BCC Minutes 03/16/1982 R Naples, Florida, ...arch 16,1982 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissionors in and for the County of Collier, and also acting ~s the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following membûrs present: CH^IRM1\N: C. R. "Russ" Wimer VICE-CH1\IRM^N: Mary-Fr~nccs Kruse John ^. pistor Clifford Wenzel Dc'!vid C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: William J. Rp.agan, Clerk; Harold Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk; James C. Giles, Fiscðl Officer, Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk; Ken Cuyler, ^5~i6t~nt County /\ttorney; Trving Berzon, Utilities Manager; C. William Norman, County ~anag~r; M<'Irtha SKinner, Social Services Director; Terry Virta, Community Ccvelopment Director; Lee Kirchhoff, Planner; Neil Dorrill, Public Safl.'.'ty /\~minlstrator; Donald Norton, Pub'lc Services /\dmlnlstrator; Edwl'lrd Smith, Administrative Services 1\dmlnistrator¡ Chris Holley, Arlmlnistrðtive /\sslstant; Grace Spaulding, Administrative Aide to thl'! Board; I'Jnd Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Dep~rtment. P"9 e 1 MO~ 068 PAGE 76 March 1#;, 19A2 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH 1\DDrTION AND DELETTON Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 5/0, that the agenda be approved with the following addition and delellon: 1. Discussion re purchase of Mðrydale Kennels (~B) - c'!dded. 2. County Regional W~t~r System 1\mendment to Bond Resolution (11B) - delet£'d. MINUTES OF ~AnCH 2, 1~A2 - ^PPROVF.D Commissioner Pistor movr.d, seconded by Commissioner wenzel ðnd carried unðnmlously, th~t the minutes of tre 8CC M~rch 2, lqA2 meeting be approved as presented, PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING THURSDAY, MARCH lA, 19A2 /\5 /\GRICULTURE D/\Y- ADOPTED Commissioner Brown reftd the Proclðm~tion d~slgnatinq Mðrch lR, 1982 as Agriculture Day in Collier County. Commissioner Wenzel said that in the fourth pðr~qrftph of the proclðmation the phrase should read ~agriculture is our nation's number one exporter about $4.4 billion (or trillion) in 1981-, Chair~an Wimer requested that the number be double-checked. Commls~ioncr plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unðnlmously, that the Proclamation be adopted as corrected. Ms. Denise L. Colemlln, Extension Bome Economics Agent, accepted the Proclðm~tlon and introduced members of the Aqribusiness Women's Committee who Issued invitations to the VIP breðkfast on April 6, 1982, a s we 11 ð s d i s t r i but e din for mat I on b roc h u res. raCJc 2 &OO~ 068 PAGE 80 Mðrch Iii, 1982 SOCIAL SERVICE CASES 4W-R3SJ AND fW-5R2l - 1\PPROVF.D Commi5slon~r ~rown moved, scconded by Commissioner Plstor and cðrried unanimously, that Social Service cascs tW-~353 and 'W-5821 be d pprov cd . ORDINANCE NO. R2-22 RE PETITION R-~1-27C, AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH REOUESTING REZONTNG FROM "/\_2" AGRTCULTURE TO "PUD" FOR r,.~l 1\CRES LOCATF:D AT TilE NORTHF."ST CORNER OF RATTLESNAr<E HAMMOCK ROAD AND POLLY ~VENUE - "DOPTED; PETITIONER'S "r.REE~ENT TO STIPULATTONS 1\CCEPTED Legal notice havlnq been published In the Naples Daily News on February 12, 1982 as evidenced by "ffidavit of Publication filed with the Cl~rk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-81-27C filed by th~ American Luthcran Church requesting rezoning from "A-2" agriculture to "PUD" for r,.(,l acres located at the northeast corner of Rattlesnake Hammock Road and Polly Avenue. Planner Lee t<irchhof: indicaterl the location of the IIforementloned property on a map and explained that the p~titloncr Is proposing twenty-six single anrl multifamily units on ~.5 acrefi ðt a density of four units per acr~. She said that the petition has been reviewed and recommended for ,)pproval by all the review agencies in their ( reas of concern, subject to the stipulatlonn linted in the Exc~utivc Summary dated 2/l9/ß2. She stated that the CAPC held their public hearing on February lA, 19!12 and recommended forwarrling pf'tition R-Pl-27C to the BCC for approval with the followin] two ð~ditional stip~lations: A. Delete "guefit house" from single f~mily unit. B. Provide 10 foot cascmC'nt to recreational .Hf'a from single family units. Responding to Commlssioncr \o\'enzl'l, Mr. Willillm.J. rdixon, from thp P~9" :1 ~oo~ 068 PACE'- 82 ~OOK 068 PACE'- 83 March 16, 19A2 finn of Bruns & Bruns, Inc. representing the petitioner, \?xplaln,ð that the American Luther~n Church will either sell the property as a package to ð developor or will sell the individual units as they become avail- able. Responding to Commissioner Plstor, Ms. Kirchhoff said the developer has siqncd the agreement to the stipulations. Commi~=~~ner Wenzel moved, seconded by CommIssioner Brown and carried unanimously, thût the public hcaring be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and cðrrie~ unanimvusly, that the ordinance as numbe.ed and titled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 14: ORDINANCE NO. 82-22 AN ORDIN....NCE /\MENDING ORDINANCf. fl2-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGUL/\TTONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED 1\RE1\ OF COLLIER COUNTY BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATL^5 M^P NUMBER SrJ-26-5 BY CH^NGING THE ZONING CLASSIt'TC^TIOrl OF TilE HEREIN DF:SCRIBED PROPERTY PROM "A-2" AGRICULTURE TO ·PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR T11r: PRnr'F:RTY KNOWN /\S THE lIMERICAN LUTHERAN CIIUR~H: PART OF Sf.CTrOf\' Iii, TOI"NSHIP 50, R^NGE 2f); AND BY PROVIDING MJ fFFF:CTIVE DATF:. PETITION R-81-29C, COLLIER Df.VELOrMENT CORPORATION - CONTINUED TO 4/20/82 Planner Kirchhoff explnlned th~t staff requ~sted that Petition R-Bl-29C, Collier Development Corporation, requ~stlng ~ezonlng from "C-3" and "R~F-6" to ·PUD" for property locðted at the northwest corner of U.S. 41 ðnd Vðndcrbllt Bcðch Roðd be continued until "prll 20, 1!1B2. Commissioner Brown ~o moved, seconded by Commlsslonp.r Wenzel and carried unðnlmously. P..q e 4 I; }.,..~'" ...... .---' Merch 11;, 1982 PRESENTATION BY REPRESENTATIVES OF DELTONA CORPORATION RE NEGOTIATrONS TO RESOI.VE FURTHER DEVELOPMF:NT PLANS lN THE 1\REA OF MARCO ISLAND - CONTINUED TO 3/30/A2 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor end carried unanimously, that the presentation by representatives of Doltona corporation re negotL'\tions to resolve further development plans in the area of Marco Island be continued to March 30, 1982 as requested by ~r. James Apthorp, Vice President of Dcltonð. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SiGN CONTRACT TO PURCHASE MARYDALE KENNELS FOR A COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by C~mmi~sioner pistor ~nd carried unanimously, thðt the Chalrm~n be authorized to sign the con- tract to purchase Marydale Kennels for a County animal shelter. Pèlg P S ~oo~ 068 p~C£'- 8~ Much H, 1982 RESOLUTION 82-)4 AUTHOR IZ ING CH^ IRMAN TO EXECUTE TilE INTF.RLOC^L AGREE- MENT AND ALL OTHER NECE5S1\RY DOCUMENTS TO CREATE TilE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION - ADOPTED Community Development Dircctor Virtð explained that the actual budget prcpart!ù and submitted for review by the County Manager and the Fiscal Officer for the remainIng half of 1982 for the MPO 15 $45,672.00, of which $9,134 would be the locnl sh~re and that amount would be split between Collier County and the City of Naples. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, thnt Resolution 82-34 authorizlny the Chairman to execute the Interlocal Agreement and all other necessary documents to establish the MPO be adopted and that the FIsc;.l Officer be di~ected to prepare the approprIate budget procedures to handlp. MPO funds. Pal. C r. ~~ œa ~~'-88 l'Iðrch 16, J9A2 NINETY (90) DAY BUILDING PERMTT EXTENSION TO DELTON~ CORPORATION FOR THE PAL~S CONOOMINIUM - GRANTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unðnimou~ly, that ð ninety (90) d~y building permit ext-nAlnn be granted to Deltona Corporation for The Palms Condominium. DTSCUSSION RE SUPPLEMENT/\L AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE SFW~D {o'OR THE GOLDEN G^TE ESTATES MODIfIED INTERIM ACTION PROGRAM - CONTINUED UNTIL 1/30/A2 Chalrm~n Wimer st~ted that staff hðS requested that a discussion re the supplement~l vgreement between Colli~r County ~nd the SFWMD for the Golden Gate EstÐtcs Modificd Interim Action Program be continued until March "10,1982. Commlssion0r Kru~e so move~. Commissioner Wenzel seconded the motion whIch carried unanimously, CH~IRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXfCUTE IN DUPLTCATE THE UTILITTES RELOC^TION AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF NAPLES fOR PINE RIDGE ROAD (U. S. 4l to AIRPORT R01\D) CommIssioner Rrown moved, s~condc~ by Commissioner Plstor and carried unanimously, that the Chairman be ðuthorized to execute, in duplIcate, the Utilities Relocatio~ Agreement wIth the CIty of Naples for pin e Rid g e Ro /I d ( U. S. "l to /\ i r po r t Ro II ri) . P"CJe ., &OQK 008 PAtE ,- 96 March II>, 19A/. REPORT ON STATUS OF CIVIL DF.FEN5E AMATEUR RADTO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT _ CONTINUED INDEFINITELY. AUTllonrz¡"'1'ION GRANTEP FOR THOSE COM"'I~- SIONERS WHO WOULD LIKF. TO ATTF.ND THE NATION1\L HURPICANE CONFERENCE ON APRIL 14-16, 19R, IN OnL~NDO Commissioner Kruse moved, secQnd~d by ~ommiR~ionpr Brown and carried unanimously that the report on the status of the Civil Defcnse amateur radio communication equipment be continued indefinitely. Responding to Commissioner Pistor's questIon, County Manager Horman said he anticipat~s that th~ Public Safety ^dminI5tr~tor and thp. Civil Defense Director will attend the Natlonðl Hurricane Conference to be held April 1.4-1(;, 19A2 in Orll1ndo. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by rommlssIoner Wenzel and carried un~nimously, that any Commissioner who would like to attend the conference be authorIzed to ð 0 so. BID .552 FOR PunCH^SE OF /\ MODULAR TYPE lIT ~HBUL/\NCE - ~WARDED TO AERO PRODUCTS CORP0R^TION TN TilE ".~OUNT OF ~1R,Ho11.Q2 Legal notlcc having been publir.hed in thc Naples Daily News on February 8 and 10, 19A2, as evidenced by "ffiónvlt of Publ iC.tlon fileð wit h the C 1 e r k, bid s ....·c r ere c e i v c d for £\i d . 55/., for II ~o d u 1 ð r Ty pel I I ^r.1 b u I a n c e, un t 11 2: 3 0 P. M. 0 n M ð r c h :3, ) 9 p /. , Discussion regarding bid sp~clflcations for this Item followed during which 1\dmlnlstratlve Services Administrator SmIth said that three vendors met all of the conditions of the spcclficlltIon~. Com- mIssioner Wenzel asked If a review of the sµeciflcatlonG WI1S in order with a morc lIber~l description so that a lower priced ~mbulancp. could be used without affectIng the operation of the EMS, to which Mr, Norm~n responded thllt the specifications used for Bid .552 were the rcsult of Page !'I tlOOK 068 rAGE 100 ~OOK 068 p~cEll)f March] (;, 19A2 nimilar reviews óu~ to past problems. He said that many of the areas, where the bidder of tho "lternat~ bið at ð lowor price was at variance with the Bpecific~tIon5, w~rc areas that the County hac found un$ðti~- factory, i.e. that rIv~tcd bodies have cr~ated problcms because of the salt air in the area. He referred to the Executive Summary dðted 3/4/82 which elaborated on the vðrlances which he does not Co~~:1Dr minor. Responding to CommIssioner Wenzcl, Mr. Norman said that the alternate bid was not as high quality ~aterIal and Incomplete. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel ðl~ carried 4/1, with Commissioner Brown opposed, that Bid .552 for a Modular Type III Ambulance be awarded to 1\ero Products Corporation in the ~mount of $38,A43.9L, as rccommended by the Purchasing Director to be the lowest acceptable bid In the best Interest of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement, BID '553 fOR LIGHT fIXTURES FOR THE IM~O~/\LE~ J/\IL CENTER - AWARDED TO CONSOLIDATED F.U:C:TRIC C()~P^NY IN TItF. M'OUNT OF nn,('c}?75 Legal notice having been publlshl.'.'d In the Naples Dally Nows on February 11 and l~, 19R2, as pvldencpd by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were recelvp'; for f'ld *«;53, for light fIxtures for the Immokð]ce JðIl Centcr until 2:30 P.M. March 3, 1982. CommIssioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Bid .551 for light fixtures for the Immokalee Jail Center be awarded to Consolidated Elpctric Company in the ~mount of $lO,(;92,75, as recommended by the Purchasln1 ~Irp.ctor to bo the lowest bid and in the best inter~st of the' County, and th.'lt the Page 9 ; .... c::::J :::::J March I", 19R2 Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to ~ttost the resulting agreement. BID 1531 FOR SCHOOL AND PARK FENCING - AWARDED TO QUAID FENCE BUILDERS, INC. IN THE ^MOUNT OF SI4,~65.5l Bid 1531 was reconsidered at Chairman Wimer's requ~st. Commis- sioner Brown moved, seconded by CommissIoner KrUbe and cðrried unani- mously, that BId t53l for school and park fencing be awarded to QuaId Fence Builders, In~. In the amount of Sl~,~fi5,5), ð~ recommended by the purchasing Dircctor to be the low bidder an1 in the best interest of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to sIgn and the Clerk to attest the resu~tinq agreement. MUSEUM FEE SCHEDULE FOR PHCT0GR^PHIC REPRODUCTION AND/OR USE OF SAME FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES - APPROVED Commissioner Wenzel movrd, srcondrd by r.ommissloner Kruse and carried unanimously, th~t the ~U5eum fee sch~du]~ for photographic reproductIon and/or use of samc for commercial purposes be approved. pag e 0 ~oo,; 068 PAGE iO~ March If', 19R2 APPROVAL, IN CONCEPT, FOR TilE YOUTH GUID^NCE VOLUNTEER PROGR1\M TO APPLY FOR ADDITIONAL STATE GRANT FUNDS Commissioner PIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the BCC grant ðpprov~l, In conccpt, for the Youth Guidðnce Volunteer Program to apply for additIonal State grant funds and that staff prcpare and submit the necessary proposals. AUTHORIZATION TO P~OCEED WITH THE SELECTION OF AN ARCHITECT FOR THE PHASE II TMPROVEMENTS TO THE HEATING, VE~TTL^TION AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM AT THE COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNME~T COMPLEX Regarding the HVAC encrgy Improvcments and conservation programs for Collicr County Govcrn~ent Complex Buildings "8" and "F", Commis- sioner Krusc asked if the improvement~ In Building "F" are being coordInated with the current proposal for the addition of three floors to the building, to which Mr. Norm~n rcsponded affirmatively. He A)(rlðin~d that, basically, the o~ly ch.::~g~5 to t.::kc pl::cc in ßuil.ding "F" woul~ be to connect the existIng ~ir condItioning units In the building to the new computcrlzed control system th~t is now installed to control all the buildings on the Complcx. He said that the computer has the capacity to handle thc additional thrce floors. RespondIng to Commissioner Wenzel '5 question of whether an attcmpt had been made to add circulation without using l\lr conditioning, Mr. Norman said th~t the new units that werc installed in Building ·C· and ·D" do have a suhstantial frcsh air component. He snIò th~t the unIts in BuIlding "r- havc modulating dampers which use fresh air when the outside temperaturcs make that feaslbl~. Commissioner Prown moved, secon~ed by rommlssioncr Pistor and carried unanimously, that the BCC authorize stðff to procecd with the rag e 11 &OO~ 068 PAGE 104 MOK 068 PACE 105 March l#;, 191\2 selection of an architect for the Phllse II Improvements to the IIp.lItln'J, \'\:nt1latlon ðnd l\lr Conditioning (HV/\C) lit the Collier County Govcrn- ment Complex; and that ð NegotIation Committce be established to perform the dutIes related to the project, sôid Committee to consist of the County Manager, or his designee, the Public Safety Director, and the Purchasing Director. FIN1\t SCHE~ATTC DFSTGN FOR JUSTICE Cr.NTER EXP/\NSION - ÀCCf.PTED Public Safety Administrator Dorrill explained that the BCC had prcviously rcviewed the working sch~mðtIc designs as they relate to the Justice Center expansion for the new jail, the needs of Building ~F", and thc revIsions of Building -/\-. He said staff recommendatIon is to comply with the ßCC's original schedule of critIcal dat~s and, if the BCC chooses, to form~lly ùpprovc the schematics ~s ~hey relate to the new and renovated spatial progr"'m. Mr. Oorrill explained that If the schematic design is approved the calendar will be closed on the schematic phase and the consultants ~ill be requested to entcr Into the design dcvelopm~nt phase whtch the BCC previously lIpproved. He said that no design development payments will be r:lðde to the :::onSUlt"nts until su,_,/) time as th~ following Items are subm I tted : 1. /\ full suhmission of all rlocumcnts related to the schematic design pha se, 2. /\ certificate from the c'!rchitect ~tt~sting to the fact th"t the project Is wIthin the originnl burlqet of 7.0 mIllion doll/irs ,1n<1 is in compll",nce with the l'I~optp.d ,1Cchltectural p r og ram. 3. A site model th"Jt will be constructed. 4. An executive summary document. P ðq e 1 2 , /, IIíïìI r-*, ~ Mðrch 16, 19B2 5. An inform^tlonal pamphlet for public distribution outlining the project. 6. MðGter design program. Commissioner Kruse asked if the BCC would be totally committed to -every line in the design" if they approved the design in concp.pt, to which Mr. Dorrill responded that, as the project moves Into the construction document ph3se, there will be modIflcðtIons. He explained that the schemðtics as they are in the final stages h3ve heen sent to the Depðrtment of Corrections in TAllahassee and thðt there may be minor modificatIons. He explained that the reason for a formal acccp- tðnce is that the bulk of thc concept of the work has been done as well as the layouts. lie said that should the BCC require extensive redesign efforts that are not the fault of the archItect those would involve an addItional servicc, dcsign ch~nge order and additIonal fee. He said he did not anticipate any significant design modIfication. During the discussion which followed, Chairman Wimer rccommended that the consultants be instructed to Rdo away with the landscape archItectR, and he voluntepred to do the lðndscap~ desiqn at no cost. Mr. Dorrlll said hu would review the situation with the archlt~cts and report to the BCC. Commissioner Pistor sldd he would like to review some minor items re the desiqn with Mr. Dorrll1. Commissioner ßrown moved, seconded hy Commissioner plstor and carricd un~nlmously, th~t the fIn~1 schematic dcslqns for the Justice Center expan!,;ior be IIccepted, contingC'nt on ful] submission of all requIred documents Jnd reports. Pag r 13 MO~ 068 PACf 106 MOK 068 PAc£107 March lfi, 19A2 .< UTILITY EASF..MF.NT FOP 'I'HF. 1'1'^TF.P ~r.TF~ ^ND METJ::P V1\ULT \'11TH THE ^NCHOMCP. PROJECT - /\CCEPTED FOh RECORDATION Commissioner K~usc moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the Utility E~semcnt located adjacent to C-901 for The Anchoragp. Project bc accepted for recòrdation. P,~q e 14 ,.......... '---J ~._, ~ "'arch If;, 1982 FORCE MAIN/r.rFT STATION RE TUE '-W'UORAGE - ACCEPTED¡ RELATIVE DOCUMENTS ^UTHORIZED FOR RECORDATION Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the sewage lift station and the force main leading from the lift station to the County's existing fa~llitfes, to serve The Anchor~ge project, be accepted for ownershIp, op~rðtion, and maintenance, under a one (1) year Contract Guarantee and that the Clerk be authorized to file and/or record the following lcg...l documonts: l. Bill of Sale 2. Owner's ~ffId~vit 3. Certification concerning contributions in-aid of any construct ion 4. veritication of fin.'!l costs for the force main and 11ft stat Ion 5. Up-to-date lizt of customers and/or property owners 6. Utility Easement 7. ^ lett~r from the Englnecr of R~cord ccrtifying that the sdnitary sew~gp lift ztðtion .'Ind force m.'lln arc within the public rights-of-way and/or the proposed County utilIty easl'ment 8. Contr.'lctual çuar.'lnte~ for m~t~rIð]s ðn~ workmanship for a period of one (1) ye<'lr from the dllte of ðccept~nce by the Board of County Commissioners 9. Results of the pressure test conducted on the force main 10. One (1' set of ðs-huilt ~rawlng!'; signf'd nnd sealed by the Engineer of Record pag ~ 15 &001( 068 rACE 110 " Mðrch H, 19A2 NEWSPAPER SELECTION FOR PUBLJC^TTnN OF FUTURE OELINOUENT T1\X LIZTS TO BE PUT OUT Fan PIDS Mr. William Gentry, Managing Editor of the Marco rsland Eðgle and representing the Golden Gate Eagle, referred to a letter he submitted to the BCC In answer to the proposal to establish a rotation policy for the selection of newspapers to publish the delinquent tax list. He said that It Is the contention of the publishers of the Marco Island Eagle and Golden Gate Eagle that thos~ newspapers are qUhlIfied publIcations and should be considered on an equal basis and should not have to share the printing of the delInquent tax list with the other weekly n~wspaper. He said he feels the Marco Island Eagle and Golden Gate Eagle ðre entitled to the same legðl rc'!te as the Naples Daily News and that It would be unfair to force the Naples Star ðnd the two aforementioned newspapers to dlvi~e the billing and charge approxImately one-half the charge of the Napl~ß Dally News. Chairman Wimer explained that the propos~d resolution sets forth a rotation system as the BCC previously discussed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner ~len7.el (lnd carried I1nanlmously, thllt the delInquent tax list be put out for bids for publication next year. REQUEST FOR /\UTIIORT7.ATJON FOR ncc TO ENTF:n TNTO AGRF:f.MENT wITH JOE W. FIXEL, ESQ, FCR CERTAIN LECAL SERVTCES WITH RESPECT TO ROAD RIGHT-nF- WAY ACOUISTTIONS - r0NTINUfll JNJìEFTNTTfLY ^t the request of County ^ttorn~y Pickworth, Chairman wimer said that t;lis Item will be continued indefinitely. Page lli MOK 068 PACE 116 . ..---",,- M.HCh l*', 19~2 &OOK 068 PAcE117 CON~IRM^TION TO ~VATAR UTILITIES, INC. T"~T THE UTILITI~S' TARTFF SHEET -'CCUR-'TEL.Y REFL.ECT TilE: DECISION M^DE BY TilE BCC AT TilE MTE HEARING IN 1981 - CONTINUED IN"F~1NJTELY At the rcquest of County Attorney Pickworth, Chairm~n Wimer said that this item will be continued indefinitely. ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR P/\YMENT Pursuðnt t~ Resolution 81-150 the following checks were issu~ through March 12, 1982 in p.Jyment of routine bills: FUND CHF.CK NOS. ^,,~OUNT County Checks 4706-5058 51,344,910.25 BCC 3"170-)4709 294,32A.44 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. P',-7) (;,OCr/\L SERVICES-AGING PROGRAM) TRANSFER TO rROVIDE FOR PURCII/\SE OF' UNrF'OR/'S - ADOPTED IN TilE M~OIJNT OF $700 Commissioner Kruse moved, second cd by Commissioncr Wenzel and carried unanimously, that 8udget ~mendment No. 82-73 transferring funds to provide for the purchase of uniforms (Social S~rvices-AqIn9 program) bc adopted in the amount of $700. pag e 17 ~~ =.:._.. J .....- ..._,...~ &OOK 068 PACE 119 March 1(" 1982 BUDGET ^MENDMENT NO. 82-7~ (STATE ATTORNEY) TRANSF~R TO PROVIDE FOR :PURCII1\SE OF COl'Ir-WNIC;,rrOì~S t:QUIPr.,f.NT ORD~Ht::() IN FY J(H~O-rq (hIT NOT ~~VED UNTIL FY 19RI-~? - ADOPTED TN THE ~MOUNT OF S5,P71 Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 82-74 transferring funds to provide for the purchase of communications equipm~nt (State ~ltorney) ordered in FY 1980-81 but not received until FY 19~1-82 be adopted in the ~mount of $S,A71. pag II 18 L -" ;.-.:..... ) '---; ....'-"...~ &oox 068 PACE 12f Mðrch If\, 1982 BUDGET AMENDMENT N:3. r,2-7S TR.·,N~fr.R f'R0f'4 PUBLIC S^FETY ADMINISTRATION BUDGr.T TO CONTINGENCY, W^Gr. ^ND R^L~RY MONF.Y - ^DOPTP.O IN THF. ^MOUNT or $19,561 Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Budgct ~mendmcnt No. P2-75 transferring funds from the Public Safety 1\dminlstratIon budgct to Contingency, wage and salary money as per Board dIrection be adopted in the amount of $19,51')1. Pl'lg e 19 ~ r---. - ,.......-.., ....!-'::.'~..~.,j ~OOK 068 rAGE 123 "'cHch Ifj, 1982 BUDGET ^Mr.NDMENT ~'--7~ (COUNTY M^NAGEK TR^NSFER TO PROVIDE FOR $^t~RY . AOJUSTIoIF;NTS ßEc"lJSr. OF' ADV"NCED D/\TE FOR Yfo1Pt.EMEHTINCo MERTT P¡\YMf.NTS - ADOPTED IN 711E MiOlJN7 JF $ 2, 10'; Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Budget ^mp-ndment No. A2-7~ transferrlnq funds to provide for salary adjustments because of advanced date for imple- mentIng merIt payments (County Managcr) be adopted in the amount of $2,l06. P.1g 0 20 ~ :.. T .:J r---, ~ ~OOK 068 PACE 125 March Iii, 1982 BUDGET ^MENDMENT NO. ~2-77 (COMMUNTTY DEV£LúPME~~ SECTTON A PROCR^"') TR/lNSFEn TO PROVIDE BUDGET FOR NFW ElUDGf.T^RY UNIT - ^DOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $2~J,~~0 Commissioner Xruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Budget ^men~ment No. A2-77 transferring funds to provide budget for ð new budgetnry unit (Community Developm~nt Section B Program) be adopted In the amount of $24J,660. PlIqt" 21 \ i; ---, _.....J "'--' - ~...--.~¡ ""-_.~ &OOK 068 PACE 127 March 1';, 1982 FISCAL POLrCY Fon PREP/\P^TION OF TilE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FY 19A7.-R3 - ^COPTED ^~ ^MENDED Chid Deputy Clerk lIarold r... lIall refcrred to the proposed Fisclll Policy for the prcp~r~tion of the annu~l budget for FY 19A'-R3 in the ðgend~ mðterlðl, He requcGted clarIficatIon on the mech~nics of said policy if the Bce I'ICCept8 the proposed Fiscðl Policy. CommIssioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commlssicner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the Fiscal Policy for the preparation of thð annual budget for FY 19R'-A~ be adopted. County ~anag~r Norman st~ted that there have been changes that the BCC has adopted to ðmend the bu~g~t during the course of the yeðr to add programs and cost, and that, as 1'1 rpsult of that policy by estab- lishing a base cap reflecting the original Adopt~d budget, staff will need to treat items previously a~opted by the RCC this year as new progr~ms and will have t~ rccomm~nd th~m ng~in next yeðr. He said he assumed this pr0cedure ~ould be the best way to operate to stay within the parameters cont:dncd within the Fiscðl Policy unrler discussion, He ~)id this procedure is ~ form of zero base hudgeting concept and that he wanted the BCC to be dw'!re th.'lt the aforementlo'lcd oroce~s would have to be undert~ken. CommissIoner KrU5~ stated for the benefit of the Audience that the proposed Fiscill Policy is an extremely tough polley. ~r. 11",11 requested clarlflcntlon to d~tcrmine at whnt level the cap would be est.3blished on the burlget, whethf"r by departml'nt, division or for each mAjor manager; for instnnce, would the cap apply to all departments unÙ~l lh~ Gt!lIeral Fund under tht! County Man,'ger tou!1, or would the cap P,1g e 22 ...>,.,.....,""..."t ,..-...-,..., MlIC chI 6, 1982 be applicable to each division? Mr. Norman said he felt it would be better to treat all of the Gcneral Fund Departments, for which he Is responsible, as a whole to allow him to give priority where he feels it Is needed in making his recommendatIon~ to the sec. Commissioner Kruse stated that she preferred to start at the department level and in thc General Fund allow Mr. Norm~n to make recommendations for the departments ~s needed. CommissIoncrs Wenzel and Brown said they concurrcd to begin at the department level. Com- missioner Pistor said he agreed with Mr. Norman's recommendation for flexIbility within divisions so that a division would not be more than the allowable cap, Mr, Norman sdld th~t he h~s completpd forms to ask each department to comply with the BCC guidelines and clar1fic>d thé\t he was requesting the flexibil~LY to cut back In areas wherc he felt the need and to increase in areas beyond th~ cap, where needed. It was the consensus of the BCC that the procerlure would he to begin at the department level and ùllow Mr. Norman the leeway to come back to the Rce with othp.( recommendations. Page 2~ ~OOK ass PAC( 128 March Ii), 1982 aOOK 068 PACE 141 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXr.CUTE CERTTnCATES FOR CORRECTION TO TilE TAX ROLLS, AS PR~S~NTED BY TH~ PROP~RTY /\PPRATSER'S OFFICE Commissioner Krus~ moved, 5pconded by Commissioner PIRtor and carried unðnlmously, that the Chairmðn be ~uthorizp.d to execute the following Certificates for Correction to the Tax Rolls as prcsented by the Property Appraiser's Officel 19f1l Tax Roll NUMr,ER DATE Bl-llA 2/?5/A2 19R1 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1981-120 & 121 3/11/82 TAX COLLECTOR AUTHORIZED TO TSSUE nUPLICATE TAX SALE CERTIFICATE '6307 TO W. L. ~OX DUE TO LOSS OF ORTCIN1\L Commissioner Kruse moved, second~d by Commissioner Plstor and carried unanimously, that the Tax Collector be authorized to issue Dupl1C.Jtc T.n CcrtlficJtc ,r,J07 to ~r. W, L. Mox, due to loss, Pðg e 24 I. ,.1"114.......,.....".., ,- ~.......~ &001( 068 fACE 143 March 16, 19P2 "'ISC~LLAN~OUS CORR~SPONnENCE - FTLED 1\ND/OR REFEnRED There being no cbjectIon, th~ ChaIr dIr~ct~d the follow'~1 corr~spondence be fIled and/or referred to the various dep~rtments ~s indicated: 1. Minutes of Joint Meeting of the City of Naplcs Contr~ctors Examining 80ard ðnd the Collie( County Contrilctors Licensing BOi1rd, March 5, 19R2. Filed. 2. Minutes of Ochopee Fire Control DistrIct ~dvisory Board, March 6, 1982. Filed, 3. Minutp.s of Marco Islðnd nc~utlficðtion Committee, March 9, 1982. Filed. 4. Copy of mr--mornndum dated '/ 5/f12 from Don Norton, Public Service 1\dministr~tor, tr~nsmittIng CETA Status Report for month of Febru~ry, 1982. Filed. 5. Copy of lp.tt~r rl"ten l/5/A? from Forl'stcr Chris ^nderson re activities of Division of Forcstry for month of F"bruary, 1982. Filed. ~. Letter dated l/P/R? from Po~rd of Directors, Lnkewood Villas Hom£>ownr>rs ",ssocL'Ition, Tnc., r-:!questing the BCC consider pros ~nrl cons r('q~rding nni decision to install bikepaths along lnkewood Blvd. and r('questing concrcte c0nstructiün th~r~uf. Copy ur reply from Ch~irMðn Wimer, dated 3/1?/A2, r¡> nced for further Investigation. xc County Manager; Public Works Administrator, Filed. 7. Copy of It'tter dated '/IO/R7 from Gent' H. Archer, submitting his resiqnation as Radio 0fficer of CivIl Defense (R.lI,C.E.S,). xc County M;,'nðg~r; Public Safety Administrator. Filed. 8. Copy of lettr>r from !"\ER to Marco rsl.Jnti Utilities, dated 1/lO/P,?, rc notifici'ltion of Intent to d!'ny c1nd proposed ord!'r of denial for /o',1rco fs],¡nn ¡",lste Tre"t,.,ent Plant lIpplicc1tior °Oí'O/470n;>, xc COllnly ~~n;,q!'r; County En~ironm~ntðl ist; Community ~0vclopm~nt ^dministrator; Utilities Manðger. Filed. 9. Letter d,'ltcrl 1/1/R?, (rom :outh Florid" Blueqrl\9s Assoc., rnc., exprcssinq qri'ltiturlf' re Issui'lnc{' of cmc:qrn~y permit for Evprqli'l~cs P]u0qr~SS Convrntion. xc County Mnnòqrr; Community Development /\rlminlstrlltor; Z=~1~g ~irc~tor. filed. P"<Je 25 I I, , , ~, ,....~. ..., March II;, 1982 lO. "'emorandum dated 3/S/~2 from ~heriff Aubrey Rogers transmitting rcport rc recoipt5 for Confiscation Trust Fund, fIrst quarter FY 81-82. xc FlcCðl Officer. FIled. ll. PetitIon (4 p/!Jgel:~ rcquesting strcet lighting along Hcnderson Creek R()~ xc County Ma~r, Public Works ^ðmlnistrator. FIled. 12. Memorandum dated 3/2/A2 from DNR re Conservntion and Recreational t<1nds (C.A,R.L.) Selection committee mecting, J/l5/P2, Tßllah~ssce, Florida, xc County Manager; Community ~cvelopment AdminIstrator. FIlcd. 13. Letter dated AprIl, 1987, from Governor r,raham, invitIng participation in the 4th Annual Hurricane Conference, ^pril l4-l6, In Orll1ndo. xc Public Safety Admlnistrðtor; Civil Defense Director. Fllf'd. 14. PSC Notices i)S follows (Filed): 1'1) 1\mende~ NotIce of ha"rings rc [locket Nos. PIOl,:¡:;-TP¡ Rln2A7-TP; RI0107-TPJ 8l0327-TP¡ AJ01~7-TP¡ PlOl~l-TP¡ PJ0474-TP; A70070-TP, (Various Tclephone Comp."nles) issu(>d 1/1 1/8? re complaint of General Telephone Co. of FlorIda re use of 7-day versus 5-day holrling tim~ sturly 3nd hotel/motel commission expcnsp. b) Notice of Ofl1l 1\rgument rc Docket Nos. 7A()777-l'P (United Te1!"phone Company ,of Florida) & 7PO<J);,I-Tf' (rloridu 'jdepho:ic Corp.) (~~'fLln~s to customers). c} tJoti('~ of workshop rp Docket No. 820004-EU, on March 18.191'12, In Tallðhasse~. * * * * * * * * * * * * There bcing no further business for the good of the County, the Meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 9:40 /\.M. [30"PD OF COUNTY CO~M r;,s IONF.RS/EX OFFICIO COVFRNTNG AO"nnrS\ OF SPECIAL DTf,TRTCTS UNOf.R ITS CONTROL C~~_{A) I~ C. R. "R II ~ ," I ,., F. R , (' H /\ T R"1 AN /'!d u,' the rrc o~ !o'arch Î3, lqR2 "" as corr~cted WQK 068 PACE 144 Page '),.