BCC Minutes 05/25/1982 R -.. .....--' '~.~ .'. ' . .. .~\I: '. - .".",¡ ,,;~,,\ ... ' ,'-- " '\·'~~~.Jflr; - ~.-.:" .' ¿:~ ~"~". .; .. ,._~...>..;!;~' - . ,....__, ~" r. , '" _ __... __ _..._ _.._ _ _ _ __ ____ ____.....J-.-------"---..-------- .' . Na p ~ e 8, F lor 1 d ð, M ð y 2 5, 1 <'J B 2 LET IT BE REMEKBEREO, that the Doard of County Commissioners in . '.., and for the County ¿f Collier, and ðlso acting ðS the E~ard of Zonin~ . " Appeals and oS the governing board(s) of such special districts as havo been croated ðccording to low and hðving conducted business herein, met ." on this d~te at 9:00 ^.M. in Regular Sossion in Building ,·F· o~ the Courthouse Complex, Eant Naplen, Florido, with the followlnq members . present: <:U'^,IRMAN: C. R. · Russ· Wimor VIèE ê}~IRMAN: Mary-Frances Kruse John plstor Cl1 Eto rd Wenzel David C. Brown ......'. ALSO r~ WillIam J. Reagan, Clerk, James C. Giles, Pisc~l Off icer, Maureen Kenyon lInd Elinor Sldnrlcr, Deputy Clerks, Donald Pic~worth, County Attorney; Ieving BcrZQn, Utilities ~'anðgcr¡ C. Will1¡¡rn Nor'!:In, County M.::Jnagcr: Neil Dorrill, Public Safcty Adminis- trater, Cliff ß~rksd.::Jle, Public Works Administrator; Terry Virld, Community Development Administrator; Lee Layne, Plðnncr; Jeffory Peery, Zoning Director; Ed Smith, ^dministrative Services Director; Don ~lorton, CETA Director¡ Chrifi :lolley, "dr:1inistrlltive Assistant; Grncft spðuloing, ^ðMinistrative "ide to the ßoard¡ and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Deportment. ... ....~/~~} 't;'" , ¡ (.~:)'}\ "\. ~'II . ~ Pðq e 1 ....... :~ ..~ ~o~~ 06S fAt£ 01 ~.- --- -- - ---...- - -- ...--.- .-.. --. .. __4 _ _._ -. - ....- -" -. ..~.- - - - - - - - - .;...- -.:. - - - -- ': I .~. H HI UTES Of HAY ] I, I'" - ^ ppnOVED r,,, pn r.s ""TED 'I.~ ''' ~'/ ,'- .......... 0j carried unanimou5ly, that the minutes of ;,',1 --;'J'!.-::-.....-.-... 'J,n... ''\: t~~" ':-1 I';; ~~~~'\ r.~^'~\~ \:~:'I!!!I.I'~I ,--'\;'(-' - I ~ ~iI " , , ~.~ J ., . ~~i 0 ' _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ w_ - - - -- - - -- - --' " ~ODK 069 PAtr Mc.y 25, 1902 08 ...GEN01\ _ 1\ppnOVED WI'fH TIIF: FOLLO\'I'lNG CIIT\NGF.S I ; :,) \'~;' , ì~ Commissioncr Wenz~l moved, seconded by commissioner Kruso ~~d corr!ed unonlm~~: thnt tho ogendo bo opproved with the following ch~"ge81 ,. .. . a. Addition of 9FB - Resignation of Mr. Wðlk~r, Civil Defense Director. b. Items 9Fl "nd 2 relocated tc follow Item 7C3. c. Item l1B ....1thd rawn. d. Item lIE rc legðl servlçes ðgrccmcnt added. "")t. o. Addition of Item 13T\, Flag Day proclðm..1tion. ~.i0\ ':/ '. 1"¡""4~' . f . Addition of Item 138, County Manager Va c,n'ÜOT\, plan. ' ....... . "'¡¡Ii ~ ø' 11' 9· Addition of Item l3C, Greenfield Report., " .' J' ";~IC"'" h. Add it ion of Item 13D, Colden G()tc Estates Status. (.}'. .'YI>\ , Pist6:r.:;:~,Q,¡;}. .'..... ".\ ~'ðY 11, 19E12, be approvêd" as Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pref!cnted. EMPLOYEE SERViCF 1\WARDS PRESENTF.D Chðirman Wimer prcsented employee service "wards to the following employees for their indicated numbel of ye~rs of service to the County: Mary Manion - Museum Gail Beck - Building Mainl. Bon Hcnderson - Road & Bridge Cecelia Martin - Zoning Dopt. 5 years 5 yeðrs lO yenrs 1 0 ye,a r,s ;tS~".:r F.MPLOYEE PLAQUES PRESENTED Cha1rman Wimer presented a plaque to Anne Hora, Personnel ','" .~, ~.- " .;. Page 2 . -- -- _ _ _ --..- ~- -- ...--...- ..-- - -'" - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~ . , . .: 'I:"' ~t/ ~--- '~~,'';., {Wi "'~~~ ~ \t",~'í'iI -.---. f-~-__:_'!r-.. r:;J'... . . . .~ ....~~,o: ,": .' .., '!:' .,....' . ~'n,4 r ,:.1 . -- ;1 t....,.,....:..MC'Y!I ~ f.'~, ,. ~ t...'- : tj \...' :1 " '0" ,-' ".' . -- - - - - -- - -- - -" - - - -.....- - - - -- ---- - - ..-- - ..-- --- -------- ~ May 25, 191\2 1 Director, fo~,her retirement, having 10 yuaro of scrvicft with the County. ^ plaque waS also presented to Cliff ß3rksdàle, Public Works ^ðministrator, with best wishes iQ his ncw venture ~nd ap~reciation of p ~~ a fine job done for the County. ~J~nald pickworth, County Attorney, was j '" also presented a plaque ond wished well in his new venture with appreciation for serving the Board. CRDINANCE 82-36 RE PETITION R-81-28-C, EMERALD L^KES OF N^PLES, L;ìD., REQUESTWG REZONING FROM "A-2" MID "A-2ST" TO "pun" FOR EMER"LD LAKES LOCATED ON T. E WEST SIDE OF AIRPORT ROAD. ADOrTED, SUBJr,CT TO STlPULATLOti;'ÅS AMENDED AND PETI'I'IONE~'S AGREEMENT TO STIf'ULATIONS ACCEPTED~' J1f't, Legðl notice having becn published 1n the N.::Jples Daily New~ on April 23, 19ß2, ðS evidenced by Affidavit of p~blication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to considcr pctition R-8l-2B-C, Emerald Lakl')s of N<1ples, Ltd., requesting rezoning from;'1'~":~.- ðnd :~.;~' -'~; "A-2ST- to "PUC" :or ~mcr~ld LDk~s loc~tn~ on the weat~tð~'of Airport Ro ð d . Lee Layne, Planner, indiCðted the gencrðl location on ~n overhead map ðS being on the west side of Airport Road and north of Orange Blof'som'C:lve. She sti\ted thðt the petitioner is proposing ð plðnned unIt development w~tll 1,140 single and multifamily units with ð golf course at a density of 2.64 units per acre. She reiterðtcd that the petition has ~cen reviewed by stoff ~nd all County agencies in their DrCð~~! concern ðnd received no objection subjccl to the stipul~tions ",. ,.... as "ù'tl'lned in the executive summary. She reported thðt at the public heðring of tho COðst~l Area Plðnning Commission on May 6, 1982, there was dlsc~s~10n conceening dedication of sewage plant fðcilltiRs and the /';:~\~' "~ ; 1. .... "", , "Jo"'~' ':-. ·"~~·'>",,,r/.' 'i ..' ,,~ ,~'.' .', Page 3 " aCQK 069 fACE 09 :. &_-------------------------------------- ~:; _-...~ -~- "Æ ~'n--- -.--..-..--- J"'. (Î\ '.... '"' ~ I ",-- !!~ :p "tJ) 'u:" ~l.~~ ' -;,"t '.~~ . _ :i'~ ....,..:: ~ - '-'.7 . , ,'I, '. \9 - -.Jtj -- - - - - - - - .-- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---, ~t)t)¡ 069 ftlr.r 10 ML\Y 25, 1902 land on w~ich these facilities arc located. She noted that the pot1tioner did not agrce with this stipulntion nor the stipulation (!) concerning system development charges. She concluded by s~ating that t~S yetitlon ip. a ~ompanion to Item 7C3 and that tho C¢astðl Area Planning Commission reco~mended f~rwarding this petition to the Board for approval subject to stipulÐtions ^-L as outlined in the executive summary and noting the pl'titi)ner's disagreement toncerning th.-: Utilities Manager's Stipulations. There being no further di"cussion, Commissioncr Wenzel moved, ,0 seconded by Commissioner Dro~n ~nd carried unðnimouslï, that the public hcaring be c]oRerl. Commißsioner Wenzel moved, seconded hy Commissioner Brown, to approved petition R-Ol-2~-C, to which Lee LlIyne, Plðnner, inq\1hed whether \t was for staff recommendation or the C^PC recommcndatfon. Mr. Darton of Wilson, Miller, Darton, 5011 ðnd p~ck stated that he would like to be bound hy the l3ws of Collier County and would be more -than willing to comply with any laws that ore in effect lit tho time ðpplication is made for the ~rojcct. lie stated thi'lt during tho rezone process is not the proper time to write new laws, adding that thor'e' is no objection to complying with any ordinancc that the County has in effect. Mr. Barton ßt~tcd that his only ohjection is to the dedicðtion of the lAnrl and sewer treatment plant, ndding th~t the desire for th~ ! fr:¡proJoet 15 to ut III zo the 50rvlee5 of North ",pIOS sc..cr pl00t bul, In , -.:~.,' the evcnt tlHlt It is not ready, ð small trentment plllnt would be installed on sito. He reported that bec¡)UOC the County of Collier docs not expand the North Nðpl~s Sewcr Plcnt in time for tho project to hook ,~;¡.;. j ~ ~"",~', .' i ,,,- <, r ~~~/ ':,:.~,;'I';/ Page 4 ,III .... ._- -- ~ . . - .. - -.. . ~ . ....- .. _: __ _ _ --;' " '.',: __. _ _ _ ___ ..,.. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - -- 'r, , '. --11r- -- - ã- v 11' --- ,~:v r:==ï r._..J 6. IfF. !ia t~ :1 t' ~.. I .,ì' . ,_ - - - __ - - - - - _, -.:.:.. __ - ____ -...:..1-- ----.- - ---------- May 25, 19R2 up, ho does not foel that the sower plant on 8Ite and £he land should 'a! time th~t the proj~ct hooks . havo to be d~dicðted to tho County at the ~) into the North Naples Sewer Plant. .(\~ ^t this point, Commissioner Brown stated that he would wlthdlaw his second to the motion ðn~ Commissioner Wenzel withdrew his motion. Commissioner Krllst'I qUAstioncd if there were any objections to the systems developmcnt charges, to which Kr. Bðrton rcplied that this issue is no problom at all so long as thc project uses the North ~aples Sewer Plant. Commissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor,and carried unanimously, that the Ordinðnce ð8 numbered and entitled below be adopted, ~ubjcct to stipulations with the exception that tho land and sewer treatment plðnt not be dedicated to tho County, ond a~jndment of the PUD documcnt as pcr the petitioner's agreement, ðnd ~ntered in Ordln~nca Bùùk 151 ()I: Nl11.NC E 82- 3 ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING o~m:~A~t 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR TilE UNII~COOt'ORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR I DA BY MIENDING THE ZON tNG T\TLA5 MAP NU~P,ER 49-25-1 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEnEIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM "A-2- TO "PUD" PLT\NNEú UNIT DEVELOP~ENT FOR - EM~,RALD LAK!::~; OF NAPLES, INC." LOCATED ON TnE WEST SIDE OF AIRPORT ROAD, NORTH OF ORANGE ßL05SCM DRIVE, .AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DhTE. Page 5 ~ MOK 089 PACt 11' ~~ . ..- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -..- -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- --- - - -- .. 1 ' . - --.-....... ~ .' , . ~~7' .",~ . ~' ; . ..þ"'; i' .:.;¡ I ..... '. t\ ~1 'f...:J, tp '" . , (;€t. '. .I ! '.~ -~ IOO~ 069-rA!4f -~------~'M"Y -~5' ~;,,~-~--------- (0 -. ,~ .. ORDINANCE 82-37. RE REMOV^L, PL^NTING, 5~LE ANO ~R^NSPOR~ATION OF EXOTIC VEGETATION. ^~OPTED FOLLOWING DECL^R^TI0N OF EMERGENCY. CommisBionor pistor moved, socbnded'by Commißsloner Wen~?cl ðnd .' carried unanimously, thnt an emergency be declarcd re removal, ~i planting, sðle Þnd trðnsportation of exotic vegetation, at which tIme (.. I) the þublic hearing was opcncd to consider an emergency ordinðnCQ relðting to same. ,. Mr. Jeff Perry, Zoning Director, stðted that the BCC nceded to Q ð declare an emergency for the purpose of adopting ~egulations governIng , the removal ðnd u~c of exotic vegctation in Collier County. ~Hc r"portcd that in 1979 the Envl.ror;r.el\ta1 Advisory COl1neD petitioned the Board of County Commissioners who later ðdopted an amendment to the zoning Or~inðnce wnich required the removal of MelaleucÐ and Braziliðn Pepper from pðrcels of land unår.veloped and further prohibits the sale, planting, and intr--county tr.::Jnsportðtion of said species. He noted thðt during the proparation of the draft docum~nt5 of the n~W zoning ordinance, the sub~ection covering the subject was inðdvertently lr.ft out and the Ordinance thðt ....ðS adopted in January, 19/12 does not include any regulation governing the removðl or use of exotics. Ho sðid that Staff is requesting that these regulðtions be set up ðS a soparate Ordinance such as the tree oedinnnce, adding that it is presumed thðt the County Manager will designate the zoning Director as the individual charged with cnforcing the provisions of this Ordinðnce. There being no discussion, Commissioner Wenzel ffiovcd, seconded by Commissioner Pistor ðnù cðrried un~~imously, th~t tho public heðrinq be closed. pag. 6 ~ ,2< ,i- " - - - - - - - - - .- - --... -- - -- -- - -- - - - - - -. - - - --:-- - - - - - - - - - - - - . . 1,',-' '.. -) .' " . . , '.~, f ': ... I . . \1 . ...., . . , . ' ' , ..... -.~ .. I ¡ I~.~\ ~~~: ~-::".I' ~"",.;IIoIf_". -"I '1 ~, " (~ ~d ;0':" 1) .¡~ ~ I) :\ . .... . . ", (¡ .þ .' . , ' .._ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _._ _. ,_,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _,-1-,-- - - - --- - - -------- ..... ~ May 25, 1982 & 10' Commis~ionor Wonzel moved " seconded by Commissioner pistor and + .~ance as numbcred and entitled below "". f I carried unanimously, that the be adopted and entered into Ordinonce Book 151 . ( ORDINANCE 82-37 0..-. REMOVAL, ·SALE, DEFINING EXOTIC 'î~ ," AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RELAT1NG TO THE PLANTING AND TRANSPORTATION OF EXOTICS EY SPECIES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE: f''''' ORDINAN~E 82-38/RESOLUTION GW-82-1 (UOMB1NED) RE GOODLAND WATER SYSTEM MONTHLY USER RATES, CONNECTION CHARGES, AND OPERl\TING PROCEDlIRES. ADOPTF.D. Legal notice having becn published i" the Nnpl~s Dally N~ws on May 6, 1982, ~s evidenced by ^ffidðvlt of publication filed with the Cler~, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinanco and resolution estðblishing monthly user rates, ~onnection chcrges and operating procedurcs for Goodlðnd Wat~Z System. Irving tlerzon, Utilit!eS Manager, st.::Jtcd that this hearing is to consider the adoption of ðn Ordinancn estllhlishinq the monthly w<'lter user rates, conncctloò chðrges, and operating procedures for the Goodland Water System. which is completed ðnd reðdy for service in June. He ind!~ted that the minimum charge for residential, mobile homes, travel traile( spaces, etc. for O-l,OOO gals. usage would be $9.25/unit, also nottnq that water usage in excesS of l,OOO gallonu a month per unit would be $1.40 abov~ the basic charge for l,OOO gallons or part thereof. There being no d1:;cu::S51on, commisgio/1~( ;'¡.;rìzol ::'.c·..::d. SCC(I,,,:\,.rl by Commissioner pistor ðnd cðrried unanimously, that th~ public hearing be closed. 4t pag. 7 u MOK 069 PA'èE 15 ., - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - -- - - --- --------.- - - - ---- ., .- 069 ¡.ACE ~6----------~·Y ~;~:2---4.'--------_·· ~.I ~ ~ (.} - Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by'~commis5ion~r pIßtor ðnd cArried unðnimoU5l~ that the Ora1nðr,cc llnd~peBolution as r.umbercd And entitled below bo ðdoptcd, and ~ntercd in Ordinance Book 15: ~~ , - . . ~. .. ot " . '., , . . .', , . , .. .'. .~; - . C~ I " C) I:: ) .... r' ..,' . , ,.. ... ~{b D ~~ ~ {4;r- ...¥ .,.:, ORDIN"NCE 82-38 RF.SOLUTION GW 82-l I,.r~ AN ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION "DOPTING R"TES", rH"RGES AND FEES FOR CONNECTION TO AND USE OF GOODL^ND WATER DISTRICT SERVICES; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS, PROVIDING FOR CUSTOMER'S LIABILI ry; ADOPTING A US¡:;R PATE STRUCTURE; RESUMPTION OF DISCONTINUED S¡:;RVICE; PROYIDING FOR DEPOSITS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF METERS; DESCRIBI~G PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY FOn WATER SERVICE; REQUIRING COLLF.CTION OF W^TER UTILITY DILLS, DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE; SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES TO REGIST.ER COMPLAINTS CONCERNING WATER BILLS "ND DEFECTIVE M¡::Tr.n;';~UIRrNG PAYMENTS WHEN METERS BECOME DEFECTIVE; '\UTI!ORIZ~ RIGHT OF ENTRY BY ¡\UTHORIZED ¡\GENTS TO PRF.MIS¡:;S SERVf:fJ; ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR CLOSING INACTIVE ACCOUNTS; PROVIDING CHARGES FOR HYDRANT SERVICE¡ PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES NO. 77-44 ¡\ND 79-3, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING "N EFFECTIVE DATE. . ¡ i ~ .~<O',-:. '.'. :' .~..~~ '\'. ..._._>' .'''1''-;- "~". '"....... '''''.' *'1",.'III;:¡f ..' _ '."._, \'~:i\~'~ r.~j ......., o '~''''''''' 1,:.· 1· , '..\ ry,;. o paq 0 8 _ _ __ _ _ ._4 :_t:!'.... . _ ....- - --.- . - - ..- -- -..~ ....- -.. ~- - - - - - ::-- - - - - --- - - - - - - - . . .1.... " ,. -- J :;. - ~-A '!' 'Q ., ~' ;1 .' ~. . . ~ _ _ _ _ _ __. _ _ _ __ _ _ __"_ _ _ _ _ __._.._ _'.1-. __ _.._ --- - - - - - - - - - - -- Mðy 25, 19A2 PETITION R-82-1-C, LANDEX PROPERTIES CORP., REQUESTING REZONING FROM -A-2" AND -^-2ST- TO "PUD- FOR 73 ^CRES f<NOWU AS WOODFIELD LAKES (j LOC1\TED El'.ST OF C-9S1 1\tlD NOHTH QF 1\1 - Df-HIED. '~te<;al notice having been published 111 tho Nðples Daily News on ^pril 23, 1902, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publicðtlon fIled with the Clerk, public hcaring was opened to consider petition R-B2-I-C, [~ndex propertie~ Corp., requesting rezonir.g from -A-2- and -A-2ST- to -PUC- for 73 acres known as Woodfield ~kes located eðst of C-95l ðnd North of 41. Lee Lðyno, Planner, indicated the goneeal locatIon on an overhead mðp /Ss being east of 951, 400' north of U. S. 41, and south "f the Marco Water Supply lake, adding thðt the petitioner proposes to develop 451 mu1tif.::lmily units at ð density of 6.l8 units per acre. She stated that the petition has been reviewed by all County agencies in their areas of concern and received no objection subiect to the stipulations outlined in the executive summary. She further noted that Staff has reviewed this petition and recommends deniðl, adding that the subject property is locdted on the north side of ü. S. 41 nt 951 in an ðrea whore very little growth has taken plbce. She stðted thðt even though the project meets the requirements of the rating 5y~tem, a sewage treatment plant, .::15 well as a water tre~tment plðnt, m~st be constructed. She concluded by stðting that the CAPC rccommended app::ovðl subject to the stipulations in the executive summary and ðmendmcnt of the pue document. Commissioner pistor questioned whether the sewage plðnt w,ould be , on tho property or across the street from saiJ project, to whict\",ILee Layne indi~atcd that th~ plant would be on the property. 7:\ Page 9 MOK 069 PAct rr _. r .- -- - ---- - - - -' -- - -- - - ----- -- ---..------ -------- -- -- .' I . , I __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _;.....L _ _ - -- -'- ---' " Ma y 7 5 , I 9 E\ :£ MOK 069 rACE 2B @ Neno J. Spagna, ~,~ann'lM1} 'C-6naultðnt on the project. stated that tnðrc is approximately 70 acres of l~nd ðnd l5 ðcreB would be devoted for lakes, 28 acres for landscaping, 2 Acres of ~ST- which will be left in its naturðl state, and 2 l/2 acres for clubhouse and recreation a(~~. He stated that there will be 324 gardan ~partments, 94 townhouses, and 33 villas, for ð total of 45l units or ð little over 6 units per acre. Ha stðtod thðt the plan would coincide with th~ availability of county water. He Rtated that this petition has been reviewud by all agencies and recommcnded for approval, subject to certain conditions. Pe reported th"t the major issue of concern is the protection of th¡> M¿HCO Island water supply. lie stated that he haR met with the ~ltonb Corpor~tion people and feels that they will be suppvrtive o( the plans, lie stated that he has looked at other possibilities of puttin~ a sewage trcðtment plant on site or working with other d~~el~pers in the areð. He reporteci thðt he htls spoken with over 50\ of the adjðcent µroperty owners that arc in favor of the project. Ho pointed out that he is not ~sking for approval of the final plans but rllther for the approv.::ll of the ~3ster plan which has been submitted subject to .::Ill requlrcment~ of the County. He noted that if the pun iR approved, procedures will be taken for the tnginc~rlng data that wilj be rcquired for the proper water m3nðgemcnt. Commissioner pistor stated that the wllste material from the sewage plant is the biggcst problp.m and there hðs be~n nc finðl ðgreemcnt on the mlltter. Dr. Spagn~ stðted that the PUD document would ~ave to comc back to Wðtcr /'Ianagc!:\ont al which time £Ill final agreements would be worked out. Pac¡ e ) 0 )t .' '.,; ------_.~.__...--_.-.. '~¡. '. . I¡ ~ .._____O,_þa...a---- .-.-- ----...-----..-..,...---- ...----..------ . ....,. "" , t, ¿)~ o -..... ~....," J - ,-1 ~~~ '~9') :1 . '" I ---- --- -.--------- - __ __ - _:.1- _ ____ ---- ----.----- Mðy 25, 19112 Commisüioncr pistor quostioned what the tre"t~ent of wðstawator I - I ( , and the disposal of the affluent would be, to which Mr. Miçhðol Morris, Engineor on the project, st~ted that ther~ hðd boen preliminary discussions regarding the matter but nothing is certain at this tim~. He stat~d that there arc ways that wastewater could be handled on sito thðt would be acceptable to Dolton". Mr. James Jimanez with Deltonð Utilties exprcssed his concerns about the Woodfield Lakes Development ~s far as the affluent disposðl of the water supply. lie stated that he is not in a position to reply affirmatively or negðtively to their rcquest until an in-depth study has been recn!ved indlcatlng how they will handle the waste and water supply. Mr. Leigh Plummer, Presidcnt of Marco Island Civic Association and me~ber o~ the CAPC, stated that he voted against this petition because he is concerned bL;l)ut the pollution of the water supply. He ,;tateC: :/ that onc altcrnðtivc would he t.o let Hr. spðde handle it, liS he-owns" sewage disposal plant which serves a lðrge number of homes southeðst of the intersection of 95l and 41, addinq that he has the capacity to hDndle Woodfield LaÎ<es. Mr. Toby Carroll, representing Mr. Spade, stated that Woodfield Lakes is in Mr. Spade's pr~posed frðnchise area and the service is ðvallllble. Mr. Bcrzon, Utilities ManDg~r, stated that if the DER and the County, Agencies can be t>atisfied that the aff1~ucnt disposal can be deðlt.""i.tlth in ðn ac.ceptðble mõnner either on sltp. or on Eagle Creek, then the Utllitic~ Division hðs no objection. I', '~ ~..~,j..-I\ Pðg e 11 I BOOK 059 PACE 29 :- - _.- - - - - - - - - ---- - - ~- - - ------- - --- - --- - --- .._....~...'~.,_.~,-'.. , I ,1~ I . . f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ,- . May 25, ) 91'2 MOK 069 P^~ æ Commissioner Kruse stated that she 1s no~ comfortable with the storm wðter manðqc~ent upon neighbors. Commissioner pistor moved, scconded by Commissioner Brown ^nd carried unanimously, thðt tho public hearing be clo~ed. Commissioner pistor m.oved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Petition R-Q2-l-C, Landex properties, requesting rezoning from -1\-2" and -A-2ST- to -PUD- for 71 acrcs known as Woodfield Lakcs localed east !!) of C-95l, 400' north of U.S. 41, be approved subject to Stðff ntipulations, amcndment of the PUD document, ðnd before land development begins the method of sew~gc disposal be approved by the BCC and the Util1ty Division. 'rhe motion fail£>d 3/2, Commissioners Kruse and ~enzel opposed. ORDINANCE 1:12-39 RE PF.TITION R-A2-4-C, SANt'n/l. MOCELV1\NG, REQUESTING REZONING FROM ·RHF-~· TO ·C-l· FOR 1\ MEDICl\L OFFICE ON 2+ ACnE5 LOCATED ~..!:!..E f,TnEET. ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO PETITIONEn' 5 l\GREEI",ENT Legal notice having been published in the Napl~s Daily News on April 23, 1982, as evidenced by l\ffld~vit of publication flIed wIth the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-82-4-C, Sandra Mogelvallg, requesting rezoning fro~ "HMF-6" to -C-l- (or l1 medicðl office on 2+ acres lo~ated on pine Street. Lee Layne, Planner, indicated the gencral locðtion on ðn overhead map ðS being located on Pine Street betwecn the Jehovah's Witness Church ðnd Naplr.s Chri5Lian Alliancc Church, .::Idding that Staff recommends approv31. There being no discus~lon, Cornmißsion~r Wcnzel moved, seconded by Commissioner p1stor önd cðrried unðnimously, thðt tho public hearing be pag e 12 _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ ,,_ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _.-.- _ _. -:- _ _ _ - -::-: - - - - -- - - - - - ---r ~ ,~ . 1. --- ... .... 1_.':1 ...--- - Í-_J ~ ;:M ¡".::t .. G 1,0,' :1 " "'.' . . -- - -- - - - - .--- - ~'-" - - - - - -- - - - -- -- -- - - - - -- - ----- "': Mil Y 25, 1 9132 . c~oseð. Commissioner Wonzel '~oved, soconded by Commiasioncr pistor and carried unonimovs'y, thðt the Ordinanco as numbered ðnd entitled below be adopted, subject to tl19 petitioner"s agrecment, and cntered into Ordinanc~ Book l5t ORDINANCE 82-39 AN ORDINANCE }\MENDING ORDINANCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE :ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCOI1PORATED 1\RE1\ OF COLLIER COUNTY BY /\MENDING THE ZONING 1\T~S MAP NUMBF.R 50-25-1 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION Of THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM ~RMF-6", RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE TO -C-l· COMMERCIAL PROFESSIONAL: PART OF LOT 26 NAPLES GROVES AND TRUCK CO'S LITTLE F^RMS LOCATED ON PINE STREET AND BY PROVIDING AN EffECTIVE D^TE. Page 13 bOCK 069 rA~ Sf .~ 1.\ - - - - - -- - - -..... -..- - -...- ....- - - - - -- ---- - --- -_. ---- ---- " "'-.,.,----- ... -- r:=1 -- I ¡ '" .. ¡ ,..I"J.~': ,"~ .o.l" -, .~.;.t" #i Ij. . ,.'" , ' - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -,{,- - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --'-- Mðy 2S, 1982 ORDINtÑCE 82-40 RE PETITION n-82-S-C, Dl\VID L. BRENN1\N, REQUESTING REZONING FROM -1\_2" TO -PUD- FOR l2) ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF R^DIO R01\D. ADOPTED SU£I.1ECT TO STI PIJI.1\Tl ON;' "5 1\I'IENDED Legal notice having bocn pub 1 is hod in the Naples Daily NeWS on ^prI1 23, 1982, as evidenced by 1\ffldavit of publication filed with the Clerk, ~ublic hearing was opened to consider Petition R-82-5-C, Cavld L. Brennan, requesting rczoning from -A-2- to -PUD- for 123 acres located on the north si~e of R~dio ROðd. Leo Lðyne, Plðn~er, indicated the gencral location ðS being on the north side of Râdio Road, l/2 mile west of Palm Sprin~s subdivi9ion. She stated that the petitioner. is proposing a Planned unIt Developmont with ~58 multifamily rental units at a density of 5.37 units per acre. She reported that the retltion h~s been reviowed by all County ðgencies and rccommended for approval subjc~t to the stipulations outlined in the executive summary. She concluded by 5tating that the petitionftr did object to dcdica~ing thd land and sewage treatment plant to the County. Commissioner Wenzel Moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and cðrricd 4/1 (Comm~ssioncr \o{enzcl opposed), that the Ordinance LIS numbered and entitled below be adopted, subject to stipulations with the exception that the sewage treatment plant and the land not be dedicated to the County, ~nd entcred into Ordinance Book 15: " PaC]. 14 ðQOK 069 PACE 3S ',"_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - -r- - - - - - - -- -- - -- -- -- - - ---- ·111 ,~ ~ I . - - . , \'" ,0 - --- - - - - ---- - - - -- -- - - --' - - - - - - -- - - - --- - - ----' l. Mðy 25, 19E'2 ü ORDINJl.NCE 82-40 MOK 069 PACE 34.- AN ORDINANCE "'ENDING ORDIN^NCE .2-2, Tffi';;}.OM.REIIENSIVE ZONINGro REGU~TION5 FOR THE UNINCúRPOR~TED ^nE~ Of COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ßY ~MENDING TilE ZONING ATLAS ¡,',AP NUMBER 49-26-8 ß'i CHANG ING 'rilE ZON ING CLI\SS IFTC,'\'rION OF THE p,rREIN DESCRIbED r.f.!\L PROPERTY FROM "^-2" TO "P~D" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE GREEN HERON: SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, AANGE 26 EAST, COLL~ER COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVL D^TE. ~ ORDINANCE B2-4l ..: PETITION R-B2-6-C, ,,~N fOSTER, JR., REQUESTING REZONING fRO~ -A-2" TO "PUD" FOR 43+ ACRf.S LOC~TED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF RADIO nO~D. ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS ^S AMENDED, rETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULhTION5 ACCEPTED. Legðl notice hDving been published in the t~i)p1es Dðlly NewS on ^pril 23, 1982, as evIdencp.~ by Affidavit of publication filed with tho Clerk, public h~ðring was opened to consiñer Petition R-82-6-C, Alðn Foster, Jr., requesting rezoning from -1\-2" to "PUD- for 43+ acres located on the south side of Radio Road. Lee Layne, Planner, indlclltcd thc general location .::IS being south of Rðdio Road ðnd 1-1/2 miles east of lIigh PlneG 'frailer pork, .adding that the petitioner is proposing to develop 171 unitu tt ð density of 4 units per Dcre. She stated that the petItion hns been reviewed DY oll agencies and Staff recommends ~pprovð1. She concluded by stating that the CAPC rccommcndcù approval subject to stlpullltions, lidding thðt~·the pctltioner did not agree to dedicate the land for the sewðge trcotmcnt plant to the County. Commissioner Wenzcl moved, seconded by Commiss\oner pistor and carried unðnlmously, that thl! public hcðring be closed. Commlssionor Wenzcl moved, ~~c:onded by Commissiol:'~r pistor ðnd ;:¡ carried unanimously, thðt the Ordllance tiS numbered ðnd entitled below ~, .. "t paqe 15 '!.-) '0' -. ~~ -- .' ,. _ J ".. .... l:' '0 ,# 1)0. . ' þ'" 'ii'-' __------------------- _,..._--' /tJ..__-r---- :> 1tH, ¡' ."" . 1.... "'.1y 25, 1902 be adopted, co~¿entcrod into Ord1nðnce Book 15, subject to st1pulðtiona with the exc~ption that the sewage trcatme~t plant and land not be '4' 'ð] de~1cAt.d to the County~ ~ ORDINANr.E B2-4l ~N ORD!NANCE 1\MENDING ::mDH-IANCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOM THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATr~5 "'AP NUMBER 50-26-2 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLI\SSIFIC1\TION OF ,,:1'IiE:t.. HEREIN DESCRIBED RE1\L PROPER~Y FnOM -A-2- TO -PUD- pfi~ED UNIT DEVELOPMENT fOR SAB1\L LAKES: SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP ":~b SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, ~LORIDA1 AND BY PROVIDING AN EFfECTIVE DATE. .C)' ~ .:~ Ø¿h y /:,;~~,;;. '';~'~~~ Page 16 ~OOK 069 PA~ 35 . . , - -- - - -- ---- ------,-- - -------- -- .------ ---------- . ., _...~, ''''_.'"'''.~_.~..~.~~,_H... . .~ _ 1t ..... ~ .~ .~ . ...:.1..:" I....: . " ----, .......~...'--_._----~ ------ -----~......_--- " 19A2 (I ORDINANCE ~2-42 RE PETITION R-~2-1)-C, UNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION REQUE5TING REZON[NG FROM ·RMF-~-, -RfiF-~" AND -C-4,- TO -C-4- AUDIO" -C-!;- FOR 7 ^CRf:S LOC^TEO ON Tn!': I'1f,:1T SrDf. nr lOTI) STRE!':T. ADOPTF.D. Logal notice having been published in tho N~ples D~ily NewS on April 23, 19B2, ð9 evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public he~rins wðn oponod to consider Petition R-82-IJ-C, Co~munity Developmen~ Division requesting rezoning fro~ -RMF-~·, ....:,¡, h~·. 'f')j....,~¡i, ' -RSF-4- and -C-4- to -C-4" .::Ind/or "C-S- for 7 acrest.otl'tltod on tho west ..~ sIde of 10th Stroot. Lee Layne, Planner, indicated the genoral location as being on the west side of lOth Street running from Solano Road to South of Cooper Drive. She iridicatcd that at the CAPC hoaring there wore both residents who objected to and ðgrced with tho rezoning, adding that Staff recommcnds approvðl. Mr. Jim McKny, 3130 14th Street North; Mr. Ross Longmire, 3003 N. Tamiami Trðll, ruprescn~lng N~ncie Jamison and Mr. Horman Harris, reprosenting Mrs. LOßter Whitaker, Jr., 9tated that they were all in f~vor of ~hc rezono. Mr. Lester RU3ch~e of 3720 10th Street North, £'ated that he Wð8 against the rezone due to the vðrlous uscs of the -C-4- zoning. There being no further discussion, Com~iÐsioncr Wonzel moved, seconded by Commlsuioner Drown and careied unðnimou~ly, t~at the public hearing ho closed. o ",'" , COr:1misnioner Kr\.,;se moved, seconded by.,',tlQrnmls910I1cr Wenzel ðnd ...~ 4~;;i' carricd unanimously, that the Ordinðnce as numbered ðnd ontltled below be ðdopted, and entcrcð in Ordinance Book lS: PaC]. 17 (, " MOX 069 PAGE 31 . - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- -.- - - - - - - - - - ---- - -- -- ---- ., .' : ... " "",, .. '". ,~......,.,,~"-,---- ~ i I ¡¡" .", ' . . -----~ --------------- --- - - -r - --. - -- - --- ---- -- ---, MllY 2!), 19R2 i ,1 j I : ! ¡ ¡ . , NICK 069 PACE 68 ORDINANCE 02-42 AN ORDIN~NCE ~MENDING onnINANC~ n2-', 1HE COMPR~HrNRIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY BY AMENDING TilE ZONING ATL'I!:; MAP NUI-IDER 4c)-25-!' IW CHANGING TilE ZONING CLM:SIFICATION or THF. FùLLCWIHG DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM "C-4", -R~f-~- AND -RSF-4- CO~MERCIAL GENERAL, RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE, SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES TO "C-4- AND/on -C-S-, COMMERCIAL CENr:lll.L CO~IMEnCI^L INDUSTRIAL: BETWEEN SOU,Nr.. RO^D !..ND SOUTH OF COOPER DRIVE ON THE WEST 51[IE OF,:> IO'l'H STREET, MID BY PHOVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~ ,~ .' RESOLUTION 0'-62 RE PETITION V-R'-IO-C, SHELL OIL COMPANY, REOUESTING A VARIANCE FRC'M r.F.CTION (9.R..,.7.) OF TilE ZONING ORDH ANCE RE(1UIRING A MINIMUM ~r.TnACK FOR ^UTnMORrL~ ßr.nVICr. ~T^TION - GAS PUMPS. ADOPTED. LOgð) notIce having been publir.hcd in the Nnplcs Daily News on May 9, 1902. as evidonced by Affidavit of rublicðt10n filed with the C1er~, public hearing was open cd to consider Petition V-B2-10-C, Shell Oil Company, requesting n vDr1~nc~ (rom Section 9.P.ð.2 of the Zoning O:dinance requiring ~ minimum r.ctb~ck for automobile service station - gas pumps. ('a:Þ,,: !t;* Mr. Jeff P" ry, Zon1n9 Director, Gtatcc1 thðt th~ petitioner is ðsklng for aprrovðl of a vnrlðncc th~t will allow him to instðll now electronic fuel di9penslng pumps upon an existing service island where existing pumps .He locðted. II~ stated thðt t.he Sholl 011 ServIce Station is locðted at th~ NW corner of US-41 r.a~t ðnd Sh~dowlðwn Drive, adding th~t one sot of pwnps nre located on ðn islðnd that is locat~d only 20' from the North R/H linc of U.S. 41 ðnct ðnothor sot Is locnted IS' from the \"'est line of Sh.ldowlawn Drive. He reported that the stallon Wð9 built beforo tho currcnt regulations governing servico ,> stations were adopted, adding thðt the minimum setback for pumps is currontly 3D' from any front proporty 1ino. He concluded by stðting raga lA - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -;-,- - -r - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - -- - --' I . I: " '. . . . t. .'~ .' I. ., ....... ,........,. " 11 '1 '~ ~'" tS· ';\~'" ~'.., . . ',' "'IF_' ", A __________...:...._-.:._..__._..._ ___...:...J________..____ -- -- --- :\ " ~" , May 25, 19A2 ,~~ ,,~+:, "'\::¡',t that Statf rccommen~a approvðl. ~ Thoro being no further dløcunslon, Commissioner Wenzel 'l1Ioved, ..conded by Commissivnor plstor and carried unanimously, thðt tho public hearing be clonod. Commissionor Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioncr Wenzol and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-~2 r~ petition V-82-10-C, Shell Oil Compllny, re~ucsting 0 variance from Section of the Zoning Ord~nðnco requir.ing ð minimum Sfttbðck for automobilo service st.ation - 948 pumps, bc 4dopted. " 0',' 1 ... Page 19 e BOOK 069 PACE 39 ~--------------------------------------~- -- ..., ....~"I ··~....._~i I ~, ,.. " . , - .~. - - - - - - - - - - __ - - - - __ - __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _':__0 Mny 25, 19n2 W) ( 069 rACE 41 ~£SOLUTION 02-63 R~ PETITION V-~2-12'-C, OL~UM CORPORATION, REQUESTING ^ V>.nYANC£ fROM SECTION (9.8.lI.2) OF TilE ZONING OHDIN^NC£ ;~EOUIRING A MINIMUM ~ETDACK Fon AUTO~OBILE ~ERVICE STATION - G^~ PU~P~. ADorTED. Logal notice, hlwing been publ1ahod in the Naples Dðl1y N"WS or. May 9, 1982, ðS evidonced by Affidavit of Public~tion filed with the Clerk, public heðring wos opened to conoidor Petition V-B2-l2-C, Oloum CorpoTation, requesting ð v~riance from Section 9.A.a.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring ð minimum sctback for automobilc servicQ station - <JOS pumps. Mr. Jeff Perry, 20ning Director, stated thnt this is a request to approve ð voriance that will ~110~1 Oleum Corporation to install new electronic fuel disponsing pl1mps upon an existing service island ðt tho SW corner of U5-4l East and 951. Mr. Ross Longmire, representing OlcumCorport:tion, slated that the side islðnd Wðü rclocðt~d to bn in r.onformlty with the zoning ordin3nce, ðddin~ thðt ð variance is r~qucgted for the front island. There being no discussion, Commissioner ~cnze1 moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor ~nd cðrried unnnimously, that the µublic hearing be closed. Commisaioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel ðnd carried unanimously, that Resolution 32-63 re p~tition V-32-12-C, Oleum Corporation, requosting 0 variance from Sectiù~ 9.ß.a.2 of. the Zoning Ordinance requiring a minimum Ðetbock for automobilo scrvice stðtion - gðS pumpG, be adopted. PlIge 20 " -- - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - -.....- - - - - - - - ~..:- - - -...-:- - -- -- - -'" I..',.., " It " III (~~ . ....... . ~~ If' \ ...... .~ I . , ,'.;~~ ; '..'.-; ~ .. _.a...:... _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ -- - -- - - -_.....~... - - - 6' . -~ - -- - - -- ..- - - - - f-lllY 25, ) !)07. M~ 069 rACE 46 ORDIN^NCE B2-43 RE PETITION 70-02-4, CO~MUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION, REQUES'rIIIG 1\N A:-IENDMENT TO TilE ZONING ORDINANCF. TO M.LO\·J FOR TF:MPORARY MOBILi': IIOMES fiND TR'\VEL TR^ILER~ IN TIIF: f.~TATr.f, DIf>TRICT. 1\DOPTf.D. Logal notice having been publi6hed in the Nnplee Dðily News on May 6, 1962, AS cvidoncrd by Affidnvit of publication filed with the Clerk, public heAring was opcncJ to conaider petition 7.0-n2-~, Community Dovolopment Division requesting an amcndmcnt to the Zoning OrdinðnCQ to allow for temporary mobile home6 and trAvel trailers in the EstðtoS District. Loo L.1yno, Pl.)no( r, Indici'lted that f;taff on(\ the BOllrd rcviewed this itom a few months "'go, lidding that the prp.vlous ordln.::lnce allowed for IBO daYM with one extension of up to 90 dllY~. She reported that tho proposed ordinance would nllow for nn initial pormit of six months with up to t....o three-month ext~ngion!l. She con::luded by st,)tlng thðt tho C^PC Dnd the IAPC recommenòed ~rprovnl. CommiS5ionc: Wcnznl moved, seconded hy Commissioner pintar and carried unanimously, that the public h~nrin~ be closed. C0mmissionor Wen~cl moved, seconded by Co~misßlonor Krune lInd cðrried unan~mously, thðt the Ordinnnco ßS numbered and entitled below be adopted, ðnd cntered into Oedinnncc ~ook 151 onDIN1\NC~ A2-I J ^N ORDINflNCE lI,""f.NDING OnDINþ.tJCE "::>-2, TilE COMPREHeNSIVE ZONING REGUL^TIONS FC'R THF. UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID^ RY AMENDING SECTION 7.l0 "F.STlITES DISTRICT" BY ADDING A NEW Pfln"\GRlIPII (f) TO b7 TO 'ILLCW FOR Tf~PORARY ,""OOILE JlOMES AND TI1AVFL Tf\^ILF.RS WHILE" PERMANENT RE~TN:NCE IS BEING ßUILT; DY PROVIDING FOn EXTF.NSIONS OF BAlD T~MPORARY USE, fiND BY PROVIDING FOH AN EFFECTIVE D~7E. Pðq & 21 '~\i {{) - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - .... - -'~ - - - - - -:- - - - - - - - - - - - --~ , . I. ',01 . t. III ,- -"'--- --,.. c:::J :"J ( fi' 'Á;", .r;",," ".i'~J <~', -0 ' ..' ... ." -- - - - - - - - - - -- - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -'- - -- ~ay ,5, 1902 -- - - .--.-- OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, DI~TRICT TO INCRE^SE THE 1,000 SQUARE FEET FOR A ONE TWO STORY RLSIDENCE. ORDINANCE B2-4~ RE rETITION ZO-A7.-5, OOA~D nEC'UESTING ^N AMENCMENT TO TIIF: - E- E5T/\TES MINIMUM FLOOR ARE^ FROM 750 SQU^Rr. FEET TO STORY nESIDENCE ^ND l200 SQU^RP. FEET FOR ^ ADOPTED. (' ~\ ..,~ Legnl notice having been published in the Naples Daily NftWS on April 23, 1982, nnrl the Golðcn Gate Eagle on April 29, 1982, as evidenced by Affid~vits of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition ZO-82-S, Board of County Commiasionera, requesting an amendment to the -E- Estates District to increase the minimum floor ðrea from 750 squnrc feet to 1,000 square feet for ð one story residence ðnd l2~O cquaro feot for 8 t~o story residence. Lee Lðyne, planner, indicated that tho IAPC rccommended denial and the CAPC ~ccommended approval. Mr. George Keller, rcpre5cntin~ tho Collier County Civic Fedarðtion, stl' '::t:d tlMt he w"s in favor of the prorosed ordinðnCe t1:> increase the minimum floor aeeð of a one ðnd two story residence in the EstateG. Comm1saioner wenzel moved, seconded by Commissionor piator and carried unanimously, that the public heôrinq be clo~ed. Commissioner Wenzel ~ov~d, seconded by Commissioner piGtor ðnù carried unðnimously, that the Ordinanco AS numbered and entitled below bc ðdopted, and entered in Ordinance Eook l5: ORDINANCE 82-44 AN ORDINANCE "MENDING ORDINANCE 02-~, TilE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGUUTION~; FOR THE UNINCORPORATED "REA OF COLLIER COU:JTY BY "MENDINC SECTION 7.10 EST"TE~j DISTRICT BY C!lM.;GING Tm: MINIMUM SQUATŒ FOOTÞ.GE nEQlJIREt-IENT FROM 750 SQUARE HET TO 1000 H1lJ"RE FEET FOR" ONE STORY AND 1200 SQUARE FEET FOR ^ TWO STORY, AND ßY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DA'T E . BOOK 069 PACE .7 PAge 22 ~ -- ---- - - --- - - --- - - - ---- - - - - --- - -- - - -.------ o I .;:-~;,; o I:;,..... . - - ..." . .,' . , ------ ------------- --- - - ------ - - -- - - - - --. "'ðy :;>S, 1902 &O~K 069 PAtE 48 RESOLUTJON 82-~4 R~ P~TITJON PU-A2-11-C, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, REOUESTJHG A PROVISJONAL USE fon II. FIR~ ST~TI0N ON 1-1/4 ACRE~ LOC^TED 2-1/2 MILES EAS,. OF cn-951, ON TilE SOUTH SIDE OF GOLDEN GATE £\OULEVARD. ^DOPTED, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS. FINDING OF FACT I\ND PET:TIONER'S ^GREEHf.NT ACCEPTED. ~eo Layne, Plðnnor, indicated th(,t thin 1s a no.... fire e:tat\~n for the Estates ^re~ ðnd Stðff ðnd thß CAPC is recommonding approval subject tu the following stipul~tionD: 1. Ginc~ p~rking arc~ oxtonda into 60' bisecting eðscment, this easement ~ust be vacated. 2. Wðter ~ðn~gvmenr plans and c^l~lðtions for a 2S-ycar one-hour storm evcnt must bo submItted to County Engineer for review prior to the start of any constructIon. Commissioner Kruse movcdt seconded by Commloaioncr 8rown and carried unanimou5ly, that Resolution P.2-64 re Potltion PU-R2-l3-C, Board of County CommIssioners. requesting a provisional us~ for D fire station on 1-1/4 acres located 2-1/2 mileo Cðst of CR-95l, on tho south sido of Goldcn Gate Boulevard, be adopted subject to the above referenced utlpu13tlons and tho Flnrllng Of fact ðn~ p~titionor's Agreement, be accepted for the record. ';~) Page 23 --~--------------7--·~~----··_------------- I.'"", ",': \'~t, III ....--.. , I J ~:J :. " ~" I - -- - - - - - -- -.....- -~.:.:- - -- - - - - -. - - - - - -- - --- -- ------- Mny 2S, 19f\7. ,'" RESOLUTION 82-(,5 RE PETITION V-R2-0-C, LA PLAYA A$~OCIATES, REQUESTING ^ VARIANCg FRO~ T~E ~!GN REGULATIONS. ADOPT~D. Legal notico having be~n publish~ð in tho Nnples Daily News on ^pril 25, 1982, as evidenced by Affidavit of publIcation prøviously filed with tho Clcrk, public heQ~ing w~8 continued from May ll, 1982, to consider potition V-82-0-C, La Plnya ASßocintes, rrquesting ð vðrianco from the sign rcgulatlons. Chðirmðn Wimer indicated that n l~tter had bee~ roceived from the Vandorbilt 8each Property Owners Associntlon stntIng th~t they were not in opposition of the niqn variance as long ~R they conform to the County ordinðnco. Mr. Mike Zewðlk, representing North Naples Civic Association, stated thðt this is ð county-wide ordinancc, adding that this ordinance should work equally concerning all in Collier County. He stated thnt the North N~ples Civic Associ~tion is not in favor of the varianco. Mrs. Evclync Lnwmaster, representing Vanderbilt Bench Proporty Owners ^ssocl~tion, stated that the Association met with a representative from La Playa, ~dding thðt a request was made that the total signs be in compliance with the siqn ordinance, to which Ln Playa AssocIatos agreed. There being no further discußsion, Conmisnioner ~enzcl moved, seconded by Commissioner Pintor and carried unanimounly, that the public hearing be closcd. Commissioner Kruse movod, secondcd by Commissioner Wenzel ond c~rricd unonimously, that Rcsolutlon 82-(,5 ro Petition V-82-R-C, La Playa ^BDOC!otcs, requestIng a vðrinncc from tho sign regulationo, be adopted. Pago 24 ~OOK 069 PACE 55 ~.:.- \~J~"< - -- - - -- -- - - - ----"- - - - .---- -- - - --- - - - - - - --- - --- -- -- .- :.\ .' La . - ,,"- '" --..............."'...-...-~...~~- -.- . ~. 'r,y I.i ;;. I . , - - - - - - .-- - - - - - - - -- . - - - -- - - - - -- -----.-- -------.... Mðy 2S, 19f\2 f¡Q~ 069 fAct: 58 RESOLUTl~~1 8,-f;6 r:RE1\1'lNG THE TRINITY PL1\CE PAVING IHPROVF:MENT t)ISTRICT, "PPROViNG THE Pf!ELIMIN"\RY ASSf,SSMENT ROLL, MID 1\UTIIOIUZING TilE ADVERTI5FM~NT FOR nIOS. 1\OOPTED. Legnl notico hðving been published in the Nðples Daily News on May 4, 1982, as evidtnc~d by 1\ffid~vit ùf publication filed with tho Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider thß croat ion of thu Trinity Place paving Improvemcnt Di£trict. Cliff Barksdale, Public works ^dministrator, rnquestod that the BODrd consider the adoption of ~ resolution creating the Trinity p1ace paving Improvement DiGtrict, approve tho preliminary ð5ßP.~~ment roll and authorize the Engineering Department to advertise for bids. He 6tated that on ^pril 10, 1~78, the Board lIcc~pted a petition from the propcrty owncrs on Trinity place, adding thðt all ouit C1~im Deeds have been received with the exception of onc property owner. He reported that tho Property ~'ðnager has bc~n in cont<'lct with th" owncr and he assured the County that he will submit his o~it Cloim Deed. He stated that the estim.::lted con~truction cost is ~15~,O('3.2S, with S20,2eß.'3 for Administrative and Engineering Coots, which rosult in a Sl9.0S cost per front foot. lie concluded by stllting that recommond<'ltion is for ðppeoval and noting that tho ð~ard will not be mado until the last deed is received. Mrs. Lucille Thompson of Trinity place questioned the starting '~, date if this Improvemr~t Distt ict 1s approved, to which Mr. BarkGdale rcplt~d approximately 60 days. She also questioned i( the driveways would b& roinstalled, to which Mr. Barksdala replied if the property has an exi8tin~ drivcway, it will be replaced. i .',\' Mrs. Ronald Rimes of Trinity rl~co qucGtioned how lQng cachc~~aon page 25 ,'~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ -ro- - __ ___ _~-- - -- -- - _0 -- \ . t. ~ B . .:;:1 -~ 4~PIIII"''ØIÞ' .....--.....--.... - .- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- , filii ~.:e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ .._ __ - - - -"""r- - - - - - - - --- - -- ".,1 Mðy 25, 1901 would bo givon to pay ior this improvement, to which Mr. Bark6dnle replied that thQ normal time iD from J to 5 yonro. Sho alao atnted that ahe has 0 35 foot ~vewðY and quostioned If it would be put back ........... th" 8ame, to which Mr. Bnrksdalø replied that if thero is a 35 foot wide drivewa~ there now, the sðme will be replaced. Chairman Wimcr atoted that thoro would be no objections to roplacing the 35 foot driveway. ~rs. Rimes concluded by stnting that Trinity Plac~ is in favor QL the paving imFrovement district. There being no further di~cußsion, Commissioner Wonzol moved, aocondod bY Commissioner KrljSc an1 c~rried unanimously, that tho public hearing bo clo9cd. Commissioner Wenz~l moved, secondod by Commisaioncr Kruse and cðrried unanimously, that Resolution 82-~6 creating the Trinity Placo pðving Improvement District, be ðdopted ðnd that the proliminary aßsessment roll and ðuthorlzatiún for the advertisement for bids, be ð pprovcd . Page 26 MO~ 069 PACE 59 r) . . :'\. !.¡t. "' "j' ~: I I :ú..~" 1'",.... (} n " , ç.- \~; .' ---'- -- --- - -- ,---- - - - - - - - -,- - - ~ - - - -..- - - - - - -- -.-' May 25, l:;)fl2 , ~OOK ()~ PÄCE ~~ RESOLUTION A2-67 RE V1\C1\TION OF M1\RCO BE1\CH UHIT 'TWENTY-SIX, A SUBDIVISION IN SF:CTIONS 5 AND 6, 'l'OWNSIIIP 5:1. SOUTH, RANGE 26 E1\ST, HIDE1\\'J/\Y I-IEI\CII, L'I'D. - 1\DOPTF,Iì. Legal notice having boon Fublishcd in the Naplea Ooily NQWS on ~ðY 9 And 16, 1982, IInd the Marco Islðnd Engle on May l3, 19R2, ðS evidenced by 1\ffidavitn of Public~tion f.ilcd with th~ Clerk, public heðrinq was opened to consider the vðclItion of Marco Beach Unit Twcntj-Six, II Subdivision in section 5 and fi, Township 52 south, RlIngo 26 East, Hideaw.::IY Beach, Ltd. Cliff Barksdðle, Public works 1\d~lni5trator, stðtod that he w~n requcGtinq the ncc to ðpprovc the vnclltion of MðrcO neach Unit Twonty-Six as recording in plðt Book 12, PlIgcs 92 through 9~ of the Public Records cf Collior County, Florida. Thorc being no discussion, CommiRoionor Wonzel moved, socor ·..d by Commissicn~r Kruso IInd carried unðnlmounly, that the public hearing bu closed. Commissioner Wenzel mov~d, seconded by Commlssiner Brown ðnd carried unllnimously, thòt Rcsolution B2-67 ro the vðc~~ion of Marco Belich unit 'TWcnty-Six, 1'1 subdivision in Sections 5 ðnð 6, Township 52 South, Rlingc 26 East, lIidcùWIIY Belich, Ltd., be aåoptcd. Pð<: 0 27 v - - - - - _0 _ - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ......'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- .4 ..- ,', '. G t;·.\ -" .,.~.~",,,~_.....--- I . , ,. -- ---- - - ---- - -- - ..- - - - - -. ------: - - - - -- -- - --- - --- -- l'1ðy ?S, 19P7 t.OO~ lJ 69 P,\CE B4- DEVELOPMENT ORDER 02-1 RE PETITION DRT-Rl-I-C, EMERALn LAKE~ OF NAPL~S, LTD., REQUESTING ^PPROVAL OF nr.VELCPMF.NT or REGIONAL IMPACT FOR EMERALD LAKf:G, IN CON.1lJNCTION ";.!.!.!.!.. Rf.7.0NF. rF:TITT0N R-Rl-?n-c. ADOPTED. ,} Legal notice having becn publishod in the Naples Daily News March 25, 1982, ð8 evidonced by Affidavit of publicatio~ filed with tho Cloek, public hearing waS opened to consider petition DRI-~l-l-C, Emerald LakoD of Naples, Ltd., requesting npprovðl of developmcnt of regionðl impðct for f.m~rðld Lakos in conjunction wIth rozone petition R-81-2B-C. Lee Layne, Plðnner, stðtcd th.::lt this request is to receive ðpprov~l of DevelopMcnt of Ra~lonal Imp~ct for a 1,1~0 unit develop- ment. She rcpo r ted thll t the CAPC held the i r public hell r inq on Moy 6, 19B2, and recommended thnt the Ronrd issun Devülopment Order 92-1 which included the two roC] ionld iSGuns ,'nd one loci'll issue. She rcported thðt she is requesting that tho Board issue Developmcnt Order 82-1 and forward to tho Southwcst Florida R~qionðl Pl~nnlnq ðnd Department of Veteran and Co~munity Affairs. She conclud~d by st.::lting that the main conccrn was fire protection in the /'Iren. Mr. Willi~m Barton of Wilson, Miller, Rnrton, Sell' Peck stated thðt he has met with Chief Jones of tho North tJlIples Fire DepartMent and /'In ðgreemont has bc~n made thnt Em~(ðl~ Lakes will pay for the purchase of a firo nite rrob~bly ðlong Airport Rond, up to $25,000, which will be placod in eGcrow for thbt purpose prior to r~ccivinq the first -CO" on the project. lie concluded by ßtat1ng that North ¡'¡ðplos 'iro Department concurs with thfl ogrcel\'lent which will be drafted ðnd presontcd to tho County Plan~ing Deportment. Thero being no further dincussion, Commissioner Wcnzol moved, rage 28 --------- --- --- -- - --.-;--- - ~ - - -- - --- - - - --- - - --' " .: ·f;·· '" II ,~ , . . ," ,'.:~ ':, ·L'" , , .'-. .." ,;,. .. ,I II ;( 't ~ \1, " I I I . f . ~ ,. . . . '. . j I 'I " \, ' . ,..' . .. . .L.- _ _ _ _ __ - - - _.....___~ __ - __ .&...:..1- __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - == ,.,..... ·1 '\:. I í ¡ ., t."'þl May 25, 1982 seconded by Commissioner Pistor ~nd carried unanimously, that the public hcaring be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, ,seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carriod unanimously, that Development Order 82-1 r~ Petition DRI-8l-l-C, EmO[ðld Lðkes of Naples, Ltd., r("questing ðpprova:,o! " Dcvelopmen~(~l Regional Impðct for Emerald Lðkes, in conjunctl~~ with rezone petition R-Bl-2B-C, be adopted. ,,~. ~'~', PðgO 29 BOOK 069 PACE 65 - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -...- - - - - - ---- - --------; --,-...---.--.,..., I . , .__ __ _._ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ __.__ 0-_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ ____ ßQ~K ~ rACE ~~ ~\ay 25, 19R'- '-"^t lOl40 A.M., Deputy Clark Kenyon WðS replðcoå by Deputy Clerk Skinner.**** EMERGENCY [jEC!..AREO; OnDIN^NCF. NO. 112-45 ESnOLISI1ING ADDITIONAL TIME PERIOD REQUIREMENTS FOR EXTEN~ION~ OF ^ AUltnlNG p~nMIT - ^ÐOPT~O Community Developmont Diroctor Virtll cxplðC,nod thðt staff has oxaminod the time periods by ~hich ~uildlng permits ~ro governed, in rosponse to A suggestion by Ch"irman Wimer. 110 said stt"}ff r(!commends considoration ol ðn emergcncy ordinanco which would change the existing policy or ð 6 month cxtcnnion by tho nuilding Offici~l followed by A 6 month extcnsion by the BCC to the following I 1. Thc Building O!fici~l m~y authorize tho cxt~nsion of 0 permit for ~p to onv hundred ~i0hty (lPO) dDYs upon the payment of a filing fee of $27.50; 2. The Building Official may authoriz~ ono Ddditlonal extonalon of II permit for up to nil1C'ty (90) days upon the pðymcnt of a filIng fee 01 S27.50¡ 3. Immediately at the conclusion of the above time pcriorl5, the Building Official may, upon npplicJtion for those pormits issued during the period ,J,1nu,'ry 1, 1981, to ~"y 75, 19B2, IIpprove the extension o[ the timo 1 imIt for one additional yeðl provided that the following conditiono lire met: A) the plans oriqin~]!y submitted ~ith the buildlnQ pormit oppllclltlon, nnd upon which the permit W~5 IGsued, arc amended to co~ply with Dll requir~mcnt5 of ðll ~u1lding C0c1C5 (,.:; ...·cll (,.:; ttlC' Collier Courot.ï Fire Code in effcct ðt the tIme of the rrquest; ðnd, b) pnymcnt o[ a [eo cqunl to tp.n (lO) percont of the origin.::Jl fee to cover the review of oxisting as well AS any amended plans. Commissionor Wenzel moved, seconded by Commlasioncr Pistor ðnd carried unnnimously, that ðn emergoncy be declared. ****CommiRsioner Kruse left the room ~t 10:45 A.M.**** Page 30 -- - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -... - - -. " : . ' . ..... , t. " -- ~ ..."'..-..... '.-1: ~.. " , , i '.,. ,,'." . .-:"", . ~I ) L _ _ _ _ _'_ - - -- - -- .~-----.- - - -- - - - --- - - - - - - - ~ - -- -- /"I", Y :.1 5, 19 A 2 The fcllo~lng parDons spoke in favor af tho pr.oposed ordinance and thankEd tho Com~188ionorø for the oxt"nøicnc of building permits ~hich said ardindnce would providol Mr. Dill Shcðroton Mr. E:dwllrd J. Kant Mr. Ed Ruff Mr. Jim Sm it h Mr. Jack Conroy Chllirmðn Wimer explained thðt Mossrs. Arthur Davis and Ed Ruff had approachod him with the idað for the building permit extensions. Mr. Conroy rcquoatcd that future consideration be given to having systom developmont foea, once paid, be allowed to "run with tho land- or to be transferablo to subaoquent owners. He SlIid undor the present ordinnnce when an i~dividual pays tho impact fees if he does not proceed with the project and another individuIIl comes in with IInothcr project, another impðct fec has to be pðld. Mr. Berzon s~id that currently tho ordl- nance has heen interpreted so thðt the syntem development fees are paid once. Commissioner Piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown ðnd carried ~/O, with Commissioner Kruse out of th~ room, that the ordinðncc as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into OrdinAnce Book No. 15. OR DIN^NCE 82-45 AN EMERGF.NCY ORDINANCE EST^£\L!SHING R E(iU 1 REM f.NTS FOR f:Xn: ¡ is J ONS OF ^ PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE ADDITIONAL TIME PERIOD BUILDING P~RMIT, AND BY ncc C1riNER ACCEPTANCE OF SCHEMATIC DESIGN AND DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PH^SES nE JUSTICE CENTER EXP^NSION - GR^NTEO County Manager Norman explained his recommendation tor a finance Page 31 MOK 069 PACE 73 ,- ---------------------------------------- .:<;)'1 . . /' . . . - -- ------------ -- --- - -.- -- ---- -- -- - -- - --- - - - . . ' I': ! . , ------------------------------------------- May '5, 19R2 &OO ( 069 rACE 14- progrDm which COVbrø the insuanco of bonds in tho requ~8te~ ðmount of $22,000,000 for tho following progromnl l. Tho final design work that remains to be done on tho Juntlce Ccntor Exp~nsion. 2. Tho acquisition of 15 + ncres immedi~tely ajotning tho County Governmcnt Complex property to provido for futurè' explInnion for County oporation including tho Jur.tic~ Centor. 3. Tho renovðt~on of facilities in Immokaleo currcntly occupied by tho Shuriff. 4. Contingency. After a Rhort diGcussion, Commissioner W('nzol movr.d, seconded by Commi3sioner Pistor and c,HrJed 4/0, with Commissioner Krusp. out of tho room, that the Board "..t County CommU:si"'ners .::Jccept the 8chcmðtic d08~gn and dosign development phnses rc thr. ~u5tice Cr.nter Expansion. COUNTY MI,N^GER AND COUNTY ^TTOnN[Y MJTJiORI7.ED TO FIUJ\LIZE A PRI)PO~f.D PURCIIASE ^GRHMENT Fon ACQUISITION OF' ^PPllOXIM^Tf.LY 1').71 flCRES OF PROPEr<TY LYING NOH1'! AND EM;T OF' TilE rRESENT GOVERt-J/":ENT CENTER PROPERTY - APPRoveD Public S~fety Admini5tr~tor Oorrlll expl~innd the architects' rendering of tho Justico Center Expansion projoct which was placed on an overhead board. Mr. Daryl ßðilc~, Conr.truction M~n~ger, di3tributed A provisIonal construction m~nagcmcnt plðn to the Commissioners and explained thðt with nuthorlz~t on to proceed with the last dpsign phðGe, Pollz2i/lfeery will be bidding to I1w~rd the project, adding that the entire project should be completed in June-July of 19R4. ****Commissioner KrUF~ returned to tho room at 10:50 ^.M.~*** Mr. Bailes explained thðt the bottom half of the ðforcmentio~ed constructIon monogcment plan indicntc8 certaIn early awðrd Items predIcðted on having funds availðblo for confit~uction. He 8ðId his firM would liko to award as much of tho construction work as possIble rag e 32 1..',"- " " ~" ~. If . rv<r'"" 'I ~.... - : ~~~~1I ...- --- ..---..-- -....., , \..- ...J ..-- ~ j , _.,,__..,l \'!J ,.., .,'" ,..' , .... . i ~__ _ _ _ _2-_ __ ___~___ __'~':'I- - - __ - ____ - __ -- --- - - - -- MlIY 'S, 1982 in or~or to tðko ðdvantng~ of tho currftnt competitive conßtructlon market. County M~nDgor Norman cxpl~inod staff's recommondation of the ðcquisitlon of l5.71 nercs of proporty lying north and east of the prescnt Government Conter Complux, at a CORt of appro~imately 40 cents n square foot, and a triangular piece of property Immediately south tMt would be ðvallðble lit the SlIme prico for a total cost r,f approximat~ly SI,700,OOO. He oxplained tho location of tho lDnd. Mr. Norrn~n referred to tho Alcoholic Treatment Center which the Bce has previously approved in corcopt ðnd the noed for some Improve- monts to tho Sheriff's substation in Immokalee. Commissioner Brown moved, neconded by Commissionor Kruse Dnd cGrried unanimously, th~t tho County MlInllgor and County Attorney be authorized to finDllze a proposed pUfchasc agroement for acquisition of approximately 15.71 acr~s of property lying north and east of the preoent governmcnt center property. FIN^NC rAL CON~ULT^NTS AUTIIOR 12 ED TO PROCF.ED PURSUANT TO PROPOSED TIMETAßLE OF EVENTS A~ OUTLINED IN THEIR REPORT RE 5ALES TAX REVENUE FINM,CING DATED MAY 24, ]982, TU: JUS'rICE CF:NTER COMPLEX. 8CC SPECrAL MEETING SCIlf.Dl1LED FOR .1tINF.: lR, 191'12 Mr. David Fischer, of Fifichcr, Johnson, Allcn , Burko, Inc., Fi~ðnciðl Advisors for the Justlc~ Center Complex, explaincd that ~itiðlly the only source of new revonue for thc project was en ad valorem tnx incrcnse in the form of a roferendum. He said that since the 1982 Legislature has p~ssed the One Cftnt Sðles Tax his firm has done a reccnt atudy to demonstrate that the Sðlas Tax would support a bond Issue. He distributed coplos of his firm's report entitled Salos ~x nevcnuc F1n~nclnq (^ltern^tlvo to Gener^l Obliqðtion Fina~eing), Page 33 BGO~ 069 P^CE 75 :- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -7 --- - - -- - - -- - --- -:-.- .. -.~ ~¡t If, t, ',,- --r-------- ---.- - ---------",r-- - -- - -- - - - - - - --- --. ~ . ... :r., . '., " ,- . , . .J ~ ,- ,---_.~~'"' . tI --- - --. ......,J.& ~J *' J -~ ~.-- ___"'_._4.. .._ 0;1 Q / . , ""'. .'.. I ~) - - --'" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -:-- - - - -- - -. - -.- - - - - -... ~OOK 069 PACE 16 Ma y 1. 5, 1 982 dated May 24, 1902. He explaIned that hIs firm has done ð study of tho sales tax that would come to Collicr County ^n~ hao taken tho 60\ which would bo availablo to tho County as tho acid tost to support 0 bond Issue. He said that the figuren obtained from tho County M~nager indicated a constuctlon fund necessary of $23,B33,~11 and he explaIned that tho ~nr amount bond iß5ue would be $23,3l0,OOO. He said that an average annual debt sorvico, given today'a conditions, would bo $2,890,440. lie reforred to the report ðnd explained hO'll the sðlcs tax would support those f1qures. lie cxpl.'1inec! thðt the only YCtH when thoro would ba a pc~siblc shortfall would be the first year and that figure would be .::Jpproxlm~tely $200,000, which could be overcome in the design of tho bond i93ue itself or the County could capitðlize a very mod~st amount of inlerent to make up the shortfall. He said that the 8alos tax was dcsigned (or ð project such as the Juntice Center Complex. R~sponding to Commissioner Plstor, Mr. Fincher explalned thðt the figures preGcnted in the rer~rt pertaln to the ðmount of money thðt the County would r~ceivo from the sales tax. Commissioner Plntor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruso ~nd carrierl unanimously, that tho financi~l conflultants be authorized to proceed pursuant to tho proposed timetable of events as outlined ln their report re Sales Tax Revenue Financing dated May 24, 1982, re tho ~u~tice Contor Comple~. County ^ttornay Pickworth referred to the proposed timetable of events of said report ðdding that, b~scd upon what Mr. Qðlles hðd said oarlier in thc meeting, th~ Dec would wðnt to havø money aVðilnblo as 800n as possible to take advantage of tho oc'Hly bld award ln order to got some ~ttrðctive prices. He soid thero would need to be a 8CC Page 34 I ~;;; "~:'1!1 ~- J ., ,# ~ . ....--..--- ~:~ -, I ;, " ~. , ----- ------..-- ------ _ _ _ ...:....1...;.·_____ __ __ _... __ __ _ _ _._ MlJY 25, 1982 meeting on June lA, 19B2, to get tho necessðry resolution adopted And have the flnðnciðl plðn approved In ordor to hnve the bond IB~ue validated to hðve ð closing dalo After Labor D~y. There was general consensus from the Board that thero would b~ ð quorum for that dAte. AUTHORIZÞ.TION TO I\LLC1YI CONSULTANTS TO BEGIN PREP^R^TION OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMEIJTS FOR TI1~ JUSTICE CF.:NTf.H COMPLEX - CfU,N'1'f:D Commissioncr Wcnzel moved, sccOAdcd by CornmI5~Ioncr PIstor and cðrrled unanImously, th~t nuthorizat!on b~ qrðntod to ðllow tho consul~ðnts to begin preparation of the construction documcnts for the Justico Center Complex. CH^IRMAN MJTHORIZED TO EXf.CUTF. RIGIIT-O:·'-WAY ^CREF,.,ENT WITH NORTH NAPLES FIRE CONTnOL DISTRICT REI~8UnSTNC THE FIRE DISTRICT IN THE AMOUNT OF $200,000 fOR U'lND AND n£LOC^T!ON CO;'TS OF TilE DISTTnC'j'S fIRE STATION REOUIRED FOR PINE RIDGE nO^D T~pnOVf.Mf.NT PROJf.CT PublIc Works AdmInistrðtor 8ðrksdnle explnined stðft recommendð- tion to executo the proposed Right-Of-WðY ^greement with tho North Nðples Fire Control DistrIct bccðuse the North Nðplcs Fire StðtIon 18 wIthin the proposcd right-of-way nceded for widenIng Pine Ridgo Road. He sðid thðt b^scd on revIew of estImatoD, 5t(Jff ðnd tho Fire District CommIssioners hnvo agreed on relocðtion torms set forth in said ðgree- ment which Include reimbursinq the Fire District $2nO,OOO for lðnd lJnd relocation coats. ChðIrman Wimer clarified the situatIon by atðtlng thðt the previously proposed lnnd ßwap between Pelican Bay Ðnd Collier County is no long~r u~der consIderðtionl that Pelican B~y an~ th~ County havu withdrawn from thðt proposðll ond thllt CollIer County is fulfilling the commItment to the North N~plcs Fire Control Distri~t to purchAae tho Flrø Stðtion in ord~r to obtain tho rigMt-of-way needed for widening Page 35 !'.OOK 069 PAC£ 77 --------------------------------------~-- ,- -,---,.,......",--..._. I I . , s n - - - -... - - - -""...- - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .-. - - -- - - -- ~OOP; 069 PAcr 78 "'.,y 25, 19112 rlno Ridge Roltð. .J 11o explðlned that tho loclttion of thn North Nðples Fire Station will bo hðndlcd by the Fire District Commlssionors and that anybody who wishes to ðddroGs the lð8u~ of whr.ro tho new Fire Station will b~ shoulà contact tho ~orth Napl~o Fire Control Diotrlct Commissioners. Mr. Henry W. Maxant, President, Pine Ridge Civic ^s!3ocL~tlon, stated that he had 174 proxies in hðnd from area residents, of which 95-1/2\ ~ro oppoßed to a fire stðtio~ baing built in their ðrea. He requcstod that the ßCC ðuthorize the 5200,000 to the North Naples Fire Control District with -the strin~ attached- that the money not be usod to purchase ð rooidentlnlly z~ncd lot pðrticularly In the pine Ridge area. County ^ttorney Pickworth rC$ponded that It is his opinion that It would not bti legal or proper for lhe County to do ðS Mr. Maxant requcsts bncauze the money i8 the agrcod upon damage aword duc to tho Fire District DS ð result of the County's roðd construction ðnd thðt such ð -otring- is not ðnðlogous to a land use decision -string- to which Mr. Maxant referred. He Aðid that tho North Naples Fire Control District Is 5t~tutorl1y ðnd constitutionally ðuthorlzed to make tho type of doscrotlonDry decision n~~rlpd for tho ]oc~tlon of tho fire stðtlon. Rcsponding to Comminnloncr \olcnzel, Mr. Barksdale said that some consideration hdd boon glvcn to filling in th~ lðkc bohind the North ~ðplcs Firc Station ~~ moving tho stotion bðck but that tho fire Control District docs not own tho land. Mr. Georgo F. Kellar, Presidont of Collier County Civic Fadera- tion, askod if a rG%one petition would como through the Bec for the Page 31' ~ J~~ ,:'-"'\ 1'.'\ ~.~- 1 . ~i . cf.~) (i) "I " . -- ----- - -----':...=..-----.- ~~'- - - - - -- ---- - ----------- Ma y 2 3 , 1 9 fl2 prop~rty that the North Naples Fire Control Oistrict conøldors 1n the futufe for tho new fir~ station. Mr. PIckworth sðid h" could not answer that since It Is hi6 understanding that the North Naplcß F1re Control DIatrict hen not signed ð contr~~t to purchase any property for the rclocation of tho L1ro station. Mr. K1ke Zcwðlk, representing North Naples Civic A98ociðtion, asked If four concrete pillars could bo placed in the lake behind the prosent firo'station GO that the station could be moved back the necessary distance? Ccmmiosioner Wonzol rcsponded th^t, from an engineering 9tðn~roint, it could be doncl however, he reiterated that the Fire Control District docs not own that property behind tho prosent fire statIon. Mrs. Ethel "'^VCB and Mr. V~l ~ðVOS, pine Ridge residents, spoke in opposition to tho fire station being built In the area of their home. Chairman Wimcr explained that Mr. and MrD. Maves should make their wishes known to the North Naples Fire Control Commissionors. ^ttorney L. N. Inqr^m, representing Robert Towles, said thðt, in his opinion, moving the Fire Station has been brought about by the Pelican Bay Development. He Rðld that Mr. Towles proposes that, if the County will pick resldonti~l lot~ In tho pellcun Day SUDdivlslon fOt the purpose of relocating the North Naples Firo Stðtion, Kr. Towles will buy those lots ðnd exchange them ~quare foot for squðre foot for the pnrcel of land located at the north end of the Pelican Bny Devolopment that hna been Got Gßldc for a fire station. ^fter ð ßhort discussion, Chðirmðn Wimer said ho felt that offer should be mðde to the North Naples Fire Control District and representatives of polican Bay, whch Mr. Inq ram 8^ id he would do. rage 37 aOOK 069 PACE 19 - - - - - - -.. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ---- - --- :~'.':':" ":" ~. .~ ...... ~~. .. ":t '.- ..' . . ,)ØIL~I R JiIDMIIIt 11 JL1tlIl.l U~U, L. II! .J P- \'~ :V ...... ,-....------... I ~ . , ___ ___ - _____ 0_- __ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _,__ _ _ _.__ ____ Mð Y 2 5 , In 2 __M!)~ 069 rACE BO ····Commissioner Kruue loft tho room nt Il12S ~.~..... ^' ReBpond1n~ to Mr. Ingrðm'e question regarding a reverter claú~e in the property titl1, Mr. Barksdnle expl6inod 5taff is aware of th. reverter claune ðnd hðs r&ðchcd ~qreement with t~e titlo holdor in tho roverøioflðry intcrest and hðs an cquitable answer. Commissioncr Pistor movcd, sccond~d by Commi~Gioner Brown and carried 4/1, with Commisnioner Kruso out of the room, thðt tho Chairman be authorized to CXl!cute the Right-Of-\'I'ay Agreemont wlt.h the North Naples Firo Control District, reimbursing the Fir~ Oistrict in the amount of 5200,000 for land and relocation costa of the District's fire station required for the Pine Ridge no~d Improvement Project. ,-~' rago 36 c' ----------- - - -~ ----- ------. ----- - ----------. "\': . ' \.::a¡:~I, . 1.1,"- .' tt .. . . -u Il -........--..-.-...-..-.'.-....^ '. ~ "t _ 'e.l1,;~ - - I ~ ...-...,........ '1'" , . ,.' .. . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __.. _ _ _ __ _' ..a.....:-I__ _ _.I _ - - -- -..- - - -- - - - - - - _.~ -- t~" Y 25, 1') R 2 COUNTY-WIDE nEFEHf.NDUM, E:'<CLUDING CITY OF NAPLES AND EVWGLADES, FOR ^ COMMUNITY PARK SYf>TEM - APPROV~D TO BE PLACED ON T~E NOVEMBER 2, 1982, BALLOT Public Services Adminiatrator Norton explained the request for approval for the Park' and Recreation Department to run a County-wldo referendum, excluding the City of Naples ð~d Everglades, tor 0 Community Park System, said roferendum to be placed on the September 7th bullot. Ronponding to Commissioner ptntorto question, Mr. Norton explained that staft would provide tho follow up details of the referendum for the July 13, 19ß2, BCC meeting. ....Commlssioner Kruse returned to tne room at ll:35 A.M.···· Chairman Wimer said he personally felt that the referendum should be placad on the November 2, 19B2, ballot. Mr. Chris Blunt, Ch~irman of the Parks and Rocreation Advlßory BOðrd, said that the Parks nnd Recreation Financial Ad Hoc Committee has worked diligently on the pl~n which would crc~tp. enou~h community parks for Collier County. lIe stild the Ad Hoc COr.\mittee feols thot September would be a better time for the referendum and he requested BCC approval. Commissioner ~enzol Bald ho was in favor of the referendum being placed on the November 2, 19C2 ballot since many of tho taxpayers would be away from the ðroa until that time. Chairman Wimer th~nked tho ParKs and Recreðtion Advinory Board and tho Ad Hoc Committee for th~ir hard work relðtcd to the park necdR of ~olller County. Mr. LeIgh Plummer, member of tho PðrKs and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee, 6ðid he felt the proposed referendum would h~ve a better chance of p~s8lng if it were placed on tho November 2, 19B2, bDl1ot. Page 39 MOK 0 S9 PACE 85 .- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -- - - - - - - - - -- - -;- - - - - - -- - - --~--- . . -.r- ."'-~--''''''~.''_-'..;,"~_..",.., ....".,. , :~.... :... _..........~~.¡E-~.;...O:';:... ~ u, ! ',) . , - ---------- - ----- --- - - - -- ---- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - .-. . ~OOK 069 PACE 86 M.~ Y 2 5 , I 9 (1 2 ~ lie noted th~re will bo threo elections 1',his yoarl 1.0. Soptember 2, October 5, And Novembor 2, J9n?. Mr. Mike l~walk ðskod for clðrification regarding tho use of tho proposed parks In var!~us drCðß of tho County. Chairman Wimer said that ovcrybody 1n the County would p~y for the parks and tho DO porko could be usod by overyone. Mr. Robert Bladea, Bonita Shores resident, prencnted ð petition containing 357 signðtures regarding a requost for the DCC to d~volop the Beach Parking Area at the West cnd of Dcach Road. Chairman Wimer explained the Bce would accr.pt the petition and follow through on the requestl however, thnt the itom under discußsion docs not pertain to the BeAch Pðrking ^reA. Parks and Recreation OCpðrtmcnt Director Rice requ~5ted that the BCC give favorable consideration to placing the rcfcrendum on the September 2, 1902, ballot. lIa explained that the Parks I"Ind Recreation Advisory Board members havc lCDrn~d, through discusnlons with various organizations and municipalities who have held zimilar ref~rendums, thðt the roforendums arc difficult to paBs when it comes to ð major election, and that the successful referendums hav~ boen run in a prim,Hyelection. lie said thllt Supervloor of Election3 Morgan hits suggested that the local residents would be prcGcnt for the September 2 ballot and that ðb~cntea ballots would be availahle for those not In the ðrea on th~t d~tc. Commissionar Kruse mO\'cd, seconded by Comrnlsoioncr Wanzel ðnd carriod unanimously, thðt ð County-wide referendum, exclu~in9 tho City of Naploa and Evcrgladus, for ð Community Park System be placed on the November 2, 1982, ballot. pag e 40 -Î '.~; ~:-) - - -- - -.- - - - -- - - - - - _. - - - - "- - - - - - - -- - -- -... - - - - - - - --~ '''t': . ' ð' t "."' . I, " . ------- . ------ (I r:-1 === 'I' . . . ,__ _ __---~.L--:..::--.-- _r~ '_ _ ~=-- _ _ _ _ - -- - - - - - - - -,- ~- to'ay 25, 1902 ^UTIIORIZ~TtON FOR 'Cllr. ~PPRopn I~TtON Of $27,239 F,Il.oM CONTINCY.NCY FUND TO conRECT TilE f'IIORTt'1\t.L IN THE IIE1\LTH DEPARTMf:NT mfOCET, 1901-02 - APPROVED Heðlt.h Depart.mcnt. Director Dr. Cox refcrred ~o t.ho Executive Summary dðtod 5/14/82 and requested that the Bce assist the Health De pð r tmen t in making up ð ohortfall of $27,239 GO th/lt tho BUIlth Departmont ClIn St.iHt its "cw flscðl ycar, July l, 19B2, on a so und tooting. County M~nager Norman noted that when tho mðttcr W~8 first discUSDCd t.h~rc waß ð deficit of $6~,OOO. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner plstor, that t.he BCC authorize the eppropriðtion of $27,239 from the Contingency Fund to correct tho shoetfall in the Henlth Dop~rtmcnt 1981-82 Budget. Responding to Commissioner Wenzcl, ~r. Norman soid the appropriðtion would take the Hcnlth Department through its fiscal year and the County's fiscal ye/1r predlcnt~d on tho bosis thet the Health Department wl1l be able to receive fundInq effectille July 1, 1982, thllt would carry the Health Depðrtmcnt tQ octobür 1, 1982. Upon cell for the question, the motion carried 4/l, with Commißßioner Kruse oppos~d. PETITION TR-82-l4-C, Jr.SS£ L. BARßER, REQUESTING A TEMrORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON PROPERTY LrC~TED ON 10TH 1\Vr.., N.E. - APPROVED Zoning Director Perry cxp1.:dned Petition TR-B2-l4-C, filed by Jesse L. BDrber, requestIng ð temporary residence pnrmit to utilize a travel trailer during construction of ð principðl residence on the eðst 75' of the west 180' of Tract 53, Unit 74, Goldcn Gato Estates. (l/4 mile cast of Everglades Blvd. ~n lOth ^ve. N.E. and 2 miles north of Golden Gate Blvd.). Commissioner Wenzcl movad, seconded by Com~lsBioner plstor And Pðgo 41 aom: 069 PACE 81 ..- - - -- - - -~...- - --- - - -- -- - - - -- --- - - -- - ----------- ,'.': / ,~ .. . - - --- --- _. - - -- - - -- - - ..- -_...~~ --- -- --.--- --- - - -- -- - --- ~ð Y 2 S . 1 I) n 2 bOO' 069 PACE 88 c~rricd unðnimoualy, that Petition TR-02-14-C roquc6ting ð tcmpor4fY residence pcrmtt, bo approved. PETITIQN TR-B2-15-C, 1¡1\'IOLD RUNNFr.LDT, Rf.('tJF.:STING ^ TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON PROPERTY LOC^TED ON G^N M^RCOS BOUL~VARD - ^PPROVED Zoning Diroctor Perry ~xplaincd Petition TR-B2-l5C, filed by Harold Runnfeldt, requesting 0 temporary residence permit to utilize a travel trailer during construction of a principal residence on property located in Section 3l, Township 49 South, Range 26 Enet. (1/2 mile north of R,1dio Road on Sùn M.,rcofl ßlvcL). Commiasioner Wenzel moved, r.econded by Commissioner Brown ðnd carried un~nimously, th~t Petition TR-R2-lS-C rcquesling a temporðry residence permit, be ~pprovcd. KESSRS. ALBERT LEE, ERNEST FRfEMAN, ROAERT COLEMAN, WILLIAM PRICE, TERRY VIRTA, IIOh'Ano flLI.n:, AND MS. ROS^ 1... HERRON, AND MS. MJlRY ANN ^YAU RE1\PPOINTF:!) fiND/on APPOrl'lTED TO cmH~UNITY DEVr.LOPMf.NT f'LOCK GR,\NT CITIZENS' ^DVISORY co~~rTTfE FOR ^ TERM EXprRING ~AY 19, 19R1 Community Dcvelcpment DIrector Vlrt~ explained staff recommendð- tion that the BCC ~ppolnt the following persons to the Community Development Block Grant Citizens' ^dvlsory Committee for one-yeðr terms ending May 19, 1933: Albert Lo~, Immok~lce Ernest Frecrn<'Jn, Immoklllee Robert Coleman, Jr., Immokc11~o William Price, Immokðloo Terry Virtõ, Nðpl~s lIoward Allen, Imf'1"kalce RODa L. fie r ron, Imrnok.J 1 et! Mary Ann Aynla, Imrnok"lce Mr. Vlrta explllined t.h~t tho first sevcn perRons 0:'1 the I'!bove list are curront members of tho CDBG Citizens' Advisory Committee ðnd that Mary Ann Aynlð fa re~ommcndod Y.ö fill the v~cðncy crcðted by a ðOðth. Pðge 42 - -------- ---- ----- --...--.....- - -- - - ------- --- ----. .,': I. ..... " I. II P'~· ;:= L_.J ~ ...~ .........<J '\ ' ...... , (" , ,.'':Þ \ - - - - -.- - -- -- _--.:..- - -- ..-.. - - -. --..- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- May 25, 1982 Commisnioner Orown mov~d, oecondcð by Commissioner Pi~to' and carried ~/l, with Commis31onor Wnnzol opposed, that the aforementioned oight persona be reappointed ~nð/or appolnt~d to the CDBG Citizcns' Advisory Committee for one-year terms expiring May 19, 19B3. ®J\£I^NDONED VEil rCLE POLICY OF COLLr ER COUNTY AMENDED BY E5TMLISIHNG " SCHEDULE FOR AMENDING ROTATION LIST ^ND ESTABLISIIING A RESPONSE 'rI~E FOR CCN'rr<^CTORS Zoning Director Perry explainp.d staff recommendðtl~~ for acc approval to amond the J\bllndoncù Vehiclo Policy of Collit!r t:ounty by est/;bllshlng ð schedule for omcnding the rotation list and eatablish1ng' a responso time for contrðctors OB contained in tho Executive Su~mary datod 5/1.t/62. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner WQnz~1 ðnd carried unanimously, thðt the Abðndoned Vehiclo Policy of Collier County be ðmendcd as described lIbove. Pðqe .. 3 aOOK 069 PACE 89 - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - -- - --. -- --- - - ------ - --- --- (3) ,..-- ----.-., ".... i ...__..._-_.._-~.- ~ :(J i i;' . , .. -~- -- -- - - ---- - - - - - -- - -- - - --- -- - - - - - - - - -- ..... I-WI 25, 19fJ2 ~OOK 089 PACE 96 REPL1\T 01-' tw1f11'1CO AEl\CH UNTT 'TWE~JTY-SIX 1\S REcor<DED IN PL^T noO!( 12, P1\GES 92 ¡IIHOUGH 94 OF TI¡E PUBLIC RI:COnDS OF COLLIER COUNTY - I\PPROVf.D SUBJECT TO STIPULATION (11IDEAh'1\Y OElICH) Plannor Loe Layne roferred to the Executive Sumary dðted 5/~/P2 regording tho requost to replnt Marco Beach Unit Twenty-Six ao rccorded in Plat Dook 12, p.::JqÐs 92 through 94 of tho public records of Collier County. She said that the Engineering D6partment hðs reviewed the roquest and recommended ~pproval subject to the stipulation thðt the replat not be rccorded until the improvements hðve been completed or the surety is ~sted. She noted that a lettor h~s beon received indicating thðt the l10t con5tructio~ security roforred to in the Exocutive Summary hð9 becn wIthdrawn. Commissioner Wcnzol moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse Dnd carried unnnlmouoly, that the replnt of tw1/.1fCO AClIch Unit 'TWenty-Six as rccorded in Plðt ßook 12, pl1gcs 92 through 94 of tho public records of Collier County, be approved subject to the 5tlpulðtlon thnt tho replat not be recorded until the in,provcmp.nts have been comploted or the surcty is postf!d, Ðnd that the Chðlrman be iwthorizcd to sign and the Cl~rk t~ ~ttnst the Construction and Maintcnðnce lIgrcemcnt of Subdivi- sion ImprovementD. PðC'Je 44 --.. --- - -- - --- -- - -..- - - - - - - - - - -,...- - - - - - - - - - - -. . . I. '..... " ,. ItJ '...' -"j \ 411]- ~ ... .: ~. t~' ..' tE: . I '......,~, ~j . , ----,--,.--- ------------------_.,-- ------ -- ,-- --- - - -- --, ~ðY 25, 19f12 ~OOt\ 069 rACE 100 FIN^L PLAT RE PETITION FP-B2-3C, E^GLE CREEK GOLF ^ND TENNIS CLUB - APPn,OVED SUBJECT TO STIPUL^TION planner Loe Laync eKplained retitlon FP-82-3C, filed by Eagle Crack Golf and Tennis Club, requesting final plðt npprovð\ stating that tho Engineering Dr.partmcnt has r~vlewed tho petition and recommends approvðl subject to the stipul~tion that the final plat not be recordcd until required improvements are mðdc and accepted or until npproved security is received ond approved. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel ðnd carried unanimously, that final plat re pctition FP-82-3C, be approved subject to tho aforementioned stipulntion nnd that the Chðirman be authorizod to sign and the Clerk to attest the Construction and Mnin- tenance ^greemcnt of Subdivision Improvr.ments. PðC C C S , , ----------------------------------------- . . I, II --~ . ~. ..... ,',,- .'. . ' . .. . . , ~1 I . , . -- ------- -- - ---- - --- - - --- - --- - ----- - -- --.. - - -- Mny 25, 1~f1' BOOK 069 PACE 104. ....At ll:SO A.M. Deputy Clerk Skinner wos replðced by Deputy Clork Kcnyon·~·· PEt.ICAN DAY'S CONTIUDUTIONS RE /'1EETIHG TilE L1\ND DEDIC1\TION RF:OUInE.~ENT8 OF THE COLLIF.R COUNTY ôf.!lCII ACCESS ORDINANCr. AND TIIEIR CONTINUING OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE P¡\HKING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNf.R ACCESS SITE. OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED. Mr. Torry Virta, Community Dovclopmcnt Director, 6tnted thnt this request is f~r tho Board to rocognize that Pelican Day hoa more than met the rftquircment8 of the ne~ch Accoss Ordinance pertaining to Collier County by the dcdicðtion of a five acre northwestern site, the 36 acre Clam Pass Park, in addition to ðpproxlm~tely 570 acres of bCbCh which were not originally included in the original rUDe Mrs. Evelyno UlWl'lðctcr, /Hlked, beforo the RCC "ccepts thnt the ordinance has beon fulfilled, how tho south ond of the beach will be used, to which Ch~irmon Wimer st~tcd that" permit has boon recoived and the land hos been dccdpd to the County, adding that they arc required to develop 120 pnrking Gp~con in tho five acre sito nt the north end, which completes thoir obligation in the north end. He reported that in the south end, thoro would be a boardwalk access which would bo maintllincd in its natural state. Chairman Wimer stated thi1t this Is simply rúferring to tho Pn~ch Accoss Ordinance, not tho Boach Accft&S St ud y. Hr. Mike Zcwolk, North N~ple9 Civic Association, questioned if any help was going to be obtained from the Pelican Bay people for an access to thft 36 acres. lie reported thðt no one clln be L~ndlocked from land. Chairman Wimer stated that Pelican Bay people hðve been more than .¡ cooperative on b~~ch acccss, librarios, and on being ðn Integral part of the community, adding that they have worked with tho County pag. 4 6 _~_______________~~-~~--~---------------1 " . ... '0·"'" "," ~ ¡... -1 -- ..å-__ ., ' --.--- - ----~_.- - - -~~._-- - - ,---,-- --- - - -- - ---- MlJY 25, 19A2 Commission end Staff end hav_ been co~tinuing to worr. with tho County on the beach ðCCe!lD on the north ðn" the park lICCO!lS on tho south. lie stated that he assumeD that PQlic~n Dðy will continue to work with the County, adding thðt they have bnen mere than cooperative And have more than fulfilled their obligations. Th~ro being no further discussion, Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried unanImously, that Pelican Bay's contributions rc meetinq the land dedication requirements ~f the Collier County Belich Access Ordinðnc9 al'.J their continuing obligation to provide parking at the northwest corner access site, be officially roc 09 n i zed . TR-81-2-C, HARNEY BAXLEY, REQUESTING A SECOND 3-~ONTH EXTENSION TO ^ TEMPORARY Rf.SIDENCE PERMIT or~ TR^CT 113, UNIT 14, GOLDEN G!,TE SSTA"ES. APPROVED. Mr. Joff Porry, ZQning Directvr, stated thnt this is II requdst for £I Becond )-rnonlh extonsion to a tempornry rosidenco permit. Commissioner Wenzel moved, Geconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried un~nimously, that petition TR-RI-2-C, BlIrney Baxley, requesting an extension to ð tempor~ry residence permit on Tract 113, Unit 14, Golden Gate Estates, be approved. TR-8l-6-C, MICII^EL SHIELÚ:;, I1FC:Jf.STJNG A SECOND )-HONTII EXTENSION TO ^ TENPORARY RSSIDENCE PERMIT ON h' 150', TR!lCT 36, UNIT IS, GOLDEN CATE ESTATES. lIPrROVED. Commissioner ~enzcl moved, seconded by Comminsioner Kruse And carried unanimously, that petition TR-8l-6-C, Michðel Shields, requcstl~g a second 3-month extension to ð temporary residence permit on W 150', Tract 36, Unit IB, Gold~n Gato Estðtes, be approved~ PAgO 4' '~: 600K 069 PACE 105 r -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- --- ip; .-ø I , . , - - - - -- - - - -- - -- -- - - -... - - - -- ------------------.... M.1 Y 25, ] 9 A 2 ðOOK 069 PACE 1.JJ6 TR-8l-9-c, ClIROL N. Cnll""M, nEQUESTING ^ SECOND )-p.lONTII EXTF:NSION TO A TEMPOPlIRY nES J ,)ENC f. PERM IT ON W 1/2, TllllCT IS, UN IT 0, COLDEN CATE EST^TES. APPROVED. ComminRioner Wenzel moved, scconded by Commissioner Krune and cArricd unanimoualy, that Petition TR-81-9-C, Carol N. Graham, requesting ð second 3-mollth oxtonnion to a tomporary residence pornlit on W 1/2, Tract 15, Unit n, Golden Gato Estates, be approved. TR-Bl-II-C, C. WILLI"'" HOWARD, Rf.OU!::rïTING /IN EXTENSION TO A n:MPORlIRY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON 5 180', UNIT 7, TR/lCT 2~, GOLD~N GATE ESTATES. ApPROVED. Commi5sioner Brown moved, Bocondcd by Commissioner Kruse and carried unðnimou5ly, that Petition TR-Bl-ll-C, C. WilliDm !!owðrd, requosting an extension to ~ tcmpor~ry residence permit on S 180', Unit 7, Tract 2~, Colden Gate Esté1tp.s, be é1pproved. RESOLUTION R2-Gf! RE PETITION ;'Nll-P.2-2C, DF.L,'fON^ CORPORATIO~J, REQUESTING STREET NlIMf. APPROVlIL FOR M^TNSATL DRIVE /lNO SC1100NER WAY LOCAT~D IN "',ARCO SI!Or!E~; rLM1NF:O Uti IT rH:Vf:r.OPI'crn. ADOPT!':£). Lee Lðyne, Pl~nncr, ~tðtcd th~t this requcst ie to ðpprOVÐ the strcet names Mains~il Drive ^nd Schooner Way for Marco Shores Planned Unit Development, ðdding thðt. there lire no simll<lr sounding names. COlnmissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor ðncJ carried unðnlmounly, that Resolution A2-~8 r6 petition SNR-82-2C, Dt!ltona CorpoL"l\tion, requestinCJ strect ni:lme npproval f.H Moin8ðll Drive and Schoonor Wny locðtod in M~rco Shores Planned Unit Development, be ðdopted. PðgO 48 ------ - - - - -- ---- - - -- - -.-- - -- - - - - - ."- -- - - -- - -.. 'to: ~ ' , .,... .' I. 6 I " t , ~) ---------------- ---- -- - - ---- - - ---.- -- - - - - - --- I",<"y 25, 19f12 r,tcit 069 PACE108 ,-., 1(,'1, RESOLUTION 82-69 RE INTENT TO HOLf) " HrFEnENOUM TO rROVIDf. M^TCHING FUNDS UNDER THE - 5^VE OUR CO,\ST- PíWGRMI AND HIDIC"T£ TO TilE DEF¡\HTMr.NT OF NATURAL RESOURCES A WILLINGNESS TO DEVELOP, OPER^TE ^WD MAINT^IN THE ST.'l'E. ADOPTED. Mr. Terry virt~, Community Developmcnt Director, stated that this request is to reaffirm the ecc intent to hold a ~~ferendum to provide motching funds under tho -Sðve our Coðst- progrnm and to indicato to tho Department of Natural Resourcefi the County'o willingn~gß to devolop, operllto and m"int"ln the site, lidding thðt it pertains to th" -Sðve our CoðstR grant ðpplication for the sito known as Naples Cay. He stated that preliminary indication hðs bc~n given that the site i~ suitable for the priority list. Commissioner Plstor moved, B~cQndcd by Commlssionnr Brown and carried unanimously, th~t Resolutlon 02-(,9 rc intent to hold ð referendum to ~rovide matchIng funds undcr tho RSave our Coast- program, be adopted and to indIc~~e to the Department of Natural ReGources a w~llinq~css to dëvelop, oporato ond mðlntaln the aite. Pago 49 ------------------~---------------------- . ' I.. ',~ .' I, G I . ( #) . , _.L!- ___ - - - -- -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -'- -' ~ 069 I'AtE11D M,]y 7.5, ) 9"' .......... nOCOSB 12:00 Noon - Roconvonod 1:30 P.tl. .......... RESOLUTION 02-70 ESTM\LISHItlG ^ 20 MPH SPEED LIMIT ON 1.,1.,'<EWOOD BOULEV^RD BETWEEN DF.ACflh'OOD L^KF: DRIVE ""10 "'''R''THON COURT. "DorTED. Commissioner Pistor ~oved, ßocondod by Commissioner Wcnzel ðnd carried unanimously, that Renolution 82-70 estðbl1shing a 20 MPn speed . limit on [~kcwood Boulevard be~wcen ßcðchwood Lako DrivQ ond MarðthQn Court, be adopted. Page SO - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - -,: - ~ ~.- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -..,. ~ . ',"',-' .'," I . . _.:..:..----- -------.------------ -- ---..------.-- ..-..- - ----.. Móy 7.5, 19"2 r,oo:t 069 fAC€112 COI~TRl\CT RE BID 1571 l\WflRDED TO IIIGHWflV p^VrRS, INC. IN THI:: l\MOUNT OF $225, Bõl. liO FOR TilE Cm~S'T'HUCTIO!J OF PH":'è: 1 I OF Tllf. nAYVr EW P}\HI< PROJECT WITH TilE STIPULl\TION Till'," TilE B1:D IS ACCEPTABLE TO THF: DEPARTMENT OF N^TURflL R~~0URCE5. Legal notice hðving been published in tho Napl~8 Daily NewS on May 3, 1982, ðS evidenced by Affidavit of Publicðtion filed with the Clerk, bids woro receivod for Bid '5;1, Bayvlew PlIrk Site ImprovementD, until 2 I 30 P. M., I'll'! Y 1 9, 1 9 0 2 . Cliff f\ðrk:;dc11e, Public ;';orxs }I,dlT\inistrator, stoted thðt this item Wð8 to a~ard the co~tr"ct tor the construction of Phose II of the Bðyvlew Park project. lie stilted that the first phðSO of drE'dging the ch~nnel to the m~in channcl hllG heon completed, adding that the second phasc would be for the boat ramp, parking, ðnd restroom fncilitics. He concluded by stating th~t it Is the Staff recommendation that Highway Pavees, Inc. bo awarded the bid in the amount of $225,P~1.~O as low bidder, with the condition that the Bid is acceptable to the DNR as they arc funding two-thirds. ! Commissioner Wonzol moved, seconded by Commissioner Krusc and carried unanimously, that th& contract re ßid .571 be awar.dad to Highway Pavers, Inc. in the amount of $225,"11j1.60 for the construction ot pnase 11 OL lhe Eðyvicw F",:- ;',.::.j::::::' .:~ =~,=,:,m",,.n-ipr! hy the Public Norks Administrator liS being the low bidder lInd in the best interest of the County, with tho ntipulðtion th~t tho Did Is ncccptnble to the DNR. PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION INFORM~TION PRCCESSING 5YSTE~ REPORT BY DR. RUTH THOMAS - APprWVED MoJO ACC1:PTFD Cliff Bðrksdðlc, Public Works ^dmlnlstrðtor, stntcd that this ) þ 0 requo~l is to receive and ðpprovo the report by Dr. Thomas. 116 stated thnt Dr. Thornðs was ðuthorizod to conduct ð study of the Public Works P&ge 5~ ------------.. ------~---------------------- '. . ,. .... . ., t::=1 - ...... \ ,..... --- . ., ' - - - -- - - - - -- - - _.-:.:...- - - - -- ::.....:...:.. - - -,' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..-- Ma y 2 5 , 1982 Division which has boon completed, edding thðt the funds nre programmod in the Budgot for 1982-83. Commissionor Wenzel movod, secondod by Commiß8ioncr plutor and carried unanimously, that the ÐCC approve ðnd ðccept the Public Works Division Information ProcoBRing syutem Report by Dr. Ruth Thomð£). Chairman Wimer thanked Dr. Thomas for the continu~ng ~ood work for the Ct'unty. WATER WELL PERMIT NO. 65.490 FOR ONE 4" W^TER WELL, DONALD T. CUNNINGII^M, SECTION 12, Ta...¡NSIIIP 5l SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST. APrp,OVED, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS. Cliff Barksdale, Public Works Administrator, stated thðt ~his is a recommendation to issue a pcrmit for a 4- water wall which will be used at the Naples Isle project on the East Trail to supply water for the proposed wðtcr treatmont facility for a mobile home subdivision. He roported that tho reason this is comin~ before the Bonrd is that Water Management recommended it due to ð letter from Mr. ~erzon, Utilities Mðnager, that states that any use of tho propo6~d well DS ð source of potable wðtur ~upply to tho proposnd developmont should be reviewed by the Planning Department. plDnning Commi5sion, Ctilities Division, and "rf'!",,'!~d by t~'.:' !:'e'e', ~~~i~'J t~~t th~ l~tt~!" ~l!!~ <It:..t:nR thflt IJ~Ð of thf! well ðS ð p0~ðhle watcr supply must be regarded 08 an interim source until centrol wiltcr service i3 dvðllðblr. to the areo. Mr. Berzon, Utilities Manager, statcd that the project camo to h13 att~ntioll last October, at which tinle he rosponded to the developer indicðting th~t thcre was no pres~nt w~ter sorvice, but would be in the future, adding that further consideration of the project nhould go through the various ðgencies as well as the Utilities Division in Page 52 Ma~ 069 PACEÜg :~ ~:), ----------------------------------------- I 't , - - -'- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- .- - -- -- - - - - _:.- - - --, --- - - - - -- - - -. !'lay ?5, lqf12 '~OD); 069 rACt11~ making wator lIvnllable. 110 stÞted that thp. nf'!X~ time anything wal!l . hoard ra thc pr~joct, it was coming beforc the Wator Manðgcmont Beard for a pot~ble woll permIt, ðdðing that ho felt tho Wat4r ~nnðqemQnt Board should bc ðdviRcd of thc concern and tho Board should be aware that this should only bo considored as an intorim facility and ahould meet all other requirements. Chairmðn Wimer questioned if there was ðny problcM with issuing the permit with tnc 6tipul~tions, to which Mr. Bcrzon replied that he has no obj~ctions to the well or the issuing of the well permit, adding that he wants to be sure that Donðld Cunninqham is aware that this is ðn interim facility. Commi9nioner w~nzcl movcrl, seconded hy Commissonor Kruse and carried unanimously, that Wntcr Well Permit No. ~5.~90 for ono 4- water well, Donald T. cunningham, Section 12, Township 51 South, nanqo 26 East, be approved subj~ct to the following stipulations: 1. Copy of driller's log shall be submitted to the County Engineer. 2. Copy Qf water nn~lY5iG regarding water quality shall be submitted to the County Engineer. EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.1~3, CrNT~NARO INDUSTRIAL PAR~, S~CTION 10, TO...tNSIHP <11' SOUTH, RM-Jr,F; 210. EI\ST. APPHOVED, SUPJECT TO STIPULATIONS. Cliff ßarksdale, public Works Administrator, 3tatod thðt he recommends ðpprovðl of Excavation Permit No. 59.143 with the st3ff st.ipulatlons. , " , Commissioner pistor moved, ~econded by Commißsioner Wenzol ðnd carried unanimously, Lhat Excavation Permit No. 59.143, Ccntonaro 1ndustrial pork, Section 10, Township 4B South, Ronge 25 taRt, be approved subject to the follo~ing stlpul~tions: Pðg e 53 --~--------------~---?------------------ , . I. ~i ~ :~ 'I' ~ ,..', . , I -, -- ,- - - - - - -- --- - :..- - -- - - -.- -- -- -- - - -- - - ----- --- t<lð y .2 5 , I 982 1. All npplicable proviAions of Excavðtion Ordinance No. 60-26 shall be ðdhcred to. 2. ~o off-sIte diocharqc of groundwatot unless pormitted by South Florida Water ~~n^gement Di&trict. 3. ^11 ~xcavated material is to rp.main on the project aite. 4. The depth of tho loke excðvation is limited to elevðtion O.ONGVO. PURCIIASE OF POUT!\BLE VIDCO TAPING SYSTEM fon SECOND1\IW RO,r.,DS SYSTEM APPROVED. BUDGET AMENDMENT NOT TO EXCEED THE UNIT QUOTE BY HARMON PIIOTO IN Tin:: JI,r-,OUNT Of $1900. no - TO p.f. PREPMŒD Commi~sionQr Brown moved, scconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carriod unanimously, th~t a video taping ~Y5tcm for secondnry roads systems be approved for purchaso in an amount not to exceed the unit quote by Hormon Photo in the amount of Sl9no.OO and that a Budget Amendment in the amount of S1900.00 be proparcd to purchase the unit with Socondary Roads fund9. RESOLUTION B2-ìl RE 1\PP¡WVAL }\ND l\U1!IOIlIZATIGN FOR TilE FUNDING APPL1CATION FROM TilE fLonrDA BO^TTNr. JMPUOVEHENT PROGRAM FOR ESTM\LISHHENT Of AODITION,\L RE:'Tf1ICTf.D [lOl\TING ZONES. l\DOPTED. Commissioner Brown moved, ßcconded by Commissioner Pis~or and cùrrled unanimously, that Resolution ß2-ìl ra approvðl and authorizðtion for the funding application from the Florida Boating Improvemcnt pro~ram for estðblishm~nt of additional restricted boðting zones, be ðdopted and tho ChðirmDn authorized to execute aaid resolution. Page 54 ~oo:{ 069 rAtE 11~ "., ":'" - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -, - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - --- ~ - - ........'", ~...-. ..--------... - - ...- .-.- .- - -.. -... - :1' .. ~ .....- -- - .-. - - - - -- -. ...- - - -- - -- -. - -- - - Ma y 2 5 , 1 9 R 2 REPORT I\ND RECOMMENDATION ON IIENDERSON CREEl< CMII\L ^ND WF.IR PRESF.NTED BY MH. DARKSDAL£, PU~LIC WOHI<5 "DMINISTH"'I'OR. NO 1\CTION 'I'M<EN. Cliff B3rk~doIÐ, Public Works 1\ðm~nißtrðtor, stated th~t last year wh.n tho consultant preparcd his report, he gðvO several alternðtivßs on how to ch~nge tho weir ond then summed it up by stating that it was his recommendation thðt nothing be done with the weir until it hos been op~rated for ð longer period of time. Mr. Barksdale stated that tho little weir in tho ennt ditch line hOG boon lowÐred to the same OG the west ditch line. H~ reported t~at the con~ultant pointed out th~t the problem waG in the up3treðm chðnnel, adding that a profile of the bottom of the chðnncl from the weir to 1\lllgðtor 1\lley hes been completed. lie tllso noted that the low flow condition ðt the crest of the we ir at 41 was studied, ,1dd i ng that at thðt elevation the weir hðs capacity of 244 CFS, but only pllGSCS fir, CFS and at 5ðbðl pa 1 m , tho woir only paS6CG 21 CFS. He r~portcd thðt the pipes in theso are~8 wore also studied. He stated that the channel is restricting the flow through that orca ðnd that tho weir has much greater capacity than the channel can deliver to it. Hc rcltcrllt~d that in the Water Management Budget thore is $150,000 proposed to imprüve the ch~nnel from the bend to Saba1 Palm Road. lie noted that therÐ are some holes in the chl'lnnel an deep as 16 or IS feet and then othp.r areas, tho rock WI'IS just skimmod off the top, which drðsticcJl1y effects the flow. He reported thðt when the channel WðS constructed just north of 41, it was 60 foet wide and mðlntðincd 60 foot at the cross 6cctionto tho bend and then decrcðscd to 34 fect wide, adding that in order to nhnpß the chðnnel and h~vc n constont flow, it is rocommended that 0 ~O foot wide chl'lnnel to Sabðl Pðlrn Road bo reconstructed, which would olao mean replacing Page 55 BOOK 069 PAGE117 --------------------------------------:---- " --_.--~."- Ib <,' / , . , .-:..:.. - - - -- - - - - - --- -- - - -- -- -- - - -_. - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - --" MOl( 069 fA~t 118 M"'y 2~, 19P.2 the plpus with five 4xû prc-f.::Jbric~tcd box culvcr.ts. Chairman Wimer thanked Mr. Rðrksdðle for his roport ~nd indicðtod that there was no board action rcquired. PAY ADJUSTMENTS FO!~ FIVE "",EI",ßERS OF THE PROFESSIONAL f.NGINF:F:RING STAFF OCCUPYING POSITIONS !DF.NTTFIED AS ENGINF:r:R III, ENGINE:ER IV AND DIRECtOR BY ADVANCING THESE f.MPLOVf.ES FOllR !;TEPS \'I'I'I'tlHJ TIIF.IR PRESENT PAY GRADF:, TIIF.Rt-:f.\Y RESULTING IN A lO~ rAY I.NCRr::ASF:. APPROVr.D. Mr. Barksdale, Public \';orks ^dminiRttðtor, Ðtðted thDl this roquost is for approval of a pay ~djustmont for professional Enginoors in the Public Works DIvl3ion. Thore beIng no discussion, COmmlg51on~r PIstor moved, neconded by Co~missioner Krusc and carried unnnimously, that PðY ðdjustmcnts for five members of thu pro(ession",l engineering staff occupying positions identified ðS Lnginccr III, F.nglneer IV and Diroctor by advancing these employees (our stops within their prc~ont Pay Grade, thereby resulting in a 10' pay incrcð6c, be ðrprov~d. ^PPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION GRANTCD RE TilE nr.CORDING OF TilE PL1\T OF PORT-AU-PRINCE SUI\DIVrSlOtJ AIm ACCF:PTANCf. OF TRUST DEEDS FOR LOTS IN SAID SUßDIVISIO~ Fon rURP05~S OF RECORDING, P~NDING CONFIRMATION BY LEGAL DEPAItT/<'\r.NT. Cliff Barksdðlo, Public Works 1\dminlstrntor, r.tðted thðt hu WðS asking for DpprovDl and ðuthoriz~tjon for the recording of tho Plat of Port-Au-Prince. Commissionor Wonzel moved, Gccondod by CommisRi~ner Piator and carried unðnlmously, thAt ðpprov^l ðnd ^cthorizðtlon bo granted ro the recording of the plilt of Port-Au-Prince fiubdivinion ðnd trust doeds tor lots ir. sðid subdivision for pU~po3CS of recording, be accepted, ponding confirmðlion by tho Lcgal Departmont. Page S6 -----------------~--~------~------------, . ',01' . I, .' - -- --- - - .-- -- ~- - - -- - - - - ---- -.- ----------:---- .. c:::J ~ .-!'j .0 " ' ,------------------~---~~--------------~-- May 25, 1982 ~ì Lt1\SE PURCIIM'r. AGREEMENT W tTII F.:Mt:Il.CENCY ONr. OP' OCAL.A., FL. Fon THE 1\COUISITION OF A OUtCK RESPONSE HINI PUMPER IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEEP $42,000 FOR THE OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL DI5TRICT. APPROVED. Co~~1ssioner Wenzel moved, scconded hy Commla~ioner Kruse and carried unan1mously, thðt the LoaBO Purch~ee Agreement with r~ergency One of Qcðla, Fl. for t~e acquisition of ð quick rcsponsQ mini pumper 1n an amount not to exce2d 542,000 for tho Ochopeo Fire Control District, ba approved. (No Leð5ft purchaso Agreement received by the Clerk of ßOðr~'~ offico.) ~LUTION B2-72 OPPOSING -SUN~ETTING- OF EMS STATUTE. ADOPTED. Commissioner Wonzel moved, seconded by Commissioner piator ðnd carried unanimously, that Pesolutlon 82-72 opposing -sunsetting- of EMS statute, be ðdoPt~d. / Page 57 ~om; 069 fACEi:19 '. · ... " ~ :.~ :-~ '.. '. . . .~ (']) , ,-------, j [~.,-1 ~ ~~ ".:' . .. . _ _ _ _ _ _ __.._ _ _ _ ---' _ _ _ _ _ _'--:" _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __._ _ _ _ _4 _ __...__ M.'I Y 2 S , I 9 n ~ BID 1572 FOR Sf.i\f.R LINE HOOKUP OF COUNTY DUILDINCfi, INCLtJDING TilE CHILD CARE CENTER IN IMI'WI<ALt:f:, A''¡^R(;ED TO CIIM1LIE BR~.,.tl'S PLUMBING IN THE ^MOUNT QF $3,607.50 Legðl notice hðvlng been published in the Naples Daily Nows on May 11, 1902, as evidenced by ^ffidavit of publication filed with the Clork, Lids were received tor Bid 1572, tor Bower line hookup of County B u 11 ding sun t il 2: J 0 P. M ., Me) Y 24, 198 2 . Commi~sionor Wenzel moved, sccondcò by Commi5EIoner Brown nnd carried unanimously, thðt Bid eS72 for sewer 11n~ hookup of County Buildingn, Includln1 the Child Cðre Center in Immoknlee, be ðwarded to Charlio Brown's Plumbing in the amount of $3,607.50, DS recommended by the Purchðsirlg Director to be the low bidder ðnd in tho best interest of tho County, and that th~ Chairman be authorIzed to sign ðnd the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. BIDS '5*'S Eo tSf)(-; fOR TilE RECONSTRUCTION OF GOODLF:TTE ROAD AND THE EXTENSION Of COLDEN GAT" PAIU:\..AY, ,a.\'AROED AS A COMBINED BID TO ~'^CASPHALT, INC. IN THE "''',OUIIT OF $//1('0,"12."5 Legal notice h.:\Vinq bcen published in the Naplf1s Dðily Ne....ø on April 6, and 8, 1982, as evidenced by ^f~idavlt of publlcDtlon filed with the Clerk, bids w~re received for B1dB t565 Dnd tS~6 for the reconstructIon of Goonlette Ro~d nnd tha extension of Golden Gate Pðrkwðy until 2:30 P.M., ~^y 5,1982. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried ~nanimously, thnt ßid~ '565 Dnd 'S~6 for the reconstruction of Goodlotte Road nnd tho extonsion of Gold~n Gðte Park....ðy, be ðwardod ðC ð combined bid to l"ðc^sph,11t, Inc. in the amount of $2,1(;0,412.45, as rccommonded by the Purch~sing Director to bo the low b~dder. Fundin9 for thuae ro~d projectB is ðv~ilðble through tho St~te Road Bonda Fund. Çlaqe 58 MOK 069 PACE121 .- - - - - -. - - - - -. - - -:-- - - ..- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- ....- - - --- - - - --- I I . . .' 1:.... - -....."..------ ---- -' - --- -.-.- --- - - --- - - -.- - --.- - - - - .' - - -. ~ MlI Y 2 5 , 1 9 R 2 ~OK 069 PACE1U REQUEST BY THE COUNTV EMPLOVEf.S I enF:DIT UNION FOR US~ OF SURPLUS PROFERTY ITE~S APPROVeD, sunJ~CT TO STIPULATION. eommißsioner Brown moved, Gecondcd by Commiosioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, thot the request by the County Employees' Credit Union for use of the surplus proporty items (On~ victor Cðsh Register, County Prðpcrty No. 45l9, SIN lS7l545 and Ono Shðw-Wðlkor Snf~, County pr~porty No. B3B(,), be ðpprovcd, ßubject to the stipulntlon that the items will be rcturnrd to the County for future di~posal when no longer need ed . OFFICE SPl\CE DES rGNJ\Tf.D AS ml IT U. s. 41, Fon \lOUSING 1'Hf. I'C:<TH SHERIFF'S DEPMITME:NT, APpnOVED. CONTR¡\CTUAL AGRRf~ENT FOR S~~~. A-4, LOCATED AT 10(;1'11 ¡\VENUF:, NOI1TH Mom NJ\PLf.S SUôSTATION OF THF. COLLIER COUNTY Ci\!\ I R~M'¡ ^U1'IIOR I ZED 1'0 ENTfR INTO Cot:1missioner Wenzel Inovcd, sccondeò by Cot:1mlssloncr Kruse and carried unanimously, that tllc BoiHd acknowlcdC)e the SpðCO ðnd sccurity needs of the Sheriff's Dcportt:1ent and thðt the Chairmðn be ðuthorized to onter into ð contractual ðgrccmcnt to secur~ the office space designated as unit A-4, loc~tcñ at ]Ohth ^vcnU~, North and U.S. 4l. (No Contractual Ageeemcnt rcceived by Clerk of ßoðrd'a office.) nee AUTHORIZES PURCHA:;ING DIRECTOR TO AUCTION t;URPLUS EQUIPMENT FROM VARIOUS DEPARTMfNTS, PER LIST SUDMITTfO. Mr. Ed Smith, l\drnini9ttative Serviccs Director, Qtðtf'!d that tho surplus list should include five additional itet:1s frcm Animnl Control and he is requesting ðuthoriz~tion for the cu~todlan of SurpluS Proporty, tho purchðsing Director, to auction the surplus oquipment. Commissioner Wcnzel movod, seconded by Commission Brown and carried unanimously, that tho BCC authorize the purchasing Director to Auction surplus equipment from the vnriouß dcpðrtmenta per the submittcd list. rage 59 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -.- -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -, ' . ,.'.;, , ,: " . L.-J ....- ~-........ ~ ..,.-'---, \, , (~: Ç) oj " ,}. --------------- - .__ - - - - '-I- ,_ _ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Mðy 25, 19R1. CONTR^CT TO PROVIDE TITLE XX IIOME",AKER'3 SEIWICF.S DURINC S1'^TE rISC^L YE^R 82-63. ^PPROVEDl CII^IRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN NF.CESp....RY CONTR^CT "SSUR1\NCE FORM. Mr. ~n Norton, CET" Director, stðted that ho is requesting Doðrd approval of Titlo XX lIomcmðkor's Scrvl~os contract. He tndicðt~d that there was a correction in tho Title XX funds, adding that it should read $40,557 instead of S40,~B(' which would mðkR tho local match $4,(,50 instead of $4,52l, n difference of S129. Commissioner Wnnzel moved, 3f!condod by COlnmi:r:.si,on(J[ Kruse and carried unanimously, that the ACC opprove tho contract to provide Title XX Homemaker's servicos during State Fiscal Year B2-A3 and that the Chairman be authorized to sign tho nocossary Contrðct Assurðnco form. '~ pag_ ÇO 80~r' G69 ~.\:f US 'j -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ,-;-- t.~ r;;;" r-:-"li ,~ ~ ~~~ I¡' _. 'I " e . r'," " ,- - --- - - - -- - - -"- - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - -, -' - - - - - - - - -- !'lay 25, 19R2 GRANT ^PPL lC^TION TO CONTHIUE FUNDINC FOR THE COMMUNITY C.'.RE FOR THE ELDERL'x' PROGRAM _ I\ppnOVED, ClI^IR!'I1\1'1 AUTH()RtzED TO SIGN 5^ID ^PPLICI\TION, COMMITMENT OF C1\f,H~CII, 1\ND AS~UR^NCE FORM!'. Commissioner Wenzel movcdt;seconded by CQmmlssioner piato. and carded unanimously, that the Doðrd approve the Grnnt application to continuo funding for the Community Cøre for the Elderly proqrðm and that the Chðirmðn be authorized to sign said application, commitmont of' cash match and ðSBurðnce forms. Page 61 ~OOK 069 PACE 125 ,fÕ)) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -.,-- - -- - - - -.- - - - --- ., II ,r.-;, \!) :-. .._:1 ---.. I.'"' ,f -- '. ' r. . ._-----------~--------~~------------------ f t'.ðy 25, 19R2 PROJECT ^GREEI'IENT W IT II THE 5T^TE OF FLOR I D^, DEPARTMENT OF N^TUn^L Rt:SOURCEr., FOR ';IIE £,EVELOPMENi OF B,\iVIEH PARK - APPROVEDl CH^IRM.a.N AUTHORIZED TO EXf.CUTE S"ME. Commiscionor Wenzol movod, secondo¿ by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the Bee enter into a project agreement with the State of Florida, Dcpðrtment of Natural Resources, for the development of Bayview P~rk, and that the Chairman be authorized to executa sð1d project ð~rec~ent. Pnge 62 MDJ{ 069 rACE13S - - - -- - - '- - - - - - --- -- - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- " --_......--..-~,. .- C-.:.:I c.1 '0 ~_ ~_. ,...J f!j\ " . ".. , .. --.- --- -- ------- ...-------- . . -------"-- - - - - --- --- -- !'IllY 25, 19f12 PROJECT COMPLETION CER'iIFIC!\TE OF TilE FLORID" "RTIFICIAt. FISHING HEEF PROGRAM FOR TlIE RIG fo\AHCO P^55 REEF. "PPROVF.O. eommiosioner Brown moved, 8ac~nded by CommiÐsioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, thot tho ace approve tho project completion certificate of the Floridô Artificial Fishing Reef program tor tho Big Marco PðSS Roef. Page 63 MOK 069 r"~E1J9 . __ _ _ ____ __- ___- ________----------------0:--- ., -' '-4, L............ ,......... .............y.. ;--, " -- - - - - . -----~-- -~ -- ------- -----~-.:- "'ðy 25, 1982 EXECUTION OF AN I\GRF:f:MENT WITII n. J. ROSS ^S50CJ^TES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES M; REt.I\TED TO HV;\C IMPROVEMENTS, PHASF. II - ^PPROVED ^T II FIXED R^TE OF 9' OF THE TOTI\L CONSTRUCTION CO~TS, PLUS S5,2~O FOR ^DDITIONAL STUDIES. Commissioner Wenzel moved, ~econdcd by Com~i8sioner Pistor and 'Cit carried unðnimously, that tho Doard execute an agreement with H. J. RODS ^s80clatcs for profes!lionðl sorvices as related to IIV^C J Improvemonts, Phase II at ð f.ixed rate of 9' of the total construction costs, plus $5,2BO for additional studies. Pðg8 64 I ~OOK 069 PACE 141 - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- " " -~.-"".." I t , --------------'--.-- ---------- ------- --- _..- - - -- MI'lY 25, 19R2 ~Do( 068 f'Ad50 onDINMI/Cf. R2-1\F; RE LEVYING OF TAXES FOR THE EXTENSION OF MOr.('UITO CONTROL SI::IIVICE TO GOODLI\ND Bt:CINIHNG IN 1903, AND IŒ5IDEt--:TS' WISIIES CONSIDERED REGARDItJG P"YMENT FOR ADDITIONI\L SF.R'JtCé:S IN 19fJ2 - I\DOPTED. County M~naqer Norman stated that this is ð rcco~mcndðtion regarding extension of ~o5quito Control Services to Goodland Community. Mr. Richðrd Fink, 17 W. Palm Ave. Goodland, stated that the cost for mosquito control thi~ year would be expensive for the taxpðyers of Goodlðnd but, if. approved fo~ ncxt year it ~ould be included in their taxes and would Lot be th11t much, lIddinCJ th,'t ho WðS in favor of the mosquito control servic~ for Cood1~nd. ~ommlssloncr Krusc moved, seconded by Commissioner ßrown and carried unanimously, thi)t the ;:;rdin~ncc /)9 number and entitled below, bo adopted and cntered in Ord1nßnce Book l~: orWI NI\NC E 82-1\ 6 AN ORDINANCE AHF.NDINC, ^ND EXPANDING, THE ßOUNDARY OF THE COLLIER MOS0UITO CONTROL DISTRICTl PROVIDING FOR TAXATION OF Tl\XAOLE rROPU\TY ¡'/ITHJN SUCH ADDITIONAL AREAl PROVIDING fOR DECLAHATrON Of EMEf1GENCY AND F.FF'ECTIVE DATE. REQUEST BY THE 1982 COUNTY r""PLOYEf.S CHRlf;TMAS DINNER DMlCE COMMITTEF. REQUESTING P"YMF:NT Of AN INITI^L DEPOSIT Of $100 TO RESERVE TilE ,.IOOSE LODGE FACILITIES FOR D[CEMBF.R 11, 1987, AND S36n fOR THE COST OF A R~ND PLUS $5 FOR E^CII TICKET, "ND THE A~jStJRANCE OF A M"XIMUM APPROPR1f,TION OF $2,360 IN THE 'R2-A3 ßUI:'Cn TIJ ORN:n Fon TIIF: COMMITTf.E TO PROCEED WITH ITS CURRENT PLANNTNG - APPROVED. Commissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commission~r Pistor and carried unanimously, that the RCC npprovc pðyment of ðn initial dcposit of $100 to roservc tho Mooso Lodge fncilitip.n for Dec~mber ll, 191'12, ~nd to givo ðGDUranCe that an nppropri~tion of $2,000 will be approved in tho '82-83 budget so that tho committee can prococd with ita currcnt planning, and that the DCC approve in t~o 82-83 budqot $360 for the cost of ð band plus t5.00 for each ticket, with a maximum requo8t of $23fiO. PaC C! 6S _ _.,_ ~ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:- _ _ "';""":"',~ _ _ - - -.oIf':;-- - - - - - - - - - - -- . I, ^"-~--~-"'-'''' ,.....~ C._.._l - 1......1 ... -- ----.... .. " ' ; I . _ _ _ ______ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___.. _ w~_._ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ - - - - --- May 25, 1982 ^GR~EMENT WITH UNITED TELEPHONE SYSTEM TO PROVIDE EQUIPMENT ^ND FURTHER RECOMMENDATION CONCERNING SERVICI:: FOR TilE STf\TES ^TTORULY'S OFP'ICE. APPROVED. County Manager Normun atated that tho proposed new oquipment requoGted by the Stðtos Attorney I~ lOBa Qxpensive lhan tho 20-key system option addlnq that, with the ad(\ltiona1 capabilities incorporated within the proposed syntem, it is rccommended thðt the St.JtOG Attorney be provided ....ith tho requosted equipment. lie atðted that, as to the additional lincs on the system, a comparison of the County 5witchboðrd and the State Attorney's office shows a substuntiðl difference. He concluded by stating thDt It in recom~ended that the additional services requested by the Stðtes ^ttorney be limited to 2 lines; that ð traffic nnd une study of the office by United Telephone System be conducted In order to estllblish their service necdsl and that, upon completion of the study lInd neveral months of operatiOf! with the new equipmcnt, if there lire identifiablo increases needed, they could be added at that time. Commissioncr Wcnzel moved, 5ccondcd by Commis3ioner Brown ðnd carried unðnimously, that the agreement ....ith United Telephone System to provide equipment and further recommondation concerning service for the Status Attorney's office, be ðpproved. PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION AUTll0RI7.f.D TO PROCEED \-lITI! DESIï,N AND CONSTRUC- TION OF TURN-^ROUND CUL-DE-SAC, WITH UNLOADING AND HANDICAPPED PARKING FACILITIES, ^T TilE WEST tiH'1 OF VANDErWI LT BI::^CH RO^D, FOR BEACH ACCESS PURPOSES. - County Manager ~ormðn 8tðted that this is ð rocommendation for authorization for construction for beðch access purposes ~t the west end of Vðnderbilt Beach ROðd. Pð g t' 66 eoo~ 059 PACr.151 - - - - - -...-, - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - -.....-.- ...."O,~",>''''.._,,~·,···,····,,><·~..··.''_'''''..oi.'. I II 'II . , -----,--_._-----'------- --- - - - ------ - - -- - -- - -- ---' l'Ið y 2 S , 1 9 n 2 aoOK 069 PACE152 Commißsioner Brown moved, snconded by Commissioner Henzel lInd carried unnnimously, that the PublIc W~rks Division be lIuthorized to procoed with design and conßtru~tion of turn-around cul-de-sðc, with unloading ðnd h~ndicðpped parkIng fðclllti~3, nt th~ west end of Vanderbilt Beach Road, for beach access purposes, nt tho earliest possible date. EARLY ReTIREMENT Rf.SIGNATIOt OF CIVIL DF.fENSE DIRECTOR WILLIAM WALXf.R, DUf: TO 11E^LTH RE":'O!.JS .. ^CCFPTF.D I"ITH TH:(;RET. County Manager Norman Indic~tcd he hnd received ð reßignation for early retirement from the CIvil Defcnse Director Willlðm Wnlker, duo to he1llth rcasons. Commissioner wenzol moved, sQconùed by Commlsnloner Brown Dnd c~rried unanimously, that the resignation for onrly retirement from the CIvil Dcfen~e Director William wölker, duo to health reðsons, be accepted with regret. NEIL OORRILL, I'UßLIC SEHVICES ADMINISTRATOR, APPOINTED AS ACTING CIVIL DEFf.NSE DIRECTOR. County Mðnðqcr Normnn stated th~t he is recommending that Nell Oo1'ri11, Public Service:: ",dr.dnl¡;trntor. be é\ppointod ð8 Actin9 Civil Defense Dircctor until a rcplncement cnn be found. Commissioner Brown moved, secondod by Comminsloner pistor and carried unanimously, thðt Nell Dorrill, public Services Administrntor, be appointed as Acting Civil Dcfense Director. paqe ti7 - - - - - -.- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- " I. ','" " '. - \j J .-' C::l r::J 1.,', ';¡,!; ~ " ' r'. . . " __ _~ _ _:J_ _ _ ___ __ __ _0- - -- --- . ------------------ Mð y 2!-, 19 f! 2 LICENSE ^GRF.E~\r:NT OETWEEN TilE COUNTY W^1'r.n-SEWER DISTRICT ^ND PROPERTY OWNER, LONIE POPE, Fon DEVELOPING TEST WELLS ON TR^CT 355, UNIT 12, GOLDEN G^TE Ef,l~TES - ^PPROVF.D Utilities Mðnðg~r Borzon stated thðt this is a request to authorize the licona8 ðgreemcnt for developing tost walla for potable water supply. He stated that there would be thre~ test wells constructed, adding thnt two of them are on private proporty. Commissionor Wen7.~l moved, seconded by Commlr.sionor Krusa and carrir.d unanimoualy, thnt the license agreement botwoen tho County Water-Sewer District and proporty owner, Lonie Pope, for devÐI~plng test wolls on Tract 355, Unit 17, Golden Gate Estates, be approved and the Chalrmðn authorized to execute said agreement. Page 68 MOK 069 fACE 153 - - -- - - -- _.. -- - - - - - ~- --.- -- - ----- - - - -... ---- - - - --- - -~- . :. (i.! . . : "... : ..,. ~ ~- - , ..~ I I) \~ t , :1 ----,------------ -- -----.. --------- - - -- - .- - - - - - - P":IY 2 5, 1 ')£\2 069 P~CE_ Bee DIR~eTS UTIt.ITIF.S M1\tlAGER "NO COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFiCE TO PREPARE ^ PROPOSED ORDINANCE HE THE PROPER N:I1MITTJNG Ot' SPR1\Y EFFLl1ENT FOR [lOARD ~EVIEW ON JULY 13, 19A2. Chðirm~n Wimer stated thnt he would like th~ Utilities Manager and the County Attorney's offico to prcpðro ð proposed ordinðncc ro the proper permitting of spray effluent for Coðrd review on July 13, 1982. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, th~t the Utilities Manager and the County ^ttorney's Office prCJpðro ð proposed ordinl'lncc rc the proper permitting of spray effluent for Donrd review on July 13, 1982. COUNTY REGIOtJAL W^TF.R SYSTfM WATF.R TrŒ^TMENT PLANT f>ITf. 1\CQUISITION RESOLUTIONS -.!>.DOPTED, 1\S FOLLOWS: RESOLUTICN CWS-P2-~ DE~IGNATING IRVING L. BERZON TO ^CT ON COLLI('P COIJNTY'S EWI1^LF, "I'D, Rf.SOLUTION 82-73 DESIGN^TING GEORGE F. APCHID^I.D TO ^CT ON COLLIER COUNTY'S BEH^LF. Mr. Bcrzon, Utilities ~ðnaqer, stated that these rC50lutionG, if adopted, will designate himself ðnd George F. Archibald to act on Collior County's bchðlf regarding interpretation of plDns, spacif.1cðtions, etC. for the proposed construction of tho Wc'lter Treatment Plant for the County Regional W~tcr System. Commissioner Wcnzel moved, seconded by Commisoioner pistor and carried unan1mouGly, thðt RCGolution CWS-R?-6 designating Irving L. Borzon to act on Collier County's behnlf and Resolution 82-73 designating George F. Archibald to nct on Collicr County's behalf re the County Regionðl Wðtcr System, to ndoptfd. P"90 69 ___~_________________~~-----~------------n ~ , , .;- '1 p . . - - - - - -- - - - - - --- -- - - --- -. -- - -.. - - - - - - - --- -- -- ~ II C ....J C ,J :'~~J ,; . 'I' ~". , -- - ----- --- - - - -- - -.. - - - -- ~------------------ 1'121 Y 2 5 , 1 9 e 2 PEPPERWOOD CONDC'MINIUM WATER FACILITIES ACCEPTED FOR OWNERSHIP "ND MAINTENANCE, 5E.,.,'EI1 FACILITIFS ACCEPTED FOR OWNF.Rf:Hrp "ND CI1^rRMþ.N AUTIIORIZED TO EXECUTE TilE SEHf.R FACILITIES LEASE FOR OPERATION AND M^INTEU^NCF. OF TilE f,E\o'Ir.n FACILITIES 1''f LF.L'f r.STilTF.S, INC. Mr. Borzon, Utilitios ~anðqer, stated thðt this requQst 1s for the ðcccptðncn of sewor and wðter f~cilities for rapperwood Condominium. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ristor and cðrried unanimously, thðt otho water ~facilitte8 for Pepperwood '.' () Condominium be accopted for ownorship and maintonanco, that the sower fllcil1ties, be accepted for own~rßh¡p, ðnd ~th"t the Ch"irmlln, bft authorized to execute thp. sewer facilitioß lease for operation and maintenanco of the sewer facilities by Lely ERtðtes, Inc. " r, Pa9c 70 MOK 069 PACE 159 .- " " I . , --'--------- ---.- -- - - - - - -' - -,----- - - - - - - - - - -- M,,y ? 5 , 1 I) A 2 ~ oø PACE 180 ADVERTISING ^UTHORIZED FOR ^ PUBLIC HEARING TO ßE m:LO ON .JULY 27, 1981, RE PROPOSED ~EVtStON5 TO COUNTY WATER SYSTEM USER PATES. Mr. Derzon stðted that a public hearing in requested to ðdverti80 roq~rding pror~scd roviaionn to County Water System usor rates. Commis8ioner WenzeJ moved, 6econdcd by Commißsionor Kruse and carried unanimously, that advortining be nuthorizcd for a public hoarlng to be held on July 27, 1902, rc proposcd revislon~ ~o County Wðter system usar rates. PRESENTATION OF STATUS REPORT R~ CAPRI WAT~R DISTRICT, n~COMMENDATION TO DE BROUGIIT nACK TO TilE nec nf. SAME ON JlJI.'{ l), 1982 - NO /lCrION TAKEN . Mr. Irving Derzon, Utilities Mnnager, ßtated that an ~qreement has been reached on the acquisition regarding the Capri Watnr District, adding that thero arc 3 items thnt need to be resolved. He concluded by stating that on July 13, 19A2, therc will be a favorahle recomrnendðtion modo. Mr. Gary Wilson, attorney for the Capri Water works, atated that the negotiations have been going on for two years ðnd he is looking forward to having tho mnttcr re~olved by July 13, 1932. ESTABLISHMENT OF DAn: FOR HOLDING PUDLtC Hr.MUNG nf. sr.wr.n SEIWICE AREI\S C AIm D _ DEFERREO, STJlI'f DI!u:cn:D TO PRr.SF:NT RECO/",/"If.NCATrON;' liT JULY 13, 1982, HE£TING R~ fn'\!~CliI!jE ARE/l.S, fRAtJCliISEEf" FRANCIIISOKS, 5M1PLE AGRr.EMENTS DRAF'I'ED BY TIIf. COUNTY TO SUBMIT TO PEOPLE, fiND COMMITMENT FROM PEOPL~ RE CERT^IN AREAS. Mr. Gcrzon, Utilities Mðn~ger, Indicðtod service arcas C ðnd 0 on ðn ov&rhoad mDp stating thðt he 1s rcqu~sting tho Board to sot a public 'hearing for July 13, I9R2, to provide for Dystçm dcvQlop~ent chargen for sower for sorvice orona C ond 0 of tho County Wntor-Sewcr District. Hr. Toby Càeroll, representing "'r. Sp.'1de of Rookery B¡)y Utilitio8, PlIg I!t 71 - T"" -:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -: - - -:-: ~ - - - - --"-: - -. - - - - - - - - -- " I. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -..- - - - - -- - - - -- . :.-.-.::::J ,~; -;~ ~ ~ ;:- . :::1 ., r. , 1'.___________..---· ~ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _..:.-L __ - - - -- - --- - --- --- M^y 25, 1962 atated that the ~roa in concorn covors Loly, arldinq th~t L~ly also has A rcprosuntativo prosent. He reported that since tho late 70's, Mr Spado haft been considering an ~ppllcðtion for a fr~nchine through the Utilitle~ Manngcr, aJdinq that Mr. spade is currc~tly sorving tho area and has ð Bubntantial investment involved. He stated that ho wanted to be excluded from the imp^ct fee and in also requosting a franchise. Mr. Spade stnted that in 1972, Rookery B~y Utilities Wð8 constructed ....ilt' the blcssing of the ÐOllrd, lidding that since 1971'i he has been I, :;n:.., ~() ,:c-t 11 franchise, which he atlll doos not hðvo. He said thNt he would liko to appeðr boforo the Board to obtain a franchise a8 tho Dewer plant ....ould be in his orca and the County would be dup1iclltinq twc systems ....hich is redundant. 110 rcitcrðted that pookory Bay Utilities has the capðcity. He said that they have force mains in the are~, 10 acre~ of lðnd ....hich they are operating from with an option for onothnr 20 acres, adding that he wants a fr~nchisc and new customers and privllte enterprise is tho best way to go. Commissioner Kruse stntcd thðt the County's loft hond in moving forward with the 201 Plan ðnd with th~ right h~nd there ðre futuro stipulations being set up ðS there alruðdy ðrc in tho Eant NðplQ~ Sewer District, adrling thðt this noord hos to mðke 0 decision a~ to what hðS to be done one ....ðy or the other. Mr. Borzon stðtcd thnt this program does not elirninntc the possibilities of II franchise nor dof'tS it hð'Q to conflict with the cy,isting facilities. He stðted th~t in the 2C~ st~dy, it shows that tho Lc1y Plant con be used through the yoor 2000, .:'t d d i nq thðt the plan t ðnd tho syatcm i5 to bo inteCJr.::Jted into the to tð 1 phn t fo r tho ðre". He eta t od that the totðl pllJnt for the ðrÐa rleðla with 15 million pl)CJ. 72 MOK 069 PACEW .. ... I ft , .' -------------' - ----.------ - ----'- -.- -- - - - -- - - - - -" M/lY 25. ) 9R2 ~OOK 051 PAGE 1St gallons of 8e~age, treðtment, disposal, ðnd trðnnmission cnpacitieu, wh1ch 1s {ar tcyond the capabilities of Lely cnd rookery 8~Y· Commissioner Kruse stated thðt if impact f008 ðrO collected for what the County intends to build, then the plant must be built, otherwise the County is encourðqinq tho onlðrgemcnt of existing pl~nt8 within that arca which rasults in doll~r inveslments and makr.s th~ end rosult ð collision as fllr as who is operating as a franchiso, who is g01ng to scrve who, with wh~t, ðnd how, which will end up the same as the Ecst Nðplos situation. Mr. Carroll stated that Mr. f,OðrlO has served the aroa long before the County waG interested, ~ddinq thnt cartain developers hðve pðid Mr. spðde th~ nyntem development fe~B to get pipes to their peoperty to serve them. He noted that these people h.::Jve entered into contracts with Mr. spade, adding that if the County stepped in, Mr. Spade would face the consequences if the contrðcts were broken. Chairmen Wimer directed Mr. ßarzon to meet with these people and discuss the situation and franchiscen. Mr. Dill Mc^nly, representing L~ly fstates, stated that he is requesting that Loly be omitted from Dny district, adding that Lely Estates operates a 7 hundrcd thousðnJ gallon Gewer treatment facility. He repoetod thðt Lely servOS a little over ~,OOO people, addinq that presently there is ~ SfiOO,OOO cxpllnzion and improvement progrðm underway. He noted that construction will begin once tho permit hðs bee~ obtained. He reported that tho method uaed to finance these improvements is that Lely puts the money up (ront anå1 upon completion of const.ruction, the moncy is recuperated by n system development charge when permit is made for construction. lie stated thðt he would l1ke to operate the area an ð fr~nchise, ðddin~ that ho will have and the area will hðve tho bost of two worldsl tho officiency of ð fr~e Page 7~ ------------------..-,.---------------------- " . ...... , I. ¡, . ~ " . . " ' .~ ."': ..' ~ I" ..- " , . . alt· .. 4.. ..' . ,; . . r-- '":1 1:-- ,-, ... [,....,..1 I . . " . .' - -.- -~ - _. - - - - - - - - - - - - -..... ..- .' __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 __:........ - -- - - - --- ,f,ay 25, 19A2 onterprise and the control of governrnont through the conditions in the fr¡~nch16e ð<, rcement. 110 reported thðt he has served Lely arcð for 13 YOllrs with n good record Ðnó feols confident that ho Cðn continue to do tht' !!Iome. Iln noted thðt if tho di~tr1ct is set up and the development charges go to the County, thoro 1~ no way thðt Lely cðn take care of these improvements until tho Counly has sot up the system for the entiee Droa. He concluded by stating that ~ franchisc is the best routo to ta ko. Chairman Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried un~nimously, thðt th~ Aoðrd not set a public hoaring for impact fees for Sewer Aralia C and 0, ònd that all qucßti~ns be resolved by July 13, 1902, and ð firm recommcndation concerning franchise areas, franchisees, franchir.orG, be brought back to the Boðrd on July 13, 1982, as well as franchise samples of franchise ðgreemcnts drafted by the County to be presented to people that tire inteeested, along with commitments from people for certain areas, and that remaining areas eithor be assigned or a sewcr system built. Chðirman Wimer stated that everyone that is interested should be notified ðnd ~ot up do~umcntatlon to guaronteÐ scrvice. Mrs. JO.::Jn Hamilton, represcnting the East Nðplcs CIvic ASGociôtion, gt~ted th^t they arc not opposod to the Regionðl Wðter ~ystom, adding that one was needed ð tew years ðgO. She roportcd that she hoped the Bo~rd would tðko into considoration the need and si%e of the system that is proposed. She concluded by stating that the rate incr";JlISOS th,'t arc proposed on the two to throo yeae c )I;tensions after ^ugust, should bo given consideration on operation coat. aODX ~9 rAt£1.83 pðqe 74 ,------,-------------------~-----------~-- ,. Ir . . ----------------- --- ..-- - - ----- - ---... -- - -- - - - - -- "'a ï 25, 1 9 n 7. ,oo~ œ9 'ACf184- CII^InM^N AUTHORIZED TO EXECl1TE "I1E CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR 'fHP. CONSTRUCTION OF TilE REGION^L WATr.n PLANT, DISTRIOUTION AND TRANSMISSION MAINS7 CHAIRM^N AUTHORIZED TO ISf,UE ^ HO'rICE TO PROCEf.D WITH CONSTHUCTION TO VAR IOUS CONTRACTORS, PURSUANT TO RECOM,.., ENt'ATJON IN EXr.CUTIVE SUr.",ARY. Commissionor piator moved, soconded by Commissioner Bro~n and carried unonimollGly, th<'lt tho Ch.:d:'m<'ln bo nuthori7,ed to execute the contr~ct documentc for the conctruction of thA RegionDl Water Plðnt distribution ðnd tr",nsminsion malnn nnd that the Chðirmð~ be authorized to issue ð Notico to Proceed ~ith Construction of the Regional Water Plant to the following contractors: BlIy-Con General Lon'Jwood, Fl. £Joyce Company 5t. Petersburg, Fl. Westrn Construction Br"dcnton, fl. Scnrhorough Constructors ft. Myers, Fl. FIHM or LIVERMORE, KLEIN, AND LOTT OF JACYSONVILLE RETAINED AS BONO COUNSEL rOR THE PRorOSEO JUSTICE CENTER ROND ISSUE. County Attornoy Pick~orth stated that he is recommending the firm of Livormoru, Klein nnd tott of Jacksonville be retained as bond counsel for tho propon~d Ju~tice Center Bonù Issue, ðdding th~t tho firm is in line with the fecs, is propored to meet tho time schedule, and is quite fomili~r with Colllcr County. Commissioner Wenzol moved, scconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, thðt the firm of Livermorr., Klein and Lott of Jackßonville be retoined 03 bo~d couns~l for the proposed Justice Conter Bond Is~ue. PlIgo 75 ---~-------------~~-~--------------------' , ",'" ... ~ C.IW' .J ~.:J --. ...__f .._------------------------------------~~- 'I .. ,.'.... ..___.1 . . ---------~-_._-~~'--~~---------------- May 25, \!;'82 ~ CHAInM^N AUTIIORIZf.D TO SIGN QUIT CU\IM DEED TO THE: GCOTTSDJ\LE CO. FOR RlLE^SE OF CEHTAIN PARI< SHORE PROPERTY 1If.t.D J\S !iF.CURITY. Commissioner Wenzol moved, secondod by Commißsionor Brown and carried unanimously, thllt tho Chairman be ðuthoeJzcd to sign the quit cl~im doed to the Scottsdale Co. for rel~nDe of certain Park SI,or. proporty held ns 8ocurity. ~OCK Ob~ PACE1B5 Page 76 · .. ~." .; .. . ....., . . . ¡i., =:::J L.-"J ~ ., .J ~ " .' '. .- - - - - - - - - - - - ~'- - - - - ::..' ~.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -........ - - Mny 25, 19112 CH^IRM.a.N AU'l'tlORi7.ED TO EXECU'l'F. ^GREEMENT f\E~EE't'4 PELIC^N BAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ^ND COLLIER COUNTY WITH T'lESf'ECT TO CONSER.f^TION ARE'" CONVEYED TO COUNTY ON ~/11/R2 . Commissionor Wonzel ~oved, seconded by Commi88ion~r piøtor and carried unanimously, that tÞe Crðirmðn bo authorized to execute the ^qrecm~nt between polican Day Improvement 01strlct and Colliur County with respoct to the cc~servatlon area convoyed to the County on April 13, 1982. MQI< 069 lltf187 Pal). 77 "I .-- - - - -- - - - ---- --- ---- - - ------- ---.-------..--- ., . ':~. 't1 .. , ... II ~ ~ -: .... .,~~.. ~r; . ,', ~ ~ , ~, ,..... " - þ . , . w I I . , .. .-------------------.-----p - - .- - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~._- I-II\Y 25, 1')1'\2 &oOK 069 rACE1~ AGREEMENT RETAINING LEG^L SERVrC!S OF COUNTY ^TTORN~Y PICKWORTH - APPROVED. Comm1ssionor pistor moved, soconded by Com~iss1oner Wenzel ðnd carried unanimously, that tho ðgr~emp.nt retaining tho lcgðl Rcrv1cos of County Attorney pickworth, be approvod. Chðirman Wimer ind1c~ted that some of thn items mayor may not need to be follo~ed throu~h to completion. pago 78 - --- -..--. -.-- - -- -- -- --t: - -.. ~ --- - -:-:- -- - - --- ---- ~ I, It" ',f. I . , ----- ------------------~- ----- -- - - - - - - -- - - -- O~ 069 PACE 194- MI\Y ?5, 1982 COUNTY J\TTORNE'i PICKWORTH REMINDED TilE BCC THAT INTERVIEWS HAVE Bf:f.N SCHEDULED FOR \'IEDNf:SDl\\', ~^y 26, 19f!2, WITH TilE fIVE APPLIC!\NTS FOR TilE POSITION OF COUNTY ATTORNEY. - County Attorney pickworth reminded tho BCC that tho interviews for the five applicants for the po~ition of County Attorney hðve been shcdulcd for Wedncsèl\Y, May 2(" 1982, starting at lOl30 A.~. IInd allowing ono-hðlf hour for each appllcðnt. CIIJ\IRMAN DInr.CTS COUHTY Jl.TTORNEY TO IIAVf. J\ RF.PORT Jl.ND nECmí~r.ND^TION PREPl\RED nE ^M~RICl\N ^MAULl\N~~ ~s. COLLIFR COUNTY FOR JULY 1~, 1982 Chairman Wimer directed County Attorney pickworth to preparo a report "nd rccommcnd,'Ition for July 13, 191J2, re !\rnorlc:nn J\mbulDnce vs. Collier County "8 to ~hether thi5 m"tter is to be continued in court or through arbltrðtion. ROUTINE nILLS - Pl\IO Pursuant to ReGo1ution £II-ISO the following checks ~crc issued t h r 0 ug h F rId ð y, Ma y 2 I, I 982, in pll ym c r, t 0 fro u t 1 neb ill s t FUND CIIECJ<S NOS. JI./'.OUNT County Checks CETA County Checkfl DCC Pl\yroll (;992-7221 EHiR7-e721 7222-7441 31)B59-37390 $ 1,470,977.53 5,733.93 o1I)2,h42.41 2C7,27S.1R DUDGET AMENrMENT R2-171!, TRANSFEnRING FUNDS FROM UTILITIES ALLOCATION TO UTILITY SF-RVICES IN ORDEn Fon Tllf. l\GHICULTURF. DEI'APTMENT TO rl\Y ITS UTILITY DILLS fon RENTF.D OFFICE SPl\Cr. l\T COURT Ptf\Zl\. - ADOPTED IN THE l\MOUNT OF 52,035. Comml~sioner Wunzcl moved, seconded by Commissioner p13tor and carried unðnin,ously, that nud<Jct Amondmcnt 02-l7R transferring funds from Utilities Alloc^tion to Utility Services in crder ~or th~ ^griculture ~pllrtmcnt to P^Y its utility bills for rented office space at Court Plðzð, bo cdoptcd In the amoun~ of $2,035. Pðgo 79 -- --- -- - ----- - --- -- ---------.~------------ . ..,.... . ., l'UDCi£T ^Mf.NDMENT 02-17 9, TRrlNliFt:RR ING )0' tiN 00 'ro PRovr DE FUN D t NG FOR CONTH^CTt:D {()M~ IIEALTII !;ERVICf:S FnCM UNNF:f:Df:O ON:IIA'I'Yt-JG APt'nOPRIJ\T!ONS sacrAL f,f;HV¡CF:~ - Mìopn:D YN TIIF: "MOUNT OF ~¡.1,111. " Commir.aionor Wenzol moved, seconded by CommiG510ncr Plstor Gnd corried unanimou'1ly, that Budget Mendmont 82-l79 trðnsforrlng funds to provide fundinq for contracted home health services from unneeded oporatlng appropriations, Social Services, be adopted in tho amount of $lo1,33l. Dc!"rm OF COUNTY COH1-H~SIONlmS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA . - BUD GET A MEN D M E H T . f!1 Requires·noår.dAPprov~l . D ~:~~o~ Require Do¡:¡rd Approval (tran:;fer ,-.Ii thin object code r.an<Je) . . . . . . .~ FUND GENERAL -.--- -.-- DESCRII'TIOI~ : --.- I DEPT, SOC J l\TJ srnv ./cmm, CJ\RE FOr\ ELDEn: -----.-- To provide funding of cm1tri1ctc<1 hOHle health services from unneeded opcrC\ling iJpprorJriation", PREVIOUSLY APpnOVED BY TilE nO^RD OF COUNTY COMl-'IISSIONERS 3/23/82 ~r.es of Funds) : Othc.:: Contractunl S(~rvices FROM (Source:, 0 f FUTI<l!;): Regu1~r Sn1nries social Security t1ùtching Retirc~ent Contrihulionn AccoUIlt) ng [, J\ud i ti nq Fees privnte Vehicle Rcimburse O~t of County Travel Postage, Freight (, UPS pr.inting £, Reproduction Xerox Chòrqcs Pub1, Subs, 11embshns, (. Oues lIousd101d (, In5t. S\1ppl iee Misc. Supplies or M~terialß Office Equip (, Furniture TOT^IJ ~ .-~ 00 1- 56 ~ -1- 14 - r¡ 0 - 0 ]1\ - 34 9 $14 ,_33 1 . . 001_564-1-14-80-034-120 Obl-5~4-1-14-RO-034-210 001-564-1-J4-80-031\-720 001-5GI\-1-1~-HO-034-]20 001_SGI\-1-]~-RO-0~~-401 001_561\-1-14-6n-03~-402 00l-5G4-1-]~-80-0]1\-~20 001_5GI\-1-11\-00-031-1\70 00l-5GI\-J-H-ßO-011\' .,71 001_5(,1\-1-11\-RO-031\-511 OOl_S('I\-1-l4-00-031\-S21\ 001_5GI\-1-1~-OO-034-529 00l-564~1-11\-80-031\-642 l'Oi)~:(\ of: County Comm. Appn>V¡Ü: \1at:c: Ij/?S/O? --- -- 7,022 466 60 1,000 3,306 100 1\5 600 1\5 50 523 200 331 $14 /331 -'- - (llIL'GI:'l' /'.~\I:t::' ~o . ~ ? -1 7 9 LJ "c:~()\",t "'.1 n<'l':lr\'!\Ir.nt L 1'1I1:c:I1"n 1111/ (1:<1" Il"n..:n\. Only) 'l 1III"'.1"t: ,,",,) ~'lJt ... . ¡hlV. )2/1'1/7')1".11 - . '. '..:" .'," ~untY¡[JJ< /D/v' Dir. Fi~¡C<11 Officer n 'Ipy¡ ì\JJ~»):oYll :.;N.~ W L /.1N"'£, (",Úc;7 _ "to: ~"11 -('\...-- ~Di\tC: 5í'l1¡-;.r?-- or:;'i.'I\II\U'l'IOUI B IIn"ro\ n,~col:":J (OI:j<Jina1) I' J 1;¡:,ll or rtr.r.r. , _7 1)"II.' "\ln'~f\l(n) IIrrC'ct<,t1 ~ P"qo ~o .-.-:.., IWDGf.T M1:.:~~mH:NT 02-1no, CO~~~1UNtTY Dr-V. DF.rT., TnMI:1FERRTN('; FUNl)!; TO BlmCf.T r;T^n; W~:AT"f.n IZ^TIC1N r.fll\NT RECENTLY l\W^ROf.D TO TUr. COUNTY ADorTED HI T!lF: ",1OIJNT OF $1';,474. · Commissionor Wonzol movod, seconded by Commlssionnr Plator and carried unanimously, that ßudgot Amendmcnt B2-IS0 transfcrrln9 funds to budget ~tðte Woðthorizðt1on Grant rocently awarded to tho County, be adopted in the amount of $16,474. DOl\rm Or- COUNTY COHÞIISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLOHID1\ . 13 U D GET I.i7 Requires Do.:Îrd l\pproval A MEN D MEN T D P-~c;,__P'o1¿ Rcr]\1 ire ßoarù l\pproval (triln¡;fcr within object codè rangc) .~ DEPT. COmlUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND COMt1UN' DEVELOP BLOCK GHl\NT DESCIUPTION: --- To budgct Stille \"iC',ìthcriziltion l,rant recently a~arded to the county. PREVIOUSLY l\l'pnOVED BY T!IE HO'\HD OF COUNTY COMMISS IONEHS 3/9/82 . - COl1T~¡:,j'Æ(JJ,.'~'t"/DiV~()ir·.i.'~'!' ,ìl Officer '''~:1J9Y'ì _ ì\r' l'OV'¡þ' d/~ w' __'..... t:, ~ J at.e: ~ ,(' _ 8" 1..- _ [\to: S"'/,t' ð/cr -- DI:';TIUDU'rIONI í7 tlo;trr! IkCOl'l1:J (Od< 1nal) o ,'j :;Cò\ 1 or (icl'r. 7,J ))")'.ïrlll;c·lIt(n) "C(C'ct<'I! TO (Uses of Funds): Aòd to ~xpendjtures: ncyula~ Salarics Private Vehicle Hcimburscf'1cnt Out of County Travel COTf1municiltions postaqc Rentùls & Leases - Non ·:<Ju.ip. Xerox !lousing Grant Expense l\dvcrtisinlJ Off ice Supplies FHa,., (Sourcc;. of Funds): l\ùd to Hevenue: State Weatherization Progl'1m Grant 174-554-1-16-10-040-120 $ 1,500 174-554-1-16-10-040-401 500 174-~~4-1-1.6-10-040-402 1,000 174-554-1-16-10-040-410 124 174-554-1-16-1n-040-420 50 17~-~~~ 1 ]6-10-0~n-440 300 174 - 'j 54,·1- 1 (j -1 0 - 0 40 - 47 I 200 174-554-1-16-10-040-402 12,650 174-554-1-16-10-040-495 100 174-554-1-lG-IO-040-510" , " '-', 50' ')'OTl\L USES OF FUN'D~ . ..' $ï~";4 74 MAt 1 J 1[)132 r" . I' ........u",. i I . ¡"....,~At.(/( 'S or:FIC~. 'oJ 174-1-16-10-040-331-554 $16,474 -. DO;J::,cl of ('ountl' T\PPl"("vLll: ..- .'.-..--.-, C0111~. DUN~E1' T\7'11::1':D1 , ~o. ~ ;}'-1f40 l);lle: '>/2'>/02 n "ccollntJ IHJ Dcp;'\rt mCllt ' 7:.7 I'l1rrh,l:dll'J (E'I\l1p,n~'IÜ. Only) L7 11\1Il,)C'l' "";\ly:;t t . , . " "",,~ t......., 01,1. rðq. 81 0&9 'r~rr~97 ::J I g Acco\ll\tin<) DcplIrl'11\tmt P\lr.ch;,nln'l WC u l'm(.'I1t Only) J)url'.1ol; Alii' l)'ut I1I1V .12/J 7/71'\1Ir.n - UULJLoI:.'I 1\~·I~.rH;Mun Hí'-lHl, bllLI(lff'S nEP^HTMI::NT, 'j'H^N~.. t."'( NI.J r"NII;' III ^PPkOPRIATE fUNDS YOn CRIM~ ^N^LY~T AND nELATCD rOUrrMENT. - ^OOPTED IN TilE M10UNT OF S7.1,'i?S. Commisßioncr Wcnzol Moved, accQndcd by CommiG~ionr.r Pistor and carried unðnimously, that ~udget Amendment B2-101 trðns[orrlng funds to appropriato funds for crimo analyat ~nd related equipment, be Ddopted In the amount of $23,525. DO^RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COI.1.IIm COU:-JTY, FLOrUD^ . BUD GET A MEN D MEN T @ Requires ßo<.trd l\pproval D Doc;. Not Hcquirc no~rd Approval (tr.ùn::;fcr within object code range) ," FUlm CGNrISCl\'Tr:~pnoP!.-:..!~T!' '!'JUJST FUNDDEI'T. SIIEfiIFF DESCJUI'TIOH: To appr.opriate funds for crime analyst and relùtcd equipment. PREVIOUSLY 1\Pl'l~(1VE[) IW TI!J'; B01\I\lJ OF COUWl'Y CmlMISSIOtJERS 1\-13-02. 'ro ( tJ" c s 0 f j'tI n <1 ,,) : InCl~C¡¡Se to Jlpproprii1tions: Rcgt:1i1r Salaries f,oci,,1 Secudly MiÜchinq Retiremcn~ Contrihut;on!; Life s:. Ileal th In~;\lri1nce Officc ¡·;<]uip. & FUJ:ni lure ']"()T'fI.T. 602-S21-4-00-27-070-120 602-52]-4-00-27-070-210 602-~2]-4-00-27-070-220 602-57.1-4-00-27-070-230 b02-521-4-00-27-070-G42 $1.3,656 915 1,493 1,200 6,261 $ 2 ~! 5 2 5 --- FROM (Sourr.c:, of Fund,,): Incrca"c to E~t. Rcvenucs: Sheriff's Cunfioci1led Prop. 602-4-00-27-070-351.201 $10,893 Oecrcnse to 1\ppropriùtion: Rcmittancco Other Govt. 1Jnito 602-521-4-00-27-070-014 $12,632 TOTAL $23,525 có\'n~' ~'<Jr/()~'ý. j)i r., 1i1'i~ ..11 ()fficer App 0 'ñ1: 1\' l'OV",y' /-1í: dJ.,~-;j¡ ~~ ;' ~Pþ e......th../.0' Pi ~L~:~(Í,-; ~ IU¡,/.~;'!_ b,lte: J/u/.p;-J- DI5TIUIJU1.'lO I ~ lIo,1rd ncc:ordn (Original) Fil1C'lIl Officer Ilc loIrt r.\0.l1t (t;) ^rrccto\1 no,1nl of County Comm. DODGE'!' IIp ">l'O'J¡)1 : D.l tc : r;¡? ')/A 2 Ho.92-1U ... . '" , '. 1.-:'... ",t. , . rnC]o 82 r--"!î liUDGt:T """t:NDMt~NT 02-1e2, U{)P"LM^I<EHS - (.;u"''''. ....'\I<L, ¡;,,'i~.;~·~.;~i.~:~(; ; ;';:~~'.~; .;~~ REFLECT GR^NT REDUCTIONf> FOR TilE M~IN::; rJ10CH^M. - ADOrTf.D IN ,.'It: A",OUt-IT Of !jllO,~9f). Commiüoionor plotor movod, &econ~ed by CommiGsloner Wenzel and cArried unanimously, thðt Budget ~ondment B2-1R2, Homemakers, Comm. Care, trðnsfcrrinq funda to reflect Qrðnt reductions for tho Aging progrðm, bo adoptod in th_ amount of SllO,596. " DOJ\RD OF COUNTY COHHISSIONEJ1S COL1,lEH COUNTY, FLOIUDJ\ . BUD GET ^ MEN D MEN T , Li1 Requires Docird J\pprova1 D Docs l~?t~ ncquirc Doard J\pproval (trùnufcr within object code range) ," FUND GENERJ\L DEPT. nœ-1Et-JJ\KEHS - COr-1r-1U!'IITY CJ\RE DESCRIPTION: To reflect grant reductions for t.he J\ging pr.ogram. TO (Uscs of Funds): .; Increase to J\ppropri~Lions: Cnntingency 001-519-1-00-05-010-990 $ 11,410 , Decr~ase to Est. Revenues: Grants - Camm. Cùre/Elderly 001-1-14-00-03-4-334.681 99,lB6 $ 110 1596 TOT J\L ' FJ1Œ1 (SOtl'rC0S of "'un(15): DC,c:rcù5es to J\pprorr i<l tions: Community Carc/Elder.ly J\ccounts a~ shO\\'r¡ in the. attilched !;chcdu1c $ 110,596 _. --. IIOi)!:'d <,( County Co 111m. DU!:'GET J\µpl.'()vö:ll: ~~~~~'y;;r - h'Þ'.(--:~& )i1tc: ~/11/.p7-'" nate: 5/25/32 t1a. 82-182 OI!;TllIlll/"rIOtIJ [711oilrd Jleconl:1 (Odc./ I\/ll) Z-7 )' :;¡:iI 1 01 L'ier.r o 1)o'/'lIrl !n.'''I' (::) 11[','1:1',.'(1 n ,\ccollnt!I\CJ oC'l'ó\rtmcnt "[:1 )"I1'I'lI...::111IJ (I:qllll"'ll'l\t Only) CJ IIII.l'./I'\' IIl\ódy:.¡t " ..4,. '. e ~..) ..·.1. , . HI'\' .1"/17/'1'...... -- -.-- fog" 83 MOK 0&8 PAr.£ 199 . ~UDC.f.T AMF:NDm:NT R2-1 ~ 3, LWRf,ny, TnAN~Fr.Rn ING FUNDS TO APpnOPR lATE STATE LIßRARY AID GRANT AMOUNT IN EXCED5 OF ORIGINAL ESTIMAT~. _ AnOPTr.n IN TilE AMOUNT OF SA,r.Sn. Commissioner Piotor movod, seconded by Commisøtonor Wenzel ~nð cðrrlod unanimously, that Budget Amendment 02-183, Library, trðnøferrlnq funds to appropriate Stato Llbrnry Aid Grant amount In excuss of original estimate, be adopted in the amount of $6,658. D01\nO OF COUNTY COfv'.NISSIONr::nS COLLIER COUNTY, ~LOßID1\ . n U D GET ^ MEN D MEN T . Lil D !?2er, 1'!E.!:. Hcr¡uirc Doard 1\pproval (tt:ll/wfcr ""ithin object code range) Hcql1in:s Do.:ird 1\pptOViJJ '. . .~ FUNO GENf,TUÚ, DEPT.' J,rnMny DESCrUI'TION: To appropriate Sta~c I.ibrary 1\id Grant amount in excess of or.ic¡in¡\l estimate ($6'),4S8 - $50,000). TO (Uses of Funds) : Uooks, Pub] & Lib. M~tcrials 001-S71-1-14-A6-010-G60 $8,658 FROH (Sources of Funòs) : 1\id to Libraries 001-1-14~BG-OIO-334.710 $8,658 , -- ))UN~J~".l· M\EI'!P. Connty ~lçJl:/ )iv. Oir. 1\pr:~lûÆB.~-I-I~ Dutl) % c.:;.. ZQ·.1 ""\ E"Ü' .11 Officer Ì\ . rov¡))· :'ð~/ / ,þ".~ L. ~w . )" to: Ç-//9 rP ;z.- n,1 t: '.! : HOrln' of County Comm. 1\µprovùl: ')/25/02 No. 02-103 01 :';'l' U mrn OH I D IIlMnl Hl'cortln (OrJr¡ill:¡]) Z......¡ F 1 r:~ill of f icm: D 1~'JI/,rlhl"II\;(U) ^(C('(:l:C'tl 11m .12/17 /'I')m.1I - 7 fI(:Cl'lIntJ n'J 1)('I';\l'\"m~nt C7 'lIrd..I:;) II'} (I':'I"~ (..nl'lI\. Only) o IIlIIh.ll'l' lIlI."\lyut -. , ,- I' ,. '. . " Page f!4 ","^ " /IUI" V\"I!f¡ I\ -..,.. ..''''..........- .13/000 I~,i ,<., 200 n ., 00 U¡ $21,[100 LUDGEi' AMENDMENT 02-184, OTHER GENEnAL AOM. - PIIVSICl\L Fl\CttITY, TRANGF~RRING fUNDS TO MORE ACCUA^TRLY REFL~CT REPAIRS Ml\DE TO COUNTY DUILOINGS r,ND r.(1UIPM~:NT. - ,ll.DOPTI:O TN TIlE AMO\INT OF 521,000. Commiosioncr pistor moved, seconded by Commissionor W~nz~l nnd carricd unanimously, that Budget Amendmont n¡-104, Oth~r Gonerðl Adm., Physic~l Fðcility,tr~n8forring funds to more ðccur~tcly reflect repairs mado to County Buildings and Equipment, bo adopted in the a~ount of $21,000. DOl\RO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIEH COUNTY, FLOTUDl\ '. BUD GET A MEN D MEN T . [Jl Rcquires' noiÍrd J\pproval D PO~f¡ 1'!.~_\¿ Rcquire nOùrd J\pproval (trill1r;f:cr within object coùe n.lnge) ,. . .- FUND GENEIV\~~ DESCRIPTION: , . DEPT. O'l'IIER CElL fI!)~1-,-E1lYJ;ICl\T, FJ\.ÇILI'!" To morc accurately reflect repairs ronde to êounty buildings and equipmclit. '1'0 (lJfWS of Funds) : --- Bldg. Mnint. - Spcci~l Servo .UtilitY Service.. R&M - Equip. ,Contr, Labor & t-1ê1 tcr iill Mobile nldqs: TIßns., Plep. Set-Up Improv. -' Other than B1ùgs, FROM (Sources of Fun~n) : Engihccrinq Fecs Improv. to Duildings 001-519-1-00-05':.030-340. $.! ,,509 ,OOJ-S)9-1-00.-0S-030·--130 I ").Q.O 001-S19-1-00-05-0ï~~~~~¡ OOl-519-1-00-0S-03Q-622 001-519-1-00-05-030·-630 T01'J\L 001-519-1-00-05-030-~~5 001-519-1-00-05-030-621 'fOTM. 6,000 ~t5,800 $21,000 ----.-. -..- IIO,ìn' of County Com In. J\ppr( v~l: l.\UL"\CìI~·l' J\~\1:t:! \ C:OI\I~:~:,,~\AI~/Di,'Á. Dir. J\r~~ I)"to: 5" ~ j c¡ -I t- n,l te: 5/2')/n~ ~o. 02-10-\ DItTnIIIUTIOH ·n 110,'1"(1 HI!COr,1n (Od'.Ilna1) l..i. ,'11;(:,,1 Officor z::¡ 1~·J';II:tllll· \t(t:\ "rrl":t'C'l1 n /lct:mmt IIIIJ DC'I'l\rtmollt 7:7 1'1,rch.,:;) Ill) O:I lIil'lnt' \L Only) o 111111IJI''' 1111,11 yr;\: ______ !llIv.l'-/l'//7!)III.11 - .. I .'. ',' ,;... ."." , ~ 1\'9. 85 DUI'>CET ^MF:NDMF:NT 02-lAS, PlInCIIl\SING DEPT., THAN5PERntNG FUND!,; TO COVER EXPEI\:JES HELA'fED TO INCnr.M;r.O !lID l\CTIVITI£,S. - ADOrTf:D IN TilE ^MOUtJT OF $1~OO. Commioslonor pistor moved, BUCOlltJeJ by Ccmmln::lonor \oI~n7;4tl IIn~ cðrr1~d unonimously, thet Dudgot "mcndment 02-185, purch~81ng Dept., tr~n&forrinq funds to covcr expensoB roloted to increase bid Activities, be adopted in tho amount of $1600. .. D01\RD OF COUNTY COHMIS5IONEnS COLLIEn COUNTY, Fr.,ontD1\ , ^ MEN D MEN T . BUD GET .& ncquires'nocird ^ppruv31 D ~~ HeC' \Iire ßO<1rd 1\pproval (tran:;f'cr within object code rilOge) .. ' ,~ PURClI1\SING ¡,'UND CENEH1\L DEPT. DESCRIPTION: F"I 7" ...... .~ ~ '! If r. In Transfer to rUTHl CX1)cn;,c;, related to increased bid àctivi:ties: ,MM 1 8 í~[;2 COUll I) MA ........L;;.·~ OFFIC:J TO (Uses of Fund,,) : Postagc, Freight ~ UPS R & M ~ Equip. - Contr, . L<tbor & H<tterial 1\dvcrtining Office Supp1ics 001-513-1-11-14-010-420 $ 500 001-513-1-11-1~-010-~G3 300 OOl-513-1-11-1~-010-49S 500 001-513-1-11-14-010-51Q 300 TOTAL $1,600 F~OM (Source" of Funds): Printing & Reproduction Word Processing Chnrqcs OQl_513-1-11-14-010-470 OQl-513-1-11-14-010-~7h $ GOO 1,000 $1,600 TOTl\I~ ~.. -- loó:Jn\ ('If: County Comm. !)UI)GI~'l' l\pprov~l: - c:oYr1fJ~~~IC] r. ''\(p~U? Onto: ç ~ (q -tJ "'L. )ir. ,..)"c.,l Officer ~;V2!.ß;{ ~f)., t: c : 5'"ffJ' (;'lJ-- nate: 5/25/132 No. 82-105 PJf,TIUI\UTJONI D I1n.'\Ye\ HCr.OI't'" (ode)lnal) U 1'1:;r.;\1 or:lCr.l· D )" I.I)" '","111' (:.) I\r(<<'(:I:L'11 D l\c:conntJ III) ot'I'.,r\'lI\ont D 'III:c-h.'\!¡ II'J 0'c 1I1 plnL'nt Only) C/ 11I1I11)l't I\II..I1YlJt I. , .. l((!v.l~/)7/7·JI1I.1I- --- " . "'. ....,..) ~ . I. Po<). ø~ 800K ,069 PACE 2C3 """._~............-~' ::::1 [.-:J , --- -., ., " #"",' . ---- ------ - - _.:.:.. - - - - - -~ -~ ~ ..-- - - - - - ...-.. - - --- - - -='--- ~l\ Y 2 5 , 1 9 B 2 CHAIRMAN J\U'rHORIZED TO SIGN PROCl.T\M^TION PROCL^IMING .'JUNE 14 J\!; f'LM~ D^V AND MEMHER OF Tllf. nee TO PRr.!ìF.NT ST\IO PROC'LflpoIJ\TI0N TO Tllr. .'JAYCEES. Crace Spaulding, Administrative Aide to the Board, stated thðt the Jaycees would like the ncc to proclaim Juno 14 ðS Flag Day and that ~h. ChQirm~n be lIuthorized to sign thA pro~ll\mðtion and a member of the BCC present sairl proclamation to tho Jayceos. Commissioner Wenzcl moved, seconded by Commissioner Pi8tor and carriod unanimously, that tho ChnirMðn bc authorizod to sign the proclðmation proclaiming June 14 liS Flag Day lInd that a mcmber of the BCC present the proclamation to tho JGycoee. c: pago 88 aOOK 059 PACf2D5 .. - - "-- - - - - -- - - - - - - ---- - - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - --- " "> ~, ~~ ~~ ._J . - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - . :.I .:... - --' ..:. - - -..----.- ---.- ---- /'lay 25, 19f!2 COU~"Y MMI!lGER'S VACATION f,C1If.DULEI) .1UNf. 21 - JULY i, l!JA?:. Groce Spaulding, Adminictrntive !lide to the DOðrd, statc~ that ð memorandum was received from the County /'Ianager ndvisinq tho BCC of hi" planned vocation from June 21 - July 7, 1902, and that no action 1_ roquirod. f'lR. DEnZON DIRECTED TO OATAIN V!\TlIOllS QUO""TIONS "ND RESF.ARCII RE COLIFORM BACTEfnr-. POPUL^TIO~JS IN SPECIfIC l\f~E"5 AS OUTL.INf.D IN THE PARMIETERS OF THE GREf.NfIl::LD REPORT - "0 )E BROlll;HT DACK TO THE acc ON .1 UN E 1 n, 1911 '- . Commissioner KrU90 stated that thero havo been a~veral questions from people in EðSl Naples reqðrdin'J DOWOrs, adding that there is no queGtion in hcr mind that the nren in Hnldoman Crock ðnd Rock Creak are definitcly polluted. She reported that os to whethcr it is the fault of tho neptic tanks has not heen definitively cst~bli5hed. She st~ted that she ngrced with the rcsidcnt9 that it would only be fair before charging ð ue~cr ~sBe3Bmcnt ~or a plant to hnve the area studied to find out if they arc guilty collectively, individually, or not at all. She reiterated thðt sho requested Qr. Greenfield to come to tho County, look o~a¡ tho general situntion and give thc County his opinion as ð qualified professionlll expert and a Nðtio~al Science ^dvisor 1n the field of septic tanks and there relations to tho bodies of water. She stated th~t Dr. Grccnfinld ~nd his partner, Dr. Rich, agreed to give their op1nionü at no coat to the County, adding that they spent a day in N~ple5 looking at acriðl photographs, w~lking the area, meeting with Dr. ßenedict and Dr. Cox, ðn~ i~ general atated that :he Board should decide on the matter of a r.tudy and teats immediately as they should be done in the first part of June before the rains como, ðnother test in PlIge 85 ~OOK 069 fAr.r.2Jf'1 ._ __ ________ _------ ______----r------- - ------- I . , f ---'---'-~-- ---- -- ---- - ----- - --- - --- - - - -- ---' f'\^Y 25, 19A2 WOK 069 fÂCE 2Þ8 July during tho rainy season and one at the end of August when tho rains aro extrðmely hoavy. 5ho repor~cd that the doctor's roputations are self-explanatory and the study would cost S~40n. She concludud by stating that it is now the Bonrd's decision, but thðt ahe ~ould feel more comfortable befor~ a &ewer system, plðnt, franchise, or anything WAS initiotwd in F.ast Naples if tho question r~qardinq septic tankn waS definitively anawored. Com~issioner ri~tor statp.d that he felt this study should go out for competitive bids au it is ovcr ~1,OOO. commisÐionor Kruse :1tated thllt it Wðl1 fine with her 1£ it ~ent out for competitive bids, but it would not be donp. until next yaar, adding that she would not vote for anythin~ on franchisees, se~erß, and/or sewer connections in either aron until something is done by someone not involved locally. Commissioner Wenzel soid he felt that the study should be lot out for competitive bids. Chair~an Wimer ßt8t~d that tho study ner.ds to be done im~edlntely bnd could be put out fer bidn. Commisaioner Kruse indicated that the next moeting ~ould be July 13, which would be in the middle of tho rainy season. Commissioner pi~tor moved that the sLudy be let out for competitive bids. Com~ißsioncr Bro~n seconded the motion, lidding that he would votc for II sewer before he would vote for a f>cptic tank. He stated that if a study would make the Board feel more comfortable it should be done by compotitive bids, but concluded by st~t~!\g that ho was opposed to the study. rage 90 ~~._,.~ ~ 1II_"!1''''~ ...-=:1 " . ----- ------------- -- -~":";''--- -'':'- ---- ----.- - - - --- - '----- M~y 25, 1902 M~. Goorgo Keller, represontlng the Collie' County Civic Feoeratlon, ßði~ that in tho last t~o years it hns been ~ssuMc1 that tho .~ptlc t~nk syntoms aro polluting the h~ys ~nd croeks in that aroa, adding that assumlnq is a vory poor ~~y of determining anything. He rtfporte..ì that one ~ay of solving the problem 18 by using chemlcala end dycs in the systems. He rcported that a soptic tank is not all that polluting as the \1cDlth Dopartment only requires that it be placed 75 feot awt1Y from your ~;1tcr system. He concluded by stating thllt he agroes that a atudy ~hould bo mado. Mr. Druce Holly, 2lhQ F.ntey ^vonue, stated that there should be an in-depth study conducted from ~, '(Icone outGide the ero" that is not bil!s. Commissioner Kruse questioned if Mr. Holly waD prepared to abide by "ny study reault~ that were done by ~n outside firm, to which Mr. Holly replied lIfflr:,otlvely. Mr. David Grahðm, 4973 22nct Pl. S.W., Gtatcd that the solution brought up by Comm~ssloner Kruso is the most intclligcnt solution that has bcen heard regiHding thin m<'ltter in a long time. He stated that he hoped the Board would look !~vorllbly on Commissioner Krusc's solution befor~ tha -little puoplc· end up getting hurt, adding th~t rcsults ðtG needed on septic tanks before Initlðting ~ny sewers. Joan \1.Jmllton, represcnting ElIst Naplcs Civic ^ssoci"tion, stated that a second opi~ion is noeded, ðddlng thðt it would not hurt at this po~nt and ~ould answer the question os to whethor E~st N~ples n~ed8 "nothor newer system. Commls£lioncr Kruse questioned if Mrs. lIðmllton ~oulcJ abide by the Page 91 MOK 0S9 PAtt209 . - -- --- -------- -- - - - -- -' --- ---- - - - - -------- " I . , ~ a - - -- - - - --- - - - --- - - - - - -- - - --, - - - - - - "-- - - - - - - - - - -" - - . foIc!ly 2~, lc¡ní' ~OOK 069 PACE 210 stcdy rosults, to which Mrs. Hamilton replied that tho study would not effect her, hut spebKing for the poople thðt it would effect, sho Gold she felt that they would abide by tho results of the study. she concluded by stating th~t Ghe folt this study would give tho answer ao this would be the second opinion. Mr. Jim Smith of Naplen Area Boôrd of Realtors stated that S~400 spcnt would be the best thing that tho County could do, ~dding that as long os locðl or.gineers or local groupO ðrc uscd, the peoplc will question the results. Mr. Bernie Yokel of Norris Rcscnrch Center, st^ted that this study has been provided and the problcmB pinpointed. lie stated th.)t therc is no assurancc th~t the Greenfield Report will provide the answers, adding that this matter is being hurried through in a manner that is not neccs$.::Jry. lie reporteù thDt it Is possible to Btart such D study in the rainy season and concludo it In the dry scason. Ho slated that the program overlaps what has .::Jlr~aðy boen done, adding that some of the answers ðnd worK is a direct duplicote. Ho concluded by 6t~ting thðt there ~re orgnnizðtionD that can do tho work le5s cxpenBively and should bo ~llo~'c,j t'n cio It through com pe tit i v e bids. Commissioner 1< r use que9tioncd if pol r . Yokel olwl'Yß bclip.ved \n tho low bid system, to which f"r. Yok~l stiltcC; th"t he dOCD not havo ony problem with tho low bid oystcm. Commlssioncc I<ruse quo5tioncd if the I"nrinc l.ôboratory or I"r. Yokel have mðdc ~ny statcmcntß rc~ardina the septic tnnks ðS being the source ot tho problc~, to which Mr. Yokel replied that it hDs been indic^t~d th~t there is ð possibility. paq c 92 - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - - - - -: - - -.. """:. - - - -- - -... - - -- - - - - - - -' - - , ,: ..- .~ \ ~"'.......... 'j' - - - - - - - - - - __ - -"_ - _" - - - - ":..1.: ~- - -' :..- - -, - .- - - -' -. -. ~ - - --. - - - - P'I¡) Y 25, 19 ~ 2 Commissioner Xruse referred to ~ report from the ~^rine Laboratory thðt indicated that East Naples must b~ o~wered immediately end further noting that tho roport states that the soptic tðnks in Ea3t Napl&~ should not be discounted as ~ potontlal source of bacteria. She sðid that the front portion of that sentence is the premise for East Naples needing to be scwered. l"or. yo!<el stated thllt ¡Ill that report did was to documetlt and quantify the l~vel of the pollution, adding that the problem waD thero ðnd wall .<.Icoqnized. Commissioner Kruse stated that it was laying the blame on the noptic tanks, adding that this is why she ðskcd for an outside opinion. Dr. Cox, Health Director, sti\tod that he hoped the Boðrd would postpone ðny fif'i3l ðction on the propoGðl until he had 1.1 chðnce to study ðnd ~vðluatc the matter in-dapth. He stated that he would like to know to what extent Mr. Stephens offered the utilizðtion of the personnel of the HCDlth Dopart~cnt. He reported that the Heðlth Department is in a trc~cndou5 pinch as far ~s money and the availability of personnel i3re concerned, ðdding thllt as long as he is Director he will make the decision as to what personnel will bo utilized in the proj~ct. Co~missioner Kruse stated thð~ she waG prCD~nt last week when l"or. Stephens made the offcr ~nj Dr. Cox concurred with it, ðddinq thðt as of this morning, Mr. Stephens offered to do it himself without tÞe lIoalth Dcpðrtment. , Dr. Cox stated th~t the Health Deportment would hðV~ th~ capabilities of doing this project as it is merely on extension of what Page 93 ðOO~ 069 PACE211 ,_'0, _ _ - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - ---- I . , -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -' - - .- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - ._--_._---_..~ bOOK 069 PACE212. ~' " Y 2 5 , 1 9 f1 2 1s baing dona olrQ~dy. Commissioner ~rown ti~ated th~t he withdrew his sccond, at which point Commisnionor pistor's motion died for ð lock of second. Chnirrnðn Wimcr stntcd thðt he would like to r~commend thnt in&tp.nd of formal bidding, quotðtions be obtained, addin~ that he IB fðvor of the rese,Hch study for ð sccond opinion. Ite ðlso statcó he would like to hovo Mr. Berzon, Utilitics Mðnagor, in chðrgc of obtðlnin~ the quotations and ~oing through tho Staff and developing the pnrðmctcrS ðS outlined in the Greenfield Report ðnd brought hftck to the Boðrd on June Ie, 1982. Commissioner Wenzel rnovcd, scconded by Co\~mi[jSio(1()r plstor ð "1d carried 01/1, (Comrni5Dionce nro.....n opposed), thilt f"Ir. £ìerzon obtain quotðtlons ~nd rcscðrch re coliforn bactcelJ populations in specific ðre~S ðS outlined In the pðrDrneterS of the Grcenfield Report to be brought b.Jck to the E.JCC on June H', 1982. COUNTY ENVIRONf"IENTALI~T DR. M^nK CENfDICT, COUNTY AGRICULTURE AGENT BROfIN, PLl\~NING DIHE:CTOR VIRTl\, "AIWS M;{"\ nECI;r.ATIOtI D!nrCTOH RICE, COUNTY ENG IIJI::EH L\M~ /<SD^U:, SIIF.H 1 FF' S rr r,!,nTt'I}:NT rH:rRr:SfNT¡\TI VE, AND CCt"I".ISSIONf.R r-'!lnV-FH^,Kf:S KnU~iE T\ppo:tnF.D '1'0 ron' ^ TM;K FonCE TO \'I'ORK WITH Ef,CH OTHEn TO T!d<[ IM~'CDr".TE sn:p;, TO rnOTeCT THE RURAL rn:s I DEIJT I A L CIIAP ^CT E¡~ 0 F G OLI'EN G ^ T F: r~~T ^ Tf.:' . Commi85ioner Kru~e stated th.::Jt there ~re ~~verðl 6t~ff members thot have had various concorn9 rc~~rdlnq the Golden Gate Estates area 08 far ðS certain pðrk ~rc~S ðnd protection of trcp.S lo prevent sCc'llpinq. Commln~ioner piator stoted that the County MlInagcr should hnndlc this mðtter rcg.:1rding selecting the l\ppropr1ðte people. Comm1nsioner Rrown m0v~d, Gccondcd by Comm1ssioner Kruso ðnd corried 4/l, (Cornmlssioner r1ntor opposcd), thllt County F.nvironl'1en- tal1&t Pe. M3Ck Benedict, County /'.gr1culturc "CJ~nt Brown, planning Director V1rta, Parks ~nd Recreation Director nice, County r,ginccr Pðq 0 9 ., ___ _-- _ _________--------- ,r-'-- -------.-- --- - --,. " ~_.::J · \:.... ....:¡ , ::::J . - --------- - ------ -- -- - ..-- --------- -~~------ " ' r. ' -------- ------.----- <--- ,-,-'.!- -- ,- - -- - - -~ ---- - - -- May 25, 19f'12 Barksdale, ð Sheriff's Department repreeontative, and ComMissioner Mary-Frances Kruse I.~ appointed to form a taak force to work with each other to t,ke immediate steps to protect the rural residential character of Golden Gate Estates. CH^IRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CF.RTIFICATES FOR ~ORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLL AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and cðrri~d unnnimously, thðt the following Certificates of Correction to the Tax Rolls as submitted by the Property Appraiser's Office be authorized for execution by tho Chairman: NUMBERS DATES 1979 TAX ROLL 650 5/4/82 1980 TAX ROLL 555 5/4/82 1981 TANGI8LE rrRSONAL PROPERTY 1981-140 5/l4/B2 1981 TAX ROLL 505 529 - 540 4/29/B2 4/21/82- 5/5/B2 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOB INMATES NOS. 37285, 29772, 38996, 25246, 33640, AND 36305. APPROVED. Commissioner Wenzel moved, second~d by Commissioner Pistor and carried un~nimously, th~t Extrð Gð1n Time be ðpproved for the following ~oo~ 069 r~.~E 21S Page 95 . I..~. t (¡ I . , --------------------- - ...-.- - -- - --- - -- - - -- - - .-. ~oo~ 0i8 r~CE 21A: ¡'ið y 2 5 , ......... .... ~"f\" Collier County Jail Inmates Ðnd ostablishing a new relcbse date, as requested by Sheriff ~ogers: INMATE NO. EXTRi\ GAIN TIM~ RELf,ASE DATE 37285 29772 3 B 9 96 25246 33640 36305 30 d a ya 18 dllYs 30 days 36 days 36 d 11 y~ 36 days 6/4/82 6/7 /B 2 f¡/17/82 f¡/1 2/82 6/16/82 6/26/82 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO APPROVE i\ MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR M^RG!\RET FOSTER, PI1RLIC WORKS l\DMINISTRI\TIOI¡ D\~PT. FROM 4/19/87. TO S/28/f'12 Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the Chairman be authorized to IIpprove ð medical leave of absence for Margòret Foster, Public Works Administration ~partment from 4/19/82 to 5/28/87.. CUAIRM!\N AUTHORIZED TO WRITE A LETTER TO BIG CYPRESS Bl,SIN ßOl\RD REQUESTING TH!\T Tlln PUR;,UE TIJEIR STUDY RE THE CORAL REEF i\0VI FER. Administrative Aidc to the Board Spaulding stated that this Item was a meMoranJum fr0m Chairman Wimcr to the BCC regnrding the North Collier County Groundw.::Jter Supply - Coral Reef Aquifer, re a discussion to considcr authorizing .::In engineering Gtudy of the boundaries of the recharge area. Mr. Barksdðle, Public Work5 i\dministrator, stated that the Big Cyprcss Basin BOllrd h~s been tracking that study, ~ddlng th~t he would suggest to the BCC that the Chairman be authorized to write a letter to the Big Cypress Basin BO.::Jrd .::Jsking that they pursue their study. Commissioner pistor m0ved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, thðt the Ch.::Jlrmðn be authorized lo write a letter to the Big Cypross Basin Bo~rd requesting that they pursue their study re the Corðl Reef Aquifer. Page 96 ~ -.... -- -- -- -- -.-- ---..--- --.--.- - -_.,"--: -- -- ---- --------- ---- ,', : " , I. r--"'I ~ ~ ~ "'", '~'''v- ·1 " ------------.. . - ....-:- - -_..._----~\_-----,-------------- May 25, 1982 BOARD APPI\OVES TilE FA't 1902 U. S. CANINE TRIALS WHICH WILL BE HELD IN THE CITY OF NAPLEG, PURSUANT TO REGULATION!'. ^dministrative Aide to the BO.::Jrd Spaulding stðted that there 18 a request for approval for the triðls that will be held in the City in the fall for the U. S. Canine Trials. She concluded by stating that they hðve ~ece1vcd City ðpprov~l, but need County approval. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commisaioner pistor and carried 4/0, (Commissioner Kruse out of the room), that the Board approvo tho Fall 1902 U. s. Canine Trials which will bo held in the City of N.::Jples, pursuant to regulations. ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMßERS APPOINTED TO THE SWFRPC: COMMISSIONER rISTOR, BOB FAHEY, AND E. J. "8UCK" KIDD. Administrative Aide to the Board Sp~ulding stated that a lettor from Rolan1 E.::Jstwood, Executivc Director, SWFRPC, requested members bo appointed to the advisory committoe. Commisßioncr Wenzel moved, sccond~d by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, (Commissioner Kruse out of the room), that the following people be appointed members to the SWfRPC: Co~missioner pistor, Bob Fahey, and E. J. "Buck" Kidd. DCC APPROVED THE DISMANTLING OF THE 0. S. HOMt:/LAKEViOOD Tllf:ATMENT PLANT. ¡:';;ûJEC7 ,.. ,......t..,. C' ~ "~'"'',,".I''' Administrative Aidc to thc Board Spaulding stated thùt this item is an .1dded item requesting the dismantling of the U. S. !lome/Lakewood project Sewage Trcatment Plant. commi~s oner pistor movf1d, seconded by co~~ioner Wenzol ðnd r;í1'~""-" .*.,.. /'f'~."o ~ ~'ð'~~) h" cArded YA r'\.1.&-l-y-, that the BCC ðpprove tt1e dismantling of the U. S. j/'Á Home/Lakewood project sewage treatment plant. '~~J\)' I~ BOOK ~ PAGt~ P~ge 97 -- -- - - - - - -.. - -- - - - - - - - -- -..- ,,- - -~ -......--- ------------ ---- " I (~, t , ------------------- --~--~-- --------------..------ _.., May 25, 19"2 ~()K Q69 f~La16 BIOLOGICAL COMMENTS RE C~:~ItR COUNTY, FILE '11-47~4B-SE, DOCK, DREDGING l\ND RIPR!\P, COCOH^TCI\EE RIVER - NOTED ^HD PRO,JECT l\PPROVED. ^dminiatrative Aide to the Board Spaulding stated that the Biological communts have been thoroughly reseð(Ched by the County Environmentðlist, Engineering and rlannin~ Departments. Commissioner pistor moved, 5e~onded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the Biological Comments re Collip.r County File 111-47448-5P., Dock, Dredging and Ripr~p, CocohDtchce River, be approved. pago 98 _..... - - ---:' .. .'0 _._ .- - -- -... .- .. .. - - .. - -- . - - ..- - -- -.... . - . - - - . .~...-~-------_.- -----------. , ,. --.--- ----- ~~,J ,_.-J 1 " " ~ ., . '. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ._. __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __.-1.- Mðy 25, 19B2 MISCELU.NEOUS CORP,r.SPONDENCE - FILF,P AND/OR RF.FERRED Thore being no objection, the Chair directed the following correspondenco be filed and/or referred to tho various departments a~ indicated belo"i: 1. Letter dated 5/7/82 from Michael Sterlace, ~ttorney at LaW, notifyin~ the BCe that Stephcn Leo Wall intends to commence a law suit to recover damages sustained in an automobile accident on Mðy 19, 1981. xc County Attorney's office, Sheriff's officCl Filed. 2. Letter datcd ~/1'/82 from Mr. & Mrs. 'lbert Rosemeicr stating their opposition to furtt)eI industrLJl grc.wth in their ðfea of Imperial Golf Estòtos. xc Mr. Nor~ðn: Filed. 3. Lettor dl1ted 5/3/82 fro~ Eugene M. Cðrlllcci, president, M.::Jples Land-yacht Harbor, regarding a prohlem of speeders in the area of Palm and Marlin Streets. Engineering and the Sheriff's Department ðre working together to reach an equitable solution Dnd HCC will be notifie~ on actions taken. xc Mr. Norman, Sheriff RogerS; Filed. 4. Letter dated 5/l5/82 from Michael A. Barker, Pr~sident, Golden G.::Jte Civic ^ssociation, stating thoir interest in any changes made within the community and requesting notification of any hearingu or other actions prior lo zoning changes in the Golden Gate ^reð. xc Mr. Norman, Mr. virta, Filed. 5. Departmental Report fro~ Collier County public Librllry, ðS of 4/30/132. Filed. 6. DepartMental Report tram Collier County Social Services for March and April, 1982. Filed. 7. Departmental Report from Veteran~ ^ffairs for April, 19B2. filed. 8. Dcpðrtment.::Jl Report from CET^ for ^priL 1982. Filed. 9. Minutes of the M.::Jrco Island Boautification Committee meeting for /".ay 7, 1982. Filed. l0. Minute5 of the Golden GRtD Community Center Advisory Committce mceting for April 27, 1982. filed. ~oo~ 0&9 PAGë2.:19 Page ~9 -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -' - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- I . , -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -' May 25, 19R2 œ9 PAtt22Ø li. Minutes of the Golden Cðte Fire control District ^dvisory Committee meeting foe A-reil 13, 1982. Fl1ed. 12. Minutos of lhe Ochopee Fire control District ~dvisory Committee meeting for May 13, 1902. Filed. 13. Minutes of the I81e~ of Capri Fire Control District Advisory Committee for May 3, 1982. Filed. 14. AdministrðtivclY ðpproved permit from DNR for construction to Rustbrook-SCß, tcmT~rðey con~truction fence at Sea Winds of Marco, 890 South Col1ier Blvd., Marco Island, Fl. Filed. IS. Notification dated 5/l3/A2 from Elton J. Gissendanner referencing the "Save our Coast" prnperty nominations. The letter states th~t Clðm Pass Park property has been tentðlivcly determined to be suitable for purposes of the prngram and a~king tor commitment from Collier County rcgarding financial p¿Htlcipation. xc Mr. Norman, Mr. Virtð, F il ed . 16. ~tler dated 4/lf./R7 from J~mes D. Wright, Attorney for Bureau of Land Acquisition, regarding Collier County Park - Fokahatchee Strand. xc Mr. Normnn, Mr. virta¡ Filed. 17. Lettcr dated 5/~/02 from the Dircctor of the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerc~, in(or~ing of the currcnt 5t~tUS of the 1980 census Neighborhood Statistics Program. xc Mr. Norm.1n¡ Filed. lB. r~tter dated 5/13/82 from John Thomas, Exec. Dir. SACC, and David H. pingree, fccretiHY HRS, regiHding Committee Substitute for Ilouse Bill 931, which cstabl1shps a new locf.ll health planning system for Florid.::J. xc Mr. Normðnl Filed. 19 . LJ" t t f' r "11 t 1'(\ 5/1 3/8 2 f rem C h ¿If 1 e s ^. Ii ð 11, D i r. Wa t e r "',anagement Dlv i sian, r!C50urce Control Dcpar tmcnt, rcgð(Ù lÎ1g Interim Modifications - Golden G~te Estates Canal System. xc Mr. Bðrksdðle, Filed. 20. Letter dated 5/14/87. from W. M. Godfrey, A5sistùnt Dir., Division of Planning ro Naples (Co::'l1er County) UATS, B.1. No. 492009. Joint p~rtlcip3tion Agrcemcnt, ~ctropol1tðn Plðnning Org~nizc1tlon. xc Mr. Lees of the Community Development Division¡ Filed. 21. Letter dated 5/11/02 from James M. Stackpoole, president, Marco Islc1nd Chùmbec of Commerce, gtating thei( objection of tho proposed snle of the Marco transfer station. xc Mr. Normðn, Mr. Barksdalc; Filf)d. Page 100 ,__ - ,_ _.. __,__ __,_ .__,. ____..,.____'_' ,_" '. - _0'- _ ------------ -----' ..., ¡ ç;u..~ ~ . :' . - - - -- - -- -- -- - ~- - ..- - -- - - -.- - -, -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- Mðy 25, 1982 22. Lotter dated ~/17/B2 from IIIJrry 1. Sharratt, "rf.l~ Mðntlqer, 4.65, rcgðrding Audit of Collier County, CDBG Program, Crtlnt No. B-79-DN-12-0242, from B/21/79 through 11/30/Bl. xc Mr. Norman, Mr. virtnl Filed. 23. Latter dated 5/lB/B2 from Michael C. Gðrretson, Director, Division of Local Resource Mðn~gement, regarding ~velopment of Regional Impact status regarding development of Collier County Governmcnt,Ccntcr, which includes Findings of Fact tllld ConcluDions of Law ~nd Order. xc Mr. Normðn, Mr. B~rksdala F il cd . 24. Letter dated 5/11/R2 from Sðndrð M. Whitmire, Chiof, Bureau of Highway SlIfety, notifying of an nward of a highway safety grðnt in the amount of $14,(,09 for û Court Terminal, along with a copy of the approved s~bgrant lIPplication. xc Mr. Norman, Mr. Barksdalel Filed. 25. Letter dated 5/14/82 from Joan M. Heggen, Department of Veteran and Community Affairs, adviDing that they are gathering informa~~0n related to government regulations and how they can he~ume more responsive to the production of i ffordùblc housing. xc Mr. Norm<'ln, Mr. Virtlll Filed. 26. Mcmorùnrlum dated 4/JO/B2 from Michael C. Garretson, encloaing -unoEficldl" informntion on oðlarics to help in preparinq local bud'Jets. xc All constilutiofli:l1 officers ðnd Mr. Jilll, F il cd . 27. Memorð~dum from C. Barksdale, County Engineer to C. William Norman, County Manngcr/ stnting that additional signing will be ins tall e d and 11 t t e r pic k IJ P S c h e ù u led un a we e k 1 Y bas i 8 for :!ighway littering on SR 29, pending availability of porsonn'Jl. 2~. rn~~fffr~t~ of Nncd lInd Section 229-1 Requests, Review Schedule, received from South Centrðl l:'lorlda ¡¡ca1th Sÿ5têiilõ Council. Filed. 29. Letter dated 4/23/A2 from Deiln K. Nl'!whcrry, of Fer~ndino, Grafton, Spl1l1s, Candela, ^rchttectG/f.nginp.ers, requesting to be included on Collier County's list of qualified aechitccts and p.ngincors to aubmit proposnls. xc Messrs. Norman ðnd BñrkGdale¡ Filed. 800K 06S rAGE 221 P~qo lOl ..- .-.--.---- ...~- -- ...-.--------- .. - - - - - -. - -- -- - - - - - - - -.......- .-- I . , _.:.:..-- ------------" - -------------------.-------- f'¡tJ Y 2 5 , 1 9 B 2 WOK 069 FAGt2ZL 30. Lettcr dated 5/l0/82 from WillitJm J. RCðgðn, Clerk, attaching auditod finðncial stðtementB for Co1l1cr County for fiscal year ending 9/30/81 with an opinion letter submittcd by Holchcr, Toylor and Comp.::Jny, P.A. . . . . * . * . * * . . . Thero being no further business for tho good of the County, the meeting WðS ~djourned by Order of the Chair - Time 3:IS P.M. BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONF.RS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING ßOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL c.\/~J~I~""AN . - .July 13, 1~~ These ~ln~t~~ arprove~ by the BCC on as prcsented or liS corrected x See Pa~c 215 Paga 102 ....~_ ....... _._ __..._ ___ _...w w...__..__.. .._._._...._.---i~---"--:-- __._...------..----------...1. , . .. ' "" .' I.