BCC Minutes 10/26/1982 W ;:::::3 C._J c:] - - ._ - ___ _0- _ ._ _ _._ ..__..._.._~_..._---- ~_. Nnpl~A, Florld~, October 2ñ, ]~a2 LET IT BE REMEMOERED, thnt the Bonrd oC County Commissioners in and for the Courit.y of Colli/If met on thin tint '! at ll:!ñ P.M. in Worlcahop S..altln in Building "P" of tho COllrthoUBIt Complex, EðBt Naple", Florlc1a, with t~c followlnq memherB prescntl CII!\TRMfd'fl C. R. "Russ" Wimer (1:"8 P.M.) VICE CIfJlTRM!\NI Mllry-Frllncon Kruse Jc>hn ,.,. pi r.tor Clifford Wenzel f),wld C. nrown (1:"R P.M.) !\LSO PREGf.NTt Elinor M. Skinner, O('puty Clerkl C. Willï.~m Norman, County "'lInllqcrl Hurt 1.. S"'l1n~¡ors, County "ttorncYI "'Ichacl Kloehn, Planninq Dlr¡octor, nnc1 O"puty Chief Rnymond Bnrnr.tt, Sheriff's Dcp.:IrtlT\('nt. Tape t7 PHESENT^TION AV REPRESf.NT"TTVEf, OF fEOER!\L EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FtM!\) Of Tnt Nr.w FLOOD INf,UR"NCE REOUIREMF:NTS, INCLUDING INCREASED CONSTRUCTIOr.. m:TGIIT RF011THEMENTS - NO ACT I 01'1 TAKEN Planning Director Kloehn explained thnt the Fo~cral EMcrgency Mllnngoment ^qcncy (FEMJI) 15 required by lnw to give n pron¡ontntlon reqnrdinq the propos~d revisions to the County's flood JnDur~nco Rate . . .. Map resulting from n chnnqp In Mothodoloqy used In ~~t~rmlnlng flood elcv~tlonR on thp Atlnntlc nnñ Coull Consts. Mr. Ooh M~P~th, oC th~ ~tlnnt~ R~qlonnl offlc~ of fr.M!\, stated he w~s present to formnlly prcscnt to tho County tho prcllmlnnry flood insurllncc stuñy for Colllpr County which In~Judes ð wðve height analy- ala. lie said thnt FFM" i8 ro-evnluntlnq the entire Atlantic find Gulf COll8ts of the United rt~t~8 pnrforminq th~ Wllve h~Jqht anlllyøls which 10 a result oC n numbor of yenrs' study by t~P. Natlonlll ^¿ad~my of paq It 1 &ooi 072 rACf 939 v-~.,. ¡ ¡' f~ ....,........~..'J"~.~........--. -':a..-..---.~t" _to -.....-...-----------~'I~~ æ-~.'W':..r..;.·~.'..· .. - - ... ~__ - __ ..__..... _.. ';.j.. ._.. ,_'."" __..~ . fir " . ' ,) r ''''--'''~-'''''''''~ . -.. - - -- _. - - .-- -~ -.. ..-.- .._------ _.- -..- -- -- -- --.. .........- ._-~- -. -- - - - _..- -.. -- --.--- " &O~( 072 fACE 940 O(:tobol 2(" 19A2 acloncnn ftnd other groupo thðt f..lt thllt Fr.",,, w~s not !lhow1ng the trUe flood risk ~nthcir mnpu bnCllUge onl~ the stlllwator storm .urqe is I .hown. 110 expl...lnod th...t FEMA ...(:cnpted t.he argument thnt the wave helghtß should h~ ...dded ...nd hnß h~~n dolnq so, ndc1lnq thllt In thn Intorlm FEM^ dlntrlbutcd, on October I, IQRl, rcvlsAd rogulnt1ons concerning cOl'lotnl high hnz~rd nrn"~ which concnrn the Inaur..,nco rntlng In the velocity zonoa. Aftnr Octoher 1, 19R2, he explnineð, 8ny insurnncc polley written in whnt FEMA cnlls velocity zones would hllve to tllke Into l'Iceount tho W{JVP hflight. lie c...ld th~t whl'ln n person lIpplles for nn n~urnn~e. nolley upon conte~plntlon of huildlng 1n a velocity zonn, ~...vc helqht 10 tnken Into nceount, nddlng that tho Insur"nce nqont p'~r(orm~ l\ w,.,vo height c/llcullltlon In which he detor- mines the WIIVC h~!ght In th"t pl1rtlcull1r loclltlof'. lie said this Cl'llculntlon is b~scd upon th~ nvornqa qround elevation In tho ðron lInd the b~so flood clevntion. Mr. Mc~eth slIld thnt he Is prnoent, nlso, to link the County to look over tho mnps clIrcfully, determine If any problems nro tounc1 with tho maps, such liS street nnmes or elevntionc, IInd thllt If the County hlls up-to-dllte topoqr/lphlc InforlT\ntlon or other informntlon thðt would help FEM" to "put out" better mnpn, FE",A would like to have such Informntlon liB soon liS p09ßlble. Mr. McBoth expllllncd n timct~ble for implcmentntlon ~f the maps, addinQ thnt ther~ 18 npproxlmlltely aleven months from today before the. mllps go lnto etfect. IIf! snid thllt In lIbout three or four weoks FEMA will run two leqlll lI~vcrtl8cments In the local ncwøpnpers and that, upon puhllclltlon or tho occond lr.qnl notice, FF.MA will stnrt ~ 90 dny PDq. 2 . ... - .-. ..- - ....- -- -... - --. .. -. . .-. -- ......... ...- - -.- . - --. .- .... . ~ .-.. - --. . ~ c.:::J c:::= _'~',~_.,""""" "'_'~' '"n"", ::::¡ ~~..~~.. l - ...- -- -- -.. -- - - - -- ._- - . . _... __. _u. _. __.. ~-.- Octoher 21", 19"' appeals period during which appoals c~n be mado on the now elevationß thdt IIrc shown o~ the mllp r~nols for Colli~r county. He é~ic1 thnt any appoals thnt IIro ~nde should qo throu~h the Chinf Execut.v~ Officer of the Coun..y nnd r.nnt on to FEM \ fOI nctlon, n~dlng.th~t /Ill IIppr.nls ",,111 be reviewed nnd. If they are considered VII lid, they will be included in the study and put in /I report he foro thðt report comes out in itn final form. "0 snlc1 thnt upon completion of the qo day appeals poriod, the Chief I'xocutlvc OffIcer wll) rer.clvp. " L<!tter of Fln~l T'Jotermin1ltion which basicnlly stntos that the p.lev~tlonR shown nre final nnd the report will be prep~red n~ nuch, takln~ Into nccount ~)l npprala . received. ^ proof copy of the study nnd m1!pS will 1Iccompany that letter, he 911id, nddlng that there will be IInothec ~ monthS beforo the mllpB wiJ1 bccomo oerlcll'l}, IIn explnlned that, bcfore that ñ month time period explreH, the Commlfinlon would have to adopt tho new maps nnd elnvntlons nnd IT\nke Dny other correctIons to tho flood Plnin Monaqcmont OrdlnnnC"e tt",t woUl(1 he n"Cp.~9IHY. lIe s~ld thnt the tImospan bnfore thu maps go Into offpct would give the County time to hold a public hellring, If dnsir~d, on the new mnp8, lidding that FE~" h~s sent the County nix copieR of thn new mllps which shouldLbe mnde /lvl'l11llblo to the public. lIe snld thl'lt ðt tho preDent time! the unincorporllted /Iron of Collier County h,H; ",09" flot'lc! Insurl'lncc policIes in effect with ð totøl cover~gr of ~~~o,nnn,nnn. ****Commln9Ion~rs nrown nnd W\m~r entrrr~ the room /It 114~ r.I~.**** ~s. Jan~t BowerB, rrproncnting O~mps IInd ~oore, which WAS con- trnctod by FEM" to conduct thr wðve hal~ht nn~lyslR for Collier County, Naplon, Everql~dcs City IInd floridn communltlrs, ~xpl/lineð th/lt the , PAge 3 MDK 072 PAcf341 ,-_.- ......--..----.-. ---··-----~-------r \. J' ~.",..;.",....,.......",-,... ',,,,.,-"._~.._- .."....~,,~"".. . .__~ 8" _ ..- ..- -'--' ..- .-. .-. - -- -- _.- ~.. .-. -.- -...- ...- ..- -.. .... .- - - -.. - -- .. ~.'...". ~. ßOOK 072. rm 94t octobl"r 'ñ, 1!)f1' o~ißtlnq flood Inßurnnc~ rnto m~Pß for Colllpr County r~flnct base flood tlcvnt\on~ which In~lurl... only th~ effcctn of n ntor~ qurqo or hu\rlcðl'lC tldo, the rin..., In tl(I... thnt 19 ~)(pl'ctl!d during n hurricane 01':' /I storm commonly referred t~ n~ n 100 yenr nterm. ;,he Raid that ðft~r a lonq period of rovll'w nnel consldÐrntlon, thl' cI~cl~lon was made thðt the storm tide elevntlo~r. were not nu!!lcll'nt to rl'flcct the true flood hnznrctR In cenMtnl nr...nn ~nrl, thernforl', It wns rccommcndnd that FEM^ beg In qolnr¡ throllqhollt thl'ß" nrrno nnd "ddlnq the WlIV" hl\lght Incr,,- mcnt. Shl' ...xplnlncd thnt the ~nd re~ult of ðcldlng this Increment is to Incrense thl' bnse fino,! ~luv^tlon9 to rl'movr new con~tructlon from the totnl flood hnznrrl o( ~ 100 ynnr storm to une a9 the baso. ....Chnlrmnn W!mnr loft the room nt lt~l P.M.···· Mr. Mc~eth held up chnrts nnd ~9. "owors expJ~lncd thnt the charts depict exlotlnq ntlllwnt...r level, the storm surql' level nnd the stðtlc wntor level. Shn snlcl thnt thl' term "wnvo hnlqht" refl'rs to just the amplitude of the wnv~ fro~ trouqh to crest nnd nhe Inc1lcnted thllt on tÞ... ~hnrt~. She ~nlcl thnt the ·WIIVO cront elcvntlon" re!ero to the nctuIIl el"vdtlon of tt,... penk or crcot of thr> wnve r~l,'tive to melln s~a levol, lIðdlnq thnt tho two ~re Inter-r~lnted but not equiv11cnt. She Bald thnt co~st~l !lre~ Is ðlvlded Into !I 7.ones IInd V, ~B In velocity, 7.one8. Commloaloner (rllA~ rrQut>stec1 th,)t M!\. l10wern put the chnrts in the hllllwny so th!lt the ~udicnce could havr !In oppurtunlty to look !It them following the workshop. Ms. Rowers sold th~t the V 7.onl'O ~re the mo~t ßov~rc flood Hnzard bec~use thry !lro !ls~ocl!lted with watcr moving ~t such velocity that it paqe .. . -.--".- - .-. ....... -.... -- .~.. ...' . ~ ~ ""'''~'..''-- "''''"''"'~''-' c:::J ::::.:J "--, ',\..,,_J - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -....- - - - -- -- ~_.. - - .-- _. - - - - - - - - -.. -- ,.'" ('Ie l 0 he r ;:> t;', I" r ;:> 1. dostructivo to 8tru~turcn. Sho anld that tho V 70no la usod to claDslCy nrcoo ~·\th wnv~ h~lqhtß grrntnr than throe fcrt and tho A Zone for arras with wnvo hnlqhtn pxpocted to bo I08n th~n throe feet. Sho .aid thnt In conductlnq the nctual nnnlyni3, her firm went through an extenslvo rtata collrctlon RPorch ~nrl rotrlevnl phasp whoreby ngencieB IInc:1 officI's within /I County worn contðctcd which her firm felt could provide them with up-to-dnte topographic lllnd uae d/ltn nnrt ~IAo th/lt Federal /lnd f.tðtc nqoncl~~, such liD the Corps of Enqlnecrs and ~urcsu of Beachea and Shorrn, were contnctrc1. She cxplnln/!d that this Infor- lI1/1tlon W,Jß u!Jcd to conduct tl,c nnl'llY!'lJs /lnd thllt /It 1P vnrlous locn- tions throuqhout Co111/H Cuunty cnlC"ulllt Ion!'! werl!' bnqun lit the shore- lino to cnlcull1tc waVf~r. 1'~1 th,.y would IT\ove through nn nrcn from the shorelinr Inlnnd connldertnq the etfects of Dtllndinq ReawnlJa, veqet/l- tion, huildlngs, lnter-hnY6, and rlnlng qrounc1 elevntlonn /lnd IInythinq thst would obstruct the w~veD or /lnyth.ng that would allow the wind energy to be ac1ded Into thc wnvcs. She sold thnt froM this Informntion the flooc1 Insurance rnte mnrs wore constructed, which were posted on tho overhand board. Ms. Bowers R~ d thnt tho rnßullinq ,.1,.vntlonD for the county wore incrensed niqnlficllntly bncJuse her flrlT\ w;n'lhstru~tnd /It tho onsot or the study to IIccnpt the surge or stlllwnter elevations which had previouftly h~~n d~torminc~ Cor tho County ~nd thnt thORe elovlltion. Are rolatlvely high comp~re~ to other nrons of ~h~ stntc. She ßaic1 that those elevatlonß, In ft~dltlon to tho gen~r~l low-lytnq ground elevations of this 3r~ft, comhlned to produce ft vcry snvcro flood hftzftrd and allows Wllve8 to be propftqfttod.very for Inland. Rhe BlIld that:, If Pag. 5 eODK 072 rmS4S - ......- . - .. -. - .. ~...- - --.-- ------...----.-..-----.----------- , -. _.- .-. ~ -. - - --. - f¡OOK 0'12. pm ~ i ()r.tohl'r ''', 11)f12 thoro I.. ðny oU,,'[ Inform.Hlon from inc1lvl<1l1fdn of the County, hl!r firJII would IlkI' to ¡,(IV I' it to r~v\e"" In orc1f'r to tl'lkc It Into conoldr.ratlon ond to m.,ke /lpproprl/ltf" ch,1nqoB. She nnid thnt tho wnvo holghts rnnge trom clqht to tl'n or tWl'lvl' f"f't /I~c1 thl\t th" rl'flultlnq rl"vlltion8 . olong the open conRt rnnql' from flftnl'n to tWl'nty-two, daponc11ng on the vllrl...tlon or thl:' f IJlO" If'vpl, I!,ldlnq thllt lncrl'afll'd rlf!v:ltions extond scveral mllc~ into thp Intf'rlor nrr.n of thl' County. ....Ch/llrnnn ~;Iml'r rf"tllrnec1 to the room /It 1:r,7 P.M.···· Commlsolonl'r £'Irown. ~1"ld thl'lt hn dlc1 not ttolnk th/lt pl'opll'l cl'ln (lffort! to build /It the r>ropo!1"d e]"""tlons. ('omnl~Rlonor Plsto~ said thnt he fCl'ls th~t thl' fioo~ I'll'vntlonn which wl'rl' qlvl'n to the County tho f1r!1t tlmf' \.Il'r'· t00 hlqh nnd ~:orkl'd II hnrd!1i1lp on thp. County, lidding thnt th(' ro~m ~!1lonl'r!1 hnd hapI'd thllt, If the sltu/ltlon was rcvlr....·f'd, thf' twr'lvl' foot hplqht!1 thl1t wpre ntlpul.Herl would possibly be lowf'red. III' !In Id th.,t hI' rlld not know of nny rncordn whlct'l sub- et/lntlntr. thl\t "\Irlng hurrlr~nn5 thp wntor hnlJ comn up even !Ight teet, noting thnt the mln1<~\lm elevðtion for "'ðrco Tr.lðnd Is currontly ten fl'ct nnd thnt, If furthf'r hl'loht \n qolng to hI' IIddl'd he could not conc,.lve II bu\ldlng hl'!nq h\lllt that would fit In with those olova- tion~. III' 1'1:;10.,-" I[ ~~!;. ro....er::;' firm ~1()\llrl h,lVI' /lny w!'.y of doublc checking the elcv/ltlonn th/lt Wf'rf' qlven th,.m ~t th~ br.qlnnlng of tho study. "'D. Rowcrs ~nld th/lt nomc revlr.w of tho clevntlons wns ~one, trying to determine the ronnonnblenosÐ of thom, ndc1lnq that, unfort\ln~t~ly, hor firm Is r~qulrec1 to t~kc thc bnst ~v~llnblo Informntlon and th~~ ther~ wns n complox s~t of rcsults which did PAge S ~-- -- ....- ."- -- .-- -. - .~- ...., --. . t:::J r-'-"-" 1.-J If] j'j Ifl! lA....J-.·~J =:\ . - ..-....-.-. .. - - ,"..- - - - -. ..-- -- - -- -- (·,"t"tv'r 'J", J"f'? concern hnr t1rm. Sho 8111ð th"t thr nnl\lysl~ W,H3 conducted with II note of cAution thllt prrhl\p~ thn wholo nrnð nhould bn rrvlnwec1. Chðirmlln Wimer 8ðld thnt thl~ i~ not 1\ decl~lon mnkin~ meeting but simply nllows for the prc9rntation of thr plnn ðccor~lng to thr 1egn1 requirnmrnt. He said th~t tho RonrJ of County r6mminoionors has alrendy gone on record liB wðntlng to IIppeal whnt I~ bnlnq suggested. Tape .8 County Ml'ln/lr¡f'r Norm"n !Jll!r! th,'t !;('vt"rl'll M/,'mhf'rn of th(' stl'lf' /lnd mt'mbcrs of the Ml\rco Ilom~hlllld('r9 IIsnoc1.,tlon met lðGt wl1"k and they /lro willing to worK with tho ~t~ff on thn nppnnl, nðdlng that Mr. Robert ~~Orlml\lI, who nttonðnc1 thl\t met-tin'), Is prC5f'nt. Mr. Normnn Bl'lic1 that ho frels thAt ~r. Codn~n rl\n on of qrn/lt I'IS~IRtl\nCf' to the County. HI! 8/1id thl1t th<, key will tw /In "qult.,hJo l'1t\nn"r In which to shllro tho cOBt of the "'ppel'll. !lr s"ld th"t "'r. (;odml1n hi'll; !1uqge!'ltcd it would be In tho County's Intnrr.,>t to nollrit ropc'\ Iflc c1eslqn crltp.ri/l and findings which lcd to th(' conclunlonf. !>hown In tI,t" WIIVC ht"lqhtG, ndc'ling thnt. Mr. Godm.1n h.1s oU"r"d to partlclp,1tc in dr"ftlnr¡ n letter to P'EM'" In order to qet no (,/lrly II 8tðrt ns por-nlblo to makc a mcnnlngful responso. Chal rmnn Wimer snld ho waR qrntcful for Mr. (;odmðn'8 111881s- tanco nnd n~kl'c1 Cor 111'1p from nl\yonc who c."Ìn·,1t;/1!9t.ln rtnywðY. He said thðt tho County woulc1 bo rcquestlnq flnnnclrtl contrlbutione from the public. In response to the County'~ Intrnt to ~ppe~l, MS. Bowrrs 8ugq~sted that tho County qot tho Informðtion In ð~ soon as pos51blo. pnqe 7 ~O~K 072 rm Sj6 . -. -- .-- ---.- -- ,-..- . ..- - - -_... -'-'---' - --- -·--·-----------1.·· . . t I IfJ I';t In) ·0 .. ~ __ __ ~_ ___ _ __._~.. ___.. _ __ _ _ _ ___ BOOK 07t PAGE 3§Ø Octol>('r 2", 1'JA2 The (.;,llowln() p<!rl!on!l !'Ipoke !lupportinq the Commist!ion's intl!nt to ~ppeall Mr. nob~rt S~n~~rnon Mr. F:lb/lrt 11. Tripp, ~.HCO Inl/lnd ,.",,(pnyers /IsDn., opposing the olovntlon9 Ms. ;,lo~np ~ohhlnD. Colllor County Ln~qup of Women Voters, who requr~tPd thnt CoftRtnl Conntructlon Control ~rtback be strictly pnforcpd nnd th~t the Pulldlnq Codp m¡~ht bo reviow('d to 5eo 'If It clln be ntr~nqthcnerl to offor mnximum otructurnl ~upport. "'r. GeorQe II" yon Mr. Fnrl Onvln, Tslf' of C"prt Civic 1\1'Isn., offered IIsslstnncr. to County from tho !\r.soclntlon "'r. Rlch,'rd II.,bprlln /lttornoy Don Childs Mr. [)"rrcll 1'I"rch, ~',lrco Island I!omebuildcrs Mr. ,John Condon Mr. F:d IIUN!"¡ Ms. ~u5l1nð Lo~ch ..·..·CommI3slun'·r [<rown pft tho room lit 2:15 P.M......... RO!lponding to M~l, Rob:'ln~' question, Mr. Mc[1.nth snid thllt, until the maps go into p((oct, If n person builds In ... velocity zone now, the insurance ,)qent docs a wavo height elevation by t"'klng tho nverago ground elevation, Dl1btrllctln~ th~t from the I>/lSO flood el~v...tlon, multiplying thðt tlmeo the f~ctor of .55 and nñGlng thnt to tho baDe flood elevðtlon. Ch,1!rm/'ln ¡.I\mcr explnlnl'd th,lt tho situ/ltlon, /III pr"!lentl'd todny, applios to the County nnd dol's not nffect any municipality. He askod staff to re!l('/lrch th(' !lttu,ltlon th~t woulc1 occur if ,....\rco Tslðnd Incorporntes. . .. .. .. .. Thero being no furthcr bualness to como bofore the Ro...rd, the Workshop Wð!l adjournr.d by ordl!r of th(' Chair lit 7:1~ P.,... Pðqe 8 .. - - -- - - - --.- -- --- --..- _.. ..-- -- .:.....- .-- -- .-..- - -- ---- ---- ..-.----------'- ~ c:::J ~