BCC Minutes 10/06/1981 R '1 ~ :,)' i .~ ~ II~. ~:¡ 4. , . . I, . _.__0" ............. Naples, Florida, October 6, 1981 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in ðnd (or the County of Collier, and also acting as the governing r board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and hðvJn~ conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:ØØ A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of th~ Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John A. pistor: C.R. "Russ" Wimer Mary-Frances Kruse David C. Drown ABSENT: Clifford Wenzel ALSO PR~SENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer1 Darlene Davidson, Deputy Clerk, Donðld Pickworth, Cou~ty Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utilities Manager; C. william Normðn, County Manager, Lee Layne ~nd Torry Clark, Planners; Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director; Grace Spaulding, Administrative Aide to tho Board; and, Raymond Barnett, Deputy Chief, Sheriff's Department. . . . . .. '.) '.98 1 ~~~~ 065 n~ 01 ,.~;~j;11V'''~~· ~~~;t,,....,.,~:~..,t.... .... . yl_..-.-:..-::-.:....:...:.::...:::~ ~ '".. 1~ ....,. , ' " :·'r:n 065 rAce 06 October 6, 19B1 ITALICIZED AG~NDA APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS Commissioner Kruse moved, secondod by CommiRsioner Wimer and carriod 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the ItalIcIzed agenda be approved with the following additions: 1. Tax Collector's office requested time under Proclð~atlon ðnd Presentation of Awards for a presentðtion to the Board. 2. Additional Change Order re North Brðnch Library - added under Public Services. 3. Consideration of issuance of ð Mstop-work orderM re The Glades Subdivision Utilities - added to Utilities Manager's neport. I 4. Commissioncr Wimer requested that he be allowed to discuss ðuthorization for a letter re a proposed rezoning - under BCC He po r t . APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEPTEMBER 15, 1981 - DEFERRED TO OCTOBf.R 13, 1981. Chairman pistor directed that the approval of the minutes of Special ðnd Regular Meetin~s of September 15, 1981 be deferred to October 13, 1981. PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING OCTOBER 4-l0, 1981 AS "FIRE PREVENTION WEEK- - ADOPTED AND PRF:SF:NTF:D TO "SMOKEY TIIF. BEARM Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the proclamation designating October 4-l0, 19B1, as Fire Prevention Week, be adopted. Upon rcading the subject proclamation Chairman pistor presented same to "Smokey the Bear", exprcssing the Board'a qratttude for the fine job that all of the fire departments have done in helping to control fires in col1ior County. ~.. . . ( . page 2 _..--,",_.,~,.",,~._,..,_. r. ~ " ~ iI . t; I .. October 6, 1981 :. ::K 065 PACE 08 ~ ~ J CHECK FOR $736,688.7Ø REPRESENTING EXCESS FEES COLLECTED BY THE TAX COLLECTon - PI1CSENTED TO TilE ACC Mr. Adam Addison, from the Tax Collector's office, presented a . check in the amount of $736,688.7Ø to the Board of County Commissioners on behalf of Guy Carlton, Tax Collector. He explained that this rûpresents excess fees collected by his office during FY 198Ø-81. Chairman ristor accepted the check and turned it ovcr to Clerk William J. Reagan. rtESOLUTION 81-225, VACATING TilE SIX (6) FT. EASEMENTS BETWEEN LOT LINES 32 & 33, BLOCK 220, UNIT 6, GOLDEN GATE, C.T. BUNDY & ROBERT C. ASHER - AOOPTF:O Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 2Ø and 27, 19R1, as evi~enced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opcned to consider thØ vacation of the six (6) foot E'1Sements between Lot lines 32' 33, Block J 220, Unit 6, Golden Gate, as requestcd by C.T. Bundy and Robert C. Asher. Thomas Kuck, of the Engineoring Department, referred to the information outlined in the Exccutive Summary dated 9/4/81 and Stðt.~ that it is staff's recommendation that the subject easoments be vacated. Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by CommissIoner Kruse and cðrried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the public hearlnq be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by CommissIoner Kruse and carriod ~/Ø, with Comminnlonor Wonzol absent, that Reøolution 81-225, vacating the abovo-referenced easements be adopted. '.98 :. c:.:z:J e!!J ···-····....-...4 ~ ! . ""'-~'">_.~._-,,-- :,1· '1 \': " . . , . . I, .... ...~" . October 6, 1981 ORDINANCE NO. 81-55, RE PETITION R-8l-l-I, GERALD CRAWFORD, REQUESTING A REZONING FROM I-C-2 TO I-C-l, LOTS 3, 4 AND 5, MILLER'S PARK SUBDIVISION, IMMOKALEE - ADOPTf,D Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 4, 1981 and in the Immokalee Bulletin on September 3, 1981, as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened ~o consider petition R-BI-l-I, filed by Gerald Crawford, requesting a rezoning f·om I-C-2 to I-C-l, for Lots 3, 4 & 5, Miller's Park Subdivision, ImmoKalce. Zoning Director Jeffory Perry stated that the petitioner wishes to have the rczoning for the purpose of opening a day care center, for which ð provisional use is also b~ing rcquested by separate companion petition. He stated that it is the IAPC's recommendation, as well as the staff's, that the rezoning be approved. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0. with Commissioner Wenzel Ðbsen~, that the public heðrIng be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, with Commissioncr Wcnzel absent, that the Ordinance as numbered ðnd entitlod below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No . 1 3 . ORDINANCE: 81-55 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 71-14, THE IMMOKALEE AREA PLANNING DISTRICT ATLAS OF MAPS BY clIMIGING TilE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE PROPERTY DESCF.IBED IIEREINßELOW FROM "I-C-2- TO ·I-C-l- AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. '.9. 4 ...._....... ,.,,~,.. ....,,...,,.._~"'_.,._.,.,.,_.. . ¡·oar- 065 PACE 12 October G, 1981 RESOLUTION 81-226, GnANTING ^ PROVISIONAL USE (1) TO PERMIT A CHILD CARE CENTER ON LOTS 3, 4 & 5, MILLER'S PARK SUBDIVISION, IMMOKALEE (GEnALD cnAWFOnD) - ADOPTED Commissioner WImer moved, secondod by CommissIoner Brown and c~rried unanimously, that Resolution 81-226, grðntinq a provIsIonal us. (1) to permit a child care center on Lots 3, 4 , 5, MIller'. Park Subdivision, in Immokalee, as requested by Gerald Crawford, as a companion petition to petition R-81-1-I, be adopted. ) page 5 -(" ';' ... . , , , .,. ..; . r'; I. ,:' ::~~. I~ ii }' ,I ~'" .' , . ',' . ' '~. . . , .. ,.... ..-. . ...-.-.. October 6, 1981, OnDIN^NCE NO. 8l-56, RE PETITION CP-8l-16-C, COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT, HEQUESTING COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENTS FROM VARIOUS DESIGN^TIONS TO VARIOUS DESIGNATIONS FOR EIGHT (8) PARCELS IN THE IMMOKALEE ^RE^ - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Septcmber 4, 1981 and in the Immokalee Bulletin on September 10; 1981, as evidenced by Af(idðvitü of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opcncd t9 conaider petition CP-Bl-l6-C, filed by the Collicr Ccunty Planning Department, requesting cc,mprehensivc land use elcment amenòments as outlincd below Cor the following parcels of land In the Immokðlce Area: PARCEL 1: Rcquesting an ðmendment from Industria! to Commercial (or approximately six (G) acrcs in Section 3, T47S, R29E and n portion of Immokalee Subdivision. PARCEL 2: Requcsting an amendment from Commercial to R~Ridentia1 Medium to High Density «().22-30 units/gross acre) for a portion of Ncwmarkct Subdivision. rAnCEL J: Requcsting an amendment from Residential Medium Density (0-6.22 units/gross acre) to Commercial for a portion of Scction 4, T47S, R29E, at the SE cornor of the intersection of Immokalce Drive and Main Street. PARCEL 4: Rcquesting an amendment from Residential Low to Medium Density (0-4 units/gross acre) to Residential Medium Dcnsity (0-6.22 units/gross acre) for ^ portion of the SW 1/4 of Section 33, T46S, R29E, located south of Lake Trafford Road and west of North llth Street. PARCEL 5: Requesting an amendment from Agricultural to Industrial for a portion of the NW 1/4 of Scction 11, T478, R29E, located along S.R.29, approximðtoly 1/2 mile south of S.R. 846. PARCEL 61 Requesting an amendment from Industrial to CommercIal for a portion of Section 3, T47S, R29E, located at the SE corner of the intersection of the Atlantic Seaboard Coast Line Railroad and Main Street. '.91 S &O~K 065 PAC[ 15 '. ,~."~_.,..-,.,.,.",,,". "-""_.._,,.....~ .................,..---.---....----.-- 065 r^GE 16 Octobor 6, 1981 PARCEL 7: Requesting an Ðmendment from Commercial to ResidentIal Modium to lIigh Density (6.22 - lA units/gross acre) for a portion of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of SectIon 9, T47S, R29E, located on the SE corner of the intersectIon of Eustis Avenue and South 5th Street. . PARCEL 0: RequPRting an amendment from Residential Medium to HIgh Density (6.22 - 30 units/gross acre) to Commercial for a portion of Scction 3, T47S, R29E, located between Rose Avenue and Delaware Avenue, along the Atlantic Seaboard Coast Line Railroad. Upon hearing that there were no registered speakers, CommIssIoner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the public hearing be cIosed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried ~/Ð, with Commissioncr Wenzel absent, that the Ordinance as numbered ðnd entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 1 3 . ORIDINANCE NO. 81-56 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 79-32, THE COMPRE- HENSIVE PLAN FOR COLLIER COU~TY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT WORK STUDY AREA MÞ.P I~ fROM VARIOUS DESIGNATIONS TO VARIOUS DESIGNA- TIONS ON TilE fOLLOWING PROPERTY GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS: A PORTION OF S~CTION 3 A~D 4, TOWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, HANGE 29 EAST; A PORTION OF SECTION 9 TOh'NSII I P <17 SOUTH, RANG E 29 EAST; A PORTION OF TOW~SHrp <17 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EI\ST; A PORTION OF SECTION II TO\...NSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, SCCTIO~ 33, ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BCc MERIT PAY PLAN AMENDED BY Þ.DDING RATING CALLED "GOOD", EMPLOYEES WITH "GOOD" RATING WILL RECEIVE MERIT INCREASES; "SATISFACTORY· RATED Ei.,PLOY Ef:S WILL NOT; FISCAL OFFICER AUTHORI ZED TO P",EPARE BUDGET AM~NDM~:NTS AS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMEI'IT UNIFORM WAGE Þ.DJU.STMENT AND MERIT PAY PLAN . Assistant County Manager Ed Smith stated that it is the recommendation of stðff that the Board amend the merit pay plan in that Pa9. 7 . , . , " , . . . I;, . J M -.. October 6, 1981 a rating to be known 8S "good" be provided and that only employees with the rating of "good" will be eligible for a merit raise. lie said that those employees rated "satisfactory" will not be eligible for a merit raisc. Further., it is recommended that the Board authorize the Fiscal Officer to prepare budget amendments as necessary to implement the Uniform Wage Adjustment and Merit Pay Plan. Coml'lssioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the staff rocommendations outlined by Mr. Smith and more fully detailed In the Executivc Summary dated lß/5/8l, be approved. AMENDMENT TO TilE LEflSF: BETWEEN TilE COUNTY AND TilE TRIUMPH CHURCH IN IMMOKflLEf- FOR THE CO~MUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRflNT PROG~AM, WHEREBY TilE CDBGP PAYS TilE ELECTfUC BILL SEPARATELY - .a.UTBOrUZED FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE Upon an explanation as to the reasons for hcr recommendation, as morc fully detailed within the Executive Summary, from Community Developmcnt Block Grant Coordinator Sondra Yates Crew, Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commisßloner Wimer and carried 4/A, wIth Commissioncr Wonzel absent, that the amendment to the loase between the County and the Triumph Church in Immokalee for the Community Devolopment Block Grant Program, whereby the CDBGP pays the electrIc bill separately, be approved And authorized for the Chair~ðn'. execution. '898 a &O~K 065 rACE 17 . '\ , . . . "';. " '. .\~,. ..,;. October 6, 1981 STATUS R~PORT REGARDING SECTION VIII MODERATE REHABILITATION GRANT TENTATIVE RESERVE COMMITMENT PRESENTED BY CDßGP CDORDINATOR SONDRA YATES CHEW Community Dlock Grðnt Coordinator Sondra Yates Crew reportod that the County has rcceived ð firm tentative reroerve commitment for $23~,ØØØ [or the H.U.D., Section VIII, Moderate Rehabilitation Grant, which will be used lor providing rent assistance for fifty families through the rcnovl'ltion of units. She said that thcre is one stipulation' in connection to the uze of these grant monies and explnincd that the funds may not be used in the Block Grant target area in Immoka1cc. She said that the money will be available for approxlm~t~ly 15 ye~rs and she explaincd that the program will be in operation In approximately six weeks. County Manager Normðn added that this is not a ·one time grant-, rather, it is an extended commitment. Mrs. Crew agreed, adding that ,his is a model program and, if Collier County's program is successful with thesc fifty units, an additional lea units may bo applied for next year. RESOLUTION 81-227, Rf. PETITION PU-81-l4C, ßCC, EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BO^RD OF COUNTY WATER/SEWER DISTRICT, REQUESTING PROVISION^t USE FOR A REGIOSAL W^TER SYSTEM PLANT, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON EAST SIDE OF C-95l, NORTII OF ENTRANCE TO L^NDFILL - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS, CAPC FINDING OF FACT AND PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS - ACCEPTED FOR THE Rf.CORD Commissioner Wimor moved, 8oconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that ResolutIon 81-227, r. Potition PU-81-14C, filed by the Board of County Commissioners, Ex Officio Governin9 Board of County Water/Sower Dl.tr~ct, requestIn9 a '.9. 9 &~;« 065 fACE 19 . '" '>"~:' .: .."'. -;,.. ',.. '. 'pj., .1,>")1 h ",- .~, ....~~.~~.~:.::.:::i~...J~..r,...".. t.J~"'; '- ,. -....... .. ............-. '... ·..·_·_·____·h .. ."., '-~--,.-. I : . , BOj~ 065 PACE 20 Octobor 6, 1981 proviuional use for a regIonal water system plant, for property located on the east side of C-9S1, north of the entrance to the County landfill, be adopted, sub~ect to the stIpulation, as outlIned In th~' . Executive Summary dated 9/17/81, and, that the CAPC FindIng ot Fact be accepted for the record along with the PetItioner's Agreement to Stipulations. '--"- --......- ) Page 11 " " . ..... _.._-..-___......~M't..(t.',f..t..'~:~...~.~'~..~,ffI~~;'!í:~~~~~~'.~r::t~~: -~...._--_. ~ ßO~~ 065 PACE 30 October 6, 19B1 TEMPORARY RESIDENCE Pr.RMIT FOR WALDEMAR ßOKRAND, TO UTILIZE A TRAVEL TRAILEH DURING CONSTI1UCTION OF A PIUNCIPLF. RF.SIDENCE ON Tiff, N. 75' OF TilE S 15Ø' TRACT 2~, UNIT 195, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - GRANTED Fon 6 MOS, Zoning Dircctor Jeffory Perry referred to the ExecutIve Summðry dated 9/18/81 and outlined the facts regÐrdi~9 Petition TR-81-22-C, filed by Waldemar ßokrand, who is requesting the issuance of a temporary re~idcnce permit in order that he may use a travel trailer ~uring the construction of a principle residence on the north 75' of the south 150' of Tract 24,' Unit 195, Golden Gate Estates. Mr. Xuct Gricsshaber, representing the petitioner, ~tðted that the petitioner requires the temporary permit for purposes of security. Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzcl absent, that a temporary residence permit be issued to Waldemar lJokrand, rc Petition TR-81-22-C, as recommended by staff, for the period of six months. BUILDING MW PfWPF:RTY MODIFICATIONS FOR CONVEHSION OF MVI STATION AS A HELICOPTE!~ I!ANGM{ APPROVED AS IlF:COMMENDED BY ST;,FF Commi~sioncr Wimer moved, 5~conded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the improvements needed to convert the formor MVI station for use as a helicopter hangar be approved as oulllncd in dcL1il in the Exccutiv~ Summllry, dated 10/1/81, including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4 . Modification to the door -------- Installing ~ concrete pad ------- Installing security screen3 ----- Installation of airconditioning - $1,600.00 f)Ø0.00 1,100.00 J 400,00 Total immediate costa ----- $3,700.00 Page 11 . . , . . . I, October 6, 1981 CHANGE ORDER 11, RE NORTII BRANCH COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY, PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES - APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT Or $1,127.00 During the discussion regarding the recommended encrgy conservation measures to be incorporated in the North Branch CollIer County I.tbrðry for which Changc Ordcr 'I is necessary, Commissioners Wimcr and ßrown Bta~ed that they would prcfcr to see the hot water heator installcd in th' building rðthe~ than being deleted as indicated in the subject chðnge order. Commissioncr Wimer moved, scconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel abscnt, that Change Order 11, which includes the installation of a seven day time clock and four humidistats, be approved in the amonded amount of $1,127.ØØ, same total reflecting the ovcrruling of the recommeded dcletion of the water heater. Thercfore, the original contract sum is increased from $2l4,3ØØ to $215,427. '.9' 12 &OOK 065 'ACE 91' .,-~~ ,.- . -, I i I I I 1 I ¡. ,.. \' \' ¡,,' ~", :;:"~' -----.- .-....' "- ~ ',d·H'I"..J'tf~~ t ~ ~ U" "',...,............ ~ t., .......-................ .. b. ....... ~ ßOOK' 065 rAGE 34 October 6, 1961 CII^NGE ORDER . 2, RI:: NORTB f3RANCH COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRAIW, PROVIDING FOR TIlE INSTALLATION OF TIIREE TV OUTLETS AND r,ø LINEAL FEET OF 3/4" PVC CONDUIT - ^PPHOVED IN TilE "-MOUNT Of $275.Ø0 During the discussion regarding the installation of three TV outlets for the North Branch Collier County Library, for whIch Chango Order 12 is nccessary, Commissioner pistor expressed concern that tho cost of recording and video equipmont to implement this kind of hook-up may be vcry expensive. County Manager Norman assured hIm that the intent is to aid in good reception from the areß cable televisIon stations and that two way transmission could be provided ~s a publIc servicc from the various stations. 110 said that the County complex would havc better scrvice at this point in time if the building was pre-wired whcn constructed as is bcing rocommended for the branch library. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and cðrried 4/Ø, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that Change Order 12, for the installation of the three TV outlets and 60 lineal feet of conduit, be approved in the total amount of $275.0Ø. Therefore, the new contract sum, including this Change Order, will be $215,702. Page 13 ... .- ...- - . . , . ~,,,. .........--_.~...-._,-- DOQ~ 065 PAGE ~6 Octobor 6, 1981 PROJECT AGREEMENT WITH THE STAT~ OF FLORIDA DNR R~ BAYVIEW PARK AUTIIOrHZF:D FOR EXECUTION AND RF:SOLUTION 81-220 RE SAME - ADOPTED County Man~gor Norman outlined the information within the Executive Summ~ry ~"tp~ Q/ln/Rl, regardIng the County's acceptance ot a grant in the amount of $2ØØ,ØØØ, from the State of FlorIda, Department of Natural Resources, for the development of Bayview Park. He saId that, upon the authorization for tho Chairman's signðture on the Project Agreement and the a~option of a Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the funds and the subject execution, the next step wIll be to select the architect for the design work. Commissioner Wimer inquired as to why "in-housew pcrsonnel could not be used to do thIs work and Mr. Norman replied that he does not believe tha~ the County has the staff with tht:! profcssional competence or the time for thIs type of work. He agrced to gather more information on this matter for the Board. Commissioner Wimer stated that he would like to see thIs explored and prefers to see tho dcsign work donc "in-house", as he does not consider it to be a large project. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/Ø, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the Project Agrcemcnt with the St..,te of F'lorldð Department of Natural Resources for the dcvelopmcnt of ßayview Park be ~uthorized for the Chairman's signaturc ðnd that Resolution 81-228, re same be adopted. ) paq. 14 .-.... ..' , . . , . . I, October 6, 1981 ANNUAL ßIDS .505 (W^TER METERS) 1 1510 (W^TER SERVICE SADDLES) 1 ,5Ø9 (SINGL[ METER BOXES); ~511 (BRASS FITTINGS) FOR COUNTY WATER DIVISION - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS POR VARIOUS SIZES/TYPES OF EACH ITEM Legal notice having boon published in the Naples Daily Nows on August 20 and 23, 1981, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication fIled with the Clerk, bids were receivod for Annual ßids '505, '510, '511, and 1509, up to Sept~mber 9, 1981. Commissioncr wimer movod, sec~nded by Commissioner Brown and cgLi.cd thðt" Bids 15"5, 1510, 1509, and 1511 be awarded to the following vendors for various sizes/types items as rccommended by the Utilities Managcr and that the Chairman be authorizcd to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreemcnts: V~:NDOR precision Meters, Inc. Precision Meters, Inc. precision Meters, Inc. Conrad Corporation CQnrad Corporation Rockwell International Corporation Rockwell Int~rnational corpo r 0 t1 on Rockwell International Corporation Rockwell International Corporation Rockwoll International Corporðtion PRICE $ 22.30 33.74 48.45 t 113.99 152.46 637.39 , ' . . " 602.67 918~85 BID I 505 (WATP.R METP.RS) SIZE/TYPf. Mf.TER 5/8 I )( 3/4- Jet Vane 3/4 - x 3/4" Jet Vane 1" Jet Vane 1-1/2 " Jet Vane 2 - Jet Vane TYPfl II I (Domes tic Compound meter) with remote reader Type III (Domestic Compound meter) without remote reader Type III 3- with remote reader Type III 3- without remote reader 884.13 Type III 4- with remote reader 1,511.57 '.9. 1!t tO~" 065 rACE 47 . ..... . t _, I ":'i~I~~ , ¡¿, . 'I"~ . ~ "":,,. ... ",!'¡, ·li. .,~ , ;~, . .~. ~",....-,-",....._----~".~~-"~.,~~,............-., ßOO~ 065 PACE 4.8 Octobe r 6, 1981 Rockwell International Corporation Typo III 4" without remote reader Rockwell International Corporation Type III 6" wIth remote reader Rockwell International Co ( po , ð L Ion Type III 6" without remote reader Rockwell International Corporation Rockweli International Corporation Type III 8" with remote reader Type III 8" without remote reader . All the above reprasent the lowest bid received. . . * . * Davis Meter and Supply· Davis Meter and Supply· Davis Meter and Supply· Davi~ Meter and Supply· 3" Type IV Hersey/remote reader 4" Type IV Hersey/remote reader 6" Type IV Hersey/remote reader 8" Type IV Hersey/remote reader . ! 1,466. t ~. .y t .~~ t..··., Ì: .~ t .~ ~- .. 2,959. 2,924.61 -'.,r .,,', .Ì' ~ . -* '.)i ~ l 3,989. 2,930. 3,19Ø. 6,59Ø. . · Davis Meter and Supply is the "sole source" of Type IV Hersey meter which is a combination Domestic Compound and Fire Detector Meter. All contracts for water meters are on an annual basIs and are effecti from October l, 1981 to September 3Ø, 1982. . . . . . * OlD ISl0 (WATF:R SERVICE SADDLES) VENDOR SIZE/TYPE SADDLE Sav-On Utility Supplies, Inc. 2" x I" Southeastern Municipal Supply Co. Inc. 1 " ): 1-1/2" Southeastern Municipal Supply Co. Inc. 4" x 2" St J thclIS te rn Municipal Supply Co. Inc. 6" x 1" Southeastern Municipal Supply Co. Inc. 6" x 1-1/2" J Southeastern Municipal Supply Co. Inc. 6" x 2" Southeastern Municipal Supply Co. Inc. 8" x 1-1/2" . , . PRICE $ 5.75 12.97 12.Ø7 11.66 " .1 " ~ , 14.2Ø 15.93 :~ ; 1 1 .1 "I . '! pag. 1 .~ ,¡i :i~ , '~i .,. , . I, . October 6, 1981 Southeastern Municipal Supply Co. Inc. 8" x 2" 15.93 Southeastern Municipal Supply Co. Inc lØ" x 1-1/2" 20.Ø3 Southeastern Mun ici pal Supply Co. Inc 12" x 1-1 /2 " 24.70 * All of the above rcpresent the lowest bids received. .All the above bids include terms of 2\ - lØ days, Net 3Ø days. The contracts for ~ 3ter service saddles are on annual basis and are effective From October I, 1981 to Septcmber 30, 1982. * * . * * * VENDOR DID 1509 (SINGLE METER BOXES) SIZE/TYPE METER BOXES PRICE Brooks Products PVC Meter Box Complete Standard Size, l2" $ 6.65 (Net 31' days) 13.00 (2\ - 18 days, Net )u day ~ðv-on UtiliLy Supplies rvc Meter Bow rnmplcte Inc. Jumbo Size l4" x 20" x l2" *All of the above represent the low bids received. These contracts for single meter boxes are on an annual basis and are effective from October 1, 1981 to September 30, 1982 * . * * BID 1 511 (BRASS FITTINGS "ND MATP.RIALS) V~NDOR SIZE/TYPE FITTINGS , M"TERIALS PRICE SouthclIstern Municipal 2" Brass Gate Valves Full $ 8.57 Supply Opening Southcastern Mur.i ci pa 1 1-1/2" Brass Gate Valves 5.47 Supply Full Opening Southeastern Municipal 1· Brass Oate Valves, P'u 11 3.16 Supply Opening . These pricos are subject to terms of 2\ - 10 days, Net 3Ø day. · "11 the above represent the lowest bid. recelv.d. The abovo referenced bids are for 60 day contracts and ar. effectiye from October 1, 1981 to Docember 1, 1981. * * * . '_ge Mo. 065 PACE 49 i' ,:~i " '.',. ,~ ::'." I .~ . ',': I ',,,if'll 1 \~t· : ". I '. 1,: l k "i; 'i~ . .'if'. ;~ , t " ;.{ . I \, 4 ,t ~~~, j ,¡ ¡ ~o~~ 065 PACE 50 SoutheaGtern Municipal Supply Southeastern Municipal Supply Southeastern Municipal Supply Southeastern Municipal Supply Southeastern Municipal Supply Southeastern Municipal Supply Southeastern Municipal Supply Southeast~rn Municipal Supply Sav-On Utility Supplies Inc. Sav-On Utility Supplies Inc. Sav-On Utility Supplies Inc. Octobor G, 1901 1- BrDSS Adapters, C84-44 4."4 1-1/2- Drass Adaptors, C84-66 9.68 2- DrðSD Adaptors, C84-77 12.71 1" Brass Pack Joint CouplIng, C44-44 4.31 1-1/2" Brass Pack ,Jo i nt Coup- ling, C44-66 12.71 1" X 3/4- Brass Meter Adapters 124 3.57 paIr l-1/2- x 1- x 1- Brass Wye, Y44-264 13.23 l" Bronze Curb Stop, Ball-type 84 )-344 16.28 1" Poly Tubing - Copper Tube S i z e (Ii i Mo 1) .25 foot 1-1/2" Poly Tubing - Copper Tube S i z e (H i Mo 1) .56 foot 2" Poly Tubing - Copper Tube Size (Iii Mol) .95 foot .^1l of the above represent the low bid received. .The above prices are subject to terms of 2\ - lß days, Net 3Ø days. The above-referenced bids are (or annual contracts, effective from October l, 1981 to September 3Ø, 1982. . * * . UTILITY E^S£MENT RE TilE BARCELONA PROJECT, LOCATED ON GULFSHORe DRIVE - ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION Commi:;sioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner;, Kruse and caried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the utility easement recordation. for the nðrcelonð Project, located on Gu1fshore Drive be accepted for Page 18 t ""',..' ~",,_., .,-,-"".".- I; t· . ...."..'..'. " , .. ~f. .' .~, ·~.,;~,t '-', A ~, . - >. , <~ t .. J " . October 6, 1981 I SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN TilE MARCO SEWER PHASP. I ARE^, ACCEPTED, EFFECTIVE: TIIIS D^TE; CLERK DIRECTED TO ISSUE WRITTEN NOTICE TO AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS OF M^NDATORY CONNECTION WITIIIN 9Ø D^YS: CONSULTING ENGINEERS AUTIIOIU Z CD TO PRf.PARE PRELl MIN^RY ^SSESSMENT ROLL Upon Utilities Manager Irving Bcrzon reporting that the Marco Sewer Phase I construction is complcte and rCòdy for connection, there WðS a brief discussion as to thc cffect that the Board's acceptance of these facilities mLY have on futuro changes rogarding the four blower , stðtions with which Commissioncr pistor is still concerned. Mr. Bcrzon stated that ðccùptDncc by thc BODrd of the facilities will not preclude changes that may be deemed neccssùry regDrding the aesthetic acceptûbility of the four bl0wer st¿:ltions. lie cxplained that the Board will still hòve to approve ð finðl Change Order bcfore the project may .be con~idered DS finalized. Commissioncr Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioncr Brown and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, thðt the sewer improvements in the Marco Sewer Phase I arca be accepted by the Board, cffective this date¡ thðt the Clerk be dirccted to iSJue written notice to affected property owners of mandatory connection within 99 dðYs; and, th~t the consulting engineers be authorized to prepare the preliminary assessment roll. &00« OS5 rACE 53 'I~. 19 ,",1.-, .... ...;,-,1'1 ,:", , _._"-,~~..-..........._---- . ---.---...--- ----...-- ßO~~ 065 PACE 54 Octobcr 6, 1981 RErR~SENTATrVE FROM TII~ GLADES UTILITIES REQUESTED TO PRESENT PROPOSALS FOR fUTUR[ PLANS REGARDING SEWER SERVICE AREA, FRANCHISE AGREEMENT, ETC. Utilities Mðnagcr Irving Bcrzon reported that the constructIon in the right-of-w~y in The Glades subdivision is a two-fold project, including installation of a 12" force main for sewage as well as a line for treated efflucnt to be uscd for irrigation. He stated that It appeðrs that the Glades Utilities intends to extend their sewer servIce into an area beyond tho boundaries of The Glades Subdivision Into Lakcwood. He said that it also appears that the Glades i~ in violation of at least one County Ordinance and a County Resolution and Is placing the entire East Naples sewer planning area in jeopardy. M[. ßcrzon stated that upon conferring with the County Attorney, he notificc The Glades that, until the Board had the opportunity to consider this matter in formal session, they were to stop any further work on this project. lle said. that, to his knowledge, the work did not stop and he recommended the following: 1. That the Board consider revoking the work permit for the work that is being conducted in the public right-of-way in the The Glades Subdivision, and 2. That the Board consider the ado~tion of a Resolution, which h~s been prepared by the County Attorney, which will, hopefully, arrest this matter until the County can resolve any fHuL1¿iÎ, t:-'û::' .:xi::::t::: ',11th Thp r.l}1r1I':', I.e. they have no franchise; they have no agreement with the County to provide services beyond their platted limits. Mr Rcrzon stated that he was not aware of the subject work permit, issueJ by the Public Works Division in September, 19a1, and that he J only recently discovered the e~tent of the construction and the intent of The Gladcs upon studying the plans for the project which he obtained from the firm of Wilson, Miller, Barton and SolI and Peek, the pcoject engine,ers. Attorney George Vega, repalsenting The Glades, explainod that Page 2. . 'f ......... .... ", . ,~( , I, . October 6, 1981 ~¡, it '~ Lakewood subdivision sewage treatment plant is not operðting adequately and that r~w sewage is being dumped into lakes, thus, the DeR has stepped in and subsequcntly, the suggestion that Lakewood should hookup into The Glades' system came about. lie added that The Glades utility , ¡ 'f, does have sufficicnt capacity to accept the additional sewage from Lake~ood. Mr. Vega'said that The Glados requcsted and subsequently received a construction permit from the County; they also filed an applicatfan with DER, which scnt copies of the plans for the subject conatruction to the County, upon issuin~ the permit. He outlined the information on the DER permit which clearly indicates the sanitary sewer line, the effluent force main, etc. He claimed that the project is almost at completion, stating that he considers stopping work on the projcct as moot at this point of time. He stated that he does not believe that Lakewood was violating anythin~ in completing the project, as per their contract. Mr. Vega stated that, at this point in time, the question is whether or not The Glades will follow through with the DE" approved "connection" into tho Lakewood system. Ho stated that the people in Lakewood need a sewer system now ðnd his client is proceeding to do what they can to see that they have it. He said that his client's position Is tì./lt it cannot just wait until the County decides if and when it wi)l have a sewor district and be able to provide the ",'," "-', . q. "'.\'j"'. .: ,"(¡\. ":,:'%L~ ' . .; ,'~ ~,;:, :i~ service for the peoplo in Lakewood. Hr. Vega said that thero is somc question as to whether or not a franchise agreement is necessary in order to provide Lakewood with sower service. He explained that both he and the attorney tor Lakewood have gone over the County's Ordinance and do not see any rea_on why The Clades cannot ontor into such ðn a9roemcnt with Lakowooð, ðddIn9 that he doce not think that hi. clIent and tho County have a conflict, rather, he boliovos that thoy share a common interest, 1... aervln9 &OO~ 065 P'ACE 55 'f ,.._"'"._....~-,~-";~".".,... -., ...-.....,_ .._~IiOI'__ ..., ,r"L~' '\""'v''''',,'ir.'lcJ¡''~lr,'..);~· I,.' '4:...'",I'4i~,/¡-~I;~~7~~r~(.¡¡(~~!~ "1·'1f~~".,: '. ,".'" ¡ _ . ..........., . '. ,.... I......· ..,_.~ .4~ ...,~.,___...."~_... _.._,.____~1IW.'.....~'""'~~,¡P':,''I'r1i'f~: . 065 PAc'[ 56 October 6, 1981 people in East Naples. He suggested that tho County study the East Naples Sewor District, roaliatica1ly, adding, that he belioyoS It to be in the interest of the County to coopcrate with this kind of an altarnativo 30lutlon. He added that The Glades has a contract to provide the subject connection and they cannot arbitrarily say thoy will not follow through with the commitment. Commissioncr Kruse asked Mr. Vega if he believes that The Glades has the right to provide sewer servicos to anybody they wish, under private contract, without being subject to regulation by the County? Mr. Vega rcplled that he did, under the County's present franchise agrecmcnt. Howcver, he added, The Glades is willing to enter into a ncw fr~nchise agreement, adding that a proposed franchise agreement has becn in the hands of the County Attorney f·)l some time. Attorney Thomas Brown, representing Lakewood, explained the problcms connccted with the scwer system in Lakewood, including that it was designed as a temporary facility to be used for 2 - ) years and constructed in 1972. He said that the dismðntling of the treatment plðnt was plðnncd for years ago and that it is still in operation at this timc, although it is not functioning prJperly. Mr. Brown stated that he understands that the County is pro~d~ly ~ or 5 years ~w~y from being able to provide the necded service and, therefore, ~is clients fcel that conncction to the Glades system is the best solutIon to the problems of thc people in Lakewood. J In answcr to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Vega stated that in order to make the service economically feasible to The Glades, the contract would be permancnt4 Commlssloner Pistor stated that this is his concern, ¡ .e. tho effect that the "permanent status· for the subject conncction will have on tho East Nðples Sewcr District when it becomes viable. lie said that he might favor ð temporary ðrrangement. Page 22 . · I, October 6, 1981 Rcgarding Lakcwood, Mr. Berzon stated that they were issued a construction permit on October IØ, 198Ø, by the DEn, to construct ð 2ØO,ØOø gal. per day sewage treatment plant. He said that all the platting that was donc in Lakewood, In ând around that time, was based on their providing that 2ØØ,ØOØ gal per day plant and if it is not thcre today, then, somcone has becn delinquent or remiss. lie sAid that, while someonl else in the County may have knowledge of the problem, th~ Utility Division has ncver been made aware of problems with the newage treatment plant in Lakewood. Further, he added, if they do have a problem, the first altern~tive should be to solve the problem internally. fie also objected to c1ttempting to solve Lakewood's problcms in a mðnncr that will be totally inconsistent with all lhu other planning for the area. Mr. Bcrzon stated that, if it is true that Lc1kewood has livcd up to all of their commitments, liS indicðted in the file plans submitted to the DER by their engineers ð year ago, then that plant should be adequatc to take care of their problems, adding that they should r..Jt be allowed to abandon the trcatment plant. Explaining that hc understands the East Naples Sewer System is yeðrs from becoming a reality, Commissioner Brown asked Mr. Berzon for clarification. Mr. Berzon stated that he has the complete construction plans for the East Naples Sewer District in his officc at this time, including Lakcwood and The Glades. He said that what is holdin9 up the projcct at this timc is the City's position as to expansion of their pl~nt to accommodate this aroa as well ðS other ðreas that they are obligated to serve or not. lie sðid that, if they choose not to expand sufficiontly, then, the County is not without resources to 90 ahead and develop ita own treatment facIlIty. Ho said that It would not be constructed to .ervo just I -pocket- or an -isolatod island- within ant otherwiso 1arge .rea, but the entire East Naples area. Ho Bald that &O~" 065 PACE 57 I,"; );. ,- , i' ~~. , "1 ¡ :f , ,i 'I.. I.·.'..·.· ~ ~ .... .,. ., t t ~ ,.;. '~'-"-, -. ,'-'.. l,Lltllij' ,I '1""" ''ì... ".~ ~,~ '.... . . " . " hfDI. 58 Octobor I), 1981 the County would end up with this ·pocket· if The Glades Is allowed to serve a part of the district and others are allowed to follow suit. In answer to Chairman Pistor, Mr. Pickworth stated that, If the i ,,1 Board's intent ig to delay ~ny conn~ction of the two subject sewer facilities until such time as ð solution can be agreed upon to the satisfaction of the Board, he recommends that the Board take the ., .~ 1 ~ following action: ~ j j .~ , a. Revoke the construction permit issued to The Glades and, b. Ordcr that Lakewood continue to operate their sewer facility, according to their legal obligations, according to the DER operating permit. Commissioner Brown stated that he does not consider that the County ha5 cver faccd thc problems ol expanding growth and relatIve . need for services in the East Naplcs area and that he favors anyone's efforts to help easc this 5ituation. Commissioner Kruse stated that her position is that if the County wcre to allow anyone who wished to scrve the area with scwage systems to opcrate their utilities in that manner, when the East Naples Sewer System becomes a reality, the people who are being served and are customcrs of these prIvata utilitIes will not wûnt to join the district. Shc said that this would put an unfair financial burdcn on the remaining people who have no other option. Mr. Berzon ngrced with this position. ..\150 discussed was t:,e alternativc solution to the problems in , Lûkewood, wherein they would be served by The Glades ón an interim bð~ls, on a pe~ thousand gallon basi5, with the users (residents of Lakewood) becoming County customers. He explained that this is tho same type of a situation as is being undertakon in Marco Island, with 'i. t Thc Deltona CorporatIon. He said that the County would pay The Glades for the treatment and any other services that may be requested and ;~ Pa98 24 . I . .. . I, October 6, 1981 every opportunity would be afforded to The Glades to recover their costs, investmcnts, etc. Commissioner Kruse asked Mr. Berzon if, at this point in time, the County has any control over the charges that The Glades make to any of their customcrs? Mr. ßcrzon stated that the County does not, to the extent that this ha.s ncver been (ormalized with the County. However, said Mr. Berzon, thcre is a requi, amcnt that The Glades must submit all ratcs and the justification for those rates to the County. Attorney Vcga stated that his clicnts arc willing to work with the County to resolve this situation, howcver, he understands that there is ð DER permit which tells Lakewood to do one thing, tells his clients to do one thing, ùnd the Board is considering doing still o!Inother. He said that he believes that the County i~ headin~ towards a legal conflict. He stated that his client has no othcr alternative, in thðt Thc Glades faces two conflicting governmcnta'l orders. He said thðt the only way to settle this matter would be to go to court. ^ttorney Brown stated that the Lakcwood system does have the required capacity, however, it WðS designed as n temporary system and is now operating beyond its estimated functioning life. He said that if Lakewood has to wait five or ton years for the County to furnish central sewagc, Lakcwood will have to construct a perm~nent system, adding that this same situation will occur again when the East Naples Sewer System is ready. 110 said th..ü if Lake....ood builds a permo!lnont .ystem, it ....il1 not agree to switch to the County's system when it becomc~ available. Mr. Billmeyer, Rogionðl Vico Presidont, rltprosentin9 Lakewood, stated th.t tho Lake....ood syst.~ did add the 20Ø,ØØØ gallon clpaclty, however, it Is atill a temporary system. CommissIoner Kruso ðaked Mr. Hll1moyor if Lakowood haa contlnuod to build past tho capacity of tho ~o~~ 065 PAt( 59 . "~ .. "< .'\J. . ~. ~ , . . ............ -'; ',¡~ . ...L.Iww~,.. '.....u'.f'r'"';~iI-UX¢ IIII\.ll~~~~~J,·!!·~~,~~~ftt..,.'1,..-'.,:kWo.. ~ ....~. 065 r^~E October 6, 1981 60 sewer system and he rcplied negativ&ly. Ho said that it is not a matter of expanding the plant, it is a matter of replacing a temporary fðcIlIty with a pcrmanent system. Ho said that he believes connectIng into the The Glades' system is an excellent solution. In reponse to Commissioner Krusc, Mr. Hillmcyer stated that the contractual proposal was worked out by the two entities and ðpproved by the DER. Mr. Vcga stated that on October 19, 1976, the City of Naples adopted a resolution expressing unanimous intent to amend the 1971 water/sewer service to exclude all future scrvice to The Glades, therefore, the Glades is not in that service ðrea into which the County's intends to tie. He requested that the County c~nsider the viübility of private utilities providing scrvice in the future rather than the County having to build a sewer system to serve all of East Naples. Commissioner Wimer stated that he considers the question of an East Naples Sewcr System as having been turned down by the people of East Naplcs during the balloting process and Chairman Pistor said thðt this only applies to financing by the FmllA for the system. Chairman P\qt.nr q~,ÜNJ that the County is going to build its own sewer system if the City of Naples withdraws its service area to exclude East Naples. Commissioner Brown stated that he still favors letting The Gla~es provide s~wage ~ervices if they wünt to, espccial1y since they have agreed to come to the Board with a rate structure. . Commissioner Kruse stated that hcr müin objection is that this matter is "after-the-fact-. She stated that shc objects to Lakewood and The Glades already entering into ðn ð~reement and then requesting the County to approve it. Commissioner Wimer stated that ho would like to see the franchise worked out because he believes that The Glades can probably install more sewer lines and provIde scrvices better and more economically than Pðge 26 . . ~o . . I, October 6, 1981 tho County. Commissioner Kruse stated that this would be acceptable her as long as the County has somc kind of control over the charges. Mr. Vcgn stated that his clients are willing to submit to this control. Commissioncr Krusc expressed hcr objections to the lack of notification to the County from the entitics involvcd in this matter Ðnd Mr. Clark Nicho~s, represcnting The Glades, stated that the Board did have prior knowlcdge and was given lC1al no~ice of the subject constructioh. He said that the DER scnt one copy of the DER notice of application for Thc Glades' permit addressed to the Board of County Commissioners and anothcr waD ûddrC5scd to the County Health I)"'p.,rtrnent. He furthcr stated that Thc Glndcs' plant is a tertiary treatment plant, adding that he considers It ëI better system than any government has been able to build. Chnirman Pistor stated his objections to "being pushed into this whole thing", "dding that he prefers to see <,very thing "held up" until such timc as the franchise ðgreement can be worked out é'lnd approved. lie said that he prefers that the County h,1Vc somcthing to say about the operation rather than being told how it is to operate. He agreed with Commissioner Kruse In that the Board does have the entire East Naples Area to consider and that, whether the peoplo think they votud down the entire sewcr project whcn they voted down the FmHA financing or not, there are other considerations regarding the sewage systems throughout tho entire county that rcquire the Board's c'tttcntion. lie said that the BCC has ð responsibility to maintain control ~ver these matters and not to allow anyone from coming to the Board with matters already committed and expect automatic approval. Hr. Borzon referred to Mr. Ve9a's earlier statements re9ardIn9 the 1976 agroemont with the City of Napl.., oxplalnin9 that this a9r.~.nt only ftð<lrc.... tho {nsuo of water hoin~ furniøhod by tho CIty to The 60~ 065 fACt 61 P"I)O 27 ····.......,...,.___n '.j" ~, ' L, u.~,..;··,ùJ;.'.. '.' '. ~ '.', ",,,,..I,,.~, ;,,;-\' " " ' , ,t "'1 . :~ .f . I ~ ~. to I f f , , , ....."'.,...,~.~.,........-.-.....-- '" ,...... ... . ............:...... ~GJ~, 065 P^f.E 62 Octobor 6, 19A1 Glades and in no way ",dòressos sewer service. 110 s"id that when the East Naples Sewor Syatem is vi"ble the Glades will be taken Into that district. He said that he, feels the time to make a decision as to whether or not to "frðgmcnt" the East Nðplcs "rea or not should be made after the City has made a decision as to their plant expansion. Commissioner Kruse moved that the Board issue ð stop-work order to The Glades for the construction of the force main lines and directed the staff to work out the particulars regarding The Glades and Lakewood sewage treatment services with respect to franchise agreements, etc., keeping in mind what is best for the entire East Naples area. County Attorney Pickworth ðsked her if this would include directing that The Glades not complete any connection with Lðkewood until such time as all the p~rticular5 arc approvcd by the County? Commissioner Kruse replied affirmùtively. The motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner wimer requested that thc motion be broken into scparatl~ motions ùnd Commissioner Kruse ðC]reed. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor that a stop-work order be issued to The Glc1des. Upon call for the l uestion, the motion failed on a tie vote, With' Commissioners Drown and Wimer oppo~~ù. Coml:,issioner Kruse moved that the BO;l[d issue an order that Lakewood not be allowed to hook into The Glades sewage system ~ntil such ~ime as a franchisc is worked out anrl the future of the entire J East Naples area is decided. Commissioner pistor seconded the motion. Upon call for the question, the motion failed on a tie vote, with CommisGioners Brown ùnd Wimer opposed. COlnmissioner Wimer requosted that the staff get together with all parties involved. Mr. Vega stated that his clients will be willinq to moet as soon as this afternoon towards this effort. Mr. Brow;, stated page 28 . · · ~ t': ih.; · ..., ~ /j¡i' . ~' · . I, October 6, 1981 that his clicnts would also be willing to mcet. Commissioner Wimer stated that he thinks that, in somc cases, privatc enterprise can provide somc services better than government. He sAid that he favors letting The Glades provide the services if they want to as well as any other private utility that wishes to provide sewer services and Commissioncr Brown ?grccd. Mr. Pickworth sug~ested that The Glades be allowed to bring their proposals, Jncluding what arcas they want to scrve, what areas they feel thcy can serve, whatever their plans include, to the County. He said that the County can then look at this proposal in the context of the East Naples Sewer System, i.e. if it is to be built, when it is to be built, etc. He sa1d that, at thdL puir,.., the Co~nt~,' ,=!!n rnnRlder which way to go. This was discussed in depth, including the need fOf sufficicnt time in which to make d proposal. The discussion included the fact that a dccision regarding the subject connection has been made by virtue of the motion to stop the connection failing and that nothing can be done at this point in time to stop it, as concurfed with by the County Attorney. Chairman pistor thon stated that, under these circumstances, all the Board can do is to request that the subject proposal be brought forth, adding that he is not In favor of the subject connection and Is ~ concerned with the fact that he has had many complðints regarding The Glades' sewor rates. lie said that he favors the County having control over the rateø. Mr. Mike Zewalk, resident of North Naples, asked Mr. Pickworth If any County laws have been violatod by The Gladea? Mr. Pickworth explained that it is not a matter of a violation of any laws, rather, it i. a mnttor of tho BCC havinq the authority to .1t .a a re9u1atory board on mattera involvin9 private .ewor aystema. He .aid that tho Bce FX)jK 065 rAce 63 Pa98 ...._,.,~'-,',.""''''~'.''';_.._''"''''"'';-~_.'''~,.<''''''.~''''''''''.,___-- , f ~ r- ...... l. .--' ¡..ue~ W -.... f ,.:~...~:~¡,~.,-,. ~ I ·",I';;"·'I·h~"""\t.~ J / .... '" ~ûa.. 065 PACE ..,-.......---..-,- I." ~_.._,.-_............__._---,....H.......__ 6~ Octobor fi, 1981 has the authority to make whatever orders are necossary in the best interest of tho entire district. . . . RECESS - TIME: le:37 A.M. - IØ:45 A.M. . . . ORDINANCE NO 81-57, RE PETITION CP-81-6C, ROBERT nEED, REQUESTING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON SW CORNER OF AIRPORT RO^D AND PINE RIDGE ROAD, (PREVIOUSLY DENIED 8/4/81) (RECONSIDEH^TION CONTINUED FROM 9/15 and 9/7.9/81) - ADOPTED Planner Tcrry Clark outlined the gcneral location ~f the property, rc petition CP-81-6C, filed by Robert need, having been previously denied on August 4, 1981, requesting a comprchensive plan amendment from residcI1tial medium to high density to commercial for 11.5 acres of property lOCòtcd on thc southwest corner of Airport Road and pine Ridge Road. Hc outlined the surrounding land use designations and stated that the cerA originally considered this petition on June ll, 1981 and rccommended approval. Mr. Bi 11 Roscnberg, of Apcl1 Design Group, outlined the proposed use for the subject property on which he hopes to establish an acsthctical Iy pleasing commcrcið1 arca oricntated to the same lake ðS the pro po s C r1 "2 2 (J res ide n t i ñl un its. He (, d d res sed the des i g n 0 f the proposed complex lInd referred to ð drawing of thc proposed centor. Regarding the concern of the Board previously expressed ~elative to the tr~rr¡c, Mr. n05cn~erg said that the ñccess points will b~ consistent with the existing median breaks on Airport:Road and pine Ridgp Road with the exception of an additional median break on Airport Road, which ....ill hllvc to be approved by the County staff. He said thðt thcre will be a 25 foot landsclJpe buffer around the perimeter of the commerciñl area that will be a focal point of tho project. Mr. Rosenborg rcferrcd to the proposed d~creðse in density fro. Pð9. 39 ., . , . , , October 6, 1981 n the maximum prcscntly allowed under the comprehensive plûn which ,¿ . i results in 36Ø units less than if the entire propcrty were developed to the tullest. He also stated that the commercial area will not have any major attraction stores, i.e. major departmcnt storcs, etc., rather, it will be a speciality thcmc shopping plùza with boutiques, etc., similar to The Falls plaza }ocatcd in Dadc County. Chairman pistor e"presscd conccrn with thc additional traffic median break proposcd and suggcstcd that the developer use one on each road instead. Mr. Roscnberg acknowlcdqcd this concern and said that it will be takcn into consideration by the desl~n engineers for the project. Thcrc was somc dig~U55ion as to the kind of deßign being proposcd, thc conccpt ot the center, ,]1"; UìG f..:ct th!)t th~ int-"'Jr!t,y of 'the area will bc locked in under t~c provisions of a PUD, as explained by Mr. Rosenberg, who rcferred to the proposed project as a sort of buffcr that will maintain propcr balancc betwcen existing commercial property and other rcsldential communities in the same general area. :~ Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and I carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wcnzel absent, that the Ordinance as numbcred and cntitled below be adopted ðnd entered into Ordinance Book 113. , j " ~ '.'~ ',11 ;.~: ,.\~;i· ,~ ···fI "11'; ;~'r ," ';'.;:' . " ,~ "~'Ii :~ 'Î '~ ORDINANCE 81-57 AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING ORDINANCF: 79-32, TilE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING TilE L^ND USE ELEMENT WORK STUDY AREA MAP 12 FROM RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM TO HIGH DENSITY (6.22 30 UNITS PER GROSS ACRE) TO COMMERCIAL ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST l/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 49S, RANt::E 25E1 AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE &OJA 065 tAC£ 65 , .' (,', ,1 ·f "ge 31 , .. .,.$.'!'~~:"':·"'.t'NIiW"""""""_< 1. L '( Lü~~ 065 f'^GE 66 "......~....~'fI¡~'MÍ,~~~~"'.__>iIIJI__,.. October 6, 1901 ROUTIN~ nILLS - PAID Pursuant to Resolution 8l-15Ø adopted by the Boðrd of County Commissioners on May 26, 1981, the following checks wore issued through Friday, October 2, 1981, in payment of routine bills: FUND CHECKS NOS. AMOUNTS FY 1901l-81 County Checks 13381 $l,178,8l3.Ø3 9,325.54 13ØØ5 CETA 8037 - 8Ø94 FY 1901-82 General Fund 1 3SØ,ØØØ.øø CONSID~!ìATION OF BUDGET AMENDMENT RE COUNTY MANAGER/PRODUCTIVTY SECTION FOR COIWUTER SOFTWARE - DEfERRED, !IS RECOMMENDED OY Fr SC1.L OFFICER Ch~irman pistor directed that the consideration of a Budget Amendmcnt regarding the County Manager/Productivity Section, for computer software, be deferred, as recommcnded by the Fiscal Officer. APPOINTMENT TO PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD - DEFERRED TO ALLOW COMMIS~IONER KRUSE SUFFICIENT TIME TO MAK~ !I RECOMMENDATION Upon conclusion of ð discussion as to whIch Commissioner's ~~~tr!~"q ~rp rcprescnted and which have vacancies on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, it was the consensus of those m~mbers present that it is Commissioner Kruse's turn to make a recommendation for thp ~ppointment to fill the vacancy on the subject board as J Commissioner representing District 03. Further, it was the consensus of thos(! members prcsent that this matter be deferrcd to allow her sufficient time to consider the matter. Page 32 , I . -" i:ij; :''¡';' , , . I, October 6, 19B1 :~ MESSRS. EGON HILL, H.R. EI1RHARDT, M.D., .JACK GREENFIELD, M.D.I.ND FI~E: .. CHIEF JIM BILLM^N REAPPOINTf.D TO THE EMERSENCY MEDIC^L SEVICES'~1 DVISORY COUNC I L fOR 3 Y E^R TERro1S Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown ðnd carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that Messrs. Egon H11l, II.R. Ehrhardt, M.D." Jack Greenfield, M.D. and Fire Chief Jim Billman be re~¡)pointe~ to thc Emcrgcncy M~dical services Advisory Council for three year terms. ~, LETTER Rf. INfORMATION REGARDING PROPOSED nEZONING FOR P^RCEL LOCATED ON TilE CarmER Of AIRPORT ROAD AND H~MOKALF:r·: BOULEVARD, (DON^LD JONES) - l\UTHO¡¡r ZED fOI~ TR^NSI'>1ITTAL TO ^fFECTED PROPERTY QI.""NERS, AS PER REQUEST Of COMMrSSIO~ER WIMER Commissioner Wimer stated th~t there has been some contusion expres~;ed by the people who live in the ,Hell of ~lHcel being .proposed for rezoning by Mr. Donald Jones, located on the corner of Airport Road and ImlOokðlee Boulevard. He requested authorization to send the area property owners a letter containing information as to what has taken place thus far, regarding this rezoning, ànd what the normal course of events will be througout the rezoning process. Commissioncr Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and r.equtted J carried 4/0, that the aforemontioned lett~r be authorized, as by Commissioner Wimer. LE^VE Of ARSENCE FOR PUBLIC WORKS AD~IN. CMPLOYEE MARGARET FOSTER - ^PPROVED FROM 9/14/81 TO ll/9/Rl CommlAsloner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carri~~ 4/0, that a leav. of absence for Public Works ^dmlnlatratlon e~ployco Mðr9aret FOltor be approved from 9/14/81 to 11/9/81 .. rocommended by the County ManA90r. -, ~\ &001 065 rAtE 67 PACJO 33 '~." ~.~¡ '1 , i , " " , .. t' . ~', ::w ,I 'f. '<~J':" ~" .~~, ", '.:'\ ... .~: ' iIi~t1 '~¡f ~;.¡.\ '-,i, ~' '.' ~-"""'"'-~"""""''''''''''''''~''''''''''''·'''''I. ---.._ __~...._,.. .._.."...".........................."....., ... eGJ~ 065 rAGE 68 October G, 19B1 CONSIDERATION OF nEQUEST FnOM SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS MARY MORG^N FOR RErnECINCTING STAFF ASSISTANCE FROM TilE PLANNING DEPARTMENT - DEFERRED FOR ONE W~F.K Comml9sioner Wimer requested that the matter of ð request from Supervisor of Elections Mary Morgan for reprecinctIng staff assistance from the Planning Department be deferred for one week, noting that Mrs. Morgan could not be here at this time and that she has agreed t9 continuing this item. Therc was a brief discussion regarding the need for assistance for this projcct, during which County Manager Norman stated that he has some alternatives that might be considered. After noting that he is concerned that there may be some resistance to furnish the assistance simply bec~use the Board has approved ð schedule of work that the Planning Oepðrtment is to undertake, Commissioner wimer stated that he would not ~ccept this premise. Upon conclusion of the discussion, it was the consensus of the mcmbers present that this matter should be takcn up next week when Mrs. Morgan can make her presentation. Chairman pistor so directed. WORKSHOP ~;CHEDULED FOR PRESENTATION BY FDOT r~EGARDING ",ETROPOLITAN PLANNING OnGANtzATIONS FOR OCTOßER 20, 1981 AT 1:30 P.M. After noting the r~~~lµl ù[ ~ rcquc:t F~nm the Community Development Administrator that ð workshop be scheduled for October 20, 1981, at i :)0 so that the Florida Department of Transportðtion ma~ make a present~tion regarding Metropolitan Planning Organiz~tions, Chairman Pistor directed the County Manager to schedule the workshop. .~.¡ Page 34 " . '~~ , · I. 'r.. I..., . October 6, 1981 , -_...,..,~ .. ¡, } , ATTORNEY JAMES BLUE TO REPRESENT THE COUNTY nE UPCOMING HEAnING RELATED TO "nEPR[~;~NT^TION CEnTIFICATION" PETITION fILED BY FEDERATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES UNION County Attorney Pickworth reported that a Public Emloyees Relations Commission hearing regDrding "rcpresentation certification" hag been scheduled for Octobcr 26, 1981, having been petitioned for by the Fcdcrùt!on of Public Employees Union. lie said that Attorney James Olue has bccn on retD1.ler regarding this kind of a matter in the past and he rcquested that Mr. Blue be authorized to represent the County in this m/!ttcr. Commissioner Brown so moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and 'ijf carried ~/n, with Commissioner Wenzel absent. PROPOSED TRANSfER Of IMMOK~LEE CABLE FRANCHISE TO WARNER-AMEX CABLE REFERRED TO STAfF Mr. Joe A. Johnson, representing Warner-Amex Cable, gave a brier presentation regarding his firms ba~kground, financi/!l qualifications and propo50d takeover of three cable television (ranchlses in LaBelle, Immokalee Dnd Clewiston. He explained that his firm is prepared to purchase the franchise for cable television for the Immokalee area from ì Sandia Cablevision, Inc., bnd is requesting the Board's approval. The subject firm, Warner-Amox, was discussed briefly, during which ,1 Commissioner Pistor stated that he is familiar with the firm and has dealt with the parent company in the past. Mr. Johnson concurred, adding that Warner Communications own one half of the fIrm and the other half 1s ownod by American Express. Commissioner Brown asked when the takeover would bocome effoctive and Mr. Brodman replied that they would 11ko to take over November 1, 1981. County Manager Norman recommended that the Roard refer the .atter to tho County ^ttorney and hl~8elf for their review and recoMmendation ~ 065,1Cl 69 '.9.' 35 .,.--"'--- COmlTl15Sioncr BrowlI moved, seconeJeCJ "'t \..UIIIJlI!:":'~U ,,"" ..."'~. ,,,. carried 4/0, with ComMissi~nor Wenzel absent, to accept Mr. Norman's recommo'nda t ion. . , t \ , . þ ~ '., r; MISCELL~NEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED ~ND/OR RP.FERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed the following correspondence be filed and/or referrcd to thc various departments as indicated: 1. Copy of lett~r dated 9/23/81 from C. ~. White, P.E., original to ~liff Dark5dale, rc Annual County/City Update, in accordance with Chap. 77-165 of the Laws of Florida, DOT, administering functional classification of all public roads. xc Mr. Norman, filed. 2. Letter dated 9/29/0l from Stephcn D. Moon, CPA, with attachcd rcport to advise of the financial position at July 31, 1901 of Collier County's 001 portion of the Secondary Trust Fund. xc Messrs. lIall, Norman and Aark5dale. Filed. . 3. Lettcr datcd 9/25/81 from John n. Maloy, Executive Director, enclosing ccrtificate certifying to the lands in Collier County lying within the boundaries o~ the SFWMD; plus copy of Resolution ~o. 01-Ø7 "Adop:ing the Tax Ratcs and Ccrtifying the Levy to the County property Appraiscrs of the District" and Resolution No. 81-09 "Adoption of Budget for Fiscal Ycar 1981-B?". xc Mr. Norman and filed. '1. LclLcl' d.::tcd 9/71/Al from Everett II. Rothschild, Area Manager, informing that applicat10n ddLt:J AugU:::t 21; 1981 for Section Annual Contributions Contract Authority in the amount of $?43,5G0 has heen rcserved for the· number of units and unit size distribution specified and the Annual Contributions Contract is being prepared and will be forwarded for cxccution. xc Ms. Ya~es and Mr. Norman and fl.lcd. . 5. Letter 9/2B/81 from Dorothy W. Glisson, Deputy Secretary for Elections, in reference to 9/22/81 letter from Chairman pistor re the purchase of lØØ Votomatics from Computer Election Systems. xc Mary W. Morgan 8nd filed. 6. Noticc of informal public hearings to allow the public an opportunity to commont on and be informed about a proposed draft of Sovercignty Lands Management Rules, DER. filed. . . " . . " , '":f. Page '- .,~~-"">.-.,,,,-.