BCC Minutes 09/08/1981 R - - - --- - -.. - -- - -.---.....-------- - -- --,-- CJ r~)len, Florida, soPtembÐ~~19Al LET IT B~ REMEMßERED, that the Doard ot County Commissionors 1n ~nd for the County of Collier, nnd also nctlng as the governing board(s) of such special districts aa have been crcated according to law and having conducted business heroin, met on this date at 9s00 ^.M. in'Regular Se8sion in Building "FW of tho Courthouse Complox with tho following members presÐntl CHA!RM1\Ns VICF.:-CI1^IRMANJ .'John A. ~1stor Cll f ford Wenzel c.n. wRussw Wimor Mary-Frances Kruse David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: willhm J. Raðgan, Clerk, Harold L. Jlall, Chief Deputy Clark/Fiscal Officer, Elinor M. Skinnor and Darlene Dðvidson (9145 A.M.) Deputy Clerks, Donald pickworth, County Attorney, Irving Berzòn, Utilities Manager, C. William Norman, County Managor, Terry Vi rta, Communi ty Dtt'Oelopment Administrat.or, Terry Cll1rk and Loe Layne, ?lannors, Son~rð y~tQQ, Olock Grant Coordinator, Jeffory p~rry, %onin9 Director, Cliffo~d Barksdale, Public Work8 ^dmtntatrator, ~ho~.. ~afnèr, Public Sofety Director, Grace spaulding, Administrative ^ido to the Board, and, Daputy Chlcf Raymond B~rnett, Sherlff'n'Department. ~OOK 063 PACE 4.45 -------- ~--- Pa90 1 ~-.....----------_..-----------" " "'( ,,¡ , f.... ....1 ~ . . \ ~~ '. '" '..;.....'.:- .~;~J""\.t~.:\l' ~'.' .\.",~~4!{~J~'/.......t' ""'I . ' -, r:h:;1.. ' <':, ,;~:~i, i,,,,'.. ", '. . r :" ,; "~'~": ,:, , " " ~."'~~~ l.h1¡¿Fi'~J;. " u ': ' 1: I'r'-"; , ~ - . ~.Ä..&1''~~''\I701..\.. ~.r, ...... '. _1'" '. ' :,,' , I: ~________________________________________1~ 06~ 450 Soptombor A, 19111 BOOK ~ fACE RECEIPT OF r,PF.CI^L ~MERIC^N FLAG FOR RENIOR CITIZF.N CF.NTEn - ACKNOh'L r.DG ED Chairman piator said that tho ~erlcan flag to bo usod for tho p~edgo of Alltiglance hnd flown over tho CapItol by request of Congressman L. ~. ·Skip· Bafalis and that it would bo presented to tho SenIor CItIzen Center of Naplos. ~GEND^ - APPiìOVf.D \<lITH nr.LETIONS Commissioner Wenzel moved, soconded-by Commissioner Kruso and carried unanimously, that the agenda bo approvod with the following deletions I c. 11B-l - County Hðter System development chlHges, annual revlow - Continued to 9/~2/8l. b. Clerk's Report, Tax Anticipation Note for Sewor System Area "ß" - Continued to 9/l5/81. ,. Furt~I(H additions made later in tho session. MINUTES OF 0/11/81 MEETING - APPROVED ^S DISTRIBUTED. MINUTES or 8/10/01 MEF:TING - CONTINUED TO 9/15/81 Commissioner Wenzol movod, seconded by commlssion~r Kruae and 'carriod unnni~oußly, thnt the min~tQB of tho R/ll/Rl mooting be approved as diatributod and tho minutos of tho B/Iß/BI meeting be contInued untIl 9/l5/Rl. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT - 1\PI'ROVEO FOR EXECUTION, RESOLUTION (11-199 TO ESTABLISH ^DDITIONAL RESTRICTED DOATING ZONES ON COUNTY WATF.RW.a.YS - ADOPTED Legðl noticQ having been published in tho Naples Daily News on August 23, 1981, as evidenced by ^ffldavit of publication filed with tho Clork, public hearing was openod to con sidor thø approval of . Hold P.qe 2 _.~ .._.4.._________ .', "armless AgroÐm8nt and ð resolution to 80tabllsh addItional rostricted boatlng zonas on County watorways. Public Works A~miniBtrator Barksdale explainod that In the follow-up to the tentative approval of tho County's applicatIon for the establishment of additional rostrictlve hoating zones, the Buroau of Mðrine Patrol, Departmont of Natural Rosourcos, now requlros a Hold Harmless Agreoment and a resolutIon designating tho specIfIc areas of ,','~: '.~,~,' I, ':)·':11 ',¡~ ~.~.~~ I ;1';~0~ ! :t~; , " ;;' ,~ · Idlo Speod-No Wake" zonOl1 ~o that thoro cðn bo a County ordinance that will enforce tho zones. flo said tho roaolution involvos tho installation of eighteen pilings and thirty-six sIgns at an estImated cost of $28,500. lie saId upon lJubmittðl of executed copIes of the A~roement and tho Resolution and receipt of tho pormits from tho DNR, application will bo made to the DER, Corps of Enginoers ðnd U.S. Coast Guðrd along with application for Grant Fundb from tho Florida Boating Improvement Program. fie oxplðined thllt nid documcntlJ will lIlao be prepa~ed and advertised, which wIll bø presentod to the Board for future approval. lie said that it is tho otaff'. rocommendat10n for : ' approval of tho Hold Harmless ^groemont and th~ Resolution ostabllsh1ng the restrictive booting zone, and that the Chairman be authorIzed to execute same. In response to a question by Mr. Mike Zewalk, Mr. Barksdale said tho coat of the signs would come from the Boat1ng Irnprove~ent Fund which is made up from boat licensing fees. Commissioner Wenzel moved, neconded by Commissioner Kruse and carrIed unanimously, thot the pUbl1c hearing be closed. Commlaøloner Wenzol movod, seconded by commissionor ~ru8e ðnd carriod unan1mously, I , P"ge 3 ." " , ,.:1: BO~K 063 rA~ 45J . i,··"..... ... .;.". : ~.¡ .t" ".~ ·;fr·: .,ti'. t ~ {.~~ ------------------------~------.--.....--.-_-~.- ~OOK 063 rACE 452 that the Chairman bCl authorizod to Ði9n the lIold "armloaD ^9reoment and th^t Reaolutlon Ðl-199, to Ðntabllsh additional rostricted boating zonos on County watorwayn, bo adoptod. I·~ , Pago " . . , ": .,.. ---------~---------------~-~----~-------~! . " ' . . bOO~ û63 PACE46û RESOLUTICìN 01-200 ESTAßLISIIINr. FINAL ASSF:SSMENT ROr.L ON OAY !ìTREET ANO FEnN ~Tn~ET IMrnOVF:M~IIT OIGTnrCT - ACOPTEO. PAYRACK TF:HMn FOR ~ YEARS AT INTr.nEST nATr. NOT TN F.XCr.RS OF ]5- - APPROVED L09ðl notico having beon publinhed 1n tho N~pleG Daily Nows on ~ugust 23 and 30, 1981, as evidenced by Affidavit of rubllcation tllad wIth tho Clerk, public heðring waD oponed to consider a resolution to establIsh the final ðsseBsment roll on Day ~treot and Forn Stroot '. Improvemont'District. Public Works Administrator AðrksdðlD explained that the Board of County Commissioners on March 27, 1980 received tho petition for the purposo of creating the Bðy Street and Forn Stroet Improvement District and that on September 9, 1980 they approved the preliminðry assossment roll and authorized his de~ðrtment to procoed wIth the construction. Ho said all the work hð5 been comploted and tho finnl assessmunt cost tor approximately 3,204 11ncðl foot is S47,04l~55 or approxlmntely $14.68 per front foot which included final conntruction coats plus 6' administrative ðnd 7\ engineering fees. Mr. Barksdale said the preliminary assessmont was for $61,249.9B or S19.11 per front foot resulting in a cost of approximately $4.43 per front foot less than tho original estimato. 110 explained the reduction was possible beczHJoD of competitive bids. fie said thQ staff recommends that the Board approve the rosolution estðblishing tho fInal assessment roll for Bay Street and Fern ~treet Improvement DIstrict. Commissioner WenzAl moved, noconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unðnl~ou51y, th~t the public h~~r1ng be closed. Commissionor Wenzel moved, seconded by Commisslon~r Xruse and carried unðnimous]y, Page 5 - - - ---- - - - - - - - - --- ------ - ------ - ----- - ----- , , .' that Rosolution 01-200, oGtðbliøhlng the final aasossment roll on Bay I Street and Fern fitroet Improvemont DIstrict, be a~optnd. Chief Doputy Clerk/Fiscal 'Officer Hall axplalnod that staff ..,',.- -i recommends a S year payback at an intorost rate not 1n excess of 15\ with the understandIng th^t tho rosldonts bo advised that next yoar, if tho DIstrict can be ro-funded at a lower interes~ rate, it w~ll be done. County Attorney PIckworth saId if tho District is re-funded, a new rosolution will bo propared. Commiosio~er Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wonzel and carried 4/1, with Commissioner Wimer opposed, that tho payback period for the final assessment roll on Bay Street and Fern Street Improvemont DIstrict be 5 yoars wIth an annual Intorest rato not in excess of 15'. 1a response to a question by Commlcsioner Wimer, Mr. Hall saId, as a project comes up, that amount i8 addad to what the County needs to borrbw in a lump sum and the amount noeded IS designated for the particular project. Commisoioner Wimer asked if It was necessary to borrow the money next week, and Mr. 111211 said the Board should not 'wait beyond September 30, 1981 bocauoe at the end of the year each of tho funds has to reflect a zero balanco since ther~ cannot be IS deficit to the General Fund. Commissioner Wimer stated he was opposed to the lS' intorest rate. Page 6 ~oo~ 063 PACE 461 . ~ , .' .. -- -------- -- -- ------ ------:- -------- --- --:- - --:',' ,¡ , " ,,' . :~~f~ I ~, (~~. Soptombor 0, 1~8~~ :.............J nE50LUTION OI-20l ~RTADLIRfIINC FINAL ^ns~sEA~NT nOLL FOR DENSON STRE~T "IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - ADOPTED, P^YBACK TERMS FOR 5 YEARS ^T INTEREST nATE NOT IH r.XCF.RR OF 15\ - APP!10Vr.D '''", " Logol notico having boon publl&hod in the Naplos Dally Nows on ^u9uat 23 and 30, 19B1, os evidenced by ~ffidðvlt of publicatIon filed with the Clark, public hearing was oponod to consider a resolutIon establishing tho final assessment roll for Benson Street Improvement ( District. Public Wprks Aðminiotrator Darksðalo explainod that on March 2l, 1980 tho Boord of County Commissioners recoivod the petition for Road Improvements for Bonson Stroet ond on February 19, 1981 accopted ,the preliminary assessment and that 011 the work has been comploted for approximately 1,335 lineal foat with the final cost baing $31,138.28 or $23.32 per front foot, whIch includos finnl construction costs plus 6\ , admInistrative fee and 7' engineerIng costs. Mr. Bðrksóale said tho proliminary assessment was for ð total co~t of $35,049.29 or $26.85 par front foot, re3ultlng in a cost of approx- imatoly $3.53 par front foot lesa than tho oBtimato. He saId the staff recommends that tho Board authorize tho Chairman to execute the "resolution approving tho fInal aSSQGsment roll for Bonson Stroet ImpTovement DIstrict. Chicf Deputy :lerk/Fiscal Officor Hall said tho payback would be tor 5 yoars at an interest rate not in oxcess of 15' with tho undar- .tanding that the residents bo advised that next year, if tho District can be re-funded at a lowÐr interost rate, it wIll bo donft. Commissioner Wenzel moved, sQconded by CommissIoner Kruso and ps~.) 7 ~ &OOX 063 PACE 4:63 .....,.. , ..(..../~..... ':.(~ --------------~~--~---~~~----~~-~~-~~~ . . '. & I- I- .,1,;1 , 0 ~;;', "I-:"'~ . ·1. ~"'t . ¡ -- - -.... - -- -- - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - --- - - - - _.. --- Ðoptombor a, l~Ol MCK 063 PACÉ 464 cnrriod un~nImou51y, th~t the public honrln9 bo c10God. Commln~ionnr Won%ol moved, Rocondod by Commiosionor Kruse and carrIed unanlmounly, that Resolution Bl-20l, establishing the final asseSBment roll for Bénson Streot Improvement District, be adopted. Commissioner Wonzol moved, seconded by Commlssionor Kruse and carrIed 4/1, with Commissioner WImer opposed, that the payback be for 5 years not in eXCC5S of 15\ intorest rnte. Commissionor Wimer was opposed to tho 15~ interest rato. Page ø 1 t Soptemhor e, 1901 ßO:;,', 063 "AGE 466 I ORDIN1\NCE NO. 1'1-<16 m:rF.1\r.ING mWINMICE NO. 79-53, Rr.t.I\TING TO REZONING P~TITION 0-79-4-1, Tnl\FFOnn PINES ~GT1\T~S, TRI\CT A - 1\nOPTF.D Logal notlco hðving heon publlohod in tho Naplcß D3ily Now. on ^ugust 7, 19n1, ns ovidenced by 1\f!ldavlt of publlcntlon fIled wIth tho Clork, public hoaring was opened to consIder an ordInance repealIng Ordinance No. 79-53, rolating to rezoning potitlon R-79-<1-1, Trafford ., Pines Estates, Tract 1\. Zoning Director Perry explalnod that on ~uly 24, 1979 Ordinance No. 79-53 rezoned Tract "^W of Trafford pines Estates from -I-C-2w to -I-MF-IW as requosted by the petitionor, ·Mr. Rogor Dick. He said approximatoly two monthÐ earlior, on May ß, 1979, the BOArd adopted the Comprehensive Plan of Collier County, Ordinance No. 79-32, and that one of the elements of the plan, the Land Use Map, was adopted with a land use designation of Commercial for tho petItioner's property. He said that the rezoning that followed was in conflIct with the comprehensivo Plan and that staff has discussed this conflict with the petitioner, who has agroed to the repQðling of the Ordinance which changed tho zoning to multifamily, which will result in tho conversion of the zonIng back to -I-C-2- and will rCßolve the conflIct w~th the Co.mprehonaive Plan Land Usp Map. . Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by CommissIoner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the publIc hoaring be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, soconded by Commissioner Ðrown and carried unanimously, that Ordinance No. 81-46 be adopted and entored into Ordinance Book No. 13 A5 numbered and entitlod below! PI. 90 9 ________________~_________________~__~__,J . .. . '. . .'. . '¡ ,'''' . ;,.f " { i ORDIN^NCE NO. nl-4~ AN ORDH/J\NCF. nr.rf."LIUa ORDTN"NCE NO. 79-5~ \o,JIIICII ",.,F-NDED TilE IMMOI<"LEE J\Rr:" rL^NNING DISTRICT ^TLM; OF ,.,,,rs MID CII"NCF;D TilE 7.0NTNG CL"SSIFIC"TION OF TIlE pnOPERTY DEGCIUßED IIERF.INf\F.LO'IJ FROM "I-C-2w TO w I-MF-l" "ND rROVIDH¡a FOR TII!:: CII1\tJGE OF TIlE ZONINC "TLAS AS DESCRIBED JlF.REWITH !\ND PROVIDING ^N EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDIN.a.NCE NO. 81-47 ESTABl.ISHING THE POLICY TIt"T NO Df.VELOPMF;NT OF ^NY TYPE HAVr. TilE SAME NAME OR f,IMILAR SOUNDING NAME - A\')OPTf.D Legal notlco hðving been publlahod in the Naples Daily Nows on }\ugust 19, 1901, as evidence by Affidavit of Publlcntion filed with the Clerk, public hearing wað oponcd to consIder an ordinance ostablisrying t~e policy that no development of any typo have the GÐme noma or similar sounding name. , Plannor Loe Layne oxplained that at th~ present time thoro ore Subdivision Regulationn which govern namOB of subdivisions and streets but that there is no policy to prcvent rental parks or condominiums from having the same namea and th~t, for public safety rcasons, staff is requosting this ordinanco. She said there are several condominIums which havo the samo namos as atreots and that fire trucks end ambu- lances are going to the strootß instead of tho condominIums and vico versa and staff feels the roquested ordinance will prevont such error. from happening in the future. Ms. Layne saId if thoro 18 a 8ocond phase of a dovelopmont, the 8ame name will continue to be used and that staff 1. proposing that the luln street within that dcvelopment of a 8ubd Iv1sion can have the same name bocðuse it would be ill the generðl ðreð. Page 10 bQO( 003 p"~E467 -.--.------..-------- ~ :..- .",. ....¡' .. ,I] fIr ... ... ..... ~OQ~ 063 ¡,^C¡; 468 f>ol'tomber n, 1901 Ccmm13slonAf Wonzol movod, nocondod by,Commlnaloncr Kruao and carriod unnnimouDly, that tho public hoÞrlng bo cloBod. Commissionor Wanzel movod, socondod by Commloalonor ~rußo ~nd c~rrIcd unnnlm~IJßly, th¡)t Ordinnnco No. el-47 be lIdoptecJ ðnd entored Into Ordlnl1ncQ l'ook No. 13 as numbored and entitlod bolow! , " < 'I ': ORDIN~NCE NO. ~1-47 ,,' AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING TI!¡\T NO BUILDING OR Df.VP.L- OPMENT HT\V~~ THE SM1F: NT\ME OR SIMIL1\R SOUNDING N1\ME 1\5 1\NOTHER DEVELopr~F:NT, BUILDING, SUnDIVISION OR STREETI AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE Dl\TE. :1 .¡~ TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT RE PETITION TR-81-IB-C, JOSE 5l\CO, PERMIT- TING THE UTILIZATION OF " TRAVEL TRAILER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF A ~RINCIPLE RESIDENCE ON 2.5 ACRES, UNIT II, W 150' OF TRACT 72, GOLDEN GATE ESTATEf> - GRT\HTED Zoning Director Perry explained that Petition TR-Bl-18-C, filed by Jose Saco, Is requesting a tenporary rcaidonce pormit to utilize a travel trailer during const~uctlon of ð principla residenco on 2.5 acres of land In Unit 11, W ISO' of Trnct 72, Golden Gato Estatos, 4-1/2 milcs cast of SR 951 on Golden G~te Boulcv~rd hotween 5th Street NW and 3rd Stre~t m\, in ordcr to protect his equipment and materials from vandalism and theft. Commissioner Wenzol moved, secondod by Commioslonor Kru50 and cArried unanimouoly, that ð tenporary rosidence pormit, a8 requested in PetItion TR-81-IV-C, be grant~d, subjoct to the petitionor receiving a buIldIng permit, for ð pcrl~d of 6 months, or completion of the resIdence, whichever comas firat. Page 11 , 0 - - - -- - - - - --:- ----~----:-.--------~ ------:--.-.-- ----::,.:',.. ..~ . " " :::J :---. J r . ',..' ,._,~.._.J -- - - - - - -- - - -- - ------.-- - - - ---- - - - --- -----.. ......- -.-- r ", Septcmhor 0, lqnl TEMPOP7\RY RESIDF.NCE PEflMIT fiE PBTITION TR-nl-20-C, rn7\NK NICIIOLf., PF.Rto1T1'1'INr. 'T'11r. l1TILI7.^'I'IOt-l OF '1'\'10 TR,I\VF:L THl',!LEHS mJRWC CONSTI1!:CTlm~ OF ^ PRINCIPLE n~CYDENCE ON 2.75 AcnES ON S lAO' OF TfI^CT 95, UNIT 12, G OL DEli (; AT r: r.;,1' ^ l' r. ~ - Ît n fI, NT r.D ., Zoning Diroctor Porry oxplðinod that Petition TR-Ol-2D-C, filed by .. FranK Nichola, ia roquesting a tomporary residenco permit to utilize :-.,.... two travel trailers during conatruction of a principlo residence on 2.75 acres on the S 180' ot Tract 95, Unit 12, Golden Gate Estates, 1/4 mile South of Golden Gate Ooulevard on SW 3rd Stroet, approxim~tely 4-1/2 milos east of CR 951, to protect his equiPMent and mðtori~l8 from vandalism and theft. He said one of tho travel trailers would be used ðS a construction shed. Commiasioner Wenzol moved, seconded by Commissioner Krune and carried unanimously, that a tomporary residonce permit, as requested in Petition TR-81-20-c, be granted, subject to the petitionp.r receiving ð building pormit for the principle residenco. TEMPORAny Rr.SYDEtJCE PER",IT RE PETITION TI1-RI-21-C, J,AMF.:S \'/ITCHER, PERMITTING TilE UTILIZATION OF A TRAVEL TnAII.f:R DURING CONSTRUCTION OF A PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE ON 2-1/11 ACnES ON TilE f.AST ISO' OF TRACT 56, UNIT 77, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - ~n^NTED Zoning Director Perry explðlned that petition TR-81-21-C, fIled by James Witchor, is reguostlng a temporary residence p~rmlt to utl11~e ð travel trailor during construction of a principlo residence on 2-1/~ acres on the eost lSD' of TLðct 5~, Unit 77, Golden Gate Estates, 1/4 mile east of Everglades Doul~vard on Ath Avenue, NP. and ðpproximately 1 t ~i10 north of Goldon Gate Boulevard, to protect his equipment and materiols from vandðllsm and the~t. Commissioner Wonzel moved, seconded bt commissionor Kruse and rag. 12 !v=~ 063 fACE 469 -- - -- - -- --. -,-- --- -- - --- -_.- ..- --- -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .....-., Gopt.ombor ß, 19A1 ~\.~I. C53 I'/,CE 470 carriod unnnimoualy, that ð temporary rosi~~ncÐ permit, requeßted in Petition TR-Al-21-C, be granted, cubjcct to the petitioner recGivinq ~ building permit for tho princlplo rosldenco. During a short di~cusslon which followed, Mr. Parry snld that approxImately 23 temporary reaidence pormltn have beon granted and 6 travol trailors háve been rc~ovcd thus far. EMERGf.NCY Df.cLARF.D, ORDINANCE NO. Al-48 ^MF.:NDING onDINANCE NO. 31-37 AND NO. 79-32 CORRECTING VARIOUS TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS IN ORÐINANCE NO. 81-37 - ADOPTf.D Planner Terry Clark explained a requent that an ,emergency be declarcd and that an ordinance be adopted to correct varioun typo- graphical errors in th9 leg~l rlcßcriptlon for petition CP-8l-7c which was supplied by the petitioner, Donald Jonos. commiasionor Wenzel moved, seconded by Ccmmiasioncr Kruse and cðrried 4/1, with tommissionor wimor oppos~d, that ðn emergency oxists. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse anò carried 4/1, wit.h Commissioner Wimor opposed, that Ordinance No. 81-48 'be adopted nnd entered into Ordinðncc Book 13 as numbered and entitled belowl ORDINANCE Cl-49 AN F.MERGF.IlCY OnDINAt-ICE M1ENÐING ORDINANCE IH-37 AND ORDIN^NCE 79-12, THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLOTUDA, BY CORRECTING VARIOllS TYPOGRM'H- ICAL ERnOnS IN TIIF. LEGAL DF.SCRIP"I'ION OF OnDINMJCE 81-37 AUD £ìY AMENDING THE LAND USE ELF:~ENT WORK STUDY An~A MAP t2, AS DERCnln~D IN OnDINANC£ 79-32, fROM RfStD~N7IAL Lrn~-MEÐIUM DENSITY (0-4 UNITS PER Gnoss ACnE) TO COMMF.RCI^L AND RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM- HIGH DEtJSITY (';./.7-30 UNITS pr.n GROSS ACRE) ON THE FOLLOWINC PROPERTY ~ENEnALLY DESCRrnED AS: A PORTION Of Tnr. NORT f'1\ST 1/4 OF THf. NOIlTIIEAST 1/., OF SECTiON 26, T48S, R25E, ALL AS MORF: PARTICULARLY Dr-SCRIBED HEREIN ^ND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. pago 13 - - - -- - - - - - - - - ----- --~ - --- --~-------....---_.... r----¡ ,--¡,. '.._ ~ . ·L.._________,___ .,j.-----------,_ -----.. ftoptembor 0, 19tH . MR. TED £\ELOH" CI1"IRM1\N OF EAC, "DDED TO SELECTION CO~~MITTEE Fon AN ENVIRONMENTAL CON~ULTANT CommunIty Devolopment Diröctor vlrt~ explninod th~t tho motorial in the agenda portalning to the selectIon procoss for an r.nvironm~ntal Consultant 18 for the informatIon of the Commissioners and that no action is required. Chairmðn pistor noted that the applicants for thepos1t.ion will be interviewed ~optcmber 14, 19A1 and that after a discussion betweon himself and Mr. Theodoro Below ðnd because the, Environmental connultant Is a liasion for the EAC, he requested that Mr. Below be addod to the Selection Committco. He said thot now tho Committee consists of Commissioner Kruse, Mr. Virta, Mr. NormDn and himsclf. Commissioner Wi~er moved, ceconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Mr. Theodore Below be added to the Selection Com~ittee for the Environmontal Consultnnt. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF KING~ LAKE UNIT TWO sunOrVIGION - Gn^NT~O Public Works Admini6trator Dðrksdale explained that the Board 9ranted proliminary acceptance of Kings Lake Unit Two Subdivision on September 30, 1980 Dnd that tho developers havo mðintainod the project since that time. He said the project has been ro-inRpected and st~ff recommends final acceptance and releaso of the maintenance sur.ty (Irrevocable Letter of Cred~t No. l3/AGC/PB/80/l87 from tho Clydesdale Bank Ltd. in the amount of $22,700.00). In responso to Chairman Pi3tor, Mr. ~arksdal. said tho project meets County standards. CommisDionor Krune moved, soconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/2, with Lommie.toners Wenzol and Wimer opposed, that final accoptance of Kings Lðko Unit TWo Subdivision be 9ranted and the maintenanco security (Irrevocable Lotter of Credit No. MC^ 003 rAcc41J Pa9. 14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- -- --..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. i~ -'~<~- -"'- .:... -=- ..,~~ ~~ ~ ~?' '~":~ .' .:-':-::: '.2.'_':'::::::-::: :. .::.- - .: ., .~1. BO~K . 063 PACE 472 . s; pt cmbc r a, 19 ø 1 lJ/^Gc/pn/OO/107 from the Clydosdale Dank ltd. 1n tho ~~ount of $22,700.DO) bo rolcDsed. . * * . Deputy Clerk ~kinn~r was repl~ced Davidson at this timol 9145 A.M. . . * * * * by Deputy Clerk * * * * PURCHASE ^GRf.F.MF.NT FOR 82 ACRE PARCr.L, SECTION 15, T47S, R29E FOR IMMO~^LEr. L^NDFILL SITF. - ^ppnovr.o Public .\'lorks ^dmin1strlltor Clirford Dl1rksdðlo recappod the information outlined within tho ~xecutive Summary, regarding tho now proposed Immoka1ee Landfill site, which hac been locatod after a 'two-year search. He said that this 02 acro parcel, located in Section 15, T47S, R29E, meets all of the DER regulations for pormitting. ,Tho purchaso prico was outlined by Mr. Bnrksdale, who said that the total price would be $200,000, equating to approximately $2,400 an acr~. He furthor statod that becl1uco this ~ite is located adjacent to the County Barn, it will lend itßolf to further devolopmont for governmental uses after it has reached i~9 capacity as ð landfill operation. commissionor Orown moved, 8c~onded by Commissioner Kruse and carriod 3/2, with Commissionora Wimor and Wenzel opposed, thÐt tho Board approvo tho contract tor the purchase of approximatoly A2 acres in Section 15, T47S, R29E, to be used as tho Immokaloe Landfill slto. Pðge 15 1/' -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - ----- --------- -- -- --------->~!: "\'>'~);': ·t! ;~.~.~,J.' ._1,,': :"", ,:, -¡,-"~;"i~'¡ -";~~.!:'i ¡~('~'1:~·j~¥~"\'\:r: ',,<~-..,~",;~;::_~r';'~~;~ .,' ,;, ", ",' ~-' ¡~ .'C-' .' .- --'' " '. '-!\,'t"''''',¡': ~ ,"" ~"~t~ ,LR, "'.r i "1' (Ii.~'~~ ...."" ~ --.............. CJ ~.::J - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. _...... _.~ ~... -..- - -- Soptember 0, 19B1 CONSID~~~TION OF LEAGING AN ^MBULANCE TO EVERCLADES CITY - DEFERnEP TO 9/15/01, ST^FF. TO INVrSTIC^TE SALR AND/On DONATION OF S^ME AMRULANCE FOn COHf>IDf:I'1^TIOH AT TJ!^T THlr. Aftor ð lengthy dlDcusslon concerning tho Informðtion oul11ned within tho ExecutIve Summary, dated 8/27/81, as summarizod by Public Safety Adminiatrlltor Thomas Hafner, relotod to the leðsinC) of /!In Ambulance to Everglades City, it was suggested by commlsoioner Wonzel , And concurred to by Commissioner Wimer, that, perhaps, the County should consider soIling tho ambulance outright or donating thQ ambulanco to EverCJlados City. This was dIscussed briefly, after which the ataf! was asked to investigate the ðlternativos and to report back on Septembor 15, 1981. ~ Commissioner Drown mOvcd, seconded by CommiG3ioner Wimor ~nd carried unanimously, that the consideration of lcaßing/selling/donating the ambulance to Everglades City be deferred to September 15, 19ßI. PREVIOUS ^cTION BY ROARD RE DISPOS^L OF AIRPORT "DAD MVI ST^TION RESCINDED; COUNTY Hf.LICOpTf.R OPEHATIONS TO BE p.10VED TO TilE AIRPORT RO~D MVI BUILDING AS SOON AS PO~~SIÐLr:l CONCEPT OF JOINT IIf.LICOPTER/F.MG USE TO BE INSTITUTED; COUNTY MAN~CER ^UTHOnIZED TO NrGOTI^TE A NEW LEASE FOR TilE PROPERTY ADJACENT Tn TIIF: MVI nlJILDING Public Safoty Administrator Thomð~ Hafner recapped tho information within the Executive Summary datod 8/27/Al concarning the propoB~1 to move the County IIel1coptor oporat~ons to the Airport Road MVI Building. Jle said that, bocause thio is an l1viatlon rolt1tod uso, the Airport Authority i6 willing to negotiate a long-torm 10ðße for this purpose. He explained that the building lends it"clf to uso tor offico space Car the County's pilot, the Sheriff's pilot, storago facilities for bo~h hellcoptora, and addition111 storage areAS for r.MS supplies, etc. He also noted that he has learned that tho antlcipatod monthly charqo will be closer to $100 a month than tho amount outlIned wIthIn tho Executle ~OOK 063 PACf.f77 Page If; _.- ,---- ..-.- -- -- ---------------------------- ......~. '600K 063 PACE4v8 SUmml'lfY, therefore, ho i6 rnquo6ting that tho County lIolicopt.!r Oporðtions be moved to tho MVI building as soon no posnlblo1 thðt the cQncnpt of joint "~llcoptor/EMS un~ be Instituted, and, that tho County ~anager bo authorizod to initiate nogotiðtiono for a new lo~so for the property ðdj~cent to the building. commiGGionor Wimcr moved, soconded by CommissIoner Wenzol and carrIed ur.animou~ly, th~t the Board's provious action rcgðrdtng dIrection for diDpoßal of the ¡\1rport Road MVI station be rescinded. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, thnt the staff recommondations regarding use of the ^irport Road MVI stðtion for lIel1copter/EMS use, ~s outlined above by Mr. Hafner, bc accepted. REPORT RE ""VI E(1UIFMf.NT ßY rUAtTC f:l\FETY l\mITNTSTRl\TOR1 ,.,VI r.('UIP",El':' TO OE TURNED OVEn TO PUnC!ll\STI!G nrpl\I'~Tr~f.tJT FOR I)ISrOSI\L BY S¡\Lf./¡\UCTION Public Safety l\dminißtrator Thomas Hnfnor reforred to the Ex~cutive Summary, dated 8/31/81, which includes a list of all the property turned over by ~WI Di rector George prcxlcr. fJe stl1ted that portions of the equipment have bc~n beon taken Into custody by various Departments within the County and tho remaining property in being recommended for disposal through s~lc and/or auction through the Purchaoing Department. ^fter a brief discussion regarding tho cost/value of soveral items on the inventory lint, Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that these v41u~s ðre based on the original coat of the Itoms, and do not nocossarily reflect curront valuea. Commissionor Wenzol movad, seconded by Commissioner Wimer ðnd cArriod unanimously, that the surplus MVI invontory items be Page 17 -----~-----------------------~-~--------~~ -, trllnaforred to the Purchasing DOpðrtmont for dIsposal by ðuctioh lind/or Gale. RECLASSIFICATION OF Cr.I1T"tN POSITION::; WITHIN TI1E COMMUNITY DEVELOPr-iENT DIVISION; GRADE ADJUSTMENTS FOR EMPLOYEES WITHIN THESE PORITIONS; CERTAIN ORCANI7.^TION1\L CIIANGES, MID, MIF,Nm'F.NTS TO TIIF. TU-:LF:V1\NT PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 1981-B/. RUDGET RF:FLF.CTING TIIERF. ChANGr.S - 1\ppnOVF:D Commissioner Wimor stated th~t he would lIke to sponsor II motIon to IIccept,th,e st.,H recommendations rog.!lrcUng tho reclasDlf1cation of certain positiona within tho Community Devolopment Division, including grado adjustments for cmployce~ within these poaitions, and certain organizational changcs within the Division. Alao, that tho proposed .Fisclll Year 19A1-ß2 Budget for tho Community Development Division bo amended to reflect thona changes. Chairman Pistor Guggested that oach of tho recommendations, as outlined in th~ Executive Summary bo hðndl~d separately, and it was ~he consensus of the Bo~rd th~t thin is acceptable. County M~nngQr Norman nsked that the record reflect that tho Board is considering this ðction, bec<'luso thODO planning positions are professional positions which ,:Ire not related to the "local market place". He said th.ü he believes 'that tho County h/uJ encountered an Wexceptional" 91t~lItlon with rogard9 to the reclassification of theso particular positions in accordance with that "market placc", which 1s a state-wide or reqlonal market plðCó. He ðsked thðt this be included in the record becauso thoro ore other employees thðt feel that thoir positions should bo reclðsa1floð or given similar treatment. He said that he has not found that the so othor roquests dictðto tho some kind of Wexcoptionðl situations". He said that he considers that the Community Development positions at iÐ~UO 're in mu~h the Sðme category BOOK 00 3 PACElf/g paqe lR ---------------------------------------- ; 'r:: -' -- ....~'~.- - ~ :.: -:~-- ~:: ::~~~~ '. -. -::~:~~:.~.~ ~- ~~:~:::~ì ðOOX 063 PALE 180 , an thoDO Involvod when tho nuildlng Innpact10n Dup~rtmont wns oxpnnded for boyond thot which tho local markot could provide and therofore required certain lIdjuGtmento. 110 retorred to tho aubjoct posit1onn in tho Com:1unlty t'evclopr.H:!nt Divisions liS dupcndlng on tho Inw of "supply and demand", 1.e. thB ~vallllbility of people with thesa particulllr kinds of skills in this partlculor orca,'thorcfore, being "special exception" positlons. Thore ~~s a hrief discuGsion regarding why somo postions will be upgraded four steps and others one, during which Mr. Norman stated that tho dotermin~tion was mode based on surveys taken and the amount of money that the County would have to pay in order to find the qualified people to take the positlons. There was a hrief diGcussion regardlng recommendation ,~, related to the necessary budget amondment that will reflect the adjuGtmonts outlined in the Exr.çutivc Summary, dðt~d 8/31/81, durlng which Mr. Norman ~t~ted that if the Board acts favorably on the rccòmmcndations, the preparation of the necossary budget amendment will be authorized and that it will come to the Board for adoption aCtor October 1, 19B1. Ho said that tho changes to the budgot wll1 not be m~d¿,today. Fisc~l Officer IIarold 11",11 stated that the l'1oðrd may take action regarding the aforementioned rcclasslficðtionG and pay ~rade adjustments, Ðnd then direct that the bud~et amendmont be prcpðred and brouqht back to tho Bo~rd after October 1, 1981. Cornmiasionor Wimer moved, seconded by Commissionor Brown and carried 4/1, with Commissioner Wenzel opposod, that, an of September 8, 1981, tho recloDslficðtion of the poÐltions of Planner I !rom P~y Grado 13 to Pay Grðdo 14, Planner II from ray Grado 1S to Pay Grado 17, plannor III from Pay Grade l7 to Pay Grado 21, Plannlng ~id. from Pay paqo 19 - - -- - -- - - --- --. --- - - - - - -- ------- -- - - - - ---~ ~ ' ¡, · .. ~ . , . :":·i·\'·".~·:r·;,;~,,\.,·~,,:;;.ró:jr;5·~:~·~:;':·:·"Y:.::: Jj;__.---:....___,___.____._.._.__~"_'" " , - "'t'~~ ...... Lf U- _...þ. . r~'!.~i!' ~.. ~~.~~~~ ._".'.:"':: -:::::. -- -.- - -- -- -. - - - - --'- - - - _ _ ____ _ _ _ _. :' if ........w....J· 'r-1 ~_.._ r.ã- Jlëftìùðr Ô, 19íIJ. '-' , Grðdo 3 to Pay Grnde 5, including now job dOBcriptionA ðS indicatod within ^ttachment '2 of tho F.xocutlvG Summary, bo ðpprovod and, that tho re~1^~~1f!c~tio~ of c~rtðin current positionn, no outlined In ^ttðchmcnt 13 of the Executive Summary, be ðpproved. ^IÐo, that tho Fiscal Officer be directed to preparo lor presentation otter October I, 1981 nn appropriate budgot amendment for tha FY Rl-ß? budqet as indicðted in Attachment .(¡ ot the F.xecutive Summary, reflecting the addition of a new Planner I, Planner II, and Planning ^lde for budget '11-010 and tho trans for of the Planning Techniciðn posItion from budget IlI-Ola to budget '10-010. BOARD ESTA8LISftES TilE POLICY THlIT M4Y MA.10R liND/OR ON-GOING WORK PROrOSf.D TO nE PERFORMED ny TilE cOMMU~ITY DF.Vf.LOPMF.NT DTVISION, FOR AGENCIES OUTSIDE: '¡'flf. M:r·1WISTRlITIVr. CONTROL 0(-' TlfE COUNTY MANM~F:R, FIRST BE APpnOVrD OY TilE ~1A;IAC;ER em TftE BOARD ^ND THAT SUCH AC:F.:tJCY BE CHARGED Fon ACTUAL TH~f. AND ""ATf.HIM.S USED , I " There Wð~ a brief discussion regardinq tho propoüal that the Bo^rd ostablish ð new policy, whereby any major and/or on-going work proposed to be perfor~ed hy the Co~munlty Development Division, for agencies outside the Adminir;trðtive. control of the County Ml1nnqer, shðll first be approved by the Board or the County ""anagcr and that such agoncy will be chlHged for actual tir:1o and'materials used, during which County ~ttorney Pickworth )Gk~d the ßoard to clarify the portion of the policy that dictatoR th~t nny agency outalde of the adminiAtratlve control of tho County I"anllgor requires lIpprovc':ll' of work heing roqucstod from withfn the Community Devclopment Division. l1e said that thero may be II time, when the County in subject to ð land une suit, that he will be defending the County nnd will need a lot of the Community Development Division's time anc1 effort. lie rcc¡uostod that tho pol.icy be amended 80 that ho would not be required, as an agency not undor tho ! I I , I eOOK ()f)~ rAcE~~Jl' Page 20 -------------------------.---------------- i" 1 ~. odmlniDtr~tivo control of tho County ~~n~06r, to go through thnt cntirc opprovDl prOCOGD in n c~ao ouch an ho hOR doncrlbod. Thio was dlaculJHcù briefly, òuring \.hich Commi:.JH.l.oncr ¡.,timor utotcå thnt the polIcy mcroly dlctatoG that the County ^ttorncy would hovo to got tho approval for th^t kInd of work from the County MonDgcr and h~ aaked Mr. PIckworth if he objected to that? ~r. pickworth roplied that ho would pro fer to see th~ policy for approval be subject to agonciea not under tho control of the Board of County Commissioners, rather than not undor the control of the County Manager. County Manager Norman stated that ho believoD tho intent of tho polley is thðt the County ~anDgor is 'responsible to the Board for what the Community Dcvolopment Division accomplinhos, and that if others, outside tho jurisdiction of the ~anagor, arc making dcmandn on the Division which ðro causing that Division not to work proporly, the Manager should be aware of this. Chalrmðn riGtor asked Mr. pickworth how he "'ould like the motion to reL'd, ~nd he replied th.:lt it ""as agrocablo to him to let the policy read a6 origin~lly recommended by the st~ff. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissionor Kruse and carried 4/1, with CommiGsioner Wenzol oppooed, that the Board of County Commissioners crltabli5h the policy thðt Clny major and/or on-going work proposed to bo performed by the Community Developmont Division, fo': agencies outside the ðdmin1atr~tive control of the County Managor, first bo approved by tho M.1I".ð<Jer or tho l'oðrd ðnd thðt such ðgency b'e chðrged for ðctuðl time and mðtcrialB uD~1. STAFF AUT!IOFlIZED TO PREP^RE A nF:C'UE5" FOR PROPOSAL TO SOLICIT PROPOSl\LS FROM PRIVl\TE FIRMS TO PREPl\RE ^ CO~rRE!IENr'IVe: BE^cII MANl\GEMENT PLM~ FOR Tllf. COUNTY commissionor Wimor moved, sccondad b~ Commissioner KruBo, that the Page 21 - -- - -- - - - - - - -- ---_...--.- - --------------.--- ----, EtD {f be lIuthor i zed to prapnro l) T1oquOGt for Propoaðl to solic i t propoIH\l.G (rom privlltc firlTlß to prQP.He ð Comprohonolvc Deach M.1n.1gcr.1cnt rID!) for thA County. Th13 w~s discusDcd briefly, during which Mr. Vlrta oxplained that the term "beach manllge~ent plan" refers to ð plen thet deals with tho beach, in th~ Inrgcr senso, tho coùstlino, as a dynðmic sY3tem. Ho said thðt tho entire coastline system will bo examined and a detorminntibn mðde as to what associated problems exist end what can be done to eliminate those problems, i.e. erosive problems rolated to the Marco aroa, 105505 of heaches elsewhere in the county, beach access, etc. Ho sldd thnt the plnn will be relevðnt to the "whole beach" as it " relates to Collier County. Commissioner Wimcr ask~d for clarification --------------------'---------------------- ~hðt the plnn will also denl with sotting hottor guidelines for ootbnck requirements, variancon, revetments nlonq the beaches, dunos added and/or removed, etc. Mr. Virta replied that this would all be included and that when the proposal is completed, the otaff will como back to the Board for approval before it ia actually sent out. Upon call for the question, the motion c~rriod unanImously. THO YEAR cONTIlACT F'On UNIFOnM RENTAL FERVIC~ RE ßID t4AfI - ^WARDED TO AMERICAN UNIFOIlM n~NT~L SEnVICE, OFA LOCKA, fLORIDA Loglll notico havlng bean published in tho NðplcB f)ðily Nows on August II and l3, 1981, as ~videnced by Affidavit of PublIcation, filad ~ with tho Clork, bids woro received for Rid '488, for a two-yoar unIform r'entðl contrðct, up to h'cdnesdny, Auqust 26, 19131. ^osistant County Mðnager fd Smith stated thðt ð sample uniform was required as pllrt of the submission of hids, nnd that the ðppðrent low biddor, Associated Uniform Rentðl Corporation, did not submit a samplo B0J^ 06~ PACE 483 pag_ 22 uniform, th~refore, tholr bid cnnnot be rocommenðed as tho lowe~t bið. Mr. sr'lith f>t.1tod th"t MariclIn Uniform Rl:!ntal in tho fIrm bcinq recom- mended for lI.....l\:-dlng oC nld #1\r.A an theira wnB lh~ lowost hid which complied with all of the bid spocifications. This was ðlscusaed brlofly, ðuring which Commiasioner Wimer nsked whllt tho tottll bid from ~ssociatcd Uniform Rental, Inc. was and Mr. Smith replIed that It was $I04~.60 on a weekly bðsia. Commissioner WImer asked what the totðl annual diffcrence would be between the firm rccommended and ^ssociatcd Uniform Rentll1 Corp.? County Manager Norman stllted that it would be approximately ~70 difference per week or approximntely $),700 annually. Hr. Bmith statod that Amcrican Uniform Rental ServIce is the firm that is presently supplying the County with uniforma and, in annwer to Cnairman pistor, clarified thnt the service has been good as has the quality of uniformfl. Commiasioner Wenzel moved, scconrJt'd by Commi¡:¡sioner Brown and carried 4/1, with Commissioner ~imer opponed, that Oid f4R9 be awarded to 1\rnerican Uniform Rental Service, in the amount of $ll11.0~ weekly. ANNUAL CONTnl\CT I'HDS NO. '1')?-'i()~ I\h'I\R£'\f.D T() Vl\fHOlJS FIn~S Legal notice hðving been published in the NlIples Daily News o~ July 21 and 23, 1981, ~Ð evidenced by I\ffid3vit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids wero r~celved for tho nnnuðl contrncts for tho following itoms, until August 19, 19R1I AID NO. 497.1 Motor oil and Lubricants BID NO. 49)1 Gasoline and Diesel Fuels BID NO. 4941 Prop...no GlIS BIO 110. 1 1')5: Tires DID NO. 491'1 L.ll11erock and rill PlUJO 23 - -- - - - - - - - - - - ----------- --~---- ---------- ..- '. , ---- ~ .............,) - - - ~ ------. ______~------------.. t------....... t...--.,. ~ðptcmbot ~, l~nl OlD NO. "971 "sphalt ðnd Ilolðtcd items AH) NO, ,.,QAt Iht in (orca Concrete Pipo nrD NO. 11«:,<): Mf.'tlll Culvert pipo 1'1D NO. !)001 oridge Timber " ßID NO. 501: Helicopter spray Service I DID NO. 5021 Sign Blanks and Po s t s I' t fHD NO. 503: Grass Sced, Fertilizer ðnc1 Sod Commissioner R.rown moved, seconded hy Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, with the exception of Did No. 495, which carried 4/1, Commissioner Wimer having cast ð negative voto for this bid only, that tho following annual contract bids be awardod to the firms as indicated below: (prices contained within the Executivo Summary) BID tW. 49? p',otor oil £1n(\ LlIbr1c"nt~): "w"rdp.å to Combs 011 '£or lubric'ints, motor oil, ilnd Dutor.uni t.:lnsJ"'\isaion fluid - type "A" nnd, awarded to ~vnnR Oil for automntlc trancmissin fluid type "F" nnd hydraulic oil in 55-~allon containers. BID NO. "9) (G.:lcol1nc ,1n<1 "1ict'1cl): 1\warded to F.vl'lns 011. "lso, .:Iwarded to the competitive t,id by COMhs Oil for nn ^lternative fuel source should Fvnna oil not be ablo to deliver or Dhould f~ViJn5 Oil price structure not be, competitive ðS a re~ult of price adju,-tmont5, fuel nhortðqo, or other circumst~nces. DID NO. "9<1 (Prof-M\a GII!3): 1\wl1rdcri to pctrolc1nf;! GlI!J Sorvice in tho amount of $.ht.OO per gallon for service to the Immokalee prison Stockade. BID NO. t.95 (Tirct'1): ,......iH<1cd to Airport Tire in consideration ot the competitive price reprcGcntod by the Stðtc Contract Pricing ~,tð. BID NO. "9'; (Umcrock 1Inò Fill): "warded to tll'lrmon Brothers for the Ochopce aredl Century In~ufitrics for the Immokðlco 1'1 r e 1'1 1 ~ n Ù 11111 h "I.' Y r (\ v 0 (t; ( 0 r t hot! ð P 1 e 11 a r r. a, i n con sid era- tion of low bid propo!5Dls ðnd locðtion/Gourcc of materiðl. "ddition.:llly, the following wero ðwarJcd individual bid items as indicl1toc11 foIðCðsph"lt Joíncl\!.phðl t Sand ovorburden fI SS.f'o/ton , .75/ton 063 PACE4a5 Page 2" ßOC~ -----------------------------------------~ , ,. , t ¡ , '". ~~ ~..:'" ~... \- ."'......' , \" J.', ~t; ,'j',. '11(·:1 r ~' , I' 't· " , .~'l '1;"; '.",t'\ .':' .... t . ',., J" 4,~" t.A;\.."',......,~......,¡¡;.j"'.. J , _ , It . ..... iI....~.........~~.~--- 1IIÎ.11 ...... '" ,,'J ~ ~.." ,~ ..-..... ..-- r l' { , - - - - - -.- - -- - --- --- - - - -- - --. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ...... , r..,pt0mhGr r., 10111 1 B!JO~ 063 p,·:'Î8.R II :rr.),; ~H' It ~~ (' (1 kin n, I n c . gct'kin!), Inc. Concreto Rock Unc:ru~hod Pock Cr ushcd Rock E> f' P li.lS/ton 3.!j0/c.y. ø1.40/c.y. Tho b1(t prop~l'1lf) for "."tpril'l "~11veroc1 to the Immok"l~o L<'Indfill ðrc rejected in consiclcr,Hion otth'J propoBctl pUrCh¡H~Q of a now Illndfill site l\nd IWl\11nblo fill from tho new site. OlD NO. 497 ^wnrded to Rrlsßon t itcmo lInd nC-'lOI ðwarded to mix nnd 55-1 emulsion. RID !'JO. 4911 (concrcte Culvert Pipe): "warded to the follo...ing I Southcrn Culvert Cr<.'\ol~ Culvl~rt Arc I( y 1 0 Joluon pipe Tùl sizoD of round pipe OVðl SiZOD (15" - 24") Ov<'ll sizes (30" - 54") All szes on an as-neoded bllr.is in con3iderDtion of tho uniquo sizcB and tho need. BID NO. <199 ("~ctlll Culvert pi e I A...arded to Southern u vert. BID NO. 500 (Timber~): A review of. the Binglo bid received rovoðlûd bid quot~tions which worc not cOMpetitive in 'refercnco to current price 11ntin~~ from other local supplicrs. lienee, the sinCJle bId is rcjected nnd thllt .:111 lumber purchnscd in FY 19R1-82 be subject to Updðtod cost quotations to ðssure best price and quality for tho ðppllc- I'Iblo werk. "....,rded te Florlcið $1.18 per gðllon BID NO. 502 (!Hgnr;, Rlllnkn, Posts): Awðrded to Mun1cipllI 5 ign CQr,lp.:1ny. BID NO. 503 (Gocl, ;,(;'cc1, FertIlizer)1 AWllrded to Rae's ~oc1, subject to competitive co~t quotlltlons for special projectø. DID' 504, I!Y"C INTI! WHD AND GnMìS KI LLER - I\WMtDED TO y,a,n IOUS FIRMS AT VI\RIOUS PRICE:S FOR VARIOUS tTf.MS I\S INDICATED WITIIIN ExtCUTIVE SU~~^RY OF n/2~/Al Legðl notice having been publishod in the Naples Daily News on July 21 and 23, 1981, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tho Clerk, bids woro receivod for Hyacinth Wood and Page 2S __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _.___ _ __ __ _ _ __~--- --- ----- ----"r ,;...""'"';.,".....,......."".."...,.."..,.,,, .. :.- ...:::_ _ -'- _~ ___ _0:-'___'_ _ -~ - - - _:.... - - - - - - ~--.L - - - -.-' Soptemhor 8, 19n1 I Craøs kl11ðr up to Auguøt 19, 19A1. co~~1~=io~cr Brown ~ovcd, socondod by Commissioner Wen~el Ðnd carried unnnimously, that tho annual contrnct Bid No. 504 bo awardod to the following v~ndors for the vnrlou8 itoms at the indlcatod priconz MOK 069 fACEtJ87 Page 26 -------------------~-------------------- l";'~"\, ··."01\ ~\~ ~.¡ ~._ .__.. _ __ . _ _ __ ___ ..W<O __. __.... __. ~..-. ..- - -'.- J'¢..l~~:t."" f!>- :'\¡(Jk~.."""" ~__ BOOK 063 PAGE4æ Gt'lpt.cmbar 0, 1901 I'('rhi~irl(' ¡,nc1 Wen" /(lllnrn ^Cll1.1tiç \'¡(~(H¡ Control I'rO'lrl1m -, lI£:r,I:Nl\ cm:r,\ICAL cnr,\pl\NY r,., 1/1 po n Dlqu::t Ve 1 pn r 2,4-D !Imine Round-up Diuron $ 1." 2/ po un d "').1~)/!"JlJllon 111. ?'5/pouncl 31.25/<)(lllon 1i.75/<JlIllon til.75/gD11on 2.95/gDllon SOUTHERN ~ILL Cn~EK pnOOUCTS Diunon o 1 <1 u ,Ü ^quDthol K [3¿,nvcl 77.0 Round-up Wcttlnl) "<:Icnt $ 2.95/pound 411.95/<1<1110n 27. 25/<]I'I11on 17.7.0/g<'1110n 62.1I0/(p110n 1\.25/1)<111on Cutrine Plus (Copper) APPLrF.D BIOCIlf.MISTS, INC. $10.50/<J<111on lIT\nOtO F. ßRONN, INC. La-Or 1 ft JL8 WTr.rU.!T\TIONM. CIfHITC"L $lS.IJf!/gallon Wettinq "'lent (P-239) Adjuvant (Clde-Kick) $ 5.00/9,)11on 12.99/91'111on "seRON CH~MIC^L COMPANY Sprð-~\ðte 403 Inverting 011 F'UTURr. HORIZONS, INC. A, 3-0 Invcrtin!) 011 bll'lnk $13.4ß/gallon 11. !JO/gn11on $H.ill/gl1llon 8.95/g,,11on PaC). '}7 --- ---- --.---- - ---- ----.-.--------------------.- ......... A 'J<~'< ,-,<~>'.~VJ!t":~:~.:i:¡¡~~'f'~:,'.-:. ; i;J~:~;:¡ '.; . .II" "'··UPiJJ"'tÍf~"·1I"11. ~..AIt~l~ 1 ....~...............~_~...,~............._______...__.._- ~~' ',;;1:: ',' ''''-- i J C.:....J ..__J - - -- - -..- - - - - - - -- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- -- -- .......... .-. -- ........ Septomber 0, 1901 . . . RECF.r-S - TIMf.1 10:07 ~.M. - 10:15 A.M. Tho mooting roconvened ....lth Commifioioncr \.¡imer abflont. . . . TWO ADDITIONAL rTr.r,lf, Mmrm TO TIlE AGENDA urmr.n COl1!~T'x' AT'rOnNF:'x" S Rf:POnT Chairman pistor noted that tho County Attorney haD requested that two items bo added to the Agondð, adding that he ....ðD not present whon the agenda ....as approved. Commio4ioncr Wcnzel moved, secondod by Comminsioner ßrown and carried ~/O, ....ith Commissioner Wimer absent, that tho follo....ing items be added to the agenda undcr tho County Attorney's Roport: 1. DiocusGion rQ Agroements with Avatar Holdings, Inc. 2. DiscuGslon ro Unitod Telephono Compðny Utility F.asement ro North Naplos Lihrõry. , REPORT RE REDUCED COUNTY COMMITMENT INCLUDING nUDGET REVISIONS RF. COMMUNITY CARE FOR TI1E ELDrHL'x' PROGRlIM, CHAIRMAN AUTIICJnIZED TO SIroN APPLICATION FOR GRMIT ANn C(W~IT~r:NT CJf" CASI! "'ATCI1 RE f.MIE PRor.nAr>4 Social Services Director Martha Skinner outlined the information outlined within the Executive Su~mðry re~ðrding the est^bli5hmcnl of ð Community C~ro for the EJdorly Pro~rõn in Collier County. Ms. Skinner explained that, Guhscquent to tho DCC approving the application for ð eCE Grant which' has ð totðl budget of $1/13,74/1, for this program, th~ Stato ðpproprlations for the program did not materialize at the lovel anticipated. She aald that the Collier County Aging Progr~m hðs beon advised thát their grant for inlti~ting Ð CCE Project will come to $72,979 which ~/ill require $0,109 in local mðtch. She added that this in $S,~93 less than the match approvod by the Ocard in April 1981. .. . .. Commissioner Wenzol loft tho room at this timol 10119 A.M. ,. .. . BOOK 063 PACE'189 Page 2A ----~--------------------_._-~-----------" COl':1mlaulonor !3rol/n moved, ßocondfH1 by Comndnsionor Keuno c1lìð cðrriod 3/0·, \</1t.h Commlaolonora Wlmor nnd'Wonzal out of the room, that thQ Do~rð t~ko the nccoÐ8ðry actIon and approvo thIn grant applicntlon uy authorIzIng tho Chairman to,Bign the application and commltm~nt of .. Commissioner wimor p.ntererl commlss1o~cr Wenzel roturned .. * the mooting at to tho meeting * . 10120 1\.M. at 10121 ^.M. * cash ¡.¡~tch. *Whon Commissioner Wimer onto red tho room he cast a fðvor~ble vote for this itom - therofore tho final voto waD 4/0, with CommissIoner Wenzel out of the room and not voting. t' Page 29 ,.-; .~-.... :'.¡ ~. , \(\ ~~~> " , _.,. ...-.-... - --. - - - - - -..-- - -- - ------ -- - -....... - -- -- ------ --- - - -.' .. f,ortam~or 6, 1981 UTILITY t~^ßt:MF.NT m; COON Kt:Y P¡\S5 FI511ING VILL^S - ACCF:PTET'I FOR Rf.COnDN1'Inu Utilitlos Manager Irving ßcrzon statod that the UtIlIty DivisIon 1s satIsfied that tho documentD are In 0ëder and that the Coon Kay Pnss Fishing VilloD is prepared to connoct to the Goodland Water District when construction is completod, therefore, he recommends that the County accept the utility easement for tho project, located on Goodland Isles for the propoRcd installation of a water meter. CommIssioner Brown moved, seconded by CommissIoner Wenzel and carrlod unanimously, that tho ßoard accept tho subject utility easement and authorize that the document bo recorded in the Official Rccords of Collier County. M~x 083 f'AcI193 Pago 30 - - - -- - -- -- -- -- - - -- - - -- ---- - ----- ----- - -- .... ... , ~'. 1:1' ., :,', ';:", ,." " ~ r .~ ; ~ '..' ': 'F! '. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -,- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - ...-- r.optomber 8, 1901 BOOK Gö3 PACElf98 CONSULTING r:'Iru.1 OF ;'i'ii,{.L'i, Hr.ttFOI\D', !'JT,tVF:H, TriC. Pill STUDY) ^UTIIOHtZBl'1 TO PfH;P^Rf: T\N UPD^Tr:D Ff.MHBILITY ~TUnY ^ND COST P.r.TUo\^TE Fon r;t:\'ï:n ~~EnVICE "(:" ^T ^ C()~;T Or:' ~3,;>50 l1efordng to tho information within tho F.xacutlvc Summllry dated 8/27/01, UtilitieR Manager Irving ßcrzon atðtod that he is recommendIng that tho Consultin~ Firm of Sm~lly, Well ford & Nalven, Inc., who proparcd the w20l Study" be authorized to prepnra an updated feosi- bility study and cost ostimate for Sewer Sorvice ^rco "C·, which includes tcly EstatcD, Naplos Manor, Naples South and Isles of Capri. ·He said that this Gtudy is neCCGsary in order to mako a determination of tho funding requirements for the contral transmiGsion and treatment facIlities that will be requirod to scrvo this arca, including consideration for aystem development charges to pay for the cont~al troatment facilities. lie explained thðt th,.. "20¡W study identifios tho capltDl requirement:. for such fDcllitic5, however, this is basad on 1977 dollars. CommiDsloner wimer mov~d, oecondcd by Commissioner Rrown and carried unanimously, that the aforementioned firm bo n~thorizcd to prepare the updated feasibility Gtudy as rocommendod by Mr. Borzon at ð cost of $3,250. ^GRF.F:MENTS WITIJ ^V^T^n JlOLDJ.tJGS, INC., Rf. ßmI[)S!tF.TTERS OF CREDIT RELATED TO FUTURE If~PROVF:MENTS IN r.OtDEN r.ATE ARE^ - ^UTI10RIZED FOR EXECUTIOI~ County Attorney Donald Pick~orth stated that GAC Corporation entered into an ~greemcnt with the County rogðrding certain arrangc- mont~ and/or agreements b~tween the parties with respect to the remaining improvements which remainod to be complotod in all the various subdivisions 1n the Goldan Gl\te area. lie Baid that at that time, GAC was 1n roorgl\nization bankruptcy. , Page 31 j - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -::- - - - - - - - - ~ t :1- I _......J . I . """"......,_..0..... ~,._.... '~ - - - .- -- - - - - .- - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- . - - - - - - - - .- - -~ . Rcptcmbor 0, 19ß1 Mr. pickworth outlinod Dome of tho originðl agreements, Including the (~ct thnt there ~~H to hp nubstitute hondinry committed to tho County in the form of ð Corporate Bond ~nd a tot tar of Credit or a Certlflcðte of Depofiit, for improvementß in ~olden Coate City, thare was ð requiroment that further dovelopment for North Golden Gate property would be pursuant to posting 5ecuritYl and, reqarding the Golden Coate Estatos area" tho County recogni zed that the developor (~"'C) hðd completed all of its ohlig~tionß, i.o. canola/roadR, and, Golden Gato East plats woro cancelled ðnd dona away with. Mr. pickworth stated that the effectiveness of those agreements with GAC wero conditioned upon tho Trustees proposed plans for reor- ganlzation being confirmed by tho Court and this was consummated earlier this year. Mr. Pickworth explained that now that CoAC is oper.atinq ðS ^vatðr 1101<11ngn, rnc., tho gnm. l'Igrcements must be entered into once again under the name of tho SUCCeSDor corporation, ^vatar Holdi~gs, Inc. Mr. pickworth requested thllt the Board authorize tho Chairman to execute the new agreements with minor changes which reflect tho actual amount of improvements that still need to be completed. He Baid that the agreement relating to posting of ~ecurity will include ð rcquirc- ment to post ð socurity bond nn~/or ð Letter of Credit. Commissionor Wonzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Krusð, that tho Chair~^n be authorized to execute the above-referenced agreements with ^vatar Holdings, Inc., as rocommended by County Attorney pickworth. Commissioner Wimor stated that h~ is not comfortable with this itom, and asked for clarification as to the substantivo matters covered within th~ agreements. Mr. pickworth stated that all the matters of MOX 003 PACE i97 Page 32 ----...------------------------------------- 't t. .'1' - .- - .- -- -- -,- .. -- ---- - - --- ------ -.-..----- ---- -- --- -,.. -.' Soptcmbor 0, lIHll co,r2~!rnOP,ª.r~~~~~gr..d upon In tho po.t ond hov. boon r.proB.n~od to the hDnkruptcy prococcJinC)5, and tht'\t there arc rClIlly only two ch.1!ìÿO& in the aubacquant ðgrcemontsl firat, the n.:!mu of f,v:1tnr 1!0Idin'J!9, Tnc, in pltlco of (",1\C corporotionl nnd, ßC!cond, the originn1 $1,000,000 Corporate Letter of Cro~lt hns been reduced occording t~ tho improve- ments hnving been mado since that time, the remaining amount is now $256,618. 'Mr~ pickworth Gtated that this amount roflect5 tho actual contract amounts for improvements that are not completed, ns indicated by Þublic Works 1\dmini3trDtor Clifford Bðrk~dûle. Thore was sarno discunoion regarding tho fact that there is no way that Avðtar can be held rcspon~ihlo, ~t thin point in timo, for roads, etc. in the eastern portlon of Golden Gate f-otates, as explained by Mr. pickworth, who stated that the timo for debato on that matter is long since paot. 1\100 diGCU5Sod was the voton Cð5t three and a half ycar~ ag~ when the decision wan mDde regarding where G1\C's responsibility did lie and what improvements would be required, during which Uti1ititoß Manager Borzon stated thDt ho was not sure, howover, hA believes that the votc w~s 3/2, on tho final action anct thðt Commis~iòner Wimer votod in opposition ðt that time. Conmíocioncr Wimer Gðid thnt he would hðvo looked up the record if he had known thðt this was going to be on the agenda today. Mr. Pickworth exrl~ined that however the Board felt regarding the acceptance of the ro~ds and the canalß throe years ago is beside the pointl tho Aoard did tllke thllt action, and, pur9uant to that action, the County hos bocome contractually bound. He said thl!t, from the County's stanctpoint, it is in the best interest of the county to get ponsession of tho Corporato [lond and Letter of Crp.dit, and that tho County is not in the pOûition to ro-arguc any of the substantive merits anyway. ~r. Oerzon added that the Co~nty accoptod a ·cash· settlement pag- 33 - --- - .---- - - -.------ - - -- - ------ ---- -------. " - .1 ..J _ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ .._ _ _ _tþ.,;' O>,~,.>., ..,-.. - - - - - - --"-~::'.. - --. -- .--- .- - - - - - - finptcmbor ß, 19A1 ._... -- .-- as pðrt of tho orl~ln~l ðcc~pt~nce. upon cnll for the ~uoRtion thn motion ch[(lud 4/1 with commln- , ., ~ sioner \'limor oppoood. ~'" \,' j. " Th& discunaion contlnuad, during which Commissioner wimer asked Mr. Pickworth if there was any rcason th~t this item was ·rushed- and added to the Agcnda tod^y, nddinq that ho ~oes not like it and feels thnt it is nqt in the best intcrcRt of the County or the people to put somothing he conDiders this ·weighty· on the Agcndo at tho last minute if it is not really nccc5n~ry. Mr. pickworth stated that he Intended to schedule the closing on this matter during tho upcoming weak in order to tðko posse~sion of the Lettcrs of Credit and bonds. He refero':! to the matter l\5 "perfunctory· Dnd said thðt the only thing left to do 15 to hold the closing. 8O;)K 063 fA~f1]99 rage 34 ----~----------------~-~----------- 1 II · --' .- ...;-.' ~.. -. .. ...., . -. ~~o ptCT'\hlH n, 1 í) r 1 UNITED 'I't.L~~PIIONf. Cmlp^NY UTILITY F:M;f,MF.NT FOR NOn1'1I Nl\PLf:5 r.II1RARY - i\UT:10nI7.rf1 County ^ttorney pickworth ßtntcd that the United Telephone Company requires a utility caficment for the North ~aples Library in ordcr to hllvo lIccess for lnstllllòtlon of their lines, etc. lie said thðt the easemont documents hnva hoen npproved by the architect nnd the contrðctor. for the project and he is recommending that the Chairman be autnorized to execute the subject casement. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the ðforemcntioned casement be authorized for execution by the Chðirm~n. 8OV( 063 f.4G[ 5Z7 rag e 35 - -. -- - - - - -... - - - -- - -- - -- -.- - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- 't q =~~'::'J ~--J 101,............... I ~.." '" . .. .. j II -... .- roc ptcmbc' r fI, 1 ~¡¡1l DUDC¡:;T ^MENDMF.N'I' NO. 01-1!iS FOR PtlnCI1^S~ OF \"OnD PROCf,f,fHNG EOllI P'''F.NT FOR nee - !\!')orn~f'\ !N Till'; M'()1H~T OF $" ,O~'17 Commissioner Wonzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse ðnd carried unðnlmously, that Budget Amendment No. 01-155, transferring funds to provide for the purchase of word procossing equipment for the Board of County Commissioners' Office, be adopted in the amount of $4,097. ~obx 063 ,PAGE 531 Page 36 -~---------------------------_._------------- 't - ,,- - - ,.- .. J--- 0.... .._. _._ -- .__ _4 ~ ___ - . ,.~... ,<1" !:cptcmhor ie, i~··i'11 BUDCo ET AM EN DMF.NT NO. 01-1 % (ACR ICULTUn E/HOMI': ECONOM ICf,) Fun n:ACII I NG AIl>f.S FOR DRUG r:[)UC¡\'rrON pno.1ECT - A[)OPTlm IN TIIF. AMOUNT OF' $200 CommifiGioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that ßudgct Amendment No. 01-15(" transforrinq fundG for purchðse of tnaching aidos for drug education project, be adopted in the amount of $200. ßD:x 063 fAct 533 PlIgc 37 0'_+ _ ___ _._ _ - -. - -- - - - - - - -..- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --. , ... .... -...... .. .....'.. ". ~~-- - -~ì ~'~. ........"" , .~ ...- -- -_.. --" - -.- --. --- - - --- --" , . ~- -.- -~_._- _ _ _ _ _ _ -- --- _ ---"---.- -- - - - - --- - - _.. Soptcmhcr A, 19R1 ßlIDGET M~F.Nf)~\r.NT NO. en-l5? (CIneUIT COl!nT/.111f)GF. THWUf,fir.l\!J) POR TEMPOR^,¡Y SF:CI1F.T^rlI^L IIELP AND OTlllm EXPENDITUHES ~ ^DOPTED IN Tflf. "MOUNT OF $1,700 Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel 8nd cðrried unanimously, that Budgct Amendment No. 81-157, for temporary secretariðl help and other oxpcnditures for Circuit Court/Judge Brousscðu, be adopted in the amount of $1,700. ~oa~ ûb3 .f/,G[5.35 PJllqe 38 ..~~...~~.~..- ,..: .:....-._..._._.~,u___......_,~···-e..::··.··~ ~--, ----; ............... ,.....".."j -- - - ------- -- ---- ---'- --..-..-- -..- -- .,- ..-- - -'- -.- .-..--- -- -... --.-- .--- -- .-- - Soptembor A, 19RI DUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 8l-1SR, (CIRCUIT COURT CLERK/WITNESS ASSISTANCE rr.OGn,'.~ _ nr.rLr.CTING curmr.NT F.XPENrHTunr.S - ADOPTED IN THE "MOUNT OF $253. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commisaioncr Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Dudgot Amendment No. 81-158, to more accurately reflect current expenditures in the Circuit Court Clerk/Witness Assistance Program, be adopted in the amount of $253. , e03~ 063 rA~~537 pa 9. 39 -.- _._- -- -------------------- < . . . . ~.Jf""""'~.,þ>" f.. Å"__~·~"''''' r -.Mtlt"<:i .,.. - -. . ~.~....'": -. --:-.-:J- -- -_.-:.. -- - -- -- ·~r --- --- Septcmbor 0, 1901 .- - ~ -- - - ~--.,¡.-- -- - .-- --. - .- ~- -- - .-- BUDGET ^MENDMENT NO. 81-159 (GOLDEN GATE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT) ^CCURAT~LY n~FLECTING EXPENDITUR~S - ADOPTED IN TIIB ^MOUNT OF t~,570. Commissioner Wimer moved, socondod by CommissIoner Wenzol nnð carried unanimously, thðt Budget Amendmont No. 81-159, more accurotoly roflecting expenditures in tho Golden Gate Firs Control District, be adopted In the ðmount of $4,570. 800K 063 PACE539 Page 40 ----------------------------------------.. .r. - -··L W ~.~..- - ~ --." ,--"-- ---.. ..-j , DUDGET ^MENDMENT NO. Rl-l(;O, (I;,LEn OF eArn! f'ITH~ cmlTl~OL D!f,1'nrCT) prWVIDING FOR ~10!,)IFICATI()N OF r.t-n:nm:NCY CO/>IMlINJC^TIONS EQlIIPMENT - AD()PTF.D IN I'll E M10l!NT OF $" 'j Commlgsioncr wimer moved, .Aecon~cd by Cornmisaioncr wcnzrl nnd carried unanimously, that ßudget Amendment No. Rl-lfiQ, providing for modificðtion of emcrgency com~unications equipment in the Isle of Capri Fire Control District, be adopted in the ~mount of $45. Bú:~ 063 fACé541 Page 41 -- ----- --------... ----------..----.-- ------- ------------ ~ ROUTINE ßILLS - P^tO Pursuant to Rosolution 81-150 adopted by the Board of County Comminsionors on ~ay 2(" 19C1, the followinry chocks wore Issued throu9h Friday, Septembor 4, 1981, In payment of routine billsz FUND CHECK NOS. AMOUNT County Checks 12056 - l2285 7906 - 7974 $52l,l66.43 13,151.85 CETA payroll RECONSIDERATION OF BCC ACTION RE "CC£PTANCE OF MEDICAID ASSIGNMENTS - ADDED TO AGENDA, Rr.SOLUTION 81-202 ACCEPTING MEDIC^ID BENEFIT ~SSICNMF.NTS AND DISCONTINUING ALL OTHER THIRD PARTY BILLING PROCEDURES - ^DOPTED Chairman pisto~ stðted that hc has been informed that ~edicðid clients cannot apply for assignment benefits directly and that if the County docs enter into a contract with Medicaið the client cannot get repaid for any amount of an ambulance bill that they may have paid. Therefore, said Chairmðn pistor, he believes that it is in the best inlerest of the County to reconsider the Bonrd action of last wee~ whereby the Medicaid assignments werc not to be accepted for ambulance service. Commissioner wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner wimer and carried unanimously, that the reconsideration of BCC actIon re the acceptance of Medicaid benefit assignments he added to the Agcnda. Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by Commissiofler Brown, that the Board adopt Resolution 81-202 whereby the County will accopt Medicaió benofit assignments and all other third party billing procedures will be discontinued. Commissioner Brown clarified that he is changing his position on this matter, based on the new information he has received re9ardln9 ~,. 063 f.ACE S43 P89- 42 .....------------------- ------------------... ·" ~~.~~_''''_i'''' :~.,~. ~, '_I ; " , ,'i; ¡ ---1;~' t· -.........-....---.. .... '.'. " , I'··..···.······.· .' ~ ~-_._,--~.. .-'j..'. ...- .-- --- -..- -- --.-....-.-.--"...- -....... .--- -- _............-.....-..~... --~ ..- r.Aptcmbcr n, 1:1:;\ ~(¡~K 063 rACE 54 4 , this mattor fro TI Socinl Sorvicos Diroctor ~1l1rthl\ Skinner. Upon call for tIle question, the motion cnrricd unðnimou~ly. There w~o a discusalon regardln~ the r~nRonn thnt the Comm\~- sioners did not adopt n procodure which would lIccept ~iedlclHC! ben('[lt , , i I . \ , assignmonts, during which Chairman plstor explained thnt Medlcar~ assignments acceptance would require entering into £I contrðctu~l arrangemont whereby Medicare would mandate how much could be ch~r~cd for various ~s services and that only 20% of that amount could be billed directly to the client. Therefore, 5ðid Commissioner pl~tor, there would be no wny that the County could ch"rge IInd receive full payment for the regular E'''S services from Medicare patients In the same ~mounts as other clients are charged. He assured the people in the audience that Medicare would allow clients to mßke ~ircct applic~tion and receive payment for that portion of r.~s bills that they cover, therefore, there wo_ld not be a 105s of benefits to Medicare clients. I I ,( ;; Commlssionor Wimer concluded the discussion by stating that If the County accepts ~~dlcðre assiqnmant benefits, tho citizens of ColI lor ~ounty would end up subsidizing the ðmbulðnce program to the dC9rce that their taxes will probßbly hnvc to be Incrc~sød. i· í pa<Je 43 -----,...---..-...' ....... ,---.--- -- ---..--'-. .-.-.------------------' _"___.~._.~.tr..-....-...,~,,,-..':'-__...__.~·_..· - - -.-...-. ...- ....... -...... ......-. ..~....... ... ..._....-.. .~- ..... -- ...- ~._. -.. -, --- -- --- - -----.--......------ -- . ~optemhor n, 19P1 '~OOK 0&3 l'ACE548 .;.. C. LODGE ",CJ<F.E, MIl.L1I!F.D RI1F.T1nOD7 A.P. "[\UD" l:mKl 1~^I1Y E. ",^NION: ^NO MRH. 1..n. ILF.8 ^PP0TNTF. "I TO cnr.trr.n COUNTY JlIS1'ORIC^L C("\~~t;,RT('trl CommissIoner ~enzel movoö, seconded by Commissioner KruGc and carried unanImously, thnt the following be nppointcd to scrvo on the Collier County Historical Commission: C. Lo~ge ~\cKeo Mrs. Mildred Sherrod A.T". "Bud" Kirk Mary E. ManIon "'rs. 1..D. Iles 'EXTI1A GAIN TIME OF rn ~~YS Fon INM^TF. NO. 32J3] - Gn^NTF.D Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by CommiGsioner Kruse ~nd cðrried unanimously, that fiO daYG extra gain time be granted for Tnmate No. 32333, as recommended by Sheriff Aubrey Rogers. EXTRA GAIN THIE OF ;:s nAYS Fon rrH-'^Tf. NO. 3(;) l/. - GRAt/TED Co~mlssioner ~enzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse ðnd . carried unanimously, that 25 day~ cxtrD gðin time be granted for lnm~te No. 36112, as reco~Mended by Sheriff Aubrey Rogers. LAKE TRAFFORD MEMOR!!IL GARDENS Cf.MF.TERY DEED NO. '-82 - AUTIIOnIZf.D FOR RECORDATION Pursuant to action of the Board, Jðnu~ry 10, 1978, wherein the Chairman was authorzcd to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford ~emor1al Ga~~ens cemetery lots as the need ðri~cs, the following Dead No. 2P2 WAS recordod and filed for the record: PIIC]e U -- "._~ .,- --.. --... ~ -- - - - - ._.- ...... - ..'-~ " j~, r; , '~; I, CoptomuOf ß, l~~l ~ 1 . , ,,,"~.pt~' __nJ 1 .¡_~~ __....................~.....~.-:.-- .'_ ~ ~ .,. T -v OISCUSS InN m: PWI[, TC TI1^Nf> IT f,Yf,TF.M, COUNTY Ml\N^CEn IHIu-:crrm TC' TnF.^T sunJ~CT "s nonM^NT County Mannqor Normnn reforred to a letter, dated August 20, 1901, from the Collier county Council on ~~in~, Inc., requcRtinq thDt certain persons be consirlcrcd for ðppointmcnt to the Citizens ^dvi~ory Commit- tðe for the Public Trðnsit System in Collier County. He said thðt ho is ðpproached regul~rly on this and othcr subjects related to thò publIc transit system and requested clarification of the Ðoard ^ction taken on Septcmber 1, 19A1 during the public hearing regarding the F 1< ¡ the Board not to move forward with the trnnßit system? the intention of r He requeßtod budget for Fiscal Year 1981-8?, specifically, if it is pormission to pas~ this information on to the public when they address the subject. * . * RECEf,S - TIME: 10:45 A.M. - 10:53 A.M. . . . Commissioner Wenzel c ncurred that the intent was to not move forward, however, he still [~vors the initiation of a mini-van service. Commissioner plstor said that he was cont~cted by n gentleman who is going to bring in details as to how this kind of operation h~s worked in the Chicago area. He said thðt this system did not cost the citizens anything, and at the same time it provided a succossful transit system for the elderly and tho handicapped. He said that If the information has any merl t, he wi 11 bring it back to tho Board, however, for the time being, he think!; it wise to treðt the subject as dormant. Co un t y Manager Norman <'I'J reed. ~ ;:!. Page 4S _~ _ _.... __ __ __ __ _ _ r --... ....- -- - - .. - - ---:' - - - - - - ~ - - - - -- - 1 --q -.,-.,.. .. --.'- ,,-' ....'\' ,., .,.~~ -- - '. ~.'~ .... ~ ....... .. ,'- ,'j' ..~ '.- '.'.. ~.~. , ::::J - - - - -- -- - -- -..- .. -... - -- .~.~ - - _. ~ - . -. -- ~-- --- ...- -.- ...... .-.'. - .._~ -.- - - - -- -- --. -~.. -- -. ~._'.... - ...- . September R, ]9£11 PRESENTATI0~S DY DI1EXr.L, nUm1ll!Y, Ll\MDF.nT, INC. FISCllF.n, JOIINSON, ^LLF.N & DURXf,/SOUTm:,1\Sn:m" /l.UNICrp^L p,m¡ ìS, INC. 1 MolD FLORID^ r·1[fNICTPl\L AONDS RF. FIN^NCI/'L ,,,wrsons nr. CC;UTJTY r.XT"'^H:"JtON rnC\1r.CT nmm r~~ur. pnESF.NT^TION BY DRf.XEL, BURNII1\"" LMII1ERT, INC. Messrs. William R. Bern~tein and RiGhard Montðlb~no, representing Drexel, Burnham, Lambert, Inc., made a presentation regarding their firm's qualIfications, background, and expertise in areas th~t qualifies this firm to provide financial advisory services in relation to the Collier County Expansion Program Rond Issue. Mr. Bernstein stated that he has a background in architecture and urban planning, ndding that for tho last eight years he has been doing municipal finance, tax allocation bonds, housings, refinance and general obligation bonds, i.e. water/sewor bonds, etc. He said that Mr. Montalbano is the manager of the Municipðl Finance Dcpðrtment for the State of Florida, having served 85 Finance Director for four years for Dade County prior to joining the firm. After giving the chronological hi5tory of his firm, Mr. BernsteIn stated thllt, todüy, the firm h(lG ð capital position ofðpproximlltely $175,000,000, having increascd ðpproximatcly $40,000,000 from the beginning of this yoar, thuG plncing thi~ firm within the top ten investment bðnking compðnics in the nation. lie said that there are aprroximately 4,000 e~ploycCSl 1,000 of these are retail brokers 1 and 100 are municipðl bond brokers. lie st"tod that tho so employees work out of app~oximatoly 50 offices. Mr. Bernstein claimed that his firm provides a true combination of regional Investme",t bankIng house as well as nationlll, adding that his firm has Florida offices that deal strictly with Florida paror, with their o~' ability to maintllin secondllry position in any pllper that thoy are buyin9, either In the primary or the socondllry mllrket. Mr. Beratein suggested that firms, such a8 Drexel, that do ~OO ( 063 fA~ 55! Page 46 --- - - --- -- - _.- -- --..- - - -- -- - - - - --- ---- - - - - - - -.. ·........0-..-. ~..., '_......^.'.... , ~ f ¡ ¡ I ~m;~,,,. :tIIIr r __" I -. "'.. ' ...' , Æil 1fl ld ¡.HI. m L n ~~---......_.........-.-'"'...-----_. ~...1".......~...........,..._o-__- ....... .-_. - ..- - .._. ... ,_. -.-. -- .-.-- --- . -- _. - -- _... - -- -.--. -- .."... . U~\;' c-t:f) 1:,,-(' JoJf:,. Scrt~nIH~ r n, lCJf'l :,dorwriti",! ¡,re botter ablo to givo finllnc1.:Jl Gcrvices, in that they ,rc -P"t.t'i:'_: their money on tho line" on 1'1 dlllly hM~i!;. lie concluded 'I sti"ltlr" U:.lt c!lnothcr lIñvantct::¡c in u!';lnr¡ c') firm th.1t underwrites Is :~lIt f!r..'::' id I\dvisors ¡HP. often times hired "fter the scheme has beon Ir~cided ,-,;, , t :¡,1t undorwritors ",re more imaqin¿¡tivc rcg"rdin') tructur!:Yj j!;rHles since it is the unden..riter thðt eventually takes . h ~ r I ::; V. !:, ')l) y i n 9 the I S 5 U C . Mr. ~0~~~lbano pðssed out an official stntement which represents rexol'!; f!:1,-'ncial ðdvi!:iory clIpiJcity In workinq on the financing of -,de C()\lnt:¡'~~ new governr.lcnt center in the amount of $88,000,000. Mr. "0ntltlb~n0 0lJtlined the proc¡r,1m in Dade County, including the '~novðtl'.'t' and crelltive fini'!ncIðl ideðF. thðt .....ere forthcoming from '~rexel in the financing of this issue. He also relðteci Drexel's 'xperiencp with financing 59,000,000 in equIpment for the Port of "!Ðmi" and siJid that this fin¡¡nr:in'] schpme represents the first time there was ~ t~x exempt levera~n IVð5e .....herchy the Port of Miami only "~S to borro'," $.f!0 on th~ dollar for the project; the rcmldning $.70 is l ~ þ; I "cing put up hY.!In "equity participtlnt", who ..dll rec('lve the ')cprecLltion i'!nd investment t.1X credit on th.Jt eq\1irncnt. 110 explained "hat the nee of Dðde County's effective horrowlng co~ts for that issue 'il11 be less than 7.45% when the tðX exempt r,HC5 lire ,1t 1-1\. Mr. MontðlbanC' outlined prr¡tlcms related to "c,)sh crunch- which i'4 'ffecterl by the l·,ck of collcctÐhle t<lxcr; froM the beginning of the fiscal Year through thftt period whcn "ctu~l collcctionn begin. 110 ~xpla1ned that Drexel hDs initinted n program of tðx ðnticipðtion notes :or Florida :,chool Districts, ùnd iJrc currer~ly working with Colli or's ~Istrict towðrds this end. lie said thllt new revenues will bo generated ~~r the locðl 5chool di~;tr1cts throll')h this pro')r"m. lie also outlined Jther progrðmR that Drexel is involved in, including the Miami ~each Pðgo 47 ...------...---- ~--_._--..._---...-- -----_. ---. - -...------------ .-- I ( '1:,' ~t ;, ,~~··'-f'·~1 ~{L_~_':L:..t~':'''\h~'' ."~..:,Yj ." . ,.:, .(io''Iþ ",.... r' ~"i:'¿:..._-- t""""'("".~ ~1IdIII~ ....... - r M-I III --- :. "J,: R Ii. - , ._"w,,\!!·~.........,~.:,..._;~,.· ...-..--.......- --....... .,...~...............,..,-~~~'I....' -..- -... ....--... ...-..--.- -- ._- ...- _.,- . .- ~. . . - -. _..:.J Soptomb(H 0, 198,......-" Redevolopment progrorn, and he concluded by'stðtinl) thl\t his firm hM1 tho ~billty to sell Floridol they understand florida law 1 they havo ~h~ CX 1~tli:.il) 1111(j knowlp(;!)~ to do a gooò job for Collier County. . . . Chùirmnn pistor left the room durin0 the previous presentation at 11:00 ~.M. and returned at 11:07 ^.M. . . . Thero was 0 brief quostion nnò answer period after the presenta- tion, during which Chairman ristor asked for an explanation ðS to why th@ Dade County oxpansion progrõm was only financed for three years. Mr. Montalbano replied that this was Drp.xcl's recommcndntion because of the current high level of int.er~st rLltes. He said that, if thoro are improvements in the economy, the notes could be "rolled over" after the first year. He said thðt even if i-tefpst rates Ðre still high at the end of three years, there is an option to "roll it over" for ðnother two years, or, selling bonds for any or nIl of those notes that ðre outstanding. County ~ðnanCJer Norrnðn stðtcd that. the scrccninfJ conr'littce rcc:om- mended th8t tho contract that will be drnwn not nllow the firm chosen as the financial ndvisor to be involvcrl in the purchðaing of the bonds. Ho asked t.he represpnt¡¡tlvcfi from Drexel. 8urhn.';\'1 T.ðmhcrt, Inc:., if this would be agreeable? Mr. ~ontðlbBno replied th~t this causes no problems because it is the policy of the firr'l thðt they not bid on ony bonds with which they have off~rod financial consulting assistance. Also, in answer to ~'r. Norman, Mr. "'.onti'llhano stðtcd that he will be in chðrge of tho project and Mr. ~ornstcin will be his backup. Professional fees as out] ined in the proposAl submittod by Dre~el, Burnham, Lambert, Inc. was discussod, during which ~r. Montalbano explained that those are negotiable, and will actually bo baRed on the amount of County staff's ability to gcnerùte some of tho information ßOC~ 063 fACt 553 Pac;¡ 0 48 j----------_.. -...-- -- ---- - -_..;,.-.. -....-_. -- - ------.....------.-. Milt!. I r l'lV 11 _ J L.I>.- -- 1_;>··· :~ !I;. ~ -w l- II l - ~~:'tJ{:: . " .' . ~------_..._~~~""!"'..........-"- " ..- _.~ - - .-. - - - -- .-. -' -.. -" .... ,....- ..- .-... .... ,'...... ",...".,... & ~tO( Ubj fAGE:>':)q; , I I j .\ i I 1 ¡ í I . I J ¡ i 1 1 ~ 1 1 t !-- .,.~,... '. ......,..... ......--..-.-..---....... ~. 'ì<I'..·. _._~_... !.;opturnbor 0, 19CI th~t will he nooòed. 110 nddod thnt r:1n("0 tho ('XlIct r.copc of the project is not known nt thin timo, thore nrp. vnriohlos to consider, howev~E, Lhu conc.::pt . " U~ 11 split fee pl..,n iD 80 the firrr. w111 be compon~atod for where tho work is. J1e lHldcc1 th,1t no [oes or cxpens!!s are added until there is ð successful bond offcrin~. Mr. Norman oxplained that tho (ces ßubmitted in the proposalD are not to be considored as final, they arc in answor to a request from the committee ond arc to be considered as flexible, i.c. they were requosted to give thc committee an idea of the scope of fees, by firml not the actual fees to be charged or a bid. Chairman ristor thanked Messrs. BcrnDtein nnd Montalbano for their t presentation and requested that Mr. Norman colI in th~ next firm. PRESENTl\TION £3Y FISCm:n, JOmJ;.m!, ^LLF:N (. AURY.E, INC. ^!~D SOUTHr.lISTI:rw MII~I r^ L nONDS, INC. Mr. Robert L. Wagner of ~outh~astern ~unlcipal Bonds, Inc. ~nd ~r. Willi~m E. Johnson, of Fischer, Johnson, Allen' nurkc, Inc., made ð joint present~tion to the Board rC1~rdin0 the flnancl~1 consulting services to the DOlud for the County Exransion rroC'Jrðm Bond Issue. Mr. Wagner referred to the work thnt the joint firms are presently involved in for the RCC, regðrdin~ the Rcqionnl Water System and he added that they would very much like to ~ontlnuc the relðtionship and handle the subject progr~m. Mr. Wagner stated thÐt the combining firns offers 14 professionals who 3re highly qualified for this kind of a project. They ðlso of[~r 8 po c 1 a lis t n in revenue projects, 1 0 c ð t c r1 0 1I t of T ð 11 ð h ð ::¡ see ð n d GaInosville. He said that he feels the> firms' ::;taff can offer a well rounded approach. lie Ðlso outlined some proje..:tG thot tho firms have Page 49 - ~ -.. - -- - - - - -.- -- -- ~- -- -- - -- ._- - -- . -. - .. ._.0'_ __. ~- - - - - - -- - - ---- _:__.... "._"'!It.'J"...."",.,1It......... ...,...,......------.----....- rv J..... ____..__~...___---'" lit ~I r.~rtr.nh~r p., 1nn....--- ......"'....,.. -. joIntly handled, concludinq with t.hC! [Dcl th,1t t.hla In3t ycar the Clemo ðcted ðS senior manager or finacinl consultant on nearly ~550,OOO,OOO worth of work. Mr. Wngner dincusscd the uinqlÐ-fa~lly hou~lng i9su~s that tÞ~ firms have h~ndled last year 1 the resourcefulness required to sGcccssfully mnrket these iSSUCR; and the fact that the joint firms have devised as many new ~pproaches to finance as any firm in the business. He said that tho firms will he avðilðhlc to the County staff ðS often as they are needed, adding that in the money market today, it is a real job just getting the joh done at a reasonable cost for money and he added that these twu firms have ù reputation of getting that job done well. Mr. Wagner stated that both firms have ð good rapport with all major underwriters in the County. ^lco, both arc experienced in insuranco companies and is accredited ðS highly profcssional in nature. He said that both firms enjoy 8 good working relationship with civic groups, have demon~tratod cooperation between govern~ent and these , groups, and have demon5trðted strong leadership throughout their , endeavors with the investment fraternity. \ Mr. Johnson stated that he would like to join Mr. Wagner in his Btatement that they would like to continue the relntionship with Collier County. ^nd, thðt the bottom line in this presentation is experience. 11e said th.)t b,..twcen he ,1nd Mr Fischer, they have been involved in some manner with every hond th,1t hos ever boon issued in the State of Florida ðnd that this is the experience th~t they ðre offering. The fee schedule submitted by the jo1.)t firlTls a5 part of their proposal was discussed briefly, durin~ which Mr. Wnqner stnteò that I . thero would be no fee for servicos under the planning stages ðnd that MOK 063 PACE555 Pðg 0 5 - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -.. - - - -- -~- -... -- - - - - --.. - --. - - - -. - - -- ..- _..____·.p(~t--.~--- ......-- ....._--.. ,. -..,.......".......-.... ... ...--.-......... "', __. ...... __h ___ .__ _.. -'~ . - - -.-- ..-.. -" -.- .._"-- . - _..._ __. _. -0 ._ _ .__ _ -_. ..- --...- .._. ~;('rt('l'1hor û, lCJnl ¡ 063 "^cE556 ',~1C ree Gchcdulc WilD outlined an bctwven t-30,OOO nnd ~(,o,noo iltJ flllt (Igurcs, adding that thera will not bu a aplit Cec. Ch<1rirr'im pb¡tor th,')nkcd tho C)cntlcmnn (or LhQir prcr;cntlltion tJnd : .:quc!>ttHI th~ County "'anllgcr to cí\ll in thc next firm. pnr.Sf,N'r1\1'tc;N p,y r-Lon ID^ MtlNICIP1\L ^nVI~onS, IUC. Mr. Runsel Hawkes representing Florid~ Municipal ^dvisors, Inc., outlined Gome of his I.wenty years experience and background in the '.'orId of financc as well ù~ (! hricf history of his firm, adding that he 18 not cngaged in un~erwritinq. He claimed that this is advantageous ¡'cc:auso the financiôl èldvisor that docs not: unden¡ritc can avoid conflictG of interest and i~ motivated to find the most advðntageous ~cthods to follow. Mr. "",wkeG outlined some problems èlssociùtcc1 with financing a qovernmental complex expansion proqram Dnd stated that, as he sees it, the financial picture of thc~c times ~alls for innovative thinking. He said that he bellevcs that some forM of ð modified "pay as you go" plan would be in order, ~nd cxpl~incd how this kind of rrogr~n worked on some other projects in wlilch ho hll5 heC!n involved. Mr. Hnwkcs said that l'I ~lO,OOO,ooo bc~d issue ~t 12\ for the first Civn years will cost S~.2 nilllon dollnrA In intcrnst. He said that ,,,It:10Ugh "moncy up front" ciln he difficult, ð "pay as you go" plan will be much less expensive. He referred to the snnltary landfill project In Palm Reach County where a surcharge on the landfill provides sufficient rcvenues to allow for a short term finance program. He aaid that the money up front for contrl'lct awards, otc. will be provided by a Letter of Credit. He said that the interest ~arncd on the aurchðrge will almost offset the interest cost on the short term financing. Plcae 51 ___.. __. _. 4 .... .~._.. ..._.. -~_ - --- -- ---- -- .._- --- -- -- --.- ------ --- --_. '~""""'ø.. a.. t"" ~~ I _to..........."'... ... .... .._..'. .~_,. _.......,...__.. _~.'_ ._ h._'...... _. ....'.._ .. .... ..... .-.. .. . ~.a ~ _. ...... -. . ... .. .....------.. Sc~tomhtH 0, l!Jf':', ......-, ~._-J .,",-_.",) / Chairman piDtor asked for clnrificllt.ion of Mr. l1.]wkon' fee 1; 'l1ccfule and he concurred that hi~ suhmitted proposal is such thnt If ì' ~ hond i!3sue is $1.5,000,000, tho foo .....0uld bo I\pproximlJtoly $27,000 ¡ ~lIS $3,500 for the planning sti (J~!:I. 110 oxplðincd thDt the requcGt from the staff waS (or a r~ngo of fees, nnd thðt they are flexIble in t'lðt there arc a lot of unknown fllctors nt this time. He said that it !q difficult to be abnolute without further knowledge as to what 1s r,Ing to be done Ðnd under what kind of terms. ~e said that he Is not i,'jvocating doing tho project In Ðteps, he is reapondlng to staff's r~quest to provide a broken down fee schedule into two stages. Mr. Norm~n asked Mr. Hawkes to elllboratc on hia experience with t!le Palm Beach Public Rullding Corporation. Mr. Hawkes explninod that t the Palm Beach AdminiRtrôtive Complex was experiencing a problem providing parkIng in the downto.....n areD. The ncc there decided on a turn-key propo~é1I, whereby the òeveloper provided the ðrchitectual; construction, and finiÐhed builòing for a guðrðnteed price lInd in, ."Ir:!dition, would provide parking th/lt the County would not own. r:e saId that it was Cinnnced by cre~ting D non-profit corporatIon which was the only vehicle that could do thin project accordin9 to law. He sðid that Instead of buildln~ to provide splice for the next ten years, the huilding was con&tructcd to provIde space ovnr the next twenty years and ðll the extra spðce is being rented out. He naid the County and the turn-key bullder will jointly r;hlHe In thðt revenue. ne said that he normall y does not th i nk th Isis necess" r 11 y the best method to go, ) ¡ however, they will meet their future needG at 19BO construction costs. Mr. Ilawkes sðld that each County has its own sltui:ltion and thðt eðch project must be tailored to the individual needs of that program. Chairman plstor thanked I'Ir. na.....kes for his presentation and asked f , Hr. Norman to escort tho next firm into tho room. BOû~ 063 f'ACE557 PA98 52 ~ -- ------------ ------- --------------- 1 , ...... \ ~ 1 f \' J , f ~ j~ , !; \ , -, # I' ~,._.- - ~ ..................t·... A,.. I a.J..~~~'...4 _k_......~...¥<~.."·. - __ ___ _._ _____ _.. ..~_._..._ _.._....... ....._0 _~~ _~_ ..- ..-' .~. . - .. ...-. .... .,.- -- ..... ~o:)~ 063 r'^~E 558 f,cptcmbor C, 19A1 Mr. Normnn advIsed the Doðrd thDt there waS not a reprenontatlvc from tho rcmðining firm, Wainwright & RDmsey, Inc. presont at thIs time. FIRMS CHOSEN IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE RE FINANCIAL CONSULTANT SERVICES COMPLEX EXPAt-'SION PHOJECT BOND ISSUE: FInST C110ICE: JOINT FIR,..R OF FISCtlER, JOl1tJSON, Ar.Lf.N & RIITlKF., JNC./SOUTIlr..7\STf.nN MUNICIPAL AONDS WC., SECOHO CIIOJCr.: Dnr.XEL, rIUnHHAM, LM'IT\r.RT, ¡HC. Coun~y M~nager Norman passed out bðlloting slips ~nd requÐsted each Commissioner to enter the name of tho firm whom he/she wished to be considered as first choice for financiDl consulting GervicÐs for the Courthouse Complex expansion project bond issue. The following is the results of the first bnllot: FIRM VOTES Hough & Compðny I Fischer, Johnson, Allen, & Rurke/ Southeðstern M1micipal ßonds, Inc. '3 I Florida Municip<:ll I:\onds, Inc. County MDnager Norman pÐss~d out balloting slips for each of the Commissioners to enter the n~me of hie/her second choice ðnd the following is the results of the second bðllot: FIR~1 VOTES Florida Municipal Bonds 2 Drexel, Burnhi)m, Lambort, Inc. 3 Commissioner wimer novod, seconde~ hy Commissioner ~rune nnd carried j/2, with Commissioners ristor and wenzel opposed, that the ebove-refercnced halloting be r~tified ~nd th~t the joint firms of ,¡, Fischer, Johnson, Allen, & nurke, Inc./ Southeastern Municipal Bond., t Inc., be considered as the Aoard's first choice an~the firm of Drexel, , Burnham, Lambert, Inc, be considered as the Boar~'s second choico for RE 7.......... . '" ' ~ i ) I 1 þ I i ¡ ¥ t \~ 1 . financial conoultant serviceR rcgardin~ the Complex Expansion Program i Bond Issue. - --- -- -- -.... ..._-.. . --- - -- ------- - ._- _ _ _____ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ .£.ð9.9_~.:t_ 1 -~[1 .~!I"JftI..~. ~~W,,t..4'''' n.' - _...---..-.........~.~.""""'.IfI1IIfiIIIþt!...,.,.... "..~... ........-----..--..... . . -. ._-- ---. - - ~-- - --. .--. -. - - -. --~'I-":-- - --. -~ - - -- - --......~~ --- ....:_- ~_ .___....,.. ,t ¡'cptclOhor n, 1!)01 MIr.CELL^NF.OUS CORnr.r,PONnF.NCF. - FTLEO ^No/nn nrrp.nnr.o Thero being no ob~cction. tho Chnlr ~ir0~t~d the following I 'I correspondence be filed and/or roferred to tho various departments as indicated I l. Letter dated A/20/~1, from Palm nivcr Homeowner a Assoc., thanking ßCC for con~idcrinq options regarding Cocohðtchoe C~nð1 Salinity Control Structure. xc County Manager, Public Works, Filed. . 1 2. Minutes of Golden Gðtc Fire Control D1Rtrict ^dvisory Board, ~ugust 11, 1981. xc County Manager1 Filed. 3. MinuteD of Special Meetings of July 27, and ^ugust 26, 1981, of Ochopee Fire Control Oisrict ^dvisory A(~·:1rd. F 11 cd , t I i ~ 4. Lotter, dc.ted ^urjlH;t 25, 19A1, from Isles of Capri Fi rc Control District, noting changcs in personnel. xc County ~anagerl Filed. 5. Letter dated September 2, 1901, from Florida DOT Secret~ry, Jacob D. Varn, explnining the proposed implementation of ð bridge inspection/inventory progra~ for the S_~te of Floridn. xc County Manager, Public ""'orksl Filed. fi. Letter dëlted September 1, 1981, from DER Program ^d~ini~trator David R. Worley, notifying Collier County that they are accepting Dpplications for funds under the "30hn pro~rðm for coastal mðnDg~ment. xc County Mðnagofl Community Developmonts Filed. 7. Letter dllted September 1, 1991, froM South Florida Cohle Television Corp., notifying the County thDt their annual nudit h~s been dolbyed and thðt ronfirmðtion of Service Revenue and... check for Franchise Fees will be suhmitted by the end of September. xc Fiscal Officer1 Filed. 8. Copy of letter, dðted August 31, lo.Al, from Fiscal Officer Harold lIall to 701 Proqrc'lm Coordinator, Florida Department of Veteran & Community ^ffairs, transmitting audit of HUD 701 Grant to Collier County for FY 1979-80. Fl1 ed . 9. Lott.or dlltcr! fJcptembor 2, 19[11, from ^rthur Ford, President, Pine Ridge ^gricu1ture Owners Assoc., noting thllt the; were unable to consummate acquisition of the oasterly right-or-way re pine Ridge ~~ten~lon and that they will not requnst any further extensions of tim_ to do so. xc Public Worksl County ~anagorl Filed. MC~ 063 PACf 559 paqe 54 - - -- - - - - - -- -- --.- - - - -- - -- -- - -------- -- -- ---- .. , .... ____ ___..__ __..... .·0 ___ _.. _ _.._.._ _.._. . --- ....- __0.__' .-+- ..--.. _.- .-..--.- .~ ....-..- --- - - BOOX 063 l'ACE560 ~optombcr n, 19R1 10. 1.ettor from 11,1rolc1 L. IIlI'Jhon, rrl'!~i~(>T'\t of Amor iCII" Cnbll~vJrJ1on ;,ervlc('s, noting thðt, oUoctivC! "1JC 1J1'lt. I", 1931, Culf Communic~torn, Inc., cffoctcd n nðmc Chðnqo to }IT:1l~r r.,'n r,lhlf'vi!'ion ;'crvicN;, Inc., 11n<1 thnt they will no lon'Jer be doin~ bu~ine9~ ðO }lmeric~n Cablevislon Servicen. Filed. 11. 1.ett'!r dated !luquat ?S, lC¡Rl, from t!~l('n R. tlnd r.Qorgo R. McManus, objecting to incrctloed hudgots/taxes. F 11 cd . l2. Letter dated August 71, 1901, from Governor Grnham's -Ext!cutive !ls!Þistant Sue If. Tully, acknowlcdginq receipt of lettcr dntcd Au~ust lA, 1901 ro Florida Conference on Children LInd Youth. Filed. l3. ~cmorðndum dated P/28/01 from Director of Maintenance L. M. Raines, re DER Citntion on the rm~okðlec Sewage Treatment Planto, tr~nomitinq letter from J.N. Environmental Services, Inc., noting thðt problems have been corrected hy them nnd thDt DER hao been notified on 8/28/81. xc Sher iff; County 1o'ðnfl<Jer; Filed. l4. Copy of Notice, oaterl Auquot ~8, 19P1t re Legislative Public Hearing on October 30, 19R1, from Florida Houso of Repraoont<'JUva 1'1c1ry r.l1cn IJi1wkins, noting thðt proposed legi:::;lðtlo" Must be :::;ubmittcd to her no lðter than Octuber 16, 1901. Filed. 15. Public Gervice CommJsoJon Notice, i5~ued 0/20/"1, ro Adoption of Amendments to nulp. 7"'-".1('('1(3), Customer BIlling, Docket No. P.005:,l-PU, Order ~ o. l021P-A. F 11 cd . . . . . . . . . . . . . There being no further business for the good of tho County, the meeting w~s adjout~ed by order of the Chi1ir - Time: 11145 P.M. BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMIr.~IONERS/EX OFFICIO r.OVf.RNINC BOARD(S) OF SPECI^L DISTRICTS I/Nnr.n ITS CjTROL Ú--t,)~ f.:\' ~. \J U' . . "''1'~6S'2' WIL r, : - . ... ' ... ~ ",. ...." ", ~ v- ..,,' Pðq_ 55 - -- - -- -..- - --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ..- - -- - - - - - ------- 1 -\1,