BCC Minutes 08/25/1981 W . . , , , . ¡ ',:'. . ..,J..'{Y. .,r., ---------------------------------------~~ ~..¡...'L·M ,.<' ~ ........:.,1a., Naple., Florida, ^ugust 25, 1981 LET IT BE REMEMar.REÐ, that tho Board of County Comml..lon.r. in .nd for the County of Collier, and al.o acting 8S the governlnq board(.) of øuch øpecial d!øtrict. .. have been created accordinq to law and having-conducted bus!n.øs herein, met on thiø date at 1.37 P.M. In Workshop Session In Building ·F· of the Court~oule Complex with the . following members present. C"~rR"'^N. VICE CJI^IRM~N. John ^. pi.tor Clifford Wonzel ~;~~ ....'...... ?ft ' . .',,;,~:. '.~ "¡'.:~~;" '. - , .( ;.¡~" .' -,'iI~; '.:f:\:,~; '~,~~' ,j"Ji: "ktl ':.'1:14 ,¥.~ ,~), ~ - -- - ----- - ---- - - - --.... - ------- - - -.-.-.....----....-- -~------_.-...:~ .i' ~ C.R. -"USS- Wimer Mary-France. Kruse Cavid C. Brown (1144 P.M.) ALSO PRESENT. William J. Rðagan, Clerk, Carlene Cavid.on, Deputy Clerk, Donald pickworth, County ~ttornel' Ken Cuyler, As.i.tant County Attorney, Irving Berzon, Utilities ~anaqer, C. William Norman, County Man~ger, ~erry Virta, Community Development ^dministrator, Danny Crew, Planning Director, Lee :~yn. and ~erry Clark, Planner., Sondra V8te., Community Block Crant Coordinator, Jeffory porry, zo~inq Oirector, crace spaulding, ~dmini.trative ~Ide to tho ~oard, and, Raymond Barnett, Deputy Chief, Sheriff'. Department. ^Gr.NOA 1. pro.entation and discussion of work proqra. for Planning Department, Community Development Division. PRESENT^TION , DISCUSSION OF WORK PROCR^M FOR PLANNING DEP~RTMENT, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN~ DIVISION - BO~RD DIRECTION CIVEN rn~RINC Rr~ULAR SESSION TillS D~~E c~unlty Developmont ~minlstrator Terry Vlrta .tated that, pur.uant to the Board'. request, at the time of budget he.rln9. for Py Page 1 &COK 063 rAQ:~ . ^U9ult 25, 1tA1 ' \~'; if,i," ,i~ 063 FI.Cf307. ~;~'':. '81-82, he has compUed a presentation of the work proqram tor the .;t~···: ~~.':'/~Pl~nnln9 t)epartment and tho Communi ty Development Division which co~.r. . both pendlnq and current programs, all of which must be accompli.h.d ðurinq the upcoming year. Mr. Vlrta stated that his .taft has prepared chart. which outlln. . the various projects that his office i8 Involved In and the corre.- pondlng amount of ~an ~onths necessary tor completion of same, addlnq that the projections have been made conservatively. He laid that In addition to the many projects that are slated to begin during FY 81-82,' there have already been more added since the budqet hearing when the lists and charts wero prepared, thus, Borne of the charts are outdated already. Planning cirector Danny Crew reforred to the aforementioned charts and outlinod the projects that would be handled In the planning Department for FY 81-82, some of which have not been Inltlatod a. ot this date and Bome of them current. Among the current projects were the development of a new zoning Ctdlnance, the first revl.lon of the Comprehensive Plan, development of the Eastern County Wetland Survey . maps, Zoning/Comprehensive Plan - coordination plans, Beach ~cce.. Master plan, ~s.lstance to the Public Safety Division for development · of a Fire Kaster plan, ~~lden Cate Fezonlng, Floodprooflng Code, ~olden Cate Estotes Master Plan, Metro planning Organization re tran.por- tatlon, Precinct dellnea~ion, Zoning Ordinance ~end~ents, Street nU1ftber I nCH and,' Impact fees, all of wh Ich wl:'1 take approx hnlltely 88 lIan aonth.. .ag8 2 , .. . " ,. , ..," . . " . . . . , ',' :-'" , ' ',:'~'~ .;, 1/"',~"" __ _.... -.... -.........------ -- .....----- - r---.... - -------- ---......- . .. . ~;" .-''1 ",;:; , . '.f . . . ____._,4".._.M'~..A...~___ . . ---- -------- -- - - ----- - -- --- --- -- --- - ---.....- --..... --- ~U<Just 25, 1981 , " Mr. Cr.w outlined the following pending projects that have been ..alqned to the Planning Department recently, Including restudylnq the land use and developing a Master plan tor the Isle of Capri, developing . Malter plan for Immokalo. and, assl.tlng the Parks and Recreation Committee In development of future park sites In the County, all of i ':~?¡Î';,¡~i q'. , "'~~] ~,Ji. ';~:'~':\~ /.',,:1); '~I .¡.. ~r':)i,; " .. .;~.... ,~~ which aðd approximatoly 43.5 man months of work. . Mr. Crew stated that the bottom Ilno la that th.re Is 131.5 man f," "V~. months of work to do in the next year, and he referred to several more charts that broke the.. man months up respectively to the various programs. ^lr.o explained were the hour. In meetlnq8 that the ataff spends, the hours In committee meetings, the hours before tho BCC, the CAPC and the hours following throuqh wi~h directions from the County Manager regarding research, etc. Mr. Crew stated that there must b. 4 public hearings held in Immokaleo and B more In Naples for the development of the new %onin<J Ord·lnance. There was some discus8Son regarding the various amounts of man ~onths allotted for each progra~, the tact that there needs to be a separate program fo~ beach access ,and the beach mana~ement areas, the ~any revision. that come up fro~ week to week reqarding the %onln9 Ordinance, and public hearing. over petitions for rezoning, compr.hen- elve plan a~endmenta, etc., and, the fact that ataff also has to develop a plan for land u.. for the Chokoloskee area. Mr. Cr.w atated that there are only three Planner. with 12 ~an .onthe available each year In the Plannlnq Department and that ~r. Vlrta only ha. 3 ~In ~ontha availlble for planning-related vork, thue, , '. '.~,':J i t~': <. ~, : :\,~ :,'';6 ~,> / ~ pac)e :I '* CBS mtB08 . ~,'" " ~ - .' -~-------------------------------------~ " ''''i> .;,.~~ ;t;'+ I" '. ;~.~ ',¡ ~" rG 'I":" , ; <! ,.... ~ . - . , -- -------------"---'"---------------------~" .-----.-__...._------------------_....-------------~..._-- . . AU9ust 25, 1981 .. &COX. 063 PACE BOD the planning Department Is four full-time plann.rs short of being able to ke.p abreast of current and pending work for the next year. The MPO was discussed, during which Mr. Crew said that there !. approximately 4 years work to do In ordor to meet the Federal, State and local requirements. The projected time frames for various aspect. of this program were outlined by Messrs. vlrta and Crew and were discus.ed at length, a. were projected time frames for other programs. Mr. Crew concluded by saying that the reason that the Planning ~ Dopartment is not responding fast enough to the Board's and the C^pC's requests and directions Is bocause there Is not enough people to go around and to be ab16 to efficiently cover all the programs thet require attention. ~lso discussod was the turnover of employees In thin area, and the time involved in training new personnel 80 that,they can begin where their predecessor left oft on a project. ^lso, there are fewer non-professional employees on board which mean. that the profe~sionals must spond their time doing those job. that used to be . handled by these positions. Also, Mr. Crew e~plained that the programs. and the re.pectlve time frames are one thing, however, ther. will b. additional projects assigned in the futuro that will be ~ore burd.nso~e ... for the current planning staff, taking up more time and .lowlng up the, processes even mot e . ... Pelican Bay Parks plan. were dlscu.sed, during which Co~lsstoner wimer said tha~ he has been awaiting this project's completion for .everal year. and Mr. Crew responded that It has not been inltlat.d because of the backlog of work. Mr. Richard Renderlong, fo~er County p~e .. . , " , , . of . ' , . planner, who recently went to work for Wilson, ~11Ier, Barton, Soll, and reek, .tatod that this was Initiated as part of the Segate ~ap coordination and Mr. Crew explained that It takoø a greåt deal of tlm. to train someone and aqualnt them with the -every day routine ~atters· let alone the specialized areas such as this. Re s"ld that ~r. nenderlong was familiar with parks, etc., and handled tha~, kind of project In the paRt. Mr. Crew stated that the County looses money In t.r~. of time every time someone new has to be hired to replace 80meone that leaves. , . .' "\I'1;~, ._,,~,' y:" ; ; ~ ' . -,', -~" , ,'~ . :.~ ~~1¡~. ,< ;~~~i ,..,<.; +..,.... .' '..... :~ pag. 5, " . \ ~ 063 f'Att310 ~r. virta outlined various steps that the County muøt now undorgo in ~rder to develop an MPO, which 18 mandated by the rOderD~govornment now that the urban area of Collier County has been estimatod to have ; over 50,000 persons, according to the latest cenøus. ~.ferring to' chart. and drawings, Mr. Vlrta outlined the many areas of concern that ~u.t be consldored when organizing and establlshinq the Metropolitan Planning orqanlzation, adding that tho County will face tho VO··lbillty of losing all future Federal funding if thl. 1. not accompli.hed within a certain framework of time, aa well as experience the los. of Atate . fund. for roads, etc., because the State Law parallel. tho.. of the r.deral government regarding tho.e requlremente. Thl. vas dl.cu..ed at length, during which Mr. vlrta .herod pest experience. In another county which did not m.et the requlre~ent., I.e. 10.. of all Federal loan., fund., grants, .tate aid for roads, etc. He referred to thle proce.. a. being -de-certlflod- and explained In detail what would be at .take, Including ~Illlon. of dollar. for Collier County annually. ,- ;.~'",. ' ---~----------------------------------- M, . "'--------".,...>,.,~~- " t ,. ',JJ ~; ~ ~::'~"':'_'''':''':'__...:..- __ __,__t_ _...:.:....,----------'--~-.----...:.:-..::.-..:.', ¡. '~~>.~ , ' "ugullt 25, 1981 " " ,':~; . b~i.eltOK _~6h3 rAtE~ . 1 h.. 0 ' 1 ..1 h ':.:: J ~}fn..;,r.\i ,Wwu t e var"ous Itep. "n sett n9 up t . ,,1> , lone Uu n9 t. : .~,:\.': ',~;¡r ~.;. 1 n ted oed e9 rumon t "I th the. Cl ty the ..que.t1 nq of fund., the ....·In;;" :.'::Jt '':'':'' . Ý '. "'J- of IIUlbers, the phnning of work programs, the prospeetul, the unified ' ' 'u , ' I plan work progra~, the transportation plan, the system management element, the long range element, and the transportation Improvement pr09ra.. It was explained by ~r. virta that the County has to .how good faith In accomplishing the goals of the MPO program and he reterred to the temporary holdup on 951 which re.ulted beeluse of a lack of such a display of good faith. Commlsøloner Pistor stated that , he Is in the midst of working on this particular problem and this va. . dlscusseð bri.n y. · . . Commlsøloncr Brown loft the room at this time - 2109 P.M. · . . The discu.slon continued regarding the MPO, the possibility of 10.1 of funds in tho future, whot ~i9ht be expected it Collier doe. not fol10w,through with this program and related ~attor.. . · . . Commis.ioner Wenzel left the room at this ti~e - 2.15 P.M. . . . County Manager Norman .tated that the next step II to aVlit word from the Covernor as to the designation of the member.hlp. Hr. vlrta concurred, adding that the designation, by Office, will be deteralned by the Covernor, that there will be 5-15 member., I.e. five County Co.-Is.loners and five City Councilmen. Once the Board 1. e.tabli.hed, .eotlng. vll1 be Icheduled, the Interlocal agreement, which ha. already been drafted, will have to be approved with tho City, tho County and" . ' . . ,.",."....".._~-....._,...,---,.~--".-._,-- .__....',,.."'..,;_.,"""'""""--_.,"',,.., . . i,:~;I ----------------------------------------~ '. August 25, 19A1 ';~ , "'.~,t· 'ii~ 'x·;ít. ~"''t~ ~·;.""f , <',;l' t~. State DOT and, the MPO will then request funding, øet up budget8' etc. He added that the staff would also have to be determined and the MPO will have to un4ertake other areas of concern nocessary to have , \ Collier County complete a study and become fully certified. DISCUSSION RE COMMUNI~Y ALOCK CR~N~ PRocnAMS " Sondra Yaten, Community Development Block Crant Coordlnfttor, referred to lome charts and outlined the current and pending ~ectlon R pr09ram which her office i8 Involved with. She stated that In the current progrðm thore will have been 27 houses rehabilitated, 4 houses replaced and 5 roads paved and this program will be wrapp~d up in the amount of $490,000 by October l, 1981. She said that beginning on that < . same dato a new $500,000 program will be initiated which will include , 39 houses for rehabilitation, 2 streets to be paved, ~-g vacant buildings demolished, an~ a neighborhood center rehabilItated. Referring to the weatherization program approved tor application by the BCC approximately 4 months ago, she said that this has been Icrapped by the Re~gan ^dmlnlstration. However, It may be salvaged In 1981-82 by the Department of r.nerqy and, if this occurs, Collier County 1. at the ,top of the waiting Uat. MI. Vates said that the current 11tuatlon with the Section 8 pr09ra~ is currently In HUD's handa and she said that she hal been a.lured that there ia no reason to expect that COllier's application vll1 be turned down. She said that, through this application, Collier COunty will receive and has used approximately 82AO,OOO In the first P~e ., .. WK· 083 fmsLt. . :. " ! , " '. ~9-~-........ --...-- - --------....- ------.-----...-- , ',~ ,; ¡, . ..."",_..._,-""~-,,..,_.- ....,..-.--"'''...-;,-.-,-,......--.-.'"'''",' .' " .' i~~~ t!'~ ' ~ :~t~' ~"'~.',.. <~ \.41' '-~ ;- ,.~.~. - " \ ' ~~------------------------------------~--- , -t.. -- - ....-.- - --- - - - -.- ---..-,- -- ---.... - - -.......... --- - -~....~ -....-- 1.ugust 25, 1981 . '~' ,&CQX 083 PACE'Sts year. She outlined the new proposed quldellne. for CSOP'. and lalð that .h. consider. the work'accompllsh.ð and the work propolld tGr Immokaleo to have been most beneficial to the County and to the gen.ral' upgrading of entire nolghborhoods throughout I~mokalee. ~he method of letting bids for the rehabllit.atlon work was dlscus.ed, as was the average amount of ~oney spent on any lingle unit, which has been approximated at an average of $l2,OnO per unit. Th. large numbors of applications for rehabilitating houses was outlln.d by Ms. Yates as were tho quldellnes on which they are screened. The general upgradinq of neighborhood Involvement and the attitude towards accepting new community responsibility on the part of " the recipients of these grant lunds wan also explained by Ma. Yates, with ~elsr.. Crew and Vlrta commonting on the positive effects of the CBGP in Collier County. Commissioner wi~er stated that -he feels the CBCP projects haY~ been beneficial to Collier County and that Ms. Yates has done a fin. , ~" job. There was a general diacu.siön regarding the various aspects of , the Community Development Division, Its scope of work programs, and so~e of the problems associated with the amount of work to be accomplished In the next year. þ DISCUSSION RE REZONIN~ POnTIONS OF ~OLDr.N CATE r.~~ATES ~ND APPLICATION ' OF -ST- OVERLAY ON r£R~AIN ~RE^S ~JlERF.OP OtSCU~Sr.O - POLICY R! NO~IFIC~~ION ~O PROprR~V o~rnF.R~ Rr. ~A~F. DTRCUFr.ED Mr. vlrta stated that the staff would like Roard direction on their Intent to handle the rezoning of that portion of the County which '19· . .... ~ . ... ,~ . "'~"C'";-"'""""'_"'""___"'_' .....,-. 'fI/ ...,_.,... ,~_.'..", -.,.,"; ....".""... "~'..'_,-~,.._-.-' \': ..:¡ ..¡; i.r~'¿ _ _ _ -,... -- -- ---- _ ----- ----- ----------------',.j , . ,. '. ~.~~ .;'~ . ---------------------------------------- ^uquøt 25, 19ft1 .' i. currently zoned under the Inmokal.e ^rea Planning dl.trict and i. slated for rezoning to WEW Estatos as a pðrt of the overall development of the ne" proposed Zoning Ordinance. n. said that, later, as the eppl1cðtlon of the -ST- to that portion of land where this ov.rlay 1. appropriate Is being considered, the staff would like to Initiate the . process of Individual notifi~ation to proporty owners. He said that the Board has gonG on record, about a year ago, that they wanted all property owners to he individually notified at the tlm. of ~ezono process and ho said that he prefero to make it ð two .tep process without havlnq to individually notify the property owner. rogarding the rezone as this would not ho a separate work, prógraÐ and would be a part of the preparation of the Zoning Ordinance. ^lternatlves to Mr. Vlrta's suggestion W~8 discussed, a~ong them was combining the rezoning and tho designation of -s~-, rezoning the land And applying the ·SJw whero applicable ðnd then notifying the property owners of this action when tax bills go out, and, notifying the property owner. of the intent to combine the.. actions and allowing them the opportunity, to object to same action prior to the time that It I. done and notifying the property ownefS Individually only for the d..lgnation of the ·STw overlay. Mr. Virta said that both actions could be combined, howev.r, h. think. that this will create proble~.. Commissioner. PI.tor and ~ru.e expr....d their foeling that the two .hould be combin.d and the people notlfl.d Individually. ~hls was dl.cu.s~ at length, during which Planner Lee Layne stated that the problem is that the adoption of . ne" ,aq. 9 ~CO( 063 mESt(. ~ " . . ...--.--------..'---.-- . -~ '/ , .f';~ ,'~ ~----------------------------------------- A\J9ust 25, 1981 tCOK 063 PACE3ß toning Ordinance requires no notification to property owner. except ~ ~ .. through the newspaper and if the rezoning effort i. to be a part of thl. program, then there Is no need to individually notify property owners. However, said ~s. Layne, the ~oard has given staff direction that individual notification of intent to rezone to -row Estate.'b. Initiated. What the staff intends to do, if the Board approves, is that, rather than have the rezone of the aforementioned property to -B- estat.. designated as a separate work program, it could be combined In' the proce.. of adopting a new Zoning Ordinance, thus, making it all one process, .he .aid. ~lso, tho only notification required would be to advertise In the newspaper.. Commisslonor Wenzel stated that he believes that thore has been' a misunderstanding. He said that he considers ~hat If the County intended to alter rogulations 80 that property c~uld no longer be u.ed, the property ownors should have to be notified, however, It the intent 1. only to limIt the number of buildings allowed on the property, .¡c., thon, he does not think it i. nec..sary to send out Individual notices. Hr. Virta .aid that there is no proposal, at this point In time, to deny the us. of the subject land, it would be zon.d -E- Est.tes and portions of it would have an ·ST- overlay. ~r. Virta stated that -ST- does not Imply that land cannot b. developed, i" does, however, mean that the property owner has to receive site plan approval and that tt.e property will tall under, the corps jurisdiction over the pr..Ulltptiv. wetlands. Commissioner wenzel .aid that that thl. ..ans that the Corpe ..y not let the property owners of -ST- lands u.e It, and the.e people ,.,. 10 " . , . :~"" .' .. .' .,,'~",'~ , þ ... ,~;;. , ~:I'~ ~ . . ~~.~ ' " ,. , ~~. 'r, :~r~f .. ~1~~ ~ .,:;~t , ~~r:t, "~zt~ , ., , \, , . '.:;~. "'~~' 'fij.l; . ~.~~- ~ ,t, ~.('" ':.# ~'i. .......-,--..._---------_....._--------_.-_--_...._--------~_.... . ' ' ; /:; 0' -; . . . _....".,"'-',__..,.......·""'_'_~..',""""'u"'."'._o_".n_..""".._.~"_.....___.."...__..._,_.."....,",..,-.....,.. ----------------------------------------' ". .....~ . . ----.--- --- --- - -- -------------------------.¿. ;'4 . I '.'~ -\ . ·'A ^uqust '"5, 1981 .hou14 certainly be notified. Commls8ioner Wimer asked it the 14e. of rezoning portions of this land which lie In the far eastern part ot the County to WA- agriculture has been considered and ~r. vlrta replied affirmatively. He said that only Coldon Cate City North will be zoned eAe agricufture and the remaininq land at issue will be WEW F,states. '!'hI. was discussed further, during which Commissioner Krus.~ IIsked Mr. virta if he con8ide~s that tho proposed rezoning to wEw Estato. Is . 1IIÞ ' I , " really a ~atter of -housekeeping- In ordor to brinq thllt portion of the County that was left under the old Immokalee zoninq into line with the other lands in that particular aree? "'r. vlrta replied affirmatively. Commisøioner Kruse said that she has no strong feellnqs regarding the need to individually notify prop~rty owners as long ðØ it is just a , . matter of bringing the zoning districts -in linew, however, if eSTw 1. , to be applied, she feels that the property owners should be notified. Mr. Crew expounded on the intent of the planninq Department, i.e. combine the rezoning to -r.- Estates with the development of the new Zoning Ordinance and, therefore, eliminate the need for individual notification, and, later, when the -S~- will be applied, individual notification to affècted property owners will be sent out. . . . Commissioner Brown entered the meeting at this time - 212A P.M. . . . Mr. Virta agreed that the wST- application warrants Indlvldu.l notification and he said that, because the adoption of a new Zoning Ordinance will generate a lot of discus.lon, he would prefer that the COlden Cate r.tate. zoning not become Wthe l.sue- when thl. I. belnq con.i4erecS . ~ 063 ~31S '19- 11 t -," .,.._,,--------.~- - ~-~--~---------------------~---~-----~---~ 1.u9U1t 25, 191'1 aco, 063 PACE311 " , PROPO~F.n ~DOPTION or Nr.w tONINn ORDIN~WCE ~ND THE 1.rFECT ~R~T 'HIS ADOPTION M~Y ft^VE ON CERT^IN LAND US! PETITIONS IN THE INTERIM PERIOD PRIOR ~O ITS ~DOPTION - DISCUSSF.D Mr. virta referred to the proposed public hearings that have been' scheduled re the aðoption of the proposed zoning Ordinanco. ne said that the planning statt will be involved in 12 separate public hearing. and that the BCC will be involved in four of the.e. Mr. Virta statod that tho staff Is concerned that, as the development of this ordinance Is goinq through the legal process, I... public hearings, rovisions, etc., that applications will continue to be mnde tor'what could inevitably be wnon-zoningsW, i.e. creating non-conforming uses while the County is involved in developing a new toning Ordinance. ~herefor., said ~r. virta, he would .trongly recom- mend that at some point the ~ard not take any further applications tor land use changes until the Zoning Ordinance has he en adopted, with the exception of PUD's (~l',"ned unit Developments). ITe 8eið that the reason that he is suggesting this excepti~n i. becauøe there are no plans to alter tho present rUD requlatlon.. Commissioner wenzel said that If this il what he is recommendlnq, Mr. Virta should have recommended that prior applications that have been accepted and considered of late should not have been considered at that time. ~r. Virte said that, if all goes as expected, the new Zoning Ordinance will be adoptod on January 5, 19Ø2. He said that .taff i. asking, at so~o point, the eoard to consider this recommen- dation. He said that he did not know it It would be appropriate to consider Initiating this now or porhaps It would be better to initiate this .easure before the first public hearing. before the t~kale. and COastal Area planning Commissions. In ansver to Commissioner PI.tor, , ~ , .. .. . .' - .. . paq. 12 ",I 'P'; '" '';' .,'~".¡, '!~ 'iri . ~)~~ . ";'1.'; " , " ", I ',~<:: ",,, <~;;';;\ ,,'¡J~ ,:.:;,~,~ ¡,{ ~ , ,X~ ".;,;~~:' '-~'~ ,:~ ;...,,~~ ,. ,;t!, ' ,to'''f ,:;'(# .-.-__.....----------------_....._---_....-----_......~-,-.-----_-... >' \j;; ,p, ',;~ /i¥j . ..~:~;~:~ .. . , , , . : :I -~-~------------------------------_._-~~-~~ . .r~t ':j ~___~___~_____~___~__~T-~~--~~------~~-~'~ . ~ . . . 'J,~'.'~ ~p. 1\UCjust 2S, 191' 1 Mr. Vlrta said that the staff has 25 such petitions that have been filed and are belnq considered at this time. Commissioner rløtor a.ked If the.e would b~ actod upon and Mr. vlrta replied afflrmatlvaly. Ch.lrman pl.tor asked ~r. vlrta if he 18 suggesting that no more petitions be accepted aftar these current petitions are handled and Mr. vlrta concurred, adding that the only rezoning petitions t~at should be' aco.pted by the County should be pun'., until after the adoption of the zoning Ordinance. . . Chairman ÞlstQr asked ~r. Vlrta If he would submit a formal recommendation to this effoct so that this could be acted upon during the regular meetinq next week, and ~r. Vlrta agr~ed, ftddinq that thl. would also apply to provisional uses and master plan approvals. ,COMMENT~ pno~ roo O^TF.S, CO^ST^L ~RF.^ PL^NNINO CO~~I~RION Mr. Ed C~tes stated that he and the other member~ of the Planning Agencle. share the frustrations of having specific work program. beco~ln9 Wbogged down- bec~use of people In the Planning Department leaving or becaus~ the work pr09ram. within the plannfnq Department ~ay not be appropriately designated to that Dopartment, f.e. precinct work. Mr. ·Oate. addressed the problem of Wturnover- fn the Planning Department and outlined 80me comparative ealary level. for Planner. In varlou. agencies and othar countle. In Florida I. exa~ple. of Why h. doe. not teel that current entry-level sal~ri.. for planning po.itlon. are competitive enoU9h to keep those po.ltlons filled and the people working for the County. He .tated that planner t, tt, and ttt, po.ltlon. are Inywhere from $1,000 - $1,500 at the Planner I level, to $3,000 - $3,500 at the Planner ttt lovel, lower thin the.e other \båK 063 ~3!8 Pa9. 13 .:.' # "_....,M-..,,'.,...,"',,,,,.,.."~'''',...''''.,,__;_ .... ......----~.._"...~. 'Jf:!l .i!J.~ '.";~ .,.,-:t,.-,.' ,.",; .' . "'!~I"~l.'·"; .' ..' .~? ' ~tì ..' r. ::~;;~. '::~<~,: 'f'~ ,~r~ ',I). . "-,,.," ';¡. '. - ..------.....---------------------.....----....----------....- ~U9U8t 25, 1981 &GOX .' 063 PAtE ~ 9 ; ,'. 8gencl.s. Mr.~tcS .tated that thl., plus the high cost of living Aft,.... .' ". .i¡ Collier County, as w?ll as the unavailability of housing for many poople In these .alary level., is causing the County a probleM. Mr. Oates concluded hi. comments Ly noting that, while h. understands the pressures that the Board are under regarding k.eplng taxe. down, he believes that consideration needs to be made toward. the concerns and a.sociated problems with personnel turnover In are.s a. critical a. planning. ' county Manager Norman steted that he believe. that today's ..sslon has contributed to an understanding of .ome problems related to concerns of the Board regarding the {unction. of the Planning aria. of the Community Development Division. He said that methods of solving these problems have not boen decided, howevor. there ne.ds to be certain priorities for work programs, as well as the Issues of salary.' . He said that he is i~dicatlng to the p.oard that he intond8 to work with tho Board toward. this end. Chairman pl8~or stated that he tooll .ur. that the Board will be wSlltn~ to.cooperate and attend a ~imll.r session as thi8 to considor solutions. AD.10URN,..r.N~ - TIP-1F. t 't 37 P. M. 1here being no further busin.s. to consider during this Work.hop Session, the meoting was ~djourned at 2.37 P.M. In order to reconvene in Regular Se..lon and ~omplet. the agenda, having been rece81ed earlier thl. date. · . Sev.ral Item. rolating to the above-referenced dl.cu..ion. during thl. work.hop ....ion were acted upon during the afternoon ....Ion of the R.gular Meeting 'lIge 14 i ~ ---.-...-....-... ~........ - -.-..... -----~ - -----.....--- -- - ---- _......~_...--. "J . . . ...,.----,..~_.>.,..,.""..<.". .,."~.,.,,---'"'.".~,