, that the Revised Budget for the Environmental Section, Community Development Division (16-19-020) for FY 181-82 be approved in the amount of $32,990 and that the Fiscal Officer process the appropriate budget amendment. RESOLUTION 81-231 RECO~MENDING TO THE STATE OF FLORID^ THE ACQUISITION OF CLAM PASS PARK UNDER THE CONSERVATION AND RECREATION LAND TRUST rUND - ADOPTED Community Development Director VSrta explained that approximately two w..ks ago Chairman Pistor and ~r. Barksdale w.r. in Tallah.... to discuss SR 951 and the Governor'. Office had indicated the possibility 'age 9 . . . . 1 j I ¡ I , , ' . October 13, 1981 that the State might acquire Naples Cay. During that visit, h. said, Commissioner pistor and Mr. Barksdale had the opportunity to meet with . number of State officials who indicated that the project would be lnv..ti9ated favorably and it was recommended that a full application b. prepared regarding the situation. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/O, that Resolution 81-231 recommenðing to the State of Florida the acquisition of Clam Pass Park under the Conservation and Recreation Land Trust Fund be adopted. '89. 1e eoOK 065 rACE 8B . ! I '.,' II " 1 ,.'~ I ", ,\:...~.~~.: , ";:f.);' ,,/~~ ·~ï.~ " '. ~t "" " .,.' ß ~,\j; , ~,' ;---~~. 1, l ;;'...:. ...:....-~<: )~'..- , ,.'i~~ "1..,. ,:. :!~.., :",'~t ~"- . -......---""'''""-->"...."..,,''"' October 13, 1981 APPROVAL OF 1981 UPDATE OF COLLIER COUNTY BASIC E~ERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN Public Safety Administrator Tom Hafner explained that under Florida Statutes, Chapter 252, the Bureau of Disaster Preparedness requires a review and update of the County's Basic Emergency Operations Plan, and Annexes, evcry two years. He requested Board approval of the plan as set forth in the Executive Summary dated lØ/2/8l. He responded to a question from Chairman pistor regarding the Bureau of Disaster Preparedness notification that Collier County should be ready to provide care for 25~,OØØ persons from outside the County by saying that he had sent in a report stating how many additional persons the County could accommodate in the event of a natural disaster and that there was no possibility that the County could care for 250,OØØ persons. ,Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/O, that the Board approve the 1981 update df the Collier Cnunty Basic Emergency Operations Plan. 'aCJe 11 aoO ( 065 'ACE 90 '. , . ,f . , " , . BOO~ 065 PACE 105 October 13, 1981 CHAIRMAN ~UTHORIZED TO SIGN ^DDENDUM '4 TO THE LE^SE AETWEEN THE GOLDEN G^TE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ^ND THE FLORID^ DIVISION OF FORESTRY TO COVER THE LO~N OF R^DIO EQUIPMENT Public Safety Administrator Hafner explð1ned the need for ^ddendum 14 to be signed between the Golden Gate Fire Control District and the Florida Division of Forestry, stating that the Division of Forestry has loaned a surplus brush truck to the Golden Gate Fire Department for use in fighting brush fires ðnd, as part of that loan, they are also going to loan a GE 2 channel trunk mounted radio for use during joint brush firefighting operations. He noted this lease is to formalize the loan and that there is no charge involved. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/Ø, that the Chairman be authorized to sign Addendum '4 to the loase between the Golden Gate Fire Control District and the Florida Division of Forestry to cover the loan of radio equipment. Pa98 12 I I - ¡ !. . J . . 1 . , I 800~ 065 PAGE 107 October 13, 19R1 CHAIRM^N AUTHORIZED TO SIGN TWO LE^SES AET\'¡EEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE GOLDEN G~TE FIRE ASSOCI^TION, INC. FOR ~MBULA~CE CREW ROOM AND STRUCTURE, PER ST^FF RF.COMMENO~TION Public Safety Administrator Hafner requested that the Board authorize the Chairman to sign two leases between Collier County and the Golden Gate Fire Association, Inc. for ambulance crew quarters and back rent for the period of time the County assumed the ambulance service. He said he and ^ssista~t County ~ttorney Ken Cuyler wrote both agreements and that they have been approved by the Association. Commissioner Brown ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/Ø, that the Chairman be authorized to sign two leases betwe~n Collier County and the Golden Gate Firc Associ~tion, Inc. for ambulance crew room and structure. PIge 13 '.f. " . ,.),1, -~'i~' .....'i!l"i ':;\1;,. ....;,¡' :i·~·i, .~fl· . ' . . SOOK 065 PAcEllI October 13, 1981 BID 1515 AWARDED TO B " I CONTR^CTOR FOR IIV^C IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE I BUILDINGS "C", "0", l\SD "F" IN TilE ^MOUNT OF $2R9,9An Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 24, 19B1, as evidenced by ^ffidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid '515 for HV^C Improvements, Phase I, in Buildings "C", "0", and "F" up to September 24, 1981. Assistant County Manager Smith recommcnded that the bid be awarded to the low bidder, B & I Contractor, in the amount of $289,900. County Manager Norman noted that there are cost savings through energy consorvation techniques which will rcsult from the project and that in Buildings "c" and "0" the County essentially has combined an energy conservatio~ program with a þrogram to completely replace worn out and non-repairable air conditioning equipment so that the savings should not be equated with the cost of the project, since most of the cost of the project is for equipment which would have had to be replaced anyway. Responding to a quostion by Commissioner Kruse, Mr. Smith saId this cost does not reflect the expense of additional air conditioning equip~ent for the new computers on the fifth floor of Building ·F·. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/0, that Bid 1515 be awarded to B , I Contractor in the amount of $289,900, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to att,st the resulting ðgreement. BID 151G FOR FENCING IMMOK^LEE LANDFILL ^WARDED TO QUAID FENCE BUILDERS, INC. IN TilE: ^MOtJNT OF $9,li92.74 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on PluJe 14 . . . .,,1 .4~ \"f ,.¡ I~ :Ij:, .\', ~¡:'.; p" ~H >" f .~. " " , October 13, 1981 September 15 and 17, 19~1, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid IS1r" for fencing the Immokalee Landfill area, up to September 24, 1981. Assistant County Manager Smith said staff recommendation Is to award Bid IS16 to the low bidder, Quaid Fence Builders, Inc., In the amount of $9,692.74. ì' ')''':t; Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, that Bid 'Sl6 be awarded to Qu~td Fence Builders, Inc. for fencing the Immokalee Landfill area in the amount of $9,692.74, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest the res~lting agreement. . BIDS FOR BID '517 REJECTED DUE TO DELAY TN ~~1L OF ^DDEND~ TO BID, AUTHORIZATION TO ^CCSPT NEW BIDS - G~A~TED Legal notice having been published in the ~aples Daily News on September lS and 17, 1981, as evidenced by Affidavit uf Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid .~17, foe Water Monitoring Services at the Immoka1ce Landfill site, up to September JO, 1981. Assistant County ~anager Smith explained that, due to a delay in the mails, an addendum regarding this bid did not reach some of the bidders in time to be used and, therefore, staff recommends that bids for Bid 1517 be rejected and that staff be authorized to accept new bids for same. CommIssioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/Ø, that bids for Bid '517 be rejected and that the staff be authorized to accept new bids. Pa9. 15 &CO~ 065 rACE 112 . ,,;', '.:."~ "'4 .1 , ,~" " '. noo~ 065 PACE 113 October 13, 1981 POSITION OF ENVIRONMENTALIST CL~SSIFICATION ADDED TO THE COUNTY PAY PL~N - APPROVED Assistant County Manager Smith asked the Board to add the position of Environmentalist to the County Pay Plan. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/0, that the position of Environmentalist classification be added ~o the County Pay Plan at Pay Grade 2~ with an overtime classification of "D". . NEW ~CREEMENT WITH DISTR1CT MEDICAL EX^~INER H8INRICH 0.8. SCH~ID, ~.D. - APPROVED IN THE ADDITIO~AL AMOUNT OF $2,Ø34; FISCAL OFFICER TO SUB~IT ~PPROPRIATE BUDGF.T AMENDMENT County Manager Norman explained that a new agreem~nt is necessary with District Medical Examiner Heinrich 0.£. Schmid, M.D. following the \ Board adopting the current budget in which they agrced that the County Medical Examiner would be paid on a retainer basis with a flat monthly payment ratheH LI,ð/ì chùrgc:¡ for ind!vl"u...l ~ervices rendered by Dr. Schmid. He said the amount is predicated on increased activity which has taken place plus increased costs of the Medical Examiner. Mr. Norman said the a~~unt is just under $2Ø,ØØØ of the amount Dr. Schmid would have received if the payment had been made for services rendered on an individual fee basis. He said the agreement in question covers tho following three ittmsr 1. Retainer fee payments for the Medical Examiner's servic.. and those of his associates. 2. Certain costs incurred for which the County receives invoice. and which are paid directly to the vendors. 3. Costs for which the Medical Examiner contractn ~nd arrange. direct payment to the vendors and for which the County reimburses the Medical Examiner. Pa~e 1~ .' . . 'ì} ':1:· ";k ~\. ti~. }"'40¡ ,f¡ IX ~-~ 'i'i ;;-J \" :;~.( .:, ~. I' .\ :;, " '~ ~ {~ j;i :1-, ~.'... ", .'. ~..I i¡'~' . J. ,l.~?' :& ~. . October 13, 19a1 Mr. Norman cxplainèd that staff recommends that the following item. be approvedz 1. A pay increðse for his secretary (9\> 2. Payment for a telephone answering service 3. Payment for a radio pager $95A ')1;5 4A9 - TOT^L $2,A34 Mr. Norman said that the above items were not previously included In Dr. Schmid's budget request and would require a budget amendment. He said, however, that he feels the cost for the telephone answering .ervice and the radio pager should be more properly contracted for and paid for directly by the County. He propos~d a modification to Appendix -A- of the Executive Summary dated 10/2/81 deleting items i through k, noting that a budget nmendmen~ will he necessary. After a short discussion, Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/0, that the new aqreement with Dlstr lct Med ica1 Exam 1ner He 1 nr ten U. £. Schill iJ 1:.e ..ppro'/cd in t.,,· amount of $2,034 and that the Fiscal Officer be directed to submit an appropriate budg@t amendment. eo~ 065 PACE 114 'a9. l' . . , ~ BCO~ 065 PACE 119 Octoher 13, 19A1 SPECIAL RILL RE YE^RLY ~SSESSMENT FOR MEMBERSHIP TO SOUT~IEST FLORIDA REGION^L PL~NNING COUNCIL - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT IN THE ^MOUNT OP $2S,74Ø, FISC~L OFFICER DIRECTED TO PREP~nE ~ BUDGF.T AMEND~ENT Fiscal Officer Hall requested that the Board approve the yearly assessment for membership to the Southwest Florida Regional Plannin9 Council in the amount of $25,740. , I There was a short discussion regarding the benefits gained through membership to the Council and Chairman Pistor explained that the fee is based on population of the County. Commissioner Brown moved, "reluctantly" seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, that the yearly assessment for membership to the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council be approved for payment in the amount of $25,740 and that a bu~get amendment be prepared. BUDGET AMENDMENT 8l-2l7 RE PAYMENT OF MEDIC~L BILLS FOR PRISONERS INCURRED THROUGH THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT DURING FY 1980-81 - ~DOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $~,50A Fi~c~l Officer Hall explained that this would probably be the last request this year for payment of rt,edical bills for prisoners incurred through the Sheriff's Department. lie responded to a queGtion by Commissioner Kruse stating that even if prisoners have medical I insurance, the County pays medical costs when a person becomes a prisoner. Commissioner Brown moved; seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carred 3/0 that Budget ^mendment 8l-217 re payment of medical billa for prisoners incurred through the Sheriff's Department durin9 Fy 199A-81 be adopted in the amount of $6,500. . Pa9- 1" .. -. :: . , . . &OOK 065 PACE 12f Octobor 13, 1981 BUDCET AMENDMENT 82-2 RE TR^NSFER OF FUNDS TO COVER COST OF PURCHASE or VOTINO MACHINES ^PPROVED DURING BUDOET tiE^RINGS, SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS - ^DOPTEO IN THP. ^MQUNT OF $5,ØØ~ Commisøioner Brown moved, seconded by Commlslsoner Kruse and carried 3/0, that Budget Amendment 02-2 re transfer of funds to cover the cost of the purchase of voting machines approved during budget hearings for the Supervisor of Elections be adopted in the amount of $5,"00. . Pa9t 19 . . . ,', " , ".~< .,1 .--~ I "{ ~OOK 065 PACE 123 October 13, 1981 APPROVAL OP ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT TO CONTRACT WITH ^RTHUR J. GALLAGJlER 1\NO COMP1\NV, MI^MI, TO PROVIDE WORKF.R~ COMPENS^TION ~UPPOnT RERVtCE~ Fiscal Officor HÐll explained tho request for tho Board to approve the Ðnnual adjustment to contract with Arthur J. Gallagher and Company, I Miami, to provide Workers Compensation support services. He said there has been a slight increase in the company's service to the County and that t~e money is in the budget. He said tho estimated annual fee for the contract with Gallagher is $24,ØØØ. Mr. Hall stated that the County is experiencing a savings of approximately $8Ø,ØØØ per year as a result of the self insurance program. He explained that the goal for 1984 is to invest the interest in a reserve account which would mean the individual departments would not be charged but the money in the reserve account would be used to pay Gallagher and Company. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded hy Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/Ø, that the Board approve the annual adjustment to contract with Arthur J. Gallagher and Compðny, Miami, to provide Worker~ Compensation support services. AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF S~~E FORMUL^ ^s USED IN TnE P^ST FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF PAYMENTS IN-LIEU-OF-TAXES FOR 19R1-82 IN THE SUM OP $649,967 Fiscal Officer Hall explained that the $~49,9~7 is to be di.- tributed to the units of local government who have experienced a 10.. in tax income a. a result of purchases of property in the Bi9 Cypr.... He requested authorization to proceed under the same formula of distribution of payments in-lieu-of-taxe. for 1981-82 as has been u..d in the pa.t. He said he would brin9 the actual distribution figure. back to the Board next'w.ek. :t'" Ir,.! Commi.sioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and · Pa9' 21 !' . . ~ ,\ . 'I ." /f,.., . . ¡ ¡ , I I I '·T'l.: .,~ ;~(' M"~ 1~'~ . ,~. ,.;.~~ . ';~".j:.'j., ;. -, ~~~f "~; .~~~{. '~':i¡ .j " , . October 13, 1981 carried 3/0, that the Board authorize tho use of the same formula previously used for the distribution of payments in-lieu-of-taxes for 1981-82 in the sum of $649,967 BO~RD ENDORSEMENT OF COUSTY LEGISL~TIVE PROGRAM COVERING ~ ITEMS PRESENTED BY CH~IRM^N PISTOn Chairman pistor explained that the following items are the proposals which have been made for the Board to request the County legislative representatives to consider during the coming session: 1. Polican Bay Street Lighting - add to their ~STU. 2. Collection of Property ~ppraiscr's ðnd Tax Collector's fees for School Board Taxes, shifted to responsibility of Bchool Board. 3. Broadening scope of use of Tourist Tax, if enacted. 4. Support legislative action to create toll road on State Road 95l. S. Ban on "No Deposit - ~o ncturn~ containers. 6. 1/2£ sales tax County could charge to be used in various wa ys . County Attorney Pickworth briefly reviewed the ahove six items. F1~cnl Officer Hall said that there was a question regarding whether or not the Tax Collector's budget would bo subject to review as is the Property Appraiser's budget. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/O, that the Board endorse the County le9~slative program covering the aforementioned six items as presented by Chairman Pistor and that said items be given to Representative Mary Ellen H~wkins. ROUTINE BILLS - P~ID Pursuant to Resolution 81-1S0 adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on May 26, 1981, the following checks were issued throU9h Friday, October 9, 1981, in paymont of routine bills: !.!!!:æ CHECK NO~. "MOUNT County Checks 13382 - 13/)"~ . $461,1'7".34 BCC Payroll 208Sti - 29370 $2"",227.59 eoo~ 065 'AC£ 124 PIII90 21 . . . ßOO~ 065' PACE 125 October 13, 1991 I " CHAIRM~N AUTHORIZED TO SIG~ CERTIFIC~TES OF CORRECTIO~ TO T~X ROLLS Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commis3ioner Brown and carried 3/0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the following Certificates of Correction to tax rollsl TAX ROLL NUMBER ~ S/l 7 /B 1 S/31/Sl 9/1/S1 lO/B/Bl 1971; 1980 1980 1980 340 538 539 , 540 541 THE FOLLOWING VOTING PRECINCTS RP.PORTED - FOR DEPUTY SHERIFF KENNETH, R. VAN TINE, PRECINCT 22; C~ROL ~. RURNS, PRECINCT 17J PAUL D. C~LT~BIANO, PRECINCT 4; IS~~C JOSEs, PRECI~CT 17J ED~AR D. sIR~ANS, PRECINCT :7, D~N~ M. T~YLOR, PRECINCT 17; AND HENRY R. WHEELER, PRECINCT 25 AS REPORTED BY SHERIFF ROGERS In compliance with Florida Statute 3fl.fla, the following Deputy Sheriffs and the numbers of his or her voting precinct are filed with the Board of County Commissioners to become a part of the minutes of the meeting <1::> rcport=d by 5n~r1ff ~ogflrBI N~ME PRECINCT NO. Dep. Kenneth R. Van Tine 22 Dep. Carol A. Burns 17 Dep. Paul D. Caltabiano 4 Dep. Isaac Jones 17 Dep. Edgar D. Sirmans 17 Dep. Dana M. Taylor 17 Dep. Henry R. Wheoler 2S AUTHORIZATION FOR CH~IR~~N TO SIGN APPROPRIATE LETTER OF ~PPRECIATION FOR WILLI~~ L. McGRa.TH REGARDING illS RESIGN"TION FRO'" TilE CAPC, CCPA AND GOLDEN G~TE ESTATES REDEVELOPMENT STUDY CO~MITTEE ~ND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE OPENINGS ~VAIL~RLE Administrative Aide to the Board Grace Spaulding reported that a letter of resignation had boen received from Mr. william L. McGrAth for his membership on the 'Coastal Area Planning Commission, the Collier County Planning Agency and the Golden Gate Estates Redevelopment Study Colllftittee. PA9. 22 . . \ , ": October 13, 1981 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and . carried 3/0, that a certificate of appreciation and a lotter be sent to Mr. McGrath and the staff authorized to advertise for the openings on the above committees. MISCELL~NEOUS connESPONDF.~CE - FILP.D ~ND/On REFr.RRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following, indicated: correspondence be (iled and/or refcrrcd to the various ðepartments as 1. Letter dated lO/2/0l from ~r. Harry I. sharrott, ~rea Manager, HUD, stating that environmental review procedures have been completed on 9/9/8l request for rolease of funds for CDBG Grant ~o. B-8l-n~-12-002l, attachad Form HUD-70l5.lt; incluned. xc Messrs. Norman and Hall and Mrs. Crew. Filed 2. Letter dated lØ/5/81 from William J. Gib~on, President, MKG Corporation, re an incident on July 3, 1981 when a dumpstor unit owned by ¥ahl Aros. was rammed through the block wall of the enclosed rcfuse area at the Burger King store at l8~7 East Tðmiami Trail. xc Messrs. Norman and Barksdale. Filed 3. Copy of lettcr d~ted 9/30/81 tram ~tevc Mðyb~rri, Director, Dept. of Commerce, re Economic Development Transportation Fund to alert a change in Florida law relating lv said fund. Reference 1981 Laws of Florida, Chapter 81-171, Section 2S8.0~3(5), "No pr<.'ject shall be eligible fdr funding after Decemb~r 1, 1981 that has not heen specified and identified by the Division in accordance with subsection (4) of this section prior to the initiation of construction-. xc Messrs. Norman and Barksdale. Filed 4. Letter dated 1Ø/8/S1 from Property Appraiser Colding attaching the Collier County Property Appraiser's ^nnual Report of Revenues and Expenditures for year ending 9/30/81. xC Mr. Hall. FUed 5. Letter dated 10/5/81 from Clarence Brown and letter dated 10/9/81 from Raymond R. Wooten, President of the Ever91ades Area Chðmber of Commerce, in opposition to any zoning chan90 for Chokoloskee, specifically with rospect to the placin9 of mobile homes in aroa. xc Me.srs. Virta and Norman. Filed Letter dated 10/5/01 from John E. prico, Jr., fttðtin9 that he feols the provisional URe for 011 well drillin1 in the Agricultural 7.one should be extended to ðll I). 8CO~ 065 rACE 126 pa90 23 ../-..:. ~:' . . , . ¡:~'. . :;,¡, :~: . ,',,<\'. ':O,~) ·_\¿t "'i'" , \~'W<, ';..",',' ,hi ::y .t.,.~ .~~ . ! I I . ~QO~ 065 PAGE127 October 13, 1991 Agricultural Zoning in the County. lie states that ·nearly· all of Collier County is inspected by the Governor's 8ig Cypress Committee for Oil well Sites. xc Messrs. Barksdale, Norman and Virta. Filed 7. Copy of May 2~, June 30, and August 25, 1991 minutes of Golden Gate Community Center ^dvisory Committee. Filed 8. Copy of Special and Regular meetings of Septembor 16th and Regular meeting of September 3Ø, 1981 of Naples City Council. Filed. . * * * * * . * * . . * Thcre being no further business for the good of the County, the meetin9 was adjourned by order of the Chair - Timez 1~z17 ~.M. . - . , . , ,01 :. ..;' "l,·~r ,,' ,""""'~' , , ô ," , .' . I, ., ' ~ '1: \\ . ¡' . ¡ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO r.OVERNING ßO^RD(S) OF SPECI~L DISTR¥[DEgTS c~ ./ A PIsTOR, CU~IR"t~N I '.( . pag. 24 . .