BCC Minutes 05/26/1982 W ------..."'''' ~~~ h..:.."..~ .-'- ., _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _.. ~_ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ __ . __4 -- - - - ---- -- ~ .-- - - NðpleC'>, Florida, M"y 26,1982 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Coverning Board(s) of wuch special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 10s30 A.M. in Worksnop Session in Building -F- of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following m~mhcrs presents CIIAIRMAN! C. R. -nuss- Wimer VICE CllfIIRMAN! Mary-Frances Kruso John A. piator Clifford Wenzel ABSENTz Commissioner Brown lILSO PRESf.NT: Will1l1lT1 J. RcacJðn, Clerk, Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk; C. William Norman, County M~nager and Anne Hora, Personnel Director. lIG F:NDA Interview Appl~cðnts for position of County Attorney 10:30 !I.M. - William N. Drake, Jr. 11:00 A.M. - Durt L. Saunders 11: 30 !I.M. - David M. Wolpin 1: Jo P.M. - Frank S. BlIrtolone 2:00 P.M. - Daniel n. Vaughan County At.torney pickworth ex p 1 ð in ed the first interview would be with Mr. Burt L. Saunders. lie noted thðt the Commissioners had copIes of tfi; resumes of the applicants who would be interviewed. / /' BURT L. SAUNDERS Mr. r>ickwt-rth explained that Mr. Saunders is presently employed as Assistðnt D~de County Attorn~y, a position he has held since October 1, 1979. eoo~ 069 PACe 22a Page 1 \ \ - - -- - -- - -- -~ -- -- -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - ...- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- .. I . , ~ .---- -..- --- --- - ~ - -- --- .._-_. ..-- - -- - _. --. - - - - -- -'- - - - - - - - - -.... bi)O~ 069 rAct.2Z4 "'ay 26, 11)1\2 Mr. Saunders explained that as Assistant Dado County ^ttorney he has had experience in the specific depart~cnts of that office which lncludo Parks and Recrcation, r.nviron~ental Resource5 Management, the Water and Sowor Board and the Port of Miami. He said hio primary responsibilities have been in the areas of environmental law, coastal zone management, obtaining State and Federal dredge and fill permits, and cleaning up and preventing oil spills; involvement with the majority of the contracts np.edcd to carry the Port of Miami's needs to the year 2000, issuonce of bonds to finance th~t construction; land use planning; public utilities; in ad~ition to representing the Water and Sewer Board. Responding to Commissioner pistor, Mr. Saunders described a litigation in which the W~ter and ;,~wer Board was recently involved that went on ðppeal to Circuit ^ppcllùte Court and was deciðed in favor of the Water and Sewer BOiHd. He said he is the only attorney who represents the Watcr and Sewer Board. He said th~t he does not suporvi5e ðny other attorneys. Responding to Chairman Wimer, Mr. Saunders said he was a partner from September 1975 to ^ugust 1978 in tho law firm Saunders-Rogers- Saunders. He explained he had been in business with his older brother and that he lcft said firm because he felt it would be better to specialize. He said that hc went to Lhe University of Miami (or b graduate dcgree in Ocean and Coastal Law which he fclt gavo him the desired spocialty. Responding to C"ommissione! ristor, Mr. Saunders described his involvement in the currcnt program to prescrve the area around Biscayne Bay by formul~ting the general criteria for the types of structures that can be built around Biscayne Bay. He described his part in the development of ~ zoning overlay which has changed the density limitations in an effort to preservo the integrity of the Page 2 -.- - - - - -- - - - - - - -.- - - - - -- - - -- -- - ~:;-- - - - - - - - - - - --. . .'~ . I, C--::1 r..-~ . " . . ,.',.. . - - ..- - -- - -- - - -- - - -- ... ...-- -- - ----- - --------- -- --- Ma y 2 f;, 19 n 2 Eastern Everglades. lie olaboratod on the types of bond lsGues with which he has beQn involved. Responding to Commi8sion~r Kruse, he explained thoro are 38 lawyers in his office nnd that six or soven hðve contact with the Commiasionors, adding that he has had several projects that required hin, to have contðct with tl.e Ccmmissioners. Mr. Saund~rs responded to Mr. pickworth's guestion of the OBsen- tial dlf.fcrences between Dade County and Collie' County and stated tha~ Dðde County is a charter county which would increase the alJthority the county would have. Chairman Wimer noted that Mr. Saunders was currently an ^djunct Professor for the University of Miami Roscnstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences and he asked what impact that position would have on accepting the job in question, to which Mr. Saunders responded that his teaching has been a hobby; that he has been able to follow thþ. Sea Conferences as 0 result of teaching; and that he conslddr~ that a luxury he has been able to have in Dade County, but would not interfere or have any impact on his accepting the p0ßition of County Attorney. Responding to Mrs. Bora, Mr. Saunders 5ldd h~ felt his strengths were his ability to deal with people Dnd to recognize when a situation calls for litigation or 5ettlement and in thnt way he would be able to 5ðV~ a lot of tim~ "nd expense. Ct~irman Wimer suggested that he meet with Mr. Pickworth who could give him an idea at the general operation of the County Attorn~y's office and he thanked Mr. Saunders for coming for the interview. WILLIAM N. DRAKE, In. Mr. pickworth explained that Mr. Drake is presently the Assistant City Attorney of St. Petersburg, a position he has held since October 1975. BOOK 069 rACE_ rag. 3 \ . _..- -- - - -- - - -- -..- ..-- -- - - _...- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - --- ~ I \.~ o . . Ma y :2 Ii, 19 Ô 2 Mr. Drake explain~d that hts duties h~vo primarily been involved in litigation representing the City of St. Petersburg and various muntcipal employees as counsel of rocord in various personal in1ury cases, civil rights, zoning and land-use regulation, real property, contracts and some experience tn pension motters. He said he regularly serves as legal advisor to the Environmcnt^l Development CommissiQn (St. petersburg's Board of Adjustment for spacial exceptions nnd related variances to the zoning code), pennion Boards (t~u5tees for the five pension plans of the city including fire nnd police pension plans ~nd defe,red compensation plõns) i Assessm~nt Review Committee (admini- strative body hearing citizen complaints r~gðrding special assessments for local improvementn) i and the Civil Service Board. lie said he has advised various city departments including the polico and Fire Depart- ments, Planning, License and Inspections, Public Works, and Finance Departments, lInd th~ Reùl Esti'lt/3 Division. He said that while he has not had experience directly with the City Councll he hùs lIdvised the Environmental Dovelopment Commission for seven years which operates along the same lines as the Council. Responding to Mr. pickworth, Mr. Drake said that 70\ of his time is taken with litigation and 30\ in the advisory capacity. RÛÐ?ûödl~~ th~ rn~lrmi'ln wimer, Me. Drùkc said hc has aat in on bond issues, however, he has not been responsible for final pleadings or overseeing the issuonce of bonds. Be sl!id he has hðd experience with utility department rotcs and fees but not fronchisos. He descr1bed his responsibilities with the Environmental Development Commission with reqard to dealing with land Uh" spcclðl exceptions. Commissioner Krußc noted that Mr. Droke 1s a Captain in the U.S. ^rmy neS8rves and Mr. Drake said that he is assigned to the Reserve Page 4 - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -~ --~ ~.- - - -- - - -- - .---- - - -"- -. . . ...".... . t. ú t: ~::;¡ r:.. .:;.~ t . (~) :¡ " "',. , .. : I . &.-____--------------11. _ ________""'--_____________..-.ø___ Ma y 2 (; , 1982 Componont Personnel Center. He said h~ is not involved in weekend reserve meetings, however, ho is currently going through a course that is designed to promote him to Mojor. Responding to Chair~an Wimer, Mr. Drake said, with respect to the differences between city and county governments in Florida, that citios are corporate entities whereas ~ountles are political subdivisIons of thp.: St.ato. lie said in a non-chllrter county there is less home rule power nnd that charter counties have a little bit more authority and po we r . Responding to Mrs. Hora, Mr. Drake sòid he folt hIs strongest points ðre his experience in mur1icipal government and his ~xper1ence in litigation. Chairman Wimer thanked Mr. Dr~kc for coming for the interview and suggested he meet with Mr. pickworth who could give him details on the operation of the County Attorney's office. ..*.*Commi~sloncr Kruse loft the room ðt 11:25 A.M.*···· FRlINK S. SAnTOLONE Mr. pickworth explained that Mr. B~rtolone is presently Assistant City Attorney of the City of Ooca Raton, Florida, a position he has held 5in~e 1979. Mr. Bartolone explained that as Assistant City Attorney he advises most of the various municipal advisory boards and that h~ represents the Engineering, Finance, Building and Community Development Depart- menta and deals with elected offi~iðls. He Raid he handles half of the litigation regarding land use and has litigated several contraband forfeiture ðctions of vehicles and veasels that have boon used for transport of contr.:'lbl.'lnd. lie stated that he attends most of the City BOOX 069 PACt 211 Page 5 --------------~._-------------------------- I . , -- -- -... - --- -- - -- - - - - ~- --.- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - ------ &OO~ Ci9 r~GE ~ MlIY 26, 1982 Council meotingd Dnd actively pðrticlp~t~u on most of tho items for which he is responsible. Ho explained that he has validated a $26,000,000 bond issuo for water/se~cr improvements and developed tho forms for industrial d~veloment bonds. He s~ld he has not had much experience with franchises, however, he has written two rate ordinances. He explained that he basically ndvises the Planning and Zoning Doard, writes the ordinûnces and handles the litigation. He said the administrative staff of his office consists of the City Attorney and himself. Responding to Chûirman Wimer, he explained what ho sacs as the diffcrences between city and county government. He described his current workload as heavy, adding that since October 1981, following 100\ asscssments, one full time assistant was removed from his 0 f (i c e . : I I, Responding to Commissioner P!5tor, Mr. Dartolone said h~ felt , I confident he could allocate what is fair and equitable with regard to water/sewcr franchises and sat ratús, adding that in Boca Raton the rates are adjusted evcry year. lie explained his involvement with the development of impact fees for road~. Responding to Mrs. Hora, Mr. Bartolone said he fclt his strcngths are his ability to work with elccted officials and to deal with various departments. He said he would like to bp. a County Attorney because he likes administrative law and it would add a new perspective to his background. A discussion followed regording what the Commissioners expect of the County Attorney. Chð1rmðn WImer thanked Mr. Bartolone for coming for the interview and ~uggested he meet with Hr. Pickworth wh~ c~uld give him an idea of the general operation of th9 County Attorney's office. - -- - --;' - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -r ( : , ' " I PlIge f; l : . , I I! --______0_____._-------- I: .. ','" " t. C":-"~ r=l . . - ,-- - --....- -- - - - - -' - - - - - -- -- ._--------------~--~~- Mðy :Hi, 1982 Dl\VID M. WOI.P..!!:!. Mr. Pic!(worth explained that ~r. Wolpin in the Assistant County Attocnay of pðlm Beach County, ð position he has hcld since March )981. Mr. Wolpln explained his primary duties as they lIrB involved with the Palm Beach !ntornationðl lIirport which has grown considerably from the mil1t~I[Y airport it originallY was. lie explained that he also handles land acquisitions, developed contracts, ðgrecments, leases and ordinances nnd advises various county boards. He stated that, in the past, he has hðndled engineering matters involving county work projects sllch as no'/ construction and ro.1ds to mJke sure the county is protec- ted. Responding to ~r. Pickworth, he said his off.ice consists of the County Attorney and six a99lstants. lie said thðt the County Attorney is the only one who attends the Commission mcetings unless one of the assistants hðS Dn item on which he has boen working, adding he has attended the meetings when the County Attorney h~s been out of town. Responding to Commissioner pistor, Mr. Wolpin said he handled zuning mðtterS when he was First Assistant City Attorney for the City of ^hllene, Texas, ~nd ðS the Assistant City Attorney for the City of West Palm Beðch, Florida. He said he was vaguely familiar with utility matters since thoro is one assistant in his 0ffice who handlcs the utility matters. He agreed with Mr. Pickworth that hiß of (Ice Is s pe cia 11 zed, .:I d din <J t hat II e h and 1 c :3 a b r 0 i'I d c r ð [!~ ð t h ð n ð n y 0 f the other AssIstant County Attorneys and that much of th~ litig~tion which he handles deals with 7onir.g. Responding to Ch.,irman Wimer, he said he spends approximately 25\ of his time on litigation and 75\ advising the various boards Dnd offices and prcpnr\ng leases, contracts and ordi- nances. Chairman wimer Inquired why Mr. Wolpin made the change after a short period o( ti~e as Assist~nt city ^ttorney for West p.,lm deach and B03X 069 rACE~ paq. 7 \ \ _ __ __ __ 4__ __ _ __ __ ___4 - -- -- -- ..- .~---.. _ ~ _ __ o--~___ ___ - ...- - - -. -- - - - - - .- - - - -- --,,.~...._..,,_._,-."'''''-,_. .., I t , - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - -- -- - -.. - - --- - - - - -- -- -- - ~OCK 069 rA~ê ~O Mðy 2(" 19A2 Mr. Wolpin said that he WðS called by the County ^ttor~cy and invited to apply for the position ....hlch he ultimðtcly received. He sðid ..,ftcr five years in governmental law ho feels th~t he is well qualified for the job of County lIttorncy. HE' descrihed his current office hours. Responding to Commi5sioner pis tor, he said that he had a little experience conc~rning bond validation, and he explained his familiarity with Industrial Revenue Bonds. He gÐve Chairman Wimer letters of rccommendðtlon. Chalrm~n Wimcr thanked h~m for coming for the intervie.... and suggested he mect ....Ith Mr. Pickworth ....ho could give him ð general idea of the oporation of the County Attorney's office. ~***RECESS AT 17:05 P.M. RECONVENED AT 2:00 P.M.···· DlINIEL R. VAUGH EN County Manager Norman introduced Mr. Vaughen and explnined he is Assi5tant County Attorney for Volusia County, Florida, a position he has held since October 1976. Mr. Vaughen said from 197fi to 19ï9 he was primarily responsible for zoning, working on a complete revision of the zonin~ regulations and savcr.Jl amcndr1!:.'nt!'1 to the subdivi5ion rcgulðtions, and advising the Department of Publ1c Works. He said that since 1979, his responsi- bilities have been primarily i~ the defense of litigation agðlnst the count.y. He described his experience in private general practice of law in DeLðnd and the 3-1/2 year period of active duty with the U.S. lIrmy, Judge ^dvocnte Gcncrðl's Corps. Responding to Chðirmðn Wimer he described his experience with bond validation, adding that he hod oß5ir.tance from outside bond counsel. He said that Volusia County is self-insured for Work~r's CompensatIon Pð9. 8 ;,. -1------------- - ......... -- ----.------------:--------------- ," '. ' . . .. '-. ... ."" . \ . I- I ' , .~ - ~- ----, ~.J ç:-..:1 .. " . .~- -- - - - - - - ....- - - - - - - - - - £. - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - --- ,..1ay 2(" t9R2 and general liability ond that he haG handled tho defenso of those claIms. 110 explðincd his advisory capacity for the Personnel Dopartmont and Zoning Commissions and referred to II recent constitutionðl challenge to the municipal service districts ðnd ð contosted bond validðtion proceeding for which he WlIS responsible. He doscribed the differences b~twcen chartor and non-charter county government. He sðid Volusia County has seven commissioncre who are elected from their o...·n districts which is different from Collier County where the commissioners lIrc elected county-wide. He described his involvement in an administrative proceeding with Florida power ønd Light Corporation which resultcd in II ßettlcmcnt to move a one milo wide corridor to the west. Responding to Chðirmðn Wimer, Mr. Vaughen naid he has had no experience in the area of wòter/sp.wer rate scttin~ and franchises. He elaborated on his experience with anoth~r attorney in drafting tho zoning ordinances which involvcd six scts of zoning regulûtions. Responding to Mr. Norman, he elaborated on his experience with the lawsuit involving municipal taxing districts. He explained his office has ð county attorney and five assistants. Responding to Commissioner piator, he explldned his work r¡~g.'lrding impact foes. lie said that the Co un t y At tor n c y a t t P. n d s the C U If, hi i Co::¡ i ::;:-: r.: ~ ~ ': in'] q PI n <1 t h ð tin the are 1I 0 f zoning, he had attended during the zoning hearings and lit other times whcn there was ð matter in which he Wi'lß involved. Responding to Chairman Wimer, he said he is now involved entlrcly in litigation and previuusly his experience was almost entirely advisory. Chairm~n Wimer thanked Mr. Vðughcn for coming for the lnt~rview and sug~estcd he mcat with Mr. pickworth who could give him information regarding the operation of the County Attorney's office. Page 9 BO~K 06D rAcf%a1 . ------- - ----------"';"--- --.----.-....----.-- --..--..---------------- -~."-""'._-"'_...,~~ I . , " ------------- ----- - - -- --------------------. M" Y 26, 1 9 82 ~oo~ 069 r^GE U1 . . .. .. ... - - A short discussion followed regarding the appllcðnts. It. W21 s the consensus of thosc prencr.t that Mr. pickworth would contðct th& thre~ applIcants who genorated the Most interest and ask them if ~hey are interested in the position, aftcr which Mr. pickworth, Mrs. Hara, Mr. Reagan and Mr. Norman would check refcrûnccs. "discussion rcgarding salary followed. Mr. ?ickworth said that ð speciðl mecting would necd to be cal1nd to go over the findings and it ,..as the consensus of those present that WednQsday, June 2, 1962 would be the Special Meeting of the BCC and thðt the pross would bp. notified. J\DJOUHNME:NT There being no furthcr business to COI,le beforc the BCe, the Workshop was ðdjourned at ~:45 P.M. Page 10 _ _-, _ -:- -- _ _ _ - - - -- - - -- - :- - - 7':'"',7 - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -'- - - -..- .' It