BCC Minutes 04/13/1982 R ------------------- --- ~._______J. ., Nðplos, florida, ^pr~l 13, 1982 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that tho Board of County Com~is8ioner8 In and for the County of Collier, and also acting as 'tho Board of Zoning Appeals and as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as havo been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this dato at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building -F- of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members presant: CHAIRMAN: V ICE-C IIA I RfoiAN: C.R. ·Russ· Wimer Mary-Frances Kruse John A. pistor Clifford wenzel David C. f'rown ALSO PRESENT: william J. Peagan, Clerk, JaMes C. Giles, Fiscal Dificer; Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk¡ Donald P1ckworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utilities ~anager¡ C. william Norman, County Manager¡ Edw~rd Sm~th, Administrùtive Services Administrator, Terry Virta, COr:l~unity D~veloprnen~. ^dr\linis~rator, Jeff?ry Perry, Zoning Dir:!ctor; Donald Norton, Public Services Adrrinistrator¡ Lee Layne, Planner; Grace Spauld{ng, Administrative 1\l,je¡ an~ Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Dep~rtmcnt. f>Q:;'; 068 fAct 348 rDq c 1 --- - -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- ---~- --- ...... r--l. ____________ " ~ ,. ---------~------------------------------ &OOK 068 PACE 353 April 13, 1982 ACENDA - APPROVF.D AS PRESENTP.D Commissioner pistor moved, Becondcd by Com~~~~io~er Wenzel ~n~ car~ied unanimously, that the agenda be approved as preøented. ~INUTES OF MARCH 23 AND 30, 1982 BCe MEETINGS - APPROVED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pictor and carried unanimously, that the minutes of the Marc~ 23 ðnd 30, 1982 BCC m¿otings be ~pproved an presented. CDNSIDER1\TIDN OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 80-1l2 REQUIRING THE COUNTY UTILI'l'IES DIRECTOR'S APPROVAL OF ^ SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PRIOrt TO THE SUBMISSION OF A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - WITHDRAWN Community Development Director VIrta explained the intent to help i~prove the permitting procoss for new structures by requirIng the County Uti\itip.s Director's approval of a sewage disposal system prior to the submission of ð building permit ðppl1cation. He said that contact with builders indicates there would be probl~ms with such a~ ordinanCè, th~r~[ore, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commis- sioner Pistor and carried unðnimously, that the proposed ordinance be withdrawn from further consideration. CDUhfY ATTORNEY COMMENTS RE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS County Attorney Pickworth explained that the BCC would be sitting as the Boðrd of Zoning Appeals which means that they would be esson- tially the judicial body and sitting as jUdqo and jury at the same time. lie said thðt in the clue of provisional use, the issue is wh~ther or not the person applying for the provisional UGe has met the various standards in the Zoning Ordinance w~ich would lead to granting that provisionðl use. He sðld the proceedings nced to bo II little more Page 2 -- - - - - - -.- - --- - - -. - - - -- --- -------- -------- ., , . I. I r=! . ....~_....JI"¡.,... - ... --"'.'"",,,-,,, .. ___________1 - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - ---- - --- -- April l3, 1982 formal, however, he recommended that the staff outline the facts, as in the past, and the petitioner make the presontation as to why he comes under the Zoning Ordinance in order for the BCC to make their detenninatlon. RESOLUTION 82-39 RE PETITION V-82-4C, ESTATE OF BARRON COLLIER, JR. REOU£STING A SIDE SETBACK VARIANCE ON LOT A, NEi'!M^RKET SUBDIVISION, IMMOKALEE - ADOPTED Le9al notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 28, 1982, as evidenccd by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider petition V-82-4C, filed by the Estate of Barron Collier, Jr. requesting a side setback variance on Lot A, Newmarket Subdivision, Immokalee. ZQning ~irector Perry cxplained that the petitioner was re~uesting a 38' side yard variance in order to permit the construction of an addition to an existing office building which was constructed years ago whcn the commercial zoning setbacks permitted a zero lot line. Ho rcfcrred to the Ex e cut I v c Summary dated 4/l/B2 which indicate:] that on 1/5/82 the zon i ng dIstrict for the land \o,'as chðngpd to ·C-l·, Profes- sional CommercIal, and he said that t.he buiV1ng is now non-conforming. He stated that staff recommends approval of the petition. Commissioner Prown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenz~l and carri~d unanimously, that the public hearing b~ closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commiosioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-39 re petition V-A2-4C rcgueBtin~ a side setback variance, be adopted. paq e 3 WOK 068 fACE 354- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - _..- ,. I . ¡---------~------------------------------ toOK 068 fACE 957 April 13, 1982 PESDLUTIOH 82-40 RE PF.TITION V-82-5C, JO~EPH GREBF.NOR AND JOHN THOMAs r:EQUESTING A V^IUANC::: Fr.DM TilE REQUIRED 51 LMlDSCArE STRlr ARUTTING THE ALLEY ON LOT 7, BLOCK 224, UNIT 6, MARCO BEACH - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATION Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on March 28, 19~2 and the Marco Island Eagle on April 1, 1982, as evidenced by Affidavits of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was oponed to consider petition V-82-5C, filed by Joseph Grebenor and John Thoma, requ~sting a variance from the required 51 landscape strip abctting the alley on Lot 7, Block 224, Unit 6, Mar~o Beach. Zoning Director Perry ex~lðined that the petitioner was asking for the above variance to eliminate the required 5' wide landscape strip adjacent to an alley at the rear of a proposed professional building, thereby permitting an incrca~0 ~n parking spaces by allowing the vehicles to back into the alley in the same manner as several buildings in the same commercial block. fIe sðld that the potitioner proposes to place a 5' buffer along tho re5idential side of the alley which would provide the buffer as intended in tho Ordinance. He said staff recommends approval of Pe~lt on V-82-5C subje(~ to the buffer being placed as described. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner plstor and carried unan!mously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissiunor Brown and carried unanimouGly, that Resolution 82-40 rc petition V-82-5C be adopted subject to petitioner pla~in9 a 5' buffer aicng tho rosidential side of the alley, Page 4 -----------------------------------~----- , . ..-..........."'-.'1 ~ ----* I c:::1 ,. RESOLUTION 82-4l RE PETITION PU-82-1C, fIRST CIIURCH OF THE N~ZARENEI REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE ·C· OF -A-2- FOR ~ CHURCH ON FIVE ACRES, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF DAILEY UtN£ NORTn OF PDINC'I^NA VILLAGE - ADOPTED Planner Lee Layne indicated the location of the property for petition PU-82-lC, filed by First Church of tho Nazarene, as being five acres of lðnd on the south side of Bailey Lane north of poinciana Village and stated that the request is for provisional use ·C· of ~A-2· for a church. She explained thot the CAPC held their ~ublic hearing on Mðrch la, 1982 and that severðl members of the audience objected to the church citing incompatibility with the area and traffic changes that would result. She said that staff and t.he C^PC recommends denial of the petition for those reasons. Ms. Lhyne submittcd for the record two letter£ from abutting property owners and 25 lettors froln residents of Pojnciana Village 6upp~rting the petitlon. Rev. C. Randall Cook, representing ~ho First Church of the Nazarene, submitted 29 letters from residents of Poinciana Village and Apartments supporting the petition. He presented his reasons for the BCC to act favorably on the provi~ional use request and explained there was no church within three miles of the site, adding that the church would be ð positive addition to the area. Responding to Commissioner Wenzel, Re·... Cook s/lid the church has an option on the property ðnd that the property directly on Airport Road would cost more than the petitioner ~ould be able to pay. Joseph R. Locker, 5peaking for hi~solf and two other area residents, spoke in opposition of petition PU-82-]C. Mr. Rich Henderlong, President of Poinciana Apartments Board of PAC; 0 5 &O~K 068 rACE æo -'''- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- . ,. .. i __ _ _ _ ----..... - ---- -------'---- - - - - ---- - --- ---- MOK OOS PACE 361 ~.prll 13, ~982 Directors, and Mr. Robert E. Forsythe spoke in favor of the petition. Commissioner Wenzel ~ovod, seconded by Commla~loner Brown ~nù carried unanimously, t~at the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 4/1, Commis- sioner ~rU5e opposed, th~t Resolution 8~-41 re Petition PU-82-1C, requesting provisional use ·C· of A-2- for a church, be adopted. paq. 6 .-------------------------------------- # . ,...~..., . I .. . -"- - c::J ~ --,,-.,,~~..., '.",,,-,,,,., . ~._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1. ^pr 11 13, 198 2 RESOLUTION B2-42 RE PETITION PU-82-3C, EDWARD REYNOLDS, REQUESTINC PROVISIONAL USE ·B- OF HA-2· FOR EXCAVATION FOR A PISH FARM FOR 20 ACRES LOCATED 1-l/2 MILES SOUTH OF C-B46 .A.ND 1/4 MILE WEST OF C-951 - Þ.DOPTED Planner Lee Layne idontlfieJ the location of the property In Petition PU-82-3C, filed by Edward Reynolds, requesting provisional use -8- of wA-2· for an excavation to be used for a fish farm, as being 20 acres located 1-1/2 miles south of C-846 and 1/4 miles west of C-951. She said that staff and the CAP'" recommend approval of tho petition. Responding to Commissioner plstor, Ms. Lðy~e said that the peti- tioner hopes some time in the futuro to use the propcrty (or a .You-t"i sh Fa rm·, he '~cve r it 1 S thp. excava t 1 on wh i ch rcqu i res the provisional us~ because of the sale of the fill. Responding to Com- missioner wenzel, Ms. L~yne said that Mr. Reynolds has two existing ponds and one on Airpcrt Road. Chairman lilmer stated that Mr. Reynolds is in tha fish farm business. County M~naqer Norman said that Mr. Michael J. Volpe was regis- tered to represent Mr. ncynold3, however he declined to speak unless there wore questIons. CommIssioner Wonzel moved, seconded by Ccmmis- sioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Brown !':loved, seconded by Co~m1ssioner Kruse and carried 3/2, with Commlss10ners Wenzel and pistor oppooed, that Resolution 82-42 re PetItion PU-ß2-3C, be ad0pted. Page 7 ,'\oaf. œa ~$8 ---.- -- --- ------ - - -- - --- -- -- - - -------------- ~ . I, " I··.'~'#···· bo,. ~:"'" '01 . ;".¡. ~ ~ . .tit; 'h "0 ...,... ., ,",OÞ ·0...... .' o. t-~2 .-411... 1"4.... ......e A." ..§,c till . ,., M.B ..... t;.~ .:s .. :'8 i Pot. .,..., :C"'''' .c ... . .. .... toie... l°'ö ~ ~... "'C:u \.4....... 0.. S ::;~... ......0 :c Po.... I ¡ -- - ----- -- --- --- - - --- - - --- - ---- ----- -- --- ~Ol 068 PACE273 April l3, 1982 P~TITION PU-R2-4C, RY R~VENTH DAY ADVENTISTS, R~OUrSTING PROVISIONAL USE -B- Of -E" ESTATES FOR A SCHOOL ON FIV~ ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SID/': OF lOTH AVENUE 5\\', 660' ':IEST OF LOGAN BLVD., IN GOLDEN CATE ESTATES - DENIED Planner Lee Layne identified the location of the property of Petition PU-82-4C, filed by the Seventh Day Adventists, requesting provisional use -B- of -E- Estates for a school, as being on five acres on the n~rth side of lOth ^venue SW, ~60' west of Logan Boulevard in Colden ç~te Ejtatcs. She explained that the site is the future exten- sion of Pil,e Ridge RO/ld and that tho petitioner proposes to establish a school with a pupulation of 130 students. She said the Petition hðs beer revlewed and rccommended for approval b" ðll County agencies subj~ct to detaile~ r.onstruction plans being submitted to the Cou~ty Engineer for water m~nagemcnt ð~proval prior to construction. She explained that staff recom!':lcllds denial because lJccess to the property would be via a residential strcet for at least seven years and that d Gchool, with 130 students on five acres, is not co~patible in a rural residential-agrlcultural area be~ause of additIonal noise and traffic. She referred to tho Executive summðry dated 4-1-82 and said that the C~PC rcconmenJed denlal baseo on Itoms r, C, and D of the Findlng-of-F.':Ict. Ms. Layne s.lid that Pðstor Gary J. Tolbert and Mr. Norbert A. Meert had submitted II lettcr that the church would not have 130 students in the beginning; that they would bullJ Phase One ùnd phase Two, thc first row of classrooms and the gym at this time and would not build Phase Three, the second row of classrooms, until the pine Ridge Extension is finished or seven years, whichever comes tirst. Respondlng to Commlssioner Wenzel, ~s. Layne said the letter came after Page 8 .~ ... .,.. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --- - ---- -,..,.,--- , . , I r:::,j " ..., ------- .........----,... -...-.-- .' 1 -----~----------------------~------------ . ^pril 13, 1982 ataff's recommendation and she did not think it would change staff's position. After being informed that Attorney Frank MacMillan, representing the petitioner, would not be present 'until later 1n the meeting, Commissiooar Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner P1stor ~nd carried unanimously, that furlhcr discusoion of the item be delayed until Mr. H~cMillðn arrived. Later in the meetlng, Mr. ~acMillan apologized for being late and explained that he was the attorney for the Florida Confcrence Associa- tion of Seventh Day Adventists. He said that the .a.ssocl¿:tion of Seventh Day Adventists operates a school on pine Ridge Road with a present cnrollm~nt of 12 to 15 stuðcnts and, bc:ause t~at road was widened, further expansion of the school was not possible at the present location. Ho sald that the majority of the ~tudent!! ] ive in the Golde~ C~tc Ðre~. ~c ~~!~, rcg~~~!~g the objc~~io~ to !~~r~~sed traffic, that the applicant would be willing to commit to a restriction on the number and size of the buildings and perhdps the number of student,s until the pine Rirl<Jc Extenslon is completed ðnd ~,.ould turth'!r commit to main access to the property from Pi~e Ridge rather than from lOth Street. He Bl1ld that the County h,'F acquired ISO' for right-of- way on the north slde of the property which ultlr:1ately would be a major east/west thoroughfare and would be of sufficic~t size to handl~ traffic. He said he understooù that special provision has been granted for ð church west of the property undcr discusl'lol! adjacent to t-75 and that was in kueping wlth the requirements of the zoning code permitting a conditional use for churches and schools. I~ said that, trIJdition- ally churches and schools are normally located where people live and that the ðpplicant feels the present location would be ðpproprlate. He &Cox 068 p~Œ'37' paqo 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - -..- - - -- .-------- . I----------~~---------------------------- I, , I 1__--------------------------------------- wóx 068 PACE 375 April 13, 1982 referred to a potition in opposition of the provisional uso and said that eight of the people who signed said petition live on lOth Street and the remainder live on Logan Blvd. and that the objection seemed to be against increased traffic. He said that there was no objection from the Utilities Managcr, the EAC or WMAB, regarding environmental drainage problems, or frûm the ~raffic planner. He ðsk~ð that the provi5ion~l use be granted. Th~ following p~rsons spoke in opposition to petition PU-B2-4CI Mr. Thomas C. Shlelds Mr. Torry Pritchard, who read opposing letters from Messrs. (:harles lIarvey and John T. Roberts Mr. Cðr~on S. Moore, who presented opposing letters from Islo Rae Langqton, Bcrnice and Fay Schmelz, and ~an T. Ca~ale Ml. Richard Carleton Mr. Br,"d Ritter C~mmissioner Wlmer explained he had received a telephone call against the pctltion from Mr. G.E. Friend and two ~~lepho~~ calls in favor of the pctitlon from ReGsie Dallmann and Jean Musick. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by COr:lmi3s1oner pi~tcr and carried unanlmously that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Co~~igsioncr Kruse and carried 4/1, with Commissioner Brown opposed, tn.;.~ Petitio, PU-82-4C he denied. RESOLUTION 82-43 RE PETITION PU-82-5C, R.G.~., INC., REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE -B- OF -A-2- FOR EXCAVATION Fon FILL FOR 1-75 FOR APPROXIMATELY 49 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF ~HIPPOn~ILL WAY, SOUTH OF PINE RIDGE ROAD EXTENSION - ADOPTED ¡'UBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Planner lJC Layne ldentif1ed th" locatio:, of Petition PU-B2-5C, filed by R.G.K., Inc. requesting provision~l use -B- of -A-2- f~r excavation for fill for 1-75, as being approximat~ly 49 acres east ot Whipporwi1l Wðy, south of Pine Ridge RO<1d Extension. She said thee. are two pits at that location and that staff and CAPC recommonds Pa9. lO --=:J I =:i ..~.'... ,·_.... ...1,4..·""II4M;..·1Iot1lV··'~·· ~.,-;;~ I . . A.- ___ - - - ___ ____ - - - - ____ -- --- -- -. - - -- - ---- - _...I. April 13, 1982 approval of tho petition subject to the following stipulations I 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Excavation Ordinance and as stipulated during WMA9 meeting. 2. Fill is to be used for 1-75 only. 3. pits to be backfilled to for~ an irregular contour. 4. Excavation of site ~loscst to Whipporwill Way to be excavated no closer than lOO' ~f western edge. Mr. Thomas Peek, from wils~n, Mlller, Barton, 5011 & Peek, explained that his firm has been retained by three contractor3 to ~btain approval from tha County for borrow pits to construct approxi- ~ately II miles of 1-75 from Immokalce Road to Alligator Alley. He rùferr~d to a map which Identified that the northern 3 miles, from Immokalee Road south, as being undcr contract by Vecellio & Grogan, for .2 pits¡ the next two miles, centered around pine Ridge Road Extension, under contract by R.G.I<., Inc., for two pits1 and the last 5-1/2 miles under contract by \-lhite Construction Company for 4 pits. He explained that all of the pits have been located either immediately adjacent to or within planned developments so that the haul for the ~aterial is dir~ctly into the right-of-way for 1-75 eliminating nced for travel across public roadways. He said the pits have been located as mucn ð~ ~ssible 50 that interference with exiB~ing community ~ctivitics woo1d be minimal, and that the petitlons have received recommendûtions for approval from various advisory boards. Commissioner Wenzel moved, sccondcd by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Brovo movod, £ccoflded by Commissioner wenzel and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-43 re Petition PU-82-SC, be adopted with the above ntipulatlons. &OOK 008 rAt( 316 Pag e 11 . -- - -------- - ----- - - --- --- - -- -- - - - - - - ----- - --. -- - - ---- ----- -- ------- - ---- -- - - - --.-- -- -- -- . &OOK 068 PACE 383 ^prll 13, 1982 R£~OLUTION 82-44 R~ PETITION PU-82-~C, BY WHITE CON~TRUCTION, REOUEST- ING PROVISIDN1\L US~ -B- OF -A-2- fOR EXC^VAT10N fOR fILL FOR 1-75 FOR APPROXIMATELY 400 ACHES LOC^TED ON TilE NORTII SItE ~F R1\!)ID R01\D, SOUTH OF GOLDEN GATE CITY 1\ND GOLDEN GATE ESTATES UNIT 30 - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS PlonnAr Lee Layne identified the property for Petition PU-82-6C, filed by White Construction Compðny requesting provisional use -e- of -^-2- for four excavations for fill for 1-75, as being approximately 400 acres located on the north side of Radio Ro~d, south of Golden Gate City and Golden Gate Estates Unit 30. Sho said st~ff and CAPC recom- mendc ðpproval of the petition with the following stipulationsz l. Compliance with the requirements of the Excavation Ordinance and ~s stipulated during the WMAB meeting. 2. Fill is tv be used for 1-75 only. 3. Pits to be backfilled to form an irregular contour. Hearing that there was no one registered to speak, commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissionor Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and c~rried unanimounly, that Resolution 82-44 re petition PU-B2-6C, be adopted with the above stipulations. Pago l2 - - -- -- -- ----- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - --- ---- ------ , . """"~_r'1 I ,......-.. ~ ., ~ ........ .---...- ---------------------------------------- ., , _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __1 ^prll 13,1982 RESOLUTION 82-45 RE PETITION PU-B7.-7C, VECELLIO' GROGAN, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE wB- OF -A-2w FOR EXCAVATION FOR FILL FOR 1-75 (49 1.CRES), FOR TWO SITES LOCATED l/2 MILE SOUTH OF I:>IJoIOI<ALEE ROAD AND 1-1/2 MILES SOUTH OF IMMOI<ALEE ROAD ALONC 1-75 RIGHT-OF-WAY - ADOPTED WITII STIPUL^TIDNS - Planner Loe Layne identified the property for Petition PU-82-7C, filed by Vecellio' Grogan requesting provisional use -8- of -A-2- for excavation for fill for 1-75, as being 49 acres for two siteø l/2 mile south of Immokdlee Road ðnd 1-1/2 miles south of Immokaloe Road along 1-75 r1<;1ht.-of-way. She said staff and C^PC recommends ðpprov,d of the petition with the following stipulations: 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Excavation Ordinance and as stipulated during tho WMAB meeting. 2. Fill is t;> be us cd for 1-75 only. 3. Pits to be backfilled to form an irregular contour. Hearing no one was registered to speak, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing b~ closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissionor Wenzel and carried unanimouslJ, that Resolution 82-45 re Petition PU-82-7C, be adoptcd with the above stipulations. Po1g0 l) wo~ 0G8 rACf S90 " April 13, 1982 ___ ____ ___ - ___0- ___ - -- - - - - ---- - ------- ------- &OO~ 068 fACE '397 RESOLUTION B2-~6 RE 1 YE~q ~XTENSIDN OF TIME FOR PROVISIONAL USE, PU-80-lC, bY BETHEL A.M.L CHURCH LDC,\TED or-: TilE NORTH SIDE OF GOLDEN GATE P1\RKWAY AND 1/2 BLD~K WEST OF 6~TH STREET, SW - ADOPTF.D planner L~e Layne explained that staff recommends approval for a six month extension of time for provisional use PU-80-IC for Bothel A.M.E. Church located on the north side of Colden Gate Parkway and 1/2 block west of 64th Street SW. She explained that the BCC approved a one year extc~sion of thiß petition last April with th~ orlgin~l petition being apprvved April 15, 1980, and that tha petitioner is making arrangements for final construction. Hr. Roger L. Simmons, representing Bethel A.M.E. Church, explained that the Church, which is vecy 5m~ll, completed paying for the land i~ February 1982, and now requests a one ye~r extension to construct the Church. Responding to Chairman Wimer, Ms. Layne said that the BCC could grant an extension up to one year. Mrs. Dorothy L. Johnson spoke in opposition and ^nnie Mac Perry spoke in favor of the petition. Mr. Herbcrt Cambridge declined to speak. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commi~sloner pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing bp. closed. Stating she was concerned about alterations in residential neighborhoods, however onca the government has given permis~ion, she could not taka it away, Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and c~r.ried 4/1, with Commissioner piator opposed, that Resolution 82-46 granting a one year extension for PU-80-IC, by Bethel A.M.E. Church, be adopted. P.qe 14 - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- ---- -- - -- --------- -------- " , . .' ......-.'1 I '-, --- ., .-....'" - - - - -- - -- - --- -.------ --- - ------- -------,-., . . ~OO ( 068 P~CE '399 ***RECESS: lOIO? A.~. nECONVENEDI 10:20 ~.M. with Commissionor Drow" cut of t.ho room"·" RELOCATION OF THE CDBC HOUSING PROGR1\MS OFFICE AND THE LEASE AGREE1'IENT FOR 1\ ~DnUL1\R UNIT AT $325 PER ~DNTI! - "PPROVED Community Development Director virta explained the request for relocation of the CDBG Housing progrðms Office in Immokðlec from the Triumph Church recreation building, to accommodate increased staff, and requested approval of a leaRo agreement regarding the movo to a modular unit, locatod next to the Immokalee Courthouse Annex for $325 per month, to be ~orne by the Block Grant program. Commissioner Wenzel moved, SAconded by Commissioner pistor and carried ~/O, with Commlssioner Brown absent from the room, that the above reque£t be approved. Pa9- 1S , . ---....., ...--.i I ~ . , - -- - - .:..-.- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -.- -,- - - - - - -- - - --- - -----¡ April l3, 1982 -,-".,-,~",... ., ] . . ----- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - ~. April l3, 1962 RESOLUTION 82-47 AUTIIORIZ ING AMENDMENT TO 1961 CDBG TO ^DD RELOCATION AS AN ^CTIVITY WITH REVISED BUDGET INVOLVING TRANSFER OF S49,400 FROM REHABILIT^TIDN TO RELDC^TIDN - ADOPTED . Co~munity Development Director virta explained tho request to a~.nd the 1981 Community Oev~iopment Block Crant Program to add relocation as an activity, to provide for tho relocation of two families in the target area, with tho rovisod budget involving transfer of S49,400 from rehabilitation to relocation with no additional funds requested. Commisisoner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, with C~nmls8ioncr f'rown out of tho room, that Rosolution ~2-~7 re the above request, be adopted. Paqc 16 &O!)~ ~ rACE 402 ~-----_.. ------- --.....-- -~ - --.--- --- -----.-- ------- ! ., 1 ~-----~---_._----------_._----~------------ . ..., .-'-.'-'.'-'-.'.' April l3, 1982 **...Commisøioner Brown returned at lO:25 l\.M.····· PETITION TR-1\2-8C, GEORCE RICHARDSON REQUESTING l\ TEMPORl\R'i RESI1.)ENCE PERMIT ON TRl\CT 8, UNIT 7, G0LDEN C^TE EST^TES - APPROVED Zoning Dlrc~tor Perry cxp~ùined petition TR-B2-8C, filed by George Richardson, requesting ð Temporary Residence Permit to utilize a travel trailer during construction of a principle residence on pr~perty located 2 miles east of C.R. 951 on 23rd Street N.W, north of Colden Gate Boulevard. He said staff feels that the petitioner's concern for the safety of his equipment and mðterials is justified due to the secluded nature of the area and that staff recommends approval of the requ'!st subject to the petitioner receiving a building permit for ,the principle residence. Commissioner Wenzel ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Petition TR-82-8C, be approved. PETITION TR-82-9C, Pl\UL MIKOLEY, JR. REQUESTING ^ Tf.MPDR"RY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON TRl\CT ~l, UNIT 7n, GOLDfN G"TE PST^TE~ - DPNTED Zoning Directnr Perry explained petition TR-82-9C, filed by pacl Mikoley, Jr. requesting a Temporary Hesldencð Permit to utilize a f'¡otor hom~ during construction of a principle rcsiùence on property located on the south side of 21st "venue S.W., one milé east of C.R. 951. He said staff recommends denlal of the request because the petitioner's land is not located in a portion of the Estatec that should b~ con- sidered rClnote and, although the t.onstruction site may be Isolated on its own lot, it is within a reasonable respons~ dlstance for the Golden Gate Flre Department in case of cr:lerqcncy. Commlssioner Wcn:el moved, seconded by CommIssioner Pistor and carried unanlmously, that Petition TR-B2-9C, be denied. Page 1 7 WOK 008 rAt[ 404 - - - - - - - _u _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ,. -- -- - - - -- - - _. ...,-",.-,.._....-".,..._-"" . I __ _ __ -- --.- - ----- --- - - - -- - --- - - - - - - ---- --- &00); 0õ8 rACE 4.05 ^prll l3, 1982 PETITION TR-02-l0C, RODERT D. MCC^BE REQUESTING A TEMPDR^RY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON TR^CT 4fi, IINIT (1), ï.DtDf.N G"Tr. r.ST^Tr.S - "PPROVED Zoning Director Pcrry cxplained Petition T~-ß2-10C, filed by Robert D. McCabe requesting a Temporary Residence Permit to utilize a - - - travel trailer during construction of ) principle r~sidence on property locatcd on lOth Avenue N.W. cast of Oaks Boulevard and one mile south of C.R. 846. He said staff recommends approval because staff feels that the petitioner's concerll for the safety o( hil:i equipment and materials is justified due to the secluded nature of the area. Commisizoncr Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ristor and carried unanimously, that petition TP.-82-10C be approved, subject to the petitioner receiving ð building perr:lit for the principle residence. PETITION TR-R2-lC, WILLI^M ^. ^~JDER;,ON REQUF.STING ^ TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON TRACT II, UtlIT 7(" GOLDF.N GATf. f.STATES - APPPDVED Zoning Director Perry expll1ined PetItiC1n TR-B2-lC, filed by William ^. Anderson rcqu~stin<J ð 'felll¡X)[,HY KeKiùence Perrlll\: \:0 ut.illzo a motor home durIng construction of ð prIncIple re3idence on property located B mlles cast of C.R. 951 on 8th Avenue N.E., 1/4 mile west of Everglades Boulevard. He said staff rccorr~end8 a¡ proval of the petItlon because staff feels that the petitioner's conccrn for the safety of hIs equipment and rndterIals is justIfied due to the secluded naturc of the area. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commlssloner pistor and carried unanimously, thðt pet1tlon TR-82-1C be apprcved. pag_ 18 --- - - - - - - --- - -.,..- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -.- - - ---- - - - - --- , . , ~ ----..I I ~ -:t -';:i_ ~ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - _._1 April l3, 19R2 UTILIZATION OF $lO,O~O GR~NT FROM DER FOR COASTAL ZONE MAN^GEMENT TO HIRE AN ENVIRDNMENT^L INTERN - APPROVEü¡ BUDGET AMENDMENT TO BE PREPARED Community Devclopment Director Virta explaine~ the request for authorization to utilize a $10,000 D.E.R. Coastal Zone Management grant to hire a graduate level, environm~ntðl intern to hclp with preparation of Coastal Zono Management Plan in-house Instead of hiring ð consu1tðnt. Commissioner wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimou5ly, that the above request be approved and that the necessary budgct amendment be prepared. REPORT FOR BCC INFDHMATION ON SLCW DOWN IN rRIVr\TE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY LEADING TO NEED FOR REDUCTION IN FORCE IN THE BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT - NO ACTION TAKEN Community Development Dlrector Virta presented for BCC information A reputL on lhf.: slo... do....n in privatI! cOll!:Struction ðctivity lCbùing to tho need for reductlon Df nine building inspectors in the Building Code Compliance Department. Chalrman Wimer said the 8CC understood the Action that ....as taken. EXC"VATION PERMIT NO. 59.136, WIIITE: CONSTRUCTION CDI-IPf,NY, n:c., 1-75 BDRRCW PIT, fOUR SITES (f;[CTIGNS J2 " 33, T49S, R26E) - ~PPRDVED WITH STIPULl'ITIONS Public Works "dmin15trotor ßarksdalc e~plained the request for EXCbvation perrnlt No. 59.136, (lled by White Con~truction Company, Inc., for borro.... pits at four sites tD provlde fl11 [or 1-7:') and said that the BCC had prevlou3ly approved the provisional use this date. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Co~mls6ioner Pi&~or and cørried unanimously, that Excavðtlon Permit No. 59.136 be approved with the following stipulations: 1. The depth of the exc~vatlon shall be limit~d to '0 feet (clevation -10.C) and ð .....,tClr qu.'lity mon1torinl) system shall be 1 n s t ð II e-d . WOK 008 PACE 400 paq. 19 - - --- - - - -...- - - - -.. - -- -- - - -- ----. - - - - - -- - - -- ..... - .-. .........."'.,.- 1___ __ __________________ -- --- -------- - - --- ',prn 13, 1982 ~OOK 068 PACE407 2. All applicable provisions of Excavation Drdlnance No. 80-26 shall be adhered to. 3. No off-aite dischùrgo of groundwater unless permitted by South Florida Water Management Diptrlct. 4. InGtDllation of 0 berm and interceptor ditch Dround the perimeter of the property. 5. pit shall be operated for the purpose of providing fill to 1-75 construction only. Pit shall not rcmain in production after comµletion of 1-75 construction. 6. Upon complction of the ~roject, the site shall be left in ð clonn and ordcrly condltlon. 7. The approval of provisional Use p~tition IPU-82-6C. EXc;.VATIDN PERMIT NO. 59.137, R.G.K., INC., TWO 1-75 SITES ON TIlE WEST SIDE OF 1-75 APPROX. 1/2 ~TLE SOUTH OF PINE RIDGE ROAD EXTENSION - "PPROVED WITH 5TIPUL^TIONS Public Works Admlnistraloc Barksdale cxplð~ncd Excavation pnrmit No. 59.137, filed by R.G.K., Inc. for t....o sites to providl\! fill for 1-75 on the west side of 1-75 approxlmatcly l/2 mile south of pine Ridge ROùd Extenslon and said that the BCC previously ~pprovr.d the provisional use thin dato. Commlssioncr wenzel movcJ, seconded by Commissioner Oro....n and cùrried u~animuus¡y, that Ex~øvatio~ Pecmlt No. 59.137 be approved with the following stlpulationsl l. The depth of the excavation chall be 1imitcd to 20 feet (elevðtion -8.5) and a water quallty monltorlng system shall be installed. 2. "ll øppllcahle provls10ns of Excavation Ordinance No. 8ú-26 shall be adherod to. 3. No off-slt" discharqe of groundwater unless perr:litted by South Fl~clda Watcr Management Dlstrict. 4. Installation of a berm and interceptor ditch around the perimeter of the property. 5. ^ wðiver of the 200 foot Rctback from tho 1-75 right-of-way shall be granted by Florlda Department of Transportation and the Board of County Commissioners (letter of waiver submitted by FDOT). Pðqe 20 --------------------- ------------.-r-- , . , > ..--.-..... I ~_..., . . ,a,pr 11 13, 1982 6. pit shall be operated for the purpose or providing fill to 1-75 construction only. PIt shall not remaIn in production after completion of 1-75 construction. 7. LettQ~S of Consent shall be dubmitted by property owners of Parcels lO, 11 and 14, SectIon la, Townr.hip 49 South, Range 2~ East prior to issuance of ~xcavation p~r~it. 8. Upon completIon of the project, tho site shall be left in a cleðn and orderly conditIon. 9. The approval of Provisional Use Petition PU-82-5C. EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.139, VECELLIO' GROGAN, INC., THREE 1-75 5ITES ,a,PPRDX. ONE MILE SOUTH OF C.R. 1'46 AtDNG RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 1-75 - "PPRDVED WITH 5TIPUL^TIONS Public Works Administrator B~rksdale explained Excavation Permit No. 59.139, filed by V~cellIo & Grogan, Inc., for three sites to provide fill for constructIon of 1-75, approximately one mile south of C.R. 846 along right-of-way for 1-75 and said that the BCC approved the provisIonal use this date. Commissioner wenzel mov~d, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimou~ly, that Excavation PermIt No. 59.139, be approved with the followIng stipulaticns: 1. The depth of the Cxcdvðtion shall be li~itcd to 20 feet (elevation -R.O) and a watcr quality monitoring system shall be installt:-.J. 2. All applicnble provisions of Excavation Drdinancc No. 80-26 shall be adhcrcd to. 3. No off-site dlscnargc of groundwatc~ unless permitted by South Florida Water Manayement District. 4. InstallatIon of a hcrm ard interceptor ditch around the perimeter of tho property. 5. ^ waiver of the '00 foot ~etback from the 1-75 rIght-of-way shall be gr^nted by the ~lorida Department of Trðnsportatio~ ~nd the Board of County Commissioners Cletter of waiver with stipulations rcceived from rDDT on 3/23/82). 6. Pit sh~ll be opC'ratcc1 tor the purpose of provIding fill to 1-75 constructIon only. Pit shall not remain In production after compl~tion of 1-75 conutrucliof.. &ooK 068 PACE 408 Paqe 21 ---------------------------------------- ...--.....-..-. i _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - _..:. -,-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -- aoOK 058 PACE 400 April 13, 1982 7. Upon completion of tho project, the Rtte shall be left In a clc~n ~n~ ~r~crly condition. 8. tetter of Conscnt from propcrty owner of Parcel 22, Section 3l, Township 46 South, Range 2~ East shall Le submitted prior to issuancc of permIt. 9. The approval of Provisional Uso petitions PU-82-7C & PU-82-9C. ESCRCM FUNDS, CE:RTIFICATF: Of DEPOSIT IN THF. AMOUNT OF $7,250, WHICH WERE TO HAVE BEEN USED FOR CDNSTRUCTIutl OF CUL-DE-S.r...CS IN \oJILLDUGHBY ACRES - APPROVED FOR Rf.LEl\SE TO 'tIlLLOUG"I1Y ACRES ASSOCIATION Public Works Dircctor B~rk5ùnlc explained the rcquest to rplease the escrow funds, in the amount of $7,250, to th~ Willoughby Acres Associ~tion which were pledged to construct cuI-de-sacs within willoughby Acres beç~usc, followi~g review, staff h~s ascertained that the escrow funds would only cover th::¡ COf;t o( construction of two of the t~elve proposed cul-de-sacfi and th~t several of the streets have been extended beyond the boundary of Willoughby Acres and several other streets arc to be extended into proposed subdivisions. He said that future extensions are probable. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the above request be approved. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF LIVINGSTON RO^D, ENTR^NCE ROM) 1'0 WYNDEI1ERE SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN SECTIONS 24 AND 25 - GRANTED Public Works Administrator Barksdale explained the rccommendation for Final Acceptance of Livingston Road, the entrance road to Wynd~mere Subdivision. He said that the developcr has maintalned the road for one year's timeT that PrQliminary Acceptðnce was granted March 4, 1ge\¡ on~ that the road has been r~ln5pccted. Commissioner Brown moved, scconded by Commissioner Wenzel and paq. 22 ._---------------------------------~----- I . , . I ~..::j ________________________________________1 1\pril 13, 1982 carried unanimously, that Final Accoptanco of Livingston Road bo granted. rIN^L 1\CCEPTANCE OF P1\RK SHORE UNIT NO. FIVE - GRANTED. RELE1\SE OF THE 10\ MAINTEN"NCE SECURITY (CERTIFIC^TE OF DEPOb~1' NO. ~A282~ FROM FIRST H1\TIDNf'.L BANK IN TI1e M~OU:~T or 580,240.00) - AlITHORlZE:O Public Worke Administrðtor Barksdðlo explained tho recommendation for Final Acceptðnc~ of Park Shore Unit No. Five. He said that Preliminary 1\cceptance was granted March lO, 1981, that the developer has maintained the project and it has ~een reinspected¡ and the recor:lmcndation of the release of the lOt maintenance security (Certificate of Deposit No. 6e282G from First Nðtional Rank in the amount ('If $80,240.00). Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the abov~ r~commenrlations be approved. PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF VICTORIA PARK T~O ADDITION - GRANTED. lOt MAINTENANCE SECURITY (TRUST DEED FOR BLOCK ?, VICTORIA PARK, UNIT ONE) - "CCEPTED Public Works Administr~tor ßark~dale explained the recommendation for Preliminary "cceptance of Vlctor1ð Park '1"""0 Addition. He said that the developer has constructed the required improvements and posted the 10\ maintenðnce security (Trust Deed for Blo~k 2, Victoria Park, Unit ,One) which he recommended be accepted. Commissioner Wenzel moved, secunded by COr:lmissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the above recommcndatlon~ be approved. Pðg e 23 .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -..-- - - - - - - .- - - - -- April 13, 1982 ðQDX 068 PACE 411 ¡:;1ELIMINM~Y ^CCEPT¡\I~CE CF Kn:c:> [",\1<1:: t::nT Tlmrr. - t:T1ANTF.n. 10' MAINTENANCE SECUT1ITY (lHREVDCABLE LF.TTER OF CREDIT l3/CCAD/TL/R2/l04/R) TO COVER ONE-YE"R PERIOD PLUS SF:CUT1ITY TO COVER TH~ BALANCE OF WORK REMAINING TO BE CD/'IPLF.TF:D Fon TIfE LAKE EXCAVATION - ^CCEPTF.D. RF.LE^SE OF ORIGINAL. CONSTT1UCTIDN SECURITY - AUTIIDRI7.F.D Public works Administrator Oðrksdalo explðined the recommendation for the Preliminary Acceptance of Kings t.ake Unit Three. He said that the develcpcr has completed the requircd improvements except the lake excavation and has posted 10% .1ðinten<..nce security (Irrevocable Letter of Ccedit No. lJ/CCAD/TL/82/l04/R from Clydesdale Bank Limited in the amount of $73,l59.68) to covcr one-year period, plus security to cover the balance of ....0 r k remaining to bc co",pleted £0 r the lake excðvation (Irrevocable Le t t c r of Creùit No. l3/CCAD/TL¡82/l05/R from Cl ydesdðle Bank Limiteù in the (1moun t of $33,750.00) , which he recommended be lIccepted. Commissioner Wen7.cl moved, 5econded by Commissioner pistor and c1!rri~d "r"'n!m"lI~lYI ~.h,,~. tr~ "hovp ,...r.ornmp.n(!lItions be I'Ipproved. VARIOUS DT1AINAGE EASEMENTS It¡ CCLLIER COUNTY (2 FOR ESTEY AVENUE, 1 FOR GULF SHORE BLVD. N.) - ACCErT~D FOR RECORDATION Publ~c Works Admlnlsprðtor narksdalc explalncd the recommendation to accept for recordation the follo....ing eðsemcnts: 1. Dràinage Eilsement, Lot 21 ðnd 24, Nðples Grove and Truck Company's Llttlc ~~rms No. 2 from Williðm Stachiw. 2. Drainage Eð5ement, Lot 24, Naples Crove and Truck Company'" Little Fðrr:ls No. ¿ from M~. and Mrs. A. G. Demðnd. ). Drainage Eas~ment, Block G, Conner's Vûnderbilt Boðch Estðtea Unit No.1 from C.Jpuan Development Corporðtion. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and c~rried unanimously, thðt the ðbove dOBcrlbcd easements be accopted for recordation. paq. 24 - - -- - -- - - - -- - ---- -- -------- -------- ------- , . "- ,....""., - I ~ April 13, 1982 I I ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ .__ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - J &OO~ 068 PAC£ 415 BtD 1551, P^RT A RE GD[.~EN G^TP. P.STATES WEIR MOD!F!C^T!ON~ ~WARDED TO Zt:P CONSTHUC'l IùN, I¡;C. W TIlE AMOUNT OF S171,000.00, AUTHORIZATION OF APPRDPHIATE lIUDGET "MENDMENT TO BE PREPARED IN TilE M"DUNT OF $14,000. P"RT B, CIIAIHMAN AUTIIDH IZ ED TO EXECUTE TIIf: SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH SI"WMD F()R EXTENSION OF TIME OF COMMENCEMENT OF THE PRDGRi\M AND PROVID- ING FOR USE OF NOT MORE THAN 53,500.00 FOn TilE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECT NOW UNDERW"Y. Legal ~otice having previously been filect w~th the Clerk, Public Works Administrator Barksdale explained the report ðn~ recommendation to award Bid '~5l for the prop0sed wei: modifications of Golden Gate Estates Interim Actiùn PrograM and the Supplemental Agreement with SfWMD to provide an extension of time in th~ ~xisting agreement and to further amend it to provlde an additional 53,500.00 for the aerial photogrllphy projcct, lie d.,scribed Part A to aWllrd Bid t551 of tho Interim Action Program to p1aço the flashboards on five weirs Ðnd.said that the low bl~der was Zep Construction, Inc. for $171,000.00, with the next low bidder belng C0ðstal Marine Construction, Inc. for S173,fi~.O.()O. He 5<11d that a letter was receiv~d from Coastal Marine Construction, Inc. indic,,,tlng that an error WI'\S mðde in the bid, however, followlng discussion wlth the Coun~y ~ttorn~y ðnd purchasing Director, the decls10n wa~ made that after the bids were open the r.ounty could not consider a change bccauso It would jeopardize the publlc biddlng process. He 6ald the reco~~pndatlon was to award Bid t5~1 to Zep Construction, Inc. and approve the budget amendment which would provide th~ addltlonal money the County needs to fund the proj~~t, since ~75,000 would come from SfWMD and $70,000 from the Stato D.E.R. Commis51oner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Bid 1551 be awarded to Zep Construction, Inc. for the Interim ^ctto~ Program in Golden Gate Estatos. Pðq e 25 - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ., , . \ - I ,.,----, ;_: ~__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ J :; ^pril 13, 19B2 Tho following people spoke in favor of the proposed Interim Action Programs Hrs. Charlotte Westman, rcpresenting the League of .Women Voters. Hr. Arndt Muellcr, rcpresenting the Collier County Audubon Society. Y-~thryn ^ldrich Mr. George E. S~dgwick, who presented pictures of the weirs. (Exhibit -^- filed for the record) Mr. Bernie Yokel, Chairmûn, WMAB, who gave background information of the proj ect. The following people spoke in opposition of the Interim Action Programl ^hleen B. Crawford David C. Grahûm, who prcsented pictures of the weirs. (Exhibit ftB" tiled for the record) Commissioner Krusf" said shc ciid not br.lieve the averðge Golden Gl'lte re:;ident means for the people in town to be afraid, as they are, tllat -the tap wi 11 run clryft. She said thðt the Golden Gato resident is I'll so 8 pe ð king from the f ef! r of knowlpdae of hdv i nQ beliln wet if the water is not -in and outft when it is supposed to be. She said any system that relies on human reliability is totally unreliable. She said vandalism sometlmes removes the weirs. She said she voted for the project a year ago January before she experienced a rl'liry season during which the cxistin~ tlashbcûrds were constûnt headaches and she dcs- cribed how residents called her to tell her where flashboards were still in place. S~e sald Lhat theS35,OOO report states that the flashboards lira ineffective for th~ purpose intended and thðt to spend $l70,OOO that is not going to work for the purpose intended but that presents a dangp.r if it is not done that way is the reason she has changed her vote for the project. Commissioner Pistor gave hiD views on the proposcd program and Page 2() &OOK 068 P~CE 416 .... .--- -- ._~ -- -- -- -- -- -- --.- .-... ---- ._-- -- - -- ------ ---------- ---I · -.. - - - - -- - - -..- - - - - -- - ---- - - -. - -- - ---- - - -- ---- &001. 068 fAct 417 April 13, 1982 said he hoped tho County could go Ðhoad with tho procedure and watch the conditions improve. Commissioner W~nzel staten for the record that he a~rood with tho need for maintaining the watcrtable but that he has never agreed with the method of solution. Commissicner Kruse ~larifled for the record ro (iro And the supposed relationship to the canal system that within the lAst summer the states of Georgia, Tennessee and AlabaMA suffered the most sevcre forost firoQ in their history and that in proportion FloridA had no morc forest fires than anywhere else and cons~derðbly less. Upon call for the question to adopt Part A, awarding of Bid 1551 to Zt>p construction, Inc., the motion carried 4/1, with Commi~sloner Kruse opposed. Commisc;ioner pistor moved, seconded by Commlssiollcr Wenzel and carrieð unanimously, that Part B, that the Chairman be authorized to execute the Supplemental ~greemont with SFWMD for extension of time of commencem~nt of ~he Plogróm anò P(ov¡ù~ny COl' Lilù us.:: of r,ú~ õ;.,;,¡,·,) ~~;)iI $3,500.00 for the aerial photography project now underway, be approved. Page 27 ------------~--------------------------- , . " \ I -1 - , .-- t~--~---------------------~-----------_J ~' ~, April 13,1982 t~ _>~,,_ ,,""o_..~,,_.".~,__'...,. .,. '.~ .~ SALE OF SURPLUS AMBULANCE 14102 - AWARDED TO HENDRY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,551 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner PIstor and carried unanimously, that tho sale of surplus ambulance 14102 be awarded in the amount of $7,55l to the Hendry Correctional Institution, being the highest bidder and in the beÐt interests of the County. EXECUTION OF LE"SE AGREEMENT FOR RENTED OFFICE SPACE TO HOUSE THE AGRICULTURE DEP^RTMENT IN COUnT PLAZA - AUTHORIZED; BUDGET ^MENDMENT TO BE PREP^RED Assistant County Manager Smith explained the recommendation to execute a lease agreement f~r rented office space to house the Agriculture Department in C?urt Plaza. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner plstor and carried unanimously, that the aforementioned leas\! ðgreement be executed and that the necessary budget amendment be prepared. ~ 068 PAC[ 420 Pal] e 28 ---- '--- ------ ---.------------------- ------ ---r--- ------. I I I I " _--=.:...- _ _ __ __ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _-1.. ^pdl l3, 1982 ...Commissioner Kruse left tho room at llllO A.M.··· CETA FY'82 SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM CONTRACT AND RELATED OTHtR CETA CONTR^CT MDDIFICATI0NS - APPROVED Public Services ^dministrator Norton explained staff recommenda- tlon for approvðl of the CETA FY 182 Summer Youth Program Contract and the rclated modifications for the ùther contracts. Commissioner Wenzel ~oved, scconded by Commls5ioncr pistor and carried 4/0, with Commis- sion~r ~ruse out of the room, that the aforementioned contracts be approved. pagn 29 ~ 008 fAi.l426 ~.... .---------------. ----- ----.---------------- -- - --~.--.. -". .- ! . \.-_:":'" - __ - - - - - - - - ___ - - __ - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ - - __ - __I --.,_.",.._.< April 13, 1982 TICERTAIL BEACH DRAINFIELD REPAIPS - AUTHORIZED UP TO $600, BUDCET AMENDMENT TO BE PREPARED Public Services Administrator Norton explaine~ the ~equest for authorization to repair the Rcptic tank drainfield at Tigertail Beach In an amount not to exceed $600. He said tempornry measures have been taken. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, with Commlssioner Krusc out of the room, that the request be approved and that the necessary budget amendment be prepared. DOCUJ"ENTS RELATED TO lIUGUSn COURT CDNDOr-lINIUM WATER FACILITIES ACCEPTED FDH ~NER:,IIIP "NO ~11\INTf.NANCE; a,.¡NE:RSHIP OF TilE Sr::WER FACILITIES - ACCEPTED; CIIAIRMMJ "UTHORIZED TO EXECUTE TilE SfWER FACILITIES LEASE fCì OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SE:WER FACILITIF.S BY L&LV ESTATES, INC. Utilities Manager Berzon explaincd the recommendation that the BCC a~~ept the Augusta Court Condominium water and sewer facilities and authorizl: tilt: t:xecution of a lcaso agrocmer.t bct\.'ocn the C~::trict .::r.d Le1y Estates, Inc. for the operatlon of the facilities. Commissioner Wenzcl moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Kruso out of the rOOr:l, that the aforementioned recommend- I1ti"ns be approved; that the Chaif ~an he authorlzed to execute the Sewer Facl1ities Le~se; ðn~ that the fo'lowing documents bp. filed and/or recorded. ^) Corrective Deed for both the w~tcr and sewer facilities B) Results of pressurc testing the wnter mains C) Bacterl~loqlc~l cluarance from the D~R D) Lðb rcsulUi on bðcterioloqicill teste; for the water lines E) Bill of Sale for both the w,H~r and sewer facilities F) Affidavit of No Li~ng for both the wðter and sewcr facilties G) CQrtificatl~n conccrning any contrlbutlons in-aid of constructlon H) Veriflcl\t1oII)f Un,)l costs for both the water and se....er facil1tles I) Up-to-datc list of cU5tomer£ and/or owncrs of individual lots J) Correctlvo Utility Easement for both the ....ater ðnd sewer facilities Page 30 ~OQ ( 068 rAC( 442 -- -- -- - - -- ~._. ..- ~ --- - -- .-- --~- _.. .- - -.-" ..- --. -.- --- - - -- - - - - - - - - _...- , "·'·_·.·~"'.~".v,'~"..,..~",~. -----------------------------------~---- . . . __ - - - - - - - - __ - __ - _____ __ - - ___...____ - - ____ ---,I Apr 11 13, 1982 MOK 068 PAGE 443 1<) L) I. I M) legal Description for both the water ßnd sewer facilltle. Lotter by the F.ngineer certifyinq that all water and sewer facilities 3re ~ocated within tÞe dedicnt~d eascmcnt3 Contrðctuðl GUðrontee for m~tcrin1 bnd workr:lon~hip for ð period of at least one (1) year aftct the Boðrd of County Commlsaloners acceptance for both water and sewcr facilities Letter from the Fire District regarding ownership and maint.nance of the fire hydrants Copies of the inflow/infiltration testa for the sower facilities Sewer Facilities Lease One (I) set of as-built drawings signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record N) 0) P) 0) Pag e 3l # . ..,'-, I ~ ..-.J _........""-,.......,,'.«,~_._"'-'-" ......-- April 13, 1982 -- - - - - - - -.- - - - - -- - --- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- --- . MOK 068 fAC£457 DOCUMENTS RELATf.D TO KINGS LAKE UNIT III WATER FACILITIf.S ACCEPTED FOR OWNERSIlIP AND MAINTF:N^NCE, OWNERSIIIP OF TIIF: f'F.WF.R F'ACILITIF:S - !'.CCEPTF.D. CH^IRM1\N ^117!tOnIZED TO EXECUTE TilE SEWER FACILITIES LE^SE fOR DPEf\^TIDN MID MMNTENM~CF. OF THE SEWER F^CILITIES BY KINGS LAKE, LTD. (U.S. IIO~'E CORPDr,ATION) Utilities Managor Borzon cxplained the recommendatIon to accept the wðter and sewcr facilities for the Kinq~ Lake Unit III and that the Chairman be authorized to exccute the loaso agreement between KIngs Lake, Ltd. (U.S. Bome Corporation) for tho operation of the sewer f~cilltles. CommiRsioncr Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, with COr:lmissIoner Kruse out of the room, that tho aforementioned rccor:lmendations be approved th~t the Chairman be authorized to execute the Sewer FacIlities Lea so; and that the following documents be recorded ùnd/or filed. A) Deed for the wilter fl1r:il1:.ios B) Deed ::or the sewer facllitlcs C) Results of pressure t~sting the water mains D) Results of pressurc testing the force ~ain E) BDctcriol~glcal clearance from the Df.R F) Lab results O~ the Dacterlologlcal t"~ts for tho water lines G) Bill or SiJle for the ·...ater fðcil1t1c3 B) Bill of Sale for the sewer facilitios I) ^ffidavit of No Liens for the water ~Jcllit1es J) Affidavit of No Lie'~ for the sew~r facilities K) Certification concernlng any contributions in-aid of canst r uc t 10n L) Verlticatlon of flr~l c03tn for both the water and sewor facilities M} Letter from Kings L;o¡kc, Ltd. concerning an analyais of the final costs for the wat~r and sewer facilities by S , H Eng in e e r 1 ng N) Up-to-date llst of customers and/or owners of individu~l lots D} Letter by the Engineer certifylng that all watcr and s~wer facilties arc located wlthln thc public rlght-of-way or derlicðted c~scmcnts P) Letter from the Engineer regarding fHUng and fllJ~hing the ·...at.er main Q) Contractual GUdranteu for mntcridls dnd workmanshIp for a period of at leaat ,:>ne (1) year .1fter the Board of County Commi5slo~~rs ðccc~tance for both the water and sewer hcillties. Page 32 .--------. .*- -- - _.- - -,.- - .- - - - - - ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- I . I 1t1....~...,. ..-..-J -- ·t , ., " ¡___________________________~____________l April l3, 1982 R) Letter from the Fire District regarding ownership and maintenanco of thc fire hydrants. S) Copies of the inflow/infiltration tests for the sewer facilities T) Sewer Facilities Lcase U) One (1) 60t of as-built drawings signed and øoalcrl by the Engineer ur Récord P411t] 0 3 J ~t)( OOB ~t£ 458 - - - - - - - -. _. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- -- --- ~ - - - - - - -- -...-.-- ,.- .. --..-->"'''''' " I _ _ __ ~ _ _ _ ____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _l ^pril l3, 1982 EMERGENCY DECLARED¡ ORDINANCE 62-23 CHANGING THE MINIMUM FLOOR AREA IN THE wE- ESTATES DISTRICT FROM 750 SQUARE FEET TO 1000 SQUARE FEET FOR A ONE STORY BUILDING AND 1200 SQUARE FEET FOR" TWO STORY BUILDINC - ADOPTED Counti ~ttorney Pickworth explained the need for an emergency ordinance 'aising tho minimum square footage on structures in the -E- Estates District from 750 to lOOO square feet for n one story building and to 1200 square feet for a two story building. He said a formal ðmendment to the Zoning Drdinanco is currontly being devcloped and will be before the BCC on May 25, '9112. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, wit~ Commissioner Kruse out of the room, to declarc that an cmcr~ency exists and that immediate enactment of the Drdinnncc as nu~bered and titled below rc minimum floor area in thp. -E" E~tðtcs District, be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 14: ORDIN"NCE 82·23 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCF. CHANGING TilE MINIMUM FLOOR ARf.A IN 'I'IIE -r.- ESTATES DISTRICT FROM 750 SQUAh2 FE~T TO 1000 SQUARE FEET FOR A ON}: STORY BUILDlt;G AND 1200 ~JUAR£ F£F:T FOR ^ TolD STORY BUILDWGI AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Responding to Commissioner Pistor regarding Naples Manor, Mr. Pickworth said that BCC must, in tho overall land use regulntion, provide some opportunlty for the smaller houses and that currently that standard is met in Collier County. RESOLUTION C'^,S-!12-1 ^MfNDrNG RF:SOl.UTION Oo/S-RI-A, "UTHORIZING TilE ISSUANCE OF NOT F.XC~EDING ~?n,OOO,oon WATER REVENUE DOND SERIES 1982 - ADDPTF.D County ~ttorney pickworth explained a resolution amendIng Resolution CWS-8l-0, tho bond resolution for the R~gional W~ter System, paq e H WI 0G8 rue 468 - .-.. ...- - - ---. - --..- -- .._- --- -.. .-.. --...- - --- . - _.- - - - - - -.- -- - - - - - -- __ - - - - - - - _0",,- _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ -- - -- --- -- - -------- ~ 008 I'.\L£ 4b1J April 13, 1982 ð copy of which ho dolivered to the BCC last week. He said the County hi)!) bacn goinC) throlltJh ./.'~lol1!' proccrJurtH1 to be in tho fX>sition to issue revenue bonds to construct the first phase of tho Rcgional Water System and that the County inte~ds to issue insured bonds. He said that in order to obtain the insurance certain proviaions regarding thft flow of funds and the establishment of surpluses have been required by the insurance agency, which t~e propo~ed resolution does, and that the base provision of the bond issue is unchanged. Commissioner Plator moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0, with Commis- sloner Kruse out of ~he room, that Resolution ~¡S-82-1 amending Rosolution CW3-81-8, be adopted. Pðg. 35 - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - . !' I ..- ..,.. ~ :::::J ~~, .. . _.-.# .... - · - - - - ---- ----- -- ---- - -- - -- - -- - - --- - - - - - - --- --..,-.- ^prll 13, 1982 &OOK Oô8 PAcE4Bl ..*Commissioner Kruse returned to the room at 11115 A.M.-·- CH,TAW LANCS CONVEYED OY COR."L RIDGE-CDL.LIER PROPERTIES, INC. IN SATISF^CTION Of "PUQ- AND CORPS OF ENGINEER REOUIR~~ENTS - AC~EPTEDI MAINTEN^NCE AGREF.MENT WITH PF.LICAN B^Y IMPROVf.Mf.NT DISTRICT FOR CDNSERV^TIDN ARE^ ¡-'OR TilE r:EXT 10 YEARS - APPROVED. '-"';0 QUIT CL.AIM D~EDS - ACCEPTED County Attorney pickworth explained that certðin conveyances and agrcement5 becween Collier County and Coral Ridge-Collier Properties, Ir.c. were bebg done in conformance with certain Corps of Engineer PUD ðnd DER regulfttions. Mr. Ross Dbley, representing Coral Ridge-Collier Properties, Inc., explained t~at April, 1982 marks tho fifth year of a commitment t:1ðt Pelican [\,lY mlldc with Collier County to deed an arca for a paL'k and for p,1rking spdce5. lie said that those deeds would be cOl\vcy~d to the County latf'r this d,-_te and that the conservation area deed, because of the feder~l permit, would ðlso be conveyed to the County. lie said thlt Pelican [\ay ðpprec1.~ted the assistance and support received tnrough the federal and state permitting program DY the County staff durlng the flve-year permittl~g program. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissi~ner Wenzel and carr1~~, unanimously, that the aforementioned deeds to lands conveyed by Coral Ridge-Collier Propertle5, Inc. be acçepted with appreclation¡ that the malntcnance agreement between Collier County and the Pelican E~y Improvement Dlstrlct calling for the ImprOVf'Ment DIstrict to maintain the con~erv~tion area for the next ten years at their expense be authorized for execution after execution by the Improvement DIstrict¡ and that two Quit Claim deeds be accepted. Chalrmðn Wlmotr LhdllÌ<.",Ù ¡·i(. Culer and lCpr.,i)"'fltot~\i':s ùf Cural Ridge-Collior Properties, Inc. on behalf of the Bce and said it has been ð pleasure to deal with the Pclic3n Bay project and that they have been mðqnani~ous and community minded. *Note: Agreement not received by Clerk's Office 8S of 4/27/82. Pa!Je 31\ ..- - - - -- - - - -- --- _.- - - - - - - ---- - -- -- ------ - -------- , . 1 - I c--......, - ", ....~. ,.~.., -<-..""""."""" April l3, 1982 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR P^Y~ENT Pursuant to Resolution 8l-l50 the following checks were Issued through April 9, 19821 FUND CHECI< NO. AMOUNT County Checks 5568-5698 $ 959,167.30 County Checks 5699-6046 $l,335,217.49 CETA 8576-8613 $ 6,599.65 BCC 35250-35784 S 289,436.26 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 82-146 (SOLID WASTE - NAPLES) - TRANSFER TO PROVIDE FOR INCREASED COST DP RENTALS AND LEASES - ADOPTED IN THE 'MOUNT OF $1>76 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and corried unanimously, that Budget l\mendment No. 82-ì'46 (Solid Waste - Naples) trans for to provide for incrcase1 cost of rentals,and leases, be adopte0 in the amount of $676. !~ 068 f'1tE 516 pag. 37 ----------------------------------------. o .....,',....,,-~.,~~ 'j :'1--.- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - __1 j Apr II 13, 19 ß' . ~ ¡ '.'.,.,j," ";':1 f.:. , y-' " ',.,',,\ ", . _. ....._._"'~.~,_.....'''''..'_....._~'''.. , BUDCET AMENDMENT NO. 82-l47 (BUILDING MAINTENANCE) - TRANSFER TO PROVIDE FOR EMERCENCY PURCHASE OF AIR COMPRE5SS0R - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $9,480 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor Þnd c~rried unanimously, th^t Au~~~t Amen~m~nt No. 82-l47 (Building Maintenance) - transfer to provide for emergency purchase of air compressor, be adopted in the amount of $9,480. MOC 068 w£~18 Pege )11 - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- ..---- - - -- - - -- - ----- ------- ----~ ~ - ',-1 _~_____ __ ____ _ _ ________________ _______l April 13, 1982 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 82-148 (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV.) - TRANSFER TO PROVIDE FOR WAGE AND SALARY ADJUSTMENTS - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT Of $3,449 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and c~rricd unðnimously, th~t Budget Amendment No. 82-l4B (Community Development Div.) - transfer to provide for wage ðnd sðlary adjust- ments, be ðdoptcd in tho ðmount of $3,449. Nil) ( 008 rm:.520 peqe 39 .,~. - ~---------------------------------------- ". . -...._........,_.,.._,.,-_..,,_.. """"".'" April 13, 1982 " ¡ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 82-l49 (SOLID W^STE - NAPLf-S TRANSFER) - TRANSFER TO PROVIDE Fr)R RENTAL OF ROLL-OFF CONTAINERS - ADOPTED IN TtlE '-MOUNT OF $5,000 Commissioner Wenzol moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 82-149 (Solid Waste - Naples Transfer> - transfer to provido for rental of roll-off containers, be adopted in the amount of $5,000. ~ a)8 rAtE 522 rag. .l 0 .....-.- - -- - - - - - - - - ..-- - - - - - - - -...- - - - - - -- - - --!.- - -- - - - -- ..'.~or""_""-"'·' ....··....I4:-~W',UIo...;w:iM tJiNtI<V'V--·~ ,...,..~"....,._.'''''- . . ,~. _ ",:'__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ ___1 April 13, 1982 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 82-150 (SOLID W^STE - IMMOKALEE LANDFILL) - TRANSFER TO COVER LE^SE OF EXISTING LANDFILL SITE UNTIL NEW SITE OPERATING PER~IT IS ISSUED BY DER - ADOPTED IN THE A~OUNT OF S~OO Commiscioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, thðt Budget Amendment No. 82-150 (Solid Waste - Immokaleo Lðndfill) - transfer to cover lease ofaxisting landfill site until new sito operating permit is issued by DER, bo ðdopted in the amount of $600. tIO)( 068 rAt( 514 Pag. 41 - -- ---- --- - -- --- -- -- - - ---- - - - -- ---- -- - --. " ,- .._.___"~>"",_,, ......'#.~rf'. ~..:o;;:. ....~.."'.. "'......-.............'....., ~,---....__... ...~- .' 1 --- -- --- - - -- - - - - - - - ---- - - - - -- - --- - -- -- - - -- ~pr11 l3, 1982 BUDCET AMENDMENT NO. 82-lSl (SOLID WASTE - M^RCO TRANSFER) - TRANSFER TO COVER COST OF THE INSURANCE WHICH HAD NOT BEEN BUDGETED - ^DOP'rED IN THE AMOUNT OF $90 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Cummissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Budget ^mendment No. R2-lSl (Solid Waste - !~rco Tran~fer) - transfer to cover cost of the insurance which had not been budgeted, be adopted in the amount of $90. ~ 068 rAtl526 Pat). 42 -..,.---------" . .----- ~ -- - ---------------.------------- t" ---- ---- --- ------ --- - --- --- -------- -- - - -. -.- A pr 11 13, 19 A 2 BUDCF.T AMENDMENT NO. B2-l52 (SOLID WASTE TR^NSPDRT) - TR^NSFER TO PROVIDE FOR EQUIPMENT REP^IRS FOR TRUCX C^DS EXCEEDING ORIGIN^L PROJECTIONS - ^DOPTED IN TilE A,",OUNT OF ~5,OOO Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and c~rried unanimously, that Budget Amendment ~o. 82-152 (~olid WaRt. Transport) _ transfor to provide for equipment repairs for truck cabs exceeding original projections, be adop~ed in the amount of $5,000. ~o.: 008 fAte 52B P_ge 4 3 -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --. ----------------. _____~----------------------------______I .' . Apr 11 13, 1982 BUDGET ^MENDMENT NO. A2-153 (SOLID WASTE - NAPLES LANDFILL) - TRANSFER TO_PROVIDE. F_DR. EQUI PMENT. REP~IRS ßX. CONTRACT TIIAT ARE EXCEEDING ORIGINAL PROJECTIONS - ADOPTED IN THE AP-IOÙNT -OF $20 ;000 - - ---- Commissioner Wenzel movcd, seconded by C~mmissionor p~stor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 82-153 (Solid Waste - Napl98 Landfill) - transfer to provide for equipment rcpairs by con- tract that are exceeding original projections, be adopted in the amount of $20,000. bOO~ 068 rACE 500 paqe 44 - ~ --.. - - -- - -.- - .- -. -- -- -- .-- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - --; - - - - - - - - - .,." ..·h...'...,.....""...,~·.·-- ...."..,-"'.,..._......~. ~';-;r.1.t, .. 1 -----~----------------------~------------ I Apr 11 13, 1982 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 82-154 (SOLID WASTE - MARCO TRANSFER) - TRANSFER TO PROVIDE FOR UNANTICIP^TED COST OF ADVERTISING S^LE OF INCINERATOR - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $270 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and cArried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 82-154 (Solid Waste - Marco Transfer) - transfer to provide for u~antlcipated cost of advertising sale of incinerator, be ad~pted in the amount of $270. &OOK œs PACE 532. PAqo .. 5 - ------ -- ---- - --- - -- ------ -- - - --~- - - - - ---- _ h__ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.L. - - -- - - -- --- .' I - -- - -=- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --,.. - _.-..:. - --. - - - - - - -- --" April 13, 1982 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 82-155 (SOLID W^STE - NAPLER TRANSFER) - TRANSFER TO RECL1\GSIFY EQUIPMENT COSTING LESS TitAN noe.co ~s Ml. OPER~TrNC EXPENSE RATUr.R TII"N CAPIT"L OUTL^Y - ^DOPTED IN THE ^,~OUNT OF $ 150 .00 Commissioner Wonzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanImously, that Budgot ^mendment No. 82-155 (SolId Wastø Naples Transfer) - transfer to reclassify equipment costing less than $lOO.OO as an operatIng expense rather than capital outlay, bc adopted in the amount of $150.00. &001: 008 PAtE 534 Pa9. Hi aoop: 068 fAG£ 536 paqo 47 .' I ~____~_____________________~__~_________l April 13, 1982 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 82-l56 (SOLID WASTE - IMMOKALEE LANDFILL) - TRANSFER TO PROVIDE FOR PURCII^SE or COVER MATF.RIAL TO M£ET DER REQUIREMENTS AT EXISTING SITE DUE TO UN^NTICIPATED DELAY - ^DOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,398 Commissioner wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner piator and carried unanimously, that Budget Amondment No. 82-156 (Solid Waste - I~mokalee Landfill) - transfer to provide for purchase of cover ~aterial to meet DER requirements at existing site duo to unanticipated delay, be adopted in the amount of $3,398. - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ..-- ...- ,_. .~ ..~._- . ; , . , J ','{ -o- j ., l ------------------------------------------- ^pdl 13, 1902 BUDCET AMENDMENT NO. 82-157 (HF.1\LTH DEPT.) - TRANSFER TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS NEEDED FOR RENEW^L OF CONTRACT FOR NAPLES BAY STUDY ^DOPTED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $8,000 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 82-157 (Health Dept.) - transfer to provide for ðddltlona] funds needed for renewal of contract for Naples Bay Study, be adopted in the amount ~f $8,000. ~OOP: 068 PA~ 538 P.lge " II ------------------------.---------------- . .- -,-~.-...~.. '-. < -,..'~'~ ~________________________________________i April l3, 1982 BUDGET ^MENDMENT NO. B2-l5B (SOLID WASTE TRANSPORT) - TRANSFER TO PROVIDE FOR REPAIRS - ^DDPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF S13,2~7 Commissioner Wenzel moved, soconded by Commissiono~ pistor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 82-158 (Solid Waste 1ranaport) _ transfer to provide for repairs due to fire In 65 cubic yard transport, be adopted in tho amount of $13,267. ~OOK 008 PACE5tO Page 49 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .A_ _._ _ _ - - - - - - - - - -.- - -~. .,.. ....~ ---------------------------------------~ April 13, 1982 NUMBER OF MEMBERS FOR ADVISORY BOARDS REDUCED TO FIVE WITH THE EXCEP- TION OF COLLIER COUNTY NEW HORIZONS CITIZENS ADVISORY, CDßG-CITIZENS ADVISORY, CONTRACTOR'S LICENSING BOl\RD, EMS ADVISORY COUNCIL AND THE CAPC Commissioner plstor referred to Executlve Summary dated 2/19/02 which recommended that the BCC rflduce the number of members, as allowed by la~, for advisory comm~ttees to five and instruct staff (where necessary) to amend the ordinances and resolutions for the respective committees as neoded and he ßaid that he felt the CAPC membership should be left at seven members. Commisaioner plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/1, with Commissioner Kruse opposed, that the number of members for Advisory Boards be reduced to five with the exception of the Collier County New Horizons Citizcns Advisory, CDBG-Citizens ~dvisory, Contractor's Licensing Board, EMS Advisory Council and the CA PC . REVISED ADVISORY BOARDS AND APPOINTMENTS POLICY FOR "DVISORY COMMITTEES TO Tllr. BCC - ^PPROVED Commissioncr Wenzel moved, seconded by Commisslon~r Kruse and car(ied unanimously, that the revlsed Advisory noards and Appointments Policy for Advisory Committees, as presentcd in the Executive Summary . dated 2/24/82, be approved. &OO ( 068 rAt[ 542 PaC) e SO - -- - - - - - -- --- - ---- _.-- - -- - - - - -- - - -- - --. - - --- -------------~----------~~-------------- ., ^pr11 13, 1982 ~ox 068 PACE547 BCC MEETINCS C~NCELLF.D FOR THE MONTH OF JUN~ 19B? After a short diccuG=1on, Commissioner Brown movftd, 8econde~ by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/1, with Commissioner pistor opposed, that the BCC meetings be cðncelled for the month of June 1982. CERTIFIC^TES OF CORRECTION TO THE T^X ROLL, ^S PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE - AUTIIO!'HZED FOR EXECUTION Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that tho following Certificntes ot Correction to the Tax Roll, as presented by the Property Appraiser's Office, be authorized for execution by the Chairman: NUl",BERS DATES - ---------------------------------------- . 197R TAX ROLL 604 3/30/82 1979 TAX ROLL 654 656, 657 3/23/82 3/3 0/6 2 1980 'rAX ROLL. 551 552 553, 554 3/23/8L 3/IA/82 ~/3~/82 1981 TAX ROLL 455 456 465-468 469-472 473-478 479-485 3/23/132 3/18/82 3/22/82 3/23/82 3/24/82 3/30/82 TANGIBLE P~RSDN1\L PROPERTY 1981-128 1981-l29 19B1-13U, 131 3/29/82 3/30/82 .¡/ 1 /8 2 pag_ 51 , . -~~...........,..~ ---' I c::.1 ~ >,...."'.~·..." k_ .' 1 ---------------------------------------- April 13, 1982 RESIGNATION FROM EMSAC OF DR. CH^RLES B. STEENBURG - ACCEPTED, APPROPRIATE LETTER OF APPRECI.&.TION AUTHORIZED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commi~sione( plstor and carried unðnimously, that tho BCC accept the resignation from EMSAC of Dr. Charles B. Steenbu.g and that an appropriate letter of appreciation be authorized. RESIGNATION fROM GOLDEN G"TE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF CHAIRM"N STUART H. FEAR - ACCJ::P1'ED¡ APPROPRIATE LETTER OF APPRECIATION AUTHORIZED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that_ the BeC accept the resignation from the Golden Gate Fire Contr~l District AdviGory Committee of Chairman Stuart H. Fcar and that an appropriate lettcr of appreciation be authorized. LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS DEED NO. 300 - "CCf.PTED FOR ~ECORDA1'IDN Pursuant to action of the Bo~rd January 10, 1970 wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake 1'rafford Memorial Gardens Ceme~ery lots as the n~ed arises, the following Deed No. 300 was recorded and filed for the record. ~ 008 fAt[ 548 Pa9. 52 .-- ------ .--.... -----...-- . -.-. -- -- _..- -...- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- -- -- l-.:.: - - - '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~ - -~. - - - - - -- - - L "rrll l3, 1982 POSITION OF CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE ^NALYST, AT A SAL^RY OF S17,2fi4.00, AND TilE PURCIIASE OF SUPPORT AND SECURITY EQUIPMENT, IN TilE ^MDUNT OF $6,261.00, FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE SHERU'P"S DEP^RTMENT - ^PPRDVED CommiGsionar Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the position of Criminal Intelligence Analyst, ~t ð salary of $l7,262.00, and the purchase of support and security equipment, in the amount of $6,26l.00, from the Lðw Enforcement Trust Fund of the Shariff's Department, be approved. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED ^ND/DR REfF.RREO There being no objection, the Chair directed that the foll~wing correspondance be flled and/or referred to the various departments as ind iCe!! ted below: 1. Letter dated 3/2S/A2 from Dennis C. & Jeanne G. Epps ~~jpcting to the Issuançe of ~~cc!lvc!ltion P~rr.i~ No. 50.139. xc Messrs. Norman, Vlrta and Bark~dalc. Filed. 2. Letter dated 4/7/82 from Beverly ~eert supporting Petition PU-82-4C, filed by Seventh Dðy AdventistS. xc Messrs. Norman e!!nd Virta. filed. 3. Twenty soven (27) letters from rp.sIdents and property owners in the Poinciana ar~~ supporting petition PU-82-1C, filed by First Church of the Nazarene. xc ~eGsrs. Norman and virtt. F 11 cd. 4. Copy of letter dated 3/25/82 fror:l Edward J. ~cronald, Coastal Marine Conf,tructlon, Inc., Indlcatinq ar. error discovered in their bid computatIons for the Golden Gate fstatcs Weir Modific~tions. xc Norman and Barksdðle. Filed. 5. Lettar dated 4/1/82 from James W. Gllhcrt rp.questInq an explanation as to how the footage for assessment !or ~arco Sewer, Phase I was deterr:lined. xc Mr. Berzon. Filcd. 6. Lottcr dated 4/1/82 from John B. porter, Manager, Accessorles, etc., rc a problcr:l his r.o~pðny has had with Yahl Dtothers' trash pIckup. xc Norman and I.!.Hksdale. Filed. 7. Letter datcd 3/29/82 from Richard W. Smith, P.r.., Chic!, Dureðu of Wastowater ~~naqeme"t and Grðn~5, DER, stnting that t he 20 1 F II c 111 t1 c spIll n , Eve r g 1 ð des C i t y, 1 5 inS t e pIa n d , thereCore, no lon~er eliqiblc for aw~rrl of federal grants hecause of rccent nmcndments to thp. Clean Water ^ct. xc Mr. Berzon. filed. i!UOK œø ffW:5fÐ paqo S3 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ,----------- . _ ______ __ -L_____ -- - --- - - - ---- -- -- - ----- --- April 13, 1982 ~OOK 8. œ8 i1'ÄDE~l' 9. Lettcr dated 3/31/82 from Stephen D. Moon, Comptrollcr, DOT, advising of the financi,Ü position at 2/28/82 of the Count~'s Trust and ^gcncy Funds (Bond Funds). xc Mr. Giles. Filed. Copy of letter dðted 3/25/82 from William K. Fowler, District F.nq ineer, DOT, enclosing Prelimini1ry Review of the Fourth District's Proposed Five-Year work program, Fiscal Year 1982-03 through 198ô-87. Filed. lO. Lettcr dðted 3/79/~2 from Robert 1\. Hðwfield, Jr., Chief, Bureau of Disòster Prcpðrednes5, stating that Collier County's emergency Mðnògement Assistance Program allocation for Feåeral fiscal ye~r 1982 has been approved In the amount of $l3,I02 ònd enc10s1ng ð copy of the FY-~2 County progra~ paper. xc Mr. Norman. Filed. ll. Lettcr dated 3/30/82 from Robert ". I!ð',.¡flold, Jr. Chief, Bureau of Disðster Preparedness, stating that Collier County's Mðintcnðnce and Servlces Program allocation for Federal flscðl year 1082 has been approved in the amount of $41R.50 ðnrJ enclosing instructions on bill ing prvcedures. xc Mr. Norman. filed. 12. Copy of Yout.h Guiu,1ncc, Monthly Report for :·\ðrch, 1982. Filed. 13. Copy of Colli~r County Public Library Report foe February 28, 19R7. Filed. l~. :':'?i" \)~ C4\~c.: :1n~ :C~.'\ i7.~;-I~~':'= ~.:.: :·~:"c~ l~, l~~: :7.::~~;-,.::; :.:".d a copy of the òg~n~a for April 1, 1982 meeting. Piled. 15. Copy of ~ibrdry Advisory Board mlnutes for March 25, 1982 meeting. Filed. l6. Letter dated 3/29/02 from Philip M. Joh:-\50n, Director, IIUD, Communlty Plannlng and Deve10pr:lent 01vislon, re r.ompllance Monitorinq Haport, Sectlon 1()4(d), on C"nt Nos. 9-79-DN-12-0242 and n-el-DN-12-0021. xc Mr. Norman. FlIed. I 7 . Le t t c r rl ate d 3/2 9/!J 2 fro m I! 0 5 t e r \-.111 t c, ~ c c r eta r y, Co Ide n Gate Estütes Areð Civlc A5sn. supporting fP&L's petition for rezonp.. xc MC5srs. Normðn ~nd Virta. Filed. 18. Letter dated ~/28/R2 from Theodorc copy of lettcr dated 12/31/81 from prohlems at ~1ger Tail Beach Park. and ßarksdðl~. fi:cd. J. Ericson, trðnsmitting La r r y P. 8/1 S 1 k, r ~ pa r king xc Messrs. Norman, Rice 19. C~py of !ett~r d"t'~d 3/30/e2 fro~ J. N. C"~q'!!r. r)("'<:'lJtiv~ Director, State IIosplta1 Cost COl'1talnmcnt BOðrd, tran6mittlng the "nnuðl Report for 19~1-82. filed. 20. Memornndum dnted 4/1~/A2 (rom County ~anaqer Normðn ro Union Election schedulcd for April 29, 19112. flIed. paq. 54 ._-------------~---_._----------------------- , . . ..... , ------' I t:.3 - :,'] __---- ____ ______ _______ ___ ______0_ _ _ ___~_ _l. ¡'f ) .' April l3, 1982 ......."f... 2l. Copy of memorandum dated 4/5/82 from Edwin J. Conklin, Environmental Administrator, Burcau of Land Acquisition, DNR, re meeting on April 15, 1982 for the Concervation and Rocreation Lands Selections Committee. xc Messrs. Norman and Virtð. Filed. .. fr . . There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned at ll:20 A.M. by order of the Chair. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI5~IONERS/ BOARD or ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNINC BOARD(S) OF fiPECI^L DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL C.tl£' ~2~ ATTEST: WILLIA~.J~.RrAGAN, CLERK " ~'L~(:,,~ . JJc; , ---' ~ t ~" . . _' . t:1' /' -' .' Th~.~I¿ mi.~.~.~e,$ approved by the BCC on »to- I~ It;:- L- as presented '~ or as corrected _ œs 1' ¡)[$2... Paq~ 55 -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- _. -. ,. ~ .--..-... - ~.. -- ,.~_.-