BCC Minutes 09/15/1981 S --~-------------------------------------~- Naples, florida, Septe~ber IS, 1981 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that a majority of the Board having givon approval and tho Clerk hðvinq given prop~r notice in accordance with Ordinance No. 75-1(" the Board of County Commissionftrs in and fOf tho County of Collier met in Special SessIon on this d~to at 5101 P.M. in Building -f- of the CourthousQ Complex, Naples, Florida, with the following members presentl CH"IRM"NI .1ohn ^. Pistor VICE-CII" Ir1MAN: Cll t' ford \o.·~nze 1 C.R. "Russ" Wimer ~~ry-FrðnCeg Kruso David C. Prown ALSO PRESENTI Chief Deputy Clerk/Fi~cal OfficQr II/HOld L. IIall, Elinor M. Skinner, O<1puty Clerk; County ~nn/!ger C. Will1ðm tJOfMðnl and County ^ttorney Donald Pickworth. ^G ENOA 1. Further consideration of the IIllocðtion of Federal Rovenue Sharin~ Funòs (or FY 1980-81 ( Fisc ð 1 0 ( f ice r) $ 20,750 ¡;J7,7('(' Senior Cltlzrns C~nter Gener.,l Fund/Opcflltinq t.xponne£ $656,511'; 2. Further con8iderlltion of the ^lloc~tlon of Federal Revanue Shnrin~ Funrn for FY 19A1-R2 (Fiscal Officor) S75A,237 to General Fund/Operating rxpenses 3. ^uthorizðtion for Chairmnn to siqn the -Statemont of Asfturnnccs" for Fedoral Revenue Sharinç Funda for FY 1901-62 Pago 1 ~QJK 063 rACE 736 --- - - - -r- - - - -...,,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...w, .. ¡ I I I ._--------------~-_._------------~--------_.~ I I 1 " BOOK 063 PAGE7375cPlt!t1Iber l~, 19ß1 :d.!.OCI\TION OF rr.I:IF:R^t fU:Vr.tI1JF: sJt1\nJtJ(~ FtlNOS Fon FY 19:10-£1l - "Pf'ROVr.D Fi::¡cal Officer Hðll 8ðid thllt the purpose of the publ1c heorinq a8 Dct forth in the ordor from Judgo Cnrlton if for furthor consideration of how Fedoral Revenue Shoring funðc would bo a110cðted beclIusQ or the 1mpðct on double tðxntion. He Baid that the original ~llocation was ~20,750 to the Senior Citizen Center ðnd $637,7(,(, to the Cenorðl ¡'und/Operðting Expen~es ðnd that the recommendntlon of staff that the Ooafd Dpprove thi8 Federð1 Revenuo Fund ðllocntion tor the yoar 19AO-Ol. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by CommlsGionor Kruse and clIrrivd unDninously, that tho aforementioned allocation of federðl Revenue Shðrln~ Funds for FY 19RO-R1 bo nprroved. ,',lLOC^TJOP.' OF Ff.r:F.nM. nF.vn,¡UF. SlIf\IUNG F'tlNnS ron FY-19PI-P? - APPROVE Commissioner Wenzel noved, seconded by Commissioner Krune lInd Fund/Operating f.xpens"o. I cðrricd unani~ously that the federal Revenue Shoring funds for FY 1981-82 in the amount of S7SB,2J7 be ~llocllte~ to Generð1 CH^I~~^N ^UTHOnrZ[D TO SIGN TilE ·ST^TE~ENT OF' ASSUR^NCES" FOR FrOERAL p~:\'ENr f: ~'I,I'PJ~·r. FlJ~ nS fOn rv 19111-1'1:1 CommisGionor Wenzel moved, seconded by CommtG~ionor ~rU80 and carriod unnnimoualy, that tho Chotrman bo nuthorlzed to Bign the -Statement of Assuronccs· for redcrðl Rovonuo Shnring Funds tor FY ,. 1981-8:1. Mr. !lall stðtod that the legÐI notice IIdvert1sinq tho public:: hearlnq for Sept~mber 22, 1901 nt 6100 P.M. will reflect the result. of 1, Pa9. 2 ~ C-J ,-...., ~ - -- - - - - - - -- -- -- ----------- ------ --- ------- . . ,.,~"..>.- .. - - - - - - - - - -... - - - - - - - - - - _..- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --.- --... ßOOK Oó'3 PAr,E 739 b 1 r:' 1961 fioptem or .J, the eforomentionod chðng.. in the propoood millages an~ proposed budget. Commissioner Wimer moved, Deconded by Commissionor Kruse and carried unanimously, for the adoption of the tentative budget in accordance with the above modifications (or the General Fund Budget to be $21,071,056, Unincorporated Aroa RODds Budget 52,070,0511 Unincor- porated Arca General, 53,320,923 and the millage rat~s for tho Genoral Fund to bo 2.5871 mIlls, for Unincorporatod "re~ Roads ~o be .8372 mUls, lJnincorporùtod Mel'! Gcnerbl to he .11368 mills. ~r. Hall announced that tho pcrccnt Incroaso in the Gonerðl Fund Budget Ovp.r the ro1lbðck rnto 19 14.5tl over the currcnt rate is l3.6\, for Unincorporated "rea Roads, S.), Increaoe ovor rollback rate, and ~.O\ over current rate, for Unincorporðted General, 19.9\ over rollback, 15.6\ increase ovcr current rate io 15.(,'. Thero being no further hu~lness to come beforo the ßOl'Jrd the meeting Wùs adjourncd by order of the Chnir - Timol 5:15 P.M. BOARD Of COUNTY r.O~MIf;5IONF.PS/r.X OfFICIO GOVF.nNING DOARD(f;) or SPECI^L DISTRICTS UNDER I'r5 CON'mOL 1 I rot'""'" (/ A"/-~ v '<J U: t,1 . PI5Ton, CI!lIIRM^N ';, ,þ ~ ;, I' ~, ... '^TTEST I .. WILLI '" r, ' ....; ... .. ... JOU K . . P19' 3 ----------------- - - ..