BCC Minutes 09/01/1981 S " " ~.~ =- iiiiW t;;;J r:J' plt's, flod':Sð, r-eptcr·ht'r 1, H'Pl LET IT FE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Coller, and also acting as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted husiness herein, met on this date at 6:05 P.M. In Special Session Rt Lely High School ^uditorlum, with the following me~bcrs pre5ent, to consider the tentative budget for FY 1981-82: CH^IR~^N: John ^. pistor VICE C¡:^IR~\^N: Clifford \-I'enzel C.R. "Russ" Wimer Mary-Frances Kruse Dav id C. Brown AI.~,o FRf.5EI'T: h'illiðr'\ J. R(;oßCJðn, Clerk; HIHOld L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/fiscal Officer; Prent rerkins; Audget Analyst; virginia P.agri, [)~puty Cl<:rk; C. \·:illiðr.1 Nor1"lan, County "\anager¡ Henry Hill, ~'anager:\ent ^nalyst ilnd Neil rorri11, ¡,ðministrative Aide to the County 1'1anðger. }\(; END" 1. Invocation 2. Pledge 3. l>.pprova 1 0 f l,g e nd ð 4. Public Hcðring on TpntDtlve Audget ~nd ~illðgcs for FY 19P1-82 ^. Pu~get Sunnary f.xplðnation B. Rt'view of Audget by Fund 1. CC'unty-.....ide Funds ð. (;cneral Fund b. Road & Pridge c. Water ~anagement d. £:·ebt Service 2. Unincorporated Area Municipal Service Taxing Districts - ~ðjor ð. Unincorporated Area MST - General b. Unlncorporateð "'rea ~ST - Roads c. Unincorporat.eð Area ~ST - Comr.wnity Cev. pag e 1 ~::'. 063 P"CE 418 -- . ,- -.- ....". .--. -- .-"..--- - ..-...--.--'--.-' -~.._- - .-.---- ...------------------..-...-- ~' .~¡~~j ..~ '-0';;: .,':',. O ~,," " =-.'." t"" or4 'V ';(1 .,':- ".u ',' . '-t., , '.104 .~" .: . +J c:: ..., . ~ii. '.L. . 'ë :.0 C .~ ..~ "',:.Q ". ::s '. ~tIØ'8' i.it r . .. ¡~ k ...c ~~~ t· ã ... ,. f t!~ )~ . f.!1 ~, .;. f f"o 0 '" ,ø.~ gHií:',,·:·· ~~~'!.' ,. ~;·~R '-.." ,.;;~, . ,~~- ------------~----------------------------~ :"), ·~s:( 063 PACE 419 September 1, 1981 .:~ 3. All other Special Funds and MST's 5. Close of Public Heðdnq 6. Approv~l oE Tentative Budget for FY 1981-R2 7. Establishment of Di'tte, Time and Place for final Public Hearing and final approval of FY 19R1-82 Budget and Millages 8. Adjourn OPENING COMMENTS BY COUNTY M^NAGf.R County ~ðnager Norman spoke briefly on outside influences that have an effect on the bud~et. He said that Collier County is inEluenced by the sðmc thIng that those who maintain households are and other units of government in Florid~. He sðid that inflation continues to be a main cost to government in Florida and that the County must be aware of thðt when they prep,He a hu-1get. N c 11 Do r rill pre:; I? l'\ t (! d a s 1 i -1 e pre:; e n t è'I t ion, n a r r ,:It e d by Mr. Norman, regarrling the Cost/Gro.....th Impact which indicated that growth has incre~sed over the last five YCDrs 40\. Mr. Norman said that this year, more th,~ any ye~r in the p~st, the County has seen impðct on the government brought "bout by activities of higher levels of government, l.e this ye~r the State Le~i91ature de~idcd to not reimburse county government for t~o types of b~nufit5 that .....ere provided to 10cðl taxpayers. St':ltP. ir:p.1,=t W~:> rcvie'",cd with T-'r. ~Iormðn pointing out that ho~este~d exemptIon hd" incr~ð~p.J by $5,000 for those p~ople who hðve ~ ~ 18 I!II Ptl9' 2 livcd in the County for 5 years. He sai~ that in the past the Stat~ has mad~ up for this 10s5 of revenu~ but this year these State benefits are not ðv~ilðhlc to thc County. A15o, the County must ~y an aðditional 1.8' to ~~lnt~in a sound pension prograM and this anounts to $230,000. Also, the Stðte mand~t~d thðt the County provide office apace and other ancIllary ßupport for the State ^ttorney and Public .. ¡)..... 'i ," .." ._...".".~.^~.~",",~,~.'...._"\_-....,,.. . ~:, ", ~ r4 ~ o ... C) r4 I . .-....... ,~...f.'~~.. .~f:'I.;j ,IF. '/ \".,,-;';":"''').'. . ;:¡:¡¡¡ ~ ~ S e p t t: IT.:J a r 1, 1 ~ e 1 Defender. He said that all of these departments are increases the State has ~aid that the County must provIde the facilIties for these people. He pointed out that the State has decided this year that the County would be li abl e /lnd the lmmun i ty .....ould not prov ide Cor under $200,000. Also, the State is not maintaining a level of support (or the County Health t'cpartl"1ent although it Is operated by and under State regulations. He said that the County Commission has felt it necessary to increase the adðitional cost for the operation of the Heðlth D~r~rt~ent ~s well as the ~'~òicðl Examiner over and above routine ~rc~th ~nd inflatIon. Also, he sðid th~t the Federal government has ~~crcAs~d funds for CETA and a portion of that program was abolished Io.'hich means that 111 f'ositions that had be!:n available have been el iminated or must be ab!';orbed. I~e !3,dd that Feðeral programs for h~~an scrvices activities h~s been cut back and, ~lthough the County has not pIcked up all of the programs, the cost has increased 5ubstantial1y, i.e. C~SI, ~ental Health, and Social Services due to medicare/medicaid cutbðCks. He said that LE^^ .....as eliminated because of President Reðgan's reductions. Mr. Dorrill di~played II slide re Ir'\pact Costs and Mr. Norman said that the loss for State and Federal governments amounts to S190,OOO,000 which translates to incrcðsed cost of 10st revenue to $1,880,000. ~lso, as a result of inflation, he sðid th~t the County must maintain the sðlaries of the cnployees. He said thðt sev~rðl employees have b~en lost to the privðte sector. Mr. Normün ~ðid that they have included 10\ increllsc for c;"ployees, which inclu<1es merits, and the total cost of the projected wage adjustment is over $1,000,000 and the Page 3 ~::)( 063 PA~E 420 ..~.__...- - --...--.---... - ..__.- .-- --..----- - -....- - - ----------.- -- ----.... - -.- - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - -- --. - - -- - ------------- September 1, 1981 06'3 PA~E '421 ,\~~l·¡; .'. .~1. '0" ' 0" ~~ u., '~.' ~4) \.4 ~ '.... .. ..." ~......' .~ '.... ~ c: . .0." ~~ ~..c.:.. ., S. '.-4. ..;,~ C .' ·,¡-··'.o ~CI·. ... ,;:.~ ~ ,... ~ '18,' t¡Ø '0 ~.. 0 ·~o a.... I.B .' ø. ·'.11 . ., '. iI: ... ... <", J: :.:~" +I ~ '.':'~ r~'~? ~ ..-.. 0 ., . .... "0" 8 ~.k c· 1 U... ... ,~ ... 0 ~. Øo\.4 -....'. . .~, .....~. Board will have to act upon this. He noted that much of that 1s inflationary impact. Ae also noted that the increased cost of office supplies .....il! be a1nost $1,900,000 for all of the coundy-wide and unincorporated areðs. tentative agreement to adjusting ð large nu~ber of fees and chargeS Mr. Norman noted that he has reco~~ended and the Bo~rd has given which are ð part of the County's operation. Referring to a slidc regarding non ad valore~ revcnues Mr. ~orman sa id : 1. There will be a fee for cOMnercial haulers using the solid .....~ste transfer stations. 2. ~~bul~nce servlcc charges will be adjusted. 3. Health Cep~rtment has proposed an incre~se in their fees for specialized services. 4. Fees for recreðtion prograns will be increased. 5. Re Contractor Licensing - the contractors receive the benefit along .....ith the people who use the service and should pay to operate the cost of that progra~. 6. The !;oard ~pprov~d, this morning, a ordinance to increJse occupational licen~cS fep.~, noting th~t the last change made was in 1971- 7. Incrcas~d cost to people who ~ant to have their property rezoned or subdtvided, a~di~~ that they should pay th~ full cost for those s~rviC~5 under the conc~pt of growth p~ys for gro.....th. Chairman pi~tor asked ~r. Pall to give an explanatio" of the overall buJqct and somc of the lcg~1 require~cnts th~t have to be ~et when they consider the bud~@t. ~r. Hall noted that the County is un~er the TRIM bill which pro~idc5 thðt no later thðn 75 dey~ or earlier than 60 days that this public he~ring wi11 be held to pres~nt to the public the tentative budget and tent~t1ve millð~es. He reported that the County has 65 sep~rðtc districts. Pc said thðt this budget he~rlnq WðS to be held, in puhlic, ...fter 5:00 P.~. ðnd Is for the purpOflf' of Fa(] It 4 mmJ,·! . '.~/"".' ' , . I2ID ~ .............. -----,--"''''''''''- -' "þ. L J 'i, ~ ,.",,,, ~''1';¡ ... iJi o JIÞ';: ~ ....,; Uti: · CJ' k., .:' · ... ~, rf ~ '.1 ~ ti .... §~ '~ . _0' .....: · ..., ^ .,~, ~'8 ' !.... ø. .., rf... 5 "~ I:...t o~ o ~~ ~. a... ...0 ø.~ ~. ~ Sept~~bp.r 1, 1981 hearing public input ~nd final adoption of the tcntative bud~ct and tentative m1l1ages, follo~'ing ...·h i c h , before 15 days, the Board will adver ti se in the ne.....spaper the proposed final budget and proposed final millages and, at that point in time, the Board will, in t...'o separate actions, adopt the final budget and adopt the final ~il1ðges. He noted that if, for ûny reason, the Poard does not finülize the budget tonight this hearing will be continued. ~r. Hall advised that the hearing this evcning ~ðS held at 6:00 P.~. so that thcre .....ould be adequate time for everyone to speak. ~r. Hall said that actions taken up to and including today ended up .....ith budgets tnat ~rc increased; however, the individual millages to individui'lls h~s not increased In the pant three years. He said that this is the first y~ar since 1978 that the Paard proposed an increse of 23.7\ and the propo5ed increase in the unlncorporatcd area is 11.9\. Continuing, ~r. Hall said that ~any of the other districts vary according to the districts because the mil1age is tied to a cost that is not controlled by the ~oard of County Con~issionQrs, such as lig~:ting districts i'lnd firc districts. lie said that the remainder of the special districts arc a product of cost rather than a~ministrative d e c1 5 ion by the E\o ð rd. Mr. Hall said that Florida Statutes states that action will be taken by eðch in~ivldual fund and he suggested that the Commission first address the Federal ~evenue Sharing Funds ðnd then the Board take action on the other funds that are imp~cted by it. County ~ðnðger Norman said that the BODrd has go~e over the budget very cðrefully this year ðnd the review of line item by line item came p.aq. 5 ~:J< 063 PA~f 422 .. - - - - - ..- -- --~ -- ..-. - .-- --- - ._- -- . .-. ..- --- .- .-- - - - -- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - -- - - - - ---.... '0 " )4" 0> o -+J ..-4 ~'~~ ... CM ., P4.~ .....-4 ' P4 -+J r:: ø.. ~,..c: .,a· .... c' ,.0 "...-4 1::...., E-4u ... ., =' ~~ [8 a ,~ "." :Ii¥4~ '..c: .~ 1& .': ' r-4 k'r::¥4 !0'ö ... !9 ::J "'~.-4 0..., II ~~J.4 rlJ.40 :Ii ø. CM "fµ/:,' ~í;." September 1, 1981 ac:( 063 PAGE 42.3 after similar reviews by the department heads and then the division heads and then himself so that all -fat- .....as trimr:\cd out. He said that the Board went through every department and r:\ade tentativ~ decisions and then everyone ~ent bacK and looked again and during this past .....eek further decisions were made that had the effect of reducing taxes. ~r. Dorrill displayed a slide of a~ditional reconmended bu~get Df.PARTME:~T NAME changes which .....ere summarized by Mr. Norman as follo.....s: ACT I œ IMPACT M'OUNT County Manager General Admin. Bldg. -Custod 1ùl Bldg.-~aintenance Manðge~ent Analysis E~\S ~~ed ical Exa~ i ner Sol id Waste Solid W~ste-TranSFort Solid Waste - Nðpl~s u,nrlf1ll I,m. Landfill Road (. Bri~<J'~ Health ~?t. Health L"Cpt. Muse Lr:1 Sup·v. of Elections Cut Worrl Processing Equipment Incre.:1sp.d Cccupational ticen5e Revenue Remove additional custodians Remove additional trð~es~orkers cxccí't one(l) electrlcii'!n Cut WQrd Proce~5ing charges Travel cuts/Director Increase physician fee ar'\ount Transfer Station fee revenue ['efer capital repl)!cc"1ent 4,500) (ll7,OQ0) ( 42,134) 3~,94l) 500) 3,500) 7,310 (145,720) ( l7,Q()'J) Contrðct for monitoring Contrllct (or r'oni tor in'] decrc.)sc fill Reduce trðnsfcr & capital /I.dd Gerier,ll fun~ i.1,..!~ch for environ~ent~l monitoring Incre')5c~ revenu~ Increased revcn~ Vacrcð$€d equipi.1ent COSt5 10,000) 3S,(10) 95,0(0) 12,000 20,O(jC) l~O 40,CI'lC) C0!T1i.1i55ionec Wimer ~ov('d to approve the chanq~s which th~ Poard Tot<'ll ImiHct S(50,l45) h~s tent~tivcly ðPFrovcd in previous ~eetir.gs, i.e. a decrcðse of 5543,145. COr'~is~ioner Kru~c seconded the motion ~h1ch carried 4/1 with Commissioner wenzel opposing. He s.Ji~ that he bttlieves that there are several It~ms which should be cut ~ore, such as the museUM and addl~ional personnel (or buil~lng maintenance. mm Pðqe ~ , . III Ef3I , , I~ ::.'\:.,-' '. \' 0, It '. ~' ... It; (J" It ~' J.4' <" c:: II c= . B' r4' ~ ~ 8 ... ø, II ... ~ r4 ... o ... C) .-4 . ... o H , ,~ '\.t ~ ~. "" ~tf"\>('r 1 J ¡;;;;;;;;J FEDERAL REV£NUE SHÀRING ch~irr.an pistor said thðt the method in which the Federal Revenue Sharing .....as appropriated to the budget by ~ction taken this morning for 1980-81 and 19S1-e2 funds was 520,181 for the Sonior Citizens, $70e,000 to be credited to the overall budget and 7?\ will be credited to the unincorporated area of the County and 22\ credited to the General Fund. He said that the part cre~ited to the eO'\incorporated area goes to the Koðd & Bridg~ De pa r t¡,en t. Co::-,rissioner ~':o:>n::el r",oved thi'lt the allocation be ðccepted. Co~~i5s on~r ~r~5e ~pcon~ed the motion, clarifying that the "F-propriðt1on of Federðl F!?\'cnue Sharing Funds for 1980-8l and 1981-82 he ðpprnrrlðt~d in ~rcorclÐncc vlth the legal requirements. Chairman Fistor noted tr.élt the fends ùrc actufllly being used to reduce taxes. There being no one r~~!stercd to speak the vote .....as called and the ~otion carried 5/n. G~NERAL CO~~[NTS rROM AUDI[NCE ~r. rlbert Tripp, President of the Collier County Civic Association said that, speakIng of the General Fund and the amount that has been ~ut fro~ it, he ~~uld like to calI att~ntion to the fact that the 1/8 mill ·.:hich <':5 h~cn r('duced at this point ðmounts to $12.00 or a little More on an ð~sef,sed valuðtion of SlOO,OOO. H~ said that this 1s not a great deal ðnd he would like t~ ~ncourðge further thought to mor~ r~ductions in th~ ï.eneral Fund in order to have the taxes reduced. ~r. rike Ze~alk of the North Naples Civic Association said that he Pðge 7 r:c:~ œa PA~[424 __ _,'4.' __ 0__ _ 4_ ..__ __ .-. .. ..' ..~ ..- .-- -.-- ------ _.- ------------------ . .~~ . y~ -----------------------------------------~~ September 1, 1981 eG:~ 059 P"~E 425 believes the budget to be unreasonable, adding that any budget can be '·''':C· ;_.>.~'J . '''f..!.ta~ '.'~ 0;" ~o .... ..-4 - ~:"',v.." ,:,~. v' ,~~ ., ..-4.... ...~ , ....... c .ø.tI ~~''i ,.,s' ...' C ';".0 ," .~ .~JI'µ ;"'i.tJ ~ ~:(+ tIO'g' , .. . ',~O ø. ... ',8 ø. .., . tI X...... ~, s:: !~+) ~ f!...,8 ;:: " 0 , !9'" :t: ::. ~ 50+)11 ,',J-t C ;~~v oÏ4 ... ......0 ;. ø.~ ',¡ø;g, " :¡~~~\:: ~.~" cut. He questioned the a~ount of funds in the ~ST District 2 Road Con5truction fund. Mr. Thad Forbes distributed a letter from the Naples Waterway Council in support of the continuation of the monitoring of Napl~s Bay. He said that he a~rees ~ith ~r. Zewalk that the proposed 18' increase is l~r~e, ðdding that he lives in the City and there is no increase. Chair~an pistor advis~d that the City hðs income that the County is not privileged to, suc~ as a frðnchise tax on Florida Power and Light bill and United Telephone bill, a130, they have a surplus tax that they collect on ~~t~r and sc~cr. He sðid that. if you add this up it 15 more than sho~s up on the tax hill Co~~(sslon~r rlstor s~(d that one of the biggest increns~s In the the Gencrnl FurJ is 5c~~thin1 th~t is ~an~atcd by t.he State and also b~ the F~o~l~. Pc s~¡~ th~t tha Sheriff's bu~~et ha3 becn held back for a few y~~rs ðnò they hdv~ to pl~y ·c~tch up· thi5 year. He said that there do'~s not s~c~ to h~ ~ny rl~cc th~t the budgp.t can be tamFer~d '''¡ i th. He note~ th~t, 3~ point~d out by the County ~~nðger, there are 50~e nandðtes such ðS co~tr(butlon5 to the retlr~~ent Cund and Incre~se1 soci~l s~curlty a~1 oth~r incre3ses ovcr which the County has no control. He sðid that they hdVC to take ð look at the cost or livin~, noting that the County has had ~ big turnover and every time they have a turnover it tð~P.S 5-6 months to train so~eon~ and that if the County does not maintain an attractive level of salaries they will r~ ,. experIence a worse condition of turnovers. Continuing, Chair~~n Plator said that it may not sound like much but ~hey have cut out .pproxl~at.ly one-half million so, If you adð together the It.~s t~at Paq. 8 r.I.EJ fIE) ft!II ·¡ ..,., "!.'~¡" d~.'O' ;, , 'l ...- &I' I' 0 þt:,'.. .~...t' '10 &Ii: ~ ..(). ~, ''-4'" . . ..." l...t,: . ' '+lC::' I . tI L,g.!, '.~,., 8,,' ,.. ' r·..-1 ' :'+J ' I ;. u' ,~., ::s ' tIQ '8' i&~ I . tI I ..-1 ... ~.~~ ¡ &~ I'~ I!:J 1+1 ~ : ~ ... I kO, Øe'-i :F~t~~:> .".>('" i'itØ ~.,.\.~, ,."',<'1. .---...' ..~, ~_.!.- -~ II - .-.- - ~- - -- - - - - --. ~-.- _.- - - -- .- -.- -- .- - - - -..- - - - - -- - - - - -... . - - - - - - -, they c^nnot do Dnything ùbout, ~nd the efforts that they h~v~ m~ðc to cut, you will find that the increase is much smaller thl'ln .....hen the budgct .....ðS first put together. Commissioner ~ruse commented that she ðid not recall seeing Mr. Zewalk at the budget reviews and that she wished he had been there when they ~ent ov~r each item, hour by hour. HEALTH DEPARírENT Dr. Cox recalled that nhout gix monthg ð~O the cl1nic in jm~okalee sustained a significant bud9ct cut and, as ð result, the Health rcpertncnt vas n~ked to pick up those functions. He said that they are con~crned ~~out the ~2,nOO ð ypnr that the clinic Is placing on the rc-.llth r;C'j'Ht-cnt (ô.'r x-r,lY~. '\!!',o, he !,ur,r"lri7pd d1¿Hges to the I!!:ðlth !ìepart.-,cnt M\ounling to ~l1,r.OO and snid that they need this to tðkc c.He of the sick pc-oplc. ~r. Cox ní'Pc~lp.d to the Board to give the~ r.17,C'oC to r¡cet the unustl..,l I\nd unplnnned requirement. COfTl~i¡;5ioner f'ro....'n (Jucstloncd if this ......"IS thrust upon thc County by the Fed e r III g 0 v (' r n~, (': n t 7 II e not e d t h <'I t the Co un t y "., U s tho 1 d down dl~eðse, ðddlng th~t 78 and 5exuðl dIseases are rßmpðnt and these people work in Naples ~nd ~ðrco Isl<'lnd and it behooves the Board to adhere to the pleðdingR of Dr. Cox. Commissioner Prown moved that ~l2,OOO be added to the Health ~epðrtment ~udget to r.crvicc the purpose spoken of by Dr. Cox. Commissioner ~lmcr r.cconded the motIon which carried 3/2, Commissioner ~enzcl and Kruse opposed. CommissIoner Ero~~ noted that he is the first one that made a motion for the study of I:aplcs Bay and sl.dd thi'tt he believes that th. pag e 9 e::~ 063 PA~E 426 ' , .. -J." .. T' ; to. to':;- ,~- tþ, , .0,., ,~ .... ;:U., \, ..u I fM ., I. k:' t... , I~ r:: ' I. ~ ~§~.. I,>' 8 ' .:- I- ... a.µ," r . :.t» ~-, ,¡"8 I~ t · ., .... k .c ~ . , r-i ¡S~ t~'" t'::¡~ ' 1# .' : 5 ... I... 0 ~fM ~/A,'- - - - - - - - --- - - - - ---- ------------------------- County should protect tha heðlth and .....elfnro of Colli~r County, whether ëC:< 063 P,\SE 42'7 September 1, 1981 th~t he I~mo~alcc or ~:aplcs. GENE:RM. CO~~lr'JTS ~r. Tripp s~id thðt there ~re rCð30ns why there c~n be suhstantial cuts in Coll1er County, ar-ding thdt ha has ~ecn the proFosed tax bills for two other counties. Ie ~.)irj th.:lt, historic^lly, Collier County has always collected ~ high nunber of doll~rs per capita. He S,] id th,l t Collier i5 pro~~5e~ to collect S~7n rcr cnplta, Chðrlotte C~unty S~~2 per c.:¡pltJ ~nd Erevard $247 pcr c~ptiJ. Pc g~ld that the CorMls~loners should be int~r~5te1 In ~ow oth~r countie~ ar~ able to orcr~tP on le~5 rr,oney. p.~ 5aid that l~~t yc~r the Sheriff's tot~l bUd1et for tee COU:1ty '...3~ not a <1rc(H dcðl ~orel' th,'" ('011 icr County but they h<'l'll) t'l'iO and onc-~Jlf ti~P5 ~orc p~orle to protect. I If? ð 1 '>0 no ted the'! t i1 1 ~ :''Je p,)rt of ('oll!'~r ("oIJ:"ty i~: o"'~c'i by St'~t.. 1~,! fe"cr:'l1 govcrr.-,l'nt. "'r. Trlf-{J 5U,:']l,-.t'c,I t'~,'~ tt'" ~'t').H'\ r,~vi·"... tr;~ ::~crl(f's hU'~CJct .1<""1 in. Curir,') t~~ ~i:;cu;:5\on CO ",\r115~lor.o.!r ri:;tor ."I' vl:;ed th,H t"~· f';'),n-J hdS .3$kl'!~ the Stl'tc i1n.! Fcc!tHJl gov~rr,"'~n': to C'cntrlbutp. to the CO!;t o( dru'J control, etc. I'r. /"ih.! Z~""'.:1lk r¡ue!;tlor.t~'i why P,H'.:~ "11'1 r.~crQ..,tlon '"","IS golr.1 to nced ð 24\ incrf),1'31.', f\~,!ins th,1t it i5 hi:> fl>olln') that it is "o~ n ~ c c S !'i.1 C Y t h., t c ~ 11 r. r (' ~ t-.0I \' ,~ 5 U r: ') r v 1 H ',' ,~ r.... c c e 1\ t Ion. He r (! ! (' r r (! d t:) t t- ~ fisc",l policy adopte.-J in "':l'l .1;'1'1 9,)1<1 th.~t thp. p,o,Hd is not fol1O\o'!nq their polley. ~o qU~5tlone1 whðt Is h~Fpenlnq with th~ -inpðct fe~s· for th. County an'i, allie, s\I']C)ësted II rë~ort t...x. Chðlrm....n Pi!ltor .dvl.~d that any ~on(!y colloct.j fro~ resort tax nust bo used to pr~Qote touriø~ and ðttr~ct tourl!ts to the ar~a. . < raq tt It' Ei Ell DII - , ':- 'It. . r , , ~"'f" . ,~..'Ji.aoC . ~-k- .. . Opo 0.....-4 h'~~ .,\04.. .....k ro4..-4 . .......c:: ,De.. ..-4 6,.c: WI JI .. ' ....,,:,..'c ~ '.0 ., -., ..-4 , ,:;~~' ,{( tJ ::s '~~" :'8 i Øo~ .,a" X....k ,!a~~ ...c::.... 1°\.4 ,:t , ° ... !9 ~ "':..... 0" . t~k ~kO iii ø. \04 ' œ,):~. ~',;;' i~:,t~~J - t.- ~ -- r .. , r.c::..-.i~stor.l'r rro..n I~....ùe note or tt.~ !¡,c:t tl,'\t I.c tr: r·, ,~_",~r:-i o(t~n to ~ovide norc r~rks ðnd plðccs of recreation. H~ ~~1d t~~t ~~ the place for children and .....hðt the people \ö<1nt. Cha1r~.:sn ristor noted that 1¡at year the rOllrd rt:c1uced the Parks and Recreation budget and they cnded up putting it hðck. He sðid that the r.:õjority of the pcoplt" in the County r.('CT:1 to reel that the Co~~ission h^s not donc their job in ~uprlying pnrks and recreation. BlI ['Co F:r 1-,PP~VA LS (;eneral Fund: ro~~i~s1oncr Prown noved to ~pprovc the Generðl Fund ....ith the chllngf!S that have been !:1i)dc by the £?oard ðt this tir:\e. 'he r'otion ,"èlS s"C'onclcd by Chl'drr.,an rifitor tlnd Chief rcputy Hall cl!l1od the roll ..'!th t!,,, f"llo'.dn'J rcsults: Co~"i~5ion~r frown CO:'"'.r.' i ~ ~ i (.: n (, r ~: r IJ 5!:' ,.ye ¡,ye for ~~ ~cr'lr tnr'nts !~y for Frh..,.te "~cncic5, 50cl1'!1 Services hod Jlel\lU', l't_'riJrlr.'lcnt ^yc for ...11 ~p~ðrt~cnts excrpt ~:ay for ~ol1d Fð!'.tc, Public \':orks, Social Serviccfi, Parks & n.creation, ~ðter ~~nðgc~~nt, ~u5eu~, County Water Supply. ßuilding ~ðintenðncc, Pu~llc Trclnsportðtion, E:-'('rgl'ncy P'cdlCðl Servicc5, Cor.nunity Cevclorncnt ðnd /,,:pntal ¡:eð 1 th Aye l.yc rO~~iS5¡ooer ~~nzel C or.; J i 55 ion e r ¥.'1 n c r COMTodssioncr rifitor ROðd ðnd Bridge: Thcre ,"ðS no onc rl'CJlstf.>red to spcðk. Ch~irr.;ðn Plstor explðined that ccrtðln rOðd~ nust be completed before 1-75 comes through, ðd~ing that it should be co~pletcd by 19P6. Com~lssion~r ~iner mov~d to approve the noad , Fridge budget. Co::r-,issioner Brown fi(·co:1ded thE:> notion and upon roll cl'lll the vote ""155: " c...)o...'1' 1~ Pltge II ~~:K 063 ~~£ 428 -.. - -- -~ - - - - - - --- - . -- - ,_. -- . - ..-.. ~- - - - - -- -- ~- -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - " .' 1:'1< ... '0" ' ...~., . i,Q .' '.... .... è "(I .,', .. (I.., '"' ., , '. ... : '.... I.... c:: .., !'§i '. e .'. ....', ,. ., (.; ~ .tQ'8 '. , i ø.... I 'Po ï. ., : ¥4 ... :~ . ,., r-4 s:: .... , 0,"" ¡!~ I U r .... ,., . :,s ... I ... 0 LA'"' t~~\;::,'~I> t.: { ------------------------------------------- September 1, 19~1 ~c:( O~mfkï~i?~er CommissIoner Commissioner Comr'\issiorlcr Commis5ioner Brown \-Ii r;',e r Kruse ''''en zc 1 pistor Aye Aye "ye Aye Aye - reluctantly MSTD Road Construction: Commissioner Wimer questioned if the districts reflect the redi~trlctlng ~nd County Engineer Bðrkfidðl~ advised thðt they drc Ilsing old di~trict Iin'!!3. /<fr. 7.e.....dlk questioned the $ 3 0 I , 8 0 5 pro po 5 e d ( 0 r 0 1 :; t r 1 c t J 2 . Ccmr.iS51on~r ~imer sðl~ that it is one of the led~lng dre~s for buildlng pernlts in the County¡ also, they have many older ar~ðg. ~!e note~ that P,Ht of it .....111 be goIng for the .....11lou(]hhy Acrcs/Plr.c Ringe <'HO,'. p.:r. H.,l1 !1,.,ld thdt the budryct 19 up 17~\ bec~u~o So~e of the ~ork thdt WdS to bo done last y"ar is beIng done this year dn~ thp. ~cney h~~ hccn c~rried for~dri. Co.":'r~dfislonl!r Bro..'n r,('.\lC'~ to "pprovo th~ r,f-TC1 Po,'~ COr',strur.tlor. bud'Jct. CO::1::l1ss1on,!C t,.ien7.!:1 secon(!c! tt.e ~otlon ðn1 ~r. 1:;111 c.111ed the ro 11 : C?r~~d~51oncr ¡\rO'.in ,\ye Co~misRior.cr Wß~~~1 Aye Cormissi?r0r Yru~0 ^ye Co~ni~sion~r Wl~er Ay~ Co,-'i!',->loner ~i'Jt"r ^y~ Wðtor M~ndgen~nt: Thoro WðS no one rcqist~red to Sreðk. Co~~isj¡?rcr Erown n~ve~ to ðPprovc the W~ter ~ðn~1e~ent Pud~ot. Co~~ls~ion~r Kru~c 5Pcor~~~ the motion anrl uron roll c~11 th~ vote was: Con~lssloner Prown Aye conmissloncr ~rusc Ayo Com~lsslon~r W@nz~l N~y cornml8øion~r Wl~er "yo COMmissIone, Pl~lor Ay. Pl'I). 12 ~ .. C!!J . ./~'~. '¡\t.:~ç!' ,i.~;t~~,·· " <f:~,:1~" . Ì'. Þ.'O ': F".... .... II '"' 0 IÞ O~'" v;" a ., P'leu ~~II ~.~ poi... ' ~+JC ,c.u ~§.t: tIO JI II M.ã tI.... .t:JI+J ¡.c,' U "i ., ::s , , bØ'g i&~ .,.u X...... ,..t: 10+>8 - ~ ~8;:: !tIO~ ....Cu ~...... O+JII ~~ ~ or4~O :CØo~ ¡(¡~'" : ~~,;..,: ,i _....._..-~..._. 11.~-:,..,. ,. j,,' '~:'.;; ':I 'f L\..ü,;,~:",<~-;j¿tt;,7l"·n·..':'""~:.q:r:r~~ttr\~~ ,f"tt~~.(~.":;.'\~"""'II,,","""''''·~.~', '." j '" L"'.r,· ' ',,,' t''I!Ii~r~",,~~,-....t~'-'.) ,":cfi.f"":;':'~·':"/:"'I,.,·t~~~ ~~.~r~) ',~' '~:;'~w~~¡;i>~7;~'~~:'~,~£, ~":,;:"" c,:' t. > . 'Ji e;¡¡ 5æa ~ 1, 1" ~, Fire Control Distrlctsl There ~as no on~ rcglster~d to Gpc~k. m CC1"!r.ds:>ion~r \o:,:,n;-el noved to ërprove the five (5) fl re control ðislricts, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried un~nimously 5/0. Lighting Distrlctsl There WðS no one registered to speak. ChAir~ðn Plstor ~ald th~t there ~re some incrcAscs due to FPL ðnd Lee County flectric being given incr&~ses ðnd also in some of the districts ther~ ~~ve been ~drlition~l lights ~~~ed. Cor~ls~ioncr ~~nzel mcvpð, s~cond~d by COr:\missioner fru~e and clIrrh,j unòr.I1'1ously 5/0 that the LightinC) Nstricts be approved. crTA: c:,.-dr"'",n r1.c;tor not('d that thIs hU0~et does not "ffect t.~,.«<;. ~r (·ri" \,"rc- ro r¡'l i :,t£'reè ~Í'~ð".prs. C~~,:-:s~¡úr'('r "".'n::..l r-,ov<:d for ~f'írovðl, noting thðt it is heing phðsed out. County ~','n.-,:;cr r:orr"ðn notec1 th..,t U',is nornlng the POl!lrd r e c (: i v (' c! II C !1 i! n ('J c I nth c h lJ (! get h p c ~ US 0 0 ( c'\ ò d 1 t ion ð 1 cut s . Com~isGioncr ~enzel cl~rif1ed that his notion is for c'\pprova1 hased on the FOlJr~ (,ctlor. of t!:1r. rornlng. Chlllrro.'ln ri5tor s(~conr1cc.! the r.'otion and r~'rut}· Chi...r Hl\ll c/111('d the roll: Co:,:"r.l 55 i 0 :H.' r ~'c r. ze 1 ',ye Co:"'r.-.1ssioner I'ru5e "ye Co:-,rds!:io:1er Ero\..'n Aye Comr-dssloner \"1n~r Aye COilr:dsr.ioncr ri:>tor Aye ~estlake Beðutificðtion¡ Port-~u-PrJnce f.NG MSTU and Victoria Park DraJnðgel nwrc ""ere no rcgif'tcred s¡>el\kers. Comr.dRsioner ~e"ze1 moved, seco~ed by Commissioner Kruse and carried 5/0, that the budgets for the three ~Istricts outlined above be ~pproved. ~::~ 003 fÁ:.E 430 paq It 13 - -- - -- ,.,- - -- - _.- -- -- . r_ ___ __ __ .._ _.- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- ------------------------------- Soptember 1, 1981 ec~~ 069 PACE 491 ,!,:,!Jii,' J.<Ít~(,¡: ~' ~,';:;;.¡., 1;: .~ ~...< , ~itw~:t: ~?'~~. ; /.,-,'~:,': t-~,: o ~,' +1...4 CJII . C) , \.1" . k" ...4 . +IS:: .11 ..c: IS- .8 ..... .~ cd! taD'8 &,.. Øo .11 ..,.. 5~ s::.... 0\.4 o !9'" :.~ 41. ~k kO ø,\.1 Community Development Block Grant: There were no registered sp~akers. Co~mis~loncr Drown ~ov~d to ~pprov~ the Co~nunity [)evelo~ment BlocK Grant bud1et, seconrled by Co~missloner wimer and carried 4/1, Co~nissloncr ~cnzc1 rlissp.ntln~. Unincorporated Areð ~ST - General, Local Roads and Community Developr"ent: ~r. 'Zcw,ll:':,sycrl for cIèHific.,tlon. Chðlrm"n Plstor sðld that th~sp. ltc~s h~vc ~~cn broken out of the tax because of the dual taxðtlon. Co!"':-. I ~:::>1 0 IiC r ',..'.~ r. 1 (!! :nov cd, seco I'ì'! c-j by Co~n is 5 i onc r I<r use tha t th~ subject bu~q~t be np~rcvcd. Replyinq to ~r. Tripp, Ch~lr~ðn p13tor said thrlt these are Items fron which the City re':"I'",,!~ no tencflt. ~r. Tripp said thðt he would lIke Fcorlc in thc u~lr=rrrorntcrl arc~ to know that this cones out to ;, 1 r- 0 ;. t 7/ 1 () 0 ~ ., ~ i 1 \ '.: h l<: ~ I!J, 0 n 11 nil:; s" :; :; (~,! v" 1 u ,H ion 0 f 5 1 0 (1 , () C () , iI n i n c r iJ'.' S C 0 ~ i'I !-: 0 II t -:: 7 [) . r, c . "'r. H.lll ð'~'J Iscd th.J t thO! £?oard took .::Ictl('H' on t~c Fe )cr"l r:""Jt:rn:c Sr",rin'] funJs ,lr.d put In tl.iO ycars o( fc~~r,'l Rc.....~r,u" fund:. ...r,lc~. r~s\Jlt~ tn., d~Crp."fo;c o( 1".1'. He sa 1<:1 tnl'lt t:1'~ blJ'~1.~t::; ,'r.! u;.; !-,(')...·.~·'('r, tr.1l fun<.~5 other thM1 ad valor(''' tð'(I!S are sufficient to ~or~ thrn cov~r wh~t w~~ cov~rcj 1~5t y~nr. Mr. ~ðll said th~t of the t~rcc ~111ion, onc ~nd onc-h~1( nll1ton is rev~nues frOM v.::lrlou~ sOUrC0~¡ how~v~r, hy putt1n1 in the 1.1 ~tll1on In Peve~ur Sharing torll'lY It p~rt1~lty eli~lnate5 the taxes for this ye~r, notln~ thðt it lø down fr"~ 1.1' nll1s of last yeðr to 1.11 ~111s this ye~r, rrsultlng froM Bo~rd ~ct!on th18 morning. P"9- 14 .. e:ra ~:;~1 , . It . - - , , ~.r ~,;F:yr( I.,h'O l' k tþ' M'O >- C) +' .... ,,; CJ tþ ~.CJ ~ \of tþ ..c. k' ~.... ,.. +' c::: a.tþ ..c§,c IIØ Jt II 04.6 .,.,.... Q,Jt +' Ì'4 CJ .:- U ::s äl[ .,.tþ c.... k ,c . +' S , M I4C'" !0'ö -4!9~ .. ~ ... O+'8 ~~ k 1'4...0 C Øo \of '1, \';;"" ~ .{.1" ~'.~ . rV":,· filii ..' t,~,h r 1, "·f'l ¡;¡¡¡ Ch~lr~\~ ri~tor c~lled Cor tha vot~ ~nd th~ "ntlnn c^rri~d 4/1, I I Cot:\missicr.C1r "irler opposed. Marco Islðnð Beautification' Golden Gate Co~munlty Center. There being no registered speakers, COr;\mJssioner ÿ.'enzel r:\oved, seconded by Con~lzs1oner Kruse ðnd cðrried 5/0, that the above-referenced b\·¿.)...t s be ðp;::roved. f/c b t Se r v ice : ,... r. I ~ /'! 11 s ~ i d t h 1I t t his i s a f 1 xed it c r.I to r e pay bondholders. C0nmis5ioner ~enzel moved to approved the rcbt ~ervice ?,udC)('t. Co:-~,i!:siorler rruse seconded the motion \o,'hlch Cèlrried 5/0. C,~p1t,,1 I:-í,r(".·C'r.'E.>nt ProgrlJr.1: CO~;T"'15~ior.l!r I-'Ir>cr qUl'stioned Fund (3('4 (Unincor¡:or.'\tP'J íOllr.ty l\rCéJ - CIP). /lr. R(':/\('JI)n sldd thl'lt this Is carried ror~acd rro~ l~~t year ðn~ ~O(,5 not Involve new taxes. ("o:~rd5~lon('r ~,'lr,('r r,ovcd, r.ccon::lcd by Conminzloner t:ruse ..,nd cl'Irried 4/0, vlth Con~i~sioner ~cnzel dissenting, that the Capital Ir,r'fovcnent FrogréJn!"le "'¡,proved. C'o!"',nlssioncr \o.·cnzcl cll!Jrifcd thðt h~ ..' 0 t (: d 3'J id n s t F II n d f 3 7 5 ( \.: ,H e r '" ð n ;\(1 I' õ' P n t c,) pit.., 1 1m Fro v en c n t ) and 1 n fðvor of the- othcr pro(]riJm~. Wðter/Sewarr fiscðl Officer Hall briefly explained t.hat the County Water Supply .....111 be carried hy bond i5SU~S, plus fees; Capri h'ðt.cr Service 1.,'111 fJOl!Jt " bond issue and will pity for the bonds through r.'ltes and cr,arges to people who \]!)e the !;ervlce; the people of rort-Au-prlnce .:Irc Fðylng for their ~crvice ðnd thðt the item 1n t.he Im~o~~lee n..,ter/Scwer 15 to pðy for ð chðrge that the Imnok",lee Waterl t:~:~ 063 PA~E 432 pa q e 1 S _.- -- -- -- ~. - - ....- ~_... - - ,..... . .- --- - -- -- .~.. - - -- "- -- -- -- ..- -- - -- - - -- -- - - - --- ________--------------------------------v ¡... September 1, 1981 ", ~';:f~:". .L¡:'j I", ",. l!..~..:", "., '" ~~= 0.,.... ~"CJ II' '.. . CJi .., ,... II " .... . ~, ....-1' ' or4+1C: ',þ . ., ~§i :~'. 8 ...... 's;: II' ., ~ 'CJ ,.;\',: II::S t' tiØ'Q :,.' .. 0 'i ø.~ "_t! . ., :Ii~'" · ".c: ' ?'i., . ,., ,.... :... ~... '! c '"" . 0 , ~... , .... () , 404 ... '0 +). ~... C ~'u';'¡ ... .......0 x.ø.,... , ~'.' .~;~;:' ~~,~,., Sewer borro~cd (ro~ the Gencròl Fund nnd thIs is how they will pay it èS:-' 063 PA~E 4~3 back to the County. Co~~ls51oncr Bro.....n move~ to approve the 11 Items in Group '15. ChaIr~an plstor seconded the motIon and fun~~ 403, 404, 406, 407, 410, 411, 412 and 414 c~rrled 5/0. Funds ~n5 ~nd 409 cDrrlp.d 3/2 with CommIssIoner WI~p.r anrl ~cnzel op~oRp.d. Fund 40P carrIed 4/l with Commissioner Winer opposed. Group tl6: referrln1 to e~crqency ~edlc~1 sp.rvices, ~r. ze.....alk questlonc~ how much of the bud~et the County is goIng to qet back? Chðlrm.H1 pi::;tor s.Jirl th,'t they h,"JO h...Id to ,,' 1 four .H1dition.11 pðrD~cdics ðnd e~uiFnc~t plus ne~ anhul~nces. He s~id th~t it W3S ðn expense to hring thr 3y~t~~ up hut th~t th~y now h~vc J c~rtl!led systt?~. P-:-plýlr,') to "'r. Tripr of /,'.HC-::J fsl"nd, Corrd!isionø.r ~ro",,-n saic1 that he i$ 'Jolng to vote for t~1e E:"S hlJ(!<)~t heCður.1! '1r. 7.c·...ðlk fought for the Cour.ty ta~covl..'r ,1nd the n{'·..·9iJ.1p~rs en"-:orst'-1 i>:.. fie noted th.1t a go'/crnr-:cnt orer,H,-,J function 15 e'(r':n;;lv~ hut SJirl tr.,t t.hl::¡ is what the people ~(':""H~ÚI:~ .In.' a5'-:c,j [or. CO"'!"1i!>sion("r Fro'~n ~OVl';! to ,'do¡;: ~ll t",',:,l'¡c It'!:"'!', In C:rour '1f;. Co~nlsslon'-,r ""'~nz-:,l ::¡l'C,::>r1-!.·d the :-ot.lo~ ,1nd uron roll cZ\ll tht> vote ....as: COr"~l&!Jloner Pro..m ",yo Co~;nl:1s1oner ~'~n ~'d Aye, except fund .: 5 r. - r.~ 5 j except Fun~ "c('I - Put-lic 'iransIt e:><cept. FIJn¿ 502 - 1'1 dq . "'ainttJr:Anc~ Cor-n 1 sr, lono:r I< r u :;(' Aye - except Fund -:rt\ - C" t., proc" .~ing Com;"11ssloner WIr:'1cr ;"'yo - ex co pt Fund ~r.O - Public TrAnsit QXCp.rt Fun(~ sr;, - p, II 11 din') I".1int. except Funfl 5001 - OAt a ProcQssinl"j exco pt Fun"" 510 - Utilities Aðnin. Commissioner P1stor Aye X ~.... .,._If Pð'). l~ f5ii l1li tæi! ~.. ';'::. .',.;;,~......, " ~. I - _. , . .~ , .. < ~ . ' .. : ., , " .. If- .1 "I"",,~'~,~, š.,·,øo,' ......\\', c:. ~:;r1';b~'1 ~¡~-13;;'~~~ ~:,~.!:): t¡ tt;-~'J~ ¡"ICJ.,:' j.¡. ' 0> : +'.... u., , . U· \.4. .... .... +'£:: .. ..c §~ .8 ..... Jr+' .,g ~'8 !.... ø. ..., ...... 5. M g~ o J~ ~. ~... ...0 ø.~ . ~r<,...~:,!~~,w.~,~ ,~~::r~.f~L, TIT . ",~ >, () "(;' ~\f:~."~:;::i.:·~7-;:Þ~"~~~:'~ ::;'",:", LiiiiJ ¡;¡¡¡ I"r " 1 c. ':] CC'ï·,lr.'!::¡c:\~r \\'i~er clë\c1(crl his vot~ on r.uil~lng I· 'ir...·, ~t~:-,C(!, r;~yinq th,n he voted ag;dnst it becaus~ he bl'lievcs thðt It is t:>o low. II~ ~aid tt1at U~y r.ðve II duty to r:laintllin service ë:lnd the buC'1gct is so 10....· thð t they c..nno t pror)~ rl Y r:ll\ inti) 1 n ::>c rv ice and bu i lð ing s. Expendable Trusts: Fiscal Officer Hall sðid that this Is the fund in whtch tt.c County pl,1ct:s tbose receipts that ðre rectrlcted, slIch "5 tt,c r-.or.ey (rom Gl.C; 11150, an origlnðl gift nnd st:vcral srï,ðll giftfi to the li~rðry ~nd gifts to the N~ples ~ildcrness program. ~c ~ùld thc'lt thc!\e funds go inlo the F:xrcndl'lblc Teust ,1nó 6:.,y there until 5 j," n t f crt h C fl.: r po s e 1 n ten è c r1 . C0~rissf:nt:r Wenzel nnv~1, Recon~ed by Con~iRsioncr ~ruse lInd Cèr r 1 \:d <',/0 t~_\t the :X ¡'...rd ~h1e Tr Ufits buè']et bc ,'}.'provc:1. Spcci,o¡l Districts: "r. 1'1\11 r.ott'd thllt thc>s(.> districts lire paid for the F'ropc.:rty benefitted. Co¡-,ri:.',sloncr h'cnzel rov":! to approve the ~rrclal ~15trlcts budgets, ncconded ~y rom~15510ncr ~rusc and carried Sir. t:fX>i\ r>ccHing th,1t this conc]uècs lIll of the hU~'Jct itc'n5, COIT,r15~!oncr '-enH'l r>oved U.ðt the f'econð hur1gct hearing he held on Tuesday, Septcl"'lt>er 15, )~"l lit 1;:(')0 P.r-'. lit the Courthcur,e. Cor~i£sloner reuse R~condcd the motion which cl'lrried 5/0. Hr. Hall said thllt the F'oðrd h,'l5 now approved the hudget and should 1T'.l!k~ a I"Otion to "dopt the tentðtlve mil1a90s ðlscusf'ed as set forth on the listing. ~r. P~ll aid that the only rnillðge not discussed \o:as the south ont'-hl1l f of ¡,rClI ~. ~G~~ 083 fACt 434 rage 17 - -- - - - -- - .-. _..- . .. -- - ..-.- - - - ~- -- --- - -- - -- -- ..- - - -.. -...- -- , ' .\!~ .lo 1 ;,'~ ... .... .... ")0'(,1," , ~.(,I:' ~\.4'" r4 ._ k'~' -4 ...c,. .' .: r4.... c:s ,: "... iDi' ...' c ',.0 ~ .' " ....., JI.... . , . (,I ,...., ::s' v...ø'8 ä&~ 1_., ....k }.. .c !",.... ~ ~s.... ! f ~.š~ 0" . 104~", g.k ~ II¡ Øo~ '.,,¡ " ~'.IŠ~"",.. "/:~jr;....::.:.I.' ----------------- aGC~ 063 PACE 435 Co~nisRioner Kruso ~oved to a10pt tho tentative millages as .~; i~~~. .. .. ¡;. j, , l.~, -- - - -- --- - -- -- - -- - ------- ----- Septe:nber 1, 19B1 figured on the present t3X bas~ with tho bu~gets as ðpprov~d. Co~~lss1oner Wenzcl seconded the Motion .....hlch carried 510. Co~mlss10ncr ^l~cr Moved to close the public he~ring and adjourn. COMMissioner Kruse s~condc~ the :notion and it pa~se1 SlOe Time: A:3S P.~. '\ '. , , .. \ Q. . .' ~ I ¡ ATT!61': .. ( WI~~r~~ J~ Rt^GA~~ CLER~ W¿t1A1 i/M£ " ;' \ (' ~ :t ~ ~..' ~ R~An~ 2F CCV~7Y C0~~I53IO~Ens/Ex C'FF rc fC' CF Gn'Jf;-J~'H G R(;M1D (5) OF SPECI"r. DIS;RIC'~) tJ~ ,)::P 115 COSTROr. ----- o ~£-!;¡- Pls::or, ChI91rnt!., j1c r.." ,- J '" &III III ~".'- -.-.- "I'....III·......_1iI