Agenda 06/26/2018 Item #16C 306/26/2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve an In Building Radio Distribution License Agreement with Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP to install communications equipment for enhanced service at the Jail. OBJECTIVE: An agreement is required in order to allow Verizon Wireless LP (Verizon) to install additional equipment at the Jail at the main Government Complex (Jail) to enhance wireless communications reception. CONSIDERATIONS: Verizon has agreed to upgrade its communications equipment at the Jail in order for the occupants of that building to receive better wireless communications signals. Verizon will be installing equipment within the interior and on the roof of the Jail as part of this enhancement. Verizon has provided wireless services within the Jail for the past eight years under a contractual agreement with the Collier County Sheriff’s Office and did not require a lease agreement at that time. However, with Verizon’s investment in equipment, and due to a change in policy within Verizon, Verizon would like to secure its presence at the Jail in the form of a formal agreement. The attached In Building Radio Distribution License Agreement and Memorandum of In Building Radio Distribution Agreement (collectively referred to as ‘Agreement’) provide for an initial five-year term with four automatic renewals of five years each. The County may terminate the lease should Verizon default in any of the terms of the Agreement. Since Verizon is providing a service to the County, there shall be no annual rent. Verizon is required to obtain the County’s approval for installation of its equipment within the Jail and on its roof. Verizon will be required to provide the insurance provisions outlined in the Agreement which have been reviewed by the Risk Management Division. Verizon shall utilize the County’s power at the Jail. The Memorandum of In Building Radio Distribution Agreement is a document used on Verizon’s behalf should it elect to record this transaction in the Public Records. FISCAL IMPACT: There will be no expense to Collier County for these improvements and there shall be no rent associated with this Agreement. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for Board action. - JAB RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approves and authorizes the Chairman to execute an In Building Radio Distribution License Agreement and a Memorandum of In Building Radio Distribution Agreement with Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP. Prepared By: Michael Dowling, Sr. Property Management Specialist, Facilities Management Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Verizon In Building Radion Distribution License Agreement Final May 2018 (PDF) 2. Verizon Jail MOU 2018 (PDF) 06/26/2018 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.C.3 Doc ID: 4695 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve an In Building Radio Distribution License Agreement with Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP to install communications equipment for enhanced service at the Jail. Meeting Date: 06/26/2018 Prepared by: Title: Property Management Specialist, Senior – Facilities Management Name: Michael Dowling 02/06/2018 9:22 AM Submitted by: Title: Deputy Department Head – Solid and Hazardous Waste Name: Dan Rodriguez 02/06/2018 9:22 AM Approved By: Review: Facilities Management Toni Mott Additional Reviewer Completed 02/07/2018 8:58 AM Solid and Hazardous Waste Dan Rodriguez Additional Reviewer Completed 02/08/2018 12:46 PM Public Utilities Operations Support Joseph Bellone Additional Reviewer Completed 03/09/2018 12:06 PM Information Technology Dennis Linguidi Additional Reviewer Completed 03/20/2018 2:03 PM Solid and Hazardous Waste Sarah Hamilton Additional Reviewer Completed 03/22/2018 10:06 AM Public Utilities Department Heather Bustos Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 03/22/2018 1:12 PM Public Utilities Department George Yilmaz Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 03/22/2018 1:32 PM County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 05/21/2018 11:58 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 05/22/2018 4:51 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 05/24/2018 9:40 AM Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 05/25/2018 3:06 PM County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 06/14/2018 2:32 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 06/26/2018 9:00 AM Liccnscc Sitc Nunre: Collier ('ounly (iOV Conrplex Nodc I & Collicr County Sheriff Liccrrscc Sitc Numbcr: 9023670 & 90O9256 IN BI]II,D NG RADIO DISTRIB UTTON LICENSE AG EEME:{T This License Agreement ('Agt99!qgd") is made as of20_ ("Effective Date ") between COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose principal place of business is c/o Real Property Managcment. 3335 TamiamiTrail East, Suite l0l, Naples, Florida 341l2 ("Licensor"), and VERIZON WIRELESS PERSONAL coMMUNICATIONS LP, a Delaware limired partnership d/b/a Venzon wireless, whose principal place of business is One Verizon Way, Mail Srop 4AWl00, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920, ("Licensee"). Back Ltnrl WHEREAS, Licensor owns property and a building locared at j299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida 341 I 2 commonly known as the Collier C'ounty Government Complex ("Property") which is more parricularly described in Exhib it *A": and WHEREAS, Licensee intends to install and operate communications equipment (collectively, "Licensee's Network Equipment") for use within the property including equipment located on the interior ofthe property for the instaltation ofa distributed antenna systim io troes Network") an Svstem"): and d equipment and antennas located on the roof the property (the "Smal Cell WHEREAS, Licensor and Licensee desire to enter into this Agreement to define the general terms and conditions which would govem their relationship with respect to Licensee's use of the Property for the purposes conlemplated herein; and Now THEREFoRE, both parties agree to enter into rhis Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth herein. Asreement I. License. Licensor hereby licenses to Licensee certain premises within the Property which is more particularly described pa(icularly described in Exhibit B: interior and extcrior as lollows and more (a) rooftop or exterior communications eq comprise the Small allached hereto and Exterior S ce Premises; walls of the Property for uipment including antennas Ccll System in thc locatio made a part hereof. Space (the "Exterior Spacc Prcmises") on the the installation, operation and rnaintenance ol and relatcd equipnlent. such equipntent shall ns more particularly described in Exhibit 'B". (b) Building Equiprncnt Prenrises: Space (the "Buildinq Equipmenl Prenises") *'ithin the Property for the irrstallation. operation. and maintcnance of antennas. telccornmunication cabinets. and equipment which shall comprise the DAS Nelwork. as sel lbnh in tlre- locations more particularly describcd in Exhibit "B". attachcd lrcrcto and nratle a part hcreof. The DAS Network corrsists ol nricrocells. rcradialors. repcaters or sinrilar in-building radio-distributiolt dcvices. anlcnnas se'n'ing such deviccs. and the cablcs. rvire-s or equivalenl @ connoting thcm and other relucd cquipment for the transmission and rcception of any communications signals which it is lawfully authorizcd to trsnsmit md/or rcccivc within th;Propcrty; and (c) Cablinc ond Acccss. Such additional spacc within thc Building and on thc cxtsrior of thc Building for thc installation, op€Btion and maintcnonoc of wires, ibles, fibcr, conduits and pipcs (thc'9CD!i!&S!Se9) running betwocn End among thc Extcrior'Spacc Prcmiscs snd Brrilding Equipmcnt Prcmiscs and to all ncocssary clcctricaiand telcphonc uiility sourccs locatcd within thc Building or on the Propcrty. In lhc evcnt thcrp arc not suflicicnt elechic and telephonc utility sourccs loca&d within the Building or on thc propcrty, Liccnsor agEes to grant Licenscc, or thc local utility providcr, thc right to ingtall such uiilitiis on, o"cr and/or undcr thc Propcrty and through thc Building nccBsary for Liccnscc to op€ntc irs communications fscility, providcd the locotion ofsuch utilitics shall bc as rcasonably disignatcd by Licensor as outlhed in ?aragraph 2. If there is insuffisicnt room along the existing caiment atlss to accommdatc additional utilitics, Lisenscc shall obtain any and all ncccssaDr-casemcnts ftom Licensor. subjcct to thc aforemcntioncd trquirrmonts, Liccnsor will endcavor to providc cscortcd aoccss to Licensce penonncl ss ncccssary, scvcn (7) days a wcck tweng-four (zg hours a day, with_ suflicicnt noticc o arrangc rcqufuitc cscort to Liccnscc's Extcrior Spacc prrmiscs, Building Equipment Prerniscs and cabling spacc, and within cxisting cascmcnt arcas for thc installatioi and maintcnancc of utility wircs, polcs, cobles, cooduits, fibcr, and pipcs ovcr, undcr, or along l!! P.p"rty (collectivcly, thc '&!gtE-9[ltrcy"), including withoui limitation thosc Rights o-f way spccificd in E dibit 'B". attachcd hcroto md madc i part hcrcof. For purposcs -of this Agreomcnt, the Exterior Space Prernises, the Building Equipmcnt prcmfucs, Cs6ling Spac€, and thc Rights of Way shall collectivcly bc rcferred to ss rhe ..p.r!&S". 2. Construction. Installation. & Meintcnancc. prior to making any altcmations, additions or improvcmcnts to thc DAS Nctwork or Small cell system whicir wil rcquirc Liccnsoe to install cquipmcnt within poaions of thc propcrty thst at€ not within tlrc prcmiscs, thc Liccnscc will submit to Liccnsor proposcd plans and proposals detailing such altcrations, additions or imprcvqmants for Liccnsor's approval, which will not bc unrcrsonably withhcl( conditioned or dclaycd. Nohpitbtanding thc forcgoing, Liccnscc shall havc thc right to add,modi$, replacc, suppl€ment and rcpair Liccns€e's Network Equipmcn! inciuding the frtqucncics ovcr which such cquipmcnt opcratcs, at any timc during thc Tcrm so long as such addition, modification, rcplaccmcnt, supptcmcnotion or rtpair is tocstcd within thc Frcrniscs. Liccnscc covenants and agrees that all oFrstions, maintcnrncc, rcpair work, crcction, consEuction, imprcvement, addition, or altcration of the Premiscs will comply with all currcnt and futurc applicablo laws, ordinancc, rulcs, Egulstions, and rcquiremonts of thc UniEd Ststcs of Amcrica" Statc of Florida, County of Collicr, or any othcr govcmmcntal agenoics having jurisdiction. 3. I4ed9gg& During thc Tcrm of this Agrccrncnt, Liccnscc agrecs that rhe installation and operation of thc Liccnscc's Nctwork Equipmcnt will not causc mcasurable interfcrcnce to thc cquipmcnt of Licensor or thc thcn €xisting equipmcnt of other tcnants operating on thc Proparty as of thc date of this A$lement. Should Liccnscc's Network Equipmcnt causc mcasurablc intcrfcrcncc, and providcd Liocnsor or olhcr tenanB provide 2 @ written notice, Licensee will take all steps necessary to conecl and eliminatc the interference. Licensor agrees that any fulure agreements for tenants on the Property will include provisions to control and rernedy interference. Should the equipment ofa third party tenant cause measurable interference with the then-existing Licensee's Network Equipment, and provided l-icensee provides written notice to Licensor, then Licensor will take all steps necessary to cause such third party tenant to correct and eliminate the interference. Licensor opcratcs critical public safely communications facilities at the Properly and cannot agree to limit future radio equipment installation pertaining to public safety operations. The parties acknowledge thal there will not be an adequate remedy at law for non-compliance with the provisions of this paragraph antl therefore, either party shall have the right to specifically enforce the provisions of this paiagraph in a coun ofcompetent jrrnsdiction. 4. Utilities. Licensee is authorized to connect Licensee's Nelwork Equipment to Licensor's electrical service at the Property and to use such electrical service to operate Licensee's Network Equipment, at no cost to the Licensee. All costs to establish connectivity to the electrical service for the Small Cell System and DAS Network, will be lhe Licensee's responsibility. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no interruption or discontinuance of such electrical power will render l-icensor Iiable to Licensee for damages or relieve Licensee ofany of ils obligations hereunder, except as such results from the acts or omissions oflhe Licensor. Any other utilities required for operation of Licensee's network equipment will be the responsibility of the Licensee. Licensor also grants to Licensee an easement for fiber/T- | running from the nearest public right ofway to the Premises to the extent necessary to serve the Small Cell System and DAS Network, in Licensee's sole determination. 5. property o will receive the benefits of e Small Cell System and DAS maintenance of the Small Cell Ownershi &C The Small Cell System and DAS Network are personal fthe Licensee and the Li censee at all times owns and controls them 6. Consideration In consideration for the rights granted herein, Licensor's property nhanced wireless communications arising from operation of the Network. The design, construction, equipnrent. installation and System and DAS Network shall be at Licensee's sole cost. 7. Access. Licensor agrees to provide Licensee. its cmployees and/or agents access to the Premises twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week for the purposc of emergency maintenance and restoration of the Small Ccll System arrd DAS Network, includrng without lirnitation loss of service or equipment malfirnction. Licensee s access for design. construction, irrstallation, upgrading, and routinc maintenancc ol'thc Snrall Cell Systcm and DAS Network will be available Monday through Friday during normal working hours of 8:()0 a.rn.. EST. through -5:00 p.m., EST. Any request for access outside of these hours will be subrnitled to the Emergcncy Services Director. a. Thc initial tcrm of this Agreenrerrt shall be tivc (5) ycars beginning on the Eliectivc Datc. with four (4) automatic live 1-5; ycar rcnewrl tcrrns (collc'ctively the "Term"). unless thc Liccnsec terminatcs it at lhe cnd of thc' dren current tL'nll by giving lhe Licensor Ii. Tcrnr.Detiult.Tcrmination.Cornpcnsation. @ written notice of intent to terminate at least six (6) months prior to the end of the then cument tcrm. This Agreement may only be terminated in accordance with its terms. b. Licensee shall havc the right to terrninate this Agreemenl at any time by providing the Licensor rrl'ith six (6) months' written notice. In thc cvcnt Licensee defaults in the performance of any of its covenants or obligations hereunder and such default is not cured within sixty (60) days after written notice thereof from Licensor (unless the nature of thc event takes longer to cure and Licensee commences a cure within the time period and diligently pursues it thereafter), Licensor may thereafter terminate this Agreement by providing Licensee with thirty (30) days' written notice. Upon any termination or expiration of this Agreemenl, Licensee shall remove the Small Cell System and DAS Network and all associated components and cabling. except as set forth below. At Licensor's discretion and direction, equipment racks and grounding systems installed by Licensee will remain at the Premises at no cost to Licensor. Licensee shall be responsible for the repair and restoration ofany damage to Licensor's Premises resulting from the removal of the Small Cell System and DAS Network, normal wear and tear excepted. Conduit and cabling within walls and the ceiling of the building will not be removed upon termination of this Agreement, provided however, Licensee must reseal all wall penetrations to meet code requirements and to prevent water intrusion. There is no compensation for use of the Premises as the Licensee's presence at the Property is a benefit to the Licensor. 9. lndemnification. Insurance. Waiver of Consequential Damaees. Subject to the limilations set fbrth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, the parties shall indemnify and hold each other harmless against any claim of liability or loss or bodily injury or property damage to the cxtent caused by the acts or omissions oftheir own or their agents in connection with the use and occupancy of the Premises in connection with the Small Cell System and DAS Network, excepting claims or damages as may be due or caused by the acts or omissions ofthe other party or ils agents. Licensee shall procure and maintain throughoul the tenn of this Agreement commercial general liability insurance with limits of five million dollars ($5,000,0fi)) per occurrence for bodily injury (including death) and property (including the loss of use thereof). Licensor shall be included as an additional insured as their interest mav appear under this Agreement on the Commercial General Liability insurance policy. Evidence oi such insurance shall be provided to Licensor in care of Real Property Management, 3315 East Tantiami Trail, Suite l0l. Naples, Florida, 341 12. for approval prior to the commencement of this Agreement. l.icensor reserves the righl to reasonably amend their insurance requircments by issuance of notice in writing to Licensee, whereupon receipt and acceptance of such noticc Licensee shall have thirty (30) days in which to obtain such additional insurance. Thc issuer ofany policy must be authorized or permilted to transact insurance business in the State of Florida and must be raled "A" or bctter in the most currenl edition of Best's lnsurance Reporls. Each insurer must be rcsponsible and reputable and must have financial capacity consiste'nt rvith the risks covcred. Failurc to continuously abide with all of these insurance provisions shall bc dccrnctl to bc a nraterial breach of this License and Licensor shall havc the remctlics sel lbrlh in Paragraph ll.b. abovc. Licr'rrsor agrees that Liccnsee may selt'-insure. The partics ,,r'aive and rt'le;rsc any and all rights of action for negligence against the olhcr which may arisc on accottnt of damagc to (he Propcrty or to Prelnises, resulting lrom any firc. or othcr casLralty of thc kind covcrcd by standard tl re insurance policres with extended coverage. regardlcss ot'rvlrcthcr or nol. or in u'hat amounts. l @ such insurance is now or hereafler carried by the parties, or either of them. These waivers and releases shall apply between the parties and to any claims under or through either party as a result of any asserted right of subrogation. All policies of insurance covering property damage obtained by either party conceming or including the property shall waive thi insurer'.s right ol subrogation against the other party. The foregoing notwilhstanding, whether the "uu." Jf uny damagc' loss or liability is insurablc, insurcd or not insurcd, forcseen or unforesccn, in no event shall either party be responsible or liable to the other party for anricipatory profits or any indirect, spccial. incidental or consequential damages of any kind or nature arising directly or indirectly in connection with the construction, use or operation of the Premises or rhi exercise oi any rights related lhereto, whether based on an action or claim in contracl or tort, including negligence, strict liability or olherwise. 10. Ouiet Enjoyment. Licensor covenants that Licensee, upon performing all the covenants, shall peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the premises and Licensoi further covenants that Licensor is seized of good and sufficient title and interest to the premises and has full authority to enter into this Agreement. Licensor represents, warrants and covenants that no lead paint, asbestos or other hazardous substance, as defined by any applicable state, federal or local law or regulation, is present at any Premises; Licensor owns or leases the Premises or otherwise has the right to grant the license given in this Agreement; the Licensor has obtained all required consenrs oi apprirals from any landlord, mortgagee or other person or entity having an interest thereinl and Licensor rs not in default under any lease with the owner ofthe Premises and the term ofsuch lease extends to the term of this Agreement with any and all renewal terms. ll.Assi and Sublic This Agreement may be assigned by either party to its pflnc ipal. affiliates, subsidiaries or any entity which acquires all or substantially all of its assets in the applicable Federal Communicati ons Commission license area by reason of a merger, acquisition or other business reorganizati on without the consent ofthe other party. As to other parties, any sale, assignment or transfer by either party must be with the written consent of the other party, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. Licensee shall notify Licensor in a timely manner of any change in ownership or assignment of this License so that Licensor may process an Assignment of License Agreement. The DAS Network shall be desig,ned to be, and shall bc. cornpatible rvith anrl suitable for use by all other major wireless carriers that may wish to enter into a sublicense of the DAS Network with Licensee, subject to the addition ol additional equipnrenr as may be reasonably nccessary lor any such sublicensee to utilize the DAS Network. Thc DAS Nctwork may be sublicensed pursuant to a written sublicense containing terms acceptable to Licensce. which may include without limitation a right to reimbursement of DAS Network ttes and costs from sLtblicensec, including but not linrited to thosc l'ees and cosls associated lr,itlr the access, nraintenancc and capital costs of the DAS Network. as detenrined by Licensee. The Small Cell System and DAS Network shall be personal property of Licensee and [-icensee at all times shall oun and control the Snrall Cell Systcrn and DAS Network. Sincc the Property is a secured C'ounty facility. Lice'nscc shall provide l-iccnsor prior written noticc ol'any sLrblicensc's related to Liccnsee's licensed usc untlcr tlris Agreentent. All @ sublicenses shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement, which shall be binding upon the sublicensee(s). its successors and assigns. l,2. Notices & Contacts. All notices hereunder must bc in writing and shall be sent certified mail, return receipt requested, to Licensor at Real Property Management, 3335 Tamiami Trail E.. Suite I 0l , Naples, Florida 34112, and ro Licensee at I 80 Washinglon Valley Road, Bedminster, NJ 0792 I, Altention: Network - Real Estare. 13. Environmental. (a) Licensor will be responsible for all obligations of compliance with any and all environmental and industrial hygiene laws, including any regulations, guidelines, standards, or policies of any govemmenlal authorities regulating or imposing standards of liability or standards of conduct with regard to any environmental or industrial hygiene conditions or concems as may now or at any time hereafler be in effect, that are or were in any way related to activity now conducted in, on, or in any way related to the Building or property, unless such conditions or concems are caused by the spectfic activities of Licensee in the Premises. (c) Only to the extent authorized by 768.28, Florida Statute. Licensor agrees to indemnify, delend and hold Licensee harmless from and against any and all injury. loss, damage or liability (or any claims in respect of the foregoing), costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys'fees and court costs) arising directly from the actions or failure to act of Licensor or its employees or agents, or Licensor's breach of any provision of this Agreement, except to the extenl attributable to the negligent or intentional act or omission of Licensee. its employees, agents or independent contractors. (d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreenrent, Licensee and Licensor each waives any claims that each may have against the olhcr with respecl to consequcntial, incidental or special damages. lJ. Riuhts Uoon Sale.Should Licensor. at any lirne dLrring the Tcnr. decitle (i) to sell or transt'er all or any part of the Property or the Building thercon to a purchaser olher than Liccnsc'c. or (ii) to grant to a third party by easement or other legal inslrurnent an interest in and to that portion of thc Building and or Property occupied by Liccnsec. or a largr"'r portion rhereof. fbr the purpose ol opcrating and rnaintaining comnrunications l'acilities or thc rnanagenrcnl lhercot. sr.rch sale or grant of an casemcnt or interest thcrein shall be under and subject to this Agrcelrcnt and any such purchaser or transl'eree shall recogrrizc Liccnsee s rights hcreundcr (b) Licensee agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Licensor harmless from and against any and all injury, loss, damage or liability (or any claims in respect of the foregoing), costs or expenses (including reasonable attomeys' fees and court costs) to the extent caused by the installation, use, maintenance, repair or removal of the DAS Network or Small Cell System or Licensee's breach of any provision of this Agreement, except to the extent attributable to the negligent or intentional act or omission of Licensor. its employees, agents or independent contractors. 6 @ under the terms of this Agreement. In the event that Licensor completes any such sale. transfer, or grant described in this Paragraph without executing an assignment of this Agreement whereby the third party agrees in writing lo assume all obligations of Licensor under tlris Agreement, then Licensor shall not be released from its obligations to Licensee under this Agreement, and Licensee shall have the right to look to Licensor and the third party lbr the full performance of this Agreement. 15. Recordinq. Licensor agrees to execute a Memorandunr of this Agreement which Licensee may record with the appropriate r€cording officer. The date set florth in the Memorandum of Lcase is for rccording purposes only and bears no reference lo commencement ofeither the Term or rent pa)rments. 16. Applicable Laws. Durin g the Term. Licensor shall maintain the Premises and the Property, and all structural elements of the Premises in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, directives, covenants, easements, zoning and land use regulations, and restrictions of record, permits, building codes, and the requirements of any applicable fire insurance underwriter or rating bureau, now in effect or which may hereafter come into effect (including, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act and laws regulating hazardous substances) (collectively "Laws"). Licensee shall. in respect to the condrtion ofthe Premises and at Licensee's sole cost and expense. comply with (a) all Laws relating solely to Licenscc's specific and unique nature ofusc ofthc Prcmiscs: and (b) all building codes requiring modifications to the Premises due to the improvements being made by Licensee in the Premises. Il shall be Licensor's obligation to comply with all Laws relating to the Building in general. without regard to specific use (including, without limitation, modifications required to enable Licensee to obtain all nccessary building pcrmits). 17, RADON CAS D ISCLOSURE RADON IS A NATURALLY OCCURRING RADIOACTIVE GAS THAT, WHEN IT HAS ACCUMULATED IN A BUILDING IN SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES, MAY PRESENT HEALTH RISKS TO PERSONS WHO ARE EXPOSED TO t'I'OVER 'TIME. LEVELS Of RADON I'HAT EXC'EED I-EDERAL AND STATE GUIDELINES HAVE BEEN FOUND IN BUILDINCS IN FLORIDA. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING RADON AND RADON TESTINC MAY BE OBTAINED FROM YOUR COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. 18. Miscellaneous This Agreement contains all agreements, promiscs and understandings between the Licensor and the Licensee regarding this transaction. and no oral agreenrent, promises or understandings shall be binding upon either thc I -icensor ur the l-icensee in any dispute. controversy or proceeding. This Agreement may not be amended or varied except in a writing signed by all parties. This Agreement shall extend to and bind thc heirs. personal representatives, successors and assigns hereto. The failure ofeither pany to insist upon strict pL'rformance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or to exercise any of tts rights hereunder shall not waive such rights and such pany shall have the right lo cnforce such ri-thls irt any tirrc. This Ag,reemcnt and the performance thereof shall be qoverncd intcrprctcd. construcd and regulated by the laws of the state in whrch tlrc Prcnriscs is located without rcference to its choicc of law rules. ISIGNATURE PAGE FOI-LOWSI @ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands, intending ro be bound, as ofthe Effective Date. Name: Title: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk Deputy Clerk Approved as to fbrm and legality: Bv: LICENSOR: COLLIER COLINTY, a political suMivision ofthe State of Florida R.,._ Name: Andy Solis Title: Chairman LICENSEE: VERIZON WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS LP, a Delaware limited partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Name: Fmnk Wise Title: Exccutivc Dircctor - Nctrvork Ficld Enginecring Date Jennifer A. Belpedio Assistant county Attomey #9."\- 5\ WITNESSES Print Name:_ Print Name 8 @ R-'- EXHIBIT A Page I of3 Legal Description Licensor's Property: ALL TIIAT PART OF SFtrTION 12, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER Co(JNTY, FLORIDA, AEING MORE I}ARTICIJLARLY DTJSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMFNC]NG AT THI.: SOUTHWEST CO&\ER OF SAID SI'C'TION 12, THENCE NORTH OO"I8'50" WEST AI.ON(i l'HI.: WI,SI'LRLY LINE OF SAID SECTION I2, A DIS'I'ANCE OF 1858,24 fllETl TIIENCE LriAvlNG sAlD WI]SIERLY LNE Or SAID SECTION 12, NOR'IH 89O4I'IO" EAST ?O.OO FF,FJT TO AN INTERSECIION WITI.I THE EASTERI.Y RI(iHT.OI.. wAy LINE Ot AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD, C,3l (S.R. S,r58) AND TUE NORTIIWESTERT,Y (:oRNI.:R OF'IHOSE LANDS AS DFSCRIBF:D IN oIJFICIAL RTCORDS BOOK 93. PAGF, 554, PUBI.IC RI.:CORDS OI'COLLIER COU}iTY, FLORIDA, SAID CORNER BEING TIIE PONT OF BEGlNNll.iC Ol' l'l{E PA}.CEL IIEREIN EEING DFSCRIBFID; THTNCE CONTINUE NORTH 89'4I'IO" TiAS'I'AI-ONG THE NOKTHERLY I,INF. OIT SAIT' LANDS A DISTANCE OF ]59,56 FEF;I; THENCI] NORI'H M"IE'50" WEST ALONG A WT.:STFRLY LINE ()f SAID LANDS A DISTAI\iCli OF 304.53 FtiUl; THENCE NORTII t9%I'IO" IiAST AL0N(i THE NORTIIERLY LI.\IE OF SAID LANDS, A DISTANCE OF 224.56 FEET TO A SoIJTH WESTERLY CORNER OF TTIOSF, LANDS AS DESCRIIJED rN OI.'i'tClAL RECORD BOOK 994....pAfiE-:J4, PUBLIC RECORDS OF CoLLIER Cot]N'I'Y, f LORTDA; THF:NCI.: NORTH fi)'I8'so" WT:S'I'ALONG A WESTERLY LINE OF SAID I.ANDS A DISTANCE OF 343,46 FF.F.T TO THI: NORTHWES'I' CORNER OF SAID LANDS;'llllrNcE NORTTI 89'41'10'EAST ALONG THF NORTHI]RLY LIND Ol" SAID LANDS A DISTANCE OF IO5E,88 FEET TO THE NORTHTjAST CORNIIR OF SAID LANDS, SAID CORNI]R RI.:ING A POIN]' ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE CI.',DES UNTT TWO AS RF-CORDED IN PLA'I'BOOK IO. PAGE EE, PUBLIC RBCORDS OF COLI.IER COUNTY, FI,oRIDA; THENCE SOUTH o2"s2'43" EAST ALONC THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LANDS AND THE WESTERI,Y I,INE O}'{iAID PLAI'A DISTANCE OF I I74.15 FEET, TO A SOU1'IIEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID I.^NDS; THIiNCIi SOUI}I 47"15'23' WEST ALONC A RADIAL I,INE AND ALONC TIIE SOUTHFASTERLY LINN OF SAID LANDS AND ALONG THE SOTITHEASTERLY LINTJ OF THOSI] LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RIJCORD BOOK 16'. PAGE 102. PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FI.ORIDA. A DTSTANCI OT 1280.44 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE ),IORTHF.ASTERLY RIGHT-oF-WAY LINE Ol, U.S.4l (S.R.90) TAMIAM I TRAIL AND 'I'II[ ARC OF A CIRCULAR CURVE CONCAVE SOLTHWESTERI-Y AND HAvlliC A RADTUS OF 5788.65 fEET; TIIENCE NORTHWESTERLY ATONC'rHE ARC OF SAID CIRCULAR CURVE AND $AlD NORTIIFASTIiRLY RICHTOF-WAY LI\-E,I'HROUCII A CUNTRAL ANGLE OF OO"II'45" AN ARC DISTANCE OIJ I9.?E FI:ET 1'O A NON.TANGTIN']' INTERSECTNN WTIII 1'IIE ARC OF A CIRCULAR CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND WHOSF. RADIUS POINT BIJARS SOU'TH 50032'57" WEST 3856.72 FEET; TIIENCE NORTIIWESTFRLY A!.()N(i TrlE ARC OP SAID CIRCULAR CURVE AND SAID NORl'l IIiASTERLY zuGIITOF-WAY LINE, THROUCH A CF,},ITRA[. ANCLE OF' O5OI:}'20" AN ARC DISTANCE OT 35I.53 FEET 10 A INTERSF.CTION WTTH T}Ui SOUTHEASTERLY I-INE OF THOSI.. LANDS AS DI]SCRIBED N OTFICTAL RECERD BOOK JOI3. PAGE 600, PUBLIC RI](X)RDS OF COLLITJR COUNTY, FLORIDA; THI]NCE NORTII42005'36'' DAST ALONG SAID SOUTHF.ASTI'RLY LIN!: OF SAID LANDSA DISTANCE OtI 134.02 FEET TO TIIE CORNER OF SAID I,AND$ THENCE NORTHWTJSTF.RLY ALONG 'I'H! ARC OF A NON-TANGENT CIRC.IJLAR CURVE 9 EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 3 Legal Description, cont. Licensor's Property, cont.: CONCAVE SOIJTHWESTERLY WIIOSE RADIUS POINT REARS SOUTII 43']3'26" WEST 5938.65 FEET AND ALONC TIIE NORTI{EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LANDS THROUGH A CENTRAL ANCLE OF 0I'26'50" AN ARC DISTANCI] OF I5O.OO FEET TO THE CORNER OIJ SAID LANDS; TIIENCIi SOUTII 42'06'36'' WEST ALONC TI IE NOR'I'H\ryESTERLY LINE OF SAID LANDS A DISTANCE OF I3O,4I FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTTIEASTERLY RIGIITOF-WAY LINE OF U,S. 4I (S.R. 90) TAMIAMI TRAIL, SAID INTERSECTION BEIN(i A POINT ON I'HE ARC OF A NON.TANGENT CIRCULAR CT,IRVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, WHOSE RADIUS POINT BEARS SOUTII 43"05'49" WEST 3856.72 FEET; THENCE NORTI,IWESTERI-Y ALONC THE, ARC OF SAID CIRCULAR CURVE AND SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHTOF-WAY LNE TI IROUGH A CENTRAL ANCLE OF 03O44'I5" AN ARC DISTANCE] OF 25I.57 FEET; THENCE NoRTH 37OI9'32'' WEST ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF.WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 52.26 FEET; THENCE NORTII 52"02'.,14" WEST ALONG SAID NORTI{EASTERLY RICHTOF-WAY LrNq A Drs-fANCE OF 224.62 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH 'tHri EAS TSRLY RICHT.OII.WAY LINE OF AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD C.3I (S.R. S.II5E); THENCE NORT}I OOOIS'50" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT.OF.WAY LINI: A DISTANCE OF 659.22 F'EET TO THE POINT Of BEGINNING OF THE PARCEI, HERHIN DESCRIBED; LBSS AND TJXCEPT TIIAT POR'I'ION DEEDED I'OR STATT' OR COT'NTY RIGHT. T.WAY AS APPEAR tN THOSE CI|RI'AIN DEEDS AND INSTRUMENTS RECORDED AT: O.R. BOOK 206t PAGF.S 1245 AND 12{6:. A) Thsr portion of the southwest U4 of S€ctior 12, 'lbvmship 50 Souah, R&nge 25 Easr, Colli€r Counly, f'lorida. Being dcscribc<! us follows Commerce at tlre southwest comer of said Scoion 12; thcncc alohg thc wcst boundary of said Scction 12, Nonh 00"16'55" Wesr, 1,165.26 feet !o the 6urvey basc line ofStale Rod 90 (U.S. 4l)l lhfice along sard survey base line south 53'00'49" East, E9.17 feet; lhsnce Nonh 00.16'55" West, 76.4? f*t to rhe intsrscstion ol'the crscrly right of way line of Airpon-Pulling Road (pe, DEad Book t l. Pagc 56) and the norlhcdy cxisting right ofwsy linc ofraid St8re Rord 90 (U.S. 4l) (per Section 03530-260?) fof a POINT OF BEGINNING; thencr along said crsrerty righr of way linc Nonh 00'16'55" wcsl, 211.02 l€ct; ftenc€ Sourh 52'00'49" E,afit,224.67 feet; rhence Sourh 37"17'37" East, 52,26 fcct to llr€ bcginning ofa cunc mncave southwcsterly; rhcnce along rhe arc of said curve to fte right, having a radius of 3,E56.72 l'cet, a canlml rnglc of 03.42'07", an arc l€ngth of249.19 fcet" thc cbord Ior which b€ars Souft 4E'41'f5" Eac to the eld of said curvc; thense South 42e09'5 I " wc$t, l9l -70 feer to said norrhcdy eristing right of way linc (per Section 03010-2116) and the bcgioning of a curvs coosavc southrrcstdy; tbcrrc along said northerly existillg right of way line, the arc ofsaid curye lo $e lell, baving a radiur of5,7EE.65 fccr. ! cantral angle of02o47'14", an arc length of 281.61 feet, the chord for which bcan Norrh 49"13'46" Wqst kr .said oorthcrly cxisting right of way line (per Section 03530-2607) atrd rhe etd of said curvc; thenoc along said northcrly cxrsting right of way linc, Nodh 39%2'17. Easr, I 1.69 feet rlerrco l0 Licensor's Property, cont.: Less & Excepl B) That podion of the southwcst l/4 of S€ltion 12, Township 50 $outh, RmEc 25 Essl, Cotlier County, Ftorida- Being dcscribcd a.s follows: Commence at the routhwest comer of said Scltion l2i thcnx along thc wcst boudary of ssid Scctiotr 12, Nonh 00p16'55" WeEq 1,165.26 fcet to the survey basc linc of Str]c Road 90 (U.S. 4l); thcnce along ssid suvey base line South 52"00'49" F.ast, 125.22 fea io thc bcginning of a curvc concavc $xlthwcrtcrly, thcncc continrc along said rurvey base lirc, the arc of ssid ourve to thc right, having a ndius of 5,718.58 fccl, r ccnlral anglc of 05orl0'32", rn arE lengh of 56t.45 feet, rhe chord for which bears South 49'10'33" Er.!t to thc cnd of said curvq thcoce Nonh 420{19'51" Exsr, 50.02 fecl to the norlhc y existing right of way of said Shte Rood 90 (U.S. 4l ) (pcr Scctior 03010-2116) for a POINT OF BEGINNINC; thence continue No h 4f09'51' East, 16.l I fcst to thc bcginning of a cuvc concrvc aouthwestfflyi thcnce along the arc of raid curve !o tha right, having a radiua of 3,1t56.72 fc6t, I ccotral anglc of 05013'22", rn arc lengrh of 35 1.56 fcct, the chord for which bears South 41059'43" East !o laid trorthcrly cristing right of wry lift and lh€ end of said curve to a point of intctscction widr a nor.tangsnl cuws ooocavc rorxhwcgl€rly; thEncc along said oorthuly cxisring right of way tbe arc of mid curve to the left, having a radiur of 5,?88.65 fect, I ccntral anglc of0302?'59", an arc lcngth of 350.22 foct, the oh<xd for which been Nonh ,14"3?'O4" l,c.rt to ttrc cnd of said curve and to thc POINT Of BEGINNTNG. ALSO Lcss & Hxcqrt A parcel of tand lying in and being pan of Section 12, Township 50 South, Rangc 25 East, Collicr County, Florida. Commence sl lhc Sorthwcst Comcr of Scction 12, Township 50 South, Range 25 Eust thencc along the West line of sard lilrtirn 12, N00ol8'50"W 1213.44 fect; thcncc S 52004'05" E l6?.05 leet to the Point of Curt'e ofa Gurve concav€ to thc Southwcst hrvrog a radius of5788-65 fcet srld froint slso bcing on rhc Nonheasterly Right-ol'-way of U.S. 4l (Tamiami Tnil); thencc southcanterly along said curvc thru s ccnttal anglc of4'10'40" and an arc distrace of422.10 feel; lhcnce N 42'07'17" !. 150.00 feet to the PLACE O[ tsEGINNlNG; thcncc N 42"07'l?" E 5?9.29 fcet; thcoce N 87"07'l?" E 95,72 feet; thcncc S 45'19'0O" E 523-8? fcet; thcrrcc S 47"15'23" W ?99.99 fecl to thc Northc8stcrly RiSht-of- way of [LS, 4l (lamiamr Trail) and s cu've cotrcrvc to the Southwcat hsving I ndrus of5788.65 fea; thence norlhwcsterly alotrg said curve aod Righa-of-way lhru a central angle of3"39'44" and a arc of 370 fcet; thence N 42007'17" E t50.05 fe€t to a curve concave to ihe Southwest having a radius of 5938.65 let; thcarcc Northwqstcf,ly along ssid curve thru I ccnrel angle of 1026'50" and a arc of | 50.m fect lo the FOINT OF BE(ilNNlN(;. lt EXHIBIT A Page 3 of 3 Legal Description, cont. Nonh 52o00'32" west,224.14 fed elong 6aid ncthe y exisling right of wry lim to the R)INT OF BffJNNING. EXHIBTT B (Pege I of 7) BUILDING EQUIPMENT PREMISES Licensee herein refened to as "Verizon Wireless" r L.--. fiffiaoer40.rrr?co.n tiadEr !o lrd *, ojrdrra,,r?ai arEod arrrto \arod. iiatarru oratlr rarro Ba aoroLo ao..L q*. ucr 'E'CDl.hlrci.EII'rri.mE'5a& c(rJiafr lrar Gq. r.rr r{l 5 @ rorrl. m ..d,o-D r^c.Drr]cdur,ffEriEll.*rrD.Ilnr l.!E: Eqrrxr nFer r.uaa-c E. rEaE-r rlu nll xrxrror oar, Ari,l E .r6o.lEo.i oo..raf,rocrtD ru 6rrrlo a.x) I)rtEOUE. CO(.oSE rmr r !r€ rnE!to Durr .orll dH r. rgcru'l Fur.E .E r r. sr Erarxr. rod nt,. utl.cI&nl, ,ro ra.ro r-r fE.n. FGBr- r rar rrooa aao. m, lb aolrsr oiat r{c gqalE qr.8J -- IIAE.ECIII,EqtE?arx CBYD )Elq..ElllltM.&Ealltacou.Er cdrllY &Grt /@6 coLEi cqrarY oov(*tEx notx r,-02rr0 sll!2r r *a tlll ;r.rr 71.r-I I-I r-I }IEEI ! ol ' l2 T I L I EXHIBIT B (Page 2 of 7) BTIILDING EQUIPMENT PREMISES, cont. Licensee herein referred to as "Verizon Wireless" lrAtEExrSr EOIDIIIXTYEU I vtRtollurtEtlagftufilni 00ll:tcot tfvtct#rmzlBln)cqIBcqrl?YovfftEtaocrrGtt 0 Amtali-nmtt^r.E tr,q,lL,FLilutart2 iEraof 7 lfit l:Iolt^t xtYl^tr^, lt :tatatt cl a!r!!a ,tar I t!LECo: tI;Y,llr , tt rtail l3 4 *,'..# - \ IT >J rI t I , r: tr"t N - 0 EXHIBIT B (Pege 3 of 7) EXTERIOR SPACE, PREMISES Licensee herein refened to as "Verizon Wireless" ucr c rxroE rnr rE coarrl *aaa.rY, xxr'r,.o.BI.cdrrri-,'l'. tEtErtarD rm 60G-Gl.d rrrEIrE tcdE d rEm roEroEBru * a ll^ac 4 ?lorrltxTYw IEE.ESISttgptaitrodrrrodrrYaII'arEaotlla@(,lra6,dtaE !,tt-ro aEtAAgI'D'EA''t i"al Emtar!, ritEY r 0., CEYN) l4 '.a:' :A, T--r-H--tra EXHIBIT B (Prge 4 of 7) FIBER ROUTE Licensee herein referred to as "Verizon Wireless" l.tl-.fi nor ok..ocrr-0..o.rcr,lEarE lmr r.arrEa ro cr x \ "r4 I li':'. .. ,1 + a. 2: Z.U) r! 6 L.EA'E EITIITlrr}6i?Uir !llE!!!EtrxIIIETI'IEcdrtr_6 ffifiiffi-,ECIYT}cq.!.l cqrtYoov @Dutr r€oa r /6r! AEI..err.IrlAta lr 7/a l5 ! a -* ,/ t. alftrc'6,LE otl8 EXHIBIT B (Page 5 of 7) FIBER ROUTE Hrrnyuitr.tt3JllurilErcqr:r?6iffiffiilim CC.IJBCdJffiYd'YoiltgErlE:laoCBY? Itt r:toillt ltYrrlr^. lr l$1.tt tl allara tra! I ralacor rtrrllrl, tt ttal, !99!S!staul llllAl'lAatf,artE!,FL(nEAril, tr€rroF, Licensee herein referred to as "Verizon Wireless" t6 E L .&r -t - rr1 ) i i\J 7 \ L lt-. :r t-.-r, .i J rtflt--^_. -_- I ,v111 I ,1.) I EXHIBTT B (Pege 6 of 7) FIBER ROUTE \.&rrLcrroitf[[atso rI '=Trl llFU i)I 1 ro,e rao.srrrac ' ara rlrrEraq* Erllt lliE(rcr ro ilard. irrxr Eo. rsrruroi.ra.106 rrrE coorr ffx- &ttlr t *lrrdt laah . ,r'r \( lr {J''l-l J PdararEi,artEr5.a r c6rn cln E ra l| rtr .lod c iEtr..xeo.'B,I(,.hrl'rlc&ordt arraro^xr rraa raatcatslY.rcoiatiE,arllEt cuta!.- E..a.nE.n crl: MH '1,1 aar/trEri o( ar167100.ccr(rron Eo a*!r 1 ;lt:t? t, I , (,a^Plrclrc4E t,o4, @lr--trl EEiIIIITIITIIXEco(ratd YE iECEYT)ca-rl.l cor.iTY@vfltlti@t r rGrt! rqEaalagtl^ar rr 'TEI' C ' l7 Licensee herein referred lo as "Verizon Wireless" t I I I 1 LEAIE EI}'TT 2 D FLM PUU{ a lr : EXHIBIT B (Page 7 of 7) EXTERIOR SPACE FIBER ROUTE Licensee herein referred to as "Verizon Wireless" cdE rErEraErtlo&iDar-orrEE.mmErrlnoi rffi-!lrdrxrrn I-EAIC ErrG[T - ROOF?(' iot rtlo Ytw (:.'.- ,-E Il'ECD!lOr.Ctrar-E[oro . .c,/. , aatxtf,'Etrr.ltrrrhJar-idm,/ crurror.,lEirtE DGI.E raErElrEtr.J'-.EOrilaorqrrc,-r-arrrEioE\ nEr-crr@tsrrrE-rtECE.roElnIr (rElrrrtt rrrrd d\-E .orl, -Erirr.i r @ allal'rc *At;z tlo,o tlAaE Ex,r3T - R(TOFTOP iOUItO Ani lE!3liffErItEnm.ercur.r@lfk-,8CIY?cd!- cd/ttY tb,c*tIt 54 r ,aEar! dtEDUr IllArE rtui,lli a.6ft t ll, 7/a trrIrII IE I rt I t , ffi t:\ ,l -/ v _ _*_ -l S T ,. !-tri.J- i; J ;- rtri-rt J ,-t ITI Upon Recording, Return to: Tirso M. Carreja, Jr., Esq. Shutts & Bowen LLP 4301 W. Boy Scout Boulevard Suite 300 Tampa, Florida 33607 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER MEMORANDUM OF IN BUILDING RADIO DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT This Memorandum of In Building Radio Distribution Agreement (the "Memorandum") is made this day of , 20-, between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose principal place of business is c/o Real Property Management,3335 Tamiami Trail E., Suite l0l, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter designated LICENSOR, and Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP, a Delaware limited partnership d/bla Yenzon Wireless, with its principal offices at One Verizon Way, Mail Stop 4AWl00, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 (telephone number 866-862-4404), hereinafter designated LICENSEE. The LICENSOR and LICENSEE are at times collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties" or individually as the "Party". 1. LICENSOR and LICENSEE entered into an In Building Radio Distribution Agreement (the "Agreement") on , 20-. for an initial term of five (5) years, commencing on the date the Agreement is signed by both Parties. The Agreement shall automatically be extended for four (4) additional five (5) year terms unless LICENSEE terminates it at the end of the then-current term by giving LICENSOR written notice of the intent to terminate at least six (6) months prior to the end of the then- current term. 2. Pursuant to the Agreement, LICENSOR hereby licenses to LICENSEE certain spaces on and within LICENSOR'S property at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Collier County, Florida 34112 (the "Property"), specifically space (the "Exterior Space Premises") on the rooftop or exterior walls of the LICENOR'S building (the "Building") for the installation, operation and maintenance of communications equipment, including without limitation, antennas and related equipment such equipment shall comprise the Small Cell System (as defined in the Agreement); together with Space (the "Buildinq Equipment Premises") within the Building for the installation, operation, rnaintenarrce, modification, replacement, and removal of comrnunications equipment, including without limitation telecommunication cabinets, such equipment shall comprise the DAS Network (as l-iccnscc Site Namc: Collicr County GOV Complex Node I & ('ollicr County Shcril]' Licenscc Site Nunrber: 9023670 & 90092-5(r 3. defined in the Agreement); together with such additional space within the Building and on the exterior of the Building for the installation, operation and maintenance of wires, cables, fiber, conduits and pipes (the "Cabling Space") running between and among the Exterior Space Premises and Building Equipment Premises and to all necessary electrical and telephone utility sources located within the Building or on the Property; together with the non-exclusive right of ingress and egress within the Building, seven (7) days a week, twenty four (24) hours a day; together with the nonexclusive right for ingress and egress, seven (7) days a week twenty-four Q$ hours a day, on foot or motor vehicle, including trucks over or along the Property extending from the nearest public right-of-way, to the Building, and for the installation and maintenance of utility wires, poles, cables, conduits, fiber, and pipes over, under, or along the Property, which is more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. The terms, covenants and provisions of the Agreement, the terms of which are hereby incorporated by reference into this Memorandum, shall extend to and be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of LICENSOR and LICENSEE. Signature Pages to Follow IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Partics respcctive seals the day and ycar written bclow. ATTEST: DWIGHT E.BROCK,Clerk By: Deputy Clerk Approved as to form and legality: By: Name: Jennifer A. Belpedio Title: Assistant County Attorney Date: WITNESSES: Print Name: Print Name:_ hcreto have set their hands and afflxed their LICENSOR: COLLIER COUNTY,a political subdivision ofthe Statc of Florida By: Name: Andy Solis Title: Chairman Date: LICENSEE: Verizon Wircless Personal Communications LP,a Delaware limited partnership d/b/a Verizon Wircless By: Name:Frank Wise Title: g,*ecutive Director - Network Field Engineering STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ACKNOWLEDGMENT COI.'NTY OF HILLSBOROUGH ) I,, a Notary Public for said County and State, do hereby certify that Frank Wise, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is the Executive Director-Network Field Engineering of Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP, a Delaware limited partnership dlblaYerizon Wireless, and that he, as Executive Director-Network Field Engineering, being authorized to do so, executed this Memorandum on behalf of Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP, a Delaware limited partnership dlb I a Y erizon Wireless. WITNESS my hand and official Notarial Seal, this day of20-. Notary Public My Commission Expires: EXHIBIT A Pagc l of3 Legal Description Liccnsor's Property: Al′1.TllAl・ P/AR´r OF SEL:110N IE.TOWド SittIP l鑢 30蝋 I}RANOE 2j EAST!COLLi「RCOtiヽ TY、L申 菫lDA.BEl)こ 3納 lttt PARTiCtlLARLY r)ESCRIBED ASI:(〕LLOWS: COM鑑 韓ドCiNtt AT TllE SOttIWEST CORIER OF SAl願 SLCT,●ド 11.TttENC露 討ORTl奪 摯針 IS'iう 由W譲 鰺†Aし фドG TH■ヽ薄農=ERLY I_lNE OF SAlD S壼 忠T曲 12.A DiSl・ ANCE●Fl158.1l FEET:1‐HE酎 でE LEAVING SAlDヽ ぼESTllRLY L:NE OF SAJ〕SECT10N 12,NORIII 81押11!:中 =`鳥唱 T70.醒 》FEET TO A鱗 賊 陀 篤 剛 0い lJITH THE ttASTERLY RK]1lT尋 「― WAY ttNE rl■‐AIRIIORl‐‐Pセ LLiNG ROAD、せ・31(SR,S・ 858)ANl)TEIE NORTHW“TERLY ごORNttR OF llHOSE LAド DS AS rlttRIBじ D IN oFFIC:AL itECORDS 300K褻 5棄 ,PttlltiC RttCOR輌 S●Fご ヽ LLIER COじ NTY,FLORIM,SAID CORH=R BrittG`「118 POINT OF臓 3囁 lNNIN0 0F THE PttEL HEREIN BEINO DttCRIBttD: TIIRNC=GO帥 U[NORT壼 89°41‐lr'EAsT ALOド ●TIIE N01tTttFRLV LINE OF SAID LANtt A DSTANCE O「35,._t6FEE■・1 THENCL NORI・ H αP13・ 5Jゝ Wtt ALONO A WttSTERLV LIN=OII SAID LANDS A 帥lSTAIヽ Ctく )鯖 き僻 .1慕 IFEET: Tll●壽軋 NORΥ 〕:貯 蔦1::0"思 AST ALONG THE NORTIIERLY LINE O「SAlD LANDS.A 和lSTA封 ぐF OF■襲 .和 I FEET TO A SOLITH l″田 破 LY CORド 書R IDF Tl10SE LAド DSハS rJlisc■lBRO Лド OFFttCIAL RttCORD B"X ,1塩 才A像 薫Ⅲ…鯉聾. テUBl.IC R1lrORD8 0F COLLIF_R COUNTY.FLORIDAl 丁HENCL NORTH α計螢8'50.'WttT ALONG A WttSIRLY l_lド =OF SAlD LANDS A懇応∵AttC鷲 OF=41.46F■8T Ttl Tll涯 NORTHWIST CORド 髯素‐0「SA[D IANDSi l`∥::ドぞし ヽ●資羽 lS弊41つ 101)摯 AST Al.ONOF■lF N01tTH=ユ I_V LINI()F SAID LANl,Siヽ 1)lヽ Tム ド(111●F l●58.88 FE「TO■IE NORTHEASr C‐0良 NI・ R OF SAlll i´ANl'S`ヽ ハil〕 r●11ヽ FR冷 驚1ド OAP中 :NT ON THElげ 二STERLV LINII C)F Tllll ttLADES trNIT TTlj AS RECCRDED IN PLAI B00囃 」2_纏 GL,。墨.Fビ 8LiC ttCORル S●F Cl‐j!i ll:R COINTV= 『Ll)ltIDAI IHENご E SOビ ]:H02・ 52113''InS´1・ AL●卜G r"L EASTttRI∵[IN11 0F SAID LANDS AND llllE WttF∥〕ltLT LINE OI SAJIDI`1.Arハ 1)に TAN〔In tJF i174 15 FEI二 丁、TO A Sl)11■1lLAS'rll・ 蒙1.vC●Rド 饉R,F SArD l.ANDSi l・ H「■tE S●ぼ・ I`lI 鷲智lゴ 卸1' WFST Al.0封 G A RADIAL LINL AND ALOヽ ti :Ht Slli」T∥EASI.H華 1.Υ l_lNE tlF Sユ ID ttNtt AND Aヨ _●N(l Tttl・ SOUl・ Hl:ASl‐liRLV l,!卜 [()F '「HOSに lAド DS AS DESCRIBED IN OFFIt~lAL REC‐(♪RD 3●OK l■:.I=AO「412‐,PtiBl l〔 RECORDS t~lF COLLIER CO響 ヽTY,FLfDRIDA,A ttIS・ I・ A卜 〔じOF 13Xり .44 FEET l(1),ヽ ~】NTERSIt「1‐10Nヽ VITH l・ 1lE NORT'I「ASTLRLY RICttrr OF・ ttFハ Y蓋 ′INI tlド 苺1ヽ 11lS R ,|, I・ A卜 1lA卜 ll‐I‐RAlL AND l・ 1lL ARC Ol・ A CJRCtiLAit titlkヽ .L Ci●ド(:二 ヽ.E50tll Hヽ ヤ「ヽ‐:ERLY A NI)會 :AVi誨 ●A RttDt11‐Sや ::i18蓼 ‐li FEET,THF・ N(:「NOR・ 1.11ヽ .11ヽ Tl:RI_ヽ 'ALい ド〔,IIIE ARで F●F SAl薔 'CIitCttLAR CttRヽ まξえヽわSA10 NORTII「:ふ うTI:RiV R:(lHTく )F―■'AY l_IN E IHROし GH A rEN・ rttAL AINGl E O「魯〕°11'■5'`AN ARC rJISTAN(・ 11()「:,1ヽ FEET l‐ `〕Aドリヽ‐・rへ 、(1醸 、.11 lNTttRヽ E∈「1●ヽ ヽ.11・ H THtt ARC OF A C∥t(ItiLAR CtfRTE(10ド [AVL ヽC)じ ■II■'LSt'窮 Rし ヽ=Aド い1″鍾OSE RArJllls PttINT豫 1:AnS Sil∫「H5{F]1・ 5T'■'ES・ riヽ 56■2「卜li「111!1:ヽ lil・ N()RTHWttSヨ ERLY AL(〕NG THE AJIC OF SAII)[IR[LL∴it trlJ R、.:|ヘ ト1〕 ヽへ|●ヽイ)RTHttAS・ I‐『■1,V■1●1lTく )F‐■'AV LINE ‐FllR()U411l A C駐 1ヽ lRAl,Iヽ トモ,1_卜 t,「 115 1i・ 10・・ .ヽ ヽ AR〔r DISI“ANこ .1:()を ' う51'3 :■:L「1 1(レ A 薔NIIRヽ キ:II「lr)ヽ 1、`,「H T::「 sFlt rH=ASTERLY 生1ド I tlr'1‐IIけ 、二 LAト ルS AS t,1」ヽ〔'RtllL l)1ヽ 「ポFi`「:ム : 窮「〔「いk:〕 111)ilK lll:i.メ ∵Vi】:0颯:,PLI〕LlC RLCi()1く 1)S●1(i●1.1.:「R ll■等ヽll′ “ ri r,Rl「〕A, :illiド tiIヽ く)メ IH 41.rモ ,6'311・ 基ASu`お:´(1)N(]ヽ .■lI)ヽ ●ti■111:ASllJ(lヽ ・Llヽ「イ)「ヽAlll l´Aヽ 1)S ンヽ :〕iS,ハ ヽし「i Cll= :,1け 2 FF.LT ll):Hi tt,資 Nl:lく ()「 ヽムII' 1_ANl)ヽ 1 l H ttiヽ Cl: ヽI)R:|:卜 ヽ「ヽ1 11RI V ヽま(,ド ri l∥11 ムlt(1()F A 豪()ヽ ri∴ドtiLヽ :(Hヽ (filL∴R tlt RヽL EXHIBIT A Page 2 of3 Lcgal Dcscription,cont. Licensor's Propcrty,cont.: Ct‐lド CAVE SO=THヽ VttTERLYヽ VHOSE■ADEUS"1ド ‐ I`懸悪rtRS SOl_「TII=1つ 3'2ご '7邸T 5'38.6,FttT AND ALONC Tll簿 神01ぜ :IH=ASTERLY LINE OF SAID I´ANl)ヽ THRO∪tlH A C=NTRAL ANむ 1」E OF tl`'26'Sф 'AN ARC DiSTANC8 0F 150,幹 駆 T TC)THE CORNl:R CIF SAllD LAド 独念:丁薔I飩 L SO響 `攣哺 4炉 罐6・ 1ば '1ぼ EST ALCDNG TIItt NORillHWES・ Tな RLY L融 tt‐IF IAlD LANDS A DtSTANC碁 OF 穫30_41 睡 T TO AN INTERSECl・ 10N WiTli THE NORTHttTE■LY RIGll丁 OF―WAY LINE OF U,S,41{Sよ .例 叫 TAMIA卜 fI TRAIL,SAlD iNTEttE個 ‐10N BEINtt A POINT●州 1・ HttARC OF A NON=TANCENT CIRCザ LAR CttRVE CONCAV菫 ふ0審 TIIWttTERLT,■二11∝E RADIUS駆 )1ト ギ「8LARS ttOlj町 1113405'4ず 'WEST 335rl_72 FER・ ri TttENGtt NORTHlVISttV ALCING THE ARC OF SAID CIRC‐ビLAR CtlRVtti AND SA】Dド(NtiF[囃 釉 STttLT RttHTィ 伸 F・ WAV L]NE THROUOli A CENT路 へL ANG踵 OFむJ。ざ目・1'1 AN ARC DISTヽ NIE Or 251_57露 E■ THENCtt NOltl‐l137・ 1'.3■''IV=想 T ALOド G SAID NO涎 rilEASTERl,V RICttT‐OF‐WAY LINI度 A DlSl.A纂 犠E●「52.2rD FEIrl T}lENCtド ●R.r践 52貿曖■目・ `Ⅳ筵S「ALONG SAIll NOSヽ LASTERLY RIGH・ I・ ‐f〕I・ ―ヽνAヽr LINE,AD:ぎ 「ANC=OF 224.61則 ET TO AN INTERSEC■ON WFtt1 lΠ tt EASTHLY RIGllT・ OF・ W^Y LINE OF AIRPORT‐PULLING ROAD C-311S_R.S-35神:1lHEド ぐ鷺 NORT量 l劇 )・ 1=151'・ 野■ST ALONO SmD E…LT R16H・ 1‐0卜 摯AV L:封 FA DIST=ヽ NCE OF 65,■l FEtt TO THE目 詢圏ば OF IBECINN:表 4 0F TllII PARCEl,IIE乳 二IN DESCttBEDl LESS AND EXCEI・ T TIIAT Ffl資 罰ON DEttDED FOR STAl■OR COUNTY RICiIIT‐C)「―WAY AS AP'1'AR Iド T[:OSE CRRTAlヽ DEtt AND lNSTRUMENTS RECORDEI)All●RRl)●К 21111)∴(1匡 ふ 1lti■ドD124●LA,丁 hg伸 醜titltl oF th ttthwcsl lメ 4 oF Saご tio口 12,丁 o■■5hiP,tlゝ uth、Rangc 25し :sl,C゛ lli劇 Counil,「lcFid憲 flti::彗 J喀 、ぼih場 `義 5t,llll、=ょ:C■111鶯 、●鷲 t tti tll■、n、l餞 lttl量 黙tせ 醒 nttr o「5凛 i通 S●ピtittil l E: Ll、Tc al《冒lg illc■tstし 。こ:綺 dalン oま :、1lJ Sccti●:、まl、N導 窮h00'11'55・ 'ヽ V“ヽ 1,165]心 彙澪11`}thcョ 田wcッ ト諄F ilnc DFSt::tc■o劇 1縛 〈ti S ■:|: 11lcncr dong sttd iur、'cy b霞 11:lc,o饉 th 53●00'4,・ 'E苺 し,Stl.17rせ cti lll(nclヽ llitil lltlキ 1155・ `讐 ■ヽI, 76 42 1tcl t゛ 囃lc ittcttcttiOn OF thc m■1●Jy H鱗 lo「w■y l10o●F AirP●に・P,11il■R●認 lFt:彗 ''311じや。1■.‐1'■蓼lol■ルJO'C静 ∥t飾 ●Jy尊 ■:Hi電 百J∥。「奮まy ti鷲 ●「■idヽ 昨=資 ぃ “ d tt iti`4]11,H Scrtt●n1153●_16●¬ritt a P●INT OF BFC豊 黎N:NG:11,螢 1●●●:●● =ヽ “ id t=、1鰤 |シ ‐i=l■`1:・ げ轟}liti ヽ、ュ:織 : ll(1`!●・55'. ■で、1, 28.●t i湾 諄l ll、■Cr S(■■ll iti00`49`1 =ふ :, 21(Fll Jし 011 ll)|:、cF FtltJth il`ll'1■・ 11:、電.卜 '´ 11 雌■1:ol理 瞬b=撃 |■llinぶ tl「・t rurvi o中 :、こ詢、C StlLlll'“で、tc,そ yl lltttξ al`)n,thc alで ,「、111`ttr"=:●thl:itth峯 ,hiVintt a Fnditlミ Of 3、81671iま ,■ccntrュ lこ hJC Of Ol'11〔17・・こ:1■Fご 1●:、∥:11 ●:11り l中 =こ1、 1:ヽ c ch輌 1 1〔ガ臀hich bcariヽ outi1 48・ 11`:_h‐'・ Lこ 5t t● [lヽ ●●r.d ●( 5ユ ld Cu:、せ:1:ill:、|=S、Lllll 1 2・ ll,'5F'V「傲■, 1サ :子 n tclt.sLid i3●1■h●11)せ ょis彙 11さ Filht O「` 'こ }linc:PC: SCttllln `:311101:!“ 卜こnd thC bC■irlnlll=●f'こ cur,'(c4,nin、c■かじth・・lcstcrll.:11で nさ せ、11、ヽ籠彗、●Iti nil:1:1ビ ,lド ●ヽL■ti■l llド hi l11■■llュ tlC,til●.llt●I SIid cttivて 、ol!ヽ ヾ 1で 1,|、3',IItf■:η J:し 卜 ●fi.Fゝ 、こ,i′ピす1 ltrけ ::I“:inFiな 。:■lt'17 1=・ ..■1l arc icnFth oF 181 61 1咬 1‐1'マ cII●虫l ilド 、、1,1、111、litr、ヽ4ヽ 口||こ '.|メ `4■・ ヽ■、1it,「■141 :ll・ riヽ =||ド ■■1111:lg T彗 ピ}it t,r.1}∥.ザ 111=r SC●1111■ 113 f il・ 1111り 1 :、:lM二 tll●tl■1 1'fヽ .・ :1l ttF、cl l11ヾ n■ギ ■:oぃ ピ |.titt r〕、l:lhttiド にヽ13:il,= !ill`ll`r、■1)1:・ 1●: ヽ:l:11, 1,・ 11:31'・ 11:I、:. :i`り 11ご ii t:1せ :1ご= EXHIBIT A Page 3 of3 Lcgal Dcscription,cont. Licensor's Property,cont.: 澪ざth 52●∞'12'Wcst,1罰 ,146ば〔懸oag ttii no“議 Fけ cttSt:● =●妙 :oF w■ソlitt lll tht・ PtDINT●F13EGINIttNCi li尊 &鍛 x領 ゅ:B〕Th誠 緊 ゴtiOn″Lbc"Ethwttt iF4 oF S愚 =J。■12.1・ ぃ 嘔 :Lip 50 3o●lヽ lR魚 ■ =じ li影 ぶ :,CctlltS: C●unty,FlcIFidユ.編鶴轟scnbetl颯 =Follけ ■ い榊llltt at t睡 5襲 ふ響輔tc銀 田鮮OF総 姐 Socticュ ニli thcn∝atotts thC Wttt bounttγ o子 ゛alJ 鍮=th,1願 2,htul αP16155''Wc試 ,1,16SIも lxlto l抽 =5111■ty baSC linc ol.S紅 惚Rα :d嘔喘(tI S.411 由enIで 41o籠 g snid諄 駐J■・●ソb囀 鰤じlillc Stth i2■00'49r)Eb`L ittS.221議 lo lll●豪cginnitl撃 ofi t“ “ ,t tanta懺 ぁ嶽Rttw鑢 舞ly,thm魏 じlJ●疇■■専Jo電 sa輝 剛`岬btte lille.lhc aFC●r Sttd tuF鸞 オ●tllt Hま L憫 Vi鶴 01翻 轟●fj,73858角 嗅=cent・ al nel・・f05'44b■2'.80 m lmg出 o'5“.15懸,th■choぃ `彙 彗 下 hittt b`構 S■ul:14,・ 10'33・ =38:101カ 爾 end of531d Cur●( 山 c鶴 鵡c Ncrth 42●0,'51‐ 撫襲ti卸 鷹彙颯t m thさ ∥ピ職1ソ 饉鶯IIII綺 幾t●f way of藝 1奪 蝕tC■o銀 lXI(u_S41)lpcr踏 覇m 03010‐2116)fora POENT OF BECDO(ING:lh濃 cc alnJn整 じNo議 42気 浄`31''L15t.16_H tttit, thc bttiluniln3 or 3 Cunlc crlmm■ξ諄●triwtttcllyi慟 団にo態 ong thc tt oF臨 じld curν (1●:機 ■歩1) h証 、ins.■警鋼1'us cr 3,態 56.=1■尊L審 彗 nt餞壼 ■■8鳳 ●『OS●11壇 i",轟 ●また lc● =tお 。F351.5`た ol,th● cLord鮨 甘bich腱 壼轟 S由 議 41● "° 43や 躍 襲 lo sid nyふ eFty●=isttng洒 勢 :●F腎 =y li撻 鯛面 thc・ ●・al oF sttd t驚 口,lo a,Oiltt if intは 慶苺=jo■wに れ ま籐,p■ュ:,3●nt uぉ :ゃ o輸 臓単や030颯 Jlヽ 蟻 rlyi thttc 議lllnき ■tttl mttrth磁 筆 e燻 銭わ懲 ∥忠h笙 ゃ『剛げ t職 露=●f3面 4●unt tt tlat lcft havinE a rditt tll` 5,7縛 6'議 t,a cttmi mlgle of03・ 27'597,鋤 aに ragtt or]"211“t thc轟 ,rdお r wht・ ll職 串 ドやF・ :`44"7'卜 r'普 cst t.thc cnd of=ユ id m"。■」tOtttFOM o「BttGlNNING ALSr」 検襲と餞、颯メ ■,1lξ Cl●「lit哺 :了 1118'n illJ F_・ loふ 露錮∥。「Sactitlll itt ToWnship 50属 ottll,REneC li[3ヽ 1,COiま で1‐ ぐtl●nt,,FttFid轟 C●:nllは ntc■l lllt・ Sollllwじ ぶt Cu菫略r ur Stttlon l機 ,Towrlゞ 誨ip 51 Stl・ ・l:h,Itt,13015 1:“ヽ:,11111,ct along tLo Wcs(linc tl「s=ia St・ ctitln ll.N00■lS',″・ヽV illl.44羹 oli llぉ atc S 51Ⅲ申■'lli・ 'F I11.15 彙tt iぃ th●Foinlじ F Cttr臀 ●「l ctlr、℃軌l●c)●e ttl:ho S゛ tll卜 警 “ 11日 、1,1=`ritill麟 oF 51=3.`5 1L・ Ct_・ ●id "intユ 1謙 bCingせ 鶴 I務 し ヽoHhe継 け ly RI由 1・・・多瞥■)●r us 11(111面 印tll ir轟 1 lh颯 ltC 撃,,tilぃ 、tじ「苺γ31■,lじ 、` “ ill cu=∵意lll臨 In ct,、l:崎 lt,31■●I~4'l●'博 01=颯 :111油 ■,・ ヾdi=inl、(,「122 10 1ttt: 1,な :1●■ヽ41・ (〕,'lr'11:5,f10彙 ●:L●』懸PI_At‐E OFB=GINN圏 ●::控 ncc N螢 1■●T'IF誕 57,t,お ∥itL・ nccド =7307'17"■95´F2出cti tL=ncc S■5・ 1,`(lrl'L523.8713L‐ti thr,Ec S 47。15・ 13・ 'ヽ ヽ'7,9リ ツ1き ctto L「Ic】`●rthcustc三 卜'ltigir―lli‐ 青ay●1■JS lll‐I・ 額111ュ mi tは ill鴎 d acuM COn囃 、.c to llヾ ぶ●」tllw“1橘 、in彗 3 mJlus or llぶ =li茫鎮:ilで ,cr n●Ehヽ ■■lc■、劉ぅng s濃 凛=日 、■0劇 Ri』1-l■,電 メロ`ロ ユtct4!“∥さぃピ■●「J'1'44~“■導ハ “「ご■| '■1'た cti:hcnt^f N 12.■1'17.'F!5,,|∫た●1●●ttl=∵`Oin嘔 1、ζ:、ヽlhで `1}り ♯:ヽ `ヽ `|‐ ■シi::=“ :IJ:●、●l i1lS 15 1じ ぜl::11●■ご■Ntll11、ャに、|を ,IF●1●::=ド 、lti Cた :Vc ll、口!■●夕11=“1■● =L:`` 「|ら 211.l lJ.・ 1● =壺 :、 “ rl● '1卜 (1'Ll■●1:●I卜 r,●INT OF聾 「1(ilヽ ヽ1ヽ (: