BCC Minutes 08/12/1982 S ~ \_._-> c:J ---, ----- - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - ---- --- ------ -- --- --- .....:.:.,..¡ , ';:P" r;" ~"."-",,, . . . , ' ---- - - - - - - - - - - - --... - - - ---- - -,- - ---'- - -.- - ----- - ."'. Nnpl(\9, Florid.." 1Iuqust ]1., )C'H'2 LET ,IT BE nr.~EMOF.nED, that in accorðnnco with action tnkon on AugUBt 10, 1~02 tho Donrd of County CommloBlon~rs In and tor tho County of Colllor met in SPECIlIL 6EfiSION at tho Courthoune Complox, East Na~los, Florida, at 9:05 A.~. on this ~ate with the following momhors prosentl I CHlIIRM1INI C. R. ·RU9S· Wlmor VICE CHAIRM1INr Mary-Francos Kruse John A. p1stor 'ClI f ford Wanzr.l Da v I d C. B r 0 wn lILSD PRESENTI 8urt L. Sounrlors, County' Attorney, C. Wl1llnm Normðnr County Manð~erl Elinor ~. ~k1nner, Deputy Clerk, Terry Vlrta, CommunIty Development Anmln1ntrator, and Craco Spnuldlng, Admlnlstra- t1vn Aide to the ~oðrd. AGENOll Conttnu<'ltlon fror.1 AUguRt 10, 1~1' 2 of public heorlng re Nnplnß Cay Settlemont Tnp. '1 Itom 1 DOCUMENT !IS PRESENTED BY COUNTY ATTORNEY AND NAPLES CAY ATTORN!Y Rt SETTLEMENT OF NAPLE~ CAY LAWSUIT - 1IPPROVED Chairmnn WImer noted thIn 19 a contlnu<'ltlon of. the public henrlng f.or poosihlc settlemont of tho Naples Cay l~w.ult from the August 10, 1982 roqul<'lr boðrd meoting ~nd that the CommiRsion~rs have bðfore them a stipulation in order of dismissal of that lawsuit. Attorney Toby Carroll, reprosentlnq Napl~8 Cay, stated that he had Page 1 ~OOK 070 FACE 370 to \ . - --,- - - - - - - -- -- -.- - -- -- - - -'-- -- -- - -- --- ------ MOK 070 PAGE 371 , "uq u" t l?, 19 a, settlod in Qubstance and wording with the County Attorney nnd Community Devolopment Administrntor virta tho settlcment document for th~ N~plea Cay 1ðwsuit. ^ttornoy ~nðld ^. pickworth said thAt the "greoment / reflects what W~8 diacu8ßod at th~ aforementioned bonrd meeting, and ~r. Vlrta agreed. County Attorney S~unders stated he hns reviewed the document and has no problema with It. Commissioner pIstor asked If thoro was an nrranqcmtnt rogarding . opening tho connection betwacn Gulf f.horo Aoulavard and S~agatft Drive, to which ~r. ClIrroll Gaid that WðS not In the settlement Ðnd that the only <'Iccesn for ingre8~ and ~qresn, which has been dlncuosod, Is from Seagate Drive to the parking arca which is In thn exhibit. II dIscussion follow~d rc~nrdlnq opening tha aforementioned con- nection. Chðlrm~n Wlm~r said that at n meeting with ~r. pickworth, ~r. lIelqemo<.', Mr. RYlln, and othp.rn, nqrceMent was roached thllt this item was not part of the settlement hut rather n separate ISSUJ and that the County h~s the right to Dny If they w~nt to run the road through. Commlsfiloncr Wcnzp.l lIsked If II narrow strip wan not retained that should be decd~d to the County, to which ~r. pickworth said that he rec<'Illcd the situ"tlon as Ch"lrmðn wlmnr explðlncd it. He saId that thiR ltl'r.\ 113 r,omethinq thnt the OCC could decide later and that the County has the monns of opening that road if desired. COmr.1i8Sloner Kruse ð5k~d if tho Bonrd h~5 tho riqht of EMinent Domain If a decision 15 mDde for ð rond to be constructed, to which ~r. pickworth responded aCflrm"tlvely. Comr.1ISo1onor Kruso moved, seconded by Commisslonor Bro~n and carried 4/1, with Commissioner plstor opposed, that the docu~ent pðge 2 ". . ... _.- - -- - ~- - - --- -..- -~ ..-- -- ~-------------- -- - -~-- - ---------.... ~ " ~ ~ . . . ... '.-- , , f ,. , . . . 1'( , ------ --- -- -- ----- ----------- ---- ---- -- - ~.' Aug US t 11., 19 f\ 2 .ett11ng the Naplos Cay lawsuit be approvod. . . . . . Thoro be1nq no furth"r bun1ne8s to come before tho BOðrd of County Comm1ns10ncrs the moet1nq WðS adjourned at 9rl5 A.M. by order of tho Cha i r . BOllRD OF COUNTY COMMI5~IONr.R5/ OFFICIO GOVERNT~G "O~RD(S' OF Spr.CI1IL DTSTRIC""S UNDER ITS CONTROL t. ç,£ (d~ ....T1'ESTI WI LL I^M 7 Itf<d by the RCC on 5€'pt:aT1ber 14, 19A2 ,as 'pre!lcnted x or /'IS corrccted ~ pago 3 f¡QO~ 010 rAGE '312 ._ _._ ___ _ _ ___...._ __ __ _-_______ ."-1';' ----,,,."',",.,