BCC Minutes 08/12/1982 W r.:::::J c=J - h.,..,......._.4 . . - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - --- -.--..- - - - - --- --- -- -_. NlIplt'R, Flod"", "uqust 12, 1~A2 tF.T IT BE RFMEMBF.RED, that the nonrd of County Comm15sioners In And for tho County of Collier mot in BUDCET WOR~SHOP SESSION Þt tho Courthouse COMplex, Fast Nðp1cs, Flori~n, nt 911(, ".M. on this data with the follo~l~q members pr('scntl CH"InM~NI C. R. ·nuss· Wimer VICr CH^InM"NI f'llIry-f'rðnces Kruse John A. pi stor Clifford WE.'n7~1 Dð v i d C. 8 r 0 wn ALSO PRE~f.NT: c.. WilliAm Norm~n, County Mðnðqer Elinor f'I. Skinner, f.'eputy Clcrlq Hðrolrl t. "ðll, Chicf Deputy Clork "cnry Hill, Budget "nalystl Ponðld Norton, Puhlic Services "d~inistrðtor1 Edward Smith, ^Qslntðnt County M~n~q~rl P. K. Knutp. Hartm,.n, Puhlic Works Adminlstrðtor, Reqglc ~rown, "qriculturo Director and GrDce Spaulding, Admlnlstrðtivp. ^irln to tho BOðrd. AGF.N ,)^ 1. Stntus Report on Millnqe Ratos 2. Stntus Report on ReductionR nnd fihortfalla 3. Depðrt~ental Budget Rcvirws Tðpe 11 Item 1 STATUS REPORT ON MILtAGE RATF.S County "'ðnaqcr ~ormðn oxplnincd th~t because of complications ft8 a Page 1 MOK 010 PACE 380 '..';;.... ....J. '.;! - - -- --._.--- ------:---. -----.------ ---:~-------···i··..""> t' "..1,,, f' ,~ \ . -- - - - - -.- - ----- --- ------ - - --- - -- - - - --- ---- ~OOK -070 PACE 381 A U'1 un t 1 2, 19 A 2 rcsult of intorfund trnnsf~rs ð ~hort d~lðY wna nocessnry before the ~udqot Worknhop could bog in to allow tlmo for th~ tin~l ðocum~nt to be rOAdy and he roqucnted a twenty minute recess. Com~isoloner Wenzel qucstioned whr.ther tho sðl~ry increas~s ðra the same for cveryonø, t~ which Mr. Norm~n explnlncd th~re is ð oingle lino item in each section of the dcp~rtmontðl burlqets, nccount 2~9, thðt is calculated on the b~5is of ~, and thnt consist8 of S\ of the personnel costs of each dcp.Htment which include'8 Social ~ccur1ty, retirement and fllllnry nnc1 thnt evr.ryone is tre^ted tho same. ....nEcfssl 91~n ^.M. ~rCONVENrDI ~I~~ ^.M.···· Chi c f De put Y C lor k If a 11 c x pI a i n c ci t h ð t t he 11 CJ 9 reg ate m ill ð q .. on ,,11 tðXCfI levied by tho flce (livlt1el1 by the tot..,l assesscd valuf! would produce ð millage thðt 1s approximately ~.2 ~nd thnt 3.34 Is the mdxlmum th~t cnn be nllowpd on the n~sess~11 value. He snid that the mlll1lqe rcduction in ,n~ b~t th1l~ doan not menn nnythinq until the n5sc~Gcd vnlue is known. Hp Rnid thot the tax ~oll~rg that will bo derived under the m~ndatcd t1lX deduction proqram will be 7' less on exl£tlng property but th~t there is lOt new growth dollllrs so that there will be 3\ mora t~x dollðrs than last yenr. Mr. Norm~n r~f('rrcd to a nheot lintinq the changes he recommonds. Ii~ cxpl~lin~d th.lt the Colden G"te Mf,TU itc~, S25,790, r('prescnts nn ðct;ustmcnt of 5\ which hns to be 1Illowcd (or rpserve an~ that it Is 5\ Moro thnn the ðctu~l co~t. lie n.,id thðt Community t)('velopment" ^rlMlnistrntor Vlrt~ ðnd puild1n~ Director Scðmchorn h~ve revIewed rccp.nt informntion on building permits and that they find it nece8sary to de'croano the pro;ectrd revenues for next yoðr in Buildinq Permit pnqo 2 - - .-- -- -~~--_.._.. -.--------.-----..------------------------ - 1-·... : ..-- I \-, ....... _. - - - - - - - - ----- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - -.....-. . - ^uqU:lt 1'-, l~fI' FðOØ by ~404,OOO and that hecausc of rev~nun nhortfnlln occurrinq thiø yenr the amount thnt would ho carri~~ forwnrd would bo dt'crenaod by $6S,27A. He said thðt the figure of $P?,110 on the sheet is part of tho solution and he explained, b~cnuso of tho shortfnll, tho anticip~tcd overðqe which W,.o planned to be transferred out of Fund 177, CommunIty rovolopmcnt, cnnnot he done. Mr. Norman explnln~d the ndjußtmentc that hnve to be mnde, adðing that he is rccomm~ndin9 the ~~letion of th~ Contingency Rcsprve portion of the total $950,000 Contlnqcncy and Contingoncy Resorve which he feels can be done without seriously jeopnrdlzing n~xt year's operðtion. Tðpit '2 Mr. Norm~n 8~id that it wna disr.ovcred thðt in cnlculatinq the ~\ rcserve for the General Fund, which is 3 result of tho State law that mandates that no more than q~, of what is nnticIp~tPd can be ðppropri- ðted, on error had been made nnd that amount was $41,000 highor than neCC!3Si'lry. 11~ said thnt the $1;1,207 number on tho Eheot would come from tho Rcscrvc. He sès1d req<'lrcUng the S:D,400, Transfer to Capital Projects, it is not nnticipated thnt money will h~ Apent out of this year's Fund 175 and, therefore, thnt cnn be nvailnblc to allow for an increase in taxes In that fund for next year. Rcsponrling to Chairman Wimer, Mr. Norman explained thnt Amount was for Capital Programs for an addition to ð sp.rvicc building. Mr. Hðll oxpl~incd the ~12~,779 figure, ~djuDtments to cash carry-forward ðnd contingency, Ðtðtinq th~t, by moving some of the rOBerve~ nround, Fund 17~ cðn be decreaseä by that fiqurn which would rosult in the ability to l~vy more taxes in f'und 17S, ðdding that total Page 3 &OOK 070 PACf ~S2, .. u___ p___' ___________.-:--------.--------------------:r ., , . -- - - - - - - - - ---- -- -- --- ---"" -- - - - - - - - - ------- --. ðoa~ 070 PACE3B3 A uCJ U ß t 11, ] C) A , . dollars to bo lovicd will r~mnin the snme hut th~ mon~y Is chnnq~~ from on~ fund to ~nother to addrcsn tho shortfnll. Chairman Wimcr ðsked if the budgot bnlðncoft an~ Mr. Norman rcsponded IItfirll'1atively. lie B:1id thðt, nlthouqh thcre is not ð Bnlll lintlng of line item reductions in Community Devclopment, he is recom- mending thðt dep^rtment further reduce the budgcts which, will result in reduction In torce, elimination of present positions which can be justified bCCðUSO of the ~ecrea8e in construction activity and thllt accounts for the ~G5,~l2 fiqurft. Mr. Norm~n nnid he recomm~ndn tho E~Ðt Nðplp.s Librllry ~r~nch be clofied whIch would bc n savings of $20,710. nespondinq to Commissioner plator, Mr. Norman Aalrl that the 11brnry ie helnq uned quite a bit but if scrvices will have to be cut some plllce, it is neccssnry to look lit thonc scrvices thDt will hc'lvo tho least rli~ruption. fit'! salrl $1),5(,0 ~ould b~ rnlscd if rccre~tlon f~p.s In tho softball and 8umm~r program are incrcl!sed. He s.,id thl'!t orlqinally he hl'id nnticipated thnt the year would ond with ~l(,3,OOO in Fund 177, Communlty Development Unincorporated Dcvelopm~nt Fund, however, bocnus~ of the projected shortfðll this will not occur, therefore, thnt fund will have to be reduced by ~1(,3,Q5~. Co~~ls~loncr KrU9C s3id she could not c'lqreo with reducing contin- gency nnd thnt she could not vote to closo the libr~ry. Chairman Wimer sðid hr would r~ther s~c the llhrary left opp.n, / ddln~ thc'lt there was 53n,nno In the budqet (or II pðrk. After ð short dl~cugsion, the consensus wnn to del~te th~ pa~k improvcmrnt ~nrl the Golden Cnt~ pllrk, in ord~r to kaop the Enst Naples Librnry open and the funds transferre~ pnqe .. ....... - - - -- -. --- - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - ...-. - - - - - - -- - - - - - ---- ~'.W"_:) c-J - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- --- -- - - - - - - ---- ^uqur.t 12. 19"2 to Fund 177, which woulrl bo $35,000 for Piedmont Circle and r,~0,000 for Golden Gc3tC PlIrk. Mr. 111111 said that if the funds for parking at Tiger Tail bellch parking arc put in tho Capital Improvcmcnt Funds that would not 1mpl1ct tho bud~ot but would lowcr the Fund 175 budget. Public Serviccs Administrator Norton explained that there WaS a bid opening AUgU5t 1l, 19A2 on the Courthouse groundß contract that was 35\ below last ycar's contract ~or ð aavings o( $19,1~2. He said that he fclt thAt incrclIsing the summer progrnm recreation foes would he a mistllkc because there arc many youngsters who cannot afford $30 to be in those programs. Commissioner Wenzol suggested not increasing the fees, and thcre was conacnRUS to leðve the fèos as they are. Mr. Norman 5aid he feels the rccommcndlltion for the County to purchase lllnd adjacent to ~he Immokaleo Courthouse as shown as an o~pendituro for this year's burlget for $125,000 should he preserved becllusc tho land will not be thAro long IInd the lllnd is needed for plHkin9. Commission~r Kruse said she would like ð close look made at not using the trðnsfcr station, of cloning it and re-c~tðblishinq a type of transfer st~tlon operation at the landfill. Commissioner plstor slIid he cannot aqree to thp. feas proposed for the transfer station. Com- missioner Wenzel said cveryone should pay on n fair basis. " discussion followed regarding the Vcterans Services Department with Commissioner Drown stating that department docs ð lot of good. Mr. Norm~n said that ~r. K~hoo is director IInd there is ð full time secretary, adding thllt his and Mr. Norton's evaluation is that the secrotary could be part timo. He said he hopes to combine thðt Page 5 &OO~ 070 PACf~ r__" .. _._ ____ __._ _.~_ _.. _ _ _ _ _ --- -- - - - - - ------ - - ·~·t , . -- ,.--------------- - ---- - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ßOQK 070 PACt: 385 .a.uquet 12, 19A? . ðepðrt~~nt with DO~O othor activity tor more cffl~iðncy. Chairman Wlmor ß~irt it is ð beneficial ~nd worthwhilo Dp.rvice and th~t as long as the sorvice is not hampored the Doard would ðccept that. Hr. Normðn said he felt the scrvico could be hnndled with fewer hours. Chair~an Wimer as~ed ~r. Norman to look diligently at the Veterans Services DeP~rtmcnt situation. Tape '3 Commisaloner Kruso quoationed tho neod tor $73,000 for mobile home tral10rs and Mr. Norman said that port of that requeRt was for two tr~11erø requpeted by the 5herift. He said that the money does not have to bo spent on tr~ilers. ~oBpondinq to Chairman Wimer, Public ~~fcty DIrector Dorrl1! explnlnpd thðt the construction trailer pur- chased for Polizzi/Hp.cry cost ~2,500 and that two or three timen thðt amount h~B h~cn Bpent to obtðin utilities for that trailer. ~o sald th~t trbiler will be used for tho construction manager and construction enqlnpcrs wh~n construction (or th~ Justice Canter beqins. ^ discU~51on followrd rrqarding the "R^ fleot maintenanc. with Commifisloner rlotor £tðtln~ that in !9~l ~e~~,OOO was shown as helnq spent for thin itn~ and that $97~,OOO was budgeted lost year. Asois- tant County ~ðn~qcr Smith gald that Sl,~~~,q,] rpally ahoulð be reduced to $9S0,OOO to comp~rc with the IA1-0? budqet figure of $97r,,2~O, becnU5C included In the t.!,~5~,~2l i~ an ^mount of monny for the ^RA fee, their tðrqet pricn, r.djunt~d with ðn R' f~ctor for the sovan monthG of the yn~r thnt is unknown plu~ tho money for th~ motor pool ðnn th~ pðrtG coat. fie Gnld thl"lt npproximðtcly ~l3{'\,OnO is being Baved a~ ð result of contrnctinq flo~t m~lntcn~nco ðnd ho cxpl~ined how that paq e 6 ._. .... .__ _... _" _ _.. _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _____ ......_r~.......................~~ '¿-~ ,.. " ',- ~ I,..__.....,J I I . . f<.- -~--------------------------------------~ "uq U f1 t l?, lOA í' Ri'lvings i6 rcali7cd. Mr. 11111 said that the- rCi\f1on the lI~ount seems inllntcd Is bOCI\UBO thr. money is pllGscd throuqh nn~, in a Rense, doubl0 counted. ~r. ~mlth explained tho mannor in which tho ^"^ contr~ct works wherchy tho County nnrl ~R^ sh~r~ tha nnvinqs with thr. County keeping 70\ and "R^ gotting 3n,. Roftponrling to Commiasioncr plstor, Mr. Smith nnld that the costs ¿tro leD8 now th~n wh~n tho County u~eð outside 6crvic~. Commlnß1on~r ~rusc quostlonad the ~1í'n,nOO Contlngcncy to which ~r. 11111 r~Bpondcd that the contrAct did not st.Ht until rebrunry and the 12 nonth estimate {rom "R^ docs not rcfloct n full year. ~r. said that F!~cn1 Officer Giles was conc~rned that'money WIIS hr.ing put into ð line 1tem collrrl RCRerv~ for futuro ~xpcndlturca ~s hc felt thi'lt 1s not /In npproprlðto placo to "load I"oney" for future purcbaBoB and ho want.ð the money moved to a Contlng~ncy item. .....Col"mlssionDr KrU5C loft thp room nt 10150 ".~..*** ~r. Norman aaid he fclt that the rarks nnrl Rccrelltion Department roport waG <1oorl, IInrl Ch~lrmlln WI~or n~rc~d. A short discussion (01- low~d rcqðrding tho ^qrlculturc Dcpnrtmnnt rlurinq which ~r. Nor~lIn ~aid that no money 1s being npproprintcd for tho Lethal Yellowing Progrð~. "grlculture Director Prown r,aid therc would h~ a monitoring sltulltion. Chalrmlln Wlmor r~fp.rr~d to hench improvement ~t the north end of polic~n ~^y ^nd IIsked if funds w~rc bud~ctcd for th~ fln~l Improvo- m~ntß, to which ~r. Normðn said that in Fund 304 thcre is $100,000 which WðS ~ddcd to the s~oo,onn ^nrl th~t he intends to fr~e up p~rt of that monp.y for that pl1rpono. Puhlic Works "c1mlnlstrator Ifðrtman said thðt tho budqct IImendmont for the cul-c1e-sllc 1n thn ~rOð has just beon Paq e ., ~oo~ 070 PACf 3B6 - - - - - -- - -_.- - ----....... -- - - --- - - - --- - -~- -- -- - --- \ . .< - - - - - - - - -- --- - - -- ----- - - -- --- - - --- - - - --- "uqust 12, 1~n2 BOO~ 070 PAGë 387 npproved. Chalrmðn Wimor øu~q~"tcð that Dome of tho $~~,noo saved durIng this àIscunslon should h~ u8~d for vnrIoun h~~ch acCOD8 location!! AlICh I\S Horizon Way. ....Commissioner Xrusc rrturned at 101S~ ~.f'I.**** Chalrm.,n WlrnClr s"id ho would lIkn $10,000 usorl tot' the 110dzon Way nnd Vðn~crbI1t Bench access points for trees and cleanup. Commissioner Xruse asked If to1eD,OOO for bp.~ch accrÐ8 improvem~nt8 w~s not in the budget to which ~r. Ifill rrsponded nfflrmðtlvcly In Fund 304. Chairman Wimer Bnld thðt ho would like the situ^tlon specifically detailed and outllnc~ In the blldqp.t. I'1r. Norman f1~id th^t l^ndscðpinq the parkin9 lot that p~lic^n B^y Is constructinq is part of thp.lr program. Mr. Normðn said that the two nfor~m('ntion~d rarks could be deleted and a new lIne item fiet up for b~~ch access he~uttftcatton and only $~~,OOO ~ould he tr~n~ferred out of fund 10~ ~nd that ~ln,nnO could be loft fOf the new line itrm. Thr. Conntß51onl'trs IIqror.d that would bit ðcceptahle. ConmlRcloner rlctor not~d that the Sl\lnrles under County Cornmis- oion hðvc qono up In" and ~r. Nor~an explained that would rofloct cx"ctly the wa'Jl' IInd 6.,1/IfY ~d1u5tmcnt nnc.1 thllt the ðclul1l pny would rrflrct the p~y th~t is currently in rxistence. 110 said thnt the posItion of S~crrt3ry to th~ ro~rd w~s ~dðed ~ft~r th~ curr~nt fiscal year bp.qDn ðnd there hnve h~cn Rome w~~~ ndjustments that hðve occurred during the' cour5C of the YCl1r. H~ si'lid thðt the ch~nqe in numhers bctwren the /ldoptN\ bu<1q"t for the current ynðr /lr.d the proposed budqet for np.xL Ye'Dr doe'~ not reflect /In incrr/lso ov("r the currcnt sðlary. Commlg~ioner Pi~tor 9/1irl there secms to he ð vnriation hetwecn the estlm"tecl cost per ",!lp. ror motor pool rr!",hurflcmt'nt trom 71 ccnts pcr pnqe a . ..- .. - -- --.. .- ...-. -.-- --.. -..... -- -- -- -. - .-- --- _.-- .---.. ._ 0- _ _.... . .... -- --- . --. I, r:-.; ..:J , r-.-1 '-. . . ,.( - -~ - - - -.- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ... ^lH1Ur.t 1', 1/" f\1 mile to 2S cents per milo. Mr. Norman onid th~t nIl tho vehiclos hnvo been divIdcrl into [our cl~nGo8, 8ub-co~pnct, compact, full s1zo CArs, and henvy duty pIck-up trucks n~,1 that each clnss has a different mileage rntc ba£cd on actual cnlculntiona of what it C03tg to opcrate the vp.hicle. Tape 14 Commissioner rlQtor referred to p]~nn1n~, Coli], which shows a 40\ incrc~s~ in snl~rles nnd asked if that wns a rcsult of adding pcople to the dcr~rtmcnt, to which ~r. Norman said th~t wns for two persons added in thR PI~nnIng ~epartn~nt. He rcfcrrt'd to ~xhibit n which indicatos chðngcG of actunl par~onncl. ~r. Virta said'that he has suqqested a rcor~nnizntlon to move ona parson dircctly under hiQ supervision to the Plðnn1n~ ~r~rtm~nt nnd one to the curr~nt 70nInq Dp.p~rtmftnt. ConmillRloncr PIstor !.i"id th/Jt, under pcstaCJo, the lImount qoes from $8,000 to 59(,.00 lInd Mr. Virta said thnt is ^ reflection of the trans- far functions along with the rp.orqanizðtion and that the amounts have not gone down hut have heen put into other departments. Rcapond!nq to Commlnsloncr pistor, !-'Ir. 11~11 said that with the chðngo5 Identified the budget is b~Janc~d and nny additional cxþendi- turcs th~t would be Identified would havo to come out of oithcr reduced expenditures somcwh~re elsc or out of rescrv~s and that ðny furth~r CutD in nny oxpenditures would ðdd to the reserves. Commisslonor Plstor fi~id, reqardlnq the ~PO. that ðpproxJm~l~ly $33~0.on in expected from the CIty of N~pl~B, S~,non fro~ the Rt^te and thðt tho totnl cost is hl~hcr nnd he ask~d if tho County would p~y the rcmðlning amount, to which Mr. Virt^ cxplnlncd that the funding ratio pðqe «) MOK 070 PACt 388 -- - - - - - --- - - - - - --~----,.------- - ---- --- --- -----' .,-: , . . . ~~.... - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- -- ---- -- - -------- --- BOOK 070 p^cf~9 1\ ueJ u" t 1', 19 A , on thn MPO in RO' Federal, 10\ State nnd apllt on the local level on tho boois of populðtion. CommiG~ioner Kruse referred to ~mbulancc and gðrb~ge rp.vcnuos ðnd ~aid th~t if sOMething goeR wrong with either on" of those Indicntionø it would ðffcct tho total budget. ~r. Normnn snid that lant month tho colloctions for EMS wore RAt which is ~n improvoment. Commlsnionor piRtor s~lc1 that hn felt ~r. Wampler nn~ ~r. Gre~nfield tlro ðoing a good job. ~r. \lnll ~xplain~d that, if the Oonrd is In agreement with tho changoD mtld~ at thi9 meeting, ho would recalculato th" millage and that tho G~n~r~l fund will go down by about " nnd Fund 175 will go up a comp/lrnblð "mount. lie !J.,ld that the ncxt stop would be for the ChnIrMan to ~iqn the C~rtificntIon of Mill~qes nnd that, Included on that cortificntion Is the d~te, tIme ~nd placo of the first public he"rinq. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried un.,nlmously, that tho Boord adopt the tentðtlve budget wl~~ the chnnqos mode this dote and the resulting ml1lages. Commissioner Wenz~l moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carriod unanimoußly, that the public hearing for the budget be scheduled for Septembor 14, 1982 ðt 7100 r.M. in the Courthouse. Mr. 11<'111 ! "id th.'lt he tI~suMed tho Sc"ImfJ p.,ttcrn as ll'lflt Yo(lr would be followed with the Gencrðl Fund and rolnted funds scheduled first, followed hy c~ch of the ~ST'S, ~nd th~t the first p~rt of tho public hCðring would con~l~t of n d1acusRlon of how tho ~onrd is spnndlnq the 6ðlH8 t~x which ia outlined in tho torwnrd of the tentntive budqot. He pðge 10 -- _ .-- --- _ ---...--. ---- -.. - -.-. -.. -.- .-.-- -- -- -. -- -- - -- -.- -.- -----------~ , .. . ....' .' , . . \.._-,. . . -- _ --- _ --- _ -- _ _ --- ---- _ --- --" _ -- _ _ _ --- _ _ -,-' ·'C...":..J c.~_ _ J - , . ' ..... ^ugU!Jt 1?, 19ft? said, for the record, for county-wide funds tho Doard Is uslnq IS' of tho 40\ of th~ Gðlcs t~x for rlircct t~X r~~uct10n and tho other OS\ in tho Unincorporl\ted Fund. lie sðid th~t ðll of the (;{\" is huc1<1tJted in tho county-wide funds for d~bt service for capitol improvement. * * * * * * * * * Th"rc bcinq no further buainesß for tho qood of the County, the budget worknhop ness10n wns ac1journed by Ordcr of the Chair - Tlmft 111151\.M. rllg CI 11 &OOK 010 PA~~ 590 t. _._ ________________________-..i ,,_..,~.+-_..---_.