BCC Minutes 03/09/1982 R N3ples, Florida, March 9, 1982 LET IT BE RBMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners In and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the governing bOArd(s) of such special districts .s have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. In Regular Session 1n Building -r- of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRM~N: C. R. -Russ· Wimer VICE. CHAIRMAN: Mary-I-'rðnCes Itruse :John pisto r Clifford Wenzel David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: Will1ðm J. Reagan, Clerk, au.rold L. Hall, Chiet Deputy Clerk/Fi5cal Officer; Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Donald pickworth, County Attorney; Jrv~nq Berzon, útilities Manager; C. William Norm<ln, County Mðnageq Neil IJorrill, Public Sa(eí.y Administrator: Dr. Mark Benedict, County Envlronm~ntallst: Terry virta, Community Development Administrator: Lee K~rchhoff, Planner: Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director; Douglas Greenfi~ld, EMS Director; Grðce Spaulding, Administrative ~ide to the Board; and, Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. pag e 1 &O:K 068 PACE - 01' '~·I t:¡.; <:"¡'.: ./- '. ~ . March 9, 1982 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWTNG ADDITION: - Commissioner pintor movftd, seconded by Commissioner Wonzel and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approv~d with the following .eM i t ion: a. Presentation regarding Easter Seal Society. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 23, 1982 - APPROVED Commissioner PiGtor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the minutes of February 23, 1982, be approved. PRF.SENTATION OF SUßPOf.NAS TO THE BOARD FROM THE F.^STF.R Sf.At SOCIETY A representAtive from thp. N~ples City Police presented subpoenas to the Board directing them to bðke cakeA for the benp.fit of the Easter Seal Society. PETITION V-B2-3-C, J0AN WBITf., RP.QUP.STING ~ VARIANCE TO ALLOW THE SUBMISSION OF A PROVISIONAL USF: REOUf.ST FOR AN OWNf.R-OCCUPIED CllItD CARE CENTER HI OLD "'''Rcn VJLL"r,F. - DF.NIEr.. Legal notice hdvlng been published in the Naple~ Daily News on February 21, 1982, and the /o!iHCO Isl.'lnd F:agle on Fcbruary 25, 1982, as evidenced by Affidavit5 of Publication fl10<1 with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-R2-3-C, filed by Joan White, requftstlng a variance to .'111010' thr submi~5ion of a provislollal us(' request for an owner-occupied child care center In Old Marco village. Mr. Jeff Perry, Zoning Director, stated that Petition V-82-3-C Is a request for ð variance to allow the submission of a provisional use request for an owner-occupied child cllr~ center to have 50 children paq e 2 &o:}~ 008 rAti' - 05 ~~--_.._--- &OOK 068 PACt 00 Mðrch 9, 1982 instead of the l7 allowed, based on land restrictions of the Ordinðnce, on Lot 17, Block 2, Old Marco VDl"g~. H~ reit.Hated that tne petitioner Is located In an cxl~ting duplex ~t 1155 V~rnon P}acp. in Old Marco, where she would like to set up an owner-occupied child care conter, adding that tho property Is located ðt the Southeast corner of Vcrnon Place and Palm Street. He stated that the lot is zoned -RMF-6· Multi-Family Low-Density, which permits an owner-occupied child care center as a Provisional Use. He indicated that Section 8.48 of the Collier County Zoning Ordinance restricts the number of children to 6 for the first 7,000 square feet of lot area and one for each additional 500 square feet of lot area, with th~ maximum number being 25. He said that the petitioner hèu eXpre!15t'!~ the need for q'lality child care on Marco Islar1 as well as expressing the financial feasibility of conducting a child care facIlIty under the current zoning restrIctions. He reported that the 50 chIld limit, if approved, would be less than allo....ed by the He<11Lh ù'!pi'lrlmt!nl, ..11\eb Is 70 children b;J.:;cd upon floor area in the building. He further noted that Mrs. White has exprossed her request in terms of 40 children full time year-round wIth an ..dditionðl 10 children being cared for during peaK seasons, adding that Statf has looked at the request tor 50 chlldr~n rather than trying to set up a schedule by whIch lhe c~paclty will change from time to time. He sðid th~t the evalulltion of the varillnce Is based upon the issue of varying tho lImits of the Ordinance, an~ whether or not the vnrlance requested meets the criterlll prl!vlously outlined. 110 reported that, although the request Is for a certain prop~rty loc~tion, the issue is the numb~c of cblltlren dnJ nvt w',êther the property I:; ~ q~oc! lcc.3tion. Pðqe ) WI ~~, fjJj,('ÿ" ,-,-...--~.-_.-- Mðrch 9, 1982 Those issues among other. should and would be addressed during the Provisional Use hearing process, he said. He suggest:ed that the demnnstrated need for child c~re space for 50 children does not have to be at one location, adding that if Staff feels that there is a need there, then perhaps several different locations would be more suitable. He advised that the economic reasons for granting a variance are not valid hardships and are certainly not unique to Marco Island. He concluded by stating that Staff feels that the petitioner's request has not satisfactorily met the criteria in the Ordinance and, therefore, recommends denial. Mrs. Joan White rcferred to throe clippings from Marco Island newspapers d~ted Junc, 1979, regarding ~he need for child car~ centers. She indicated that the mothers of Marco Island have been waiting for three years for tht! solution to the problc!':"., adding that there lIr" currently two òay care centers for children ov~r the age of two, but none for infants. She stðted that, with the current zoning standards of 7000 square feet of lot area for the first ~ children and 500 square feet of lot area for e<lch ch\ld thereafter, this is not financially possible for the small business person. She stated that there ar~ three ~om~ercial enterprise5 that have recently been passed by the Board and drawn equal pafl~llel to this situation. She reported that Tiger Tldl Development W~~¡ the Un¡t commercial enterprise th,'1t went into a residential area which was a ch~nge thðt was needed and, even though residcnts spoke in opposition to it, th(> County Commissioners passed it. She stated th~t ft medical center har. been built which is ~djftcent to all residential homeR, addinq thnt it was oriqinðlly Page" - v - b:O"- 068 p~ 07 March 9, 1982 &OOK 068 PACt 08 residential property. She further noted that the third enterprise is ClI pr i Marinll ....hIch hl.l!: residcntilll :!croS9 fro~ it, lidding thllt all three slteã are P¡H tic u 1 a r to her case a$ they ¡)re all commerci<ll sites bull t adjacent to rcnidential property. Sho referred to a chart indicating the ~~cation of the child c~re center stating that the only r~stdential area is zoned duplex. She reported that a child care center is a change that all must adjust to and is needed, adding that people should not stand in the w~y of progress. She said that the opposition complaInts are not valid, stating that Old Marco is a highly commercialized area and those in opposition should have chosen a different part of Marco to lIve on if. they wanted ð purely residential area. She 3tatcd that ch11dren Are the future of the country and this child C~~ð center is desperately ne~ded. She concluded by s~ating that this petition needs to be passed for the hope of lIlI the young people of the county, actding that bec~use of all th~ publicity against young people in Collier County a vote of ·no· would be a definite feel of prejudice towards young people and their children. The following people spoke in opposition to the proposed chil~ care center, citing Increasect trafiic, parking, ya~d ~rea, excessive noise, devaluation ðnd deterioration of property: Mr. Pe te B.1il ey Ms. Katherine Johnson Culp Mr. Gene Bu rg et Mr. Tom Williams Ms. Ru t h L1 peon f'\'. Wil1lHd Staar Mr. Art Woodward Mr. George !':el1er Mr. Leigh Plumm~r, President of Marco Island Civic Association, stated that the Board of the ~5sociðtion considered the m~tt~r of the child c~re center two months ago, adding that the Association had 4 Pa<je 5 ~ ...... ,-:";";;.;J !!II MlJrch 9, 1982 members voting in flJvor and 6 abstaining. He said th~t th~y all felt that there was a definite need for 8~r.h a child care center, and that the location was good. He stated that the protftsts do not have much real validity, adding that he voted ir favor of the location. He reported that he knew that Mrs. White would lose, which would be a real shame as there is a present and growing need for this child care center. Commissioner Kruse questioned whether the child care center was specifically for children under the age of two, whereupon Mrs. White replied -no·. Commissioner pistor stated that Marco Islðnd is in dire need of child care, adding that if this variance is granted it would create a chain reaction which would create npot zoning. There being no !urthor discu~sion, Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel an~ carried unanimously, that the public heart ng be close<1. Commissioner Piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel ~nd cbrried unanimously, that Petition V-82-3-C requesting It vari"nce to allow tho submission of a provisional use request for an owner-occupied child care center to have 50 children instead of thr. 17 allowed on Lot 17, Block 2, Old Marco Villagr, be denied. Chlllrman Wimer sti)tel1 thllt .,¡- '~lt th"l 'intire bo..,.-j recognizes the need for child ca~( ~~nter3 but has gr~At ~.·~1tðtion with the location. paq c 6 atj" 068 PAc(' - œ March 9, 1982 ~~ 008 fA~-1O RECOMMENDATION TO ADOPT ~N ORDtNANCE l.MENDtN~ ORDINANCF. 75-21 AND 7£-..2, I'ROTECTtD Tnr:F. C'nn!N^~:CP. - Cr:~T ,,~!~.:'Q 'I'~O Wr.P.KS. Legal notice having been published in thp Naples Daily News on February 3, 1982, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication previously filed with the Clerk, the public hearing was openod to consider an adoption of an ordinance for the purpose ~f protecting certain trees within Collier County and repealing Ordinance No. 7S-?1 and Ordinance No. 76-42, the current Tree Ordinance and its amendment1. Dr. Benedict, County Environmentalist, stated that the purpose of the ordinance would be to protect certain indigenous trees within Collier County which perform an important natural function in the control of flooding, prevention of soil erosion, minimization of dust and noise nuisance, mitigation of air pollution and contribute to the aesthetic and health value!; ....ithln ColI. er County. He said that it is the intent of tho Ordinance to encourage the growth and preservation of tho~e indigenou~ trees within Collier County to enhance tha environ- mental quality of the County, adding that It is not the intent of the ordinðnc~ to prohibit the pruning of protected trees, except for red, white, and black mangroves, liS a m~intenanc~ proc~1ure, provided however, over-pruning or removal ~hall be prohibited, except as provided for in the ordinance. He 8t~ted that by clarifying the existing proter.t:ed tree ordinance, the proposed ordinance would be much easier to in" -:-ret !In" enforce. He c<:'nc1uded by stating that it is r"i!commended I....., the Board a10pt the revised ~íotected 'l'ree Ordinance for Collier County. Co~missioner Kruse ~uestloned whether th~ inclusion of the Cabbage Page 7 l1li I!!!t .. """-----""'''"! March 9, 1982 Palm ~ou1d create a problem ~D the homeowner, to which Dr. Benedict replied that his major concern WÐS that the Cabbage Palm is the state tree of Florida and should be listed as an indigenous tree that needs to be protected. He said that it should not create any problems to the homeowners. The following persons spoke in opposition to the proposed tree ordinance, citing personal rights to one's property and bureaucratic administration: Mr. William Thomas Mr. Mike Z(.'walk Mr. Ho n r y Ma x ant Mr. Edward Kal"" Ms. GrClce Reid Mr. Ross Lonqmire Mr. George Koller Mr. Mike Taylor Commis61oner Kruse stated that if this ordinance had been in effect a few yeðrs ago and followed there would not be the scarified areas that there are now. County Environment~li~t Benedict statcd that the ordinance has been revised in order to exempt property zoned -A-I- under bonafide agricultun!l U5e. He furthcr stated seismographic operations would al so be cxempt. Commissioner Kruse stated that scarifying is mostly done on privately owned land but mostly in the Estates area. She questioned if there would be a big problem in adjusting the ordinance to exempt land under 2-1/2 acres single-family privately owned? Dr. Benedict stated that the idoa was originally to exempt land unch'f '.'·1/4 ,",cres, but if there is a cypress strand in that particular area which is removed, it is a significant loss. Mr. Virta, Community Development Admtnlstrntor, stated that t~ Pl'q P. 8 ðo...~ 068 PACt - 11 ~fÄ 068 PACt·-.12. March 9, 1982 prov1s10 6-E-10 of thc ordinðnce would servo the purpose for ðn acro or les8 and could bo moved to the exemption sect ion of the ordinanc". Commissi.oner Kruse stated that she would be satisfied with such change as she did not wðnt to see thQ increase of the bureaucracy but does recognize the developing problem. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unðnimously, that the recommendation to adopt an ordinance for the purpose of protecting certain trees within Collier County and repealinq Ordinance No. 75-21 and OrdInance No. 7fi-42, the current tr.ee ordinance and its amendments be continuea for two weeks in order for Staff to work out the appropriate exemptions. Chairman Wimer stated that the existing tree ordinance created moro problems thðn it solved, adding that more trees were destroyeð than were saved because of the ordinance. He stated that trees are his livelihood and hc Edlt that there had b~en a lot of vðl1d points mentioned. He said that he wondered if this proposed ordinance may be something that is totally unenfo:ceable that is wlIsting a lot of time, manpower, and money. * * * * * * ~.M. rcconvened. * * * * Recess 10:17 A,M. - Reconvened 10:30 Commissioner Kruse not present when mGetlng * * * * * EXECUTION OF AUTHOR IZATION FOR DR. THOMJI.S TO UNDERTAKE THE WORJt AS PROVIDED FOR IN HER PROPOS^L RE PROPOSED PROGRAM POR REORGANIZING HE....LTH DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IN TilE AMOUNT OF' 51i,700 AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE FISCAL OFFICER TO PROCESS THE NECESSARY BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR THE RF.OUIRF:D FUNDS TO BE TR.'.NSFERRED FP0M THE GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT - APPROVED. County ~nager Norman stated that a few weeks ago the Board authorIzed ð study by Dr. Ruth Thomas of the finðncial record keeping Page 9 r.:::s ~ "'~..~..._~ rll.~ ,.--~,-~-- March 9, 1982 system of the Beal th Department, add ing that the report has been completed. He said that after the report was reviewed duri~g a meeting with Dr. Thomas, she was asked to prepare a proposal for following through with the implementation which is also before the Board today. He rdported that it is desirable that the Board accept the recommen- dations in Dr. Thomas· report as they involve major changes to the financial management record keeping syst~m of the H.alth Department which could effectively be implemented as part of the budget for the coming year. He concluded by stating that Dr. Thomas· assistance will be of great help to the County Manager's o~fice as well as the Fiscal Officer's office and the Health Department. There being no discussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissi.1ner pistor and carried 4/0, (Commissioner Kruse not preRent), that the Board approve the exer.ution of authorization for Dr. Thomas to undertake the work as r-~-ovidcd for in he: r-roposal, in the amount of $6,700, ~nd authorize the Fiscal Officer to process the necessary budget amendment (or the required funds to be transferred from the general fund contingency accIJ'.lnt. Chairman Wimer complimented Dr. Thomas on her fine report and the hard work involved. * * * * Commissioner Kruse returned to the room at 10:39 A.M, * * * * COUNTY M^NAGER AUTHORIZED TO pnnCEED rORW^RD W!TH FTNAL NEr.OT!ATIONS RE THE PUHCI1^Sf: OF THE MARYD"LE KENNEL PROPF.RTY FOP TilE SU,", OF $113 f "'00. County Miln~gcr Norman stated th..t the Humane Society has been very cooperative and the meetings and work have been vcry amicable based on r-.:.,]e 10 ðO~K 068 1'.\Ci 13 March 9, 1982 tC~ 068 PACi-14- a feoling of øutual trust and respect. He said that the facilti.. at tho Human~ Roci~ty aru ovorcro~deð ~~e to th~ "u~ber of animals handled for the County, which prevents them from their primary mis$ion of receiving unwanted animals and placing them up for adoption. He reported that the County's role is primarily that of enforcing an animal control ordinance which attr.mpted to deal with the problems that are created by animals that are a nuisance or running wild. He indicated that during the course of the investigation, the Cou~ty became aware of the possibility of acquiring the existing Marydale Kennel which is locatod at Orange Blossom Lnne and ^irport Road. He noted that the owner of that property offered it to the County at the appraised value tha t he had obtain':!d .....h i c h wa s $295,000 for 10 acres pi us an existing 35 run building which al so has offices and stables for larger animals. He said that this facility would satisfactorily meet the needs of a county operated animal shelter, adding that budget inform,Ülol1 !-aa:; been prq:.Jrcd in::!1~..t:lnCJ what it could cost for the County to operate the shelter as well as how the capital investment would be dealt with in regards to acquiring the property. He reported that an analysis has been prepare( regarding coun~y operation versus the Aumane Sor.iety oper^tion which indicates the County could save $30,000 a year if the c<lpit<ll cost is amoritlzed over ten years at IS\ and using only three acres of the ten acres for the animal shelter. He stated that an appraiser provided an appraisal of $307,000 but an outsta~ding road assessment would have to be added making the purchase price of $313,500. He reported that the County needs to act regarding this mattar immcð1"tely as th,. owner also has another offer. He Page 11 ~:~'~~, ','" I ~ . r:::J !"~~ March 9, 1982 concluded by stating ~hðt recommenðation is to purchase the property and proceed with the necessary Rteps to implement a County opcrated shelter and to obtain occupancy approximately May 1, 1982. Commissioner Brown questioned whether the funds were available for this purchase, to which Mr. Hall stated that the County Manager has capital improvement funds in the appropriate fund for this purchase. Dr. Young, President of the Collier County Veterinarian Society stated that he advises the County to proceed with their own facility for confinement and adoption of stray and unwanted animals, ðdding that it would be the mo.t cost f'ffective US,} of tax dolll1rs. He concluded by a ta t i ng that the veterinarians in the community are more than willing to hel p the i\nimal Control Department in any way. Dr. Dll bone s tat ed he was in concurrence with Sta f f and there was no need to speak. Commissioner Wenzel stated that in order to handle the increased load that i~ anticipated, th~ Humane Society wants the County to build a $150,000 facility. There being no further cHscussion, Com;.,issioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the County Manager be authorized to proceed with final negotiations and preparation of a purchase agreement for th~ purchase of the ~aryd~le Kennel proporty, for the sum of $313,500; ðnd that the necessary budget amendments for operating and purchase of the propo~ed new shelter facility be prepared ~nd presented for Boar~ approval at the earliest possible date; and thi\t formiJl recognition be given to the Humane Society for the cooperation in providinq animal shelter services over Pager l? ,~ oœ r.\t,i -15 I "V"._C March 9, 1982 Commissioner Wimer stated that the recommendation is to approve the petition with septic tanks with the stipulation that the owner would place lines undcr th~ Rtreet so that when sewer becomes available it would be there. Mr. Carroll stated that he agreed to such. Mr. Berzon, Utilities Manager, emphasized that the direction of the gravity line has to be away from Willoughby ~cres. There being no further discussion, commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissiorer Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner wcnzel and carried unanimously, that Petition SMP-Bl-~C, Cape Cod Estates, be approved with the stipulation that the owner place lines under the streel for 3~w~r when It becomes available, and based upon the following Utllit!es Division and Enginecrin1 Department stipulations: 1. If Willoughby Drive is to be ð road dedicated to Collier County, any mcntion of "AcceSS Dr~inaqe and Utility Easement- should be eliminated from th~ Master Plan. 2. Willouqhby Drive right-of-way should be extended at the sixty (60) foot ~idth to the west~rly property line with additional turn-around areas outside the right-of-way uedicated as easements for turn-around purposes. 3. The bike path easement is not required along the north side of the northerly right-oE-way line if the four (4) foot wide sidewdlk Is constructed ....¡thin the right-or-way "long the southerly side of the ro~d. 4. The six (F.) inch rve culvert undf'r the é.ldewalk at station 0+ 1 0 + 5 h 0 u 1 d be" 1 0 I - 1 2" II C CM P " . 5. Dispersion structurer. IHt' re<1\Jired !It the eðsterly ends of the valley gutters. 6. Information 15 required to vprify thr f~oW c~p~city of the existing culverts lInrJcr the rlrivl'WI'lY for Lot IiO. 7. The plc'lt sheet or p~~r.:: !T'\\~t c-ontai!'1 1'I statemcnt in~1cating thl'lt t 11.. Dcv~lo¡.,..:r \11 I] r1f1'r.rl the WDter lines to the County page 14 &OO~ 068 PA~t 17 boot 008 ,~cE'-18 MlIrch 9, 1982 Water-Sewer Oist~ict, upon compl~tion, ~nd in a manner consistent with the r~quircmcnts of County Ordinance No. ; 7A-lO. \. .~ 8. Ccnnp.ction to a central sewer system must be made when such becomes available to the project. Septic tanks may be acceptable as an interim method of sew3ge trcatment upon approv~l of such installations by the County Health Department and until such time as II centrDl sewer systcm is available. 9. system Dcvelopment Charges for water service must be paid prior to the issuance of any building pcrmits. 10. System Development Charges for sewer connections must be p~id prior to the issuance of any builðing permits. 11. If central sewer services become nvailable after completion of the proposed project, then individual propcrty ~wners will be rcspongible for assessments to pay for the cost of placing sewage collection lines to the limits of their property. Mr. Carroll questioned tf the plat could be signed by ci~culating it through the necess<lry depùrtments. Lee Kirchhoff stated that there has been no submission of the pl~t, ¡)(Jding that this is simply for the Master Plan approval. Mr. Carroll stated that two plats have been submitted. Chairman Wimer !r Icated that thcre should not be any problem with ~he plat qoinq through the propcr channels. BOARD DIRF:C1'ED ~1'^FF 1'0 PREPlIfH: ÀN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE CHANGING TilE 1'I~E LIMIT FOI< TEMPORARY MOBILE HOMES AND TRAVEL TRAILERS IN THF: "E~ r.~T!I'T'~~S TO I:? P"ONT!lS, Lce Kirchhoff, Planner, statcd that this is a discussion of ð proposal to change the time limit for temporary mobile homes and travel trailers in the ~E" E~tates District, ðddinq that on Janu~ry 5, 1982, the Board directed ~tðff to r~draft the Zoning Ordinance concerning temp~rary use pcrmit~ in the Estates Oigtrict from the current six (~) months permit with ð three (3) month extension to nine (9) months with one thrcc (3) month ey.t~nsion. ~hp reported that the Zontnq Department provided her with thc statistics for the requests for 1981 temporary . . paq e 15 ~ .-...-.... "'-", March 9, 1982 residence permits, adding that of the 34 permits requested there are stillS of 9 extensions st111 active. She stated th~t soveral contractors have indicated that it takes at least four (4) monthS construction time with a full crew building a house. She reported that building permits are subject to a 5ix (fi) month original permit with one (1) six (6) month adminictrative extension. She indicated that increasing the total time period for a temporary residence permit to twelve (12) months total would fall in line with tho building permit time period. She said Staff is recommending a twelvo (12) month tim~ limit with two (2) proposed time schedules for Board consideration: 1. six (6) month initial permit with up to two (2) three month extensions; or 2. Nine (9) ,no"'::! initilll permit w~ _h one (1) three month c:xtension. She concludpd by stating that the recommendation is that the Board direct Staff to prepare an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance with the preferred time limit for a temporary residence permit. Commissioner Kruse stated th~~ she preferred the first option, that being, a six month iniLlal permit with up to two three month extensions, as this would give people fair warning twice that the time limit is about up, adding that she agrees that people need 12 months to build instead of 9 months. Commissioner pistor stated hu was in concurrenc~ with Commi~sio~er ~ruse and moved that Staff be directed to prcpare ðn amcndment to the Zoning Ordinance ~ith the six month initial permit with up to two three month extonsions. Commiss on~r Kru!ie seconded and upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. Page 16 ~I Ò68 fAtE '-19 . ... March 9, 1982 ~~o~ 008 fACE'- 20 RESOLUTION 82-29 RE R^NGE ON V.".~'f)FRR rtT SUBJECT TU ORIGINAL PF.TITION PU-77-6-C, JOHN DROTOS, FCR A GOLF DRIVING ~PtVr.. ~DOPTF.D WTTH NO FURTHER TIME LIMIT AND .-,. I PULM'rONS. Lee Xirchhoff, Planner, stated that the recommendation is for approval of an extension of time for petition PU-77-6-C, John Drotos, for property located 1/2 mile north of the intersection of Vanderbilt Drive and Immokalee Road, which is the driving range on the east sido of Vanderbilt Drive. She reported that on June 21, 1977, this petition was approved for r golf driving r~ngø in an RS-1 zoning district with one stipulation being that the provisional use must be reconsidered in fivo years to detcrminc its effcct on the surrounding property. She stated th~t the propcrty is located north of Naples Memorial Gardens, adding thðt therA is no devclopment to the west, north or east. She further stated thAt the petitioner ;Ias complied with aU stipulations including no lights after 10:00 P.M. She noted that the project has been i~ opor~tion for fIve YC3rs and se~ms to have no detrimental effect on surrounding properties. She concluded by stating th~t Staff recommends that the provisional use be reapproved with no time limit and be treated like all othcr provisional uses subject to the original stipulations. Th3re being no discussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, secon~ed by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously that Resolution 82-29 regarding petition PU-77-6-C, John Drotos, be adopted with no further time limit and subject to the original stipulations. paq. 17 ~ C:~_ ! ~ March 9, 1982 PETITION TR-82-6-C, JOSEPH W. "ABERI<F:RN, RE TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR TRACT 9, UNIT 34, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - DENIED. ~r. Jeff Perry, Zoning Director, stated that Petition TR-82-6-C, Jos~ph w. Haberk~rn is requesting a temporary residence permit to utilize a travel trailer during construction of a principle residence on the E 350' of Tract 9, Unit 34, (';olden Gate Estates. He reported that this request was reviewed several weeks ago, adding that it is not aa remote as some of the other requests in the past and, therefore, Staff recommends denial. Mr. Joseph Haberkern of '84 Forest Hills Blvd. statp.d that remoteness is in the eye of the beholder. He said that his prcperty is located at 12th ~nd Logan Alvd" ðdding that in 1980 there were close to 400 burglarios and larcenies In the area ~f Golden Gate and Golden Gate Estates; over 500 In 1981; and during the month of January of 1982 thero wer~ close to 50. Le report,.d that with the are3 and popu111tion growing, crime iR also growing with It. He said his request is to live on the acreage to protect the propcrty and mðt~rials, adding that hiß intentions are to build ð frame home of approximately 2000 squ~re feet. He advised that the report ctated that homes within the area make the possibility of theft less likely. However, hI"! stnted that the homes that are set off of the road are hidden by trees. lie said there are no homes across tile street from him, and hi!> building site and trailer cannot be seen from the road. lIe :ndlcatNJ th,Ü certain neighbors have had unwanted visitors during the day, ~lso noting that there was a permit issued for a temporary residence on 12th which sets a precedent. He reported that the area is not illuminated. fie concluded by stating that he was not aware of the way remot~ness is being dcfined. ~UL'I 008 Wi'- 25 pag e 1 e Mðrch 9, 1982 ~~Ò~. œB PACE"" 26 Commissioner \'enzel inquired if neighbors could see the building aite ßnd if th~(e was dn abundance ví pine tru~Ð on his property, to which Mr. HaberKftrn stated th~t the neighhors coulð not even see the ðriveway amongst all the pInes. Mr. H~berkern further noted that with 1-75 coming through, Oaks Boulevard being paved, and the bridge that now connects Santa Barbara Blvd. maKes a tremendous incre~se In unknown traffic. He concluded by stating that he just wants the opportunity to build tho house. Chairman WImer statod that no one is denying hIm the opportunity to build a house, addIng that hIs concern Is with the whole ordinance ðS it iø very difficult to call Mr. Haberkern's ptoperty remote. He stated th~t the intent of the or~inance was not to provide temporary housing while a house is being buIlt, it was for protection of construction material on site in very remote areas. Commissioner W~nzel questioned whether the are~ should be protected by h~ving a tr~iler, to ~1~ich Ch!of Ray eðrn~tt st~ted th~t the a~sthetics of the arca h~ve more to do with rcmoteness rather than crime, as crime does not depend on remoteness. He noted that remoteness and crime do not go t01·~ther as there , more crime whero there is mora people. County ^ttorney Pickworth stated that the Ordinance was passed under the assumption that the remoteness wa5 somehow related to r.rime. Commissioner Wenzel saId that he always thought it was because of the remoteness of the area that a trailer was allowed for protection. Commissionor Plstor mov~d, seconded by CommlssionQr W~nzel and carried unanimously that petition TR-82-~-C, Joqpph H~h~rkArn requesting a temporary residence permit to utilize .'I tra.....4!!l trailer Page 19 c=:=J ,.......,.........~ ~ M.HCh 9, 1982 durin~ construction pf a principle residence en the E 350' of Tract 9, Unit 34, Golðen Gates Estates, be denied. RESOLUTTON A' - 30 RF. PF.TTTTON PU -A 1-1 C, CA PR I CHR ISTIAN CHlTRCH. GRANTING 1. SIX MONTH EXTENSION - ADOPTED Lee Kirchhoff, Planner, stated that the recommendation is to approve a six month extension for Petition PU-BI-IC, Capri Christian Church located Of'l Isles of Capri. She stated that tho 1,:0v1sionlll use was granted on March 24, 19A1, adding that the plnns have been finalized and are currently out for bids. She said that there in some doubt that the contractor can be seler.ted, the building pcrmit obtained, and the construction started before March 24, 1982. Commissioner Wenz~l moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse, and carried unanimously that Resolution 82-30 re Petition PU-BI-IC, Capri Christian Church granting a six month extension be adopted. Pago 20 . )0". ~. œa h.t[' P:1 March 9, 1982 RESOLUTION B2-3l RE POLICY EST^BLISHING READVERTrSING REQUIREMENTS IN CASES OF CONTINUED PUBLIC IIE^RINC;S - ADOPTED. There being no discussion regðrding this matter, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unðnimously that Resolution 82-31 re the policy establishing readvertiÐing requirements in cases of continued public hearings be adopted. Page 21 WII œs rm:'" 29 .. . t ~~ 068 PACt'- 32 Morch 9, 1982 rnorOSED RESOL~TICN ::r.'U,:LISHING PERlnT FEES reR THE FRunIt~C IJR REMOVl',!" OF PROTECTED TREES - CONTINUED FOR TWO WEEKS. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously th3t the proposed rcsolution establishing permit fees for the pruning or removal of protected trees be continued for two weeks. RF:SOLl'TION 82-32 AUTHORIZING THE COLLIER COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TO OCCUpy ANt> USE TI!E FOr-MEn MOTOR VEfllr;r.r. INSPECTION STATION BUILDING AT TI!E IMMOK"l.EE flJRPORT - 1\DOPTED; AUTHORIZATION FOR NECESSARY BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR LIVING OU1\RTERS AND STORAGE FACILITIES - i\PPROVED. Neil Dorrill, Public S~fety Administrator, recommended that the BCC adopt a resolution and establish a Memorandum of Understanding of Terms and Conditions to utilize the former Immokalee MVI station located at tho Immokalee Airport for use as ðn EMS station, adding that the EMS activity will operate as a ~uðsi-Airport Manager for that !:StatlQn. H~ st-!lt~d tt-~t th~ It~M h!ll~ h"~n rH!'ir.lI~!H~" with Mr, R,1rk~r!l'Ilfl! and Mr. Greenfield. H~ concluded by st~tlng that accompanying the executive summary is ð copy of the resolution and the memorandum of · ::!rms and conditions. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously that Resolution 82-32 authorizing the Collier County E~ergencJ Medical Services to o~cupy and use the former Motor Veh!cle Inspection Station Building at the Immokl'llee Airport in accordance with the Memorandum of Ter~s and Conditions be adopted; and that a budget amendment be authorized to make the n~cessary Improvements from Dvalll'1ble funds to construct living qu~rtcr~ and storage facilities. PaC) e 22 r"'j ""---, -...--,) j-~ "-_.,.--. _.J Mðrch 9, 1982 ^PPRCVAL FOR APPROPRIATE DISPOSITION OF FUNDS RESULTING FROM THE SALE ~ND SETTLEMENT OF D^M^GED AND SURPLUS ~MBULANCES - GR^NTED. Public Safety Administrator Dorrll1 stated that this request 1s for Board approval to recognize the disposition of surplus and also wrecked ambulances which involves three particular pieces of equipment, one of which was budgeted and anticipated to be traded in this year and another which i5 to have a chassis conversion and the final vehicle was one that waG totaled in a November accident in ImmoKalee. Commissioner Wenzp.l moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the approval of Rðlc of the vehicles and the disposition of monies to the appropriate accounts be granted. Rr.SOLUTION 82-33 REVISING THE COLLE(.ll(:' POLICY FOR SERVICES PROVIDED BY COLLIER COUNTY AMBULANCE SERVICE: ADDITION OF THE P^RT-TIME tILLING COORDINATOR: AND Sf.RVrCES OF THE 5TII fLOOR DATA PROCESSORS AND COMPUTER RENTAL - ADOPTED. There being no discussion regarding this matter, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-13 revising the collection policy for ser'dces provided by the Collier County ^mb~lance Service, the addition of the part-time billing coordinator, and the services of the 5th floor data processors and computer rental be adopted. pag 0 23 ~ œa'b1I'-43 ,..._~~"- .-..--.-."" March 9, 1982 FIELD PURCH~SE ORDERS FOR COUNTY PURCHASES, NOT TO EXCEED $200 MAXIMUM - APPROVED. Comminsioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and car(l~d unanImously, that the use of ^ fIeld purchase order be authorized for County purchases, not to exceed $200 maximum, under the controls and further dollar limitations ~et by the County purchðsing Director, in compliance with all County Purchasing policies. BIO 1548 FOR OVERHII,UL OF AIR CONDITIONING COMPRESSORS AWARDED TO CONDITIONED AIR CORPORATION TN THE AMOUNT OF $1,7~0.00 Legal notice having been published in the N~ples Daily News on February 2 and Februay 9, ¡QA2, as e"Jidenced by Affiddvit of publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid 1548 for overhauling two Trane a1: condItioning air compressors (50 T system) 'J:1t11 2: 30 FcbrtL~rr ;>~, 1c}32. ... - t-'. "I. Ther~ being no dlscus51on, CommissIoner Wenz~l moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown ~nd carried unanimously that Aid .548 for the overhaul ot two Trane aIr conrlitloning ~Ir compressors (50 T system) be awarded to Conditioneò Air Corporation, 4451 Merchl!ntile Avenue, Naples, Florida, in the ðmount oC S1,7~O.OO, as recommended by the Purchasing Director to be the lowest responsible bid in the hest interest of the County; I!nd that the Chairman be authoriz~d to sign and the Cler~ to att~st the resulting agre~m~nt; ~nd th~t the Fiscal Officer be directed to prepare thp- necessary budget amendm~nt. BID .542 FENCING FOR IMMO~"LEE JAIL CENTER ~WAR"ED TO QUAIn FENCE BUILDERS IN THr. ""OUNT OF $')<"".,:;.<,1, UPON nF:CF:IPT np rF:RF'ORMMICE AONO. Legal notice having b~c~ published In the N~plcs Pnily N~ws on Jdnuary 12 and 15, 1992, as evlden<.:ed by f,Ui(Jilvit of PubllCLlt10n filcd Pðq., :'4 &~DI 008 l1Œ- 47 .... March 9, 1982 r~6J 068 P^~[ 48 with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid '542 for fencing for the Immokalee Jail C~ntcr until 2:30 p.m., February 3, 1982. Commissioncr Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and carried unanimously, that Bid '542 (or fencing for the Tmmokalee Jail Center be awarded to Quaid Fence Builders, 5~Ol N. 50th Street, Tampa, Florida, in the amount of $55,3~3.51, upon rcceipt of a pcrformance bond, as reco~mendcd by the Purchasing Director to bc the lowost responblble bid in the best interest of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. Monies for this improvement have becn budgeted in Fund 302-523-~-OO-27-050 BID '5<19, C'IIANNEL DREDGING FOR AAYVIFW PlIRK lIWARDED TO ^7.TEC DEVELOPMENT CORPOR,,:rTON IN THE ^M0tJNT Of' $7.o1,'inn, UPON RECEIPT OF '" PERFORMANCE ROND AND UPON "CCEPTlINr:r. OF SAID OlD Oy TilE DfP^RTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCfS, Legal notice having been published in the N~ples D~ily News on February 3 and 4, 1982, as evidenced by lIffidavit of publication filed with th~ Clerk, bids w~re receiv~d for Bid '549 for ch~nnel dredging ~t Bayview Park, until 2:30 p.m., February 24, 198). Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pir.tor and carried unanimously that Bid '549 Channel dredging for Bayview Park be lIwarded to Aztec Devclopm('nt Corpor"Uon, P. O. Box 330111, Orlando, Florida, in the amount of $24,500, upon receipt of a performance bond and conditioned upon acceptance of this bid by the Department of Natural Resources, dS recommended by the Purrhðslnq Director to be the 1 0 we s t responsi hI e bid In the best interest of the County, and tha t the Chairman be author i zed to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. Monies for this expenditure h,l)vc been budgeted in Fund 303-572-I-14-R7-010-630. Page 2S [-, c:J :::J March 9, 19R2 CHAlRMAN AUTHORIZED TO S~ND ^N APPROPRI1\T£ LETTER TO THE CL~DES UTILITIES, INC. DIRECTING TnEM TO ~ROVIDE THE NECESSARY INFORMATION REGARDING TIIEIR FRA?~CIIISF. 1\PPLICATION BY MARCil 23, 19A2. Mr. Berzon, Utilities Manager, stated thnt the purpose of this ite~ 1s to apprise the board that to date there has been no response to the request for the information regarding the franchise application wl1ich tho Board directed to be obtained from the Glades. He requested that the Chairman be authorized to send an appropriate letter to the Glades Utilities, Inc. reminding them th~t they are under order to provide the necessary Information in order to evaluate the request to grant a franchise. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously that the Chairmnn be authorized to send an appropriate lctter to the Gladcs Utilities, Inc. directing them to provide the necessnry information regarding their franchise application by Ma r c h 2 3, I 9 8 2 . Mr. Dwight Sartwell, President of the Glades Association, stated that he is in complete concurrence with the appropriate letter but a~~~d that the letter also Include a stðte~ent that if there is no compliance by a given date the penalties provided for in Section 404 and Section 7C may be applicable, adding that they are ready and willing to pay whatever a properly constituted body shall determine as fair rates. iJDJÄ œs ntt -49 Page 26 March 9, 1982 ,.. ~t)DI 068 IR.;£ 50 ROUTINE DILLS - ~~rROVED FOR P~YMENT Pursuant to Resolution 81-150 the following checks were issued through Fridðy, March 5, 1982, in payment of routine billsl FUND CHEC f( NOS. ÞMOUNT County Checks 4489-4785 $1,031,488.06 CETA 850 ., - 8 5 4 0 $ 5,963.49 BUDGET AMENDHENT NO. 82-67 TR^:-ISFER TO PROVIDE FOR PERSONNEL COSTS OF BOOKKEEPER, BUILDIN~ M^INTEN^NC~, ~DOPTED IN THE ~MOUNT OF $11,7A3. Commissioner Wen~el moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 82-67, transfer to provide for personnel costs of bookkeeper, Building Maintenance, be adopted in the ûmount of $11,783. Page 27 r::::J ~.-......, ~..:......". .....i ~-~ --..J March 9, 1982 ~W« œa 1m '-52 13UC~ET J\MENDMEN'!' flO. ::-r;e, 1\PpnO"R~.'Trml OF CT^TE GRANT MONEY FOR DISTRIBUTION TO SHI::H 11- r" S DEPT. AND ~tnClI IT Cl/úRT CLER~ FOR VT\RIOUS CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROJECTS, ADOPTED IN THE A~OUNT OF $fi9,fi77.00 Commissioner Wcnzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carri~d unanimously, that Budget ~endment No. 8'--68. appropriation of State grant money for distribution to Sheriff's Department and Circuit Court Clerk for various criminal justice projects, be adopted In the amount of $69,677.00 paq. 28 t::1 r--- ) :::::J ~K œs!t'rú.£'- 51 March 9, 19&2 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 02-69, TRANSl'ER TO PROVIDE FOR PURCHASE 01' 't^L~UL^TOR FOR PARKS & I1ECRE^TION, I\DOPTED IN .TIIE MtOUNT OF ~125.00 Commissionnr P1stor moved, Reconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously that Budget Amendment No. 82-69, transfer to provide for purchase of calculator for Parks & Recreation, be adopted in the amount of $125.00. Pac;). 29 t:"........, -_. '- --.J ""'-_.....~ March 9, 1982 . ,.. ~OO ( 068 PAtE 56 .BUDGET l\MP.~'!:'MEJ-1T NO. Ø2-70, TO PROVIDE FOR'" TRUST F"ND FROM l\CCUMULATED FUNDS For, THE f,IIERIFF'S nF.Pl\RTMENT FOR TRAINING AND EDUCATION FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT, ADOPTED IN THE ~MOUNT OF $2~,765.00 Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 82-70, to provide for a tru3t fund from accumulated funds for the Sheriff's Department for training and education for law enforcement, be adopted in tho amount of $26,765.00. pag_ 30 1:::1 r _r j ==:J Mðrch 9, 1982 f¡UDC œs I1Œ'- 58 DUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 82-71, TRANSPER TO PROVIDE FOR ^DDITION^L CLERICAL . H1-~LP FOR SUPF;RVISOH OF E"C:C':'ION!ì, ADOPTr.D IN TilE ^MOUNT or $:;_,500.00 Commissioner Wp.nzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carriod unðnimous1y, that Budget ~~endment No. 82-71, transfer to provide for additional clericðl help for the Supervisor of Elections, be adopted in the ðmount of $5,500.00. paqe 31 1:::1 t=J ~ [ '" 18DDK œB ffAIIE '-60 March 9, 1982 BUDGET ....MENDMENT NO. 82-72, ....PPROPRIATION OF TRUST FUNDS FOR SliER IFF'S DEPARTMENT WHEN NEF:rJF.D, ^DOPTr.D IN TAr. AMOIJNT $''',7''S.OO CommiGaionQ~ Pi~tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wen%cl and carried unðnimously, thðt Budget Amendment No. 82-~2 appropriation of trust funds for the Sheriff's Department when needed, be adopted in the amount of 526,765.00. paq _ 32 t:::1 c=:J :::::2 ß()ð,e (, J' ... ¡J 119 e. e::, oZ Marc~ 9, 1982 cr.nTI~ICATP.5 OF conR~CTtnH T~ TifF. TAX nOLLS AS RECOMMF.NnF.O ANn SUBMITTED BY TilE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE - ;\UTIIOrn::::D ~cn CHAIPMl\N'S EXECUTION. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the following Certificates ef Correcti.n te tr.-.! Tax Ro:i..ls as submitted by the Property Appraiser'::¡ Office be authorized for exe~ution by the Chairman: NUMB~RS DATES 19f1C1 TAX no!.!. 549-550 3/3/82 1901 TI\X ROLL 431-432 442 443 (Addit ion) 444-446 3/3/82 2/25/82 2/25/82 3/118 2 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 198C\ TAX ROL!... 1980 - 166 3/5/82 1981 TA:O: ROLL 1981 - 117-118 3/8/82 AUTHORIZATION rOR LEAVE OF' I\f\SEro.¡Cf. ron C!\I\RLP.S W. BOONE, BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCf. rOR 2/22/82 TO 3/22/82 - APPROVED, Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Piator and carried unanimously, that authorization tor leave of absence fer Charles W. Boone, Building Code Compliance tor 2/22/82 to 3/22/82, be approved. Page )) u=I t:::] c::I MlIrch 9, 1982 EXTRA GAIN TIME ^PPROVED FOR INMATE '~10~2, INMATE NO. 32080, INMATE NO. 27586, INMATE NO. 32904, AND IN~^TE NO. 383J7. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that extra gain time be approved for the following Collier County Jail Inmates and establishing a new release date, as requested by Sheriff Rogers: INMATE NO. EXTRA GAIN TIME 3103? 24 days 32904 48 dðys 275Æi 24 da ys 32080 48 days 38337 48 da ys R ELE~SE D~TE 4/5/82 4/1/82 3/28/82 4/118 2 3/13/82 AUTHORIZATION FOR A MAY 25, 19B2, HEARING REOUF.STED BY PLANNING DEPT. REGARnING EMERALD LAKES APPLICATION FOR A DRI. Grace Spaulding, Administrative Aide to the Board, stated that a letter was t~cei,..t!,¡ from Rol.'.lnd Eastwood, Executive Director of Southwest Floridv ~egional Planning council, regarding Emerald Lakes application for development approv<ll. She reported that th~ letter s tat e d t hat 1 n com p 11 ð nee wit h Ch ð P t e r 3 8 0 . 0 fi (1 0 ) ( a ) (b) ( c), a hë;..ri~g b~ r~t:l'Jip~c1 for the DR!. She concluded by stating that the Planning Department has requested a h.'IHing date of May 25, 1982. Commissionpr Wenzel moved, s~condcd by Commissioner pistor and carried unðnimously that ð hearing be set regarding Emerðld Lakes application for a DTH on Mðy 25, lQA2. LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS DEED NO, 296 AND DEED NO. 297 - ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION Pursuðnt to .'.Iction of the Board on January 10, 1978, wherein the Chairmun was authorized to sign varioug deeds to L<lke Trafford Memorial Gðrdens Cemetery lot:: ~s t.h~ neod I'rtspg, the following Oe"d NoS. 296 and 297 were recordeå ana Li l~d (or the rl'cord. WlX œs rm ,- 63 paq. 34 ,~___~"'N"_ ~O()( 068 PACE'- 66 March 9, 1982 MI~CELL^NEOU5 CORRESPONDENCE - FILED ANO/OR REFERRED There (jt11nq no OLJjt:Ct1VII, tiH. C¡,.df ùjrt1l;t;~J thaL the !ollu..,ing \ corresponden~e hp. fil~d ~~~/~r r~f~rrr.~ to thp. v~riou~ departments liS \ \ indlcðted belo,w: _. 1. Mcmor<1ndum from Thomas W. Gittins, Executive vice President of Sistcr Cities International, enclosing 1982 certificðtes of member9hip. Filed. 2. Memorandum datpd 2/23/82, from J. E. Scully, District IV PTO EngJneer, FDOT, to Chairmðn Wimer, ðdvising of new room number5 lInd extensio"s for the l'ubl ic Transportðtion operations Section. xc Messrs. Barksdale and Norman; Filed. 3 . Le t t e r d ð t e d 2/2 418 2, fro m L1.I w r en c e T. Z c h f u 5 S, Pre sid en t 0 f Aml."r ican Hardwarc Supply Company, to the Board, regarding a proposed zoning ch~nge, stating he is against said change but does not indicate the property location. xc Messrs. Norman and Virta; Filed. 4. Letter dated 2/28/82 from Jorge and Gilda Plasencia, stating their objections to a rez~ne change regarding petition R-82-2C. xc ~1~ssrs. Nocrn311 and Virta; Filed. 5. Minutes of Environmental ^dvisory Council meeting of February 3, 1982; Filed. ~. :~1¡lu·~ç~ 0[ Gvl(~en GdtL C0i.ìl\'Url:'-'i C.::n~er ~dvlsory Cûmm1ttea meeting of Ff'bruary 21, 1982: Filed. 7. Minutes of Naple~ Cit~ Council =ecting of Febru~ry 17, 1982; Fil cd. o. j·~l iìütro ~ of Libr ~~vl~nry Board meeting of Februðry 25, '''v . J 1982; Filed. 9. Minutes of Islc:. of Capri Fire Control District meeting of March 1, 19P.2¡ Filed. 10. Notification dated 2/24/82 frcm District Forester Fennimore to the Board that Feder",l C05t-Sh.,ring I\ssiBtarlce, under the Cooperative Forestry Âssif,t~nce Act of 197~ has been approved for the following itpms of pquipm!'nt ~nl1/or trrdning: portable pump tor Golden G~te ðr('~1 ('xh~ust fan for Golden G^te ðrea; portable pump (or Ochopee FCD; alert pagers for Isl~s of CllprL xc Mcssr5, Norman and Dorrill; Filed. 11. ~~~or~ndu~ d~tcd 2!~2/8~ from ~Qn C. Scurlock, Jr. Ch31r=~n of the BCC of Indilln !liver County and copy of resolution 82-37 oppo5ing the passaqc of HOUSfl Bill ~80, Senate Bill 579 and House Bill 645 relatinq to annexations. xc Messr. No rml'ln ¡ Fll cd . Pa9 c 35 ~ t:=J ::::; Mðrch 9, 1982 l2. Letter dated 2/26/82 from Jam~s F. Sullivan, Officft Manager of the Office of the public Defender to Chairman Wimer, refcrring to a letter written by his predecessor Mr. Raymond Kaufman to County Mðnaqer Norman regarding the expansion requirements of their officb with respect to the ever increasing .case load. xc Messr. Norman Filed. 13. Mr. Roy fle'rg, 1023 Concord Court, submitted petitions from residentg of Lake Sðn Marino RV park, Caribbean Park and Landmark Estates requesting construction of bicycle paths in these areas. xc Messrs. Norman and B~rksdale; Filed. 14. Public Service Commission re Rules 25-4.222 ðnd 25-4.69, PAC, Station Connections, Docket No. 8l0235-TP(RA), Order No. 10642. Issued March 3, 1982. Rule Title: Feden~l corporate Income Tax, Rule 25-14.03, Docket No. ß00719-PU. xc Measr. Berzon; FUed. 15. Copy of letter dated M,Hch 1, 19B2, from Franklin B. Adams, President, Izaak Wnlton League of America, Cypress Chapter, to John ~, Þ1ams, Corps of fngineers, Jacksonville District, requcstlnq the Corps of Enginpers deny permit application No. B2R-0136, ~arco Isl~nd Utilities, re proposed construction of a sew~ge outfall in the Marco River. xc Messrs. Berzon, Virta, ðnd Norman; Filed. " " " " " " " " " " . There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time 11:15 A.M. BOARD OF COUN~Y CO~MISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVF.RNING ~ûÅRDí5j OF ~rEC!~L DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CON'mOL ~g.º ~,^IR"^" ~ ~'a r c h 2 ~, 1 r¡ 9 2 as by the BCC on or as c""r(',.tp.~ N>~ œa *lœ""'01 Page U "