BCC Minutes 07/27/1982 W '_,---<~~..."."..., . . .. .....,. . . ..... - - -= . I ¡ 'I ! ! : . , Naplas, Florida, July 27, 1982 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board ~£,~ounty-Comml.sloners in and for the County of Collier, and also ac~ing as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1145 P.M. in Budget Workshop Se..ion In Building -F- of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members presentl CHAIRMAN: C. R. -Russ· Wimer VICE CHAIRMAN: Mary-Frances Kruse John A. pistor Cll Hord Wenzel Dav id C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk, Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk, James C. Giles, Fiscal Officer, Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk, C. William Norman, County Manager, Burt L. Saunders, County AttorneYI Henry Hill, nudget Analyst, and Chief Deputy Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. AGENDA 1. Review of responses to the BCC request for budget cuts -targeted- for $1.4 million A. General Fund , 1. Sheriff 2. County Manager 3. County Attorney 4. Clerk of Courts/Clerk of Board 5. Supervisor of Elections 6. Courts and related prcgrams 7. Stato Attorney 8. Public Dofend6r B. Othor operating funds. County Manager 2. Scheduling of Departmental Budget Reviews .. ). ~. ; Page 1 <.¡ . , ~OK 070 rACE 20t .//Æ) -(,;-It. ::f,~ , ,;PO:: .~ ), '" ";1'''' ':~: ' .'t~ t: r ~/ _.~ -,. ~'.." ,,,.- July 27, 1982 &OOK 070 fACE 203 "ape , DISCUSSION REGARDING POSSIBLE BUDGET REDUCTIONS County Manager Norman stated that the material that is being presented is organized by division rather than by fund, rocognizlng I . that all of the items will serve to solve the overage problem with regards to the limit that the County is faced with on the levy of property taxes. He stated that some of the items are capital items and may not be able to be transferred each .year but they do recognize a level of reduced equipment replacement. He noted that efficiency and productivity depends on strong management and the ability to develop good records. He stated that he wished the Board would not take any final action on these items, but simply indicðte their concerns and preferences. He reported that not shown on this presentation is an amount in excess of $100,000, adding that they are in the process of examining the freeze on replacement personnel, c~pital purchases and travel. Referring to Page 1 of the Po.sible Budget Reductions- '~der the County Manager's Division, Chalr~an Wimer questioned if the Board hid any problems with the reductions? There being no problems, the Board concurred with Page 1 .. pre.ented. The Board agreed with Page 2, with the exception that the Chri.tmas contribution would be left in under Personnel-Employe. Progra.... *Appended pag_ 2 -.~. .., .. , __,·_~,w_~..,.~,,"~,,~. t .. .. ,..- . c::::I t::::;;;) ,...."- ~.:...J . ' July 27, 1982 ':,0 'þ>- - - . - - - -. . Chairman Wimer noted that the Board concurs that Page 3 could reaatn as It h. The general consensus for Page 4 was to leave the intersection paving in the budget for Districts 1, 2, and 3. Commis.loner Wenzel aoved, seconded by Com.lssioner Pis tor, which vas denied 2/3, (Commissioners Kruse, Brown, and Wiaer opposed), that the reduced CR J58 work for Maintenance District 5 be taken out of the budget. It va. ~he general conSensus that the re.alnlng portion of Page 4 remain a. ie. Tape 7 The gonerft1 consensus of the Board for Page 5 and Page 6 was to leavo It as it Is. The Board'. consensus wae to leave the purchase of an aabulance vohicle i~ the budget under the EMS division on Page 7, with the romalnder of Page 7 to reaain the saae. On Page 8, the general consensus of the Roard was to leave the two custodial position. in the budget for the Colden Cate Co..unity Center, to leave the Courthouse Grounds contract, the Courthou.e Cround. I.prove.ent, and the Sprinkler Conversion in the budget under P'R ·~round. Maintenance-Naples COlllpleX, with the remaining of Page 8 to stay a. Is. Page 9, the general consensus of the Board was to leave the Counselor 1/2 tlae position in the budget under the Youth Guidance, to leave the Library Page position in the budget under the Library-Colden Cate, to leðve the Mu.eu. Tech. 1/2 tllle position and expenses in the page 3 800K 070 fACE 2Of. , t " . . '\ I '! ,::;.: -"" . "' ',,, &OO ( 070 PAGE205 July 27, 1982 budget under the Museum, to leave the agricultural position In the budget under the Agriculture Depart.ent, and to leave the .ecretary position for 1/2 time in the budget under the Veteran Service, with the remainin¡ Item to be left aa la. Page 10, the general con sensu. was to leave the Special Service. under Building Maintenance, Building Code Comp-Adm!n. In the bUdget, to leave the Building Maintenance-Special Service. under the Building Code Compliance-Plan Compliance in the budget, and that the remainder ot Page 10 vill remain the same. Th. general consensus of the Board waa to leave Page 11 of the po.slble budget reductions aa it I.. Chief Deputy Clerk Hall stated that with these reductions the . budget would be approximately $280,000 short of the $1.4 million deficit, adding that this includes the -Sheriff's S19l,OOO, and the judges havo not yet been contacted. Clerk Reagan stated that he held the 5', which would give the County $136,~75.00, with great difficulty. He stated that most of the cuts were in court services like witnesa fees, attorney fecs, court- mandated costs, etc. He stated th~t It would be wise to earmark $100,000 for the fees that he has no control over. fie stated that there will be no new positions and some old posItions have been changed to reach the 5\ cap. lIe stated that a stano position that Is vacant would not be refilled, adding that there would be no new positions In the County Court or the Circuit Court. He reported that there is one docrease in the County reporter~ section and no new personnel for the Finance Division, which Is a very slim budget, but, in order to meet Page .. .. '-"~--~.,.",..",-"""",.-........"..,-,...," r=I ~ ,......---., ....... . ~. . . ~~ " July ').7, 1962 the 5' cap, thl. i. what it will take. He stated that if thlte are t~o murder cases, the whole budget falls apart. He concluded by statin9 that his recommendation Is to earmark SlOO,OOO in the Contingency Fund. It was the general consensus of the Board to ear~ark $100,000 In the Continqency Fund and label It a. reserve for the Clerk of Courts, If needed. Tape e Mr. Hall stated that he put the County Attorney's budqet together which Is being held to the 5' cap. Chðirman Wimer questioned if the assistant was still needed, to which County Attorney Saunders stated that if there is any way to avoid hiring a second assistant he will do his best. Chairman Wimer directed the County Attorney to prepare a list of the major contract services for the Board to look at In order to determine if they need to be disposed of. Mr. Hall stated that the fiupervls~r of Elections' budget increased only 1.3\. Mr. Hall stated that the Public Defender had a budget decrease of 16\ for the next fiscal year. Mr. Hall stated that the only budget thdt is not complete is the Other General Administrative which he administers for the Board, addin~ that the impact Is how much the Board wants to put Into reserves and contingency. He stated that another major item of this budget is the fees of the Property Apprðiser and Tax Collector which goes up and down, depending on how much taxes the taxing authorities levy. He stated that the General Fund pays for School Board taxes for the C1~y Page 5 &OOK 070 PACf2D6 '_.~:., ~ ;".':.ti~ ^ ~ " :'......, . .' > . .: ~ :, r' '\ .......-"'-"'-,~,.,,>.~;~.._.....- 010 PACE 201 July 27, 1982 of Everglades and Naples, adding that this is around $1.8 million which is by stato law. Commissioner Wenzel stated that when the budget Is pUblished, it should be known that this item Is an additional cost. Chairman Wimer questioned if there is anything that can be done about the ad valorem tax on the oil reserves for Collier County, to I " . which Mr. Hall stated that he could look into the matter to see if the County is getting the proper amount and if there is anything that can be done to increase the tax. Chairman Wimer directed Mr. Hall to check into the above- referenced matter and for County Attorney Saunders ,to check into any legialatlon that could be enacted locally a. aoon as possible. Mr. Hall stated that tho intent of allocated charges is to highlight costs applicable to specific departments to help the Board in determining if they are proper. Mr. Hall stated that the Property Appraiser received another 15 day extension, adding that It is taking longer than the Property Appraiser anticipated, thereforo, the full 30 day extension will be needed. lie stated that, legally, 15 days lifter submission of the property values, the tentative budget has to be submitted to the Board. He noted thllt since the preliminary reviews have been done, further changes from the Property ^ppraiser would be made and the tentative budget could be submitted to the Board around August 6, 1982. He noted that this would givo th~ Board the'week of August 9, 1982, to review the complete budget, which at the completion of the review the Board would need to adopt the tentative budget and notify the Property pag e 6 - - - - -"~; .~ .,'1 ~~.\~ _..-----..."_._...,~.""""_._.""',."._.,,.. ~ t:::J ,....---. ;¡ , . -.' r.. . . ' July 27, 1982 ~ppraiaer of the adopted tentative miflages and the date, time, and place cf the first public hoaring by August 17, 1982. He reported that this ~ust be done, by law, by August 30, 1982, ftdding that the first public hearing has to be ~0-7S days after certification of value. He concluded by stating that it appears that by early October the budget could be adopted. After a general discussion regardtng allocated charges, Chatrman wt.er directed that Mr. Hall, Mr. Norman and the Ftscal Officer sit down with all Conatitutlonal Officers and other users to discuss what allocated charges are and how they work. Fiscal Officer Giles stated lhat the budget displays allocated charges as being, non-operating expenses as they are less controllable than other expenses by the department heads. He stated that these expenses should be shifted to operating expe~ses as thuy are operating expenses of the departments, adding that the objections that department heads have with the amount of the charge is something that needs to be . discussed with the County Manager and the Board. Mr. Hall stated that, under this years leginlatlon, the Board, through the Fiscal Officer, must prepare a complete financial statement for all County agencies which must properly reflect all expen.e. where they should be. * * * There being * * * . * * . no further business for the good of the 'County, the * meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time 2:55 P.M. Page 7 ..' ) ','J .~ .~ .",J ðOOK 07D fAC( 2D8 ~',