BCC Minutes 04/29/1982 S Naples, Florida, April 29, 19A2 LET IT BE REMEHBE~ED that in accordanca with action taken on April 20, 1982 the Board of County Commissioners sitting as the District Board of the County Water-Sewer District in and for the County of Collier met in SPECIAL SESSION on this date at 3:25 P.M. in Building "r" of the Cour~house Compl~x, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CH^IRM^!\': VICF.-CII^ rRM!\N: C.R. "Russ" Wimer Mary-Frances Kruse David C. ßrown AbSENT: John /I. ristor Clifford v:enzel ALSO PRESF.NT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; James C. Giles, Fiscal Officer, Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerki Donald ^. pickworth, County AttorneYi Irving Berzon, Utilities ran~gcri end Grðce Spaulding, Administrative Aide to the Poard. /lGF:NDA 1) Approval of resolution amending Rp.so~ution C~S-RI-R as subscquently amrndrd, providing for the issuance of not exceeding $2p.,noo,noo Water Revenue P.onds ~nd providing terms and conditions for the honds. 2) Approval of a resolution awarding the bonds described above to Bðchc palscy Stuart Shields, Incorporòtcè. 3) Authorization for Chairman to execute Contract of Purchðse with Rache ILllsey Stuòrt Shields, Incorporated for the sale of the bonds described in Item 1) "hove. 4) Discussion iJnd authorization (or County Officers and r.taff to take any other actions necessary tù close the sale of said bo nd s . 5) Authorization to execute construction contracts for Regional Water SY$t('m. 6) C?unty Rp.gional W~ter System - Contr~ct Changcs; Snles Tax Incrc~se. 7) Goudland W~t('r Olctrict - r('que~t to ndvcrtisc a Public Hcaring on ~òy 2~, 19P2 (or the lIdoption o( ,1 Rate Ordin~nce for Goodlnnd W~t0r District. pago 1 MO~ 068 fACE 663 ~o~~ 068 rACE f364. April 29, 19(12 RESOLUTION CWS-82-4 AMENDING RESOLUTION CWS-81-R nE ISSU^NCE OF W^TER REVENUE BONDS - "nOPTEn County ~ttorney pickworth explained that this Special Soosion is ð meeting of thc District Board of the County Watcr-Sower ~istrlct to authorize certain action~ and execute cortain documcnts relating to the issuance of w~tcr Revcnue Bonds. He said that the rcsolution esscntially amends the main bond resolution; mar-es the r~quislte statutory findings necessary to do a ncgotiated sðle, and awards tho sale of thc bonds to Bache Halsey Stuart Shields, Inc. Mr. Richard Wagner, of Southeastern ~uniclpal Bonds, Inc., distributed a letter on beh~lf of Southeastern ~unicipal Bonds, Inc. and Fischer, Johnson, Allen' Burke, Inc., acting as joint financial advisors for Collier County, which is incorporated by referonce horein. He explained that the per bond figure of $25.30 is per $1,OOO bonds. Mr. Partley Livolsi, Vice Pr.:>sident of Bache Halsey Stuart Shields, Inc., sc,id thiJt he h"d ¿ good [¡lith check for ~1f!9,AO().O('l which represcnts 1\ of the par amount of the issue and that he 13 pr~pared to purchase the bO:lrJs on May 13, 19:'\2 at a closing in New Y:>rk City per the C0mmissioncrs' Instructions. Mr. pickworth notc(] for the rccord thJt the purrhi1se contract provides for the bonds' i1ggrcgi1tc purchase price of $lR,3~3,5()~.OO and requested ð motion to Jdopt Resolution CWS-82-~ which was moved by Commissioner Kruse, seconderl by Commissioner ßrown and carried un ,l n i m 0 u sly. lJ t i 1 i tie s ~'.':1 age r I' c r ;: Q n s t.l t cd t h" the h ,1 d 5 C n t the ComT!'is5ionE.:rs a me!':1or'1ndll:T1 d<'1ted ^pril 2P, 19B2 in which " figure of the tot.,1 interc~;t on the bond W,IS listed <15 ~5l,lr9,IP5.rO, and he cxpl.:¡incd th;'It figure w"s givt'!n to him preliminarily .1nd th.1t $48,197,114.0n i9 thp arrropri~te ð!':10u~t. Pl'lqc 2 , . I ~pr!l 29, 1902 CIIl\Tnt-l"N l\UTllon'[7.F.O TO r.XECUTE PURCIIl\SF. cnNTn"C'I' Mo'O OFFTCTI\L STl\TFt-IF:N'I' County ~ttorney pickworth requested a motion to ~pprove tho execution by the Ch~irman of the purchasa contract and official statement, as it has becn inked, which was moved by Commissioner Brown, scconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously. Mr. pickworth rcquezted a motion further authorizing the County staff cnd officcrs, along with the Chairman and the Clerk, to execute any other docum0.nts of a non-discretionary nature to fcJcilitate the final closing on May 13, 1982, which waS moved by Commissioner Kruse, seconded by Commis~ion~r Orown ðnd carried un~nimously. Responding to Mr. ~ðgner, Ch~irman Wimcr said thcre would be a BCe meeting May 11, 1982 in the evcnt there werc any details of the bond issue to be handled. Fiscal Officcr James C. Giles stated for the record that he had a letter from S')uthei\stern Municipðl Bonds, ~nc. recommending to Collier County thc process of negotiatcd sale for the bond issue which has bcen transactcd this datc. . . , , . ., ~Je "I &O~K 068 PACf 683 , . I ð!1.j~ 068 PAC( Sg<'Z. r.., '.' :. \\ ~. 1;, ^pdl 29, 19~2 . , ..,- . 1\ SALES T^i'INCREASE IN THE COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM CONTRACTS - ^UTIIORJ7.F.D utilities M~~~ger Derzon requested thðt the BCC givo fðvorðble considerðtion to allowing an adjustment on the County Regional Water . System contract prices for tho 1\ increase of the Sales TðX which becomes effective May 1, 1902. He said he bel1ùved that all the contractors would accept the adjusted price. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carricd unanimously, that the :\ Sales Tax increDse in the County Regional Water System Cor,tracts bo authorized. PUBLIC lIF:lIRING ON ~""Y 25, 1982 FOR THF. ADOPTION OF A RATE OP.DINlINCE FOR THE GOODLfII-!D ';'lITER DISTRICT - /I.!JTllornZF:D . utilities ~anager Bcrzon rcquested permission to advertiso for a public hearing to be scheduled for ~Iay 25, 19ß2 ðt which lime a rate ordinance for the G00dland W~ter District would be presented. Co~mis- sioner Brown so moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously. * . . * * There being no further business to come before the noarj the meeting was adjourned at 3:~O P.M. by order of the Chair. BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERSI DISTRICT BOARD OF COUNTY WATER- SEWER DIST!lICT ,\\ ~ .' I' /.f.¿ I. ,.' C.".C'iU!!! \O~ '. ~ Nt.,..·ES T: ,- W;.~~IA~/. _ ~E_"G^E. CLEhl<. ~[. ~~~-f ~ --'.~r OrC- The5~1 m~~~J.~~provCd by the ()CC on m'*Y./( I'J"'JL- as prcscnt~G' or as,corrected -(,7, P.Jg 0 .. -