BCC Minutes 08/10/1982 R , I ~ .... ,- c::::w :\ l · ' . \ t _..:..''- __ __ ~ _ __ _ _ __._- _..:..--------.- :..__- _ _ _ _ _ __ Ll ., . :~. . c:J. " . . c:::J , . t r .,(- N~pl~n, Florldn, ^uqußt 10, 19A2 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that tho Board of county Commlsøtonorø In and for tho County of Collier, nnd ftlso ftctlnq as the Roard of %onln9 ^ppeals and as the governing board(s) of such cpeclðl districts ftS have boon crcatød accordl~g to law and ~avlng conducted bunlnes. horeSn, met on this date at 9s00 ^.M. In REOUL^R SESSION In Building WFW of the Courthouoo complex In East Naplos, Florida with the following momber. prescnts CH~IRM~Ns C. R. ·RUBS· Wimer VICE CH^IRM^~S Mary-Frances Rruse John ^. plstor C1I Hord Wenzel David C. Brown ^LSO PRESENTs William J. Reagan, Clerk, J~mes C. Giles, Fiscal o,ticcr ~linor ~. f,kinnpr, Deputy Clerk, C. Wlllia~ Norman, County Managor, ~urt L. Saunders, County ^ttorneyr Terry vlrta, Community [)(tvclopr.\cnt: ,·,dr.\lnlßtr...tor, Loe Lðyno, ^ctlnq 20nlng Director, trvlnq Borzan, Utllltl~B Managrrr Edward Smith, ^sslstant County ~anagerr Dr. Mark ~cncdict, County Environmentalistr Donald Norton, Puhlic ServIce. ^dmlnlstratorr Crace SpauldIng, ^dmInIstratlv~ ^Ide to the ~oard, and william McNulty, r.horlff'o Dopartment. Page 1 .' " .oo~ . ·o7Ò PACE 249 l 4_______-_______~-- ~,,---..---.-,.-.- -.......-...-.---- . .... , .. . . . "--------------~-----------------------_.-. ~uqu.t 10, 1982 aoo~ 070 rACE 254- Tðpo 11 Itom 1 ^OF.ND^ - ^PPROVF.D WITH CH^NGES .. Co~mi..lonor Wenzel moved, aeconded by Commiaaioner piator end carried un^nImoualy, that the agenda be approved with the !ollowin9 chan9,a, 1. Item ~-C2 - Public hearing ro incrpasing riqht-of-wðy permit fees and rescindinq resolution R-7R-177 - Contlnuod to September 14, 1982. 2. Items (,C-~ ~ 5 - petitlonn CCCL-R?-3C and CCCL-n2-4C requesting v~ri~nces from the CoastAl Construction Control Line - Continued to AUqU9t 24, 19R2. 3. Itom 9F-2 - Rft achedulSnq public Information moetln~ for Solid W~nte uscr feen - ^dded. 4. Item l~^-l ^pprovðl of travel requeßt - Withdrawn 5. Item )~C-3 - RCGolutlon nppolntlnq and ðuthorizing spociflc Public Workø Dlvl~lon p~røonnel to ex~cute certain document. _ Continued to ~.ugust 201, 19R2. ., fi. Item 16£-2 - ^ppolntment to Library ^dvlðory Board Do 1e ted 7. Discussion rc now site for North Naples Flro St~t'on - ^dðed under Old Business " R. ItcmR 10^-3 & 4 - County Roqlonal W~ter ~ystcm Contract and ðuthorlzntion to ðdv~rtlsc tor bids ro Sewer ^roa W^. Expansion - Contlnur.d to ~uqust 24, 1~R2 9. Discussion re Community Parks Referendum - ^dded to ~ppropriðtc Dudq~t ^~ondm~nt dlscu~ølon. Item 2 ~INlIT£S OF JULY 13, 198' nce "'£F.TINO - ^PPROVED ^S PRESP:NTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, leconded by Commilsioner plator and carriod unanimously, that the mInutos of tho July l3, 1982 ace m.etln9 be approved as presented. Page 2 '\ "¡ - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --- , ! t:::J c:::J c::J , ~ I . . .: 600' _ 070 /AcE255 .; .,~ I ,...N.·.. . ,:i~, ---- ----- - __-.M__ -:---- -,-------;------:------- --·it . ' , --- - - -- - - - - - - ..,.--- - - --- - - - - - ------- _.- ----.... .' ^uqust 10, ll)~2 Itelll 3 RESOLUTION R2-112 EXPRESSING ~PPRECI~TION TO JUDGE HUGH D. H^YES ^ND THE D^VID L^WRENCE MENT^L HE^LTII CENTER, INC. FOR PL^NNED wcOUNTY COURT 'IRST OFFENDf.R DRUG PRQr,R^MW - ^DOPT!D Administrative ^ide r.p~uldIng road the resolution expressing apprec htion to Judqe Hugh D. III'IYOS and the DDvld Lawrence M~nt.l Hoalth Cantor, Inc. for planned wCounty court First Offender Drug Program-. CommIssioner plstor moved, aeconded by Com~laøloner ~rua. and carried unanimously, that nesolutlon 82-ll2 ft. described above, be adopted. \ t I PAge 3 rJ r ,...J ¡:-_..J . ' _. _ _ ___ _ __ _ _....... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ __ _ ____....'IO!I T\uCJust 1 ('), 1 ~A' Ite. 4 $1,000 DON^TION FROM TilE WOODMf.N OF THE WORLD FOR PURC"^SE OF PL^Y- GROUNO EOUIPMF.NT TO DE INST^LLED ^T COUNTY P~RKS - ^CCEPTED, FISC~L OFFICER TO E5T^BLISH ^N ^PPROPRt^TF. EXPEND^BLE TRUST FUNO Public S~rvlce ^~mlnistrator Norton introduced Brendð Housor. reprosentlnq the Woodmon of the World, who presentod the Commissioners with n $1,000 donation tor the purchase of playground equipmont to be inBtðlle~ at County parks. ChaIrman Wimer oxpressed tho ~oard'ø appreciation to Ma. Housor. Itelft S . ORDIN^NCE ß2-~7 Rt PETITION CP-R2-1'C, BROW^RD SHOOTING ^NO HUNTING CLUB, REOUESTING ^ L^ND U~E ^MENOMENT FROM ^GRIr.ULTUR^L TO RECR£~TION OPEN SP^CF. fOR APPROXI~^TELY 40 ~CnES LOC^TF.D E"'fiT OF MILE M^RKER 35 ON ^LLIGATOR T\LLEY - ^DOPTF.Dr ORDTU^NCE TO INCLUDE COU~ITY ^TTORNf:Y'S OBSf.RV^TTONS TIIAT TIlf.RF: M^V BE SOMr. PROBLEM REGARDING LEG^LITY OF ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY Legal notice having be@n puhllshed In the Napl~s r,aSly Nows on Juno 25, 1982 as evldpnccd by ^ffidavlt of Publicðtion filed with the Clerk, public hellrlnq WlIS continued from July 27, 19f.!2 to cOl,sider Pfttltlon CP-A2-l2C, filcd by Aroward Shooting ðn~ P,untinqClub, requontlnq ð land use amendmnnt from Agricultural to Rocrolltlon Open Sp3CO for lIpproxlmatcly 40 acres located east of mile marker 15 on A111gðt.or ^lley. planner Cncchlonc oxplalned that stllff ~nd tho C^PC recommend Approval of thlB petition and that no pcrmanent structuros will bo made on the property. She Ðt~ted that a letter objecting to the petition haB bean r~ceived from Mr. Floy~ð D'^rcy, ~ Grange, Illlnoln. She said that the Florldð DOT has sent ð letter regarding upqradlnq ^lllCJlItor ...lley to Y·75 and that they would diacour"ge development of P"90 " aDOK 070 PACE257 '·t ~;'f ."~ . '"~ ------------------~---------------------l·~ '" . . " .'-.'J'; '- \; ; .'. I L._ __ - - --- - -': ----:....--- - --------------------- MOK 070 rACE 25e '\ ^uqullt 10, 191f2 ~----------_._------------_.__._-----------~~- . the ftrea of this petition and atatin9 that no Interchange is planned excopt at CR 951, the Indian RðBorvation and U.S. '" that pres~nt private SCCOOD rights to ^lligntor ^lley would be purchasod and that no frontage roads would bo conatruct.d to ro~tore ~cceas to private property. She said that the ccp^ was made awaro of the letter from the DOT and they did not change their recommondatlon to the Aoard. ~ discussion ensued regarding the acceßa to property In the area. Mr. Charles Plumery, representing the petitioner, was preaent to rospond to any quootions. Responding to Chairman Wimer, count~ ^ttorncy Saunders stðted that if the ~tate engages in actlvitios that results in taking property he did not see how the County could be rosponsible for that and he r~commonded that, if tho ordinance is passed, thero should be some indication that some notico would be given to the petitioner that there m~y he some problem with access to the property bec,.,uso of activitios by the Stato DOT. CommIssioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that tho publIc hearIng bo closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unani~ously, thðt the ord~nanco as numbered and entitlod below, be adopted and entorod into Ordinance Book No. l5, and that the ordinance include the County ~ttorney's observations that there may bo some problem regard1n9 legality of accesß to the property. OROIN^NCE A2-1>7 AN OROIN^NCE ^~~NnTNG ORrINANCE 7~-'2, TH~ COMrRtHENSTVE PL~N FOR COLLIfR COUNTY, FLnPT~^ ny ^~~NnTN~ Tnt wonR STUOY ~RE~ "'^P . n HOM ^CRTCIILTlJRJ\L TO RECRr.^TTON^L "NO orr.N r.r1\cE ON THE FOLL~iING DE~CRIRrD PROPERTY: ^PPROXIM1\TELY 40 ~CRES IH Page 5 " ~ c:1 C:J I II l . . ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- 1\ uq us t 1 0 , 1 9 A 2 SECTTON ^, T~N~I1tP 50 r-;OUTH, f1~!-Ir.r. '2 r.~;''I', CoOr.Ltr.n COUNTY, FLontD~, ~CRE P^R'I'tCUL1\RLY DESCRraED HRRRtN, ^ND PROVIDING ^N EFFECTIVE D1\TE. Itelll 6 PETITTON R-R2-14C, ^VT~TION UNDERWRITERS, REOUESTING REZONING FROM w~_lw TO wC_4w FOR 4.5 ^CRES LOC^TED 3/4 MILE WEST or 5R-29 ON SOUTH SIDE OF ^LLIG^TOR ^LLEY - DENIED Lcgftl notice having beon published in tho N~ples Daily News on June 25, 1982 as evidenced by ~ffl~avit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued fro~ July 27, 1982 to consider petition R-R2-14C, filed by ^viation Underwrltors, requesting r~zoninq from "1\-l" to ftC-4ft for 4.5 acrB located 3/4 mile west of 5R-29 on the south Bide of ^lliqntor ^lley. ^ctlng zoning Dlroctor L~yno explained that the petItioner 11 rquesting a rczone to COMmorcial use for ð deli and servlco station and th~t the mðttor was continued so that further information could be received from tho DOT with tho sftme background hintory ^B tho prevIous petition, tha 125 foot riqht-of-WAY np.ed~d for the ^lley. She øaid staff recommonded denial of the original land use potition as well as tho proposed rezone h~sed on the point system and that the CAPe rccommended denial bc~ause they are required to do 10 by the point system but asked that the BCC take into consideration the noed for thIs project along Alligator 1\11ey. M~. Carol Ruland, President of Aviation Underwriters from 11011 ywood, Florida, spoke about the bene fi ts of tho proposed l!Ierv ice station to motorists of ^lligator ^llcy. She referred to ~ l~tt~r to hcr from Covornor Craham commending hor on her foresIght of using priv~to onterpriso for thp project. She described her proposal and pðge ~ &OOK 070 rACE259 ¡ r " ---------------------~----------~-~-~- , . .' . . i.... _ _ _ __ - -- - - - ---- -- - ---,----------------- ~oo~ 070' fACE 260 , ^uqust 10, 1982 . retorred to ð conversðtlon with:Col. Robnrt ICuhn, of the Nðplea Civil ^ir p^trol, rognrdlnq thn provl~ion of ~ vnhicle ~n~ personnel on ~ . busy weekend hy that organiz3tion to supply first alð asslstðnce. Tho following porsona spoke In favor of the petitions Mr. Jerry Pollock Mr. Jerry Eckert Dr. Peter J. tcrleger Mr. C,.,rl "-nton Mr. Edward J. ICant " Tape 12 Responding to a question by Commissioner ICruøe, Mr. Curtis OCeola atatod that the Miccosukeo Indians are currontly Investlqfttinq the development of ð scrvlcp. areð similar to tho proposal on their property which is npproxlmately 2~ miles ððst of tho property under discussion. CommlRsloncr Kruse noted that there iø comm~rclðl zoning at both end. of ^lllq~tor ^llp.y with the Mlcconuk~e area npproximately at the line botween Collier and Brow~rd Coun~ies. Commissionor plator movod, seconded by Co~missioner Wenzel end carried unðnimously, that the publIc hearing be closed. Co~mtsslon.r PIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that potltlon R-82-14C b. approved. The motion failod 3/2, with CommIssioners Kruse and Wimer opposed. Iteln 7 OROtNANCE A2-~8 RE PETITION R-P2-'O-C. WILtI^M VINES, RErR!SENTING M^NCflESTER INVESTMENTS, REQUERTING RF.ZONING FROM -^_2W TO ·PUDw FOR 194+ ACREn KNOWN "-S QUAIL 2 LOC"-Tf.O SOUTH OF' OUAIL Cm:EIC ON I~)10PC^LEE RO^Õ - ^DOPTED, SUAJF.CT TO Pr.TITIONF.R'~ ^GREFMr.NT L~qal notico hnvinq been published In the Naples Dnily News on July 9, l~~' ðS evidonced by Atfidnvit of publication filed with the Clp.rk, public he,rlnq WDB opened to considcr potition n-~2-20-C, filed Page 7 " . , - - -., - - -- - "'- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - --."-'-- .,>,' "'·U.. . -; 4 f I ·1 t ! I e-J' c::=J . , C1 f . '\ ': ~ , t , ,- , . k .. ________-------------------~------------L) .' ^U<Just 10, lCJf!2 by Willlnm vinos, repr~sentinq Manchoster tnvø8tm~nt8, requcstlng rozonln~ from w1\_2w to WPUDW for 19~~ acras known as Quail 2 located louth of Quail Creek on Immokale~ Road. ^ctlng zoning Dlroctor Layno explninad that tho petitioner is proposing to develop 3P.B multIfamily units with a golf courøo, commorcial unCB, civic nnd cultural uses, ftnd public servlco uses at a density of 2 units por ncre. She said that staff and the C^PC recommend approvAl o( tho p~tition. Commissioner Wenzol moved, seconded by Commi8sioner Brown and carried unanimously, th^t the publIc hearIng be clos~d. Commissioner Wonzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the ordinance aa numbered and entitled balow, be adopted and entered into Ordinanco Book No. l5s ORD1N^NCE f!2-f;f AN OR01NMJCE "",nmING ()PDTNMJ~E p,-, TIIF. C()M~REH£N~IVr. 7.0NING REGUr.NI'TONS FOR THr. lINTNC0PPOR!\Tr.D I\RF:^ OF CCJLLIER COUNTY, FLORI Da, £\y ~.Mr.N[)ING TilE 7.0N,TNG ^TL"f; foI^(' NUI"£\ER ~f!-, ;-4 JW CIIAIJCING THF: Z~Nl Jr. CL"SRIFYC"'I'YO'" OF TI'E JlF.RF.IN DE~CRHH~[I RE^L PPOPr.RTY FRO~ -^-2- TO wpunw rLANNF.D UNIT D!vr.Lnp~p.NT FOR QUAIL 2 LOC^TED SOUTII Of OU^tL CRP.EK ^NO PROVIDING ^N f.FFECTIVr. MTE <.; .< Page R ,. ;:-.. ....'-,~.\. :f)' ·;;X .' 1001 070 rACE281 - J ' ".",* . . -- ~ t .;..~~ --------------------------------~-~--~~ ~ " . ~.... r .: ; ~ c::J - -...1 . . ---- - ---- - -- - - - - -- ---- - - -- - - -- -- - _.- - --- - - --- ^ uq us t 1 n , 1 ~ a 2 lUll 8 ORDIN^NCE A2-~9 RE P~TITION R-Rl-25-C, ~OUTHEnN PROPERTTE~ DEVELQPMENT co., REQUESTING REZONING FROM ·RMF-~w ^ND ·C-5w TO WPUD" FOR 9.fi ^CRES LOC^TtD BETWEEN THE VO-TEcn CENTF.R ^ND !'T. P^UL'S EPISCOr^L CHURCH - ^DOrTEO, SUOJF.CT TO PF.TTTTONER'g ^CnEEMr.NT Lr.gðl notice hðvinq benn published in tho N~pl~ø Dðlly news on July 9, 19A2, ðS ovidencnd by ~ffld^vit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-Al-25-c, fIled by southern propertlos Dovftlopmcnt Comp~ny, requðnting rezoning from WRMF-~. and wC-S· to ·PUD· for 9.~ acr~s located between the Va-Tech Center and St. Paul's Episcopal Church. ^ctin~ zoning Director LaynQ explained that the petitioner is proposing to devr.lop 96 multifamily units at. a density of 10 units ppr ðcre, adding that on rcccmbnr 15, 19A1 the Ro~rd ~pproved a Comprehen- slve Plan l.)nð U:3C chðnqe to RCRidontltll Medium-High Density. 5he stated that staff and the CAPC recomMond ðpproval of the petition, . noting that ðt the C^PC puhlic hearing 80mft discussion occurred regarding 1.5 parking spaccs Instead of'. She said thðt the peti- tlonor explained thnt, because the site is an old till area, a detailed wator managemr.nt plan had to be worked out ~nd that lp.ss non-porvtous material w~s necosfiðry for the area and that the potitioner aqree~ tr' add languðge that additional parking would be provided that did not conflict with water management. Commissioner Wenzel moved, .econded by Commissioner pistor and carrléd unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. CommIssioner Wonzel moved, 50conded by Comml8sioner Kruse and carried unanh,ously, that the ordinanco as numberod and entitled below, be adopted and entered into Ordinance 800k No. l5a Page C) . . " I i ~ ~OOK 070 P"CE 269 t ..., ------------------ - \ ,_ _~-------------.-.--------""'1"f' . . ' ... '. '. .' . " Lf I , '\ I l \ , ,.uqu.t 10, 1982 ¡I' . . · ' ....---------------------------------------- ~OOK 070 PACE 2.64 ~ ORDTN^NCE A2-69 "N ORDIN"NCC "~ENDIN(,; ORDINMlcE R1.-2 'I'"r. COMPREHtNf;TVE ZONING REC:ULATIONS FOR TIIP: UNINCOprO~"Tr.O ^RF." OF COLLIER COUNTY, rtORTD^, BY ^~ENDtNC: TilE 'ZONINC "TU,S M"P NUf'I~FR ~n-25-1 BY CHANCtNG THF. ZONING CLMH::tFIC"TION OF TnE HERF.IN or.SCRtt\tD REAL PROrf,RTY FRO~ wR~F_~w , ·C-S· TO wpUOw PL^NNE~ UNIT DEVl!tOPfoIf.NT FOR 50UTllr.nN PROPF:RTtr.S, LOC"TED EM;T or THE VO-TECH CENTER ^ND PROVIOtNG ^N trFECTIVF. D^TE. Page 10 ., ,-------------------------------------- . ':~r -~...~-"" ,..,._.~-- , . ~- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -------------- ~uCJu.t lO, 19112 BOOl( 070 PÀCEî66 Itelll 9 ST^rr INSTRUCTED TO INVEnTIC^TE nF.DUCING ZONING TO ·~~F-~· FOR PROPERTY IN GOLDEN G~T£ CITY OWNF.C BY ^V"T^R nOLOINGS, INC. PETITION TO V^C^T! CERT^IN STnEF.TS, ,,^RF.MENT5 ^NC LOT LINER IN COLDEN G^TF. CITY - DENIED Leq~l notice h~vlnq boon publi8h~d in tho N~ple. D^ily New. on June 27 and July 4, 19P.' and in tho Golden Gate Engle on July 1, 19~2 as evidenced by ^ffidavits of publIcation fIled with the Clerk, public hearing was continuod from July 27, 19n2 to consider a petition to~ vacate cert~ln streotß, casements and lot lines in Golden Gate City on property owned by ^votar Holdings, Inc. Community Developm~nt ^dmlni8tr~tor Vlrta explained that, "based upon existing plotting pottern of the ~roa of this petition, 91~ units por acre could be placed on tho property unðer discussion, adding that an additional 75 units, ~91 unitft total, could be built It the requested v~cðtlon Is ~pproved. Mr. Mike R~rknr, represontlnq tho Colden Gate Civic ^ssoclatlon, explalnod that tho Civic ^ssoclation Bo~rd of Directors held a mooting with Mr. Gene Slattery, repres~ntlng ^v~tar Holdings, Inc., at which tlmo ~r. Slattcry showed the group a prototype for ð proposed devolop- mcnt slmllðr to what ^vntor pl~ns to d~vclop on tho property In queztlon, adding that his orqnnlz~tion -liked wh^t they saww. no saId his group would like to b~ ðssurod th~t the 8ew~qc disposal system will be cxpDnded ~o sufficiently sorve tho incro~sed unltB whon ^vatar develops the pror~rty, thoreby protecting tho orc~ rcsid~nte. Mr. Gene 51ðtt~ry said the development would reoult In 3pproxl- ~ntely ]0 units p~r acro beln9 built on the proporty. Commløøloner Kruao refcrrr.d to the rozone of the orca npproxlmntciy one yonr ago at which tlmn Dr. N~no Spngnn eðid he would bring In pinna tor this Pðqe 11 .. --- - - .- - - -- - _. --.. - - - -- "-- -- - - --..- - - -" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- , _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _l_ c-} C..:J ç:.'M., I , '\ I . . ^u<Just 10, lC)1!2 property, however, to date no plana have bel!'n forthcoT1', "g and that she could not take ðny action to increase tho density of tho ~rea until auch time as sho is ablo to soe some devolopment plans. neopondlng to Commissioner pistor's question r~qarrlinq expnnsion of the sewaqe disposal system, Mr. 6lattery Raid he could not answer that at this time, adding that If the vncations arc ~pproved and his client proceeds to d~volop tho property he would have to Incrc~so the facIlity to accommodate the project. During tho following dlocuBsion, Or. Spagna stated that ^vatar plans to develop cluster housing on the property and that no increase In density, othor thon what would result from the vac~tion of the eascments, would occur. He B~id that tho drainage eascments and tho easements for watnr and sewer ncrvlces would be retainod by the County. 'J'ape~f3 Commissioner ~ruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/l, with Commissioner Brown oppo~od, that staff be ~iroct.d to investigato reducing the zoning for the property under dIscussion to ·RMF-6-. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by CommIssioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rua. and carried ~/2, with commi~Bioners Brown and Wimer opposed, that the petition to vacate certain streets, easements and lot linea in Golden Gate City, be denied. ....RECESSt 10110 ^.M. RECONVENEOs 10r15 ^.M.···· ._________...L-- ,··4,,,,/1 --------------~---------~---~~~ . ,. ~i Page 12 'MOK 070 PACEæ7 .. \ . .----------..:-------------------------------- O~o n~ ^uqust 10, 1982 MO~ I , P~CEØK>' I tell 10 PU~Ltc ßE^RING TO CONSIDER ~ RESOLUTION TO INCRE~~! RTGRT-OP-W^Y PERMIT FEES ~ND RE~CrNDING RESOLUTION R-7R-l77 - TO BE RE~DVERTISED ~ND cONTINUr.D TO 6£PTEMB!R l4, lqR2 Comm18øloner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Plator and carried unanlmou8ly, that the public hearing to consider a resolution to increase rIght-of-way permit fees and rescindin9 Resolution R-78-177, be continued to September 14, 1982 end that It be readver- ti.ed. Itelll 11 RESOLUTION 82-ll3 RE PETITION CCCL-A2-lC, BRUCE GREEN ^ND ^S~OcI~TES, INC., REQUESTING ~ V~RI^NCE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ELEV^TED BO~RDWALK FOR PROPERTY LOC^Tr.n IN CONNER'S V~NDERBILT BE^CR EST~TES - ^DOPTED, OTUER REQUESTED VARI^NCE DEMItn Legal notice havinq been publishod In the Naples Dally News on July 25, 19P2 as evid~nced by ~ffid~vit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing W~8 opened to consider PAtltion CCCL-82-lC, filed by Druce Groen and ^8sociates, Inc., requcstlng a vnriance from the CODstal construction Control Linc for propcrty located In Conner'B_ V~nrlcrbilt Boach Eftt~tcs. County f.nvironmentaliRt Dr. Bonedict ~xplðln.d that the petitioner is requesting a variance from the CCCL to construct II swimming pool, wood d~ck, restroon/storaqe building, nnd elevatod boardwalk seaward of tho CCCL. He described how V~ndorbilt Boach hns experienced 80me erosion OVf)r thtt years. lie sðid he recomnc.-nt18 denial of this petition except for the olovðtod boðrdwalk. paqe 13 ,..~J :1;' :-~ ..... ____ __ ____-1- ------------------------------... .. ",,", .(:;~ c:J CJ .....",J . . " _~___------------------------~---------_u .' ^uqust 10, 19n2 Mr. Bruce Groon, repronontlng tho potitionar, said hi. client plans to submit II permit nppllclltion for ripr~p to be placed alonq the seawall. Mr. Bruco Holly spoke in opposition to the pntition. Commissioner Wenzol moved, .econded by Commi..lnner pi.tor and carried unanlmouøly, that the public hearing be closad. Commls.loner Wonzel movod, seconded by CommIssioner plstor and carried 4/1, with Commissioner Brown opposed, that Petition cCCL-82-1C, Bruce areen and ~.sociates, Inc., roquGst1n9 a variance from the CcCL for property located In Connor's VandorbIlt Beach Estates, for construction of a swimming pool, wood dock, and roatroom/stora98 building, be denied, and that Resolution 82-ll3 re construction of an elevated boardwalk, be adopted. Page U MOK 070 FAC£2,S9 ~}{ ". , - ..'~ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ - -.-- ~'_......_~ --- ---7---~--------~;"" . ~ e -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ ~OOK 070 PACE 272"' f\uqUBt 10, 191'2 . _. ..-. - - -_. - ...- -_.. .-. ~----~---_.._-----------------_... Item 12 PETITION CCCL-A2-3C, D. T. T^CKNr.V, Rr.OUE~TINO ^ CO~5T^L CON8TRUCTION CONTROL LINE FOR THE rRINCt ISLAND _ CONTINUED TO ^UCU5T 24, 1~R2 Commissioner pløtor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and V^RTMolCE FROM Tnl CONDOMINIUM, "^RCO carried unanimously, that Petition CCcL-82-3C, filed by D.T. Tackney, requ..tinq a variance from the Coastal Construction Control Line for tho princo Condominium on Marco Ialand, be continued to ^uqUBt 24, 1982. Itom l) PETITION CCCL-A?-<1C, D. T. TACr:NEY, REOUESTING ^ V^RIANCr. FROM Tn! CO^ST^L COtISTRUCTION CONTROL LINE FOR TilE DUCHESS CONDOMINIUM, M^,~CO ISLAND - CONTINUED TO ^UGUST 24, 19~2 Commissioner pistor moved, oeconded by Commissioner Wensel and carriod unanimously, that Petition CCCL-B2-4C, filed by ~. T. Tachney, requootlng a v~riðnce from the Coastal ConstructIon Control Line for the Duchess CondomInium on Marco IBland, be continued to ^ugust 24, 1982. Item l4 ORDINANCE R2-70 AMENDING ORDTN^NCE 7~-02 DEFINING SPECT^LTY CONTR^CTORS AND REPfALING ORDINANCE 7A-fi9 - AnOPT~n Conmunity Developm~nt ^dminiotr~tor virta explaincd that this orninnncc hnG rcsultp.d from mcctinqs b~twp.cn the Building Code Co l'tpl1.'ncl~ Dcp,Htmrnt ond the City of Naplf'ß to provide uniformity betwcen both portiea in tho list of specialty contrActor c~toqories. Commlssionor piøtor moved, sacondod by Commissionor Wenzel ond carrIed unðnimously, that the publIc hearing be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, 8e~ondod by Commissioner Wenzel end carried unanlmou81y, Page l5 ., ---------------------------. ------------' .. .. t:::J ;:::J ~ . . ,~ Q . , . . :( . .... A uC1 u a t 1 0 , 19 fI , that the ordinance ns numbered anð entitled balow, be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 15s ORDINANCE A?-70 .a.N ormIt"~NCE M"f.NDtNG COLt.Tf.R COUNTY ORDTN1\"'CF. NO. 7A-C2 AY DEFINING ^ 5PECTflL1'Y CO?-tTf1 \CTOR MID rROVTOTNG ^ CURRr.NT LIr.T OF fiPECt^L1'Y CONTRACYOn C1\Tf.GORtEG, pnOVTDTNC ^rrROPRI^TC EXPERIENCE REOUTnEMf.NT5 FOR ^LL CONTRACTOR TR^D~S, "~f.NDTNG COLLIER COUNTY ORDTtJ1\NCE 7 '1-02 PY "F:~TGN^TTNC': Tl1ora: RPECI,I\LTY CONTn \CTOn CATf.GORTE5 FOR WIITC"?-tO F.X^MTNATTCN TS RF.OUTREn, PROVIDING FOR RECIPROCTTY WTTH THE CTTY OF ~^PLE~, PROVIDTNC': rOR GEVrR \RILTTY, CONFLICT, RF.PE^LINC COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE 7a-~a, PROVIDING FOR .a.N EFrr.CTIVE ~,I\TF.. Item l5 ORDIN^NCE 8'-71 E5TABLTGHINC': FF.ES AND CRI\RGES FOR TH! SUPERVISION or UTILITY RATES AND FR^NCHTSF.~ - ADOPTED Loq~l notice having heon puhli~hed in the Nðplon Daily News on July '2, 19"' as ~vldcnc~d by Affidavit of publication filed with tho Clork, public h~^rlnq W~ß openod to consld~r <'In ordinance ~Ðtablishlnq tees and charges for utility rntc roviews ~nð fr~nchises. Utilities ~ðnðq~r nor~on explained that the original drnft for this ordln~ncc has beon ~odifi~d by himøclf and the County ^ttorney and that, except for wordinq changos, the intent and structure of tho ordinance remnlnn the !1ðme. 11o sðld that ch~nqe8 in the applicðtlon foes hðve bcün m3do In the sm~11or nu~hcr of dwrlllnq units for ~OO to $500, for 500 to 5750 nnd for 1,~OO to ~1,~OO. Rospondinq to Chairman wi~ar, ~r. Bcrzon said that the initial fee is " of th~ groBs receipts evory y~ar, to he paid quarterly. Commisslonor Wenzel moved, øeconded by Commissioner plstor and carried unnni~ously, that the public hearing be closed. Co~ml.sloner Wenxel moved, seconded by Commissioner pintor and carried unanimously, Page 1 fi &OOK 070 PACE273 '" --------------------~--------------~~---~ . ".".~........,..~....."'.....-.- , . , ' '.. - - - - - -qf"A - - -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ---- ~oox 070 '~CE~I"" ~ ^uqullt 10, 191"2 that the ordlnanco a. numbered ond entitled below, be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 15. ORDTN"'NCE 02-71 MI ORDINþ..NCr. r.5TM'LY~HTNr. FEES "'ND CH^RC;r.S FOR UTILITY R^TE nr.VIE\'I!;, "rf'LTC"TYON FOR FR",NCIIYr,r. "r.nF:P:"'r.NTf', ^MENOMENTS ^NT'/on ~OOTFTC"TTON~ TO EXY!iTTNr. P'RANClltr.r. "CRr.EMENTS ^NO Ff1^"JCIITf>F. "PMHIJ!iTf1^TTON þ..NO ~lJpr.RVI~tON, ~r.TTnlC; FORTH ^ rp;r. SCIIF.DULE, PRCWIOINr. FOR ^tmlJ"'L nr.v:rr.W "'ND -"f'pnOVI\L or FEr-s, PPOVTOINC FOR CONFLICT ^NO Sr.VERA~TLTTV, PROVIDING ^N EFFECTIVE D!\TF.. It.1II 16 PETITION PU-B2-1~C, ^VIATION UNDERWRITERS, REOUESTINa PROVISrON^L USE (i) OF wC_~w FOR ^ MOTEL FOR 4.5 ^CRES LOCATED ON ^LLIG^TOR ALLEY WEST OF 5R-29 - DENIED CommisBioner ~ruso moved, aoconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/1, with Commissioner Brown opposed, that Petition PU-82-l4C, filed by þ..vlation Underwriters, requesting Provisional Uso (1) of ·C-4- for a motel for 4.5 acres located on ^llIgðtor Alley west of SR-29, be donted. Item 1'7 DISCUSSION OF N^PLf.S CI\V L^Wf,UIT ^ND POSSIBLE SETTLEMENT - CONTINUED UNTIL "U~UST 12, 19A2 AT 9ton ^.M. Community T'evelopmcnt ^rlmlnlstrðtor Vlrt~ referred to the Executive Summnry dl'lteod .A/fi/n2 rcqnrdlnq the pos8iblo lIottlc!lnont of the Nðplo8 Cny It.l....ault. Ita 8c'Jic1 thot he.' foeII'! tho most IIpproprhto way to hðndlo the sattlemont from l'I land usn prospective would bo through the nppl1c^tlon of the ruIns ðB found in the.' District rrguI~tions for WRMF-16- ....ith tho cxccptiona of tho sp~ciflc zoninq pointB to which the CCC aqre~d. H~ snld thnt thn N~plcs C~y rcproß~ntntlvos hðv~ a draft ofth~ propo~~d development r~qul^tiono for thv sito which, baalcðl1y, PðqO 17 : -- - - - -- - - -- _.- - - - - -- - - ..- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - --- . . " - -- - --- - --- ----- - ------ - ------ -- - ----- --- - ... ."II .,. ,- L)" . .. , '. c:J ,. , , ~. L-c' ! . . 1<,- ^uqunt 10, lC)P2 ~lrror wRMF-16w, however, thoy do have some prohlems In th~m. no road from th~ rrgulðtionm AS followss w~hould th~ provlÐionø of thin docum~nt conflict with provisions contained In any qenornl 7.oninq, DuhdlviÐlon or othcr ~ppllcAbl. rcqul~tlons, tho provlslonB contained heroin shall control and apply.- Attorney Ponald ^. Pickworth p.xplðined that the statement read by Mr. Virta means that the development rcgulations control In arftAB that dovelopr.\r.ntal regulations do not operlltc normally. He said it 16 his opinion that tho Poard is better protocted If tho basic document statos that County rc~ulntlons control and apply And that tho zoning classification ·n~F-lr,- requirements will he how this property will be developed. Tapo 4 Commissioner Kru~e rcferrcd to the originAl ten Items upon which ðqreemcnt had been ronched at th~ previous N~ploo Cay discussion, adding th~t she was not in favor of anything other than thooe items and that tho po~ltloner should follow the sðme rules DS anyono else. Commissioner Wonzel ^skod If the donaity would stay the same with the proposed private club to which Mr. Virtð stated that Is what Is being suggested by tho Naples Cay reprcsentatives. ^ttorney Toby Carroll, repreacntinq Naples Cay, said that ten items woro ngre~d upon and thAt the remainder of the Items which relate to dcvclopm~nt do not tit Into any catpgory, adding that the fIrm of Wilson, ~ll1er, Bnrton, ~oll , Ppok werp retained to devolop tho rr.st of the zone which ðpproxi~ðtos -RMF-16w and that as of 5s0n P.M. ~uqust 9, 1982, he mðde the last changos In thft document that ~r. vSrta requested. He said th^t his client will withdraw tho request for the Page 1f' ~oo~ cno PACE275 I" ------------------~-------------------- . . ;1.· ~:~(!i>.~. , . . - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - "- - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - -- --- ., 070 PACE 2'16 ^ugust l~, 19P2 ~OOK recreation unit. Mr. Virta explained th~t, following hi. ðlscusftlon with Mr. C~rroll, his r~comm~nd~tlon to tho ~oftrd 1ft thftt the county apply the RRMF-l6w regulations except for thoso specific It~ms agreed to, however, If tho Bo...rd feels thp.y want to proceed in ð manner other than that, tho aforemr.ntioned development regulations could be that vehicle. Mr. Carroll said that, when the height and density are changod, no zona fitn. Commicsloncr Kruse said øhe did not see why the N~plcs Cðy p~ople cannot wgo wlthW tho exlstlnq regulations under WRMF-l(,. ~nd If a problems arlscs bccausr of the agreed øcttlemont, that the settlement would take prec~dence. CommIssIoner ~ruse ~oved that the Board accept staff recommendation. Following Mr. pickworth statIng that after the last Board ~eetln9 he drafted a rouqh cut proposed stipulation and sottlement Incorporat- ing the points to which the Board agreod, Comml~8Ioner ~ruse withdrew hcr motion and moved that the discussion be deterred until the next Board meeting. Chairman wlm~r rcquc~ted that the discuss10n be tabled while ~r. Vlrta, ~r. Carroll and ~r. pickworth leave the room and - dlscu5B the situðtlon nnd r~turn with a recomm~nd~iton. Commissioner pistor rofcrred to tho alleged road on the property and Guqqcsted thðt the Po0nrd asked that the road not be a private road but ho ~cpt opr.n to give acc~RÐ to tho pr.llcny P~y park. Followlnq tho return of MossrB. vlrta, Carroll and Pickworth to tho room, Chairman Wimer said that ft 9ugqr.ation had been made to hold a specll1l Mcetlnq to compl~te dlscus!\lon or the NllpleR CitY lltwsult.; The conr-ensus of tho Commissioners WitS to hold tho meoting on ^uguat 12, 19B2 ot 9100 ^.M. Pig. 19 --------------------~-----------------~ " c::::J · \ , t~J .., -----------------------------~-----------' " , . '~ .""" ~. t<.- ^ U1 U 15 t 1 0 , 1 q" , IUID l8 DISCUSSION RE NEW SITE rOR NORTH N~PLES FIRE ST^TION - CONSENSUS or Bee TnAT ST^FF ^ND COUNTY 1\TTonNEY HELP Tn! NORTH N1\PLES FIRE DISTRICT LOC^TE ^ NEW FIRE ST^TtON fttTE Commisslonor p1ator moved that the Board brlnq the matter of the new site for the North Naples Fire Station up for open discusølon because he has read in tho paper that the North Naples Fire Department was going to refer the rosponß1bll1ty of flndin9 a new aite for their st.tlon back to the BCC. Chairman Wimer laid he dið not believe tho North N^ples Flro Dcpðrtment could r~fer this matter back to thft Aonrd. County ~anðqor Norman Bald th^t .t~ff is also awaro that the position . that was In tho ncwnpðpor may not be thft ono that th~ North Naples FIre Department Is plnnninq to take and that he haft been w3itinq for the lett~r to determlno how best to roøpond to the Bonrd and thðt, In tho r.\o3ntlmo, he Is attempting to cooperato with tho Dopartmcnt to leo If nnothor slto may bn found that would he øultahlo. Responding to Chairman Wimer's question of whethor tho Notth Haplen Flro ~pðrtmcnt Is entitled to a re-hoarlnq, County ^ttorncy Saunders explained that Ordln~nco nl-S4 was enacted to ðmend Ordinance 75-l~ which provld~s [or a procedure for rc-h~arlnq of decisions by the BCC and that pnrnqraph 6 of tho ordinance sets forth certa1n time periods thðt must be met prior to any motIon for reconsldorntion. ~o read ~he following sontences, wprlor to hr1nglng up a motion for roconsl~ftratlon, n member Bhall send to tho Manðqor n m"ssaq~ to thðt offect no less th~n ~ d~ys prior to th~ m~~tlnq ~t which tho requ~øt for recoo1dnrntlon Is to be conBldprcd. No rpquest for roconglder~tlon sh~ll he hcðro unlcss It Is ~ade within 30 dAYS of the meeting in which tho decla10~ was made.w Page 20 ~OOK 070 PACE2n .. -----_._--------------~-------------~-~-~ ,)')~ , . -- - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - --- ---- 010 PÄtE~ ^uqu.t 10, 191'2 .. Mr. Saunder. statod that tho DCe Is within the ~O daý tlm.'perlod but that th~re is no way that the memorandum could be aent to the ~~naqor 6 days prior to the meeting at which tho request fo~ reconsid- eration 1. to be made, adding that a rnquest for reconsideration Sa, thereforo, not timely. Rospondlnq to Commissioner Pi.tor's question of whether rocon.id- eration could be done at the ^ugust 24, 1982 BCC meeting, Mr. Saunders said that would bo beyond the 30 day time perIod sincft the ite~ waa originally discussed on July 13, 1~82. Chairman Wimer suggested that tho matter be reftolved by the BCC goln~ on record Instructing the staff to work with the North Naples Fire District and try to assist them in locating a site for a fire station. Co~missloner pistor said if the matter could not be hrought up at this m~etlnq, there is nothing clso the ace can do, adding that somothing has to be done becðu~e four-lanIng Pino Ridge Road after the first of the year mr~nn the Gtntlon haß to bo movcd bnfore that tim.. Commissioner Kruse said she would lIke to specifically incluð~ that the County ^ttorney work with thr fire ~epðrtmpnt attorney to determine the exact leqal liahility to either reconsider tho site or not reconsider thn site. Mr. Snundcrs saið he haD spokrn with Mr. pickworth and will work as closely as p08sfhlo with him on tho matter. *....Chnirman Winrr lrft the room nt lOI~5 ^.~. at which tlmo Vice Chairman Krusc conducted the menting····· Item 19 RESOLUTION R?-ll4 ~UPPORTING ^N ^PPLTC^TION ron EROSION CONTROL FUNDS UNDER PROVt;,tON~ 1~1.091, FLontD^ ~T^TUTE5 - ADOPTr.O County Envlronmentðllst Dr. P-enedict cxpl~lncd tho report and recommendðtlon in the Exocutivo SUDmary d~tod A/S/R'- rogardlng a Page 2l . -- ---------------------------------------- - c=3 ~...J :\ , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - -; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .;. ¡ ^UqUBt 1n, 1t)"' proposod qr~nt application to the Stato Division of Boaches and Shores for an Erosion Control rroqram. Ho said that the State ~iviøion of BeachoD and 6hor05 is currently in tho process of preparing and buð- gotlng for the 19ß1-84 and 19A~-AS Fisc^l Years and has asked tha~ all local govornmonts intorested in applying for erosion control funds submit a formal applicaton by ~ugust 15, 1982. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commisslonor pistor and carried unanimously, the Resolution 82-114 supporting an application for erosion control funds under provisions 1~l.09l, Florida Statutes, be adopted. --- .-- -- --- - p"qe '2 '&OOK 07D rACE 219 ~ bL,.j t::J c:::J . . -'-- - - - - - - -- - --- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - _.- -. -' "uquøt 10, 1,)'" Itell 20 FIN~L ~CCEP7~NCE OF V~RIOUS BRIDGES ONLY IN COLDEN G~TE SUBDIVISION GR^NTED Public Works ^rlminiÐtr~tor Hartm~n explainod that, nlnce tho vacatlono of streets in Gold~n Gato Subdivision wore not approved'bY tho BCC, that thin roqu~8t Is for final accoptðnce of v~rious bridges only in the Golden Cato Subdivision. .***Ch~lrm^n Wimer roturned to tho room at this timo···· Commissionor Krus. moved, secondod by Commissioner p1stor and c.rriod unanImously, that Final ^cceptance of various bridge. in Golden Gate Subdivision, bo grantod. Pa98 23 .j . I 'eOOK 070 rACé287 ....--...--'''-....,." ",.,~,~..,....---_..- \ e .' ' -.. - - - -- - -- - -- - -...........- ------- - -- -- --- -- ---- --- ~OOK 010 PÂCE 288 "' August 10, 1902 Ite.. 21 PREMIUM R~TF. INCREASE FOR EMPLOYEE "E~LTH BENF.FTT~ EFFF.cTIVE OCTOBER 1, 19A2 _ MI1'HORT7EO, ST"FF ANO IN!iUR^NCE CONSULTANT DIRECTED TO FURTHER RESE~RCH THE FEM;IIHLtTY OF A SF.LF-FUNDEl' PROGR"M "ND AN ^DMINISTR^TIVI SERVICEr. ONLY (^SO) CONTR,to,CT, ^UTItORIZ^TION CìR^NTEO TO DEVELOP SPECIFICATIONS ^NO ~DVERTISE FOR BIO~, PROCR^M MODIFICATIONS SET FORTH IN REPORT OF ^UGU5T 4, 19B2 TO BE REVIEWED AND BROUGHT B^C~ TO THE Bce, ADVERTIRf.MENT FOR BIDa - ^UTnORIZED ^s"istant County ~~naqer smith referreð to tho Executive Sum~ary dated A/5/P2 reporting on c~ployoo group insurance and rccommr.ndation on rate ðdjust~ent. He said that, 88 II rftsult of conversðtion between the Commlsßionors and sever~l Constitutional Officers and himself, ho would like to modify the recom~cndntions in that Exocutive ~ummary. He cxplained thðt tho chðnqes are that he would like to have ~CC authori- zation to dev~lop speclficðtio~B and advertise for bids for the insur- ðncc progr~~, adding thðt, regarding the recommendDtions as to the benoflt changes in tho program, furthcr discussions with tho Constitu- tional Offlcerß arc In ordor and ho would like to have tho opportunity for thOGC di!:cussions. He said he would liko to return prior to October 1, 1902 with tho recommendod chanqes. Mr. Smith rcðd the recommcndðtiona ðS they appear on the afore- mentioned ~x~cutlve Gummðry. He said th~t he had indicatod to the Commissioners In the wr~tton material that thero is adequate monny budgeted In the 1~ß7-83 hudget (or th~ prcmium ndjustmonta, however, on August 10, 1902 he learned thnt thoro Is ð øhortfall of ðpproximðtoly 5150,000 in the Sheriff's Budget, which will have to be rAconcIled. ~r. Smith 5t~tcd thnt ~r. Bob Siver, from E. W. Sivor and lIsßocintc5, tnc., County lnsurllncc consult"nt, "l'Irold Holton, negional Group ~~nnqer from Gulf Group ~ervices, tho County Insurer, and Don Page 24 ..- -- -- --- - -- - --- -------------------------...... .' -.--- - - - - - - -- -, - -- - -- --- -- - - - -. - - - --- ------ .. ",'.: , """~ ..' :i, ":t, ',;' ----~-----------------------------------.1I·\·: . 'f . ¡ .. ,~ . .' .~ ~ - ,. .. , ,. Z..,MJ . ,.........., . .." .. ~. 4 . . r'. - ....UquBt 10, 11)1'2 C8meron, ~.I.^. rcproøcntative, worft presont ~t this mðotinq. Reopondlnq to a qU~Btlon hy Commlsolon~r pistor, ~r. ~mlth stated that tho adjusted prAmium lnv~l is approximatoly Sl,177,OOO. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by CommIssIoner KrUS8 anð carried unanimously, that the premium rate Increase for employee health . bonetlts effective October 1, 1982, be authorized and that staft and the Insurance consultant be directed to further research the feasibility of a Bolf-funded program and an ....dm1nlstratlve Services Only (^SO) Contract, proqram ~odlflcatlons set forth in ....uqust 4, 1982 report to be reviowod and brought back to the BCC, and that advertisement for bids, b. authorizod. Item 22 PURCH....SE OF ^N ....PPLE TII MICRO-PROCESSOR COMPUTER FROM THE ~rHER PRONE StORE FOR THE ~GRICULTURF. DF.P^RTMENT - ....PPROVED Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by CommissIoner Kruse and carrIed 4/1, with CommlBsloner wenzel opposed, that the purchase of an ^pple III Mlcro-pr~cessor computer from The Othor phone Store for the ^grIculture Department, be approvod and the necessary budgQt amendment, be prepared. Item 23 COMMUNITY DEVr.LOPMEN~, TR....VEL F.XPENSE, $950, PUnLIC SERVICES, NEW COMPUTER-....GRICULTURE DEPT., $7,000, ^ND PUBLIC WORKS, I~PROVEM£NTS TO IMMOKALf.E ^IRPORT, S,A,526 - ....rpnOVF.O FOn F.XF.MPTION FROM THE RPENDING wFREEZE" FOR P~RIOD OF JULY 14 THROUG" ~EPTEMBER 30, 19A2, FISC^L OFfICER DIRECTED TO PROCEED WITH PROCf.SSING THE BUDGET ^MEND~ENTS or THESE ITEMS County Manðqer Nor~ðn rnferrcd to the Executive ~ummðry in the aqonda for thIs meoting reqardinq a report on projected 8ðvlnga due to Pa(]ft 25 '&OOK 070 fACE289 " , II ~. - 0-.-- .~- ....- -- . "- ~ \ e ..---------------------------------------- aDDK 010 PACE 290.. ^UCJust 10, 1982 a spending ·froozo- for period of July l4 through September 30, 1982, adding thnt the total figure 18 $237,010.00. He said that he received, this dðtfl, a report thl\t tin addltionðl S27,f'3~.OO can be Identified a. 8avinq!\ in tho Public Safety Division. 110 8ð.i~_~~.n~' subject to verification by the FIscal Officer, those funds can be the subject of specific budget amendmonts which will allow thflse monios to be rftturned to th~ Contingency ^ccounts In tho npproprlnte funds thnt ðro involved and enSure they will be aVðilablo for reappropril\tion for next year'. budget. ~r. Normðn requested thl\t $950 In trðvel expenses that relate to a grant program in the Community Developmont D~pðrtment, S7,000 for the computer for the ^griculture Oopnrtmcnt, ðnd S28,526 for Improvements to the ImmoKalr.c ^irport be exempted from the spnnðing wfreeze-. Tape . S Comn\issioner ~ruse movod, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried 3/2, with Commissioners pistor and Wan7.ol opposod, that the throe aforementioned items be exompt from the wfreeze- for the period .. of July 14 through September 30, 1982. Itam 24 PUBLIC !lEARING RE ORDINANCE ^ND RY.SOLUTION Rf.C^RDING SOLID W^5TE TRANSFf.R/DISPOS^L USER Ff.f.f, ~CHF.DULF.D FOR SEPTEMRF.R l4, 1982, PUBLIC INfORMATION MEETING AUTHORIZED FOR ^ DATE TO BE DETERMINED BY COUNTY MANACER County M~noqcr Normnn rxp]nln~d thn objective to hnve the now Solid W"nte Trðnnfcr/Dispoa~l usor (eo systom in operðtion at the heglnnlng of the flscnl yc~r to ðvoid the problems encountered with the ambul-'nco f~cs. lie roquested ð pUblic hOllr1ng to be scheduled for thla Page 2'; ..------------ - ---. , -------------------------~ .. ,, <~¡ ··:(1 ·, ~ ;...._J ~ .-.-,.... , ' I -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - ----- -- -- - - --- - - - -- - - - - --... "uq U ß t 1 0 , 11'1 n" item at the Septemhcr 14, 19R2 ncc meetlnq nnd th^t a publIc informntlon m~otinq he hnlrl prior to that meeting. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, thnt a publIc hearing regarding an ordinance and resolution regarding Solid Waste Transfer/Disposal uuer fees be scheduled for 5eptembor l4, 19A2, and that ð public Information ~eetln9 be authorIzed for a date to be determinod by the County Manager. It.1II 25 ^UTHORIZATION GR~NTED FOR SALE OP SCR~P COUNTY W^TER METERS TO BE SOLD TO D~VIS METER , SUPPLY ^T ^ FLAT RATE PER METER SIZE ^ND THE FUNDS RECEIVf.D TO [\f. PL^CED IN COUNTY "'!>.TER SERVICE REVENUE ^CCOUNT Utilltiea Mannqor Berzon requoßtcd nuthoriz~tion to Bell scrap W^tor-s~war meters to D^via ~ctcr Company. Commissionor Wonzel moved, seconded by Commissioner piator and carried unanimously, that the sale of scrap County water metors, be authorized and that the funds receIved be placod In the County water sorvice revenue account. Mr. Bruce Holly rcqup.stod thðt the County Investigate tH1Vlnq tho moters r~p^ircd by tho City of NnplcR, to which Mr. Aerzon p.xplained that the moters h^vo boen inherltod from the City of Naples nnd that pðrts, in some cases, nrc unavailable. He said that to have an employee repair them would be fnr more oxpensive. Item 2f\ COUNTY REGION^L "'^TER SYSTEM CH^NGE ORDER NO. 1 TO AOYCE CO. (CONTR^cT P^RTS I , II) IN THE ^MOUNT OF S~2,5l0.30 TO REALIGN W^TER ~^IN ^LONG CR 951/1-75 - ,t,UTHORIZF.D Utilitios Man^qer Rorzon roqu~8ted that the Board approvo the pag f\ 27 'MOK 070 PAcr291 '. , . -------------------_._-----~----------~---~~ . I '\ ' ! <_.~"---,~.._- (þ ~ . --------------- --------------------.----- 0"0 r: 1)02 AugURt lO, 1982; MO( I fAG!; t.,M first Chang.~order which resulted from tho County hnvlng obtained permitft from tho DF.R bnforo bids wero taken for construction of the plpoline leading out of tho water plant. "0 explained that, at the time tho actual construction was tó begin, the DER District supervisor for the 1-75 construction rescIndod, temporarily, the permIt and th.~ said that he would not rescind It but that the County was oblIgated to relo~ate the pipollno from the west side of the road to the east .ldo. He requested authorization of S42,5l0.30 to allow for additions over tho $19,760 oxpondlture for the Change Order. He explained he would bring tho additionnl change orders back to the 8CC. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Comml8s1onftr Wenzel and carried unanimously, that County Regional Water System Change Order No. 1 (Contract Parts I , II), be authorized In the amount of $42,510.30 for a total contract price of $1,542,344.30. Responding to Chairman ~lmer, Mr. Borzon said that the Board would be made Aware of the othor change orders. Page 28 . - - - - - - - - - -- --- - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - ----- - -------...... , . . t .,~.."....__h._....___ , e I .---------..,.------------------------------ ^uqust 10, 1982 MOK 070 PACE 296 ~ Ito", 27 RESOLUTION CWS 82-R nEAtGN^TINO Tn! EXCH^N1F. n^N~ , TRUST COMP^NY or FLORIDA AS TIlE PAYING ^GENT ^ND REGISTRAR Fon THE "^TEn REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 19H2 ^DOPTED, CH^IRM^N ^UTHORIZE TO EXECUTE PAYING ^GENT AND REGISTR.a.R ^GREEMENT E\ETWEEN cOLLIr:n COUNTY AND EXCflANGE B^Nf< , TRUST COMPANY OF FLORID^ Utl11ti~s Mðn~ger Bcrzon requested thnt tho ACC designate a Pay1n9 ^gent and Reqlstrar for the Water Revenue Bonds, Series 1982~ Commissioner plstor moved, secondod by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Resolution CWS 82-8 desIgnating the Exchange i Bank' Trust Company of Florida as the PayIng Agent and Rogi8tra~ for tho Wator Revenuo Bonds, SerIes 1982, be adopted and that tho Chairman be authorized to execute the Payin9 Agent and Registrar A9reement between Collier County and the Exchango Rank' Trust Company of Florida. Page 29 " "t. ,~,:~~ >:1j -- -- - - --. .- - -- -:- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --'~;''''' .';,i;-" . . . "r .q oJ '" ~ .. . - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - -,- - - - - - - -...... - - - - - - - -- - - --- ~ AUgU8t 10, 19Œf2 bODK 070 PACE SÐ6 Item 29 UTILITIE9 M^NAGER REPORT ON FR~NCHISr. ^GRr.EMENT DRAFT - NO ~CTION TA~tN Utilities Manager Berzon explained that there was a typographical crror in the ~genða in that tho Item should have read Franchls. ^greemont-status Report. He laid that he met with tho County ^ttorney and Mr. Pickworth and mado revisions in accordance with a meeting July 19, 19~2 and that the information has boen qlven to the County fin~ncinl conBultant8 ðnd no roply has been received. He said as 800n as the reply is receivod It will ho incorporated into the revised draft agrcement nnd, if tho Bonrd 90 dnsires, those røvlsions will be ' distributed to the concorned utilities, the Commissioners and others nnd then a mr.ctlng will be held wIth tho utilities regarding that draft. Rcqistercd spoaker Mr. Jim Spade declined to speak. Item 29 RESOLUTION 82-1lS ^PPROVING EMPLOYMENT CONTR~CT FOR BURT L. S^UNDE~S - ^DOPTED. CII^fRM^N ^UTHOnIZED TO EXECUTE THE f,P-4PLOYMENT CONTR^CT Commissioner Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carricð un~nimously, that RP.Bolution A2-l1S approving an employment contract for Burt L. Saunders, be adopted and that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute the employment contract. Pðge 30 .' ;~I\ ;t! \~_. - - - ~ - - - - - -- - - - - - -- ---- -- - -- - ---------,..-..<..' ...,w.,.m . . ~. ~ ~:~:,.f{ ,~",·".o~~_·_ ,.,~_ ~.'..' ~ c:::J c::3 . . -----~----------------------------------¿ August 10, 190' lUll 30 RESOLUTION 82-116 CANCELLINC T^XES FOR THE pnOPERTY OWNED BY COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID^ LOC^TF.D IN SEC. 32, T4A6, R25E , SEC. A , 9, T49S, R2S! (TWO COUNTY B£^Cn P^RXS ^ND E5TU^RINE PRESERVE DEDIc^TED BY PELIC^N 8^Y IN PELIC^N B^Y - ^ÐOPTED County ^ttorney ~ðundors ftxplnincd the roquest for ð resolutIon cancolling taxes for proporty owneó by CollIer County. Commissioner Wenzel movod, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-116 cancell1n9 tax.. for the property owned by Col1ior County, Florida located In Sec. 32,.T48S, R25E, and Sec. 8 , 9, T49S, R25£. NOTE This is a duplication of board action on July 27, 1982 re Resolutions 82:109 and b2-ll0 confirmed by County Attorney. I '. paq. )1 ~&OO~ 070 PACE 311 -') :"'~~ ----- ~ '~'~ -- -- - - --- -------- ~ --.....-.-- ---- --- ------,.. '.. , ,.~\. ' . . ~ I" \ . I' . . -.. _ ____ -r-- - - -- - -- - -------- - - - -- - ------------..... ... August 10,1982 &OOK 010 PACE'332 lUll 31 ^UTIIORIZATION 01' ^PPE^L RE TIOr.RT^IL BE^CA PAR?l:YNG ADMINISTRATIVE H£^RING _ CR^NTEO STAFF AND COUNTY ^TTORNEY DIRECTED TO NEGOTIATE A. SETTLr.MENT County "'ttorney Sðundoro Qxplained that ho filed an appoal 'last veek to the issuance of an Intent To Deny that was served on the County by tho St~te OER which was prior to discussion with the Board because of certnln time periods In the Floridð ^dmlnistrntive Proceðure ^ct. He said thnt by filing the petition he has preserved tho rIghts of Collier County to proceed with furthcr discussions with DER in reference to the parking lot. lie requested direction from the Poard aa to wh~ther he should procoed with 80m~ settlement negotiations with the OER, adding thnt he feelø there is a possibility of working out an arrangement with tho DER that would bn ðccept~blÐ. Count.y ~ðnager Normnn endorscd Mr. Saunders' ðctlon and his proposal, aðding he feels thero is ð r05~ibllity of ·working out- tho problem. Commissioner ristor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the Appeal r. TIgertail Parkln9 Administrative Hearing, be authorIzed and that the County Attorney and ataff negotiate a a~ttlement. Item 32 ROUTINE BILLS - PAID pursunnt to Resolution Rl-I~O the following checks wore Issued through ^ugust 6, 19n2 in payment of routine billss CIIf.CK Df.SCRIPTION Cf1f.CI< NOS. ""'OUNT VoUChtH Checks 901(,0 - 10049 S),A57,279.27 Page 32 . _. - -- - -.. -~ - - - - - - -- --- - - --- - ---- ---------..... ..?,+¡ .<,1~ c:::J C'::J c.... j I ! I · , --,---- - -.....--------- ------- -- - -- - -- -- - - -- --... " . , ^ugunt 10, l~f\2 Regular I"nyroll CETA Pl\yroll 39501 - 40029 9040 - 91~1 S 213,72(,.45 $ 22,215.07 .. ï~ . . , . ·'··~I:'t;:· . . '- '.-'~'¡~': _________L__________________________~_~_~F.... . I I'· ..,:::'< . '" '.., '. Itell 33 ~NNU~L MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL OF COLLIER COUNTY, INC. - ^UT"ORI~EDJN TH~ ^MOUNT OF $1,000 Commisøionor ~ru8e moved, seconded by Commlssion.r Drown and carried 4/1, with CommlsBioner Wenzel opposed, that annual mombershlp dues for Economic Development Council of Collier County, Inc., be authorizod in tho amount of $l,OOO. ItOØl 34 BUDGET ^MENDMF.NT A2-244 TR^NSFERRING GR^NT FUNDS TO MORE NE^RLY REFLECT WHERE DOLLARS ~RE BEINC SPENT (CLERK OF COURTS DEPT.) - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,33R . Co~mi88ionor ~rU80 moved, soconded by CommlGsioner plstor and carrl~d unanimously, that Budget ^mnndment 82-244 transferring grant funds to moro nearly refloct where dollars are beIng spont (Clerk ot· Courts Dept.), he adopted In the amount of S1,338. Pago 3) '. &OOK 070 PACt 333 I . , '. ¡ ):;i* _______ ~4 - -------------------------------{. ' .&. I " '. '. ... . I .''',. . ~ ..' . . , , c:::J , . c::-l I ... I . '. . . ,l.,- .1 ~ . ..... -1- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- --- - - -----.---- ----------', ^U<JlIst 10, 1l)A2 ltell 35 BUDCET ~MENDMENT 82-2~S R! IMPROVEMENTS TO OFPICE SP~CE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY ~CRICULTURE DEP^RTMENT (~TATE ^TTORNEY) - ADOPTED IN Tn! AMOUNT OF $7,OA5 Commissioner ~rus. moved, seconded by Commissioner plstor and carried unanimously, that Budget ^mendmønt 82-245 re improvements to office apace formerly occupied by Agriculture Dcp~rtm.nt (State ~ttorney), be adopted In the amount of $7,085. Page 34 ·1 ~ . &OOK 070 PACt 335 C! ~ l-:..;......J r'71 ~~... .' . . ---------"..-- .' " :". ____________________________~L ^uqUGt 10, 11')$\2 ItOIl 36 BUDGET ^MENDMENT A2-24~ TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR DEVELOPMENT ~ND DISTRIB- UTION OF INFORM^TION CONCERNING THE COMMUNITY P^RRS BOND ISSUE REFERENDUM - ^DOPTED IN THR AMOUNT OF SS,OOO Commissioner ~rUBe moved that, in light of the current austerity program, Budget ^mendment 82-246 to provide funds for development and distribution concerning the Community Parks Bond ISBue Referendum, be adopted In the ðmount of $5,000 Instead of prevIously approved $lO,OOO. . Commissioner Brown soconded the motion which carried 4/1, Commissioner 1. p1stor opposed. ,I, , " . Pago 35 &ODK 070 PACE 3'1t " I .- - - - - -.. - -'~ - - -.- - - - --- - - - --",,- - - - - ~-- - - ----- -..... . '~:~\ , 'J '~ ;J~ ¡'it {~~ "'r.~t":f .. .. . ./' - ~ , ,. .. '"'" ... ¡ . ~_...J I I I , fI!I . , .... t·, f , ' «. . ---------r-------------------------------· ^ ug u n t 1 0 , 1 Q q , Ite. 37 BUDGET ~MENDMENT 82-247 TR^NSF£RRING FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR THE N~ SECTION, r:;P£CI^L COUNSEL, CRE^TF.D WITHIN THE COUNTY ^TTORNEY'S OFFICE - ^DOPTED IN THE ^MOUNT OF S140,OOO Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commls.loner Pløtor and carrIed unanimously, that Budget !\mendment 82-247 transferrln9 fundI to provIde tor the new .ection, Special Counsel, created within the County Attorney's Ottico, be adoptod in the amount of $140,000. . , .' . .... J { - Page 3 f) ~OOK 070 PACt 339 :F ~ :~ --- -- - - --1-- --., - -:- -------- -- ----- ~----- ---~l . '. ' , ft· c:::J c:::J ~\ t¡,.,..__. : I _-.a..-.----- _..--,_ - __ - - - - __ __ - - - - ___ - - - - - - - - - - - -.. _.\.: I . . ^uguflt 10, tQS2 Ite.. 38 BUDGET AMr.NDMENT 02-248 TR^NSFERRtNG FUNDS TO MORE ACCUR^TELY REFLECT CURRENT EXPENDITURES IN TnE BUILDING CODE COMPLI^NCE DEPT. - ^DOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $9,9~4 CommiS8ionor ~rus~ moved, .econdod by Commissioner pløtor and carriod unanimously, that .Budget Amendment A2-24A transferring funds to more, accuratoly rftllect current expenditures in the Building Code ComplIance Department, be adopted in the amount of $9,984. Page 37 I&OOK 070 PACE 341 ~. Ii, " '. " .__ - - - - _. - - - - - __---;-_______ __ _-;---_ ___-:- __________'tI!I ~';~ . ~~ , . , . . .... _ _ __ _ _ __ _..r..--_ _ _ _ __ ___ ----- _4.0.- -- -------- ------ I "I August 10, 19B2 ~o~~ 070 PAGE 344 Item 39 MOTION FOR THE RECORD TH~T SUFFICIENCY OF DONDS or Tn! COUNTY OFrICtRS ^S PROVIDED IN ~ECTION 1~7.0~, FLORID^ ST^TUTF.S, EXIRT Fiscal Officer Glle" requested th^t the minutes øhow th^t the Boord has cxnmined cnrofully os to tho sufficiency of bonds of th~ County Officors and that 0 motion be m^do reqDrdlnq same. Commissioner Brown moved, øoconded by Commissioner ~ruse and' carried unanimously that, for tho record, 8ufficiency of bonds of the County Officers a8 provIded in SoctIon 137.05, Florida Statute., exist. Item 40 RESOLUTION 82-l17 AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF TAX ^NTICIP^TION NOTES IN THE ^MOUNT OF $93,000 FOR INITI^L FUNDINC OF PINE RYDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK MSTU _ ^DOPTF:Dl CHAIRMAN ^UTHORUED TO SICN REL^TED NOTE WilEN LO^N IS NECOTIT\TED WITH BANX CommIs81oner Brown moved, seconded by CommissIoner pistor and carried unanimously, that Resolution B2-l17 authorizing the Issuance of tax anticipation notes in the amount of $93,000 for Initial funding of pine Ridge Industrial Park MSTU, be adopted end the ChaIrman be authorized to sign related note when tho loan Is negotiated wIth the Bonk. rlOTE Document not recclv~d by Clcrk'5 Office as of 8/20/82. Page 38 ~'~ --------------------------------------_£ . .~; /~1t.~ .' h ~~(';1:- ~. ~ c= t:....,... J . . " -------.--- -- - - --- -- -- --------- -- - - ---- -- -- . ^UgURt 10, 19~2 Item 41 PROPOSED'USE PUBLIC HEARING FOR FY 19~,-n3 FEDER^L REVENUE SR^RING FUNDS SCHF.DULED FOR ^tJGUST ''', 198'- AT 9s00 ^.M. Commissioner Brown movod, seconded by Commlftsloner Kruse and carried unanlmoußly, that a proposed Use Puhllc nearing for FY 1982-83 rederal Revenue Sharing Funds be scheduled for ^ugust 24, 1982 at 9rOO ^.M. and that tho Clerk's Office be directed to preparo the advertIsing and other requiremonts of this public hearin9. Item 42 Cn"'IRM^N AUTHOIH7.f:D TO SIGN CERTIFIC^TF.S FOR CORRECTION TO Tnp; T~)( ROLLS AS PR~SF.NTF.D BY Tn~ PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE Commissioner Kruse moved, soconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, thot the Chairman be authorIzed to sign the. following CertificateD for CorrectIon to the Tax Rolls as presented by the Property Appraiser's Office1 191A T¡,x ~oll NU~ßER DATF. - /)05 R/5/A' Tax Ro 11 ] qR? 580 , 5Al 7/l5/R2 711fi/R2 7/30/R2 519-5B4 " 56A 585 T^NGI~Lr. pr.n~ON^L PROPERTY 19R1 - l5B-lfi5 7/27 - A/4/82 Page 39 BOOK 070 fACe 345 " .·;~t --------~-------------------------------1··.· ., ,.' .f . ..' . :t.~· " \; . ..... - - - - - - - ....- - .:..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ""- - - - - - - - - - - - - -..... '\ ðOO'; 070 PACE 34.6 ^UqUBt 10, 1982 . It." 43 RESIGN~TION OP DR. BYR1\N ^. D~WBER FROM TnE FOOD F.f'T^BLISJtME'NT REVIEW BO^RD _ ^CCEPTED. ~PPROPRI~TE LETTER OF 1\PPRF.CI~TIO'N TO BE S~NT. ~UTHORI7.ATION Gn~NTED TO ^Dvr.nTISF. FOR A NEW Mr.~nEn Commissioner ~ruso moved, seconded by Commissioner W.nzel and c8rri.d unanimously, that the realgnation of Dr. Byran ~. Dawber fro. the Food Establishment Review Board, be accopted, an ~ppropriate letter of appreciation be sent and authorization granted to advertlsð for a new member. Item 44 RE5IGN1\TION OF OR. J1\CK GREENPIf.LD FROM EMR^C - ACCEPTED. ^PPROPRI^T! LETTER OF ^PPRECI^TION TO BE SENT. ~UT"ORI2^TION GR^NTED TO 1\DVERTISE FOR 1\ Nf,W ME~ßEn Commissionor Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and, carried unanimously, that the rosignation of Dr. Jack Greenfield from EMSAC, be accepted, an appropriate letter of appreciation be sont and authorization granted to advertlne for a new member. Item 45 EXTRA C^IN TIME FOR INMATE t37RR1 - CR^NTED Commissioner Wenzol moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rul. and carried unanimously, that extra gain time for Inmate '37883, be granted as requosted by Sheriff 'Rogors. Item 46 DISCUSSION RE APPOINTMENT TO THE LIBR1\RY ADVISORY BO^RD - CONTINUED TO ^ UG US T 2 4, 1 9 B 2 Following the removal from the Consent ^genda of the item regarding appointment to tho Library ~dvlsory Board, Co~mI..Ioner Wenzel moved, seconded by CommissIoner pistor and carried unanimously, Page .c 0 . -- -- - - - ,.- - - - -....... -- - -- - - -- - --- - --- -----------~ , ., .'~' . ,:~:~}.~ " -- - - - - - - - - -....... - -- - - -- - ----- - - --- - -- - - -- - - - --, ... ... þ ... . . , l.~.J .', ~~...~ ~OOK 070 P1CE ~~ 1 "'~.Jft, " \oJIIf ':::\i .. ,3::~; -----------~--------------- --.I'·~. ' ----------- .,.~¡ . " ",;;" "~'~.. ' ... , ....--. ,.~., J J> " C":"J' , . ",. ^uqunt 10, 1982 that the item be continued until ~ugU8t 24, 1982. ChaIrman Wimer said that he would aqr~e to qo alonq with tho roquost to continue this matter this tlmo but that the policy was followed with regard to advortlsing tho vacancy. " . ItG" 4 7 L^XE TR~FrORD CEMETERY DEED NUMBERS 30~, 308 and 309 - ^CCEPTED FOR RECORD^TION pursuant to ðction of the Donrd January lO, }Q78, wherein the Chairm^n was nuthor!zed to sign various deeds to Lnke Trafford Memorial Gardens Ccmotery lots as th~ need arises, the following Deedn Nos. 30~, 30B and 309 wore recorded and filad for tho record. , , } . paqo 41 . \ ( I _ -. --- -. --~ _ _ -- -- --.-- -- -- -- --".- _ ~-- -- - - ---- ----- -----~- ---;( ,... .. f,A. ----, \"'''r__. .J - r"'fØ"~'.4 ~ . , . . t<.- , . --- - - -- -- ----------------- ---------------..- "UCJ U f) t 1 n , 1 <) n , Item 4B MISCELL^NEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED ^ND/OR RP.FF.RRED Thero being no objection, the Chair directed that the following corrcnpondcnco be filod and/or roferred to thn various departments ða , ind'iC'ðted bolowl " 1. Lott~r d~ted 7/¿¿/P?' (rom rnul J. ~~rtin odvlGlng that ~o~rdm~n ~ ~~rtln, Inc. ðrc th~ ~ttorncys for tho estate of Myrtle Cook. xc Mr. Gileß ^nd Mr. p.o~qðn. Fil~d. 2. potltlon dðted 7/7.(,/n7 of property owncrs in Nðples Manor opposinq cluster houDing 1tcr.\ on 7/27/"2 'H)en~ð. Ffled. 3. Social Servlcos Ocp.Htmental Report of Juno, 19F2. Filed. 4. Lettor dntcd 7/?n/R, from Willi~rn E. ~ndnwskl re SunRct Review of Stðte r.ayc~ro L~W, ~ectlonR ~07..~Ol-~n2.3lr" F.S. rcquc£t!nq rccommr~~rpion rca~r~ino tho neod for an effec- tlv~nns~ of current stðtc law and ðreDS for Improvement. xc Mr. Norrnnn. Filed. 5. ~cmornndum frOM Fr~~ tooPM~n, ~iroctor, ~pt. of Ynsurðnc, Dnd Treasuror lintlnq certified public depositorios. Filed. 6. Letter dated 1/?1/R? from John M. Roche opposing rezoning: Krchli ng Inc1u!Jtr i~5, tnc. prOplHty. xc Mr. Norman and ~r. Virtll. Filcc'- 7. M~mor~ndum d~ted 7/1~/R2 from A~riculture nlrcctor ~rown to County ~~n~q~r re Rt~tus of Lcthðl Yellowinq Di~ease of ralm Troes in Collil!r County. Filed. 8. Gold~n Gðt~ Fire Control District qu~rterly report. Filed. 9. Fourth notice d~tnc1 1/21/"?' from ~ept. of Vetcrðn ~nd Community ^ffair!J ro land development 10anA. Filed. 10. Following coplos of minutos recnivod and fIled: ^. Golden Gato COMmunity Center ^dvinory Committee, no July nl'!~tinC). B. Nnpl~n City Council, July 7, 19n2. C. r.~;'''C, July ¿1, 19"?. D. Marco Ialand po~uti(lcðtion Committee, 7/lS/R2. .. Page 012 ~ . . " , ( ~ BOOK 070 PACE 351 ... \ ¡ ¡ , \ . . , , ' '.A.- _ - -- -- - - -- - --- ----- - - - - --- - -.-- - - ---- ----- " BOOX 070 PAGE 352 ll. ^uqust 10, 1982 Lottor d~tcd 7/23/02 from William ~. Wnlters transmitting six month~ roport of rccr.lpts nnd cxpenditur~s for ~^rco Island FIrv Control DIstrict. Fil~d. 12. Lettor dnted 7/22/A2 from W. ~. codfrey, ^saistant Dlroctor, DIv. of Planninq, Florida ~OT, ftncloning Form 1?40 authorizing vxpondituro of PL funds hasod on tanks within ~V 82-83 UpWP. ~r. Kloehn and ~r. Perry copied by nOT. Filed. 13. M~mo dntcd 7/21/n2 from Don P.. Dud~n, ^sslstant p.xecutlve Director, ONR, ro summary of Blue Rihhon ~arina Committee moeting held on July 7 and agenda for ^uqust B , 9 meeting. F lled . 14. Public Notice, ONn, rlated 7/27/q2 from Clifford L. Truitt, re RAS ~2-37, 20~ foot ~xtension to an existing rugglc mount qroin on the north nide of çordon PaS~. xc ~r. Normðn, ~r. vlrta, and Dr. Benedict. Filed. . 15. ~emo dat~d 7/~/n~ from Stntc/Locnl oes Program ro summary rcpor~, The Five Year Leasing Schodule, etc. xc Mr. Norman. F II ed . 16. ~ttcr dated 7/2'/f'') from :John P. Thomas, r.xecutive Director of S^CC, re a confercnce on Auqust 20 and 21 in Orlando on Affordl1bl0 l!ousln'1 !'Iponsor~d hy [)cpt. of Community ^ffnirs. xc Mr. ~orm~n and Mr. Virto. Filed. 17. Memo dot~d 7/2~/n2 from Sheriff Roqers re Third OUarterly' Report - Sheriff's Confi8cðtion Trust Fund. filed. 18. ~omo d~tcd 7/15/B2 from C~orqo ^rchlhn1rt, Transportation. Director to c. wl11inm Normnn In responso to lottnr from WIlllnm K. Fowler, DOT, re transfer of road jurisrllctlon, st~te/countY/city. Filed. 19. pp.tltlon from residents of p...lm ~prlng9 F.st~te9 for instðllntlon of water spur lino to area. xc Mr. Berzon, f'11 ~d . 20. Letter dðtcd (,1'l/R2 from r~vid L. ~w~fford, Executive 0lrector, P;,C, transmlttinq ð book titlod WPlug In To Energy Conserv~tlon ~~dln M...tcri^lo-. Fl1e~. 21. Letter d~ted 7/12/A' from Jrrpmy ^. Crnft reqðrdinq Blo10r¡lc.,l I1nò Ilyc1roqrnphir. rcports being relld into the minutes. Filed. PDq. ..3 . '. - - _. - - .---- ---' - - - -- -------- -- - - ---- - - -- -- - -~-~ · , ¡ ¡ r:::J c:::J c::::J 1\ 1 , . J ..' ¡ ---------------------------------------_.~ '. ^ uq U fI t 1 n, 19 p" ";': IUII\ 49 7/25/R2 LETTER PROM OON^LD A. PJC~ORTH WITH ATT^CHED LETTER or ^UTHORIZATION FOR D^N LIVERMORE TO REPRESENT COLLIER COUNTY ^S BOND COUNSEL ON COURTHOUfiE BONO ISSUE Lottor dated 7/'-5/82 was recolvod from Donald ^. Pickworth with an ðttDchad lotter of nuthorizðtion for D~n Livermore to represont Colli or County ~B Cond Counsel on tho Courthouse Bond Issue. I 4 Paget .4 , . &OOK 070 PACE 353 ~f_..t- ....J :)'~.~ '- >i;~ --------------- - ~ - -~------~------------~.....~. - ~~~ ., LJ L____) ,......--, !.. ___1 . . ---------------~----------~------------_£ ^uqunt 10, lC!R2 Item 50 T^X COLLF.CTOR PROPOSED BUOCr.T - ^CCF.PTF.D FOR THE RECORD Tho '~2-e3 budqot of the Tax Collector was rccelv~d for the' record. .The following Ito~s were approved and/or adopted under the consent aqon~a.· Item 5l EXEMPTION FROM EXPr,NDITURr. wfRF.r.ZEw FOR ^ V^C^NT POSITION or COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK r.RANT AND SECTION ß COORDINATOR AND PURCRASE or OFFICE F:QUIP,.,ENT ESTIMl\TED l\T SS55 FOR TilE SECTION 1:'1 PROGRAM Commlßsloner piator moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rus. and carried unanimously, that fedorally funded Community Developmont alock Crant and SectIon 8 Housing Program., be exempted from the exponditure freaze. Item 52 SOCI^L SERVICE~ CASE 'W-679~ - APPROVF.O Commissioner rlstor moved, soconded by Commi..ioner ~ru.e and carried unanimously, that Social Services Caso 'W-879~, be approved. HeØl 53 EXCEPTION TO HIRTNG, TRAVEL ^ND EOUIP~ENT PURCH^SING FREEZE FOR FEDER~L/ST^TE CR^NT-FUNnEO PROGR^MS - ^PPROVEO Commissioner riator moved, soconded by CommiaaInor ~ruse anð carried unanimously, that hiring, travel and equipment purchasing be Pago ~ 5 &OOK 070 rACE 355 " ... _" ~_ __ _ _ __ .._ _ _.. ._ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -.ir.· I : I \; . I' I.. __ -. - - ----- -----.------------------------- BOOK 070 PACE S56 '\ 1\uqUGt lO, 1~R2 exempted from fr.eze for fedoral/state grant-fundeð program., be approved. Item 54 TR^NSFF.R or S15,000 FOR THE DEVELOPMF.NT or VANDERBILT BE^CH CUL-DE-SAC _ APPROVED CI,):I\m18sioner plstor moved, seconded by Com1d8s1oner ~ruse and cðrried unanimously that Sl5,OOO bo transferred from account 304_572-l-l4-87-022-6l0 to ~ccount 304-572-1-l4-a7-0l0-~30 for the development nf Vanderbilt Bench cuI-de-sac. Jtom 55 PURCHlISINC DEPARTMENT 1IUTHORI2ED TO "DVERTI5E ^ND "CCEPT PROP05Þ.LS TO CONDUCT ^ RESOURCE RECOVF.RY ^ND RECYCLING PROGRAM ^T THE N^PLES LANDFILL Commissioner Plator moved, soconded by Commis.ioner ~ruøe anð carried unanimously, that thø purchft81ng Popðrtment bo authorized to ðdvertiso and accept proposals to conduct ð resource recovery and recycling program at the Naples Landfill. Item 56 AGREF.MF.NT WITH tIOLF.-IN-THE-W"LL COLP' CLUB, INC. FOR COUNTY CONSTRUCTION OF "IGIIT-TURN LlINF. ^LONG Fn^N~ BOULEv"nD ^T THEIR EXPENS~ - APPROVED COMmissioner plator moved, seconded by CommIssioner Rruse and carrlod unanimously, that tho ^greemont with the nole-In-The-Wðll Colf Club, Inc. for County construction of ð right-turn lane along Frank Boulevard at their expense, be npproved. paqo "6 :';~ , ·1 -- -- - - - - - - - -.- - -., - - - -- -.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _..-:. '~. "1 . .':,1../. ~'I. "-¡;" . .,I~"~I \ . . , . f______~------------~~---:----------------~ .' ., ^ uq U ß t 1 0 , 1 9 R 2 &oa~ 070 rAG~ ~60 Item 57 RESOLUTION 82-118 ^UTHORIZING ^PPROV~L, ^CCEPT^NC! ^ND RECORDING or ~ftE SURVEY AND LOC~TION M^r OF ^LtCNMENT FOR COLDEN GATE EXTENSION FROM INTERST^TF. 75 E^ST TO COUNTY ROAD 951 - ^DOPTED . Commlsaloner piøtor moved, seconded by Commlasionor ~ruse and carried unanlmou~ly, that tho map of survey and location for Golden Cate Boulevard from Intorstate 75 East to County Road 951 be accepted and recorded. Page .., _. _ _ _ __ ._J _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - -....;.. - - - - - - ~·JiS . ."....,:.~ \; . -------------------------------------- , MOX 070 FACE 362 August 10, 19(\2 IUIII 58 ~R. RIC"~RD ^KIN ^PPOINTED TO EMEROENCY MED1C^L SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL WITH ^N EXPIR^TION D^TE Of ^UGUST 11, 1985 Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commls.loner Kru.. and carried unanlmouoly, that Mr. Richard Akin be appointed to the Emergency MedIcal ServIces ~dvlsory Council to fulfIll the torm of Mr. Tom Clark, which expires on ^ugust 31, 1982, anð that Mr. Akin also be appointed to an aðditlonal three year term, with an expiration date of ^ugust 31, 1985. . . '* '* '* Thero being no further business to come beforo the Boned, the meeting W~5 edjourncd at 12 noon by order of tho Chair. no~nD OP COUNTY CO~MISSTON~RS/ BOARD OF 7.0NTNC ^PPE^LS/EX OrFTCIO COVF.PNING RO^RD(S) OF SrEC1^L DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL c~· C. R. ~, MER, ~M~ II>- September 14, 1982 liS Thr.sc by the ncc on presented x or liD corrected p,tge .8 .,~- - - - -- - -- ---- --... -----_.- ----------------.. --_."..._."....-,.....,',.".,,,._,---^~-