BCC Minutes 11/09/1982 R ..,"__",'_'"_.~"" ·.··".M .... (i.iiJ ~ c;:;;:J . -'. . , . . I........... Naplos, Flori~a, Novomber 9, 19~2 L!T IT 8E ntMEMBr.np.D, that the BOðr~ or County Commissioners in enð tor tho County ot Collier, nn~ also nctinq ns the Boar~ of. 7.onin9 ~ppeol. anð os the governinq boac~(e1 of such special ~istrictB ns havr beon created ~ccor~ln1 to l~w an~ hnvinq con~ucte~ bUllinnsn hp.rnin, mot on this date at 9:00 ^.M. with the following members prosent: ClIl\tR"'''I>l ~. R. "Russ" 'I'IMt'r VICE ClIl\tRMMII Mary-l"rllncc!'I (rufle .'ohn 1\. Pil!tor Cl1ffor~ "'enzel David C. Brown ~LSO PRESENT I ~illlnm J. Rongnn, Clark, ~linor M. nklnnor Dn~ Mauroan ~onyon, neputy ~lorklll Jnmns c. niles, Fiscnl Orricer, C. \l'i1Ullm Normnn, Count.y Mnllft'l0r: "un I.. "IIUn,'or., Count.y I\ttornftVI P. 1<. flartmnn, Public '...'orks Mministrator, trving Perzon, Util1tie" Director, Dr. ~ðrk Beno~ict, County f.nvironmentnliBtl Leo Lnyne, Planning I~plementntion Directorl Honry l1ill, ßU~get I\nnlY5t, Donftld 'Norton, Public Sorvlces ^ðmlniatrntor, Crace ~pauldinq, I\~mini.trntive ~ide to th. Bonr~, ftn~ Deputy Chl~f nay ~nrn~tt, ~heri't's Oopnrtment. l; :1 pago 'OOK cnz tAc£419 " .¡,.... " .. , .... .. :t"'.~ ....r .."V~\·..· I.: · :·;~:·;i" ~\. ,:' ~_" f "~. . , aOOK 072 fACEØ Novembor 9, 19ß2 'l'ap. 11 Item 11 ~aEND~ - ~PPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CH~NGES. Commillioner Wenzel moved, .econded by Commis.ioner Pi.tor and carried unanimou.ly, that the agenda b. approved with the following changes. ^. Items C1, C'-, nnd CJ should be publiC henrings. O. Addition of Item qF - County ~anllryer recommcnd~tion re Health Dcpnrtmcnt ~u~~~t and County contribution agreement with HnS. C. IteM 7n-1\ - WithdrL1wn at County Attorlley's requr.st. D. Two presont/1t1onD hy Clerk RCIIgl'ln, SR. E. Two proclnmntlona ra Americ/1n Leqion E~ucation Week and Scouts' Day ad~od to BCe - 13-1 & J. F. Olscunslon rn rOl'ld nnmo - Airport Road, ndded under BCe. G. PrC5entntlon hy Comml~sloner Plstor fo1lowinq Mr. Reagan's presentntlons. ,~. Itnm l'íR-;> removen from ConncnL ^(' cnnn for dlDcussion. I. Discussion re Ut111ticD I\dminlstratlon to follow Item ~C-l. I tam . 2 BCC MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26, 19B2 AND SPECI^L MEETING, NOVEMBER 4, 1982 APPROVED Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the BCC minutes of October 26, 1982 and the Special Meeting, Novembor 4, 1982 be approved as presented. t~'m 13 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING WEEK OF NOVEMBER 15 ~s -YOUTH ~PPRECIA'I'ION WEEK- - ~DOPTED After reading a proclamation designating the week of November 15. 1982 aa "Youth Appreciation Week- as requested by the Sunset Optimilt pag. 2 '" .,. .. LS1 I:!!I ,. ';;rij,,'~ t'" or:' "'''''£,' ~' ."'" .,' ". )'...-. ....f" '," " ...r) 'd;' , "1' '\'<1' --; . ~. :.... -t-:'~'f¡-f ~ "~' .~ . I--'~' I "" '''' 4c~, it....,!. !'. ", ~ .~ ~. . , .... . ~ Novomber 9, 199" Club of Napleu, Florida, Commi..ioner Pi.tor moved, .eoonded by Commi..ioner W.nzel and carried unanimously, that the proclamation b. adopted. Mr. wayne Scamehorn accepted the proc1omation. aOOK 012 FAc£421 " ,. . .¡.... Ir' ,to" ~"''''''''--'''''''''''''~'_.''''''''''''-''''''' ,......,.. _,.""..p;o>,...."...."" ,,-_,,,_ ., -"'--"-'---'--"""~""'''-''''-";''''''''''''''''--'-'''''' .... ',El ~ G21!) , . Novembor 9, 1~n2 CL!R~ RE~G~N PRESENTED PLAOUES OF APPRECIATION TO CHAIRMAN WIMER AND COMMI~SIONER WENZEL Clork Willinm J. n.""an presont.e" plnquol in rftcoljnition of Comm i aU "ner wonzal's servicft to ~ollier County from Janunry, 19"7 to Novembor 1 S. 19R2, and CtJlIi rmlln 'o'i mer's ßervico from loIovamher 1~7" t.o November 15, 19A2 with thanks an~ IIpproclntlon. COMMISSIONER PISTOR PRESENTED COMMISSIONER WENZEL WITH A TELESCOPE IN APPRECIATION OF HIS SERVICE ·0 THE COUNTY Commlsßloncr Pistor pres~nted ~ommissio~p.r Wenzel with" telescope in appreciation of his service to Collier County. Item 16 ORDINANCE 82-105 RE PETITION R-B2-22-C, ELVIN TOWNSEND, REOUESTING REZONING FROM ·A-2· to ·C-2· FOR TWO ACRES LOCATED ON EAST SIDE OP U.S. U - ~DOPTED Legal notice hllving been published In tho Naples Dlllly NeWR on October e, 1982, as evidencod by ^ffldavit of Publication 'ilod with the Clerk, public hearing WIIS opened to consider Petition R-R?-?2-C, filed ~y Elvin IIn~ Ruth Townsend, re~uestlng re7.oning from "~-2" to ·C-2" for two acres located on the elll'lt sldo of n. f;. 111. plans Implementation Oirector Layne 1ndicllted th~ 10clltion 0' the property on a map and said that the petition has been recom~endeð for approvnl by staff and all ngencles Rubj~ct to stipullltions ~ throu"h 0 of the Executive Summllry date~ lA/l~/S2. She said that an item rai.ed during the Comprohensive Plan henrings wns that the petitioner try to work with the property owners to tho north to have shared driveway .ccesa, hut, of tor review, st"Cf recommende~ not ~oing that bncIlU.. thG &OOK 012 PAct 429 0' ,', '1· H ,'" pag G ,~ -) .~i ",' ). .. '~',' ..; '...,11 ' " " , ~ ." ,.... " .............. .......¡ ,~""'-þI'o"" ¡" ,.(;'H ", ,-:;.~ ,0 .-. .,. . ., . . -...--,,,,--."""',...,,..,,......-.... ,,~"'"' "..', '..,----~....._., aDDK 0'1£ fACE 4S) Novemhor 9, 19A? property tn the north is shown ~s residential an~ tho Zoning Or~inanc. does not allow commorcinl proparty t~ be usr-ð for ro~l~antial use. She '..id that tho ~^PC held th6¡r pu~lic hooring nn October 7, 190" and recommended npproval subject to starf'" stipulations. Commissioner Wenzel moved, ..con~ed by Commis.ioner Piator and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commi..ioner Wenzel moved, soconded by Commissioner Drown and carried unanimously, that tho ordinance as numbered and entitlod below be adopted and entere1 into Ordinance Dook No. 161 ORDINANCE 82-lØS ~N ORDINANCE ^MENDING OnDIN^NCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING RECUL^TIONS rOR TH~ UNINCORPORATED ^REA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICI^L ZONING ATL^S MAP NUMBER 48-25-5 BY CH^NGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED ^T 214 FEET FRONT^GE ON U. S. 41 NORTH EAST OF HIGHW^Y 400 FT SOUTH OF WIGGINS P^SS ROAD ACROSS FROM GERMAIN LINCOLN MERCURY DEALERSHIP FROM A-2 TO C-2 ^ND Bt PROVIDING FOR I\N EFFECTIVE D^TE Item 17 ORDINANCE 82-106 RE PETITION ZO-82-l1C, AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCB DEFINITION OF DEN~ITY, RESIDENTIAL - ADOPTED Legal notice hovlng been puhlished In the Naples ~oily News on Octobor 21, 1982, as evidenced by I\ffidavit of publicaton file~ with tho Clerk, public henr1n1 w~s opone~ to consider Potition ~O-A2-llC, nmendln~ ~onln~ Ordinance definition of Density, Resl~ential. Plnns Implementation Director Lnyno oxplnined that thiø i. a potltion to amond tha 70n1ng Ordinance of Density, Resi~ential, adding that, at tho present time, an additional unit cannot bo roceivo~ if it is more than 1/2 of a whole unit. She said that if this nmon~ment i. adopted, an example of tho calculation woul~ he 5n,~nn square t.aet J~ . ,t, . '" ~ . r::m Bill PAgO 5 --"...__."~-",.",,,,,,,,_............ , ". . '. IZ::J c::.1 C.l ' Novembor 9, lQn? divided by 7,2GA, the RMF-r. rnqu1rcmcntn, would equnl 7.9~ or ~ units. She said that, If It wer" lasft th~n thnt~ 1t would be two units pAr acre on a 17,AnA øquare foot lot. ~ho salð th~t both thp C^rC an~ th~ I~PC recommenða~ approval of tho petition. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into OrdlnancA Book No. 161 ORDINANCE 82-106 ~N ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR TilE UNINCORPOR^TED AREI\ OF COLLIER COUNTY BY AMENDING SECTION 20 DEFINITIONS BY CH^NGING DENSITY, RESIDENTIAL TO I\LLOW FOR ANY FR^CTIONAL UNIT TO BE CONVERTED UPWARD IF 1/2 OR MORE OF A WHOLE UNIT, ^ND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Item '8 ORDINANCE 82-107 RE PETITION ZO-82-l2C, AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE REOULATIONS FOR THE I-INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT BY ADDING ROADSIDE SALES AS ~ PRINCIPAL USE - ADOPTED Legal notice h/lvint') heen ¡1ubl1shod 1n tho \fllplel! T'lal1y ~:,,"'S on October 21, 1992, as evl~cncc~ by ~ffi~avlt of Pu~llc/ltion '11e~ with the Clerk, public hearln~ WitS opaned to consider Petition 70-"?-1?C, amondlng Zonlnt] ()rcllnðncc rO~lIll1tlonl! for tho I-ln('lIn~,rlnl T'lløtrir:ot hy adding roadside lI/lloB ne a prlncipnl uso. Plans Implementation Director L/lyne s/ll~ thnt this petit.ion is to amond tho Inðustrlal District by addint') rO/l~slde salos /IS ~ principal use which would Inclurlp hot do'] stand. nn~ pro~uco trucks, n(!r11nIJ th"t stalf r.commen~s that those be In tho tndustrial 01str1ct only. aha explained thllt, at tho present time, thoy are hoing allowe~ in "C-5", aOOK 072 rACEm page ~ ___,_...""'"''',.._.__.....,,,.~w...'.' "'_ ,....._..'.',L ...... '.:',:~ "~' . . ..,.""..... . . . ':'I~ ', ;, . ~; ;.d{ , ¡ Ì!.'r,. ,~'¡'i~~ , . ,~.# " , .~ fl ";:t~~ tOOK 012 PACE4S2. November 9~ 19~2 Sho said that the CAPC and tAPC rocommond -IL- and "I" Districts. approval. Commissioner Brown moved, øeconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanim(.\IJsly, that the public hearin9 be closed. Commissioner ~ru5e moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbored and entitled below be adoptod and entered into Ordinance Book No. 161 ORDINANCE 82-197 AN ORDIN^NCE AMENDING ORDIN^NCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINconpORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY BY AMENDINC SECTION 7.2fi INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT BY ADDING nO^DSIDE S^LES ^S A PERMITTED PRINCIP^L USE, AND BY PROVIDINa AN EFFECTIVE D^TE Item 19 ORDINANCE 82-198 RE PETITION ZO-82-l3C, AMENDING SECTION 8 OF THE ~ONINO ORDINANCE BY SETTING ST^NDAnDS FOR ROADSIDE SALES - ADOPTED Logol not1c~ h~vlng hQ~n puhllshod l, the Narl~s Oaily News, on October 21, 19R~, ns ovldoncc~ hy "rf1~nvlt 0' publication (llod with tho Clerk, ru~llc hearing w~s or~ne~ to conRI~er Petition ZO-R~-l]C, amending Soctlon n by R~ttlng standor~8 for roadside sales. Pl~ns IMplemontatlon Dlroctor Layne explnino~ thnt this petition .eta tho stondar~s for ronds1do s~lea, allowing thom in In~ustrla1 District only, nnrl the nppl1cant Mu~t show thnt tho property moots the parking nn~ l~n~sc~plng roqu1rements an~ th~t ~ notarizod statement must be rocelvnd 'rom the rroporty owner grnntlng pormission Por said use. !iho sal~ that tho c"rr. nnc1 tl\l'r. have rocOMmended approval. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the public hearin9 be closed. Commissioner Krus. moved, s.conded by Commlasioner Brown and carrl.d unanimously, page ", . ., , E!B1 - ___,_;~,.'''''''''''''''''"' .... ~","""" ~ ~¡¡;J ~: ~ ~,) .." Novembor 9, 19~" that the ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 161 ORDINANCE 82-108 AN ORDIN~NCE ~MENDINa ORDIN~NCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONINa REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY BY AMENDING SECTION 8 BY ^DDING A NEW SUBPARl\aRAPH 52 TO PROVIDE CRITERIA FOR ROADSIDE S^LES, AND BY PROVIDING AN EP'P'ECTIVE DATE 111 PETITION ZO-82-1SC, AMENDING THE -A-2- DISTRICT TO ZONINa ORDINANCE - CONTINUED TO FEBRUI\RY 8, 1983 Plan!! tmplomcntllt.lon nlrpr.tor r.l1ynt! rcC'pJP!1tt!r' t:hl't P,)t.ltion ZO-82-1SC be continuo" until Fchrunry (1, lÇlq1 heClIllllp. the I/lI'C he. not henrd the petition. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner plstor and carried unanimously, that Petition ZO-82-1SC be continued until February 8, 1983. Item III ORDINANCE 82-109 RE PETITION ZO-B2-16C AMENDING THE ALCOHOLIC BEVr.RAGE SECTION OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE THE CONSUMPTION ON THE PREMISES ESTABLISHMENTS IN SHOPPING CENTERS TO BE MEASURED FROM THE OUTER WALL OF SAID EST^BLISHMENTS - ADOPTED Log~l notice h~vln1 heen pUhliRhed in the NnpleA n~ily New!! on October 21, 19R~, ~!I evl~ence~ by "rflnnvlt of l'uhlicntlon filen with the Clork, puhllc henr1n1 WIIS oppncn to consi~t!r l'etltlon 7.0-~'-\r,~, amending the ~lcoholic hevoraqe section 0' the 7on1n1 Ornln~nco to provi~e the consumrtlon on the prom IRes ft!ltnhllAhmpnt!'l In Rhnppln? centera to be me~.uron from tho outer wnll of. said establishments. PIons Implomentntlon OirQctor Layne nxpl~lned thðt thore have heen problems with this subject in the past an~ that this petition woul~ Page 8 &ODK D72 fACt'493 ,-- ': . ,I:.. I. L ". " allow the moa9urement from the outor wall to the property ot the church or school in question. She said that the c^rr. nnd I^P~ have recom- mended approval. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wer.~el and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIN^NCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGUL^TIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY BY AMENDING SECTION 8.11 a 1) '2) TO ALLOW FOR CONSUMPT~ON ON PREMISES ^LCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS IN SHOPPING CENTERS TO BE ME^SURf.D FROM THE OUTER W^LL OF SAID ESTABLISHMENT AND BY PROVIDING ^N eFFECTIVE D^TE Item 112 ORDINANCE 82-llA I\MENDING ORDINANCE 80-77 - ADOPTED WITH AMENDMENTS MOK 012 rAc~434 Novomber~, 19A2 entered into Ordinance Book No. l6r ORDIN^NCE 82-109 Le~al noticn h~vlng hnen published In the Naples n~lly New~ on Octoher 21, )992, ~s evldcnce~ hy ~ffi~nvit of Publlc~tion rl1e~ with the Clerk, publiC henrlnq was orone~ to ~onsirlor an or~lnance nmending Orrllnance No. R"-77, Soctlon One, P~rtB 3, ~, 5 nnd ~ to provi~e that the hirin~ or f~ring of ccrt~ln County personnel shall ho ftpproved by the Aonr~ of County Commissioners nn~ shortening the proco~ure to dismiss or discipllno tho County Managor. County ^ttornoy Rnunrlors ~xrlnlnarl that this ~r~innnce would amend Ordinanco 80-77 doaling with tho procorlures for dismisßal and d18Ci- pl1ninq of carta in County ol'ficll1ls. Ito saU that the basic or~inance has the following two primary chanqesr 1. The ACC would h~ve tha authority to hiro and fire hea~a and division administrators. . , r:::s:1 - .. , ". · . c::::J r::;J [~J . , , Novemhor ~, l~R" 2. The proco~ure for dis~iplin ng and firing the County Mftnagor has boen shortene~. Commissioner Piator s~id that he coul~ not nccopt nIl of tho material that hos been romoved and that he feels the item ad~o~ is much too øtron7, ~n~ he reels that the BCe øhoul~ not he resron8ibl~ for hiring or firing department hends bocauso th~t removos aut.hority From the County ~anng~r. Mr. Raunderll oai~ that the s.:tlon rog~rdln~ hiring or firln~ could be chnnge~ to reflect anythin~ that tho Rrr intends to ~o ~n~, If the Roard wants to have authority to conf.irm in that soctlon, It c~n be chnnge~. Commissioner Kruse sairl that if there is a ~ivlRion or ~epartment head with whom threp. commlsslonors arc totally unhappy, cle~rly indi- eating that to t!IO County '·ll1n~( C!r woul~ he nn a~equnt,o lIollltion nnc'l that she could 11 v': with the worcH nr.: as 1 t ill. Chtlirml1n \<'Jmer stlid that tho onl y pnrt. he hns /!ny problem wi th if! on PM) e 2, Ml(t i ng that he is not sure hI! underlltandn pnragraph 5 which has 1/5thfl crosse~ through and ~/Sth. added. Mr. Raunders Bai~ that the reason he deleted the 3/Sths an~ added ~/5ths was bocause Or~inðnce O~-77 provi~es ror a resolution by the RCC of ~ ~/5thfl majority in ordor to t,lscipline or fire a Manager and that when he drafted tho proposod ordinance he was under the impression thnt that would remain the same hut thftt the procedure for exocutlnq the intont of the Bonrd to ~iscipl1ne or 'ire the Managor would be shortoned. lie said that could he chllnl)e~ to 3/5ths, it that is the intent of the Board, since the title that was advertised 1s sufticient to encompass any chnnge in thftt section. Commissioner Kruse asked Mr. Saun~ers, hy the terms of his con- tract, if a slmpl~ majority can fire him, to which ho replied aftirma- pag.. in &OOK 072 rAc~.f35 '. ~': :1'. . .... ....~...."'V'.~..'.. " .. .' .... .'. . ,,( , u~ ~:'"I~".",' , , 'lY' fii ~IJ --, &OOK ()~4! 'AC~~ November "~ ~9A~ tively. Sho asked it tho Board coul~ fire ~r. Aorzon by ft simple majority, to which ~r. 5nundors said thnt he believed thnt hiø contract provides 'or n simple majority. Com~lssioncr Kruse said that sho could live with ~ simpla mlljority. Commissionor rlstor snld he thou~ht th~t the Commission and the County Mnna~or hns opcrntcd fnlrly well knowln~ thnt his job is fairly snto ond thlJt throc pooplc cClul<1 not fire him. 110 sni<1 ho perl!lonally would object to chan~lng to 1/5ths. CommisøioneL Kruse moved, seconded by Commiøsioner Brown and carried 3/2, with Commissioners Pistor and Wenzel opposod, that Page 2, Paragraph 5 of the proposed ordInance Section One should roads County Manager may be dismissed or dioclplined only through a resolution imposing such dismissal or discipline adoptod by an affirmative vote of 3/5ths, instead of ~/Sths. naspondln'J to Mr. 5nunc'corl\, C"hnirmlln 'Ñim(r slIic1 that the othnr deletions in thllt ßcctlon wOIII<1 rcmnin as In tho proposed ordinance. ~fter a short discussion, Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/2, with Commissioners Pistor and Wenzel opposed, that the paragraph at the top of Pogo 4 reads This Ordinance may be amonded or rop~aled only by affirmative vote of 3/5ths of the entire membership of the Board of County Commissioners, instead of 4/5ths. ~r. ~^undcrs Bald that the Boar~ is Indicating their p~eferonco to Inrllvl~u~l chßnqcs and thllt the ßoar~ is not voting on the ordlnllnco yot. Commis!Jloner I'lstor Rnl<1 thnt he <11cl not nqreo with takin., out Item 5, ^, B, C, n, an<1 f. bocllul!IO he thought that anyono working for PIt<J. 11 t, ŒÐ - .. ". '. ~ ,~ c:z¡:J rl~ ~j Novembcr 9, l~n" the r~untY dns.rves i,formatlon about unsatisfactory work. Chairman Wimer sai~ th~~ he ten~o~ to ogron with Comm1sÐlonp.r Plator hut that In the history of C?lller County no on! has been flr~~ an~ he hns confi- dence in the ~oatd to excrr.lse pru~ent responslhillty. rommissloner ~rus. øaið that she has no problem with County ~~nngcr ~orm~n func- tioning un~Qr 3/5ths the Bð~e ^S Qverho~y elAe. County ~ðn~~nr Norman spoke In opposition to thp. rrovlBI~n thðt a majority of the no~r~ m~~hQrs rre5~nt must conflr~ ~epnrtm~nt hen~s ^n~ may removo depðrtment ~n~ division hQn~s, ~ð~ln~ thnt tho ch~nq~ woul~, In his opinion, emllscul~tl! th!! errt'ctlvenE'!HI of the rOllnty "l'Innrlt'r /In n responsible n~mlnlstrntor. II!:! !\III~ thl1t the prlm/lry rule of nny org~nilðtion Is ,that re~ponsthlllty Must he /lccomp~n1e~ hy commongurnto authority And thAt the so-calle~ County MDnll~er Crðlnllnco IIsslqnB ~lIny important responsl hili t 10s to the ('ollnty M~n~'Jp.r. Itp. II/'II~ thl'lt to remove (rom him the ability to hire I'In~ rp.movc the k~y ppople he nee~s to carry out those rcsponslhlllll!!s coul~ CIIRIly ren~er hlM totally ineffective ðS an a~mlnlstrðtor. He said thnt the other chllnqes pole in signlrlcllnce to thlA chlln~e /'Ind thllt, unlosß the ~cc truly lnt(!n~s to abandon the COMMlsslon-Ml'lnllger form of govornment In Collier rounty, he urged the Commissioners to retain In the ~~n/l1er's ~lItieA t~p. sole responslb111ty to hire nn~ remove depllrtmont hE'~~9, 1I~~ing thllt i' the Mðnager cannot satlsfnctor11y perform this ohllqlltlon ~~ shoul~ he r.",ovoð. ROllpon~ln~ to Commissioner 1<ruflo, "'r. "ormlln "I'Ii" hI!! Willi differentiating betwoen ~epðrtmQnt IInð "lvinion ~ea~s nn~ that ho concurs w1th the ordinanco all It is now writt~n. H. lI~i~ if it W~8 changed to 3/5ths rnther thnn the mnjority of th~ Cnmmiuionerl! present that would not alter his feolings. PluJe 12 ,cOY; 012 PA~t:4!' '~t .. , ,. ..' ',f"' . .,......................... . ~oo~ 012 fAC(438 November 9~ 1982 . Tlpe '2 Mr. Leigh Plummor urged tho ßo~rd not to deprive the County Mannger ot the power to seloct his employoos undor tho lovol of division heads. Che i rman ''''lmer pointerl out th1.lt no one is tryin'J to ~eprive tho County Manager of thðt cluty hut that tho only ch,llnCJp. w()ul~ be to put it bllck llko 1t WI.I" t~IO yenr!J n'10' thll t tho no 1.1 r" wo u 1 " conrlrm his choico. Commlsnlonor Kruso nnl~ thl.lt she woul" lIgrp.e w th ~r. Norml.ln that it should be 3/Sths and not just hr the mlljorlty vote, and thðt she personolly could llv~ with dlvinion honr!s confirmed or removoð by the majority of the Roard, 3/5thn, lInd dcpnrtment henr!n ro~ove" by tho Board with" J/5thn voto, r"thcr th~n hoth confirm /.Ind r~movod. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/2, with Commissioners Plstor and Wenzel opposed, that Division Heads be confirmed or removed by vote of 3/Sths of the Board and, to remove only, Department Heads by vote of 3/Sths of the entire Board. ~r. Normnn snl" thllt for tho r~cord he mURt in~icllt~ that with the right of romovnl 'Joen the rl'}ht to destroy the ~ounty ~ðnðqerlB I.Idmin- istrlltion, nd~in1 thnt if tho ~"nn'1nr IS not suacosRFully nppointinq and n~mlnistering the "ffnlrn of Collier ~()unty, tho proper approach i. tQ remove the Mðnnqnr nn~ not to "el.ll with tho peoplo for which ho i. responslblo. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel to c10'. the public hearing. : : ~ t... ~~,~," . , E'!æ!J !III ---_..;,.""',.,.,_...."."'._,-_...-....~-, " t'l; ",1', 1,/"- ~'\" '.'$:1 ,f- I' , '.. .;\ ',". ._-,"".","'--,.........'..'...,"< .... . , r:::::l æ;J c:J Novemhor 9, 19~? Commissioner Pistor /lsko~ Mr. ;,/lunders if this can be changed by ð 4/Stho voto or a J/5ths vote, to which ~r. RlIun~~rs ~nl~ thnt thern nre somo difficult legal quostions ralse~ hy his question. no Bai~ thnt the orr1inllnce, as it Qxtstfl, ""ts up n ¡.>rocurlllrp. for ðmp.n~1nt' tho ordinanco which basically requires 11 rp.solutlon nnr1 n wniting perior1 and then... voto hy II/o;ths of tho Roarri to ..,menn the oròlntlncc. 11e flllir1 that there is 1'1 genf!r/Jl principle Involvcò th..,t hnsicl'llly MY" that c..le Commission cannot hlnn 11 subsequent Commission, for p.x~mplc the Commission cnnnot pnsR IIn ornlnance that wouln 91'11' th/Jt this ornlnl'l~~e cannot over he amonr1cr1. lie oalli thl'lt the ò1fflcult question III when the Commission Is Impermissibly hlnr1lng II subsequent ~ommiRsion hy thn act? Ho said thnt there is no fine d1v1dln1 lin~ linn it Is his hest guess that the 1i/5ths requirement Is a legally rermlss1hlp. requlroment end that he ~oes have BO~C vary serious prohlems with n roquiremont of a ]0 to liS day waiting poriod as requlrpli In the existing or~inance. Thllt requireMent w()uJ,1 not he lOCJlIlly permlr.slble heclIlIsn it would hA binding to tho activity of II subsequent CommlBolon, he sal~, I'Idòlng that there IS no /Juthority to support this hut that he cnn only t' ive th~ Board his beot opinion. Chairman Wimer reforred to tho last parn0rl'l~h on Pagp II whi~h steteal In the event this Ordinnnco conflicts with any other ordinance ot Collier County or other appllcahle law, thp more reRtrictivo Rhall apply an~ he asked, if this ordinance pl'lsses on a 3/o;ths voto, if that sant.nee woulð havo nny logal mOllnlng to which Mr. Saundors snir1 it is not uncommon to find In an ordinance that type of rostriction and he did not soe any prohlems. Pa9. 1~ . I ~bOK 012 fACt:439 ---., "'-'~";,-",--"'_..."..,,<>,.... -.. 1",' to, ' tOOK 012 pm440 Novembor 9, 1902 Upon call for the question, the motion to closo the public hearing carried unanimously. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commle- .Ioner Brown and carried 3/2, with Commissioners Pistor and Wenzel oppo.ed, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted a. amendod and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 16. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/2, with Commle- aionera Pistor and Wenzel opposed, that the Clerk be lnøtructed to file the Ordinance with the Secretary of State. ORDINANCE 82-119 AN ORDIN^NCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 8Ø-77, SECTION ONE, PARTS 3, 4, 5 AND G TO pnOVID~ THAT THE HIRINC OR FIRING OF CERTAIN COUNTY PERSONNEL SH^LL DE ^ppnOVf.D BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, SHORTENINC TilE PROCEDURE TO DISMISS OR DISCIPLINE TilE COUNTY M^NAGER, PROVIDING SEVEnABILITY AND Ef'FEÇTIVE DATE Item 113 UTILITIES ADMINISTn^TOR TO REPORT DIRECTLY TO THE COUNTY MANAGER R^THER THAN TO THE BCC - ^PPROVED Stating that she feels that it w~uld be more appropriate it the Utilities Administrator reported directly to the County Manager rather than to the Board, Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/2, with Commissioners Pistor and Wenzel oppo.ed, that the Utilities Manager report directly to the County Manager. Utilitlos ~ðnð~er ßerzon A~lrl that it did not m8ke any difference to him to whom he reports ~ut thnt he hol1ovoa it would not he In the best Intorest of the County to chango t.he chnln of comm~nd from what it is now. Ho slIic1 thnt, froM the stnn(lpoint of 'inllncinl operation, it is most dosirable to koep tho IItilitiaa nivislon soparate from tha rest ot the County. Ho oa 1c1 that 1 f tharo iø r1il!ploasure wi L:' himøol t, he ", . ~ BI .. Page 15 , ". ~ &::;] ~,':-:":I, '*-....; Novemhcr ~, l~A? felt that is the issuo rother than ch~nging the format, ~ddin9 thnt tho utilities division is tho closost thing to n privnto businoss an~ thøt the differance Is thnt the utilities division Is not supposed to .how a protit. Ho said that when the division began th~ro were liternlly no facilities and that, with Lhe help of the BCe, tho County iu now on the way townrd developin1 n vlnhle syatem. He urqcd tho Commisnionera to reconsider thoir vote end thnt, if. there is somothinq wronq with the men "at the top", he shoul~ he dcnlt with a~~ not plnco him in ~ position where he is less than efficient. Ho referred to the ~hnrter Commission which, nfter eXðmlnntion, voted to continuo keopinq the utilitien a neparate operation. Chnlrmnn Wimer snlð thnt the ~onr~ agreed to make tho BOparl1t1on tempornry nn,1 that ho thinks it is time to bring ut1l1tlea back Into the mnlnstrenm. RESOLUTION 82-179 RE PETITION CCCL-82-2lC, UNION PROPERTIES OF SOUTHWEST FLORID^, INC., REQUESTING ^ V^RI^NCE FROM THE CO^ST^L CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE FOR PROPERTY LOC^TED ON LOTS 19 AND 20, UNIT 1, CONNERS V~NDERBILT BE^CH EST^TES - (C^S^ GR^NDE CONDO) ^DOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPUL^TION, CII^InM^N ^UTHORIZED TO SIGN ~GREEM!NT Leglll notice havin~ hrpn published in tho Nnples Oaily ~ews on October. 24, 1982, ns ovldenced hy ^fFI~nvlt of Puhlicntion file~ with the Clerk, public henrlng WðS opened to consider Petition CCCL-R?-2lC, filed by Union Proportleg of Southweøt Florið~, Inc., requesting n variance from the Coostal Construction Control Line for property located o~ Lots 19 and 20, Unit 1, Connera Van~erhilt Boach Estates (Cnsa Grande Con~o). County Environmentalist Dr. nonoðict referred to the Poxecutlve Summary ðate~ 10/29/82 giving the history of Petition CCCL-S2-2l and Pa90 lli aOOK 012 f,~~441 L_ , .- , ."1" ç, ....; ,. :,' . ..:. '''-- ...,......., .__._,',_, .-."'_.'"'>L~,.-.,-._"._, · 404 ~OQK 012. pm442. Novo~bnr ~, 19n2 sðiù that, in ðo~ling with the permitting of any ectivity at tho land/sea intorfeco, the followinq two itoms pertains 1. The rl~ht of the propcrty owner to protect his upl~nd prope rty. ?. Tho riqht öf the public to e wl~n ~nd existing st~ble beech In front of tho proporty. Dr. ßonc~lct snl~ th~t It In oSßential, in all denlings with tho Co.,stnl Confltrllction Control Line sctbnck, to protect the public beach. He sal~ thnt the p~tllloncr Is willin~ tn rcloc^to the seðwðll to be ali~no~ with the exlßtln~ v~qctntlon line nnd to reøtorc dune vego- tatlon, n~rlln~ thnt the p~tltjon~r 15 n~klng ð positive movo th~t will protect hi" property nnrl he hencficl~l and thnt he recommon~ø npproval. Commissioner Wenzcl moved, seconded b'l Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried u~animously, that Resolution 82-179 re Petition CCCL-82-2IC, filed by Union Proporties of Southwest Florida, Inc., requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Control Lino for property located on Lots 19 and 29, Unit 1, Conners Vanderbilt Beach Eøtotoa (Coco Orande Condo) b. adopted, 8ubjoct to the stipulation that failure to undertake the mitigation work in a timely manner will result in the invalidation of this variance and the immediate remova] ot the pool and all accessory structures at the petitioner's expense and that the Chairman be authorized to execute the agreement that the County Attorney, the County Environmentaliøt and the petitioner's legal counsel are currently drafting. Pltqe 17, œJ c:a "_'_"'"""',""~_,~,,,,""''''''','''.,,"-'''''c',~, ~'.." "~~''''''"'''''''''''M.",»_.,_,._.._._,,_~,___ \.!.:' ~ ,¡, :,1,:1': X , _._~"""""'~-~~''''-''''~- ",."..".,... ,---,,'^'," ". t::;;1 r:-:-:-1 L."; ,.... [.";'...'1 , Novnmbor 9, l~n" SOLUTION 82-181'1 RE PETIT:LOn CCCL-82-11C, COMTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, nEO~STING ^ VARIANCE FROM THE CO^STI\L CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE FOR pnOPERTV AT 890 SOUTH COLLIER BOULEVARD - (SEAWINDS CONDO) ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATION Leqal notico hnvln~ hAen puhlishnd In tho Nnples nnily ~aws on October ,~, 19R2, ond In tho ~arco Islan~ P.a~le on ~ovemhor ~, 1~~?, ~ø evi~enced by I\ffld~vlts of Puhlication fllQ~ with tho rlerk, puhlic hearing was opened to conr,lder Petition CrCL-n'-llr., fl1e~ hy Coaftt~l Englnoerlng r.onnultnntn, requostlng " vorlnnco from the r.oðAt~l Construction Control Line for property nt P9~ Routh Colll~r Roulnvnrd (Sollwinds Conclo) . County f.nv1ronmnntollst Dr. Rnnedict explnlned thllt r.onstnl Engineerinq intends to proceed with the restorDtion of tho cluno com- munlty by remov1nry v01etDt1ve debris, rcgrnd1n1 the uplnnd property, 't" planting sea 01lts one! other native cOðstnl vegetntlon on this proporty '." and thot he recoMmends npprovlIl of thn rnqup.st. Commissioner Wenzel moved, secon.,ed by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner ~ruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-180 re Petition CCCL-82-llC, Coastal Enqlneerinq Consultants, requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Control Line for property at 890 South Collier Boulevard (Seawlnds Condo) be adopted, subject to the stipulation that beach access be restricted to the easement at the north side of the property and that the developer, in conjunction with the property owner to the north, s9ree to build a dune crossover boardwalk in this easement according to the specifications of the D.N.R. Division of Beaches and Shore. and Paqe 18 ~ODK ~ rAC~~ ',.'1,.:. ,I ....'.. . 1 .-.. '. ' . , '-,-_.....,._,',-",,,,,,.,,,,,,-"',',_....""".. tOOK 0?2. rACt:44Ø Novombor 9, 19R~ donw in a timely manner, also, that the ðeveloper shall e~ect r.nc.., .ign. or any other acceptable barrier to prevent pedostrians rrom orolllng the restored dune area and to d1rect trattic to the beach scceCD corridor. PD<JO 19 .. ,I, . , . c::m . III!! -. c.;::m ~ c::::J ' Novembcr 9, 19~" 116 . RESOLUTION 82-\81 RE PETITION CCCL-A2-12C, CH^RTEn CLUB O~ M^RrO BE^CH, REQUESTINO ~ V^Rl^NCE ~ROM THE CO^ST^L CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE FOR PROPERT~ LOC~TED ^T TØØ SOUTH COLLIER BOULEV^RD - ^DOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATION Logal notice hnvln~ heon publißh~~ In the N~ploR Daily Nnws on Octobor 2~, 190?-, an~ In tho Marco I8l~n~ P.aql0 on Nove~hor ~, lQA", as evidencod by I\fflc1nvlts of pul)llcntion fllnr! with tho Clerk, ruhl1c hearing wos openod to consldor Petition CCCL-"'-l'C, flle~ hy thø Ch~rtor Cluh or Marco P~nch, requoRtln~ II v~rl~ncn [rð~ the ~o^stnl Construction Control Line for property loc^te~ nt 7n0 Routh Colliftr Bou11vnrc1 . County Environmentalist Dr. Bene~lct Aal" this petition Is a request to permit tho conctruction of an elevated bonrrlwðlk and the restorntlon of tho dunA lone neawnrd of the Coastnl Construction ,~' Control Line and thnt he recommenc1s approval. Commissioner Wenzel moved, secon'ed by Commissioner Pistor and --...._,..'..'......",'",.,,",,-,,_,..,... ,.._."'''0<'".,,,., "~"""_'_'" carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closcd. Commissioner Krus. moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unani~ously, that Resolution 82-181 re Petition CCCL-82-l2C, Charter Club of Marco Beach, requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Control Line for property located at TØØ South Collier Boulevard be adopted, subject to the stipulation that the boardwalk be designed and constructed sccordin9 to the standards of the D.N.R. Bureau of Beaches and shores snd shall terminate with stairs not more than ten fe.t in front of the existin9 beach vegetation line and shores with the exception of the eight foot walkway width which is acceptable because of circumstance. sssociated with this site, also, that all dune vegetation and/or PlH 0 2n &ODX 012 rm449 I 3) ;,}-",' '. ,I, ," '..... ,.......,..~,..., I . I ... "'" . for :, ì., flOOK f112, PACt04S0 Novembor 9, 198? topographic relief unavoidably damaged or altered during the building o~ the boardwalk or the construction of the condominium shall be re.tored to the satisfAction of the County Environmentalist. Page 21 ." GII1 . c::m "" ---.""."~-"""""".""...,,,,,,"''''''''',-~....,,,,,,,,,,,,. " ~oox 012 fAC~_ Novombor 9, 19ß2 117 PETtTI0W CCCL-82-l3C, L^WRENCE P. B~SIK, REQUESTING VARIANCE PROM CO~ST^L CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE TO BUILD A PRIV^TE FOOT BRlDO! TO TI0!RT^IL BE~CH P^RK - DENIED Logal notice hnving boon puhllshed in the Nnplos Daily News on October 24, 19"2 ~n~ in the Mnrco IB1nn~ f.nqlo on Novemher ~, 19A2, as evidøncec1 hy ^ffiðavlts of publicntlon filc~ with tho Clerk, puhl1c hearing w~s opened to consirler petition ~C~L-A2-1~C, filorl hy Lnwrenco P. ~nRik, requeBtln~ n vnrlnncn 'rom tho C08stnl Conntruction Control Llno to build ~ prlvnto foot hrl~~o to TI~nrtÐil nAnch Pnrk. Public Service" ^dmlnistrntor ~orton E'xplnln~" thðt thl" petitioner wants to huild n prlvntc foot hrl"q~ to Tig~rtnll Rnnch Pnrk nnd thnt It is the position of tho County ~nvlronmentnliRt nnd stðff thnt ulti- mately there would be ndversc Impnct if thin wns nllowod. 110 snid that thero could he linblllty, if npproved, since one end of the hridqo would be sp.vernl lnch~s onto the r0unty park proporty, ð"ding thnt stðff rcconmondnllon 1~ to deny the request. l1espon(lln'1 to "omn!sr.lonnr PIr.tor, '-1r. Norton sl\id th...t he thought adding tho foot hrld<J<1 wnlllc! he .,n Incentive for other property owners In tho orCD to roqu~Dt the r.nme thing. ~r. Lnrry Pnsik, petitioner, dlstrihuter1 pictures to the Commis- sioners nnd plnced Inr'1c idnnticnl pictures on nn overhen~ honrd of the arell under discussion. 110 spoke in defense of hiA petition and requo8to~ npprovnl. County MnnnqerNormnn Al\id thnt he could soo no~r sftrious oporð- tionnl proh)cms If th~ petition is npprovod. ~halrm~n wimnr 8ni~ thore WðS a pol1cy qut)stlon to sf'ttla, n(Mln~ thnt the County hnR proposat1 to Pð')O "" .' .. .' ;, ~~ 'f'/':' , t:::::.1 .. r:::m 11]'1. 1'(1 ~ 'II fr, \~~ IJ":;I,';,:: i '.. :"" I ,....wi~ Ili:1 . ". IZB:I Œ:;J r--"'"" L .~ .#1.... Novcmhnr ~, l~"? finish the area in the future. Mr. Norman s~ið thot the County woul~ hava to maka sure th~t any foot bri~qe wao proporly m~lnt~ine~, a~~ing that some type of leasn agreemont would ho noo~o~ if tho vnrlanco i8 approved. Commissioner r1stor 8ai~ th~t he un~orBtoo~ Mr. nnRi~'s lot line 900S h~ck almost to the other si~o of the arftft. Commi.sioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner K:,use and carried 4/1, Commis- .ionor pistor npposed, that Petition CCCL-82-13C filed by Lawrence P. Basik, requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Control Line to build a private foot bridge to Tigertail Beoch Park be denied. R!SOLUTION 82-182, RE PETITION CCCL-82-l4C, GEORGE F. WILSON, REQUEST- ING ~ V^RI~NCE FROM TnE COI\STAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE FOR PROPERTY LOC^TED ^T see SOUTH COLLIER BOULEVARD - (CLUJ RECENCY) ~DOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Logal notice having hoen publ18he~ In tho Nnplns Dnily NeW8 on October 24, l~R? and In the Mnrco Islnn~ ~n~le on ~ovemher ~, 19P', as eviðencod by Afflðavltft of publication fllo~ with th~ CIRrk, puhlic hearing was oponod to consider Potltion CCCL-R?-14C, fileð hy Georqa F. WilBon, requestin~ a variance from the Coastal Construction Control Line tor property located at 500 South Collier Poulevarð (Club Regency) . County Environmentalist Dr. ~cnoðict explained th~t the petitioner is requeBting a variance to permit tho construction of an elevate~ boardwalk .eawar~ ot the Constal Conntruction Control Line. He reforred to the Exocutive Summary dated 10/18/n2, adding that Mr. PISq e 2~ ~OOK 012 fm456 ..' ... " ,II...·"', ,..,--..........-...- f'1I', -, _. ~OOK 072 fACt:466 Novombor 9, 19A2 Wilson has boon made aware of his sU99ost1ons contninod th.roin and agreos to thom. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the public hoaring be closed. Commissioner· Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wonzel and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-182 re Petition CCCL-82-14C, George r. Wilson, requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Control Line for property located at søø South Collier Boulevard (Club Regency) be adopted, subject to the stipulations that all dune vogetatinn and/or topographic relief unovoidably damaged or altered during the building of the boardwalk or the construction ot the condominium shall be restored to the satisf~ction of the County Environmentalist, including the existing beach access trail noar the north boundary of the property utftized by vehicles prior to tho purchase of this site for development, also, that the boardwalk is to be designed and constructed according to the standards of the D.N.R. Bureau of Beaches and Shore. and shall terminate with stairs not more than ten feet in front of the existing beach vegetation line. Page 24 '.'- , GEiJ ~ .. · r:::;) r,~, ~ , .... ~I Nov~mhnr C), ]M!? RESOLUTICN 82-183, RE PETITION CCCL-02-1~C, ANCHOR ENCINEERINC, REQUESTINO A VARIANCE FROM THE CO^STAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 140 SEAVIEW COURT - (ADMIR^LTY \lOUSE) ADOPTED Le~ðl not1co hnvln, hean puh11nhod in thp ~~rleR "nl1y ~~Wß on October ?~, 1982 ~nd in the M^rco Inl~n~ F.n~lo on Nov~m~pr ~, l~q?, ^" evidoncoð by Affidav1ts of puhl1cat1on rl1o~ w1th tho C]ork, nuhltc henring w~s opened to con~1rler Pot1t10n CCCL-n~-l~~, fllnd hy ~nchor Engineerln~, request1ng n vArt~ncc from tho Co~~tnl ron~truction Control LIne for propnrty locnt.cd "t 1"~ 'ionvlcw r:ollrt (1\r1mlrnJty House) . County Envlronm~ntnllnt Dr. ßnne~lct e.rl"lnc~ th~t t~l~ rcqun5t is to repair ntorn ~Dmngc nnd to p~rmlt the cxtennion of en ~xIBtin~ seawall return wnll and th~t he rocommen~A ~pprov~l. r:ounty ~~negor Norman stated that ~r. nnrrell ~Drch, reprnsont1n1 thp petitioner, wos r091sterad to spe~k. Mr. vnrch ~ccllne~ to npe~k. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Resolution 02-lB3 re Petition CCCL-B2-l~C, Anchor Engineering, requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Control Line tor property located at 140 Seawview Court (~dmiralty House) be adopted. aOOK 012 fACt: 459 , t , 'f' rn'Je ,~' ~' 'I ", :K ',)I' t_, - ,.It. aOOK 072 rm462 Novombor 9, 19ß2 Item 12" RESOLUTION 82-l8~ RE PETITION CCCL-82-9C, ANCHOR ENGINEEnING, AGENT FOR SUNSET HOUSE NORTH, REQUESTING A V^RIANCE rr.OM THE CO^ST^L CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON A PORTION OF TR^CT "E", BLOCK 59", UNIT 22, MARCO BE^CH - ADOPTED Legnl notico h~ving boen publishod In tho Naples Daily Nows on October ?~, 19~? and In tho Mnrco Islon~ ßagle on November 4, 19P.2, as evidenced by ^,rldnvlts or publication filod with t~e Clork, ~uhli~ ho~rlng w~n opened to con~ldor Petition C~CL-n2-9C, fllod by ^nchor En11necrln<J, D'1C'nt for f,un!lct POUIJC ~orth, rNluestln<J 11 vi'lrlancn from the r0l1st~1 Conntructlon Control Line for property locatnc'l on a portion of Trnct "~", Alock ~9n, Unit '1, ~l1rco ~al1ch. County f.nvlronment~llst Dr. ~enedlct Raid that this request 1s to reconstruct sections of An axl~tln<J spðwDIl dl1ml1<Jcd dur1n1 the no-nomn storm line'! subsequent storm activities; to roplnce rlprnp up to 15 feet In front of th~t SCl1wlIll ~15rerscd hy thøt ntorM to replace bACkfill oroded hehlnd the sCl1wall; reconst:uct concretc walkway dAmagod during the storm; and, extnnd t~e nort~ern return willI nn ~e'!~itlonnl nn røot bayonr1 It.!> current 20 foot lan'Jth. fie slIld thllt his recommendation continues to mnlntnln structureS thnt will protect the proporty, however, It does not allow the retention of stlltUS quo ~n~ It has a positive sU'1geRtion to help to mitl'1Dte the Impact. He s~id he ~lI~ mllde a video prPRcntatlon ~n order for the r.ommlssloncrs to undcrstan~ hln rC'comnl'nr1l\t1on re'1,1[rltn') tl¡l.'3 petition An" he r'!lst.ribute~ corio!! of a publlcotlon entitled "SeAwnll nC~lqn 0n The npen Canst", hy Torlrl L. ....·lIlton, Jr. /lnr! Wllll/1m S')ns/lh:l\lgh, en<Jlnearfl, t.o 9upport his pnAition. He ~ðVO his video presontðtion which covered the proporty un~Ðr ~iscusnion and oxplðlned that tho hoach in front 0' Sunset IIOU3e 1s " . c=J cèl.1 Bì poqo 2f1i í', ... c:;;;¡] ¡::;;; t:.::J ' Novcmhor 9, 19"' exporiencin9 one of the highest erosion rates in Collior County, ~~~ ng that thoro is no snndy heach in front ot the !!e~wnll on tho property. ..***Recess lßI2Ø A.M. - Reconvened lØl3A ^.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Kenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Skinner····· Mr. Darrell March of flnchor P.n')inl'crlnr." represontin<J ~unsot HOllse North, øt.ntec1 thnt the pnrt of thp wl'Il1 thllt Or. nanerilct IS recommending to b~ romovon wns rcplncoñ unñer p~rMlt in 1979, lIññin1 that It is not suhRtnntinlly nnmo!lgen. J1P. r.tlltp.n thllt t.he A1ne\~l'lk behinc1 the wall Is dftMlI')od because of erosion, hut the W1J 11 h~s a goon tloback system IInd in ~olid . 110 roporteñ thll t the ohvious loss -:If Bome proporty would be ðetrlmcnt/ll to the property owners I!S well ,.,8 the cost of the willI. J1p rolter/ltcñ th"t ho (1 ~ not feol that I'1ny ",ore 8eawalls shouln be built nlong the canst, however, exlstlnq se,.,wnlls shoulc1 be rer" 1 reri. 110 noted thl'l t mORt of the ~l'Iml\r¡e 1 s hecnuse of the wave action hitting a verticnl surfl'lce on the beach which dl&pp.rses the ener9Y In two nlrectlons, nññlnr¡ thnt tho waves splash up into tho air and tho energy aoes down Into the øand, thus creatinq ftrosion at the ba8e of the willI. lie st~terJ th/lt thero Is /) r!lIne "'lon., the shorel1nn approxlml!tely 75' from tho sCllwall, nddlng thnt the heach Is rnpairing itself but needs help from some source IIn~ the wnll neeriø protoctlng. He notod that the best method of protecting the wnll Is not to move the problem b~ck, but to rap 0 lllrge IImount of rlprnp aroun~ the corner ot the wall. He 8tated that the contract is for $"S,AA~ with the lllrgest part being use~ for oroølon control nnd replacement of the sic1ownlk. He statod thot thore has been consldornble dnmage to the wall structure on the south 8ic1e of the proporty since the "no name" ntorm. Mr. I rv In., Pol hemu8, 'iC'1 Sunsot H"une North, stated that the sðn~ Peg. 27 W~ 012 rAcM8 .,.. ...:.,......~ ~¡" . , . , ,," " ~uOt 0'12 rAC,a Novomhor 9, 19R? flo reporto~ that this is ^ build. an~ washos awny at tho seawAll. pormitted structure th3t they ~ro intend nq to ropair ~nd thct they intond to n~d riprnp to tho oron in a belie' to re~uco bench erosion and furthor protect the wnll. lie conclu~ec1 by stlJting thlJt confiscatin~ a 8uhstantiol portion of tho v~luahle property and a.se8sin~ it with n ßubstDntlDlly grantor ~xpenso is not juntlfieð. Mr. ~olvln VerwIIR, Sunset "ouse North, stated that ho is opposed to Dr. Ronedlct's AU~005tlon th~t th~ nonwoll bo plocol'! closer to the building. l1e noted t.hnt tho sOl'lwnll Is adoC]uðte and there is no need for ropai r on the northern 'if]' foot of thp. 1.'1'111, /!(1c11ng thl'lt the only ropðlr thlJt Is nccc55nry 15 on tho old wl'Ill ~~jl'tcent to the Sunset pro po r ty. Mr. Georgo Koller, rerr~~cntln0 Collier County ~ivic re~erntion, su~g.stod thnt the permit to extend the wnll be denier! ~nr! that the pQoplo ha pormltted t.o rehull" t.ho sOl\wtJll that wns c1ostroyod. He stlJtod thnt there If! no m"n-mM~p. objoct. thnt can he built thl\t will control the bellches, ,'''r11n'] th..t hI) lr. ')ppo::e~ to extonr1lng the wall with rlprllp. 110 conclllno~ hy ~t,1tln<J thnt he oPPOS"!I ~ny rurthor extension of nny kln(' of r,trur.ture. 'l'ape '4 Mrs. rhnrlotte "'<'At~lIn, ropresont.ln') LelH ue of '""omen Votors, .tatod thnt Ahe resp<,cta Or. Ren"dlct nnd his expertise in this particulnr area. nho rnportnd thnt sh~ hils informntion hy nOr. Norbort pauty who 1~ rlroctor o~ the ronter for Coastal anI'! E:nvlronmont.nl f,tu~.lo!1 lit f1lJt')C!r!1 LJnlvl'rn1ty, ror¡"rrling whnt may happen to arljacent beach nrons. She stntod thnt the ~outhorn end of Marco .' , , . Bm - .1 '·4, ·.,t.,' "~'i" .'. :··~IW. ,~'.~~: "¡,,\::\ìt, ' <>,~. <;:-:'.C:;,j .,:'~~'~, ' <,'~~~; ',,*,,4 . '~'~Hl: ì f'~,4 ¡,~ ,..... r¡;¡:] t:;.Q c::.:::J ' Novemh"r 9, l;ln? Island has had nn erosional trond ~rom 19~2 to the present an~ that aerial photoanalysis indicatoR thnt thoro h~s been ~bout 1~~ feet ot ahorolino recession just to the north of the radar inntallation. She reported thnt ~~rco Islnn~ is a rolativoly small hnrri~r islnn~ with ~ very distinct shnrp curvature of it~ Gulf shoreline, ~dding th~t the curvature is a product of. tho obb tide shonlB nt either en~ of the Island. She state~ that the northcrn nho~l is lQr~er nnd exerts thp. greatost influonco, D~dln1 th~t tho ebh tl~i shoal at. Rig M~rco PnBs contains substantial amounts of 8c~lment which nrc In the process of moving southwDr~. She note~ that the Influœnce of the shonls is such that, with wind and wave out of. tho northwest, a countcr current is set up on northern Marco thnt produces northerly trnn~port, ð~~ing t.hat the sediment that i8 moving on shore In the northern part of tho Island is transported back toward the Inlet. She noted thDt thin procesn produces two specific responscs; one rClng thnt tho northern end of the Isl~nd recelvell /lr1dltlonlll sec1lr.'1cnt liS ~ ro!'!ult of this currcnt reversal and thu!'!, mðy actunlly produce build-out sellwllrc1, and two being, that the ~rca immediately to the south of this reqlon is sediment stnrvcd, thus, there is an evcn grcater deficit in the seðimont budget. adding that the ~Qsult is that the northern Pond of the Island and the centrðl portion have vectors pointing in opposlto directions. She stated thDt tho first group of conòomlnlu~8 9 in t.he area whore the erosion rate 15 the greatest. She reported that riprap pl~co~ in front of a seawall is ~one BO In a nacriflcl~l mannor anò wives and currents will orode and thus, offer some additional longevity, to the ,.eawall. She stated that it is a principle similar to that o~ paqe 29 ~OOK cr12 rA~465 " -. . ., : ..··t '. ...,~,"'r..... ~... . ~ODK (112. fAtA66 Novemhor 9, 1~ß2 bOðCh nouriahment except thllt while the riprl'Jp is losing volume, it is not forming ð beach. Mr. Mike 7.owàlk, rcprQscntin~ the North ~npleß Civic I\ssoci"tion, statod thnt this Is II chðncc to corroct a nine year error, adding th,,~ the senwlIll 1!1 too fnr senw£lr~. Mr. nÐrnie Yokel, reprcscntinq the Congcrvllncy, ßtntcð that ho is not tnkln1 nny pORitlon on thlR pðrtlculDr issue, n~~inq thnt he recolJnlZI:!n the nee" [or tho ownC'rs to r1n[('!nrl ,I ~"ln~t th~ ßCð. lIe tlni~ thllt the puhlic sh~uld he nwnre thnt an option to refenr1 mny represent thG conr.(,C lIcnco:>s of /I IOBA or ÐC'Jf!rO r1~t.erlorntion of tho tlnllch. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanlmoußly, that tho public hearing be closed. Commissioner Kruse move~, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Pistor opposed), that Resolution 82-184 re Petition CCCL-82-9C, Anchor Engineering, Agent for Sunset House North, requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Control Line tor property located on a portion ot Tract "E", Block 59B, Unit 22, Marco Beach, be adopted with the otipulations that (1) the northern lGØ foet of the wall be relocated as recommended by stat!, (2) a publ1c by-pa.. walkway with steps or a ramp at Its northern end be maintained in perpetuity by the condominium association/ and (3) that the owner's a9ree to ramove or modify the wall should It be documented by the County to be a public hazard. I P/!~n ')1' " CŒ:!I . œ:m - . _"""_ o_""""",,,,~,,>,,,,"~,,,~,,,,,,,,~~,,,,,,_,, ~ ",. ... ¡;:;;;¡;¡ r=l Novemher 9, 19"'- RESOLUTION 82-l85 RE PETITION CCCL-82-2Ð-C, DELTONA CORPORATION, REQUESTING A V~RIANCE FROM TilE COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN ~ECTION 17 ^ND 18, TOWNSHIP 5250UTH, RANGE 26 EAST (THE SURF CLUB OF MI\RCO - ADOPTED Legal notico having hnan puhlinhR~ in tho ~aplcs n~lly Ne~n on October 7.~, 19~? and the Mnrco Inl~nd F.~glo on Novenhar ~, l~Ø? ns evidenced by "Hi<1/1vltll of Puhl1cc'ltion filCH' with t,ho ~lor", rHl"l1~ hearing wn!! opene'" to conAI~p.r Petition ~rCL-~?-?~-r., fllc~ hy Knvln Smolenyak, Oeltonl' corpor/lt.ion, rp.quo!'lt.1n" II vl'lr1/1ncC! frOM the ~onst.nl Construction Cont.rol Una (or property loclJte~ In Section]" !'Inri 1", Township 52 South, H1In'Jp. ?'; r....nt, (Thp. f,urf Cluh of "'1Irco). County Envlronmant/111st, nr. ~encdict, stilted that thl!'1 request is for II varll1nce f.rom the CO/'lntnl Const:rlJct',n Control Line to C:t"n~truct an elevated boar"'w...lk ...nd to r(!~tore the ~unes zone seaw...rd of the Coastal Construction Control Line. III! !-Itllted th/lt tho potitio:1or a9rees with tho recomml'n<1/1tlon IInc1 stlpul¡,tlon!J. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel ðnd carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-185 re Petition CCCL-82-2Ð-C, Deltona Corporation, requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Control Line for property located in Section 17 and 18, Township 52 South, Range 26 East (The Surf Club of Marco), be adopted with the stipulations as set forth in the Resolution. aOOK 012 rAct:469 , ., , . ' ..;. ',',. pago 31 c::;.1 c-..:J Novomhor ~, l~n? 122 PETITION CCCL-82-lS-C, SCOFIELD M~RINE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - CONTINUED to DECEMBER 14, 1982 Commissioner Wenzel moved, neconded by Commissioner Pistor ond csrried unanimously, that Petition CCCL-A2-1S-C, be continued to Decembar 14, 1982. PETITION ~-02-6 HIGHL^NDS ^UCTION GI\LLERIES, tNC. ^PPEALING ^N ADMINISTR~TIVE DECISION THI\T PROHIBITS PETITIONER FROM OPER^TING ^ RET~IL ^RT AND AUCTION GALLEny IN ^ C-4 ZONING DISTRICT - REVERSED Legal notice hMvln~ h~~n puhllRherl In tho Nnplcs nMlly ~ews on October ~4, 19~2, ~s cv1~encc~ by ^ff1~~vlt of rub11c~tlon 'llc~ with the Clerk, r~bllc hcnrln~ wns opcne~ to consl~Ar Potitlon ^-A2-~ (i1e~ by Hit:]hhnds I\uction ï.ollerleA, tnc. nppcn11ng ~n IIdl'11n1strnt.1ve dectsion thot prohlhlts potltloner from operating a rot~ll art ~n~ auction gallery In ~ C-~ z~nln1 ~lstrlct. Community ncvclopmcnt ^r,.,lnl~tr~tor Vlrtð st~teð thnt nuct10n gallerias aro provl~c~ f.or In ð r.-~ z~nln1 "lstrlct DR ~ principle use, but not in tho C-4 district. 110 Rtntec\ thnt for this rCDI'IOn the 7.oninq Director has denied tho petitioner's roqu~st to open such /In establishment. ~r. George V1\rnndoe, Attorney, reprp.Rp.nt1n~ 111qhlnnd I\uct.ion Galleries, Inc., stoted thnt ho is oppeDling the decision of tho 7.onin1 Dirl'ctor. lie stotn~ thllt c-~ rJlRtrlct 111 1In In<1ustrl1\l comnl'rclnl district anti C-4 is a gonerl'll commercial district. lie reportod that his cliont runs an cstl'lhllahod buslnøns in North Carolina nn~ wishes to expand to Naplel!l. lie note~ thllt they operllte n retnU IIrt "Jallary featuring fine nrt objecto, jnwolry, orirntftl ru~s, porcell\in, ivory, &OOK 012 fm473 ~, , "nge 32 , bOOK 0'12 rA~4'14 Novemher 9, 1982 crystol, otc. ðnd carry betweon lß and 15 million ~ollarß in inventory, all of which they own. lie notod thllt, in lI'd~itlon to hoing opon r.~ular rotllil hours, auctions aro conducted during the evening hours. HI stntod thnt hcclluse of the auction use it WðS zoned c-s which says' auction houses are pormlssoblo uses, adding that this i9 different than ~n lIuction house as the property thnt is boin~ lIuctioned is their own property, tho nllturo of the merchllndlse being offerod, and It is still basicnlly II retll11 ~lIle with II little different g¡m~ick. Ite indicated the locntlon 115 hclng In SlIndlowood Squllre, with an lIutomoblle ðelller to the north IIn~ not fDr from the Wltch's Rrew restnurnnt. He stated that the ~-~ zonln~ pcrmltn Ins ~e utornne IInð wnrehouslng nlong with limited m,~nurnctllrlng. lIe noted th,H. thore Is 11 very fine line between Comml!rclnl and Inrlur;trl,11 e!JtllhllshmentR. He !Hlhmltten for the recorð petitions 91qncð hy Rurrounnln1 huslncs!J flrmA ind1cllt1n1 th~t they hlld no objection to the nrt gllllcry Dnd lIuctlon hOUSA. Commissioner Wenzel movod, seconded by Commisoioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 4/1, (Commissionor Kruse opposed), that Petition 1\-82-6, Highlands Auction Calleries, Inc. appealing an administrative decision that prohibits petitioner from operating a retail art and auction gallery in a C-4 zoning district, be reversed. r.ommunlty nevelopment ^nmlnistrlltor Vlrtn IIRked for II point 0' clllrlflcAtlon rcqnrdln~ the c-~ dlotrlct, ~uestloning l' It is the aOðrd'~ Intent thllt such II use be nllowod as /In acco~sory usa rnther thnn n principle uoe, nðrling thnt thor~ would hllve to be a retail P8CJO 33 '" t=1 - !III ·.~ ~:í~ œr~] Novomher ~, lqn, operation along wit" tho auction house, to which Chnirman ~'imer stðte~ that this is the intant 0' the ~oar~. ORDIN~NCE 82-111 AMENDING ORDINANCE 75-11 PROVIDING FOR INSPECTION or C~RNIVAL ~ND CIRCUS nID~S BY THE COUNTY MANI\GER'S DERIGNEE - ADOPTED Logal notico hllv1ng hcltn pllhlll1hcd in thn NII!,les nr'lily ~tp.ws on Octobor 21, 1992, ~s evidenced hy ^ffidavit of puhlicntion 'il~~ with the Clark, puhlic hcndng WIIS opena~ to con/l,l"nr ...n ortHnllnce nmcn~in'} OEdin~nce 75-11 rrovl~lng for Inspection of cllrniv~l /In" circus ri~eø by th~ Bull~ln'J Ðep/lrtmcnt. Chris IIolley, I\dr.llnlstratlvo l\!lslst...nt to the County "'lIn~1er, stated th~t one of the chnn'Jen to this or"in~nce Is to rc~ove the County Mllnager os Inspector of rl"es, /lñ"inq th~t the Aull~ing Officlols could act In th~t cllpaclty. He stated thllt the other change is th~t the Ronrd hnñ the ~uthorlty to wllive occuplltlonnl license fees, but, under the occuplltlonlll license ordinllncc Itself, it provides the ability to wnlvc occupationlll llconse foell for non-profit organizations. lie at~ted that thi!l hllo bonn modifier'!, IIcIr1ing that tho ßo~rd cðn still woive nll of the requirements Arllllng with the ordinance, but lellvlng the occupationlll license fees to the T/lX Collector's offico. There W~ß a genorlll diScussion r"gllr~lng the ~ounty Mllnllger heing more qualified to Inspect such rides than the Buil~inq Inspector. Commissionor ristor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried undnimou~ly, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Inspection of carnival and circus ride. be Pn!]e 3/1 aOOK 0'12 tAC~ 415 . '. .. ... ". ~__"'~""'''^",'A''~_~~''_ ,', ._,_~.-_ " " " t .. ~oox 0'72 p^c~4?6 November 9, 1982 provided by the county Manager'. Designee, and that the Ordinance aa numbered and entitled below be adopted and antered into Ordinance Book 16. ORDIN~NCE 82-111 ~N ORDIN^NCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 75-11 SECTION ONE, SUBSECTIONS 6 I\ND 8 TO PROVIDE FOR INSPECTION OF CI\RNIV^L AND CIRCUS RIDES BY TilE COUNTY MI\N^GER'S DESIGNEE, PROVIDING FOR WAIVERS OF REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMITS BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, PROVIDINC SEVERI\B!LITY AND I\N EFFECTIVE DATE. Item 125 REQUEST TO AMEND OnDIN^NCE 81-42 PROVIDING LICENSE FEES FOR CIRCUSES, CARNIVALS AND SHOWS - TO BE CONTINUED AND REI\DVERTISED ~T 1\ L^TER DATE AND FEES ^LREI\DY PI\ID TO BE REFUNDED Legal notice h~v1n~ heen puh11shen in t~e Naples ~ð1ly NewS on october 21, 19P2, n9 cvl~~nc~~ hy ^ffl~~vlt of Puhl!c~tion filen with the Clerk, puhllc hc~r!ng W~g open~d to con~l~er ~n ornlnnnce to amen~ Ordinance nl-~2 provldln~ license fOOB for clrcu~eK, c~rnlvnls ~nd shows. Chris Holley, !V'm1nlrJtrtltlvc! I\sslstant to the County ~nnllger, stated thnt whatevor act10n takes placo this date regtlrdlng foes should stated that one rccommendl'tlon is that tharp. be tI (~erinltlon for govern the permits th"t h.,ve heen Issuc"J within tho pðst faw weoks. 11o non-prof1t liS woll M; provlrl1nIJ proof of snmc. 110 st.l.lten that he hðS w~rkod with th& T~x Collnctor and the County I\ttornay In trying to provi~e an npproprinto wl.lY to divide the occup~tionnl licenso fep. between tho non-prorlt group anrl the privðtc enterprise. l1e stat!!" that, lIfter checkln~ with !1urrounr'ln~ counties, one technique thnt h"l be.n used is to provldo for a porccnt hrenk~own of the occupational l1consfI l'e08. 110 stiltod th<'lt If the non-prof.it orC']anizntlon ngreemeont ·h>·! ,~ ~~t:. .;!. .,," ."1\, :'~ ,~~ ~ ",'~ - .. pago 35 ..-"'....,....'"-_.."....'"...,,~,'~"',.... ;~~' ~, . :~1 '..,'¡ "-', r;:¡a 1:1 r-:~~""ÿ , t~ Novemhor 0, 19~~ ~'~" ~,ft~: 11 baaed on ft 70\ and 3~' rovenue split, then the privote enterprise would be fosponAihlo 'or 70\ of tho occupðtion~l license fee ðn~ the other 30\ would bo w~ived as a non-profit or~ani7.ntion. He Btnto~ that a lot of tho prohlems with tho or~innnco d~^lR with th~ fee stru~ture Stself. Ho !!tated thnt presently It in ~275 a day with t.3~ a dny feo por sideshow or rlr1o. lie stntcc1 that the rllt,Cft nrc not helng adðressed, adding thðt If thc Roard fools tho fees are cxcesnive, this coul~ bo brought hack to the Ro~rd. I1n reportn~ thnt the m~jority of the pcCt.>le feel that ðny fee charCJec1 would be passed on to the non-profit groups. Quy Cnrlton, Tnx Collector, st.~ted thnt he mnde the recommondntions thðt he thought were (air and accurate, adding that there are pro~ahly people that have problems with the feo structure which could bo hðndled at a later d~te. Revercnd Powell of St. Elizabet1 ~eton Church In ~olden r.^te, stated that he is opposed to what is being presented, nd~lng thnt he ðo.. not know whnt is ncant hy the tern rev~nuc In the ordinance. He noted th~t there Is no provision mn~e thnt s~ys the private enterprisft cannot hand the fees ~own to the non-profit nrgnnlzntlon. Ho stnted that the feos arc quite excessive at this time. He reported that he fe.ls there needs to he a study ðone on thiR matter. He conclu~e~ hy stating that somo counties hnve flat fees whether they are there five ðays or ton ~nys or whethor they have one rido or firtcen rides. Chairman ~imer stated that thin matter mainly conccrns the foe ~ChOdule and questioned If tho Ronrd would prefer to put the two matterø togothor nnd discuss them at a futurÐ date. l" :1, ~';, ¡:"t",'. .. "~ " L i PAgO 3" ~OO}; 0'72 fACr,477 ~., &OOK (Y}2 fACI::418 Novembor 9, 19A? r Comm1sD1onor Brown otnto~ th~t ho woul~ like novercn~ rowol1 to Ihavo :::: r: ::~: ,:::::,::: '::;, 'h 0 r ecomm onO." on wo u '0 ho '0 r . 'ho %various minløtcrs ðnd clerqymðn that IIrc interosted to work with Staft <It¡, ~\and hrin1 both It~"'B bnck to the Ronrd /It tho II/lmo time. ',j,. ':'- Chris 110lley Gtntec1 that the permit thDt has been approvod ~; ,requires thnt the prlvDtc entity ncqulre nn occupntlonnl liconso, ad~inq that h~ wnuld høvc to pny tho present rlltes ns they ere. lie notc~ thl.lt thoro arc two permIts befor' tho f'ollrd this -:!lIto and <;tll'f rocommendntlon i5 the same liS those thnt hllve heen prcvioullly ðpproved. 110 stðtcc1 th,'t he W","t~r1 to he con31~t(1nt wIth 1'111 the peoplo IInr'l would be willIng to help ill ~ny wny posRlhle. COr:l'11!nslon"r Krur;1'! stntcrl thllt there shoulñ he 1.1 reprosontlltive of one of the IIH')cr cllrnlvllI~ ,wlll1l.lble for input In this mllttf'r. She statod th.,t she r11:1 not fNd t.~,,,t thC' flllt fee per rUlc Is ~trur.:turerl pro po r 1 y. Chnlrmlln '"lmer r;tnted thllt this ml'ttl)r shoulc1 he continued until the whole mllttcr I~ worked out, ndc11ng thllt the ones th1.lt hllvo paid will be'! r >func1c,J theIr mon~y "nr1 no one I'!lso will ho chðrr¡l!d until tho matter hils boen [c~olvec1. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wonzel and \ carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. ~; Commis.ioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and : carried unanimously, that the people that have paid will be retun~ed their money and no one else will b~ charged until the matter haa been worked out and brought back to the Board attar roðdvertising re9ardin9 !"lIgo 31 CIZ! - 18, o;::¡;¡ L::.:! ' ... " t, Novcmbar 9, 198'- the fe. '.tructure and the occupat10nal liconse. Chairmon Wimer stated that if these nQn-profit organizntions nrG only on a 70 _ 3~ split, they ore bein~ taken n~vantðgo of. He stato~ that H, they hlatllntly bcllevo thot tho cnrnlvnln He ~oin'1 t.o ~hl'lr'Jo it all bac~ to the non-profit or'J0nlzations,they aro totally miDt/l~en. He reported thl!lt they noc~ somcho~y v~ry shnrp in ~~n]in'J wit~ II carnival on a contra~t. He conclu~eò by stating thnt ~hesn cðrnival~ can well afr~r~ to pny th~ occup~tlonal foes, an~ if the non-profit 9rouP is only gettlnq In\, they /Ire holnq taken I'I~V/lnt~'Je of nA well /IS tho rest of the community. ORDIN~NCE 82-112 CREATING THE HENDERSON CREEK ROAD STREET LIGHTING MSTU _ ADOPTED. STAFF TO WORK OUT FUNDING FOR SAID STREET LIGHTING DISTnICT WITH FlSC~L OFFICER AND COUNTY M^N^GER Le! al notice having heen pllhlishe~ In the Nllple5 Dnlly ~'ews on October 21, 19R2, as evidenced hy I\ffld/lvlt of Pu~liC/ltlon fileð with the Clerk, public he/lrin<] W/lS opened to consider an or~lnn!\ce cre/ltin'J the Henderflon Creek nOI!l~ Streot Lighting M;'TU. Mr. Knute Hartman, Public ~orks ^~ministr/ltor, stated that this petition is to cre/lt~ 1'1 street li~htin'J taxing ~IRtrict, a~~ing that this 1. the rublic heorlng to hoar those people thnt nre intereAted in same. "e stnted that tho Staff recommon~ntlon 1s th/lt the Aoarò crente the Henderson Creek nOI!l~ Street Lighting Munlcipnl Servico Tllxing Unit. F1scal Officer Giles statcò that the street lighting ~istrict would ,be doferrod until 1985-!\!) because it is part of the County's genoral millage, ad~in9 that if a separato elect.ion for voted millðges 1. held, this could bo enactod oarlior. He stated thero i8 n lS\ cap ~ ,~ ; PIU;JO 39 ~. . ~ODK 0'72 rAc¡;419 ~: t'~;:'!,'r , ' , ~' '~ ~" ii'" ~., 'f~ ~ -...--,-...-- -. ."-~,~,..",.-,.,"~,..""...-",,......,.._"h,..,".- ",'" ,,,,,, "',~~",,' .","'",..,.,,.,.._,,~._".- , - .' .. .~ I . " &ODK 012 rAcASO Novomher 9, 19A'- tho millnqe rAte which is pArt of the County's oVf!roll millAge Itructuro for tho M)(t two r:1ßclIl years. lie ntntec1 thl'lt hoc/luse theso ~~~treot li~hting districts aro baing ðefcrre~, consideration coul~ be ""ij ¡,'liliven by tho OOllrd for /In nHornlltivo to the peosont method. He .." '~~~onCludO(' hy stating that this streot 11~htlng cIistrict could be i~Ðdoptod ot thiR time And Stoff Instructed to work out /In nltern/lte i" 'method of funding. ~ Commissioner Wonzel movød, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and :oarried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wonzol moved, secQnded by Commissioner Kruse And cArried unanimously, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and ontered Into Ordinance Book 161 ORDINANCE 82-112 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE HENDERSON CREEK ROAD STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT, PROVIDING THE BOUND^RIES OF TilE UNIT/ DESIGNATING THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE UNIT ^UTHORIZING A T^X LEVY ^S PROVIDED BY LAW, PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION ^ND ^N EFFECTIVE D^TE. Commissioner Kruse moved, soconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the Staff and the Fiscal Officer be . inGtructed to work out a1ternote funding for the creation of the Honderson Creek Road Street Lighting District. Item '27 ORDIN~NCE 82-113 AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-37 TO INCLUDE DOWNY ROSEMYRTLE , ~ND ~USTRALI^N PINE ON THE EXOTIC PLANT LIST - ADOPTED Lc~~l notlco h~vlnq hoen puhllaho~ in the Nnplos ~nl1y News on "October ?l, lO~2, ~s ovicloncrcl by ~Frlcl~vlt of puhlicntion Filed with ~! the ~lerk, publiC honrln'] w~s oronA" to consl"or /In orrl1n...ncl'P I'lroIen~1ng rOrdlnanco n2-37 to Includo Downy RO!!Omyrtle and ~ustralian pine on the r,-' PIHJe 39 ,1,1:( ~"" ~' . -\ i ~·',<·.'II.· .....',:.',." ~¡' >- "I, , .'It"'" œm . ...."'_,~,...,"".....''',,',~...'.....,' ,.,"'~.OA-""""'".,_"" .....,,". ". ..~....'".,,'-,.._'-.. c:::J t::::] =:J November q, l~n? c plllnt Hilt. County f.nvironmnntlllist, stntn~ thllt nowny pine should bo ð~ðod to tho oxotic plllnt ad~in~ thðt ho hDS ~one a con!!i~ornbla nmount of. rosenrch on the and talked with ~ lot of oxports. He øtntod th~t the hall rocommcn~e~ thðt th~~q ~p~~i~. ho Ho report~ð thðt there IIro two spocieø of ^ustrllllan Pine, on~ h~lng ~n~unrinD ~unnin~hnml~nn' nn~ the other CaDUDrlnll r.qulsctlfolln. tlo stlltp.,l thnt r.nBunrlnl'l r.unnln!')h1\mi...na is commonly plðntad In hen~e rows ann hns not not clellrly honn ~ocumente~ as being II pest and Is not Included on th(' list. He notl'!ð thllt Casuarlna EquIsetlfolll1 hils ~een cloarly ~ocumentød liS heln~ 1\ post nnd is all ovor Collier County beaches /Inn should be IInned to the exotic plðnt list. Chlllrmon Wlmnr stllten that he fclt thnt the Cnsullrlnll Equlsetlfollð nnd the Cnsu/lrlna Cunnlnghll~lonll shouln be liddon to tho list. Mr. David Llnstrurn, 4~S5 North Tllmloml Trllll, ~lstrlhute~ n lettnr to the ÐOðr~ nnn stilted thnt he f-olt the Casullrinll çunning~lImillnn should not he Included on the exotiC plðnt list. He stllto~ thllt thø ^ustralian Pine docs hnvc ð lot of good qu~litios nA well IIA a lot of flIlWS, add Ing thllt the puhlic ~ould he cducllte~ to the proper cllro. 110 concluded by stating thnt he wouln llko to see the ornlnllnce pll8sed. Ms. Dorie Kllrl, l?~q Ridge ~treot, stilted thllt she feols the ordinnnce øhould be pIlSSO~ to protect Collier County. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and piHl0 "n ~OK ern. fAc~481 . '. !'r " . ... ,.".. . .....,:.. ~ !.>J . .~: ~;~~~:\.;;':~:1?ti;'· :,'j# , .'- -,~-..-' _''''''''''''''~T''..,~"..''O"''__'' "" .,...,...",,___..._."_._ ',~ ..:"i _. &ODK 012 rAc(482 Novemhor 9, 19n? carried unanim~usly, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that tha Ordinance as numbered And entitled below be adopted And entered into Ordinance Book 161 ORDIN~NC& 82-113 ^N ORDIN~NCE AMENDING ORDIN~NCE 82-37 REL~TING TO THE REMOV^L, S^LE, PL^NTING ~ND TR~NSPORT^TION OF EXOTICS BY AMF.NDING SECTION ONE "^" TO INCLUDE DOWNY nOSEMYRTL& (RHODOMYRTUS TOMENTOS^) ^ND ~USTRALI^N PINE TnEES, (ChSUARIN^ EõUTšET1FOl.I^1, ^ND ÞnOVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Item 128 RESOLUTION 82-186 RE PETITION V-82-22C, TERRY' T^MARA DAWSON REQUESTING A VAnI~NCE FROM THE MINIMUM 2-1/4 ^CRE LOT AREA REQUIREMENT 2!-!~E "E" EST^TCS DISTRICT - ^DOPTED Le1ðJ notice h~vlnry hern puhllnhed in the ~ðplc~ Dðily News on Octo~er ')~, lC¡'1') I1nd the r olr!cn Gl1t<1 F'11'Jlc on \!ovcmher ~, lC)f!?, ns evldencer! hy Affidavits of Puhlicl1tlon filer! with the Cl~rk, puhlic hOllrln'J wl1n oponoc1 to ~onsl(lcr p~t1tion V-'1')-')'H', flleñ hy Terry" Tamarð Dl1wnon requostlng D varll1nco from the ml~lmu~ 2-1/~ acre lot area re4ul[em~nt oC the "E" ~stl1te~ nl~trict in arñor to construct ft houoo on the property. Plans Implementl1tlon Dlr~ctor Lee Lny"c stntec1 t.h"t t!1o petitioner wishes to cons~ruct 11 housc on their property, I1d~in'J that when the plðnn werc hrought In, they were toln It was'" non-conforming lot. ~he stated thnt the original lot WI1S ~.11 I1crcs which WI1S 9uhr!lvi~ed into two 2.055 I1cre tr/'lctn. She nt,ðtec1 th/lt the petitioners bO!'':Jht their rropcrty in goon f/lith, being told it w/ln a hulld/lhle lot. Rhn concluder! hy stl1tin'J thl1t, hnsed on the Donr~ of 10n1ng I\pponla crltoria, ðpproval Is hoing recommcndnd. r:=3 - .. pn'Jo "1 _____'.....'<_._",,_"'...''"'''''''~,,~'''...,ß....',' _,,_~ ..--.,".>~,""_~"_' ". ~ ¡;;;¡;¡ Còj':J . Novemher 9, 198" , Commissioner Wenzel moved, seoonded by Commissioner pistor and " aarried unanimously, that the publJo hearin9 be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-186 re Petition V-Q2-22C, TerrI' . 'l'amara Dawson requestin9 a variance from the minimum 2-1/4 acre lot are. requirement of the wEw Estates District, be adopted. &DOK 0'12 fAC~483 .~I " c .." " . . " ,> . ., . .' ii ; ~' ,~,...,..",,,,,,,,."-,,....__,_,,,,....,"-. ,'._,"'",'><--.....~.....~,._.~..,'~--""- &ODK 012 rAc~486 Novomhcr 9, l~A" aem 129 RESOLUTION 02-187 RE PETITION V-82-23-C, MR. , MRS. NORBERT MEERT REQUESTING ^ V^RI^NCE FROM THE MINIMUM LOT ^REA REQUIREMENT OP THE "E" EST^TES DISTRICT - ^DOPTED Lc~al notice hoving boon puhliß~ed in tho N~plcs O~ily I>lews on Octobor 21\, 191\?, nn ~vic1oncoc1 by I\fHc1nvit,,( puhl1cation !'!loc1 with tho Clork, puhlic h~~rln~ W~R opencð to consiðer P~tltion v-~?-?3-C, fllc~ hy Mr. & Mrn. ~orhnrt Mcart roquentln1 n vnrlnnce from tho minimum lot nrcn requirement of the "r." r.9tntoa rlntrlct. rl~ns Implomentntlon nlractor Lee Lnyno st"tcc1 th~t this petition is haslcnlly tho snmc nR tho prevloun onn, añdlng th~t they were Issued n hulldln~ pnrmlt rr~vlou~ly. ~~~ nrytad th~t for Rome ronRon jJorr.'\IRGlon wnn 'Jri'lnton, "dnln(j thllt It Is I! non-conforming lot nnd !,<.'rmlsslon ßhou!n nryt h.'vC' henn IJrnntcn. <;h,. conf':lu"c~ hy Rt,ntin'1 that Rhe Is rccoml1\cnrllnrJ '~r:Hovnl of tho vnrl~nco. Commissioner Wenz~l moveñ, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and carried unanimously, that tho public hearing be closed. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and cðrried unanimously, that Resolution 82-187 re Petition V-82-23-C, Mr. , Mrs. Norbert Moert requesting a variance from tha minimum lot area requirement of the "f." Entates District, be adopted. . ,. . t::::=I . I!1I'!S f!B Pn~o 113 '. .~ ~ r:.:::l Novnmbor ~, lOR? RESOLUTION 82-188 RE PETITION V-82-24C, WINN DIXIE REQUESTING ~ V~RI^NCE TO THE OFFSTREET P^RKING REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT N~PLES SOUTH SIIOPPING CENTER ON RATTLESNAKE HAM'10CK ROAD Ii U. s. 41 - ADOPTED Le~al notice hnvln~ hoon publiDho~ in tha Nnplrß nn~ly ~OWS on October ~4, lO~', ~B ovl~~nced hy I\[fid~vit of puhllc~tlon fllo~ with tho Clerk, pu~llc hen ring wnR opnnc~ to conDider p~tlt.lnn v_n,_,~~, file~ by ~lnn Dixie rcquestin~ ~ voriðnce to the offntrnet r"rkln~ requirements for property lo~~tn~ ~t N~p1es ~outh ~hnprln1 rnntnr nn RattleAn/lkl'l lI~mmock Ro.,r' F. U. R. ~]. Plans Implo~rnt~tlon nlrrctor L"r L~yn" ~tntn~ th~t thin ~etition is being recom~cndcd for ctcnlRl. Rho note~ th~t the petitioner wishes to oxpancl the ~)(i5t1n'1 "'Inn DIxie, I1dr1ln1 thl't the c~nter w,.~ orginially built in 197q ~t which time parkln~ wns required at 115 spaC6S and the center "t 151 np"ces. S'lC notl1r1 that in ,July ll!'l" , tho parking raqulrc~cntß ror supormarket nn~ shopping cent~r9 wor~ inCrOðnQ~, nd~ln1 th~t if the 5hoprln~ conter were huilt. todny as huilt in 1979, tho rcqulrc~cnt woul~ he ~nr¡ p...rkln~ 5pnc('~. Rho stllter1 that or tho originally plnnncd rotnll, n ~nrtlon Is now ~eln, pll1l1no~ for 'supermnrket expansion, which hrin~s the required p~rkinq up to 57" SpIlCOD. She roltCtrlltocl t.hllt the pxlstln'J centor in non-conforminr¡ /IS to parking by ~l7 spacos. She noted that tho zonlnq or~lnnnco states that no mnjor nltor~t1on or extension of n UAe mllY tnke rlDCO until Ðuch time as nddlt10nlll pllrklng Is suppl1e~ which will ~~ke tho tot~l u.. in conrorm~ncc. Sh~ gt~te~ t.h~t in ord~r to p.xp~nd nny or thn stores in tho center, tho pllrklnq woul~ hnvo to he hrou'Jht into conrorm~nco. ~ho conclu~ed hy "t"tin~ thllt, hftøo~ on th~ criter1~ ot ~OOK 012 r"c~~9 PIli]. oill '_.~"""_'" ,-,,,-,,",",_.,,"--,-,",,,,,",,,".--~=-,~~_.. t, tr... , ,- flOOK 012 FAc~490 Novembor 9, 19A~ the ßonrð of 7.onin~ ~ppooln, Stoff io recommcn~ing denio'll 0' the p. tit i on. Commisnlonor ~~n~el qucntlonc~ If therA hns b~on nny pnrkinq problema at the shopping ~ontcr os of this dote to which ~s. Lnyno roplied thero haa not been problem~, however, the centor i8 bnslcally Cull tho mojority 0' the time. r,he ln~icðto~ thnt there ßro also two stores thnt hnve not heen occupied ns of thin ~~te. County fl4nn.11J0r ~ormnn stl!ter1 th/lt ho hclieves thllt" thoro are more thnn two vncnnt ntores In the ~enter ~t the present tine, IIdnlng th~t the parking hns c~me close to helng fI1le~. 1\ttorney !ìon,11r1 Pickworth, representlnr¡ the petitioner, stnted tho petitioner Is propo~ing to oxpnn~ Into tho vncnnt store next r.oor which consint9 of I!fH'(1 sqlh1ro recto Ho note(~ thnt tho pl'lr1dn1 hns nlready boon rrovl~en for the v~cDnt store thnt will he utl1izor. in tho initial construction of the 5hoppln') cent.er. lio r'1ferroè. t.o /In overhÐn~ mnp Indlcntlng th~t 12 5pnces of pnrklng wouln he dddcn In tho renr of the ex is tin 9 ','¡ Inn t'l x to. 11 ere po r t n d t h" t tho r (\ Inn 0 1'" n r' n v /Ill n hi" , 0 r nny ndr.ltlonnl pllrklnry sp~coß; tho shopping center WI'IS orlglnnlly huilt with moro pInking sp"cos thlln ~lh,'t WI'Iß reqlllror!. "lRo, 0' tho I!A"" squore foet thnt will no utilized, 2~on squnro feot will he selllnq /lrea ann ~~n~ nqu/!re feot will he stnrnr¡c nr8" or stockroo~. He note~ thnt thnro nre l'r1rl1t1onlll ch~ckotlt. cOllntor!l rrO¡:'O!H!'" "9 well liS ðn o)(pl\n~(!t1 rH1/!t r'r!p/!rtlor!nt. ! ~ reporter' t,hllt till:! '....oule' nimply mt'ko It: more convenient for exlstln~ ßhorp~rs nnd would not nocc9snrily ~dd Mora customers. l1e relter"te~ th",t hI"! foels t.hnt It will not: CllU!10 ltny rrolJloms. 110 reported th/lt, ovt'ln wlth the /'Id~1tlonn, the parkin9 in 1'111]8 "S l!:~~~ . rBI --,-.....;......."".",'~,..^''''''';,-...'....,..<>, -,,""._.~"'_.- , .... ~':I ~ r¡;¡w ~" ~ Novemher C), 1911' tho center will work out to n.7 spacos pnr 10"D squAro fcnt, arlding that the Urban Land Jnstituto 8t~toS thðt to providn n~~quðto rarking r~r a typical S~~PFlng cnntor today, thø numher of Rpncea rQ~uirod is ~ spaces per lnøp s~uarc foot of ~roBB lcnsoable ~roa 'or contors having lea.oeble arco of 2S,ono to 4~~,~OO øqu"re rect. Commisslonor Kruse st~tcd thMt shn h~s nover hnd " problr~ 'indin~ parking In that shoPp1n1 centor. ~r. Goorgr K~llcr, rcprc~cntln0 ~olllcr County rlvlc Fe~cr~tion, stato~ thllt he has never hll~ II pr~"lcrn f1n~ln'J 1I pll'cc to park nno:'! liS long es the exlßtlng pllrkln') Is not qo1n1 to be rc~u~8d, he hns no objection. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commisnioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commlssionor Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-~8a re Petition V-82-24C, Winn Dixie requesting a variance to the offstreet parking requlrement~ for property located at Naples South Shopping Center on Rattlesnake Hammock Road' U. S. 41, be adopted. Page 41i t.n~K 0'12 r~c\: 491 . -,-"",,,,~,";,,,,-",,,<....... ,"'" .',.- ',~> ,"-,~"""~""""~,..,,,,..,,..,~, ,. ..""",^"" :;" ..... 't';<' . "..,'....,,'" ',", . , . \ ;" ~ c.~ . Novemhor 9, 19A? RESOLUTION 82-189 RE PETITION FDPO-82~V-8 BY THE COMMONS INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP REQUESTING ^PPROV~L OF A VARI^NCE FROM THE MINIMUM BASE PLOOD ELEVATION REQUIRED BY THE FLOOD DAMACr. PREVENTION ORDIN^NCE ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS BUILDING I, THE COMMONS, 720 GOODLETTE ROAD, N~PLES - ~DOPTED Logal notice hnvlng be~n publlRhD~ In tha N~plrs "nlly New A on octohor ?~, ll)q?, liS cvlr1cnc'!n hy ,.rfl,1nvtt or l'u~l1cntlon (1]",1 witt, the ~lerk, public hc~rln1 w~s openn~ to conslñer Petltlon Fnpn-~?-V-~, file~ hy tho Commons InveDtment p^rtncrRt,ip, rc~un!'!tln1 ~pprov~] of ^ varlnnce from th~ minimum hnRe floo~ elcvntlon requlre~ hy th~ Floo~ D~mllgc Prevention nr~ln~nce on property ~n.scrlhrñ l'S Aullñ1n1 t, ~h~ Commons, 720 Cooñlette no~ò. N~plcs. Tom ~cDDnlel, rlðnncr, ~tnt"~ thnt the petitioner 19 ~Ð~I~1 for 2-1/2 font unñer the firm rp.<Jullltton to p"t Roml'! elE'mcntA of thE'lr building, an lIfter-tho-fnct ^ppllc~tlnn, ~dñln~ thðt At~ff IS recommQn~lng npprovlIl. Commissioner PIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Piator movod, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Resolution B2-l89 ro Petition FDPO-82-V-B, filed by the Commons Investment Partnership requesting approval of a variance from the minimum base flood elevation required by the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance on property described as Building I, The Commons, 72Ø Ooodlette Road, Naples, be adopted. ~oo~ 0'12 rAc~4.95 .... PllfJC! "7 ---_.."'.........._-'._"""~ " · .---. ,.. ~ODK 0'12 fACt498 Novemher ~, 19A2 Item 132 PETITION ~-B2-7, P^UL , JUNE SH^W I\PPE1\LINC ^N 1\DMINISTR^TIVE DECISION TH1\T PROHIBITS THE DIVISION OF LOT 19, COCONUT CREEK, UNIT 2, INTO TWO LOTS WITH EI\CII BEING LESS TII1\N THE FIVE 1\CRE MINIMUM RF.QUIRED IN THE ~-2 ZONING DISTRICT - REVERSED L01~1 notice hnvlng heon puhllÐho~ In the Nnplos nnlly News on Octohor 24, 19A2, ns evidenced by 1\ffid~vit of Public~tion tiled with tho Clerk, publiC hc~rln1 W~B oponod t.o conni~or p~titlon 1\-62-7, filod by pðul 1\. an~ Juno A. Rhnw nppenling nn ð~mlni9trntivo docision thnt prohibits t.he ,llvl::¡lon of Lot 19, Coconut Creek, tJnlt ?, Into two lots with e~ch baln1 1e55 thnn tho five nero minimum required In the ^-2 zoning c11E1trlct. Communlt.y !:evolopmr>nt ¡\'¡I'11nlstrl1tor Vlrtll st~ter1 th2lt the pff'lsent lot IS non-con(ormlnl'). fie ntðtc!c1 th~t in It;'74 the property wal! purchnsed ns two 5epnrnt.~ pl1rC~19 hy ß ~r. ~ Mrs. Rrooke, nc1ðinl') th~t in 197~ the property wns purch/loec1 by the petltionC!r nnc1 recor~~d ~s ~ single deed contnlnlnl') two 10l')nl degcriptions hut one ~eA~. He rcportod th~t the opinlnn nt thnt point wnn th~t tho propnrticR hcc~mo one. 110 concludp.d hy :ot...,tin1 tlHlt, the zoninl') orrlinl'nce provir10A in p~rt, that it is the Intent of the zoning orðinðnce to permit these non-conformities to contlnu~ until t~ey /Ire voluntarily renovon, ndr11ng that It Is tho roalin~ of St~Pf thnt by putt1n1 tho properties into ono deed, the non-conforMity WII!! vnl\lntl'lrlly rc'~ovcc1 to t.hf' !!xtcnt t~~t It lncronse~ thp. lot size closer to the five ncre nlnlmum. "Ir. Paul ';hl\w, Pet I UOrlcr, st~ter1 t.h/lt in IIu1IJst of ] 0'''> no purchnBoc1 tho north h/llP of Lot 19 which w""s /lc1vortlsoc1 /It l-l/~ ncrOA. II~ 8tato~ thllt ho nsl(e,' the sailor nt thnt tin,o U h" hll~ ~ny additional proporty nnrl wns told thnt the south hftlf of Lot 19 WftS ~lso Pn!]ft 41' G:a ~ is ......_..."..,',....."._".~,','...."._........".., ~ ~ ~. Novemher q, IOn? aval1ablo, which ho purchnserL 110 atated ~htlt he wn8 not IIWlIro thllt 1t was unt'lor t.wo ft.parllte t'le.118, IId~intJ thl'lt his ntt.ornoy c1rew up t.ho doec1 which indicated two soparato doscriptions, bllt on one <'Iee~. ~e Rtnte~ that he tolt that tho ~ced InðiCllted two soptlrtlto pie~p.~ of inn~ ~ven though thoy werc on thn Sllmo deer1. lie rnporto~ thnt he WI'IS conRir1erin';l aollint') soma of tho rrop~rty ~nc1 Wtl~ tol~ in th~ ~onlntJ nertlrtm~nt t~tlt ho needod the ñe~~s Rhowlnq thtlt the IDn~ ~IIß two plecoD prior to October, 1971\. Ito r.tl't.er' th..,t he 1'11,1 not I,..,vp the knowlce"'1C' th...t, therC' wlro orlgintll1y two dDC~S line" his r1cðlro wns to htlvo two ple~~fI of lnn~ and not on~ piece. Commissioner Wen:ol moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Plstor CJue~tlonp.( whl'lt Iß !Jurroul1ctlnr¡ the potitioner's lots, to which MS. Ltlyne atater1 thl'lt the whole ßroll has boon dlvlde~ in scvcrl'l dlffcr~nt wtlys which vnrlca fro~ 1-1/1\ to ?'-l/l\ and aomo 5 IIcro trtlctß. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Petition ^-82-7, Paul & June Shaw appealing an administrative docialon that prohibits the division of Lot 19, Coconut Creek, Unit 2, into two lots with each being less than the five acro minimum required in the A-2 zoning district, be reversed. RESOLUTION 82-199 RE PETITION PU-82-23C, J. E. HOOGATT REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE -~- OF -E- ESTATES DISTRICT FOR A CHURCH FOR 9+ ~CRES LOC~TED ~T THE SW CORNER OF GOLDEN C^TE PI\RKWAY AND SANTA BARBAR~ BOULEVARD - ~DOPTED, SUBJECT TO PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT AND FINDING or r1\CT Plans Implementlltlon Director Loyne stnted thnt this petition is to construct a... pl~Y a church on 9+ ncres loclltcd nt tho S~ cornor of Coldon and Santll nllrhnra noul~vnrd, nd11ing thllt tho pot.ition iR t ,.~OK 012 rAc~499 Pð<]e "9 ·f ....._ .... . t --...,.. .. ~OOK 012 fACf 600 Novombnr ~, 19"'- recommen~e~ tor approvnl hy Stnff nn~ nIl County ^gencies subjoct to the øtipulðtion thnt ~otnllo~ site ~rninn~c pInns ho Ðuhmlttnd to the rounty f.ngineer prior to tho start or construction. Mr. r.eorge Kollar, rnpr~ß~ntlng Collier ~ounty Civic Fo~orntion, stat.ð that ho spoko hoforo th~ Constnl ^rna Pl^nning Co~mlssion on this itom, Ild~ing thllt, hCCI\UI\Ð tho nppro/lch to tho church will he mado from Ðnnta ß^rborn ßoulcvnr~, he has no objection. Ho stated that he would like tho rccorn to refloct tho rnct thnt ho ~OCG not w/lnt this to become Rometh1ng thnt will open up at!lp ~onlng nlong Snnta Oarbara noulevllr~. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-l9Ø ro Petition PU-82-23C, J. E. Hoggatt requesting provipional use "^" of "r." Estates District for a church on 9+ acros located at the SW corner ot Golden Gate Parkway and Santa Barbara Boulevard, be ~dopted subject to petitIoner'. agreement and Finding of Fact nnd that this does not open up strip zoning along Santa Barbarn ßoulovard. pnCJe 5A 'I' ,i~, rs .. I!IJ t , ~ Nov~mbnr 9, 19A2 ßODK 0'12 fAcl506 Item 134 PETITION PU-82-24C, KILI~N B^YER REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE .~. or C-3 FOR VIDEO GAMES - REFERRED BACK TO THE C~PC FOR ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE rlona IMplomontntlon Dir~ctor L~yne stated that thp. potitionor proposoB to estnhlish ð vl~po gnmo nrc~de locnted in tho Collior Cond~mlnlu~ Ru¡l~ln~ on ~nrco ~t ?~; North ~olllp.r Roulev~r~. ~he roport~d that St~rr nn~ nIl ~~unty Agenc1e9 hnvo r~~nmmon~e~ npprovnl subject tn fitlpulntlon5, ~~~ln9 thnt the Co~stnl ~ro~ Plðnnin~ Commission reco~~en~e~ S to I to forwnrcl the p~tltlon to the Ao~r~ For ~enlJl. I\ttornoy ~Illlnm ~r~~~r, repreÐ~ntln~ the petitioner, Rtnte~ thnt when the rO~Qt~l ^ren rlnnnln0 Com~I~ßion met therp. w~s surprisp testimony thnt rnIß~~ ohjoctl~n~ th~t he w~s not rrcp~re~ for ns ~r. A"yer was out of thr'! country. 110 report(')~ thnt he Mils /] list of the ohjectlons ,1n~ hr¡ If; prer>nrP'r to ,1n!HI' r t.he'11 t.o('ny. rhalrn~n ~lmcr stnted thnt the Ro~rrl Is not ~llowerl to consider Dnything thnt wnH not rreßcntc~ ~t the ~oðRtnl I\ran Pl~nnln1 Commls¡:¡ion. Pe Rtl1tcd tllllt If the ;'-:'tltloner wnnts to present addltlonnl cvl~cncc, he hns to 10 hack to the COl1stnl Arcn Plnnnlng Commission. Commissioner Wenzel movod, secondod by Commissioner Brown and cnrried un~nlmou8ly, that Petition PU-B2-24C, Kilian Bayo: requ,stin9 provisional use "^"of C-3 for Video Games, be referred back to the C~PC for additional evidence. rn'Jo 51 c=3 . r:::z2 f& ... ~ ~ r::;.:::j , , " ~\, Novomho r ~, 11)8' RESOLUTION 82-191 RE PETITION PU-B2-2S-C, BOBBY ~LINE REOUESTINO PROV1SION~L USE .,.. OF EST~TES DISTRICT FOR CORKSCREW Bl\PTIST CHURCH ON 8. ~. 846 1/2 MILE EAST OF EVERGL~DES BOULEV~RD - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO PETITIONER'S ~OREEMENT AND FINDING OF FACT Plans Implomontation Diroctor Lnynp stnte~ thnt thp. petitionftr is proposing to construct 0 church on S. n. A~r, 1/' miles east Jf Ever~lndcs Roulov~r~. Rh~ 9tntn~ th~t ~tn" nn~ nll rounty I\~enC n3 havo recommenðe~ approval, ad~ing thnt the ~o~5tal ^ren Plnnning Commlsaion unaninously recommcndeñ approval. Commissioner ~ruse stnte~ that she woul~ go alcn1 with the potltlon hut to be careful about puttln~ churches all together, ndðing that they should be sprond out. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-191 r8 Petition PU-82-25-C, Bobby Kline requesting provisional use .~. of Estates District for Corkscrew Baptist church on S. R. 846 1/2 mile east of Everglades Boulevard, be adopted subject to tinding of fact and the following stipuht ionBI ~. Detailed drainage plan be submitted to the County Engineer prior to the start of any construction. B. Utilize pervious material for parking area, if possible. C. Health Department provide written confirmation that septic øystem has been approved. Pllge ,,? aOOK 012 fACt:6O? , -,. '- ---~--- ~OOK 012 PACt5t2 Novembor 9, 1992 U6 CARNIVAL PERMIT 82-4 RE PETITION C-B2-SC, OUR L~DY OF GUADALUPE C^THO~IC CHURCH - APPROVED, SUDJECT TO STIPULATIONS Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel an~ carried unanimously, that Carnival Permit 82-4 re Petition C-82-SC, our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church requesting a permit from November 24-28, 1982, be approved per Staff recommendations and the Board'. previous direction regarding Carnival occupational license fees. ~ .m!!! . II!!J . . - Ptlge 5~ . ' 'DOX 0'72 rACt 514 Novemhor ~, 19ß2 C-82-4-C, GUNRISB ^C^DEMY - ^PPROVBD, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Co~missioner Pistor and carried unallimously, that Carnival Permit 82-5 re Petition C-82-4-C, Sunrise ^cademy requesting a carnival permit from November 22, 23 and 24, 1982, bo approved per Staff recommendations and the Board's previous direction regarding Carnival occupational license feos. pa<J e 501 I..·.. .' IC:!D . a.I'.I .. &OOK 072 PACt 516 Novembor 9, 19"" .....RECESSI 11159 ~.M. - RECONVENEDr lr39 P.M. at ~hich time Depu~y Clerk Skinner replaced Deputy Clork Kenyon····· Item 138 CONCEPTU^L SITE PLlIN DE'rWEEN DEVELOPER lIND PROPOSED HOTEL OWNER 'R~ PELIC^N BI\Y-SOUTH - ^CCEPTED. ST^FF INSTRUCTED TO WORK FURTHER WITH COR^L RIDGE-COLLIER PROPERTIES ^S TO CONFIOUR^TION OF TilE P^RKINO "REA ~r. r.onn Ohl~y, raprCAcntlnq Pel1c~n ß~y, ~c~crihe~ ~ new pro~ram th.,t. PC'l1cl!n ~"Y h.,r. ro I1n "qrol'Mcnt Hit!' " hotel o'~ncr who has nn n~rc('mcnt ror thn D~tl1hllshnnnt of ~ worl~ cl"n~ hotel In thp Aouthern ptHt or Pni1",'n P.'y In thl'! ,'rN1 "l111c" GYOllp II, I~hlch l-Iolllr1 pormit a hl'1h-rl!1n ('onl~orl1nlu"" 1'(1(1ln'l th,'t the rTe!11~n Rltp. pl.'\n In well oc'vl1ncc'l 11",1 thl1t, h" 11; har!'!ful to 'H<','1o: c¡raun,1 In the '1rst. "'lIlf of. 19~J. ~n exr¡lIlnp.rT thllt th!'! nlte i~ ~lroctly wpstwl!rr1 from tho Intllr!11;'t" r:'1nncr.tlon ,'lon'1 I:h(' !",rOr'H;p.~ ('nl,~r1",1 Pin" 1"1r110 nOli'" ...ne" ~cn'J"te, .1,1.1In1 trl1t II; \1"11 hcon rcvll'!~,,,r1 hy the ('".1"(', "s ro(' ulrorJ "'Y the P¡lInnc" 'Inll; f'('vp.lop',cnt (irr'ln.,n("", ,~nr1 hl'!1 "een I'Ipprovn" ~s t.ho IIcces:¡ fay t1)" III to. 'o1r. r"¡'!y !11\1,1 t.'1.,t., 1''1 rl\rt af t,h" r>"IIr.,~n ~"Y ohll'1/1tion, two nC'r~r. ror (1I1rl( In'J 1:1 to he rr,)v 1-1"" to t~p. ('fJunty 1 f th'!' ('<)unty c¡etfl Homn tyr!' or .'C'r:nll!1 to thl'! rll'r:1 t).,~r. I'i'lrk '~hlch I,',"f! Dyc-vlollSly ~ee"IJ.l to th& rOllnty. lip <¡..Ie! th"t IInoth'!r ohll'J...t Ion 111 lmrrov~rncnt of '1p.flJ.'te 1f ty.,~f1C 1'1.,'l1n"1 In r.l'u!!e" by I>'!llC'l!n ".~y. 'Ie f\"I~ t.hl'lt tho hotcl Int.'H"f't rrOT'O:<0S to C"on5truC"t the follOldn'1: 1. ~-llnln'J "r :'t·,'1l1t.(' 'ro., "'~r;t r"ulev,'r" out t.o 1':',,, !'lIt'!. ,. Th~ n"cnn9 rO(l~ nn~ ~ two ¡,r.rc r(lrk\n'J lot. 1. '!'o II'!"Y"VI' " "01':" fJf) tl)" C','flt"rn r.hor" ")F out"Y "lllrn I>I'IY ,.n" rut. In "nClthcr 'loe"k on t.>'C' wC!1tl'rn !1horc /In" hl'vC' SOIllI' hOlltB opc-r~tl' 1'('t.I""rn t!'1'rn to rYovl~(' rl1"11~ ..r."OS!'I to t,"c ~11'l1'1 PtH'~ nron. I'ntJe ')5 r::z1 ~ 1!8 , t " ',A, ~'~,' i~. '. CJ c:;;;J ---, L...,.,;j Nov~mhcr q, l~n? 4. ~ beachsid~ f~cility for tho joint use of the public intor~R~ and the hotol ~uostß. Mr. Obley sni~ th~t after construction it i~ rrOrO~p.~ to havo tho hotel oporate the aforementioned facilities for tho joint une of tho public on~ hotel ~ueßt.E, which woul~ Inr.lu~c the p~rkin1 lot ~n~ n qatp. f)1'\ . foe basis for the parking. lie roquestc>c! concl"ptunl l"rprov~l hy tho BCC to t.his plnn, not1n1 t~nt there ...r('! "'ctnl1s t.o!-,e r.oTl1rlp.tnd such afl a cor,ceflnlonnirf! /I~r('('ment IIn~ v"rlous pr.rmitn,' /Inri direction to the stnff to work wlt~ th~ rplir~n n...y Atn" 'or n pro~r"'''' thnt. would he mutuðl1y lI~vnnt"'<:Jeou!;. He p.xplI11nC'~ thl"t the l"st reql1Írement: In the rlnnnr.~ Unit Devnlnrmcnt 0rr11n...ncn In to hnvC' ~1t:n nInn npprovnl from the Community nevclopmcnt l>c1mlnlstrator. Community Develo~'ent ~r1mlnI5trntor Vlrtn Rnir1 th"t, re1~rr11ng the site plnn, which was plllcer1 on an overhenò hOllr~, the two acres of parking is shown lyin<) principally nlon1 the er11e of the Pelican ~ay property Incluùlng l"n arc" thnt In shown 115 ~ ~uf'('!r strip /'Iccesn area. He oxpl/llne(l thnt, In revl(!\dnC) the !'lite plnn, the I'Ictlll'l pl'lrkin1 nre!'l in the schematic that was a part of the PU0 r10cumcnt sh~we~ II rllfferent confiC)urntion of thllt ;1/1rking lot, out5ir1e t.hl' hllffer ...r"'l" , howl'!vcr, the narrative in the PUD descrlheß thG ~uffnr /lrA/I ~s he1n1 ~lon~ Vandorbl1t, U.S. 41 ftn~ SGngnte nrive ~n~ th~t the IIrr~ is not: Rengnte Drive. He sai~ ho woul~ like concurrence from the ~oar~ thnt tho In~ foot buffer /lccess ztrlp cnn he utili~n~ ~s A portio, of the hC!'Ich acceRS p/lrking and that staff be dlrecte~ to continue to nr~otinte with CorDI Ridge-Collior Properties liS to t.h~ finn} confi~urntion of the parking area as well liS other issuos that are rnincd. lie A1I1~ that tho County has nllowed parking, In torms of tho cntholic church on ReD~^t. Page s¡; &ODK 012 fACt 511 .'" , .. , ....., ; ~ ..... .....-- . tUOK 012 f/\Ct638 Novcmbor 9, 1982 Drive, within the buffer nnd at tho County's library on V~nðerb11t øø well as the pM k 1 n<J lot thl1t po1icc'ln nny IS curr~ntly conlitructin(] f.or the County nn~ th~t I"'y Vlll", , ",lso, h.!lß t~Q i r tenniS co u r t s in the bu ff 0 r orcn, so the prcce~ence is thoro. Ch~irm~n Wimor ßal~ he thinks it is ~ mn~nlricQnt pl.!ln. Commis- sionor XrUSQ cl~rifl~~ ror tho honefit of t.h~ ~enernl public that tho conCi(]urntlon of the pnrkin~ lot is heing ~incusse~ with the same lImount of lnn~ "rr.~, n~~ln~ thnt Ahn nlAo 11kDA th~ concnpt. *****CommiSBioner Brown left the room at 1140 PIM. and rdturned at 1:44 r.M.···** ~r. Thnmn~ F. ~ros5, rcnl~nnt of Rcn1Atn, Dnl~ he WAS v~ry conccrne~ Ahout nllowln<J such ð henvy commnrc1n1 usn in D resi~enti.!ll nren becnllsc It wou1r1 Sl't " r1"nl"1nrOlJ:J rrct:>er'nnt. !1f' s/1ici thllt four-lnnln~ f,cn1atc woulci lncro/1AC trnfflc Anci be rletriment8l to tho arclI . Comr,lsslo:v!I \"'~n'Z~l "s\{cc1 \~h.,t t~c rl1fflJrl'nct! in t.he r'ensity between n ~" story ~onc1omlnlum Dn~ n '1' story hotel woulrl he, to which Mr. Vlrtl" snlrl th/'lt It is three hotel units to one conrlo"11nlum unit, howevor, this Is Dllowe~ within the pun. ComnlSs1oncr plstor slIi,l th"t ~C WilD o:::oncernE'ci nhout liquor ~eing nllowerl on th~ bcnch lInd thnt the new flooci plnln 1nws Mi,ht menn elcvlltlng " concc::;r,\on elev~n or tw~lvn fcl't.. Mr. ~h11'Y snici th/lt there Ðre ð nunhcr oE t'lff.crent 1M¡UDS which hnve to he worke~ out by the holel reor-le, ,Hchlt,er.ts nnr' th~ rOllnty. lie rlðl, t.hAt, In tho nrQDR wh0rn ncce5snry, he would like th~ County to he Ð joint npplicftnt for 80me' of. thn permits. Ho;! !1111~ thl'lt the floor\ plnln rule/!! \~ould he complied with. pnq" 57 53 - .. .-.. -------.. .... · , C~~\~'J ~ c::.. "... ~'-, ; {¡,~ . " '''¡ , " Novembor 0, 19~? Commissioner Brown moved, seconded b1 Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the conceptual site plan between developer and proposed hotel owner to Pelican Bay-South be accepted and that ataee be instructed to work further with Coral Ridge-Collier Properties as to the configuraton of the parking area. DISCUSSION Rr. RATE STRUCTURE FOR THE LI\NDFILL FOR EXISTING CONTRACTS OF COMMERCIAL "^ULERS - CONTINUED FOR TWO WEEKS PubliC': I':ork!l I\r1nlnl!1tr/ltor H/lrLrn/ln roqup.storl more time to look over the contracts with commp.rci~l h/lulers with re1ßr~ to passnge of costs on to their customers. Commissionlr Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that a discussion re rate structure for the landfill for existing contracts of commercial haulers be continued for two weeks. Item 140 RESOLUTION 82-192 ^MENDINC RESOLUTION 82-147 TO EST^BLISH FEES TO BE CH~RGED AND ~PPROV^L OF REVISED OPERATING HOURS FOR THE C^RNESTOWN AND IHHOK~LEE FI\CILITIES - ADOPTED Pub11c Work~ n~mlnistr^tor Hartman rcquest.c~ thnt the County return to a m~nne~ operation at the C~rnc5town ~oli~ ~astr Trðn~fcr Stat10n and that the opcrntinq hours he 9:nn ^.~. to ~:~n P.~., Mon~/lY « through ~..,turðay, cfr~ctive f)~c!!mhcr 1, 111'1?. It!! nl!'\o requestc~ th1lt, because of the smðll amount of U08, the lmmok/ll~o Fncllity be open fro~ 8100 ^.M. to 5"'0 P.~., MonòlIY throll<Jh r:!)tur~l!Y· Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Rosolution 82-192 re proposed budget _odification for manned operation of the Carnestown transfer station, Pð90 !I" &UDK 0'12 fACt 519 .... . .., . I"~ ,- ~t"""'-"'~~ .... - '-'_.¡;;.,:.,-=..:.:..a....;.:..~:.~__::..::.. ':..._...~-~:' &OOK 012 F^Ct520 Novembor 9, lqß~ amendln9 Resolution 82-147 to establish fees to be chargeð be adopted, and that revised operating hours of the Carnestown and Immo~alee tacllltles be approved. PII'). 5q .. l1li ... '-~----'." ,~..... ,-, .,-,-,.~..,.~ .... t .......,..-----.--.-. ""..,...""'___'...._"_.c~''''..__ ... ., ~_..J !;:;;:1 ~ \.._~ Novemhor 9, 1~02 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION ~UTHonIZED TO PREP^RE ~ FE~SIBILITY REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS TO HUNTERS RO~D ~ND D~NIELS RO~D ^T THE E~RLIE6T PR~CTICMLE D~TE Public Works Mminlstrntor IIlIrtrnnn o)(plðine~ that his ~epnrtM!'Int has worked for novorðl yoars on thn mattnr or Improvemonts to Huntors and Oanials Roa~s, n~ðing thllt aroa rODi~ontB hnva contnctod the Transportlltion Oop~rtmnnt to ~otorrnlne thp Dtno~ np.cos"~ry ~y tho proporty owners to hnvo tho County un~ortllkQ such 1mprovprnent~. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carriftd unanimously, that the Public Works Division be authorized to prepare a feasibility report on improvements to Hunters Road and Daniels Road at the earliest practicable date. RIGHT-OF-W~Y EASEMENT FOR 60 FEET OF ROAD BETWEEN 14TH STEET NORTH ~ND FR~NK BOULEVARD - ~CCEPTED FOR RECORDATION Puhlic ¡"orks I\rlmlnlstrl\tor H<'Irtmlln requesterl th/lt tho R(':C lIccept the offor by Mr. ðn~ Mrs. P. M. ~tnne of II nl~ht-of-wlI~ ensement for ~~ foot of road hntweon l~th Stroot ~orth IInd Frllnk ~oulov~rd. Ho sllid that this ,¡Ill help tho traHit:: alignment. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the Right-of-Way easement for ~ø teet of road belween lAth Street North and Frank Boulevard be accepted for recorda- tion. Note I Document not rec~ivod in Clerk's office AS of 11/18/82 PilI). ø;~ flOOK, 012 rACt 523 -. ", .,,~..'~-' ..'. - ...-....,.. ~ I',' " --".-.,.,,--... 'I '¡ . .., .... -..., Novomhnr 9, 19"2 143 ~oox 012 rAct: 5&\- MR. SHEEHAN'S OFFER TO FURNISH THE CONSTRUCTION DESICN DOCUMENTS S~TlSF^CTORY TO COUNTY ENCINEER FOR FOUR-L^NING OF KELLY RO^D - ACCEPTED. Publ1c Works Mminlstrl'ltor IIlIrtman C!xp1ttined thnt Mr. Lloyl1 Sheeh~n hns or'erel1 to help the ~ounty meet the improvements to Kelly Rond by provil11n~ the conAtructlon l1esign documontq for four-lnnin~ the ro~d ~t no expœnse to th~ ~ounty, whlch would h~ve cont npproxlmntely $115,000. Chnlrmnn Wlm~r snld thnt this offer would expedite the work. Commissioner Brown movod, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Mr. Sheehan's offor to furnish the con- struction design documents satisfactory to the County Engineer for four-lnning of Kelly Road be accepted and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the proposed response to Mr. Sheehan accepting his revised offer. Tape 17 County M~n~1cr Norm~n 5t~te~ for the record th~t Mr. R~eehan is donating the deslqn and will supnrvlse the engineorlng work unl1er the County's ~pprovnl. Item 144 BID 1610 RE JUSTICE CENTER ELEVATORS - ^W^RDED TO GENER^L ELEVATOR COMPANY, ORL^NDO, FLORID^, IN TilE AMOUNT OF $96,972.00 Legnl notl~e hnvlnry h~en puhll~hnd In the Nnples nllily News on Octobor q IInl1 11, 190~, ns evidenced hy I\ff1dnvit of publication filel1 with thn Clerk, ~ldß wore received for Pid '~l~, for Justice Conter Elevl'ltors, until 2:0P P.M., November 3, lon,. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Bid 1610 tor Justice Center Elevators be " , 1!!.m . B1 lIB pll(J" <1\1 :,i>'.:"~~. '. .- ~'~~~1~ .,.:'~tf .'. ¡~'",,;:~~,p;;,:"':~'. it, :,\ :"tr,:~;)(\.' .. " ','....~': -"..,..,~,~ , "'" 'V~_ 11' .... "'-'14__....,_,,."""_......'._.,,'_,,',....~."".'..,,.'"_~'~,,,...,....." " ~ ~ ~ .. Novnnhnr ", 1"'" awarded to aeneral Elevator Company, Orlando, Florida, in the amount of .96,972.10, as recommended by the purchasing Director to be th~ lowest responsible bid in the best interest of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to øign and th~ Clerk to attest the resulting 8gr.ement. BID 1609 RE RENEWI\L OF SnTE M1\NOI\TED OE1\TH 1\NO DISI\Bn..'ITY INSURI\NCE BENEFITS FOR FIREMEN AND L1\W ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS - 1\W^RDED TO ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER AND COMPANY, MIAMI, FLORIDA Legal notice h~vlng heen puhllRhc~ in the NnplcR nn11y v~ws on October 1 nn~ ~, 1< "?', /IS cvi~encc" l1y Jlffln...vlt ')f Pu"l1r.l!t,lo:'\ "11.." with tho Clerk, hlns w~re rccolvcn for Blr1 ~~rn, for t"rer yo~r Insurnnce covrr/!ryc for Stl!tutory rollcomcn /!nr rlromrn r.p~tn nnn~flt~, until 2:30 P.M. Octohcr 1n, 1?n?. 1\ssi8t~nt County ~~nn,cr Smltl1 cxrll!lne~ th...t thl~ IR ~ rp.ncwl!l of State mðn~ate~ death nn~ rlisahll.ty InRurnncc l1enpflts for firemen an~ law enforcemont officers. Commissioner Wenzel move~, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Bid '609 re renewal of State mandated death and disability insurance benefits for firemen änd law enforcement officers be awarded to Arthur J. Gallagher and Company, Miami, Florida, In the amount of $4042 for the first year and $3031 for the second and third years, as recommended by the purchasing Director to be the lowest responsible bid in the best interest of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. Pnge ~2 aoox 012 fACt 525 . , , ~ ,'.- .--.--.,- ',,11. ,'~: ~;' \\1< '1'. '~ å, 0:;\ , , , ~oox 012 fACt:: 52& Novomhor 9, 1902 Item 146 POSITION or YOUTII CUID^NCE I\SSItJT^NT DInECTOR RECL^SS1P'lED TO YOUTH ~NCE SPECI^LIST ^ND EXEMPTED FROM HIRING FREEZE ^~Rist~nt County ~~nngor SMith explaine~ the rcquent f.or reclnsnlfication or tho Youth Cul~nnco I\sslstnnt Dlrnctor to Youth Cuidðnco Specinlist ponltlon. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commiss10ner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the position of Youth Guidance Assistant Director be reclassified to Youth Guidance Specialist and exempted from the hiring frooze. Item 147 SWITCHBO^RD OPER^TOR/PERSONNEL DEPT./ SECRETARY II/^CRICULTURE, LIBRARY DIRECTOR AND SECRETARY II/W^TER MI\NAGEMENT DEPARTMENT EXEMPTED FROM THE HIRING FREEZE ^snlstant r.ounty Mnnð90r Smith cxplnlncd the recommen~ation for wclvln~ tha hlrln~ freeze for the rollowin~ positions: 1. 7.. 1. iI . S\~I tchhol1 rrJ Opere'! tor ,'personnel IJepl1 rtment Scr.rct~ry TI/~1rlr.ulturn Llhrl'ry f'lrcctor SccrctlHY II/'.'"tcr r>'"nl'l'1c"\ent oopl'lrtrnp.nt Commissioner Wenzel referre~ to ngendn Item 13G, re request for I\('~It1onnl personnel and rcnovI1tlonn to th" f'\r.C office"!, /Inri 1I!I'<e~ why thnt 1tem should not he conBldcrc~ with these positions IIn~ hn sug- gcsted thnt ~omc sort of trl-dp.p~rtment rcccrtionl~t he crcntoc1 'or tho County M/'InN)Cr, County I\ttornoy nnc1 the ßonrc1 of County Commissionors, to which (;ounty M~n~~rr ~orml'~ rcspnnc1erJ thllt the four nforemontioned posltlons nre cxlst1n~ po~ltlons hut the position roferred to In Item l3G 10 ^ now position. \,~, '~l ,/A,¡ ,~ 1;~ ~~ 'J, Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and Pa90 1i3 f,'" œ:J . c::::J ~, .." DiIiiIU . · " , " 'CD .. ~ Novnmher ~, ,~n? oarried unanimously, that the positions of Switchboard operator/per- lonnel Dept., Secretary II/~9riculture, Library Director and Secrotary 11/Water Manaqement Dopt. be exempted from the hiring treeze. M~N~GEMENT ANI\LYST POSITION RETITLED TO PRODUCTIVITY I\ND BUDGET COORDINATOR, RECL^SSIFIED FROM PAYCn~DE 19 TO PAYGR^DE 24, BUDGET ~MENDMENT PROPOSED ESTABLISHING TnE PRODUCTIVITY BUDGET SECTION IN COUNTY MANACER'S OFFICE ^ssistnnt County ~l1nI!1~r r.nith cxpllllnC'" t.n'! r('l~(\l'1mC'n,l,1\tion to reclassify nn~ retitle th~ position of Ml!nnryemp.nt ~nl1lYRt, necaURe the proposc~ tltlo of rroñu~tlvlty ~n~ ~u~1nt Coor~ln~tor more I1ptly descrlbos thp. work thllt th~ ~anll~~ment I\nl1ly~t 19 perforM!n'). 4r. Sl!lñ ataf! hellovos thl!t 11 hlqhnr pnY1rlldn 19 Wl!rrl1ntn~ hoth In terM~ of t~n performance of the Incumhent and in terms of what the job pnys in othnr jurlødictlons. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commicoioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the Management Analyst position be retitled to Productivity and Budget Coordinator and reclassified (rom paygrade 19 to paygrade 24 and that a Budget ^mendment be prepared establishing the Productivity Budget Section in the County Manager's Office. FINAL AGREEMENT FOR CONSOLIDATED EMS FACILITY NEGOTIATED FOR EXECUTION IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,994/MONTn, BUDGET AMENDMENT TO BE ~PPROVED IN AN AMOUNT OF $9,320 FOR INCREASED LEI\SE P^YMENTS ^ND EQUIPMENT COSTS, RECONFIRMATION OF LEASE I\GREEMENT FOR NAPLES SUBSTA- TION BETWEEN THE CITY OF NAPLES AND COLLIEn EMS Public Safety I\dmlnintrlltor norrlll explninnñ the rcport and recommendation rO')lIrðln1 two r.~r. lCðRC nctlvlticA, tho (ir~t to ~onfirm an aCJreomont wi th tho Ci ty of N/lples to opera to tho county'lI IHlhstat ion for the City out of City Flro Stlltion No. 1, ~owntown, nnd tho Rocon~ Pa90 ti4 .. ,~UQK 0'12 FACt62.1 -.-,.-,.,.-.... IIJ;~ , "',, '"j~,' , ~l~ n·' .',..,.:~:; :J"'~~"~ . ,,; .. ,. 111:1 I, ,J ~uo~ 01~ rACt52Ø Novembor 9, 19A? roco~nizftG thnt tho o~i8ting leeso for tho f.MS ~~mlnistrn~lv. oftice, don~ undftr omorgoncy r.ituntion, torminatos this year, and that ho would bo euthorizod to exploro tho pOßs1hi1itioo tho r.ounty hns r~cftivft~ from a ~ðntlomon to hull~, to ~ounty nr~clfl~ntlonn, n n~w f.~n ^~mlniøtrn-' tion £Iulldlng. Commissioner pistor moved, c~conded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, to approve the final agreement for a consolidated EMS facility negotioted f.or execution in an amount not to exceed $1,994/month, Budget ^mondment to be approvod in an amount or $9,320 for increased lease payments and equipmenl costs, and reconfirmation of lease agreement f0r Naples Substation between the City of Naples and Collier EMS. Item '50 CONCEPTU^L PLI\N OF OPF.R^TIONS FOR TilE OPER^TtON OF P^RKING LOT LOC^TED ^T NORTHWESTERN CORN En OF PELIC^N B^V - ^ppnOVED Puhllc ~"'l'vlr.c!1 r\"':1Inlf",tr,~tor "ortor. C!xnl,'lnC'rl tho report nn" recommon~ntlon re9~r~ln, t~c orer~tlon of the pC!llr.nn Rny-Yorth r~rkin, lot for h()I1C~ "Cl~"'J5, W)1IC11 I:. In the ,1:>rt"'d0nt r.orn~r 0< t,he r'evplop- mont. !te nnlrJ t,hC! report 15 rrc!1(!ntcrJ to neat thl" rC'!C111lreml"nts of tho ~oðrr'l's rnqolutll')n th.,t r.O'1t r('v('nl ~ !1tll'q"" hI" ,'onc "eFore Pnrks nn'" necreatlon proJrnns nn~ çonnlrJ('rntlon~ nrn ~on~ nn~ to present 0'1 con,=eptll111 '~cf.\'Jn of ho',~ to,c fl'c\\lt.y WOlllrl hI" /")pC!rl1tMI, M'(ilnq that therø will nec'" t.o hn !1omc ,"'1unt<:1(\nt to worklnq I,ours, etc. 11ft sni'" thllt. stl'ff rc'r.o,~",(',,(1!. ~1',1t tn(' n'"l1r,1 "p:)rov(" t.IIC r..,n"~rtu~l (')llln. Commissioner Brown moved, soconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the conceptual plan of oporðtions for the operation of a parking lot located in the northwestern corner of Pelican Bay North be approved. raga 15 ~ , t:::!J .. __"",.-",~...__,-....,...,~"",=,.,..",.,.-,...-", ".''';'''.''".''~',; """~,~.^.."_",,.o_,.~,,..__ III fjî 1:'11 th " ¡ ,'\ , . .. ~ ~ ,..., , " Nov~mhor 9, l~n? CØAIRM~N ~UTHORIZED TO SIGN APPROV~L OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT'S STATE HRS FY 1982-83 BUDOET AND TO EXECUTE MEMORI\NDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Budgot ^nalYBt lIill oKpl~lne~ tho request for the ~o~rrl to ~uth- orise the Chairmnn to 8i~n tho approvnl or thft Hftnlth Dnpnrtmont's Stato Ims FV 19"2-A3 Aur'get ~nc1 to I'!KOcutP. thl! MCf!10rnn"um of Un~f'!r- 8ton~ln~ stipulating the County contr1hution for FY lqn?-ø~. ~o Rni~ that this is the same level In terr.'!!1 of ~<HJnt.y contribution ns wns planned ~urlng the huc1'Jet procc~R, n~~lng thAt the hudget level for the Health Depnrtment hns Incre~sen slightly ~ue to SOf!1e ,,~~ltlon"l cnnh carryfc.rwlIrd. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the Chairman be authorized to sign approval of Health Department's Stðte I1RS FY 1982-83 Budget and to eKecute the Memorandum of Understanding. &OOK 0?2 rAce: 529 -. ..... .. .... . 'I .. "..... .......... Pa!'Jo fIi'i · --..-... - ~DDK 012 fACt: 544 Novemhor 9, 190" Item 152 Bee APPROVES P~YMENT TO FIN~NeI~L CONSULTANTS' INVOICE RE COUNTY REGION^L WATER SYSTEM Ut1l1tios M~nn~cr nerzon cXplðlnQ~ th~t this Item, io continued from two weaks a~o, nt which t.lme thQ Doar~ ~irectcd him to contnct the finnncl"l connultllntEl t.o ~pp(}nr hc(orc tho Ro"rr!, this ""te, whlc;-' he did. l1e snlcJ thl1t ~r. Tohy '17n')ner Ir, present to jUAtify tho oxpent1iturn requQst.o~ hy tho rlnnnclnl con~ultllnt9. CommisSioner Kruso stated that, afar having gone through the documents and having spoken with Mr. Wagner and other p.rsons involved, she no longer hos any questions and she ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried ~/l, with Commlss10nor Wenzel opposed, that the BCC approve payment of $12,23Ø to the Financial Consultants rogarding the County Regional Water System. Item 153 ^V^TAR UTILITIES, INC. ^UTIIORIZEO T~ PROVIDE WI\TER SERVICE TO THE FLORID^ POWER & LIGHT PROPERTY, LYING BEYOND THE AV^TAR UTILITIES FRANCHISE AREA Utilities ~nnll'Jrr Pcr~on explnlno~ tho r~quefit, on hehlllf o~ Florirl1' Power" !'1'Jht, to perr",1t IIV,'t.,H' l,tllltl!!!'! t.o .;!)(tE'n~ II \~lItar sorVice line to Flnrl~1I Power" L1'Jht'g new f~cl1ltles IIpproxlmntoly 7('1(1 foot north of t.ho frl\nchIRf! "'ro/l. !Ie !!",I,l thl't he un"erstlln~9 thnt ^VlItllr Util1tic!:: hns no objection to the <Hran'11'rnnnt IInr! he rncommenr'"d that tho I'onr" lIut.horlzl'! !llIch sl'!rvlcc. !Ie snl,l that F'lodrla powl!r & LI']ht will be rcnponslhlo for r\lIlntl\lnlnC) the lint' nlltsl~o of' the frnnchlse IIroll ,,"rl flV/ltnr will f\(!ll it I1t tht' 'r..nc:hlsn horr'ter. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Avatar Utilities, Inc. be authorized to ~ à II! ......."'..-'- PllI]O 67 .... ~ t:;;;J c:~ ' Novc~hor ~, 19"" 'provide water .ervic~ to the Florida Power' Light property, lying btyond the ~vatar Utilities franchise area. ,ltt. '54 SUBLETTING OF FORMER SHERIFF'S DEP~RTMENT NORTH N~PLES SUßST~TION, UNIT 2', N~PLES P~RK PL~Z~ TO ST. JOHN'S THRIFT SHOP, EXECUTION OF THE 8UBLE~SE ^GREEMENT TO BE PREPI\RED BY COUNTY ~TTORNEY'S OFFICE - ~PPROVED .-- County ^ttorney S~un~~ra oxplninc~ t~o requc~t for ~uthori~Ðtion of a suhlcnfle for IInit ?11, ~'lIple!! Pllrk P1IIZII hetweC'n tho FH':C IInr1 ~t. John's thrift Shop, "o:1,!jn') th...t thl:J lClclltion ',O\f¡ rC'nt.od hy tf1n I"ounty ~nd vacatod bL~~use it W.,s not ndequ/!to for tho Sheriff'R nopllrtmcnt and thnt thoro 1n 'Iv!? monthR rO~o"1nln" on tho le"bc. If':! Rille' th..,t støff rccom~endntlon Is thnt thn pODr~ waive conpetltive neloctlon nn~ that it is In the hest Interont of the founty to ne~~tinto tho suhlnnse '1/0, which the County ^ttornny's office will propnre. Commissioner Kruse moved, second ad by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the former Sheri~f's Department North Naples Substation, Unit 20, Naples Park Plaza be Gublet to St. John's Thrift Shop and that the execution of the sublease agreement, to be prepared by the County ^ttorney's office, be approved. ROUTINE BILLS - ^PPRùVED FOR P1\YMENT Pursuant to Rcsolut!on PI-ISO, the following checks wnre IsRue~ through t.}ovt'mher 'I, It)~2 In pllymont of routine hlllsl FV lCln\-'1;' CHECK nr.scntPTI01>l C1IF:C'< Nn~. ""'O~J"''' Vouchor Checks l~C¡C¡" thru 13nM ~",)7,1?7.c;" PII') e "" WQK 012 fA~645 '. " ., .--., ,'".'1.- . -_. .....-.--. ~,--"""""'-_."~.,........,-'''''".~~..._"~- '.."~,,, < . . &O~I\ 012 rA~546 November 9, 19n2 FY l<Jn7.-lJl CI1F.C':K nF.:~r.ln PTl ON ~IIP.CK NOS. 1\ "10lJ NT Voucher Checks nn'3!15 t.hru 009M ~!i59,9?n.SI) neC)u1nr pnyroll 113151) thrlJ t1)'i75 $7.7.11,?-9".3" Items 156 through '59 BUDCET ^MENDMENTS B2-37l-373 AND B3-59 - ^DOPTED ^S DESCRIBED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanim0usly, thot the following Budget I\mendments be adopted as described in the amounts shown 1 Budget Amendment 02-3711 for rnpß r~ on ~ntcrpl11nr q2~ comp,'ctor (Solin '''/lste) in the amount of $1",3"". Budget Amendment 82-3721 to reflect nctu~l nxpen~ltureg of the Zonll1'1 !"\epiHtment (Zoning) in the ~mount of ~l,J~Q. Budget ^melldment 82-3731 to mnre nccurntely reflect the Qn~ of t~e yenr expenditures of the departmont (1'11I11dln') Cod" Cornpl1!!1nce) In the ðmount of $7.5,9;n. Budget Amendment 83-591 rc monle~ not hudgcten to purchase ßtntlon~ry require~1 two p~sltions hud')eLc0 but subsnquent Board action reduced to one position (Witness ~ðnn'Jcmcnt rro')ram) In the ~mount of !': 1;>, r R 2. Item 16Ø throuqh '85 BUDCET ^ME~DMENT B3-150 TIIROUCH BJ-B5 - ADOPTED TIS DESCRIBED Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the fallowing Budget Amendments be adopted as described in the amounts showns Budget Amendment 83-691 to provl~e 'un~8 'or rlanne~ out ot rounty travel (~ðnaqement ^na1ysis nnrt.) In the /I!I\ount of $345. Page 1)9 .," , , c::z;:J ~.." ~ liB ..,..,."-".,...-....,,............. ~ Budget ^mendment 83-611 Budget ^mendment 83-521 Budget ^mondmont 83-631 Buðget ^mendment 83-~4: Buðget ^mendment 83-651 Budget ^mendment B3-661 Budget ^mendment B3-671 Budget ^mendment 83-681 Budget ^mendment 83-691 Budget ^mendment 83-701 , , ·_.::;:.C....,..:..;L:.: ~.~._...~.:,"':... 'r-- ........1..-'~.~- l:;;;;I c:J . , . Nov~mhr.r ~, oq? ro tranafer of fun~B noodA~ to covnr rontnl or trnlnlnq ~11m (Par~onncl I\dmin.) in thp. lImount of' t:1\~. re tr~nsrar of Fun~ß nn~~o~ to ~ovor, f.ilo ClIhlnet thnt wnB not orl~innl1y buc'CJnto" (pr.rnonnclMmin.) in tho "mount of ~1l7. to provi~" for outA!~e rurct~~~" sl?rvir.~!1 nnr1 t:"r:hni~nl Allpport ("Int.1\ rro<:~rRln'J ~r'nln.) in t.he "mol1nt 01' $'),"1('(1. to tr~n~Fcr to ~Of>crvo for rontln~en- e1es "pproprlntlons for nlloentoñ ßu11~ln~ ~"lntenJnce Oont. ~~r~nseB (lIom~r.,.~k('p¡ r.: "nt, 111/1-1')/" 112) 11"1 tho nmount of ~3~. to trnnRfor to "r.sorv~ For Contln?nn- c105 npproprlntions (or n110e~te~ RuI1~ln'J ~~1ntcnl\ncp Or pt. expcns~s (Homcr1nkers r.r",nt, lr/l-1?/"~/a?) in the nmount of tl1?. t.o r:ov~r conAultlng en,inenrin~ serviCCR For projor.t (Pine nlAr¡e Inclustrinl p"rk) In the "mount of $33, "',(1. to tr~~Rfer to nnscrvn F)r Continqon- cies npproprlðtlons for nllocntp~ Bulld1n? Ml\lntonnncp. Dept. oxpenAes (Ut.1l1tlos ,.,ñmin.) In t,he n'11ount,of $1(1,1<;~)' to trl\nRFcr to nnsprvc for Contin1cn- cloR npproprll\t.lons for nllocnte~ Builàlnr¡ Mnlntcnl!nco oopt. expenses (Sol1r\ \·,'l\str. flr1r1ln.) In thr. nfT\ount,f $1"'? , to trnn~fcr to nnsorve for ~ontln1cn- clcs ðpproprlDtlons for nlloc~tcr\ nuilrllng ~~lntcnðncp. ~apl!rt~pnt expenscs (F.merqcncy ~p.r\ic~l ~orvicns) in the a~ount or $l,lr.r., to rc~ln9sify r:hnr~p~ nllocl\tr.~ to the He~lth rapt. to bo recclve~ hy ~ir~ct billing r~t.hnr thnn ðllocDtion (~uil~- PI!CJo 711 ~OOK ~ rACt~~ ,....._ ",_.4" -. -.--' ~OOK ~ rACt~ Budget ~mendment 83-711 Budget ~mondmont 03-721 Budget ^mendment 83-731 Budget ^mendment 83-741 Budget ~mendment 83-751 Budget ^mendmont 83-761 ~udget ^mendment 83-771 Budget Amendment 83-781 Budget Amendmont 83-791 œJ ____ ,.......__....1- I ,i' ... Novemhor 9, 190'" lnq Mnlnt.cMnce Mmin.) In tho IImount of !Hil,!}77. rc nmcn~mcnt of Pleet M~nn~omcnt bu~get to purchnso n hnn~ held rndio (Fleet Mnnð<:¡crnent I\~min.) in the nmount of $r.;r,fI. to trnnRfer to noaorvn for ~ontlngen- cl~a npproprlntionn '~r n110cnted null~in~ M~I~cennnCQ D~pt. expenses (Fleet '1f'nl1qoment I\~min.) in the IImount of !:3,7<19. to trllnsfer to no~orve for Contingen- cies Ðpprorri/1tions f.or ðlloc~tp.ð nuildln<:¡ ~nintcnance nept. expenses ("'orf~ f"roceRslng) in the /lmOllnt of ~ 1:\<1. to provl~e fu~~n for relocntion 0' wnlln, wlrin~, etc. I1n~ furniture rclatcd to ~òòltlonnl ~ttornp.y (County I\ttorncy - St~ff ~ou~icl) in the n~ount of $~,'if1n. to trl1nsfer to neservc For Contingen- clc~ npproprintions for allocðte~ Bull~ln1 M/1lntennnco nopt. expenses (V/1 r iaus) In tho ernollnt 0 f ~73 ,n~~. to trnnnfor to ncs~rve For Contingen- cies npproprletiona for nllocnte~ n\J11r1In<] '1nlnt'i!n~nCf! nept. oxpenfles (Trf>nap"rt,1t1on ~(lm1n.) in th~ "mo\lnt of ~3n7. to trl1n~fer to nOsryrvp. For Contingen- elf's I1pproprldtlonß for ðl1ocate~ null~in1 Mðlntcn~nce nept. expenses (Vnrlous) in the I1mol.lnt of. n3A. to trnn~fcr to R~scrv~ For ~ontinqon- cics npproprintlons for nllocl1led p,uil~in1 Mnlntonnnco ncpt. exponsos (V.'lrio\ls) in the l1"1ount or ~1,"77. to trl1n~fer to n~,,~rve for r.ont.ingen- c1e~ I1prropr1~tlons for ~llocnterl Bull~1n~ Mnintcnnnc~ ~opt. expenses (Community novo "'locI< Gr~nt) in tho I'Imount 0 f $Jr1 1. Page 71 , , . m¡; .. ,.., '. ,..~."..,..,.__...,,- , ". ~ Budget ~mendm.~t 83-8AI Budget ~mendmont 83-811 Budget Amendment 83-021 Budget Amendment 83-83: Budget Amendmont 83-841 Budget ^mendment 83-851 c;;;¡ ~---, L.o...........I Novomh~r 9, l~"~ to ftpprOpriðto fun~ø for Immoknloo Courthouso lnn~ n~quiA1tlon not Rp~nt ns of finpt'1mbf.'r :\11, l('\n? U:lIl'ltnl pro:l~ct.fI - tl:1r.10111l11'1' I':ollrthou!'!o) In 1;1,0 ftmount of ~1'5,~~~. to trftnnfcr to nn!'!orvn 'or ~ontin1on- cien lIppropri~tionR for nllocntÐ~ Bul1d1n~ ~nlntnn"nc~ "I'r~. oxponnos (Ju~tlr~ I':ontcr ~xrnnßion) in th~ nmounL of Sl,~7', to provlr1<, flln,1s 'nr till') Innt/'lll.lll'.tMI of tr"ff1c RI1n..,\n fit t:h" int(HI'lr>rtionA of 1'\ rr'1rt ...n·1 '110 rr:l1nt.I il' t. <::I',1It:" ~O1l~ 951 .IInA ~out:h n"rfl~l~ ITrl1ffl~ 0pcrntlon~1 In the nnoun!: of ~75,~~~. tn trnnafcr to ncscrv~ for Cont1n'Jon- claR "prrOrrl~~10'1~ 'or "lloC.llte~ BuI1~ln~ ~~lnton/'lncc Dp.pt. expnnsps (SurpluR r;11t1 T<1)( nOM\ ronst. Dept.) in the /'Imount of S~~1. to rrovlc1l" fun:1!,\ eor ,1\ "'rnn~,1 o¡'lorl.!tlon of the Cftrno~town tr~nRfÐr !!t,l\tlo~ . (;,ol1~ 1,'11StO "'l",¡n./Puhl1r <""rlln) In the nmollnt or t.1",~"('. to tr"nafar to ~f.'Rp.rvc rnr rontln1f.'n- cl<'8 /'Ippro!"rl"Uon!'l 'or "l1oc...Uon Bul1~lnry ~nlntnnnncp n~"t. ~xpenflns (Ru11r11n1 'II"'lnt(>n,~n::n ~"'1111\. T, """lnt.' In the "",ount of tl('\~. PIII)O 7') &ODK 012 F^Ci 549 , , ., . &OOK 012 FACt:S'O Novombor 9, 1982 Item 186' PUBLIC HI!:^RU~O TO BE EST^ßLISIIED RP; CLOSINO NORTHWEST ENTMNCE or JANIS SCENIC DRIVE - ^PPROVED Chairm~n ~imcr explnined the request from D.N.R. that tho BCC consider closing the northern entr~nco of Janes Scenic Drive. Mr. Kon ^lvnroz, Florida Park Servico, Baid he was present to answer any quostions and that he thought that ~iScuBsions were to be hold this date regnr~lnq loase agreements. nes~ondlng to Mr. I\lvarez, Chnirman Wimer said he understood tho reque~t for closing tho north end of Janos Scenic nrlve, D~ding he had requested this Item to be placed on the ngonda ~t 0 roquent from Mr. Nate Lnndrum, Diroctor of Park~ and Recreation, Department of NDtural Rosources. ~r. ~lvnrez soid that the Florida Park Service hoped, oventually, to h"v,. ownership of all tho proporty wlthln th,. preserve houn~~rles and to ovcntunlly build facil- ltles for visitors ~ tho F"hk"hat~hee Strnnd. He said th"t thero is no plncp Inside the r~h~ah~tchee Strðn~ for park1n1 AO that visitors will proh~b)y have to be s~\Uttled in on somo kind of tr...m ...nd hllve parking outsid0, nd~inq ~n"t, at ,hnt tIme, the P~rk Service hopos to hevs Janos Scenic D. .ve as a park r1rlve rather than a throu'Jh rOlld. He said that if the ro"d were under Stntc control this would give the law enforcement people juris~lction over ~he County ro~r. which they do not presently havo. Chalrmnn ~ mer rend tho Fxecutlve Summary dðte~ ~ovember 2, l~q~. Commissioner Brown moved, soconded by Commissioner pistor end carried unanimously, that a public hearing be established r8 closing northwest entrance of Janes Scenic Drive. Mr. Aoh Ol'vllle Qxplðine~ that he owne~ property In the nro" un~er PM) e 73 ., r::::I r:±J lIB ¡¡¡¡¡ ~ w.,- r::::8 . , Novemhor ~, ]9A~ dl.cu.s1on end th6t ~e is intere8te~ in obtoininq ðnswera to questions reCJuðinl'J tho type of !Jete thnt would ho put lip to cloßa Jnnos ~cenlc Drive, ð~dinCJ th~t he would hllve to drive ahout ~S miles if tho g~te is put where propo!Jod. County I\ttorncy Rnlln"crfl r0<1uestoc1 thnt "'r. Deville talk with him rC1ardin~ the suhjo~t, tI~dinCJ he woul~ qive Mr. Deville ~r. Lnndrum's tel~rhone numh~r. ~htlirmrn ~iMcr 9u~gest~~ that Mr. Doville work with the D.N.n., nr1cl1ng thnt the Poer~ hns no ðasirn to cut or, those peorl~ w1th InC)ltlmDto 1nC)ro9s nnr1 eqress to tho er~tI. POLICY REINSTATED OF USING THE ROOM IN THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE BO~RD'S OFFICE FOR THE CH^IRMAN - ^PPROVED Chairmnn W1mer referred to tho fMocutivo Rummnry dated l~/S/n~ ..... .. . r(¡(Jllr~1ng usa of t.ho northwest corner of the noarrl's office for tho Chôirmlln. Commissioner ~ruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the BCC reinstllte the policy ot using the roum In the northwest corner of thfl Board's office for the Chairman. BONDS .~R NEWLY-FLECTED COMMISSIONERS - APPROVED Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commiøsioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the Bonds for the newly-elected Commissioners b. approved. Pllqe 7" bU~~ 0'12 rAGt691 -. --.....- - -" -- ------.. ".' , ....._......... ....,. J,' ~~ .I¡, "'.U~: t 'I'! ., . : ",). .1..... ÞOOK O'lZ FACt 596 Novomhor q, 19"~ Itelft 189 COMMISSIONER KRUSE ^PPOINTED TO SERVE ON MPO Commicsioner wcnzel osked if it would not bn better to wnlt until tho two new Commlnøioners are present to nppoint a memher to tho .~PO, tho Southweßt Florid~ Rcgionnl Planning Council an~ ~hairmnn ond vice Chnlrmnn of tho Bonrd, to which ~nmlniBtr~tive I\i~e to the Ro~rd Spnuldlng snirl that Mr. "ollnn~ would autom~tic~lly he the representa- tive from l~O City of ~nple9. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried un~nimously, that Commissioner Kruse be appointed to serve on the MPO. Item 190 COMMISSIONER KnUSE I\PPOINTED TO SERVE ON SOUTHWEST FLORIDA REGIONAL PL^NNING COUNCIL BEGINNING NOVEMBER 19, 1982 FOR TIIRE! Y!AnS Commissioner Wenzel moved th~t Commissioner pistor be appointed to serve on the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council. Chairman ~lmer sa1~ thøt th1~ ~prolntm~nt woui~ tDkc effect aft~r November 18, 19~2, nlnce he had heen ðsked to he ~ member of th~ Nomlnnting Committee lIn(~ to serve for one 11~1<11tlon,,1 meetin'J. Motion diod for lack of a second. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Commissioner Kruse serve on the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council beginning Novomber 19, 1982. Item.191 COMMISSIONER KRUSE ELECTED TO SERVE ^S BO^RD CHAIRM^N BEGINNING NOVEMBER l~, 1982 Fon ONE YE^R. COMMISSIONER BROWN ELECTF.D TO SERVE ^S VICE CH^IRMAN FOR ONE YE^R Clork Ren~an expln1ned th~t th~ olections for Chair"an an~ vice Chairman or tho Ooard woul~ he hondlod tho ~ame wny ~s last yoar and tho previous yenr nnd he called for nominations of the qualified Page 75 . . ~ ~ t::±:J SB .. . '. t:::J ~ --, -- , " Novcmbor 9, 19a" COr.\m1øll1onOrs, 1I~~ing that, if thero WIIS moro thl.ln one, the voto would bo takon in th~t or~er. CommiRniDner prown s~ið thllt ho WIIO not in II position to ace opt th~ ehnlrmllnship lit this time. Commissioner Brown moved that Commissioner Kruse be Chairman beginning November 16, 19B2 for one year. Motion carried 4/1, with Commhsioner pistor opposed. r.o",mlss10np.r Prown "tilt'!" thllt thi!\ Is the first tlmo thore hils h~en II wO~lIn ChnirMlln of the ~onr~ 0' Count.y Commisslonors In the hi~töry of r.olll~r r.ounty nnr th/lt ~~ t~inks It is a great step Corwnrñ. Commissioner ~ruse moved that Commissioner Brown be Vice Chairman for one year. M0ticn carried unanimously. -RECEPTIONIST TO THE BOARD" POSITION ^ND INSTALLATION OF P^RTITIONINO ~UTHORIZED. FISC^L OFFICER DIRECTED TO SUBMIT THE ^PPROPRI^TE BUDGET ~MENDMENTS ^dmlnlstratlve ~l~e to the BOllr" spnuldln~ rcf~rrer to the P.xccu- tive Summary date~ 11/7/"7 rC1"r~ln~ n request for ~ ·Pecept.ionlst to the Bo~rd" posltlon IInò npprovlll of Instlllllltion of pnrtltionln1 plus /I roqUQst to ~lrect the Fincnl Officer to Ruhmlt the npproprillte Ru~gct J\mendmentlJ. C'ommlf1f\Ir')ner '·'en7.01 rC'lternte" his ponitlon thnt tl-Jera should be a receptlonlst In the hllll to hlln~ln the County ~nno1er'R, the County I\ttorney's nnn the ~í.r.·R orfl~CD /lnd to he there to keep the public fro~ comln~ Into tha nee office. Cbnlrmnn Plstor Rni~ he thought this would set II bnn preceòent hnclluse the ßonrn Is trying to keep the lahor forca to /In even level, lI~òln1 he could "go "long" with Commissioner Wonzol's suggestlon to put BOMeone in tho hllll. He s/lid that ho felt the BOllrò should walt until the two new Commiosionorl! ~r. Page 711 )U~ 012. ri....591 - .. -, -- ~- -~- --- ,---- .... - ~ . I.' . ~", . .~, "Boot< 01 D.. fA3<- S9fJ Wovrmhor ~, 19n2 workin~ to SQe how much tho workloa~ may incre~8e or ~ocrn~so. Com- missionor Brown .ðid he faIt thAt the Roar~ is sopar~te from other offices and thnt thoro should be It receptionist for the ~oar~. 'l'ape 18 Commissioner Drown moved, soconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/2, with Commissioners pistor and Wenzel opposed, that a "Receptionist to tho BOArd" position and installation of partitioning be authorized and that the Fiscal Officer be directed to submit the appropriate Budget ^mendment8. Item 193 PROCL^M^TION DECL^RING NOVEMBER 20, 19R2 I\S SCOUTS'~ ^~mlnl~tratlve AI~c to th~ ~oAr~ Spnul~ing sðid that she was rCCJuestE",1 hy t'1e !'oy ;,couu; to rror:l.,lm '" 'icouts' J:'1Y nn" 5'1" rQCJueste~ thDt a prJcl""<'IUon n~cll1rln'J "ovQ,.,h~r 2('1, 19!'12 ns ~couts' nl'lY be npprovcn with the procl~m"tlon to ~c pr~sqnto" <'It " l"ter ~l'Ite. Commissioner Wenzel mo~ed, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that November 20, 1982 be proclaimed as Scouts' Day, with the proclamation to be preocntod at a later date. ^ppnnded - ;ec p~~p ~ lU,n 194 CERTIFIC^TE OF COUNTY CANVI\SSINC aO^RD - ^CCEPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the Certificate of the County Canvasing Board be ftccepteð. ^=,pen"N' - 'in" T".'I'1" 6]0 - 621 Pit!]. 77 t=:J . ~ BIll -,....'.-..,-,'-..-~..........---~ '" ~ ~ ~ -- t.lovcmhor f), 19112 NOVEMBER 2Ø, 1982 DECL~RED ~8 AMEnIC~N LEGION EDUC^TION WEEK. PROCLAM~TI0N TO BE PRESENTED L~TER Commi..ionor Wenzel moved, .econded by Commissioner Pistor end carried unanimously, that November 2Ø, 1982 be declared as American Le910n Education Week, with the proclamation to be presented at a later date. I\rrQn~Ðd - ~ftO r~,p 6?? MESSRS. JONATHAN SMELKO, MARVIN CECIL, AND WILLIAM SHAUGHNESSY ~PPOINTED TO EMS COUNCIL ""d",1nstrlltlvc ¡'.Ide to thro rV')/'r,1 Sp,~ulr11n'1 I'xpll' 1'1'''' t,hn recommen~~t10ns for ðppolntmentß to th~ ~MC rounc11 ~~ outlln~d on the Executive Summðry dl'tcr1 11/n/~~. Commissioner Plstor moved, Reconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Mr. Jonathan Smelko be appointed to fill EMS position previously held by Mrs. Jan Fillinger1 that Mr. Marvin Cecil be reappointed to EMS term to expire August 31, 1985, and that Mr. William Shaughnes,y be appointed as representative of District 1 to EMS with term to expire ^ugust 31, 1985. ~IRPORT ROAD RENAMED PULLING ROAD FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH CllIl1rman "'lmer I!xpll1inp.d thllt ^lrport ROil'" U!lN~ to h...ve two nnmeø, Airport ROlld lInd Pulling nond l1nd the nD~e wns ch~nqp'" to Airport r.ond which hurt Mr. Pulllng'5 feclln~s. Commissioner Brown moved, aeconded by Commissioner Wimer that the name of ~irport Road be changed t~ Pulling ROAd for the entire length. pa<j. 78 'oo!t 012 FAC~599 " . ,.... p'.......-~'-...,_._.......'. "- . ' ,'T"t ',:1. t .' -' ..... . .--,_.- , . .u , . '. " , .' :~I ,.j aDOK 012 FACt GOO Novemher ~, 19A~ ~ommi~sloner Pi~tor anko~ if the rommiøsioners ~id not think it would ho hctter to hnve n public hc~rin~ on thio item, nd~ing thnt thero nrc D lot of huslnessen nlon~ ^lrport no~d thnt will hnvo to chon~o their Gtntioncry "d~ro~G nn~ nclvcrtl~lng, BtC. Chnirmnn ~lmÐr caid thet rond nnmes nro not dQtorm ~B~ hy holding n puhllc hnnring. Upon call for the question the motion carriod, 3/2, with Commissioners pistor and Wenzel opposed. Item 19B PRELIMIN^RY ^CCEPT^NCE OF SOUTHWIND EST^TES PLUS ^CCEPTANCE OF 19\ MAINTENANCE SECURITY AND RELEASE OF ORIGIN^L CONSTnUCTION SECURITY - ACCEPTED Prelll'1in,HY ncc<,ptllncQ o~ Soutl1wln" F.st"tCf': plllR ..cccptllnco of the lOt ~~lntonnnc<, ~~curlty ~n~ rclcnRc of the orll1n"l conntructlon security (IrrcvocnÞlc Lotter 0' Credit ~o. "llr fro~ FlrRt ~ntionðl Aðnk of Florldn In the ~mount of ~2"",r"~) v~s "rprovP~ on ~otion m~~e hy CO""I'1iRsloner '~rlIRc, second!,!,1 by r..,M"11RSlonC'r "rown, /'In,l cl1rrlc~ unðnil'1ously. Item 199 GREINER ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INC. NOT TO OF. P^ID $l,ØØØ FOR MODIFIED PERMITS FOR THE HENDERSON CREEK WI\TER CONTROL STRUCTURE ~O':\nlr,!llonC"r ¡:rllsp. 501(1 thnt she rr')q\l("ste-' tl115 iton hI! remover! from tho Consent ^~cndll hccDII!Je r.hn fE't'l!l thDt it shr)ulcl 110 rolnte~ out thot the rorps M~~e It clenr thnt the rnunty's Int<,nt to npply for a mcdl[lcd permit lD "¡Irnmnturc" IIn~ thnt tho corps hnn 5111d they hnve no intontlon of ~r~~tln1 one nt thin tine. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commisioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Greiner Engineering Sciences, Inc. not b. paid Sl,90n for modified permits tor the Henderson Creek Water control Structure. . pnCJc 79 . , t::.:ZJ . t:i!t!! &II ....,....,..--,---. ~ ~,¡,.'" ~ . , r.:;;;:J " , 'I Novomhor 9, \~"? .....Commission.r Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the following items be adopted and/or approved under the Cons.nt Agenda ..... flU Temporary Resid.ncoPe¡mit re Petition TR-82-23C, Christopher Brack, to utilize a motor home during construction of a principal residenc~ on W 150' of Tract 73, Unit 33, Golden Gate Estates flU Contirmation of lease with Dewey R. Garguilo, Tr. for property to be used for temporary parking during construction of the Justice Cl!tnter Se~ PagcG 623 - 625 1102 Certificates for Correction to the Tax Rolls as presented by the property ^ppraiser's office. 1103 Duplicate Tax Sale Certificate Numbers 28RA, 2370, 2401, 2725 2779, 2416, 2399, 3563. 3698, 2920, 2946, 3319, 2953, and 2977 to Wayne Miller because of 10s8 See Pages 626 - 640 1104 Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens Cemetery Deed No. 317 See Page (,[,1 Item IUS Miscellaneous Correspondonce - Filed and/or reterred Thoro being no ohjections, the Chnlr ~irp.ctp.d the followin~ correspondence he filecl and/or referre~ to the vnr10uß ~epart~ontA aft indicated I 1. Lotter from Maeve ne~ðln, F.xecutlve Director, ~ron I\<Jency on Aging, ~nte~ nctobor l~, 19~? enclosing a co~y of the second semi-~nnual monitoring visit report ror C~lller County Homomakers. xc ~r. Norman. l"ilod. 2. DepÐrtmontÐl Reports from tho "ollowingt F 11 o~ . ~. Zonin<] Dopartment Investigðtlons for Soptemher 11)1\?. aOOK 012 fACt 601 PrllJO Rn . , . .. i'·' ), .... '.or'· ':-'. ',"I :.1 . ~t'O -~. .. .. . .. .. .. ,_... ..~---- ,;r, .' " ~~' _,. I.. . I..' '.,..' tlOOIt 012 PAC~ 602. , ~ovcmber 9, 19~'- n. ~ollrl Wastß Diviclon, Roptemher tq~?. 3. Lottnr fro"" ,10hn II. f',rowC'r, "renl~ont, Duchl?AR I\ssoc:., tnc. (1ntee1 Oct.ohar ?!i, 111'1:', rl!C lIrc1ing concerning tho l"n~ßcllpo wall nt. thn ~U~h~BS. l!n~ ~r. V1rt!!. P110d. r.on(10. Olmers ncc ot1ntions xc ~r. "Iormnn .,. Let.ter ('IIt.rel Octoher ?~, 1~"? from "olln' of r.ollnty r.ommil'l- s10nerR 0' fsc~mh1n County requoAting Rupport ^nrl nSRiotAnco in conn~ct10n with II voto ~11ution cnRO ^1ninRt ~scllmhin Count.y currl"ntly pancHn') in t.hl! U.S. r.ourt of IIppCII1R for tho PI ft.h r.1 rcul t on t.he r."l1nty' n RWI')C'nt,ion of f'n ~lInc r.onslc1crnt.ion. xc Mr. S/lUnderA /lne1 Mr. Normnn. File~. 5. L,:t.tor (l,1tcr1 !~('ptcm'-¡C'r "9,1'1'1' from Po. 1111,;r;011 f1n1th, Chief tn~pector of f'lnrlc1n ~ept. of r.orr~ct.lons t.o Sheriff lIuhroy ROJC'r~ trnnAmlttlnq p copy of thl Tn~rlct1on Report e1ntoe1 f,c['tC"1her 1r;, \"r.~ of Collier County ",,11. 1"11eel. r.. Copy of "PO /'I')enc1.1 (or lr./?~/r.? r'1eoting 7. Copy 0' letter r],1ter1 nctoher ?1, 19~? from Chilirmnn "'lmer to "r. "'lll1."n rOlder, rt"prr1jn') ...--1opt.lon of Tr/lnAr<rtotion l",provr-lnC'nt proc r...m r':"Jr) for ry J1~-'n /lnc1 Aur¡ge~tlng that thC' "tntrtrt rLlr~I1" (~enl'1n funcl!,! /10 /In C'xceptlon to the '1:l-q,., work rrogr~m for rour-l/lnlng of sn qSl. FI10c1. " Lott('r (1,1te(1 Octoher "', J')":' from 1:'. n. "'cGoe, T)n1"l'rco rorror~t.1on, ohje~tln~ to th~ )roFoSc~ Incrp.~se in r100~ Innur~nce 9t~n~~r~9. xc ~r. ~orm"n. Pi1e~. ~ . MC'~ornnrlum rl"tC'~ nctober ", 10~? fro~ ~~~rI1Iys ~e ~P.RUS, Conl'1l1nlty !\nslst,'nce '~~11nlntr,'tor, ""'rt.. 0< VctC'rl'ln /'In,o Co,nnunlt.y "ffl1lrA, /lr'vISln') or rropoRecl !HHlc!'! of puh11c hC/lrln'1s to ('xr1orc t~~ fC~Slhlllty of connoll--1/1tlng thn Communlt.y ~ervlcoA ~lnck ~r/'lnt I1nrl t.~C Community Services Trust run", xc ~r. Mor"1l'n l'n~ Mr. Vlrt~. FI1e~. l~. Copy of October 2c, 1qq~ ~~Sllr minuteR. Filn~. 11. MC',or~n(lLJ'11 ~nter' Octoher ?l, 1""? frn", <:t....t,.,/Loc,~l Outer rontlnentill Shelf rrogrllm tr/lnsmltt1n1 report rr1l1r,.inry Lense <:;,-1(' 7'1 PU~lllc 1!c,1rin(J, L~"~;c' S^le ~o !>"IIlY, [.e~sC' ;'/110 7" ElS an" Getty nil r>C'clnlon. xc ~r. Morml'ln. Fi10c1. I? T,,",Üvl' l('ttern r"~lJcnt.ln'J "'''pieR Ci'lY '1cfcrenrlll"1 he !'Itrlcl<on from thl? I\'ovnmhcr ~, If)~P h,,110t. xc Mr. 'Jormlln I1n~ "'r. ~l1un~ern. Fl1nrl. 13. Lett.er ~"tc~ Octohcr 21, lqq2 from Jr"1en ~. Vickery n~viøin? of offer to !'Ie1l rropcrty In ~np1en 1ne1ustrlnl p~rk to the CounLy ror II Trl'nsrer St~tlon. xc ~r. Morml'ln. Fl1nd. 14. Fourth qu~rter report for 1001-"' ~nte~ ~ctohp.r '1, 19"' rC'c('lvc~ from Sheriff 'II!HCY '1o')orn re')nrrl1n'] I'Ict1vlty within tho Conflscnt1ol1 Truat Pun(1. Filed. !''''JA "1 , , t=:J t:::J Œ;!!) ..., ~ ~ í--:¡ \ ..-".....J , , Novemher 9, 1!'\?7. ~CCEPT^NC& OF SEWER LINES AT WYNDEMERE - I\PPROVED Commissioner Wonzel moved, seconded by Commiøsioner Pistor that the Board accept the sewer lines at Wyndemere a8 pee the last paragraph of Uti11ties Manager Berzon's memo dated November 9, 1982 to the Board a. listed belowl If the Board wi"hes to authorize sewer connections to Phase I of the Wyndemere Project, then It should do so subject to the Developers agreeing, in writing, that ðny procedure which Is adopted in similar situations with other developments be applicable to Wyndemere, regar~less of when the County is able to take over the 8~Rtem for operation and maintenance. Mr. MacIntyre, r>rC'sir1cnt of "'yn~('!mcrC', exrll11nn... thct w'H~n l¡iR ----.----.-- ..- -,~ ~- or9anizat1on first nrplleñ for s~wer ~ccept~ncc, Mr. Pcrzon s~l~ th~t it ði~ not ~eet specl[ic~tions. Mr. ~ncTntyrc sal~ t~~t his or~nnizn- tion contactod en In~ercnncnt cn~lnc("rlng flr~ In VC'ro f\("~r.h nnn t1~ken thom to run some tnsUI /lnrJ Indlr.,1t,e If the !lrc':lftC;\t1o"~ ',!ero:! met, l'n~ that on September 2", 10?2 thl't firm confirmed th/lt the spcciflC/ltions hðd boen met. lie f al~ that hiB firm's en'JlncC'rin~ f.l rr:1 , "'11son, Millar, [\lIrton, SolI (. Peek, Inc. c:l/llma th/lt tho syst.em l'1~ets County ,specificðt10ns ðnd th/lt he couln see no rnðson why it couln not he accepto~. Commissioner Kruse st11d that sl¡o hils gone t.hrou'Jh tho '110 end sho naked ~r. MllcIntyre If his firm had uBeri n firm totnlly unrelated to Collier County, to which Mr. Mnclntyrc ref ronde~ affirml1tivf!ly. Utilities Mann11!r Acrzon e)(plll1ne~ t.hl\t. tho County npccIFiC:I\tions ere the same as tho DER spccificationR IIn~ thORO prescrihe~ hy the 1.merican Society of Civil f.nCJlncer!l /Inri that t.hr qU/ll1ty control r'lurinr¡ Page "'" ~DOK 012 fACt 603. ---,-,-_., ~ ~_~,._,.. ~._. .__~__.__ __.w . ..' _~ _. &OfJ~ 012 fACt6Q4 Novomhnr q, 19A" constructìon of thin nystem did not o~hero to th~so ntnn~ar~s. Ht sai~ that, on th.. od!) innl plnns aubmitto~ to tho COllnl".y for I\pprovnl, the slopo shown wns to the stanðar~o ~n~ thnt tho "~B-hullt" conntruction pìnna hftvø ~oviato~ In no~e caDO In small I\mounts, nn~ th~t those ~ro the areas whero ho is wlllin~ to sny th~ro io ~ potential hut not n groat ¡..otontl,'l For pr.,hlo:1f>, hO~I(!vcr, tho l'ronn whorn the potential is grelltor lIro tho /Irons whore, he hI's /I concorn. !lo sé11,1 th"t this Is not a cnae or II sln~le project hut." n,'t.ter of \~hether tho POllrn wlInts to uphold tho construction nt(1n~nrr1ß In torma of (']uftllt.y control throulJhout the County or whethor thero will neon to ~e II review of this type onch time or whether hìs orrico just accepts whnt~vpr Is nuhmitt~d bccl'luse !:ome 1'1\'] Ineer hM; r:'1ne up with !:ome numher!! th"t sho~¡ thnt he cnn lIchlcvo cI'rtr!\n velocltlcs un~(!r very un 1 cl'1(! con,11t.lons. Con..,lssloncr "·cnzr:>l sl\lr1 th.'t he unrler"t<,n,1s '~r. f'crzon to A/lY tr.lIt an Inc1o IC'IHlont en') Inl?I'r cnn co"'e In ëln{~ look Dt tho rli'lns nn~ thoy meat speclflcl'tlon!! hut, whnt lr. In the ']rounn ~oe! not meet. npeclfi- cntìons. ~r. Rerzon SQld he couln not say l' thl't was W~lIt tho ìn~epen(1ent en') Int"er lr. 5,'ylnr¡ but he thlnk!3 they IIr.... spl'cIJli1t.ln'J thl'lt these sewer lines ,,¡ill 11P(!t the conrlltlon of two f~p.t per !!('con(1 unc1p.r II ccrt"ln set of conr1H.lons. IIc sill" th1lt ("<perlC'nce h1ls !'Iho'.-'n t.hllt when there 1~ n r ~t 5{'w~r, pllrtl~ulllrly 11'1 ~outh Florl~1I, th~re ~ro prohìQI'1!! with riOO", hy"ro!)en !1ulfl,1(' 'Jcner':1t('~ 1'1'1,1 other rrohleMs. lie sol~ thl'lt he could not tell the' ronml5510ne'rs with ~h501utc certainty tl111t thor.'1 pro'11cn!\ will occur hllt the !1tl1n'~"rr's nrr. tht"re for thllt purpose. nenponòinlJ to Commis!31oncr Xru5c, ~r. Rp.rzon r.ðid that I<'ilt;on, '~lller, Allrton, SolI f, I'N1k "'1" the Se\l~r5 In "'lllou<Jhhy I\r.res Pð<]O 83 ~, ~ ÈiJ ØJB . ' .... c:::1 G::i=1 r-""'" ~",..---J ~1ovemhe r '1, 1 ('H'I, ond one phase of Marco Island nnd that thoy moot tho Ðpeciric~tion8 with no deviations. Mr. Maclntyr~ s~id that the cysten hns hacn in opêrntion for nearly a year an~ thero are no prohl~ms. Resp~n~in~ to Commisslonor Wenzel, Mr. ßp.r7.on sðl~ th~t, to tho bost of hiD knowle~00' tentn wero ma~e prior to puttln~ tho system into oper~tlon. Commissioner Wenzel withdrew hiD motion, and Commissioner pistor withdrew his second. Mr. 0111 ßlIrton, of h'ils0n, Miller, P,f)rton, ~;oll r. Peel-:, rel'Juni'lte~ a brief recess In or~er to exnmine ~r. P~r70n'~ ~emo ~"tc~ ~ovnMhnr q, 1902. *****RECESSI 214ß P.M. - RECONVENED: 2:55 P.M.····· Mr. Barton explAined thl't the (luties of I1n ~n'Jincnr on 1'1 projoct, such as tho one un~or ~Iscusslon, nre to ~e5i'Jn the project in nccor- danco with vnrlou~ nt"n~ðr~S of the COlln~y nn~ then to assist the owner In hlrln~ 1'1 contrnctor nn~ thnt the contr~ctor Is ohll'Jc~ to construct the project In lIccorc1l1nce wi th th!! ðpprovcrl plðnr. I1n(l spfJcl flcfltlons anel than to inspect the work of the contrf)ctor. lie co"'pl\re~ Innrectlon an~ supervision statinq thl'lt tho en'Jln~nr noes not supervise construc- ,tion. no sl'lld that the contractor has th~ ohllgntion to ~uilc1 the system in /'Iccorc1nnce with the c1os1~n pl~ns nnd speciFications nnc1 thnt, in the evont thAt ho fails to no so, t.he nn'Jlneor hf)s sovnrAl ohllqn- tlons. He said thAt the first Is to report to the owner nnc1 I'Ippropri- /'Ite rOCJulðtory l'I<Jenclo~ whf)t the f1nl::;hcn rrojcct is nnr1 to flnðlyzo that product a~c1 provlc1o to the owncr lIn~ the re1ulntory honl~s the en«Jinoar's opinion ðS to th~ n~equðcy of tho system. 110 !llIi~ his firm PlHJ. '14 ~D~K 012 rACt' 605 " ,'f', - ' ". . 80aK 012 fACt 606 Novembor 9, 1~"2 j ~lvern, which ho allowe~ hec~use he ~i~ not know tiny other way to lay .,', ;,~. tho [ape. 110 501r\ th(\t tho pipe is wðtcr ti'Jht and Is Illnce~, strni<)ht from one :t1t1nhole to thl' other. lie s~ld th"t hl!J firr.1 felt comfortable has do no this in tho C~Re un~or dincußsion and thðt thore ore ð number of locations in tho project th~t h~vo boen ~uilt to n grndo lOBs th~n ~/lrths of one percont, and ho <)~vo examplos no some in tho rðn'J~ of .35\ up to .J9\. lIa Sl1i~ thllt the ~/lOtho of ona porcent is 1J rulo nnd ro<)ulntion r!evioed predomlnnntly by the DEn plus by a numhor of other ro<)ulntory ~'Jencies to pri~nrily nchleve n ~inimum of flow velocity, when tho pipe!! IHO rlowlng eithor h/11f fllll or full, of two feet per socon~, bectlusc th,'t If, \~¡",t Is con51<1ort:'~ 1'1 clellnsing velocity. He ODI~ thnt hlB firm hð5 ~nl'llY7.~r\ the system /1S n synt~m, not in little pieces, I'Ind h.1[; r1E't~rmlne<1 thl!t the nystr:.om will nchleve thl!t minimum in all pnrts of the syr.tem. ~r. Bnrton referred to one section of pipe in the project thnt is nt .17\ 'Jr~dc, npproxlmAtely 119 Ceet lonq, nn~ sold that his firM h~s analyzed thnt ~nr\ ~ctermined thot It, niso, will nchicve 1'1 ~ foet per second velocity. µp 'JI'IVO bl'lc~'Jround on thl'lt pllrtlcull1r flection when a flowing sprln'J ~:l'In hit /1nd th,1t the c:ont.r...c:tor ltllñ thl1 pipe \dth skin rocomr.1en~ln1 thnt the syston will ~unction properly without oxcessive mðintenllnco. ~r. Horton sI11d thnt, unh(.O~nown to ~in, ~i~ ~ll~nt went to ~nother engineorlng firm ~ncl ~~ve them the plðns ~nrl In'orn~tlon ~nrl Lhnt the woO: was r1on.. by ~~r. Dnrrcll Mc('luct'n 1.11:.... m...r1e thc III'~C jllrlqment, that the aystcm will functlon properly. He snld thðt Nl1ples P~rk SYAtem was deslt]ner! I~ith a .3'-~ 'Jro(10 throughout. lIe sðir1 that the nYßtern should p (Je 85 , . EJ f:,/t:l",r,,>l mæ , '. ~ ~ r=~¿o ' t'''''''' Novnmhcr n, ln~, bo acceptod with no pon~lty plnced on Wyn~~~nrfl. Chairm~n Wimer ßlli~ thnt Mr. MllcInt:yro's rOC]Uflst 18 thH the County ðcccpt tho system LInd, if thore is rny future prohlom with tho .~,.tem , Wyndomoro stanl'!,. rOllr'ly to r'lo '....hlltQver notion In nOCQBS~ry lit that timo. Mr. Dðrton AliiI'! thnt w~s his rocom~ondðtion to Mr. MacIntyro hoclluso ho feolR ~~ry comfort~hle that: he Is not jcornr~izin~ himself in m/lkln~ such ~n ~llownnce. Mr. Perzon sðl~ thpt the prohlen ls thdro ßre ~ nun~nr of oth~r projects In the County ~n~ he h~s ~lfficult.y in whnrc to ~r~w tho lino betwoen /I ~eviatlon of mlnlnum st~n~lIrrl", lidding how shoulð !'ldullw~y Beach be treatorl, for ox~mplc7 Commissioner Rrown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/2, with Commissioner Pistor and Wenzel opposed, that the Wyndemore ~hase I sewer lines be accepted with the commitment in writing from the developer that If lhere are any problems, they will dIscuss and solve them at that time. rublic Works I\dmlnlstrator Hllrtmlln slIld thnt Mr. ~c0ueen is /In eminent en91neer who hns contributed to ~ev~r~l wMtpr puhliclltionq on storm ~ralnnge. COMMISSIONER KRUSE PRESENTED CH^IRM^NS GAVEL TO MRS. WIMER Commissioner Kruse snld thnt one of tho traòltlons she hils seon is that an outgoing chlllrmlln, who is 11150 lOllving offi~n, normlllly t~kes the gavel \dth him nn /I sQuvønlr, however, sht' srltd she wOlllrl rnther ~ive tho gnvel to ~rs. W1mpr, which nho ~i~. ....*RECESSI 3195 P.M. RECONVENEDI 3:19 P.M.***** PIlIj e "" aoOK 072. rACf607 ,; , " ' . .....~.. .....~,~ ..__.,.'. . --..,---- ~ '}j:' ~:", ~\~ <W_____,~"....'.,...,'".,"",'.._..._.... .'..... . ..,... " ',y 012 PACt 60S November 9, 199" &DDK %tem 1118 RESOLUTION 82-193 RE BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT Fon COLLIER COUNTY, PILE NO. ll\l1SG9395, ROCK CnEF.K nECHEl\TIONl\L VEIIICLE PARK Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the subject of the Biological ^8soSsment for Collier County, Fil_ No. 11~5~9395, t~, culvort crossings at Rock Creek Recreational Vehicle Park, be added to the agenda. ~~rnini8trntivQ Aiðe to the ~onrd ~raul~ln~ re~~ into thr recor~ tho Rlolo~lc~l ~S&CaAment ~escrlbcr! IIbove. Commissioner pistor movod, seconded by Cnmmissioner Wenzel and corrled unanimously, that Resolution 82-193 re Biological Assessment for Collier County, File No. 110569395, two culvert crossings at Rock Creek Recreational Vehicle P/lr' , be adopted. ~rrendcd - See P,l'JC!1 ~2 - 645 * * * * * There heln') no furthf!r hU'31ness to r.:ome hefore the flol!rrl, the meeting WII3 n~journod lit 3:1" P.M., hy order of the Chnir. ~'~RD 0F rOU~TY ~OM~ISSIGNER5/ RO~Rn OF 7.0~!~~ ~PPf.~LS/EX OFFIC10 GnV~"NINS RO~Rnlg) OF SPf.r!~L DtSTnlCTS u~nEn ITS CO"1TROL (¡~:~,#!;,~:.;f-- I TTE:;:r.)t '11 ., I t.r.; lj'"'' ¡J ~"ltf 1I,r;,,\"J, C LErp< ~ï'; J¿<- ~ . ,~' ,//tj{,¿; ¿)~. "uJ..> ,¡r-- . ; . Thoaê:/f1IinutQs "pprovc<'1 hy the PCC on as presento<' V' or aD corroctod ~~ .'~"'::';-''''t. '" .. iŒi .. ~._,_"_,,"",,,,,M"._ ,___ 1'1'']0 q7