BCC Minutes 07/14/1982 W (PM) ~ ~ " \.iJ* 'hl'~ ~~ I I . . - . . ,. II . ____________-______.______._________---"-.J-------.J ~.¡ . . Naples, Florida, .July 14, 1982 LeT IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Bo~rd of County Commissioners In and for the County of Collior, and also ðcting as the govorning Board(s) of auch special districts as hove been created ðccording to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 2:00 P.M. in Workshop Session In Building ·F· of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members prcsp.nt: CHAIRMAN: C. R. ·Russ· Wimer VICE CHAIRMAN: Mary-Frances Kruse John A. pistor Clif ford Wenzel David C. Brown ~LSO PRESENT: Burt L. Saunders, County AttorneY1 Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk, Terry Virta, Community Development Administrator; C. William Norman, County Manager1 Mike Kloehn, Planning Diroctor; David McKim, Planner, and Grace Spaulding, Administrative Aide to thè Board. AGENDA 1. Beach Access Study and Recommendation. STAFF DIRECTED TO REWORK BEACH ACCESS STUDY - TO BE BROUGHT B~CK TO THE BOARD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Mike Kloehn, Planning Director, stated that he has invited a staff member from thB Trust for Public Lands of the Tallahassee office, adding that she would be making a R1ide presentation on their program. He reported that the Beach ~ccess Study was initially presented to the Board on May 11, 1982, noting that the study contains three chapters. He reported that tho first chapter contained an inventory of the Page 1 . " :';.~ 1~ '.'1.'\" ..If< ·'··'_'Æ· . ,:.:'¡.~ -.- - - - -~ --.- - -- -- -.- -.- -- -.- -- - - - -- - - - - -' - - - - - - - - ~ - - - ~ '..:..' ,,:,;;"~ . .~ , . .' ...~.- . t ' .,< A-1..·.'..c . . . .' ~ ....'.i-.: . ,'\ \'.~ ,,: ,";".. MOK 069 PACE 837 -- ------..-...- .-- ..-...- ---- --...- -- ---------------------- ":t, ::: ^_..(..!,.... .Jul y 1 t1, 19 B:)' '&OOK 069 PACE 8B8 developed and undeveloped be~ch access sites tho second chaptor consists of a b~ach nccesß needs asocssmp.nt for tho County; and tho third chapter is the rccommondðtions based upon the needs acceasment. Mr. David McKim, Planner, indicated various beach sites on an overhead map, stating that Barefoot Beach Park is 600 feet long and under dov~lopment, Delnor State Park to the south includes two m~in pieces of land; onc is a mi1c of undeveloped bcach to the north of Wiggins P~ss which is State owned and the other is a mile of land to the south of Wiggins Pass which is a developed state p~rk. He reported that, to tho south of Dclnor, there are five 10' Vanderbilt Beach. walkways with no parking, adding that to the south of Vanderbilt Road there is a 100' easement combined with a five acrc tract of land that Pelican Bay relinquished to the County. He stated that 2-1/2 miles to the £outh uf the easement is Clam Pass Park with access only at the Park Shorc beach walkway. Ho continued further southward on the map, indicating tho location of lIorizon way which is /)'100' beach with an' .' access and parking. He reported that, in the City of Naples, ther~ are beach access points at Verdado Way, ~lramar, Lowdermilk Park, 32nd Aveune South and 19 accesscS along the various streets in town. He concluded by stating that there are two beach access points on Marco ISland, one at Tiger Tall Beach and a newly acquired one at Point Marco which is a 10' access. Mr. Kloehn Stllted that, aftor tho inventory was cot.ploted, a needs assessment was done with a methodology from tho Florida Departme~t of Natural Resources in their Outdoor Recreation in Florida 1981 study, addir~ that this study takes participation rateR for residents of the . . paq e 2 -. ',1-- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ..- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ---::- ,\ ~J t::.::J --- -¡J ~.'t¥. .:~ ~ , II II ¡¡ . . i1 __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __l._ . . July 1", 1902 County, residents of Florida outsido the County and tourists, and applies them to the,p~p~lntion estimates of these groups. He reported from this information nn annual usage figuro 1s arrived and from that a ptak day average is dcrivcd which is a dosign demand. He stated that the noeds assessment compares the design demand with the 8upply of beaches in the County. He notcd that, in Collier County when the design demand 1s compared to the currcnt and future tourist and resident population, the study showed in 1981 there was a surplus of 2.2 acres of beach and in 1990, there will be a deficit of 24 acres and in tho yeðr 2000, a deficit of "3 acres. He stated that the figure for 1981 is misleading because the surplus is talking about beach area and not whether it Is accessible or not, adding. that this is strictly the 8qu~re footage of pot~ntiðl beach access. Chairman Wimer questioned whether Mr. Kloehn was speaking of beach access for beaches, to which Mr. Kloehn replied the sandy beach, itself, adding that this was based on sandy beach in public ownership not the sandy beach in private ownership. Chairman Wimer stated that the topic of beach access needed to be startQd off right, indicating that the beach is in public ownership and he is refcrring to the beach ~ccess which is getting from the public thoroughfare or streets to the public beach. Mr. Kloehn stated that he is referring to the public beach that the public owns along the entire beach, the area bptwecn there and the public access. He referred to Wiggins Pass State Park stating that part of it is all publicly owned, but there is a certain portion of that beach that was originally purchðsed by the County and sold to the StatfJ. ;10¡ .~\ fr Page 3 (';. &1 '~~, Jt';~ ..".. MOK 069 PAGr 6S9 '..,~ -- - - - - - - - - -- - ---,- --- --.. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - --I: . ',' .\:'~ .' .~. " , . · ,t: - \(" ~',., .__..._ __ ._4_._ ..... ...... ....._... ..------ -. .___.4_____·_..____ - -- - --------..--.-- ðOO~ 069 rAC~ 6«) .July l<1, 19A7 " .......... _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _4 __ _ - - - - - -- --- -- -- --- .. Commissioner ~ruse refcrrcd to someone owning a house on ð beach, private up to the mean high tid~, and asked ~hat portion of the beach Mr. Kloehn was ref~rring to, the puhlic piece, the pr1v~te piece, or the piece to get across the privately owned, to which Mr. ~loehn replied the pieco to get across tho privately owned. Chair~ðn Wimer stated that beach and bcach access are two d~fferent things, adding thðt the County conccrn has been to get the access to the beach, pnrt of which is in public ownership and part of which is priv~tely owned but historically public use. He questioned if the square footage of beach necessary with the formula for the POPulation equates to the beach access area or thß usable beach area, to ~hich Mr. Kloehn replied the usable beach area. Mr. Xloehn stated, that based on the needs for the future population, he was recommending that the Beach ^ccess Study Committee be reactivated with the hopes ~hat they would have a strategy to handle the different beaches. He stated that a further recommendl\tion would be that the Beach Acr.esS Committee explore a series of ðlternatives such ðS contacting thc Depa r tment of Natural Resources regðrding the Wiggins Pass North to discuss how the eascment to the l¿lnd would be used and how the state could develop this into a more activo recreation area, adding that if the State is not interested, possibly the Beach Access Committee could investigate some type of fcrry from Wiggins Pass aretl. He noted that the Beach Access Committee cO'lld take a look at Clam Pass Park in order to closely monitor the County's application with the .Save our Coast- program ðnd also that the Comittce contact and discuss with the Trust for Public Lands the possibility of some Page .. ;\ ., ,.~1i ",;~ .;}.(; :ff "'I --~-----~í--r-~~-~T--~---~~~--r-~~~~----~'t . f' . . . I) . ~:"tt -'): ':d~~:;:,~ ':~ . ,.. ' ·ft· ,~ ~.( . oJ ' ---. ~ I . II , . ----------------------------------------...... ~t.~ ~ . . . . July 14, l~f\2 type of a bargain sale for the N~ples Cay proporty. He stated that the Committee could set up some type of a bus shuttle system. He concluded by stating that the Beach ~ccess Committee could inventory the undevoloped beach acceSs sites that are in the County to examine them for trade, purchase, or bargain sale and finally to examine the possibility ~f obtaining prescriptive easements or the purchase of additional easements in areas which arc a considerable distance from any beach access sites In the County. Chairman Wimer stated that there is a lot of beach that people of the County cannot get to, adding that the whole concern has been to get to the beach which is going to take many forms whether it is a beach access poillt, walkw.JY, parldng, and graduating up to beach front park~ng lots and beach front parks. He stated that he was not sure how the figures of usable beach equate to beach access and beach front parks. Chairman Wimer questioned what population figure he used, to which Mr. ,Kloehn replied the University of Florida figures. Chairman Wimer stated that these figures do not count the winter residents and the County does not have a problem with beaches during the summer so the population figures would not· be correct. Commissioner Xruse referred to Page l8 of the study, stating that it indicated a standard of 50 squ~ie feet per person per day of beach 'access needed. She questioned if he was t~lking about beach sand per day or about the walkway, to which Mr. Kloehn replied that he was referring to the beach sand that is already there. Commissioner Kruse stated that when the BOArd refers to beach access, they are referring Page 5 MOK 069 fAC£ 6.f1 . ' '- .. . , . _ _ _ _ _.:.... _....J: _ ~ - - -. - - - - - - -...... - - - - - _:..... - _...::. - - - ----- MO~ 0ô9 fACE 642 Jul y 1", 19 ß 2 to where they Ðre going to walk to get to the beach, not the boach itself. Sho stated that if there is not enough shoreline, there i. nothing that tho Board can do about it, but what the Board needs to know is the access that is ncedcd to get people from here to there. Mr. Kloehn stated that he was not sure why the methoðology is important, adding that ho understands the need for the beach access as it would not make any difference how much square footage there is if you cannot get the people there. Ho reported that he used the methodology to fInd out if the County has the square footago and, if the square footage is there, find a way to get therc or if more is needed see if morc publIc square footage of beach can be obtaIned. Mr. virta, Community Development Administrator, stated that there is a set amount of be~ch, but at the same time only portions of the beach ðre readily accp.ssiblc in any form or manner. He said thðt the study is bascd upon how many people want to use the beach, upon what beaches are availðble, adding that there is sufficient beach for the County need5 now. He stated that the way to provide additional beach to meet thc needs for the future Is to enhance accessibility, adding that they are sop~rate issues but it all comes back to the same thing that if there Is no access you cannot get to the beach. Chairman Wimer questioned if only the beaches that had accesses to them were counted and not the rest of the beaches, to which Mr. Kloehn replied negatively, adding that just whatever was public. Commissioner Kruse stated that to her beach acceRS is getting across the privately owned land to the public beach, adding that now she is getting the impression that therc may not be enough beach Page 6 .~ - - - - - - - - -;--- - - - - -- - - - -- - - --- - - - ---- ------- " " ~ , ~..t1,.~ I I Ult ., .. I ----------------------------------------- ~ July 11\, ]I)P2 accnssos and that the County might have to purchase some of the private land to get to the public beach. Mr. Kloehn stated that if the Bo~rd was interested in ~eeting tho . particular planning stand~rd, that some private land would have to be acquired, adding that it is merely a guideline. Commissioner Kruse stated that she thought beach access was being addressed, which is the ability to get to the beach wht~ther it is a 10' strip or a 500' strip of land. She stated that, according to the standards, it is not clear what is being refcrred to as beach access. Mr. Kloehn stated that the private beach would have to be purchased, which is the beach between the vegetation line and the mean high water line, in order to meet the standards. *****~*Commissioner Brown left the meeting at 2:30 P.M.**··**·**··· Chairman Wimer stated that it waG his understanding that there are plenty of beaches there ~ow and the problem is getting the people through private lands to the white s~ndy beach and having adequate room , to park cars. Chairman Wimer stated that he needed projections on how many people go to the beach, how many cars that involves, 8nd where the cars will be parked as well as how those people will get from the cars to the beach. He said that a projection is then ncedcd on the in- creased use of benches over the years in order to plan on the purchaR- ing and acquiring of the accesses and parking for vehicles. Mr. Kloehn st~ted that it focuseG on parking, to which Chairman Wimer replied parking and a way to get to the beach. He reported that one possibility of the study would be a shuttle service. Commissioner plstor stated that Chairman Wimer is conccrned with Page 7 MOK 069 PACt 6~3 -- -- -.-_... -....;~- - --... -.. - - --. - -~~ .-_. . -~.... .. ~... -. --'. .-. ._- --' -..- - ...._' ...- ...-.....- -- -- ...... .- - --- - _.~ . . ' ~ ,I,. I: II I , . '1' :.l ,J _.C. ! ,. _.__ _ _ __1..- -1'___ ---~-.-- - --~------------------- &O~~ 069 rACE 8.f4. July 14, 19A2 people from Colden Gote, pinc Ridge, otc. being able to got near onough in order to walk tó the beach. COlnmissioner Kruse stated th2lt in nIl thc formulas in ·the report there are square footages takcn of all the white sandy beaches which indicates that there is not enough bc~ch. She stated that by using the formulas the Board cannot correctly relate to them because only the beach access figuros that are directly by the bench accesses are being used and net the figures that cover the beach, adding that there is a lot of beach and the County is not short of benches, therefore, the figures are a misconception. She stated all the ~oard wants to address Is getting to the bcach across the private land. Community Development Director virta stated th~t there is more undeveloped beach in Collier County than there is developed beach, addipg that the areas that are accessiblc are the devcloped beaches. lie stated that thc County knows where access points are and the potential for their utilization, adding that the problem is how to enhance tho limited oreas that are usðble DS well as the areas that are not rcadily usable at the present time. He concluded by stating that Mr. Kloehn is recommending that Staff work with the Beach ^ccess Committoe and come back with specific recommcndations to the Coard. .-~Commissioner Kruse left the room at 2:40 P.M. and returned after recess.-·· Chairman Wimer stated that he has met with numcrous people and he was looking for his professional staff to simply and directly address the problem with some statistics to back them up. He indicated that he and numcrous other people could draw beach access plans within the next Page 8 - ~._.. ..- - .. -- -..... .-... -- -- .... . .....- --.... - - - - -- ....... - - - ...... - .-... -- -- ---- --...- ---- 'I - - - __ - - - - - - - - - - __ - - - - - - _._ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _II. ~ _ L". "" ~ ......, ~Il~ ..ruly l~, 19 '1? hour that would probably work well for 10 years. Ite atated that just as important there is n tense dosire for mðnkind to get to tho water, adding that he needs projections now. ********* Recess 2:45 P.M. - Reconvencd 2:55 P.M. ********** Cary Hayo, project Manager of Trust for Public Land, Tallahassee Office, stated that the firm was founded in 1972 in San Francisco, where the national office is located. She stated that Trust for Public Land is a private non-profit organization with chartered goals of presorving open space land throughout the United States, which can cover anything from wilderness area to a city park. She stated that her goal is to provide access to the public to their natural resources. She stated that their goals are accomplished by acquiring land from private landowners and reconvcying it to a public agency for open space uses. She stated that community groups arc enabled to acquire managed land by training these community group5 in the techniqucs of non-profit land acquisition and the firm offering technical support. She reported that from the Tallahassce office 1111 the southeast states are served. She stated that there are other offices in New York, New Mexico, Ohio, and Seattle. She said that there are three programs within the Trust for Public La~d, adding that the Public Landa Program takes lands from the private sector and reconveys it to thc public sector for open space. She stated that therc is also a Land Trust Program and an Urban Program. She stated that since 1~72, 40,000 acres of opon space land has been transferred into public ownership in 13 states at a value of about $50 million. She said that by reconveying the land into public Page 9 aOOK C69 fACt 845 --:: - - - - - - -.-- ~. - -- - -- -,- --~._._- --~----~;-~Lf-~-----;I . .! ' , ;; -I' . ..' . }! . . s , . . , ;,..A " , . .' ,( .' , " i· __ _ _ _ _ _ _.._ _ _ -l... _ _..:.....: _ _ - - - - -A. - - - - - - -..- - - - ~- - ------ ~a:J~ 069 fAct 646 July 111, 1982 ownership there has been a savings of about S15 million to the public or an average of 25~ below fair mark~t value. She stated that when the firm begins working on a piece of land, they identify ,the land that the public agency would like to acquire and then work as a bridge or a third party between the public agency and the landownors to make a transaction possiblr, ~ddlng that the firm does most of the work like marketing the land, help funding, etc. Sho reported that a landowner can make a donation or sell it below fair market value and in retµrn ,the landowner receives certain tax benefits. She noted thllt Trust for Public Land can operate more quickly than an agency as they can hold a piece of property with an option nt tod~y's prices for the future. She concluded by stating that all transactions arc confidential. ~t this time a ,20 minutcs slide presentation was shown indicating some of the projects that wcre transl'lcted throllgh, Trust for Public., Land. *Chairman Wimer left the room at 3:05 P.M. and returned at 3:15 P.M.* Ms. Hayo stated that the firm works with a wide variety of public groups. She indicated numcrous projects that were in process at this time stating that she is working with the Water Management District for .8 50,000 acre piece of land in the East Everglades for acquisition. She reported that she is working with the Coral and the Save our Coast Program, adding that she snw the Naples Cay property which would be a good example of an area that may be acquired In order to makft tho Clam Pass Park more accessible. She concluded by stating that she appreciated being able to give hcr presentation and is willing to work with the County. rag e 10 . _.1. · . '~ ,., ~.' ~ t~~ Jl ______IiUW _________~__________.~__________ . July 14, 1902 Chairman Wimer thanked hcr for the presentation, addln~ tnat he hopod that the County would be able to work with Trust for Public Land in the acquisition of several sites in the coastal area. " '. Mr. ~lbert Tripp, secretary of the Marco Island Tnxpayers ^s80ciation, stated that at Dclnor State Park there are 400 parking apaces which are filled to capacity by 10:00 A.M., ðdding that Marco I.land has the same situation with only 57 parking plðces at Tiger T~il Beach,. He reported that Tiger Tail Beach consumes 20' of tho total developed and undeveloped beach area in the unincorporated area of Collier County. He stated that when the parking spaces are filled the beach should be closed and enforcemcnt of illegal parking should be made. Mr. Rod Alades, ^dministrative Assistant to the Board of Bonita Shores and Little Hickory Shores Improvment Association, stated that he rocently presented to the Board a petition with about 400 names on it asking that Lely Beach be developed for parking. He stated that there is 600' of bcach front, but the only access to it is by' parking in Lee County and wðlking down the beach. lie reported that thero is ðnother area north of Wiggins Pass that is good beach, but a better access to it is needed. lie concluded by stating that it is imperative and important that beach accesses be made. *****~Commissioner Wenzel left the room at 3:30 P.M. ind returned at 3:33 P.M.······ Mr. Henry Maxant, resident of Pine Ridge, stated that addi.tional parking spaces are needed at Dclnor and asked why there cannot be less restrictions on removing mangroves for beach access? He concluded by asking if the restrictions could be lessened, to which Chairman Wimer Page 11 " ~D~ 089 fAtis.t7 -----~--~--------------------~---------~. , ',.' ¡ ·1 ;.\' , .. . ~ !, r..W i '. ~ .~" 1. '-. .~" .~, " ".... .' I ',f It [I. I . '/';'; .. : '. ;,,:t " ¡' )~, .' ~ '.. ... - - __ ___ -"-- - -.1.- __ ----'- ---- ------ -------------- ~r)I( 069 fAŒ 64.8 July 1", 19R2 stated that there are continuous efforts being mr.,1e in Tallahassee regarding mangroves. Mr. Glen Tucker, Attorney, statod he was representing the Van~erbilt Beach Property Owners ASßocation. He stated that the ~ss~ciation objects even to the inclusion of what ðre called Vanderbilt wðlkways, adding that the comment in the Access Study states that these easements w~re given to the C~unty, procurred by the County, and/or dedicated to tho County. He reported that there is nothing in the records that indicates that there was any negotiations or that the County had anything to do with the designation of those acceSS easements. He reported that these casemcnts were dedicated as public easements strictly to the property owners that live on tho 3 streets · that are directly across from Vanderbilt Drive, adding that they ð~e on private property and would impose an undue burden on this community if they were made into beach accesses. He concluded by stating that he is urging the County to leave these areas out of consideration. Commissioner Wenzel stated that another report is not needed, adding that cveryone knows what needs to be done like the parking at Lely, the access roads at the one mile beach, the parking at the south end of Vanderbilt Beach, the parking developed at the south end of Pelican Bay, and a price on a causeway. lie stated that those are the things that should be done instead of more studies, adding that he has been sitting on the Bonrd for sixteen ycars and ten years has been devoted to studies. Chairman Wimer stated that he agreed with Commissioner Wenzel, adding that he wanted a blueprint or plan for starting the improvoments, whore, how, fundinq, and any additional for the pre.ent pa~e 12 :.-'"' " .-..- - --- -- -- - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - --- ---- -- -------.. , , , . ~ . . ." ':, ":<'.17 J , ~111Il11~ * I _ __ ____ ___ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __=--'_ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _1 \,'; .. " ~ --~--~--~---------T------::-----T- ,:\ -~:~---~·:~4. "t- ' ", , ", ,. r. ,L. i d'. . ~'. .'þ" .,. '" '. ~ ,J ;'1 'II " ,.,~~ . ... I ::;:$ " .... " July 14, 1902 or future growth of the County. Ho state-J that the report' has some good information, but it is not what is needed. He stated that with everybody's permission the workshop would adjourn and there would be n~tific.tion received ohortly as to when a new report with the corréct information would be coming, to which there was,. genoral consensus. * * * * * * * * * * .There being no further bus1negs for 'the good of tho County, the moeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time 3s45 P.M. Page 13 ~OOt; 089 ~AÇë6f9