BCC Minutes 02/16/1982 R --- ---- --~ ----- l Nllplos, P'lorl<1l1, r('~ru"'ry I'::, J9"' (,ET IT BE rH:Mr.~Br.RED, that the BOArd of County Commisstoners tn and for the County of Collier, and also ftcttng as tho qoverning board(s) of such speciðl districts as hllv~ bor.n cr~ated according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this v~~e at 9100 ~.M. I In Regular Session in Building -r- of the Courthouse Complex with th~ following membors prcsentr CHAIRMANt VICE-CH~IRMANr C. R. -Russ- Wimer Mary-Frances Kruse John ". pi stor Clifford Wenzol ABSr.NTr Dav Id C. Brown ^~SO PRESF.NTt Harold L. Hall, Chief DCputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; I Maurpp.n Kenyon ðnd Darlene Dllvidson (10: 17 A.M.), Deputy Clorksl C. William Norman, County Mðnaqer, Nell Dorr!11, Public SlIfnty ^dministr~torl Oon Norton, Public Serviceø ~dminiBtrlltor; t~WQTd ~mtth, Administrative Services Administrator, Terry Virtll, Community Devclopm£'nt Administrl'ltO(l .Teffory Perry, 7.onlng Directoq Torry Clark and Lr.e Kirchhoff, Plllnners, Dr. Mark 8enedict, Environmentalist, C11f~rd Darksdðle, Puhlic W~rks Administrator; Grace Spaulding, Administrative Aide to the Board; and Deputy Chicf Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. Pag E! ] ~oo~ 067 fA~E '472 - - - - -.. - --- - - - --- --- ------- --.- ----- -- --- - - - -- , I, &OOK 067 fACi477 Ft'br U,HY 1 Ii, J 9R 2 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- -.. -~ - - - - - - -- ------ - - --.. ',.****..*.., NOTE I Commisftionor tlrown nhsf!nt this d..t~ ^s notr.d by 4/0 vote. ..........*.. AGENDA - APpnOVED WITH TilE FnLLnWTNG M)(HTTON~ "Hi) rH~LF.TTONSt - -... --- Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconð~d by CommissIoner pistor ~nd carried 4/0, that the agenda be approved with the following chðngcs1 a. Addition of recommendation for npprovnl to contract out ð portion of the County's Community Car~ for ,the F.lderly. b. pctitlon Cp-~,"-r,C, Board of County Commissioners, continued to February 23, 1~~2. c. Rßsolutlon ðdopting n revIsed poltcy for publicntion of delinquent tðX list continued for two weeks. d. Deletion of minutos of Februðry '", 1987. meeting. PETITION CP-A]-~2C, COLLYF.n DEvr.LOr~F.NT CORPORATION, - WITHDRAWN. CommI5sionor Wonzel moved, second~d hy Commissionr.r ~ruse and carried ~/O, that petitton CP-81-32C, Collier Development Corporatton requesting Ð Comprehensive PIon Lðnd Use element nmcndment (tom Residenti~l Low-Medium Density (0-4 units pcr gross acre) to Commerctnl ff'!r :pproximðtcly (;7.5 acres located along the north !'Iide of Immokal~f! ROðd, 2,500 feet enst of U. S. 41, be withdrawn. PETITION CP-8 2-IC, RnARD OF COUNTY COMMI~SrONERS, - WITHDRA\<.'N. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried ~/O, thnt potitlon CP-P?-JC, Board of County Commissioners requftsting a Comprohenslvo Plan Lnnd Use elemp.nt amendment from Com- mercial to Residential ~edium Density (O-~.22 units per qross acre\ for P"'ge 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - ------- -- -------- - - -:- -~- - -- - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- Fe-brunry 1", 19R1 ò 400' x J~OO' plJrcf'l located "long thø west atð" ot U. S. 41, :'cqin- ninq approximately AOO' north of Tmmokðlce Ro~d, being npproximðt~ly 17.5 acres, bo withdrawn, as requested by staff and r~PA. PETITION R-flO-'3C, HUBSCltMAN ASSOCYATES,- WtTHDR1.WN AND PETITIONER REOUIRED TO PAY FOR PF.-l\OVEPTTf,T~G. Commissioner Wp.n2el moved, scconde~ by Commtssionp.r Rruß~ and cðrried 4/0, that PÐtit~on R-RO-3C, Itubflchmðn Associatf!B, requÐsting rezoning from -A- lInd - R/'I-1 - to PUD for ð 4".7+ I'Icrc traC't locl.\tf"d on the south side of Davis Boulevard, east of Scotty's, be withdrawn ðnd that the petitioner be rcquirnd to pay for re-ðdvertising. x x x x :.< x NOTEI THE FOLLOWING ITE/'IS ARE VERBATIM AS REQUESTED BY CHAIRMAN WIMER. x x x x x x PETITION CP-R2-2C, BOARD OF COUNTY C0MMIS~IONERS REOUE~TrNn A COMPREHE:NSIVE PLAN LAND USE E~E"'rNT "~I::Nn~'f.NT FROM COMMER('I^L TO RESIDENTI.~L LCW-p.1f.DIUM nf.N~ITY FOR APPROXTMATF.~Y ')1 ACRE~ LYING "-[.ONG THE NORTH SH'':: OF IMMOr,l\LEF. ROAD BETWF.F:~ U.S. 41 AND THF: SE,t,BOM1D COASTL T~f. R^ !lPOl\D - WrTf!DnJl.I-lN Terry Clark: Thiß !n item 7C, petition CP-F12-2C, Board of County Commissionnrs rnqup.stinq a comprehrnslve pll'ln land use clcmpnt ~m('n~ment from Commercial to Residentiðl Low-Mp.dium Density which is 0-4 units pnr gross nCfP for npproximatrly ~l ÐcrOB located at the northel'lst cornpr of the int~r5QC- tion of U.~. 41 ~nd Immok~lec Road. This is tho parcel here outlinpd in r~d. Uh,....... i Chð i rmc'ln Wimer I ~ny J, may J interrupt you? Pcfore WP. get too deeply Into this, the pptitionor hð9 ð r~quest th~t they would make tho no~rd ðware of on thin thðt may eliminate the nQPd at this point in time to go into a full detail. paqe '\ . ~oo~ 067 PACt 478 ---------------------------------------. - - - - - - ----- -- - -- --- ---- -- -- -- -------- - - --- Fehruary 1~, 1~~2 MOK 067 fACt 479 For tt'le rccord. my nðl'1C 15 r,(!orq" ""r~ndon ot th" l~w firm of Younq, V~n ^~R~n~rrp, V~rn~rlo~ ~ Renton, hero to rQprQ~cnt Collier nrvclopncnt Corpor~tion. Co~mi~~inn~rG, uh, thi~ ~~~ hcforo thù CAPC iJpproximlltt'ly two weektJ nqo and th\!y rPC"ommended ( enhl ;;>f tr,:: )otltlcn which was to chanqe the comprehensivp plan on this site. ~inco that time, wo h~ve had nn opportunity to look ðt this site nnd address ~omo of the ques- tions and conc~rns that ~taff h~d, nlthouqh we do beli~ve that there i9 ð nerd for Commercial in th^t arPD and p~rh~ps that much Commerci...l or p.vcn more on that site, we do feel that it probnbly is n hptter configuration of that Commercinl thnn exists riqht there. We would ask you tod~y to wlthdrnw your potition and qtv~ us nn opportunity to work with ~taff on II hetter configuration of n Cnmm~rcin] pnrcel, undp.r- stðndlng that we do firmly bp.linva th~t thore is a need for Comm~rcinl there "nd is an appropriate place for Commr.rcial designatod property. Ceorqo Vðrnndoc: I'll mnke n motion, ~r. Chairm~n, to withdraw this item. Commisslonor W~nzcl: Second. Commissioner Kruse: It'A brrn motioned and seconded to withdraw this petition to givo tho potitioner the opportunity to work with the St~ff in hettor plnnning on this corner. Discussions, uh, Mr. virta, do you have any objections to this? Chnirman Wimer: No, Sir. Mr. Torry Virtar Chðirmðn Wimerr Thank you vcry much. Any furthor discussion? Call for the question, nIl in favor? Commissioner Wenzel: Aye. Commissioner Kruscl Aye. . Commissioncr pistorr Aye. ChAirman WimGrl Ay~. Oppose, sðme stqn? ~otion passcs. Item D? Cha i rm,)n Wimer t Pltge 4 . - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- --- - -- -- - -- --- .....-........., ------------------------------ ----------. P'~bruary l~, 19P' PF.TITIl''IN CP-A2-JC, THE f'OAPD Of' COUNTY COMMTr.STONEPr. RE(lUERTING A L1\ND USE A~£NDMFNT FROM COMMFRCT"L TO Rr5Jnr~TTAt LOW-MFDTUM nrN~TTY fOR APPROXII-1ATF.LY qo "CRES AT TJ1F. ~OUTJ1F.AST conNER OF I""MOr."'LEE RO^D 1\Nf' U.fi. ~l - nf.NTFD. Legal notice having bnnn published in tho Naples CHlly N&~s on January 15, 19R2 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publiclltlon filed with the Clerk, public hoaring was opened to considftr petition CP-R2-3C, The Board of County Commissioners requesting a land use ðmendm~nt from Commercial to Rosidentinl Low-Medium Oensity (0-4 units per gross ðcro) for approximately ~o acreS at the southeast cornor of fmmoknlee Road and u.s. 41 in Section 27, T4RS, R25E. Terry Clarkt Yes, sirl This is pet'tion CP-Q2-3C, Tho BOIHd of County Commissioners rtqu~stlnq 8 comprehen- sIve plan land use pl~m~nt from Commercial to Residenti~l Low-~erlium Density which is o-~ units per qross ncre. Th~ p~rc~l l~nd is approximately 90 ðcrcS located ~t tho south~ðst corn~r of the intersection of U.S. 41 and Tm~oka)c~ Road. Tho prop~rty to the ~oulh is des1gnatod c-~ Resirlr.ntiðl Low-Mròlum Dr.nsity; thr proparty to the cast is dosignated InduGtri~l and the prop- crty to the west on tha othr.r side ot U.S. ~l is designated Commercial. In review of the peti- tion, St~ff nrrived ~t n recommendntion to reduce the amount of Commercial (rom thp. 90 ncre pDrcel to approxim~tely ~5 ~crr.s. This Is the hash M~rk l1n~ r!lnning It little hit left ...nd cent~r of the piece o¿ property. Tn doing this, th~ recommcn- dðtion w...s bnsed upon the fð~t thnt it addresses the existing residcnt~ in the I!re~ a little bit more renlistically ðS well DS the pro1r.ct growth. Pre~ently, th~re arû ~pproxim3tely 5,000 resi- dents within ~ four squ~re mile area of this. In addition, th~ 90 ~crr pðrcel is consld~rcd ~ region...l type commr.rrlnl use I!nd In review of this r~qup.st in its location, 5t...ff felt th~t a regional type commercl^l use w~s not necessary. Chairman Wimart Thðnk you. I'm not sure how many court reportero wo have here todltY. You're a Court reporter, who ðro you working for? (Unid~ntificrl person and inaudible voice) You'rn with our Stltff? Ok...y, T Pc'lq f' 5 &OOK 067 fACt 480 - - - - - - - - --. - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - -- -- - --- - - - -- - - --- - - _. --- - - - - -- -- - - ---- ~------- --- -- -- -- - - - - - - -_.~ b~OK 067 fACr:481 Terry Clarkr Chl'li rman wimer: Mike Zewalk: Chl'li rman Wimer: Mr. Normðn Chairmtln Wimorr !'Ii ko 7.ewð 110 Chairmon Wimer, Terry Clarkr ChoJ I rman Wimer I F~bruðry 1~, 19R2 ~UGt lik~ to knew ~ll thø pll'ly~rs. I would Itke the minut£'s of these pctitionn to he reflt~t~d vorbntim. Plr~s~ continue. Y~I!., sir. On F'cbrui1ry!" InR?, the ('ol1t.-r County Planninq ^qcncy conßidc~~~ thin request. Mr. Ros~ Lonqm i rf" tlnc1 Mr. fluntor 1~''''8ß spoke in opposition to the requeoted chllnge which WI'IS to rc~ove all the Commrrcial. The CCP^ considcr~d tho r~quest by 1'1 voto of 4 to 1 nnd forwarð~d th~ rcquest to the Board with th~ recommendation of denial. We hl'lve hoard fr~m th~ Staff, I'Iny questions from th~ BOl'lrd? Is there anybody registercd to speak, Mr. Normðn? ~~~t's happ~ning7 Do we have ~o going to resi- dential or just ~5 going to residontial? Mr. Normðn, i8 there anybody registered to speak? Mr. Lonqml.ra, representing th~ L3tate of Barron Collier Junior is rcglstared. Mr. 7.cwðlk, you hðd 1'1 question. Rathor than jumping right in, if you would mind rnising your hand to be recoqni7.~d, we would be happy to see that your qu~stionß arc ðnRwered. what was your question, sir? Arp- wo going to hl'lve qO going to residentlal or· just 35, that's my question. Mr. Clðrk, would you? Yes, sir, the original rpquest was to rcmove the 90 acrcs of comm~rcial and go to residential and Staff is rpcommonðing that th~ 90 acre commercial pðrc~l bo reduced to 35 ~crcs. ~5 ncrcs would remain commercial and the Planning Agency recom- mendpd that th~ whole area...... Th~ Foard of County Commissioners with our rr.commendation was to do it a1l residential and thp. Coastal Arcð plannlnq Commission or tho Coast~l Area Plðnning ^g~ncy recomm~nded thðt it all h~ kept commerci~l and 5tnff recommended that the corn~r b,. kept commercial IInd thc eastcrn portion he chanqrd to residential. St~ff recom- mended a compromls~ bctwøen the two. P,HJO ~ ----------------------------------------- ---------~-----------------------------~ Fobruary 1~, 19~2 Ross Longmi rnf Cood morning, Mr. Chairman and Commi~aloners. ~y namo is ~038 Lonqmirfl nnd T r~pr~Rent tho rst1ltr of Barron Collier and if I mðY, T would like to put a mnp on th~ bon rd. It is h~sicnl]y thn 8~mo map that ~taff had put on ~~P. boar~, howev~r, it does highlight the ral]ro~d :ight-~f-wny which will sometime in tho future become ð county road ~nd it highlights the qrosG ownership of this prop~rty owner, nnd at this time, I would lik~ to call "'r. Hunter ~oss who is ð rel'l cnt1\te con- 8ultnnt fro~ Boc~ R~ton and has considerahle amount of plðnnlnq in the proper uses of our properties. Huntor Mossr Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, T'm Huntp.r ~OÐS from BOCð Rnton, Florida. I'd like to qualify myself. My company which baars my namo, I'm Prp.sident of it, has heen in tho world of consulting for 30 yenrs, 31 years, ~nd we've he en 73 yp-ðrs in Florida. A real estate conRult1\nt is one who is ~lred by people to tell them whðt to do with their renl estate ðnd this can he everything from lif~ insurancp companies, hanks, dpvelopcrs, landowners, and WP. hnve been in it, at it for some time within an l'Ir~n stretchinq from Montre~l on the North nIl the way to Vp.n~zucl~. We have done a lot of work (or choppinq cc~t~r ~hnln9 ðn~ we, imparticulðr for tho "'ay Co~p~ny and for ^ssociðtod Dry Goods, which Is n pnr~nt of Lord ðnd Tnylor and for then, principally lookinq for Bltcs. Therefore, we've been very much involved In that. Uh, we have also mnd~ n lot of ðnalyses of trncts for devclop~rR such ns th~ one th~t we're working on riqht now. r hðd tho oppor- tunity 1 ye~rs ~go of working for th~ Colli~r's ðnd that was before thcr~ was any division of Colli~r Renl Est^te, uh, in nn~]yzinq this entire corn~r and it b~camc quito obvious to ~~ at thnt time thnt this p~rt.lcular site lent itself r~- markðbly well to be a reqion~l shopping center. Uh, therp in not population to support it. Uh, and therefore, one of tho first things we ha~ to do w~s to mðk" an analysis to seo wh~t would be neccDsary for it to be ð r~qional shoppinq center ~nð you may S^y, why did r think th~t it would lend itsolf well to be ð sit~ when thftre was not the n~cessðry population there? Well, ð lot of sites thnt hDV~ hocn picked by developers ðnd by uscrs for shopping crnters bofore thoy cn~c into noed, there's one in Brow~rd County, tho erownrd P/lqP 7 BOOK 067 PÀCt 482 _ ___ _ ________ _. _ __ _._ __ _4·" _ _.__ __ --..---...-..----------- -- -- _.. -- -- -. -.. - - -..- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~oo~ 067 PACt 489 February 1~, 19A2 County ~~ll, which W39 purch~~r~ by P~~rratpd !'^r'H';mr"nt ~t:ort:''' ,.rI1"n it wl'ln hM~ic1l})V ar"zinct land. Thcr~'~ ~nother one in Boynton Bp~ch rl~ht now which is just cominq into its own, which will be II futur~ home of Burdino's, hns been on tho lnnd une plftn for 'I\.)ny, m.·,;:· Y~lIrl') ns ., r«>qionl'll shopping centnr Rite oven thouqh therc w~s not sufficient people to support it. Thr same thing is true here. You can't juntify thðt as ð site for n shopping center Dnd, ther~fore, w~ w~nt out to find out what was the ðren which would bo a shoppinq center tradinq nroa, nnd if r may give these, onn to each of you, it's gonna be ensier. This m~p, first of nIl, the rod dot is the alto of th~ corner of 1mmok~lce Rond /'Ind U.s. 41 and tho hlue dot Is the Constlðnd Cp.nter which is in existenco nnd the dotte~ 1inr is the tr"ding nrc« nnd you see thnt we h~vp 1-75 cominq down ðnd showing it complcted nil the w~y to ^lligator ^ll~y. That is nn ðren thAt on tho wast sido of r-75 is 1~ miles long ðnd ðpproxtmntoly 5 miles wide. The nren to the eðst of 1-7~, if r s~id 95 I mennt 75, east of 1-7~ is nlso within the trðòinq ~rp~ running nIl thr w~y to Immokðlee. Tho spcond sheet ~hows the figuros, the popula- tion figuros of today and "l5~ ~s we see them in the future, and, it shown n, as you can spe we hl'ld to take ~n nrp~ that included southprn L~e County ~3 w~ll ðS northern Colli~r County nnd o~ ~hi5 mðp the rcqional airport is on the north end and N~pleg ^irport i5 at the south cnd, so its a true county map and th~t's noc~ssary becðuse the populðtion concp.ntratlon in that area will repr~c~nt the trfldino nrcn for the shopping cen ter. The impor tant fig ure here is on Pago 2 of riguros showing the shopping populntion within this area, IInd at this mom~nt, or not at this moment, two yr.ars ^go, the populat10r. was esti- m3tcd at 11,451 and it's estlm~ted to be by tho ye~r 2000, lSQ,OOO people. lSQ,OOO people represonts a great opportunity for someone to cater to thPM with" 7cgionðl ßhopping center. Th~rc arc figures from tho past thnt show that shopping centers rp.I~te very much to popu]ntton, and, the, um, a regional cp.nter U5Ulllly caters to tho population of 100,nOo peoplp. and up and the size of rcgion~1 centers run upward from 400,000 squðfe feet. At this time, your COðstlanð Cp.ntør here has 1A~,OOO 5qu~re fc~t, the Gulf Gate P1ðza is 1(,0, Park Shores in "~, the Centr~l ~all 121, and the Naples Shopping Centcr 100,000. These Page R - .-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - ------' , _________~_____________________________7 Febru~ry l~, lqn~ ~ro all, except for COðstland which in Its~lf i~ a reqlon~l center, the othprs would be con"i~~r~d to be community centnra b~in~ smllllor and c~tcr- inq to ~ sm~llnr populðtion hllse. It's easy to think of when you ~et t~lkinq about rr.qional center as if that is the only use of this prop- erty. It will be more lhlln j~~; a rcqion~l retail centcr. It will nlso have commercial office buildings qoing along with It and this will, th~refore, become ð major factor ~nrl thcrefore, the acreage cannot he thouqht of only in rc]fttion to what will he the ret~il shopping cent~r, but ðlso how much of it would go for other uses bring offic~ and n connotation of offico and warehouslnq or distribution on the way over, on the east aide. Th~t is ~n industrial pieco shown on thp. map thero in yellow, the little yellow box, and therefore, thnt sidp. of the center would h~vc to be rp.lðt~d to ð somewhat different use than that which is closer to U.5. 41. The, um, it is not often thl'lt wo find II center that is as well located in ~n "rca ~s this ono for Ð total reqionnl cont~r, shopping center complex ftnd therefore, wo feel very strongly that the right uso for this is for devolopmnnt as ð regional center with both r"tail ~nd of.fice space usa. The, UM,...... Chairman Wlw.r.rr Plp.ase, Mr. ~oss, r don't wish to ~ppc8r to be rude, but how much longer is your presentation going to take? Mr. Hunter "'OS81 I just finished. Chðirmðn Wimerr Thank you. Mr. Hunter "'ossr Thank you. Chairman Wimer 1 Any questions from the Board? Commissioner Pistorl Well, the only question T ~ave, is it seems to mo that the ~taff said the part to the east is Indu9trinl ~nd this part is ComMerci~1 now an~ If we take and take the corn~r and make it Comm~r- cial and then put the other to Rp.Ri~~ntinl, wp.'re putting Renidcntllll In-h~twpen Commercial ~nd Industrial, and I think th~t 15 pretty poor plnnninq. On this nrr.1I, as long as T've hep.n, ~han I was on the C^PC and all h~s always b~en talked of bcinq n Commp.rcinl davolopm~nt ~rp.~ ~nd that's how the tnduntrial area got in th~re, IInd P1l<J e 9 MOK 067 PACi'1\84 ------- - --- - -- - - -- -- - - ----- -.-------------------. I --- --. -- -- -. ---- ---- --- -- - - - ---- -- - - - - - - - Î Februnry lr-, lQR' -- - -- - - .--' &OOK 067 f^Ci·485 C"h."Iirmlln WimE'rr Mr. William Normnnr Chnlrman Wlmert Mr. Terry virtar I'm jURt wondcrlnq why Wp would cut out pnrt of it ~vnn. I'm, T cnn't B~Y th~t I'm vory ~uch tn f,wor of it. Th~nk you. ~r. t:orman, 15 th~rc ~nybo~y el~~ registcred to spenk? No, sir. Thp f,t~ff, Mr. Virt~, f would lik~ to ðGk for your opinion. You came up with a recommendation on thin, pick ð parcel and I would nssume th~t you're nw~re evidently that the owncrs desirous to hðvc n rcqion~l 5hoppin~ center and Y ~on't think the question was rp.ally addressed anò I can under5tDnd th~t d~5irc, the s~m~ as T can under- stnnd som~ people on 5th ^vcnue South think th~t's ð qrP-ðt place to markp.t ð 20 story condo- minium, but ¡ don't think thðt 1s the best land U3~ plðn. f5 this thp beRt land use plan for this piece of proparty? Wpll, getting directly to th,. Stðff r~commcnda- tion In this matter, the recommendation was based on ð numbcr of fl'lctor5, it's not 1ust ~ne item or another th~t was picked upon. First of all, we wcrr looking ~t the overn]l area both north nnd south through Immoka]pc Road at the time we made ð recomM~ndntion. W~'rc ~lgo looking lit tho total tally of tho Commerciðl in that IIraa. W,.'re nlso looking at the totðl1ty ùf the Com- mercial in that arcn in rel~tion to existing ~nd pl~nn~d Commcrciðl Shoppinq fðcIliti~s of ð reqion~l n~ture. H~vinq COð5tlnnd Mall which is only ðpproximately ~o~ buIlt out at the present time, having ð ~econd site within th~ county for a fpgional center ~t qSI anó u.s. 41 and tho fact that th~ Bor.ita Bay devolopm~nt immr.di~tely across the county linp to the north h~s ð pro- posed regional center rf'cognizing th~ fðct that there nre two c~nters on th~ drawing boards at the present time, rccoqni7.1ng thnt thore is a crntr.r thnt is only rnrti~lly built up, an~ thp.n looking at the populations that would he served, uh, th~ fiqure pr~viouslý used w~s thnt hy tha year '000, thor~ would he 1~~,427 p~ople within the service ~reD of this locðtion. Tharp. proba- bly will b~ marc peopl~ th~n that, however, thore ðrp thr~e r~gion~l shoppinq Cf'ntera ~ithcr built or in the process of belnry devAlopod to service that population ~nd probably a larger areð than Pllqe 1 n .- -- - -- -~ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- -- --- ---- ----------- ----...- -- ------- -- ---- Ff'bruary 1(" )t'lR;I ., was shown to you. The fact thllt 'YQu vovld h~v~ Re8ld~ntlðl L~nd Us~ lo~~t~1 h~twrbn T"~uati1nl Land Uso ~nd Co~m~rcial L~nd Use, if it wcrc just a thin strip of Innd, YOG, thnt vould he very poor planning. We'rc t~lklng about fairly extensive stretch~s of l~nd thðt in that CIIS~, r think, good plnnninq c~n ov~,,~~~ anv problems that would be crcated by such land UA~S. Chairman Wimert The three centers you speak of, those are already approved? Mr. Terry Virtl'lt Well, Coast land, we all r~coqnizo as, like T snid Is ~O, built out. There's a considerðble amount r~maining to be built on t.hnt sit~. The loc~tion of Stl'lte Road 951 and U.s ~l, we hnv~ whllt would be on the ~mall side of. a regionnl crntrr, and Is an approved center hore in the County. In the Ronitn Pay dr.velopmcnt, there Is ð rr.qionðl shopping facility proposed ns II part of th~t development, thðt ia imm~dintoly north of the ~ounty line and it in itself, is II sizeahle center, so yes, there ðro three. Chairman Wimert ~r, Virta, would you state your qUðlificattons ð5 a Lllnd Planner? t~r. Terry Vlrtll: I hllve been c~ploycd continuously as a Planner since Octob~r of lQr.~, approxlm~tcly ]h y~ðrs. T have ß Bachelor's Dcqroc and a Master's in .... Chairman Wimcrt A little louder, pleðeo. Mr. Terry Vlrtðt T have a ~nchelor's Ooqrce and a ~ðst~r's In Public Administrðtion with ~n emphðsis in Urbðn PIa n n i ng . Chatrmðn Wimert Thllnk you, BIr. Ouestion~ from thp. Ro~rd? Commissioner Wenzel? Commissioner Wanzelr If my locðtion in riqht, isn't the County S~wer Plllnt, North N1Iples SAw~r, just AIISt of the yellow line, e~st of the y~llcw lIre~, doesn't it run right down th~re? Mr. Terry Virtar TO thn y~llow hox that Is ~n8t of thr. Rðilroad, T belicve is the ....... Commissioner Wen7.ell Ts that whp.r~ It Is? No, whore's the County S~wer Plant? Isn't it only IIbout a hill! mile ellst of the Rðilroðd? ¡t's riqht in th~t nrCð, t'llgo II M~K 067 PACt 486 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - _. - - - - -- -- _. - - - -- - -...- - - -- -- - - -- - ~ -- - .- - - --- -- - --- - --- - - .-- ----- - --- -- -- - -- --- MOK Q6'7 PACt 487 Febru~ry 1", 19P2 that's wh~t I thouqht. ^11 right, th"t's whAt J thought. ¡ thought 1t 'N',):: L... thH yollow .Und. Okay. . Chairmlln WI~~rt ^ny questions from the Ronr~? Commissioner Kruser I h~vQ ð quostlon. Chðirmon Wimer I Commis8toncr Kruse. Commissioner Kruser Th~ only thing th~t Is hothering me is thðt r h~vp. noticed the tcn~ency if it's a s~ðl1 piece, sm"1l like 30 ~cres compnre~ to 90 "crcs, th~n you tend to q~t sm~llcr stores and less grc~nary put ðGi~e, Dctually it's probnh1y less money spent in the dcvplopmpnt ßnd if w~ kc~p rr.~ucinq tha chunks of it that would be suitable tor ð wall planned rcglonnl center, then I'm ðfrðid we oro going to kpcp prolifer~ting tho strip zoning that occurs nlong ~1. In lino with thdt, what· bothers ~c with thin one, is if we say well, thp.fc is no np~d for it. Well, if there is not ð neC'd for it, I can't SPC ðnyonc in there right mind building" shopping center that s~ze unless Its going to mnka monay. If it's going to make monp.y, it's supporting Itßclf. ~o AS f~r as whether or not there's too many of them, there's too many of them if one of them goes broke. That'~ personal opinion. Chairman Wimer% Commissioner Wenzel. Commissioner W~nzel: I would like to mention one thing. One of our problems in ð lot of these is not enouqh parking. r think r would rather hav,. ~urplus p~rking thnn not enough In "ny of these shopping centers. I think ~ou qot it down on Marco JsIßnd, John knows, h("ll tell you ~bout ð lot of shopping, c~nter6 thllt don't hßve ~nouqh parking. r think you need IImple parkinq In thesc ðrellS. r just want to l~t you know it you're cutting it rlown, you're only cAusing a prohlem. Chairman Wimer: Perhaps the BOðr~ Is qrPlIt to tnlk ðbout II regional shopping c~nter, but this is not zo~ed for ~ re~ionlll shoppinq c('nter, it's ð compr~- hcnsivn plan w~'re t~lking ðbout IInrl it's com- prohenslve for ~omm~rcinl. ~ny future ~etermln- ation of that com~p.rciðl Is yet to bA dp.tArmlnp.d IInd It haR to be det~rm1nect by this ~oðrrl of County Commissioners ~nd you can mllke A precte- Pðq e 1:2 .. ...- - -- - - - -- ---. - - -- - þ-- -- - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - --- -- -.....-------- - - ----- -------------- Februnry ]~, l~P? t~rminðtlon now or you can go in the ~~ning hearing and r~zone tho l~nd, J think it's ð little preju~lcial. ~ny other qup.fttions from thr Board? ^nyhody plsc to sprllk, ~r. Normlln? ~r. Norman, anybody elso registered to spe~k7 Mr. William Norman, No, øtr. Commissionor Wenzol, I'll move we closft the he^ring, Mr. Chnirman. Commissioner Plstorr Second. Chairman Wimcrr It's been moved nnd seconded to close the puhli~ henring. Any further discussion? I'll call for th~ question. All In fðvor? Commissioner Pistorr Aye. Commissioner Wenzel, Aye. Commissioner Krusel Aye. Chairmlln Wimer, Aye. Oppose, slime sign? Motion passes. Chairman Pistor: I move we accept the St~ff recommendation and deny the Petition CP-~2-JC. Commissioner Wenzel, The Planning Agency is recommending to deny it. Commissioner Pistor: Well, on the blue sheet, it says the plnnning Agency nnd it also 6ðYS, yea, the Planning Agency. Commissioner Wenzelr All right, rill second che motion. Cha!rmon Wimer: Okay, The motion Is to accp.pt the plllnninq Agency's rp.commendation, not the Planning Staffs? Commissioner Pistor: The Plnnning ^gency'R recommendation. Chairman Wimer, Ok~y, we hav~ n motion to acc~pt the Plllnninq Agency's recomMendation IInd deny the petition IInd leave the wholc lIrea Commercl~l. Any further di~cussion? r'm sorry, it WðS second~d by Commissioner Wenzel. ~ommiÐ8ioner Wenze11 Yea, 1 scconded it. Ch<'lirmlln Wimnrl Any furthrr discussion? Call for the qucßtlon. All in favor? Page 1 J &OCK 001 fACt 488 - - - - - -- - - - - -- - --- - - --- --- -- -- - --- - -- - - - -- , --,,~~"~,_........- . .------------------.---------...---..-.-- - .-..., ...--------- MOK 057 PAct'489 F~brunry 1~, lQP2 Co~min~ioner -Kruse: ^yc. Commiasionrr Wenzelr Aye. Commissioner Pistor: ^y~. Chnirmnn Wimer: opposP, ßðMP. nign? T rpqist,.rcd nn nyr. vote. Motion passp.s 1 to 1. Nrxt p~titlon. OROT~ANCF. ~2-]5 RE PETITION CP-P2-4C, THE pnAR~ OF COUNTY CO~MT~SIONERS REOIIF.f.TTNG A CO~PREHENSIVE PL^N LM-10 U~E ^MENnr--F.HT FROM RfCnF.ATT(')N OPF.N SPACE TO RfSTDENTIAL LOW-MErTUM DENSITY ON ^ PORTION OF ~ECTIONS " & ~~, T~nS, R2~E. - ADOPTED. Legnl notice hðvlnq be~n published in the Nnplos D~iJy News on Jðnunry 15, 1982 ðS evidcnc~d by Affidðvlt of Publicðtlon flIed with the Clerk, public heðring was opened to consider pot~tion CP-~7.-4C, The Bonrd of County Commissioners requesting ð Compr~hensive Plftn Land Use amendment trom Recrc~tion Op~n 5pnce to R~sidpntinl Low-~~dium density (0-4 u~~tß pcr gross acre) on n portion of Sections 27 & ~~, Townshtp 4~ south, J1~nge 2S F.~st. Terry Clark. yps, sir, this io petition CP-~2-4C, Thp. Board of County Commlssion~r8 rcqup.stinq a Compr~henßivn Pll1n L<\nd Use t'l.I.'ME'nt c"Iml?ndment from Pecr~lIt Ion Open Spð~E' to R~sidpnti31 Low-M('dium density which is n-~ units per gross ðcr~. The pnrcel Is located south of the propnrty which we just con~idered. This arc~ outlined by the ornnqe originally was zoned Golf Course ~nd the Comp PIDn was chRnqe~ to Rp.crention Opon ~pace in 1977. In ndoptlnq the unIfied zoninq or~inðnc~, th~ Po~rrt ~~optoð A-? zoninQ for this prop~rty. In accordance with that change, Stðff and th~t the golf coursp has ncv~r hpcn deve1ope~, ~tnff and tho Collier County Plannlnq ~qency ~rc recommending that it hp ~mcndp.~ from ReCrp.ðtlon Open Spðce to Residential low-Medium density. Commissioner Wcnzelr 0-4. Chairman Wimer. Any commt'nts from or q~estions from thp. 801lrd? ~r. Norman, any registered Ðpo~k~rs? I i Page 14 - --- -- - - - - - -- - - - -- -------- -- - --- - - -- -- ---. - --- ----------------------------------------- ? Fcbruðry 1~, I~A2 ~r. WIlll~m Norm~nt ~r. Longmire is r~qister8rl. Mr. Ross Longmir~! For the record, my nllmo is ROBS longmire and r repres~nt thn Estate of B~rron Collier nnd it is thft opinion of tho own~rR t~~~ thiß chanqe would be ðppropriato sln~~ the golf ~~urRe thðt had been previously plannrd had not m~teriðllzed, so we feol that tho change b~ck to Residential on the Comprehensive Pl~n is an appropriðto change. Cha I rml.ln Wimf! r r Thank you sir. Anybody else registered to spoak? Mr. William Norman: No, air. Commissioner Wcnzelr ~ove to close the hearing, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Wimer: We havo a motion to close the public hearing, do we have a second? Co~missioner pistorr Second. Second. Chairman Wimnr1 Moved and seconded. Any further discussion. I'll call for the question. All in favor? Commissioner Wenzelt Aye. Commissio~cr Pistor: "'yo. Commissioner Kruse! Aye. Chðirmðn Wimerr . / I / Commissiorer Wenzel: "'ye. Oppose, s~me sign? Motion pass('s. Do we havo ð motion to accept Staff rocommendation? So move, Mr. Chairman. Commissioner Plstorl Second. ChairmtJn Wimer: rt'§ been moverl and seconded to Ðccept ~he r.taff recommendation. Any further discussion? Call for tho qUl'st ion, 1"111 in favor? Commissioner Wenzelt Aye. Commissioner Pistorl l\yr:. Commissioner KruS~t Aye. Chllirman Wimer! Ayo. Oppose, same siqn? Motion pðSSC~, unanimous. Item F will be hl"lndl~d one at ð time and as ð pUblic heðrinq on e1lch on~ ~s per the Board's policy. Pl'\qf' ] 5 ~OOK 06 7 fACt 490 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- -- - .-- - - - - ---- - - - - ..-.. ·.- - - - -- - - ----- --- ---------- -- ------ ---- - - -. ~OOK Oó 7 fACt 49{ Fobruðry I~, 1982 COMmissioner Wcnzol movp.d, 8ccond~d by Commi8slon~r Plstor and carrl~d 4/0" th~t th~ nrdJnllnce ~8 numbcrcd ~nd ~ntitl~d b~low he ~dopted and ~ntercd in Ordinanc~ Book No. 141 Ordinance No. P?-l~ fiN OnDIN^,,'CE AMr.NI'ING ORDINANCE 79-3", THE COMPRE- HEN~JVE PLAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORJ~A, 5Y lIto'ENDING TIlE WORK STUDY 1\RF.A MflP '2 FROM RECnr.^TION OPEN SPACE TO PE~IDENTIlIL LOW-~EDIUM nEN~ITY (0-4 UNITS Pf.R GROSS ACRP.) ON TilE FOLL0WING DESC':RIElED PROprRTY: TlIlIT PC'1RTTON OF f,f.CTtONS '17 liNn 14, TC¥t'~':,lIrp .,,1 SOUTH, RANCE 25 ElIST, COLLTf.R COUNTY, FL('IIHI)l\, I"0RP. PARTJCULARLY DESCRIBED ItEREINl AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVP. DATE. ORDINANCE P2-1~ Rf. Pf.TJTTON CP-A?-5C, PARCEL A, THE nOllRD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REQUESTING ^ LAND USE AMENDMENT FROM CO~MERCI^L TO RESrDFNTJAL ME~TUM nf.NSITY FOR APrROXI~ATf.LY 3.P lICRES AT THE NORTHEA~T CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION Of hIRPORT ROAD AND GOLDEN GhTE PARKWAY. - M:>O~TED . Legal notice h~ving boen puhli3hed in thA Naples Dally News on January 15, 19R2, as ovid~nc~d by Affidavit of PublJc~tton filcd with the Clork, public hearing was open~d to consider petition CP-R2-5C, Parcel A, the Bo~rd ~f County Commissionera requesttnq a land us~ Ðmenument from Comm~rcilll to Residentll.ll ~~dium Density (0-".22 units per gross ðcre) for ðpproxim~tely 3.A l.Icres at the no.thel.lst corner of the intersection of Airport Ro~d ðnd Colden Gate p~rkw~y. Terry Cl.Hkr Parcel h of Pot it Ion CP-82-~C Is ß request by the P,o~rd of County Commissioncrs to amend the comprrhpnnivc p]~n from comm~ric~] to rcsi~enti~l medium d~nRity which is O-~.'2 units per qross acre for ~pproximntQly ~.~ l.Icr~s \ocðt~d at th~ north~nst corn~r of the int~rscction of Airport Ro~d ßnd Colden Gßte pðrkwßY. ~tðff ðnd the Collior County PIßnnin~ ^qen~y ~re r~commendlng that the request h~ ðpprovp.d due to the "trtp comm~rclðl notur8 of it. Paqlt If; . .. - - - - - -- -. ..- -- - -- -- _. - _.- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ---------------------- - -- ----- --------- ~ ChAirman Wimer I Mr. William Normant Chairmðn Wlrncrr Mr. ~08S Longmirer Chðirman Wimerr Mr. ROS8 Langmirer Chðlrman Wlmarr Mr. Ross Longmirer Chðirman Wimer I Mr. Ro S R La ng m ire r Chð 1 rman Wimer: Mr. William Vinesl Ch.,irman Wimerr Mr. William Vinesl Chairm¡m Wlmf'rt February l~, 19A2 Any qU9stlons from tho bOllr~? ~ny registnred splHlkers? Mr. Longmire, again. Want to just pull your chair up there? For tho rocord, my namo is Ross Longmire and I represont the Sproul Trust. If I may, T would like to put another mðp on the board, it's Q little lerger. Yos, sir. Mr. Bill Vines has done ~on9id~r"hlo work in the pl~nning of this pircc of propp.rty enrl I would like to nsk him to come forward to speak at this time. ~re you on Parcel ^ or Parcel O? The ~mount coinci~es with the ~taff report and we have parcel C in one...... We're only on Parcel A. I think the one map shows .,11 three. We arc owners of ,." e, C, "nd D. Okay, We're just addressing Parcp.l ~, okay, so we're all clear on the same subj~ct. Good morning, ~r. Chairman, Commissioners. With respect to Parcel A, representatives of thp Sproul Trust have mot with ~taff ßnd have con- currcd that the recommcnded ch~nqe mðkes sense and we offer no ohj~ction. Thank you, Mr.... Would you i~entify yourself for the record. I am William vines representing f>proul Trust. Thank you. Is anybody else registorp.d to ßpellk foIr. Norman? Mr. William Normanr No, sir. Commin9ion~r Pistorl I move th~ public hoaring be clospd. Commissioner Wenzel I Second. pðge 1"7 800~ 061 PACt' '492 - - - - - ~- - - .-. -- -- - -- ~- -- - -.. - -".- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - .- -- -- - - - - - -- -- ---- - - --- _. -... -. - -- -- ------------- ~~~¡. 06 7 f'Á~¿ 493 Februnry J~, JqA2 .. .. ,. - ---- Chalrmðn Wimer: Its beon moved ~nd ~eccn~~d :0 clocc the hCðrlnq. ^ny furth~r discu9s1on? C~ll (or th~ qu~stlon, lIll in ftlvor? Commissionor Pistorl Aye. CommisDion~r W~nzp.l I Aye. Commisslon~r ~ruser Aye. Chairman Wimerr Aye. Opposo, s~me siqn? Motion p~sses. Do we have ð motion for recommend~tion of Staff or approval of 5t~f( recommendation? Commissioner pistort So move. Commissioner Krusel Second. Chairman Wlmert Its b~cn moved and seconded for approval of Staff recomm~ndlltion. Any further discussion? Call for the qU~8tion. All in f~vor? Commissioner Pistorl AYQ. Commissioner Krusel Aye. Chairman Wlmerl Aye. Oppose, same oign? Commissfonp.r W~n7.plt No. Chl'lirman Wimert Motion passes, three to one. Commissioner W~n7.el: Donsity too high. ~halrmðn WImerl Beg your pardon. CommIsaion£r Wenz~l: Density too high for me. Chalrmnn Wimer, Next, is Item 2, P~rcel B. M0TrON TO APPROVE PF.TITION CP-P?-5C, PARCFL A, THE PO^RO OF COUNTY CO~MrSSInNERS REOUF.f,TING A LAND USE A~F.NDMr.NT FROM CO~~ERCrAL TO RESTDF.NTr^[. MEDIUM DF.NSTTY FOR APPROXH'ATF.LY S. 2 ACRr.~ AT THE SOUTHF.AGT CORNER OF THE INTERSF.CTH)f-J OF AJRPOr.T ROAD AN ') GOLDEN GATE: PflRP<WAY. FAIL~D. (ACTION RESCrf-JDF.D ~ATER THIS ~E~StON). / Leqðl notice having been published tn the N~ples D~ily N~W8 on J~nunry 15, )QS2, as ~videnced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing w~s opened to consider petition CP-~2-5C, porcel B, The ßo~rd of County r.oMmissioncra requesting a lðnd use Paqft lA I - - - - - - _..:- - -- - - _...:...-. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -..- - -- -- ----------------------------------------~ 1.1 F~bruary 1~, 19A, amendment from Commercial to R08id~ntlol M~dium Denstty CO-~."" units per gross ~cr~) for approximat~ly ~., ðcr~s ~t the south~~st cornor of the intorB~ctlon of Airport Road and Col~en Cote ParkwllY. Terry Clarkt Yes, sir, this in P~rcel a of Lr-~2-~C, ~ request by the Board to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future tðnd Use r.lemont from c.omm~rcinl to R~8identinl Mcdtum Density 0-(,.22 units per gross acrr.. This is Itom R hcro with ^irport Rc~d bounded to tho west of the property anrl Golden Coate Parkw~y to th~ north. Thr property is ðpproximðt~ly 5.2 acres and it's the rp.commenda- tion of Staff ~nd tho Collier County plnnning ^gency that this recommendation bp. approved. ^ny questions from tho Board? Commissioner Piøtor? Chairman Wimer I Commissioner Plstorr Doesn't that plec~ of proporty bðck up on th~ urn, C"!itz pit? Terry Clarkr Yes, sir. Commissioner Pistorr To me, to havo th~ Geitz pit in b~ck of D resi- dential ðren Is not the best idea. Is that going to be, uh. it 'A not aolnq to b~ filled In, and of course the City doesn't use It ~s much for water right now, but it's sort of a s~fety factor. Chairman Wimer: Any other comments, Commissioner? Commissioner Pistorr No. We're ~ll entitled to our feelings and J think residential housinq or single family or multi-family overlooking lakes is very attrac- tivft, very desIrable nnrl commands very high prices In thr mark~tplac~ for dcsirahl1ity and we force developers to dig lakes In every rcsi- dentinl subdivision of any slzp. that we build, that is built here in Collier County. Commisslon~r Pistorr This thing iß much bigger than ð lake ðnd deepor. Cha i ,...ðn Wim~r: Chairman Wimerl I think it's beautiful, but that's ð personðl opinion. Commissioner Wonzoll I'll move to close the public hearing. PI'I q" t 9 ~OOK 067 rACi 494 -- - - -- - - - - - - - --- -- --- - - - - ----- -- - -- - - --...- ---------------------------------------- ~oo~ 067 PAcr:495 February 11;, 1982 Co~mi88ioncr Kruscl f,econd. Ch~irman Wimer, If no on~ is rcg18ter"~ to sp~~k, we hè'tvc n motion to close the public hoaring ðnd seconded. ^ny furthp.r discussion? Call for the qu~stion. "11 in favor? Co~missionr.r Wanzel! Aye. Commissioner Kruser Aye. Commissioner Pistorr Aye. Chairman Wlmert Aye. Oppose, same sign? Motion ~1I9SCS. Do we hnvR a recommendation or a motion for a recom- men~ðtion for St~ff approval? Commissioner Kruset So move. Chairman Wimer: Do we have a second? Commissioner Wenzel: I'll second to get 1~ on the floor. Chairman Wimerl We have ð motion and a second for IIpproval of StAff recomMcndation which is to ch~nq~ this from commcrcinl to residenti~l. Any furth~r discus- sion? Call for the question, all in favor? Co~missioncr Krusel Aye. Chairman Wimer! "yo. Oppose, same sign? Commissioner PIstor: No. r 'mmission~r Wenzel I No. My reason Is the ðensity ie too high. Chairman Wimerl Motion fa11~, 2 to 2, Item B, r'mains Commerci~l. Next item C, numbcr 1. prTITTO~ CP-P2-~C, PARCEL C, TH~ BOAPD OF COUNTY cn~MIR~ION~R~ RE0UESTTNG A LANn USE AMENn~ENT FR0M COMMERCIAL TO RESTD~NTr"L LO'/'J-MEDIlW DENSITY Fon APpnOXYMATELY 70 1\CRF.S 1\T THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE YNTET'!SECTJON OF ^ TRPORT ROAn 1\NO GntN~N GATE PARJ<'I\'¡W. - rENIED. Lcgnl notice having b~on published In the Nnples Daily News on Jðnu~ry 1~, 19R2, and corrected advertisement published on January ?O, 19A2, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, Pag8 20 .. -- - -- -- --- -- ._- -- -.------- --- - - -- ----- - - --- ---------------------------------------~ F~bru8ry 1~, l~~' public hoaring W~Ð opon~d to cona1~er p~t1tton Cp-~'-~r, pðrcpl C, Tho ßoard o~ Ct:lunty Commlssion~rs requesting 8 l~nd UBP. I'Imf!ndment from Comm~rical to Residentlðl Low-~edium Density (O-~ units per qro8s acre' for ðpproximately 70 acrQS nt the northwost cotner o~ ~he tn~~reection of Airport Ro~d and Colden Cote Parkway. Torry Clllrkl YeA, sir, Item C, PlIrcf'!1 C, of CP-f'l1.-!'C, Is a request by the ~oard of County Com~i8slonr.rs to ðm~nd th~ Co~pr~h~nglv~ Plnn from Comm~rci~l to Residential Low-~ndlum density wh~ch is 0-4 units per qross acre for ðpproxlmlltely 70 acres locl'ltcd ðt the northw~Rt corner of tho intersection of Airport Ro~d IInd Gold~n r.ðte Parkway. This Is tho prop~rty outlined here, excludlnq the yellow portion. ~tafr ðnd tho Collier County Plnnnlnq Agency lire recommending thnt the pðrcel remain Com~crcilll. The r,.~sons for this oro in ð~tempting to Identify the prp.sent ond projected growth in thia ar~a of the county. A pllrc~l of this size is ne~dcd in the futuro ll'lnd uge plðn. In addition, two medinn cuts 1Ind õecp.lerlltlon lðncs h~ve bc~n made on Airport Road to enter this prop~rty ðn~ ono similar medi~n cut with as~o~l~tod dpc~lerl'ltion l~nes IIlonq Golden G~te Parkway or Goodlette F.xtension. Chðirman Wimerl Any questions from thp BODrd? Commissioner Wenzel? Commissioner Wenznl: I hav~ one quention, who's r~qup.stinq the low density then from residential to residential 0-4. Is the owners rr.questing it? Terry Clllrkt No, thðt'ø the Board of County Commissionars. CommIssioner Wenzel I ~ecause on ðreð thðt hiq with units o-~ looks to be okay to me. All right. Okðy. Chairmon Wimer: ^ny furth~r questions from th& Boar~? ~r. Norm~n, do W& hðve any r~gistered Rp~akers? Mr. William Normðnt Mr. Longmire is rcgistorod. ~r. P.oss Lonqmlrer ~g~in, I would like to cðll on Mr. Vines to address this subject. Mr. Williðm Vincsr The subject 70 ðcros hos been identified by th~ P1tq" '1 MOK 067 PAcr:496 - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - --- -- - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - -.... _ _ _ _ _ _0_ _ __ ___ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __._ _ _ _ __ _ _ --J ~O~K 067 p^Ct497 Cha i rman \'iImer I ~r. Wllli~m Normðnt C.na l"mlm wimer t Mr. Vinest Chl!irmðn Wlmerr Mr. Vinesl Chili rmðn Wimer r Commissioner Wpnzclt Fehrullry ]1;, It:1A2 Compr~hcnBlv~ Plan for a lot of y~nr~ noW as II future commprcinl complcx or cðns~qu~ntln¡ &17.0. Th~ oWO('rs of thnt trnci.. "nù it 13 "n entire 8in~]y ðwn~~ trll~t, hnve hel~ it in und~v~)opcd ncrcn~e ~w~!tlnq th~ ~lm~ whp.n d~velopm~nt of the Burroun~inq markets ju~tifierl 1~itlntlon of comm~rcinl ð9velopm('nt. ThIs 81t~ rn~~tft the normal pl~nnin~ tests of Giza ðnd Jocntion, ~cccsnibl1lty for Ð lnrqe scale complex of non-resid~ntinl development ~nd 8S ~erry Clark indicat~d in connection with tha four-lðning work recently completed for Coldpn Gnte p~rkway and ^Irport Rond, access points to thp Inrqe trðct wp.re identified, the four-l"np. conRtructlon plans wer~ modified to incorporlltc npproprlate commer- ci3l entries 1Ind exits with the necesgary cross- overs, left turn 8tor~gp., right turn decr.lerntlon lanes, th~t work was nccomplishcd "0 " hiqhw~y construction oxtra at the fnstlqatlon of and exprnsr to the Innrtowners. ~r. timetahle for d~velopmpnt of thnt tract is not identifinð. It's still reqnrded ~n bp.lnq ~ prime np.llr city loclltion, awaiting the c~lendðr date when its initi"tlon of dr.vC'lopment for qu...l1ty scrvice commercial ðctivities related non-residential activities nre ðpproprinto, so the owners and thp.lr consultnnts concur with thp Staff and wtth the PI~nninq ^gcncy that l~^vlng that ðrc~ dp.signòted as Commcrcinl on the Comprehensivo PlAn is th~ ðpproprlate course of ~ction ðnd we ~o recomrnend. Thank you. Are thp.re any othor ~peðkera? No, 0 i r . Mr. vInes, can you identify one thing on that chart for me? Yes, sir. Th~ nrell in qrcen, I can't read it from here, north of this parcel C. That's th£' rolnci~nð Elementary ~chool. Okðy, thank you. That's the p.lementary school to the north. Thank you, air. commissioner Wenzel, II question? I have one question, Bill. St~y up there ~ pageo 2' _.- ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.. -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - __ - - - - __ - - - - - _._ - - - - - - - - - - - - _I. February lr., ]9A7 minuto. You don't w~nt to chnngo C, you w~nt to leave th1lt 70 ~crcs in comm~r~fnl ~nd y~~ ðC- cording to my rcsumc here, you don't hnvo ~ny opposition to 0, th~ small~r piec~ being m~de rcsidentiðl, T menn why would you....... Mr. Vines r D is juøt the reversc, CommisEll,:,!"~r Wonzel. Commissioner Wenzolt Oh, I soo, right, YCl\h. From Rcs1dent1l11 to Commercil\l, so In other words you wllnt to make th~ whole thing Commercial. Mr. Vinesr To expand and round out the cornhlncd C ~nd 0 pllrcr.lG Ip.~ving them shown ~s Commerclnl in the Comp PIDn I\nd %on~d ^grlculturnl nwaiting the time when it's appropril\te for deflnit.ivp de- velopm~nt plans to he prpp~r~d and 8ubmitt~d to the County for consideration of initl~1 develop- ment. Commissioner Wenzel I Who made tho recommend~tlon, that's what I, on changing it from rnsidentf,l to commercial on the little piece ~nd making the hlg piece from Commerci"l to Rcsidcntil\l. Is that the Staff or is that the ....... Mr. Vinesl The biq piece grew out of Commission dp.cision back during the COMp Pl~n And zoning orrlin~nc~ he~rings. The sm~ll piece in a requPGt initiated by the landowner. Commissioner Wenzpl: You're requesting thnt? Mr. Vines: Thl\t's correct. Com~!ssloner Wenzel: That's not St~ff recommendations. Mr. Vines: The ~t~ff recommen1pd in f1lvor hut the petition was Initi~ted by tho landowner. Commlssfon~r Wenzel r Yeah, Yeah, all right, th~t answers my question. Chairman WImert ~ny othcr queøtfons from the noðrd? CommIssioner Wenzelt T'll mov~ the he~ring be clo8fld, Mr. Chairman. Commiseioner PIRtorr Second. Chairman Wimert Wr have a motion and ~econd to clos~ tho h~arinq. Any further discussion? 1'11 colI (or the question. All in favor? COMD'lission~r Wnnzcls Aye. CO::lm1:¡aloncr PIstort Aye. Commlss1onf!r Krusct Aye. BOOK 067 PACt 498 PlIge " - - -..- - - - - - -- - -- - -... - - -- -..-- ---- ---- - -- --- - - - -... ._- --- ---- - - -- ----- ---.- --- -- -- ---- ------- February l~, 19~2 aOOK 057 PACt 499 Þ<.Yf". OppeR", ø...me niqn? ~10tion pAsses. To r.l,.~r up ~ny cðnfuBion'w~ "'ppr~r to h...vc, on this p~rccl t~n ~oard of County CO~~i~Bion~rs ...~keð thllt it ho Comp 1'1 an from CO"";," nidl to Ref\idcn- tinl. Th~ owner, potitioner 0; th~ owner, staff, nnd Commission, Pl~nning Commission slIirl no we would rather h...vc it Commercial. The decision Is to lr~v~ i~ commercial or to m...ke it thp. low denaity residential. Wrll, clarify one thing, Mr. Chairm...n, thpn thft ~t8ff recommends denying tho chango thpn ts that right? Cnlt i rman \ol1mor r Commissioner Wenzel I Th...t is ~orrect. Staft recommandntion is for deninl, to leavo it DS commercial. Do w~ have 8 motion for Staff rccommp.ndlltion? Chð i rm...n Wimer r Well, I'll mnke the motion for Staff recommenda- tion. Commissioner Wonzel: I'll sccond it. Commissioner pistort w~ hßv~ n motion and srcond for St~ff recommf"n- d~tion. ^ny furthftr discussion? I'll call for the question, all in favor? Chairman Wim(!r: Commissioner Wenzel: Aye. Commissioner Þistort Aye. Aye. commissioner Krusel Oppose, same sign? Aye. Next, item D. Ch ,. i r ~ a n Wi mer r PETITTON cp-n7-5C, P^~CEL D, THE COLLTER COUNTY PL^NN~NG DF.P"RT~ENT RE('UrSTIt:G A LMm USE /\t'ENn~ENT FR("1M Rf.f>IDfNTIflL lOW-MEDIUM Df.NSITY TO COMMf.RCT^L FOR "ppnOXTMATELY lr. ACRf.f, LOC^TED APPROXTMATELY 2000 FEET WEST Of ^TRP0nT n0AD AND NORTH OF GOLDfN CAT~ PARKWAY. - ADOPT~D. Legal notice h^ving been publi6hed in thp. Naples Daily News on Janudry 15, 19A1, ðS ~vidpnccd by ^ffirlðvit of Public^tion tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider ~tition CP-R2-~C, Parcel D, Th~ Collier County Planning Depðrtment requcAtlnq a Illnd us~ amendment from Residential Low-M~dium D~n8ity (O-~ units per qross pagn '4 r . ,- -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - --- ---------------------------------------- Ft"bruary If;, 19P~ acre) to Commercll1l for approximately 10 ð~rfta located appro~lmðte]y 2000 fe~t west of Airport Road, north ot Colð~n CðtP. Parkwny in ~ection 2", T49S, R25F.. Terry CIðrk r YfHI, sir, this Is Itom D, pet1tic:..n (,P-f'~-~C. As stated earlier, this requ~st W~8 initl~t~d by tha property ownrr. Staff r~view~d this in consid- eration of the tot1l1 three parcels which exlstpd as Commorci~l ~t tho time. ~tllff nnd the" PI~n- nlnq ^qency rocommend th~t P~rcel 0 which is IIpproxim~tely 10 ~crps, thl5 y~]low par~el, be amended from Rosidential Low-~ndlum dp.nsity to Commrrci1ll. Tn Its rp.commen~~tton, in our reco~mp.nrlation we r~vlrwnrl this entire p~rcel, thlo entire nrea of th~ County. Our first two recommendations for ^ and A were for removal and therefore, that's tho background for ðmcndinq tho Camp Plan from R~sldontlal to Commercial for pðrc~l D. Thank you. ~ay I ask ~r. Virta bp.fore we con- tinue with othcr speakerR, Mr. Virta, is your rp.commrn~ntioh, tho St~ff recommcn~ation, st~y the s~me in Jight of the Aonrd's action on the othcr pðrc~ls. The commercial was not removed from itom pðrc~l B, 50 that is still commercial there now. Th~ landowner h~d rcqur~ted that tho commcrci~l be removod from parcel ^ and B ðnd exchange for th~t, add the commercial ovcr In itp.m D, that has not hðpp~ned ðt this point In time. Chðirman Wlmerr Mr. Terry Virta: That's right, our recommcnd~tlon was h^sic~1Iy the rr.mov~l on, 0', those two p1eccs with the addition on the other sidp it had ð bðlAnclnq effoct. ~t 2p.roed out.. At thi5 point, It doesn't 2ero out And I hate to qivp. you 1In off the top of head, my hp.ad ra~ction to it, hut our recommpnd~tion w~s, the principle rCAson for our supporting this petition WIIS th~ fAct that thosp. lAnd uses, ^s~uminq those lAnd us~s on the other side would be removed. Cha i rman Wimer I I think probAhly th~ h~st. thlnq that could happen 1s that In light of th~ ðction of the Roðrd that. this Item jUGt si~ply, ðt this time be withdrnwn, but we'll move ahcad. Any r~gist~rcd spe~kers? Mr. Willlðm Normanl Mr. Longmire. PðCJe '5 &OCK 061 PAC~ 500 -- -------- -- - -- _. --_._- _.- ---------- ------------ - ---~-- MOK 067 PACt' 501 ~r. ~oss Lonqmirel Mr. Wl11l~m Vlneßt P'ebrunry 1~, 19A2 For t:H' record, mi' n~:;¡(J 1~ l1oc;~ f,on,,!1'/I1r" I\n" t rp.pr~~rnt the f.proul Trust.. A~ ~r. Virtð indl- c~t~~, It. w~s thr ownrrs intention thnt ^ I\nd 0 ComMer~i~l he r£'l'/Iovrr! ~nð ~~~e~ to C d09Iqn1ltp.d D . At t his t i m I), I wo u 1 d II r" t: 0 C ð] 1 on ,., r . Vine~ to nddrAÐs this lt~m. ~o8t of what I would norm~lly Ray hns alr~ady bern s~id, Mr. Ch~irm~n. WI' concur and r f~lt stronqly thl\t commorcl~l dcvrlopment of those A ðnd B pnrcrls w~s renlly not npproprl~te. They'ro too ßm~ll, they'r~ loc~t£'d In corners that h~vr the prosp~ct of intorfcrrin~ with smooth flow of trnffic through that importnnt interspction ~nd thoro wouldn't hp. ~n opportunity to have nccoss drives on Colden G~tc P~rkwny far enouqh Ol\st of thp intrrsp.ctlon tor good traffic flow and the p~rccl A, oncp it was or w~ assumed it would be chnnqed to R~sl~p.ntinl would simply be add~d to tha much larqrr residontially Bhown trnct which lies p.nst ðnd Routh of it and sur- rounds the Geitz pit. Actual phy£ic~l develop- ment thnt occurs on p1lrccl R would prohnbly be relðtivcly minor in the context of the largor tr~ct b~C8Uge as ComMissioner Wenzel noted it'~ not the primp-st location for residential devol- opmcnt, but it docs have R roll ns a part of the over~ll land are.., th~t surround~ thnt now very =~~r~=tiv~ w~t~r ho~y. Th~ ..,ddition of the tract of commercial ~n!ð, Tr<'lct D to C, rloes as Mr. Vlrta lndl~~te ~~l<'lncp. out in Dcre1lqe ^pproxl- mat,.ly, the A ^nd B DCrp.nge. As ^ pr~ctical m~tt~r, it dopsn't do thnt hec~usp. Much of thp. southerly portiòn of 0 ia a larqe cyprcss head which Is qoinq to h~ve to he le[~ ~lonp., so it won't be commercial development por se, but it just s~em~d to b~ a rcqulnr rising line thðt loqicnlly finishos off the shape of that C pðrcel 8nd ð lorge part of our rationale w~s DB Mr. Virt^ indicðtcd stmply 8 swðppinq of the acreage from the A and~. Now th~t you've takon thr. action you di~ on ~, I'm not sure where we IIr~. The land is qoinq to remain v~c~nt for n period of tim~, perhaps we c<'ln look at it ßqain when definitive plans como 1n, you know, It's that kind of thing. We're not t^lking ðbout lAnd development h~re todßY, we'rr talkinq about arranging the Comprehensive rlðn in a 10glcðl mnnncr tor some lonq term land development in n Ul"nce. PðgO 21\ . - -- - -- - -- - - -~- - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,...-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - .. Febru~ry l~, 19R2 ~ummis8ioner Wenzp.lr I have a question. Chairman Wimor. I'm glad to SÐe thnt you'r~ as confused over it ð8 I am then. Comm'Asloner Wenzel? Commissioner W,.nzelt P.ill, T hllve one question. On" ~nð B, thr.rp., uh, you've got an Intrrsection of two four lðne highw,'YR. Who tho hcll "'ould want to livl't on the intersection of ð four lane hlqhw~y, wouldn't that b~ an exc~llcnt placr. for office bulldinqs, doctor's offices, or ðnything eI8~? Mr. William Vines. It could be. W~ would prcfnr though, uh, to, to ~Ðkn those office buildings If thðt'R what was going to occur thcrr. ~nd incorporate them in that larger complox th~t will occur in the orca ldentlfi~d ~s C Dnd D ~nd let those A and A parcels simply ho tho cornrr pieces of large tracts of land that l1~ in th~ northoðst ~nd southeast corners of ·h~t intorsection, ~nd as I indic~t~, in Rll probabilIty what's go1nq to be physic~lly dovrloprd on ^ ðnd B is a lot of landscnping ~nd buffering and Cornp.r cntr~nce ~ctivities. Dear in mind, that these trRcts that have ^ tot~l ~cr~~qe of qO prrhaps nre a part of a lðnd holding of three 8pctions, Section 24, 25 and ,~ thnt h~vr now heen reduced by t~~ ~lcm~n- tary school, the polncinna Elementary School and the Bear's Paw d~vclopm~nt, hut the rpmain~er of those three sactions are in tact and this repre- sents about 4% of that tot~l Rrea ~nd we simply in the course of our discussions with Stoff cam~ to agree thnt th~ little Sp~Ciðlty qolf coursc side commerci31 complex in tho Bouthwpst corner and tho l~rqc rr.qional serv1nq mix of comm~rciðl ðctivitip.s in the northwest cornr.r reprcs~nted tho best 10cðtlons for comm~rclðl dev('lopment. Thoro's a furth~r complic~t10n for commercl~l development on the ^ ~nd A sitrs, in thnt they are sep~rðted from ^irport Roed by that grcat big cðnal rr.crntly been widened, ~nd so, you hðve tho combined prohlem of grtting ~ccess dr1vos fllr ~nouqh ~w~y from thr 1nt~rBPctlon ~nrl cro~5inq thr can~l and ðll sorts of thinqs, we just would rðther movo ðll of th~t to the northwrnt corn~r, we don't have those problems. Commissionp.r Wonzelr Well, if you own thp Burrounrl1nq lan~ of ^ and ~, why don't you incorporate it then in with thA whole pack"CJc? pnqe 27 &OOK 067 fACt 502 - -- - -- -- ----- -- ---- - --~-- ---.------- - ------ -------_. -..--... ~OCK 067 PACi503 F~bru~ry l~, I~A2 - - -- - -- -. - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - ... - .-----------------.. Mr. Willi~M Vln~sl Would do. Would ~~. Th~t'~ wh~t wP'r~ propo9in~ to do. Th~ Ðurroun~in, InndR ~lrp~dy ~hown hð~ low ~p.nRity rcstððntiðl. Wo'r~ simply proposing th~t ~ ~nd ~ m~dc a part of thllt. Commissioner Wenzalt W~ll, it wasn't stated th~t way. Mr. William Vines: Well, pcrh~p5 tho, porh^ps the inf.orm~tion in your p~ckðqc didn't clnrify tho mnttp.r, hut that i~ the fnct. Those A ðnd B pðrcrls ðro small pieces of l~rqe ownerships. Chairman Wimer: Thank you, Mr. Vines. Commissioner Wenzel r rf there's no one to speak, I'll rnovo to clos8 the hendng. Choirman Wimer: We hnvÐ a motion to close the hearing. COMmissioner W~nzel: So move. Commissioner pistorr Second. Cha i rml'ln Wimer r Moved n~d g~con~ to closp th~ hparlnq. ~ny further discussion? Call for the question. All in favor? Commissionor Wenzel: Aye. Commissioner Pistor: Aye. Commissioner Kruso, ^ye. Cho11rm...'" Wimerr ^ye. Oppose, B~~e sign? ~otion passps. What's the pI ensure of the Boðrd? Commissioner Pistorr T move we ar.ccpt the St~ff recommenð~tion and approve the petition CP-B2-5C. CommisRioner Wenzclr pa rcel D, now. Chl'lirman Wimcrt Riqht. Commlssionor Plstort Parcel D. Commissionar Wenzelt I'll socond thr. motion. Chairman Wimer: W~ hove ð motion and second to approve the Stnff recommendation. Mr. Vlrta, would you, r ~on't think St~ff r~comm~ndlltion Is In ordcr or In t~ct. Could you ch~nge your motion? pnge 'R ,'- - - _.- - ---- -- --- - -- - ------,- --- -...------- ---- ---,.._, ------------------------------------------ . FC'brulIry ] 1';, 1011' Commissioner Pistorr All right, then I'll changn it. Ch^irm3n Wimer. ~r. Virtn, what would br. tho Staff recommond~- tlon. Commissionp.r Piøtor: The Planning Ag~ncy recommcnð~·ton. Mr. Terry Virta: ^gain, you know, you'ro calling tor a recommen- d~tion off the top of my h~nd and I quesH tho bottom line of whðt I would have to recommend nt this point due the ~ction on Par~el B Is that that ðre~ be reduced ~ccordin~ly. To reduce P~rcel B to five ~cres. Mr. Willillm Normlln: Wouldn't it be appropriate, ~r. Virta, to ask that the BODrd reconsider its action on Ttem n. Commissincr W~nzel. Thllt would bf' kind of foo] iah wouldn't it. I mean you got commercilll, your'ro leaving C commercial and why thAt part of D r~sidpntial ~nd pllrt commercial, it do~sn't mnke sense. Mr. Torry Virtar Well, ðg~in you've qot lnnds to the cast and to the west rather and lands to the north thAt lire also reBld~nti~l, so its not thðt it would bp cut off and isolated. Commissioner Wonzelt No, but your're qoinq to mnko a cut in there and it's kind of foolish. Chairman Wimer. Commissioner Kruse? Commissioner Kruse: Refresh my mpmory. How larqc is parcel ^? PlIrcel A is approximately five acres. Mr. Terry Virta, Commissioner Wenzel: Five acres each, lIround five. Mr. Terry Virta. Parcel B is npproximately five acres. Chairman Wlmerr Mr. Vlrta, rlo you prefer to qo lIh~lId with thia at this point in time, or would it be bettor to remove this petition IInd go at it ~gllin? Mr. Torry Vlrtll: If the ~ollrd would be willing to rp.considpr their actton on pnrcel B, that..... Chllirmlln Wlmp.rr Well, we have this motion on the floor for Staff recomm~ndntion. Staff rccomm~nd~tion is th~t half of D, do you wi~h to withdraw that? pnqe ,q BOO~ 067 PACt 504 - - - -- -.. - - -- - --'- -- --- - - - -- - --- --.- -- - ------'- --- - - --- · - -- --. .-. --------------------------------------~ &Oc~ 067 PAc¿505 F~brullry 1", 19'" COMm{s~ion~r P1Rtorl W~ll, I chðn~n the Motion with the rc~ommenððtlon thnt th~ r.ounty Plnnninq ~g~ncy is ono, but q~~ff is....... Commls8ion~r Wenzel: Well, lnt's ~sk th~ ~ppllc~nt, John. Would you w~nt to holrl up on D and 8 ðnd rnconaidcr? I would lik~ to, with thr Ro~r~'s permission, recoqni7,o Mr. Lðmðr Gðhle, hp.'s bran tryinq to o~y som~thing. ~r. Gðbl~, would you pleðso como to th~ microphone. Mr. G~blc's princip~l and property, nnd I'm sorry I should hnve recognized him c~rller, he's II member of the Collier County School Po" rd. Chn I rmðn Wimflr I Mr. Lðmðr dnble: Th~nk you. ~y nnme is L~mðr C~ble. r represent the Sproul Trust int~r~st. EBsically what we wern lookinq for with r£'sp~ct to ^, A, WðS to m~ke thosp two pðrc~ls residential nnd to trans- fer whnt is prpsr.ntly on the conprehensive plan as commerclnl ovrr to thp Parcel D, as Mr. Vincs mentions much of D Is cyprecs ðnd lower ðre~s of the south~rly portion, prob~hly wouldn't be developed ~s comm,.rcial, but bðslcally, our thouqht WðS t~,t the quit per quo with re~pect to ^ ~nd B W~G nimply to move it over to D and the votn on P clouds the i~gur, so if I hðd my drothcrs T would rather hnvr you rescind the Dctions th~t you took on Blind movp. It over to resld~ntl~l ðnd move the, on the Plnnning ~qcncy's rccommendntton, thp- P18nning Aqency has rccommnnd~d ðctions with respect to A, ß, C, & D. which we c~ncur with and we f~ol It's ðn ~ppro- printp. w~y for us to go. F.ss~nti~lly, ~hat we'ro tryinq to do Is to p1aco ~ll of the comm~rciðl for those three squ~rc mil~s th~t w~ hðppnn to own th"re into two pods. nn~ on the south side of Gold('n C~to P~rkw~y, contiguous to R~ðr's Paw and ð larger parcel wh~re the exlntinq farm field is imm~dintely south of Poinciðn~ Elementary School, no as to Avoid having ~trips up and down Airport no~d and Golden Gnt~ pðrkwðy. W~ feel its ð morc êlppropri~tn mix. , \lIe feel that 4\ of our holdlnqs in that ðr~a 10 ~ modest rp.qu~st with rospect to commcrciðl. We don't h~vo definitivo pl~ns nt this mompnt, but we feel that as th~ basis of ð Comprehp.nslve Pl"n th~t we hllvo to look to tho futurc ðnd 50 our bnslc pl~nning h~s bc~n to utilize whnt is presp.ntly C ðnd D ðS Commcrci~l. We hove, ð8 thosp of you who travel up and down Airport Road know, ðlready expanded Page ~o .- -- - - ---- -- ------ - - - - -------------- -------------- F~bruary 1", )Qn1. conBld~rðhlft doll~rs with Mr. Bnrksdnle'o pftopl~ in putting In d~c~l lðnvs IIn~ mnking it ~ppro- priðte for comm~rcilll dovplopment. Chð i rman Wimf!r t Thðnk you. CommissionÐr Wenzel? Commissioner Wenzel I On the land surrounding A 81." fI which your group owns, what is that zoned now? Mr. Lam~r Cambler Thðt ts zoned Agriculture. It's f~rm~d ðt th~ pr~sent time. The parcel on ^ Is farmed, tho pðrcel on B........... Commissionnr Wenzel I You wouldn't w~nt to put ^ ðnd fI b~ck to ^grl- culture and thrn when you go ðhpðd with your whole devp.lopment and then come in with complnte plðns. Mr. ~mar Cambler With respoct, It Is ^gricultur~ tod~y. W~'rc talking with respect to the Compr~henstvp. Plðn. As f~r ðS we're concerned, the Camp Plnn would he improv.d by us o)imin~tinq tho ~omm~r~lnl ~oalg- nation on A and B and putting It bnck into Re8idcnti~l. ' Commissioner Wenzel: In other words, A IInd e are not going to be developed individually, it will be dp.veloped as port of the tr~ct. Mr. Lðmllr ClImblol Yes, sir, ðbsolutcly. CommissionGr Wonzell Th~t'5 wh~t T thouqht. Somoonp. WllS qoing to como in and develop it individually. Mr. Lamar Camble: No, sir. Our idoa would he to land plan the entire lIreð. Chðirman Wimerl Commissioner Pistor? Commissioner Pistort Would you be willing to only go to modium to low 0-4 units on those parcels instead of O-~.' acres? Mr. ~m~r G~mblel Whatever the contiquous Comp Plan design~tlon Is on density would be fine with us. I'm not sure if that's 0-4 or 0-6. Commi8slon~r W~nzel I You'll prob~bly chnngp. it anywny wh('n you go ðhead with your overnll plan. r'11 mllkp. II motion to reconsider B, and IIpprove it to O-ß units pp.r acre. . , p'''J~ '1 BOOK 067 fACe f1)ô -- -" - - - - -.- - - - -.- -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - -- -...- - _... &OO~ 067 PACt 507 P'ebruary l~, IQR' _.-. -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - .__ - - - __ __ - 0_.. Chairman Wimrrr W0're In a public hp.~rlng on one ttp.m, rlqht novo Comr:daGiont":" I\'::nz('l: T 1:now, but I z."IY, :: c':o thl'lt na Goon as ....0 qat throuqh with this on~. Chc't i rmðn Wim~r r Okðy. Mr. LlIm~r C3mble: i'h,'nk you. Chnirmnn Wimorl Am I to ~ssume that the previous motion Is wlthdrnwn ~t thts point or how do you want to wish to rostate or make a motton? Commissioner Piotorr T'll withdraw the motton. Commissioner W~nzoll Well, while we'r~ on D, then I'll make c't motion that we approve the recommendation of D,to Commercial. Commissioner Pistorl r'll soconð It. Chc1irmnn Wimerl Th~ motion is on Pðrcel n to chðnqe it from Residential to Commerclnl, Period. We have a motion and a ~p~onrt, nny further dis~~1slon? t'll call for the question. All In favor? Commissioner Wenzel: A yo . Commissioner Pistorl Aye. CommissionfH Kruso: Aye. Chi'lirman Wimer: Opposp., sðme sign? Aye. Item 8? Commissioner Wenzelr All right, I'll mllke ð motion, Mr. Chairman, that we rcconsid£'r Ytr.m e ðnd 1']1 make ð motion that we approve the .... Chairmi'ln Wlmp.r: Well, we need ð motion for reconsiderntion. CommissIoner Wenzelt All right, motion to reconsider Item ß. Commissioner Pistorr Second. Ch~irmðn Wimerr ~otion c'tnd soconrt to reconslðcr Item Ð. Any further discussion? r'll cal] for the question. All in favor? P"gr. :"2 .---------- ---------------------------- - --- - ----- - ---- -- ----- - -.- - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- rebru~ry Jr., lQR~ Commisslonftr Wonzolr Aye. Com~i8s10ner Plstorr ^yr.. Commissioner ~rusor Ayo. Chðlrmlln Wlmerr Aye. Oppose, sl'Imr. slqn? ~Q(~nn passes, we arc recnnsider ing Itom B. Commlsßloner Wenz~lr "11 right, T'll mðk~ a motion thðt wo ðpprov~ Item B (rorn Commercial to Rrsidential Low D~nslty o-~ Units to the ~cro, which is npproxlmately 5.7- ðcres. CommissIoner Pistor% I'll second that motion. ChaIrman Wimcr% We have II motion <'Inrl sc~ond. Mr. Virta? Mr. Torry Vlrto% Mr., Chairman, the surrounðlng lands Dr~ all shown presently liS O-~.2. Tf th~ motion DS Rt~t~d is approved, we'll wlnð up with....... All right, yell chc'lnge the motion to make it 0-6.2, T mean the whole thing is going to ~e changed ~nyw",y when they rp.develop it. Commissioner Wenzelr Commissioner Pistor% rill second ~r. Wenzel's motion. Cnairman will'lcr: Wo hc'lvc a motion ~nd a second to ch~nqp. this froM Comll'lcrlcnl to Residentl~l ~.2/. units pr.r ",cre. Any furth~r discussions? I'll cðll for the question. All In favor? Commisaioner Wenzel: Ayo. C~mmissioner Plator: AYf!. Commissioner Kruse% Aye. Cha!rmðn Wimer: Ayo. 0PPosp., same sign? ~ot{on passes un<'lni- mously. We are up to Item H. r,'qe '3 &oa~ 067 PACt 508 --- - -- - -- - --- - - ----- -- - - - ---- --- - -...-- - -- - --......,"',-_.~~..." -~"-"",-....., BOOK 067 fACt 609 February 1", 1?R2 - -- -_. - - -- - - - -- -- - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~y tho ~bov~ nctions of the 80nrd, th~ Ordinnncn ~ft numhpr~d ~nd entitl~d h~low wns n~optcð and cntcr~d into nròlnðncn Rook No. 1~1 ORDTNANCE NO. C2-1~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORnrN^NC~ 7Q-1" THE COMPRE- HEN~rVE PLAN FeR COLLTFR COUNTY, FLORr~^, BY ^~ENDING THE WORK ~TUDY ^nf,A MAP 01 FROM CO~MERCI^L TO RESI~ENTT^~ ~EDTUM DENSITY (0-r..2' UNITS PER Gnn~s ACRE) AND FRnM RESIDENTTAL LOW-MEDTU~ nENSITY ("-4 lINITS PEP GROSS "CRE) TO CO,...MF.nrCAL ON TilE FOLLOWING nEscnT8ED PROPERTY~ 11 PORTION OF ~ECTTON 2r., T~~NSHIP ~g SOUTH, RANGE 25 F^ST, AND A PORTION OF ~ECTTCN ,~, TOWNSHIP ..,q ROUTP, ~ANC;E '5 E^ST, MORE PARTTCUL^RLY DESCRIRED HEREIN, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE D^TE. PRf.SENT^TION OF AWARD TO CHTEF VINCENT ODERn OF THE OCHOPEF. FIRE DTSTRICT FOR ~ YEARS OF SERVICE. ChId rmlln ~t1mer prcsented a serv~ce award to Vincent Doerr, Chief of tho Ochopeo Fire District for 5 continuous ypars of excellent meritori~l service. The Aoard express~d their thanks for doing an excellent job for Collier County. RESOLUTION E!'-2~ Rf. rf.TTTTON f'DPO-P.2-V-1 BY MlIRCO BF.VER1IGES, TNC. Rr(l1Jp.STTNG APPROVAL OF A VARJM1CF. FROM TIlE MINIMUM BASE FLOnn ELEVATION Rf.ÇUIRf.D PY TilE FLOOD D^MAGf. PRF.Vr.NTrON ORDTN^Nr.E ON PROPERTY DESCRT~ED 1I,S LOT', BLOCK 777, UNIT /I, ~ARCO AF.flCH ;'UT\DTVrSTON. If\OPTF.D. Leg~l notice havinq h~p.n published in the Naples D~ily News on Jðnuary 11, 19A2, and the M~rco Tsland Eðqle on February 4, 19R2, as evidenc~d by Affld~vlts of Pub1ic~tlon flJed with ~ho Clerk, public hearing WðS opened to consider Petition FDPO-R2-V-l by Marco Beverðg~s, Inc. r~qu~sting ðpproval of ð v~riance from the minimum hose flood clevation required by the Flood Oamaqe Prevention Ordinance on property Page :U - -- -- -.. -- - -- - - -- - - - --- -- -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - ---- _._'" ---------------------------------------- r~hru~ry ]~, 19R2 ~e8crlbÐd as Lot 2, Block 777, Unit 4, Mnrco DC8ch ~ubrltvlalon. ~r. Tom McDðniel, P1ann~r, 8tat~d th~t ~1Irco Bev~ragÐs Tncorpor- ated on Marco Iø]and is asking for II S' variance to build an addition to an ('x1sting building which Is 2400 square feet. n~ reported that if tho addition woro to be less than 1200 squ.1re feot there would not be the roquircrl variance procedure involved adding th~t, how~var, the addition is 1400 square feet. He st~ted that Marco Bever~gp.s has ðgrced to elevate the restrooms and office fncilities within tha building, ðdding that Staff is recommendIng approval. There being no dIscussIon, Commiasionp.r Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that the public hCðrtnq be closp~. Commissioner pistor moved, s~conded by CommIssioner Wenzol and carried 4/0, that Resolution R2-25 re Petition FDPO-P?-V-], by ~ð{CO Dcvcr~gcs, Tnc. requesting ðppr~v~l of a variance (rom the minimum base flood elevation required by the Flood Domage Prevention Ordinance on property described as ~ot 2, Block 777, Unit 4, Marco Belich Subdivision be adopted. P.,qo '5 BOD~ 067 PACt 510 - - - - -- -------------- --- ----- -- ----------- ---- " . -""-"--'-"~'~"-"-~'--"-""" BOO~ 067 fACt 513 Februðry l~, 190' ..- -_.. - . - -- - ---------------------------------- **~**.. RCC~S8 10lJO A.~. - R~conv~n~d 10,17 ^.~. ~t which time Ðp.puty Clork ~vi~Ðon r~pl~c~ð Deputy Cl~rk ~~nyon. ~..**.. EMERCENCY DECLAR~D AND ORDINANCE NO. ~'-17, "~ LnCATr~N OF MantLE HO~E~ OR TR1\VEt. TRArLF:n~ TN A\lHCULTURE rHSTRTCTf- WITI1TN CO"STA~ "REA PLÞ,NNruC. Dlf,Tn Tí.T - ADOPTf.P Following a brl~f ~Kplðn~tion by Community Development ~dministrator Terry Virtll, regarding the n~ed for consldertng thQ adoption of ~n emcrgrncy ordinance in order to P8t~bllßh r~qulrement8 for the location of mobile homes and travel trailers in ^griculture districts within tho COðstal Area Pl~nning District. as was requested by Commissioner Kruse, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commisaioner Wenzel ~nd carried 4/0, that a state of emergency be dccl/'lred. Noting that th~ provisions of t~e proposed ~~ergpncy ordinðnce /'Ire identical to those of the pr~vious Zoning Ordinance (7G-30) prior to the IIdoption of the present Zoning Ordinance (P2-2), with the exception of a reduction in acreaqr. requirements from 10 to 5 ûcrc~ for u~c o! e mobile hom~ or trniler in connection with the agricultural usos for no longer than three yeors or for the duration of a building permit when used in associntion with ~he construction of a pørman~nt residenco on agriculture lands, Mr. Virta recommended ð~option of the proposed emergency ordin~nce. Commissioner Kruse rnov~d, scconded by Commissioner Wcnzel and cnrried ~/O, thðt the nm~rqency ordinanco a9 numbered and entitled below bo ~doptcd ðnd enter~d into Ordln~nce Pook No. 14. ORDINANCE A2-J7 Mol f.MERGF.NCY ORDINANCE F.f,TAALTSHINC RF.('IUTRfMENTS FOR LOCATION OF MOBILE H~MER OR TR^VF.L TRAILER5 IN A-I AND 11-'), DIfiTRICT5 \HTJ1JN TilE í.OART^L AREA PLANNINr. DISTRICT, AND BY PROVTPING FOR AN F.FFECTIVE D^TE Pllq It ,,, .- - - --- - - - - - - --. - - --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -...~_.."--,~~..,,, -.---------------------------------------. February I", 10'" EMERGENCY DECLARED ^NO ORDtNANCE NO. A2-18 Rt L~CATION OF Rr.r.nr.A- TtONAL/CCMMERCtAL VEIIICLP.5 WnlnN COMiTAL AREA PL^NNJNG DtSTRIC7 _ ADOPTED Following a brief ~xplðnatlon hy Community novolopment Administrator Terry Virta, regarding the necrt (or con!:~eration of ðn emerg~ncy ordlnanc~ that will adopt appropri^te requirnments tor the location of recreational and commercial vehicles within certain roøidential ðreas ot the Co~stal Aroa Plðnnlng ~J8t.rict, as was requested by Chalrmnn ~lmer, Commissioner W~nzel moved, s~conded by Commission~r Pistor anrt cðrried 4/0, that a 8tat~ of emerg~ncy be declared. ~r. Vlrta explained that the prcsent r~gulation9 for the lo~ation of recreational ðnd commercii'll v~hicle8 wcre rccommended by the tAPC and hft added that it is staff's rncommor1ation that tho Aoard adopt an emergency ordinance, whorein the requirements for the location of these kinds of vehJcles in rcsirtenti~l arp.8S ðr~ mor~ approprilltc for the Coastal Area Planning ðr~a. In response to Commissioner Kruse, Mr. Virta clnrified thc fact that the proposed requirement~ would not be applicable in the EstatoR area. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0, thðt the Ordin~nce as numbcred and Antitl~d below b~ adopted and entcred into Ordinance ~ook No. 14. ORDINANCE 82-18 AN F.MF.RGENCY OROTN^NCr. F.!'iTA~Lt511ING PE0U!RF:MF:NTB FOR LOC^TION OF RECRF:AT!ONAL AND COMMEPCIAL VEHTCLES WITHTN CERTAIN ARF,^S ~F TilE COASTAL ARF:A PLANNING DISTRICT, AND BY PROV!DING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATP. Page '7 BOOK 06 7 fACt 514 ------- -- ------- ----- ----....- - - --- ------ ------ &OOK 06 r¡ fACt 51S Fnbrullry l~, 19A2 --- -- -- ----------- ----- - - -.--- ----- --- --- -- -_. TEMPORARY nr.~TDr.NCE pr.nMTT RE pr.TrTT~N Tn-"'-2C, WTLLI~M A. & LINDA ß. PETnUZZT (COLDEN nATE E~TATr.~) - APrnovr.D Commissioner Wenzel moved, ncconded by Commtssioner PIstor and ,carried 4/0, that a T~mpor~ry Resldenco Permit re re~{~lon TR-82-2C, filed by William ^. & Lindð S. Potryzzl, for utilization ot ~ travel trniler during thn construction of ð principle residence on Untt I), Tract 110, Golden Gnte Estates, be approved, subject to the petitioner receiving ð building permit. RESOLUTION P2-2~, CONFIRMING VARIOUS STREET NAMF.S IN OUAIL ROOST SUBDIVISION - ADOPTP.D Upon h~arlng Pl~nn~r Lee Kirchhoff roport th~t there are no duplicate nor similar sounding street names vn record, Commissioner Wenzel moved, second~d by COMmisnion~r Pistor and carried ~/O, that Resolu~lon 82-2~, confirming tho followtng street names, located In Section 11, T~lS, R2~E, Quail Roost Subdivision, be adoptedr Roost ROlld Covey Lðne Eagle Road Gambols \<.'lJY Grouse Road Loon Lltne Peðcock ROðd Falcon Way Grosbe~k Lane Woodpecker Rc.ad NuthlJtch Way Ch i Ckðd ee Road pagn 38 ,---------------------------------------- ..~.-._-,' ,.--,..," --- -------------.------- ---- l'Hn"u,wry r,;-, l~ T£~POR^RV RESIDENCY. PER~TT Rt PF.TTTION TR-P'-1~, JO~E J. CON7.ALE1., (COLnr.N GATE E~T"Tr.5) - "PPROVp.n Co~iaslonÐr Wenzel moved, seconded by Commtssioner Pistor and cllrrio<'l 4/0, thl'lt a Temporl'.lry Residence perr.t1t :-'" petition TR-P'--'C, filed by JODe J. Gonzalez, for utilization of a travel trailer during construction of a principle resiðencr. on th~ North ISO' of Tract lIP, Unit 12, Goldon Cate Estatos, be approved. STATUS REPORT RE ~EnEP^LLV DE5IGN^TP.O. UNOr.VELOpr.n COA5TAL PAPRtERS IN COLLIER COUNTY AND THEIR RE~^TIOHSItIP TO TilE Nf.W NATION"~ FLOOD IN5UR^NCr. POLICY - ^CCEPTED ^~ PREf-ENTr.O ßY COUNTY r.NVrRON~ENTALIST County Environmentalist Mark Benedict reforr~d to a map outlininq the fedcrally ð~8iqnated, undevelop~d coastal b~rrip.rß in Collier County, includIng the Cape Romðno and Kr.cwaydin units. An outlined the rellltionshlp of these barrier units to the now Nlltional Flood Insurðn~o I·olicy, c'lccordinq to Section l~21 of the National Flood Insurance Act, ðR ðppr.ndcd by the Omnibus Budget R~concili~tion Act of }qRl, wherein . it is stipulated that no now flood insurance coverage wtll be provided on or after Octobl!'r 1, lqA', for IIny new construction or 8ubstDntial ~mt\rovements located on the barriers which hl'lvø br.on so de8iqn~tcd by the Secretl'lry of Interior. Dr. Benedict stilted staff has reviewed tho Illt~st ml'lterillls thllt were forwardod to Chairman Wimer regar<'ling th~ designl'ltcd coastAl ùarrlor u~its 1Ind found no inconsistencies, thor~for~. It Is his recommendation that, unlcss the Roard ha. any further comments or questions, no furth~r action hI'! tðken. fit!' further I!xplaln"d that the Frdorftl Flood Inaurðnce presently ^vllil~hlp. for the f,.w structur~ø thðt P"'C'Jf1 ,q ~OOK 06 7 PACé 520 - ----------- - -- --- - -- -- --- -_._- - -- -- -- - - -- -- ----~,~,~""".", .. -----. --. -- - --- - -- --...-- - - - -.- - - - - -- -. - - - - - - - - -- ~oo~ 067 PACt 521 r.,brul'lry Ifli, 191" ~ro on th~ sub1ect hnrrior units will not be ðtt~ct~~ until October 1, 19R1. In rr.~pon3~ to Commission~r Krus~, Dr. Benedict explðtnp~ ~hll~ these r~gulotlon9 only ~pply to r~derðl floo~ Tnsurønce an~ wtll not affect th~ tssu8ncn of buildinq permits for construct~0n on tho 8ubj~ct barrier units. Community Dev~lopmpnt ^dmtnistrntor Terry vtrta Added that, b~cðusP of the unavailability of floo~ insurance, it ts prob~ble that thoro wo~ld be no finnnctng ðVðll~ble for construction on the constal barrier units, howp.ver, he concurred that thin would not preclude the issunnce of building permits. It wan the consensus of the ~oðrd thðt no furthor nction be tnken at this time and Commissioner wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and cnrrled 4/0, that Dr. Benedict's rpport he ðcc~pted. Chðlrmlln Wi~cr thanked Dr. Benedict for a most compr~henstve report. DR^FT~n RESOLUTInN ~~ POLICY FOR R~Acv~nTr~ING CONTINUEr PUB~IC HEARING~ - REFFnRED BACY TO STAFF FeR INCORPORATION OF BOARD COMMF.NT£ MID CL^RTfICf,TION Of INTEN't Following a brief description by Planner Lee Kirchhoff of the three proposed rcquirPMcnts which stoff is recommending be Incorporated ln a newly adopted rollcy for the ren~vcrtising of continur.d public hearings, Commissioner plstor moved thllt the propos~d reRolutlon Incorporntlng the nforementioned requirements bo adopted. Commissioner Wenzel sccon~ed the motion. There was somo discussion reqllrdtng the intent of the Board when staff WðS dlr~cteð to prepftre the drafted resolution, whpr.ln Chair~nn Wimcr ~xplðlned that th~ purpo.e WðS to Insure that th~ public would be put on notice in the event that _ public heðrtnq was contlnu~d tor ð paqn 40 .~.., . - - - - - - - - - - - - -.-....- - - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -------------- -------------------------- F~hru~ry J~, 19P.2 certain p~rlod of tim~ to bo taken up agoln at ft later date. He ~}80 atlltod thnt he did not f~~l thftt tha Ao~rd £hould be put in ~ mandatory position regarding the p~yment for readvertlsment. rather, he wou)d pre-fer to see the Aoard determine the responsibIlity...' such pð~rm~nt on a caa~-by-cðse basis. He .ugqo8t~d th~t the drafted resolution be r~worked by staff to more clearly reflect the intent of the Poard and Including the discretlon~ry provision he previously outlined. County Mftnager Norman reported that staff 18 In the midst of prp.parlnq ð recommendation wherein certain kinds of petitions will b~ heard on certain weaks during thp month, adding that, perhaps, tho Poard nhould alao considQr amending the language in the proposed policy wheroby petitions would be rQ~dvertised if continued longer th~n three weeks by substituting a !ive we~k time limit. ~rs. Kirchhoff suggested that staft rework the wording nnd submit it (or nQxt week's agenda. Commissioner Pistor asked that staff pay clone ~ttentlon to the time frø~e, addinq that he considers that this could lolld to unnec~Rs~ry expenditures. Ch~irmðn Wimer stated thðt he wished to mak~ it cl~ar thðt the intent of the policy was never cp.ntr.r~d around the fin1lncial ob) 1'1c'1tion of payment for rC:l'dvertlslngl it WðS IntE'ndt'rI to a6fìUrf' thp. public of suff1clp.nt notification of when a pðrticular petition is to be rescheduled to appear on the ðgend3. Upon clðriftng that tho cost ot readvcrtising is a sftcondory concorn, Chairman WI~~r requested th~t the ~otion on the floor be wlthdra~n. Commissioners Wonzpl IInd Pistor withdrew thn motion an~ ~econ~ and Chairman Wimer dtrected that, based on the consensus of the :oard, th~ .ubject resoJution Is to he ref~rred hð~k to ~tðff for incorporðtlon ot r.,qC! ~l aoo~ 067 fAte: 522 --- - --- -- - -- - - ---- ------- --------- -- - -..... .. --'-""'~-~~."""","'-,"".,,-_._,, - -- ._. - -- - - -- --- - --'- - -- --- - - -- - .---- ---- - -- ---. BOOK 067 PACt 523 Fobru~ry l~, lqA2 the comment~ mlldc by the Membcrs of th~ ~oðrd GO aft to ~or~ cl~arly rrflect their intent. Mr. Mikp Zewðlk, r~pr08rnttng North Nðr'~~ Civic Associðtion, concurred with Chairman Wimer's comm~nt8 ~n~ urgcd the ~oðrð to ðdopt a policy thnt would ðssur~ proper public notiftcðtion of continued pUblic hCllrlngs. BtD '524, II-f:50 MECII/I,NTC1\L ""RVF.STEn (TN LIEU OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES) AW1\RDED TO A0UA~1\RTNF CORPORATION TN THF. ^~OUNT OF ~~5,OOO PuhlIc Works ^dminlstrntor Clifford Rarksdalp. recapped th~ information outlined in the ExecutIve Summary, dated 2/2/~'-, rogardtn~ the recOmm"ndðtion to aw~rrt Bid f5'~ for ~ H-~50 Mechanical Harvester in liou of contractual services for thc control of Aquatic plants and the approval of the applicable budg~t amendment which will allocate $65,000 for this purchase. He explained that this recommendation is based on extensive testing during a trial proqrn~, utilizing ~ mechanicðl harvester in th~ Golden Gate Canals. Mr. Barksdale stated that funds were budgeted for FY 19f1l-P2 for the l~aee of a mechanical harvester, however, as a result o( the hIgh cost of leasing and the limited availab'lity of harvesting equipment, proposals were received per Bid '524 to determine the purchase price and in-houae op.rating costs of the hðrvestinq unit. He said that, subsrquent to thts research, it has been confirmed that it would be in the best Interest of the County for drainaqo needs in tho current fiscal year, for maintenance needø In the futurft and for economic considerations to Page 42 - - -.- - - - - - -~- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- ......,.,__n. -----------------------------------------. Fobruary ](" l?~? purchase a mechanical harvester unit ~nd use in-house perRonn.} to operate it. Hn ~xplain~d th~t if the ~o~rd ~pprovp.s tho Awarding of Bid .524 to Aquamllrine Corporation, in the amount of $65,000, the funds must be transferrf'd from thn Contract Sorvice ðCCOl.i:.: to the Capital Equipment account within tho Aquatic Weed Budget. COmmift9ioner W~nzel questioned whethftr the use ot in-house personnel would b. more economical than contr3cted services, 3nd Mr. B~rksdalp stated that he holieves that it will. CommissionAr Kruse reported th^t at loast throe loc~l nurseries have contacte~ hor and requested intormftt10n on the possibility of bidding on th~ purch~se of the harvested aquatic plants. Mr. Barksdale stðtcd thllt he understr?d that aqu~tic plants ~re useful liS mulch ~nd agreed to explore this poss i blli ty" Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/1, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed and Commissioner Brown absent, thðt ~id 'S24, for a J9R2 Model H-fiSO mech~nical h~rvoster, in lieu of contractual servicos, be awarded to ^quamorine Corporation In the amount of $~~,OOO, as recommended by the Public Works Administrator a& the lowest responsible bid in the best Interest of the County; that the Chnlrman be ðuthorlzed to sign ~nd the Clerk to attost the resulting ngrcement and, that the applicable budget a~endment, previously submitted to the Fiscal Officer, allor.atinq funds within the Aquatic Weed nudgot, be approved. P"ge "3 &OOK 067 fACt 524 -- - - - - - - -_. - - -- -- -.- - - - - - _.- - - - --. - - - - - - - - - -- - - _.. - - - ---"- - -- - - -- - ..- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -. - --- - --~ BOOK 067 fACr:5Z5 F~bru-HY Hi, 19~' POLICY RF: L,I\NDSC"PINCi OF COUNTY FOUR-L.I\NF. ^nTf~RT.a.L no"~.I\YS - "PPROVED, RTAFF nrnrCTEn TO pn~PAR~ n£~T~N C;UTnrLTNr~ ^Nn PEnMTTTTNC rR0~fnURr~ FOR nrfoCtlr.';YON "'r " FIJ'iIJnr: ,\nnj(SIIO? Public \':ork:3 Mminif!tr;'tor Cl1f.t'ord ~i'lrk!ldnla f'xplnin~d th1lt he is r~qu~Bting approval of the following policy as a fr~~~work from whtch to draft a r~!lolution that would Incorpor~te this policy ~8 well 88 dotal1ed lðndsc~p~ng deoiqn guidelln~8 and permitting procedures for thp landDcnping of County four-lane art~rial ro~dwayst It shall be the Policy of the Bonrd of County Commissioners that, 1. For all County four-lnne hlqhw~ys now under construction or to be conGtruct~d landsc~pinq/bcnutlfic~tlon shall be included bB ~n int('grnl p~rt of construction and d~slgn criterln. 2. A major effort shall be undertaken to provide landscaping on the existing rounty four-Jane hiQhw~ys. 3. All landsc~ping within the riqhts-of-w~y of Collier County's four-lnnø roadways shall be ~cco~plishcd in IIccorrlan~e with the landsc^pinq desIgn guidelines and permittIng procedures dt'velopcd by the Public Works Division and approved by lhø Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Barksdale suggested that, if tho ahov@-refprp.nc~d policy is approved by the BOðrd, a workshop should be s~heduled to discuss the detnilea landscnping design guidelines .and permittinq procodures to be pr'pared by the stoff for incorporation into the aforementioned rcsolution. Co~missioner Plstor ðskod nbout possIble conflIcts with the DOT regarding tho plnnting ot troes within tho rights-of-way of St~to roads and ~r. Barksdale Qxplainrd thnt ther~ ~rp. some variety of trees that ðro acceptable to the DOT, and that other varlðbl~s Must be considered, i.o. amount of trllffic, sp~rð of traffic, type of curbing, amount of ðrea for planting, etc., before choosing the optimum kind of Page .u - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - --- - - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - -- -------------------------------_________1 Fobru"ry l~, l~n? landscaping for ~ðch right-ot-way area. He 8"ld th~t this will all bp. di8cuss~d in detail at the workshop. rhðlrm~n wlmor concurred, adding that whtle trees may bo more expensive to purchllse than gr"8S, they are less expensive and easier to m~intftin than chrub- 1nd/or groundcover. Aft also stated thftt they grow in neathetic and mon~tary value a. time goes by. Commissionftr Wenzel moved, second"d by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that tho above-referenced policy re lftndscapinq of County four-lanod arterial rondwllYs be approved and the staff directed to prepare the landscaping design guidelines and permitting procedurca for discussion at a futuro workshop. STATU~ REPORT RE STREET LTGHTINC TNST~LL^TTON TN N^PLE~ P^RK Public Works AdminIstrator Clifford B~rksdalo statod th~~ he had providod the BOl'lrd with a written report regarding the stroet lighting install"tion in Naples Park (no copy provided to the Clerk'ß office). fie sa id that ~f!ssrs. Lew Parks l'Ind R. L. Fraser, of Flor Ida Power and Light Co. (FP&L) were present to qivp. the Bonrd nn updato on the p'tuation relating to obtaining the mid-block p.nÐp.ments for the Installl'ltlon of 191 street lights. He sllid thðt FP&L was to use 12 existing wooden poles In ordor to minimize the costs and the remftlning Installðtions were to be underground and on concrete poles. Mr. FraRer explained th"t his firm is having difficulty securing the necessary mid-block e~semonts tor installation of mid-block lights. He said thllt, because of the mixed emotions on th~ part of the propp.rty owners rcg~rdlng tho Instðllation of the strc£'t Jights, his firm wns Pðqt' ~ ~ BOOK 067 f^~': 526 -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ --- - ------ - - - - - - - -- -------~---------------------------------~ 067 527 Fftbruary 11\, 19R2 MOK fACt r~funp.d 49 of tho eðoements, ðd11ng th~t th~y are still being activoly sought. ßc said thðt they h~v~ bo~n :uccessful in ~~curln~ ~, 0' thn mid-block p.ðA('mnntR. Roferring to ~ -cut-off- li~ht ði9pl~yed by Mr. Þ~rk8, Mr. Frasor exp13incd that 21 lights of thts typo, which rastrtcts light-flow because it does not have a rcfractor below the fixtur~, wore installed by FP&L ðS a p~rt of the project, botoro It WðS learned that the manufacturer planned to make n r~fr~cturiznd typr of liqht ~vailable. He said thnt he and Mr. Parks felt the refrncturized lights would offer ~ better light pnttprn for Napl~s P3rk since the lights ~rc to'b. approximðtcly ~60 ft. apart and that, pursu~nt to dis~us8ionB with ~r. Barksdale, it was deci~£'d to stop lnstallðtion of cut-off lights ðnd the gener~l engineering department from FP&L ordored thft refracturized lights. Because of this delay, FP&L hired It contractor to complete the in9tnllation of the new lights, explðin~d Mr. Frasor, who added that the CO:'lt:".1ctor h.1~ !:'1stLlllt"c! ;'!ppro:dm/'lt~'y 1';" 1tq:,tB in thn last two weeks. He said that ðpproxlm~tely 120 moro will be installod within the next thirty days, provided all of the mid-bloc~ easements can bft socured. The securing of mid-block e~semonts was dis~us~ed briefly, ~urinq which Mr. Fraser explained that even though thft installation will be underground, many people are reluctant to give FP'L the eaßement~ to come up the property line from the roar utility eðsements. ßn 8ðid that FP&L must work on ðcquiring these @asements on a lot-to-lot basis. PðgO 4/1i --- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- -_.._~--.... February 1~, 19A2 Rr.CLAr.~IrIC^TION OF r.NCINr.r.RINC A~~Y5T^NT II PO~ITION TO nICHT-OF-WAY SPECIALTfiT FOR THE nr.CONOARV ROADS SrCTTnN - APPRnVrO Public Works Administrator Clifford Barksdale rcquesterl th~t the Board approve the reclassification of the Enqino~~lnq Assløtant. IY position to Right-of-way Spocialist for the Secondary ~oads Section. He explained th~t, with tho asslstllnce of tho Porsonncl ~partment, tho duties and othcr factors rel~tcd to the position of Engineering Assistant II were thoroughly document~d, rpsulting in tho position being rotitled and describod as ð Right-of-way Speci~list, os outlined more fully within the Executive ~ummðry ~nd IIpproved by Admlnistr~tive Services Administrator Edwðrd Smith on 2/9/A2. He said th~t it is being r~commended that the newly classlfl~d po8itIon be assigned p~y grade 13 with an overtime classification of -C-. CommissIoner Wenzel asked (or nssuranc~ that the new position would cov~r moro than just right-of-way work nnd h~ ref~rrp.rl to problems in the past wherein ~ similar position wns found to be lesR . Ulan cost-effective. Mr. Dðrksdðle a!lsurcd him that the position has a broad scope of responslbfl1ti~s. Commf5sioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commission~r KrU9P ~nd carried 4/0, thðt the reclassification of the position as outllnod above bo approved at p"y grade J3 with an overtime clDssification of -C- . SHORT LT~T OF CON~ULTTNC rNCTNr.r.n~ FOR RO^~~, OR^TN^CF., W^TFn, AND SANITARY Srwr.RS nl PINE RI[)r.E rNDUf,TRrllL PARK ""UNICrr,.~ SrRVrCE TAXINC UNIT - APPROVED liS RrCOM~r.Nnr.D RY r-f.Lf.CTTON C0~MTTTr.r. Public Works Administrator Ctlfford B"rksð^le pres~nt~d the P.,q(! 017 aOOK 067 PACt 528 ---------------. - -- .~-----_._.._--_.- ..----.-- -----.--- ----.. · - - _.. -- - - - - - -. .- -- --------------------------~ , , ~oo~ 06'1 fACt 529 Fcbru~ry l~, 198' following short list of the top five firms 8~lccted by tho Committee appointo~ by the Ro^r~ from ðmonq th~ lq firms r~spondtnq to invitations for proposals for th~ consulting enqineerinq relntod to rOM'S, ~rðinllq(', water ~nð sanitary sewer impro...~.,~cnts in 'line Ridge Industri~l Pðr~ Municipbl Sorvice Taxinq Oistrlct ns follows I Wðtson and Comp~ny -- Tamp~/Ft. ~ycra PORt, Rucklcy, ~chuh , Jernigðn, Inc., Naples/Ft. ~y~r8 CII'-~ Hill -- Naples G~o , Jenson -- West Palm Bc~ch/Ft_ ~yer8 lIo1e, MontcD/Wilson, ~i1ler, Bðrton, SoIl & PArk -- NlIplp.9 (joint venture) Mr. Barksdale explained that each firm will mako a presentation to the Board nnd, upon conclusion, the top thrn~ firms will be selected in ordpr of pref~rence. Comm1s~ioner Wenzel moved, seconded hy Commission~r Pistor IInd carried 4/0, thl'lt the nbovt"-refl!rencnd short list be approved and that el'lch firm make ð ten minute presentation at ð future meeting at the conclusion of which the Bonrd will select the top three firms, in order of preference, with which negotiations for contr~ct will be autholizod. ADDITIONAL POf>ITION OF FIREFIGHTER CREATED FOR THE OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT, EFFECTIVE IMMFOiATFLV, FUNDING THROUGH CrTA TO BE EXPLORED "ND IMPLEMENTEn IF PO~SIBLE Public Safety Administrator Nell Dorrlll recl'lpp~d the rf'lIsons for his recommendation to approve the creation of an additional position ot fircfighter for the Ochopee Firo Control Diatrict ft8 outlined fully within the Executive Summary, dated 2/8/82, including the fact that it hðs been determined that the position cðn now be funðod b~Cðuse the rrescnt rð~lo of rev~nues to exponditur.s within tho Ochopec Fire paqe 48 -- - - - - - - -..- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -.- - - - -- -- - - - - --- -- ----- --- - -... _. -- - -------- - --- ------------- Føbruary l~, l~n' Control Dlstrict'8 budget is in eXC~8S of two to ono. Commissioner Wenzel mov~~, srconded by Commlsslon~r Plator and cArried 4/0, that the creation of the addition~l position of firefighter crQat~d tor the Ochopee Fire Control District, be approved, ef!.ctive immediately. Hr. Dorrill reported that ho has become aware of tho possibility of funding the subject firofighter position throuqh CF.TA. After a brief discussion, the cons~nsus of the POllrd W^8 that CET^ funding bp. explor~d further and, In tho event that it is possible, implementation be authorized. AFTER-TIIE-F1\CT 1\PPROVAL GRANTED FOR EXr.CUTYON OF APPLrC,\TTONS FOR RURAL cO"'/,\UrUTY PROTECTION TI!ROll(,;!I THP. ST1\TE DF'P.1InTF-If.NT or FORE~Tr1Y Public Saf~ty .A.dminiotrator N~il DorrfJI cxplainod that, due to time con~tralnt3, he is requeGtinq an after-the-Cact ðpprov~l Cor execution of applic~tions for Rural Community Protection throuqh tho State Department of Forestry. He explained th~t these funds ~re availðblr annually to assist rural firft d~partmcnts in the purchase of sma]' oquipment and apparatus and was bUdqeted for small equipment purchases thin fiscal year, contlnq~nt on funding, for ~ll thr~~ unincorpornted and dependent fire departm~nts, on ^ ~o, mðtch b~si9. Commissioner Wp.nzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor ^nd carried 4/0, that after-tho-fact approval bo qrant.d tor thp. abovp.-referenced applications for funds throuqh the r.tate ~p1lrtmrnt of Forestry. Pllq~ AQ ~oa ( 067 PACt530 - - - - -. -- - -- - - ---.- - ---- -.- --- --. -_. -- -.. -..- - --- _. --. - _. - - .- - - - - - -- -- -- ... -,"""',---,"",.- MOK 067 PACt 531 February 1~, J9A2 . --- - - --- ---------------- ----- --------------- DJfiCtl¡:;~rCN RF: r('l~r.mu: ^tTr.nNATtVE TO CCiNTP^CTU1\L r.r:nvrCp.s WITH HUM^N! sOcrr.TY Rr. CCiI1NTV MIT~A[' ~nH:['Tr.n F"M~nTTtr.~ - Armr:T" TO M~r.NO^ Chnirm^n Wlmor requested th~t tho Bonrð consider adding a discussion of a pos8ibl~ alternftttve to contractu1ll e~rvices with th~ Humane fiociaty for providing County animlll shelter fð~ilitieB to tho AgrndA, under Ooard of County Commissioner's Report, ðd~lng that h~ in~dvertcntly omitted this item from the additions to the ~gendð at tho onset of the meoting. Commissioner Kru~e so moved, Bp.condrd hy Commissionor Wenzel and carried 4/0. BID '540, ROOF nf.PAIR Fon IMMOKALr.r. J1\rt CENTER - AW^RDr.O TO CnOWTHF.R CORP. IN TIlE AMOlJNT OF t45,Fi22; CONTR^CT TO BE AW^Rf1ED UPON RECEIPT Of M^N~ATORY PERF('In~^NCf. AONO Lcgal notice having b~en published in tho Naples Dðily News on January 12 nnd 14, 19R2, os evid~ncnd by Affidavit of publicntion filed with tho Clerk, bids Were received for Bid ~540, for roof repair for the Immokalee Jail Center up to 2130 P.M., febru^ry 3, 19R~. CO::1missioncr Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissionør ristor and cnrr'ed 4/0, that Bid f540 for roof repair for the Tmmokalee Jail Cent,r be awardod to Crowther Corporation in the nmount of S45,Fi22, as recommended by tho Purchðsing Director to be th~ sole responsible bid in the hest interest of the County, and that the Chairman be nuthorized to sign and tho Clerk to ^tt~st th~ resulting "qrcomcnt, contlnqent upon roccipt of the performance bond. pnge 1)0 ..- -.. - - - - --.---- - - - -------- --- ------------ --- ·_~""""'""<"""'''''·'''''"~'"·''''·__·.''''ð·_, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - -.. - - - - -- - - - - -- -- f't'brui'ry ]r:., '0"' BID . ~45 (R£pnOnUCTIoN OF COUNTY 10NING ORrTN^NCr.) - AW^nnED TO PO~TAL IN!;TANT PRF.!ì5 IN TI1F. ","nUNT OF ~, ,MiP FO" linn C(,)PIr.~ Legal notice having been published in thp Naples naily News on January ?O ~nð 21, 1982 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid 1545, for reproductions of the County Zoning Ordinance, unttl 2"0 P.M. Fehruary ~, 19P2. Commissioner Wcn7.p.l moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, that Bid .545 for 500 copies of th~ County Zoning Ordlnnnce, be awarded to Postal Instnnt Press, Naples, Florida in the total amount of S1,4~R, as rccomMcnd~d by the Purchllsing Director to bo tho lowest responsible bid in the bost interest of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign ~nd the Cl~rk to attest the rQaulting agreement. WAIVER OF ^DVF.RTTr.r.~r.NT RF.OUrnF.~r.NT AND ^W^nD~ OF VARTOU~ Sf.RVrCr.s THROUGH nInECT SOlICITATION AND ~E^LEn BrD PR(,)CE~S FOR COUNTY CD~MUNITY CARE FOR TilE ELDr.nLY PR0GRAM - ^f'pnovr.n Public Services Arlministrator Ðonðld Norton rp.cðpp~d the background in(orm~tion leadinq to his requcst for a waiver of advertiRement requirements and the awarding of various servicos through the direct solicitation and sealed hid process for the County's Community CarD (or the Elderly Program, as more fully ú~fined within the Exe~utlvc Su~mðry, dated 2/12/R2. Ho stated thðt the County fðc~s losing unspont State funds as well ðS County -mðtching funds- throuqh this proqrðm ðnd, therrfore, must ðct in th~ most effl~i~nt ðnd .xpedlent manner possible to insure that these services ðre provided for the care of the elderly ~nd the funds ~xpended by Junp 10th. He PalJI' C;} J aoOK 067 PACt 532 -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- -- -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - -..- -- ________._ 0_- '__.0. --- -- - - -- - - - - ------------------ aoo~ 067 PACt 533 rebru^ry l~, 19~2 s:lid th"t this .xpedlt'nce will also serve to tnsLJre full fundt"'J In futurc years, ðddinq th~t the provision of thes~ serviccs throuqh . contr~ctu~l arr1lnqemp.nt8 will also serve as a d~monAtratlon project tor the County upon which decisions can be made regarding thft optimum method of providing the subject 8~rvtces in the future. In ðnswer to Commissioner Kruse, ~r. Norton sðfd that the activities involved In providing services to the eldp.rly undcr this program are diverse nnd are not r~strictcd to one type of service. In answor to Commissioner Wenzel, County ~ðnnger Normnn stated that he 8een no problems to be Incurrec1 by waiving the advertisement requirements. Mr. Norton co"curred, reminding thft Board that tim~ was of the essence. Commissioner Wenzel movpd, r.econdod by Commissioner ~ruse 3nd carried 4/0, that the above-referenced waiver of advertisemont requirements be approved and the aW3rdlng of various services through the direct solicitation an~ sealed bid process for tho Community Care for the Elrl~rly progrnm, be authorized. STAFF DIrU:Cn:D 1'0 PREPARE'" SALE Of' GENF.RJ\L OBLIGJ\1'!O: BONDS FOR FINANCING ~USTICE CF.NTFR F.XPJ\NAION ANn TO KF.EP pOARn INF0RMF.D ON AVArLJ\ßTLJTY OF APPL!CAALF. FUNnr. THRnUGH ADDTTrnNAL ~^Lr.~ T~X County ~ðnagor Norman reported that Fischer, Johnson, Allen and ~urke/50utheastern Munlctpal Bon~s, the financial consultants for the Justice Centor Expansion Progr~m, h~v~ suhmitt~d reports rcq~rdinq alternntivo methods for financing the progrAm, copies of which have been included in the F.x~cutlvn Summary, dðt~ð 2/1l/A'. He said that the bulk of the reports de~l with two kinds of financing as follows1 rag. 5' ". _. - - - -- - - -. - -- - - -- - ------- - -- --- -- --- ------- rebrullry lh, l~P7. ^) Method t~, ref~rrod to liB C.O., represents the UR~ of Cen.ral Obligation bonds. B) ~ethod '7, refQrr~d to as c.r., represents th@ use of Generel Funðs. Mr. Norman continu~d by outlining the rr8u1~· of the use of e~~h of the two above-referenced methods for finðnclng approxlm~tp.ly S20,000,000. for this project end said that the funds must be Avellable before any construction could proc~Qd. Mr. Norman explained th~t th~ \..0. method would necessitate a referendum and the C.F. method would not. Hc requested th~t the Bo~rd consider scheduling a meeting with the consultnnts to discuss thp. alternatives, prior to t~kinq final ^ction on the Matter. He stated that unless decisions dre made in a timely fllshion regarding th" method of financing tha program, the -fast track- design program will come to ð he It . ExplainIng that hp considers thðt th~ County's bond rating will depend on the overall County indebtcdness, Commissioner Wenzel asked If thero would he any advcrse effects on onft or the othcr beclluse the County will be attempting to initiate two different bond issues at the _ð!!',e timf', i . e . the County water/sewer progrðm at a cost of approximately $30,000,000. and the expansion progrðm, at a cost of epproximatp.ly S20,OOn,ooo. County ~anllqer Norman lIgrced that thp. overall indebtedness is important, how~ver, he added, the types of revenues that would be used for rep8~rnt of ~ach of thesn honrlo would be totally different. This WAS discussed further, during which Chiof Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer Harold ~all statf'd th1lt, if tho County h~s a major capital program for water/sewer services, it would help tho Paqf' c", Boa~: 067 fACt 534 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - _. - ......"._c·.....-..."·.".._.........","',.~..,·.,,u<""d·..1·_··',.. - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - _. - - - - - -- - -- .... aoaK 067 fACt 535 Fehruðry l~, 19R~ County's bond rating in the lon«J run for C')~n~rnl ohl1glltion. "0 clðrifi~d this by 8~ylnq th~t n comMunity with no w~ter ~n~ spwor . services dO~8 not hav~ much room for growth '~r q~ner31 ohliq~tion. Ho a~d~d thnt, overðll, It would be the School 80ard that could affect the program, however, he did not believe thnt this community is ðnywhp.r~ nenr having ð serious con~ition. Chnlrmðn Wimer polled th~ members of the Aoar~ as to wh~ther they preferred to make a decision today and offered his personal preference as n genornl obligation bond progrnm with ~ rp.fer~nrlum heforc the wholo county. Commissioner Wenzel concurred. Commiasioner Plstor asked if the referendum would be this fnll ~nrt Chairmnn Wimer stðted that the referendum date would be left undetermined lInd the staff could come bðck lInd make n recommendation. County ~annger Normðn stated hIs preliminary feeling is that the reforendum should take place this Sept~mber. Commlsslonpr Wenzel agreed. Commissioner Kr use mo\:~d, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel IInd carried 4/0, thêJ t the sta f f be directed to move forward with plans to prepare ð sðle of General Obliqatlon Bonds tor the financing of the Justice Center, the retirement of which will he decided by a r~ferendum vote of the people regllrdlng II tax levy. Mr. Norman stnted that he feels that thpre is n good ch3nce th~t ther~ will be available revenues for this kind of purpose through the additionðl sales tax beinq considerod by thp. Lcqisl^tlon at this time. This was discussed briefly, ~t the' conclusion of which Chairm.,n Wimer directed the County ~c1naqer to keep the Bonrd informad on thf' stl'ltus of avallnbl1l1tyof aðditioMI soles tax tundinq. Commissioner Kruse pa<Jo !'4 .... - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- , -~.."._-,._..,~..",-;.--,~ r"brullry l~, 1°1'12 8uggest~d that the stfttt should work v~ry closely with the Citlz~ns Commltt~e because it i8 imperativo that th~ qcnornl public ~ft made aware of the alternative to the ~xpðnBion proqrðm, I.e. thoy may face the possibility of nlqhtly releaso of prisonors rro~ the 1ai2 hec8uso of overcrowdod conditions. REVISED PROJECTf> AND RUDGETS RE FISCAL YEAR }QRl-A2 C^PITAL T~PROVF.MF.NT PROGRAM FUNDS 302, 303 ad ~04 - APPROVED RE~PECTIVE PU~CET AMENDMENTS AUTHORIZED FOR PREPAR^TION BY FISC^L OFFICER Management Analyst H~nry Hill requested approval of the revisod projects and budgets for Cnpitol Tmprovcmp.nt Funds 102, '01 nnd 104, In order to accurately reflect the r~vcnues an,~ expR~dlturcs for Fiscal Yeor 1981-~2. In reply to r.ommissionr.r Pistor, Mr. Hill stated that the relative funds have alwnys b~en thAr~, howev~r, the aðoptùd budgets were incongruent with the Cðpit~l Improvem~nt Program ~pproved hy the Board. The differences arc as outlined belowt FISCAL YF.^R ]9R]-R2 BCC APPROVED C^PITOL IMPROVEMP.NT PROGR^M AND 80^RD ^DOPTED RUrGF.TS FUND FY 81-A2 APPROVED PROGR^M FY AI-A' ^DOPTr.D AUDGF.T 11'12 $2,60';,257 $1,025,000 :'03 1,<2",777 ],I71,r;c;O 304 25fi,f!13 3'5,000 Commissioner Wenzel osked why there was such a drðstic drop from tho approved program for Fund 302 to the adopted program, as indicated above? Mr. lUll said that tho improved proqrl1m was prr.snrtted durinq the summer and, cons~quently, when the budget W~8 ðdopted it only included those projocts that were put Into the financiðl system by the Clerk's office. County M~n~9~r Norm~n ~ddcd th~t th~ ontire proqr~m P1HJ(II 51\ aoOK 067 PACt 536 ~- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - --...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ ___ - - - - _-0 ---- --- ---- .~. ~~- .-.--.-- ----.-.-..- -- - - ---------- --- -- ---- --.. &OOK 067 fACt 537 F~bruðry l~, 19~2 WðS actually approvnd, hownvcr, th~r~ was c ~hortfðll tn tcr~s ~t getting the propor In!orm~tion into tho computer. Mr. Hill recommonded that the following revisions to the P'Y ~l-R' Budqet for FundD 30?, 30' IInd 104 h~ approv~d, in order to provide for the balancing of ðvailable funds with recommended project expendltures1 FISC~L YEAR 19n1-p, ^ÐOPT~n RUn~~T AND RECO~~ENDFD RFVISTONS TO ~UDGET FUND FY ~l-P7. ^DOPTF,D AUnGET PY Al-R2 RP.COr'r-ŒNOF.n i:p.VrSIONS 302 J03 304 $1,025,000 1,.171,550 325,000 $3,~~O.000 1,473,729 543,891 Mr. Hill recommended that the following project expenditures for Capitol Improvement Funds J02, 303, ^nd 304 bo approvedr RECOMMFNOED CAPITAL IMPROVF.~F.NT PROJECT EXPENDITURES rrfCAL YEAR 19R1-~2 10? CAPITAL I~PROV~~ENT TRUST FUND HVAC R~novðtion8 Wnter Main ExtensIon (Imm.) r.ovcrn~cnt C~nter Expansion Pðrkinq r.xpdnsion Mobile Officos Sheriff Stockado Nðplcs Tr~n5fer Station Irnmokalee L~ndfill B i k e p" t h s Collier North Library Dðta Procr.ssing Upgrades $ 53';,975 45,000 1,4~"7,R20 22,000 RO,OOO 11)5,931 4l3,JOO 99,000 299,115 145,2/;2 115,597 Fund 302 Total $3,190,000 103 crr OTHP.R THAN ROADR Jllil Exp<'lnsion Animðl Control Facility ~,.~yvicw Park Art i fi d ð 1 Rc e f $1,(D4,OOO 100,000 319,729 20,000 Fund 303 Total $1,473,729 PðqC 56 .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - ~- - - - - - - - --- - - -- _________--..1_______________________________ r~bru~ry t~, I~R2 ~o~ CIr UNTNCORPnRAT~D A"~A FUNO Lðnd Acqulaition Immokalec" Courtho~se Lands -No Wako· Signs Park Development $ ~7,nAO 125,onn ?C;,nnO 10fi,AJ1 $-;,",(191 Fund 304 Total Mr. Hill also recommended that the respective budget amendments, that will properly reflect the ~bove-referenced budg~t nnd project revisions, be authorized for preparation by the Fiscal 0fflcor, the details of which nro fully d~fined within the F.xecutivo Summ~ry, paqes lO through :10 (At tachment II). Commissioner Kruse moved, scconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0, that the ~bove-roferenced revisions to the Capital Improvom~nt Project Expenditures arid Cðpltal Improvement progrnm Budgets for Funds 302, 303, and :104 be approved and that the Fiscal Officer be authorized to prrpare tho respp.ctlve buJget ^~cndments to reflect these revisions as pres~nted in the Executivo Summary, pages 10 . through 30. N::'W CONTR.A.CT NIT" ARCHITECTURAL ENC.INEF.R /lPPROVEO ANO LF.TTF.R OF AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUr.TION M^NAC.r.MF.NT AUTHORIZf.D FOR EXECUTION RE JUSTICE CENTER EXP^N~TnN PROCR^M Public Safety Administrator Neil Dorrill reported that, pursuant to tho revisions and rcductions In tho scope of the Justice Cp.nter expansion program, ~ new contr~ct with the architectural e~ginocrlng consultðnts, Ross/Ehrenkrnntz (joint venture) and a letter of agr~c~cnt for tho construction man~gement firm, Polizzi/HcefY (joint venture) have been prnpðrpd to reflect the n~cess~ry ~odifications In the ~copc Pðge 57 MOK 067 fACt 528 -- - - - -- -- _. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. - - -- --. -..- - - - - - -- ·- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - _.- ~OOK 067 fACt 539 Febru~ry 1~, 1982 of their rAspectiv~ ~qrpcments with thA ~ounty. Mr. Dorrill r.y.pl~!nc~ thnt tho tot~l fco reductions rc1~tr.d to tho . consultants agreements for the expansion progrnm t~~~ugh the complotion of Stage II, repres~nts ð sðvings of ~pproXI~ðt~ly $1,000,000. Commissioner Wenzel moved, scconded by CommisAioner Plstor and carriod 4/0, th~t th~ new revised contrðct with Ross/F.hrenkrantz for architecturðl engineering servicns and the letter of Açreemcnt for construction m~nðqem~nt services, reflecting the reduction in scope of tho County's expansion program, be approved for execution. PIICJP. IjR ,-- --- - - - - - -- -- --- -------- - -- ------ -------- ----~,....""""-_.-..".,.<>;"'.,",.I"""""" _....:.- - - .-' - - -- - - - - -.- - - --- - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - --_. P'ebrunry 1'-, Jn~2 !:TA'F TO SCHFD!I~! þ., WORI(SHOP FOR orsCUS!:;rON OF ALL f>CHFM^TJC DE!HCN!' RP. JUSTICE CENTF.R r.XP^NSTON PROCR^~ ~r. Corrill reported that th~ schematic designs for tho entire Justico Ce~ter Expansion Program, including thoso r~lnted to th~ 1nil facilities, are complete at this time. In response to Mr. Porrill's inquiry, and upon polling tho m~mber8 of tha no~rd, Chnirmnn Wimer suggested that a workshop bo Gcheduled for tho purpose of discussing all of tho schematic designs, rathrr than having them presente~ this da tc . Deputy Chief R~ymond Barnett rcported that ShÐriff Aubrey Rogers recommends th~t another module, which Yould afford more cell space, be planned for con~truction. This was discusserl briefly, during which County Manager Norman stated that, because the jail cell facilities are constructed in the modular fashion, it would not be diffIcult to ndd one morc, however, there is tho question of th~ ~dditionðl cost to consider. Doputy Barnett reported that thore are 234 prisoners in th~ system today and he clarified the purpose of this statement of concern by stating that the SherIff docs not want the CommIssioners to br un~er the Impression that he is confident thnt thp. proposed pl~ns for the jail expansion ~ill be of an adequate size to houso sufficiont numbers of prisoners by the time construction is complet~~. He emphnsize~ tho fact that the ShorIff feels that the jail will still be crowded. The consensus of the Board was thnt this mnttor he thoroughly discussed at thft worknhop that 10 to he scheduled hy stnf! IIn~ ChairmAn Wimer ~lso directed staff ðnd the consultants to make copios of the schcmntIc dosigns of the propos~d jðil facJliti~g ðvnilnbl~ to the public, the pnqe 59 ~OOK 067 PACt 540 - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - ..- - - - - - - - - - - _. -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- 1_____ ______ - -- _ - -- -- ------ --- - -- - -------.--.. &OO~ 067 fACi54i February 1'-, 1982 medta and th~ Citl7.~ns Committ~o. He remindod Mr. Dorril1 th~t it 11 very 1rnport~nt ~or the close coordlnnt.!on with th~ ~Itiz~n'ft Commtttoe to continue and Mr. Dorrlll concurre<1, addinC'J that thLJ h-"vc been most holpful In the paRt. ROUTINE BILLS - P^TD, Pursuant to R~aolution Al-150, th^ following checks were Issued through Friday, February 12, 19P2, In payment of routin~ bills1 FUND CHF:CJ< NOS. AMOUNT County Chp.cks J013 - 4054 33(190 - 3'31'32 $1,571,290."4 292, .,:n . '70 BCC pðyroll BUDCET ^MENC,..r.NT NO. £1'-';0 (COLLIF:R ~ ORTII Ar¡.'NCH ~IRRARY) PROVIDING FOR ~EASE OF WATER COOI.fR - A['IOP1'F:r> IN THE "MOIJWr OF $'00 ComMissioner Wanze1 moved, secondod by Commissioner Kruse and c~rried 4/0, that Budgot Amendment No. ~2-S0, providing for the lo~~o of a water cooler for the Collier North Br~nch Librßry, be adopted in the amount of $200. paq II 1\0 ".- - - - - - - - - - þ- - - - _.- - - - - - - - - -... - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - -- - ----------- ------------------------.. MOK 061 PAc¿543 Februðry 1~, 1~~2 r.um;r.T "",r.NDMr.NT NO. A'-&;1 CCQ1t,MUNTTY nLC'CJ< GRANT rpOGPAM' r-~ovrDrNG ron VARTOUS U~^t TIC!rATEn ~xrr.NnITunr~ - AnorTEn TN TR~ ^~OU"T OF ~q10 Commissioner Wenzel moved, spconð~d by Commtssioner ~rus@ nn~ cnrrled 4/0, th~t Budget ^m~ndmcnt No. P2-S1, prov1J!ng for utility 8orvicoQ, advortising and ropntr and maintenanc. of oqutpment previoualy unðntlcip1lted in the Community ~velopment Block Grant Program, be adopted in the amount of S9'O. Pl'Iqt' f:t .- -- ------ -... -- - - --- ---- ----------- -------- -0' ___~__",~._..~, AUnGET AMENDMENT NO. R'-~2 rW^T~R MAN^G~M~NT) rROVIDTN~ FOR ~~PT^t PfhlTOGR"I"HR - ',~OPTr.D TN Tllr. M10UNT OF t::¡, r.OO (TO f'r. I1P.TMß!JR!'F.O FW BCßA CR^NTf.-YN-^Jn PF. COLnr.N C"Tr. F.f,T^Tr.~ TNTf.RTM ^CTTON rRO~r.CT1 __ _ _ ___';- - - - - - - - - -- - - .-.- 0- -- -- - - --- -- - -- - - - - - ---I 067 5n::, Febru"ry 1';, J 9A? &OOK f~Ct ~~ Commlsslon~r W~nzrl MOVP.~, sncon~cd by Commissionp.r Kruse and carried 4/0, that Budget AmendMent No. R7-5?', providing for ^eri~l photoqr1lph9 for Wðt~r Ml'InaqpmAnt, to be reimbursed hy the Big Cypress Basin ~onrd through Grants-in-aid program for the Colden Cate Estllte. Interim Action Project, be adoptod in the amount of $7,500. pagD 1\2 .. - - - - -- -. - - - -. - - -- - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- aOOK 067 fACt&!7 8Ur.~F.T AMF.NOMF.NT NO. n?-~1 (WORD 1\C,)PTf:D IN THF. 1\,..OUN'¡' m' $'''' Fobruary l~, 1~R2 ------~---------------------------------j PROCr.gr.tNG) PROVIDING FOR r.OUIr,..ENT COMmissioner Wenzol moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruso ~nd carried 4/0, thnt Rudget Amcndm..nt No. ~?-5', provldir,Cj for £'qulpment ordcred in FIRcðl Yeð~ 1900-Al but not rec~lveð until Fiscal Year 1981-~? budget for the Word ProcosRing ~pðrtm@nt, bp. IIdopted in the amount of $243. Pc'lqn f\:t - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - -- --,~.--=".." - - - - __"____- ___ _____ ____ __ - - _____ - - - - - _" - ___I Ma~ 00'7 PA~i549 F~brutery If;, 191'1' ST1\F'F A'JTIIOfct7.F.D TO tNTTTATF. Nr.~C'TI"TTONf, In: lICC'UTSTC'N ("IF' "' I,~Y!,,"'.f. ~rNN~L ON ^IRFCR7 ~nAC, EXPENCrTUR~ NOT TO rxcr~n r'"nn ron "PPR^I~AL Rr f,flMF: "UTHrmr7.p.n Ch~ir~~n Wimer reported th~t, pursu~nt to th~ ßitu~tlon wher~ln the County is Involved In negotiations rel~ting to contr~ctural services from the Humnne Society to provide animal sholter fllclltties, it has come to his attention that there 18 ð possibility that th~ ~oard could acquire an "xisting facility, knovn as Mary~ale ~r.nnrl, located on Airport Road ~nd Orange BlosÐom Lan~. He reportp.d that he has spoken to the owner and asked the County Manager to take ð courtesy look at the situation. ~o asked the Aoard to considor authorization for the inittation of negoti~tions with the owner anrl for a professional appraisal of tho property in question, noting that the owner has indicated to him thðt ~ ledse/purchase ðgre~ment would he negot iable. Referring to thr. negotiations wIth the Hu~ane 50ciaty, Mr. Normðn explained that, due to the heavy workload of Mr. Dorrill relatcð to the expansion program IInd the fl'ct t:lat he is also the Public S~fety p'rcctor, under which the responsibility for the Humllne Society's contractural arrangements fall, the County has experienced an unavoidable delay in cðrrying those negotiations to conclusion. However, said Mr. Norman, he wishes to mðke it clear th~t the reprosentðtlves of the Humano Society hl'lvo been cooperative and they 3re awar~ of this np.w development that will be considered as an alternative to their contractual services. He said that, if the BOllrd so authorizes, he should have ~ recommendation prepllred for presentntion in two wooks r~qardinq the best alternative for animal Pðge 1;01 1·-·- - - - ------------------------------------ - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- Fphru~ry l~, 19R2 shelter facilities. Mr. Norman stated thðt ~r. Aðrkdðl~ has prcsent~d ðn 3ppraisðl estlmato for the subject property, which Inc1u~e8 ð fee to be in thp range of $1,000 to 91,200, and he requc~ted ~uthorS~htion for the inltiðtlon of this ðpprðisal by the slImo firm that tho ,Boarð approved to conduct 8i~ilðr work in the Immokalee Area Inst waek. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Ptstor and carried 4/0, that the staff be ðircctc~ to initiðte np.qotiations with the owner of tho aforementioned kennel IInd that the professional appraisal of the subject property ho ðuthorizcd at a cost not to oxceed $1,200. Commissioner Wenzel asknd Mr. Norman to include a two-column breakdown, including preßcnt versus future costs with ð complete amortization. ~r. Norman agreed. CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTInN TO TAX ~OLL ~S PRESENT~~ BY PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE - ^UTIIORTZED FOR ~XECUTI(')S AY r.H.I\!RMAN Commissioner Pistor moved, scconde~ by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the Chairman be authorized to execute the f?llowinq Certificates of Correction to the Tax Roll, as prosent~~ by th~ Property Appralsor's officet lc)Rl T"X ROLL T"NGIBLr. P~R~ONAL PROPFRTY NUMBERS DATES 19f11-q9 2/10/R? 19P1 TAX ROL~ 420 - 430 2/r:./fl2 - 2/P/P,,- Pðqe 1>5 . aOOK 067 PAGi560 - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -. -- - - - - -- -~- - - .- -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.._-~ -- - - - - -- --- - --- - -'- --... --.... -...- -. -- -- -- --- - - --- ~OQ~ 067 fA~r:õ51 Fobrunry ]r" l~~' TF.N CAYS F.XT~^ r.~IN TJMF. FnR IN~ATr. NO. ,~p,,, - APPRnvr.o Co~rnI5~lon~r ~anz~l Movpd, s~ronrlrð hy Commissionnr pistor ~nð cnrrlr.d ~/O, thðt ten dnya extra qain time bø ðpprov~d 'n~ Yn~~t~ 'Jon7.7., ch~nqinq the rrlpase date to 7./17/~2. BO^RD IS5Ur.n CONFIRMATION ON SPACE pnn~nAM~ING CONCr.PT ~E CLr.RK OF THr. CIRCUIT C~URT RF. JUSTYCr. CF.NTPR EXP^N~rON PRnGRAM Administrative Aide Grace Spaulding roportcd th~t Dnryl Bailos, from Polizzl/Heery, is requ~Rting confirmation on th~ spac~ progrðmming concept being follow~d by the construction manaqers and ðrchitccts, as rel3te to the Clcrk of the Circuit Court offices. Chairman wimer asked it CI~rk Reagan was in agreement to the proposed prnqrnmming and Chlof Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Of!lc('r Harold Hall replied that it is his understanding that ~r. Reagan has developed an appropriate plan. County ~~nn~er Norman reported that he h~s talked with Clerk Rengnn and that h~ h~r. indlc~tcd thðt h~ ðo~s nqrp~ with the approach ~5 outlined in the memorandum (rom Polizzi/Hcrry that he transmitted tc the Board on 2/2/82. Chairmnn Wimer clariflpd the fact Lhðt the Board's intùnt is to be in lIgr"~l'Irnt with t'lr. Rf'agan's w18h~s on this matter and that, based on the assumption that he concurrs with the consultðntn' proposal, he callp.d for a motion for con!lrl'llltton. Commissioner Wenzel moved, secondød by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, thnt thp Roard confirm the sp~ce programming concept al they relate to space for the Clerk of the Circuit Court, for the Justice Cp.ntar Expansion Program. Paq e 1;-: . --..-- - - ..- - - -- -- - .- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t ----------------------------------------. r~brullry )~, JQ~2 Rr.~IGN^TYCN OF WILLIAM L. RLOCUM FR~M CONTnACTOR'r. L1Cr.N~INr. AOARD ^CCEPTED M~O APPRORT1\TF. Lr.TTFR OF APpnr.CY"TTON AUTIIORTZED Admlnl8trntlv~ Aid. Grace fip~uldlnq rcported that a lettcr of I re8ignðtlo~' from the Contractor's Licf'ns1 ng B()~rd hits be-en rccp.ived from IIr. William L. Slocum. She also expl~dn...ð the atc:-:"I'I?t made by I htr, upon direction from Chnlrman Wimer, to clarify the Bonrd's position relating to Advisory 80ards In answer to Mr. Slocum's letter, adding that no r~ply h~s been forthcoming from Mr. Slocum. Commissf~ner Wenz@l ~ov~d, sr.conded by Commissionr pistor and carried ~/O, that Mr. Slocum's resignation be accepted and that an appropriate letter of appreciatIon be authorized. THIRTY D^Y~ LF.AVE OF ABSENCr. ~rPROVF.O fOn E1GHT DTSPLAC~D EMPLOYEES IN TRANSPORTATION, ROM) & FHH[Xa: t'F:P,II,RTfIIF.N1' Commlssion~r Pistor mov~d, seconded by Commisßionor Wenzol and carried 4/0, th~t thirty d~ys lCDVC of ~b~~ncc be ûpprovod for tho following TransportatIon, Road and Bridge employp~s displaced hy ARA, in order that they may retain their full employoe bonefits during the period of transition or while considering their options for emplo~p.nt, an recnrnmended by the County Manager: Robert Curry Irenðldo Garcia del Prod a William RiMes L..,rry M. Dupree Dennis L. RlIker Billy F.. T~ylor Je S DO L. Fl I nq Richard D. Rice LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORI^~ CARDEN~ DF.P.O NO. '~5 - ACCEPTr.O FOR RF.CORO^TION Pursuant to action of the ~oard Jðnuary 10, 197~, wher,.in the Chairman was ðuthori7.~ to sign varloun de£'ðs to Lake Trafford ~~morlðl Gardens C£'metery lots as the need arises, the following Deed No. 2~5 was r~cordp.rt and filed for the record1 . ~ BOO~ 067 PAGi 552 f'aq. f;7 -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- ---------------- ----------.----------.------. Februllry l~, 19"' VOTtNC p~F:CrNCT Dr.fi1GN^TTONfi FTLr.O Fon v^nTntl~ fillF.nTFF'F: m:rUTTEfi Pursunnt to Florf~~ ~tðtUt~Ð ~O.OA, the following ð~sfqn~tlonø of voting procincts for the f,horiff'. Oeputies wore fl10d for tha recordr DEPUTY ~HrRIFF PRECTNCT NO. Richard ^. 810ckrr Thom^8 J. Loebs Michnel L. Dolan ~ry T. Downing Mtlry J. Benson ~cnneth R. Van Tine Michael L. Woods Mðrtln J. fiheah~n Cðrol "-. Burns Todd P. 'l'aylor Will1ðm P. Kneo Henry R. Wheeler Luther D. Addison Carol A. ~atzger Danð M. 'l'ðylor P^ul D. C~ltabiðno J^mes M. Sm f th 'l'erry L. Ct~nci^ Cathy Williamson Herm~n E. Lðmbert 32 3fi '2 17 ,,, 22 17 17 17 10 " 2'5 15 17 17 4 P 17 21 4 MISCE~LANEOUS COnRf.~PONDENCF: - FILED ANO/CR REFERRF.D Thoro being no objection, the Chair directed the following correspondence be filed anð/or rcferr~d to tho various depðrt~p.nts ðS indicatt"dl 1. Lctt~r dated 2/4/?,2 from Florida Engint"erinq Society, requostinq their members be contðcted to scrve on ^dvisory ßOðrds. Filed 2. Parks nnd Rccroatlon Advisory Bonrd minutes of Jðnuðry 20, 19821 Parks ^nd Recr~ntlon ^d Hoc Commltt~c minutes of Janunry 22, 19A'-1 notice of comhined meeting for FebrulHY '2", 1982. Filed 3. CAPC minutes of Jonuðry 7, 1982 and CArc nnd CCPA minutes of February 4, 19R2. Filed. Paqc f'R . MD~ 067 PACt 554: " --- -- ----- - - - -- -- - - - ---'-~ -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- If) .. ~ ., ! .r~ f)~fl if 1 i~ ~ 4. Ochop£'~~Flr9 Control DiAtri~t Arlvlsory Cornmttt~e minutes of Frhruary ~, 19P2. Fll~d - --- - - - -- - -- -- - -- ---r---- - - - - - - - -- - ----- ---- O 55 / Fobruary 1 f;, 1 ~P2 BO~(. 67 fACt 5 / 5. Copy o! ~~~c~~~~u~ dðt~d 2/~/~' to County ~~nn~cr fro~ Public Swrv¡~ú ^dnlnistrðtor, rû ~onthly C~TA Status Rl'!port. Fil cd ~. Lettor d~tr.ò '/9/A2 from Dep~rtment of Vp.tp.r^n an~ Com~~nity Affðlrs noting that the effective dnto of Rule 9C:-l1 will bo posponcrt until 10/1/fl2 l'Ind re:qup.sting each County to work directly with ~ACC rÐ .!Imp.nded fur-ding formuli'l. xc Cha 1 rmðn, I'CC 1 County ~'ðn" (]Cr; and Public Services AdmInistrator; Fil~d. 7. Copy of DNR Por~ t 'CO-?A(M), modlfl~d 2/2/R2, re Cl'Iptrnn Development Corporðtion, issued ll/~/el for lIddition of pool. Filed. B. Copy of Putnam County R~solution opposinq F~OT rcgulðtion~ ~nd proc~dures rcquirlnq thr. County orectlon of route signs on State roans desIgnatinq loc^tion ot County Ronns, adopt~ð ]/2~/~?. xc rounty Mnnðgerl Public Works Administrator; Filed. 9. Lettcr dntrd '-/5/(1'), from "'''rrill ~. "'/ltson, ohjp.cting to In£'quitl'lhlc distribution of cost for scw~rs in M^rco Jslllnd. xc Mr. Borzon; Filed. 10. Copy of letter to EMS Director, dnted 2/P/B'), from School ponrd Supcrlntcnd~nt Thomns L. Richey, objp.ctlng to landing the County helicoptcr on school qrounds bp.twcnn A:rn A.~. and 4!nn P.M. xc County Ml'Inaqr.r, Public Safoty AdminIstr/ltor; Fil~d. 11. Copy of letter dðt,.ð ')/In/A2 to Mr. BIll rltzmorrls, from County M~n~qer, explaining the applIcðtton of [r~nchisc fr.cs fvr ~onsultnnt'8 fe~s re rate lncr~aBe8 ,nd notifyIng him that Engineorlng will look into allcgðtlons of free service hy Yahl Bros. Filed. 12. ~outh Cp.ntral Florida Health Systems Council, Inc, notificntlon re Ccrtlflcðte of ~e~d rcqur.sts, review meetings and projects, reccIved by ACC '/11/82. FIl£'d IJ. Copy of nNn perMit 'DC1]-~P~~5, dated 2/~/A2, re Col1i~r County/Mðrco Shores Wðstewllter Tre^tm~nt Pl^n~. Filed 14. ~tter dated 2/J/P.2 trðnsmltting the FOOT ^nnunl Report - 1981. Fllod. pagtt ~9 - - -,~- ---- -- -- _._,----------- -------- -------- --- ~ .:.....~~. ~ - -. - --- --.------- --------- - - -_._- - --_._- - - - - - - --- F~hruary 1(" 191" 15. Lott~r d~tod 1/2'::/0? from ~"pllrtm~nt of V~tprnn ðnd Com~unity Aff~lrs, r~quostlnQ Infor~atlon ra ~u~l tðxatlon and ~nn~x~tlon relðtp.d to tho l~Rt four ycðrs. xC County ~ðnng~r; Filed. . . ... . ,. . . ,. ,. . ,. ,. Th~re hoing no further buniness for the qood of tr~ ~ounty, the meeting was ndjourned by order of thp Chllir - Timer l1t]~ A.M. BO~RD OF COUNTY CC~MJSSrO~r.ns/r.x OFFICTO GOVF.RNrNG "O^RD(S) OF FPECTAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~ 7i % J 7f>/~4 1'I',",/,¿¿ðA-~' V C. R. ,ARU. çf~¡""ER, ¡AIRMAN I c- . ( Thcs~~minutes ðPP(6v~d by the BCC on prE'sent 'd X ,0'( ðB corrp.ctp.d ~,,, narch ::1, 1982 ðS P~ge "70 ~ !C~, 007 PACi55B -- - - - - ---- - - --- --- .~.-- -- - - ------- _. - - - - - - - --