BCC Minutes 08/10/1982 W ~ .. r-ï I . '--. ,¡ I _ __ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __l! ¡-..._I --------------------- N,'p)t'ß, "'10rld." AUr' IJRt 10, It)~2 LET IT ßE REMr.MREREO, that tho ~oard of county Commissioners in and for tho County of Collier, an~ nlao actinq as tho qov~rnlng b03rd(9) of such special di"tricts as have beon cr~ated according to law and hðvinq conducted businoss herein, mot on thl" dðt~ nt lt~O P.M. in eudqet Worknhop s.ssion in ~ui1dinq "F· of the Courthousl Complex, F.ast Nnplos, Florida, with the following members prCDcntr CH^TRMANr C. R. "Russ· Wim~r VICE-CH^TRMAN: ~nry-Frances Kruso ,John A. pintor Clifford Wenzel David C. Brown Al.fiO PRESENT' Will1nm J. RCl'ICJlIn, ClC'rlq l1arold L. 111111, Chlcf Deputy Clerk; Maurcen Konyon, DGputy Clr.rk; Burt L. ~lIundors, County ^ttornoy; C. Willl~m Norman, County MlInaq~r; Henry Hill, Manaqem.nt Anlllyst ßr~nt Perkins, Pudqet ~nðlyst and Dr. Cox, Health DirC'ctor. BUDGET WORKSHOP ACf.ND^ 1. Rev iow of £\udqpt 5t1ltus and proponod Schedule 2. Conments, If ðny, by ~onrd reqnrdlnq Proporty ~pprllir.er'a Budget (to be approved by Department of Revenue by Auqu~t 15, 19R2). 3. Dcpllrtmcntlll Pudqot Reviows ð. AdmlniRtrntlvc Services Division b. !!('lIlth DCplHtrn('nt c. rubllc Scrvlco!) ['lvlßion d. Courts ~nd n~l~tcd Proqr~m" (Tentðtive) o. Othors, ð3 Time £"err~d tn ~. Est~bllsh d"tC9 tor contlnuðtion ot budqot workshop, as needed. . paq. 1 ~OOK 070 ~AC£ 3S3 .' /~' . ;~ ... '. ' :~ ,),¡ ,~,Iì'<.Ìi' ...~ ---~..'~~ ',-;-fJ ----------------------------- .. '. '\ . -.---------------------..------------------ ~oOK070 PACE 364 ,',ug un t 10, 19 ~ 2 Tape 11 Item 11 REVIEW or ßUOOET STI\TlJS "ND PROPORED SCJ1EDULE Chief Deputy Clerk Hall stnted that thero are two slqnificant items to roport, one being th~t after receiving the assossed valuos thore is $50,20~ short for the non ad valorem rðvenU8S IInd over exponditures, adding that the othor it~m 10 thðt Mr. Coldinq requested th~t, as ð part of tho exccloratod Bchcdule, he would like to have the tentative budgr.t adopted by Monday, August 1~, lQR2, and to be advised of the proposod millage. He stated that, if Mr. Coldlnq Is advised of the adoption of the tcnt~ttv~ budqct hy ~uqust l~, 1982, the noti~e of propos('d taxes could be m~tlcd by ~ondny, ^ugunt 23, 19P?, and each tnxinq ~uthortty could hold ~ hudgot henrlng by Monday or Tuesday, the 14th of September in tho ~vcning. He øtatcd that Mr. coldinq 18 trying to hold nIl tho tðxlnq ðut~orlty hr.~ringG within one or two days In order to qet nIl tho budgets approved by Octohcr 1 to onahle the tax bills to qo out on Rcherlulc. He reported th~t, under the tentative budget, there would bo n budqot Incronse of 9\ In the Ceneral Fund oCter ðdju9tinq {or tho trcnsfors from th~ ~ST unincopor~ted ~roal a ~, decrease in tho unincorpor3ted arCðl " increase In water m~nðqemQnt a large Increnße In debt sr.rvicc, nnd a Jnt incre~8ø in the total county-wide op()rntinq budget. flo stilted that thrre would be an l8t dccroa8t\ In tho unlncorpor.Hcrt nrra buc1ql!t. lie not~d thllt thlt'ðd vnlorem taxcn In the county-wide area, would be ð JO\ increaso In tax do]lðrs, hut only II '\ lncreðse in thp millaqe rnto, with thn biq Increaße baing in ðßsensed value. He stnted that in the unincorporated PII<Jt! 2 - ---- --- -- - - -- - - - ---- --- --- ---------------- - ~l [_.........j --- .....,. f I I , . ~--------------------------------------~ ^ uq U fJ tIn, I 9 R 2 arca, there would bc ð 76' docrens8 in t~x dollars, adding thðt thn ronDon for thiD chðngc is th~t nlmost nIl the availðbl~ cash carry-over In the Gonornl Fund wan us~d to hold down taxes In the curront yoar, adding that th~ro waD ð lot of clIsh carry-over genorntcd in the unincorporat~d aroa for tho coming Y~lIr. He noted that by using some of the cðsh cðrry-ov~r in the unincorporated arca for tho coming year pluø putting 05\ of ~O\ of tho salo& tax in the unlncorporntod areð would produce a big r~duction In tðX~~ in the unincorporated area. He BtatC'd that this moans th~t to bring tho budqct in balance, taxes will have to be r~16cd consld~rnbly In the Goneral Fund, which lB the reason for ð 30\ increase in taxes in the County-wide fund. Itel'll .2 DEPARTMF.NTAL BUDGET REVIEWS Chðlrmðn Wimer stðted that he felt the Bonrd n~~dp.d to review the budget that was r~celved by th~M this date and to hold discussion on the budget on Thursday, ^uqust ]2, ]9P.2, which was a gcneral consonsus. County Manager Norman stated that thero is a ahortfnll on the Health Insurance, to which Mr. Hall stated that Workor's Comp was also omitted from tho Sheriff's Bud~ot, duplicate revenues wer. mðd~, notinq that tho total shortfall 1~ $220,~~O.OO. Chalrm~n Wimer directed County ~nnðqer Norman and ~r. "all to dI5CU~S the matter ðnd come back to the ~oard with a rocommnndntlon for the ahortfal1. County Manager Norman stlltcd that at this point, thero could only be operations cut, with ~r. Hnll addinq that people, gaoollne, postage, and operating buðqnts would hnvo to be cut. Pðge 3 &OO~ 07D PACE 365 ,,'I ,:j '" ;.ri.~ -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - ---- ----- ----- - - ---------l',<:..M " ,. ., "~ i ,,' . . . . oj \ . ---------------------------------------- ðOOK 070 PACE 366 ^ugust 10,1982 Item f 3 HF.^L't'1I DEPJ\RT"'f.NT PRF.SF.NT^TION Dr. Cox st~t~d thllt in tho last f~w months thore hDS been a dramatic and scvero r~conÐtructlon of the fiscal ønd øccountlnq capabilities, adding that theao ch~ngQs have hod a siqnlficant impact on the currcnt budget that 18 being prosonted. T a po t 2 Dr. Thomas ßt~ted that a co~ploto system of accountahility has been InitLl ted in the Ilcnlth Department which is predicated on 'two things1 ono heing financial accountllbility whore all ledgers are sot whereby no expenditurcs arc mndo until a crosø rofercnce has been made to the budgeted amount in that line ite~1 and secondly, tho development of a cost accountlnq SY8te~ for p-ach program. She stated th~t the totðl propor.ed budget for A'-A1 is 1-1/2\ greater than last year'. budget. ~hc 8t~tcd thnt laRt year at tho ond of the HRR fiscal year, 0' of the total budget wns c~rriod forward which was in excess ot 5113,000, nddlnq that this year there ia no buffer. She roportod that l~st year's County contrihutlon wns '9', adding that this year the County contribution would be 37'. fiho noted that last yellr the State contr Ihutr-rl 3)\ of th(' hudqet, but this YQar they will contribute 35\. She turthor noted that last year's Fcdor~l contribution was lA\, but next yc^r It will go down ", adding thnt local fee collection will remain nt the 12\ level. f,hc stðtr.d thi'lt the liP-81th Depl\rtmfrnt Is trying to Imrrovc tho collection tees which is now bctwe~n 5G-5~'. She 5t~ted that Colll~r County offors primary hoðlth cðro which ð lot of Countlcß do not, nddinq that ßhe hns checked other counties th~t otter PlIq e .. -.- ------- ---.- -.---- ..-.-- ---.-----.---------------- (C.- ... . ." , . ·¡'._.."_'I ~ . . .. "~ ").. . . - l..,...._,,....,J ." . ' .~.- - - - - -.. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - .. ----....--<.."..,..,.... ^"1unt 10, l~P' the prim~ry hoalth cora, incticlltlnq Sar~ßotll County to bo ona of them which receives about 33' Dupport from their County. fihu stated that Polk and Loo Counties hnve receIved bettor than 3'\ support In tho past years. She roported that thero nro l7 unfunded positions 1n the Hnnlth Dapnrlmnnt Cor noxt yo~r. She ß~id that ohe would liko to see the Bo~rd extend some help by wrltinq lottors to tho Stnte, regarding tho stðto basJnq ita formula for Dupport on 1970 censuS flqures, which nrc in~dequ~te. Sho reported thnt BInce tho original hudget on nctditlonal 530,000 has been cut which Includes two positions, travel expensos, and communlclltlono. She noted that any further cuts would havo to bo program", I.e., RervlcQs th~t tho Henlth Copllrtmcnt offors. CommlsRloncr Kruso quoDtioned the amount of discrep~ncy between tho Shcrlff.'s Budget IJnd tho lIonlth Dopllrtmcnt's Budget ~s to the fees for health sorvlces, to which Or. Cox replied thnt the difference would be 518,000 for the SherIff's Department ~qainst $31,000 which tho Heal th {)(>plH tmont h.!ls hudgeted. CommiDoloncr [lrown qUQotloncd It any of tha services could be Qlimln~tod, to which Dr. Thom~n atated thllt ovory time a servIce is eliminated the fundlnq Is nloo ellmlnlltp.d, adding th~t almost evory proqram the foderal or State Govornmcnt funds is bas~d on the B~rvlcea provided by tho 1I~"lth Depllrtmont. She reported thnt th"re Is actul'Illy a doublo penð1ty ~ny time ð service 10 elIminated. Ch~lrm~n Wimer expre5~~d his thnnks nnd th~ th~nks of thp. Board to Dr. Thomns (or ðcc~ptlnq tha project of thn Hel'llth Departmont. Dr. Thoml'ls concluded hy stntlnq thnt next year State and rederðl Punding combined wIll bo cut 25'. Page I) MQK 070 fACt 3/;'J .. --- _.~. -..... -.. -- -- - -.. ---- - --- -------- -------.----.-...... , . --- - -- - - ----,,..-- - - ----- -- - - --- ----- -------- A ug U B t 1 n , ] q R 2 BOO~ 070 PACt 368 Item 14 £ST"BLISHHIG 1)~,.r.5 FOR CONTHIUATION OF eUDCF.T WORKf,HOPR, ^S Nr.f.D!D. Chnirm1ln Wimer stated thnt tho cons~n9US of the Board 15 to keep the contingency considerably hlqh IInd not cut Into the operational ðspects of the County, adðlnq that, In re~llty, this mllY hove to be done. The Boord directed ~r. Hall and County ~nnnger Norman to ðlscus. tho matter and come bnck with a recommcnd~tlon on Thursday, August l2, 1982. Itam .!> GOLDr.N G~TF. COMMUNITY CF.NTER CRAFT ROOM nr.INSTATr.O IN THE B2-B3 BUDGET. County MlInaqer Norman stated that there has heon some concern by the residents of Goldcn Gate rC'qarding cutting bock proposðls I~ th~lr tnxlnq districts. He reported that there ðro legal Iscu~s that County Attorney Snunders is In the process of ch~cklng. Mr. Hðll indicated that the craft room, at this point, has been deleted fro~ the 02-R3 budget. County ~nnngor Norman stðt~d that tho question revolves around whethor or not there wos ð roferendum calling for the levy of taxes for the dlstrictn which C]ðG9ifi~s thosc districts as voter approved ta~ levies under the 5tðtut~. He noted that n tentative budget could bo adoptcrl ðnd cut back, but n t~nt^tive budget th~t is adopted can not be increased. Chðirm~n Wimer dirocted County ~anngrr Norman to send n lettor post-hnste to the civic nnsoclations, news medias, pross, IInd those people th~t Inquired, Indicðtinq that the rnattnr is being researched but that thð craft room has been r~ln8tntcd into the tentatlvo budgot. paqe Iii ._ _..___ ~_4___"'-_____"'_ ________._~__.._____...___________ r:J ; ~_~ ...:J CJ . ' ., ___ _____ _ _ _ ____________________________L_ August lO, 11)"' Ch~irmðn Wimor complimented tho Staff for their work on the Budget. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Thore being no further business for the qooð of the County, ~he meeting was lIdjourncd hy Ordcr of the Chair - Time 2t~O P.M. pðge .., MDK 070 PAc£369 '. --- --- - -- ----- ----------------.--:----------- ..