BCC Minutes 09/28/1982 R ,.. -- V;;;",;·,· .,... '~~;".' ' ....t·.,~':·" .,'. ·."t', -- '. t,' ~.,1f:':"("}'11~ ;~f" '!t~ :':,/~.'· f' ·¡.'>'~,~··~~-'~~""~~!rf\. ;¡¡¡' - ;~, ~ ';;;)Æiry~·' I ·t··..::; ,,"~,.",'" ~ ;, ".,', ,. " , . . ' ~., ~ . ,,*.," "'f' t<.,..~,,~,",., ,." ~"~ .... "'''I"'II:~~'''' . , ,",,<\, ,.'if.... ........,. . ., ~... ..., ¡ '... "'.. (;" :11, -----_...--...---------------------.....__....._...._~~ .. tJ,'pll1!1, nor I d.'! , ~opt('mh"r ''', '11'" .tr·, . LET IT OE RCME~BERr.D, thðt tho Ðohrd of county Co~~i..ionnr. and for tho County of Colltnr, and nløo ^ctinq a. tho ~o^rd of toning ;., ~ppoal. nnd as tho qovernlng boðrd(n) of such .peclal district! a. have . boon creatod accordinq to law and havinq eonduct~d businrø. heroin, ~.t on this date at' 9100 ^.~. in R.gular s...ion in p.ul1dinq -F- of the Courthouso Complex, East ~ðpl0., Florid~, with tho fol10winq ~~~her. pren~ntr CH^IP~^NI C. R. -Puss- WSm~r VICE CHAIPM^Nr Mary-Frðnc~. ~ruøa .'7ohn ^. I'f tltor D^vid C. Arown . Cl i Hord Wnnzol "OSr.NT, "Lr.O P~[G£NTI Willinm J. n.aqan, Cl.rk, Jamo. C. roil." File.l Officer, ~Aureen ~cnyon nnd F.linor r.kinnor, ~puty Clork., c. W'11'A~ Norman, County ~~n^qor, Burt L. Saunders, County "ttornoy, T~rry Virta, '. - Coo~unlty r.~v~loJ~ent ~dMlnlstr^tor, Loe ~yno, ^ctSnq 70ninq Oirector, Terry Clðr~, Plðnner, eArbðra Cncchlonc, PIAnn~r, IrvSng O.rzon, Uttlltll'n ~ðnlll'Jt'r, I':nuto II.Htman, Public toIorkft ^ðmlntstrator, Edward ~ith, ^dminlstrlltive SorvicoI ~doSnt.trator, Or. Mark Bc~dict, County Envlron~~ntlll1ßt, Cr^c~ ~p^uldlnq, ~dmintltr~tive ^idr to the Bo~rd, and ~puty Chl~f nay nðrnctt, ~horiff's Cepnrtmcnt. ...~ . .. ~. I '0 '11, 0." ,\ ¡O~ 071, rACE 01 .' , . -~--~------~~~~~~- . . ---------------~.-..........-.....- . ·.';~¡;¡~,~¡:i:"t~ _.¡;H"'_'~·,...___..··_._·_..__,,_,..·_,_,_,·";""'_,··__'~..........,"'..·""~--'~'" ,,,,-,. ......,- -'.- ......,~ "' f+".4,~.A1"~~, ~._. . -........-...... .... _~_ .................._ _I, .tI... ." .......-..--......... ¡ 1~~ .. I, 1;, . 1\~ " " ' . .. .' . ..1__ - - - -----:..-- -.....-.- -- ------ ------~ - ------~---- -- ---------------..... ,;'~ :. ,~ ì' i ,:- ·..·~1· ;... 4----------~----------~------------~--~-- '" .,ø_ ." .....:.. ~.,,'..~,;~~....,..¡ '..~,c..1~-;,; 1.· ..t_:.,... ; 0-. ,'1 -" ..:.........-.~...,..!.~' ~..,.:...J,...,..... .--....,.- ~ ~ ~,~~,',. '.,' ......, -, , <.... , '... " .. ~ __. ,_ II- .' ". ... ..( ~ Soptomber 2A, 1982 (Y71 rACE 08 . . COMMISSIONER WENZEL "BSENT THIS DATE AS INDIC~TED BY 4/0 VOTE. NOTE. ....Comml.sioner plator left the roo~ at 9.0S ^.M. and returned at 910~ A.M.···· Tape .1 Ito.. t1 ~CEND" _ ^PPROV!D WITH THE FOLLOWING CH~NCES. Co~issioner ~ru.. 1Q0ved, ..conded by Co~la.ionor Brown and carrleð 3/0, (Com~l..lon.r pistor out of tho room), that the agonda be ~ ' approved with the following change.. I a. ^ddltion under ecc pertainlnq to the Mental Health Board b: ~~dltlon undor It~~ 7Cl regarding expanding of the zoning laws on fence height. c. ~dOltlon under 9F for authorization to negotiate with State's ~ttorn~y tor prosecution service. contract. ... . -.. .. ¡. > < d. ^ddltlon under gr tor Clerk II po.ltlon for Probation Department under the Courts. .' It.. '2 EMPLOYEE SERVICE ~W~RDS PRr.Sr.NTED TO JUDITH "~R~S - SOCI~L SERVICES FOR rIVE YEARS ^ND IRENE STETNor, - UTILITIES FOR FIVE Y£~RS. Chalr~ðn Wlm~r pr.s~nt employ.. servlc. awards to ~udlth ~arka, Social'Services for fIve yeara and Irene Stetnoff, Utl1itte. for fivo years, expressing ðppr~cl.tion. . .'" " It.~ t3' RESOLUTION P2-l4S R£N~MINC IMMO~~LtE RO"D TO D~VIO C. BROWN HICHWAY - ^DOPT£D ^ND PR£Sf.NTfD TO CO~~ISSION£R D~VID C. BROWN ComMls~loner Plator r~ad a r~.olution renaming Im~okðl.. Road to David C. Brown H1gnw3Y to Co~ml..lonor Brown. Commissioner Arown ftxpressed his ..pprechtfon and thllnka to tho . '".'! Board lQombers for such an honor. COlM\is510ner plator moved, ..conded by COIll1ll1..1oner ~ru.o and , . Pat). 2 ,4 \ :.... "'iÞl' ..' -. .: 'þ . ~ '.,' " - ,.....~......- __.._.___..._"._,,,~..c.,,,,....____.,·,~..~~,.,,,...~.,_....~..,..,,,,,,,.., . .:.¡~: '~;'. ¡,~~~. -~--------------~-----------------~~~~~ '. ,I.;~tÆZ·~j '&~{~{;}f' .... ;d,~!:;~*M'¡;.¡;i;;.);"·~·' . ,:....~.~,~~ ìy~1~..;,·~t_,~·;.r;,·~ ~oox 071 rACE 09 « ;~ ,. ii·'~~;,,:J~" . c::I '," ,f1p: .... ~1oI~. . ~f'r'f' ."~ ....~._¡ 'j¡. . ·'·',':"<;;',"f:f';· ,...;' ; ,'/ '~~>::,/\~~;~.. ,..., .~~: ' " ·-~~~~'··'--~7· ., . ?"-..~~~. ~r:~~~ -.., .., ."~;J"'-:t' ,;", .'~~ ,'\ . -----..........---- " c:::2,' . L~æJ ..... , "t-..~ I..;t.' t..f!'\"..,.~, ., .__~".,........:. ~ I ,'....,:. ..,..:::.....,...~,.~~~~~ :.:¡14 ,I., ..'.. ,.'.H "ofil .h.,ft",!on, ."" .'..:s..,.... . ,;'V':;';W'· "'«"'þ'., ,,,¡;; . '1:,.',' ,:" ",:"'::,'. : . " ·~~f¡~tf1:~,\·~t "~,,_~.,............~~~...........................~~..,:~.o:r~,,,>.'~;:~~ '. ...,...~. . ~:"~Jg~;t ".~{~~ --~---~----~---~-~~~---~~~-~~ .t'~-........" ~~ptember ,~, 19A2 carrhð 4/0, that Re.olution ß2-145 renaming tmmokalee Road to David C. '" TF~' Brown nighwAY bo adopted, whereupon the Resolution waG presented 'to ., Coamll.1onor Brown. . . v .. 'II1II. AI ____________w··" ~_."",...,-'..,..,~......."'--~..;~""'<"-""\..;,,.,,...""þ"'......,..,..",.,",,~+ ~;"",.".,..",'~" ,..., , r::::;I L~~lJ '" ç:::2 :!H"'" '. '-"', ...,.".~. ' :~~~:. , 'f;~~ , .,. ~Þ"",·· .~. . j,f _.' ~:.'''' ;.... ~......,Þt'r".....·..... .'-""",,'--' lor ~..;.-.-- " H '.'~~~:,....,~'~~;~'~"~.. .",:~',:' . . .-'...~'. ....., ".-,,",-. . ''''-~ . ,,~...'.......'......'..... -... ~.. .-*",....~ - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - -..- r~pt~~h~r ,~, 1n~, Ito" 14 PETITION CP-O'-lOC, ~. w. (\U1\INT1\NC! - WITnDMWN Pl^nnnr Cacchlona statod thnt the petitioner is rcquestinq that this it~m be wlthrlrn~n. . Commlssionor piltor movod, seconded by Commtlsionar Brown and cerrled 4/0, that PetitIon CP-92-l0C, ~. w. ouaintance, be withdrawn.' Itelft 15 ORDINÂNCE 02-89 RE PETITION R-82-27C, F.~E~ÂLO L^~ES or N"PLES, INC. REOU£STING REZONING FROM ^-', ST, "Nn PUD TO PUD FOR THE EXISTING £M£R^LO LM(ES rUD Moll' "DDITIONAL PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH or EMEn"LD LA~ES AND WEST OF ORANCE BLOSSOM DRIVE. - ADOPTED, SUßJECT TO THE PETITIOH~R'S ^GREEM~NT ^ND THE ~TIPUL^TION TH^T THE DEVELOP~R PROVIDE STREET LIGIITINC "1 FRANK ALVD., AIRPORT R01\D, ^ND ORflNCr. BLOSSOM DRIVE. Lcg^l notico having h~nn. publlshc~ In th~ N^plns ~ily NftWS ~n "ugust 27, 19P2, ðS evldonc~d hy Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearIng w~s open~d to considcr Petition R-82-27C, filed by Cmerðld Lðkes of Naples, Inc., requcstlnq rezoning fro~ ~-2, ST, and PUD to pun Cor tho existIng Fmorðld Lðkoø PUD nnd additional prop~rty located Routh of rm~r^ld L3kes and vest of Or~nq. alossom Dr i ve . Loo ~yne, ^ctlnq zon1nq Director, st^t~d thftt the petitioner . proposcø to add 100 acres to tho oxisting Emerald Lakos PUD eonsi.tinq of 264 ßlnql~ ^n~ multifamily units ^nð ð nin~ hole q~lf cour.. for a total of S31.~9 acres at ft donslty of '.6 units per ftcre. She reported th^t staff ^n~ all county nqcnclcs hav~ revlew~d and rccommended the petition (or ^prrov~l ßub1~ct to thr stipulations 8S outlined in the executlvn 8U~m^ry. She not~d that tho C1\PC hrld th~ir public h~arinq on Septemb~r 2, 19"2, Adding thnt the owner of tho proport.y lying Pllqo 4 &OO~ 071 PACE 11' - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - -- -- -.--..-.--- ------- . JII ___."'__. ......;J " _Ii ,,~'.¡ ,.... . ......... .,..........,..~........i!'........ .....,'.................~........~...,'-.....................- .. , . l ' ,.,. . . .t, ; '.. '., , . . ,'..' .. . .., .::"¡',', . ¡~...'~~ , . ",' . " . - I' . ,. ,..,..,.. . ------~-------------------------------- ...............~.. -. ...--.--.....-.-...'. ., L~ ·1 5 . . ;·'(t' . _ _ _ _..... _ _ __ __ .._._ _ _._, _" ,__. _ __ .._ _ -4- _ __ __ -_ -.- -- ....;::::::...~:.:.-~.;;t. ........ ..~. " ,"/. ,'. , . . . .. ... r, -: ~. ."......", ".', ...' , ' ern. rAcE 12 Septomber 2A, 19A2 botwe~n the existing PUD nnd tho propol~d ðddition had questions on the Icce.' road lo~din9 to the maint~nanco Iroð. She atðtod that the petltlóner ðgreed to pave only 20 feet and onlY within the e3.tern 40 fe.t of the acce.. .a.e~.nt. She said that I me~o was received fro. Public Works Administrator Hartman asking that a .tlpulation be requested whereby the d~veloper ~~roe. to provide street lighting at Frank Boul~vard, Airport Road, and Orange Blo..o~ Drive, to which the petitioner agreed. ~r. ~ne Cox, 722 Orange Blo..o~ Drive, stateð that his concern. iegardlng the accee.. road have been all.vlat~. Co~~i.lloner ~ru.e ~ov.d, .econded by Commls.loner Brown and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Co~i.sloner ~ruse moved, .econded by Comml..ioner Brown and carrieð 4/0, that the Ordinance aa numbered and entitled below be ; adopted, subject to the Petitioner'. Agreement and the stipulation that the Developer provide street lighting at Frank Blvd., ~irport Road, and Orange Bloslom Drive, and entered into Ordinance Book 1" ORDINANCE 82-89 "N ORDINANCE ^~ENDTNG ORDTNANCr. P?-2 TnE COf'IPRr.HF.NSIV! tONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA Of' COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID^ ~y MENDING THE 7.r\NINC "TL~5 ,..^P NU"'~£R 4~-25-1 BY CItMJGTNG Tltf. ZOUTNG Cu'$5IFICATTON OF THE Hr.RETN Dr.~cFlteF.n REAL PROPERTY FROM ~-2, 5T , ruo '1'0 -rUD- PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP~ENT FOR r.MEP"LD LAXES LOC~Tr.o 1-l/A MILES NORTH or PINE RIDGE ROAD, WEST OF "IRPORT ROAD/PULLING ROAD, ~ND PROVIDING ^N EFFECTIVE ~TE. , . '1 . . "t"' .". .,........._....' ........-......w.....-__-.-......-.-.--~~,...............4I.. .,. ''t ""'..'-,.;~,-,,~-,.....'._..."'-~-'---~.~......",---'~~..,,",...,-"'''''....,,',~,.,."-,,',', . ---------------------------------------~' , ' ,~E::J ,,!:,~ . ~·!·i~~~' - ~ L:.~ ,;t;' .... ~ . ri+f4" ' :'~.. . .,'~-~- ¡'-.,..-' '. . . . . ....,., ......... .., -,..~ ,. '. ....... . ,"~. -~--------------------------~----------~~ :1f'!ptc~h~r 2f', 1 nl12 Itëlft . 6 ORDIN~NCF. ~2-90 R£ PCTITION R-82-2RC, MoonINGS PAR~ EST"TtS DEVELOPMENT conpOR^TION REOUESTING REZONING FROM RSF-3 TO PUD Fon 2~.7 ^CRES LOCATED ALONC PIUE nIoot nOAD ^T Till: 60UTnr.M'T conNER OF FRANK BOULEV^RD AND PINE RIDGE ROAD - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO ~MENDMENT or THE PUD DOCUMENT AND TnE STIPUL^TIONS OF THt·BIC CYPRESS r.ST~TES, INC. HOMEOWNERS ^f,gOCI^TtON. Legal notico havIng hccn published in tho NapleR Daily News on ^ugust 27, 19A2, as evidenced by AffidavIt of puhlication filed with tho Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-A2-2P.C, filed by Moorings Park EstateS Devolop~ent corporation, requesting rezoning from Pf>F-3 to PUD for 2~.7 acres locatcd along pine Ridge Road at the southeast cornor of Frenk Boulevðrd and pine Ridgo Road. ^cting 7.oninq PI rector Lðyne statcd that the petitioner propos.s to develop ~1 attnchcd and dotached slnglo-famlly homoS at a d.n.ity of 2.27 units per acrrs. Sh~ note~ that staff and all county ~g.ncles have reviewed and rccommended the potltion Cor approvol subject to amondment of the PUD document as Indicated in tho staff r~port. She said that the CAPC held theIr public hearing on SeptAmber 2, 19~2, adding that thore were sevorðl rosidonts in tho area who objected to the clustering of homes on tho smaller lots. Mr. EdwlIrd I<ðnt, roprt'R~ntlng ~oorlng l rl'lrk ,tstl\toø Development· corporðllon, 5tntcd that he hl'ls met with the Poord of Directors and the Big cypress rstatcs, Inc. Homcownrrs ~GGOClðtion, ðddlng that therft were a numbcr of otlpulntionB concarninq the requested zoning chango. no reported that th~rc has been an ~grc~mcnt rrnch~d on ðll ~l'Ittar. of concern. ~r. ~urt St~nl~y, reprcRcntlnq Plq Cypress Estates, Inc. paq. fi ~O~K 071 PACE 13 . -....-->--."'''''.."----....<=!,...-.''''''''......-....'''''.''''''''''''..,--.-,, . , . ' .., I J,.4~""""'-""'~"""""""'~""""""""""""'~''''''-'''''''''''''~-'''-'''''''''.~~'''''''.~~'' > ..""'....."..~ ......" . ' ' ........ ,. '.". tIV....._~.............. I.. ,...-- .. ¡ 1\"'" i I· t ~ I: . . " . t ; ..' '.. ' '.' , , .,.. '. ~-----~----- --------~------------------~~ " 071 rAC[ 1~ ~ðpt~mbor "8, 19~2 Homoowners ^ssocintion ~tðtðð that the matters of concern h~ve been resolvod, addIng that th~ d~velopors aqrood to tho folloving stipulations ðnd for saId to be duly recordeð. 1. The ten cluster lots fncin~ south on nurninq Tr~e Drivv, which i8 to be renam~d ~oorwood r.rlve, will bo rrconflqur~d Into tlv~ lots faclng'south and two lots f~clnq ~ast on the n&w roðd which will be constructcd ns an extension of "urntng Tree Drive to tho north. The remaining threc lots will be rolocnt.d to the northwest portion of tho r.øtates plat, aðj~ccnt to an~ ~~st of th~ rleslqnnted -Rrcreatlon "rt.-, which will accordlnqly be ~ovcd to the west so as to accommod~te sðlrl lots. ^ roviscd plat of the area will r~place that submitt~d with th~ PUD application. 2. Invostment Prop~rtlcn Corporntion, and any of its lucce..or. or.ðsslqnn, will estahllsh an ^rchitectural Control Committ.e consistinq of throe persons, one of whom is to be s.lecte~' from ð list of five homeowners aupplied by th~ ^ssociatloQ, for the purpo5~ of rrvlewinq the bull~inq plans of ~nch ntructure which is to be locðted in ~oorlnqs Park Estate.. No building or structure may bp. constructcd therein until the plans thercfor have been approved in writing by said committee. 3. With the exception of common qarðqe walls, no common walla shðll b~ permittcd, it being the intent that multi-family residences ar~ not to be allowed. 4. Garage apðrtm.nta or guest houses are not to be permitt.ð. , 5. Each of tht' foregoing rcutrlctronfl lInd conditions shl'll1 .h. · covenant running with the land ^nd øhall bft binding upon any party having or herellfter having any interest therein. r. ·~· Mr. ~ðnt Itat~d that his only request vould be to chang. the na.. of Investment proportles corporation to ~oorlnqs Park Eatat.. Devolopment as thcy are tho developers, to which ~r. Stanley agreed. There being no further discussion, Commissioner ~ruso moved, seconded by Commissioner Brovn and carried 4/0, that the public he.r!ft9 " .' b. closed. . Commissioner ~ruse moved, .econded by Co~missloner Brown and Page 7 , . , ' ~--------~7----------------------~----~ . '. ,( ,..., " ~.,';"'fII"'.,,.~,..... . ".. ~ . '~.~, N..~','~' '.,j/~ (=:1 "i .þ~,~ ~";~ ir:~~ . "-'. , ....., .~ ~, .' '., ll;r:::.',\' ....,: .....'...~~.¡. ._"~,,,,~~~"."AI'....- .~, "I(;'·.".·,'·~"!I....>' ',' j....- II . ~... -,Ii \, . . "·~('I".'-" ..~...~ o... ~ ~r"""'·'''··~'''''''~''':' I")~' :.'."..-.; ·:ì.~e~"¡>",~f ' __ ,......._ ....,._....... ~. .... ....._. "'............'............:..L... .. . ' f " '. .. .. ......... - -'. ~' .. ,~..........,,,,,, ......'..."" . .....-. ......... ,', . ¡ , ~" . ' . .. . ,1 # " - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - --..- - - - - - - - - - - - -...... --- - --- I, ,'.'), '.~,;r,~}. '\'l" r' ';~r~~' Septomher ,~, 19A2 . , " .;.-. .'''. ... cirried ~/O, that the Ordinance as numberod and entitled bolow be .ðoptod, subjoct to amendment of tho PUD document and the stipulation. . of t~e ,019 Cypre.. E.tate., Inc. Rom.own~r. "..oclatlon a. indicated " .> above, and ente,ed into Ordinance Book 161 ORDTN"NCE R2-9n "N ORDIN"NCE ^f04nmINC oRntN"-NCE A2-2 TnE COMPnr.UENSIVE ZONTNC RECUt.^TIONG pon 'l'HE UNtNCORPORATED ^Rr.^ Of' COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID" IW MoIF.NntNC 'l'IIE 70NHlCi ^TL/lS Io1^P NU~P.£R "~-25-c; BY CHM1CIt Ci Tflf: 7.CHtNC ct.^5Srf'Tc."Tr(\~ CF THE Hf:REIN DF.~CRIA£n P£^L PROPf.R'I'V FnOM R~-' '1'0 -PliO- PLMJNf.D ulln Or.VELOPMENT FOR MOORINC!; P^RJ< r.ST"'I'r.SI LOC"''I'ED ^'I' 'l'IIE NE l/.1 or t;£CTTON 15, 'l'OWNSIIIP 019 s., ""NCE 25 E.I Mo/D PROVICYNC ^N EFFECTIVE D1\Tr.. ~r . i I' .ý ,I' . ,':'~ 't <:~¡ ...".;(.f . ~OOK 071 fACE 15 P898 _ __ _ _ __ ._ _ _ _ __ _ _ ' . ' ,,', r,.~·;~:')~,. ~ -_._---_.----~------~-~-~~~-~ ""_1I'_r__.·_"_ ...........,.,...... .. ...~.."'.."-.#W\......... .... 4>.. ._..__,_..__~ .-._;J .. " , ":','.i: I, ' . "" .... - - ~ - -..... - - -'- - - -"--- -- - -- -- - - ~-- - - --- - - ----..--...... , .,:' ':'¡~"" ..., ...' :...~~" -,# - ,,' , , ,~ _··,'~M "'.~" . l' September 2P, 1982 ~O~~ 071. f).C£· 16 ....R.c.... 9145 ".M. - Reconven.d 9150 A.M.···· Ite. '7" ITEM REG^RDtNG I~PERI"L L~~E~ ^DDED UNDER TH! UTILITIF.R RF.POR~. ChaIrman Wim~r stated that h. had an Item pertaining to I~perlal Lake. that n~~ð.d to be adðod to the aqAnda under the Utiliti.. Manager's report. Commi..lon.r Brown mov~d, s.conded by Commls.lon.r pistor and carried 4/0, that the ite. pertaining to Imperial take. be add.d to the' agend. under the Utilitie. report. Ite.. II ORDIN^NCE e"-~l Rt THE Rr.VI~ED CON5TRUCTION STANDARD HANDBOOK AND REGULATING CONSTRUCTIO~ ^HD ~^INTENANCE WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHTfi-OF-WAV. ^DOPTED. Legal notice havIng been published In the Naple. Daily New, on ~.ptemb~r 9, 1~P2, ~. evld~nced by Affidavit of PublIcation fil.d with the Clerk, pUblic hoarlng was open.d to con.id.r the adoption of an ordinance requlatlnq work within the public rlght.-of-way. Public Works ^dmlnlstrator Hartman stated that thil ordlnanc. i. . to provld~ an updated/current s~t of ~inlmu. .tandard., procedure., and guidelines for constru~tlon and malntenanco within public rights-of-way for the w~lfare and .afety of the public. ~r. Bruce Holly .tated that he f.lt that hom.owner. .hould be a llow~d to pl'ly a t,ok.n tee and not the .ame II a dev.loper. Mr. Hartman stated that thl. ordinance doe. not con.lder f.... Commlsslon.r ~ru.. moved, s.cond.d'by COPM11.ion.r Brown and carri.d 4/0, that the public.h..rlng be clo.ed. P..q. 9' ';'~;f. ;..,~;~ " .,!~ ..}.;, ".,'.... , ,\~., .r;-.:~~ i~~, . ',"{ " ..;~'l ik',,:'*(jj 'iI-..t . , ~ I . ';;'~ .' ~J' ~ :',~t , .. .,..,'~ .----- ,,~I . -------------~-~-~--------~~~-~~~~~; -. .. -....~. ~ ,"...;"".... ........,.......-..- -,".~ " ...................'.~ ---oij-- ~ ~ .. .......,,' ""'·"'''f~~· · :"_~::'f« " r,>~ , ~.,~", _3 .' '..,.,..-.~ \.-,..-...:- . . ....,... +~'''_::-_'.'''_ "....... . ., .+--._ . ~ ." ,._~ . __...___ ., i ~j · .~' ..~,.,.' .'-,- . --.-' . ..~_...~ -"'........_-_...,_."..~._,..~,," ."", . .. .,,' ,."" ,-.' "'f'i:! .. " " --------------------------------------~~~ , . -. ~~:~,~~ - - - -- - .- '- -- - -- -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -:- - - - - - -- - -- - _....: ~- ..:..,~:.:..;..;,..,;¡.;.:, · . '. '. ",,' ',,:,,' /'.'~,. ~~pt~~h~r ?", lq~2 Co~issloner pi_tor moved, seconded by Commie. loner Brown and carried 4/0, that tho ordlnanco ftS numberod and entitlod below be adoptod and entered into Ordinanco Book l61 _ ORDINM~CE 82'-91 ^N ORDIN^NCP. WHICH RF.~CINnS AND SUPERSEDES ORDINANCE NO. 77-29 "":0 WHICH nr.C:UL1\TF.!j WOTH< IN TI1F. PUBLIC RIGI1TS-OF-W"V, RE(lUIPINr. ^ pr,nMIT FOR '''ORI( IN THE PU1\LIC Rtr.IIT5-0F'-W"V, PROVIDING GiM-J["IlIRr'S FOR TilE If>!'UANCE OF Pf,Rf04ITS, PROVICHIC: AN ^PPE^L pnOCEC"URF. WHF.RE PERMITS ARE DENIED'r PL^Cf.~ENT or OBJECTS GROWN, CON~TPUCTF.n OR rnE~ENTLY F.~rRTING TN THt PUBLIC RIGI1TS-OP'-"!^Yr PEP"'I'!' TO RF.TAtN OBJf.CTS GROWING, TO BE CONfiTnIfCTf.D on EXT~TTUO TN, TIIF. rUr\LTC ~IcnTS-OF-W"Y, PROVIOINr. "UT"CPTTY TO Rf.MOV£ OR PT!'POSr. OF t'!£T~I"'ENTAL "'~TEnI^L5 LOClITf.f" ""TTHIN 'Y"'F: PURLTC RIGHTS-OF-HAYr PROVIDING FOR THf. "S~r.S~M£"'T OF' caSTfi "G^IN!3T THE RF.SrONSIALr. P^RTY, PROVICIUG FOR ^ I"r.TI!OD ('If' "rrf:"L OF M~SE55,.,r.NT, PROVIDING'" PENALTY; rROVIDItJr. Fon CONFLICT "ND SEVER"NCE, PROVIDING"N EFFECTIVE r:"Tf.. Itelll 19 PETITION CCCL-R2-~C, wtLLI"'" J. JOIINSON OF WILSON, MILLER, B^RTON, SOLL , PEEK, INC. nEOUES'Y'ING " V^RT^NCr. - CON'Y'tNUED TO OCTOBER 12, 19A2. LOgAl notic~ hnvln1 harn publi~hcd in the Napl~. Datly Now. on ^uqust 29, 19R2, ns ~vldcnc~d by Affidavit of PublicAtion previously fIled with tho Clerk, public he~ring was continued from September l~, 1982, to consldcr petition CCCL-C2-~C, filed by William J. Johnson of wl1~on, "'fller, Barton, f,oll ~ p~ek, Inc., roquesting ð vår1ance fro~ tho CoaÐtal Construction Control Line for property located on Beach Access Common~ R , 5 UnIt 2, ~lock 12, Park Shore. Dr. Benedict, County f.nvlronmentðliat, stated that this petition is ð request to per~lt the pl~ccMcnt of rock rovetment eIght feot in· front of the cxlstin~ Dc^wall located seaward of tho BOðCh Acces. Commonl. He rcport~d th~t sInce hIs orlqlnDl executive summary was written, ho h~s becn supplied with moro dotailed m~^n hiqhwAter aurvey PAge 10 ~oo~ 071 PAC! 17 ,þ 't!' :~ .. , i j I 1,_________ 1 ~O~K 071 PACE 18 . "\.,, . ·-·v··...· ~ . ........... . .'10.......--:..-.._(~,....._.........~~......................--.~ · ...........-~...... w _.................................~..- ""\0"._ "" t ;~ '1"1. ~. . ..:. ' ....,. '^ . ~ .. .' JJ> .,.~.. " September 2D, 1982 data for the aroa in question. He stated that th~ position hiqhw~t.r has ch"n9c~ only slightly since 1~~9, Þddinq that in front of the propos~d riprap appoars to be relatively .table. Re stated that tho habitablo structure. landward of the Park Shore retaining wall are not in imminent d~nger of dostruction. He noteð that dunes natural or artificial can exist on this area of the coast_ He saId that if no viable altornative exists, he would go along with .~. ·k~:.) proposed prot~ctivp. structures provided thoy follow standard .ccoPtabl.:t~§ guidelines and are kept to the bare minimum necessary to achieve the.. ,goals, adding that Þn alternative do~s exist which would b. to construct an artIficIal dune seaward of the Park Shore retaining wall. He reitorated that the dune could be made with sand, run on to the beoc~, slope to the rctaining wall and planted with .ea oat. or constructed of varied riprap covored with .and and planteð with suitable grasses, adding that the second alternative i. hi. recommendation. Commissioner Krus~ questioned if Dr. Benedict was indicating that if an artitici~l dune was built and planted with the appropriate vege- tation, under his directIon, he would approve the request for riprap, to which Dr. B~nedict replied affirmatively. Commissioner ~ruso questionod if the petitioner has agreed to this condition, to which Dr. Benedict stated that he talked with Mr. Johnson who needed to talk with the d~voloper. Tap. 12 Mr. William Johnson, representing the Scottsdale Co. and R , S ^ssociation, statod th~t he just became aware of Dr. eenedict'. Pago ___________ . . . .""-,,..·c,."~' \,.J........ ;:.~ -------------------------~-~, ... " ~1>_'" . . __._., .".'__101 II" .-......'1. ~~. _,__'"'_..""""'__....i·'.."'W"F·~.~·,.;,·<·~'q."...__~._.....".,<>..._"""_"".,.''''-."_'...._,.."~,."',..,"«,,,.~,,.,,,.., CJ .~~ , ~ '.~' ,. ~/.; -. .. . . t ...,.....~~þ.-::.. ,.~_... .~.." ,....~~_." ,...~ I";""" '~r...........'..~:.·:-.... "":"'~~':" '. -I - ..-" ........' , '''i~'I' ,_ __.' ,.~~'" ~, ~...._,.._,..,.___,_...... .q.__"'" ,__.: :'A'" . ':':....'!:,::':~,~JJ . " ,"" .' ',' ,'.. .", '.. .' .." c.....· o'tJìf.;f,' ~t .' · .'.' <>~+~;~~,,~¡ ----------------------------------------~ c:::::J ..... :i-~~. - . ~;r. «;';1" Tá.., :,;;;, , i}.;'~\ ~~t~,~ "'¡"!!'i. ;/. r.., ~ 'h" ;'cptc~hvr ?~, l~n? çondition, Adding that th~ ono proble~ with Dr. eenedlct's r.co~mendðtion is that rNR wIll not allow removal of sand from a b.ach and, if n8nd has to be rcplnc~rl, it ~UÐt be of tho same quality, . consistency and color. Mr. ~kcr, represontlng scottsdðlo Co, øtated that there are a number of owncrs involved in the commons area, ðddlng th3t he cannot ~ake a commitment until all owncrft have discussed the mattor. Commissioner Xrusc ntðtcd that she would go along with Dr.. Boncdict's suqqentlon, nddinq that unless Mr. Bakor lø prepared to say that tho owners arc willing to do this, she would have to vote against It. She stated thnt it is for the protection of th~ land And noted that If it costs money that io the price of ownlnq beachfront property. Mr. n~ker stnted that hin only problem was that the recommondatlon had not bo~n presented to him prior to the meoting, and added that there would be ad~itionðl expendlturcs plus the problom of finding additional 8ðnd (or the beach. Chairman wlm~r 6tðt~d th~t h~ dId not realizc th~t tho proposition was a surprise to him and queRtioned if he would like the ltom con- . tinucd to tho next m~~tinq, to whIch ~r. Dakor rcpllod ~ffirmativcly. Commissioner pi.tor movod, seconded by Commls.ioner Brown _nd carri~d ~/O, that Petition CCCL-P2-~C, William J. Johnson, reque.ting - variance from the Coastal Construction Control Line for property located on Beach ^cceaa Commons ß , S, Unit 2, Block l2, Park Shore, be continued until October 12, 1982. &OO~ 071 rACE 19 ----.---------------~------------~-- 1 .·..._~_...,_~'··_I.,·..'~~__.........~____...._,,_ø·_,__·~,··,"",....".~ 1 ,~ " ,'.. " ' l~~____~~-----------~~----~--------~----~- ~....~,.........~.............,._._,......--,...........~~,..,,,.... 'r·...P>4/Ifl A.,...A. 1 r --.-...... ........-............................... -. . .J,of , \ . .. ..-". 071 rACE 20 Septemb.r 28, 1982 It.1II t1 0 FIH~L ~~sesSMtNT ROLL ON RICC~ RO~D - CONTINUED TO OCTOCER 12, 1981.. Commissioner ~ruse moved, .econded by Commi.sioner pi.tor and " I' carried ./0, that the Public Hearing to con.id.r the Final A.....m.nt for Ri9gs Road be continued until OCtober 12, 1982. IUa '11 PETITION ^-82-1, ~^RCO ISL~ND CIVIC ~SSOCI"TION, ET ~L, ~PP!~LING ^DMINISTR^TIV£ DECISION RE ^ 9' HICH FENCE "T 55l SOUTH B~RFIELD DRIVE, ~RCO ISLAND - ^PPROVED ~ND ZONING DIRECTOR'S DECISION REVERSED. Logðl notice hðvinq been published in the Naple. ~lly New. on September l2, l~P', and In the ~arco Island r~qle on S~ptemb.r 18, 1982, as evidenced by AffIdavits of publication tiled with the Clerk, public hcarlng was opened to consider Petition A-82-1, filed by Marco Island Civic ^ssociatlon, et 41, appoaling an admlni.trative decision relating to the proper measurement of fence height a. it r.lat.. to the Yobe reside~ce 10Cðted at ~51 South Barfield Drive, ~arco I.land. , Comnls810ner plctor stat~d that he was not .ure if he had a conflict of int~re5t or could vote or not on this ~atter, adding tha~ ha 1. one of th~ origInators of thl. reque.t. .County Attorney ~aunðers stated that he has rev lewd the statute. and has d~terrdned that there Is no conflict ...nd Commissioner phtof can participate In the voto on this matt.r. Co~munity ~velopment ^dmlnlstrator vlrta stated that this an appoal relating to the proper measurement of fence height a. it relat.. to the Yob~ re~ld~nce. H~ not~d that late last year the ßulldlng' Department ceased construction on a wall that was being construct.d . around ~r. Yohc's property, nt whIch ti~e ~r. Yobe applied for A ~ , raC)& 13 " - .- - - - - ..- - - - - .-- - - --.. ....- - -... - - -- - - -.. --' ..- .. -. -- . '.. ... ".......~...~ .... .._,,____, ._. ....-.........................._........ ~._....'V,_"_. ...._...__-........... r,...,J ~ . L,..J c:::J . ": .....; ¡ . ,-' " .t-:." I . ,;\!; f ~~~t . . ... .,:."". ..," .. ............ "~<"""""" , ., ....... ...-.t"" ."...._-..... . .f" .. # t....-... _ t..... ..... ... . . . . ,_0 ......:,...._h'........·T' , , - - - - - - -.. - _. - -- -.. . ' ~--..-. --..- ...-. --... ..- --....-.....----- --- ..--- ---.------.....,... .. September 20, 1982 buildIng permit which had not prcvlounly be on done. He reported that the !~nco wnR found to b~ hiqh~r th~n ~110w~d under the 7.onlnq ordInance, adding that it was dntermIned· In Fobruary' that If the grade of the lot in5ld~ the Y4rd Wftß ~rtificially altered, that ftlteratlon would dotermlne tho poInt at which the wall would bo measured. "e stated that n pormit to thðt offect was Issued in F'cbruary for all, of Mr. Yobo'l!I propt'fty. II. reltorlltad thllt in June an ðppeðl was filed, adding that thft zoning ordln~nce requlros that th~ appeal be made within 30 days ~ft~r the actIon has t~ken place, further noting that tho appcal was not filed withIn tho time limit. Ho stat~d that, subsequently, Mr. Yobc applied Cor an additional lot to be enclosed which i. thft lot thllt Is beinq nppe~led this date. He stated that tho appeal is th~t if thn qr~do of lot is artifIcially IIltered InsIde to make th~ w~ll six foot In h~lqht nt thr. poInt of altcration whether or not It is a valid intorprctðtion of tho zoning ordinanca. Mr. Chris r.lcin, attorncy for ~arco Island Civic ^ssociatlon, statcd thðt this ðppenl rclates to only part of ~r. Yobo·. prop~rty. Ho stated thot thc prohlem Is th~ zonfnq ordin~nce which rimits wðll. outside tho building lIne to a maximum of ~ feet from tho finiahed grado which in not defined in the ordinance, adding that the Zoning Departmcnt waD forced to define fininhcd grade. He roported that the Zonlnq ~partmr.nt determined that if finished grade is diffarent on the insiðe of the wnll than on tho stroet øldo of the wall, tho hol9ht i. lIIeasured from th" inside of the wall. "0 stated that he has objections to the Zoninq Department's intcrrretlltion, citing an unre3sonable decIsion, obntructinq vinion, contrary to welfare of local raaidents, PIge 14 &OO~ 071 rA:E 21 ....... ....._~. .____ e.__ . ..' . . .~/:; L . .,4 . . I~ ~--------------------------------------_. , ~: -- - - - - - - - - -- -:- - - - - - - -- -":"j -- - - - - - - - - :---- --~--], ..",'....~ . . ...........' .........~ ,~... '--..., _.............. .....' ~.."'..~ ~...;_._......".... -., .,...... '....,,~, .".. ""f" . . .... ...-..... . ... 071 '~CE 22 Septombør ?~, 1982 potontially hazardous and inconv~nient, non-uniform application of the zoning law, and baing a structure rðthar than a fonc~ or wall. He; . .tat~ that tho land inlido 1. artificially baing rai.od to six feet to meet tho zoning requiroments In a blatant attempt to violate the true intent of tho zoning law. Chairman Wimer qucstioned If he was appoaling the decision of how the height of the f~nce i8 ~et~rmined a8 to tho finishod grade of the lot, to whIch Mr. ~lein replied af!irmativoly. Chairman Wimer .tated that it has been determined by Staff that it is estimated from the final grade on the inside of the fonce, questioning if the appeal 1. to measure the-height of the fence from the lowest point of the grade, to which Mr. ~loln stated that if it was a natural graðe he could understand the Zoning Dopartment's Interpretation. Hr. ~leln stated that his appaal i_ that th~ County should not allow anyone to artificially create a finished grade to avoid the intent of the zoning ordinance. Chairman Wimer _tatrd that ev~ry building that goes up has an artificial grade created by hringing in .fi11, etc., adding that h. 1. trying to deterMine something r~a80nabl.. Hr. f(laln stated that something r~a8onable would he to':uke the average of the natural grade on tho In8ld~ anrl th~ outside. Xen Cuyler, ^ssi_tant County ^ttorney, stated that hi. lnt~rpretatlon of the provision is correct and the only way to interpret it~ CommIssioner Pistor ßtðt~d thnt to build a 9 foot fence and' feet of fill 3 feet hiqh where th~ fence 1. constitute. an artificial qraðe. "'.. "'1...........-....···· ..-.~_. . A,....'...,.....,... .--- paqe 15 . , . ri"; ~' !o '~i{\' ~"I;.~ ,...,~.. . !:~' '~~: fd . ~~ "",.., ',;~~ .'.~~ .", :o'~,,(_.,-.....- == .~ ~ t~,'.. ------------------------------------......~_.............. ;.. ~", '''', .. .-; ",,","'-~~ ~~,:..."r" ::-:. ~~'!'r;: ...'..'~1r.;~'~-·, ~~. .. : ~j~:~' . ' MOK 071 rAtE 23 ,:LJ~\ : ';F;;'.;ji' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ,:";.Ii!'~,' ,. . ,"t";¡:"". .----,---------~-~~-------~-~--~~~ .. .' ..... ...,' . ... ...~>,... . '.' ,.......... :~ ....-....'...,......... ...... f,f!ptl"r.lhrH ~", 11'\(1] Chairman WImer stated that the dec1 don to bo med. ia whother or ,r,C· not tho gr.1do Is mcnnurcd from tho hlqhost point or from sOl'le other point. Comlllloolonor f(rul3O qu.ctionod if t.ho -crown of tho roað- could be used as a vðlid ßt~rtlng point in dotcrmlnlnq what would be correct, to whIch ^ssl~t~nt County ^ttorncy Cuyl.r atatcd th~t It would be a qood s tar t 1 ng po I n t . Tape 13 Th. following pcoplo spoko rcqardlng tho appeal citing contradiction to the ordfnance, incompatibIlity with tho area, hazard and safety of tho co~munlty, ~xc~Rsive traffic, etc. Le Iqh PI ur'lmer Dr. lH shop Thomas Baron r,24 Chestnut St. Marco Inland Inlet Driv~, ~nrco Island Inlot Ðrlve, Marco Island Mr. c.oòrqc Vega, representing ~r. Vobe, at^ted t.hat tho traffic hazard was invcntlq.1tnd, nddlnq that the County Enginoor stated that th~ro I. no traffIc hazard. He statod that ther~ are ðlffprtnt ~lcvatlon5 within the arca which has been filled. He st~tod that it 1. up to the Ponrd to r.I~kc the tln~1 d~clnlon, ~ddlnq th~t thn only question Is the extonslon of the fonce which is 90\ compldted and not the whol~ fonce. ChairmDn wlr.lcr st~tod that tho question hcfor~ tho ~oard i. an appeal of tho interpretatIon that tho measuremont of the finished qrade be on the hiqhE'st pl'lrt of thc grlldft, whIch' In thIn Clitia Is tho Inside of the fence, a~ determined by finished qr~dc. Commissioner plstor moved, soconded by Commissioner ~rua. and carried 4/0, that tho publIc hearing _be closed. Pl'Iq. ] 6 . ~.,_·,~"'.."',.._,·,"'.. ;,Ii>'__.____.....,_"................*.""~,h·_._......'"",i·"""".."'''"'''''''_'''.,,.....__.,..'"""...~._,,...'~.,,<~ --,>~."-""",.."...- . ' . -:¡ . ----------------------~---------~~----- Soptemb~r 28, 1982 ~oot ern. rACE U Commie.ioner Pi.tor moved, eeconded by Commiseloner ~ruee and carried ./0, that a building per~it for a fence at an artlfical grade be denied, that the Zoning Director'. decilion be rever.ed, and that Petition ~-B2-l, Marco I.land Civic ~.soclation, et ai, appealing the Administrative Decision be approved. County ^ttornry ~~unders stated that the County vas not provided with complete information by the petitioner, adding that he wae under the Impression that thc finIshed grade of the entIre lot would be brought up to the thro~-foot level. He stated that the County 1. on firø legal ground In' Interpreting where the grade is for the fence. IU.' 112 STAFF AND ATTORNEY OIRF.CTED TO INV!STIGAT! THE HAZARD TO TR"NSPORT"TIOI FROM THE r.XISTING ^ND EXTENDED WALL ~T 55l SOUTH B"RFIELD DRIVE, ""RCO ¡SUND, ^ND REPORT ~.a.Cf( TO THE BCC. Regarding the proviously discussed appeal, Commi.sioner pi.tor questioned if there is ðnything th~ County can do regarding the existing wall b~in9 taken down, to which County ^ttorn~y Saunder. stated that if it i8 established that this wall Is . real hazard to transportation, there may be some ~echanlsm that could require the lovering of the w~ll, adding that he would look into the matter and report back to the 8oard. County ~ana9~r Norman stated that this matt~r was Investigated by the Sheriff's Department and the !ngineering Department, addlnq that the wall did not po.e a hazard at the intersection. Re stated that he did not thInk that there is anything in the ordinance~ or 1.gal meane of dealing with an obstruction ~t the propcrty lIne.. Chairman Wi..r directed·the Staff and Attorney to investigate to Page, ,~- --- - -- - - --- - ----_.....-~----_.-.--_............._----- ""t. ..~ ~ '.' ."...,.. "-:"'" ';""'--" ~ ...... ....,. ," ~. ...... ..\-< ." "" ", ~...~ . .....-.~ ~._._- ~..n._";.·,_~...,,""..., .. ------,.,-~"'"..,._''''"."_.,'"'''',....,'''..,"''-"..'",.'"'"~ '.'1' '. ..~'!,;.'~:: , -,~',";.t ~. ;""'j . ~i:-t·.. ~:~ :1'/ ~,'"'~' -".'.. ~ .~ ' -'" ~\ , ','1(¡,. ',..j ".';?~'t. :~;:~~ . '~~'. ':~~; ::-_A;iæ ;,,(~.:, .. I~, .. r . ',\,;..:: , ;'~::f .' :~ ',' .,;'~~ "'1", "{.. ';1ì ,'~{ :!"r~~. ",At ..~>,,~, ~"¡.~. -'f. , .... . ~;. " :~: ,V,' ~::.r". '~~ '.:?it .~ ,~/ , ,~ ;:;~;: " ~,_., , , ~.~~~~.~ ----------- .,.' ---------~------------------~~i . 't r g~ . , . .' ,. .""1" , ..~.. ~ : ~ ~ r\!~, -(' c:= " . L,",~J ~_.......~.. .....r~. '",,4'~.''''''' kd . , ~ ~~(' ."........, ", . ;..¡ . . .« _ .........-' , '.....' .' .......... I ~ ,'. _ ,^'O _ ...-..t......."., '......~\.. . . -~-----------------~---------~---------~~ , . ¡,.!ptcmhcr ?r., 1 "n~ ... if thero are any documented or substantial safety hazards to the public and report back to the Board a. soon a. possibl.. It.. 113 ST^FF DIRECTED TO nEVISr. THF. ZONING ORDINANCE LANCUAGE REC^RDING FItH~nED CR^OE "ND HEIC1IT "NO RETURN TO THF: nec WITt! SAID LANC'lUACE. Chairm~n Wimer qur.stioned, in light of tho Board's action and decision rcry~rðinq the qrnd~ an~ mo~.urnmont of tho fenco, if there are .om~ r~commcnrlcd revIsions to tho or~lnanco, to which ~r. virta .tato~ that ho would llkn to ßuq1cat thnt Dn ~mendment be propared that would delete the term flniGhed qr~d~ and opacify as to how the height i. actually rnensured. Chairman wimer dlrect~d Staff to rovi.. the zoning ordinance, language regarding fInished grado and heIght and return to the BCC with aalle. ItOIl '14 ST^YF DIRECTED TO INVESTIC'I^TE REPLACINC RESIDENTIAL FENCE LANCUACe RE:C^RDINC 8LOCI<INC ~;£:"W^LL.5 INTO THE 1.0UINC ORDIN^NCE ^ND BRING SM1E B^CK TO THE nec ^5 fi()ON ^S PO~~InLF.. Commis91oner rløtor st~ted that roøidentiftl fence languaa~ used to be in the zoninq ordin/lnce which stl\tcd that ·r~ftic1ontlal .tonct's on' walls outsIde the (ront buildlnq lines fthðll be limited to a lIaxlmum' holght of four fent. ^ fcnco or wall shall be limited to a maximum of six feot in tho rear and &ido ynrds, unless tho roðr and/or aido yards· is on a c~n~l or watcrfront In which cane the mðx~~um heiqht should be four fect.- Ho stntcd thðt this was put In the oriqlnal ordinance to protcct th~ peoplo living on ~~torwðyn so that their vicw was not blockod. Ho 8t/lt~d th~t he would llko to D~O this r~plðced in the Pago ) ß MO~ 07t fACE 25 --.,.. . " ....' ... N...... -.-....... ._,..'. "-_..-"... < ---... ...~. .-.....,.........-.. - - . ".. ~ , ¡;~ ." ,~Ì'.. , ,""'. :\r ,,'~" :,~ a... _ _ _ _ _'___ ~_ ______ __________-.._______.:...._____.......;:., -_.>,~-,.".."~ ~OOK 071 rAC(, 28 Sopte~hor 20, 1982 presont zoning ordlnanco as soon ~s possible. Chairman Wimer ðirected Staff to invostiqate replacing the residential fence language regarding blocking seawall. into the zon!ft9 ordinance and bring same back to the 8CC a. .oon a. po.sible. Ite. 115 PETITION ^-A2-3, HERAERT S^V^Ce, APPE^LING TnE ^D~rNISTR^TIVr. DECISIOM CONCERNING THE FLOOD DAM^GE PREVENTION ORDIN~NCE TH~T PROHIBITS ENCLOSURE OF THE CROUND FLOOR OF THE ~^nCO ART LEAGUE BUILDING LOCATED ON WINTERBERRV DRIVE, MARCO t~L^ND - ~PPROV£D. L~gðl notice having boon published in the Naples Caily News on Septe.bar 12, 19A2, and in the ~arco Island Eagle on September 16, 1982, .. ~v~ctenced by Affidavits of publIcation filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider petition "-82-3, filed by Herbert Sðvag~, concerning tho Flood D3mage Prev~ntion Ordinance that prohibit. enclosur~ of the ground floor of the Marco Art League Buildinq located, on Wlnterb~rry Drive, M~rco Island. Community Dovelopm~nt AdminIstrator Virta atated that the petitioner would like to enclose the ground floor of the ~rt League Building, which consists of a ground floor with. roof, in order to hold art classes inside. He stated that by enclosing the area it becomes habitablo floor apace at grade under the subject ordin~nce, which would r~quf r~ flood-proofing. H~ fIItated thllt the pet1tl0"er II arguing that the glass doors would be brftak~way panels which cannot be used to create habitðble floor space. He noted that he has r~ceived three letters In support of the appeal. Mr. Herbert Savðge, ðrchit~ct for the ^rt t.ðquO, .tated that he has a.k~d tho ~ullding Depar~ent to permit hi. to Install 91a.. Page 19, "'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - --_.......__._~,.; . .. .;..-.. ,. .,......,..".,..~.~"..._JoIo."....,__ ~"'\ï > '." ..........,......'.....,. .I'A.... w......... ......-_.-........,'_..~.... ....... .....'.... --.... .................. , ~ ~ ,""'._,_"''''.... ". ....." rR .. 91' ,-"'-,-..........·"'_~.........."._"~._"._..'·."..M~,;".'".;..,,.,.,,,..,. ","".~ = ,L~ L~.:d ... '............., -,.............~-.;...,,...;......'"".~>"'"-- "~.......:#' ......... ,;. . ..... . '-. .,~,."". ..,..,.........,{ ~ to '.,~. ,~'" ',' ~ ........If > _i " . '..to""'...., 1,., ( I , ' , . ' .-. ..-. ,_.... .... ...-." ,... .-... ' ,-."',,.,-. . . ';',-::,'f , "'" ... . '" ~ ::'.';~~ -----------------------------------------~ . if< . ""1i!. ~w'''~'~ !:cptcmhcr 'P., ]nr,,;fS ,'jä '1. 8~!dlng pnnela botween the column., commentlnq that he considors thl. a .~~ f,t¡I; brenk.wilY wall. "" AutOc! thðt the sliding pðnt'la could be left opon~~; '11 tli'" durl~ hurric^ne time, ftnd added thAt thi8 Aroa i. not a living are. ~ since there is no furniture or r.qulpmc:mh J ,. stated'thðt the living "'II: ..} ~t acea h~s heon flood-proofcd. He concluded by stating that if it i. '~ ;~. consldercd a structure, he i. asking for an oxception, ðddlng that the.e breakaway panels should be permitted. Mrs. rmll 50~mer, Vlc~ Pr~sid~nt of the ^rt ~ague, stated that the wind, rain, and cold are factors In the uoe of this building, and th^t it would bo an immrdinto asøet to be able to use the space. She concludcd by statIng that she hoped the variance would be granted. . Commissioner Brown mov~d, oecondad by Com~i..ioner pistor and carried 4/0, that the public hearinq be closed. CommIssIoner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 01/0, th"t PetItIon ^-R2-3, Herbert Savage, appealing the ^dmlnistratlvc Decision conc~rning the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance thnt prohIbIts enclosure of the ground floor of the Marco ~rt League nullðlng located on Wlnterb~rry Drive, Marco Island, be approved. Chalrmðn Wimrr stated th^t hp. un~orBt~nd8 that ~t^ff has to reach these deci sions by the letter of the l~w and hopes thl\t the petitioner realizeD thIs, comnentlnq that he hopcs that 5taff docs not become d 1 scOUr,'Clf'c1. ....Recoøøl 10:35 A. M. - Reconvonod 10145 A.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Skinnor replaced Deputy Clerk ~enyon···· PlIge 20 ~oo~ 071 rACE 'I:l '.-'- . , , ' '.' . .~ .. ,,,' ., . , - - - -. - - -- - - -- - -- -- - -- -- -_....:_----------------- 011 PACE 28 6cptombor 28, 19P2 Tape t4 Ite. tl6 RESOLUTION PROVIDING SPECIFIC FINDINGr.-OF-F^CT RE NEGOTI"TED S"LE or JUSTICE CENTER Rf.VENUE BONDfi - CONTINUED TO lO/6/82 Commissioner piator moved, secondod by Commis.ionor Krus. an4 carried 4/0, thAt the resolution proviðlng specific Flndings-of-Flet r. negotiated .ale of Justice Center Revenue aond. b. continued to 10/6/82. Ite. t17 RESOLUTION PROVIDING SPECIFIC FINDING-OF-F^CT RE NEGOTI^TED S~LE or COMMUNITY PARKS G.O. nONDS - WITHDRAWN Commissioner plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kru.. In4 carri.d 4/0~ that the resolution providing specific Flndlng-of-Fact b. withdrawn as recommended by Special Counsel. Ite. '18 RECOMMENDED CONTRACT WITH BACHE, HALSEY, STU^RT, SHIELDS INC. FOR INVEST~ENT BANKING Sf.RVICES, JUSTICE CENTER BOND ISSUE - WITHDR^WN Co~missioner pl.tor moved, second.d by Comaissioner Kruse In4 carried 4/0, that the recommended contract with BAche, Halsey, Stuart, Shields Inc. for Investment b~nkinq s~rvices, Justic. Center Bond I..u. 1 be withdrawn as r~commendod by Special Counsel. Ite. t19 SPECI^L Mt£TING OF THE BCC TO RECEIVE PROPOSED BOND PURCJI^SE AGREEMENT FROM BACHE, HALSEY, STU^RT, SHIELDS INC. FOR JU5TICE CENTER C^PIT"L IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1982 - APPROVED FOR OCTOBER 6, 1982 AT 2:00 P.M. ' Commissioner ~ru.e moved, seconded by Commissioner pIstor anð carried 4/0, that a Special Meetlnq of the BCC b. scheduled for Octob.r 6, 1982 at 2100 P.M. to receive proposed bond purchase aqr....nt fro. PAlJe 21 , -- - -- - -- - - - -.. - -... - - - -- - ---- ---- --- - -...- --------- . , . ...,.............)......... ¡;:::::J I , ..' " :... ,(..."". t: . "I', '. -J,~ , '4'''A~'' ;...),~>¥... f ~ '1:f:"~.. "i',£\I'¢* :. " "~~~t: ... ,...".,.........~~...~..~,......~ffft:;".(... ~.",... .,';..'-.' ·",1 ,;,,·,t " ~! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---'- - -_...;.- }... ~ " _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _._ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ ____ ____~:.::f;;, . ':';J~:i.~) "{f~1, ~. . a:;;:J o .,.. ·>-1.'-' ....., .,"-:... " -.r·'~'··' ,\ ... ,4 0( ....... ...";"....i",.. . iii - I.,:" -..- . . , . . ..... _.'.'''~'';. ........'..,...................'. n~pt~~hpr 'A, ,q~, Bache, Halsay, Stuart, Shiolds Inc. for Justice Center Capital Improvement RevenUG Bond. series 1982 and that the Clerk'. Office prepare the formal a~Yertising of samo ip the Napl.. Daily Nev.. IUm 120 rIH^HCI"L CONSULTANT AGREE~ENT WITH FISCHER, JOHNSON, ALLEN AHD BUR~E~ INC. ^HD 50UTH~^STERM MUNICIPAL ROMOS, INC. fOR PROPOSED $5,000,000 CLAM PASS PARK C.O. 80~O ISSUE - APPROV~D Commissioner ristor A~id that he folt that approval of the a~r~cmont with Fincher, Johnson, Allcn and Uurkc, Inc. and Southoastern Municipal eonds, Inc., beforo tho pertinont reforendum has been hold, is premðture. County ~anðqcr Norman said thðt therc would be no obllqðtion to tho County if tho reforendum is voted down, adding that th.. lower fce WðS ncgotic'ltorl by hIm on tho banis that the financial consultants. would be ablo count on utilizing the rosults of their prior work. Chairman Wimer sðld thðt he h~d no problem with tho situation A. long as it Is cl~arly understood that, if tho roforendum does not pass, thore would be no char9c at all. Mr. Norman said that holds truo If the bonds are not sold. Commissioner ~ruse moved, seconded by Commie.ionor Btovn and carried 3/1, with CommIssIoner pistor opposed, that the Financial Consultant ^groemcnt with Flscher. Johnson, ~llen and Burko, Inc. and Southeastern ~unlcipal Bonds, Inc. for tho proposed $5,000,000 Clo~ Pasa Park G. O. Bond Issuo be approved. paqe 22 ~oo~ 071 rACE 29 ...._-,.'"'^.,~-----"'_.,"'.....__....._,......"".<"., , ' ._-----~--------------------------~~---~-- ,<>.,.~.,.. .................. ,.\,¡þoI;; r' '_'I' 011. fAtE .34- Septr.Mber 2P, 19~2 ':/ if·i. lUll . 21 THE 50' WOR~_BY_PRIME-CONTR^CTOR RULE FOR JURTICE CENTER BID p"C~~CE 11 - W^IVED Public 5afety Dircctor Darrlll ftxplðlnp.d the r~commcndðtlon to waive the 50\ work-by-prime-contractor rule for the Justice Center Bid Package Il, and that he will bring any such other requests bðck to the' Boa rd. Commissioner Kruso said, 85 a m~tter of record, sh. was not lure she liked the way the bId packages are set up, adding that if 50\ or more of the bid i. for one object, she ðid not think it should be goin9 out under a.different kind of bid. County ~anager Norman said bids will be accepted from any legItimate contractor, adding that only the m~chanical contractors have preferred not to be the prime contractor on, this item. CommIssioner Brown moved, seconded by Com~lssioner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, that the 5C'\' w,:>rk_by_prilfte-contractor rule for the Justice Center Bid Package .1 be waived. Ite. 122 SPECI^L MEETING or OCTOBER 19, 19A2 SCHEDULED FOR THE PURPOSE or ^W~RDING JUSTICE Cf.NTER BID P~CK^Gr. .1 - C~NCELLED Public Safety Director Dorrlll explained that, a. a result of a r~vialon of the actual bond sale,'the special Ift~eting of October 19, 1982 was no longer nePoded. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, 4/0, that the Special ~eetlng of OCtober 19, 1982 be cancelled. Page 23 ".. - ---...- ---- -- - - - - - --------....--------------::---- .,.. ,.;:'/':~ '." '. ,.~.H~' ",~~.".~J~ \ . ..~~ ..~-:'h~:·_f·,~ . ,~,... .. ...... ,. T .._...a~__""'______,...'"·____·~,_·"",·~_*.,~,,',..··~,,·,,"..··,,',".,..,.,."."..,... I'."~,,,'·"" .--,.;~ · -t".' '.~,~~ "." . .... ~.':'-':~~,,~ ';;' t , " . . .- ,.,' -'" ..-' ,-- ,.: .:.._,." ,-_.._---,~~~... ... " ,".- . ", . ,,;,''j. _ , ' · .' . ' . . '~~;"'f _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___________)1 5cptcmh~r 2A, 1902 It... 123 REPORT ON TnE FIN~L FLOOD INfiunANCE STUDY FOR COLLIER COUNTY, STAFF DInECTF.D TO CONTIUUE D^C (C~OUND ":O~K ON SMU:, COUNTY ATTORNEY' 8 OFFICE TO CONTl\CT TilE fOR~'ER CAPE COR^L ATTOI1NEY TO LEARN HOW CM3E WitS I1^NDLED7 ^FHCTED [.MJDOWNf.nS TO (\E INVITED TO P"RTICIP^TE Planning nlr~ctor ~lochn qavr bnckground information rcaarding the Flood ~ðpS r~vl.ed by the F~dcrðl Emorqoncy Mnnaqemp.nt Agency and he reforred to a map to explain how tho coastal aroð will bo chanqed. Responding to Chnlrman wiï.lor, Mr. 1<lo"hnsald he had dincussed thet situation with the Bt~ff from Capo Coral ~ho advised that Collier County gct the background informatIon together for An appel'll. "fter a short dlucusaion, Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commiøsioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that ataff be diracted to continue background work on tho appeal of the Flood Insurance Study, that the County ^ttorney's Office contact the former Capo Coral ^ttorney to learn how their case wan handled and that affoctod landowners be . invited to particIpate. Com~i5sloner Kruso requestod that someone -kocp track of the COlt- of this work. ItelD 124 RESOLUTION 82-14" "UTIIORIZIUC EXECUTION OF A NEW CONTMCTUltL ItGREEMENT, BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY M-ID M^UR^ E. CU\1I1^N, EXTENDING HER SERVICES ^S A COltST^L 7.0NE M^N^Cf.Mf.NT INTERN - ^DOrTED County f.nv1ronrncnta1ist Dr. Benedict explained the requost for an, oxtension of ~~urð E. Curr~n's contrðct ðB ~ Coastal Zone ~anftqement Intern. Commiosioner Brown moved, seconded by Commlssionor pistor and carried 4/0, that ResolutIon n2-14~ authorizing exocution of a now contractuðl agreemcnt between Collier and Maura E. curran, extond1n9 her serviceo ftS a Coastal Zona Mðnagcment Intorn, be adopted. &001( 071 fACE 35 PIU)e 24 - --. ----- - - -- ------;----.----------.-..-.........---.....- ~~''''-;··M'''''..___...._,,_.,''''_,_,,_...,___·_....·,~,·>....·_,,·,'~~··,..--'. , C"",",," . .........,~ .... , ..... _... .'~ .~.. c,. .,......"'...__.~..'.. .. . ..........' "... ..... ..' ~ ,....._-."'...... ~ .·"'_r·...,....·__...--,....~ " I í I . ' ,~-----~~---------------------~----~~~---- September 28, 19~2 . MO~ 071 rACE .40 Itelft '25 RESOLUTION 82-l47 E5T~BLISnINC TilE FEES TO BE Cn1\RCED FOR Tltr: US! or COUNTY SOLID W~5TE F1\CILITI£5 - ^DOPTED, SF.CTION THREE ELTMIN1\TED, TR1\N5FF.R rr.r.5 IN SECTION ONE CA^NCr.O TO 1\LTF.RN~Tr. . IN EXECUTIVE 6UMM1\RY, ST^f'F TO RE1\N^LYU: TilE SCIIF.DULE 1\ND "DJUST THE: COMMEnCI"L H~ULr.RS R1\TEI ^ND TO INVESTIC~TE "DOPTIOH OF M~ND~TORY RUBBISH COLLECTION FOR NY-XT YE1\R Public Works 1\dminlstrator H~rtman explained the resolution ln the Executive 5u~mðry dðt~d 9/20/82 which establishes the fee. to be chðrged tor the use of the County solid waste ~acl1itie.. The following persons spoke in opposition to the fee. as outlined in the proposed r~solutlonl P'\c. Elbert Tripp Rev. J. R~x Horton Mr. Con Bðrb~r, r.pr~sentinq Poran, Craig, and Schr.ck, Inc., .ald' he had no objection to the fee. but that he object. to a propo.Rl In regard to the length of ti~e the Board Is propo.ing to allow exception. tor contracts his company already has because his company is committed to a fee to the owner of projects under construction and cannot recover any additional expen.... He requested the Board extend the rebate offer to the completion of tho projects·rathar than to the first of the ye a r . Tape 15 Ronald L. ~~rkham, representing Waste ~anag~ment, Inc., spoke in' opposition to the proposed tickets for his trucks. Solid Wa.to Direc- tor FAhey explaln~d thp. current method employed at the Tr~nsfer Station for the commercial fee whIch involves $3.00 and $1.00 .tickets, addlnq that the proposal I. to continue to sell ticket., at the rate of $6.00 a ton and $1.25 pcr cubic yard, prior to use or at the site. Following a short discussion, Chairm~n Wimer suggested that the largo cO~T.rcial haulers pay one month fthcftrl, whIch ~r. Markh~m said he would prefer. Commls£loncr ristor F."!d th~t h~ coul~ not acc~pt th~ resolution' ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:.. _ _ _ _ _ ___ _...:. _ ___ _ __ _ _ ____ _J.!.9.!.1.5~:iill; . . , . .. -..,.. __....__......,......._. ,4.f_~~.......I.f _...~~.~ .,.._.____._'"_'" _ 1. "<I' __""_"'~~__"'_"'____'_""""""'''''~''·''·'"'''··'··''·''''w·''''',"-'"'' . .','" "':..'Joo..... ,""~:' . ..' ,::< .,... .~..."":'..,:~":'. "". ..~..... -. '"-~~...' " .,' . '<;j~ ':"'."" " :,~',. L~~'~:" . . '. ¡;;;¡ '",~ .- , . "III,:. ~ ".................. ....., .-.... ~ J.... . 'to . . . . _.......... .4 .. .._.........,'.......~ __... ..;,IJ>A.-.....-....,. ,.. ......, ---------------------------------------~ 'f; '^' September ,r., 1 tI'" .a it is proposed, ðddinq that ho could not rAtlonalizc chargln9 $1.00 !!", . per;cnr at th~ Tr^nø(~r ntatlon ~nd said th~t he pr~fnrred "ltarnate ~ in the r.xocutivo Summary datod 9/20/82 which Is $.50 per uae for two ba98 or less ~nd Sl.on p~r U8e for more th~n two bags or 10010 ~ateri~l for cars and station waqonø. Responding to Commissioner Brown, Mr. · · · Fahcy saId that if the fee was r~duced from $1.00 to $.50 for two bag_ a reduction of approximately $40,000 in revenue woald result. Rospondlng to Commissioner Xrune r~g~rdinq the Residential Disposal ree of $9.00 per year, pftyðble qu~rtcrly, Mr. Fahey said that provision Is for custom~rn of the franchisecs who dispose of their waste through the fr~nchisees. Mr. Norman ~xplalnQd that the . Relidential Dl~posal f~e Is dcfJned, In the ordInance adopted by the Board two weeka ago, as being the fee th~t is passed on by the franchisod hðu}crs to cover the landfill fee the haulers will havr. to pay. Mr. Fahey referred to n chart whIch transl~t~d the disposal costs of the users of the frðnchls~ to ~iv~ the ~oney to the franchiso hauler to pay th~ dlßpos~l costs, which vould amount to S.75 per month. Com- mlsslon~r ~rown suqqeated thnt mftndntory trash pickup be instituted. Mr. Barbcr requested that the Commissioners ask the Waste Disposal Department to r~~nðlyz~ thr p.xpenses ftnd aðjuAt the commercial rate so that private enterprise will not be hurt by doleting Section Three which would prohihit the cot:\mr.rcf.al haulerG from collecting on thft written contracts. Commissioner piator moved, soconded by Commissioner Brown and carriod 4/0, that Resolution 82-147 be adopted with tho Transfer Station !ees in Section Ono to be chðnged to Alternate 4 and Section Three eliminated, that staff review the expenses and adjust the eom~ercial haulers' rate and devise a aystom whereby the larger hauler. 800K 071 rACE 4t 'age 26 -------~------------------------------~~ . ,.. -..~'.."'-.,.. ,.~ y" .~ " '~... , ~o~~ 011 rAé£ .42 September 28, 1982 can pay in advance. "i)J Commissioner piator said that it is undorstood that staff will inv..tiqnte the prob~bility of the llrqe h~ulers Pftyin9 ahoad of ti~., ;:',. on a monthly bnsia, and ftdjusting the a~ount ~t the end of the month. Commiasioner piator moved, soeonded by Co~mi.sioner Brown and earled 4/0, that staff Investigate the adoption of a mandatory rubbish collection ordinance for next year and return to the BCe with a report. Commissioner ~ruse asked if Commissioner pistor meðnt mandatory collection through property tax, County controlled, to which Comml.- sloner Pistor replied ðtflrmatlvely, adding this should lower the cost of collection and enable people to deduct the cost from their Income tax. " . -. . 'I ii ~ff.! Pa".. . - - -.~ - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - -...;... - - - - - - - - - - - ;....;;...'.-.; ......~,:.: 0(',,.., ..'..,. ,. ..,.__" , "",.',',__~," ~;~~~:~.':" '~~'~;'-~~'~;~ "".. ............:".,...'" ....,' ~."'" '.'. > ' ..- .~ - . . . --.. .._~__'~_;lr,t""'_II "'__"_"'~_N~_"__"'_""-____'''''·''''''''''''''_"''-'''''''''"'..t;.'<.....·_·.···,~...·,··_··"'.""",·~",·"··,,..,·..·," . ' " t;;;¡;;t~ ' . ¡;¡;¡~ ~'\~~1f':~ ¡.:. . · -~#~, ,...,'".~ "",",,"~.."'''~'~'--:''''' ,..~.....-. ."'.,.. .,........ "'.... ..~~tM':; ~~ ~t . , . . ".,.' , ,.' :;''' ~ . ""..~_,.. .. ,....... " " ....'" ......_ . ...._ .,_.' .._.. "t,.,;", ":"i. . , .t }' ."/:Jl~ t"......;.I-"""--' ""Å:"-;' .",. 1J~{'í'~;' ,,: " "'oJ.., .u,~, ---------------------------------------~~ ·I,·~·'· . ~ . '..... . ~,. ,.. , I¡' ' I::~~~: :~6 ".pl""hor ,P, Inn, ~\t·' ~cnEtMENT WITn ROY^L POINCI1\~I1\ GOLF CLUB, INC. CR"NTINO '" P£Rf4",ftN'I' E~SEMENT TO THE COUNTY FOR RYr.HT-OF-W~Y PURPOSES FOR CONSTRUCTION or RICHT TURN L^N~ 1\LONG FR^NK AOUL~V^RD - ^PPROV~D Public Works 1\dministrator Hartman oxplained that in the d..ign Frank Boulevard It was discQvored that additional l^nd was needed on . the south sldo of Solana ~oad oxtonded to tho east whore it enter. the Country Club of N~plcs And that ð dPcolerntlon lane, on tho right hand ald. of Fr~nk noulovard, was added for the Royal Poinciana Colf Club, Inc. Co=atsaioner piator ~oved, seconded by Commla.ioner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, that the agreement with Royal poinciana Colt Club, Inc. granting a permanent easement to tho County tor right-or-way purposes for construction of a rIght turn lano along Frank Boulevard be approved. &OOK 071 fACE 45' ~- - - - ----.-- - - ----- --------------- - ---------' , .. <,-.·_..___~.i_ ,'i;.}' .' ~,;~'i~,~~;;"t, "~".~, : ·~~·:i·~~ . . ,·t~ -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - ------ ------------------..... , .. .. .........·1.".' ..... "' --..- ........ , , . , , ' J I ~'" . , . ;"Át~t "'J~ ~·;tff .. ""IJf~ ...,'".".., 1,;' ,,{ " ,;'\ii;;rt': '''~~¡:I' ¡ i_~.... ./' -, , . Paq. ~" ' ~~------------------~--~---------------~ ~ ", f ,~ ...;..,.-...---............--'..' . _..,...._ ." ............. _........ ,......,_~.~ "....................."" ...t-...............<I"'", '",,"- . . {'Ii -,\ - '. , 071 fArÆ-48 Septembftr 2~, 19n2 n.. 127 EMERGENCY Df.CL^RED, ORDIN~NCr. R'-92 "MENDING Sr.CTtONS 1, 2 "ND 5, or ORDIN~NCE NO. Al-7S TO PROVIDE FOR THE Cr.RTIFtC^TION or OPER~TOR8 or NON-E~ERGENCY ~EDIC^L TRANr.rORT^TION SERVICr.s - ADOPTED Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown Ind carried 4/0, that a~ emerçQncy exists. Commf8.ioner ~ruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and caried 4/0, that the ordinance I. numbored and entitled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinanc. Boot No. 161 ORDIN~NCE 82-92 AN f~ERGENCY ORDINANCE ^MENDING ORDIN^~Cr. NO. Pl-75 TO rROVIDE OEPR^TORS Of ~ON-fMr.RGf.NCY MEDTC^L PROVIDING DEFrNITJON~ ^ND EFFECIVE EXISTENCE OF ^N FMERGENCY. 5ECTIONS l, 2 ~ND S, or FOR THE Cr.RTTFIC^TION or TR^NSPORT^TION 5F.RVtC~S, D^TE AND DECLARING THt Ite. 128 COOPER^TIVE £OUIP~ENT ^GREEMENT, FLORID~ DIVISION OF FORESTRY ~ND OCflOI'E£ FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT - ^PPROVED Commissioner ~ruse moved, aeconded by Com~l.aion.r Brown and carried 4/0, that the Cooperative Equipment "qreement, FlorIda Divlaion of Forestry and Ochopee Fire Control District, b. approved. f ¡ ' 1 J I " . ........... J. ..... ," 1..._...,.....,......... ,_"":,_~~_,,,,<,,,,,,,,,~,_þ."'. ..a ~,.I'''''' ''''iii..'' r """If _"'"'_".......m.~'_'_.._""'''',·,·><J,'"''''''''"'~·-·_,....''''·,..'''~,·,,·_,'"'~,.,', "·',,.~.4, . , '. ¡¡;¡¡¡¡¡¡ , ..,~ " iiiii " ;"';;":,"<' . . :-~ '~",-"'~ !-:<' ~t'7¡; ,,~. "'~~""'~.~"4"';" ':>,;.,... "... .,~~~~ ,·~·,~~~t~ t' -. · .' ' tf:t ""~ . ,,;:',t ,n -- - - - --- - - - - -. - - - - - - - - --- - - ----- --------_....'. œ¡¡¡ :f.tl:'¡·':" -,~ ~":~ ---+"'7..'" ...,~". . ___ . (I;' Znptombor 2n, 1~~2 '.j·f Item '29 ~PPLtC1.TION FOR FEDER1\L M;SIST1\NCE, RUR^L cmlMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION PROCR1\M, nE~~EEN FLORID^, DtVI~ION OF FORESTRY "ND OCHorEE ^ND COLDEN· C^TE FIRE Dlr.7RICTS - ^,PPROVF.O Commissioner Kruse movod, and seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that the application for Federðl "ssi.tance, Rural Co~munity Fire Protection Program, botweon Florida Division of Foreltry and ochopee and Colden Cate Fire Districts, be approved. , . ! . .. f " ~OOK 071 rACE S9 .....____,_...""'.."',_·v.t._.____"__""'H...__._."·'.....···.'·· ....-+'" . _"____,.. .~,...._................. _...._..~_.........'...-.-. ..~...."........._.1''''';'-'~-'''''''-..-'--"''~'-'''''''''''' . . ': '" ,. t Ii l' \' t ,'. . ~--~---~-----------------~----------~---~ tJ',> ~, .. I I f Í!! .. . ~¡" . " ".... . .---------------------------------------- " >. _ie, :¡r ~"\ ": ,t,' ~#A.·..#'. ..~..' 100. ...,~~ .,'.'_w...........;.:.~ . . ". ',: " "J'li~ ~eptcmber 29, 19~2 or.r.1 ~CE ~consent "gendð - The following Ite~. were approved and/or adopted unani~ously. . .' . THE FUTURE "RTERI^L RO^DW^Y 1\S SHOWN IN THZ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO BI, RE-1\LICNED THROUcn BRI1\RWOOD ^ND FOXFIRE DEVELOP~ENTS 1\ND RE-CL1\SSIFIED 1\S 1\ COLLECTOR R01\D lUll '30 co~missionor Brown moved, seconded by Co~mlssloner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that the future arterial roadway as shown In the Co~prehen.lve plan, described in tho Executive Summary dated 9/8/82, be realigned through Brlarwood and roxfire developments and reclas.ified as a c~llector road, and that an amendment to the Transportation Element be included in the upcoming review of the Co~preh.nslve plan. It.. . 31 TEMPO~^RY RESIDENCE PERMIT RE PETITION T. R. 81-28B, JOSEPH MOSROLDER - 1\PPROVED Commissioner Brown mov~d, se:onded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that a Temporary Residence Permit r. Petition T. R. 81-28B, filed by Joseph Moaholder, be approved." IU. '32 RESOLUTION ~2-14R TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ~B~T! PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOTS 8 1\ND 9, BLOCK £, TR1\IL TERR~CE rOR PROPERTY OWNED BY ALICr. REG^N - ^DOPTEP Co~mls810ner Brown mov~d, seconded by Co~~i.sioner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, thðt Resolution 82-l48 to recover funds expendeð by the County to abate a public nuisance on Lots 8 and 9, Block E, Trail Terrace, for propo~ty owned by Alice Regan be adopted. . Paqft 31 ....,...~ ,,---~ ,..~..........-.- -' '. .- .,-~ ..,.....-... ......... .' - ~......- ... ..' " ......----, ".--- ... ....,._.._ _..._ _..___,-IÞ....~··,-· . t 1 '.. .. ., ¡.. ~ ,. J jL" ,'. . I;' . " .' . . ..... . , --------------"-----------.;..--------------..- . sept~mber 2R, 1982 ~OOK 071 PACE .58 IU. '33 RESUBMITT~L OF COUNTY PROP05~L RECOMMENDING TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA THE " ^COUISITION OF CL^M P^55 P^RK UNDER THE CONSERVATION AND RECREATION.' . LANDS PROGR^M - ^prROVr.O Commissioner erown moved, ..conded by Commissioner ~rus. and carried 4/0, that ~he CoU~t7 resubmit the proposal recommending to the State of Florida the acquisition of Clam paas Park under the Conserve· ticn and Recreation Lands progra.. Ite. '34 tXC^V^TION PERMIT NO. 59.1~9, IMPERI"L WILDERNESS RECRE"TION VEHICtE P^RK _ Dr.rERRED TO OCTOAER 11., 1982 Commlsaion~r Brown moved, seconded by Comml.sioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that Excavation Permit No. 59.149, Imperial Wllderne.. Recratlon vehicle Park, be deferred to october 12, 1982. It.. . 35 EXCAV^TION PERMIT NO. 59.150, PAVILION SHOPS - DEFERRED TO OCTOBER 12, 1982 Commissioner erown moved, seconded by Commls.ioner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, that Excavation Permit No. 59.150, Pavilion Shop., be deferred to OCtober 12, 1982. Ite. '36 CONTINUED PARTICIP^TION IN THE FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY PROCR"" - ^PPROVED Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commis.loner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, that the County continue participation in the Federal Surplus Property proqra.. . rJlt'/. 32 ...._..................~,. ~þ \~'.~""" ,.......,....". r_,' _ . ~ ..... ....--. . , '.'. . " .... ~ ,'~ .- ¡aa 'r...· " ¡;¡¡¡¡¡¡ ~ . ~, ,'.;......... '~."..."".... ~.:r".........··,,, ~ ·$¥It~·. . " ... .",' . . .. If,". ~.... .. ......... ......... . ..-.:tt~f!-"';"~ ..'" .........":."".'..:..- , . . ;, ',,,,, "". ";':r¡~t .0 "~"" .... ........'.,.. ",.,.", ..........---': ··¡,¡r.t..:~·~··9 ~ -':' . "'if·)·t , "'t' ,,-- ----..... .' ., ,-, ...~_.. .'...... -----------------------------------------.. ................ ~rptcmhcr '0, lqn2 .IUII t 37 RE~OLUTION 82-l49 RE ^prLIC^TION FOR CORPOn^T£ B^NK CA~nGE c"nDS TO F~CILIT^T£ OUT-Of-COUNTY EMS TR~NsronTS - ^DOPTED, ~ND -CONTINUING ^ND UNCONDITtON^L CU^R~NTY. - ^PPROVF.D Commlsslonar Brown moved, seconded by Co~m18sioner Kruse and carried ~/O, th~t Resolution S2-l49 re the appllcotion for eorporat. bank chorge cards to focllitoto out-of-County EMS transports b. adopted, ond that .Contlnulng and Unconditional Guaranty· be a~prov.d. '. , . ~OOK 011 fACE 59 pðqe33:.' -------~--------------------------~-~- . ' -, ...... _..~- ................... ... ...~...__.. "....._..~.....~. ............____._.w-- . ,. . ¡ l' ' 'L' ., . ," .,." ,'''' ',' ," '_;...- _ ____ _ ~_ ______ __ ____ _ __ _ ______..:...l..;...----:;...."'. , . s~ptcmbor 2n, 19~2 M~~ 071 r~CE 80 IUD 138 CtRTIFIC^TE OF CONVENIENCE ^ND NECESSITY, ~MA^SSADOR "IRW^YS ^IR ^MBULANC£ - ^PPROVEP Commi8s10ner Brown moved, .econded by Co~mission.r ~ruse anð carrl.ð 4/0, that the Certificate of Convenience and Neceslity for ~ba..ador ^lrways Air ~bulance be approveð. \ .. ~ I, ( I' , ~ " ~ t . " PIU1° '--- - -.- -~.. -., - -- - -- ..- - - -. - - - -..- - - - - - - - - - - -_..:.. ~- ~-...;.;.'~ ." .... .._.........".... '..................................~...'f·-"'. ..., ...of' ...-_....~--.. ì ' - - -" - ---- - - -- ------ -------- -------- ------- ...- -.......-.-....'. .-. ........ ...---.".............-- ..-.............. . I, 071 PACE 62 ~ertomh~r 2P, 19~2 IU- '39 NOVEMnER 11, 1982 TO BE OBSERVED AS VETER~NS D^Y BY COLLIF.R COUNTY' GOVERNMENT Commissioner Brown moved, second~d by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that November ll, 1982 be observed 8S Veteran. Day by Collier County Government~ Item '40 BID 1599, S^NT^ B^~D^~^ DLVD. BRIDCt IMPROVF.MENTS - "W^RDED TO ZEP CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE "MOUNT Of' S435,U3.t;7 Legal notic~ havinq been published In the Naples ~ði1y News on August ~, 1982, as ~videncerl by ^ttiðAvit of publicatIon filed with the . Clerk, bids wore received for Bid '599, for ~Anta Barb~ra ~oulevard Bridge Improv~m~nts over Golden Cate Canal, until 2130 P.M., September 9, 1982. '. Commissioner Brown moved, aeconded by Commla.loner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, that Bid .599, Santa Barbara Boulevard Bridge improve..nts bø awarded to Zop Construction, Inc., in the amount of $435,443.67 upon receipt of a Performance Bond, aa recommended by the purchaain9 Director to be the lowest responsible btd in the best intereat of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to .ign and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. Item '41 COUNTY REGIONA~ WATER SYSTEM NOTICE TO PROCEED, COUNTY'S RAW WATER MAIN _ CONTINUED TO In/12/87 ^S REQUF.STED ~y ST^FF Commissioner Brown moved, .econded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that the County Regional Water SY8te~ Notice to proc.ed, County RlIW Water MlIln, be continued to" 10/12/82, a. requested by fIIr. Berzon. ¡ poge 3S . - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- -- ---- ------------------- ... .-.......¡' '..". .. .,~,JI-'. '""",:. ", ...... . - ........_. ·,.ø . ~. ....---..-.. -..,. ---..-----..------.. ...-................. . .-...... ~- _.._ -_._.,-".,."",.-..,-".._,,~,..,.....,. .' . , !i~ r;::J ,. ; ...-.... ,,¡............I'. ,...........................,. " ~¡-'..,~......."...,t"""'..~,.,....··,·.\ o<#i'... ¡ ,.. . -';':'-' '. . . " ." + ..'....... , . " :;*¡j, __ __ - - - - - - - - ___ - ___...... - __ - - - - - - - - ___ ______-1' f,cptcrnbcr ,-9, 10~2 " 1to.. t4 2 UTILITY E^SE~ENT FROM FLORIDA POWER , LIGHT Rt COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM - ^CCEI'Tf.D FOR RECORD^TION Commissionor Brown moved, seconded ~y commissioner ~ruøe adn carried 4/0, that the utility Easement fro~ Florida power' Light, for . parcel of land approximatelY 15 f.et wide In the vicinity of the Florida power' Light Substation, as requirod by th~ County Regional' Water system's construction program, be accepted for recordation. .' ~o~ 071 PACE 63 Page 3';' "-' . . _..__.1__..-_--- ___..;IO_'"''''..'''."........,..,..,....,~"'''>",......",...".... ,.... '....'".., ~,,,..._~.~~ \:~~~:~4, H._'~: . ':' ~~. ,t . . ,J ......._, .. ,_" ".,~ ...___.,,",_,,__._--,...,,,,...-.,'" .,..... ._....-_"..__.._. ~~ __.., ./,..1. . " M'- ¡.", ,,' ,.' , .' ".~.. ~~ ~. ., .. ' , " . . . . ' '. };t'\. ----------------------------------------~ . ~ :::optcmhO r , ('I, 11) ~ 23~ '~I'?'; *;.,., t~:; .; .:~ :~ ':1 ,~' '4~ ~S~;¡ ,~.¡j. :'~! " . bmfll J CJ ......,... . ".. ~- . . ... .4""", .... . . . ~~: ..·.,..·"\tr ..' ~ .~ .~"'. ..- ',~ ' .....0 .... ItOM t 43 TWO UTILITY !^StMF.NTS FROM FI~ST N"TION"L B"N~ BUILDING, V~LLEY STREAM DR IV! - "CCEPTF.D FOR RF.CORO~TION Commissioner Brown ~ovoð, .econded by Commiøsionor Kruse and elrrlod 4/0, that the two Uutility EaGemont. from 'ir.t National Bank Building, Valley Stream Drive, be accepted for recordation. .. ~OOK 071 rACE 61 . Pl\qe 3'7 ----------------------------------~---~ ~~~,.t ~.. :'^ 't~', 1 . .1 '. i i;: ~/ p ,. J.,', , . . l~_------------------~-----------~~------ -~~"'-'. . '~-N' '. .. .', ............,...~......._,. ._"................_ "'.....4" .............................--."............... ......... .' .... ...~~_.._....-......... ""....",.. --... _4. ........~...............W.""""......~,·......_~' , .'~, ,.~.,.S::." .' ~. .' .. &OOK 071 PACE 72 Septnmbcr 28, 19~2 Itelll . U' THE HIRING OF ~ REPL~CE~ENT FOR SEC"ET^RY 1, UTILITY DIVISION - ~PPROVED Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commlsslonor ~rule and csrl.ð 4/0, that hirIng a replacement for Secretary I in the Utility Division be approvod. Itea 145 MR. D~N '^"RELL ^PPOINTED TO THE FOOD £ST^ßLISHMENT REVrr.w BOARD TO FULFILL THE UNEXPIR~D TERM OF RESIGNED MEMBER, MR. DEL STEIGERW^LD, WHICH EXPIRES ON NOVEM8ER 30, 19P.3 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Com~i8sionor ~ru.e and carried 4/0, that Mr. Dan Farr~ll be appointed to the rood Establishment RevIew Board to fulfill tho unexpired terM of reslgned member, Mr. Del Steigerwald, which expires on November 30, 1983. Ite. '46 CERTIFIC^TES FOR CORRECTION TO TIlE T"X ROLLS - ~PPROVED ~S PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY ^PPRAISER'S OrFICE . . ' Commissioner Brown moved, .econded by Co~~1.s10ner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that the followin~ Certificates for Correctlon to the :Tax Rolls be approved AS presented by the property -'ppuher's oUlce', 1981 TAX ROLL ",." DATE - NII/'IßER SRIi 9/10/82 T^N~t~Lr. PfR~ON~L PROPERTY Nu~nEA D^TE - YEAR - 19AO 19~O-1~7 4/15/82 Item 147 EXTR^ G^IN TIME FOR INM^TES NO. 33925 "ND NO. 38534 - "PPROVED ~S REQUESTED BY SIIEfHf'f' ROGERS . Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kru.e and· carried, 4/0, that Extra Gain Time for Inmates No. 33925 And No. 38534 be approved aa requestod by Sheriff R0gers. PilOt' 3P ~i ",i.\· ',- ---,--- - - -- - - - -- ------ ---- ---------------...;;.:. .__.,....--"....,"""""''''_'''.....".."._~.."._ """'"'"H'''»""''' . Cû-.~J .'.' . , ....."""........ '\. , ' . ",,, *f'H" " ~~, ", :,f ." ~;.r.' ': ,. ~~" .í:" .::'., ~ , 1 J '....' , 'I~ . <I. ~~~ ,....--"'....-.- ,..._..:.:.:...... ,,-,......-.- '"' '~~. '. . '~J '. . ",,,,, :t. , , ,.' , - -- -- -- - .------- -,------------------------~ ':7'~~ ~:~~" Soptombor 20, 19R2~N ,.1'1": G'>",-·] j.....''7''~~....... ....,.....~,.f#ti ~.tII'A~~~\ ~.....~4;~~r'~.,.·i'''·..... , . '" lot! . ,';.., i " .."'.: . -'.þ; ~-.~ f' .~ , ' I,.'r·,....,·:,· J;'~ ' -."................ . -- .. Item 148 DUPLIC^TE T^X R~Lr. CF.RTIYTC^TF. NO. ?Ogt TO J. D. BOOTH - ~PPROVED Commioalonor Drown moved, .oconded by Commlesloner ~rule and carrleð 4/0, that Duplicate Tax Sale Certificate No. 209l, to J. D. Booth, be approved as requested by TðX Collector. ~'1 ¡~ " :~ , ~1: ~; ~f 4 ¡1~ ~~~f ~I~' ,~., ..~; 'i'~~ '., ,~' ;t;.·.~ ~oo~ 071 PACE 73 P"90 39 --~------------------------------------ . ' . < ..} ....QIi._-,~....,'.. . ~ --_...;"",......._..,,.-.....--....~.'...._"'".,'~.""~ ..,~,~",._.._".-.~"...","".. "" \."' , ,.~::1-:~_ ."~'~~" . J; ,'"., .." hr( ..-........-.... ,_. ...... "'~Ì'; ~~~. .~, , , 'I. I________~ .." .~. G::J ¡ "'~1''''''''' ,.. ,.,~~\. "',' ......;.f.· , .',\..~~~~~~..... . ¡= ...~.~ I .~ ,~.'tt.",!,'t-_"''''. i ..._ .. ;,.:U.....·· r." , ...1:- ,.' ' . "",-,,'4 ,~!_.. ,... ." .. ' ~," j . ~fÎj{~· ,... ,. ..' ....... ~ . ' .-..-..........-. ." -- . . ........ .. .-....;,...-..-.. , ... . .. ......,' .~. .'ø..·,_...~_..··_· ,~....... ~.... ..-- ~- ~ .......' ...~-----~------.,#---------------------- R~ptc~hnr ?~, lQP? 149 ~~E TR~FFonD MEMORI~L CARDENS CEHETEny DEED NO. 310 APPROVED pursuant to ^ctlon of tho Bonrð Jðnuary 10, 197P, wherein the Chairman was authorIzed to nlqn variouQ ðoeða to Lake Trnfford M~~orlal Gardons Cemetery Iota as the nood arises, the following ~ed No. 310' waD recordod and filed for thft record. . .. ..W\ ''If ¡ ":~, ,.,j....' ,\;~: i 'f- .{~ .~i~ *' jf',' :!<~ ',I, ..1! .~! '~.F ..~/~ &oOK 071. rACE 15 Paqo --------~----------------~-------~~~-~-- , ' " . _.'".'."'~''''''''''''-"'---';'''''''''''''''"'-'---''''''' t;;:J ~J'" c:::::J .' . ." __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____ .:...___,-- - ___ -----______1 ,Í¡ ',::: Page ~1 ,~. , ,~ ; :~ ____~-----------~-~-----,----~-~----~---~1~3 . .? '~"r/. , , « . ....~ ..... '.... ,'~ '" . ~ of.'¡" . . .'~ . . ." . ~........ '4__ "'0'''''' '" ..--.. ..._.__...__..._.. .<1 " .. ' . ~crtQ~hur ,P, 1~n2 lUrD 150 MIGCtLL^NtOUS CORRESPONDENCE - PILED ^ND/OR REPERRED Thcre being no objr.ctlon, tho Ch~ir directed that the following . correaponðenco bo filcð and/or refcrrcd to the vðrloU8 departments .s 1 nd ica tad below: 1. Lotter dated 9/l7/R2 from John ^. ~ottomloy opposinq ·con- tcmpl^ted ch~nqo- In the %oninq ordinnnco from -Rr.F-1- to -PUP", rc ~oorlngs Park Eatatoø. xc Mr. Norman cnd ~r. virtð. Filed. 2. Dcp3rt~cnt Reports - rIled. ". Cold~n Gate Community Conter Advisory Committee, ^ugUGt, }1)~2. B. Collir.r County p~rks and Pecrentlon, June and July, 1982. C. Social S~rvicr.ß, ^ugu~t 19R2. D. Collier County Þuhlic Librðry, Auqust 19R2. E. Public Workn Pepðrtmont, Solid Waste DIvision, ^uqust, }9P2. 3. ~Inutcn of ~ðplen City Council for R/le and 9/1/82 meeting.. f 11 ed . 4. Mcmorðndum dat~d 9/B/R2'!rom Donnld D. Conn, State Court8 ^~minl~trðtor, regarding reduction of funds to counties for witness fee Reimbursement. xc Mr. Reðgðn. Filed. 5. Memorandum dntcd 9/l4/~2 in follow up to the above-r~ferenced 9/8/R2 memorandum. xc Mr. Reagan. Fil~d. 6. Copy of letter d3t~d 9/1~/P.2 froM ^n1tft D. ^the~ton, Marco Isl~n~ nesidcnt, to Army Corps of Enqlnecrs opposing the proposed addition!! (fuel pumps, posaiblo signs, etc.) to the Caxnmbðs Pass Puhlic Poðt Ramp. xc Mr. Norman. FIled. 7. Copy of letter d~tcd 9/101"2 from ~~tðld~ P. Gray, Burlget ^n^1y~t, to c.uy Cnrlton, Tax Collector, ^pprovinq T~X Collector's budg~t request for FY R2-R3. xc Mr. Hall. F 11 ed . 8. Copy oC letter dntcd 9/n/A2 from pob~rt J. ~rzeminski, ^dministrator, ~PO Liaiaon, to Jeffory Perry re rewrlto of the regul~tions auirlinq the urban tr~nsrortntion planning process, with ð copy of tho draft rcgulnt10ns Attach~d. f 11 ed . &OOK 071 rACE Tl '\!'~ '':1. }iif.~;" 3i. ' .-:,'if¡: .,.,'". "''''',' j . . .<. \ ' .,' 1.$ ~---------------------------------~------ ;,t··~';' . ,_~..,"__,.'" .~.. , ""...._....-" -" ..,.._.....~.._ ,...._.......... .~" _,. ...___,~...~_._,.__04" . ' I' < 60ptcmber 2", 19R2 MOK 071 FACE 78 ****End of Consent AgendA**·· Itasa .51 I~PER!^L CARDr.NS W^TER ^ND ~EWER F^CILITIES - ^CCEPTtD Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rus. enð carried 4/0, that the Water and SQwer Facilities for I~p.ri81 Cardena be accepted and the following documents filed and/or recorded I a) ~ed tor the w~t~r , Sewer FacilIties b) Bill of S~le for the ~ntor ~ SeWp.f Facilities c) UtIlity r.~sr.mcnt for tho Water' Sewér Facilities d) ^ffidnvit of No Lions ~) ReDults of the \-inter Pressure Tests f) Results of the Sewer Pressure Tests q) Lettr.r of A^ct~rioloqical Cl~afanc~ from the DER h) Ccpies of I..ðb Rf'rorts i) ~ttcr R~Qðrdinq Contribution in ^id of Construction j) Verific~tion of Final Costs for the Water , ~ewer Facl11tle. k) Legal ~scription of the Water FAcilities F~s.ment and Sewer Facilities Easement l) Copy of Condo Plat m) Lotter reqarding List of customers and/or Owner' of IndividU<1l Lots n) Letter from Engineer Stating that the Water' Sewer Facilltien are locatod within tho Utility Easement 0) contrðctual c.u~rðnt~e for ~atcriðls and Workmanship p) Letter from Fire District Reqardlnq Ownership and ~ðlntenanc. of rire Hydrants q) Sewer Infiltration Testa r) One Set of ^s-~u11t Drawings .~ ';f~'" .,,:PI ..,"({¡. 1- Io~~" "I". ~~<'. ~4': " i' \ !'fI'). , .it 4 .;~ :J¿ ::~ '''¥~ :t "'~r: ~; "k ~: .".t~. ! "..\ I Xt, -'I ~ ,." I.t ~" . . ·t, , Si I, .....' . ø-·__ __ __.' &. ~ .~~ -" ""-..----- - -- .'... -. - .'- -- ---- - - - -- ---"-- ----=~-.,;.~:;..:;.;. ".-,- ~ ~þ ~ .....--....., .,.....-..-".. .............. __lIIn"___"I" w.. ~.......__~,...._,...._.,...""~",.,."~,,,.,, ~4' r.... 11 "'._' '" _ ~', .. h,... > ''''''iI ;" c" ... .....,... 'It'" .' '.--' . . .' ~... '" ~ , ...,.,- ""'. .. '. '..'tI x~ -- ,.. September 28, 1982 t»OOK 071 rACE 88 *...*RECr.SS. 11,50 ".M. RECONVENED 1 1130 P.~.*··· , . , "'1' . ',,'J , ",.,.'"""11,, , ';,:;~£,' ,]it .~il!t1; ";:~~ 1"~ :':~,q"', ,,;rIc ,¡";~..' {'~. ,~';-;I';" . ,i>~ lUll . 52 EXC^V^TION PERMITf, NO. 59.1~9 ^ND NO. 59.l50 REMOVED FROM THE CONSEMT' ^GEND^ ^ND CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 12, 19R2, REGUL^R ^Gr.ND~ Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ru.. and carried 4/0, that Excavation p~rmit8 No. 59.149 and 59.150 be removeð from the Consent ^genda and continued to October 12, 1982 on the ,~ Regular ^genda. lUll '53 CERT^IN BENEFIT CI!^NCES IN THE EMPLOYEE H£"LTH IN5UR"NCE PROCRAM - "PPROVED Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commission.r ~ruse and carried 4/0, that vðr10us benefit changes in the employ.. Health Insurance program, as outlined on tho Executive Summary dated 9/21/82, . ' be approved. Commissioner ~ruse requesteð that staff investigate having the ~mployoes .t~rt to contribute toward in.ur~nce at . mInimal amount and hold the deductible at SlOO, beCDu.e the $200 deductible may be diffIcult for a famIly. Ite", '54 PURCH~SE OF TWO XEROX ~~O COPIERS, PRESENTLY LE~SED - "PPROVEO Commissioner ~ruse mov~d, seconded by Commissioner ,Pi.tor and carried 4/0, that the two Xerox ~60 copiers, presently leased and located at the County Barn and Immokalee Barn, be purchased.' . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ----------~ . -........-..- ~ . .... c::::J : ...... ;...... "'t >\-... "..........1 ~... , .. ;. "" -40, ........... ................. ,.'1, ....~.. ','" . ' ........ , _....._"'_ .. ...4>'....." , . -'----------------------------------------- !:¡>rt~mh('r :>11, ¡C)P:> XUII .55 CENtRAL W^CE ^DJU5TMCNT, MERIT P^Y PROPOSAL AND REVISED P^Y PL^N - 1IPPROVED ,County Mannq¡>r Norman p.xpl~lned thnt ^r.sistant County M~nager . . Smith, Commi8sloner Kruso and h~ discussed tho morit pay portion of the ~Aqe adjustment progrom as it relates to the typc of methodology of award, tho ðmountB of money Involvcd, number of eligIble personnel, and tho fact that, 1n preparing the recomMr.nd~tion outlined on the Executive SUMmary dated 9/'o/~2, staff attempted to spread the available S\ to as many employees as possible. H~ said that staff is aware that the dos1red dato for the pay plan changes to boco~e effec- tive is October 1, )(1B2. 110 6aid thðt the aforementioned people dovised the merit pay pl~n for County employeno to increAse the basSc adjustment by 1/2\, to ~-1/2'. Ho Raid that ~tðff would return to the Board the methodolo~y for awarding the 1/2\, approximately S2S,OnO, to a r~latively limited number of employces In larger amounts than previously proposed. He oxp1ained that 2-l/2\ would be a stop increase for employees as of Cctober 1, 1982 and that the overall pay plnn would be ðdjusted by 2\ Insteðd of the 1-1/2\ set forth in tho aforementioncd Executivo Summary. ~r. Smith requested that the Board may wAnt to consider the mathematical accurAcy of the pay plan. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by CommlssIonor Brown and carried 3/1, with Commissioner pistor oPPo8od, that the ~.5' increase bo approved for all employecs, that the mathemnticnl computations be adjusted, including the four to the right of the decimal and that staff be lnstructod to roturn with a recommendatIon re the other 1/2\, · total of $25,000, that will more oquit^bly allow for appropriate r.~ard for outøtandlnq porformance by employoo. no matter what their job 1.. ~O()~ 071 rA~E B9 pag. U .... ~..... ,:...," . '", . ......"..... ..-,~ 1"" ." ............ "".,r- ..... ..-~'~"". '" .................'.,.. . ....._"..,..,.".,~' .", ~', '_ ..., .........¡.... f,,~...~, "'........#'f...~..~ .< -.--------- ~oo~ 071 fACE 90 Sept~mb.r 2R, 19R2 Commissionor pi.tor said that he was not -sold on the idea of bonuses., aððlnq that if a p~rson is qlven ð merit increase In,hls, weekly pay it comos .v~ry wook and not in one lump au~. Chairman pointed out th~t the Bonrd was not approvin9 the bonus plftn which will be roturned to the Board later. Item 156 CR~NT "PPLIC^TION TO CONTINUE FUNDING FOR THE HOMEM"KERS' SERVICE - ^PPROV£D PYbllc scrvlces ~dmlnlstrator ~orton explainod his recommenðation for approval of th~ Crant ^pplication to continue !undlnq fo~ the . :,', ~~',.~. ,'~ ·,',;;"'I~'""','." "1"1,, ;W, t>~~ Homem^k~r.· Service. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner pi.tor and .~q~ ',<\t"'", <"/Î " "> ::-<;',,' " .. -o¡., ','.':,1 ,,¡¡.,,, '~ carried ~/O, that the Crant ^pplic~tlon to continue fundln9 for the Ho~emaker.' Service be approveð. .;~;~ ~,'~ " '. ,~~ ~ .~ i'il: ,;,,~.,,! .'>- , <,,", 'f} .;Ii .-'~; ,;~ s . ~ '<\ ", ',~.',"~~ .' .~_.. ¡ ~ '~ .~;1 . raqe 1'~_'_.""_"_""_ -......--.,,--~._'--"'.. ~.,..-,-"~....~~'...-'..,' '" C~ t:... .....;.] ,,~J -4}" ..v,," , ." --- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -'-" - - - - - - - --- - - - - - --- --,,' . , .........,, "'.. . ~ '(t.., "..,,,'( tho State to process throuqh County qov~rnment becðuSC Daðe County requested thðt proceduro. He ßnld that the financlðl mðnðqemcnt system .' R.habilit~tive Services re Cuban/Haitian Impact ^id Funding be approved with the stIpulation that a satisfactory agroement for the administra- tion of the funds be developed. of the Collier County Hcalth Department. Ho said that he recommends expenses throuqh tho ¡IRS Trus1 Fund which is maintained for the benefit ~OOK 071 rAGE103 Page u; ;'~j~, ¡,1F'fi "~..iFi, ---------------------------------------~ :;,.1 ,~'ir:4, ;·t~~ ...."'....... ~. ... . ... ~". .. ....... ... ~.....' . . ." ,,'. . r.~pt~M"r.r ,n, 19r.? Itelll 157 CONTn^CT WITH THE DEP^RTMENT OF HE^LTH ^ND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES RE CUB"N/II^ITI"N IMPI\CT I\ID FUNDING - "PPROVEn WITH STIPUL"TION County Manager Norml1n explained the. request of tho Hoalth Popart- ~ent lInd Division Offlco of HRS l\nd reforred to the EICecutivo f;ummary in today's agcnda which listed several programs that have been funded' by the Fcd~ral Government for aid to tho Haitian and Cuban entrants, not a!i~ns. He naid th~t a portion of that program has been cited by of the Hcalth Department hðs recently been restructured to process all that it would be best to m"kc the Cubðn/tlaitan Impðct ^id Funding a program ....ithin the 11ealth DepcHtl!1cnt budqet and mðn~qo that finance operation the same as the b~lance of the Health Department budget. He recommended ðpproval of the contract conditioned upon the development of a satisfactory ðgreem~nt to hðndle the administration of the funds. Commissioner ~rus. moved, seconded by Commissioner plator anð carried 4/0, that the contract with the Department of H~alth and . ' ,...........~;". "..... . ,-_.....-..r..~~'......-.-.----..""'.........,.........._.. '"'......'" ,. "'. ,..-.-...... .~..~....__.~.....:.~.._...f......"".....'":'''''''- > .~,~'. , 071 rAtE114 Soptembor 28, 1982 Itelll 158 FY '83 CET~TITLE II-B "NO ^ÐMINIGTR^TIVE CONTRACTS - ^ppnOVED: Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and - carried 4/0, that the Fiscel Yeðr 19B3 CETA Title II-B (Genoral Training) and ^dminietrativo contracts be approved. ': ..\ . .--- - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- , . '100_ ~ '''''''' . '. , ' .. . , . '. PI! tJ. _I_""".__-_·_·"'-_·_·.......-,·_~"...."'...,_..··-.....~,,··,...,..~"""···'"~. "......-....~......,........-.....'-. ""'WI'. . . '<". .......... 't ~'.""'"~''' ...*........ ".,... .' ,f: t~ ~~i I' . ~,.. " ' . . ~----~~~-----~-----------~-------~----~- 071 fACE 132 Septombor 2P, 19A2 Item .59 UTILIZ^TION OF O^LANCr. OF CO~MUNITY p^nK~ INFOR~^TIOH MONIES FOR UPCO~INC CL^M P^55 p^nK nEFERF.NDUM - ^ppnovr.o County ~an~qor Norman snid that stnff haG distributed ð list of propo.~d cxpenditurcs "nd he noted that one item, $350 for a color TV, is because th~ County h~8 picture tnking equipmont but nothing to show the pictures on, adding that staff is developing an eff~ctivo video program and the TV is nceded. Responding to Commi~sioner pistor, County ^ttorney 5aundorn cxplained th~t tho County can ~xpond money to promote an election if it in in th~ intcr~st of the County as deter- mined by the Poard, nddln~ that the only prohibition would be to not propaqandlze the election. fie recommended that the use of bumper stickers and pins be prohIbited becaus~ thðt appears to be propagandl- zing. CommIssIoner pistor movrd, seconded by Commissioner Brown that the balance of tho Community Parks Information monies b. utilized for the upcoming Clam Pass Park referondum. Ms. Betty Murphy rcqueßted that th~ vot~rs be well informeð on all aspects of the Clam Pass Park rcfftrcndum. Upon call for tho question, the motion carried, 4/0. Itelll 160 RESOLUTION R2-1 ~o REOtlESTINC FIN}\NCI}\L ASSISTMlCE UNDER THE FLORIDA RECRE}\TION DEVELOPMENT ^SSIST^NCE PROCRAM RE LA~E TRAFFORD FISHING PI£R/BO^T R^~r - ^OOPTED Commissioner plstor moved, s~conðed by Commissioner Brown and carried ~/O, that Resolution 82-150 requostin9 financial assistance under the Florida Recreation ·Dovelopment Assistance Progralll re Lake Trafford Fishlnq Pier/Boat R3mp be adopted. ", PM C' ., A ------..------ "ó'''' . '~". --. - --- -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------...... . , c:=:J . h~~I:'~ t'.;:i~," . .<~ <....~ ·~t . . ~._. .......,............. -,-.... ....~..' " . ' T~i¡ _ _ _ _ __ .._ _ _ ..._ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -,- - --....,.~i . '-'!~ ',4 ..;¿.$~ ,':/t ...:- .,.1.... ',' " .' ",' ""fit""'........ ¡,...t........"...~.~..~... -'" " '. ~ -. - ~ " . ",;.... ~', ...........' "':'"f"'." ~'.""-' ," ..;.........¡......"'.. ¥ .....,...,."!;O'~.......... . ..-J,.II.......,......,,....,W d.... ',..'........_"'.. . ' . . ~optc~bor 7.", ]~A2 " IteM 161 LEASE "cnEEMENT WITH TJtOH~S PonTER FOR CET~ OFFICE ON 5TH ~VENU! NORTH - ~PPROVED CommissIoner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carri.d 4/0, that the lea.. agroement with Thoma. portor for the CET~ office on 5th ^venuo North be ,ftpproved. " . e90K 071 rAc£'Í35 Pacta "9 -~---------~--------------------~----~- . '~ . . . " ", ..... ;,f." . __.,·......;"'..,"__'_·....H'"~."_"""...-._,~_""_.""_"'.",.,'",....",--.-_._.__ ~', '.','" -------~-------~-----------------~------~ . I , .¡ ~ , 'j- ". ~. . c::::J .~..~....."'t... ~ ~.,....{_:.~;,1·" . ......~,'"..._......-, .",1'-___ 'f,<"" · " ' l' ~ , '- ~:~ ~,__ ..;..J -- .~.~. ,..>....-" ...' 't,>.. . _._--- -- - - ~- - - .-. _.- --- --- -- -' -- -- -~. ..- .-- --~ - -- -- - - - ---- - --- ~- , ' r.~"t~M~~r ,n, 1qr, Item 162 ~UTI10RIZ^TION FOR COUNTY ^TTORNEY ^ND COUNTY fo'!lINACER TO WORP: OUT ^CREEMENT WITH STlITr. ^TTORNEY'S OFFICE FOR PROSECUTOR SERVICES Commisoioner Kruse moved, 8~condcd by Commission~r Brown and carried 4/0, that tho County ^ttorney ðnd County Mðn~qer be authorized to work out the agroement with tho Stato Attorney's Offico for prosecutor servicos and authorlzG a month-to-month continuation of tho present ðgrcoment. Item '63 COUNTY MM'¡AGER AUTIIOI1IZED TO INVf.STIClITE AND REI'ORT ON THE PROPOSED NEW CLERK I I POSITION FOR TIIF: PROß^TION DEPT. Commi8sioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that tho County Manager be authorized to investigate and report on the roquested new Clerk II position for the Probation Dept. Item '64 STATUS REPORT ON CAPRI WATER WORKS - NO ^CTION T^KEN Utilities ~ðnðqQr Berzon cxplai~cd that in the middle of ^U9ust a purchase aqrcement WðS submitted to the Capri Watcr WorKs BOArd of: Directors who met In the mid~lo of ~eptembor, adding that he mot with them on 5cptcmbcr ?2, 1902 regarding some of their requested revisions. He said that' with one exception, with regard to a guarantee, agreement hðS been rc~ched ðnd th~t, on October 12, 1982, he prob~bly would bring a firm recommend~tlon to the C~prl Wnter WorKs. Item '65 JOINT RESOLUTION R-A2-154 ^NO CWS 82-9 RE COUNTY W^TER SERVICE SYST£~ D£VELOPM£NT CH^RGE5 ANNUAL REVIEW - ^OOPTED Utilities Mnnftqcr ncr~on cxplðJn~d tho rcsolution ~doptlng tho presont system devclormcnt chnrges for wntor, ðddinq thnt no tncreðse is r~que8tcd ðt this timo. MOK 011 rACf139 Page 50 ______,u"~..~,,~_....,,."...,~.......~. ..,......". ,,~_..-.._~..,..___,___,_ "...~-:-..:,... ~'''.'''..". ^... ....,.,. ,-"-'t" 4,"'r~__-tJI'·,.V. . . , ' .~--------------------------------------- , ~, " --------------------------------------~ """''''''""'-'-"'--'''--." .. ~ ...........I,¡!" '.....",1'......, I·" , , "', ~ ~ , t . 071 fACE 140 Septambor 28, 1982 Comml.8ionor p!øtor ~oved, .econded by Commls810ner Brown and carried 4/0, that Joint Resolution R-82-154 and CWS 82-9 re County Water service System Development Charge. "nnual Review b. adopted. , . I I , . f." '_';;.,(_" "';" ... -...-,- ,...-.... .,...."._..~,¡'. ·"·h,~.It>-.. -...""---......~...-·_...____'.+<f'"'H.""'"~;.....'_......¥.,,..,..,",..,...".._.""'., Pa(1 f' . ""..,,,.., -_......"..~.'.. r=:J ;" 'J ~,~., - ,~.'~,;, . . - ,. ·iÞ.,~· . ., .. ~.,-...-.... ,..... ,..... .-..., . ... _~_________________~________7__________~~~ ~~ptcr:1h~r ''', ]1'11'1:' Item t6fi BID NO. 602 RE WATER MF.Tr.RS fOR THE COUNTY W^TER DIVISION - AW~RDED TO LOW BIOPER!) MEETINCi 'rilE SPF.CIPIC^TIONS UtIlIties M~n~gor Derzon ·poInted ou~, re Rid No. 60', thÐt he i. not r~cornrnendlng, in every CðSO, tho ðw~rd of tho low bId because the low biddor dId not comply with eIther tho specificÞtIons or the requirements of the hidding process. lIe roqucDtf!d that tho recomrnend- ations, ðS outlined in tho ExecutIve Summary dated 9/l3/P2, be awÞrdcd. Commissioner plstor moved, seconded by CommissIoner Brown and carrIed 4/0, thÞt Bid No. 602 re water ~eters for the County Water DIvision be awardod to the low bidders meetIng the specifications as outlined in the Executive Sum~ary dat~d 9/13/82. Item '67 BID NO. fi03 RE METER ElOXES FOR THE COUN'rY WATER DIVISION - AW^RDED '1'0 B , H SALES Utilities M~nðqer Borzon requested that Bid ~o. fi03 for mater boxes tor the County Water Division be awarded to tho low bidder, Band It Salea. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commiasioner Brown and . carried 4/0, th^t Bid No. 603 ro meter boxes for the County Water Division be awarded to B , H Sales as outlined in the Exocutive Summary dated 9/16/82. t {¡~: ., ':.".',' .:'.r,~: (~¡ ,.t!ì' ,"'íf~, ~ .;f'~! '."'!I' ,;;~.~~; ';", --------------------~-------------------~I~ ,. , , ' .. . . . 'f:..., I: . . 't , ,. ~ , MO~ 071 fACf 148 PlIgo 52 __".,__.._.......'__,·".."~,_,.._ft,..~~"·.,"__,, '~H'......~;"".,,__~__..___ ...._..^~,.."..,.,.~..~,.~>.._<."--- "'.,., .~.,. .~""" . ....t.... .... ,." t._ .,."... .....-.-'...., .,.... "'" 'f> , -.." '~",.,<'"',, .. .:.t ,~ ·,:¥a l:~ ~I " c";jI .._-------~--------------------------~-----~ ~.:.:-.;-t' ., .,:8t{~ ~opteMbcr ?R, 19R2 aODK 071 PACf144 It... 168 BID NO. ~04 R£ W^TER SERVICE S^DDLES FOR THE COUNTY WATER DIVISION - ^W^RDEO TO O^VI~ Mf.Tf.R , ~UPPLY Utiliti~8 M~nðgcr ~crzon requested thnt Did No. ~04 be awarded to the low bidder, D~vis Meter' Supply. Commisslonor PIator moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, 4/0, that Bid No. 604 re water servlco saddle. for the County Water DIvisIon be awarded to vðvis Meter' Supply as outlined In the Executive Summary dated 9/l~/82. Itelll '69 BID NO. ~05.RE RRASS FITTINGS AND ~ATERIALS FOR THE COUNTY WATER DIVISION - AWARDED TO A , H S^LEr. , DAVIS METER' SUPPLY ~ '~i , ":, ~~ "l! '- !.~ ¡_.;.~ ,;~ ') ..~:~ 7;~ r~ j " :~ '. .¡ 'Jj "j ',~~ ," , ;. Utilities ~~nðger R~rzon requested that Rid No. ~05 for bras. fittings and materials for the County Wator DivisIon be awarded to the low bidders, B , H Sales and Davis Met~r , ~upply Company. , .",~~ "., -'II c" '''f , , ~j Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that Bid No. ~05 re brass fittings and ~at.rial. for the County Water Division be awarded to low bIdders B , H Sale. and Davi. Meter' Supply Company. Ito~ '70 d <, t"; CL^RIFIC^TION THAT THE UTILITIES DIVISION IS EXEMPT FROM THt ·FREEZ!- FOR REPtACEMEHT OF Pf.R50NNEL OR EXPENDITURE OF C^PIT^L FUNDS WHICH HAVE "'1 BErN BUDGETED OR AUTHORIZED PRf.VIOU5LY·'~ , ',.,; Utilities Mnnager Borzon referred to a memorandum he sent to the,~ ., '5: Board on September 24, 19R? requesting thn Board's intent of July 14, . 1982 wIth reg~rd to the replacpment of personnel or e~penditure of capital funds which havo been budgeted or authorized previously. Ht said th~t since th~ UtilIties Divlnlon do os not ðffect the Gencrðl Fund and Is not looking for ðny authorIzation other than that which has granted, he would like tho Do^rd's permis~ion to qo ahead with r,.,,, ,. .._-----------------------------~----- .. ...~~.,-" '.. ._.............-'..."~ ~_...,...,.......,'~..~.. ---- ......_.._............_-",._--""','~--.....~._".........''''~"'''' .,...-- - - - - - -- - - -- -.- - ---- --- - -- -- ------'---------jt·~ , , ,'-,':.:. , .' .J lei,': 'f ~ .~., c=J L~ ,....-... I _.....J ,~,,4:;:~"t. it . ." ,>. "............(,'~...". .......~........ ,..".. ... "" ,..... , . r t~· t . . . ---------------------------------------- ~~('ptc,..' . ?R, 19112 : i_ the normðl coursc of the DIvIsIon'. businoss wIthout ð roquiremont to come beforo the ~CC on e~ch IndivIduøl c~s.. Chairman Wimer said that the UtIlity system was not affected by the ·freezo·. . IUIII '71 COUNTY ^TTORNEY'S REPORT R£ ST^TU5 OF CURRENT COUNTY LITIGATIONS - NO ^CTION T^I<EN County ^ttornt'Y ~^undr.rs st~ted th~t he wnnted. to keep the Bo~rd advIsed as to tho types of cascs that nre heIng handlod by the County ^ttornoy's office and that when the'casos ðr~ scttled and fIled he would like to advis~ the Board nccordlngly. He referred to one ca.. recently resolved after n hearing before the DivIsIon of ^dmlnlatratlve Hearings in which th~ State DOp~rtment of Labor and Employment SecurIty sought ð refund of $1?~,OOO 1n Cf.T" funds from the County whIch was subsequently reduced to $51,000 ~fter negotiations by PublIc Services Adminstrntor Norton anrl further reduced to S10,nOO after the County ^ttorney's offic~ became involved prior to the hearing. He said that lifter tho hcarInc¡, the HC!lIrInc¡ officcr ruled on behalf of the County, with ^ttorney Cuyler representing the County, and the claim was reduced to $2,000 which is II f1gure that the County ^ttorncy's of~lce fcels is agrecable. Item 172 ROUTINE ßttt5 - P"tD Pursu~nt to nesolut10n 8l-l50 the following checks were Issuod through Septemher 24, 19A2 In payment of routino bills: CIIF-CX rr.;,cnIPTION CIIf:CK NOS. ^...OllNT Voucher Checks 11145 - l2045 Sl,9fi3,S09.00 ß 213,9"0.1;0 $ A,707.99 Rcgular pnyroll Chocks -11(,02 - "2120 CET^ Payroll Checks 9322 - 9352 ðO~K 071 fACf14S- Pðge 54 .....,.'..~.. . ._~'j ..~_.. ....~.............................-..................... _'.. ~(.\.....~4... . -,.",.".....,.....-,.,..,_...I"~' . , "1·7U·",,·~' ...'~ , .. ':; :;Z=~ " """.:~~'. \: I ." ',;';;-;: I' ' . ,"";j. I ' .,:,;¡ ~ , . ê", ·r' ,~---------------------------------~------ .'<!t"-: ~;... 50ptomber 2A, 1962 ~O:>K 071 fA~E146 XU" '73 BUDCET ^MENDMENT 82-308 RE FUNDS NEEPEP FOR TICXETS TO BF. PRINTED FOR S^LE TO PUDLIC (SOLID W~STE-N~PLES LANDFILL DEPT.) - ~DOPTED IN THE ~MOUNT OF S1,000 Responding to Commissioner pistor, FiGc~l Officer Giles e~plained that the discussion hold this morning regarding tickets for the N~pl.s Landfill conc~rned large commercial houlers and th^t thore are still tickets to bo printod for othor haulers. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, 4/0, that Budget ^mendment 82-306 re funds needed for tickets to be printed for sale to the public (Solid Waste-Naples Landfill Dept.) be adopted in the amount of $1,000. . pago . '. ..,. -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---------------.....----- ^._..,'---~.."".., . '., .'... , . .".'" "".' ... ---....- , ...: 't,,' .,.,~ ·~t' ¡-,'f-l ~\H J. .'+~' . . l.."',,:,,·þ',,.,.,l:!,.,,' .,"1; ,}:~ ~. ,..... 'r't " ,;. ^.:;. :f, .;~ .'~~ .>~ II· ",,:¡', 1,:; .;:¡, '"~ ,~1 " "~~ ,"'~~ -;..,. ',K ·',~î ~ " ¡(JI ,;-'t: ";.~ ,:'....~ #.1 ¡'t'!," ",J'!;.! , ..-.. ~''''.-''- ,... ........--.............................. .. ~.............. .-~-,...""'........ ....-.... ... .... ~....- ~ ,,.-" . . ' . <. . 1 . ' ..l. _ - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - _._-~ - - --- - - -- - ---.---- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ --: _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -- r-- - - - - - ---,~ - --~-...-,.'~,"7:";¡~ ~ ....~ >:1.... . _ ~...........4...,......_..'...~~ MOX 011 PACE1-48 Septembør ?oR, 19R2 Tape '7 Iura '74 BUDGET ^MENDM£NT 02-309 TO SUPPLEMENT MENT^L IIF,^LTH'S ~^ND^TED·e^!(ER ^CT REIMBURSF.MENT TO ST^TF. (25~ LOC^L M^TCII) (PRIV^TE ^Cr.NCY SERVICES DEPT.) - "DorTED IN Tltr. M~OUNT OF S~O,ROfi Commissioner rløtor moved, a~conded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that Budgot ^mcndment 82-309 to supplement "ontal ".alth'. mandAted Baker ~ct reimbursement to the Stat. (25' local match) (private ^gency Service. Dept.) Þe adopted tn the amount ot $60,806. . Page 56, ,..... ,......_~ -.. ,."",-" I' ..,.,toP--... ... . ....-. -...-,.. ."""""".., . ·--------.......--.------ ---- --------------'------- ~O~K 071 fACE150 September 26, 19f12 Items 175 throu~h '98 BUDGET ^MENDMr.NTS 82-310 THROUGH R2-3JJ - 1.DOPT£D M: Dr.SCRIOE:D Commissioner Kruse refftrred to the budgot amonrlment8 dealing with transfers of money for the p^rks and ~ocrcÐtion popðrtment ðnd said that she and Mr. Norman had discussed tho matter and because next yoar is ^ -touqh YCðr·, th~re would need to bo tighter fiscal control for all of recreation. Commls5ioner PIstor qucstioned approximðtely $2,000 transfer of funds from Other Contractual Services and ~otor Pool Reimburs~~ents for one Parks and pecreation Departmcnt Audgct ~m~ndmcnt which contains $1,000 for miscellaneous supplicn, noting that was an -awful lot of mlscellancou5- bclnq spent in that area. He also questioned purchasing publications-resalo in th~ amount of s~oo. Public Scrvic~s ~mlnlstrator Norton explained that thor. were T-shirts purchðs~d for the children who participatcd in the recreation programs, adding that a to~ is charged for the shirts, how~ver, the cost was not totally offset by that fee. He said that the miscellan- ~oUS supplies covered the cost of awardd prescnted to the children who participated In the recroational program~. Commissioner Xruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that tho following described Budget ~~ndmentl be adopted in the amount indicatedr Budqet ^mendment 02-3101 to provide for 20 stack chnira to be used in Ooðrd meeting room (Other G~ncr...1 r\Cimin. Popt.) in the amount of noo. Budget ^mendm~nt 82-)11, to ðccurðt~ly rnClect currÐnt expen- ditures (^dm1nlstrativr f,~rvic.s Dept.) In the nmount of Sf;5. Page 57 . ...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"'- - - - - - - - -- -- -- --- --- --...._""--_.~~.._"'~,'",.".,"~."." ..,,-- ~~} . ",-. ,. .4" 4' . . . ,--.., ~. .__.1 - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- ---- -- - - - -- ---- --' Bu~~ot ~men~mnnt A2-312: Audqet ~mendm~nt R2-311: Budqet ^mendment 82-314: Budgot ~mcndment 82-315: Budget Ame~dment A2-31"1 Budgot Amendment A2-317: Bud~et ^mr.n~mr.nt B2-11AI Budget ^m~ndmr.nt 8'-3191 Budget ^mr.ndm~nt A2-320: Budget Amendment 02-3'-1: Budgðt Am~ndment 02-121\ . C .J . ....,,......~ ~ ... .~.; .1, .... ,...-' . . S~ptember 2A, 19n2 for "dðition~1 pont~qe (purChðSinq r.t'pt.) In the IImount of s:nn. to covar unexpected 6hortfðl1a (Courts (, P.('lùtcd rrogfillnS ~pt.) In the Dmount of ~~o~~ to cover unexpected shortfnlls (CourtB " Relo.t(·d Progrl'lms Dept.) in the 8mount of Sl~S. to purch~Gc typowritor nnd rcl~tcd cqul~r.nt for sccretnry position l'Iuthorlzed 9/14/P2 (~o1Id Waste D<lpt.) In the Amount of Sl,OOO. rc ch~n~c over from manncd trðnsfcr atl'ltion to contrl'lct sorvlce requiring Instð11ðtlon of fence which Is' in ngrocmcnt with contrðctor (Solid WnGte Pept.) in tho omount of 5500. to provld~ funds for replacement of . 1100x20 tlrcD nnd rims on ~~ck trnctors t~A2l and .3793 in the ~mount of S~,400. (fiolid Waste) to mov~ so1nry and fringes from a position that was vacant for sIx wc~kß into contractual servicns in order to provide the level of sorvlce d05crihed in tho grant (Sociðl f,ervlces ~pt.) in tho amount of $1,()l9. to provl~p. funds for unforoscen expenditurcn (Parks , Pecr~.1tion Admin. Dept.) in the ðrnount of S5(;5; to provid~ funds for unforosccn cxpenditurcs (Park5 & Rccrc~tion Suporvision ['\Cpt.) in the IImount of $1,970. to providc funds for unforeseen expenditures (Pnrkn , ppcrcntion Grounds ~1" intonðnce ()f!pt.) in the aMount of $1'-0. to provide funds for unforeseen expondltures (Pnrkn , R~cre~tion Dept.) In the amount of Sl,991. eoOK rr1i rACE 151 Page 158 --.. -- - --- - -... ~- - --- --.-- - - ------------·----------~I~ '. r 'I ._.,_.<~'...O.,"_.~·'.H_.~ ,_.' ,··ø. ~·N_...._~__... , ' ..~ - - - - - - _... - - --- - - --- - ---- ---- -- -----'-------- .....- . M:) ( Oi1 rAtf 152 Budget ^mondm~nt 82-312' Budg~t ^mendment ~2-'241 Budget ^mendm~nt 82-325: Budget Am~ndm~nt 02-326: BudQet Amendment 82-327: Budg~t ^mendment A2-32AI Budget Amendment 82-329: Budget Amendment 02-3301 ~ept~Mbrr 1-A, 19n2 transterrinq fundB to rotlect eddi- tion~l cxp~nditurcs tor culvert pipe in th~ ~lIrco IIr~n and Enst Nnpl.. CTrnnGportnt Ion [)cpt.) in tho amount of Sl,OOO. trlln~fprring funds to r~flcct exp~nditurcs of IIsph~lt mnteriala for special projcctG to include ~arco turn laneD ond rcpllir of pnvement followin~ culvert r~rlacr.mcnt in Enst Nðplns (Trl'lnsportlltion Dcpt.) in the ð~ount of 51,500. transferring funds to r~flcct current expenditures of seeding nnd Mulching nlong reconstructed rOlldways in the Colden Cate Estates (Transportotion Dept.) in the amount 0 f $2,000. transferring funds to reflect current expenditures of limcrock utilized for the road con~truction proqrðm in the Colden Gate Estate5 (Transportation Dept.) in the nmount of SlO,OOO. trnnsferring funds to reflect curr~nt expcndituroG of limerock utilized for the road construction proqrnm in the Cold~n Cl'ltn E&tnte~ CTrlln~portation Dept.) in th~ amount of 510,000. to cllncel Audqet Amendment A2-24n which duplicated pudqet ~mendment A1.-2l~ In error (Other Gen~rðl ^dmin. Dept.) In tho ",mount of $75,403. to provIde funds for unforeseen exp~ndItures CPllrks , Recreation Ti<]fHtn11 Beðch Copt.) in tho amount of S100. to provide for a few more weeks of Intern ~crvic~s hy reducIn~ unneces- sary tr~v~l ~xpcncrn in thIs project which is completely funded through a state arant (Communl,ty Dov. Dept.) in tho amount of SR40. PlIqe S9 ._--------------------------------------~ . ......." . . EJ ~ at" ~ ~""", ~ ---------------------------------------- -------~-------~--------~~~------~------ ...' . ~... ,. -, .. ~.~ ....,' . ,-"""1,........· ... - ,....~,,. ...., ..... ,,". .. .~ /.... tt.....· .._.....-~-~.._~.. -~......-. , . f.optC'mucr 2R, 19A2 Budget ~mendment R'--331s tr"nsterrinq funds to morc ~ccur^tely reflect current ~xpcnditures in tho Environmontal nection (Community Oev. Env i ronmontal Dept.) in tho amount of Sl,980. ro grant money originally intended for aoêial photoqrðphy now used Cor porsonnol expenscS p~r Bce action I-uqust 24, 1982 (planninq Dept.) 1n the amount of $2~,000. Budget ^mendment 82-3321 Budqet ^mp.ndment 82-333: to provide funds for unforeseen expenditures (parks' Recreation Crounds Mð int. Dept.) in the amount of $1,320. Mr. Giles ~Uq1~Btpd numbering the ~uðqQt ~m.ndment. prior to the BCC meotlng to mðk6 rcfcrC'nce ~asier and, if any are cancelled or amended by the Bonrd, thðt could be not~d on the nudgot I.mendment. Chairman Wimer aqreed'and directed ~r. Ciles to number the amendments. PAge 60 BeaK 071 PAGf 153 -,....,--_....,--,.."'..~.,~..".".,._"^~._,...'......"..." -....'.;,..... ";\ . {¡¡., ~; , !i'h , '. ....'..j,. I ," ';.'~ I' ---------------------------------------..... , ~OOK ú11 rA~178 September 2R, 1~n2 .,~,.... '. ,~~~~~ ~'~ ¡ '~,"~ ,t... ,"1,'( ,,1~ ·t~ ,;¡j';', 1""11 '''f. ~#,ir ~ V~,¡. Item 199 INTEREST R^TE FOR MULTI-P^YMENT OF ASSESSMENTR FOR WATER/SEWr.R, CONSTRUCTION FUNDED WITII FMII" LOANS - E5TMLISHED AT 2' ABOVE THE INTEREST RATE PAID BY TilE BOT\RD FOR THE LOANS OBTAINED TO FUND IMPROVEMENTS FOR WILLOUGIIßY ACRES WATER, WILLOUGIIß'i ACERS SEWER "ND M^RCO SEWER - PIIMjE I Fiøcðl Officer Ciles explainod tho neod for the establishment of interest r~teB for aSßcnsmentø for wðter/sowcr constructIon funded with FmH^ loans involving willouqhby Acres Water, WIlloughby ~cres Sewer and Marco Sower - Phase I, to be a 2\ ch~rgo above the FmH^ rate. CommissIoner ~ruse movod, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried ~/O, that the interest rato for multi-paymont of assess=ent8 for water/sewer construction funded with FmH^ loans be established at 2\ above the interest rate paid by the Board for the loans obtained to fund improvemonts for Willoughby Acres Water, Willoughby ^cres Sever and Marco Sewer - ~ha9o I. IteØl '100 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TO RETAIN FUNDS ACCUMULATED FOR REPLACEMENT or DATA PROCESSItJG EQUIPMENT - EST.a.OLISIIED Fiscal Offic~r Giles explnlncd the noed to establish ft Capital Projects Fund to ret~in funds accumulated for replacement of Oata . ' , . Processing equipment. Commissioner ~rU80 moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and . . carried 4/0, that ð Capital projecto Fund to retain fund. accumulated for replacement of Data Processing ~quipment be established. Itern flOl " :~:t ,..~ rISCAL OFFICER EXPLAINS Nr.w UNIFORM ACCOUNTING SY$TEM M^NUAL , .. ~. fiscal Officftr Giles re~erred to a letter in today'. aqcnda adv15ing tho Bo~rd of a now UnIform Accountlnq ~yctcm ~ðnu~1 that is "It, . ·,,'~I',",·~·':,,'·, 7:., " paqe fil ' ;.,iftJ ,'~i .._._ ____ _ _ ___ __ __ _ ___ __ _ ___ ____ ______ _____~ "'\J.!2:. -. applicable to Colllcr County. . ,"" ~. ,-.- .-, ._~ -- .-. .'. .'.,-- --,- -- -- -.--,-------; --·--------------------13;J ','.J ., ~!,," ;' .'. " -¡;, \,...........1 ,[~ L;.;...:J .... ._1...... .',"1". ..,...... . .~...~.;,.' ... "..;..,..,......,.....,. ~ ......., ,. .Þ ,. '. , ' " ... . --------- - -- --- -------- -- - - ---------- - ---. IiI" ptombf' r 7. n, 1 <1 r. ~ Item 1102 FISCAL OFFICER GILES EXPLAINS ITEM RE DISCONTINUATION OF FREE PUBLICATION OF THE BOARD' S AGEt-tD~ IN TilE NAPLES D~ILY NEWS fi~S BEEN DtLETED Flacð1 Officer ~iles stated that thÐ discusøion re the proposed discontinuatIon of fr~o publicðtion of tho eo~rd'Ð aqcnda in tho Naples Daily News h~s been delote~. Item 1103 RESOLUTION ~2-l51 AUTIIORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTES AND THE RELATED NOTES TO At IS~UED SEPTEMBER 29, 1982 AND TO BE REnEWED .JULY 10, 1~R3 fOR !>PECIAL ROAD ASSEGSMENT FUND - AOOP1'ED IN TilE "MOUNT OF $1,172,000 Fiscal Officer Giles explained the requnst for a rosolutlon related to revonue antlclpntion notes for special funds for interim fInancing from Septembnr /9, 19A.~ to July 10, 198~ for the speciðl Road ^SGos&mont Fund. Respon~lnq to COMmls~ionor plator, Mr. Giles said that the preliminary interost rðtc estimate is 9-~/4\ from First NntionDl 8ðnk of Nðples, ~d~lng thnt all the ðroa hanks ðre being cðnVlH¡S('d. Comminsioncr p1stor moved, secondod by Commissioner ~rus. and carried 4/0, that Resolution 82-l5l authorizing the issuance of revenue . anticipation notos and the reløted not~s to be issued September 29, 1982 and to be redeemed July 10, 1983 for flpecial Road Assessmont Fund be adopted in tho amount of $1,l72,OOO. Pago 62 ~o~~ 011 rÂCt i 79 c::::J f· '"~:;1 ...... ~ t ~. i. ----------------------------------------~ --------:-._------.,...-- ---~.------------------~ . t:.:~ . ..,H...,...,.-..,;,~",..·,..~··..,,-·...~~·~~!o;~'~t~.'··"':"'.. '..........,......, .', , .. . - . ¡'(~ptf)mhf)r ;¡~, ltJn/. ',Ite. 104 RESOLUTION 02-lS2 ~UTHORIZING THE tSSU~NCE Of REVENUE ^NTICIP^TION NOTES ~ND TnE REL~TED NOTES TO DE ISSUED SEPTE~BER 29, 1982 AND TO BE REDEEMED JlIt.Y lO, 1903 FOR PINE RIDGE INDUSTRt"L p~R~ MSTD - "DOPTED IN THE "~OUNT Of 593,000 Commissioner pIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that Resolution 82-152, authorizing the issuance of revonue anticipation notes and the related notes to be issued September 29, 1982 and to bo rodeemed July 10, 1903 for pine Ridge Industrial Park HSTD, b~ adopted In the amount of $93,000. Pllqo 1;3 ~oo~ 071 PACt1B3 . __J_...""...._....""'_^........,...~.~.'.."_^...,,,,.""'__"~'_"'_" ~-------------------~------------~----~-- .'--------------------------------------- . . . MOK 071 PACt 190 September ,A, 19A2 Itelll 1105 RESOLUTION 82-153 ,WTHORIZlNG TilE ISf';U^NCr. OF REVENUE ~N'rICIP"'TION NOTES ^ND THE REL^TED NOTES TO ~r. I56Uf.D SEPTEMAER 29, 19B2 ^ND TO BE REDEEMf.O JULY 10, 1983 FOR SEWER ^RE^ ·0· SOUTJI H^Lf MSTD - M>OPTED IN THE ^~OUNT OF 5258,000 Commissioner ristor moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rus. and carried 4/0, that Resolution 82-l53, authorizing tho issuance of revenue anticipation notes and the related notes to be issued September 29, 1982 and to be rodo~med July 10, 1983 for Sewer ^rea -8- South Half MSTD, be adopted in the amount of S258,OOO. 'I, ~ "'''' '.J ..... '""'........ ". . . . .-~.....~ ...,''\. ~,- _~ .Mr Page 64 " . ' , Ç¡:j:::J t_,...·, ------~~-------7-----------------~~---~~ t",.,:,..,:./ '-" L...-J ..... . ,,,,...¡.... '" -.... ".,. """..: ... _.~'" ..,.. ~ '-....,,' _.> ........ p ,.......t', ..,.:.... .. " ......,.~...'\II' Þ..,.; ... , . .-..." . --------------------~-------------------~. :"'cpt<.>r.1bnr 2r, 1 ~~? It.. 1106 LIMITED OeLIC~TJON nOND ^NTICIPATION NOTE TO At ISSUED SEPTr.MßF.R 29, 1982 ^ND TO DE nEDEf,MF.D JULY 10, 1~83 FOR GOODLAND WATER DISTRICT - "PPROVP.O TN T~r. A~OUNT OF $lSO,OOO Commissioner pløtor moved, secondod·by Commissioner ~ru.e and carried ~/O, that Limited Obligation Bond "ntlclpation Note to be i..uod Soptember 29, l~B2 and to be redeemed Jly 10, 1983 for Goodland Wator DiDtrlct bo approvc~ In tho ðmount of $l50,OOO. , . i . Pago 65 ðOO,t; rr¡J. fAGf 197 -....._"""-'......_"'...,_.,.".:.~~..,,'^',~,~_.'",""'"' ".,.".,.~. I . ,,' L______~__________________________~______~ .fIf' '. ~,. ,....,..,.... ......."... ........ .. .'.' ".~ ~.. . ~OO ( 071 fAtE 200 Sopt~mhor 2n, 1982 Ite.. 1107 RESOLUTION 82-l55 ~UTIIO!H7.ING THE ISr,U^NCr. or REVENUr. ^NTICIP~TION NOTES ^ND 'I'I!E rtEL.ATED NOTES TO [IE IS~Ur.D ~ErTEM"F.R :?9, 1982 T\ND '1'0 er. REDEEMED JULY 10, 1903 FOR ~ELLY-RO^D W^TER ^SSESSMENT FUND - ~DOPTED IN TilE "MOUNT OF'$19,OOO Commissioner pistor moved, soconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that Resolution 82-155, authorizing tho issuance of revenue anticipation notes ~nd the relatod note. to be i..ued September 29, 1982 and to be redeemed July 10, 1983 for ~.lly Road Water ~s.e..- ment Fund, be adoptod in the amount of $19,000. ," f , . I .:' rage 66 \~< , .. - __ - ,_. - - .'_ _. - . .. . _. .'_ __ _. ' _. __. _. __ .._ ,_ - - ._. _. - __ - __ -.;::,:,:",,_ ..;J;;:';r...;;.- ~.'~- " oJ ..._ ."." " . ."... ~ ._'I.~'" _" ~ ~ . ......", .". "'. _.....~ ",,"" ........_-,-_..._-,."'..-.,-''',~.~.,.~,...~~"=.,......,..'''''_...".._..~~._." ....¡...._- ..'.., .....~......---.. -..11·.........·- ......._~ ...............,'.. <,I~, ,:y1;:~ " '~""'. ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- --- - - - -- ------"-'--- ----~ S~ptcmhor 2n, 1~A2 BOQ~ 071 PACt 2M Item 1107" CH^tRM^N ^UTHORI1.ED TO StGN ... LF.'M'ER OF INTENT REG^RDINC THE WITNESS A5~IfiT^NCE rnOCR^M Clerk nCðg~n expl~lned thnt a letter has been received concerning tho Witnoss Asoistanco progr~m requesting thnt tho Chairman be ~uthorized to sign ð L~tter of Intent to be reviewed by the County ^ttorney. Commissionor ~rU6C moved, seconded by Commissioner Brovo ðnd carried 4/0, thðt the Chalrmðn bo authorized to sign a Letter of Intent concerning the Witness ^sslstðnce Progrðm, to be reviewed by the County ^ttorn.y. pðge ~7. .- - - - --- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- -- -- - --- ----------- .-. ...... .,........ . .......~,_.,"..... .... [..~:J . ~·,¡,......W .,,;.', .'.....~.,....,n. ", .....~ . "".'. ----------------------------------------- '...·1'...( '" ...... oI't..,....... ,.' ~.;... ~ " ,.".,~, ......lV...,~,.....'.f/I',...··~fo·· .. I:;:..~, ".',.;~ " :;;'1.'. '~~.¡. ,________________ paqe ';8 .<..:~.. . .-----~------------------~~ . f,QPtcMbl!r ;>n, l~n? Itom noe PETITION cr-R2-21C RE RECONftIDf.R^TIOH OF nO~PD ^CTIOH ON PROPOSED COMPREHF.N5IVe: PLMl L^ND USE CHANGES ON PARCELS .^., "C" "ND "I'- - DENIED Commlsnloner rlstor explained thot ~hen Petition CP-A2-21C was originally dincuÐfted ftta!f recommendod, bec~USO of tho largo ð~ount of commercial ~rea alrc~dy In tho area of tho S.R. 951/1-75 Interchanqe, that Parcel W^W be denied and not left a8 comrn~rcial. Community Development !\dminlstrlltor Virta referred to a mðp of, the commer.ciolly doniqn~ted lands in the area and said that prenently thore ðre 37 acros of wC_lw Commercial in the immediðte area, AS acres of .C-3W Commercial nnd 37 ðcren of ·C-4w Commercial. He explained thðt . Parcel w"W was oriqjn~lly dosignated on the Comprehensivo Plan as Commercial and that it in the reniduðl of what was shown on tho plan as Commercial ðfter the Int~r£tntc took the conter out of tho land so designated. He n~id that stðff recon~ended thðt the land use for Parcel W,,- be amcndûd to Rc~idcntial to ti~ it in with the triangular ðreð north of the Int~rstnto right-of-way, which Is the White excðvetlon areð. H~ caid that pðrcels ·C· and ·Dw were chanqcd fro~ Rosldential to Cornmorclðl ^nd that staff tlðd recommend~d ~ls change because the lands irnncdiðtely east of those two nltcB constitute the orca whIch W^S taken by the County for tho water tr~ðtment plant and tho land iffir:1edlatoly to tho west of thu aito is S.R. 95l. Respondinq to Commis8ioner ristor, ~r. virtn said that the 5\ rule for commercial utillz~tlon in open to anyono who owns land in accoss of 5 acres and wlr.hcs to dltvelop resldent1ðlly. nC!!\ponding to Commia- Bioner KruSe! regarding tho 271 ðcres around tho Intorchanqe, ~r. Virta ~aid th~t a study wns done by the University of Florida for Sarasota County nnd the resultR of the nurvey indicatr.d that hetwccn 30 and 40 acreS of l^nd is the mðxlmum n~odftd to norvo an interchanqe. ~r. Vlrta BD:)~ 0ï1 rACi 2D7 ' , . I ' ._-----~~-----------------~--------~----~- r,OJK 071 PAu208 Soptember 28, 1982 ðescribed the industrial and commercial land of tho property under diacusaion. Cr. Nono Spnqn~, rcprcB~ntinq tho property owners, roferrcd to pages 2(, and 27 of the Comprehensive Plnn and pagos 92 and lOO of the zoninq Orrlinnncc which he 8~ld state that the S\ rule in intond~d to serve the development withIn whIch the land is locllted. He placed some maps on an overhead boðrd and cxplnlnod that, It the 5\ rulo is used, the number of acreS which could be used would be reduced from 28 to 14. Ho described throe pOGcible ways the l~ acres could be utilized o~ the pro pc r t y . ....Commlssioner Brown left the room at 2:20 P.M···· Dr. SpDgnð s~ld that he did not feol that the land between the water treatment plant nnd S.R. 95l Iß r~sldential property. He said . ' that there is not too much commercial prop~rty in Collier Cou~~y and that the property around the Interchange Is needed. ....CommI88Ion~r Brown returned to the room at 212~ P.M.···· Cr. f,p~qna r~quested that tho property r~maln Commercial as presently designated. Responding to Commls81oner ~ruse, Mr. Vlrta said that in Commercial %onlng9 thore are heIght lImits and in the ·PUD- provisions the height limits can be ~xccpdcd but that 100 feet, a ten story building, would be the maximum that could be buIlt In ·C-4·. Cr. Craig 5. Jonp5, one of the proporty ownera, re~uested that the prop~rty he loft Commercilll. Mr. lI~rold Hum", repr~8entlng property owners of P~rcelB .^., ·C·" and wC-, requested thðl the property be loft as It 10 donlqnatcd. Comml.aionor pi.tor moved, aocondQd by Commissioner ~ru.e, that pðrcel -^- bo zonod Rosldentlðl. The vot. wae 2/2, with Commisl.oners Brown ð~~ Wimer oppod~d lind, thorefore, tho motion tftiled. ,__._____..________ r~l}o 69,., -- - ----- - -- - - -- - - - --- -_..- -- -............. ... ",--". "-- \_,,< ..1 ~ .........".......+"..; ,t' t I . ':~J '/' - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --""!, ~} :,:¡ .>."fi1; rðqct 70 ,,!, -------~--------------------------------~ ,. 'f'" """.. ..' , ...~. ..1¡..." . _.~"",...,~t . ,..... .., ,...J ... 11. .. . ..... ."" ..' .. . ;'cr/t:c:nh~r ?!', 1'1f'2 Itelll 1109 COMMISSIONER rr~TOR PESIGN^TED TO REPL~CE COMMISSIONER ~RURE ON THE MENT^L Hf.^LTIf nO^l'm Commissionor ~rune moved, scconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that Commlssloner pistor be designated to replace her on the ,Mental Honlth Board. ..**nr.Cf,SS 2:35 P.M. - RECONVENED 7100 P.M. at which time Doputy Clork Kenyon replaced eoputy Clerk Skinner···· 7:00 P.M. BUOCET HE^RINGS At 7:00 P.M. tho Board of County Commissioners reconvcned to hold tho fInðl public hearings on tho proponed FY 19n2-03 Budgets undor tho Boðrd of County Co~m!ß~ioncrD. tegal noticcs hðvln~ becn published in tho NðpleB DðI1y News on Sept~Mb~r 2~, 19A2, as evidenced by ^ffidavlts of publIcation filed with tho Clerk, thc finnl public hearlnqs were opened to consIder the followingr Tape 19 It~m t110 EXPLMJ1\TION OF TifF. IMP^CT OF THE 1/2 CENT 6^LES TAX ON BUDGETS UNDER TilE ßO'''~D OF COUNTY COMI'1 ISS IONErUi Ch!~f ['v)puty Clerk Hðll 8tðt~d thllt, ðØ rr.qulreod by Florida Stðtutes, tho fIrst It~~ on the ðgond~ Is the øxpl~nðtion~f the l/2 cent s~le~ t~x on budgets under the Ooard of County Commlsnioners, followed by puhllc hoarings on Incroases in millage ratos, which Is only the mIl1~gc rðtos thðt Increased ahove whðt they would hðve beon to produce tho 8amn doll~rn of taxos ~s WðS produced last year, which 16 cðllcd the rollbl\ck rate. 110 ot~ted thl\t next on the agenda is the ðdoptlon of tho mIl1nqe resolution, whIch 10 tho renolutlon RottIng every ~!lla~c levied hy the poðrd of County rommlsGloners an~ must be adopted boforo tho ßo~rd goon Into tho flnlll12ðtlon of the budget, which tðkos plnce in tho last publIc hearinq. He notod thðt the lnst public ht'ðr1n<') Is on the budqntr.. IIø explained thðt thtt impðct on tho ~DaK 011 rAr.r 2/1J . . &OOK 011 fAC!: 210 s.ptombor 20, 19R2 " PROPOSED T"X INCRE'flSES IN FUNDS ^ND Mf,T'S UNDER THE BO^RD 01' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - ~rPROVED . ._---------~----------~---_._-------------- r.V]" 71 1/2 cent soles tDX on budgots under tho Board of County Commisslon.rs i. to be used aa directed in the Florida fitatut08, which was ~o, for tax reduction and ~o, for tho debt service on the new jail and criminal justice f~cilitioß. He øtntcd that tho 40\ wns divided by usIng 15' for tho countywido funds ond R5' in the unIncorporated area funds which Is in accordance with the formula that WðG providcd in tho Florida Stotutes. He noted that the ~O\ for debt s~rvico on the jail was in nccord with tho rcquAst that came from the Governor, House, and Sonate, requesting th~t it be used for jails, criminal justice centers, and crime control. 11(' oxplllinod that citieB and/or counties, that are participating in tho distribution of the l/2 cent sales tax county trust fun~, first qunllfy for State R~venue 5horing, adding that to qualify tor State Revenue Sharing there are several roquir~ments, the major of which is that the city and/or county would levy a mIllage of 3' or certain other types of fe.s in with the mill~q. for the equivalent of ) mills. lie reported that as long as there are no questions on the s~les tax, th~ next step is to proceed with the public hearings on the proposed t~x increases ~hcre tho proposed millag., the rollback milll'lge, exceeds the millage from the prior yoar. "0 concluded by stating that the millogcs cannot be increased, only decreascd at this f1nðl puhlic hearIng. Item 1111 Chief ['cputy Clcrk Hltll Gt-"tcd tht\t the \.ounty-widc funds lire the funds on which taxes lIrc levied on a county-wide basis. He stated that tho increase ov~r the rol1hltck millaqe is 18.J\, addlnq that the primary reason for the increaso 1_ bocaus. of tho decreaøo in cash carryovor from the prior ye~r. r=:J , c:J ~ I ' ,:1 ........M·_.._>v....· :I .. ...".. ....'..."1·' ,_., . ". .,....... ..~, ._.:PM-".""" ... . . .,,' , - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -'-' - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - --. fcrtc~h~r ~fI, 1~'" Mr. nill Taylor, representing the ~mcric~n Legion and ~50n veterans of Collier County, Bt~tcd that hn Is asking that tho budget for Veteran's Servlcos bo reconsidered. 110 Gt"'teJ that ð cut in personnol would rcduco tho ~onios coming· Into Collier County a~ tho service, plus the lOGS of an II yeðr trained, exporlence and dedicated employeo. County Mðnðqor Normnn stnted that thero have b~en a number of cuts in adoptinq this bu~got, adding that the quality of services porformed and tho importance of the VeterAn'S Services is well recQgnized. He stated that the Vetornn's Services was an area, in his jud~ement, that could be reduced 1n the form of ch~nginq the full-time secretarial: position to '" half-time position without a lons to tho Veterans of Collier County. no Gtntcd thnt his ohserv"t10n was hðSr.d on ,tho worklond and activity of the department. Chairm~n Wim~r stl'lted that the concern iß appreciðtr.d, adding that tho ~oard of County Commissioners has no desire wh~tsoever, in any way to hl'lmpcr, interfero, or diminish the £crvices provided to the vet~rans in ColUer County. lie ntated thnt the only deaire is to enhance the' services. He st~tcd that dcpartmonl~l revlewn hðve bnen mðrl~ and that budgot CAnnot be increascd at this time, adding that it should nuffice at thin time and it is tho noarrl's intent to m~lnt^in a hIgh l~vel of s~rvice. Chairman Wimer dirocted County Manager Norman to come back to the Board immodintely if anything even otartn to appoar to diminish the Veteran's Servicos. Commissioner pistor moved, soconded hy CommisGioner Brown and carried 4/0, that the public henrinq be closed. Commißoioner pistor movod, seconded by Commisslonar Brown and carried 4/0, that the County-wide fundo propooed mIllage rate of 2.7629, which Is ^n increafto of lA.3' ovor lAst year, be approved. ao~~ 011 fACt 211 __________ _ ____ paqe 72 . -------~------------------- . . ¡ I . '--- - ---- -- ---- - - -- --- ---- ---- ------ -'------- ~OQ~ 0ï1 rAœ 211 f.opteMbcr ?~, 19P7. Commisaioner Kruse stated that tho accept~nco of the County-wide millago rates menns that 1~ full-tl~c County cmploye~s lire out,of a job compl 0 tel y. Chie! Deputy Clerk. HlIl1 stl\tcd lhllt the Mf,TD 2 Roac1 Construction has a millngo of .19~9 which is 3.1\ IIbovo last year, lidding that the actual bu~gct in M;,TD ? is rr.duccd but, du~ to other revenues not being available, thore hnd to be ð slight increase in taxes to fund the budg et. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that the public hearlnq be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that the M5TD 2 ROlld Construction millage rate of .1999, which represents a 3.1\ increase over last year, be approved. Chief Doputy Clerk I!all stl'ltcd that tho M5TD 5 Road construction has a proposod millage of .2085, on increa6e of 32.9\ over last year, adding that this year the road construction in that area required a budget incroase of siqnificllntly morc than the 32.9\ Incr~aso but, due to carryover from prior y~ðrs, the mill~e rllte could be h~ld to 32.9\ and still m~Qt tho construction needs of that district. Commissioner Pistor movod, seconded by Commissionor Brown and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruso and carried 4/0, that the MSTD 5 Road Cosntructlon millage rate of .2085, which represents II 32.9\ increase over last year, be approved. Chief Doputy Clerk Hall stl'ltec1 that the next severnl iteml' lire new . llqht1nq diatrlct9, ð~dinq thllt the n~rne comMPnts apply to each of them. He Btated that in eðch and cv~ry CðBC thoy are new And the full millnge is what is requlrpd for the llghtinq for the coming year. Commtn~toner ~rus& mov~d, sftcond~d by Commißnloner plstor and ...--------------- Pð'l0 7) ~ - - - -- --- - - - - - - - - - ---.-- - --- . ~---,~~,_.,_.<-,.~_.,..,,"''',..,._",.,._,-_.....''....,_.'''"~- C-......J . r::::J .~ . ,.:i.;.-J ; .~- ., ,.\. ,'t~t ) ..'" . '~l .1!,'I..' _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.4- _ _ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - --'~" -'f',\:, , Patte 74 ,t - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ---:--.- ---- -- - - - - ---- -- -~: J ".~ 1 ~,.,;, ..,,,,,'j,,.'*rr.....+ ..'....~"' ,,,."..~,, '>01' ,.<W',..rr*.....,,.iI'.....~1f¡~·,, .;0.... ..0:"''''''''' t'I....... . ., . ., . .-.',- -... .. . ~:C'rt,..,.,hf'r ?", 1 qn, carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commiøsioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commlssionor pi8tor and cArried 4/0, that the millngo rato of .2046 for Glades Lighting . d18trict be approved. Commissioner Kruse movod, seconded by Commiøsionor rlstor and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissionor Krune moved, seconded by Commissionor Brown and' carri~d 4/0, that the millage rote of l.llOS for Tall pin.s Lighting District be approved. Commisøioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner rlstor And carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner ~ruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown And carrIed 4/0, that the millago rate of .5598 for Imperial Golf II Lighting District be epproved. Commissioner ristor moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be clos~d. Commissioner plator moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ru.. and carried 4/0, that tho millage rate of 2.5747 for Edgewild Lighting District be approv~d. Commissioner pintor moved, .econded by Commissioner ~ru.e And carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. CommIssioner plstor moved, seconded by Commlsslonor ~ruse and carried 4/0, that the millage rate of 4.9367 for VictorIa PArk II Addition be approved. Commissioner Kruso moved, seconded by Commissioner phtor and çarr1cd 4/0, thðt tho public hearing bo closed. CommissIoner ~ruse moved, socondcc1 by Commissioner phtor And carriod 4/0, that the millago rato of 3.9224 for Tlmborcroek phase I Lightinq District bo approvod. ~OOX 011 fACiaS . . ....... ," ." I.. _ _ _ _ __ - -- - - -- -- ---- - - - - - - - -- - - - ---- --------- f,optembcr 2~, 1982 071 rAt£ 214- Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner piotor and carrieð 4/0, that the public hearing bo clooed. Commissioner ~rus. moved, seconded by Commisoioner Pistor'and carried 4/0, that tho millage rate of 1.5386 for Kingo Lðko Unit III Lighting District be approved. Commissioner ~ruoe moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. CommIssioner ~ruso movod, secon~~d by Commissioner PIstor and carried 4/0, that the millage rate of .8304 tor Collier County ProductIon Park Lighting District be approved. Commissioner ristor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that tho public hearing be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, secondeð by CommissIoner ~rus. and carried 4/0, that the millage rate of 2.9451 for the Railhead IndustrIal Park Li~hting DIRtrict be approved. Chief r-.-puty Clerk Hall stated th<Jt the existing Col1l~r County Lighting District has a slight budqet increale and requir~d only a .1' Increase in the millage ~ue to Increased cost. Commissioner pistor moved, s~conded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that the public hearing bo closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that tho millage rate of .3488 for Collier County Lighting DistrIct, which represents ð .1\ incr~aso over last year, be approved. Chicf Deputy Clerk Hltll stated that the proposoc1 mIllage of .1191 for the ~arco Island Lighting has a 5.0\ increase due to increased cost. Commissioner piator moved, scconded by Commissioner ~rU8e and carried 4/0, that tho publIc hearing be clo8ed. Commi8sioner piator ~oved, seconded by Commissioner ~rU8e and ,____ _ ___ _ _ _ __ ___ _._ .__ ._.________________-F~o!..:!..;c,-- , . c::;:) .~ c:IJ .1....·:'..··· _o..,..,t;·, . ....J\,III...~......~ ..~ " .,-....."... ' " ." .. ~,,."" .,'. "". .",..", . . - . ----------------------------------------~ ~r'rt:(!mh"r ;:>11, 1°11'- , carried 4/0, that tho milleqe rate of .ll9l for the Marco IBland Lighting District, which roprosonts a 5.0' Increase ovor last year, be approvod. Chief Deputy Clerk H"'ll reported thflt the proposed millðqe rata tor Forest t~ke Unit 1 Liqhting District is l.2215 which is a large increftse of 157.P', ~ddinq that the reðBon Is for tho expanded coata involved in the expansion of tho District. Ho stated that this millage would come down next yenr as the unit~ nre occupied. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rUBe and carried 4/0, that th~ public hearing he closed. Comminsioner piator movod, second~d by Commissioner ~ruso and carried 4/0, that the millage rate of 1.2215 for the Forest U.ke Unit 1. Lighting District, which represents a 157.8' increaso over last year, be approved~ Chief rcputy Clerk 11.,11 not~d thðt Ir.lper1al Colf Estates III District hða just beon established indlcntlng that tho new proposed J:\Sllðgc r,'tQ is 2.'7034. " Commissioner ri5tor moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rUB. and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor movod, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that tho millage rate of 2.7034 tor I~perlal Golf Estate. III Lighting District be approved. Chic! ['ocputy Cl~d: H...l1 indicated thðt Wlllouqhby place Liqhting h~s ^ prol~~Dd ml11nq~ r~to of 3.7513 which rcpro&ents l7l.3\ due to the newnr.sS of the dir.trict and the exp~nsion. Commissioner ~ruse moved, seconded by Commissioner pi.tor and carriod 4/0, that the public h~ðrlng be closed. Commiosioner ~rUGe moved, necondeð hy Commissioner Brown end cnrried 4/0, thðt the millage rntn of 3.7513 for Willoughby place ~oo~ 071 fACf 21.S Pago '76 ,~, - -~ .'- -- - .-~ - - - ~- - -- -:-' -,- - .--- - - - -.-- - ---- - -:-"1~~ . . .' ",.."",:,f,.. ~'4, . ~_.~' ; - - - -- -... - .- _. I...-_-,.....--""..,"","..,·_,~"""'·,,···~'-, ------.- .....,-,",.~,..~......., --.--~""_._-_.. --...-",. ., "'-....-.'. , . ....... ... ..- ., . . ~.... .. ,..' J i ' . ' , L_________~____________~_________________ BO~~ 071 rACt: 2.16 Septembor ,8, 1902 Lighting, whIch represents 171.3\ increase over last year, be ðpproved. ChIef Deputy Clerk l1a11 stated that FIre D1øtr1ct 1 rire Control 1. the area that th~ County is rcsponRIblc for In which the services are contr~cted out od~inq that, In ordor to cover the services and the decrease In cash carryovor, the mIllage of .8SJ9 nceded to be increaséd by 34.4'. Commissionor pistor moved, s~conded by Commisøioner Brown and carried 4/0, that the public hearing bo closed. CommIssioner Plator moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that the millago rate of .8539 for Fire DIstrIct 1 Fire Control, which repres~ntÐ an Incr~ase of 34.4\ over last year, be approvod. Tape '10 ChI"! Deputy Clerk H/Jll 5tnted that tho Ochopeo rire Control ~illage of 1.7087 was due to tho budget and decrease in other revenue. required a 22.~\ increase. CommissIoner pistor moved, seconded by Commissionor Brown and carried 4/0, that the publIc hearIng be closed. CommissIonor pistor moved, soconded by CommIssIoner Brown and carried 4/0, that the millage rate of 1.7087 for the Ochope. Fire Control, which repres~nts an increase of 22.6' over last year, be approv(l!d. Chief Deputy Clerk 1f¿lll reported that Ht'nderson Creek rire Control has a proposed millage of .9448, adding that this is III contracted servIce whIch re~ulred 17.1' Increase to maintain the same level of servico. Co~mI.aloner ~rus. moved, seconded by Commissionor pIstor and carrlod 4/0, thðt tho public hoaring bo closed. Commisøloner ~ru8e moved, seconded by Comm!saionor piotor .nd ___________________ S'.'\qc 77 ----------------------- , , . . . c::::J [:::J r:- " .-:-¡ ~ ,. ..' ,./",.... ...,~" .... ~ -.... . ---- - - - - - - -- - ---- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - --- !:cµt'~r,l>cr 2r1, l~~2 'carried 4/0, that the millage rate of .9448 for tho "endorson Croek Fire Control DistrIct, which represonts an increase of 17.1' over last year, be approved. Chi,,! Doputy Clerk IInll stated thltt.fjf'wcr ~r"a ~ South 1/? hit. III proposed mi11ðqe r8to of 1.1025 which is a 29.?~ increane due to the fin...liz~tion of the cost. Comminsionor pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown 8nd carried 4/0, that tho public hearing be closed. CommissIoner plator mov~d, seconded by Commissioner ~rus. 8nd carried 4/0, that the millage rate of 1.1025 for the Sower Area B South 1/2, which rapre~ents an increase of 29.2\ over last year, be approved. . Chief Deputy Clerk Hl!ll rei tt.'rated that Wr.stlake Beauti fication millage rate of .2212 which repreB~nts an increase of 6.9\ over last year is duo to increased cost. Commissioner piator movftd, seconded by Commissioner ~rU8' and carried 4/0, that the publIc hoaring be closed. CommIssioner plotor moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rus. and carried ~/O, that the millage rate of .2212 for Westlako Beautifica- tion, which represents an increaso of 6.9' over last year, be approved. Chlcf Deputy Clerk 111'11 otatcd thl't port-^u-pr1nco r.nqineor1nq i. Roads is a ßpt.'c1~l proj~ct which represents ronds, engineerinq, water, ðnd ~Qwor and h~9 ð propo~Qd nillngc rntc of 2.q99~ which is an 1ncreðsc of 78." òu~ to incrr~5ed en~incerin~ costs. Commissioner plntor moved, seconded by ,Commissioner ~ruso and carried 4/0, that the public hearing bo clonod. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carriod 4/0, that tho mlllago rate of 2.9994 for port-~u-prlnc. Enqinooring & Ronds, whIch represents an incroaBe of 78.2\ over last year, be approved. M~~ 011 rAci217 \ ______~-_-------------------------E~~~- , . "-- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --.- --....- . . BO~K 011 PACE 2J.8 Soptember 28, 19ß2 -....... - - - - - - - - - --:... - -- - - - - - ~ -- -- -- - - - - -- --- ---.~'" Chief Deputy Clerk t!nl1 incHcðted that Victoria PArk Drainage has a proposed millage rðte of .4552 which represents ð 365.~' increase, adding th~t l~gt ycðr th~ millage rata W~B low due to cash carryover thnt wall uged. Commissioner ~ruse moved, seconded by commissioner plator and carried 4/0, thet the public hearing be closed. Commissioner ~ruse movod, seconded by Commissioner Brown ðnd carried 4/0, that the millðge rate of .4552 for Victoria Park Drainage, which represcnts a 3ñ5.4' increðse over lest year, be ðpproved. Chief t:'cputy Clerk Hall noted that th" proposed mf.llðge rðte Cor pine Ridge lndu5trl~1 Park is new ~nd requires a rnte of 3.3279 to fund this years expendituros. CommIssioner Kruse mov~d, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried 4/0, thðt the public heðring be cloled. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that the millago rate of 3.3279 for pine Ridge Industrial Park be ðpproved. Chief Deputy Clcrk Hall !luted that. this concludes the public hearings on all distrIcts under the Poord of County Commissioners that r~flect tax increases (rom prIor years. Item tll:? RESOLUTION e2-l5~ SETTING FORTH THE FIN^L MILLAGE R^TES FOn FY 1982-83 BUDGET - ADOPTED ^ß required by l~w, Chief ~cputy Clerk Hall reðd the attnched reDolution in its entirety, setting forth tho final rntllðge rates for FY 19A2-A3 budget. Commissioner Pistor movod, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and cðrrieð 4/0, that Resolution 82-156, setting forth the final millage rates Cor FY 1982-83 budget, be ðdopted. f';)C1P. 79 . ~, --., ....._A'~;,.,l .' t J ~...,J ;,~ ----------------------------------------~ c::J ,~l ,. . ._..+.~..... .... t· ... _. ...-""'- , ~' , ...... ..,...... . .. , . ,-'" . .. . . .~ "" ' . ..... ..,,,........ .. ::cpt.pnbt'r 'f", 1~f" lUll 1113 PUt1LtC INPUT RECEIVED ON TIIP; PROPOSED BUDGETS UNDER THE BOARD Of' COUNTY COMMI5SIONf.RS Chief roputy Clork l!lIll rcported thH this item in for the public input on tho Budgots undor the eoard of County CommisDionors. Mr. ,Johnny' ~1Iftley, ';013 7th 5tr~ot N, stated that he is asking that the County Commi~sionccB contributo 1/" of tha progrðm for monitoring Naples AðY· County "'.'In~C' er Ilormlln ntllted tl1l't Collier County hlls investcd $54,000 of tax funds into this program sinco inception, adding that the City has not invested lInything. Ho concluded by stating that, according to the modi~, the mDjority of tho pollution iø coming f,om the City Rower plant. Item 1114 PROPOSED CIII\NGES IN nurx;r.T FOLLOWING TilE PUBLIC m:^RING OF SEPTEMBER H, 19£12, I\ND $1\£1,000 IHCn.F.M:E IN LHH~I\R,{ OPERI\TItIG BUDGET - ~PPROVED WITH THE STII"UL!\TION TlIlIT TilE Lt8R!\RY OPERATING RUDGET FUNDS at Rf.COVERED DIJRING TilE COUHSE OF THE YEAR AND rUT BliCK INTO CONTINGENCY RESERVES Chief Deputy Clerk H"l1 reported thllt the $7.5,409 position approved by the BOllrd for the County ~anaqerts office lInd the signalizatIon lit Merc.'lntile and Airport Poad has been Included in tho proposcd bud<Jf!t. I!~ report('c1 thðt for the Libr.HY budget, In order to maintain the current .'I~ount of local effort, it is dr.sirable that $3(,,000 or more bn added into the oporðting budget for books. He not~d thðt there in ð request to incre~so tho funding level by at loast $3~,OOO lind, ~ince there is nn identified need of ~4n,OQQ, it is reco~~ended thnt it he considered lInd Dction tnken on it, lidding that it is recommended th~t it bo takon from the cðch reservo of 51.7 million. I!e reported that theno l\ro the Bt.:1ff recommendations At this point. Ho f\tðtod thllt f'ol\rd IIction ia nc('dod on tho recolI\mcndatlon to Ma~ 011 rAC~ 22J. Page 80 --------.--------------------------------- . . I :t~, I~': : 0, r r, , ' " . ..._... ~.... ~.. t...... .. ....,...~. ~', ',.. _.. . e,,, ,...,..... ..... . ' ..- -.. - - - -., -...- - - - - - ---- - - - - - ---~--~--_..:...--------- Sept~mber ?O, 19~2 M~K 071 rAC!:: 222. Add at leAst 3J~,OOO to tho Library Budget, further notinq that in Fund 311 the Board directed that the signalization at ~nrchontllo And ^irport Road be put into the budget. He stated that there is only on. item that action was not prftviously tðk~n on whIch il the increase in the Library operating budget. Commisoionor Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that the revis~d changes in the Budget Hearing of September 14, 1982, bo approved and that the $48,000 increaso In the Library oporatinq budget be approved with the stipulation that the Library operating budget funds be recovered durIng the course of the year and put back into Cash Roservel. Item IllS NEW ^CCOUNTtNG STRUCTURE REfLECTING N£W ^CCOUNT NUMBERS - ^PPROVED, ^ND POLICY ST^TEMENT ON ßUDGr.T^RY CONTROL LEVELfi - ^PPROVED Chief Deputy ClerK Hall stated that, r~garding a housekeeping item, fiscal Office Giles submitted a new account structuro which meet. tho stato mandated chart of accounts and also reflects organizational. structures to go into tho nnw flnanci~l management sy.t~m worked out with the Mòn~ger'6 office, adding that he would liko the approval of, the new budget 6t~rtlng in October to reflect the n~W account numbors. Mr. H~ll stnted that this year th~ recommended legal level of the Bonrd's budget adoption is to be at tho org~ni%atlonal unit level, adding th~t the sam~ mðnaq~rlal controls would be maintained. He stated that thero would b~ no chnnge in the requirement that to exceed budgeted expenditures 1n an object range requires ~oard approval. He added that Mr. Gile~ desires .tho organiz~tional unit level as the legal control beyond which nothing would be oxpended, adding that the managerial level is an intrrn~l control level, which coulrl be changed by the Board during the ye~r if ftO de8ir~d. PM1" PI .-. - - - - - - --- - -- - - -- - - --- ---------- - - -- -----,.- ~ ;;;;;;J ,~ c::::J "1 .< .. '. . . _~____________________-------~---------_J ~~('ptcr.'lhcr ~n, 1CJf'2 Commissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissionor piator anð carried 4/0, that the new accounting structure reflecting the new account numbers, be approvod and that the policy atfttcmcnt on budgetary control levels bo approved. Item 1116 RESOLUTION 112-157 .a.DOPTHIG TilE FIN^L BUDGET FOR FY 1982-A3 - Þ.DOPTED Ch 1 ef Deputy Cl 0 r k IInl:! read 1 nto the m lnuta" 'tho proposed resolutlon ftdoptlnq the tlnnl budget fer FY 1982-83. CommIssIoner pIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that ~e801ution 82-157 rogarding the final budget f~r FY 1982-83, bft adopted. BOOK 071 f^Ct 223 paqe fl2 --- - - - -- --- - ------ - -- ..,..----~------------_.....:. , . r:::::J ,~ ~ ~ , . ----------------------~---------~--------¡ .. . f,npte",bor 20, 1902 Item 1117 ST^rr IN~TRUCTED TO M~INT~IN ·HIRING FREF.1.E- FOR ~NOTHER 90 D"YS Commissioner Kruse moved, seconðed by Commissioner Brown and . carded .,/0, that the -hi dng freeze- be ~alntalned for another 90 days without any exception unless approvod by tho ecc. . * * * * * Deputy Deputy Cleric: JllIll stðtcd thl'lt he overlooked one important point, liddIng thIn tho I'Iqqreql'lto milll'lge rllto In Collier County, liS controlled by tho Board of Collier County Commissioners, Is reducod 5.5\ liB ð result of this action. H. concluded by stating that totlll tax doll~rs are dovn /'18 A result of this budget. . . * * . . Thero being no further business for the good of tho County, tho meeting w~s IIdjourncd by Ord~r of tho Chair - Time A100 P.~~ OO~RD OF COUNTY COMMIS~IONF.R~ EX OFFICIO GOVF.RNJNG 80^Rn(~) OF GPECI^L PT5TR ICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ç tRIf¿~¿~^'RM^N ^TTF.ST: WILLIAM J. RE^CAN, CLERK -o/'~~~ , ,.'. rhèDe minutcs /'Ipprovcd by th~ nce on ~,2~ /¡::,rL- .. aa presentod '.,..---- or AS corrected ~OQ~ 071 rACt'225 Page ßJ .-------------- ,--:-- --------~------.-- :<"~ " 'f~ '11"" _"___',""_',..'W"q,c',",~···"w"