BCC Minutes 09/29/1981 R N,'plcs, Floridll, Scptemb~r 29, 1901 II ~, LET IT BE R~ME~REREO, that the Eo~rd of County Commisßioncr5 In and for th~ County of Collier, and nlso acting as the governing bOðrd(s) of such spcciol districts as have benn created ~ccoròing to Inw and havin~ conducted busIness herein, met on this d~te at 9:05 A.M.in RQgul~r Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following memhars present: CII/I.lTU·'^N: VICE CH1\IP.I-'M-!: John l\. Pi!3tor Clifford \'J'.!nzel C.R. "Ruß~" ~imer ~ðry-Frances Kruse Dè1vid C. Pro\oln . ALGO PRESE~!T: 1J1Irold L. IInll, Chicf Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Nflcar; D~rlcne Davidson nnd Elinor f>kinncr (1:30 P.M.), t::'eputy cI~rks; T"onélld Pickworth, County ^ttorncy; C. ~illlam Norman, County ~Ðn8ger; Neil Dorrill, ~d~inlßtrðtiv~ ^n~i6t~nt, Terry Virtð, Community rpv~lorm~nt Administrator; Danny Crew, Planning Director; Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director; Cliffor.d P"rksdalc, Public ""orks AdministrCltor; ~ðncy IS~ðclson, ~dministrativc Secretary; Thomas Hðfner, Public Safety Dl.roctor 1 Douglllt;i C:roenflpld, E.M.S. Director, tine!, Raymond Barnett, 01 "U \ Y Cld _ t. i)HH' ff " t'... \!/t Hi'll" \ I P<'\q C ) &OOK 064 rAtE 4.89 '". ~. ", . ". ;.~,'.'."'" .~~ "i I Gcptcmoer ~~, 1981 AGEND^ - "PPROVP.D 1'!ITII TilE FOLLO\'·'H'G M'DrTro"'s { 'í· Commissioner Wenzel moveò, seconded by Commissioner Rrown and " cðrried unanimously, that tho ngenda be approved with tho following additions: I. Discussion ro forming ~ M.P.O. - added to DCC Report 2. Discussion re bids for County Vehicles - added to BCC Report. 3. Approvðl of ð contr~ct ro Community Care For The Elderly - added to Public Services. 4. Comments from COr.1mizsioner I"imcr rc motion regl:lrding morit increase payments during l£lst week's meeting - addod to the ßCC Report. MINUTES OF SPECI^[. MEETINGS OF SEPTEMFm I C1 4, 1ge1 AND TilE RECULAR MEETHJGS or sr.pTF::r·E1F:n 1 f, ~, 19R1 - l\prnOVf.D ^S PRF.SH'TED Commission~r Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimouzly, that the minutp.8 of Special meetings of ~eptcmber I & 1, 1981 and the Regular ~cetin9s of Septe~ber 1 & e, l~el, be approved as presented. RESOLUTION nl-218 RF.COGNI7.ING JAN BENNETT AND DF.NrSE COLEMAN FOR OU'T'STANt::'D!G ^CI! rr.vr.~r;NTS Fon I ()81 - Ar>OPTF.D Commissionor Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Rrown and carried un~nimously, that Resolution 81-'18, reco9nizing Jan Eennctt and Denise Colem~n for their outstandin9 achievements for l~~l, he adopted. Chairman ristor read the subject resolution ~nd congratulated Jan Bennctt and Denise Coleml:ln, on bohalf of tho ðOl:lrd. ... 'It >, '. , t, rag e 2 'J 11 ':,.ìl .,,'~I ~:~' ;~£ .,'~: ",t 1'.{ ~'!i aOOK 064 rACE 493 . . ~,~ o . . _ 'M.. 50ptumhor 29, 1981 RESOLUTION 81-219 RECOCNI~ING JAN 8ENN~TT Fan BEING CITED FOR 1901 "ROOla8" 11()~1E P.CONO~Ir,1· OF '1'r~E YP.l\R - M'>OPTEJ"'I Commissioner Wimer moved, secondod by Commissioner Brown and carried unðninously, thût Resolution 81-?19, recognizing Jðn Pennett for being the 1ge1 "Rookie" Home Economist of the yeDr, be adopted. Chðirm~n pistor rOÐd the subject resolution and presented it to MG. nennett, congratulÐting hp.r on behDlf of the BODrd. PDt) e 3 , , , ,> aOOK 064 'Act: 495 :~. " ·":··t . . . Septcmber 2~, 1901 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING OCTODER 4 - 10, 19RI AS "NATIONAL 4-H CLUB ~IEEK" PRr.SEN'rED TO 4-ft MF.MßEnS IIOWARD ALLf:N AND I<RIßTIN MADISON 1 co,,'mSSIONERG MADP. IIN'OnARY <1-11 MF.~ßEnS IW COLLH:n COUNTY 4-11 CLUBS Upon reading the proclðmðtion designating the week of October 4, through 10, 1981 as "National 4-H Club Weck", Chairman pistor presented the document to <1-11 members Howard Allen ('nd Kristin Madison, who thðnkod the Board and then announced that the Commissionßrs have been made honorary members of the 4-H and presented each Commissioner with a 4-H memborship pin, on behnlf of the local 4-H clubs. .' Pðge 4 'tOOK 004 ~m . . ..i...' . :'1' '~. , ...' I." . .~ '.. ;. 'j If" ~J2i~ I:;-I'T! ~ , II ' '. ~' ~ r&'; ~.' ': "I( ,!-:,' " '1-->' ~_. / ..../ ..' .... .' ." :JI::U':' ~\:,t.~· ' C'2·· (.:'ìiì' ,'8' ~',I"& f>4 . ø. , .:= t "~~~ ,-',... B.. ~I .... ,'~~t ,"-~.. <,O+' . , ...C b U '.... ,.. ,',' ~ ... 0 ';Ii ø..... '"," .. 1"" ,.;,'{, 1:Z¡r.,~,·#~~,^ . . Scptcmher 2~, 19ß1 .."",1 '1 ~AURICE TILLIS M<'ARf'lF.D 10 Yr.l\R H:nVIC1~ A\"~.RD ..' " Chairman pistor announced that M~uricc Tillis hßs been awarded a 10 years service awùrd and Commissionor Brown acceptod the certlfic~te :<4'~ ~ ~\ "J on behùlf of Mr. Tillis. PLAOUES OF APPRFCrJ\TION FOR I!O~'F:RULE CIIJ\P.TP.R Cm'rt.TSf>rCN J\\o'l-.RDED Chairman pistor read the inscrirtion on the plaques of appreciation being aworded to the Hom~ Rule Chartcr Commission and he presented thcm to the following memhcrs: John P.ri!)gs· Earl Davis· Marjoric Jor!er Le igh PI ummc r'* william ~cGr~th· Robert ZimmerMan· J. 811rrctt \"hite Lyle S. Richardson, Chùirman'* '* Karl Corley Timothy 11<1 ines Paul A. ~·<'.Ittis'* Thomas Poe k '* '* }bss P. Obley Dwight C. Williams GI I he r t '..'e 11 '* Denotes rrQsent to accept plaque. PLAÇ'Ur.S OF AP rR rc 1 ^ T T O~, fOn IIOllS J NIj f<' J NA>'¡C E AU1'I'OJHTY I~r.~~e E~S ",\"ARflED Upon readin1 the inScription on the pl^Guos of Dpprcciation being awardod to the Hou~ing Financo Authority, Ch^irmðn pistor presented .. ';1 them to the following memb&rs: Robert Talley, Ch~ir~an ChlHlos D.)ur<'1Y Chltrlos Turnur '* JlIck Conroy . E:ugene Br i sson '* Denotes presont to accopt plðquo. ,,~1 ", , ~ , :¿ .'$1 '. ;~ "ï~ ~ ,;j .. ,.:~. pago 5 &oaK 064 rACE 499 ...... .".,.". . , 'i~f;,~ " ctJ' 'W '¡ , .,'!.¡:~ i' ,W{Ü:~ '.:.....¡..~ '. ....·t¡l ,.;1:.. '. ~"Iie:''.: ~t &1. .'"8" :.~ =~ I'" ., H k taG '8 ~J" 8. t . . II ....... ,!D5~ :!8~ .-4~~ "..-ï: t oS ... ¡ t.~ Ii &ckCcóY ~~ SCD Goptcll1hc r 29, 19f1 1 PCTITION A-79-4-C CI!M1LEf, BOOTS, ^PPI:^L TO PEnMI'r T\"O MonILE nmlES TO nr.~^IN ON ^ ?.5 ^CPP. M~nIcULTLJnM.LY 7.rWF:l" PMtC8L ON nrr.cs nO^D - DENIF:D Legal notice having becn published in the NDples Daily News on Septcmbor 13, 1901, DS evidenced by ^ffiddvit of Publication filed wIth tpe Clerk, public hQ~ring was opened to consider Petition ^-79-4-C, filed by Charles Poots Bppo,1ling to the ßOûrd of County Commissioners to permit two mobile homes to rem~in on a /..5 acro Dgricultural1y zoned pðrc~l on ni~gs road. Zoning Director Jeffory Perry referred to the f.xecutivp. Summary dated 8/19/81 ûnd summarized the contents thereof, explaining that the .~ mobile homos .,¡cre on the propb"rty when the petitioner purch.!lsed it. In answer to ComDissioner Wenzel, Mr. Perry stated that the staff recommends doniDl. Thero w~s J brief rliscu~sion regarding ðlternatives thùt might be initiJted in order to comply with the lDw and still keep the mobile homcs on the property, during ....·hich t-Ir. Perry explained th.:1t neither trailer is ð lcgDl non-conforming use as was the case, ir the matter conccrning Mr. JC1mes Code, when the eo~rd voted to permIt additions being mûdc to mohile homes on "A" zoned land. Also, compounding the problem i~ tho fact that one of the mobile homes is secured to the ground on a permancnt found~tion. Mrs. KDthnrine roots explùincd that shc c'ln·j hcr husband do not roside in either of the trailers at this timo .]nci thllt her intent is to sell the subject property. She said that she W~5 not aware that there wore any leg~l problems with tho placement of the trailers when sne bOU0ht the 5uhjcct property. ~rs. Boots 5tatec thðt she presently has somc peoplo livin9 on tho subject property. pag 0 6 . . ; ~.:J. I < Gcptombcr 29, 19~1 ~, .' .8, ;, " After a discusoion regðrrling the possihility of joining the two trailers together ðnd treating them as one, County ~ðnager ~orman stated that tho issue is not how many trailers aro involved, r~ther, it is the fact that no trailers ~ro legally permitted to be placed on the ',f . :~ .~ ~ subject property. ~lso discussed was Mrs. Poots' st~tement that it might not be possible to move the trailers off th~ land because of their age, ,adding that one has a carport, ¡:¡ porch ~nd is secured to a foundation. ~r. James Code, re~ld~nt on niggs nOðd, voiced his objcction5 to tho subject mobile hones on 2.5 acres, ¡:¡nd noted that he filed a complaint two years ago regarding the illcg~l plûcement of the trailers and thðt the Zoning Dcp.Htment nevcr followed through with it. fie said that the petitioners would not be in the bind th~t they appear to he in if the matter WðS taken CðrQ of at that timo. re urgnd tb~ Board to deny the appeðl. Commissioner Wimer ~ovpd, seconded by ComMissioner Wenzel and c~rried unanimously, that the public hearing be clo~~d. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded hy CommisslonC'r Wimcr Dnd carried unanimously, th~t PetItion A-79-4-C, be denied. PETITION V-8l-20-C, GEORGINA E. DEAN, RE0UESTING A 7.5' SIDE Y^nr SETA^CK VARIANCE IN ORDER TO CONßTnUCT A MET~t CARPORT OVEP AN r.XISTING StAß ON LOT 2, CULF' H^lmOp ~1JR.r,!VISICN - I"F:NIf.D Le~nl notice having been published in the Naples ßtar, on Soptcmber 11, 19A1, as evidenced hy ^ffidnvit of Puhlication filed with tho Clerk, public hearing was opcned to consirler Pr.tltion V-P.l-'O-C, filed by Georglnn ~. Ooon, roquostlng a 7.5' sida yard sotback variance in order to contltruct II metal cluport over an exietlng slab on Lot. 2, Cu1C JlHbor ~ubdiv1s1on. í '. '( 'I BookCOLf ~501 . ~ Pð<J 0 '1 ..~~ . ,.:~ :~ \1 ._.w_·.".·.······. '" 'IIj, ;1\. ~!; , '.I(~..<"';.' \\ .#~f : .. t:i~~, i : o t.1i ..~ ,,; . C .,' \.4 tI,,· a ., ...'" a~f' ~!! ~=., . " 8 , bØ'g .. 8. to4 a.eo 1"'t04 s:. !,+J,!! -..C... !O~ P4 ~~ H.::1... o +J . ~ oS -.. ......0 I ø. \.4 ßû~K 064 ~c£ 502 Se [>t'.:!mlwr 29, 19(11 Zoning Director Jeffory Pcrry summarized the information. within . þ . - '~~ the Executive Summnry rlÐtc~ 9/2/01, adding th~t the staff rcco~mends daninl. Ms. Doan stÐtcd th~t she has contacted the people who intend to purcllflse the lot next to her Ðnd they have agrced to givo her 7.5 feet in order to provide hcr with the rcquired side yard setback when they consumml1tc the purchûsc. lIowever, she added, tht!Y have not been successful in this ðrralV)Cment thus f; r é1nd she requested that she be allowed to inst~ll the carport with a vnriance at this time. She stated that she would be willing to agree th~t, if the lot is improved by ~nyone who objects to the carport, sha will tðke it down. Conn~i5sior.er ~.'C'nzel :,taterJ th<1t he h(dievcs t!1I:lt the petitioner should .....ait until the 7.5' piece of land is (Jiven to her before she builds tho carport because she will not requirc a variance at that time. Commissioner ~ruse ~uggestcd the installation of a te~porary i'I"ln i n gin the In e d n t i me, no ti n 9 t h.) t t his \.JO u I d pro t e c t the po tit ion e r ' s automobile. There was a diGcussion rcgarding tho fact that a variance is i1¡::plied to the property dnd not to the owner; the aosthetic obj~ctions to a canv~s awning, according to the Fetltionerl the alternative of purchasin~ ~ vinyl car-cover in the interim, until sufficient land for providing a sutback can be trÐn~fcrrcd to tho ~ctitioncr; ~nd, the ~oning Circctor'n stntoment that the install~tion of a tempornry ~wning structurc would be rermlÐsiblo. Ch~irm~n plstor ~uggcsted that the petitioner contact tho pcrsonnel ~t the ßuilding Code Compli~nce nDpðrt~ent and the Zoning DCpÐrtncnt and that thoy would help hcr choosc an alternative. PðCJ e 8 . . I,' '1", ~ . : , :. '~~~'J '~, ~4~f\ '''ì.\'~ ~J"~' . Wl: '. ~ i"",\.4'~' '.~q¡, I' ',0 ....1) ;t':"'~' í','b,..)Uh ,....... ....·.l'~~ :i'" . ,...~." ... .-4".':"';[ '~.," .. 'tJ,.F. ~ii:, }:,: .,i ... . "'S":' .. . ., I ' ~ ..,' t4fø8 ...'8 I Ae~ !,j~ j8~ ..... ~~ ,~.::i~ .oø. kC U.... k ....1040 JC a.~ ~ September 29, 19"] .:~ ~' ! j ;~ '" Commis~ionÐr Wcnzel moved, secondcd by ComMissioner Kruse and .~ :,~ ~' i I , . cðrriod unðnimously, th~t the public heðring ho closa~. Commissioner Wcnzel move~, secon~ed by Commissioner Kruse and carri~d unanimously, th~t Petition V-81-20-C be denied. .. }.¡ RESOLUTION 81-224 R8 PETITIOr V-RI-21-C, TED n. S~~LU~OOr, nr0UESTI~~ ^ VAIUM':Cr:: fROM TilE rnOI\T MTt::' :>IOE YJI,nO nEçUITH:~q~~TS 10 /lLLOI" )\N At::'THTIOt-' TO AN EXISTING STRUCTURE ON LOTS 5 & 6, CO-L8E-CO GAnrBNS SUPCIVIfIC~ - ADOPTED, SUD,1E'CT TO ('ItJALIFrr.n S1'I~l!L^,rrr'\~: I\F: f'M~VING Logi1l notice hewing been published in the }Taplcs Stðr on September II, 19B1, ðS evidenced by Mfidavit of Puhlfc,'tion filed with the Clerk, public he~ring WðS opened to connlè~~ pp.tition V-PI-2l-C, filed by Ted n. Smallwood, requesting a vûriJncc from the front ~n~ side yard setback requirements to ~llow for t~e c~'struction of ðn ~ddition to an existing structure on Lots ~ & ~, Co-L~c-Co CDrden~ Suhdivision. Zoning Cir~ctor Jcffory Perry outlined the inform~tion within the Executive Summary dated 9/2/31, noting that the stJff's recommendation is for approval. Therc was ð general dlacussion regardin~ the fact th~t the petitioner wishoß to ~dd two ~dditional units to the property and thereby crcðte a triplex. Also discussed W3S the fðct that the variance is for the existing structure because it does not meet the sctbðck rcqurcments for ð triplex. Mr. Wcs Brokart, 3047 Gordon Street, ohjected to the proro5~d construction of ~ triplex, bðscd on the fðct that the nxlsting Ðtructurc do~s not allow for sufficient SFðCC in which to turn around beforo cntòr1ng Cordon Stroet IInd because the new units will not "'0 rag c !' ~~ 064 t1tE503 i~ , ~:;\ j,l >.~} '?\ , "f -f, .''¡" i'( I' ',.. '. i . ".';~ ffi' it' 1;~:¡, ~ ,0 ~(,~ !I. tt ":~;,' ,~ ., <>"". I, .\04 II': i. k::' . 1.· ¡i. e8";~'.' ~. fsil, ~ =~.' , CÞ H ,~ &'8 i ~ II 12 CÞ ¡;... ~ s:: . +J ~ 4C'" !O~ fg~ ) +J . f· ~ k ,",0 Øo\04 ..' ~. y. '. (toO~ US 4: iV^"CE 501 6ertcmbcr 29, 1901 connccted to the existln(j structure, th(~re ",ill not be ð triplex. J't 1~ .¡ :,1 ':~' ... >,... ,. I!:, tj ',~ :¡. Mr. Ted Rmnllwood stated that the two structures will be connccted at. the roofline Bnñ zep,:!rt'lted with è! breezaway. In ,¡nswer to Commissioner pis tor, ~r. Smallwood ztÐted that he would agree to a~d sufficient turn~round Gpace for the parking areD, if it Is physically possible to do so. , '.~' ,,, ,j; ~ 1"r. Hal Krnnsen, 3112 Gordon Street, spoke in opposition to tho subject rctition, rcfcrring to the lack of turn~round space and ., .~' addition~l dmounts of tr~ffic as his reasons. Commissioner Wonzel moved, seconded hy Commissioner Brown and carr1l!d unûnimously, th()t the public he.uing be closod. Commissioner 5rown moved, that Rssolution 81-224, grðnting petition V-81-2l-C, be ðdopted. Chairman ristor ~~ked Commissioner Erown if he wantod to include ð stipulation that the parking area include turnaround space for all the units? Commissior.or ~rown stated that he backs out of his driveway and does not see the need to add this ~n a stipulation to the vari~nce. Commission,)r \','cnzel st(\t~d that he belicvee thDt it can be done nnd Chairman ristor requestcd that the motion include that the turnaround be rcquir€d. Thc potitioner stated thðt he is not sure that it can be dono, and requested thnt the stipulation be qualified in that it is rcquired if it is found that it is possiblo to do it. COr:1missloncr Brown ~qrecd to ðmend his motion to included the r.tipulation that tho turn~round be installed If It is possible to work it out hotweon the Zoning Dcp~rtmcnt and the fotitioner. Commiszioncr Kruse seconded the motion which carried 3/2, with './! .' Pðg e 10 . . I .' ,,' . , ¡.~ ~. ... " ~, k tt I s 1i ... .., '1 H ,. 8 ~ '. Øo ,. II v! ~ ,'" ,t, ~ .'., ~ r4 M 0 104 tJ " ~ II ~ ... ~ " ~.¡... .- .-. .- .~ ... Ðcptcmbur 2~, l~OI Commissioners ristor an~ ~onzel oppoRcd. CommisEioner Wenzel clarIfied his ncgntive vote, stating thðt he buliQvc~ th~t the turnaround stipulation should be mand~tory. WC4( 064 fIAt( 505 Pl1g 0 11 . ~' r. I i':' ,~ $: ~:' 800~ G64 PACE508 S(~rtclt1bcr 2~, 19tH "! ORDINANCE NO. 31-52 RE PETITION CP-Al-~C, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, saLL Ex PEr.I<, INC., REl'Rr:;SF:~~TrrJG ,,'ILLIAM t. r.AHTON, TRUSTEr:;, nF'C'ur.STING A COI':PI1Em~NSIVE PLI\IJ "Yd::ND~I~NT FROM RF.SIT"'f.NTIAL LO\"/Mf:DIU~1 DENSITY TO nr.nIDEt-'TIJ\L I,H:DILJM Dl::Nf;ITY Fon 1<1.6 ACIa:S LOCATE!) NOH'l'11 OF PIN;R Flt.VD., nf.TI~EF.N EUC LID AVE. AND LAKr.LMIO AVP:. HI \H r.r.OUGI1ßY ACRES SUßlnVISION ADOPTED " Lc~nl notice having been published in the ~aples Daily News on August '8, 1981 ns evidenced by Affidavit of ruhlicðtion filed with the Clerk, public hearing WùS opencd to consider p~tition CP-8l-9C, filed by Wilson, ~illcr, nùrton, 5011 & Peck, Inc., represcntinq Wll1iðm L. B~rton, Trustee, rcquc5ting D Comprehensive Plan amendrnnnt from residential low/medium d~nsity (0-<1 units/gross acre) to residential medium density (0-(,.22 unit£/gross acro) for 14.(, acres located north of Piper Alvd., between Euclid Avenue anj LAkóland Ave, in Willouqhby Acres Subdivision. Planner To r r y C1Mk refcrrcd to the Executive Summary dated 9/11/81 and recapped the information therein, including the fact that tho suhject pe tit ion hù S ð comp<Jn ion pe tit ion Eo r ð PUD re zon ing and that the st<Jff reco~rnends ùpproval, based on thc growth of the area ðnd the fact that the proposed development will be serviced by centralized wat~r and ~ewers. He added that it is staff's opinion that the requested density is consistcnt with tho goals ~nd objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. lie also stated that it was the rocommendation of the CCPA that the petition be approved. Mr. To~ Peek, of Wilson, Miller, E~rton, SolI and Peck, Inc., rcferred to illustrntions and plat pl~ns of the proposed developmcnt for wh ich the subj ect ComprehcnG ive rlan ðmendrdcnt is bu i ng requested. 110 explained that the proposed developmcnt will consist of s1ng10 story PagQ 12 , ~ " . . . Septo~ber 2~, 19C1 and two-story gardon type units. He said that tho plans for tho proposed d~velopment have boen submitt~d to the Willoughby ^crcs Propcrty Associðtion for their rcview and that no negative comments wero forthcoming from that organization. He also stated that there will be no burdcn placed on the utilities, explnining that the ownor of the propcrty was assessed approximately $78,000 for theIr sharo of the water/sower construction project. In ~nswer to COMMissioner Kruse, ~r Peck stnted that there will be two lakes in the center of the developmcnt for on-site r~tention of storm watcr ðnd that, ultimately, thc excess runoff Hould (10\" into the cLlnLll ðlong Immokalec Road. Mr. George Keller, rcpresenting the Collicr County Civic Fed~rùtion object~d to the propo~ed rlevelopment, st~ting that he believes that, if this project with a highùr density is approved, others in the ðrea will have to be approved and that this will have a negrtive effùct on the water resources ar.rl tho underground aquifer. Mr. E.!!. ¡.:itt, one of the developcrs of \<iillou<Jhby "cres stated that he favors the subjcct petition, adding that this acreage is too close to ImMokalee to be developed into singlc-f~mily sites. Commissioner ~cnzel moved, scconded by Com~issioncr Erown and carried unanimously, th~t the public hcðrlng be closed. Commissioner Brown movcd, s~condcd hy Commissioncr Kruse and c,Hried 11/1, with Commissioncr ~cn'Zel opp05ed, that the Ordinance t\S nUMbered LInd entitled below be adopted and ent~rcd into Ordinance Rook 113. P<"g 0 13 &OOK 064 ~Att 509 I!I . ~'I. r~t'i~~, $,0 .J~, i-~:..., .....\;. '¡ 'Æ ( ., ,~' .!if .... ~~". i~ k;", ~ '¡I: ~, fa ,l) 04.. e !;:: tJY 110'8 i!.~ ~..tJ s~ k .c= I~ ~ · S~ IE~ I u , ~ I~ S :::1 k It.~ M~ 064 f'AtE510 Soptcmbar 7.9, 19n1 onDINANCE NO. PI-52 AN ORDINANCE AME~DING ORnINANCE NO. 79-32, TilE Cor"PREIIENSIVE PLAN FOR COLLHR COUNTY, FLORID^, P..Y M',f.I-JDPI(J TIlE LAND USE ELf.MEt,'T WORK STUDY MAP P2 FROM RESIDENTIAL LOW-~r.DIUM DENSITY (n-~ UNITS PEn GR05~ ~CRE) TO RESI- CENTr^L MEDIUM DE~SITY (0-~.22 U~ITS PEn GROSS ACnE) ON THE FOLr.O~INC DEscnIRED PROPERTY: A PORTION OF Sr.CTION 2<1, TOl,<,'NSIIIP 48 SOUTH, H".NGE 25 EAST C()N~; IWrING OF APPROXII>1ATELY }II. G ACRES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE D^TE. RESOLUTION (11-223, VACATING A TIIIHTY FOOT STRIP OF LflI"D ALONG TilE: SOUTH SIDf. OF A Ul\'E cor,~:I,ON TO TilE f'JORTII IIALF OF TilE NORTI!E^ST QUARTER AND TIIF. SOUT!! I!ALF OF TI!F: NOr\TIIF.AST QU.^,RTEF- or S~CTION e, F.XTEI>'DING FROM TI!E EJI,ST ßoul~t::'^nY un: OF TI!f. SAID SP.cTION ',<:f.STERLY TO THE SOUTI1\<tEST CORNf.F~ OF nlE rWRTH II¡\LF OF TilE NORTHE:A~;T QU^RTER OF SJ\I£:' SEC1'ION S, T~P, R~5F., - ADOPTED. Legal notic~ having been pu~lished in the Naples Da~ly News on September 1<1, 1081, as cvid~nccd by ^ffid~vit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hcaring WélS opcn~d to consider a petition filed by West Florida Investments, Inc., c/o Louis X. Mato, requ~sting tho vactltion of a thirty foot strip of 1 ':lnd ~lon<J the so ut h sIde of i) line com~on to the north half of the northeast qUûrter .:Ind the south half of the northeast quarter of Süction e, extending from tho east bounòcHY line of the said section westerly to tho southwest corner of the north half of the northeast quarter of s..~id Section 8, T4ef>, R25E. Public Works ^dminlstrator Clifford ~arksdi)le read tho contents of the Cx~cutive Summary outlining the uubjcct petition, and rcquastpd that tho Board adopt a resolution vacating the above-roferencod casement. r"98 14 . . . . ~ ~ ",I' '.' \ , '~ ~ ,'J,' ':.~ ';! Septcmbor 29, 19R1 lIe,Hing thðt there were no rcgistered speakers, CommissIoner Wcn~al moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public h~aring be closed. i ~ :':j Commissionor Wcnzel moved, seconded by Commissioner prown and carried unanimously, that Resolution Pl-223, vac~ting the subject easement be adopted. , I ,~.. ..~ oeOOK G'64 ~Att 5ll P..~u 15 '~ :;~ , , ,< .:~ ~ .,j i . .~/ ;'~ I. ~( ~ '~! tt' , \ ,;1;' "" . . . ' Geptember 29, 19~1 * RECf$S - TIm:: * * * IOrl~ A.M. - 10:19 A.M. . . onDINANCC NO. 01-53, nEGUL~TING SMOKING IN punLIC PLACES - ADOPT~D AS ""'f;NDF.D Logal notico having been publiHhcd in the ~ðp1cß D~ily Nows on September 10, 1981 ûs evidcnced by ^ff.idavit of publication filed with the Clerk, publ ~ he~ring was oponed to con£ider the adoption of ðn Ordinance regulating zmoking and the carrying of lighted objects in specifiod places in tho County. County ~ttorney Donð1ò pIckworth ralnted the background leading up to the drafting of the proroscd ordinance, including the fact that Ordinance 78-24, the County's forMcr "no sMoking" ordinDnce, was held ,. unconstitutional by the Courts in the c~sc of ~tate VS. rurton, on April 13, 1901. The rcðsons for t.he COU¡:ts' opinion, said Mr. PicJt.\...orth, were: thl't the ordinance is vague; is an unlawful delc~ðtion of legislðtive authority; ~nd, is ~n unreasonablc cxorcise of the police power. P.ach of these issues ~re more fully dcfined within the F.x~cutive Summary dated Soptember 21, 1981. Mr. pickworth explainer:! that tho proposed ordini'nco is ðn lIttempt to answer tho ðforcmcntioned pointa, as hcld by tho Court!>. He stnt.ed that thero is no W3Y to guarantee thðt the new ordinance will hold ur to tho scrutiny of the Courts rogûrding conEtitutionðlity. Thero was ð discussion regarding the amount of spaccs th~t must be aet ~sido for non-smokcra to use in rostuarants, clubs, ote., durin9 , which Comr.dssloncr pi~tor otatod thttt he hol1evcs th¡)t the Cigurc: "5(1"" '00( 064 n~613 Pago 1" . !', 't¡, ~::, ;.:' .. w M~ 064 r^~E5i4 fioptp.mbor 29, 1901 ,": DB incorporDtcd in the proposed ordinonco is somcwhat excosoive. Mr. pick\\'orth stilted th,:¡t tho 50'A røquircmunt is the mi1jor chJnC)o in the nuw proposed ordin.::lncu, lidding thDt, whilo thoro is no need to makQ the percentage "fifty", thore must be a specific percentage In ordor to nCCJi1to the pOD5ibility of vDgu~noss. The (allowing pDrso~s apoko in fi1vor of the proposed ordinancol .~ , ~¡. 1. Vernon G. r-t.:lcl<onziu, rq>rcGonting l1ight to Dre.:\th, Inc., and the I'./1HH1c;ùn LunC) J\sf;ocilJtlon. (Offered .1 writcen stðtcment, marked ~xh1bit "^" Dnd Qccapted by the Deputy Clerk for the r aco rd. ) 2. Dr. I~cinr ich Schm id , Co IIi e r Co un t y Medical Examiner' 3. V.ûry Car.1cron, r cpr e s e n t i ng Right to Breath, Inc. " . lie n r y Olnùss, rcprcsenting Rig ht to 8rea th, Inc. 5. Dr. C.S. Eytel ~ Mr. ThomDs Burns spoke in f~vor of adoption of the Ordinance with some revi!3iona so thðt it would not "zero in on rentaurants·, ðnd he su~gested th~t the r.óðrd consider dccreDsing the p~rccntðge figures required for seating for non-smokers. The follow1 n<J persons spoke in opposi tion to the proposod Ord In"nco I I. [.un Cûmden, rcpreslJnting Man 10tt IS "'.1rco BeDch Resort 7.. Doug Sossionr:, represcnting the Tobacco Inatitute J. June Singer, representing tho Collior County Rostaurant ^scocli1tion, Chaptcr 15, OFFRA rursu~nt to spc.1kers· remðrks, both for and in opposition ~o the ¡::ro¡:oG<:d ordinance, including thoso objcctiol"ls to tho 50\ roquirenent for the U30 of non-sr.1okors, a lengttlY discussion ensuod. It was the conr.cn~us of the members of the ['oc1rd th,1t tho County hc1d to be PðC]O 17 .. . ~: ;{t, w !~> .~ ,""i~:'~ , '''It:/1 .¡Þ\:.~;:~;; ~ a :t:tL;: ~ ~.~~ :I'~~· : .!t' ,,''''8:' " . " .. ..-4 t;:ti .. ¡~ J~~ !,5~ "'St: !~'~ .... CJ \.4 '" oø. t~ ... ......0 :I: ø. \-4 . . ßoptumhcf 29, I~Ol ~ specific ~s to the subjoct requiromnnt, however, tho bpproprlnte percent~90 figuru WQS ðabatcd nt l~ngth. ^ftur discu~sin~ ßcvcr~l su990stions mJde by rcgist~rcd speakers ~nd vûrious mambcrs of the Roard, Corr.mis&ionor \-:cnzel nsked for clc'H i fic,'tion as to \o¡here the figuru of 50\ clime from in tho fIrst ploco, and Pro Olness explðined that this is the con¡;erv,:¡live figure chosen, DD!>ed on the fact thllt ,,~, of the popullltion docs not smoke. Also dIscussed \oms the ef.fect on ¡ ~ I j ¡ area restðurants, bûrs, ~nd especially the 5~nller Du~in~sses that A 50\ or ovcn 35\ requirc~ent might have. Commissioner Kruse asked ~&. Ringer if the Restaurant ^s~ociðtion could "live" with a 20Q rQquir~ment, and s~e replied thllt thcy would prefer no specific perccntage require~ent, however, 20t was far better th.:ln tho proposc~ figure of 50\. Com~issloner Brown moved seconded hy Commiscioner ~onzcl ðn~ carried unðnimously, that the puhlic h~ðrin~ be closed. , . Commissioner Brown ~ovcd, that the proposcd Ordin3nc~ as numbcrcd and entitled belew, with the pcrcenta~e figuro required for non-smokers' use, referred to in Section III, .¡mended to read "3~t", he adopted and entered into Ordinance Book .13. Comm15sioner ~enzel stated that he believed that this is ð good compromiEe ðnd necond~d the roo ti 0 n . Upon call for the quc!3tion, the motion cðrrled 4/1, with Commissioner Kruse voting in opposition. She cl~riri~d th~t she is only opposed to the 35\ figure within the ordin!lnce. ['\.3CJQ 10 '. ~oo~ 064 r^~ 515 ,~ j~ 'j ,~ } , ::~ í? .!11,' ' , ); r~ I.~ . .~. ,iI ,,~,~; 1WJ.i~ ,t , ,~~~t~ ',~ t'~.~~ ." \ ".~,i:>~ ';;: \'ëri ~r,:,; y , ¡ '41 ¡":\'<' ~" Þ",~2,¡: {, ~ ~ :~¡,t.. .~ ~ ~i ·~.'>r ., ~ .'¡;:'. III .' " M .:8 cu.... ~.~ ,~ ...'8 a ø.~ ".cu :Ie....... ~5~ "'8~ !~f .... CJ ~ .... O~ . ~.s... .......0 :Ie Øo~ ,\ :eoo~ 064 rAtE 516 Ceptcmbcr 2~, 19a1 OTìDINl\NCE 01-53 :r MI OTìDIN.'\fICr. TìEr.ULA'I'I~C ~'''OI\INr. l\ND TtlF. CAnnYING OF LIGI1TI';[\ OP,Jr::c'w U: SPf.CH'rrm Pr.ACES IN TilE COUNTY, rn:OUrnING PLl\CM~t::'INr OJ? CEHT^IN I'TìEMISES: PROVIDING FOn ~NfOnCE~ENT; PROVIDING P~Nl\LTIES FOR VIOLATIONS, pnOVIDING FOn CO~FLICT AND SEV~RANCE; REPEALING ORCIN^NCE 7~-2~ l\S l\~f.NDf.D UY ORnIN^NCE 7a-~6; PRO- VIDING l\N ~ff~CTIVE D1\TE. '~ ¡ I t ¡ ¡~ . t ¡ t,.; " '.,~ ! . . * RECESS - TIME: 11:2~ l\.M. - 11:35 A.M. . * * ST".TUS I~EPORT GIVEN P.'! PUt'LIC I'~()RK~ M:-~1INISTRA"OR rlE CONSULTING E~·'C I NElms rnOGr,[':ss ON r-E rOr11'/n F.cor·"'" r:;:--IDNT' IONS FOr. IfI,PROVr:;,.,EtlTS TO CI!t''''''''EL ur~,TREMI OF 1'~:~m[:r1S0N CREEI< ',','F:ln; rUn'rHER REPonT nUE IN ~ OVf.!"r·1::p - "":1 "CTtOr·' '!'''~:~:N Public ~':o r k s 1\d r,l in i ~ t r" to r CIl fford £3cJrksclale rcpo r ted th<1t, pursu.Jnt to ~o ,1 rd dircction two weQks DC) 0 , he held an initial meeting with Ted Sr.lùll wood, :,>f C(J2~' ifill, ('nd rred V 1::1 ze s , of tho 8ig Cypress B~sln P.o~rd, to discuss the scope of work ~nd Dctions required to prcp~re a plan ðnd recomr.lendations for chùnnol ir.lprovements upstream of tho II<:ndcrson Cr~ek Weir. Mr. 8ark~d~le rcport~d that ~r. Smallwood is prcp~ring tho scope of work Dnd estimated cost which will be submitted when completed. He sa id th.:' t ~1r. Vid zc s !rId iCùted th.Jt he \o:ould recommend to the eCBB that they pDrticip8te in thu funding in th~ amount of 50~, adding that aftor the r-cope of ~~rk and cost cstim~tes hDvo been completed, on additional ror-ort with recommen~~tions will be prescnted. ~r. BùrkDdùle requested thDt ~mple time bo given for ho W~^B to hear tho rcport and recommendations prior tho the BCe, 80 that thoy may Pac¡¡ . 19 i .;\ ,¡ {.. ~'i ." .; " ~r " . . . ~.. ':~k t!~· ¡~ ~- V:,\h ... ° ~..../' o ~ .....;. ' p.; ~ 8.~i f, .a \04 .,. J:,: a·... ~,~ a~I"l ~ -!', ~, tI=~ \~ R '\' ...~ '0 &"8 i t. ~.= ~ .t:: !I....~ ~c.... 1°'0 : ~.... /'fCU ...~.... 0.... . ~5 .... ......0 I: ø. \.4 r. Soptcmhur ~9, 19P1 m~ko recommendations to tho Bo~rd. In answer to Commiosionür KruGo, Mr. Barksdale &tated that his stuõic3 indic~tc th~t there is no ovidence that this mcasurc will not be eff~ctive in g~ttin9 more watur through the subject weir. lie said thé1t it will probilbly bc Nov(~ntbcr before a final rCFort is rcndy for presentation to the DCC. COMmissloncr Kruse ~sked if the Poðrd will see th~ rcport before any morc funds are spent and Mr. Barksdale agreed. She asked him if he knows tIO\/ much this study will cost é1nd he replied ncgittivcly. Commissioner Erown askcd that the record be cleilrad and thbt it be ^cknowled~ed that, contrary to cert~in stateMents that he understands hove beon r:'Iilde, he supports the ....'~tcr /t,Ðnge lent Ac1visory Board and their recomnendations. RECONS !DEnAT ION Or PF.:TIT rN' '=P-f'l-6C, ROD ERT nEEI), co:' rr:F'I'p.t-.'S rYE PLJ'.~! l\MENm1ENT FOR PROP[;f\TY LOC".TEO ON SI'/ CORNEH OF ;, rRPonT M'D PINE n Inc.f. nOAD - Cr.NTINUI~O TO or:Torrn f1, 19r1 !IS rrp DIFSCTIO'·! or TilE C!1r-TP~·.~~·: Chåirman pistor directed that the recon~ider~tion of. Fetition CP-Ol-6C, filed by Robert need, r~ a Comprchonsiv~ Plûn ^mendmcnt for propcrty located on the southwest corner of Airport and pine Ridgo Rond, be continued to Octobur G, 1901, DS rCCJucGted by the petitioner's representative, Bill RODenberg, Apell Dosign Group. REI'ORT ON ,1.,rn CO~DITIONa!G ~'Eí:DS HE D^'J'^ PROCEf,SWC CENTF:n 5TI! FLOO~ CIVEN I3Y AD1·lnIISTn,\TIVE ASSISTM'T ~~FI[' DOnnrLI.; f'OM1D APP[10VED INfiT,\Lr.t\':'IOM or 10-1'01>1 ATn CC1;¡PITIO'JINC UNI'J'. l\c1ministr.1tive Assintnnt ~ell r.orrlll stf.ltcd that, pursulInt to aoarð dircction during l~st wuck's meeting, the ~tðff h~s reviewed tho Pð90 20 'eOO1: t\64 IPAGt51i " 't~ . t' ~ ': iollf.J .¡.:. ';...~\ ~. -:,!£'I' 1.1 ta'O ~'. , .. ;.... ~ " II.~ ~;O ~\,¡, ;)~ '"}/ cUll, l ¡':: ~r)J ~ IQ ...,',',,; ~ 5 '~. l=i" " § ".8 !.,..-t .~ 04,,~ o. :'8 iØo~ " . " I:..-t ... .c .~ ~ 4C...t ¡O~ ~bO'" 4 C (,) . ...t ...t )~ . ;;ï ... f ... 0 10.\-4 MO~ G64 rA~E 518 f,cptcmbcr 29, 1901 .:\dditiol\t11 Dir conditioning rer¡uiremont:J neCOGSIHY to ðccommodðtQ the TdX Collector's Dnd Property ^pprÐlsor's computer equipment installed in the d.:\ta processing center on th 5th floor. Mr. Dorrill !;t,1ted thé1t the éIrchitccturDl engineoring firm of Watson & Comp~ny i~ prenontly under contr~ct with tho County reg.:\rdlng the rcnov.Ülons to the system and that they have subr:dtted theIr rncommend~tion. He naid that, lifter D review af tho air conditioning systom as it ~xists now, with the spcclDl Dir conditioning to supply the computers, the engineers ht1ve concurred with the original rcco~menèùtion5 of thc Propcrty ^ppraiser and the Tax Collector. Mr. Dorrill explained that the existing ~quipment in the conter is rated I/ith a maxi~u~ erflciency of 10 tons per hour and the existing heat ge:1erlltcd by the computers is 8 tons. (10 said that the new computers will add ~ more tons of he~t generation, totDlling 12 tons. Mr. Dorrill recom~cnded th~t éIn éldditionùl Iv tons of air conditioning be supplied to the data processing cùntcr computer room to offset the heat gcn(Hation ùnd provide for ndditional expansion in tLe future. He said that this will balance the system Dnd ono or two air conditioners "fill not have to be run at full capacity in order to slpply the noeded .Jmount oC air condItIonIng. "·,r. I:'orrill outlined tho method of calcul~tion upon which the rccommond~tions have been made, Referrin~ to the funds for tho air conditioning, ho G~id that he under5tDn~s that this Item has becn budgeted by tho t~o aforemontioned Constitutional Officers. I!owevcr, he "dded, thc Board of County Cor,lI.d ~u lonors wi 11 become the eventual owncr 0 f the equl ptncnt because this is goin'1 to he ð modific.,tion to tho physical plant. 110 explained Page 21 , . . . ~"" ij, :fj'. ;;s., ,,' ,~:.¡. ~~\ . '.1 . 1 ~ ;~. : ::.~ ¡~ ~~ ~'¡'.a~ ';tI lìlþ .', 'D~'if"'~" 4, .. ~'" 'i ~ ,:~~ :',ûi~t, :) II ,.,.).~. "¡i:g.:, !t, ....' ~ I<to' is, ., . '8 ig¡~ :I.=:t !,,5~ "at: !~f .... CJ \.4 .... oø B ~.s Þ04 oriÞ040 :I: ø. \.4 Gept~mhcr 29, 19C1 thùt the P.oard will be responsible for tho m~intcnance ~nd operation of this sytem in conjunction \'lith the electrical sy::;tcms tllrou'Jhout the complex. Mr. Dorrill aaked that, if it is posaible Dnd compatible with the schcdule:s of ~'eS6rc. Colding and Carlton, that the work be done in " conjunction with the ~xisting progr~m that Yatson and Company is coordinllting for the County. lie ðsl:cd that ,1ny new mt!ch;micðl ~ 1 .'~ 'J j ~ " , . equipment installed on the 5th floor be complltible with existing equipment Clnd thùt it not interfere \lith the building cxplInsion project. lie clùrified thi~ by stl1ting th.:¡t it is not recommended that any l'dditional í:<juiprr:ent h~ added to the roo~ of building "Fit beci:IUse of the posaibility of lldditional floors being constructed in the future. ComMissioner I,'cnzel l1skcc1 if the McchûnicÐl enginocrs have considered ducting the heat from each unit out of the building rather thlHI bringing in Morc air cO.1ditioninCJ Cilpðcity to cool thL\t air? ComMissioner ristor atated that the ùnswar probably would have been not to purch~se equipnent that generated thnt much h~at, addin'J that ~1at should h~ve been donc w~s to purchase equlpMc~t that WðS nore compCltiblc with tl~e existing equipncnt in the c1.1tl1 procp.zsing center. He noted tht.lt he fcels thi1t it is unfortunatc that \llIS not done. Mr. Tylor patUck, of ''¡at30n ðnd Comp.Jny, st.!ltcd that thcrc is a àefinite nced for thu nddltlonal coolin~ cùp~city ðnd what has been reco~mended incorpor~tes the use of nD much of. the existing eq\'ipm~nt as FOssible, incluclinf) thc duct ""ork. 110 sl1id t.hat rlumbing the hcnt out of thu building is not mora feasible than hr1nging in t3dditional cool air. ~hQn nsked by Commissioner Wenzel if this will be Ð less flOOK Q64 r~t£ 519 Pð9 c 22 :\ '~ .,~ '1 ,I .t; '~flH :~ I!j"~ 1/'; ~~ .~,~¿~lt~ L, "', :-.," It I ')( # I .....~, ~>~ ;~ .. ~~ 1J, ,',:,~' ii''--,·,: .':",", .-~ ',<'" .... I '. "-.;1 :", þo": '¡f, '0...." ,t .~ U" ~;t ,~..U, .f 0+) \04 " ;' . ;', '0r4 ...... " ,11,: .... or4' " ¡iH .... .'8 ".0r4 ~.O+) ~H ..~'B iAtt, II." ::1:....... ~5~ ...c:.... ! o~ .... !ft \.4.::1.... o~ . t~... .......0 ::I: ø, \.4 ~,,,--,...-,.,,,,,,,,.,,-,_."..,,,- -,-" , . '. . . . DOOK 064 PACE 520 Suptnmbor 29, 1901 cor.tly approl1ch thl1n ducting tho hOlltccJ .:dr out, ~lr. p.:Ittick atðtcd <" 'I tlwt, con!3idcring "II tho f.:lctors, it would. In .:Inswcr to C'ommlsaionor: pintor, ~1r. Dorrill stl1tcd thl1t (1 fHtecn-ton unit will not be nUCC~;!3(HY, ùdding thi1t the rccolnmcndcd system will be sufficient for / futuro needs, tMsed on tile kind of "split ~ystcm" that exists. The di~c:u~sion continued rUlJùrdifllJ Corr.missloner Wonzel's thouCjhts on how to capture the heoJt .:It thc unit ðnd direct it out of the building, durinCJ which Fiscal Cfficer II,HOld 11c)1l, in rcspont>e to questions by Mr. Dorrill, stated thdt it has been his experience that, becùuse of the "control" factor, air conditioning the incoming air is more desirable thßn ~ttempting to cðpturc and remove the hoah. Commissioncr Wimcr ~ovcd, ucconded by Commissioner Prown and carried unanimously, thðt the in5tallatlon of an .:Idditional ten to~s of .:dr conditioning be .:Jpproved for the 5th floor DatJ processing Center. Commissioner pistor stated that the funds for this additional air conditioning has been bu~gcted by tho Property Appraiser and the Tax Collector. He Baid thi1t he has cxpl~ined to both gentlcman that, if th.~y did not spcnd this ~oney, it would be turned back to the County and ¡Jut into tho GcnC!rûl Fund. lIe referred to the subject funds as "County funds having been contributed hy the citizens of Collier County" adding that ho believos thðt the funds could be considered as coming out of the "County budgot". Mr. Dorrill agreed, adding that this is ~~y he has asked thðt this project bo coordin~ted with the cxistinCj oXFJnslon program 85 closely as possihlo. Pð<]C 23J :~ '''" 0{ ;¡ .~ ,:l J t· o , 'd:' . "'( '0;". tI'," , :0""": ..., ,'0r4 " t~",,:,., .' _,(1(": .,......".: ~'f ,=..='~. ..ø'ij . ¡ii' ,!h:· c .' .0 ~I~ Ù' ~ ~ ;~ &~ ,~~ .!'5~ "¡5~ !~~ ..-4 0 \.4 ..... 0., ø t~... ......0 :I: ø. \of f,cptcmher 29, 19û1 FINAL PLAT APpnOV^L cnAHTED RE PETITION FP-el-lflC, BAY FOREDT, LOC^TED ON EMìT ~)JDr. OF V^Nnr.nrULT DrtIVr. SOUTIWEST OF Tllr:: lìF.TIìE^T Co~missioner ~imcr moved, seconded by CommmisEioncr Brown and ., carried ~/l, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed, th~t final plat approval be granted re petition fP-r.l-l~C, E3Y Forest, loc~ted on the oast side of Vanderbilt Drive, southwest of The Retreat. tl:uunr.CEf,S: 12 Noon RF.CONVE!\'Er-: 1:20 at \~hich time Deputy Clerk Davidson was rop1Dccd by t::'cputy Clork Skinner. RESOLUTION el-220 RJ:: H1CRF.ASF. FOn. FEES fiND ·':I!ARCf.S IN THE COUNTY ZONIt-'C ORDINANCE - ADOPTED Community Development Director Virtù explùincd to the Commis- sioners the increase structure for the fees ~nd ch3rgûs in the County Zoning Ordinance, noting that the ~ctuðl cost of procossing variou3 petitions, rUDIs, etc. were in the backup materirl of the F.xecutive Summary dated 9/16/81. Commissioner Brown explained he felt the incre~6cs were exorbitant and thercfore he could not "ote favorl!bly on them. Commissioner ~cnzel moved, 6~conded by Commission~r ~rusc 3nd carried 4/1, with Com/l'tissioner Brown oppo!3cd, that ReGolution 81-220 increasing fees and charges in the County 7.oninq Ordin~nce be adopted. I:'ago 2~ '&OOK 0'64 I~ÔÈ:s2t .~ 1 I . .... ...... II ~r ~ !:t''2~ If 0 ~:~ ) ',., .... 'It ." tI U.a:,: ~~~~ ~ III ... ' 4:: cf;j; 2.~' ~, 11:.}) ~ a" 1118 ,.,.... 2.~ 4...8, .¡-s i ~ l 11'1 ... C .... ... J:, t~ ~ . c.... I 0 'ö I~... t C u ,.o-¡ .... ) ..., II : oS ... !t.~ . .' .... . September ,-q, l~nl AUTI10rUZATION fOR 'J"liE cOr"¡~'UNITY DEVELOP~'F:NT DIVISION TO APPLY FOR GR"NT FUNDWG TO CO~PLETE A nE^CI1 MAN^GEro1ENT '·'AS'J"ER PL}\"I - GH^NTE:D to'ITH TI1F. RErOVAL or ITE~ ~ - rEACt! ACCF:SS SF:P"RATF:D Fno~ REACH ~^NACEMENT Community Developmcnt Director Virta explDined that funds are available to help with the cost of development of a bench mDstor plan from the DER ðnd stëlted the propo!3ill is for the Board to ðuthorize the Division to apply for matching funds for the grant if approved. ~o noted th~t competition is kcen for these funds. ComMissioner Wimer ramDrked thnt he had specifically asked that beach mðnagemcnt and beach DCCCZS be separDt~ items and he askcd why they were now combined, to which ~r. Virtð explained that it was done on the advice of outside consultant. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner ~enzel bnd carried un~nimously that the Boðrd give authorization for the Community Oevclor-rnent Division to ðpply for grant funding to complete a beach man~gement master plan with item 4, involving beach accesses, hc separated from the ~anagement plan. Commissioner Wimer noted he felt the heach access situation c?ulrl be more expediently handled inhouse. RESOLUTION 81-221 REAFFInMING TI1E COUNTY'S COf>1nT"'ENT TO FAIR HOUSING - ADOPTED Community Block Crðnt Coordinator Rondra Yates explained the need to redffir~ the nec's commitmont to the principle of fair housing, nnd ðddcd this would be the third annual roquest for this item. Commissionur WiMer ~ovcd, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carri~d unanir.1ously that Rosolution P.1-221, rcaffirming the County's commitment to fÐir housing, be ndopted. Pðge 25 ~a(ì~ 064 mE623 . 1~' "~I ;f',.,t. .~~'¥~ ,..,. ;JJ'>f, 1.1 i ",,~.,~i U ... ."Í', , Q3~\';: .,( CJ «Hi ... . g." t; ... fM .,;'~ := III ,",':)' ¡ilt ;' 1'"4.8 ., -=:: J:;II~ .. :'8 ag,t, "lOll Z0r4~ .c ~+J~ ~C0r4 !O~ .... ~::¡ ....::I0r4 o +J 8 ~ oS ~ ~ 8.~ ;,'" .,r, {, : . r.cptamhcr ?~, 190] MR. GEORGE PATT !\DDED ']'0 TilE NEloJ IIORIZONS CI']'I7.F:NS AOVISOny CONIITTP.F: - !\ppnOVF:D Community Block Grant Coordin"tor Son(]rD Yûtcs e:<pl~ined that one ðdditionZll member of the 1'-lcw lIor17.ons Citizens !\dvlsory COt:1Mlttce is roquired ðnd thbt a member of tho Board of Realtors io n~edod. Sho sC1id r.r. George P~tt has agreed to servo ~nd she asked for Boarð ðpprovDl to Appoint him. Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried ~/l, with Commissioner Wenzel opposcd, thð~ Mr. George Pntt be lIppolntE:d as a regulDr mcmbcr of the "'ew lIorizons Citizens J\dvisory Committee. In rcspons~ to Commissioner Brown's qucntion, Ms. Yates said the Committce MCMbcrship compriscs six members froM Imrr.okí11ec, two from MlIrco Islðnd, ðnd the balance from ~aFleE, totaling 13 members. J\PPROV^I. FOn EXECUTION OF TPE AQU!\TIC PLANT COlnnOL Þ.r.r.r.E~·ENT FOr: !\LLOC^TIO:J o¡:' STl'Tf ~!^TCIII:-lr FU~J¡;S Public Works Administrðtor EùrksdDle ~xplnined th~ annual requircment to submit:. the Aquatic Plðnt ConLrol "grer.r.1cnt from the D"'R, which represents m~tching funds from tho fitate. In response to Commissioner Wenzel, Mr. B~rksd"le said thc figure in the budget WDS for $PO,OOO but this has been rccomputed to bc S~~,r~7, ~nd such re~djustmcnt of figurcs hðppans evcry year. Commissioner ~enzcl moved, seconded by Com~is5ioner Kruse ~nd cnrricd un~nlmously thnt ~prroval bc gr~ntcd for execution of the J\quAtic PlÐnt Control Agreemont. rage 2~ ~bð~ 054 ~èt525 . , 'M~ .~; ',", , , ., t ;.. ;, '^ ,. ,':" . .. ~ . .. . .... .. .... ....",... . - . ..: .._ ... ;... .;.-'. ......... U· . ' Soptcmber 29, 1901 CJ1^IRMMI AU'l'110IUZED TO GIGN TilE" LOCAL EMERC¡:;t-:CY M^Nl\CI·:M¡:;NT ANNUl\L PROGnM\ pl\pp,n" Civil DofcnsQ Dircctor Wnlkar requQstcd that the Chairman sign tho Local Emergcncy ~anDgoment Annual Progrom PDper to provIde Federal Porßonnel ~nd AdmInIstrative funds to the CivIl Defense Depnrtment. Commissioner \-Ianzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Rrown and carried unanimously that the Chnirman be authorized to sign the Local Emorgency Managcment ~nnual rrogram Paper. P<'\go 27 lao'~ «S4 t~^ÔËQ~ ; . '·1ib , ,o'~~f~' ¡ ..... ¡PC' ' ~ Co) ,tI,~,· ~+' ~ ¡L.. iª1{ ¡ ~."~'~""',\ "n.8 ~=:: ,';'tI ~ , " "''8 ã&~ :I:::: .!'5~ "¡8~ !~:: ~ u \.4 .... o~ 8 t~ ,.. i t.~ . . ;noo~ 0'64 :r.ACE532 Septcmher ?9, 1901 ;,.:.)} ::,¡ ,t(1 ^DfHTION OF POSI'l'IO!ll (IF counT ^IDE TO Till:: CLMìSU'IC^TION MoJO PAY PLAN .. r..rrl!OVI':O County M~nDger ~orm~n noted that this was Ð "houBokuoplng- mÐttor " t.o forml)lly bring t.his position into the p.:ly plan and that it had boon' ,- " ~.~! ',j formerly .Jut.horizcd. COMmissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioncr Wimer and ciJrrtud "'/1, with COr.\li1issioner ~'Ienzel opposed, that the ponit.ion of! Court r..ido be added t.o the classification and pay plan. COHTf1¡\CT \'lITI! M~EA ".GF.~;CY ON ^GING ON ~tì'~ COMMUNITY CARE FOR THE F:u:snr.y rnOGr:M1 TO olx:r!'J OCTOBF.I\, 19P1 - APPROVED County l':õn¡¡gcr t,'o rr"an cxplaincd the Care for the Eldorly Program is ,'I nc\~ pro'] ram wh i c h the ~tð to hi1d singled out Co 11 ler County for and thùt it ",as in the budget this YCc1r, but ~s a rcsult of cutbacks in Sti\te lInd fcderal fund in') the amount élnd size of the program had to be , rcduced. CommisGioner h'cnzcl moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and cùrried unðninously thßt the contrðct with th~ Area Agency on Aging on nCH: Community Carc [or thl.l Eld~rly Progr.:lm to hog in Octobor, 1901 be approved. Pð90 28 .... .. - .. , ." , 'i. .; ,'", .~ , .;( '~ ~ 1>\ , 'J ,~ . '~ .' ~ . . ¡'.~:,} , 'tfJ'/ , Î ..,"~. . ':.8~ 1"G '.è).,:~( {í...u,:(, ~~:,tt ~~ :~'.Ii ' ~;i§,i\' ,H'·"f::! ¡l~' ;....;.. 8 ,!:~. 1'8 :I~~ :~~~ ...~O O .f! o~ ~~~ '0 ~ II ...C ()~,.. ¡ t.~ ~t",' . tflfl;' , , . . 'J f,optcmber 29, 19P1 \ ,l' I~ .;~ 7",1 EMERGENCY D~Cl~RED onOINANCE 81-54 A~~NnING DOARD OF COUNTY COMMIR- SION~R nULES AND pnoc~oun~s CONCERNING RECO~SIDERATION OF MATTERS pnEVIOUGLY DE:CIDE:O BY TI!E BOARD - AOOPTF:O '~ '1 " County ~anðger Normðn explained that the three major items in Ordinance 75-1~ to be considered are noted in the Executivo Summ~ry of 9/10/81. He said as ð result of a number of rcqucsts received hy Commissoncrs ~nd himself th~se chðngc~ in the procedures concorning reconsideration of natters previously decided by the Ponrd camc ðbout. Commis3ioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commisfiioner Brown Ðnd clHried unDnir,lously that an emergency be declared. Commissioner t','enzel moved, socondpd by Commissioncr Brown ~nd carried unanIMously th~t the 0rdin~nce ~s numbcrcd and entitled bølow he 3dopted ðnd ontered into Ordinance Eook 13: ORDIN",,"'CE tWo 81-54 AN EMERCENCY ORDINANCE AMENrING ORÐI~ANCE ~O. 75-l~ BY PROVIDING PROCf.CURES rOR TilE f1ECONSIDEr^T10N C'f CF.RT,\H' ~'¡'I.TTF:RS ÚY TilE. BO".RD (If COIINTY Cm'r,115- SIONEf'S; ESTM3LIS!!H!G 7\ rROCfDUf1E T!lEREFORE: PROVIDI~G ^N EfFF.cTIVE ~7\Tr.. CONTRACT \"ITII FISCIIER, JOm'SON, J\LLEN F. Euny.r::, J"IC ./SOUTIlr::7\~TERN MUNICIPAL ßO''¡DS, H'C. FOR FH'M-'CI^L M'VJSor< SF:RV1CES ru: COU,,"'TY GOVERN,.1DNT CENTER F'XPMJS ION PROG~M\ - 7\PPf1CVED IN T',\ ~ P"".£E rAy~~p:T PLAN County ~anðaur Norman explÐlned thðt the Poar~ 8PFrovc~ providing a financi~l advisor servica for the debt service progrðm for the expansion program ~t the Govornment Contor, ðnd that primarily Cor two roasons an advinor was nelcctcd at the beginning of the expansion progr¡\m: 1. Thc cxp~nsion program is rather complex 2. These are rather difficult times in ter~s of obtaining f1nl\nces. Pa go 29 ·&OO~ {)64 1~5~ ?i .~ ;~ i, .';0 ,:". "Nc,"~~,~ ;",~,:~~ .;~ . :t',~~¡¡ . 0 ... :~¡ ., ...'1' Jin t) U '~,,',_,.' ~:: ~ ::;~: ø' 'lit ... iiÍ,", ,,;, '... t' j~ '+I ,~, . " a§,·:. .~ !I, 8",,~ : .. Wi:! trig..'.,. R · +I .;:: '," " ~; , bO " .~ a. ~ ./ illt~ I.... k .c ~ +I ~ ~8~ ~E~ 1)+1. ~~ k ~kO Ii ø.~ BOO~ 0'6/1 pÅ~544 Scptomber 29, 19~1 ~r. Norm~n said that after meoting and ncgotiDting with the firm of Fi:>cher, Johnson, Allen & Eurkp., Inc,/Southeastcrn ~~uniclpal Bonds, Inc., that firm C3me back with a proposal of $20,000 less than origin~lly stðted ~nd have offored an opportunity for a greater savings. \I~ described the original proposal request and that this firm said they would provid~ the survices roquested on a contin0cncy basis but ~/olJld only he paid $45,000 maximum or if the Ðoard chooses to pay for the plùnnin0 r-h~se, profession~l services type of contract, they could reduco the ovcrélll amount by $5,000. The staff has a preference for the two ~hðse r~yment plan. Commissioner "'imer noved, scconrlcù by COlT\missioner Kruso ðnd carried 3/2, with Commissioner!3 pistor ~nd Wcnzel opposed that alternate two, dual rhJSll paymcnt pl<ln, be t'lpprovcd in the contract Hitl1 fischer, Johnson, Allen & Purke, Inc./Southeðstern r--unicipal P>oncs, Inc. Pð90 30 ',p , '.í~. '."s, ,:,~, '111 '~' ',1 . . . ·i~·}' ',.:' '; r \ ,:,' ,'. ~ ,',' ~". " ~, 0" ...~;, i~ ,':'. +'·...W· , " ,. c ,~" '. ·':2'; .~' L:;,' l' < ~. '~' :tl~:'~ ;~. , +t. .' \It . ''!J Š '~, ':~ " . r-4 g" ','... . ...... :,: t; ... 11, "H ~,",;'J" &~ ~, Øo .~ ." > ....,.. ., s:: ;,'i,." . ;,¡¡¡.. c::: rt' O~ ~: 0 . !,.. ¡... u ,:~ .... ~O .. . ',.. C t;(þ.... ,.. ,,," 1-4 0 f' Øo~ ~',;, .-.. --. .- .... . .. _.. ,-- . .,".. Gcptcmher 29, 19B1 ROUTINP. BILLS - P^ID Pursuant to Resolution 81-150 adopted by the Roðrd of County Commissioners on May 26, 1981, the following checks were issued through Friday, Septembcr 4, 1981, in payment of routine bills: r' , POUND CIIP.CK NOS. Þ.MOUNT - County Checks 127511 - 13004 $/111, 1i55. 09 BCC Payroll $257,008.77 283~0 - 28r55 Immokal ee ~1VI $ 6,891.29 3 BUDCET AMENDMENT £1-174 RE TRA~SFER OF FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR TPE RESURF^CING OF EVERCL^DE5 CITY TE~NIS COUnTS - ^~OPTEÐ IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000 Commisnioncr Drown movud, ncconded by Commissioner Wimer ßnd carried unðnimously that Pudget Amendment el-17~ rc transfer of funds to provide for tho resurfacing of EverglndcG City tennis court be Ðdopted. " . .",1 ; ~'1f 1'...·"1 W . )1' '.~. ;~~,~: . ',~.~~' ,i~ ,.t , '~';Z ,.. " .. .. .,< " ..~:$ .'¡i¡: )~ ~~\~. ;:-!L, .o/.~, " ':~~ P"90 31 '!f~~ ,>~\, ,&OO~ aS4 ~ð'51 . .¡' " ',~'(I ~, ~,' :~j:'~~' ',1:> ., .." f" ,~~ ~.\ ,jô ~. ~J :' ~,~ IU ~II =~ IotC: ii .8 .,.... ...., ~g &~ ø. ~:: 511 .... Br: o ~... ~~ " 11 S... ~ 0 ~\.4 \ .... i'~ :;k~,:: ·~~ti: ',,~~¡~:,',,' '4...,.~ '1, 'r!' ,''/'" .j -. -... - .-... -.. ...,'".,','¡.?~' ' 'I' ,'t',; . ··f.' . '. ......_ . I --,,.' September 29, 1901 BUDGET AMENDMENT ßl-175 RE TRAMSF~R OF FUNDS TO COVER ADDITIONAL COSTS OF MEDICAL DlnECTOR CONTnACT, ~NC OTBEn ADDED EXPENDITURES, COUNTY EMS - ADOPTED IN THE ^~OUNT OF $~7,~33 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded hy Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously that Budgot Amendment 81-175 re transfer of funds to cover adòitional costs of Medical Director contract, and other added expenditures, County EMS, be Ddopted in th~ amount of $97,533. , Pð<Je 32 ·wo~ 064 "ítt553 '. . ^' " ~". .', I.." ~ ., i .i' "I.' , '0 '" ~ "<\1~ ;~ Þo,.; " .... r" ,: II iIt· 'a". CJ .~.,' .... GI ',I.' -.= k \.\, ... C l~ .11 Igi 'tÌ 8 III'" .+J I/g tIO'g &... Po 11111 ...... .c +J. ..... Bt: o !~ +JEI ~... k 0 Po\-< . . ,. ... . ~ . Soptember ?9, 1981 BUDGET ~ENDMENT 81-176 RE TR^NSFF.R TO PROPERLY REFLr.CT FUND TRANSFERS, COUNTY F.r~S - lIDOPTED IN Tllr. ".r-~OUNT OF $97 ,()3~ Commissioncr Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimcr and carried unðnimously thðt Budget Amendment 81-176 rc trðnafor to properly reflcct fund tr~nsfors, County E~S, be adopted in the ðmount of $97,(,33. Pð<Je 33 ,&OOK nS4 ¡'ÅCl:555 . I' ..}~ t11,' ,;~ !, .:., : ,";', ", .~ ',1" ~Jl~~ í'.,Q R ;,.c,!,', ~ ,,'ti '," 1'1':: . ~."" .. ,. (, ¡..~. I,+» \of' .,,'~ J,... .;.f04'!ð ",' "P"I ...,"","~ ,' ,.... 'fr' t'~ +»D ~:~\ \. ,t.ø ~_:..'"~:/:.. I~. ~ &Þ ,.,~~...,-"'.. ~I' P"I ' .';.8 ,<' ,', :'.., :'...', iJ~ :"g.,:. ';, ., till '8 ' '. .j !.~ :I.=t .,'~~~ . ... 8 '" ,!~~ '" u '"' '" :,oø. ..~.a ... .~~~ Scptemb~r 7.9, 1901 ',j "I"j" ',',,1,. ;":":. ;.¡v. ',~ ",~ 'j ;:t~ '.... . -........ BUDGET ^MENDMENT 01-177 RE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO REFLECT BUDGETED EXPENDITURES FOR OPERATING AND CAPITAL EQUIPMENT - ADOPTED IN THE ^MOUNT OF $16,300 Commissioner Brown moved, soconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously that Budget Amendment ~1-177 ro transfer of funds to rcf1(!ct budget!!d expenditures for operating anò ci\pital equipment bo adopted in the amount of $16,300. Pagc 34 '&O~K fJ6' ;PActSSi . 'f. ·:·š·~-,j'. : . ~;\ \/',~' .~~ ;/F '; - ~"""l . ,,:t . .~ .l'i: i~j; .' ':R,.'~:,:;~,' , Æi't/" . '~:'~'.';~! ',:!j';,=, 'k'(, ;~ :~~ 'í£;ö ;;A; .'.&1 ", ~~,,~, .~ ~u,J.¡., ~ :~<:"~ ' 1;'. +i ~?#:(~ ~ 1'.: .'8 ,8 Pt,~ _" . IÞ .~... .fi . ì8~ ~~~ )04J . t~ ... ;!t.~ .,.j~;' , . \.t'I"'_ ; '. ";'~'.,, . '. ~ . ; . .. ~ I . , '. ,': . , r,crtcmh~r ?-9, 1981 ':,::~ :'''~ 'I, .¡.;, :.'¡W '~~~ . ;)~1 ~l,~ " DUDGET AMENDME~T P.1-l78 RE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO PROPERLY RECOtU) It>'I>10KALEE SUr.-GTATION U"PROVE",ENTS, AND COSTS Or:' VEIIICLE M^H!TENANCE, COUUTY E~15 - AT:>OPTED HI 'i'IIE M10ll \'T OF $11, :170 Commissioncr Wcnzel moved, soconded by Commissioner Drown and carried un~nimoGsly that Budget Amondment 81-178 re transfer of funds .;1 "ft. \." " to proporly record Immoka1ee sub-station improvements, anù costs of ,!"~ ',~~ vehicle m~intenðnce, County F.MS, be adopted in the amount of $11,370. Pago 3S &OO~ OS'lv4Œ5S9 '\ . :.~'r ,\~ ,d,¡) ~.'~ ""~¡ ", ""},;' , 'i ~ ~," .',\·1·,,"· ~' ~ ' ,,' -" J í .I~, ',..ö';~' &I'K¡ ~','" .... ,of. " .,¡.""\" ~ ':#. . k :~¡ ,. r4:, r '1 jot c:: ,..¡ Iii <. s: j, \' . 'r, '8~t~; 11..-4 \., .~ , ..~. tiG '8 ' !.... ø. ~~ 5~ B~ o ~~ ~B S;., 14 0 ca,~ . '. r.cptcmbcr 29, 1ge1 BUDGET M'ENm'ENT f11-l79 RE: TnANSFEn OF FUNDS TO MonE 1\CCUnATEL'i RP.Jõ'LECT CURRENT EXPENDITUHES, COUNTY COURT JUDGE 1\1\ YES - ADOPTED IN TilE 1\MOUNT OF $1,300 Commissioner Wenzcl moved, ccconðed hy Commissionor Brown and carried unanimously th~t Budget AmendMent Rl-179 re transfer of funds to more ðccurataly reflect currcnt expcnditurcs County Court Judgc Hayas be ndopted in the nmount of $1,300. pago 31" 6C~~ ~64 :;MES61 . ~ I ,. '1~"i':'(: ;1l1/tz(} ,.~r,;",. '~;4?~:~..' ,~ ~... 4' ,¡'," . . - ..-. -.. -- .., ".. - . .. ." ._'. ,. ... September 2~, 1981 BUDGET M1ENDMENT r.1-130 RE TRM'SFER OF FtJf\'DS TO COVER COSTS OF PERIO- DICALS, COSTS OF AUCTION, COSTS FOR UNLO^rING L~RGE DELIVERIES AND FOR REPLACE:~1EHT OF wonN F.QUIPMF.l· T PUr.CI1/1SING - ADOPTED IN T E AMOUNT OF ~ó27 Commissioncr Wenzel moved, ~econdcd by Com~igßioner Brown ðnd cDrriod unanimously th~t BudQet ^mendn~nt 81-l~O re transfcr of funds to cover costs of periodicals, costs of ùuction, costs for unloading largc deliveries and for rcplDccment of worn equipment, purchasing, be adopted in the ðmount of $627. page 37 ~oo~ 064 ~563 . ¡ .I . ,', " r ¡;¡. i } ·,r~ l· ." .., ,~ -?~ ·.,i,l. "1:~ J~ ;::~~~ '~~ '.~~ ..,~:~ "~I':~ ,~~.; {,',"~ ' '':,.;. ," ,! Ifi·, 'A " l .,'.~ ,~~\ , t. 'oÒ':' II ¡ ~ ~," oro4 '. , .,.' a'~ 'q ::1104: if i8 "oro4 .~ () U::J 110'8 !.... 0. ., ,¡ ,..... 5~ c:~ 0..... o ~~ ¡.) II S... ... 0 Q,..... . . ..... .---...' ( Þept~mber 29, 19C1 BUDGET ^MENCMENT 81-1n1 nE Tn^NSFER OF FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR COSTS OF COM~UNIC^TIOUS EQUIPMENT AND TO MonE ACCUR^TELY REFLECT CURR~NT EXPENDITURES, STATE ^TTOnN8Y - ArOPTED IN TH~ ^~OUNT OF ÐlO,2ß6 Commisaionor \'-'cn7.o1 mov(;!d, seconded by Commissioner Orown and cÐrried unanimously that Budg~t Amendment 81-181 re transfer of funds to provide for costs of communications equipment and more accurðtely roflect currcnt expenditures, State Attorney, be Adopted in the ðmount of $10,288. raga 38 ~cc~ U6,4 i'A1)£565 ~. :1, T: , u ... . --, ~'.., '",·~I, :'~~~: :: ,¡it " .~~ 'j . ...., ·-',4 t;¡¡'if~, -:1.. ;. t:'2.~~~ :~ . OÞOJ, ~..:' , +' ...." :: " CJ .,,;; ~~ , ~,i!N ," III ¡:;~\\-,:, 1-4 .... .. ";' ',' ¡~'e'I~' ~ ;.., §,. i pot 8· ,- v' III ' "~ ;:r' ,:, W ~ , ~'8 ;.. !. " t- Ill/ ~k .c: :O+J~ ...C~ !0'ö ~~~ ° +J . t~k .......0 . o.~ 1:. i~\, .' -- -- _. ..-. .. -' . ,.-," -. - ... ...- ..... . . . .... - Ðcptcmbcr 29, 1981 BUDGET AMf.NDMF.~T RI-lA2 RF. TR~NSrF.R OF FUNDS TO ~onE ^CCURATELY RF.FLECT CURnr.NT E:Y.PENDITUf1ES, LrrRflm' - l\DOPTED IN THE Aff.OU/I'T OF $37.0 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by CommisÐ10nor Brown ðnð carried un~nimously that ßudg~t ~~cnðmcnt 81-1C2 re tr~nsfer of funds to more Dccurately rcflect current exrenditures, Library, be adopted 1n the a~ount of $320. ,&CO~ Ost ¡PÁGE5S'l PlUJ (: 3 ~ . ,'. . .~{ ,Pia! ~~'~~ 'J. ::~ ;,,0,'1'11' ,¡ "I ':~~'t: ',"i\t >;¡ ;.:, ,~? .,' " Septomber 2~, 1981 BUDGET A~~NDMENT ~1-183 RE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO MORE ACCURATELY REFLECT ~ CURRENT EXPENDITunES, LIBRARY - ADOPTED IN TAE ^~OUNT OF SAno Commiss1on~r Wenzel moved, seconded by CommissIoner Brown ~nd carrIed unanimously that Budget ~endment al-le3 re transfer of funds to moro accurately reflect current expenditures, Library, be adopted in the ~mount of $800. ~oo~ 064 ~569 Page 40 , ~ . i:. ~ ,.~.t, ,.1 ........ d '.'J' .\.,". ,"":04; .' '.';~~~' ,!.--; ...... ' " .> ~ :, 0,1' "~~ '·i/~'I,.~ ~:{~i ;>~ ",:.:: .. ...~,.. , .":~.'.' , . :',:'. .f¡' ~~~~f.: , ;~~8;;; '41,'-4''''; '." :a~a~';,' ~.. ., .,.I·~· ,-4',+);' '8 ; .,': IP4 ~:.+) .. 'c; ~ '~'8 ä!.t, ~~~ !1~~ 104~1P4 !0'ö 'Pi !9 ~ \.4:i... O+»& ~~ 104 ~ t,~ September 29, 1901 BUDCET AMEND~E~T 01-184 nE TRANSfEn OF FUNDS TO APPROpnIATE UNA~TICI- P!\TED RF.VENUE TI1HOUGIJ STATF. GR.~I"T FUNDING Fon CHILD C^P.E, SOCI^L SERVICP.S - l'DOPTFJ") H' Tim M~('ItJt-!T OF $5,02~. Commissioner \-'enzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown Ðnd carried unanimounly that Budg~t !\~enèment nl-184 re transfer of funds to appropriatu unanticIpated rQvenue throu0h Etate grant funding for child care, Social Services, be Ðdopted in the amount of ~5,023. ðOO~ 06j aŒ f{11 P"ge "1, ". .~~ ;0 I;} " :1 ,~ .~ ,',I ~ , ,,~ t, , .~ .: :,',:',~~~" ~"i" 'f' I'·.." ¡,'II;:'\~ ',','~ ;, ..'" , , " "-t~ ;~;:I' ':t~ ., ,¡ .,<,~, l;:"~';' ".,';~': .\....-- if ;'.~~ .:'.() . ~..~~. I f ~ [ ..' f .,'~ ! .Ii · · I · ~ ~ · , 4 4 ) · ) t I I ~Qptcmbcr 29, 19~1 BUDGET M1r:rmro1ENT (11-185 RE TRM-fSFER Or: FUNDS TO ~10nE ACCUR^TF:LY REFLECT CURRr.NT f,XPF.NDITUH8G, MmICULTunE - ^DOP'l'F.D IN TI1P. M~OUNT Or: $l,POQ Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and cÐrried unanimously that Pud~et ~endmant "1-185 ro transfor of funds to mor~ accurately rcflect current expcnditures, Agriculture, be adopted in the ßmount of $1,800. ~co~ 06 ~ WAot :573 Pð<JC <\2 \. . ~J,' ¡ ~. ~" ~:'. .,\ '~\..1f~ \,0 0 ~1l', .. .... ~,' ~.', U 4a \!: ;0.t' :1' ti ;~\ " '" "...:, ,1"'4 ....., ,', f;B ~" Ð;r; :'Q~i, ':', .' " B", , ., M It'S "ID... '~ :8 , bØ'g i!.t. &/.&/ :1:..-4104 .c ~~~ 1048'" ,! ~ '" ~~ fM~," o +J . ~~104 '.... 104 0 :I: ø.. fM f>eptcmhur 29, l~rl " BUDGET AM~NO~ENT Rl-leG RE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO ~ORE ACCURATELY REFLECT CURRENT EXPEtlDITUn F.S, AGRICllLTURE-l-1m~E ECQto.10M ICS - 1\DOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $50 '.~ "f' ~, -y;.'j ;b ::~ t;. V,.t,. ~"f I, COr.\missioncr \-'enzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown ðnd carried unanimously that Bud~ct Amendment Al-lC6 re transfer of funds more accur~tely reflect currcnt cxponditurl:s, 1\griculturc-Homd Economic5, be adopted in the amount of $50. ~ 064 ~A~515 P':hJ Q 01 3 "~""" f, ,I ff} '~4' ¥::(. ~~'\' ç 'C¡;.(1<. ,'< ~t~t ~ ',"~, I,.,~, ~, J;' , "¡tJ"Q,' .,,~ 'ÞII-,"U" ,', + '+* ~'.i ~ ~' '....;.....,.> .~ , .... .... "~iJ-, ;"J-. ' . ~,'1: :ø¡\: . ~ "i 'J" ". lIa;~I"'" ~,'~:8: II..... t3 ~i'" ,'8' 00 a. i t. ~~t ,!J~~ ""8..-4 !!~ ..-4 u ~ ..-4 O+». ~~ "" ..-4,,"0 :I: ø.~ :'~ f>cptembcr 2~, 19n1 .A <J .)i "~ 'i: I ·f 'j! .~ ~ 1 BUDGET AMENDMENT 01-187 RE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO MonE ACCURATELY REFLECT cunnENT t~XPENDI'l'uncs, ~10TOR VE:IIICLE H\GPF.CTION - "DOPTED IN Till:: ,M10UNT OF $101,130 Commlcaioncr Wcnzel moved, seconded by Com~issioncr nrown ðn~ carried un~nimouG1y that Budget "monclment 81-187 ro transfer of funds to more accurately reflect current expenditures, ~'otor Vehicle ',' J:, ~ " Inspection, be ~dopted in the amount of ~14,l30. " , ',. &~ 064 ~At£ 5'17 P~CJ l' 44 .. :',~ \~ "-'''tii ,~, t' ~~ >~¡l' ,<; ~; . ,.',~~' ,:~~ ..., ,....',~ '...,;,~ 'tra ..~ , ~ ïø·,..~ , k"""" . 0 ,..:'.~' ~' .... 111"4;', I CJ.,.,\J IO'~"'{; tc' ~ f4P4 \.4, 1t; :too4, '=ijt' :~~',r ~~ .... "~> fB 10 , ;1G~ , '., s.··' , "~IO 8 '!¡ "'111"4 'f:; II ~ ~. II ~ , ~'O '.. 8. 0 J to 1:1 ... ....k ..c: ~+J~ k~"" '~ o~ ~3~ t+Ji ~ oS k ~kO Z 0. \.4 ¡~'" ~!\. ~.~ . . !)~ptcn'bor 29, 1981 BUDCET ^MENOMENT al-IDP RE Tn^NRF~R OF F~NDS TO MonE ACCURATELY REFLECT CUnnf.!-IT EXPD1DITunp.G, rtlS¡':UM - AOOPTI':["I nl Tllf. A~OUN'r or !¡ 301 Co~m i cs ioner \1en zcl moved, soconr'leà by Commi ssloncr Brown and cðrricd unanimously that Rudgot Amendmcnt Ol-I~9 re trûnsfer of funds to more DccurDtely refloct current cxponditurc3, MU5eu~, be adopted in tho amount of $301. MOf: 064 ~Att 5'19 rlHJ 0 45 ~ .-"" -... . t :",',11, "'1 "1",1,' ,;I' J 'i. ' "I r , , .",. ~ .-;:- ~ '-.1"', ',:'" ~,t . /0- . .( , " ·t'1· ; :0 ~; ~ .,'1; ~t ~~~ tt:~ ~',',,',~': ~ § .a'~ ,;,',' .~i' ~, ,,' ".8'" g-," :¡.~ ",,8 ~'O. ¡ !.[. 1/." C0r4k s::. .~ ~ ~c;:'" l°'ö :~k 4,s ~ )~ . ¡4,sk ...0 ø.~ " ... f September 29, 1901 DUDCET ~~ENOMENT 81-1A9 RE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO MORE ACCURATELY REFL~rT CUHREN'r EXpr::~mITUfìES, SOLID v'ASTE - ADOPTED IN TI18 M"OIJf>IT OF $5~, ??4 Commiz3ioner Wenzel moved, seconòed by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously that Bud~et ~mcndrnent el-190 ro trðnsfcr of funds to more Dccurato1y rcflect current expenditures, Solid \'Iasto, be adopted in the amount of $55,/.24. PQq C' Ni ~COl{ 06 4 ~~~ 58! . . . '(:¡,,;' 'w··' ::.,'i). :~i~ ,:;f;¡ , :-:::¡,~t:~ ,'":~::::. : -~:" o;'~~ '1,1,,'" .. . ..- .. ..... .. ... September 29, 1~P,1 BUDGET AMENDMENT Rl-190 RE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO MORE ACCURATELY n~FLECT CUnnWT f;XPENDITUnES, PARKS AND [H~CRF.ATrON-PAny.S MAINTE"'''NCE "~J"1 RECREATION - ^DOprn:D IN TI:r. T\""OUNT OF t.21,nO COr.1mission~r \':cnzel moved, seconded by Commissioncr Prown ùnd carricd unonimously that Budget Amcndmcnt 81-190 re transfcr of funds to morc accurately rcflect current expenditur~s, Parks and Rccreation-Parks ~nintcnancc ðnd Recreation, be adopted in the amounl of $21,2"10. P.o<]O 017 &CO~ 064 t~tt 585 · ßOC~ 064 tA~588 Septcmber 29, 1981 BUDGET AMENDMENT 81-191 RF. TR^NSFER OF FUNDS "0 MORE ACCUR^TELY REPL8CT cunRENT EXPENDITURES, PAROLE' PROß^TION - ADOPTED IN THE M·OmIT OF $420 Commissioner ~enzol moved, sacondod by Commissioner ~rown ðnd cDrried un~n1mously that 8udget ^mondmont AI-19l re transfer of funds to more ~ccurðtely reflect current expenditures, P~role & Probation, be adopted in the amount of $~20. rag e 48 , . . . . . ~~~~ I~ ','':, .,' aM,; 064 f'Å~ 590 September 2~, l~nl nUDGET ^MENDMrNT 01-192 RE TR^NSFER OF FUNDS TO MonE ACCunATELY REFLECT CURRENT EXPRNDITUnES, YOUTH GUIDftNCE VOLUNT~En pnOGRftM - A~OPTED IN THE ANOUNT OF t.980 Commis~lon~r Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissiocnr Drown ~nd c~rrlcd unnnimously th~t Budgot ^mendment 81-192 re trans for of funds to morc ðccuratcly roflect current expenditures, Youth Guidðnce Volunteer Program, be adopted in the amount of $980. page .49 . . "<·t.: :~;t; .!~ )~.,' ,~"~f~~ ':¡~ (;~ '..I :"~:j -:{~ .'. t!.{~: ..':, ! '-;'A- .\.......' ,::~:,:f .',,¡¡, "!~~I': I ..'.j ~. .> I· Ü~I~:\ v~:~~., '.~\~!. . ~,\;, ':~r " :. ~~:... 6b(j~ O'S4 ~^tt 592 Soptcmh~r 29, 19~1 ßUDCiP.T MH::ND"'E'NT al-l!)J RE TRMJSFF:R OF FUNDS TO APPROPRIATE UNANTICI- PATED DONATIONS, YOUTll GUID^~CE VOLUNTEfR PR0GR^M - ArOPTED IN TAE M~OllNT 01" $97£1 Commi~3ioner W~nzcl moved, secondod by Commis~ioncr Brown and cQrried unônimously that Budget Amenðment Rl-19J ro transfer of funds to ~ppropriatc unanticipnted don~tions, Youth Guidance Volunteer Program, be ndopted in the amount of $978. rag e 50 . . , , ., , ~,'. . '~~ ,.,... ' "'~ '.~ '~ " :k ,~ ~; "I ,' MO~ 064 f1IGÈ 594 Scptcmb.., 19A1 "", ,:-, BUDGET AMENrMRNT AI-194 RE TnANSFER OF FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR 25\ M^TC!I FOr- ~'ONEY TO 13£ nECEIVF.D FnOI~ TIIE Dr.PM~nll;NT OF I1ElILTI1 1\ND RF.Hl\O¡LITl\- TIVC SERVICEG, YOUTII GUIDANCE VOLUNTErn PROGRAM - ADOPTED IN THE N-10UNT OF t.l,219 Commissioner Wenzel ~oved, seconded by CommissIoner Brown and cDrr1ed unanimously that Oudget Amendment /:11-194 re transfer of funds to provide for 2St rn.)tch for moncy to be received from tho Cepnrtment , " 'J '," '~ " of Health 3nd RcltabilitDtive Services, Youth Guidance VoluntQer proCJrûrn, be adopted in the amount of ~1,?19. ¡\ {¡ ~'\ ~ " . ;~ ~' ," Pð90 Sl , , " '( '; . . , ',~ MO~ 08 4 ~^t'E 596 Saptc~ber 29, 1901 , ...~ ,.:;~j ;, :"~~."" 'I': BUDGET A~~ND~ENT €1-195 RE TnAN5F~n OF FUNDS TO PAY FOR DINNERS AT FUND RAISER, YOUTH GUIDANCr. VOLUNTEER POGHM~ - J\DOPT8D IN THE "'MOUNT OF $1 ,59 5 ,~ Co~mls!3ionÐr wenzol moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown end cðrri~d un~nimously that Budget "'mendment 81-195 ro transfer of funds f" .'~,~ to pay (or dinners C1t fund r~liser, Youth Guidance Voluntecr ProgrÐm, be ;1 . ::\ ') adopted In the amount of $1,595. H .~~ .:¡ ,~ ~~ -"'., ';~~ PI.'IC]O 52: " ,}! 1 ,'A;' A ';::f:' '~ . . . . ~OM 064 ~~tE598 Septcmber 29, l~rl BUDGF.T AMP.NDMr."'T (11-191; IlE TRMISFF.R OF FUNDS TO to"ORF: ACCUrllITEL'i Rr.FLECT curm8NT r.XPf:rmI'l'UrU:5, COLDEN GATE COl>1MlII.JITY CENTER - ADOPTED IN TilE M',(')UNT or $5,195 Commissioner \"enz~1 moved, soconded by Commissioner Pro\o,'n and carried unanimously thût Budget ~endment r.1-196 re transfer of funds to morc accurately reflect current cxronditures, Colden G3te Community Center, b~ adopted in the amount of $5,195. Pð'JO 53 . . . . "\ {", /qt ":j,,?;:.> ,~~.~.~. . ~:;~;: ~,q;JI \¡,;~~ ":~¥r: "-{~;, ~i?'''",. ~~l;, 'iß:, t- :I£i~~;: ;.: ", n" ~. "'k' "" ,f. ::(~~: 'BOO~ 08~ ¡PÄGE'ïOOØ S~ptumhor 29, 1901 BUDGET ^M~NDMCNT 01-197 RE TR^NfFER OF FUNDS TO MORE ^CCURATELY REFL~CT CURn~NT ~~PENDITURrs, COMMUNITY C~VELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - ADorT~D IN TIlE ¡",'OUHT OF tt1, 3/.11 Commisslonor ~~nzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Erown and cùrricd unanimously thùt Ructgat ^mcndment PI-197 ro transfer of funds to !11or~ ,1ccurðtcly reflect current I)xpcnditurea, COr.1lnunlty Development Rlock Gr3nt, be adopted in the ð~ount of S",3/.~. Pac,). 54 . . .::~>., '~'i',,',',",' ,f,!. ',..' , ¡,'" ¡-, ',. or ,I . 'w' ii~;:, ,', '" ~~~)¡,t., .... ~~\'" '.1 ;(B~"~: f ,'~ ·~::/'~'S~~I:. &~ ," ;. .. , r·: ~'tI ~,' ~.,' t.... 0... O~~ t U., ....1It() "+J~" r... II) ... ~'f"'4 .... ~,~ ø c:: "þ lit ., ''''§,C "tIO . " ,....8 .,.,... ~.+J ,,~ .. :'8 i eo~ "11)" :II:....~ .c 11)+.). .. ,... ...C..-I ~0'õ f"'4 bO ~ "'cc \.4..-1..-1 0+.). ::;~~ ...~o :II: eo.... ,.,,~...."._..,,~,_..-"., BO~ 064 tM,E6Ql Goptember ~9, 1981 :'·:-i . , , CUDCET AMENDMENT 01-198 RE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO COVER COSTS OF FUEL F:X(,f:~'I)I'l'lJRF.S AS A HF:5ULT Cl~ n¡';CF:N'r ,.'ASS IVE nnp.s, M'D TO MORE ACCUR- ATELY REF'LECT CURREN'r F:XPF.NDI'rURr:S, OCIIOP~;F. FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT - ADOPTEQ IN TI!F. Af>'OllNT OF ~3,330 < )','. ~ :',r Co~mission(r Wenzel movud, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried un~nimously that Budget ^ncndmcnt 01-19B rc transfer of funds to covcr the costs of fuel expcnditures ðS a rcsult of recent massive fircs, and to morc accurðtcly reflect current eXFenditures, Ochopee Fire Control District, be ùdopted in the amount of $3,330. , .. PðC'Je S5 . , . '. :'t'~ ' "0 ~ ;.... .... 'tJ II ~:: ~ I. ~ I~ ,.... c:: ! II II l..c:: ~§ ,. I. B CI ..... ; ,. +J I () " ::I '&~ 0, 1311 ........ :5. r-4 5~ o 1:10... C () ......... ~s ~~ . ~ 0 . Po '-< ßO~ 064 ~);~6(}4 Soptomber 29, 1981 BUD~ET ^MEHDME~T 01-199 RE TR^NSFEn OF FUNDS TO COVER COSTS OF PUBLI- CATIONS CONCERNING DATA PROCESSI~G SYDT~M, AND COST or BINDERS FOR, PUBLrC^"IOI~S l\ND CTIIER IllfA MATERIALS, I3UILDHIG INSPF;CTION - l\[\OPTED IN TilE M10UNT OF $1,000 Commissioner ~cnzul ~oved, secondod by Commissioner Brown and carried unônimously thðt Budget ~mendment 81-199 rc transfcr of funds to covur costs of publicðtions concerning Data processing systom, and cost of bindors for ruh1icûtionn ûnd othor 10M mðtcrialr., l3uilding In3pcction, be adopted in the amount of ~1,OOO. .' . Pl'ltlJ. 56 . . :::cJ œmm lEt '; :.~~t~; ~' . r;.~r.' ;,Ii,~·., ·'(~,1 ~,·'i.... :~,~~\-{.\ .' , ..';õ, , .~ ;" ¡ t;i'<: ~ 6.. I O~ '" (JCII ~::~ ~:¡~ .. '"~c:: ..ceCIl ~§i .-4.8 CII.,.... t:.~ CII::I .. :=>'8 ° ø.... s ø. ".,,, =-:....... -'= 1Q+J8 . .-4 ...c::.... ClIO\.. ~~~ .... U \-4 .... ° +J S ~ oS ... .......0 X ø.~ ßOQ~ 06 ( PACE606 Soptember 29, l~nl [IUDGET Mo1F.:Nm~r:;I"T ~l-?OO nE TI1^NfiFEn OF FUNDS TO ~WRE J\CClJRATEr..y nF.FLF.CT CUIUlt:NT F:XPf,NDITUrŒf1, MOTOn POOL - J\DOt'TED IN Tm: M;OlJNT OF $11 1, 2ti8 Commissioner ~cnz~l moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and c~rrled un~nimously th~t ~udget "mondmcnt 81-200 re transfer of funds to morc Qccurðtuly roflect current expenditures, ~otor Pool, be adopted in the ðmount of $111,268. Pðqe 57 . . ::.:::J [.~~~~ f.5),:, ~ ....... " ,~ ':~ .. ,~ , ',;¡ It'.,~~ -.r ,,~~ , y~~ '1 '1 ,~ J ';-' - :.:~ . ,)~ , r ., f"'·- '," ':; ..' . 'v ~'O' ...." '" 0 »- 0......4 UtI ""(,1 ~ ~ " ~III"" -4¥i ..c... t; Q.,OoI :§i "1118 u.,.... c:.... .. (,I , ,,::s .. i~ i III ~ ~..... ... .c ~...~ I.4c..... ~o~ ~bO... ot C tJ 04 ..... ..... o ~ II ~5 ... oj ... 0 I: Q,~ 60Q~ nS4 l'A~608 SeptcMbor 2~, 1981 BunC~T AMENDMENT ~1-201 Re: Tn^N~F~n OF PUNDS TO ^PPPOPRrATE UNA~TICI- MTL:D RE.VENUE ^ND TO INCREASE F:xrE"'~ITtmF. LINP. ITf-ttS TO MOnE 1\CCUR/\,TELY REFLECT CURRENT EXPENDITURES, DATA PROCESSI~a - ^D0PTED IN THE ^~OUNT OF t.lr,177 COMmissioner Wcnzel Moved, s~conded by Commissioner Brown ~nd carried un~nimously that rudgct ~mcndment ~1-201 re transfer of. funds to ~pproprillta unùnticipatùd rp.venue ~nd to incrC~SÐ expenditure line items to more Dccur~tely reflect curr~nt expenditures, Data Processing, be adopted in the ~mount of $18,177. Pð90 58 " t.... ,....--., :.-..J '?:~\lt.:l IfIt3 .ff:.. "",.' ":.' , ~. :.'1.' ~ A~:' y '.it: ;f :J '''!¡ "!,¡ .\'¡; 't~ "J!!. "\.1,.. ~ ,,,,,!: ..r~, '):' ·.A .,/:: , ~~~!, (4:" ..~;. · '~:i' ''Ii' ~ ,~ ,e, I';. ;:1 ;',f'·· 'f); ;cJ' . ,~~, .~ t~:' \~;t,.;...: :~. ~~~';:, ;f~' l' .111>, . ., '~oI¡,.' ,,~'1;.',' ",. . I J,t t ',~, of?.}.' I~..' ~:" } ..,.',j<. , .... í :~ .?l ::\' 'f ..J ; "~¡ ": J~ -,><--~.,.."-""-".._,-,.......--,-,.,,........ I :'4 ~,.le' t' A It ~i:f~;' :~: 'tJeLI \. ~ ., tJ ,~... I ~... I.... I~ c= I., ... ~§i 1.8 I II).-f I. +J I... ~ .:'8 IQ,... I Q, I IQ eLl ;.... ... .c: I +J S ...-4 I c= .-f I o~ I ~~ I c= tJ I .... .-f I+J S :~ ... t... 0 :o.~ " 600~ 064 PAGE610 Septcmbor ?~, 1981 BUrGET l\Mf.ND~ENT ~1-202 RE TRANSFER OF FUNOf: TO COVER Rl\TE INCREAßES, HW'OKl\Lr.r:: LIG1\TINC: - l\DOPTf'D IN TlfE f,!-iOU"'T Or:' $715 Com~iGsloner Wenzel moved, Dccon~ed by Co~missioncr Brown and cðrried unðnlmously that Audget l\mcndmcnt nl-202 re trnnsfcr of funds to cover rûtc increDscs, Immokðlee Lighting, be ðdopted in the ðmount of $715. P"'90 59 . . :- ;'~:Tl 11'11 8IE3 :,1 . " :¡,!; <if ! ,f~\~ ~··f t"'; \,"", ';~ ,;~ ',:~',~,"~, ", ' I. :.....'t. ~ ~~,ß '~' wt·:;','·, f'L. ".:J~:. ;j~ ;.j~ J..-, " '. ,.( ..... ;¡ ~ ' ',' ,~: .' ., '~ ",:i.,~~ )1, ,,; . [,.: ~\,.3: J:'_':i~'I' ,.;,;] ,:~ ' 'J \. '¡;v. ,: .~. "'.\ ,.t ':~ ~ ,r'IK 'lj"íi/'î l':ii't, ..:t ,-; ·,(':/t . \" ,:"'.1 :f);F,~;~: t'· "t. :1., " :f \ 1- ,~ . t'~ o~ +J~ UCLI .0 \0461 10... ..t +JC: ClCLI IQJ: §;It 106 .,~ .., (J ,,==' ~'8 8.... 0. 10 " ..t... s:: +J& ~ CoM 0"'- o ~~ µB S... ... 0 0."'- ~-~ ~~r "~ .~ j't , :~ &GO~ '064 ~AG£ 612 September 29, 19~1 BUDG~~T M'ENmIE~T el-203 RE Tn^NSFER OF FUNL'S TO COVER COSTS OF J'I.~TE INCnE^St:S, t-'I\nco LI(jIt1' I IU"; - l\OOJ'!'rr.D IN TIlE M~OIJNT or $ 3, '~7 Comml S~ lonor \\~n zel moved, sccondod by COr\1m I ss ioner Brown and cðrriod unðnimouAly that ~urlget Amendment fll-~03 re transfer of funds to cover co£ts of r~to increases, ~ðrco Li1hting, b~ Ddopted in the amount of $3,287. pago 1)0 .. ...._ _ .- ro··... . , .~' . . Cš1" ',..',.,', " ' "~,, i...-.o- Ef!EJ . ....... lIE " ;' '~.r,~, ;2.\, ~~'." .,..t ':ft~,'· >",c, ,.i¡: .~ ., t~, '''!I..f' .i\:;~ F ':'I: ~'" , ·I·,~.~·"··, : ,~l,:;,..~:?~ '. ..\," .~ ,., . ,~ , \\ " .. .~. t, .1 . . ¡,,', <-,',. J: I ~ J " i:.·· ~. [~ ,':' i; ~Ir ., ).' t''2 ~o,.. .004.».... 0" ~lIOo ~fo..o" ....12~ 1'"4~ ....+o)C ,ÐlIOtJ ....1IJ.c:: ~§. 1'"41Q5 t.I..,.... ~.+O) .,g .. :~ io.~ "'1241 :a:~~ .c IQ -t-J 8 .. 1'"4 ...C:~ S¡0'ö ~ ti)... ....c:o '-'~~ O-t-J8 t..s~ ....~o :I: 0.'-' ~èc (' 0'()4 ~At,£614 ;,cptnmber 2c), 19r1 . - ... .. . - '~. ,I¡I' ti £Hmr.E'l' ""I1~ \ID~'F:N1' Pl-20¡1 nF: '}'IlM'srr.n Or:' FUNDG TO covr.n COf,TG OF UNANTI- '~ Crr,\1'EC r~lIIL[ìI~C ~1^IN'rr::t\'^Mcf: ~r.nVICr.s rr-' r¡;F.PML~TIOr.J OF NEW JUDGE... .~ rCnIr"t'rC~:, ,1urCE C"nL1'C)t' - ^~OPTPY; J~J TnE ^"~C"~JT OF $1 ,~on It ~ .. com~issioncr ~~nzol, Rccondcd by Com~ission~r Kruso ðnd carried unanimously th1t nU(1lJet ^mcndrH!nt f'1-7nt: ru trðnSftH of funds to cover costs of unnnllci~~t~d huildin~ ~~inten~ncc services in prCFðration f~ n('\oI jllr1cJp. position, .7udqc C.;Irlton, be .:1doptcd in the ûmount of t.l,90h. , ' .'.~', 4'/' " 'J t",~."" J ' , ' ~' ~ i¡ . ',~,¡ . ~.,} .' , \¡ t . . . . ~ ... Page "1 ¡~ t . ~~:~~~ " '";µ¡, ,.?{\! '~i' ~,i:1~1 ~. , ' '1 . , r--., £::;'tw,;] ~ ~ -:I: ~;' ,,;';";¥!'" .' t·;·' to , \! ~ ~ ) ;x ·:{t.t.; " t~~ ~, ~i " ,- .... , . ' , ÞOI 'tI . ..." ~o~ o+'~ ...0" "ClO 4J....." ....10... ~~ ....~c: ..otD" ....to'C ~§:a ~1I8 ".,.... ~:a4J GJ ~ .. ~'8 i Q,~ "to" :a:~... .c: ~~~ ...c::.... I!0'ö ~ ~... ~C::o ~......... O~ 8 ... c:: o ~ ... .......0 :I: 0. \01 ßO~ 06 4- ~~c£ 616 Septumbor ~", IDel ßUDC8-r ^MI::tJr;,r!.f.I':'l' £11-205 nE TRl\:\IRFER OF FUJlIDS TO ~'ORE ^CCUnATELY REFLECT, (:Un\,r.~'T r.xrE Jl)rTUI1E~), CLEI1 ( TO THE r.OAnf) - AJ:OPTF.r IN TIlE AMOUNT OF :;:11<1,500 Commissioncr ~~nzQl, seconded by Commisuionor ~rusc ~nd carried unllnimously thùt Budget Amt:!ndmcnt Rl-2C'5 re trc:msfcr of funds to more ðccur~tcly rcfl~ct current expenditures, Clerk to the Board, be adopted in th~ amount of Sl1<1,500. ra9Q t=2 ;:--'"1 ~... .. ¡~d1',~tl1.;;'~ ~, '~!~ .. :1 ''';iÄ ;'<~~, .,,,1 , ... ~.i ..it '.,/ ,~\ . i " ~ . r; ~'t:I ~" \.40;' o~~ , u" Þ\I:I(,) ~...." or!lQ"" ....... or!~S:: ,QI:I" ~§i MIQ8 "«I"" ~ I~ GIg .. :'8 o Co ~ II Co f.¡1Q&/ X""~ .s:: ~.,~ "'¡;:..-4 !O~ or!~~ ......-1..-1 0.,& t~~ ..-4~0 :I: Q, '"' ßCO~ 064 :~ACE 618 r.cptcmhcr 29, 1ge1 liunrr-:T MH:ND""f.NT Cl-20(i rtE TH."1I'f,Ff:H Of' FUNDS FOR r^'x'1'1p.~'T OF sr.nVICp.G· m:"JDl-~nF.r. n;or·~ or-rrCE or rr;nSON'~EL ~'/>."JM;r.~'rNT l\ND 'i'Rl\WiFEn TO MORF. ^CCUI!^'i'l.:LY \¡F:F[.F'CT CURRENT EXPEI·'rI1'lrrlF.fi, Pr.r.fiQ .''''EL - AOOP'TED IN THE f\ f" f) If ~"I' 0 F ~ r, , 7 1 (1 Co~,i!3Dioncr Wcnzel moved, ~ccnnded by Commissionor Rruso ~nd carried un..~niliously tllt':tl r.uc1CJct l\mcndmcnt 01-206 re transfer of funds for ~~yrnent of scrviccn rendcrcd (rom Office of Pcrsonnel MQnÐgement, and to ~oru accurÐtely reflect current expenditures, Personnol, be :ldo¡::ted in the .1lT1o\Jnt of $(,,710. PQ']- (,) . . ,--..., " .. r:r,'X,~ -..,....,. .....,'. .. III: { Ï" ~', ~,.' ~~. ~O~ :0 +'.... ....U., ¡r)IOU +'~&I "'111'" r-4..-4 ....+'1: ,þ1O&I :§i ~ )e &110..-4 ~ I~ II::S .. :'8 i c.~ CIIIDCII :1:..-4... ..c: !I~~ ...t:~ !0'ö ori~~ ~..-4..-4 O~ Ii ~~... ......0 :II: o.~ BOOK 064 PACE 620 September 29, 1901 BucrJo:T JlMf.r1r-~\F. ~T R] -~07 RE TnAN~[o'r.n OF FUNDS TO MOnE: ^CCUR^TELY RF.FLF:CT Cllr.nn:or F.:;(rr.~!r,IT,¡r,rf" rcc - "nOPTr::D IN TtrF.: M~OUNT OF $1,79ft Commissioncr ~enzcl moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse ðnd c,~rriL'd unanimously thl1t P,udget JI.r.lcndment 131-207 re transfer of funds to more accurately rcflect current expenditures, RCC, be adopted In the a~ount of ~1,7gS. Page 64 . . ~ ~,'<!' ~ Ell , ....,.} d', "I, \.. ..~f· .,- '.:'?"~: ,,;;( ",.'-:;;: ':;:~ ";H ,.~ " ~'~:r. , ;r}. < r.:¡.· .. ! :':'~~ . .~;~ Yr' ...., 'I, . . ,tl::..,.: . ~;~' ..,to, '" ,,!¡, :~:~, 'j' "ÎI~¡~ ~ ~" Y.~~1 ,'<~ I,,' ~,j~~ 't>A :... "~.hW -<,i!~ · ~'O I. ... tþ ,,0> ) ..., .-4 , (J OJ Þ\ II! CJ ~ t,., &I 04 CO ... "oM 04..., c: ::a II! &I 04G'.1..c: :3 · o G'.I 8 þlll.-4 :::...., of (J tJ ::s t. :'8 iØ,~ \I en OJ I; oM M .c o +J ~ ~c.... Wo~ ~t()M 04 c:: (J of oM.... ) +J S .. c:: ~ oM M 'i M 0 C ø,t,., ßOO~ 064 PACE 622 ~QrtQmbcr 29, l~Ol Bunn~T ~MCND~~NT Pl-'OP nE TRA~~F~R cr FU~nS TO MORE ACC1IRATELY REFL~CT CUnRENT EXPl::NùI'l'unr.!j, rUln.IC f"^FI~TY ".f'tlIrJH~TRATrON - ^DOPTr.O IN THE M'OUr'~T OF $ 7 20 Commission£r ~unz01 moved, seconded by Commisaioner Kruse nnd carriûd unanimously that ~udgct ^men~mcnt 81-208 rc trðnsfcr of funds to More 0ccuratcly refl~ct c~rrcnt expen~iturcs, Public Safety Arlmini~trÐtion, be ~do~tcd in the ðmount of $720. \j. I~'j' .', ',\, f' P~C)e 6S " ~......., ~ 9!J .,.·1.... IIEJ "..1 , :~. .) ~ >~ ;","."1,,1,, ~.:,~~ ~'. i '~ .. 't'C 4 &I ) > .~ ) &I o (J ~ &I I .... · · c: I &I ¡,c i ~ I 6 o~ t,µ (J , ::s 0'8 l.... 0.. ) &I 4 .... · ; S ri ,~ I... o p.... ¡~ IS ¡ .... .0 1Ior... 600K 064 P^CE 6Z4 f.ertcmhcr 29, 19n1 I!UDC,E:T ^r<'F.!WI"ENT £'1-209 ra; TnM'SFER C'\F FUNDf> TO COVER COSTS OF SPECI1\L ELECTION, pon ^rDITION^L n^T^ rnOC~SSING COSTS, ^ND TO ~on~ ncCUnATELY RF;PLECT CURRENT Exrr.NrITtHH:S, SUrF.r.VISOR OP ELECTIONS - ADOPTED IN THE ^MOU~T OF $~~,7~5 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Comnissioner Kruse and carried unðnimously that Pudget ^mcnòmcnt Pl-209 re trðnsfer of funds to covcr costs of spccial election, for additional dÐt~ processing costs, und to ~ore accurntcly reflect currcnt e~penditures, Supervisor of Elections, be adopted in the anount of $~3,765. Pð90 66 ,.;_.'.....R...~~ ~...) ~ ~ ~.a f,cptcmber 2~, l~~l BUDGET AMENDMENT Rl-210 RE TR^NSFER OF FUNDS TO ~onE ACCURATELY REFLECT CURTìENT F.XPP.NDITURES, COUNTY COURT JUDGF: CARLTON - AI:'OPTF:J') IN THE AMOUNT or t.770 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded hy Commissioner ~rusc end carried unanimously that BudCJet Amcndmcnt Rl-210 rc tr"msfcr of funds to more accurately reflect currcnt ~xpcnditurc~, County Court Juögc Carlton, b~ adopted in the ~mount of $770. &OC~ 064 fACE 627 Pðgv !".7 . Soptember 29, 1981 DUDCET AMENDMENT 01-211 RE TnA~SFER OF FUNDS TO MORE ACCURATELY REFLECT CURRENT EXPF.NDITUHES, h'ORD pnOCESSINC - ADOPTED IN TilE A""OU~'T OF $455. COMmissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Com~iDsionor Drown and carried unanimously that Rudget Þmcndmcnt ~l-'-ll re transfer of funds to more accurately ref.lect current expenditures, Word processing, be adopted in the amount of $455. MOK 064 PACE 629 Paga fie . ßeptomber 29, 19~1 BUDGET A~ENDMENT el-2l2 RE TR^~SF~R OF FUNDS TO MORE ACCURATELY REFLECT CURREN'!' EXPENDITURES, AUI LT"It-:G l:"SPECTION - ADOPTED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $41.26A Commissioner ~cnzDl ~oved, sucondcd by Com~Issioncr 8rown and cÐrried unllnimously thÜ BudCJct Ar:1cnrkant Pl-2l2 re transfer of funds to morc ÐccurJtaly reflect current exp2nditures, nuilding InspectIon, be adopted in the amount of ~lG,Ð7~. &OO~ 064 PAC£ 631 P/'1(10 fl\9 " , . .~.'" ;) , . ~'C ~ &I .....0> O+'.... U~ >.eu ...,......., ......~ ~.... ...t...,~ .oe~ ....f2.t: ~§Jt ~108 ~.,.... .c:Jt+' E-4fJg .. :'8 iø.~ &lIQ&I x....~ .t: ~...,~ ~c::.... fJO..... ~~e .... u ..... .... 0..., II t; ~ ~ ....~O X ø...... ... . . ...... Septcmbcr 2V, 1961 t- ......'Of .{;: ..~ ·I',:,'~,;: . ", . or( " ~,',: ;j, ,¡~ ~¡ BUDGET ^".END"EHT 01-213 RE TR^NSFER OF FUNDS TO _ORE ^CCUR^TELY REFLEC' CURRENT EXPENDITURES, YOUTII GUIDENCE VOLUNTEER PROGRM1 - ADOPTED IN TH " AMOUNT or $1 000 Commissioner Wonzel moved, seconded by Commissionor Frown Ðnd carried unanimously that Budget Amendment 21-213 ro transfer of funds, to morc Dccurntcly rcflect currcnt expenditures, Youth Guidencc Volunteer Progr~m, be adopted in the amount of $1,000. &OOK 064 PACE 633 i \, t ! ; ,:~ q . ,f, ,1 ~ P':HJ8 70 , . .. , . . ;"'0 ... II ~o> O+J~ 0'" ""IOU ~'"'... tr'41Q", r-4~ ~+JC:: .010'" ~1Q.c :§Jr r-4.B 1I1l!~ t;Jr~ ... :3 .. :'8 iCo8, "'11)11 :I:~'" ..c 11~. . r-4 J..r.:.-< ~O~ ~ bO... ...~O ~~~ O~ . ~~ ... ......0 :I: Co '"' Septomncr 29, l~el BUDGET M'Et\D~ENT P.1-214 RF. TRl\NSFER OF FUNDS TO nEFLECT FUND TR"NSFEn~, COLLI£':r, COmITY F.I'S - l\DOPTED IN TIIF. l\MOUNT OF $lfi,300 Commissioner Brown moved, acconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously that ßu~gct l\mcndmcnt Pl-2l~ rc transfer of funds to reflect fund transfer, Collier County ~MS, be adopted in the amount of $H,300. &oo~ OB. PACE 635 PAge 71 ".~' fe', ;¡~~':', . "'Jr-, ;. ':~1~ .':' "";rrl~ ; '/ " '.'.,.,' ,.:,' ,I,. ':' " ". ;.,.. ~'. ~/,!,,~ ''i' .~' ;,." 1 t ~ , i t· , f J t " t. ,: t; ~'1'~.\ .:;'.1 :~'.','.', ' .\~; /~,' .11, ,;.;!; '!f ,'J" .1 ,',:¡\it ·'1 "'~"~I I';¡ II . ': ,'~ :, . 'C " > .... " () CI.I ... c: CI.I .c ~ 8 .... .¡.J () :3 ~ ... 0. " ... s ~ .... '"' o ... () .... s ... o '"' S~ptcmbcr 29, 1981 RESOLUTION C\.¡S £11-7 nE 1'.SSESSr~F:r-:T nOI.L FOR \o\'ILI.OtlGHBY 1\CIU;S NATER/SEWEn DISTRICT - ^DOPT~D County ^ttorney picKworth cxplðincd that the Dssessment roll for \o\'illoU0hby ^crcs w~ter/ccwcr district, ßhout which Mr. Perzon spoke last week, requires ð reRolution which has been writtcn and he asked the BO.:Jrd to Ddopt it Dnd set October 27, l~P.l for the å£lte of the pub 1 ic hCc1[ i ng . Commissioner ~enzel moved, seconded hy Conmis~ioner ~imer and carried unanimously that Resolution CWS RI-7 re assess~ent roll for r,'illouç¡hby Jlcrcs "'Jðtcr/sC'wl!r district he a(Jopted. Page 71. &oo~ 064 PACE 6'37 . I t , , , ~, t t, f f 'C tI ~ ~ tI () CIJ ~ C CIJ .c JI § ~ ¡.J () ;::s 8 ~ 0. CIJ ~ S .... M ~ o ~ () M 6 ~ o ~ BOO~ 064 PAGE 644 ~ArtcMber 29, 1981 n.r.SOLUTIor~ rll-?2/. nr. I"ETROPOLIT^N PLANNING OnCM!IZATION FOR THF. NAPLFS U)~r-/I r,¡ )I, n. t.1\ - /I rnpTE[' Community t::'evclopmcnt Director Virta expl~lned that D letter was r~c0Iv~d from Governor Cr~han indicatin~ he hnd crc3tcd the ~~tropoli- t,ìn Pl"nnin,] OrC)DnizéJtion for thl) 1\'c1ple~; IJrb;¡n ë!rca and th,)t he had d(·~~l'ln.Jt<.'d il ~;trllçturc of to.n r.1cmhers, five to ho deslgnces of tho [.oi,r1 or County Comrdssioners ¿¡nd five to he designees I..:f the City COll:1cil of ~!,ì¡'les. 1;<.: scJid there Has ¿¡ concern from the standpoint th.ìt the I'I,ìí)1~s urb,:Jnized iHC,) is 5~,OO() ¡::p.rsons .::¡nd the population of the City of tJ.ìples is less than 111,000 l1nd by h.1Ving (, cOMmittoe with ,1n cqu,11 mU;.1'H.rship the structure \o.'ould not be rCFrcscntlltive and by havln') ,1 body of t(!n f:',enbc.r!:: t!Jerp. I~ (,n or'Janiz.Jtion \olith the ¡,ot0nticì1 of hêlvin') difficulty in rc,"\chlng decisions. He sa id tha t the !':t-1tutes ¡'rovlrJc thùt th~ Governor 5h.:lIl ùpportion the Membership among the ''',1riousJGv(~rnrl(:nl:.'Îl ,.,ntit-I'"!" \dthln the are,' on the b,lCis of e~uit~~IL porulatlon r~t¡o ~nd q0o')r~phlc f~ctors ~nd that bec~use of th':1t oJ resolution h.:.s becn rr'!r,arcd for the! l3oðrd's con!3i'Jeration to be for~~rd0d to the ~ov~rnor ~hich would r~quc5t rcconsiderntion on his r~rt (or the structure of the r'po prefcrðbly to be a five member body, thrn.c fT:u1bcr5 choscn bv thl? r.CC I1nd tl'IO designees of the City of Naples Council. Thi!: hils h(>en c1i!:Cll!)!H~:J \lIth noger rerry of tho City of )""[11(-s .1ncl he Is In .,,]re('!':1ent hut could not Gpcilk with ùlJtt:orlty slnc~ he h~ß no dir~ctlon from the Council. COr.lr,1i!~¡;iorwr ·.,'en7.t:1 roved, seconded hy Commissioncr Crown and C,ì[ril'd un.Jnl:nously that Rcsolution f!1-2;12 re ~'etrorolital Planning PllC'J 0 73 C---1 ~'.~ . t ~ i ,. t· ,; . , t f i ~, ¡ V ~, ~ . . Þ-I'C ... ., ... 0 =- o~~ 011 ,",«10 ;» '"' II "" In ... ..~ ""~ c:: Q «I II ""In.c: ~§ . .. In § "tl1~ ::.~ .. 0 II :::s .. :'8 ~~a. II 117 II t~ ... .c: Q ~ .. , .-1 1oC:~ ~C~ ~W)... .. c: 0 04~~ ) ~ S .. c: J ~ ... '" )., 0 C ~'"' September 29, 1981 Organization for the Naples UrbÐn area be adopted. with regard to the appointees, ~r. Norman said the law requires one memhcr be ~n elected official and one could come from the planning Department, for instance. ~OOK 064 PACE 645 pag~ 7<1 . "'1,( ~.~~ \.... 1;-.,. >." >~ ., ,¡ ,.' ,- ~ .; ~, I~: .", "1':1 .. " . , 1 'f ~. ~ ~'O to. " 0> ...,.... CJ " "I) CJ ,",,, II) to. .... +Ie::: «1/1,1 IQJ: I § :. e::: II) 0 to.... :'+1 CJ " ::s ::>'8 0.1-< 0- f) OJ ....1-< J: +IS ~ e:::.... oc.... o WI-< e::: t) ........ +IS e::: ....1-< to. 0 o.lH BOO~ 0 ß ( PACE 648 Septembcr 29, 1981 r.I!~ClJf,~;I()N 1ìF. PIN, Fon VEI1ICLE: ~~^I~Tt.}.·^NC¡:; CONTn,...CT¡ "'()TIOl'1 pl-,SStD TO Jll\VF. r.CUNTY ^'I'TORNEY AND FISC^L UrFICfH lìf.VIE':! DOcUr<lf:fo!'l' RE:c.l\nDING LRG^LITY or S^~f. At the request of Commiszioncr Kru5c, n lon~ ~Iscussion ensued r('(),1rrling the vehiclc í.\l:Ilnt('n.1nce contrDcts ...¡hich have becn advertised for h I c1 . !; h ,~ po i n t e d 0 u l ~ 0 í.\ e I r r e'1 t1 L" r I t i (> s ~ n d n x pre s D e d t h f.! con c ern th...\t there ...·i)S .:3 vZJ<juencf.s which r.d<jht not be to the County's .1(lVílntCJ(J~, c¡,;r.:-ciðlly \~ith reg¡lrù to tho i'lmbuli'lnce í.\t':'dntenðnce. ~rlí.\ini~trativ0 ~s5lstQnt to the County ~Dnðgnr Dorrill explainod tht! contri:lcts .1nd th.1l the! hids wou]d he hrought before the l'o.'lrd \olhen r (J :.; po 11 ~ ~ S \;.:: rem 1) de. County ~·.:1niJgr.r ~'Orr111)n noted that the type of service being dis:::lIss.~d h'd~; con:;idcred h.,c,JU:3C of tllc provp.n succesS ...,ith l\RA in the Cc1illcsvillc .1r'~'" ,''I:1d the rnon~y .....I'Iich h<'ld heen 5ðVC~ with the contract. COMí.\issioncr Urown ~ovc~, seconded hy COí.\í.\issioner ~imer and c'1rricd unanië¡ou~;ly thcJt the COllnty ~.ttorney and riscûl Officcr reviow the COl1trc'l<.:t 5r-~ciflc()tions ret)lIrèing lCC ûl1ty .,nd safegu,:,rds for the County. co',.," I~:;fTONER '.'P'ER rnOVIDf.S CLf.,IUFIClI.TION OF I'IS POSITION RE ~IERIT P^ISr.S 1,:"-1[' ~'I'TICH.CTCRY h'OIU: BY n:pL<WEEf" P-l/·H TO BE GIVEN FOR S^"I~;r/\CTOI'Y pr.RF0n~~~,NCF.·¡ ?-1/2~ rOR THOSt. DF.F.t'Ef'I ' 'O GIVE BEYOND ~rTT~r^CTOnY ENrrI'VOPs. ~o ^C, ,In~ Tl\rF.N COMr.1is510n~r \,llí.\tH explained his position with regard to the rCCf:nt discussion involving merIt pay incre~sP9 for County employees P"ge 75 ~ C=.:J EœJ l11li I 1 " ''-., I; It ,'0 I" I> ,~ I" It) I" 1 ,... 'C '" I.c: I:. C 10 t~ : .µ (.I '::I ~'8 ~... 0. I" I... 'S ~ ~ '..... 0 ,... t) ~ & '... 0 ...... September 29, 1981 stating thðt he felt satisfnctory work should rp.ceivc the 8-1/4' ðnd those few employees ....ho do "above and beyond" the caliber of usual work be awarded the extra 2-1/2% incre~se. Commissioners ~ruse and Wenzel concurred. Whcn Commissioner ~rusc suggested somc direction in that lino be given to st~ff, County ~ðnn~ur Nor~an ~skcd to have the matter delayed for n while so that he ~ight speok with the Commissioners with regðrd to the situation. No a~t10n was tD~en. ~ISCE:LL"~'f.OU:' CO!Hn'~~rm'r~:"'cF' - F'TLEf.' f\!':D/(;R RF:rr::!ìT:ED Therc being no objection, the Chftir directed the following correspondence be filed Jnd/or rcfcrred to the various departmentS as indicf.lted: 1. L~ttcr rcccivcð 9//~/CI from ~élrk !I. Smith to County Commissioners requcstin~ vote agninst no smokln~ ordin~nc~. Filed. 2. Lottcr ððtcd 9/~1/?1 fro~ v.w. Shaw to BCC requesting vote against "proposed clcan ðir ðC~". Filed. 3. Lettcr dl.ted 9/24/P,1 to County CO~lmi:H;ion(..r5 fror.o Harold I\ldrich reCllJcstinC] pl\ssélgc of restriction on smoking In public places. Filed. 4. Letter dated 9/1t;/Al from James C,r.'lnth.!lm, Intornal Auditor Supervisor to ~!.Holc1 lIi111 t'nc10sing copy of audit report for project nUmb~r 7Q-12-0l-r-lJ-06, cntitlod "Wnrning 3nd R~gultltory EiC]n Upgrading and InGt~IIDtion". Filed. 5. Copy of 9/:>4/81 lottl r ~ro", Frank J. Pepper, Prenldent, R.)x propt:rties, I"c., to the Dept. of Environnentn\ ncgulðtion indicating no obj~ctlon to ~nd support of the proposed inprovc~~nts Dt Lake Tr~fford in Immokðlce. xc /'Ir. Nor~¡'n lInd /-Ir. lac.:>. filed. Page 76 &OO~ 064 PACE 64.9 , '....., ~ . I ,.~ ' .~. , '·1, f' ~ ~ I, ," ~ " " ~, (í. '", 7 . . ,,"-'0 ... .., 0.- o).,..¡ CJ .., III (,) H 4.1 0, IQ M M ~c III 4.1 §~ . § 9. .,.,..¡ ...., (,) U ::I ~'8 1(1. Cl,M p., I) .., ~ M .. ~ & ~ ".,..¡ 5.... 0 ~M .. (,) ~.,..¡ 1l. ~ iii ~ M .. 0 :10.... 800~ 064 PACE 650 Scptcmbar 29, 1981 petition rcceived 9/7.3/Ûl by the BCC requcsting vote in f~vor of propozod "Gru~n Tree Center" to hu constructed on the 50utlnJC5t corner of Irnmor..11~r:' anr'l rd rport ROlH"S. F i 1 cd . Lctt<"!r ñ.,tcd 917.7./Pl (rom Hllzel FCùr 1\gt'linst chðnglng guidelincs for County t-',ðnDgcr form of govp.rnmcnt. xc County Mnnagcr. Filed. Copy of 9/16/81 letter from rt.ûry LeI;! Lêlync to Ed Kilnt of Collicr Development Corpor~tion enclosing Administra- tor's Approval for tr~nsfer of TDR's. Filed. ~onthly record of juvenil~s inc~rcerûted for tho month of ^ugu5t, in Collicr County jail. Fllcd. Letter dñtcn 0/22/81 from nicnðrrl E. Grimm, rh.D., Asst. f>t!crctûry for Orcrl tion~; fiRS to Comr.1issioner pi!Jtor enclosing Grant Program Guidelines for County Peðlth Unit Construction, ~odernlzl1tion ðnd ncnovation rrojcct5. xc ~·r. Non1"n, Dr. Cox ûnd Harold I:~ll. riled. Copy of 9/10/Bl letter fro~ roncld Norton to Dr. Chrles n , nus sell, [' i r ~ c tor, D i vis ion 0 í Em r 1 0 ym e n t .) nr.' T r 11 i n- ins listing iteMs of conc~rn th~t have becn corrcçtcd rc1ntive to Tndepcnjent Monitoring Unit visit rcport (Contrûct No. CI-ET-(1C)-21-01-007). filed. 17.. ~oticc receiv~d 9/23/81 rc currcnt projcctn undor review by South Ccntr.::ll Florid.:! PCl!slth :,ystcms Council, Inc. Certificate of need requ~ct5 and review schudule. F i 1 cd . 13. Letter c1.Jtec! ~/23/1'!1 from non()ld "\H (ham, ~·..)nl! (JQr, Yahl 8ro$. ~ispos~l ðdvisin~ of rrospcctive o~ployeo trom Collier Counly Vocationðl Tcchnicftl Center. Filed. rago 77 . . -~..'-', 'ÌII -.., ~ I· ~,,"" Ji" 11; fIl'.< ,. ~~i\ \., ,'. < ~' ~-Ò ',,' ... " \o40~ o~~ '. U " þo'ClU +».....QI ....11)... r-4~ .... +' c:: ' ,oClQl ....1I1.c: ~§. r-4I1)S t.lCI~ ~.~ QI :s .. :'8 iQ,~ ~II)QI :II;~ ... .c: !"~~ ""c~ ¡0'õ ~ t() '"' rofC::U ~~~ O+'. ,.. C U~ ... ...,..0 -: 0...... Septcmber 29, 1981 14. Notice from PSC: ra ndoption of Rul0 25-17.11, F.^.C., governing Commissioner gUJrantae of all ~nergy conservation 10anG. Docket ~o. POOSõ5-EG(RA), Order No. 10299, Issued 9/lr/Ol. II II II II II . .. .. * * II Thorc being no further busincßs for the good of the County, the moetin~ was ndjourncd by order of the Chair - Time: 2:50 P.M. BO^nD OF COU~TY COM~ISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVEn~ING P.O~RD(S) OF ~PECI^L DISTnICTS U~DER ITS CONTROL I vt Q. J2u~' J /// . PIf:TOP., CH1\IRr·'^N WILLI^N J, RE~C^N ATTf.f>T: , . ,/ ( r ... .. ;' I' I ..., .......f &O~K 064 PAGf 651 - * ,:.£ ~~ .:.: ,~:;;{t" ,,~'.J"~, ""'~';'1¡' .:;~,\;,~ A:;~ .'~ ,~R. / :!~' -'J v~l, ;~t~ >':,':t:' ~' ,', -, 'I PÐc::!0